what`s inside - Cathedral of Christ the King
June 5, 2011 Feast of the ascension of the lord Praised be Jesus Christ! I am Fr. Michael Silloway, your new parochial vicar. I’m a relatively new priest, ordained just a year ago and having only a short two-month pastoral experience at St. Theresa’s in Douglasville under my belt. The rest of this first year of priesthood has been spent completing the requirements for my Licentiate degree at the John Paul II Institute for Studies in Marriage and the Family in Rome, Italy. 2699 Peachtree Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30305 404-233-2145 www.cathedralofchristtheking.org WHAT’S INSIDE: Around the Parish Page 2 Summer Organ Festival Page 3 CTK School News Page 5 Bible Study Series Page 6 CTK Kindred Spirits Page 7 Stewardship Page 8 Translation of Mass Page 9 Hispanic Pages Pages 10-11 While I consider myself a “southerner”—having lived in metro Atlanta since the 5th grade, and because of my particular weakness before a cold glass of sweet tea—I must confess that I am, by birth, a Yankee, born to Yankee parents of Polish, German, and British heritage. We moved down to Georgia right after the Great Blizzard of 1993 and have been here ever since. It was in the warm embrace of true Southern Catholic Hospitality that I seriously began to hear the Lord speaking to my heart, though it would take some time before I was ready to respond. After graduating from McIntosh High School in Peachtree City, I went off to become a Bulldog at a small school in Athens; perhaps you’ve heard of it. Following a deep desire to be a pilot, I joined the Air Force ROTC there and set my sights on being the best Catholic pilot the military had ever seen. Asthma and partial colorblindness put an immediate and absolute stop to this dream. But it was for the best. I was then able to listen to what God wanted from me. I applied to the Archdiocese and went up to Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. After three years of philosophy and prayer, I was sent off to seminary at the Pontifical North American College in Rome for five more years of study, prayer, and formation for the priesthood. By the grace of the Holy Spirit poured out through the prayer and hands of Archbishop Gregory, I was ordained a priest in our beloved Cathedral on June 26, 2010. It has already been a great life, and it’s really only just beginning. I look forward to meeting you all and serving you as your priest. Let’s hold each other in prayer, begging from our Loving Father the graces we all need to be his faithful children. Until then, I remain, Yours in Christ, the Risen Lord, Fr. Michael Silloway CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Prayers Around the Parish To submit a non-published prayer request for our parish Prayer Chain, email [email protected] or call the Church office, 404-233-2145. Wedding Workshop — June 6 † Father Frank and the parish community of Christ the King wish to extend their deepest sympathy to: the Akpele family on the death of Dr. Ignatius Akpele, husband of Uzo; the Cunningham family on the death of Michael Cunningham; the Hamsley family on the death of Stephen M. Hamsley, father of Kim Skidmore; the O’Leary family on the death of Daniel O’Leary; the Rowell family on the death of Andi Rowell, sister of Josh Cooper. † We ask that you pause a moment to offer a prayer for the sick of our community, especially: Father William Maestri, Father Joseph Peek, Terry Carter, Elizabeth and Tom Collentine, Marie Corrigan, Josh Cooper, Francis Davis, Bruce Hafley, Bill Herndon, Francis Lisi, Kathy Mansfield, Wilma O’Kelley, Evie Pearson, Barty Quinnelly, Yolanda Richard, Shirley Smith, Charlie Staley, Michael Warren, Denny Webb. † Congratulations and prayers for those who were married June 4: Jessica Daniell & Hudson Hickinbotham; Kristin Gross & Matthew Harbison; Lindsay Mills & Paul Keith; Melanie Deal & Robert Hale. † Congratulations and prayers for those who will be married June 11: Diana Marks & Lee Ewing; Melissa Janturongroj & Vongsawanh Phomiavanh. † Congratulations, welcome and prayers for our new members through baptism: Ethan Dawit Steeple and Blake Monique Stenson. 2 If a wedding at the Cathedral is in your future, plan to attend this workshop, held the first Monday of each month (June 6) at 7 pm in the Cathedral. Brides-to-be, their mothers, their fiancés and any interested friends are invited to come. Members of the Wedding Guild will explain wedding procedures and answer questions concerning the planning of the ceremony. Commemoration Planned for September 11 The Cathedral is planning to commemorate the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2001 at the noon Mass on Sunday, September 11, 2011. If your family or other loved ones were directly affected by these events and would like to participate in the planning, please contact Deborah Brink at [email protected] or 404-816-8401. Welcome Committee Volunteers Needed The CTK Welcome Committee members provide the first smiles and words of welcome that visitors and new parishioners see and hear on Sundays. Volunteers are needed to greet parishioners before Mass, to staff the Welcome Desk and answer visitor’s questions, host the quarterly Welcome Receptions, and make welcome calls to newly registered parishioners. Contact Hayes Swann at [email protected] or call 404-877-9206 to share your smile. CTK YAM CTK Young Adult Ministry provides numerous