1 | Page Development Authority of the North Country Dulles State
1 | Page Development Authority of the North Country Dulles State
Development Authority of the North Country Dulles State Office Building 317 Washington St., Suite 414 Watertown, NY 13601 This document represents the Development Authority of the North Country’s Budget and Financial Plan for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2016 pursuant to New York Codes, Rules & Regulations, Part 203, Chapter V, Title 2. § 203.4 (d) and 203.5 Budget and Financial Plan Documents (d) All approved budgets and financial plans shall be made available for public inspection, whenever practicable, not less than 7 days before the commencement of the next fiscal year, and shall be submitted to the State Comptroller within 7 days of approval by the board, in an electronic format prescribed by the State Comptroller. See Appendix I ‐ FYE 2016 Signed Budget Resolutions (these documents are also posted on our website) § 203.4 (e) Budget and Financial Plan Documents (e) For purposes of making budgets and financial plans available for public inspection under subdivisions (c) and (d) of this section, the public authority shall make the budgets and financial plans available for a period of not less than 45 days in not less than five convenient public places throughout the area of jurisdiction of the authority and notify the State Comptroller of such locations. The public authority shall also post the budgets and financial plans on its website, if any. The Development Authority of the North Country has posted this document to its website and has made this document available at the following locations: Solid Waste Management Facility Warneck Pump Station Dulles State Office Building 317 Washington St. 23400 NY 177 23557 Rte 37 Watertown, NY 13601 Rodman, NY 13682 Watertown, NY 13601 Village of Carthage Village of Clayton 120 S. Mechanic St. 425 Mary St. Carthage, NY 13619 Clayton, NY 13624 § 203.5 Budget and Financial Plan Format. This document represents the Budget and Financial Plan for FYE March 31, 2016 per OSC requirements. 1 | P a g e § 203.6 Budget and Financial Plan presentation. Each budget or financial plan shall be accompanied by: § 203.6 (a) an explanation of the public authority’s relationship with the unit or units of government, if any, on whose behalf or for whose benefit the authority was established. The Development Authority of the North Country was established June 26, 1985 under Section 8, Title 29, Public Authority’s Law by the New York State Legislature. It was established to institute a comprehensive, coordinated program of economic development activities in the three county area comprised of the counties of Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence which surround the United States Army Base at Fort Drum in order to provide the region with the capability to effectively plan and develop the infrastructure needs of the region. Today the Development Authority operates a solid waste management facility, water and wastewater facilities, and an open access telecommunications network. The Authority also provides engineering and environmental assistance for internal Authority projects and municipal customers and administers several business and housing loan programs, serving as a regional administrator for New York State programs. § 203.6 (b) a description of the budget process, including the dates of key budget decisions. At least 5 months prior to the close of the current fiscal year, the Authority’s Comptroller creates next fiscal year’s budget calendar. This calendar incorporates management budget milestone dates and pre‐ established Board meeting dates for the initial preliminary budget review, tentative budget review, and final budget review and approval. See Appendix II – FY 2015‐2016 Budget Calendar The budget calendar is distributed at the November Manager’s meeting. In mid‐December, Division Budget Packets are issued to the managers. These packets contain the Budget Objectives and Goals Narrative, Wages & Fringe Budget Assumptions, and Revenue and Expense Data – 5 Year Actual Comparison. Current year to date general ledger transactions for expenses and a Budget Preparation Template are forwarded to managers. Each manager is then responsible for creating their budgets using historical data and reasonable projections. Reasonable projections are based on the interpretation of known facts and variables specific to each manager’s field of expertise. In January, each manager meets with the Executive Budget Committee to discuss their budgets (O&M and Capital), critical issues and priorities. The Executive Budget Committee includes the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director, and the Comptroller. See Appendix III – Budget Memo 2015‐2016 See Appendix IV – FYE 2016 Wage and Budget Assumptions See Appendix V – Critical Issues 2015‐2016 2 | P a g e On January 29, 2015, a Budget Work Session was held with the Board of Directors where staff provided the Board with a high level presentation of the proposed budget and critical issues. On February 26, 2015, the Finance Committee convened to review the Preliminary Operating and Capital Budget of each division of the Authority. This meeting was open to the entire Board. Prior to the March 19, 2015, Board Meeting, the Finance Committee reviewed and approved all modifications made to the Preliminary Budget. At the March 19, 2015 Board Meeting, the Final Budget and all required resolutions were presented, voted upon and approved by the Board. The Executive Director encouraged Board members to ask questions and participate in the process. Both the Executive Director and the Managers were available for discussion. § 203.6 (c) a description of the principal budget assumptions, including sources of revenue, staffing, and future collective bargaining costs, and programmatic goals. Principal budget assumptions – See Appendix IV – FYE 2016 Wage and Budget Assumptions Sources of revenue – Regional Development revenue includes customer billings based on loan and/or administrative services agreements, grant income as specified, loan interest and investment interest income. Solid Waste Management Facility revenue includes customer billings based on tipping fees, grants as specified, landfill gas to energy revenue based on projected energy conversions and marketplace activity, interest income, and investment interest. Telecommunications revenue includes customer billings for connection to the Open Access Telecommunications Network, grants as specified, interest income, and investment income. Water Quality/Engineering revenue includes customer billings based on consumption, usage, and services rendered, interest income, and investment income. Staffing – See Appendix VII – Staffing 2015‐2016 Future collective bargaining costs – not applicable – non‐union workforce Programmatic goals – See Appendix VI – Programmatic Goals § 203.6 (d) a self‐assessment of budgetary risks. Self‐assessment ‐ See Appendix XIII – Self‐Assessment Budgetary Risks 2015‐2016 3 | P a g e § 203.6 (e) a revised forecast of the current year’s budget. See Appendix I – Amended FYE 2015 Budget is included by Division on Appendix A § 203.6 (f) a reconciliation that identifies all changes in estimates from the projections in the previously approved budget or plan. See Appendix VIII – Monthly Budget Revisions FY 2015 § 203.6 (g) a statement of the last completed fiscal year’s actual financial performance in categories consistent with the proposed budget or financial plan. See Appendix IX – Change in Net Position FYE 3/31‐2014 § 203.6 (h) a projection of the number of employees, including sources of funding, the numbers of full‐ time and full‐time equivalents, and functional classifications. Staffing is budgeted for by managers at the division level. The sources of funding to maintain staff is inherent to their revenue budgets and/or operational necessity. Revenue budgets include customer billings, loan interest, etc. Operational necessity would encompass the administration and engineering functions needed to support all operations of the Authority. These functions are allocated out to all revenue‐bearing divisions. See Appendix VII – Staffing 2015‐2016 § 203.6 (i) a statement of each revenue‐enhancement and cost‐reduction initiative that represents a component of any gap‐closing program and the annual impact on revenues, expenses, and staffing. Not Applicable ‐ No gap‐closing programs § 203.6 (j) a statement of the source and amount of any material non‐recurring resource that is planned for use in any given fiscal year. Specific grants NYS Grants Administration $5,000 – Dept. of Labor Training Regional Development $400,000 – Revolving Loan Fund Solid Waste Management Facility $30,000 – Household Hazardous Waste Solid Waste Management Facility $826,975.26 – LFG Gas Telecommunications $1,248,000 – Connect NY Grant, Public Safety 911 Project 4 | P a g e No Federal Grants at this time. See Appendix X – Capital Project Summary for FY2016 § 203.6 (k) a statement of any transactions that shift material resources from one year to another and the amount of any reserves. See Appendix X – Capital Project Summary for FY2016 § 203.6 (l) a statement of borrowed debt projected to be outstanding at the end of each fiscal year covered by the budget or financial plan; the planned use or purpose of debt issuances; scheduled debt service payments for both issued and proposed debt; the principal amount of proposed debt and assumed interest rate(s); debt service for each issuance as a percentage of total pledged revenues, listed by type and category of pledged revenues; cumulative debt service as a percentage of available revenues; and amount of debt that can be issued until legal limits are met. See Appendix XI – Financing Arrangements (FYE Audit) Pledged Revenues – not applicable Debt Service as a %’age of Available Revenues; Principal & Interest $4,135,721/$9,217,152=45% Statutory authorization of the amount of debt that can be issued is unlimited. See Appendix XII – Supplemental Schedule of Revenue, Expenses and Change in Net Position (FYE Audit) § 203.6 (m) a statement of the annual projected capital cost broken down by category and sources of funding, and for each capital project, estimates of the annual commitment, total project cost, expected date of completion and the annual cost for operating those capital