Lopezlink May 2014 Issue


Lopezlink May 2014 Issue
MAY 2014
Win an ABSCBN Mobile
LG phone! Turn
to page 5.
Happening on May 4!
Lopez Museum
gets complicated
THESE days you can find Michael Jackson and his four doppelgangers hanging out at the Lopez Memorial Museum and Library, holding up a water hose and getting ready
for a wash. An Asian Statue of Liberty is also lying about, proclaiming “It’s more fun in the Philippines.”
Turn to page 6
Lopez Group 2013
financial results …page 2
ABS-CBN wins
big at KBP Golden
Dove Awards…page 4
A mother lode
of treats…page 12
Biz News
Lopezlink May 2014
Lopez Holdings attributable
net income at P1.943B
LOPEZ Holdings reported
P1.943 billion in net income
attributable to equity holders of
the parent in 2013. This is 55%
lower than the P4.294B in net
income attributable to equity
holders of the parent in 2012, as
restated. This was primarily due
to the absence of one-off gains.
To recall, subsidiary First
Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPH) sold a 2.66% stake
(30 million shares) in Meralco in
January 2012 and recorded a gain
on business combination following the listing of Rockwell Land
Corporation in May 2012.
Consolidated revenues decreased by 6% year on year to
P94.624B from P100.731B (as
restated), following declines in
the sale of electricity (-8%) and
in the sale of merchandise (61%) by FPH. A fire damaged
Save the date
May 6: EDC annual meeting,
Rockwell Tent, 10am
May 12: First Gen annual
meeting, Rockwell Tent, 10am
May 14: ABS-CBN annual
meeting, Dolphy Theater, 8am
May 26: FPH annual meeting, Rockwell Tent, 10am
May 27: Meralco annual meeting, Meralco Theater, 10am
May 28: Rockwell Land
annual meeting, Rockwell
Center, 10am
the San Lorenzo Power Plant’s
main transformer in May 2013,
halving its production until
the transformer was replaced
before the end of 2013.
“The decision of FPH unit
First Gen Corporation to fly in
the replacement transformer,
even if it required hiring the
world’s largest aircraft, showed its
solid commitment to providing
sufficient, safe and reliable electricity to its customers. Meanwhile, ABS-CBN Corporation
reported strong revenues from
both regular and election-advocacy advertising in 2013, which
was a midterm election year. We
expect stable operations from
both FPH and ABS-CBN this
year, before their investments
in new ventures gain traction in
2015 to 2016,” said Lopez Holdings president, chief operating
officer and chief finance officer
Salvador G. Tirona.
FPH reported a 6% decrease in revenues and a 60%
decrease in attributable income,
due also largely to the absence
of extraordinary gains, while
ABS-CBN reported a 15%
increase in revenues and a 36%
increase in attributable income
(see separate stories on this page).
Among FPH units, First
Gen Corporation reported an
8% drop in revenues and a 28%
decline in attributable income
while Rockwell Land reported
14% and 25% increases in revenues and attributable income,
respectively. First Gen unit Energy Development Corporation
(EDC) reported 10% and 47%
decreases in revenues and attributable income, respectively. Full
stories on the 2013 financial performance of First Gen, Rockwell
Land and EDC were published
in the April 2014 issue of LopezLink. (Carla Paras-Sison)
FPH posts attributable
net income of P2.4B
FIRST Philippine Holdings
Corporation (FPH) reported
net income attributable to
equity holders of the parent of
P2.4 billion for the year ended
December 31, 2013 compared
with last year’s P9.2B.
The decrease is mainly due to
the absence of the gain on sale
of Meralco shares as well as the
gain related to the consolidation
of Rockwell Land Corporation’s
financials with those of the FPH
Group. (Hazel Velasco)
Lopez Holdings
First Gen
Net income/(Loss)
P33.378 B
P94.624 B
P25.656 B
P7.830 B
% change
% change
*Net income/(Loss) attributable to equity holders of the parent
**Restated due to change in applicable accounting rules
***Includes P6.084B gain on sale of Meralco shares, P2.136B gain related to business combination (Rockwell) and P4.012B loss on impairment mostly for photovoltaic affiliates under arbitration
ABS-CBN reports 36% jump
in attributable net income
ABS-CBN Corporation reported a 36% increase in net
income attributable to equity
holders of the parent for 2013
of P2.146 billion, compared
to P1.581B for 2012. The
company’s strong performance came on the back of
a 15% rise in net revenues of
P33.4B, compared to P28.9B
for the previous year.
“Our company’s solid financial performance for 2013 was
boosted by our dominance in
national ratings which allowed
us to capture a bigger share of
the advertising spending in
the country, election-related
spending and various initia-
tives within the company to be
more cost efficient,” said chief
financial officer (CFO) Aldrin
The company reported that
costs and expenses rose 11%,
slower than the 15% revenue
growth rate for the year.
Total assets rose to
P57.99B from P51.3B in
2012, while its equity base
rose from P19.4B in 2012 to
P25.9B in 2013.
Rolando Valdueza, head of
Corporate Services Group 2
and Group CFO, stated: “Our
performance last year has allowed us to declare
a 60-centavop e r
share cash dividend, payable to
shareholders on May 7, 2014.
“I believe our company is
on a solid growth path and I
am extremely excited about
our prospects for the coming
few years,” Valdueza added.
International brokerage
firms, including Deutsche
Regis, Credit Lyonnais and
Maybank ATR Kim Eng,
have included ABS-CBN
in their research coverage
and are positive about the
company’s future prospects.
ABS-CBN is one of Credit
Lyonnais’ top stock picks
with a target price of P52.
(Kane Choa)
Journalists discover secrets to wellness
By Nathan Valenzuela and Niña Zialcita
MEMBERS of the Economic
Journalists Association of the
Philippines (EJAP) and their
family members discovered
the secrets to getting fit, staying young and achieving wellness in finances and in life at
the 2nd EJAP Wellness Fair
held at the Rockwell Tent.
In his welcome remarks,
Lopez Group chairman emeritus Oscar M. Lopez (OML)
shared how he had conquered
a heart ailment and skipped a
recommended bypass surgery.
After “years of less than
healthy habits and the pressures
and anxieties of running businesses,” OML quit smoking,
cut red meat from his diet, ate
mainly fish and vegetables and
continued to engage in rigorous
physical activities as he aged.
‘Part of the job’
OML said: “Having once
upon a time managed the
Manila Chronicle, I am aware
of the very unhealthy habits of
journalists. I know you all jus-
tify your late nights and liters
of alcoholic binges as part of
the job of being journalists. I
am not sure I agree that your
bodies, specifically your lungs,
livers and hearts, should take a
beating just because you have
to report the news.”
Darwin Amojelar, EJAP
president, highlighted the different activities, booths, freebies and raffle prizes for the
day. Up for grabs were iPads,
“staycation” and spa packages,
gift certificates and premium
items from the event’s exhibitors. A 32GB iPad Air was
also awarded to the guest with
the most creative tweet using
the hashtag #EJAPWellness.
ANC’s “On the Money” financial adviser Salve Duplito
talked about the importance
of saving and the “magic” of
compounding. “Set aside savings first before spending,”
Duplito said, sharing the formula “income minus savings
equals expenses.”
Formula for health
Gina Lopez, managing
director of ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation
Inc., shared a simple formula
for health and wellness: inner
health is equivalent to outer
“If inside you are not well,
outside you won’t be okay…
Inner health is crucial and
leads to physical health,” she
Edward Mendez, author of
“Your Dream Body Come True,”
presented the science behind
“frequent, quality eating” and
short but intense bursts of exercise. Light, frequent eating,
he pointed out, gives the body
fuel to burn food. This should
be complemented by short exercises, which have a “48-hour
metabolic effect and increases
fat burn.”
After a healthful lunch by
The Sexy Chef, EJAP members were treated to games, a
power yoga session with Ines
Lopezlink May 2014
Dispatch from Japan
Pinoy NDA grad pays courtesy call on AMML
Ambassador Manuel M. Lopez (left) administers the oath of office to
2Lt. Degojas at the Philippine Embassy
A Philippine Military Academy (PMA) cadet who became the fourth Filipino to
graduate from the National
Defense Academy (NDA)
recently paid a courtesy call
on Ambassador Manuel M.
Lopez (AMML) at the Philippine embassy in Japan.
Stephen Degojas, who
graduated from the NDA in
March, took his oath of office
as a second lieutenant of the
Armed Forces of the Phil-
ippines before AMML. He
will be joining the Philippine
Army upon his return to the
Degojas spent a year in the
PMA as a plebe before being
sent to Japan’s national military academy in 2009.
Every year, the Japanese
government accepts selected
PMA cadets to study at the
NDA as full scholars under
the academy’s five-year cadetship program for foreign
The training and exchange
of military officers and personnel is a vital component
of the strategic partnership
between the Philippines and
Japan in the defense and political-security arena. (Source:
IN line with Rockwell Primaries’ commitment to building
close-knit, exclusive and safe
communities reflective of the
coveted Rockwell lifestyle and
experience, 53 Benitez residents
were recently treated to fun and
family-oriented activities.
These included a private
screening of “Captain America:
The Winter Soldier” at the Power
Plant Cinema and the 100%
Easter at the Rockwell Tent
courtesy of Power Plant Mall.
These are only the first of many
such neighborhood events that
Rockwell Primaries will have
for its new community.
“We will continue to gather
our growing Rockwell Primaries community, starting with
53 Benitez unit owners, in such
events…,” said Malou Pineda,
senior vice president of Rockwell Primaries.