social, service, sports and spiritual events for metro Atlanta area members from 21 to the 40s. Sunday dinners are usually held after 5:30 pm Mass. Please visit our website for information on all activities at www.ctkyam.org. Automatic Giving Rather than making a catch up donation in December of each year, over 500 parishioners now make recurring monthly or weekly electronic contributions to the Church. Just click on the Giving tab at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org and you can have your withdrawals made from your debit/credit card or bank account. Set up and forget. Thank you! Fertility Care/Natural Family Planning This isn’t your parents’ old rhythm method! Learn more about your fertility, why the Church promotes Natural Family Planning (NFP), why NFP is 99% effective and how it can positively impact your marriage (3% divorce rate). The next Introductory Class is Tuesday, June 21 at 7 pm. To register or for more information on future classes, contact Ann LaBar at 404915-1685 or [email protected]. FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 5, 2011 Around the Parish continued Atlanta Summer Organ Festival You are invited to the 17th Summer Organ Festival celebrating the ecumenical spirit of music in three Atlanta churches. All concerts are one hour in length and conclude with a dessert reception. Come hear three renowned organists play three spectacular Atlanta organs. A suggested donation of $15 is requested at the door of each church. Casual dress. SCHEDULE: Renee Anne Louprette WED., JUNE 22, 7:30 pm @ CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING Renée Anne Louprette, organist—Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, New York City WED., JULY 13, 7:30 pm @ PEACHTREE ROAD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Tom Trenney, organist—First Plymouth Church, Lincoln, NB WED., JULY 29, 7:30 pm @ CATHEDRAL OF ST. PHILIP Maxine Thevenot, organist—St. John’s Cathedral, Albuquerque, NM Stewardship of Treasure How shall I repay the Lord for his goodness to me?” Psalm 116 In today’s Gospel, Jesus prays, “I have given you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave Me to do.” Good stewards follow his example by using their time and talents for the glory of God. We Welcome New Parishioners Mr. Angel Bonilla Jr. Ms. Lourdes Cervantes & Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chen & Family Ms. Heather H. Correa Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dluzyn Mr. Robert Finkey III Ms. Madeline Garcia Ms. Molly Gilligan Mr. Justin Grier Mr. Brandon Harmon Ms. Ashley Ivey & Family Ms. Nina Kalinski & Family Ms. Blyth Lauzon Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Lowther & Family Mr. Glenn Meng Mr. Thomas Miles Ms. Karina Orfilia Mr. Christian Ross Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Shea & Family Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walpole & Family Mr. and Mrs. Remco H. Witteveen & Family Second Collection This Weekend The monthly St. Vincent de Paul collection will be held this weekend. Every dollar you donate goes to the members for our local community with basic necessities such as rent, food and utilities. Every dollar counts! As you reflect on your blessings, please be generous. The main altar flowers are in loving remembrance of Donna Lowry Due to the Memorial Day holiday, offertory information was unavailable at the time of printing. Donated by the Testani Family. For your convenience, electronic giving is available at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org. 3 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING EDGE Ministry Grades 7 and 8 Jessica Hodges • 404-233-2145 x414 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Life Teen Ministry Grades 9-12 Fernando Barboza • 404-233-2145 x628 • [email protected] Teens, make SUNDAY your favorite night of the Week! Mass There is a special spot reserved just for you in the front right section near the Life Teen band! Join us afterwards for dinner and our exciting Life Nights from 6-7:30 pm. All high school teens and their friends are welcome. Come join us in fellowship, song, prayer and fun! Sundays over the Summer: Come hang out and play games in the Teen Room from 6 to 7:30pm Tuesday, June 14 SCREEN on the GREEN Enjoy an outdoor movie with the family and help support the youth Mission Trip to Jamaica SUMMER EVENTS Stay Tuned for more information on summer events and trips. What is EDGE? Faith, Fun, Fellowship (& Food)! CTK EDGE is our Catholic Middle School Youth Program that allows students in 7th & 8th grade to experience and live their faith more fully. VOLUNTEER as an EDGE CORE MEMBER! Contact Jessica Hodges 4 Life Teen Life Nights All Life Nights will start after dinner and fellowship at 6:30 pm in the Hyland Center. Tonight: Teen Room open to hang out, play games, pray! **Please check out our events for the summer! Hope to see YOU around!