EYC Log Supporters - Edgewood Yacht Club
EYC Log Supporters - Edgewood Yacht Club
The Edgewood Yacht Club Founded 1889 Incorporated 1902 Original Clubhouse Destroyed by Fire 1908 Second Clubhouse Opened 1909 Second Clubhouse Destroyed by Fire 2011 Business Office: 401-781-9626 1 Shaw Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 www.edgewoodyc.org 3 Table of Contents Commodore’s Message......................................5 Club History................................................... 6-7 Past Commodores.......................................... 8-9 Committees......................................................10 Officers & Board of Governors........................11 Membership............................................... 12-34 Honorary and Institutional Members...............35 2015 EYC Fleet.......................................... 36-39 Racing Calendar...............................................40 Race Starting Sequence....................................41 Social Calendar................................................42 Annual Club Cruise.................................... 43-44 House Rules............................................... 45-46 Fee Schedule....................................................47 Apparel & Accessories.....................................48 Log Supporters........................................... 49-72 4 I am pleased to welcome you to Edgewood Yacht Club’s 127th season. Since we lost our venerable clubhouse four years ago much has been accomplished, We recently reached an agreement with Brown University which not only assures that our relationship Brown’s nationally recognized sailing program will endure into the future, it makes it possible financially for Edgewood Yacht Club “rise from the ashes”. Our building committee is currently weighing whether to start construction in July or to wait until after the end of the season. Whatever is decided, I am pleased to report that actual construction is imminent! The list of people to whom I owe thanks for their support over the past year is quite long but some are deserving of special thanks. Fleet Captain Mike Bradley has been phenomenal. His work directing the maintenance and improvement of our marina has been tireless and effective. Past Commodore Jeff Lanphear continues to provide needed leadership for our rebuilding efforts and does so in a way that blends the rich fabric of EYC tradition with our need to develop a modern clubhouse facility. Vice Commodore Flo Spenard has brought a dynamic approach to the management of our operations and planning activities. She adds a sense of calm to our deliberations as she ably guides our day to day operations. While I am proud of what we have accomplishes, I am most proud of the cohesiveness that prevails at EYC. During the past year we have engaged in direct and important discussions about the future direction the Club. We have done so cordially and respectfully. The honesty and transparency of the dialogue we have engaged in has strengthened our respect for each other and has made EYC a stronger, more cohesive club. We have plenty of excitement scheduled for the upcoming year. The new “Borrow a Boat” program will allow all members a way of accessing the water. The race committee schedule is extensive and our Friday night grill nights will continue to be a highlight. I am honored to serve as your Commodore. I hope to see you at the Club and on the water during the 2015 season. Wayne M. Kezirian 5 CLUB HISTORY We’ve said this before but this year appears to be the year of the new EYC club house. In the four years since fire destroyed the beloved old building that served for more than 100 years a small group of members has worked hard, at times feverishly, to take us through the maze of bureaucracies required to assent. We must say the agencies we’ve dealt with have responded as expeditiously as the law allows. In recent months, Mother Nature and Human Nature have posed the greater obstacles. Potential stumbling blocks remain ahead but our experience so far makes us confident we will step over them. The most significant achievement to date has been the signing of a condominium agreement with the Brown University Sailing Team. The contract gives the sailing team the second floor of the clubhouse being planned. In return, the team’s sponsors made a generous contribution to the overall project cost. The plan calls for the new clubhouse to be built over water, roughly in the footprint of its predecessor. The $3-million plan also paid for the restoration of the nearby club-owned cottage, acquisition of a parcel of land at the north end of the north parking lot, replacement of more than half the docks in the marina and repairs to the seawall that is the eastern boundary of the club’s land. Rather than a singular focus on the clubhouse, the new plan envisions a campus-like institution. The refurbished cottage will be used for offices and meetings. Its basement will be used for storage. The new north lot will give the Club some options which have not been explored in detail. The adjacent lot is used for parking, small boat storage and for the large wedding-sized tent the club bought after the fire for social events. Just as the club has expanded its physical focus, it is broadening ownership of the clubhouse, teaming with the Brown sailors. The club has come through a period that has been fraught with danger to its continued existence as well as opportunities to build on its more than 100 years of history. That we are coming out on the opportunity side owes to the efforts of many people. From the offers of help after the fire some old friendships were renewed and new alliances forged. That spirit and devotion to the club has shown itself in many ways over the years -- through the fire that destroyed the original clubhouse in 1908, to the hurricanes of 1938 and Carol in 1954, both of which saw water surge to near the second-floor level of the building, to the fire of 2011. The Club traces its origin to 1885, when a group of about twelve families erected bathhouses on the waterfront of Edgewood in Cranston, and 6 organized the Edgewood Boat Club. The name of the Club was changed to Edgewood Yacht Club in 1889. A new clubhouse was opened in May, 1909, replacing the one destroyed the previous year. Through the years, the Club grew as the surrounding Edgewood neighborhood grew. With the post-World War II baby boom, families with many children came to live in the large Victorian-style homes in the area and for many of them growing up at the Edgewood Yacht Club was an indelible part of their childhood memories, it is no surprise that the Club long has been welcoming of children as well as adults. Today, a Junior program and the affiliated Edgewood Sailing School provide social and sail training experiences for young people. One activity involving families was the annual Club Cruise, reinstituted in 1979. Other activities, from Opening Day festivities to Race Night Suppers on Tuesday evenings, are meant to be enjoyed by young and old alike. The camaraderie and sense of togetherness that come with membership in the Club make it a wonderful place to be. Besides being a family oriented club, EYC is also a healthy mix of sailboaters, power boaters and non-boat owners, who may agree with Kenneth Grahame that “there is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” Long may it be so. 7 Commodores of the Edgewood Yacht Club 1902–1905 Herman G. Possner 1906 George