“We look forward to creating more memorable experi-
ences for them in the future.
We will continue to create the
Rockwell lifestyle exclusive to
the budding 53 Benitez community even after they have
purchased their units from us,”
she added.
Rockwell Primaries, a
wholly owned subsidiary of
Rockwell Land, espouses the
same attention to detail, quality, community and supreme
customer service as its mother
N2N, Petron projects
notch safety milestones
Journeys of
From top: Chairman emeritus Oscar M. Lopez; Gina Lopez with resource
person Edward Mendez; Lopez Museum’s Cedie Lopez Vargas; LGFI’s
Angela Lopez Guingona; iPad winner Lorenz Marasigan of Business Mirror
with Boo Chanco and Bong Osorio; Arlene Torres and Kane Choa; Yeng
Vasquez, Red Samar, Joel Gaborni and Raul Marcelo; and ANC’s Salve
Duplito and EJAP’s Darwin Amojelar
ABS-CBN president
named Woman of the Year
ABS-CBN president and
CEO Charo Santos-Concio
will receive the Woman of the
Year award for the Philippines
at the prestigious Asia-Pacific
Stevie Awards in Seoul.
ABS-CBN was also named
the Gold Stevie Award winner
in the Services Company of the
Year- Philippines category.
The awards will be presented to the winners at a gala
banquet at the Lotte Hotel in
Seoul on May 30, 2014.
The Asia-Pacific Stevie
Awards are the first business
awards program to recognize
achievement in business in all
22 nations of the Asia-Pacific
The Stevie Awards are
widely considered as the world’s
premier business awards.
Uniqlo operator Fast Retailing
Co. for Japan, Hyundai Steel for
South Korea, MCI for Australia
and Delta Airline for Singapore
are among the top Asia-Pacific
companies that will also receive
Gold Stevie Awards.
More than 300 nominations from organizations across
the Asia-Pacific region
were considered this
year in 18 categories
including Customer Service
Leader of the Year, Exporter of
the Year, Fastest-Growing Company of the Year and Woman of
the Year, among others.
Gold, Silver and Bronze
Stevie Award winners were selected by more than 50 executives from around the world.
A second international panel
of judges will choose five Grand
Stevie winners
a m o n g
the Gold
winners in
early May
and will be
a t
the banquet in Seoul.
Aside from ABS-CBN,
Globe Telecom was the only
other Philippine company to
receive a Gold Stevie Award,
for Customer Service Leader of
the Year (All Other Nations), as
well as New Consumer Product
of the Year (All Other Nations)
for its Globe Prepaid Gosakto.
(Source: abs-cbnnews.com)
The Rockwell Primaries
community comes together FPIP’s 92-ha expansion
Garcia of the Rockwell Club
and a dance-inspired
cardio workout called
Wenga introduced by
Arnold Trinidad, also of
the Rockwell Club.
Members enjoyed the
booths by BayaniJuan and G
Stuff, ABS-CBN Mobile,
SKYcable, Asian Eye, Emphasis Salon, Knowledge
Channel, Medicard, Unilab,
reiki healing and spa services.
shared their journeys of
transformation, encouraging guests to make their
own lifestyle shifts. OML
summed it up best when
he said: “When you start
to think if you can still
change your habits, just
think of me,” challenging
EJAP members to climb a
mountain with him for the
next wellness fair.​
Biz News
company’s Number 1 commitment is to the safety of its
people, First Balfour project
manager Honorato Dalawampu said that since the start of
the Energy Development Corporation (EDC) N2N Relocation Project, “we have instilled
in the minds of all our 42 team
members at the site that safety
should always be put first.”
As a result, the project
notched another safety milestone, accumulating 1,500,266
man-hours without any lost time
incident (LTI) on February 19.
N2N involves civil works
for the relocation of EDC’s
Northern Negros geothermal
power plant from Negros
Occidental to the Nasulo geothermal site at the Southern
Negros Geothermal Production Field in Negros Oriental.
The project had also been
cited for Corporate Safety
Excellence by the Safety and
Health Association of the
Philippines Energy Sector and
the Department of Energy.
Meanwhile, the Petron
Refinery Expansion Project
in Bataan, under First Balfour
project manager Aquiles Gonzalez III, received a plaque of
excellence for achieving two
million safe man-hours from
July 2012 to November 2013.
Awarded by Petron and its
general contractor Daelim
Philippines, plaques of excellence were given to only two
out of over 30 contractors.
Highlighting the role of
teamwork in their achievement, Gonzalez said, “Syempre
buong project management
team, workers at mga subcontractors ang nagtulung-tulong
para mapanatili ang zero LTI
record. The extra effort exerted
by our safety officers should
also be credited—walang sawa
silang gumagabay sa mga tao
gets gov’t green light
THE 92-hectare expansion
project of First Philippine
Industrial Park Inc. (FPIP)
in Santo Tomas, Batangas
has been approved by government.
President Benigno Aquino
III, through Presidential Proclamation No. 722, designated
the expansion project as a special economic zone (SEZ).
This was followed a week
later by the signing of a formal
registration agreement for the
project, which will be known
as FPIP II-SEZ, between
FPIP and the Philippine Economic Zone Authority.
Promos & offers
FPIP president Edwin CoSeteng said the expansion will increase the industrial park’s area to
442 hectares, from 350 hectares.
“Without the expansion, FPIP
will be hard-pressed to meet the
growing foreign investor demand
for more space,” said CoSeteng.
“FPIP II-SEZ will see a
further upgrading in our amenities, utilities and services. This
is the only way for us to remain
relevant as we strive to meaningfully contribute to the competitiveness of our business partners
in the global market,” he added.
In addition to the cost of acquiring the land, the company is
investing over P1 billion in three
years to develop the expansion.
This will cover building roads
and setting up utilities, wastewater facilities and power and
telecommunications facilities,
among others.
CoSeteng noted that the
project will also increase local
employment in FPIP to about
60,000 in the next three years,
up from the current 40,000.
FPIP currently hosts 77
locators including B/E Aerospace, Brother, Canon, Honda,
Ibiden, Murata, Nestlé, Philip
Morris, Shimano and SunPower. (Jun Lizardo)​
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Follow us @lopezlinkph on Twitter and Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/lopezlinkonline
Lopezlink May 2014
ABS-CBN wins big at
KBP Golden Dove Awards
couch potato treats
Honesto turns
guardian angel
Ylia (Andrea Brillantes) will
do everything to make
her family pay attention to her, with
the help of her
guardian angel,
Kiko (Raikko
Mateo). How
will Ylia’s life change when she discovers Kiko’s
real identity? Will she get the love that she has
been looking for? Don’t miss Andrea and Raikko
in the monthlong “Wansapanataym” special, “My
Guardian Angel,” every Saturday at 6:45 p.m.
SKYcable’s month
of champions
All eyes are on Rafael Nadal, the Miami Heat and Bayern
Munich as the month of
champions gets under way
on SKYcable! Fox Sports
and Fox Sports Plus HD will start
airing the French Open on May
25, while the NBA playoffs conference
finals air on NBA Premium
and BTV
starting on the third week of
May. Lastly,
catch the UEFA Champions League
finals on BALLS and BALLS
May 25, 2:30 a.m. Call the SKY Customer Care
hotline at 381-0000 for more info.
MMK: Bugoy has 7
Bugoy Cariño top bills
(MMK) this
Sat u rday,
the character
of Jose, an
e i g h t- y e a rold boy who
looks after his seven younger siblings after their
mother and father abandoned them. Joining Bugoy in this episode are Izzy Canillo, JB Agustin,
CX Navarro, Desiree del Valle, Ian de Leon,
Perla Bautista and Beverly Salviejo. Don’t miss
MMK, airing Saturday nights after “Wansapanataym.”
‘Labor day’ for Maya
After months
of anticipation, Maya
Maria) and
finally seen
their twins.
What surprises did the Dela Rosas and Lims
prepare for the new members of their family?
What will be the names of “Baby Kambal”?
Don’t miss “Be Careful with My Heart” every day
before “It’s Showtime” on ABS-CBN’s PrimeTanghali.
Star Cinema
compiles 31
movie themes
in 1 album
GET swept by a wave of nostalgia
with the unforgettable blockbuster
classics of Star Cinema through its
20th year commemorative album.
Titled “20,” the latest album
from Star Records is a twodisc package composed of 31
romantic hits that celebrate
the country’s biggest film outfit’s 20
years of bringing life, love and hope
on the big screen.
The carrier single, Lani Misalucha’s
“Starting over Again,” is the theme
song from the 2014 box-office movie of the same title starring Piolo
Pascual and Toni Gonzaga.
Star Cinema’s “20: The 20th
Year Commemorative Album”
is now available in record bars
nationwide for P250. The tracks
can also be downloaded via iTunes,
www.amazon.com, www.mymusicstore.com.ph and www.starmusic.ph. (Aaron Domingo)
ABS-CBN bagged major awards
at the 22nd Golden Dove Awards
of the Kapisanan ng Brodkaster ng
Pilipinas (KBP).
The awarding ceremony was
held at Star Theater, CCP Complex in Pasay on April 29.