projects or capital categories that, when placed into service, are expected to have a material impact on the operating budget. Capital Project Summary – See Appendix X – Capital Project Summary for FY2016 Estimated annual O&M resulting from completed Capital Projects have been included within the Board authorized budgets. See Appendix I – FYE 2016 Signed Budget Resolutions 5 | P a g e APPENDIXI APPENDIXII FY 2015 – 2016 BUDGET CALENDAR DATE Activity 11-05-2014 Budget Calendar Distribution and Review - Managers Meeting 12-11-2014 Board Review of Preliminary Budget & Financial Plan as required by PAAA – Comptroller to prepare 12-12-2014 Division Budget Packets Issued (Standardized Information) 12-17-2014 Critical Issues Identified – Managers (Submit to Executive Director) 12-30-2014 Preliminary Budget & Financial Plan Available as required by PAAA – Comptroller to Post 1-07-2015 Capital Plan Estimates Submitted – 10 year - Managers shall create a Project Initiation Form for all Projects. - Capital Plans and PIFs will be located in the following folder: \\Fileserver\share\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Capital Projects 1-09-2015 1-13-2015 1-14-2015 Initial Budgets Submitted to Executive Director with Priority Listing Initial Budgets Reviewed – Executive Budget Committee - Administration 9:30 - IT 10:30 - Engineering 1:00 - Regional Dev 2:30 Initial Budgets Reviewed – Executive Budget Committee - SWMF 9:00 - Telecom 10:30 - Water Quality 1:00 1-29-2015 Budget Work Session – Authority Board -Division Presentations (High Level Power Point) -Capital Plan Overview -Reserves Narrative -Debt Service Narrative -Critical Issues 2-12-2015 Regional Water Line Board Review ?? Budget Review with US Army 2-26-2015 Budget and Finance Committee Review & Recommendation of Final Budget – Open to Entire Board 3-19-2015 Final Budget Adopted by Board APPENDIXIII Development Authority of the North Country Memorandum TO: Tom Sauter Tim Field Michelle Capone Rich LeClerc Carrie Tuttle Dave Wolf Patti Pastella FROM: James Wright Carl Farone DATE: December 11, 2014 SUBJECT: FYE 2016 Budget Packet Introduction: As we embark upon a new fiscal year it is time to reflect upon our accomplishments and to consider those things that we can improve upon. While Fiscal Year 2016 can be viewed as a new beginning, it is very likely to have challenges for each of us. It is important that we consider these challenges and build our budgets to reflect our internal operating needs but to also consider the ultimate impact on our customers. As we have in the past, each of us is tasked with evaluating the capital requirements of our operations to ensure that we are serving our customers in the best possible manner and at a competitive price. To date, we have been fortunate in that our operations provided sufficient revenue to fund capital and operating reserves. Fiscal Year 2016 is poised to have challenges with reduced waste volumes at our Solid Waste Management Facility and our Telecom Division experiencing the full impact of the renewed (but reduced) contacts with two of its main customers. These challenges can be overcome with proper prioritization and planning. It is the expectation that FY 2016 budgets will be submitted to the Executive Director on January 9th. Objectives: The primary objective of the budget process is to develop a financial plan which will enable the Authority to produce sufficient revenue to cover operating, administrative and capital costs while adequately funding reserves. The ability of the Development Authority to remain self-funding and to provide positive operating results is dependent upon continued responsible and prudent fiscal management. In all budget areas, long term planning is a primary concern. Capital purchases are an integral component of the total budget. Asset additions or replacements of less than $10,000 should be included in individual expense line items. Items over $10,000 should be separately identified in Capital Budgets. Smaller capital purchases, unless otherwise approved, will be purchased through operating revenues. The budget will include a 10 Year capital plan to reflect planned capital expenditures; this is consistent with the State’s New York Works Capital Planning Process. Consequently, specific attention should be applied to major projects which could involve significant State Funding or participation. While estimating capital expenditures for years two through ten is acceptable, current year capital costs should be backed by supporting documentation. For FY 2016, an emphasis will be placed on completing capital projects within the fiscal year. G:\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\BudgetMemo 15-16.doc As always, Division Managers have the responsibility for preparation of total budgets and managing such budgets throughout the year. Finance staff will provide managers with support in creating and managing these budgets. Attached find the following documents which you will need to begin preparing your budgets: 1. Budget Objectives and Goals Narrative 2. Wages & Fringe Budget Assumptions 3. Revenue and Expense Data – 5 Year Actual Comparison A Budget Preparation Template will be provided to each of you as soon as November’s Financials are finalized. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you should have any questions. G:\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\BudgetMemo 15-16.doc BUDGET OBJECTIVES & GOALS NARRATIVE (FYE 2016) ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET The Administrative budget will continue to identify direct facility expenses from those which are general overhead charges. Direct facility expenses will be charged to the appropriate facility whenever possible, and not passed through the general administration budget. Administrative expenses will be charged to the operating facilities as follows: Personnel costs (salary and fringe benefits) will be directly charged to the facility in which time is worked. As such, time allocation budgets will be provided to all administrative staff. General Office Expenses associated with running the Administrative office will be charged to each facility based on a standard hourly overhead rate which is allocated based on actual admin labor hours charged to each facility. The ECMS Committee will update the ECMS Strategic Plan to include ongoing implementation and maintenance. ECMS costs will be included in the Administrative Budget. Minimal growth in total administrative costs is anticipated. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BUDGET The Director of Information Technology will develop a centralized plan for the purchase of computer equipment, software and will develop a 5 year capital plan for the replacement of computer based technology. The Information Technology Department will not have a specific Information Technology Division Budget but will create and manage a centralized budget for all Authority IT purchases (equipment & software) which will be purchased at the Division level. Costs of operating the Information Technology Department will be identified and incorporated into the operating divisions of the Authority. Such costs shall be charged to the Authority Division obtaining the benefit from the purchase. The Director of Information Technology will meet with each Division Manager to ensure that IT Objectives are identified and costs are appropriately budgeted within the operating divisions. ENGINEERING BUDGET The Director of Engineering will develop an Engineering Division Budget which will identify all revenue and expenses of the Engineering Division. Engineering Labor will be directly charged to the facility in which time is worked. The Director of Engineering will meet with each Division Manager to discuss Engineering Staff Time allocation to ensure that each of the Division Managers understands the level of Engineering support afforded within the budget. Upon completion of such meetings, a formalized time allocation will be documented and included in the budget. The general expenses associated with running the Engineering Division, will be charged directly to the Engineering Division. An allocation will distribute these costs to the operating divisions of the Authority based a standard hourly overhead rate which is allocated based on actual engineering labor hours charged to each facility. Authority SCADA and GIS expenses will be charged directly to the Engineering Division. These costs will be allocated to the operating divisions based on utilization of such systems. The Director of Engineering shall quantify the utilization as a percentage of costs attributable to each division. G:\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\BudgetMemo 15-16.doc PROJECT DEVELOPMENT The budget for Project Development includes 5 distinct budgets which are consolidated for Board reporting and budget approval. The 5 budgets are as follows: 1. Community Rental Housing Program (CRHP): The CRHP was created to establish a revolving loan fund to create affordable housing as a result of the expansion of Fort Drum. The CRHP budget should anticipate receipt of grant funds (if applicable), interest income on loans receivable as well as corresponding expenditures. All loans shall be reviewed for collectability on an ongoing basis. 2. Community Development Loan Fund (CDLF): The CDLF will be managed conservatively with requests for funding shared with other organizations (e.g. NCA) when possible. The CDLF budget should include interest income on loans receivable, interest income on deposits as well as corresponding expenditures. All loans shall be reviewed for collectability on an ongoing basis. 3. Affordable Housing Program (ARHP): The ARHP will be managed conservatively with requests for funding shared with other organizations when possible. The ARHP budget should include interest income on loans receivable, interest income on deposits as well as corresponding expenditures. All loans shall be reviewed for collectability on an ongoing basis. 4. Administrative Contracts: Project Development Staff manage multiple administrative contracts; many which are on a time and material basis and others that are on a lump sum basis (e.g. NCA). Staff shall continue to monitor each project to ensure profitability or at a minimum, cost reimbursement. The budget for Administrative Contracts will include revenue from contracts as well as associated expenditures. Other sources of further administrative reimbursement will be emphasized to the extent possible to maximize revenue potential. 