** Upcoming Events: Screen on the Green The CTK Life Teen Mission Trip group is hosting a Screen on the Green event on Tuesday, June 14 at sundown in the Hyland Center parking lot. Look here next week to find out what we will be showing. Only $5 for an entire family to attend! The mission trip group will also be selling concessions with ALL proceeds to go to helping with people of St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica! Interested in Being a Core Member? A core member is a person who is answering their baptismal call to serve the young church at CTK as a catechist, a mentor and a friend. Do you like to have fun, sing songs, play games, dance, go on retreat, praise God? If so, you might be the person we are looking for. For more information, please contact Fernando Barboza in the Life Teen Office at 404-233-2145 x628 or [email protected]. FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 5, 2011 Christ the King School Peggy Warner, Principal • 404-233-0383 • www.christking.org 8th Grade Hot Diggity Dog Fundraiser On April 29, CKS 8th Graders held their annual Hot Diggity Dog class fundraiser. Eighth grade students collected money from the student body and served their peers a hot dog lunch on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Raising $1,500 for their class, the 8th Grade will donate a gift back to Christ the King School in their memory. Congratulations to our graduating 8th grade class! Religious Education for Families & Children Anne Boshinski • 404-267-3694 • [email protected] Registration for Religious Education The Kindergarten Play: The Three Piggy Opera During the last week of school, Christ the King’s Kindergarten Class performed for students, faculty and proud parents, “The Three Piggy Opera”. “The Three Piggy Opera” is a simple rendition of the three little pigs, set to the tunes of catchy music. Students sang out loud, wore pig ears and a pink nose, and shook their fingers at a big bad wolf played by Maggie Minson for everyone’s enjoyment. A perfect way to end the school year showing everyone just how much Kindergartener class learned. Patrick Daniel, Ireland Hoffman and Miranda Possert (l-r) perform the kindergarten “Three Piggy Opera”. Re-registration for current Religious Education students is now in progress. Please return your forms as soon as possible. Early registration ends June 1. NEW STUDENT Registration for Religious Education classes is also currently underway. Children who do not attend Catholic School and are the age for Preschool (3 years by June 1) through 8th grade should be enrolled. Note: Spaces in the 3-year-old program are limited. Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office or in the Literature Racks by the Reconciliation Rooms. Vacation Bible School 2011 Mark your calendars now for “Hometown Nazareth”. Strap on your sandals and get ready to see what life was like when Jesus was a child! Join us June 20-24, ages four years through ten years. Adult and high school teens are needed to volunteer to be “Tribe Leaders” and assistants. Teens, this is a great way to earn service hours. Registration forms are available in the Religious Education office or in the brochure racks leading to the Gathering Space. For more information, contact Brigitte at 404233-2145 x498. 5 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING Father’s Day Novena A novena of Masses will be said at our parish for fathers, grandfathers, and other loved ones. Pick up a Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Envelope, which contains a Father’s Day card, and complete the information on the front. Return the outside envelope to the parish office before Father’s Day. Your envelope will be placed on the altar during Mass for the nine days of the novena. There is also a special envelope in your offertory envelope packet for June. WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Adult Religious Education & Evangelization Keri Allen • 404-267-3691 • www.ctkevangelization.org Monday Evening Bible Study The next Monday evening bible study, entitled, “An Introduction to the Theology of the Body: Discovering the Master Plan for Your Life,” will begin Monday, July 11 at 7 pm in the Hyland Center Assembly Room. This 8-week DVD series is based on John Paul II’s revolutionary teaching and presented by world-renowned speaker and author Christopher West. The series is designed to give you a solid understanding of God’s plan for humanity – a plan stamped right into our bodies. Most people have heard the “whats” of Catholic teaching, but very few have ever heard the “whys”. This study is for everyone searching for their ultimate purpose in life. Registration fee before June 30 is $30 (workbook included); after June 30, $40. No refunds. Limited partial scholarships are available. For more information and to REGISTER ONLINE, go to www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/TOB or contact 404-267-3671 or [email protected]. Baby Bottle Boomerang Honor your dad or any man in your life this Father’s Day by participating in the Respect Life Committee’s Father’s Day Baby Bottle Boomerang Drive supporting Hapeville’s Advice & Aid Pregnancy Problem Center. Pick up your empty baby bottles on Father’s Day, fill with coins and return the bottles on Sunday, June 26 to the bassinets at the back of the church or at the Parish Reception Desk. For more information, contact Nick O’Connor at [email protected]. outreach Bernadette Flowers • 404-233-2145 x690 • www.ctkoutreach.org Dear Parishioners of Christ the King, On behalf of the children and staff of Mustard Seed Communities, I wish to express my appreciation for the very generous support of your parish. Your generosity and selflessness have brought tremendous blessings to our children who are in constant need. Thank you. Please continue to keep Mustard Seed Communities in your prayers as we strive to care for the most vulnerable among us. Your contribution to our cause is