The awards given to the Kapamilya network included Best TV Culture and Arts Program for “Pagtalubod Sa Pagtubod Mag TV Penafrancia
Special” (ABS-CBN Naga); Best
Radio Newscast Program-Manila
for “Radyo Patrol Alas Dose”; Best
TV Sports Program for “Sports Unlimited”; Best Radio Public Affairs
Program-Manila for “Pasada Sais
Trenta”; Best Radio Public Affairs
Program-Provincial for “Bantay
Bata DYAP” (ABS-CBN Palawan);
Best TV Public Affairs ProgramManila for “SOCO”; and Best TV
Public Affairs Program-Provincial
for “Diretso-DYAF” (ABS-CBN
Other citations received by
ABS-CBN were Best TV Comedy
Program for “Goin’ Bulilit,” Best
TV Special Program for “Agri Tayo
Dito” (DXAS ABS-CBN Davao),
Best TV Newscast Program-Manila for “Umagang Kay Ganda”
and Best TV Newscast ProgramProvincial for “TV Patrol Northern
Luzon” (ABS-CBN Baguio).
The Best TV Variety Program
was “ASAP 19” while the Best Radio Drama Program was “Maalaala
Mo Kaya” on DZMM 630.
Completing the roster of ABSCBN awards were Best TV Drama
Program for “Be Careful With My
Heart,” Best Radio Newscaster for
Julius Babao; Best TV Newscaster
for Ryan Gamboa of ABS-CBN
Bacolod; Best Radio Public Affairs Program Host for Ted Failon;
Best TV Public Affairs Program
Host for Kim Atienza; Best Radio
Magazine Program Host for Ariel
ABS-CBN chairman Eugenio Lopez III
Ureta; Best TV Actress for Drama
Program for Boots Anson Roa in
MMK; and Best TV Actor for
Drama Program for Joel Torre in
ABS-CBN was also recognized
as the year’s Best TV Station while
chairman Eugenio Lopez III received the KBP Lifetime Achievement Award.
Boy remains a Kapamilya
BOY Abunda will remain a Kapamilya for two more years. The
TV host renewed his contract with
ABS-CBN during a press event
attended by top officials of the
network, including president and
CEO Charo Santos-Concio and
channel head Cory Vidanes.
According to Abunda, he
will continue to cohost “Aquino
& Abunda Tonight,” which airs
weeknights, and the Sunday
showbiz talk show “Buzz ng Bayan.”
His ongoing programs “The Bottomline with Boy Abunda,” which
airs late Saturdays/early Sundays,
and the cable talk show “Inside the
Cinema Circle” are also included in
the contract.
Abunda said he is happy with
the continued success of his shows,
especially “Aquino & Abunda Tonight,” which he cohosts with
Kris Aquino. (Miguel Dumaual.
Excerpted from www.abs-cbnnews.
18 teen, regular and celeb
housemates mix it up in ‘PBB All In’
“PINOY Big Brother All In” revealed in three different ABSCBN shows its 18 housemates
that included one of its hosts, Alex
Gonzaga, as the last housemate to
be introduced at the official grand
kickoff outside the PBB house on
April 27.
“PBB All In” started unleashing surprise after surprise when
it first revealed in “ASAP 19”
housemates Axel Torres and Jane
Oineza. Meanwhile, saying goodbye to the outside world via “Buzz
ng Bayan” were Cess Visitacion,
Chevin Cecilio and Nichole Baranda.
Presented at the grand kickoff
were Aina Solano and Jayme Jalandoni.
Joining them were Joshua Garcia, Manolo Pedrosa, Maris Racal,
Ranty Portento, Michele Gumabao, twins Fourth and Fifth Pago-
Biz Excellence
LAA winner for Operations
NIGBU’s road
to success
NIGBU Maintenance Department: Road and Site Restoration
Works in NIGBU after TS Sendong was one of the winners in the
2012 cycle of the Lopez Achievement Awards. All LAA winners
were selected based on the following
criteria: the achievement must have
demonstrated the Lopez Group core
values, 40%; must have significant
contribution to the organization’s
results, 40%; and must be exceptional in nature, 20%.
TROPICAL storm Sendong
(international name Washi)
entered the Philippine area of
responsibility on December 15,
2011. By the time it exited the
country three days later, Sendong had dumped torrential
rains that resulted in deadly
flash floods in Mindanao and
the Visayas.
In Negros Oriental, site of
the Negros Island Geothermal
Business Unit (NIGBU), Sendong practically obliterated roads
and spillways as well as company
facilities and infrastructure. Energy Development Corporation’s
NIGBU includes the Southern
and Northern Negros geothermal production fields.
“All the access roads, the
main roads going to the different barangays were damaged,
service roads going to our production areas were damaged,”
recalled Marcelino Tongco,
NIGBU Maintenance Department senior vice president.
The team needed to reach
its damaged FCRS (Fluid
Collection and Recycling System) and power plants and put
them back online, thus the race
to repair roads and spillways.
More than that, “access is very
important...to provide relief
goods to the typhoon victims,”
said assistant vice president
Martin Jude Lacambra.
Relief to host
The task of clearing the
main and access roads was imtan, Jacob Benedicto, Vickie Rushton and Loisa Andalio.
The kickoff was hosted by Toni
Gonzaga, Bianca Gonzalez, John
Prats, Robi Domingo and Alex.
Viewers and netizens warmly
welcomed the new housemates
as the grand kickoff recorded a
national TV rating of 20.5%, or
almost twice its rival program,
GMA’s “Imbestigador” that got
only 10.9%.
Tune in to “Pinoy Big Brother
All In” weeknights after “Aquino
& Abunda Tonight” on Primetime Bida and “Pinoy Big Brother
All In Uber” after “Moon of Desire”
on Kapamilya Gold. Also catch
the nightly “PBB Online Uplate”
on pinoybigbrother.com/livechat
hosted by “PBB Unlimited” Big
Winner Slater Young and “PBB
Teen Edition 4” housemates Joj and
Jai Agpangan. (Kane Choa)
To learn more about the “PBB All
In” housemates, visit http://lopezlink.
Lopezlink May 2014
mediately undertaken by the
department, ensuring expeditious relief to its host communities and its own operations
personnel left stranded in their
assigned areas.
NIGBU also dispatched
emergency response teams
and relief goods to the barangays as well as opened its
Southern Negros Geothermal
Production Field to residents
displaced by the calamity.
“Getting equipment was
difficult, we had to work even
during Christmas. Our people
had to work overtime,” Tongco
The employees’ massive effort paid off, however, when
the four power plants were up
and running only a week after
the typhoon.
HR Council
HR Council holds GMM for 1Q
THE Lopez Group HR
Council held its first general
membership meeting (GMM)
for 2014 at the Energy Development Corporation (EDC)
headquarters in Pasig.
Held once every quarter,
the council’s GMMs serve as
valuable learning sessions that
tackle key topics which are
timely, relevant and strategic
for the Lopez Group’s HR
practitioners and their companies.
For the first quarter, in order
to arm the HRs with the mindset
of excellence and competitiveness, the HR Council took on
the topic “Business Excellence
and Global Competitiveness.”
Featured speakers were First
Philippine Holdings Corporation chief sustainability officer
Agnes de Jesus, who presented
the topic “Sustainability
Management”; EDC’s Disaster and Crisis lead Dr.
Ted Esguerra, who impressed on the attendees
the importance of disaster
and crisis management; and
Philippine Technological
Council president Federico
Monsada, who educated the
group on ASEAN integration. (Dimpy Jazmines)
First Balfour University revamped
FIRST Balfour University (FBU)
was envisioned to enhance and
further develop the competencies of the company’s core business employees (CBEs).
First Balfour is continuously expanding its business
and its growth is accompa-
nied by a sudden growth in its
manpower. Today, 70% of its
total CBEs has been with the
company for less than a year or
two. With this in mind, FBU
facilitates training programs
that will ensure a solid foundation of knowledge and clear
understanding of First Balfour
This year, FBU will roll out
basic, advanced and specialized
programs. Among these are
fundamental modules or 101
courses for both new and seasoned CBEs.
“With the immediate restoration of the access road, the
lives of these people who were
affected by typhoon were normalized. They had immediate
access to outside help,” Tongco
According to NIGBU
manager Vicente Omandam,
Road and Site Restoration
Works in NIGBU after TS
Sendong “demonstrated the
unity, teamwork, dedication
and bias for action of NIGBU
maintenance personnel.”
As well, Omandam added,
it highlighted “the resilience of
NIGBU and EDC as a whole
against natural calamities in
performing its mandate to
provide uninterrupted, clean
and renewable source of energy to the Filipino people.”
For this exceptional achievement and compelling demonstration of the Lopez Values,
the NIGBU Maintenance Department became the lone winner in the Operations Management category of the 2012
Lopez Achievement Awards.
L-R: Marcelino Tongco, Martin Lacambra and Vicente Omandam
The SKY service awardees accept their plaques onstage
204 SKY employees honored for service
THE SKY Service Awards
is an annual tradition in SKY
where the company honors and
gives recognition to its loyal
and long-serving employees
who are commemorating their
five-, 10-, 15- and 20-year anniversaries as SKY employees.
This year, the SKY Service
Awards was held in ABSCBN’s Studio 10. The theme
was “Kwento Mo, I-Share Mo!,”
and with this message, it urged
the employees to cherish, cel-
ebrate and then share the many
stories that they have gained
throughout their long years in
The event gathered 204 service awardees. Of these, the
majority were 20-year awardees
with 105 representatives, followed by the 15-year awardees
(49), 10-year (29) and five-year
awardees (21).
Making the event more
memorable were the emotionally-packed videos of SKY sto-
ries from the service awardees
shown during the ceremonies.