5. North Country EDF: Project Development staff will create a budget for the North Country EDF with full participation of the New York Power Authority. WATER AND WASTE WATER FACILITIES 1. Army Sewer Line (ASL): Budgets and rates for the ASL should remain relatively stable. Capital projects should be thoroughly reviewed and consideration should be given to necessity and rate impact. Capital Projects identified should be completed within fiscal year budgeted. 2. Army Water Line (AWL): Budgets and rates for the AWL should remain relatively stable. Capital projects should be thoroughly reviewed and consideration should be given to necessity and rate impact. Capital projects identified should be completed within the fiscal year budgeted. 3. Regional Water Line (RWL): Budgets and rates for the RWL should be managed to ensure that the rate impact remain relatively stable. The full impact of the 4th filter project will be included in the RWL Budget. Capital projects should be thoroughly reviewed and consideration should be given to necessity and rate impact. Capital projects identified should be completed within the fiscal year budgeted. 4. Water/ Wastewater Contracts (W/WWC): Water/Waste Water staff manages numerous contracts; many which are on a time and material basis and others that are on a lump sum basis. Staff shall monitor each project to ensure profitability and will utilize current project data when renegotiating contracts to ensure proper margins are met. The budget for Water/Waste Water Contracts will include revenue from contracts as well as associated expenditures. Specific allocation of general operating costs of the Water and Waste Water Facilities is both time-consuming and costly. Therefore, a standard allocation rate for these costs will be determined and applied to projects on a consistent and rational basis. The General Manager will be responsible for establishment of these rates. G:\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\BudgetMemo 15-16.doc SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY Management shall review historical data in projecting waste volumes and associated expenses. A strong emphasis shall be placed on environmental compliance and sound fiscal policy. Reserve assumptions shall be prepared and reviewed with the Budget Team to ensure third party compliance and facility long term viability. Efforts should be made to reflect the incorporation of 3R’s into the SWMF Budget. TELECOMMUNICATIONS The Telecommunications’ budget will reflect the added operation and maintenance costs associated with the ongoing network expansion efforts. Staff shall thoroughly review revenue projections as part of the budget process. It is the expectation that additional revenue will be realized due to the completion of the Stimulus Project. A thorough analysis of reserve requirements which will include all capital projects should be included with the budget plan. G:\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\BudgetMemo 15-16.doc Summary of All Units Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct 4001 4004 4005 4006 4008 4010 4011 3/31/2011 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings $16,896,250.59 Dark Fiber Billings 64,410.00 Capital Billings 264,624.00 Replacement Reserve Tip I… 593,882.62 Closure Reserve Tip Income 296,941.31 Tip Fee Stabilization Tip In… 237,553.04 Recycling Rebate Tip Income 356,329.58 Total Customer Billings 18,709,991.14 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $18,057,144.75 64,410.00 293,641.92 487,518.72 365,639.07 243,759.36 243,759.36 19,755,873.18 $18,489,658.32 64,410.00 326,925.36 222,388.74 444,777.48 0.00 0.00 19,548,159.90 $19,830,045.03 64,410.00 328,602.32 201,997.16 454,493.63 403,994.32 0.00 21,283,542.46 $19,310,961.00 59,980.00 308,398.00 398,400.00 448,200.00 199,200.00 0.00 20,725,139.00 4181 4183 4184 Grant Revenue Federal Grant Income NY State Grants Other Grants Total Grant Revenue 627,534.54 254,959.00 0.00 882,493.54 3,203,272.66 37,248.00 1,000,000.00 4,240,520.66 7,584,492.11 3,078,573.35 0.00 10,663,065.46 2,341,578.81 5,749,734.43 0.00 8,091,313.24 0.00 2,951,000.00 0.00 2,951,000.00 4104 Loan Interest Income 586,036.82 572,031.62 568,405.95 504,468.15 499,855.00 4164 4166 4167 4190 4201 Other Income Miscellaneous LFGTE Revenue Carbon Credit Revenue Recovery of Bad Debts Gain on Sale of Assets Total Other Income 83,786.93 683,805.27 715,855.00 0.00 7,539.00 1,490,986.20 129,140.85 563,964.16 434,670.00 5,875.00 0.00 1,133,650.01 174,278.92 1,009,648.95 0.00 21.90 0.00 1,183,949.77 160,999.86 1,382,463.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,543,463.08 113,965.00 1,150,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,263,965.00 271,359.65 414,819.49 171,118.57 104,711.38 256,227.79 138,400.84 164,340.34 1,520,978.06 23,190,485.76 223,007.21 422,308.13 195,950.33 46,589.64 198,618.99 188,018.58 136,151.39 1,410,644.27 27,112,719.74 153,598.61 245,724.55 131,123.15 53,848.43 67,347.42 109,365.04 79,195.37 840,202.57 32,803,783.65 46,988.59 (107,135.66) 11,476.98 3,467.31 (44,240.79) (102,791.81) (73,007.09) (265,242.47) 31,157,544.46 97,112.00 190,245.00 72,580.00 27,572.00 0.00 93,362.00 70,431.00 551,302.00 25,991,261.00 2,198,882.72 305,394.60 97,138.91 23,850.00 799,708.74 3,424,974.97 2,281,359.61 418,545.61 123,185.59 26,400.00 844,838.58 3,694,329.39 2,296,679.59 496,993.08 129,841.41 25,800.00 932,458.21 3,881,772.29 2,379,076.25 673,621.51 124,370.95 25,350.00 992,388.90 4,194,807.61 2,582,071.00 687,933.00 98,964.00 25,800.00 1,055,538.00 4,450,306.00 247,397.75 366,979.91 511,671.04 0.00 48,482.89 1,479.04 18,204.85 266,147.59 524,111.16 527,198.09 0.00 73,793.91 1,850.94 7,391.25 283,895.32 684,204.29 361,736.26 25,299.08 92,631.11 1,912.68 17,624.50 302,299.96 818,884.95 451,974.68 29,447.50 100,143.53 2,084.73 5,794.35 340,292.00 853,699.00 551,727.00 35,639.00 148,479.00 2,184.00 15,000.00 4102 4106… 4108 4116 4117 4118 4119 5001… 5001-… 5002 5005 5039… 5031 5032 5033… 5041… 5034… 5035 5036 Interest Income Investment Interest Income Trustee Interest Reserve Interest Replace Reserve Interest I… Liner Reserve Interest Inco… Closure Reserve Interest In… Post Close Interest Income Total Interest Income Total Income Salaries Regular Wages & Salaries Engineering Wages Overtime Wages On-Call Stipend Admin Wages Total Salaries Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Retiree Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Unemployment 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Summary of All Units Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct 5042 5051 5054 5062 5124 5126 5128 5129 6108 5133 5134 5135 5403 5601 5602 5603 5605 5702 5704 5706 5708 5710 5712 5716 5718 5720 5770 5815 5818 5819 5820 5830 5832 5834 5836 5838 5902 5904 5906 5930 5932 6008 6009 6010 6011 6106 6110 8090 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… Account Description Post Retire Overhead Benefit Admin. Fees Employee Physicals & Scr… Total Fringe Benefits 3/31/2011 362,498.03 4,469.00 6,889.75 1,568,072.26 3/31/2012 354,002.48 5,442.25 9,489.25 1,769,426.92 3/31/2013 418,783.00 6,742.87 12,258.00 1,905,087.11 3/31/2014 447,701.82 7,691.47 9,269.50 2,175,292.49 3/31/2015 386,375.00 8,200.00 10,845.00 2,352,440.00 Operations & Maintenance Third Party Temporary - O&M Computer Equipment Computer Maintenance Programming & Software ECMS Expense Web Page Design & Maint… Equipment Maintenance C… Maintenance Contracts Underground Locating Safety Equipment & Supplies Auto/Light Truck Rep. & M… Auto/Light Truck Fuel Auto/Light Truck Rental/Le… Vehicle Ins Large Parts O&M Supplies Shop Tools Fuels Lubricants Purchased Maintenance &… Equipment Rental Tires Offnet Circuit Lease Other Tool, Equip & O&M Chemicals Leachate System Expense SCADA Expense - Non Co… LFG/LCRS Supplies Collo Expense Emergency Restoration Permitting Pole Attachment Fees Conduit Lease Lab Fees SCADA GIS Environmental Monitoring & Testing Contract Hauling Household Hazardous Waste Cape Vincent Reserve Recycling Rebate Annual Report Marketing Purchases for Resale Total O & M 28,631.61 48,656.26 351.65 76,233.39 0.00 519.40 121,457.17 49,527.44 25,797.78 16,962.90 14,129.86 52,987.38 59,538.85 22,023.20 54,516.11 21,580.68 12,840.84 227,368.99 12,633.17 42,970.46 87.75 14,395.79 145,132.73 4,437.85 22,914.74 12,211.05 2,045.66 32,604.83 62,587.00 0.00 125.00 103,062.30 4,706.88 4,893.00 28,890.41 45,203.51 0.00 85,474.01 0.00 58,220.69 700.00 175,000.00 24,897.75 0.00 28,328.29 1,744,646.38 38,439.83 27,304.17 0.00 38,413.41 0.00 1,151.40 100,255.51 51,603.86 21,765.61 23,049.39 22,880.52 74,834.26 66,621.45 12,464.22 90,409.16 13,815.58 13,345.46 332,839.51 13,949.90 46,594.64 1,000.55 13,610.05 153,695.00 6,618.70 25,803.35 7,537.98 0.00 34,099.74 76,541.04 0.00 125.00 103,541.87 8,530.04 3,792.00 42,321.38 30,687.16 0.00 79,467.17 36,390.34 46,974.02 700.00 175,000.00 1,200.00 20,000.00 145,886.85 2,003,260.12 74,844.90 39,526.04 822.04 73,170.92 0.00 1,310.40 87,134.39 106,864.13 28,552.04 17,318.02 15,455.81 94,538.96 75,089.02 15,088.61 83,475.21 18,322.39 12,144.77 333,994.80 18,402.39 45,962.80 6,781.25 16,550.82 176,420.43 11,512.21 36,058.25 11,513.29 0.00 27,521.57 77,365.38 25,306.44 125.00 142,594.14 18,353.29 6,510.00 24,412.08 30,377.99 10,000.00 78,199.65 0.00 63,179.81 700.00 175,000.00 3,075.00 5,000.00 75,136.90 2,163,711.14 137,671.66 35,512.12 0.00 66,379.63 19,683.98 1,356.38 146,566.49 135,723.83 27,174.98 18,670.48 19,208.02 91,720.46 82,289.37 14,366.36 88,560.69 17,439.83 12,137.43 271,176.07 14,310.33 79,256.60 4,016.83 14,920.27 195,014.40 4,690.26 44,842.09 0.00 0.00 45,300.74 83,943.49 0.00 125.00 179,938.74 16,283.58 4,164.00 15,829.54 89,371.22 0.00 67,274.93 20,676.25 58,501.32 700.00 175,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 47,365.56 2,352,162.93 122,150.00 33,050.00 16,500.00 79,841.00 20,000.00 2,900.00 326,471.00 181,421.00 38,000.00 33,850.00 27,600.00 108,700.00 98,400.00 23,000.00 105,000.00 27,000.00 14,400.00 360,090.00 20,000.00 96,300.