very much appreciated. May our Lord Jesus continue to bless you all. Short Sermons to Live By In Christ, A single human thought is worth more than the whole world; hence, God alone is worthy of being its subject. The Very Reverend Monsignor Gregory Ramkissoon St. John of the Cross 6 [Parishioners from Christ the King are planning a mission trip to Mustard Seed Communities’ home for disabled children in the Dominican Republic in June of 2012. For more information or to learn how to become involved in this ministry contact Susan Monroe at [email protected]]. FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 5, 2011 Around the Archdiocese Recreation 2011 Eucharistic Congress Adrian Stevens • 404-233-2145 x405 • [email protected] Join Archbishop Gregory and thousands of Catholics for the 16th Annual Eucharistic Congress at the Georgia International Convention Center on June 24 and 25. This year’s theme, “The Harvest is Abundant,” honors the many vocations we celebrate in the church. You can look online for more information, www.archatl.com, or contact Meaghan Schroeder at 404-9206800. King’s Camp Kicks Off Tomorrow CTK Kindred Spirits CTK Kindred Spirits serves all singles 40 or better. Our members are single, divorced, or widowed and come from many parishes throughout the Archdiocese. To learn more about us, come to our monthly gathering on Sunday, June 12, at 6:30 pm (after the 5:30 pm Mass) in Conference Room 1. A light buffet will be served. Meet in the conference room at 5:15 pm if you would like to join us for Mass prior to the meeting. Visit www.kindredspiritsatlanta.org, email us at [email protected], or call Colin Campbell at 678-468-7582 for more information. Workshop: Making Smart Relationship Choices How to Avoid Falling For a Jerk(ette) is a workshop for singles who want to make smart relationship choices, using their head and their heart together. Come learn how to recognize a person who cannot form a healthy relationship - before you become too attached. Grace and Growth Counseling Center will offer this 8 hour interactive workshop at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in 2 sessions: Sunday, June 12 (1st Session) and Sunday, June 26 (2nd session) from 1 to 5 p.m. The cost is $75 for both sessions and includes a workbook. Registration is required by June 7. No one is turned away due to lack of funds. Please contact Linda Sweeney, LCSW at 678-235-3912 or [email protected] for more information and registration. A Taste of Life An evening of wine and food tasting to benefit Living Room will be held at the Holy Cross Catholic Church Parish Hall, 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road, from 8 to 10 pm on Saturday, June 11. Tickets are $35 in advance. Go to www.livingroomatl.org or contact Pam Dorsett at [email protected] for more information. Living Room is a housing agency for low-income people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless due to HIV/AIDS. We’re excited that King’s Camp is starting tomorrow, June 6. There are still slots open for the upcoming weeks. Come join Melanie Barton, Melanie Anderson and Anne Garrard for “A Royal Good Time” this summer at the Cathedral. Each week features a different theme: June 6, Fun-o-logy; June 13, Every Day’s a Holiday; July 11, Crazy Campout; July 18, Going Green. We invite any and all rising kindergartners thru 5th grade to attend. This is the one true answer for your ‘summer scramble’. We are here 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. Please visit www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/ rec, to register and download contact forms. Follow the links to enrichment programs. Lions Volleyball Late registration for volleyball is now in effect. If you are interested in playing this fall or attending Lions Volleyball Camp this summer, please visit www.cathedralofchristtheking.org/ rec, to register. You can be placed on the ‘wait-list’ and will be immediately notified when a slot opens up. Spiritual Healing Retreat for Veterans A Spiritual Healing Retreat for Veterans will be held on the Monastery of the Holy Spirit June 6 through 9. This healing ecumenical retreat is for all veterans suffering from the trauma of war. To register, contact Patti at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit at 770-760-0959. 7 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY From Our Bishops Human Life Exalted Jesus prayed on the night before he died, "Father, give me the glory I had with you before the world began." How is the glory he has in the Ascension different from the glory he had "before the world began?" It differs only in that now, he has it in a human nature. Our humanity has been taken to the heights of heaven, fulfilling the destiny God intended for human life from the beginning. Revelation 3:21 declares, "To the one who gains the victory, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne." God’s plan for us is not just that we will gather around the throne or fall down before the throne, but that we will sit with him on the throne! This hope, extended to the human family by the Gospel, is directly contradicted when the same human beings destined for the heights of heaven are attacked by violence, degraded in their dignity, or put to death by things like abortion. The human nature Jesus brings to glory in the Ascension is the same human nature you and I share, and the same human nature that the babies in the womb share. Celebrating the Ascension in daily life means treating each human life as one destined to sit with Christ on his throne. To report abuse by church personnel: 888-437-0764 Archdiocese of Atlanta 24-Hour Reporting Hotline. 