The special messages given
by SKY chief operating officer
Ray Montinola, president and
CEO Carlo Katigbak, ABSCBN president and CEO
Charo Santos-Concio and
chairman Eugenio Lopez III
further inspired the employees
to express their love for SKY
and its customers, and leave a
lasting legacy of “wow at saya”
service. (D. Jazmines)
SKY ERT cited by PRC, firefighters’ group
By Dimpy Jazmines and Alfred Go
SKY’s Emergency Response
Team (ERT) recently received
plaques of appreciation from
the Rizal chapter of the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) and the
United Fire Association of the
Philippines as it strengthens its
skills, preparedness, networking
and commitment to provide
service in times of calamities or
The citation from PRCRizal was given for the ERT’s
continuing partnership with
them in skills development
and emergency preparedness
and its participation in seed
donation activities. The plaque
was awarded during the chapter’s fourth anniversary celebration.
Meanwhile, the plaque of
appreciation from the United
Fire Association of the Philippines was awarded to the ERT
by the officers of the organi-
zation, which also recognized
them as auxiliary fire volunteers.
In 2010, the SKY ERT was
recognized as a Metropolitan
Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Safety Auxiliary Group after completing
the ELSAROC (Earthquake,
Landslide Search and Rescue
Orientation Course) training conducted by the MMDA
Safety Department.
The Project 101 courses aim
to broaden the understanding
of the CBEs on basic business
principles being used in First
Balfour. Some of the courses
that are included are Construction Business 101, Project Life
Cycle 101, Planning 101, Cost
Management 101 and Contracts Management 101.
In line with this year’s thrust
of “excellence in execution,”
FBU hopes that these courses
will encourage its employees to
perform effectively, continuously
improve their skills and competencies, and contribute to First
Balfour’s long-term success.
(Mary Anthonette Pornobi)
Vacay contest
still ongoing!
JOIN LopezLink’s ongoing contest
simply by taking a summer
selfie with your family! Upload
your photo by replying to the
post on LopezLink’s Facebook
page called “Kapamilya #Pinasmile Summer Vacay.”
For the caption, keep in
mind the theme “How I
spent time with my family
this summer.” Photos submitted must be the entrants’ own
and will be judged according
to creativity, narrative and adherence to the theme.
You may also scan the
QR code above to access the
contest’s Facebook page and
upload your entries.
Your family summer selfie
just might win you an ABSCBN Mobile LG L3 II prepaid kit!
Deadline for submission
of photos is on May 26, 2014
at 12 noon. Winners will be
announced at 3 p.m. on the
same day.
Lopezlink May 2014
Lopezlink May 2014
L-R: Museum executive director Cedie Lopez Vargas, Lopez Group chairman emeritus Oscar M. Lopez and National Artist for Literature F. Sionil Jose; Zero
In members mark the consortium’s 10th anniversary in 2011; Pasig River Warriors get busy during a workshop with artist Alma Quinto; Kiddie workshop
participants show off their works; Concerts are a regular Lopez Museum offering
from page 1
They are just some of the
quirky characters you’ll encounter during an afternoon at
the Lopez Memorial Museum
and Library.
They are a part of the current
exhibition Complicated, which
tops executive director Cedie
Lopez Vargas’ list of reasons
to drop by the museum ASAP.
Complicated, she explains, will
“pique visitors’ visual and intellectual curiosity through the
works of Leslie de Chavez,
Mike Adrao and Ea Torrado.”
The young artists had dug
into the museum and library’s
collections as they sought to
illustrate the complex relationship between Filipinos and their
colonial pasts, under Spain, the
US and even Japan.
There is also the library
exhibit Context which obliges
visitors with a peek at the life
and times of the late Dr. Rod
Paras-Perez. Here’s a protip:
check out the handmade mockups of his books. These come
complete with illustrations and
formatting, down to the drop
caps—a breeze to produce when
you’re armed with a computer
and InDesign, but not so with
pen and ink, which is what the
author/critic/artist did.
If you’re in a reading mood
on the time of your visit, you
can sign up for the museum’s
new membership program that
allows unlimited access to the
exhibitions and library, among
other benefits.
The archives and the steadily
growing lending library are a
particular point of pride for Vargas, as they offer a wealth of resources with personal guidance
from the longtime librarians,
and where card-bearing members can borrow a wide range of
books to take home and enjoy at
their leisure, respectively.
The membership also entitles one to discounts on public
programs and advance notice to
activities, as well as opportunity
to participate in programs not
offered to the general public.
Founder’s tribute
Opened in 1960, the Lopez
Museum and Library was Eugenio “Eñing” Lopez Sr.’s tribute
to his parents, lawyer and Iloilo
governor Benito Lopez and Presentacion Hofileña Lopez.
The original museum was
housed in its own multi-story
building beside the Lopez home
in Pasay. It was there that Filipinos were first able to see Eñing’s
sizable harvest from years of
collecting trips to the US and
Europe: scores of Lunas, Hidalgos, Jose Rizal memorabilia,
prints and rare 16th- and 17thcentury books from and about
the Philippines.
The Lopez Museum, as the
country’s first privately-owned
museum, thus became a valuable channel for those who
wanted to learn, relearn or
discover more about Filipino
identity, history and culture.
Subsequent directors expanded the museum’s holdings
to include maps, American
historical documents pertaining
Standing, l-r: Romeo Jalandoni, Cristina Modrigo, Mark Manalili, Kristine Pastrana, Gerry Marquez, Iday Marpa, Peter Natividad, Marga
Villanueva, Jun Catambay, Ethel Villafranca, Rod Enano, Ricky Francisco, Domingo Magaling, Ricardo Calizon and Paolo Arago; Seated, l-r: Elvie
Iremedio, Mercy Servida, Cedie Lopez Vargas, Margarita Fragante and Fanny San Pedro. Not in photo: Eric Agoncillo Ambata, Grace de Leon,
Grace Macalincag, Mildred Apilado and Maita Reyes
Museum and Library is inaugurated on February 13
with the Lopez family and
Filipino and foreign VIPs in
Publishes John RM Taylor’s
Against the United States,”
which is distributed for free
to Philippine libraries
“Orchidiana Filipiniana” by
Helen Valmayor
Moves from Pasay to the Benpres Building in Ortigas and
starts a massive preservation
including “Juan Luna: The
Filipino as Painter” by Santiago
Pilar, “The Complete Writings
of Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing,”
“Philippine Rariora: A Descriptive Catalogue of 17th Century
Imprints in the Lopez Memorial
Museum” by Mauro Garcia and
Guided by Roberto M.
Lopez, the museum starts
acquiring works by modern
Filipino artists
The Roberto M. Lopez
Conservation Center is es-
to the Philippines and modern
art. Trivia: did you know that
the museum has works by all the
National Artists for Visual Arts
except Guillermo Tolentino and
Abdulmari Asia Imao? On the
other hand, a Napoleon Abueva
is practically the first thing you
will see here—the hardwood
door, also known as Batas ni Kalantiaw, is a 1959 work by the
National Artist for Sculpture.
Today, visitors who troop to
the museum’s Benpres Building
site may be anyone from students
and researchers to established
artists, professionals and enthusiasts, especially those yearning
for a deeper understanding of the
Filipino, says Vargas, who is one
of Eñing’s granddaughters.
Diversified activities
Who says museums are a
tomb, a dreary expanse where
the most thrilling thing you can
do is walk around and take selfies with priceless works of art?
Whether you’re “not interested in the museum, interested
but have never visited, regular
visitor, supporter or an advocate,” the museum is ready with
diversified activities and both
traditional and contemporary
exhibitions, Vargas assures.
There are, of course, the changing exhibits twice a year where,
depending on the chosen theme,
a part of the collection is brought
out and supplemented with works
by contemporary artists.
This arrangement not only
reduces wear and tear on the art
collection—they are so delicate
that even particularly aggressive rays of light can damage
them—but is also a way for the
The conservation lab receives
a grant from the Society for
the Preservation of Philippine
Culture Inc. to purchase additional equipment
The museum has not shied
away from technology, wielding
The Zero In museum consortium marks its 10th anniversary with Open Call
The museum gets certified to
the ISO 9001 standard
Of social media and
other challenges
Starts its digitization project,
under conservation consultant
Maita Reyes
museum to stay interesting and
relevant to its public.
These themed exhibits are
supported by a host of events
and programs targeting various
audiences, explains Administration and Education head Ethel
“For example, last year we
had a series of lectures on Philippine art history conducted by
scholars such as Alice Guillermo, Patrick Flores and Ambeth
Ocampo. If that’s not your cup
of tea, then we have artist talks
where the audience can learn
directly from guest artists their
creative process, challenges and
inspiration,” notes Villafranca,
a former Fulbright scholar who
joined the museum in 2011.
For those who are more into
music, the museum’s staples include concerts on its premises,
featuring the Lopez Group’s very
own Orchestra of the Filipino
Youth and ABS-CBN Philharmonic Orchestra, and Viva Voce.
Then there are workshops
on writing, photography and
visual art, poetry readings, book
launches and even expos of independent/small publishers.
For Lopez Group companies
and employees, the museum reserves certain perks. According to
Villafranca, they conduct tours as
part of the onboarding program
of Energy Development Corporation, which acquaints new
hires with Eñing and his legacy,
and design corporate giveaways
for the different companies.
The museum celebrates its
50th anniversary with an
exhibit and a commemorative book, “Unfolding: Half a
Century of the Lopez Memorial Museum and Library”
Develops a museum and library membership program
it as a tool to improve its operations and techniques in the care
of collections, and in providing
more ways with which to promote learning and engage with
the audience.
“The Lopez Museum and
Library is quite active on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram,”
Vargas notes. “Social media has
provided new opportunities and
avenues to enhance the ways
and means with which we are
able to fulfill the museum’s role
as steward, protector, enricher
and advocate of its holdings.”