R. Babbitt 1907A.T. Scattergood 1908S.M. Holman 1909 Zenas W. Bliss 1910–1911 Dutee W. Flint 1912 Fred W. Bartels 1913–1914 William H. Draper 1915 George J. Kelley 1916 Dutee W. Flint 1917D.A. Sayre 1918H.S. Wolfe 1919–1921 D.A. Sayre 1922 Oliver D. Edwards 1923F.C. Church 1924–1927 W.L. Chapman 1928 Alexander R. Fritz 1929 Llewellyn C. Roffee 1930C.A. Hallberg 1931–1932 Stuart Bastow 1933–1934 Murray S. Upham 1935–1936 Arthur W. Coffin 1937–1938 Douglas H. Paton 1939 Stanley G. Cady 1940–1941 Leon E. Nickerson 1942–1943 Harry F. Livezey 1944 Wlater E. Winters 1945 Russell R. Hunt 1946 Edson W. Sawyer 1947–1948 Gordon E. Shepard 1949–1950 Leon W. Brower 1951 Alvin S. Clegg 1952 Clinton C. Brady 1953–1954 James B. Dow 1955–1956 Ralph S. Haefele 1957–1958 William S. Ellis 1959–1960 Charles C. Plumb, Jr. 1961–1962 Fredrick J. Darby 8 1963 Charles J. Davis, Jr. 1964–1965 Leonard C. Upham 1966 Edward W. Bouclin 1967 Clayton D. Lamphear, Jr. 1968 William W. Whitfield 1969 Wilber F. Abbott 1970 Richard E. Nickerson 1971 Gerard H.G. Forman 1972–1973 Anthony Chemel 1974 Sanford J. Sachs 1975–1976 David L. Angell 1977 William F. Plumb 1978 Norman G. Orodenker 1979 Henry E. Childers 1980–1981 Carl I. Hayes, Jr. 1982 Fredrick J. Darby 1983 Neil E. Jacques 1984 John D. Biafore 1985–1986 Paul E. McDonald 1987–1988 Donald F. Ihlefeld 1989 Patrick J. Hurley 1990–1991 Benjamin G. Paster 1992 Robert J. McKeon 1993 Richard L. Stewart 1994–1995 Dennis P. Egan 1996 Roland G. Alix 1997–1998 Donald DeRoche 1999Michael Hardiman 2000Edith Jourdan-Grittner 2001 Edwin H. Benz 2002Wayne Marcus 2003 Andrew B. Burkhardt 2004 Norman L. Proulx 2005 John A. McDonough 2006 Scott W. Duckworth 2007Theo Aschman 2008–2009 Jeff Partington 2010Deborah Wloch 2011-2012Jeffrey Lanphear 2013Marie DeRoche 2014-2015Wayne Kezirian 9 EYC 2012 COMMITTEES And Their Chairpersons EYC 2015 Committees & Their Chairpersons EYC 2015 Committees & Their Chairpersons Archives Theo Aschman PC Judge Advocate Wayne Kezirian to serve, pro tem Marina Michael Bradley Reporting to Commodore Lanphear: Borrow a Boat Rev. Jeffrey Dr. Peter Michaelson Executive Committee: Jeff Lanphear Building & Insurance Jeffery Lanphear PC Finance Committee: Nancy Aubin Dock & Dredge Daniel Bentley (Treasurer per by-laws) Finance Renee Lemay (Treasurer per by-laws) PreBuilding Planning Committee: Brad Shipp Fleet Chaplain Rev. Dr. Peter Michaelson Insurance: Jeff Lanphear Fundraising Nancy & William Plumb PC Judge Advocate: Wayne Kezirian House Flo Spenard Boat Show: Deb and Mark Drywa Insurance Jeffery Lanphear PC Measurer: Roland Alix, emeritus Membership to Vice Commodore Paul LemayMarie DeRoche: Reporting Log Committee: Marie David Gavin House DeRoche Off Watch Donna Lalos Anchorage and Marina: Mike Bradley Publicity Fundraising: William andNancy NancyAubin Plumb Race William Morris Sailing School Rep. James Fraser * Social Kris McArthur Reporting to Rear Commodore Gene Whalen: Webmaster James Fraser Race Committee: Bill Sawicki Bar Committee: Sue Toland Outside Competition: Grenga chairs are members of the Board o Per By-Laws Section V-1,Bill all committee Governors. * Representative Designated by the Edgewood Sailing School Club Manager: Michael Longtin Business Office: 401-781-9626 Email:[email protected] 10 EYC 2015 Officers and Elected Board of Governors Flag Officers Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Fleet Captain Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Wayne Kezirian Flo Spenard Daniel Bentley Michael Bradley Donna Lalos David Gavin Renee Lemay Robert Jones Jr. Board of Governors (Year denotes last year of 3-year term) Andrew Burkhardt 2015 Jeffrey Lanphear 2015 William Plumb 2015 Donald DeRoche 2016 William Grenga 2016 Peter Hunt 2016 Nancy Aubin 2017 Kristine McArthur 2017 Richard Wessner 2017 Nominating Committee - Fall of 2014 William Plumb, Chairman Andrew Burkhardt Jeffrey Lanphear Paul Lemay Kristine McArthur 11 Ali, Joseph & LeeAnn 6 Timberline Drive Mansfield, MA 02048 (Cell) 978-760-9750 [email protected] ali-bye Joined EYC in 2014 Social Alix, Ann 250 Mount Hope Street North Attleboro, MA 02760 (Home) 508-695-7366 (Cell) 508-735-6474 [email protected] Joined in 1978 Social Almeida, Mario & Mary Ann 170 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-461-1223 401-419-4524 [email protected] Joined EYC 2006 Social Angell (PC 75‐76) David 18 Fairview Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-941-8934 Joined EYC in 2012 Social Aschman (PC 2007), Theo & M‐J 4 Aurora Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 401-474-4438 (home) 401-467-2234 [email protected] Lark Joined EYC in 1990 Full Aubin, Roland & Nancy 55 Argyle Street Cranston, RI 02920 401-434-4315 (Nancy cell) 401-258-3577 (Roland cell) 401-226-5323 [email protected] Slow Dance Joined in 2003 Social Avedisian, Scott 200 Atlantic Avenue Warwick, RI 02888 401-738-2000 [email protected] Joined in 2011 Social Bachand, Marc & Barbara 247 Jean Drive Seekonk, MA 02771 (Barb’s cell) 508-904-1365 (Mark’s cell) 508-369-1369 [email protected] Joined in 2002 Social 12 Baeder, David & Doreen 135 Lyndon Road Cranston, RI 02905 401-467-4527 (cell) 401-226-2472 [email protected] TyPai Joined EYC in 2011 Social Baetzel, Patricia 11 Canonchet Avenue Warwick, RI 02888 (cell) 401-225-9085 (home) 401-941-3864 [email protected] Joined EYC in 2011 Social Baker, Bruce & Janet PO Box 72 Sterling, MA 01564 (home) 970-422-6253 (cell) 978-375-0811 [email protected] Stardust Joined EYC in 2013 Full Bender, Jesse & Amanda 59 Westfield Road Warwick, RI 02888 401-338-7990 [email protected] Magic Dragon Joined EYC in 2012 Social Bentley, Daniel & Daria 5 Star Avenue Woonsocket, RI 02895 (Daria’s Cell) 580-450-3924 (Dan’s Cell) 508-450-9579 [email protected] Gypsea, Noodle De Nixie Joined EYC in 1992 Social Bodner, Peter & Catherine 11 Vassar Avenue Providence, RI 02906 (home) 401-272-6610 (cell) 401-338-4529 [email protected] Sylvia Joined in 2013 Full Bogossian, Holly 64 Cliffdale Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-523-3961 [email protected] Joined in 2012 Social 13 Joined EYC in 1992 Social Joined in 2013 Full Ali, Joseph & LeeAnn Bogossian, Holly 664Timberline Drive Cliffdale Avenue Mansfield, 02048 Cranston, RIMA 02905 (cell) 978-760-9750 401-523-3961 [email protected] [email protected] Ali-Bye Joined in 2012 joined Social EYC in 2014 Social Boline, Matt & Melissa Carden 77 Chiswick Road Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-467-6580 (Melissa's c) 646-884-1505 [email protected] joined EYC in 2012 Social Boulay, Joseph & Michele 111 Betsey Williams Drive Cranston, RI 02905 401-941-5975 (cell) 401-258-0384 [email protected] Simple Life joined EYC in 1990 Social Bradley, Michael & Ashley Pereira 169 Brown Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 508-954-7169 [email protected] Crazy Love joined EYC in 2009 Full Bradley, Rebecca 120 Hazel Street Attleboro, MA 02703 (cell) 508-272-3091 [email protected] joined EYC in 2009 Social Brown, Henry & Ann 500 Spring Green Road Warwick, RI 02888 401-463-8321 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Brown, Keith & Shelly Stephenson 130 Shaw Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-441-6694 (cell) 401-316-9697 [email protected] joined EYC in 2012 Social Browne, Jr., Herbert & Christine 25 Tobin Lane Bristol, RI 02809 401-254-1390 (cell) 401-965-5094 Scot Free joined EYC in 2010 Social 14 Burkhardt (PC 2003), Andrew B. 1329 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-461-1553 (cell) 401-829-6046 [email protected] Sojourn joined EYC in 1991 Full Cambio, Paul & Jackie 71 Chiswick Road Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 401-265-5429 (home) 401-781-3654 [email protected] Summer School joined EYC in 2009 Social Cambio, Paul F. & Marianne 20 Colony Drive Johnston, RI 02919 (home) 401-349-0524 (cell) 401-585-8333 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social Cardoso, Debra & Michael 61 Watson Street Warwick, RI 02889 401-737-8162 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Carroll, Richard 2 Kensington Road Cranston, RI 02905 401-781-6244 [email protected] joined EYC in 1989 Social Catalano, Justin 35 Hallmark Drive Warwick, RI 02886 (home ) 401-885-4996 (cell) 401-256-0149 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social Charness, Wayne & Jeanie 1330 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 401-270-1750 (Wayne's c) 401-359-3512 [email protected] Sea Ray joined EYC in 2004 Full Childers (PC 1979), Henry & Pat 42 Bluff Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 401-578-1341 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social 15 Coggins, Tim & Colleen 42 Kensington Road Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-438-0347 (Tim's c) 401-465-0197 [email protected] Lady Kate joined EYC in 2004 Full Compton, Nancy & Michael Majoros 33 Thayer Street Providence, RI 02906 (home) 421-0326 (cell) 401-263-0667 [email protected] joined EYC in 2014 Social Coniglione, Rory & Amanda Woodward 51 Holly Street Providence, RI 02906 401-831-7737 [email protected] Al Mare joined EYC in 2002 Full Costello, Frederick & Jean 3 Butler Court Warwick, RI 02888 401-941-3131 (cell) 401-865-4886 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social Crane, Christopher & Ruth 83 Overhill Road Providence, RI 02906 401-331-4708 (cell) 401-862-0128 [email protected] Electric Spark joined EYC in 2010 Social Cummings, Albert 343 Northup Street Cranston, RI 02905 401-573-5393 [email protected] Irie joined EYC in 2014 Full Curren, Meredith & Gary Frishman 1274 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-467-6564 (cell) 401-578-1658 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social D'Ambly, Jeff & Linda 535 Britton Street Raynham, MA 02767 (home) 508-823-1559 (Jeff's c) 508-577-3797 [email protected] Ruffian joined EYC in 1995 Full 16 Demaine, Linda 630 Smithfield Road #113 North Providence, RI 02904 (cell) 401-578-2337 [email protected] joined EYC in 2003 Social Demaine, Richard 277 Waterman Avenue Smithfield, RI 02917 (cell) 401-486-5349 (home) 401-231-3428 [email protected] Hazel B joined EYC in 2003 Social DeRoche (PC 1997‐1998), Donald 405 Snake Hill Road Harrisville, RI 02830 (home) 401-568-5449 [email protected] joined EYC in 1991 Social Devlin, Beth & Steven 108 Albert Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-248-2019 401-440-1747 [email protected] Cliodhna's Wave joined EYC in 2008 Full Dobbs, Jr., Walter B. (Ben) 109 Washburn Avenue Rumford, RI 02916 (home) 401-434-2938 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social Dooley, Steven & Christine 32 Elton Circle Cranston, RI 02921 (401) 943-7968 (cell) (401) 829-8167 [email protected] joined EYC in 2014 Social Doppke, Chris & Michele 720 Veterans Memorial Parkway East Providence, RI 02914 (home) 401-434-1376 (cell) 401-378-0664 [email protected] Icky joined EYC in 2002 Social DuCharme, Leo & Marie 175 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-461-3739 (cell) 401-499-4452 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social 17 Duckworth (PC 2006), Scott 16 Hobbs Street Attleboro, MA 02703 508-222-7549 [email protected] Harmony joined EYC in 1996 Full Duryea, James & Diana 233 Armington Street Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 617-291-1369 [email protected] AKOOLA joined EYC in 2014 Social Egan (PC 94‐95), Dennis 15 Modena Avenue Providence, RI 02908 (cell) 401-525-8824 [email protected] joined EYC in 1989 Social Ellis, Bradford & Melissa 42 Beach Avenue South Dartmouth, MA 02748 774-319-4563 [email protected] joined EYC in 2012 Social Farrell, Brendan 2072 Broad Street Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 315-244-2234 [email protected] Valarie Ann joined EYC in 2011 Full Fraser, James & Donna 31 Phillips Avenue Warwick, RI 02888 (home) 401-781-8188 (cell) 401-243-5922 [email protected] Double Diamond joined EYC in 2012 Full Fraser, Marilyn 14 Phillips Avenue Warwick, RI 02888 401-781-7410 [email protected] joined EYC in 2012 Social Frey, Dave & Mary 79 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-467-4559 Columbia joined EYC in 2003 Social 18 Furtado, Paul & Ronni 77 Benedict Road Warwick, RI 02888 (home) 401-941-7894 (cell) 401-793-0650 [email protected] joined EYC in 2012 Social Gallagher, Mark & Ann Marie 77 Oak Street Norton, MA 02766 (home) 508-285-2491 (Mark's c) 508-479-7110 [email protected] joined EYC in 2000 Social Garrison, Jr., John & Nancy 523 Quisset Court Warwick, RI 02886 401-732-7654 (cell) 802-688-4863 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social Gavin, David M. 28 Rosewood Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-941-5226 (cell) 401-871-2395 [email protected] Popeye joined EYC in 2011 Full Gendron, Kerry & Ruben Neves 400 Argyle Road Apt RL7 Brooklyn, NY 11218 (Kerry's c) 401-487-5250 (Ruben's c) 347-844-1339 [email protected] joined EYC in 2009 Social Gendron, Michael & Kathleen 31 Selkirk Road Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-781-9326 (cell) 401-480-6189 [email protected] joined EYC in 1985 Social Gildea, Ruthann & Nick Langdon 1816 Flat River Road Coventry, RI 02816 (cell) 401-952-7406 (cell) 401-533-2972 [email protected] Helen Jeanne joined EYC in 2009 Social Ginnetty, Gail 46 Sefton Drive Cranston, RI 02905 401-941-0803 (cell) 401-323-3442 [email protected] Triad joined EYC in 2012 Social 19 Glancy, Michael & Robin 85 Carpenter Street Rehoboth, MA 02769 (home) 508-252-3633 (Michael c) 774-644-0037 (Robin c) 774-644-0034 [email protected] Moss joined EYC in 2000 Full Glucksman, Richard & Andrew 31 Chiswick Road Cranston, RI 02905 (Rich's c) 401-952-7114 (Andrew's c) 401-374-3481 401-459-1219 [email protected] The Pearl joined EYC in 2009 Full Grenga, Bill & Julie 89 Brown Avenue Johnston, RI 02919 (home) 401-349-4539 (cell) 401-595-6099 [email protected] Billie Gee, Gee Whiz, Mrs. Gee, Sunny Gee joined EYC in 1987 Full Grenga, Roland & Stephanie 1020 Warwick Avenue Warwick, RI 02888 (cell) 401-742 3077 Joined EYC in 2015 Social Grittner, Peter & Edith Jourdan‐Grittner (PC 2000) 15 Bolton Street Warwick, RI 02888 (home) 401-781-3660 (Edie's c) 401-524-9272 [email protected] Django joined EYC in 1993 Social Guilmette, Thomas & Mary 7 Kensington Road Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 401-595-2777 joined EYC in 2012 Social Hager, Robert & Judy 8745 The Esplanade #6 Orlando, FL 32836 (cell) 401-954-4845 (Judy’s cell) 401-954-3374 [email protected] Serendipity2 joined EYC in 2011 Full Hart, Robert & Gino Paolucci 16 Edgewood Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 401-419-1107 401-639-6251 [email protected] Midnight Martini joined EYC in 2011 Social 20 Hayes (PC 80‐81), Carl 111 Roger Williams Drive Wickford, RI 02852 401-295-0925 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Henoch Charles 30 Beachmont Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-941-2540 (cell) 401-787-7109 [email protected] joined EYC in 2015 Social Hodell, Steven & Sandra 98 Wilbur Road Lincoln, RI 02865 (home) 401-724-1842 [email protected] joined EYC in 2010 Social Houghton, Alan & Anne Stevenson 16 Swift Street Cranston, RI 02905 401-421-2526 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Howard, Jonathan & Madelyn Shaw 1413 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-785-0797 (cell) 401-741-9151 [email protected] Boat joined EYC in 1999 Social Hunt, Peter & Eleanor 150 Cobble Hill Road Lincoln, RI 02865 401-728-5745 401-225-8683 [email protected] Alli-Ann joined EYC in 2008 Full Johnson, Ryan & Janell 1143 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 401-383-1350 (cell) 401-435-1350 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social Jones, Gray & Cindy Loveless 385 Westminister Street, Unit 3D Providence, RI 02903 401-305-0667 [email protected] Cindy's Island joined EYC in 2009 Full 21 Jones Jr., Robert & Nancy 323 Chestnut Hill Road Wakefiled, RI 02879 401-789-7269 (Bob's c) 401-744-6886 (Nancy's c) 401-744-6626 [email protected] Sundance, Sunfish, Not Named joined EYC in 2012 Full Katz, Edward & Patricia 38 Kensington Road Cranston, RI 02905 401-941-7607 401-952-6834 [email protected] Space joined EYC in 1999 Social Kenney, Sinclair & Elaine 39 Kiwanee Road Warwick, RI 02888 401-463-9084 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Kenyon, Walter & Lee 104 Revere Street Boston, MA 02114 617-720-2151 South America joined EYC in 1975 Social Kenyon, William & Dione 24 Kristen Court Warwick, RI 02888 (home) 401-463-6565 (cell) 401-965-4285 (cell) 401-465-1199 [email protected] South America joined EYC in 1975 Full Kezirian, Shirley 11163 Roseate Court Sarasota, FL 34238 (Prov. Home) 401-273-2545 (Fla. Home) 941-960-2542 (cell) 401-241-9405 [email protected] joined EYC in 2014 Social Kezirian, Wayne & Elizabeth Paroli 1157 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 401-941-9185 401-965-9734 [email protected] Maggie May, Gigi joined EYC in 2006 Full LaBrie, Norman & Beth Bryan 20 Betsey Williams Drive Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-709-4545 (cell) 401-954-8935 [email protected] Dorigen joined EYC in 2010 Full 22 Lalos, Sam & Donna 5 Metacomet Street Wrentham, MA 02093 (home) 508-384-7313 (Sam c.) 617-834-6885 (Donna c.) 617-335-4344 [email protected] Seas Today joined EYC in 2007 Full Landis, Bruce & Anne 46 Lorraine Avenue Providence, RI 02906 401-751-6431 401-277-7487 [email protected] Firefly joined EYC in 1982 Full Langlais, Michaela 73 Byron Blvd. Warwick, RI 02888 (home) 401-461-4759 (cell) 401-474-9318 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social Lanphear (PC 2011‐2012), Jeffrey & Kathleen 95 Shaw Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-941-7203 [email protected] Nuisance, Green Monsta joined EYC in 1960 Full Leblanc, David & Rachel 2 Olivia Way Seekonk, MA 02771 401-369-0551 508-557-1370 [email protected] Scappare joined EYC in 2011 Full Lee, Christopher & Sarah 131 Shaw Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-421-1248 (cell) 401-996-4894 [email protected] joined EYC in 2006 Full Lee, Eugene & Brooke 271 Angell Street Providence, RI 02906 401-331-8884 [email protected] Jerry Todd joined EYC in 1995 Full Lemay, Paul & Renee 466 St. Paul Street North Smithfield, RI 02896 401-766-4817 401-413-2702 [email protected] Off The Rails joined EYC in 2011 Full 23 Lemire, Edward & Deborah Day 30 Fairview Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-467-4041 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Letran, Pablo 75 West Park Street Providence, RI 02908 401-621-9265 [email protected] joined EYC in 2008 Social Manchuso, Scott & Fran 15 Flannery Lane Wrentham, MA 02093 508-954-1780 (Fran's c) 508-954-1780 (Scott's c) 508-954-2187 [email protected] [email protected] Unbridled joined EYC in 2014 Full Marcus (PC 2002), Wayne & Rebecca 3 Fairview Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (Wayne's c) 401-500-0329 (Rebecca's c) 401-533-4556 [email protected] joined EYC in 1995 Social Maslen, Christopher & Adriana 61A Towne Street North Attleboro, MA 02760 (home) 508-643-2684 (Chris's c.) 508-944-9569 [email protected] joined EYC in 2010 Full Matthews, Evan & Kristin 72 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-935-9559 (cell) 401-835-0311 [email protected] Persistence joined EYC in 2012 Full Maull, Fleet 98 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-941-0791 (cell) 720-352-0136 [email protected] Innominate joined EYC in 2010 Full McArthur, Ronald & Kristine 30 Sullivan Street Attleboro, MA 02703 (Ron's c) 508-243-3329 (home) 508-399-8909 (Kris's c) 857-342-0130 [email protected] Pocket Change joined EYC in 2008 Full 24 McCaffrey, Thomas & Jeanette 8 Pasquale Drive Cumberland, RI 02864 (home) 401-658-0470 joined EYC in 1999 Social McCormick, Margaret Mary & Joseph Branch 1180 Narragansett Blvd. #A1 Cranston, RI 02905 joined EYC in 2015 Social McDonough (PC 2005), John & Marcia 2530 Valparaiso Blvd. N Fort Meyers, FL 33917 239-599-8940 (cell) 401-692-7213 [email protected] Snow Bird joined EYC in 1978 Social McGookin, Edward & Sheryl Hanson 42 Ferncrest Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 941-9217 (cell) 401-639-8957 [email protected] joined EYC in 2014 Full Mclane, Brad 67 Metropolitan Road Providence, RI 02908 (office) 401-773-7892 (cell) 401-585-8510 [email protected] RhodeSoda joined EYC in 2013 Full McManus, John & Elizabeth 5 Laurel Lane Lincoln, RI 02865 (home) 401-334-0184 (John c) 401-447-9571 [email protected] Saoirse joined EYC in 2012 Full Mensinger, John 72 Bluff Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-447-7648 401-781-4948 [email protected] joined EYC in 1997 Social Michaelson, Peter & Wanda 2 Gaspee Point Drive Warwick, RI 02888 (home) 401-780-9618 (cell) 401-447-6829 [email protected] Cetacean joined EYC in 1993 Full 25 Mollica, Steve & Joanne 67 Gleason Street Cranston, RI 02910 (home) 401-467-6402 (Joanne's c) 401-451-6402 [email protected] Nite Hawk joined EYC in 1989 Full Monteiro, Joe & Dee Vale 121 Hazard Avenue East Providence, RI 02914 401-233-4729 (cell) 401-290-8401 [email protected] Sodade joined EYC in 2014 Full Moonan, Michael & Kristen 24 Harbour Terrace Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-785-0828 (cell) 401-787-0880 [email protected] joined EYC in 2009 Social Moroney, James & Debra 350 Pascoag Main Street Pascoag, RI 02859 (home) 401-568-3781 (cell) 401-767-6328 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Morris, William & Gail 81 Alhambra Circle Cranston, RI 02905 (William's c) 401-258-3784 (home) 401-781-1975 (Gail's cell) 401-258-3780 [email protected] Sundance joined EYC in 2011 Full Morse, Gary & Therese 1390 Westminister Street 2ndFl Providence, RI 02909 (Gary's c) 401-524-7109 (Therese's c) 401-529-7108 [email protected] Moxie joined EYC in 1997 Full Natale, Bob & Holly 23 Coldbrook Drive Cranston, RI 02920 (cell) 401-935-8667 [email protected] Kittiewake joined EYC in 2007 Social Nickerson (PC 1970), Richard 99 Fort Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-419-5959 [email protected] Mistress joined EYC in 2012 Social 26 O'Hara, Marjorie 61 Post Road Warwick, RI 02888 401-785-1688 401-447-4403 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Ouellette, Alan & Joanne 41 Sweetland Avenue Attleboro, MA 02703 508-639-9340 (cell) 401-640-9634 [email protected] Bampy Juice joined EYC in 2012 Full Parker, Raymond & Bonnie 2 Vero Court Barrington, RI 02806 (home) 401-246-0727 (cell) 401-465-0703 [email protected] Niad joined EYC in 2009 Full Partington (PC 2008‐2009), Jeffrey & Janet 50 Park Avenue Harrisville, RI 02830 (home) 401-567-0122 (cell) 401-651-1814 [email protected] Gryphon joined EYC in 2002 Full Pemberton II, Gilbert & Margaret Thomas 21 Derman Street Rumford, RI 02916 (home) 401-438-5522 [email protected] joined EYC in 1990 Social Pettis III, Frank C. & Karen 1 Baylawn Avenue Warwick, RI 02888 401-941-8025 (cell) 401-255-3118 [email protected] joined EYC in 2012 Social Pile, Wells & Marguerite 28 Bayley Street, Unit #106 Pawtucket, RI 02860 401-475-9789 401-487-2177 [email protected] Pendragon joined EYC in 1996 Full Pimentel, Michael 10 DeSoto Street Providence, RI 02909 (cell) 401-345-0851 [email protected] Wellcraft Aruda joined EYC in 2015 Full 27 Plumb (PC 1977), William & Nancy 22 Bolton Street Warwick, RI 02888 (home) 401-785-2188 (Bill's c) 401-527-2009 (Nancy's c) 401-575-7009 [email protected] Simply Grand joined EYC in 1944 Honorary Plumb, Barbara 11 Canonchet Avenue Warwick, RI 02888 (home) 401-941-3864 (cell) 401-500-6517 joined EYC in 1920 Honorary Poholek, Jr., Constant S. 30 Washington Street Attleboro, MA 02703 (cell) 401-640-2552 [email protected] All Quacked Up joined EYC in 2014 Full Proulx (PC 2004), Norman & Paula 1332 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 401-781-7103 401-484-3224 [email protected] joined EYC in 1995 Social Ramcharran, Rick & Kathy 24 Doylston Drive Cranston, RI 02905 (Rick's c) 202-577-1137 (Kath's c) 202-669-8082 [email protected] Rogue joined EYC in 2010 Full Roberts, Jr., Jesse & Katie Cornog 44 Powder House Road EXT Medford, MA 02155 617-721-4849 617-826-9437 [email protected] Thalassa joined EYC in 2003 Full Rocha, Anthony & Kathleen 98 Fostmere Ct Warwick, RI 02889 401-378-6406 (cell) 401-378-6311 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Rockwell, John & Christine 57 Arnold Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (John's c) 401-369-4578 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social 28 Roop, Bobbie 45 Providence Avenue Riverside, RI 02915 401-431-0156 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Russell, Bob & Maureen 141 Country Club Drive Warwick, RI 02888 (home) 401-781-5015 (cell) 401-529-8264 401-331-4592 [email protected] Hannah joined EYC in 1994 Social Sachs, Marian 951 S. Fair Oaks Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105 626-204-1688 (cell) 401-467-4431 [email protected] joined EYC in 1961 Honorary Salisbury, John & Susan 152 Central Street Millville, MA 01529 508-883-9626 860-995-2876 [email protected] Step'N Out joined EYC in 2007 Full Satterthwaite, Frank & Martha Werenfels 107 Shaw Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-461-9806 401-831-1240 [email protected] 420 - Not Named joined EYC in 1993 Social Saunders, David & Shannon 39 Hope Furnace Road Hope, RI 02831 (cell) 508-472-6033 (cell) 401-419-7310 [email protected] Ursa Major joined EYC in 2004 Full Sawicki, George & Cathy 4 Brierly Circle Millbury, MA 01527 (George's c) 508 847-0888 (Cathy's c) 508-331-6332 (home) 508-865-4580 [email protected] Wildflower joined EYC in 2003 Social Shaw, Bruce & Judy 136 Lloyd Avenue Providence, RI 02906 401-331-4691 401-965-2845 [email protected] Petrel joined EYC in 2001 Full 29 Sheridan Jr., Richard 30 Marion Avenue 3rd Floor Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 401-441-3295 [email protected] Spinters joined EYC in 2014 Full Shipp, Brad 224 Medway Street Providence, RI 02906 (home) 401-270-0500 (cell) 401-641-0623 [email protected] Bellerophon joined EYC in 1997 Social Shuster, Jr., George & Stephanie VanPatten 15 River Vue Avenue Warwick, RI 02889 (home) 401-737-1278 (cell) 917-975-8650 (work) 617-526-6572 [email protected] Calli, Seashell, Sand Dollar, Sea Star joined EYC in 2009 Full Specht, Greg 107 Beach Road Bristol, RI 02809 [email protected] joined EYC in 2014 Social Spenard, Phil & Flo 22 Fairway Drive Attleboro, MA 02703 (home) 508-226-2764 (Phil's c) 508-259-9896 (Flo's c) 508-930-6630 [email protected] Weather or Knot joined EYC in 1991 Full Spirito, Carlo & Florence 1286 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-461-8683 (cell) 401-215-4110 954-785-5837 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social Stanton, James & Lisa 1326 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 401-374-0321 (cell) 401-974-3717 [email protected] Goose'd joined EYC in 2011 Full Stolzman, Robert & Faye 183 George Street Providence, RI 02906 401-331-7947 [email protected] About Time joined EYC in 2003 Social 30 Strach, Ruth & Thomas Angell 184 West Greenville Road N. Scituate, RI 02857 (home) 401-934-2277 [email protected] At Last! joined EYC in 2013 Full Swift, Therese 1340 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 [email protected] joined EYC in 2014 Social Tanner, Philip & Karen 148 Honeysuckle Road Warwick, RI 02888 401-463-9707 (cell) 401-339-0888 [email protected] Spyder joined EYC in 2011 Social Tanner, Richard & Janet 64 Gideon Lawton Lane Portsmouth, RI 02871 401-683-5220 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Tanner, Sanford 50 Rancocos Drive Warwick, RI 02888 401-463-9604 joined EYC in 2011 Social Tapper, Geoffrey 84 Seaview Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-780-8800 (cell) 401-573-9200 [email protected] Cleo joined EYC in 2011 Social Tessitore, David & Jenny Lane Smith 75 Priscilla Avenue Warwick, RI 02889-5718 401-480-0361 [email protected] Short Wave, Vitamina joined EYC in 2013 Social Thirsk, Mark & Barbara 14 Forest Park Drive Mendon, MA 01756 508-478-4324 774-245-0959 [email protected] Velocity joined EYC in 2001 Full 31 Thomas, Paul & Paulette 49 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-941-8714 [email protected] joined EYC in 2002 Social Thompson, Elinor & John 100 Shaw Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-781-8543 (cell) 401-474-3837 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social Toland, Douglas & Michelle 123 Beach Street Marlborough, MA 01752 (Doug's c) 508-735-4170 (Michelle's c) 508-735-9590 [email protected] Star joined EYC in 2012 Social Toland, Susan 1 New Road # D 4 Rumford, RI 02916 (home) 401-228-3966 (cell) 401-378-0651 [email protected] Baja joined EYC in 2005 Full Toomey, Bill & Jessica Schenck Hardman 20 Lane 2 Warwick, RI 02888 (Bill's c) 401-477-2234 (Jess' c) 401-500-6646 [email protected] Great Escape joined EYC in 2010 Full Troughton, Douglas 17 Joyce Ann Drive Manville, RI 02838 401-405-1717 [email protected] Beach Girl joined EYC in 2011 Full Vandersip, Greg & Linda 151 Lyndon Road Cranston, RI 02905 401-785-3296 401-886-3043 [email protected] Lee Lynn joined EYC in 2000 Social Venturini, Dale & Anthony DeFusco 51 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 401-941-2996 [email protected] joined EYC in 2011 Social 32 Ward, Doug 500 Waterfront Drive East Providence, RI 02914 401-270-3046 [email protected] joined EYC in 1958 Honorary Weaver, Michael B & Karen Olson 166 Bartlett Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 717-385-4523 [email protected] Sea Anemone joined EYC in 2014 Full Weber, Gus & Juleen 11 Lydia Lane Clinton, MA 01510 585-943-5349 [email protected] Epiphany joined EYC in 2013 Full Weber, Richard & Donna 169 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 617-650-2166 [email protected] joined EYC in 2013 Social Wessner, Richard & Robin Quigley 153 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 401-965-1575 (home) 401-781-0324 [email protected] joined EYC in 1997 Social West, Benjamin & Jennifer 44 Arnold Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (cell) 401-808-6500 [email protected] Chesapeake joined EYC in 2005 Full Westcott, Ted & Jean 108 Columbia Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-781-4117 [email protected] Dawn Treader, Columbia joined EYC in 1977 Full Whalen, Eugene & Susan Hartman 24 Mather Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 (home) 401-461-2137 (cell) 401-626-6537 [email protected] Kismet joined EYC in 2007 Social 33 White, Catherine & Stuart Malone 36 Lockwood Street Cranston, RI 02905 401-781-2086 508-733-7322 [email protected] Lotus joined EYC in 2011 Full Wims, Judith & James 398 Greenwood Avenue Rumford, RI 02916 401-434-0466 (cell) 401-954-6691 [email protected] Unbridled joined EYC in 2013 Social Wloch (PC 2010), Deborah & Louis 6 Putnam Road Sturbridge, MA 01566 (Deb's cell) 508-735-3577 (home) 508-885-2575 [email protected] Hunky Dory joined EYC in 1987 Social Wong, Arthur Wang‐Yan & Carolyn T Young 1320 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 joined EYC in 2014 Social Wrean, William H. 27 Bradford Road Weston, MA 02493 (home) 781-899-5297 (work) 781-237-9290 [email protected] Impulse, Wendy joined EYC in 2006 Full 34 And Their Chairpersons Honorary Members Reporting to Commodore Jeffrey Lanphear: Barbara Plumb Executive Committee: Jeff Lanphear William F. & Nancy Plumb Finance Committee: Nancy Aubin Marian Sachs (Treasurer by-laws) Douglasper Ward PreBuilding Planning Committee: Brad Shipp Insurance: Jeff Lanphear Judge Advocate: Wayne Kezirian Affiliated Programs Boat Show: Deb andUniversity Mark Drywa Brown Sailing Team Measurer: Roland Alix, emeritus Edgewood Sailing School Reporting to Vice Commodore Marie DeRoche: House Committee: Marie DeRoche Anchorage and Marina: Mike Bradley Fundraising: William and Nancy Plumb Reporting to Rear Commodore Gene Whalen: Race Committee: Bill Sawicki Bar Committee: Sue Toland Outside Competition: Bill Grenga 35 2015 EYC Fleet About Time Paceship 27 AKOOLA Beneteau 46 Robert & Faye Stolzman James & Diana Duryea Al Mare O'Day Tempest 23 Rory Coniglione & Amanda Woodward Ali-Bye Silverton 40 Joseph & LeeAnn Ali All Quacked Up Cierra Bayliner 23 Constant S. Poholek Jr. Alli-Ann Pearson Triton Peter & Eleanor Hunt At Last! Arey's Pond 14 Ruth Strach & Thomas Angell Baja S-2 Susan Toland Bampy Juice Alan & Joanne Ouellette Beach Girl 3270 Bayliner Hatteras 53 Douglas Troughton Bellerophon Bayfield 46 Brad Shipp Billie Gee Bill & Julie Grenga Boat Pearson Ensign 22 Rhodes 19 Jonathan Howard & Madelyn Shaw Calli Beetle Cat George Shuster Jr & Stephanie VanPatten Cetacean Sabre 362 Peter & Wanda Michaelson Chesapeake Mainship 30 Benjamin & Jennifer West Cindy's Island Hanse 342 Gray Jones & Cindy Loveless Cleo Back Cove Geoffrey Tapper Cliodhna's Wave Rhodes 19 Beth & Steven Devlin Columbia Etchells E-22 Dave & Mary Frey Columbia Etchells E-22 #64 Ted & Jean Westcott Crazy Love Bayliner Contessa Michael Bradley & Ashley Pereira Dawn Treader Custom Creekmore 45 Ted & Jean Westcott Django Island Packet 420 Peter Grittner & Edith Jourdan-Grittner Dorigen C&C 25 Norman LaBrie & Beth Bryan Double Diamond Catalina 25 James & Donna Fraser Electric Spark Optimist Christopher & Ruth Crane Epiphany Sea Ray 30 Gus & Juleen Weber Firefly Bridges Point 24 Bruce & Anne Landis Gee Purrs Barnstable Catboat Bill & Julie Grenga 36 2015 EYC Fleet Cont. Gee Whiz Boston Whaler 17 Bill & Julie Grenga Gigi Beetle Cat Wayne Kezirian & Elizabeth Paroli Goose'd Sea Ray James & Lisa Stanton Great Escape O'Day 272 Bill Toomey & Jessica Schenck Hardman J24 Jeffrey & Kathleen Lanphear Gryphon Cape Dory 330 Jeffrey & Janet Partington Gypsea Halvorsen 51 Daniel & Daria Bentley Hannah Catalina 36 Bob & Maureen Russell Harmony Herreshoff 12 1/2 Scott Duckworth Hazel B Sea Sprite 23 Richard Demaine Helen Jeanne Sea Sprite 23 Ruthann Gildea & Nick Langdon Hunky Dory Cape Dory Louis & Deborah Wloch Icky 14 McKee Craft Chris & Michele Doppke Impulse 28 Lancer Sloop William H. Wrean Innominate Pearson 30 Fleet Maull Irie Pearson 26 Weekender Albert Cummings Jerry Todd Herreshoff 12 1/2 Eugene & Brooke Lee Kismet Sabre Mk II Eugene Whalen & Susan Hartman Kittiewake Pearson 31 Bob & Holly Natale Lady Kate Bavaria 41 Tim & Colleen Coggins Lark Herreshoff 28 Theo & M-J Aschman Lee Lynn Chris Craft Lancer Greg & Linda Vandersip Lotus Cape Dory Catherine White & Stuart Malone Maggie May Wayne Kezirian & Elizabeth Paroli Magic Dragon Formula 242 Pearson 26 Jesse & Amanda Bender Midnight Martini Egg Harbor 33 Robert Hart & Gino Paolucci Mistress Trawler 40 Richard Nickerson Moss Beetle Cat Michael & Robin Glancy Moxie Sabre 38 Mk II Gary & Therese Morse Mrs. Gee Rhodes 19 Bill & Julie Grenga Green Monsta 37 2015 EYC Fleet Cont. Niad Sea Sprite 23 Raymond & Bonnie Parker Nite Hawk Trojan 32 Steve & Joanne Mollica Noodle de Nixie Avon Daniel & Daria Bentley Not Named Wellcraft Aruda Michael Pimentel Not Named 420 Frank Satterthwaite & Martha Werenfels Not Named Sunfish Nancy & Robert Jones Jr. Nuisance Beetle Cat Jeffrey & Kathleen Lanphear Off The Rails Paul & Renee Lemay Pendragon 3270 Bayliner Beetle Cat Wells & Marguerite Pile Persistence Sabre 28 Evan & Kristin Matthews Petrel Luders 33 Bruce & Judy Shaw Pocket Change Bayliner Ronald & Kristine McArthur Popeye Albin 27 FC David Gavin RhodeSoda Stingray 22 Brad McLane Rogue Cruisers 2670 Rick & Kathy Ramcharran Ruffian Camano 31 Jeff & Linda D'Ambly Sand Dollar Optimist George Shuster Jr & Stephanie VanPatten Saoirse Catalina 22 John & Elizabeth McManus Scappare Catalina 42 MKII David & Rachel Leblanc Scot Free Sea Sprite Herbert & Christine Browne Sea Anemone Bristol 24 Sloop Michael B Weaver & Karen Olson Sea Ray Sea Ray 19 Wayne & Jeanie Charness Sea Star Optimist George Shuster Jr & Stephanie VanPatten Seas Today 34 Mainship Trawler Sam & Donna Lalos Seashell Beetle Cat George Shuster Jr & Stephanie VanPatten Serendipity2 Gemini 105M Catamaran Robert & Judy Hager Short Wave Wellcraft Coastal 25 David Tessitore & Jenny Lane Smith Simple Life Island Packet 37 Joseph & Michele Boulay Simply Grand Grand Banks 42 William & Nancy Plumb Slow Dance Pearson 35 Roland & Nancy Aubin 38 2015 EYC Fleet Cont. Snow Bird 35 Chris Craft Catalina John & Marcia McDonough Sodade Larson Cabrio 290 Joe Monteiro & Dee Vale Sojourn Island Packet 27 Andrew B. Burkhardt South America Cape Dory 30 Walter & Lee Kenyon South America Cape Dory 30 William & Dione Kenyon Space Chris Craft 25 Edward & Patricia Katz Spinters Egg Harbor 38 Richard Sheridan Jr. Spyder Cape Dory 28 Philip & Karen Tanner Star Cal 39 Douglas & Michelle Toland Star Dust Grand Banks 32 Bruce & Janet Baker Step'N Out Merit 25 John & Susan Salisbury Summer School Catalina 27 Paul & Jackie Cambio Sundance Sun Yachts 1030 Nancy & Robert Jones Jr. Sundance Freedom 29 Sloop William & Gail Morris Sunny Gee Sunfish Bill & Julie Grenga Sylvia Ericson 28.5 Peter & Catherine Bodner Thalassa Pacific Seacraft Flicka 20 Jesse Roberts Jr. & Katie Cornog The Pearl J24 Richard & Andrew Glucksman Triad Ericson 36 Gail Ginnetty TyPai Jeanneau 54 David & Doreen Baeder Unbridled Catalina 42 Scott & Fran Manchuso Unbridled Catalina 30 Judith & James Wims Ursa Major S2 36 David & Shannon Saunders Valarie Ann O'Day 17 Brandan Farrell Velocity Soling 27 Mark & Barbara Thirsk Vitamina David Tessitore & Jenny Lane Smith Weather or Knot 1957 Falcon 16 Bayliner 32 Phil & Flo Spenard