8 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG Stewardship- Your time & talent Bernadette Flowers • 404-233-2145 x690 • www.ctkoutreach.org Summer Lunch Sandwich Making Our parish has the opportunity to participate in the MUST Ministries’ Summer Lunch. Our goal is to make and deliver 1,000 lunches on June 20. Please bring individual sized chips, cookies, fruit and juice boxes. The sandwich making will take place at 4 pm on Monday, June 20 in the CKS Cafeteria. Please contact Betsy Orr, [email protected], or Kathleen Swann, [email protected], for more information. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat PATH (Post Abortion Treatment and Healing) is offering a Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat that could lead to wholeness and healing. Compassionate, confidential care is available to men, women, siblings, grandparents, and friends, on June 24-26. Call Mary Ann McNeil for details at (404) 717-5557 or email at [email protected]. Register by June 15. Snack Bag-a-Thon Each month, Christ the King provides approximately 100 snack bags to hungry individuals who come to our doors. Please help by donating non-perishable, individual pull top cans of a main dish item (such as chili, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, beef stew or ravioli), individually wrapped crackers, canned applesauce or fruit and bottled water for the snack bags. A donation of as little as $2 can alleviate someone’s hunger. You can also help by joining us on Monday, June 27 at 7 pm in Conference Room 2 in the Parish Hall to make the snack bags. For more information, please email Bernadette Flowers at [email protected] or call 404-267-3690. Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary welcomes parishioners who are interested in putting faith into action through apostolic works, whether in the nursing homes, the hospitals, or the jails. Our daytime group meets on Mondays at 1 pm in Conference Room 2. The evening group meets on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm in Conference Room 2048. For more information, contact Christy Wallace at [email protected] or Charles Rouse at [email protected]. St. Vincent de Paul Needs Volunteers St. Vincent de Paul needs volunteers to help with casework, intake at the Cathedral, man the hotline, collections after Masses, and special events. Volunteers can give as little or as much time as they have. Contact Wilma Wolf, 404-983-4203, or Shane Cannady, 678-640-7241 for more information. FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD New Words…Same Mass…Deeper Meaning Later this year, on the First Sunday of Advent 2011, Christ the King and every Catholic Church in the English-speaking world will be celebrating Mass using a new translation. This means that some of the words we use during Mass will change. The first, most logical question is….Why do the words need changing? The words of the Mass, some of which were found in ancient roman manuscripts dating from about 390 AD, have been prayed in Latin for centuries in all churches worldwide. As a result of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) these texts were translated into the common languages of the given countries of the Universal Church. Our current translation comes to us from 1973 and there were even other prior English translations as the reforms of Vatican II were implemented. Work on the upcoming revised translation began more than 15 years ago. It is important to understand that this revision is not a correction of our current liturgical practices, nor is it any sort of commentary on changes that have been made in the past. It is more of an evolution in the way we have come to understand the original Latin sources. The new texts correspond more closely to the words and meaning of the Latin while, at the same time, restore some of the rich imagery inherent in the original texts. It should be noted that these changes only apply to the prayer texts of the Mass and not to the scriptural readings that are proclaimed each week. This new translation will certainly have an impact on all of us because it affects the words we say and sing during our Eucharistic celebrations. But, as we prepare for the revised translation, we can be confident in the knowledge that the Eucharist we will celebrate stands in continuity with the Eucharist that we have celebrated for centuries – and that these new words and songs will enhance our worship of God, deepen our connection to the sacred mysteries, and bring us to a closer communion with Catholics throughout the world. Over the next several months there will be various resources in the form of online and print publications and bulletin announcements that will be made available to the Christ the King parish family. In addition, pamphlets are available in the brochure racks leading to the Gathering Space. These opportunities will certainly help deepen our understanding of the upcoming changes, but can also enhance our involvement and connection to our weekly Eucharistic celebrations. JUNE 5, 2011 Pastoral Care Ministry Dottie O’Connor • 404-233-2145 x440 • [email protected] Stephen Ministry The Caregiver’s Compass The Caregiver’s Compass is a common thread