And with the planned relocation to its new home at the
Rockwell Center in a couple of
years, Vargas hopes a solution
will be in the offing to one of the
museum’s “great challenges.”
“The limited space becomes
a major consideration in designing our activities, in maneuvering the spaces and in the
number of works we are able
to exhibit at a given time,” she
reveals. “Other challenges have
been in growing our audience
and funding, of course.”
To deal with its “intimate
space,” the Lopez Museum team
designed the area to be capable
of transforming to suit its needs:
“Our galleries become concert
venues and the library converts
into a lecture and workshop
space,” Villafranca explains.
Let’s talk relevance
According to Vargas, more
than half a century after it was
established, the museum remains steadfast in its mission:
to allow Filipinos access to its
collections, harnessing technology and riding the crest of
contemporary engagement and
interactive learning.
For Villafranca, nothing
beats the emotional connection that happens when you see
the display with your own eyes,
whether it’s the museum’s pride
España y Filipinas, a Manansala
nude or studies of the long-lost
mural Per Pacem et Libertatem,
which are all currently spotlighted in Complicated.
What’s more, even in this age,
there are still plenty of things
that can’t be found online.
“With over 21,000 volumes
of Filipiniana and hundreds of
visual art pieces, not to mention the Rizaliana, cartography
and pottery, there’s bound to be
something that someone has yet
to discover upon closer inspection and thorough analysis of
the real objects. There is sure to
be something here that would
pique and feed your interest,”
Villafranca notes.
Without a doubt, a visit to
the Lopez Museum and Library
is a cool and visually stimulating
way to spend your P100 one of
these sweltering days.
By Carla Paras-Sison
Ambata, web, digital
and social media consultant,
says, “One of my personal
goals is to be of lifelong
service in the field of
arts, nationalism and
culture, and you could
never be more inspired
and empowered by that
than by working for an
institution like the Lopez
Museum and Library.”
Visual arts
L-R: Ethel Villafranca, Ricky Francisco and Eric Agoncillo Ambata
FOR Ethel Villafranca, Ricky
Francisco and Eric Agoncillo
Ambata, their work in the Lopez Museum and Library allows
them to fulfill lifelong dreams.
Administration and Education head, says
she validated her yearning to
contribute to culture and nationhood when she quit a highpaying corporate job to pursue
a master’s degree in Museum
Studies (specializing in Education) as a Fulbright scholar in the
University of Florida. She never
returned to the corporate grind,
and now devotes up to 12-hour
days “not to fatten somebody’s
pocket,” but to “contribute, even
just a little, to the greater good.”
A Philippine Arts, major
in Art Management alumna
of the University of the Philippines Manila, Villafranca is
very passionate about the work
that she does, and marvels at
the enormous potential of the
Lopez Museum and Library.
“Even before I joined the
team in 2011, I already knew
the reputation of the museum
and I wanted to be part of that
kind of advocacy. We really cannot do everything we want because our resources are limited.
But this is true for all museums,
even the big ones located in
wealthy cities (in the US) where
you would think art and culture
has a ready audience. What we
do is we prioritize, we can only
do what is humanly possible.
We cannot be everything for
everyone. Otherwise, we will be
ineffective,” she says.
Positively integrated
Francisco, a Social Science
alumnus of the Ateneo de Manila University and museum
consultant since 2005, says
his work takes about 75% of
his time and is positively in-
tegrated with his growth as a
person because it “engages (his)
creativity, fulfills (his) thirst for
knowledge and allows (him) to
do his part for the greater good
of the nation and for (his) fellow Filipinos.”
Although he left in 2010 to
pursue some projects in Singapore, Francisco returned to
Manila in 2012 and found his
way back to the Lopez Museum
and Library last year, proposing
and co-curating its most recent
exhibitions with Villafranca.
“We are trying to get more
people to visit the museum
through cross-disciplinary exhibitions intended for a wider
audience. We use both the
library and museum collections
for a holistic approach that
would appeal to schoolchildren
and adults. All our exhibitions
have a strong educational component,” Francisco says.
A Fine Arts graduate of
the University of Santo Tomas,
his visual arts background
served him in good
stead when he was
assigned to design,
develop and manage
the Lopez Museum
and Library website
in 1999 by the company contracted for
the project. From
then until 2003, the
was recognized twice by the
Philippine Web Awards.
Over the years, Ambata
took on several consultancies with clients like the
Presidential Communications
Development and Strategic
Planning Office, Office of the
President, Asian Development
Bank, the Ayala Museum and
various corporations. Yet, he
“never stopped working and
designing the Lopez Museum
and Library website.” His
current challenge is “projecting, preparing, translating and
augmenting the web, digital
and social media requirements
of the museum” until it moves
to its new home in The Proscenium in Makati City.
Although interviewed separately, all three professionals
chose integrity as the primary
Lopez Value they apply at
Villafranca says: “I was
raised by my parents to have a
strong moral compass.” Francisco says being honest in one’s
work can be seen in everyone
in the museum. “Because we
love the work that we do, we
are true to it. Foremost in our
minds is to do what is good
for the collection.” Ambata
says: “I have weathered many
storms in my career but I
stayed true to my values. (The
museum) is always part of my
Ambata’s message to LopezLink readers? “You could
have a part of your work to
take home at the end of the
day. And it is called gratitude.
You can leave the stress at
your desk, but the smile of being thankful after a good day’s
work is always precious.”
and Villafranca invite their
Lopez Group kapamilya to
visit the Lopez Museum and
“The museum is open from
Monday through Saturday,
even at lunchtime. There is so
much to see and learn. It is a
good way to spend your time.
There is a discount for employees of museum corporate
sponsors. Come for a journey
of discovery,” says Francisco.
“Discover why our founder
spent time and money to put
the collection together, and to
make it available to all Filipinos, not just a select few. So
far, only EDC (Energy Development Corporation) has
included the museum in its
onboarding program for new
hires. The museum nourishes
the soul and our pride in being Filipino. Let’s take a break
from the everyday grind and
learn about our grand heritage,” says Villafranca.
Working with educators to foster nationalism
FIELD trips to museums instead of malls or resorts.
The Lopez Memorial
Museum has embarked on a
campaign to get more students
through its doors by inviting
their teachers to check out the
The teachers, initially from
selected schools in Pasig,
Mandaluyong, Quezon City
and Sta. Mesa, will be given
a complimentary tour of the
museum and library together
with five of their school’s staff
“We believe that as an informal learning institution, we
should work hand in hand with
educators in providing students with holistic education,”
Administration and Education
head Ethel Villafranca says.
The campaign to get more
Filipinos to study relics and
other historically meaningful
objects from the past is geared
towards preschool, elementary,
high school and college students.
Exposing the younger generation to the works of Filipino
artists and relics such as rare
books about the Philippines,
Jose Rizal’s personal memorabilia and old Philippine maps
is a way of sparking their interest in the depth and richness of
Philippine history and culture.
“A visit to the museum is
surely an excellent complementary activity to their history, humanities or art classes,”
adds Villafranca.
To further assist teachers
in engaging and sparking their
students’ interest, the museum
Museum staff Tina Modrigo​g​ ives​​​​a guided tour to scholars of Phil-Asia
has put together a teacher’s Assistance Foundation Inc.
guide that they may use before,
during and after their students’ with the country’s history and Month celebration. Every year,
on the whole month of Octomuseum visit. The guide will future path.
help the youngsters reflect on The museum also nurtures ber, teachers are given free adtheir learning from the exhi- its ties with educators by active- mission and guided tours upon
bition and make connections ly participating in the Teacher’s presentation of their ID.
CSR activities
Lopezlink May 2014
The off icial launch
LEEP: Helping teachers
hone their craft
The Lopezes—KCFI chairman Oscar M. Lopez, Connie Lopez and KCFI president Rina Lopez Bautista (5th, 6th and
7th from left)—at the launch of the LEEP program with (l-r) DepEd Usec. Rizalino Rivera, Prof. Eduardo Morato of
Bayan Academy, KCFI consultant Dr. Fe Hidalgo, DepEd Sec. Bro. Armin Luistro and Usec. Alberto Muyot
Foundation Inc. (KCFI), in coordination with the Department
of Education (DepEd), officially
launched the Learning Effectively through Enhanced Pedagogies
(LEEP) program at the DepEd
headquarters in Pasig.
Present at the launch of
the program for principals and
teachers were KCFI chairman
Oscar M. Lopez (OML), president Rina Lopez Bautista and
consultant Dr. Fe Hidalgo, and
DepEd Sec. Bro. Armin Luistro.
Bautista recognized the roles
of teachers and education leaders in creating and ensuring an
enabling environment for effective learning to happen.
“LEEP is developed to help
the teachers in the classrooms
to continuously hone their
craft, improve their leadership
abilities, and touch the hearts,
minds and lives of the students,
especially now within the context of the many changes in
education,” she said.
In his inspirational message,
OML, a seasoned mountain
climber, compared the state of
Philippine education to the
challenges he encountered as he
climbed mountains.
“As the chairman of Knowledge Channel Foundation and a
member of the Philippine Business for Education, I am acutely
aware of the problems besetting
Kapamilya in Luzon
run for a cause
ONE Kapamilya Run (OKR),
the first simultaneous run in
Luzon organized by the ABSCBN Regional Network Group
(RNG) last month, gained
overwhelming support from
thousands of kapamilya.