Wendy 12 Kite Catboat William H. Wrean Wildflower Mainship 34 Trawler George & Cathy Sawicki 39 2015 Racing Calendar Tuesday Series Skipper’s Meeting May 19 Tuesday Series Tune Up Race May 26 Tuesday Series Races June 2, 9, 16, 23*, 30 July 7, 14, 21, 28 August 4, 11, 18, 25 Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 * Solstice – A Long Distance Race The Official Sailing Instructions will be available after the Skippers’ Meeting. Provisional Sailing Instructions will be available on the club website, www.EdgewoodYC.org. The scheduled time of the warning signal for the Tuesday series from 19-May to 31-Aug is 1820. The scheduled time of the warning signal for the Tuesday series from 01-SEP to 30-SEP is 1800. Friday night fun races - (if sufficient interest) First Fridays of July, August and September. Opening Day Race Commodore’s Cup Beetle Cat Race Series Blue Moon Race Longer Distance Races Sailing Awards Banquet Saturday, May 16 Saturday, October 3 Wednesdays, June 3-Sept 23 Friday, July 31 Saturday, June 20, July 25, August 15 To Be Announced For further information contact Bill Morris at [email protected] 40 STARTING SEQUENC g to CommodoreSTARTING Jeffrey Lanphear: SEQUENCE Committee: Jeff Lanphear SIGNAL FLAG & SOUND MINUTES BEFORE RACE START ommittee: Nancy Aubin ATTENTION 5 QUICK HORN BLASTS 5 1/2 TO 6 MINUTES GNAL IN ARNING RAISELAG SPINNAKER CLASS FLAG 5OUND MINUTES per Wby-laws) g Planning Committee: Brad Shipp 1 HORN BLAST R PREPARATORY RAISE PREPARATORY FLAG 4 MINUTES Jeff Lanphear 5 QUICK (PAPA) HORN BLASTS 5 1/2 T ocate: Wayne Kezirian RAISE BRAVO CLASS FLAG 5 MINU 1 HORN BLAST ONE and MINUTE Mark Drywa LOWER PREPARATORY FLAG 1 MINUTE : Deb (PAPA) 1 LONG BLAST Roland Alix, emeritus 1 HORN BLAST 0 MINUTE SPINNAKER START LOWER SPINNAKER CLASS Y F CRUISING WARNING &S M F RAISE PREPARATORY FLAG 1 5 (PRAPAC ) C LAG HORN BLAST 4 MINU MINUTES AISE RUISING LASS FLAG g to Vice Commodore Marie DeRoche: 1 HORN BLAST (SAME HORN AS BRAVO START) mmittee: Marie DeRoche 4 MINUTES PREPARATORY RAISE PREPARATORY FLAG 1 HORN BLAST (PAPA) and Marina: Mike Bradley LOWER PREPARATORY FLAG 1 MINU ng: William and Nancy 1 HORNPlumb BLAST 1 (PLAPAP) (P ) 1 1 LONG BLAST C S L C C F 0 1 T OWER B RAVO CLASS FLAG 0 MINU L g to Rear Commodore Gene Whalen: Notes: The flags, not the horns control. In the event of a failure of the horn, the race will proceed. 1 HORN BLAST In the event general recall of Spinnaker Class, the sequence (warning flag and horn) for that class mittee: Billof aSawicki ONE MINUTE RUISING TART OWER REPARATORY FLAG APA LONG BLAST MINUTE OWER RUISING HORN BLAST MINUTE LASS LAG will start at the start of the Cruising Class. mittee: Sue Toland RAISE ALPHA CLASS FLAG NING ompetition: Bill Grenga 41 1 HORN BLAST (SAME HORN AS BRAVO 5 MINU EYC Social Calendar 2015 May 16 June 2 June 5 June 26 July 3 July 12 July 17 August 28 Sept. 5-7 Sept. 25 October 3 Oct 10-12 October 24 December 6 Saturday Tuesday Friday Friday Friday Sunday Friday Friday (Sat – Mon) Friday Saturday (Sat-Mon) Saturday Sunday Opening Day Festivities Tue Night Race Series 1st Race First Grill Night Steak Fry Grill night Events Afloat-Bristol Fireworks Christmas in July/Family Fun Day Chowder/Clam Cakes Grill Night Fiesta Night Events Afloat-Borden Light Marina End of Season Grill Night Commodore’s Ball Events Afloat-Wickford Marina Halloween Party EYC Holiday Party Join us every Friday starting June 5th for Friday Grill Nights. Please visit EYC website for details and updated information 42 Edgewood Yacht Club Edgewood Yacht Club 2015 July Club Cruise 2015 July Club Cruise This cruise is open to anyone, sailmay or Boats power. Boats join or l cruise is open to anyone, sail or power. may jointhe ormay This cruise isThis open to anyone, sail or power. Boats join or leave fleet at any time. Dinners, cocktails, etc. will develop. leave the fleet at any time. Dinners, cocktails, etc. will develop. ime. Dinners, cocktails, etc. will develop. Tentative Itinerary: Tentative Itinerary: 7/9 Thursday Jamestown/Newport 7/9 Thursday Jamestown/Newport 7/10 Friday Jamestown/Newport 7/10 Friday Jamestown/Newport 7/11 Saturday Cuttyhunk 7/11 Saturday Cuttyhunk 7/12 Sunday Falmouth, MA 7/12 Sunday Falmouth, MA 7/13 Monday Falmouth, MA 7/13 Monday Falmouth, MA 7/14 Tuesday Sandwich 7/14 Tuesday Sandwich 7/15 Wednesday Wellfleet, MA 7/15 Wednesday Wellfleet, MA 7/16 Thursday Wellfleet, MA 7/16 Thursday Wellfleet, MA 7/17 Friday Provincetown 7/17 Friday Provincetown 7/18 Saturday Provincetown 7/18 Saturday Provincetown 7/19 Sunday Plymouth, MA 7/19 Sunday Plymouth, MA 7/20 Monday Plymouth, MA 7/20 Monday Plymouth, MA 7/21 Tuesday Onset, MA 7/22 Wednesday Westport 7/21 Tuesday Onset, MA 7/23 Thursday Westport 7/22 Wednesday Westport 7/24 Friday Fogland or NewportWestport 7/23 Thursday Contact Michaelson for updates details: 7/24 Capt. Peter Friday Foglandand or Newport Contact [email protected] Peter Michaelson for updates and details: [email protected]. Contact Capt. Peter Michaelson for updates and details: peter.michaelson@ 43 Edgewood Yacht Club Edgewood Yacht Club 2015 August Cruise 2015 July Club Cruise This cruise is openCruise to anyone, sail on or power. Boats may join or leave the fleet at any August departs Saturday 8/1 ime. Dinners, cocktails, etc. will develop. Heading East with stops in Cuttyhunk & Tentative Marion Itinerary:Massachusetts Return on Sunday 8/9Jamestown/Newport or on Monday 8/10 Victory Day. 7/9 Thursday 7/10 Friday Jamestown/Newport Contact Nancy Aubin: [email protected] or Donna 7/11 Saturday Cuttyhunk for updates and details. Lalos: [email protected] 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Falmouth, MA Falmouth, MA Sandwich Wellfleet, MA Wellfleet, MA Provincetown Provincetown Plymouth, MA Plymouth, MA Onset, MA Westport Westport Fogland or Newport Contact Capt. Peter Michaelson for updates and details: [email protected]. Interested in other cruising opportunities? One of the benefits of being a member of one of the oldest and most active clubs on Narragansett Bay is that membership offers an opportunity to socialize and engage in activities which would not be available otherwise. Our members often plan and organize cruises that are open to other club members and supporters. While these are not “official” EYC cruises and are not supervised or officially sanctioned by the club, they are reputed to be fun! Contact the club manager if you are interested in other cruising opportunities. He will put you in contact with other members who may be planning or contemplating planning supplementary activities. 44 EYC House Rules The following is a list of House Rules that regularly apply to activities that take place at EYC. This is not an extensive list. The Board of Governors is empowered to promulgate and modify Club rules from time to time. 1. No craft shall use the T docks longer than is necessary to take aboard or discharge passengers or to be serviced. It should not be left unattended and every effort should be made to keep this time to one hour or less. 2. No skiff shall tie up to the landing floats or dry storage floats except to unload passengers or gear. 3. The Club will not be responsible for loss of property of members or guests. Articles left behind will be collected by the Steward or Staff member and disposed of after a reasonable time. 4. There shall be no swimming, loitering, or horseplay on Club property at any time. No one is allowed on any property other than his own without the owner’s permission. 