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 317,435.00 14,000.00 52,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 173,137.00 0.00 1,000.00 216,812.00 24,696.00 6,100.00 22,690.00 26,450.00 0.00 107,000.00 40,000.00 75,000.00 700.00 0.00 6,987.00 5,000.00 106,600.00 3,008,280.00 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Summary of All Units Change In Net Assets ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… GL Acct 6002 6004 6016… 6006 6007 Account Description Sewage & Leachate Treat… Water Purchases Closure & Post Closure C… Host Community Benefits LFGTE Revenue Sharing 3/31/2011 822,575.90 707,608.21 599,682.49 707,381.98 108,546.03 3/31/2012 759,796.97 706,986.22 689,809.04 738,590.86 11,737.99 3/31/2013 955,748.35 909,477.48 633,337.89 702,302.88 8,789.65 3/31/2014 1,011,592.09 902,468.06 605,991.00 642,350.97 83,636.32 3/31/2015 1,384,664.00 893,616.00 611,993.00 647,183.00 20,000.00 5053 5102 5104 5110 5112 5114 5118 5120 5122 5123 5125 5130 5132 5136 5170 5172 5202 5204 5206 5270 5312 5370 5402 5508 5570 6102 6104 6210 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Office Rent Office Supplies Postage & Shipping Telephone Cell Phone Other Communications Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Promotional Materials Promotional Materials - RRR Office Equipment Office Equip Maintenance Break Room Supplies Other Office Expenses Filing Fees Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Continuing Education Training & Development Employee Uniforms Cleaning Services Other General Expense Board Member Travel & Ex… Sponsorships Trustee Fees Total Office & Admin 4,673.89 76,357.09 21,707.22 6,638.42 25,705.91 29,194.20 20,408.90 8,198.98 12,255.65 33,780.74 48,518.84 5,704.14 525.00 1,413.90 1,071.96 5,577.58 22,554.66 7,341.04 10,279.51 2,703.42 43,295.85 32,283.99 17,769.28 8,851.25 300.00 1,410.20 8,739.12 17,227.50 474,488.24 5,074.87 81,300.20 22,316.25 5,332.05 27,236.81 26,187.88 16,560.92 8,798.08 5,394.09 5,417.19 61,347.20 7,201.18 620.00 1,561.80 3,924.28 9,772.59 17,588.54 12,959.46 19,952.49 4,073.21 26,664.80 27,842.11 18,217.45 10,942.50 1,646.64 1,042.00 12,035.96 26,310.00 467,320.55 7,374.55 92,322.00 21,164.93 7,282.19 22,491.00 29,260.22 13,658.31 8,001.49 8,051.80 6,045.01 82,258.39 4,230.74 639.78 1,710.81 1,732.06 12,767.07 24,128.74 31,346.77 42,577.83 2,285.23 22,692.60 21,610.09 21,768.40 21,268.65 858.76 935.82 8,460.03 14,359.00 531,282.27 5,893.88 92,322.01 18,767.81 6,619.72 22,700.96 30,444.25 11,590.82 6,938.93 5,818.49 16,084.10 70,734.66 17,919.60 971.25 0.00 2,153.22 10,056.53 26,077.20 26,169.54 29,649.40 2,114.70 4,451.00 27,081.95 19,027.79 21,114.25 1,269.58 351.36 4,420.00 11,942.00 492,685.00 6,400.00 95,113.00 24,900.00 8,700.00 27,770.00 36,800.00 17,900.00 12,500.00 10,870.00 17,535.00 105,000.00 13,500.00 1,200.00 0.00 6,500.00 11,600.00 38,700.00 31,903.00 37,340.00 8,725.00 7,000.00 47,500.00 23,550.00 23,450.00 1,900.00 1,600.00 6,850.00 15,000.00 639,806.00 5801 5802 5803 Utilities Waste Oil Gas & Electric Propane Total Utilities 3,680.30 192,456.62 16,741.74 212,878.66 619.06 173,362.44 13,356.32 187,337.82 631.80 166,354.87 13,462.00 180,448.67 399.40 211,704.04 26,700.00 238,803.44 0.00 195,000.00 22,500.00 217,500.00 5806 5810 5824 5826 Materials & Supplies Building Supplies Site Supplies Sand, Gravel & Stone Seed & Mulch Total Materials & Supplies 6,022.09 26,172.18 119,465.86 9,394.80 161,054.93 2,266.35 19,906.24 120,000.00 5,021.25 147,193.84 1,458.74 20,872.90 118,660.43 7,208.00 148,200.07 2,452.34 32,767.65 126,291.86 6,734.00 168,245.85 5,000.00 39,000.00 135,000.00 20,000.00 199,000.00 31,506.50 36,192.83 43,243.20 27,134.79 18,765.85 30,788.29 33,624.06 24,297.24 62,200.00 28,810.00 5924 5926 Professional Fees Legal Investment Banking Fees 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Summary of All Units Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct 5928… 5934 5970 5971 5804 5808 5812 6122 6114 6120 6208 7032 7002 7102 4165 6202 6901 Account Description Accounting Fees Engineering Consulting Carbon Credit Expense Total Professional Fees Repairs & Maintenance Building Maintenance & Re… Site Maint & Repair Pipeline Maintenance Total Repairs & Maintena… Bad Debt Expense Insurance Grants NYS Administrative Asse… Depreciation Amortization Refunding Loss Amortiza… SWAP Gain/Loss Interest Expense Contingency Total Expenses Change in Net Position 3/31/2011 42,500.00 (87.00) 43,330.23 42,951.30 196,393.86 41,005.60 13,942.45 29,607.00 84,555.05 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2012 43,500.00 0.00 39,989.98 26,080.20 179,948.17 3/31/2013 48,389.08 0.00 40,937.55 0.00 138,880.77 3/31/2014 40,100.00 0.00 75,176.20 0.00 173,197.50 3/31/2015 42,000.00 0.00 111,630.00 0.00 244,640.00 41,703.90 20,655.13 47,938.79 110,297.82 42,910.75 20,491.76 31,919.18 95,321.69 19,888.55 30,036.90 42,818.52 92,743.97 40,000.00 33,700.00 57,500.00 131,200.00 0.00 190,566.78 270,000.00 236,421.00 5,293,288.88 29,564.52 154,551.33 (22,738.54) 803,851.19 0.00 17,768,364.12 0.00 200,537.93 0.00 112,440.00 5,254,270.20 29,564.34 165,249.40 (12,781.59) 758,165.88 0.00 17,973,481.87 4,858.01 223,953.41 700.00 121,810.00 5,575,156.56 201,859.14 176,294.38 (129,378.37) 564,027.92 0.00 18,993,641.31 0.00 245,065.89 0.00 122,000.00 8,234,158.57 (21,732.84) 0.00 0.00 410,899.38 0.00 22,124,368.23 5,422,121.64 9,139,237.87 13,810,142.34 9,033,176.23 0.00 273,000.00 0.00 128,100.00 11,020,344.00 29,565.00 0.00 0.00 347,241.00 82,436.00 26,681,314.00 (690,053.00) 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Administration Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4183 4164 4102 Account Description Grant Revenue NY State Grants Total Grant Revenue Other Income Miscellaneous Total Other Income Interest Income Investment Interest Income Total Interest Income Total Income ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $0.00 0.00 $37,248.00 37,248.00 $49,499.00 49,499.00 $64,834.40 64,834.40 $80,000.00 80,000.00 38,584.35 38,584.35 57,753.40 57,753.40 75,089.02 75,089.02 82,312.04 82,312.04 98,400.00 98,400.00 166,194.29 166,194.29 204,778.64 166,634.96 166,634.96 261,636.36 119,387.12 119,387.12 243,975.14 17,324.17 17,324.17 164,470.61 72,400.00 72,400.00 250,800.00 5001-… 5002 5039… Salaries Engineering Wages Overtime Wages Admin Wages Total Salaries 1,662.56 0.00 32,823.76 34,486.32 0.00 0.00 55,036.85 55,036.85 0.00 0.00 72,004.71 72,004.71 0.00 190.50 50,684.00 50,874.50 0.00 0.00 19,548.00 19,548.00 5031 5032 5033… 5041… 5034… 5035 5036 5042 5051 5054 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Retiree Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Unemployment Post Retire Overhead Benefit Admin. Fees Employee Physicals & Scr… Total Fringe Benefits 2,909.21 4,129.86 36,272.12 0.00 44.30 26.03 18,204.85 3,288.01 4,469.00 110.00 69,453.38 3,948.30 8,148.06 37,128.22 0.00 85.30 13.22 7,391.25 3,887.96 5,442.25 947.75 66,992.31 5,094.04 13,570.24 1,374.22 25,299.08 20.99 15.24 17,624.50 3,542.52 6,742.87 338.00 73,621.70 3,562.37 10,807.24 2,302.99 29,447.50 289.11 11.28 5,794.35 2,410.63 7,691.47 330.00 62,646.94 1,496.00 5,151.00 691.00 35,639.00 51.00 5.00 15,000.00 828.00 8,200.00 495.00 67,556.00 5124 5126 5128 5129 6108 5134 5403 5601 5602 5603 5906 6106 Operations & Maintenance Computer Equipment Computer Maintenance Programming & Software ECMS Expense Web Page Design & Maint… Maintenance Contracts Safety Equipment & Supplies Auto/Light Truck Rep. & M… Auto/Light Truck Fuel Auto/Light Truck Rental/Le… GIS Annual Report Total O & M 20,247.01 0.00 35,657.64 0.00 519.40 2,177.36 0.00 109.76 885.35 163.94 0.00 24,897.75 84,658.21 7,028.81 0.00 27,279.83 0.00 1,151.40 2,351.55 0.00 30.51 1,220.31 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 40,262.41 8,348.95 0.00 55,583.59 0.00 1,310.40 7,218.30 0.00 85.89 1,206.38 0.00 0.00 3,075.00 76,828.51 13,657.80 0.00 43,896.28 19,683.98 1,108.13 4,509.09 0.00 736.10 857.03 0.00 66,068.00 0.00 150,516.41 16,600.00 15,000.00 64,381.00 20,000.00 1,700.00 5,400.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 6,987.00 144,568.00 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Office Rent Office Supplies Postage & Shipping 2,265.51 56,697.16 10,083.25 5,339.02 2,858.41 57,509.32 8,149.25 3,814.71 5,021.86 58,372.99 8,099.76 5,351.89 3,924.76 58,372.97 7,683.44 5,160.22 3,000.00 58,373.00 9,500.00 6,000.00 5053 5102 5104 5110 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Administration Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct 5112 5114 5118 5120 5122 5123 5130 5136 5170 5202 5204 5206 5270 5312 5370 5508 6102 6104 5924 5926 5928… 5970 6114 6190… 7032 6901 Account Description Telephone Cell Phone Other Communications Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Promotional Materials Office Equipment Break Room Supplies Other Office Expenses Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Continuing Education Training & Development Cleaning Services Board Member Travel & Ex… Sponsorships Total Office & Admin Professional Fees Legal Investment Banking Fees Accounting Fees Consulting Total Professional Fees Insurance Admin Allocation Depreciation Contingency Total Expenses Change in Net Position ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 7,751.17 1,154.09 16,207.34 4,596.43 1,585.30 26,082.51 923.00 531.18 1,071.96 2,370.00 803.44 684.00 772.92 2,860.22 4,635.70 2,875.00 1,410.20 8,739.12 159,438.52 3/31/2012 6,551.68 1,440.00 12,270.80 3,728.03 847.46 1,447.62 777.90 548.27 1,234.99 3,681.93 1,281.59 918.15 1,970.34 1,632.80 3,332.95 4,022.50 1,042.00 12,035.96 131,096.66 3/31/2013 2,905.72 1,440.00 10,676.30 4,504.50 1,371.12 2,900.81 1,321.80 460.32 1,260.57 4,087.80 969.80 801.00 1,560.18 1,462.50 5,803.95 3,055.00 935.82 8,460.03 130,823.72 3/31/2014 2,447.74 2,520.00 10,414.42 3,993.80 1,312.47 5,818.62 0.00 0.00 701.28 4,850.30 2,065.00 990.05 392.05 1,127.00 12,237.35 3,437.50 351.36 4,420.00 132,220.33 3/31/2015 3,090.00 2,600.00 15,900.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 5,300.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 0.00 13,200.00 4,450.00 1,600.00 6,850.00 151,363.00 3,962.25 5,730.59 42,500.00 1,400.00 53,592.84 6,923.15 4,168.14 43,500.00 1,500.00 56,091.29 9,026.75 5,032.33 48,389.08 0.00 62,448.16 16,687.54 5,498.94 40,100.00 42,518.75 104,805.23 19,500.00 4,300.00 42,000.00 17,500.00 83,300.00 11,678.85 (306,019.04) 48,138.39 0.00 155,427.47 10,574.55 (293,839.58) 68,956.60 0.00 135,171.09 10,739.44 (317,836.55) 90,714.13 0.00 199,343.82 11,977.45 (361,871.52) 126,221.16 0.00 277,390.50 14,000.00 (485,763.00) 137,000.00 19,013.00 150,585.00 49,351.17 126,465.27 44,631.32 (112,919.89) 100,215.00 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Admin Contracts Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4001 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings Total Customer Billings ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $71,730.48 71,730.48 $93,475.46 93,475.46 $87,990.38 87,990.38 $132,397.50 132,397.50 $114,829.00 114,829.00 424.99 424.99 0.00 0.00 80.89 80.