Runners joined OKR-Luzon
in Dagupan, Pangasinan; Baguio;
Clark Airfield, Angeles, Pampanga; Santiago, Isabela; Laoag, Ilocos
Norte; Batangas, Batangas; Puerto
Princesa, Palawan; Naga, Camarines Sur; and Legazpi, Albay.
Terry Aquino-Pedrocha, Luzon Public Service officer, said
that the project does not only promote health and wellness but also
boosts the spirit of social responsibility, sportsmanship, unity and
camaraderie among stakeholders.
Cluster officer-in-charge Gemma Cacas affirmed that due to
the success of OKR, there are
already plans of institutionalizing the activity.
OKR aims to help disadvantaged Filipinos in the areas
of education, health and environment, among others. ( Janice
our education system. …Pres.
Aquino and Sec. Bro. Armin
have shown that they have the
political will and the determination to do what is needed and
start the revolution in Philippine
education…. It will take a while
to reach the summit but I know
that if we plod on and persist,
just as I did in climbing those
mountains, we will get there,”
OML said.
Highlighted in LEEP is the
use of multimedia learning resources, or MMLR, particularly
the video and e-learning modules developed by K Channel.
K Channel has conducted
LEEP for more than 600 schools
around the country. To contextualize content, LEEP offers content electives depending on what
is most relevant to the schools,
such as disaster risk reduction
management and climate change
adaptation for typhoon-prone
areas, peace education for conflict
areas, cultural integration and
teacher imaging. (Natalie Pardo)
THE Department of Education-National Capital Region
Phil-Asia Assistance Foundation Inc. (PAAFI) as a “valued
partner and benefactor in promoting accessible and quality
Education for All.”
At the first Parangal at
expressed its gratitude to external stakeholders who have
supported its programs and
PAAFI, which was founded
by the late Roberto M. Lopez as
the local “counterpart of Philippine International Aid (PIA),”
is a member of Lopez Group
Foundation Inc. The Californiabased PIA was set up in 1986 by
a group of Filipino-Americans
to help in the reconstruction of
Philippine society in the area of
child welfare.
“ O u r
strong partnership with
your organization
enabled us
to deliver our
best services to
our learners
in the National Capital
Region and
learning…(The award is) our
way of thanking you for partnering with us in carrying out
our mandate to deliver quality,
inclusive and accessible education for all,” said Luz Almeda,
DepEd-NCR director.
DepEd-NCR also recognized outstanding teachers and
top performing schools in the
region. (Carla Paras-Sison)
‘Critic Meets
Artist’ with
Reyes on May 3
ART critic and scholar Cid
Reyes will share his thoughts
about Filipino artists based on
his book Conversations on Philippine Art (1989) in a lecture,
“Face to Face: Critic Meets
Artist,” on May 3, 2014, from
2 to 4 p.m.
The book chronicles Reyes’
interviews of Filipino artists,
including eight National Artists for Visual Arts. The lecture
is organized in conjunction
with the exhibition Context:
Rod ParasPerez Art
Histor i an, Critic
a n d
4,000 boats for fisherfolk
Three-hundred three fishing boats have been distributed,
while another 254 are under construction through bayanihan by
the recipient communities. The
distribution of the target 4,000
boats for Samar and Leyte will
be completed within the month.
Department of Education
(DepEd), ALKFI has identified public schools in Capiz,
Aklan, Iloilo, Palawan, Samar
and Leyte that need repair, rehabilitation and rebuilding.
Four classrooms designed
to withstand extreme weather
conditions have been turned over
to the DepEd, while 21 are being
constructed, 10 are undergoing
repairs and 108 are set to be built.
ALKFI will also provide soft
programs for school development
through its Programa Genio.
Groundbreaking for Basiao Elementary School in Basey, Samar, where three
classrooms will be constructed
Ecotourism, livelihood for
Bayan Academy has identified coconut and multi-crop
farming, crab and seaweed culture, banig weaving and ecotourism as livelihood activities suited
to the communities in the areas
of responsibility of ALKFI.
In partnership with government agencies, support ser-
Context commemorates the
80th birth anniversary of Dr.
Paras-Perez and highlights his
contributions to Philippine art
history and criticism. The museum collaborated with his estate
to showcase select writings and
memorabilia which give insight
into the man behind the writing.
Registration fee for the lecture is P120 (P100 for students).
2 p.m., the museum will
hold Youthsome Yarns to
Yearn For: Comic Book
Writing and Illustrating for Young Adults
with Adam David
and Jose Nicolas.
Students will learn
how to make onepanel cartoons to
three-panel strips,
one-page stories to
three-page epics,
analyze the basic
formula of comic
book stories and
how to get the
and sold. Workshop
fee is P2,500.
‘Artist Talk’
with Tor4-day comics
rado on
writing workshop starts May May 15
Contemporar y
dancer-choreographer Ea Torrado,
one of the featured
artists in the Com-
plicated exhibit, will
talk about her work
on May 17, from 2-4
Torrado will discuss Sisa, a video
installation based
on the frantic
search of Jose
Rizal’s Sisa
and reflections on
t h e
mus e u m ’ s
España y Filipinas.
She will also give a
live performance of
Filipinas which was
performed during
the opening night
of the exhibit.
Registr ation fee for
the lecture
is P120
(P100 for
vices, farm and marine inputs
as well technical training and
marketing support will soon be
available to farmers and fisherfolk.
An initial supply of raw
materials for weaving has been
distributed to 20 barangays in
Samar, while 10 kayaks have
been donated to promote Sohoton Cave. (Ana Terrese Junio)
ALKFI partners with gov’t
agencies to help farmers
ALKFI managing director Gina Lopez (2nd from left) with (l-r) Bantay
Kalikasan program director Norie Garcia, PCA administrator Euclides
Forbes and deputy administrator Roel Rosales seal their partnership
In partnership with the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA),
ALKFI is conducting clearing
operations and replanting, as
well as providing technical assistance for farmers in Basey,
Sta. Rita, and Marabut, Samar
and in Dulag, Leyte.
The PCA will provide
fertilizers and seedlings, and
conduct trainings that will
help the farmers augment
On the shelf
Learn the basics of making
comic books this summer!
On May 8, 9, 13 and 14 at
ALKFI maximizes donations for long-term projects
ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation Inc. (ALKFI)
spearheads a holistic area development project for Basey,
Samar and Dulag, Leyte, as
assigned by the Office of the
Presidential Assistance on
Rehabilitation and Recovery.
The foundation also took on
the municipalities of Sta. Rita
and Marabut as well as other
affected barangays in Samar,
Leyte, Iloilo, Capiz, Aklan and
To date, P82,737,748.72
has been utilized for relief activities which has so far served
3,636,475 individuals.
For rehabilitation activities,
P54,634,635 has been disbursed
for rebuilding projects which include the distribution of bancas,
the repair and rehabilitation of
schools, and raw materials for
livelihood projects.
Lopezlink May 2014
For typhoon Yolanda survivors
BAYAN Academy offers the following certificate training
courses this month:
May 6-7, 13-14, 20-21, 27-29: Grassroots Entrepreneurship
and Management
May 8-9: Strategic Planning and Management
May 22-23: Finance for Non-Finance Practitioners
May 27-28: Change Management
For rates, call Carol Arcaya at 426-3140. Bayan Academy reserves
the right to change course dates.
PAAFI recognized
by DepEd
their production and income.
For coconut farmers, ALKFI
also partnered with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources to rehabilitate and
build hubs in areas abundant
with coconuts.
Additionally,ALKFI’s Green
Initiative aims to help farmers
produce more products such as
flour, vinegar and soy sauce from
their crops. (A.T. Junio)
The Concert’
on May 31
The museum’s concerts are
back, starting with Complicated: The Concert on May 31,
from 2-4 p.m. In partnership
with Viva Voce, the concert
will feature selected songs
inspired by the artworks featured in the Complicated exhibit. A variety of kundiman,
classical and Broadway musical songs will be sung during
the event. The concert ticket
costs P300.
The Lopez Memorial Museum is at the ground floor, Benpres Building, Exchange Road
corner Meralco Avenue, Pasig
City. Museum days and hours
are Mondays to Saturdays, except
holidays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Avail of
unlimited access to exhibitions
and library resources by signing
up for the Lopez Museum membership program. Members can
borrow books from the lending
section and get discounts on lectures, workshops and services for
only P1,500.
‘LMG,’ by
DAVID Guerrero,
with several
journalists and
authors, pays
tribute to his
father, Amb.
Leon Ma. Guerrero III (d.
1982), with “LMG: The Leon
Maria Guerrero Anthology.” A
prominent diplomat, the elder
Guerrero was also a novelist
who wrote books such as “The
First Filipino,” an acclaimed
biography of Jose Rizal, and
translated the most widely
read editions of Rizal’s “Noli
Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo.” When he retired
as a diplomat, Guerrero was
conferred the country’s highest Foreign Service honor,
the Gawad Mabini. (Vicente
Olaybar Jr.)
Members can now borrow
LMG at the Lopez Museum
Library. Call Ethel or Paolo to
inquire about the membership
‘In the service of the
Filipina, worldwide’
An icon of PH publishing
‘Metro’ 25th: A spectacular
collaboration with only the best
A quarter of a century ago, a
lifestyle magazine designed to
help readers navigate city living
was born.
Metro has undergone numerous changes since then, and
has now become a must-have of
the Filipina when it comes to all
things fashion, with the right
amount of beauty and lifestyle.