in the training and service of our Stephen Ministers. The symbol in the center of the compass is the Chi-Rho, an ancient symbol for Christ. It reminds Stephen Ministers of the Christ-centered nature of their caring ministry. The four points of the compass guide Stephen Ministers to be compassionate, full of faith, skilled, and trustworthy. Continue to pray for our Stephen Ministers and Stephen Leaders as they use this compass as a guide for their ministry, always striving to provide Christ-like care on behalf of our congregation. If you or someone you know could benefit from a listening ear, caring presence, and Christ-centered support of a Stephen Minister, contact Dottie O’Connor, 404-233-2145 or [email protected]. Funeral Reception Ministry Funeral receptions provide a place of hospitality for families and friends to gather for fellowship, to share, reminisce and remember the life of their loved one and their happy times. Together. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Joanne Love at [email protected]. 9 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING CATEDRAL DE CRISTO REY 2699 Peachtree Rd., N. E. Atlanta, GA 30305 MISIÓN CATÓLICA DE CRISTO REY 714 Lindbergh Dr. (Entrada - Detrás del edificio) MINISTERIO HISPANO Teléfono 404-267-3696 Horario Lunes a Viernes 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Domingos 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM CELEBRACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA EN ESPAÑOL Catedral Lindbergh Martes Sábado Domingo Domingo CONFESIONES Catedral Domingo BAUTISMOS Menores de 6 años 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:30 PM 10:00 AM 12:00-1:00 PM Horario para inscripción: Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes de 9 a 3 en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Se requiere el certificado de nacimiento y un comprobante de domicilio. Preparación obligatoria para padres y padrinos el cuarto viernes de mes de 6-9 PM. Bautismos – Cuarto sábado de mes a las 9 AM. Deben estar inscritos en la Parroquia. Iniciación Cristiana para adultos Para adultos que les falte algún sacramento (Bautizo, Comunión y Confirmación) Las clases son los lunes de 7 a 9 PM Para más información llamar a María Goretti, 404-267-3696. MATRIMONIOS Se requieren seis meses de preparación. Primera entrevista comunicarse con la Hna Florentina 404-267-3696. GRUPO JUVENIL Adolescentes (12 a 17 años) Catedral: Sábados de 3:00 a 5:00 PM Jóvenes Adultos Catedral Domingos luego de la Misa de 1:30 PM. Coordinador: Jorge Pérez 678 668 3405 PRESENTACIONES DE 40 DIAS Y DE 3 AÑOS 2do y 4to Domingo del mes, inscribirse al 404-267-3696, indicando el nombre del niño que será presentado. Los niños de tres años que van a ser presentados deben estar bautizados. 10 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG ESPERAR EL FUTURO MEJORANDO EL PRESENTE El tiempo de Resurrección termina con la Ascensión y Pentecostés; estos tres acontecimientos expresan el mismo misterio cristiano. Por lo tanto esta primera lectura de los Hechos no sola da cuenta del hecho de la Ascensión, sino de toda la actividad pascual de Cristo entre los discípulos. Ponga atención a las últimas palabras: “¿Por qué se quedan ahí parados mirando al cielo?”. La Ascensión no es una llamada a la evasión, sino a trabajar por el Reino. Lo que San Pablo nos dice hoy en la segunda lectura, es que la Ascensión es también un símbolo de Jesús que se establece para siempre como Señor de toda creatura. Pero una vez más, su señorío no es a la manera del mundo, sino a la manera de un liberador confiable. En el momento de su Ascensión Jesús no solo habló sobre el cielo y la vida futura, y de seguirlo a él al cielo después de la muerte. Jesús habló igualmente sobre la tierra y sobre la responsabilidad de todo discípulo de llevar el Reino de los cielos a este mundo. La gloria de la Ascensión al cielo es una llamada para todos, pero como última etapa de una vida vivida de acuerdo con esta llamada. El cielo de cada hombre se prepara y de alguna manera se anticipa en este mundo. Esto es lo que quiere decir la predicación y promoción del Evangelio del Reino, aquí y ahora. No debe entonces sorprendernos que el acontecimiento de la Ascensión del Señor sea también el acontecimiento del comienzo de la misión de la Iglesia en el mundo entero: “Vayan y hagan discípulos en todas las naciones” … y así en adelante. Algunos discípulos deseaban seguir contemplando a Jesús en el cielo, pero Jesús los envía de vuelta a trabajar por el bien de los demás. En el cristianismo, contemplación y oración, apostolado y compromiso, van siempre juntos. CURSO BIBLICO DE VERANO Invitamos a todos los niños a participar de una semana divertida en nuestro curso de verano “Operación Rescate: Jesús renueva la vida”. En la Catedral, comenzaremos el lunes 6 de Junio de 2 a 5 de la tarde. En la Misión de Lindbergh, desde el lunes 13 de Junio, de 2 a 5 de la tarde. Para más información, por favor llamar a la Sra. María Goretti al 404-267-3697. ¡SEPARE LA FECHA EN SU CALENDARIO! FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LOS BIENES DE DIOS En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús reza: “Yo Te he dado gloria en la tierra al haber terminado el trabajo que Tú me diste.” Los buenos administradores siguen Su ejemplo utilizando su tiempo y talento para la gloria de Dios. PRIMERAS COMUNIONES 2011 JUNE 5, 2011 ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Se