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Income 72,155.47 93,475.46 88,071.27 132,397.50 114,829.00 5001-… 5039… Salaries Engineering Wages Admin Wages Total Salaries 0.00 46,032.14 46,032.14 0.00 48,543.48 48,543.48 0.00 43,100.03 43,100.03 6,251.26 53,807.49 60,058.75 6,778.00 43,578.00 50,356.00 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Total Fringe Benefits 3,321.10 4,714.42 7,282.34 50.67 36.00 3,358.99 18,763.52 3,482.47 7,186.65 8,547.45 75.23 46.23 4,345.89 23,683.92 3,049.16 8,122.77 5,555.90 30.27 19.68 4,941.58 21,719.36 4,220.08 12,594.85 7,771.23 90.11 23.64 6,322.91 31,022.82 3,853.00 8,997.00 8,040.00 130.00 26.00 4,968.00 26,014.00 8090 Operations & Maintenance Purchases for Resale Total O & M 0.00 0.00 24.90 24.90 682.87 682.87 645.80 645.80 6,150.00 6,150.00 5104 5110 5120 5122 5172 5202 5204 5206 5270 5570 Office & Administrative Office Supplies Postage & Shipping Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Filing Fees Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Other General Expense Total Office & Admin 22.50 35.00 40.00 194.82 0.00 0.00 8.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.91 190.89 0.00 0.00 107.28 0.00 590.59 609.64 811.00 12.00 354.10 2,675.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 125.04 0.00 15.54 124.00 192.00 4.00 0.00 460.58 114.00 0.00 0.00 247.13 260.00 617.43 88.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,326.56 200.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 600.00 600.00 175.00 0.00 125.00 200.00 2,400.00 5924 5970 Professional Fees Legal Consulting Total Professional Fees 0.00 739.83 739.83 0.00 446.90 446.90 287.00 0.00 287.00 690.00 6,000.00 6,690.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 Admin Allocation Engineering Allocation Total Expenses 18,133.55 0.00 83,969.95 20,769.36 0.00 96,144.06 19,868.68 0.00 86,118.52 25,999.50 0.00 125,743.43 27,598.00 528.00 114,046.00 Change in Net Position (11,814.48) (2,668.60) 1,952.75 6,654.07 783.00 4164 6190… 6191… Other Income Miscellaneous Total Other Income 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Solid Waste Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4001 4006 4008 4010 4011 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings Replacement Reserve Tip I… Closure Reserve Tip Income Tip Fee Stabilization Tip In… Recycling Rebate Tip Income Total Customer Billings 4183 Grant Revenue NY State Grants Total Grant Revenue 4164 4166 4167 Other Income Miscellaneous LFGTE Revenue Carbon Credit Revenue Total Other Income 4102 4106… 4108 4116 4117 4118 4119 Interest Income Investment Interest Income Trustee Interest Reserve Interest Replace Reserve Interest I… Liner Reserve Interest Inco… Closure Reserve Interest In… Post Close Interest Income Total Interest Income Total Income ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $6,974,131.06 593,882.62 296,941.31 237,553.04 356,329.58 8,458,837.61 $7,204,651.50 487,518.72 365,639.07 243,759.36 243,759.36 8,545,328.01 $7,607,462.48 222,388.74 444,777.48 0.00 0.00 8,274,628.70 $7,305,532.59 201,997.16 454,493.63 403,994.32 0.00 8,366,017.70 $7,181,906.00 398,400.00 448,200.00 199,200.00 0.00 8,227,706.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,074.35 29,074.35 1,008,271.03 1,008,271.03 735,000.00 735,000.00 26,886.32 683,805.27 715,855.00 1,426,546.59 19,678.77 563,964.16 434,670.00 1,018,312.93 19,402.66 1,009,648.95 0.00 1,029,051.61 29,457.97 1,382,463.22 0.00 1,411,921.19 12,500.00 1,150,000.00 0.00 1,162,500.00 672.02 414,819.49 21,865.20 104,711.38 256,227.79 138,400.84 164,340.34 1,101,037.06 10,986,421.26 0.00 422,308.13 44,352.59 46,589.64 198,618.99 188,018.58 136,151.39 1,036,039.32 10,599,680.26 0.00 245,724.55 24,084.25 53,848.43 67,347.42 109,365.04 79,195.37 579,565.06 9,912,319.72 0.00 (107,135.66) 1,095.91 3,467.31 (44,240.79) (102,791.81) (73,007.09) (322,612.13) 10,463,597.79 0.00 190,245.00 23,153.00 27,572.00 0.00 93,362.00 70,431.00 404,763.00 10,529,969.00 939,734.09 98,136.50 36,666.42 6,600.00 245,461.10 1,326,598.11 885,059.12 143,008.19 50,378.16 8,100.00 212,201.24 1,298,746.71 932,140.83 133,880.58 41,036.98 7,800.00 256,273.73 1,371,132.12 944,892.48 169,739.26 34,066.56 7,800.00 287,015.78 1,443,514.08 1,013,569.00 159,143.00 31,941.00 7,800.00 322,795.00 1,535,248.00 5001… 5001-… 5002 5005 5039… Salaries Regular Wages & Salaries Engineering Wages Overtime Wages On-Call Stipend Admin Wages Total Salaries 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 5054 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Employee Physicals & Scr… Total Fringe Benefits 95,575.35 144,885.34 245,887.41 33,177.19 587.63 171,651.53 3,376.50 695,140.95 92,622.89 184,500.78 235,394.93 48,584.37 859.04 149,587.38 3,586.00 715,135.39 99,679.74 245,064.77 171,136.04 61,543.47 830.28 172,783.21 7,020.00 758,057.51 103,844.68 288,137.66 192,011.23 57,271.06 953.61 175,341.24 3,726.00 821,285.48 117,392.00 299,338.00 219,178.00 89,195.00 862.00 151,414.00 4,500.00 881,879.00 Operations & Maintenance Third Party Temporary - O&M Computer Equipment Programming & Software Web Page Design & Maint… Safety Equipment & Supplies 27,391.61 11,237.10 20,301.33 0.00 10,138.42 38,439.83 9,595.46 6,507.03 0.00 12,832.81 67,516.90 6,455.23 8,548.32 0.00 8,750.87 92,951.96 4,037.10 7,434.05 248.25 10,977.18 97,150.00 2,000.00 4,200.00 1,200.00 11,150.00 5062 5124 5128 6108 5403 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Solid Waste Change In Net Assets ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… GL Acct 5603 5702 5704 5708 5710 5712 5716 5718 5770 5815 5818 5820 5904 5906 5932 6008 6009 6011 Account Description Auto/Light Truck Rental/Le… Large Parts O&M Supplies Fuels Lubricants Purchased Maintenance &… Equipment Rental Tires Other Tool, Equip & O&M Chemicals Leachate System Expense LFG/LCRS Supplies SCADA GIS Monitoring & Testing Contract Hauling Household Hazardous Waste Recycling Rebate Total O & M 3/31/2011 2,509.24 54,516.11 17,793.47 227,368.99 12,633.17 27,457.85 87.75 14,395.79 0.00 3,074.09 12,211.05 32,604.83 2,497.50 19,442.00 85,474.01 0.00 58,220.69 175,000.00 814,355.00 3/31/2012 2,814.36 90,409.16 11,608.95 332,839.51 13,949.90 27,598.07 1,000.55 13,610.05 1,973.74 12,233.25 7,537.98 34,099.74 11,414.09 7,770.10 79,467.17 36,390.34 46,974.02 175,000.00 974,066.11 3/31/2013 2,814.36 83,475.21 15,432.35 333,994.80 18,402.39 31,364.41 6,781.25 16,550.82 1,999.98 18,637.65 11,513.29 27,521.57 7,015.30 9,704.43 78,199.65 0.00 63,179.81 175,000.00 992,858.59 3/31/2014 2,814.36 88,560.69 14,123.51 271,176.07 14,310.33 45,929.32 4,016.83 14,920.27 1,759.81 20,256.50 0.00 45,300.74 5,687.56 7,921.98 67,274.93 20,676.25 58,501.32 175,000.00 973,879.01 3/31/2015 17,100.00 105,000.00 20,000.00 360,090.00 20,000.00 52,300.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 2,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 107,000.00 40,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 1,017,190.00 6002 6016… 6006 6007 Sewage & Leachate Treat… Closure & Post Closure C… Host Community Benefits LFGTE Revenue Sharing 87,798.63 599,682.49 707,381.98 108,546.03 162,347.17 689,809.04 738,590.86 11,737.99 217,660.60 633,337.89 702,302.88 8,789.65 237,847.41 605,991.00 642,350.97 83,636.32 315,000.00 611,993.00 647,183.00 20,000.00 5053 5104 5112 5114 5120 5122 5123 5125 5130 5132 5202 5204 5206 5270 5312 5370 5402 5508 6210 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Office Supplies Telephone Cell Phone Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Promotional Materials Promotional Materials - RRR Office Equipment Office Equip Maintenance Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Continuing Education Training & Development Employee Uniforms Cleaning Services Trustee Fees Total Office & Admin 822.55 5,380.51 8,774.39 8,330.16 1,768.95 3,606.77 5,879.61 48,518.84 1,625.59 525.00 3,009.22 1,371.27 2,704.85 218.45 0.00 4,890.34 13,479.58 5,976.25 17,227.50 134,109.83 493.50 6,832.15 9,072.28 6,650.04 2,658.95 365.87 3,472.57 61,347.20 172.95 620.00 2,923.30 779.60 1,675.00 163.88 0.00 5,405.45 14,000.00 6,920.00 26,310.00 149,862.74 765.03 3,604.20 5,945.98 6,703.91 1,716.45 897.35 3,144.20 82,258.39 0.00 639.78 2,638.31 554.08 2,353.00 0.00 2,763.18 4,619.95 15,912.10 7,142.40 14,359.00 156,017.31 526.00 4,288.15 5,979.98 6,031.44 1,744.95 589.95 5,280.34 70,734.66 668.94 971.25 2,014.08 506.10 2,240.00 223.74 0.00 2,830.90 16,307.47 7,200.00 11,942.00 140,079.95 800.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 7,535.00 105,000.