As it celebrates its silver anniversary, a first for any fashion
magazine in the country, Metro
furthers its style authoritystatus through a casting coup
featuring the best of the best
in the Philippine fashion and
entertainment industries.
models and society figures,
25 fashion designers and 25
photographers come together
to create 25 iconic images that
not only showcase their artistry,
but also prove why the Filipino
is a force to be reckoned with
on the global scene.
Five of today’s hottest female
celebrities and personalities, all
carving their niche in the world
of Philippine entertainment,
lead the pack of Metro’s elite
roster of 25 women. Each looks
stunning on their distinct but
equally remarkable covers.
Kim Chiu, Marian Rivera,
Toni Gonzaga, Liza Soberano
and Miss World 2013 Megan
Young take on different style
archetypes as they rock the
season’s “It” silhouettes and
Inside, 20 other women
who epitomize what it means
to be a Metro woman—sophisticated, world class, the perfect
balance of style and substance—continue the showcase
of beauty, talent and vision in
a 41-page special feature. Flip
through page after page of exquisite photographs featuring
Maja Salvador, Jessy Mendiola,
Tweetie de Leon-Gonzalez,
Celine Lopez, Teresa Herrera, Sarah Meier, Bianca Araneta-Elizalde and Ria Bolivar,
among others.
Along with Metro’s celebration of its silver anniversary, we
encourage you to “Get Your
Best Look Now” through
informative stories that will
inspire you to bring out your
best self through fashion and
beauty. Find your signature
makeup look as the creative
directors of Bobbi Brown, Lancome, MAC and Shu Uemura
create looks specifically for the
modern Filipina.
Rounding out Metro’s
packed 25th anniversary issue
is the ultimate list of the best of
Manila culture now, from the
design tastemakers and literary
gems to the ultimate clubbing
and gastronomic spots—truly a
must-read from start to finish!
(Cherry Pineda)
IN its past life as a city guide/
political/lifestyle magazine,
a thirtysomething Fernando
Zobel de Ayala was on the
cover of the first issue of
This was in 1989, and
Metro was then owned by
restaurateur Larry J. Cruz.
Three years later, Cruz sold the
title to Eugenio Lopez Jr. and
ABS-CBN Publishing Inc.
(API), which was then known
as Benpres Publishing.
Metro is the crown jewel
of the mostly homegrown
API portfolio, which includes
six other monthly titles,
three quarterlies and several
biannual titles, annuals and
specials. In a 2011 interview,
API president
had explained
the company’s
“The DNA of
the company
is more about
own products
and showcasing
creativity and
Today, as the title celebrates its quarter-century
mark, Lopez says: “It gives
me great pleasure to celebrate
Metro magazine’s 25 years
because it is our flagship title
and this magazine’s endurance reflects in many ways
the journey ABS-CBN Publishing has gone through over
the years.
“Metro has had its ups and
downs, it has been managed
by many different editors
and it has undergone many
editorial transformations but
it has always striven to meet
the ever-changing needs of its
readers. This determination
to cater to its readers’ needs
has guided Metro through
and I believe it
will celebrate
its 50th anniversary as we
keep in mind
the motto ‘To
be in the service
of the Filipina,
Lifelong Wellness
Lopezlink May 2014
KAPAMILYA Macky de Lima
has done it again!
De Lima, who heads the
Treasury Department of First
Balfour, battled the brutal summer heat and extreme humidity
to complete the Mayon 360
Ultra marathon last month.
In a post on his blog, De
Lima said his strategy to finish
the race was to “get wet always”
while running through three
cities and five towns. Fortunately, almost all the barangays
along the 80-km. route had
stations ready with the all-important water for drinking or
showering, plus biscuits and
boiled eggs to tide the runners
“Kind-hearted and hospitable residents along the
route—and there were many of
themselves to
prepare buckets of water for
shower use by the
weary yet undaunted
runners,” De Lima
He crossed the finish
line in 14 hours and 55
minutes, safely within
the 16-hour cutoff.
His team took
Sunday off but embarked on a recovery
run by Monday. The
setting? A beach in
Quinapaguian, a remote
Camarines Norte island
that had no resorts, electricity or Wi-Fi. This was
preceded by an outreach
that saw
the team
about 150 public schoolchildren
living on the island.
“A double inebriation
from runner’s high
and helper’s high.
Good for the heart
and sole,” De Lima
De Lima’s third
Mayon 360 Ultra.
He joined the race’s
2011 and 2013 editions, completing
the 80-km. distance in 13:20 and
14:56, respectively.
How birth control pills
may affect your eyes
By Charizze Henson
Clockwise from top: The Walk the
Talk participants all in a row; The
representatives of host company
First Gen; The contingent from
EDC; First Gen’s Sidney Cordero
welcomes the morning’s walkers
Trudging on marine grounds
By Gerbs De Castro
ALMOST 300 participants
consisting of Lopez Group
employees, family members and
friends displayed their commitment to chairman emeritus
Oscar M. Lopez’s wellness advocacy in the recent HR Council-Lopez Lifelong Wellness
Walk the Talk activity.
Sponsored by the First Gen
Corporation, the walk was held
at the Marine Barracks Gregorio Lim in Ternate, Cavite, on
April 26.
To start the “festivities,”
First Gen senior manager
Sidney Cordero delivered the
welcome remarks and provided
some safety tips.
The route began near the
main gate and ended at the
helipad, wherein you could
encounter vintage artillery and
be astounded by a spectacular
view of the South China Sea.
Carabao Island, Fort Drum
and Corregidor Island can also
be seen at a distance.
Sports & Wellness calendar
4: DZMM Tulong Na, Tabang Na, Tayo Na, Takbo Na, 5K
(BGC, Taguig), 4am. Fee: P630. Contact 415-2272 locals
11: AmCham ScholaRUN, 3K/5K/10K (BGC, Taguig),
5:45am. Fee: P500-P600. Contact Candy, 834-0284
11: Brooks Run Happy Cross Country Challenge,
5K/10K/16K/24K (Tanay, Rizal), 7am. Fee: P600-P1,600.
Visit www.brooksrunning.com.ph
25: Etude Princess Run, 3K/5K/10K (BGC, Taguig),
5am. Fee: P600-P800. Contact www.etudehouse.ph
After conquering five kilometers, the participants were
treated to a breakfast of pork
giniling, egg and fried bananas.
Majority of the participants
in this edition of Walk the Talk
came from SKY, ABS-CBN
and Energy Development Corporation.
BIRTH control pills may help
you prevent pregnancy. But did
you know that these pills are
being linked to the development of glaucoma?
A recent study conducted
by researchers from the University of California, San
Francisco, Duke University
and Third Affiliated Hospital
of Nanchang University suggests that women who have
taken pills for more than three
years are twice as likely to suffer from glaucoma.
The study included 3,406
women over 40 years old who
completed the vision and reproductive health questionnaire
and underwent eye checkups.
According to the researchers, it has been found that low
estrogen levels due to menopause contribute to glaucoma.
Estrogens are believed to protect the eyes from deteriorating
because of old age. And years of
using pills can lower the estrogen levels in the eyes.
Women, however, are not
discouraged from using birth
control pills. The findings
show that the long-term use
of these pills may be a potential risk factor for glaucoma.
Likewise, the risk of getting
glaucoma over the age of 40
increases, which is why women
are advised to monitor their
eye health.
Asian Eye glaucoma specialist and Philippine Glaucoma Society immediate past
president Dr. Maria Imelda
SKY teams up
with Red Cross for
SKY and the Philippine Red
Cross (PRC)-Boracay chapter
forged a partnership for the
SKYathon beach run for a
cause through a memorandum
of agreement signing and mini
press conference. Part of the
proceeds from the SKYathon
will be donated to the PRC to
upgrade its capabilities and to
boost its efforts to help save
Boracay. The SKYathon was
held in Boracay on April 26.
(Delbert Santos II)
Follow us @lopezlinkph on Twitter and Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/lopezlinkonline
Yap Veloso emphasizes the importance of eye checkups.
“Most glaucoma cases
don’t have symptoms, so it is
best that you undergo regular eye checkups with your
ophthalmologist. If you have
been taking pills and you have
other risk factors, get your eyes
Early diagnosis and treatment is key to preventing vision
loss due to glaucoma.”
Asian Eye Institute offers
glaucoma screening to detect
the disease even in its early
stages. Kapamilya discounts
apply: 50% off on consultations, 25% off on diagnostic
examinations, treatments and
surgeries. For more info, call
Maglaro tayo ng Sudoku, ang bagong libangan ng bayan!
Ayusin lamang ang mga numero simula 1 hanggang 9 para
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 Very
Answer to April puzzle
Solution, tips and
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available at
Food for every mood
Lopezlink May 2014
Dear Rosie
WHAT has made you smile this
summer? Keeping one’s cool in this
heat is not easy, admittedly, so we’ve
come up with a little list of things
for kapamilya to smile about about
as temps soar to the high 30s.
Hitting the replay button on
ABS-CBN’s “PINASmile” station
ID. Doing a good deed by suiting
up for DZMM’s Tulong Na, Tabang
Na,Tayo Na,Takbo Na run for a cause
this May 4. The return of everyone’s
favorite kuya in “Pinoy Big Brother.”
Cooking up a surprise for mom this
Mother’s Day with scrumptious
foodie discoveries in Power Plant
Mall and One Rockwell in Makati
and even finds from The Country
Fair at The Grove by Rockwell in Ortigas. Lopez Museum’s hip summer lineup of workshops and lectures and its ongoing exhibits. This month’s cover feature, incidentally, takes us on an exploration of the Lopez Museum, which is currently presenting a “double
bill” in the Complicated and Context exhibits. Having seen the exhibits for ourselves (they offer one-on-one guided tours, by the way)
we can guarantee that it will be one of the most engrossing and
enlightening—and fun!—ways you can spend a summer afternoon.