5. In accordance with the general laws of the State of Rhode Island, lotteries or raffles cannot be conducted on Club property without expressed written permission of the Rhode Island State Police, Lottery Oversight Division. 6. Children under age 10 are not allowed on Club property unless accompanied by an adult member, or older junior member. An exception is made to this rule when the child is attending Sailing School class. 7. Club property shall not be abused or carelessly damaged. It is expected that everyone at all times will show consideration for the rights and comforts of other members. 8. Juniors are not allowed on Club property after the Steward or Staff person has closed the Club for the night, unless accompanied by an adult member. 45 9. All pets on Club property must be kept on a leash or restraint and under the owner’s control at all times. Pets are not allowed at Club social events. If a pet is annoying or threatening to any member, that member has the right to ask the pet owner to remove the pet from the Club or Marina. 10. No member or guest shall give any intoxicating drink to any employee of the Club. 11. Members must refrain from tipping employees for normal services. 12. No outboard motors, fuel of any type, oil or propane tanks are to be stored inside the cottage. Gas/Diesel for dinghies and outboards are to be stored in allocated space built specifically for this purpose. Approved containers must be used. 13. Under no circumstances will there be allowed on dry floats any boat other than prams, small skiffs, or dry sailed small boats. 14. Parking in the parking lot is prohibited in the area reserved for loading and unloading gear. 15. Parking between lines will provide parking space for the maximum number of cars; your cooperation is appreciated. 16. It is advisable to use the west side of the south parking lot for overnight parking. 17. Grilling and/or barbequing is allowed only on the grills supplied by the Club. Staff will assist as required. Grilling is not allowed on a docked vessel. 18. Pursuant to state law, smoking is not allowed in any club building (and for the purpose of interpreting this policy, the event tent is considered to be a “building”). Smoking that occurs outside must be leeward of non-smoking members. Please be considerate of other members when smoking. 19. Per Department of Environmental Management guidelines, power washing of vessels is prohibited. 05/2014 46 2015 Fee Schedule 2015 Fee Schedule Application Fee (one time) $200 Full Membership $750 Social Membership $200 Junior Membership (in own right) $90 Racing Fee (summer) $125 2015 Fee Schedule Mooring – Small (20 ft LOA or less) + $540 Mooring – Large (>20 ft LOA) Per Ft + $35 Application Fee (one time) $200 Full Membership $750 + Membership Mooring Permit Social – City of Cranston $200 Junior Membership own right) Marina Slip (in (>boat or dock) Racing Fee (summer) Per $90 Ft $125 Live Aboard Surcharge Per Month $80 $70 $100 Dinghy Dock Mooring – Small (20 ft (10 LOA ft or LOA less) +or less) $540 $90 Mooring LargeRack (>20 ft(summer) LOA) Per Ft + Dry–Sail $175 $35 + Mooring Permit – City of Cranston $80 Marina Slip (>boat or dock) Per Ft $70 Dry Sail Dock (summer) Live Aboard Surcharge Per Month $100 Dinghy Dock (10 ftSlip LOAPer or less) Transient Night Dry Sail Rack (summer) $200 $90 (5 nights)** **Subsequent Nights Per Foot $175 Dry Sail Dock (summer) $200 Transient Slip PerMooring Night (5 nights)** Transient Per Night $40 Mooring Member in Slip Per Night **Subsequent Nights Per Foot $3 Transient Mooring – Members (5 nights)** Mooring Member in Slip Per Night $25 **Subsequent Nights Transient Mooring Per Night $25 Transient Mooring –Mooring Members (5 Temporary – nights)** Slip & **Subsequent Nights $15 Yachts Mooring $25 Launch Service (Member Private Mooring) Temporary Mooring – Slip & Mooring Yachts N/C Returned Check Processing Fee Other Fees in Marina $25 Returned CheckPrivate Processing Launch Service (Member Mooring) Fee$250 Contract $40 $3 $25 $25 $15 $25 N/C $250 $25 Other Fees in Marina Contract of Governors change from prior timenotice. to time The The BoardBoard of Governors may change may fees from time to fees time without 47 3 with Edgewood Yacht Club Apparel & Accessories Our top-quality custom logo clothing and accessories include hats, caps, visors, polo shirts, dress shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, drinkware, totes and more. Stand out from the crowd and show them you’re from EYC. For availability and pricing please contact: Michael Longtin Club Manager Business Office: 401-781-9626 Email: [email protected] 48 4 EYC Log Supporters EYC Log Adver�sing Please Patronize Our Adver�sers Say you saw it in the “Log” Have a good season The Log Commi�ee 49 5 50 6 How can Omnia Agency™ help your business? Web Development | Branding Design | Photography Media Buying | Social Media 115 Harris Avenue 2nd Fl Providence, RI • 02903 P: 401.861.7700 • F: 401.861.7600 OmniaAgency.com 51 7 Gourmet New York Style Pizza, Sandwiches, Salads and More! FREE DELIVERY 2190 BROAD STREET, CRANSTON, RI 02905 401.467.5992 74 52 8 53 9 [email protected] Chris Doppke 401.378.0664 Fiberglass • Marine Surveying • Captain Services Dive Services • Awlgrip • Electrical • And Much More Carl Hjerpe 401.741.8849 • Cranston, RI 02905-3819 [email protected] • www.edgewoodoutfitters.com Rhode Island Dive Service Cer�ed Commercial Diver Bo�om Cleaning• Zinc Replacement Intakes, Props • Inspec�ons • Light Retrieval Serving Upper Narraganse� Bay Weekly, Monthly Service Available [email protected] Chris Doppke 401.378.0664 10 54 11 55 Monahan, Drabble & Sherman, Inc. Funeral Directors 230 Waterman Street Providence, Rhode Island 02906 331-4592 Robert Russell Mark Russell R EVOLUTION RESTAURANT & BAR 2190 BROAD STREET CRANSTON, RI DEAN SCANLON 401-780-8700 WWW.REVOLUTIONRI.NET 12 56 13 57 Do you sail your dingy with Intensity? Our products will help you bring it on, and save a few $$ at the same time. IntensitySails.com 14 58 2015 15 59 16 60 17 61 62 18 Pettis Boat Yard Yacht Brokerage Photo by Bill Morris Frank C. Pettis III • 401-467-8982 1 Baylawn Avenue • Warwick, RI 02888 Fax 401.781.2340 • www.pettisboatyard.com 19 63 Rhode Island Boat Movers, Inc. Raymond Chace David Chace 401.884.1976 Insured 20 64 Best Wishes with Your Boating Season From a Grateful Friend 21 65 McBride’s Pub Great pub fare with an Irish twist … Live Music Sundays 4‐8 pm and Tuesdays 8‐11 pm Trivia – Wednesdays at 9 pm Open 7 days a week for lunch & dinner. Complimentary parking in the Wayland Square Parking Lot. 161 Wayland Ave., Providence, Rhode Ireland 401‐751‐3000 * facebook * www.mcbrides‐pub.com The best boating experience before you even leave the dock! Winter Storage Fiberglass Repair AWLGrip Painting Soda Blasting Haul and Launch Summer Dockage Wood Work Repair Brightwork Refinishing Bottom Painting Mechanic Available Mast Stepping and Un-Stepping 22 66 2015 23 67 10% courtesy discount with presentation of EYC Membership Card John Mensinger, PLS Principal [email protected] 410 Tiogue Avenue Coventry, RI 02816 401.821.8101 www.ScituateSurveys.com 24 68 69 25 70 26 71 27 Wishing You a Safe Wishing a Safe BoatingYou Season! Boating Season! From Honorary Members From & Nancy Members Plumb BillHonorary Bill & Nancy Plumb Watching you go by... Watching you go by... 28 72 Photo Contributers Alan Ouellette William Morris Roland Aubin 73 29 30
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