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 7,000.00 1,800.00 2,800.00 750.00 0.00 6,000.00 16,500.00 8,000.00 15,000.00 197,885.00 5801 5802 5803 Utilities Waste Oil Gas & Electric Propane Total Utilities 3,680.30 56,632.58 16,741.74 77,054.62 619.06 49,951.64 13,356.32 63,927.02 631.80 48,884.73 13,462.00 62,978.53 399.40 78,766.19 26,700.00 105,865.59 0.00 64,000.00 22,500.00 86,500.00 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Solid Waste Change In Net Assets GL Acct 5806 5810 5824 5826 Account Description Materials & Supplies Building Supplies Site Supplies Sand, Gravel & Stone Seed & Mulch Total Materials & Supplies ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 6,022.09 26,172.18 119,465.86 9,394.80 161,054.93 2,266.35 19,906.24 120,000.00 5,021.25 147,193.84 1,458.74 20,872.90 118,660.43 7,208.00 148,200.07 2,452.34 32,767.65 126,291.86 6,734.00 168,245.85 5,000.00 39,000.00 135,000.00 20,000.00 199,000.00 5924 5926 5970 5971 Professional Fees Legal Investment Banking Fees Consulting Carbon Credit Expense Total Professional Fees 8,899.00 18,219.32 23,556.05 42,951.30 93,625.67 5,438.55 13,263.82 31,530.68 26,080.20 76,313.25 4,864.20 15,152.71 17,062.55 0.00 37,079.46 2,333.47 12,883.92 13,817.27 0.00 29,034.66 7,500.00 14,685.00 21,500.00 0.00 43,685.00 5804 Repairs & Maintenance Building Maintenance & Re… Total Repairs & Maintena… 20,017.51 20,017.51 18,516.74 18,516.74 24,596.24 24,596.24 7,429.10 7,429.10 20,000.00 20,000.00 Insurance Admin Allocation Engineering Allocation NYS Administrative Asse… General Expense Allocati… Depreciation Amortization Refunding Loss Amortiza… Interest Expense Contingency Total Expenses 104,745.71 92,262.30 0.00 108,908.00 0.00 2,874,116.16 29,564.52 154,551.33 567,173.96 0.00 8,756,687.73 105,081.08 75,025.27 0.00 46,921.00 0.00 3,069,023.98 29,564.34 165,249.40 507,482.82 0.00 9,044,594.75 104,804.64 88,730.08 0.00 51,330.00 25,836.56 3,321,482.13 201,859.14 176,294.38 356,571.00 0.00 9,439,918.78 Change in Net Position 2,229,733.53 1,555,085.51 472,400.94 6114 6190… 6191… 6208 8901… 7032 7002 7102 6202 6901 114,329.19 102,127.01 0.00 49,040.00 24,318.75 4,622,334.11 (21,732.84) 0.00 250,032.66 0.00 10,399,608.30 63,989.49 124,000.00 142,143.00 28,521.00 51,474.00 0.00 6,195,712.00 29,565.00 0.00 221,212.00 35,000.00 12,403,190.00 (1,873,221.00) 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Telecommunications Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4001 4004 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings Dark Fiber Billings Total Customer Billings ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $5,640,911.26 64,410.00 5,705,321.26 $5,767,947.63 64,410.00 5,832,357.63 $5,588,485.91 64,410.00 5,652,895.91 $6,291,902.34 64,410.00 6,356,312.34 $5,624,572.00 59,980.00 5,684,552.00 4181 4183 Grant Revenue Federal Grant Income NY State Grants Total Grant Revenue 534,504.54 4,959.00 539,463.54 3,162,807.66 0.00 3,162,807.66 7,537,207.11 0.00 7,537,207.11 2,341,578.81 676,629.00 3,018,207.81 0.00 1,336,000.00 1,336,000.00 4164 4201 Other Income Miscellaneous Gain on Sale of Assets Total Other Income 15,331.49 7,539.00 22,870.49 16,239.59 0.00 16,239.59 17,298.02 0.00 17,298.02 44,607.44 0.00 44,607.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,184.41 97,599.72 100,784.13 6,368,439.42 6,202.48 81,535.41 87,737.89 9,099,142.77 7,709.16 62,232.40 69,941.56 13,277,342.60 7,183.28 26,148.80 33,332.08 9,452,459.67 6,342.00 28,849.00 35,191.00 7,055,743.00 4102 4108 Interest Income Investment Interest Income Reserve Interest Total Interest Income Total Income 5001… 5001-… 5002 5039… Salaries Regular Wages & Salaries Engineering Wages Overtime Wages Admin Wages Total Salaries 672,797.53 17,184.95 564.00 136,356.81 826,903.29 735,861.38 34,278.42 1,728.00 190,777.93 962,645.73 729,060.21 74,499.46 635.42 207,451.26 1,011,646.35 766,666.45 71,039.06 1,748.25 245,855.80 1,085,309.56 826,675.00 78,323.00 247.00 252,077.00 1,157,322.00 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 5054 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Employee Physicals & Scr… Total Fringe Benefits 59,999.35 87,018.48 53,940.59 908.48 239.46 56,692.17 427.25 259,225.78 69,985.22 130,801.72 60,452.20 1,491.90 273.00 61,790.38 490.50 325,284.92 74,360.01 169,673.61 45,333.36 949.71 389.28 76,716.82 153.50 367,576.29 78,403.90 205,047.90 55,896.37 1,513.58 392.28 82,981.71 293.50 424,529.24 88,516.00 214,138.00 78,602.00 2,993.00 429.00 70,490.00 600.00 455,768.00 Operations & Maintenance Third Party Temporary - O&M Computer Equipment Computer Maintenance Programming & Software Equipment Maintenance C… Maintenance Contracts Underground Locating Safety Equipment & Supplies Auto/Light Truck Rep. & M… Auto/Light Truck Fuel Auto/Light Truck Rental/Le… Vehicle Ins O&M Supplies Purchased Maintenance &… 1,240.00 9,015.22 351.65 6,820.85 121,457.17 47,350.08 25,797.78 0.00 598.05 12,715.48 15,742.63 5,806.49 3,775.50 15,512.61 0.00 2,183.52 0.00 283.97 100,255.51 49,252.31 21,765.61 1,385.00 2,235.79 22,319.02 17,609.04 2,327.70 2,206.63 18,996.57 7,328.00 8,206.62 822.04 4,650.72 87,134.39 99,645.83 28,552.04 604.45 4,273.34 30,028.66 17,609.04 4,122.98 2,759.12 14,598.39 44,719.70 8,948.65 0.00 7,271.05 146,566.49 131,214.74 27,174.98 425.45 7,205.60 23,979.65 17,609.04 2,577.49 3,316.32 33,327.28 25,000.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 7,725.00 326,471.00 176,021.00 38,000.00 500.00 8,400.00 31,500.00 21,700.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 35,000.00 5062 5124 5126 5128 5133 5134 5135 5403 5601 5602 5603 5605 5704 5712 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Telecommunications Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct 5720 5770 5830 5834 5836 5838 5906 Account Description Offnet Circuit Lease Other Tool, Equip & O&M Collo Expense Permitting Pole Attachment Fees Conduit Lease GIS Total O & M 5053 5102 5104 5110 5112 5114 5118 5120 5122 5123 5130 5170 5172 5202 5204 5206 5270 5312 5370 5402 5570 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Office Rent Office Supplies Postage & Shipping Telephone Cell Phone Other Communications Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Promotional Materials Office Equipment Other Office Expenses Filing Fees Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Continuing Education Training & Development Employee Uniforms Other General Expense Total Office & Admin 5802 Utilities Gas & Electric Total Utilities 5924 5926 5934 5970 Professional Fees Legal Investment Banking Fees Engineering Consulting Total Professional Fees 6122 6114 6190… 6191… 6208 8901… 7032 6202 Bad Debt Expense Insurance Admin Allocation Engineering Allocation NYS Administrative Asse… General Expense Allocati… Depreciation Interest Expense ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 145,132.73 4,437.85 62,587.00 125.00 103,062.30 4,706.88 6,449.58 592,684.85 3/31/2012 153,695.00 4,644.96 76,541.04 125.00 103,541.87 8,530.04 11,199.52 599,098.10 3/31/2013 176,420.43 9,512.23 77,365.38 125.00 142,594.14 18,353.29 10,695.00 745,401.09 3/31/2014 195,014.40 2,930.45 83,943.49 125.00 179,938.74 16,283.58 7,713.24 940,285.34 3/31/2015 317,435.00 12,000.00 173,137.00 1,000.00 216,812.00 24,696.00 0.00 1,432,397.00 787.42 17,904.36 883.73 466.86 4,377.62 6,167.83 4,201.56 11.72 736.61 1,818.62 1,277.28 0.00 5,577.58 9,682.90 2,165.64 2,132.95 1,558.05 19,865.02 14,488.95 661.36 0.00 94,766.06 235.29 23,790.88 1,184.14 609.21 6,663.38 4,768.24 4,290.12 166.22 1,110.47 497.00 2,277.28 2,689.29 9,772.59 4,085.27 8,484.13 10,986.55 1,095.20 3,656.00 9,895.96 0.00 817.66 97,074.88 748.56 33,949.01 1,691.79 342.74 8,854.90 4,730.67 2,982.01 416.66 1,259.01 0.00 0.00 471.49 12,517.07 10,478.60 27,216.22 33,458.08 664.45 4,912.32 2,048.79 0.00 417.47 147,159.84 1,088.12 33,949.04 1,637.24 221.48 9,378.11 4,754.24 1,176.40 13.18 531.43 4,985.14 14,786.24 1,451.94 9,796.53 10,372.12 17,866.53 19,093.00 414.41 1,932.00 3,032.90 354.25 698.78 137,533.08 1,600.00 36,740.00 2,200.00 1,200.00 11,000.00 5,800.00 2,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 11,000.00 11,200.00 21,428.00 19,440.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 10,800.00 900.00 1,000.00 159,308.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 21,884.00 5,427.22 0.00 0.00 27,311.22 1,368.00 6,250.27 0.00 925.00 8,543.27 11,631.00 3,275.50 0.00 137.00 15,043.50 25,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 39,000.00 0.00 45,465.26 71,867.11 0.00 33,855.00 0.00 1,401,155.04 41,854.40 4,858.01 49,830.54 78,702.55 0.00 34,697.00 18,345.71 1,416,838.49 29,974.77 0.00 62,424.57 88,603.75 0.00 34,550.00 14,470.89 2,727,683.30 14,878.46 0.00 68,000.00 116,668.00 18,439.00 35,563.00 0.00 3,882,017.00 0.00 14,853.10 6,354.47 (87.00) 7,421.00 28,541.57 0.00 39,968.29 52,032.74 0.00 66,756.00 0.00 1,218,055.72 53,535.01 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Telecommunications Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct 6901 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL Account Description Contingency Total Expenses 3/31/2011 0.00 3,232,469.31 3/31/2012 0.00 3,605,611.66 3/31/2013 0.00 3,913,573.91 3/31/2014 0.00 5,545,311.69 Change in Net Position 3,135,970.11 5,493,531.11 9,363,768.69 3,907,147.98 AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2015 28,423.00 7,397,905.00 (342,162.00) 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Army Sewer Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4001 4164 4102 4108 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings Total Customer Billings Other Income Miscellaneous Total Other Income Interest Income Investment Interest Income Reserve Interest Total Interest Income Total Income ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $2,043,434.58 2,043,434.58 $2,368,162.34 2,368,162.34 $2,483,704.48 2,483,704.48 $3,147,546.37 3,147,546.37 $3,150,894.00 3,150,894.00 1,454.18 1,454.18 337.20 337.20 1,764.68 1,764.68 1,740.00 1,740.00 1,740.00 1,740.00 828.90 33,187.56 34,016.46 2,078,905.22 4,864.27 44,859.79 49,724.06 2,418,223.60 727.82 28,588.86 29,316.68 2,514,785.84 121.32 (10,058.43) (9,937.11) 3,139,349.26 0.00 13,315.00 13,315.00 3,165,949.00 5001… 5001-… 5002 5005 5039… Salaries Regular Wages & Salaries Engineering Wages Overtime Wages On-Call Stipend Admin Wages Total Salaries 194,843.00 77,038.75 20,443.10 3,975.00 61,467.30 357,767.15 194,933.40 101,981.13 22,971.92 4,125.00 71,124.32 395,135.77 180,743.77 93,559.19 15,853.26 4,950.00 83,905.49 379,011.71 208,679.16 98,421.64 17,122.35 4,050.00 86,423.56 414,696.71 222,769.00 91,147.00 10,148.00 3,840.00 110,443.00 438,347.00 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 5054 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Employee Physicals & Scr… Total Fringe Benefits 25,503.52 37,705.43 40,652.75 5,067.94 176.97 43,173.57 1,252.50 153,532.68 28,554.41 57,274.56 46,225.54 8,024.24 175.70 45,919.84 2,160.00 188,334.29 27,876.65 67,534.05 34,627.55 9,407.57 178.32 52,027.63 2,653.25 194,305.02 29,976.19 80,498.09 52,094.60 12,251.10 201.24 54,491.80 2,439.25 231,952.27 33,517.00 86,048.00 62,782.00 15,961.00 221.00 40,155.00 2,500.00 241,184.00 5124 5128 5403 5601 5602 5603 5605 5704 5706 5815 5832 5902 5904 5906 Operations & Maintenance Computer Equipment Programming & Software Safety Equipment & Supplies Auto/Light Truck Rep. & M… Auto/Light Truck Fuel Auto/Light Truck Rental/Le… Vehicle Ins O&M Supplies Shop Tools Chemicals Emergency Restoration Lab Fees SCADA GIS Total O & M 8,156.93 13,453.57 6,824.48 13,422.05 39,386.55 41,123.04 16,216.71 11.71 8,701.47 17,929.50 0.00 754.00 10,908.70 6,437.06 183,325.77 8,496.38 2,095.64 8,831.58 20,614.22 51,294.93 46,198.05 10,136.52 0.00 8,955.46 12,600.60 0.00 422.00 9,988.22 5,642.46 185,276.06 16,515.24 3,209.46 7,962.70 11,096.58 63,303.92 54,665.62 10,965.63 130.92 8,469.52 15,921.20 25,306.44 0.00 8,348.20 4,494.00 230,389.43 8,868.57 6,103.25 7,267.85 11,266.32 66,883.78 61,865.97 11,788.87 0.00 9,239.54 22,878.24 0.00 0.00 4,376.45 3,384.00 213,922.84 5,425.00 2,475.00 8,700.00 16,000.00 70,000.00 50,800.00 16,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 24,000.