necesitan voluntarios para adoración al Santísimo Sacramento. Apuntarse en la mesa de información o llame a Carmen Gutiérrez 770-366-1487. GRUPOS DE ORACIÓN Si deseas formar parte del grupo de oración, este se reúne todos los sábados de 6 a 8 pm en el Salón de Conferencias I. Para más información por favor contactar a la Hermana Florentina al 404 267 3696. C URSILLO D E C RISTIANDAD Para mayor información llamar a Mélida Llanos al 770-923-2901. I MAGEN P EREGRINA Si desea que la imagen Peregrina visite su casa, por favor comuníquese con: Hna. Florentina 404-267-3696, Catedral Margarita Hernández 404-228-7441, Lindbergh Hortensia Reyes 404-355-8497 QUINCEAÑERAS Si desea agradecerle a Dios el don de la vida en sus quince años, por favor inscribirse con tres meses de anticipación a las clases de preparación obligatorias. Le recordamos que es necesario haber recibido la primera Comunión, asistir los domingos al grupo juvenil de crecimiento o Confirmación y tomar el curso de quinceañeras. Inscribirse en la oficina 404-267-3696 C LASES DE I NGLÉS Y E SPAÑOL Todos los niveles lunes y miércoles de 7 a 9 PM. de Septiembre a Mayo . Se necesitan maestros para las clases de español. Llamar a Imelda Solano al teléfono 404-267-3696 MINISTERIOS ECLESIALES Si desea ofrecer sus servicios a la comunidad Le invitamos a participar en alguno de los Ministerios eclesiales de nuestra parroquia. Llame al 404-267-3696. E DUCACIÓN R ELIGIOSA Catecismo para niños de 3 a 16 años y Escuela para Padres de Familia y Adultos. Los Sábados a las 3:00 PM. Más información con María Goretti Guzmán al 404-267-3697. HÁGASE MIEMBRO DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Inscribirse en la parroquia es una manera de afirmar: ¡Esta parroquia es mi familia! Mayores informes llamando al 404-267-3696. PORTAL EN EL INTERNET . Lo invitamos a visitar nuestro portal de internet www.catedraldecristorey.org S ERVICIOS DE C ONSEJERÍA Ofrecemos consejería a bajo costo para individuos o familias. Consejeros profesionales están disponibles en el área metropolitana de Atlanta, el costo es basado en el salario que recibe la familia. Llame al 404-885-7266 o al 404-321-2900 de Servicios Sociales Católicos. 11 CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING ADULT INQUIRY: Adults interested in learning about the Catholic Church can attend meetings most months on the fourth Monday at 7:00 pm. Please see inside the bulletin for upcoming sessions. No further obligation or commitment is required. Call Keri, 404-267-3691. ANNULMENT: To help couples establish permanent and sacramental marriages, the Church encourages divorced and remarried persons to pursue the annulment process. Contact 404-2332145 for information on arranging a confidential discussion with a trained case sponsor. BULLETIN ADDITIONS D EADLINE is 6am, Thursday, ten days BEFORE the bulletin date. All new notices need prior approval; submit one week before this deadline. Fax to 404-233-9711 or email to [email protected]. CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBERS: Please notify the Parish Office at 404-233-2145 x432 of any change in your member information. FERTILITY CARE / NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: For more information, contact Ann LaBar at 404-915-1685. MARRIAGE RENEWAL: Rediscover your marriage through Retrouvaille. Visit www.retrouvailleofatlanta.org or call 770-495-8592. NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms are available in the back of the Church. Drop them by the Reception Desk or in the Collection Basket at Mass. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: For children who do not attend Catholic School and are the age for Preschool (4 years old) through 8th grade. Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office. STEPHEN MINISTRY: Are you going through a difficult time? Stephen Ministers are caregivers trained to provide confidential Christian care. Contact Dottie O’Connor, 404-233-2145 x440. NURSERY Nursery is available for children 6 months to 4 1/2 years of age at the 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon, 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm Masses on Sunday. Please provide supplies (i.e. diapers, bottles) to the nursery worker for your child. Mark all personal items with your name. Donation suggested. 12 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK MONDAY, June 6, 2011 Acts 19:1-8 Jn 16:29-33 6:45 am John R. Cray (l) 8:00 am Judy Rousek (l) 12:10 pm Theresa Manzella (d) 5:30 pm Irene Piszczek Geier (d) MONDAY, 7:15 am 12:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm TUESDAY, June 7, 2011 Acts 20:17-27 Jn 17:1-11a 6:45 am Hilton Kort (d) 8:00 am Prin Gunn (d) 12:10 pm Sierra Nelson (d) 5:30 pm Jerry Cannady (d) WEDNESDAY, June 8, 2011 Acts 20:28-38 Jn 17:11b-19 6:45 am Lando W. Zech (d) 8:00 am Kaye Fairweather (l) 12:10 pm Special Intention 5:30 pm Florine Stewart (d) THURSDAY, June 9, 2011 Acts 22:30;23:6-11 Jn 17:20-26 6:45 am Nellie Crosby (d) 8:00 am Donna Lowry (d) 12:10 pm Siab Charles Azar (d) 5:30 pm Julie Richardson & Children (l) FRIDAY, June 10, 2011 Acts 25:13b-21 Jn 21:15-19 6:45 am Gene Whitner Milner III (d) 8:10 am Mother of Kathy Jockisch (d) 12:10 pm Anita Waller (l) 5:30 pm Walter Rothrock Geier (d) June 6, 2011 Confessions (CA) Legion of Mary (CR2) Confessions (CA) Kindred Spirits Book Study (CR2048) 7:00 pm Monday Evening Bible Study (HC) 7:00 pm CHRP (CR2) TUESDAY, 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm June 7, 2011 Legion of Mary (CR2048) Rosary Group (d’Y) CHRP Men’s Meeting (KH) WEDNESDAY, June 8, 2011 7:15 am Confessions (CA) 6:00 pm Confessions (CA) 7:00 pm AA (d’Y) 7:00 pm SVdP Meeting (CR1) THURSDAY, June 9, 2011 7:00 pm Thursday Evening Prayer Group (CR1) 7:00 pm Grief Sharing (CR2) FRIDAY, June 10, 2011 SATURDAY, June 11, 2011 8:30 am Confessions 3:30-5 pm Confessions SUNDAY, June 12, 2011 8:00 pm ROR/AC Reception (KH) SATURDAY, June 11, 2011 Acts 11:21b-26;13:1-3 Jn 21:20-25 8:00 am Dr. Phero Man Minh Tran (d) 4:00 pm Nora Hollingsworth (l) 5:00 KH Special Intention 5:00 pm Donna Lowry (d) SUNDAY, June 12, 2011 Acts 2:1-11 Jn 20:19-23 7:30 am Stephen Warner (d) 9:00 am People of the Parish 10:30 am Msgr. Thomas Kenny (d) 10:30 KH Will Soza (d) 12:00 pm Patty Conti (l) 1:30 pm Special Intention 5:00 L/T Angelo Pisaniello (d) 5:30 pm Dr. Harold A. Mullins (d) 7:00 pm Purisimo Francisco, Sr. (d) CA-Cathedral CR-Conference Room D’Y-D’Youville Chapel GS-Gathering Space HC-Hyland Center HG-Hyland Ctr. Gym KH-Kenny Hall NU-Nursery CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE KING ARCHBISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory AUXILIARY BISHOP OF ATLANTA Most Reverend Luis R. Zarama PASTOR Reverend Francis G. McNamee PAROCHIAL VICARS Reverend Jorge Arevalo Alzate Reverend Richard Morrow Reverend Jaime Rivera Reverend Monsignor Richard Lopez (in residence) Reverend Pedro Poloche (in residence) DEACONS Reverend Mr. Ron Comeau Reverend Mr. John McManus, JCL Reverend Dr. Scott J. N. McNabb Reverend Mr. Whitney Robichaux, Jr. Reverend Mr. Gerald J. Zukauckas SISTERS OF HANDMAIDS OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Hna. Florentina Iruretagoyena, ACJ MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: 4:00 & 5:00 pm Saturday Vigils, 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm Life Teen (Kenny Hall), 5:30 pm (Cathedral), 7:00 pm En Español: 5:00 pm Sábado (Salon Parroquial) 10:00 am Domingo (Lindbergh) 1:30 pm Domingo (Catedral) 7:00 pm Martes (Catedral) Weekday Masses: Monday–Friday: 6:45 am, 8:00 am, (Fridays, 8:10 am during school year), 12:10 pm & 5:30 pm (D’Y), Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day Masses: 5:30 pm Vigil, 6:45 am, 8:00 am 9:15 am (School), 12:10 pm, 7:00 pm LITURGY OF THE HOURS Mondays at 6 pm ROSARY & DEVOTIONS After all 8:00 am & 12:10 pm Masses Tuesdays at 7:00 pm PERPETUAL ADORATION Spend an hour each week in adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Call Kathy Ledlie, 404-266-9040, [email protected] HELPFUL CONTACTS Parish Office: 404-233-2145; Fax: 404-233-4984 Archdiocesan Catholic Information: 404-888-7801 Parish Enrichment & Evangelization: 404-267-3691 Hispanic Ministries: 404-267-3696 Music Ministry: 404-233-2145 Pastoral Care: 404-233-2145 x440 Religious Education: 404-267-3694 Christ The King School: 404-233-0383; Fax: 404-266-0704 St. Vincent de Paul Hotline: 678-892-6163 13 WWW.CATHEDRALOFCHRISTTHEKING.ORG WELCOME FROM THE PASTOR AND CATHEDRAL STAFF Dear Friends in Christ, On behalf of Archbishop Wilton Gregory, the Clergy and staff, I welcome you to the Cathedral of Christ the King. I hope and pray that you feel welcomed by our parish community and that your spiritual and pastoral needs will be met. We are a very active parish with 4,300 families and over one hundred ministries. We encourage our members to share their gifts of time, talent and treasure. Our mission statement is to “Know, Love and Serve as Jesus Did”. This is the mission of each disciple of Christ and, if you are new, I hope and pray that you will join us and be part of the community of Christ the King. If you are passing through or visiting the city of Atlanta, I hope you enjoy your worship experience and please visit us again. If you would like to know more about our parish, you can visit our website at www.cathedralofchristtheking.org or email us. May we, this day and all the days of our lives, know, love and serve as Jesus did. Prayers and Blessings, Father Frank McNamee, Pastor THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parish families who wish to have a child baptized should be registered in the parish for 3 months and take the prebaptismal class as early as 3 months before the birth of their child. Classes are offered monthly. Please contact Gail Gaboardi at 404-233-2145 x694 to register for the class. All scheduling information is given at the class. (Note: Baptisms are scheduled after the class is completed.) THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation is a two-year process. Enrollment in Catholic school or Parish School of Religion is required the year prior to receiving the Sacrament. THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE A minimum of six months preparation is required. Call the Parish office, 404-233-2145 x683 for information and to register for the preparation process. THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Monday and Wednesday, 7:15 am and 6 pm. Saturday, 8:30 am and 3:30-5 pm, in the Cathedral. En Español: 12 - 1 pm Domingo (Front Desk Parlor) Todos los demás dias previa cita. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please inform Pastoral Care Ministries of anyone homebound, shut-in or hospitalized so that they may receive the Sacraments. Please call 404-233-2145.
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