While you’re smiling your way through all these happy moments,
don’t forget to record your experience for posterity by taking a selfie
or two with your family. We’d love to see your snaps in our Kapamilya #Pinasmile Summer Vacay contest, which still has a couple of
weeks to go. Good luck!
Kudos to the Lopez Group PR team for putting together another successful Economic Journalists Association of the Philippines
wellness fair. Held at the Rockwell Tent, this second wellness gathering for Manila-based business reporters and their families was as
big a hit as the 2013 edition, with interesting speakers/presenters
and pampering and prizes galore.
Whether you simply plan to pick up a gift for your mom or bond
with her over a day of shopping and pampering, Power Plant Mall
promises lots of mommy treats for your best girl. Happy Mother’s
Saludo kami sa cast and crew ng “The Legal Wife”! Inaasahan namin
ang madami pang intense na eksena lalo na ngayon na lumabas na
ang tinatagong katotohanan. Team Nicole FTW!—Chickee
Congratulations to my fave fashion mag Metro on its 25th anniversary. Awesome job!—Bing
Thank you so much
for the “Ano’ng
Kwento ng Graduation Mo” contest
that you ran recently. I am honored to be chosen
as the winner, as
there were so many
inspiring, interesting and touching
stories submitted
by other Lopez kapamilya. …Our family used my prize to have
a celebration dinner with my son DJ, who graduated from grade
school on that same day. We enjoyed our dinner at Bizu at One
Rockwell very much, and everything we ordered was great.—
Dimpy Jazmines, Employer Brand Manager, SKY
If you have questions, comments, opinions, suggestions and reactions about anything and everything about the Lopez Group,
please send them to Dear Rosie through email DearRosie@
benpres-holdings.com or [email protected] or be a friend
or fan on Facebook.
One Rockwell’s best-kept foodie secrets
ONE Rockwell in
Rockwell Center is
chock-full of casual
dining or family style
restos catering to a
wide range of tastes
and cravings.
What’s your food
mood? Take your pick
from One Rockwell’s
retail row restaurants
and let the feast begin!
‘Gourmet comfort food’
Known for “gourmet comfort food,” Apartment 1B
abides by Julia Child’s words: “You don’t have to cook fancy
or complicated masterpieces—just good food from fresh
With chef Marivic Diaz-Lim, a product of The Culinary
Institute of America in New York, behind the restaurant’s
success, quality is assured with each meal. Their bestselling
dishes—eggs Benedict, big breakfast, spaghetti vongole, and
baby back ribs with honey bourbon sauce—are the best choices
to fill the tummy and warm the heart.
Hearty reinventions
An offshoot of the well-loved Angel’s Kitchen in Greenhills, AK Bistro offers hearty meals with a twist. Familiar
favorites are reinvented, producing surprising delights such as
pinakbet rice and chocolate bagoong, classic longganisa burger
sliders and baked bangus tinapa with tomatoes. Any meal, from
breakfast to late dinner, will surely feel like one straight from
your kitchen at home.
Grace Park
renowned restaurateur Margarita Fores comes
another innovative dining
concept. Grace
Park, which
takes its name
home in Caloocan, brings farm-to-table cooking to its diners, providing a unique gustatory experience amidst breathtaking interiors.
What’s your beef?
Tajimaya is most sought after for its authentic Japanese Wagyu beef, cooked on a smokeless grill, its use of charcoal and its
secret sauce that brings out the flavor of the food, truly giving
every diner’s taste buds a feast. Tajimaya ensures it uses only
authentic Japanese ingredients such as Grade 5 Japanese Wagyu
beef, never compromising the quality of its food.
French twist
True French cuisine is right within
Rockwell Center with
Bizu. Everything from
such as macarons and
truffles, to afternoon
tea and well-loved
lunch and dinner en-
trees, are all favorites at this restaurant. With precision, exceptional taste and quality ingredients, Bizu does it just right.
Japanese fusion
UCC Coffee Café Terrace gives any coffee break, brunch or
after-dinner cup of joe a touch of class. UCC is known for its use
of the siphon method for coffee preparation, making it an ideal
nook for some time alone, a business meeting or a filling meal.
Reinvented staples
If you’re simply having a night in with friends, you’ll need a
bottle of good wine, and Wine Story is sure to provide you with
the best selection. Carrying fine and rare wines, every bottle
from Wine Story guarantees an extraordinary drink to accompany any special moment. This is also a good stop for those who
want to “graduate” to wine or start a wine collection. Wine Story
conjures images of a foyer of a mansion in Europe, but with decidedly more modern fittings such as Enomatic dispensers, wine
chillers and private cellars.
With a wide array of remarkable flavors and unique dining
choices, One Rockwell’s retail row gives you a reason to drop by—for
breakfast, lunch, dinner and every other meal in between! Valet parking is also available every Friday, 5 p.m.-1 a.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m.-1
a.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m.-1 a.m. (Maika Dinglasan-De Sagun)
Lopezlink May 2014
What’s new
By Cherry Pineda
from ABS-CBN Publishing this May
Kathryn’s It’s ‘Barbie’ mag’s 2nd anni18th in
It’s been two years since Barbie made its debut—a take a look
‘Starback at all the past issues! Learn more about Barbie in “55
Things about Barbie.” Have a go at great puzzles and Barbie
‘Working Mom’: Meet DJ’s
Working Mom put together the best Mother’s Day special, starting with an exclusive with Karla Estrada, mom to teen sensation
Daniel Padilla. That’s not all—we have over a hundred ways to
make you feel great, from gifts and treats to getting the chance to
seize your wishes and dreams. Also in this issue: heirloom recipes, melt-in-your-mouth comfort food, home accents and addicting scents!
Rockwell Power Plant Finds
StarStudio treats fans
to an all-out exclusive featuring the 18th
birthday of Kathryn
Bernardo. Kathryn, her
family and friends also
gave interviews on her
growing-up years and
insights on her journey from young girl to
teen superstar. Onscreen
partner Daniel Padilla
reveals some sweet secrets about Kathryn,
while friends share their
special wishes for the
More boys of summer
from ‘Chalk’
Discover the tough side of Chalk cover boy Alden Richards as
he recalls the many roads he had to take to get to the limelight.
And, as promised, we’re giving you the second batch of our “Boys
of Summer”! We also listed more summer destinations you can
choose from, whether it’s “staycationing” in the metro, visiting
nearby spots or splurging on a premier destination.
features and activities. There are also fantastic pullout posters
for your bedroom wall and the final part of “An Egg-cellent
Easter Story”!
Get the
newest issues
of your favorite magazines at leading bookstores
and magazine stands
To download,
users on Android devices
must download the Zinio
app from the
Android Market. The app is
also available
iPad App Store.
PC and Mac
users can access
Zinio at zinio.
By RJ Santillan III
She’s the
THIS May, the spotlight is on the woman of the
house. Make Power Plant Mall a part of your mom’s
special day for a celebration she will always remember.
Mom’s must-haves
Editorial Advisory Board
Executive Editor
Mike Lopez / Boo Chanco
Rosan Cruz
Contributing Editors
Carla Paras-Sison (Lopez Holdings)
Estela de la Paz (First Gen) Kane Choa (ABS-CBN)
Cherry Pineda (ABS-CBN Publishing)
Dimpy Jazmines (Wellness)
Hazel Velasco (FPHC)
Arlene Torres (SkyCable)
Vienn Tionglico (Rockwell)
Dulce Baybay (LGFI)
Fernando Diaz de Rivera (EDC)
Editorial and Layout
Lucy Torres (Tel. 449-2468)
Mousetrap Publishing
LopezLink is published by Lopez Holdings Corp. PR Group
4/F Benpres Bldg., Ortigas, Pasig City
Tel. no. (63-2) 449-2345
For feedback, email [email protected]
Follow us on Twitter: @lopezlinkph
Available online at www.Lopezlink.ph
Start Mom’s day with a fashionable and functional
handbag from Charles & Keith to keep all her things
within reach. Make sure she never runs out of juice to
check up on the house, hubby and the kids with a MiPow 8000M portable charger from Mobile 1. After a
long and tiring day keeping everything in check, give
h e r
some well-deserved TLC with a Body
Shop bath and
body gift set.
& Keith and The Body Shop are
located at
the R2 Level, while Mobile 1
and Vertex
are located at the R3 Level.
A plate for a queen
If you want
bright and cozy,
Franco’s is
the place
to be.
inter iors
and simple,
dishes, it’s easily a
favorite for happy occasions. Do wine, roast pig and a few cocktails
sound like the perfect way to celebrate? Then head down to Rambla and enjoy signature Mediterranean comfort food and a fine
selection of drinks for a night to remember.
Franco’s is located at the Concourse Level and Rambla is located at Joya Lofts and Towers. For more dining options, you
could also check out the One Rockwell restaurants (story on page
Celebrating Mom
Power Plant Mall gives a unique twist to Mother’s Day! Bring
Mom to her own “mom-pering” station at the North Court where
she can get cocktails, classes and other freebies. Witness the making of a special mural dedicated to moms on this special day. Listen
to soothing jazz renditions while having dinner to cap the day.
H​appening @ The Grove
Check out The Country
Fair at The Grove by Rockwell, the newest hub for organic products and novel
dining concepts. Happening on all weekends of May,
The Country Fair features
the Fresh Market every Saturday and Sunday, and the
Food Truck Barnyard Carnival from Friday to Sunday. Do