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 203,900.00 6002 6004 Sewage & Leachate Treat… Water Purchases 734,777.27 0.00 597,449.80 0.00 738,087.75 15,749.24 773,744.68 25,521.17 1,069,664.00 20,000.00 Office & Administrative 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Army Sewer Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct 5053 5102 5104 5110 5112 5114 5120 5122 5130 5136 5202 5204 5206 5270 5312 5370 5402 5508 Account Description Misc Employee Costs Office Rent Office Supplies Postage & Shipping Telephone Cell Phone Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Office Equipment Break Room Supplies Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Continuing Education Training & Development Employee Uniforms Cleaning Services Total Office & Admin 5802 Utilities Gas & Electric Total Utilities 5924 5926 5970 Professional Fees Legal Investment Banking Fees Consulting Total Professional Fees 5804 5808 5812 Repairs & Maintenance Building Maintenance & Re… Site Maint & Repair Pipeline Maintenance Total Repairs & Maintena… 6114 6190… 6191… 6208 8901… 7032 4165 6202 Insurance Admin Allocation Engineering Allocation NYS Administrative Asse… General Expense Allocati… Depreciation SWAP Gain/Loss Interest Expense Total Expenses Change in Net Position ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 682.86 1,755.57 5,337.23 797.54 4,802.73 13,542.12 1,212.88 2,075.67 1,878.27 882.72 3,276.60 1,819.60 2,325.00 0.00 20,570.61 7,805.00 3,628.34 0.00 72,392.74 3/31/2012 1,311.52 0.00 5,959.82 908.13 4,949.47 13,329.60 1,479.88 1,434.28 3,973.05 1,013.53 2,947.85 775.62 3,011.96 21.60 21,376.00 8,047.75 4,217.45 0.00 74,757.51 3/31/2013 740.38 0.00 7,769.18 1,587.56 4,784.40 16,385.64 1,323.88 4,160.28 2,908.94 1,250.49 1,636.11 908.42 3,244.80 0.00 13,316.60 8,348.40 5,856.30 11,071.25 85,292.63 3/31/2014 355.00 0.00 5,044.98 1,238.02 4,895.13 17,138.57 1,062.00 1,598.35 2,464.42 0.00 863.24 3,273.66 4,364.89 0.00 1,392.00 7,480.80 2,366.07 10,476.75 64,013.88 3/31/2015 1,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 4,640.00 13,400.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 6,150.00 11,000.00 83,190.00 75,875.33 75,875.33 73,150.67 73,150.67 68,401.05 68,401.05 82,039.93 82,039.93 70,000.00 70,000.00 1,511.50 1,287.47 5,000.00 7,798.97 2,257.57 1,004.19 0.00 3,261.76 772.00 1,298.69 0.00 2,070.69 102.50 1,257.70 0.00 1,360.20 3,000.00 1,388.00 0.00 4,388.00 10,101.47 11,173.06 10,983.62 32,258.15 12,694.32 13,539.75 16,274.78 42,508.85 12,501.63 14,088.01 11,375.04 37,964.68 7,549.75 16,986.88 14,988.87 39,525.50 11,000.00 18,700.00 19,500.00 49,200.00 15,690.45 27,283.45 0.00 27,304.00 (144,836.93) 404,541.45 (22,738.54) 97,667.95 2,022,639.89 56,265.33 18,189.46 24,840.18 0.00 14,252.00 (156,031.79) 422,956.14 (12,781.59) 112,472.62 1,983,771.73 25,010.00 28,479.34 0.00 16,773.00 (190,363.61) 486,119.14 (129,378.37) 90,748.21 2,078,659.91 25,081.85 31,604.78 0.00 18,805.00 (184,496.03) 497,014.25 0.00 69,158.87 2,303,945.90 29,000.00 46,723.00 22,041.00 18,616.00 (179,093.00) 540,548.00 0.00 47,430.00 2,705,138.00 434,451.87 436,125.93 835,403.36 460,811.00 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Army Water Line Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4001 4164 4108 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings Total Customer Billings Other Income Miscellaneous Total Other Income Interest Income Reserve Interest Total Interest Income Total Income ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $1,278,913.91 1,278,913.91 $1,519,408.83 1,519,408.83 $1,576,420.89 1,576,420.89 $1,726,584.97 1,726,584.97 $1,823,212.00 1,823,212.00 439.06 439.06 252.20 252.20 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,466.09 18,466.09 1,297,819.06 25,202.54 25,202.54 1,544,863.57 16,217.64 16,217.64 1,592,648.53 122,315.39 62,634.33 3,172.97 3,975.00 60,314.14 252,411.83 136,650.94 67,274.11 2,855.42 4,125.00 69,866.97 280,772.44 96,982.39 73,525.25 16,859.86 4,500.00 80,730.00 272,597.50 145,632.75 66,072.40 9,666.69 4,050.00 81,008.31 306,430.15 179,419.00 62,945.00 9,205.00 3,840.00 110,442.00 365,851.00 (5,709.30) (5,709.30) 1,720,875.67 7,263.00 7,263.00 1,830,475.00 5001… 5001-… 5002 5005 5039… Salaries Regular Wages & Salaries Engineering Wages Overtime Wages On-Call Stipend Admin Wages Total Salaries 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 5054 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Employee Physicals & Scr… Total Fringe Benefits 17,838.37 26,218.20 28,508.07 3,535.91 128.50 20,103.51 1,723.50 98,056.06 20,276.23 40,765.50 30,490.02 5,701.80 146.63 20,160.51 2,305.00 119,845.69 19,944.28 48,656.31 24,839.24 7,535.41 144.24 21,872.38 2,093.25 125,085.11 22,102.60 59,885.92 36,128.71 6,171.75 162.00 24,140.88 2,480.75 151,072.61 27,975.00 72,378.00 51,308.00 13,001.00 186.00 33,490.00 2,500.00 200,838.00 5128 5706 5902 5904 5906 Operations & Maintenance Programming & Software Shop Tools Lab Fees SCADA GIS Total O & M 0.00 3,747.14 1,184.00 14,697.96 10,875.00 30,504.10 1,846.94 3,900.00 746.00 19,804.07 4,846.91 31,143.92 928.32 3,675.25 3,385.00 8,062.58 4,485.00 20,536.15 1,375.00 2,897.89 1,835.00 5,453.24 3,384.00 14,945.13 0.00 3,900.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,900.00 6004 Water Purchases 581,402.07 571,786.70 724,810.63 758,669.32 741,186.00 5053 5122 5202 5204 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Public Info & Advertising Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Total Office & Admin 0.00 919.32 487.89 0.00 1,407.21 0.00 59.95 102.40 0.00 162.35 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 6.78 626.00 632.78 0.00 1,000.00 300.00 0.00 1,300.00 5802 Utilities Gas & Electric Total Utilities 32,177.64 32,177.64 28,330.74 28,330.74 22,866.46 22,866.46 24,220.71 24,220.71 28,000.00 28,000.00 Professional Fees 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Army Water Line Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct 5924 5926 5804 5808 5812 6114 6190… 6191… 6208 8901… 7032 6202 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 277.50 747.73 1,025.23 3/31/2012 273.00 540.72 813.72 3/31/2013 39.00 699.31 738.31 3/31/2014 574.00 677.23 1,251.23 3/31/2015 1,000.00 984.00 1,984.00 Repairs & Maintenance Building Maintenance & Re… Site Maint & Repair Pipeline Maintenance Total Repairs & Maintena… 6,113.74 688.73 7,644.68 14,447.15 6,678.09 4,716.19 24,646.31 36,040.59 1,968.56 4,117.28 8,810.47 14,896.31 2,224.00 11,199.31 15,645.87 29,069.18 4,000.00 11,500.00 25,000.00 40,500.00 Insurance Admin Allocation Engineering Allocation NYS Administrative Asse… General Expense Allocati… Depreciation Interest Expense Total Expenses 11,871.18 26,969.73 0.00 18,170.00 37,062.70 611,109.43 23,398.72 1,740,013.05 13,170.53 23,667.77 0.00 9,031.00 29,567.50 158,251.18 35,586.77 1,338,170.90 24,185.20 27,910.12 0.00 10,038.00 26,039.20 128,118.19 27,329.73 1,425,165.91 19,380.54 30,462.09 0.00 10,377.00 24,843.02 127,406.53 18,851.67 1,517,611.96 22,000.00 46,723.00 20,152.00 11,548.00 50,962.00 132,167.00 10,103.00 1,679,214.00 206,692.67 167,482.62 203,263.71 151,261.00 Account Description Legal Investment Banking Fees Total Professional Fees Change in Net Position (442,193.99) 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Regional Water Line Change In Net Assets ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $150,334.01 264,624.00 414,958.01 $112,208.97 293,641.92 405,850.89 $154,641.68 326,925.36 481,567.04 $94,216.00 328,602.32 422,818.32 $117,792.00 308,398.00 426,190.00 61.62 61.62 22.70 22.70 2.08 2.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interest Income Investment Interest Income Total Interest Income Total Income 1,425.38 1,425.38 416,445.01 774.17 774.17 406,647.76 819.39 819.39 482,388.51 711.02 711.02 423,529.34 741.00 741.00 426,931.00 5001… 5001-… 5002 5005 5039… Salaries Regular Wages & Salaries Engineering Wages Overtime Wages On-Call Stipend Admin Wages Total Salaries 16,347.38 5,641.84 796.92 1,500.00 5,031.25 29,317.39 21,641.55 6,071.76 2,295.82 1,950.00 4,845.56 36,804.69 14,799.48 13,358.19 2,164.11 600.00 6,017.57 36,939.35 19,914.48 19,847.30 864.00 1,500.00 6,344.97 48,470.75 19,478.00 11,599.00 747.00 1,920.00 6,043.00 39,787.00 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Total Fringe Benefits 2,155.14 3,198.14 4,937.06 429.79 7.55 3,442.25 14,169.93 2,666.84 5,351.28 6,295.41 747.41 17.55 3,848.75 18,927.24 2,715.83 6,504.30 4,294.60 1,023.84 17.52 4,244.95 18,801.04 3,509.10 9,291.64 6,226.83 1,943.06 18.72 5,176.91 26,166.26 3,042.00 7,723.00 5,606.00 1,489.00 17.00 3,775.00 21,652.00 5128 5706 5815 5902 5904 5906 6010 Operations & Maintenance Programming & Software Shop Tools Chemicals Lab Fees SCADA GIS Cape Vincent Reserve Total O & M 0.00 392.23 1,911.15 2,955.00 786.25 1,999.87 700.00 8,744.50 400.00 490.00 969.50 2,624.00 1,115.00 1,228.17 700.00 7,526.67 250.51 0.00 1,499.40 3,125.00 986.00 999.56 700.00 7,560.47 300.00 0.00 1,707.35 2,329.00 312.29 900.00 700.00 6,248.64 0.00 500.00 3,000.00 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 700.00 7,800.00 6004 Water Purchases 126,206.14 135,199.52 168,917.61 118,277.57 132,430.00 5122 5202 5204 Office & Administrative Public Info & Advertising Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Total Office & Admin 0.00 50.90 0.00 50.90 0.00 119.21 23.00 142.21 0.00 94.95 23.00 117.95 0.00 172.90 23.00 195.90 250.00 300.00 0.00 550.00 5802 Utilities Gas & Electric Total Utilities 27,771.07 27,771.07 21,929.39 21,929.39 26,202.63 26,202.63 26,677.21 26,677.21 28,000.00 28,000.00 GL Acct 4001 4005 4164 4102 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings Capital Billings Total Customer Billings Other Income Miscellaneous Total Other Income 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Regional Water Line Change In Net Assets GL Acct 5924 5804 5808 5812 6114 6190… 6191… 6208 8901… 7032 6202 Account Description Professional Fees Legal Total Professional Fees ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 198.00 198.00 40.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 164.00 164.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Repairs & Maintenance Building Maintenance & Re… Site Maint & Repair Pipeline Maintenance Total Repairs & Maintena… 4,772.88 2,080.66 10,978.70 17,832.24 3,814.75 2,399.19 7,017.70 13,231.64 3,844.32 2,286.47 11,733.67 17,864.46 2,685.70 1,850.71 12,183.78 16,720.19 5,000.00 3,500.00 13,000.00 21,500.00 Insurance Admin Allocation Engineering Allocation NYS Administrative Asse… General Expense Allocati… Depreciation Interest Expense Total Expenses 2,460.84 2,497.88 0.00 5,886.00 7,254.16 137,327.73 62,075.55 441,792.33 2,343.64 2,055.06 0.00 2,438.00 8,360.97 133,927.26 60,769.27 443,695.56 3,000.00 2,409.42 0.00 2,841.00 6,452.52 131,884.48 59,404.21 482,395.14 4,638.74 2,539.44 0.00 2,723.00 6,774.36 133,499.22 57,977.72 451,073.00 6,000.00 2,760.00 2,941.00 2,936.00 5,566.00 132,900.00 68,496.00 474,318.00 Change in Net Position (25,347.32) (37,047.80) (27,543.66) (47,387.00) (6.63) 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Water Sewer Contracts Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4001 4164 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings Total Customer Billings Other Income Miscellaneous Total Other Income ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $731,850.29 731,850.29 $986,345.02 986,345.02 $986,007.50 986,007.50 $1,126,920.26 1,126,920.26 $705,056.00 705,056.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.08) (0.08) Total Income 731,850.21 986,345.02 986,007.50 1,126,920.26 705,056.00 5001… 5001-… 5002 5005 5039… Salaries Regular Wages & Salaries Engineering Wages Overtime Wages On-Call Stipend Admin Wages Total Salaries 252,845.33 43,095.67 35,495.50 7,800.00 3,717.22 342,953.72 307,213.22 65,932.00 42,956.27 8,100.00 9,112.20 433,313.69 342,952.91 108,170.41 53,291.78 7,950.00 8,697.62 521,062.72 292,909.41 242,250.59 60,712.60 7,950.00 8,577.69 612,400.29 320,161.00 2,529.00 46,587.00 8,400.00 6,496.00 384,173.00 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Total Fringe Benefits 25,067.09 37,776.37 60,271.10 5,039.34 173.23 44,999.81 173,326.94 31,459.27 62,941.40 71,421.23 8,799.54 191.42 49,525.66 224,338.52 38,846.15 92,233.30 55,680.04 11,968.35 199.92 66,245.03 265,172.79 44,562.28 115,871.85 79,317.65 20,354.45 210.60 79,860.57 340,177.40 29,343.00 74,925.00 73,024.00 24,483.00 176.00 40,793.00 242,744.00 5819 5930 8090 Operations & Maintenance SCADA Expense - Non Co… Environmental Purchases for Resale Total O & M 2,045.66 0.00 28,328.29 30,373.95 0.00 0.00 145,861.95 145,861.95 0.00 10,000.00 74,454.03 84,454.03 0.00 0.00 46,719.76 46,719.76 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 5053 5202 5204 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Total Office & Admin 20.06 1,733.26 137.00 1,890.32 94.15 2,536.47 427.00 3,057.62 72.98 4,682.02 554.00 5,309.00 0.00 6,753.76 563.00 7,316.76 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 Insurance Admin Allocation Engineering Allocation NYS Administrative Asse… General Expense Allocati… Total Expenses 4,151.46 0.00 0.00 9,397.00 100,520.07 662,613.46 5,713.41 6,224.68 0.00 5,943.00 118,103.32 942,556.19 6,383.59 3,009.97 0.00 6,131.00 113,689.62 1,005,212.72 7,233.55 3,212.95 0.00 6,505.00 114,089.01 1,137,654.72 5,000.00 3,450.00 166.00 4,287.00 122,565.00 788,885.00 69,236.75 43,788.83 6114 6190… 6191… 6208 8901… Change in Net Position (19,205.22) (10,734.46) (83,829.00) 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Affordable Housing Program Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4001 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings Total Customer Billings ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $4,945.00 4,945.00 $4,945.00 4,945.00 $4,945.00 4,945.00 $4,945.00 4,945.00 $5,000.00 5,000.00 4183 Grant Revenue NY State Grants Total Grant Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4104 Loan Interest Income 373,820.64 358,883.77 365,872.40 359,631.12 358,000.00 4164 4190 Other Income Miscellaneous Recovery of Bad Debts Total Other Income 430.00 0.00 430.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 60,480.00 21.90 60,501.90 2,843.55 0.00 2,843.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interest Income Investment Interest Income Total Interest Income Total Income 68,144.39 68,144.39 447,340.03 26,243.94 26,243.94 392,072.71 14,577.68 14,577.68 3,445,896.98 12,396.21 12,396.21 379,815.88 9,741.00 9,741.00 372,741.00 5001… 5039… Salaries Regular Wages & Salaries Admin Wages Total Salaries 0.00 79,519.13 79,519.13 0.00 66,502.91 66,502.91 0.00 109,326.26 109,326.26 190.76 108,332.98 108,523.74 0.00 119,025.00 119,025.00 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Total Fringe Benefits 5,806.94 8,243.16 10,863.02 88.59 42.52 5,866.16 30,910.39 4,770.87 9,845.46 9,692.20 103.07 45.08 5,068.50 29,525.18 7,734.40 20,603.97 12,552.52 98.91 66.36 9,860.61 50,916.77 7,599.69 23,047.77 13,416.08 160.77 63.00 10,138.47 54,425.78 9,105.00 23,370.00 18,385.00 308.00 67.00 10,102.00 61,337.00 5053 5120 5122 5202 5204 5206 5270 5370 5570 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Training & Development Other General Expense Total Office & Admin 10.00 569.00 250.00 221.06 60.00 82.00 0.00 245.00 0.00 1,437.06 0.00 765.00 (250.00) 289.23 139.00 399.00 144.03 550.00 0.00 2,036.26 10.74 0.00 239.00 302.27 218.25 320.00 36.00 125.00 390.57 1,641.83 0.00 125.00 424.42 107.35 284.00 745.80 939.60 630.00 240.00 3,496.17 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 5,300.00 5924 5926 5970 Professional Fees Legal Investment Banking Fees Consulting Total Professional Fees 1,545.65 2,354.03 0.00 3,899.68 1,873.50 1,788.19 0.00 3,661.69 805.50 1,367.39 4,500.00 6,672.89 396.05 0.00 10,000.00 10,396.05 2,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 4102 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Affordable Housing Program Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct 6190… ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… Account Description Admin Allocation Total Expenses 3/31/2011 32,266.86 148,033.12 3/31/2012 23,294.85 125,020.89 3/31/2013 41,104.15 209,661.90 3/31/2014 45,924.05 222,765.79 3/31/2015 63,128.00 260,790.00 Change in Net Position 299,306.91 267,051.82 3,236,235.08 157,050.09 111,951.00 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Community Development Loan Fund Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4183 Account Description Grant Revenue NY State Grants Total Grant Revenue ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $800,000.00 800,000.00 4104 Loan Interest Income 104,847.92 100,699.04 92,345.81 83,309.36 73,000.00 4164 4190 Other Income Miscellaneous Recovery of Bad Debts Total Other Income 150.00 0.00 150.00 171.99 5,875.00 6,046.99 151.57 0.00 151.57 8.86 0.00 8.86 1,325.00 0.00 1,325.00 Interest Income Investment Interest Income Total Interest Income Total Income 30,532.48 30,532.48 135,530.40 16,796.52 16,796.52 123,542.55 5,981.89 5,981.89 98,479.27 4,156.40 4,156.40 87,474.62 3,566.00 3,566.00 877,891.00 5001… 5039… Salaries Regular Wages & Salaries Admin Wages Total Salaries 0.00 38,404.62 38,404.62 0.00 39,924.36 39,924.36 0.00 64,951.54 64,951.54 190.76 64,338.32 64,529.08 0.00 59,632.00 59,632.00 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Total Fringe Benefits 2,724.58 3,867.64 5,478.67 41.56 33.88 3,213.66 15,359.99 2,864.14 5,910.63 6,147.10 61.87 51.35 3,690.86 18,725.95 4,595.06 12,240.97 6,342.79 52.59 51.84 6,548.27 29,831.52 4,519.07 13,702.03 6,808.99 98.54 48.36 6,836.70 32,013.69 4,562.00 11,351.00 7,117.00 154.00 52.00 5,465.00 28,701.00 6110 Operations & Maintenance Marketing Total O & M 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5053 5120 5122 5202 5204 5206 5270 5312 5370 5570 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Continuing Education Training & Development Other General Expense Total Office & Admin 48.00 0.00 2,887.16 866.87 762.50 2,132.71 147.00 0.00 219.00 300.00 7,363.24 82.00 0.00 1,658.68 312.29 439.88 2,150.83 666.16 0.00 610.00 468.70 6,388.54 0.00 40.00 0.00 193.14 779.00 2,208.95 20.60 238.00 664.00 50.72 4,194.41 0.00 0.00 1,114.74 319.24 874.25 2,215.66 144.90 0.00 870.00 330.80 5,869.59 0.00 0.00 520.00 500.00 1,000.00 3,300.00 850.00 0.00 1,000.00 200.00 7,370.00 5924 5926 5970 Professional Fees Legal Investment Banking Fees Consulting Total Professional Fees 259.50 1,499.22 5,213.35 6,972.07 2,663.05 942.51 6,512.40 10,117.96 1,603.40 987.59 18,450.00 21,040.99 1,045.50 703.95 2,703.18 4,452.63 2,200.00 703.00 2,630.00 5,533.00 4102 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Community Development Loan Fund Change In Net Assets GL Acct 6120 6190… Account Description Grants Admin Allocation Total Expenses Change in Net Position ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 20,000.00 17,679.69 105,779.61 0.00 17,697.00 112,853.81 700.00 27,622.24 153,340.70 0.00 31,397.95 143,262.94 0.00 34,155.00 140,391.00 29,750.79 10,688.74 (54,861.43) (55,788.32) 737,500.00 12/12/2014 3:42 PM North Country EDF Change In Net Assets GL Acct 5926 Account Description Professional Fees Investment Banking Fees Total Professional Fees ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $2,750.00 2,750.00 Total Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,750.00 Change in Net Position 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,750.00) 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Comm Rental Housing Program Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4181 4183 4184 Account Description Grant Revenue Federal Grant Income NY State Grants Other Grants Total Grant Revenue 4104 Loan Interest Income 4164 Other Income Miscellaneous Total Other Income 4102 Interest Income Investment Interest Income Total Interest Income Total Income ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $93,030.00 250,000.00 0.00 343,030.00 $40,465.00 0.00 1,000,000.00 1,040,465.00 $47,285.00 0.00 0.00 47,285.00 $0.00 4,000,000.00 0.00 4,000,000.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107,368.26 112,448.81 110,187.74 61,527.67 68,855.00 25.00 25.00 32,685.00 32,685.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 377.78 377.78 450,801.04 1,490.87 1,490.87 1,187,089.68 4,395.55 4,395.55 161,868.29 5,096.19 5,096.19 4,066,653.86 4,322.00 4,322.00 73,177.00 5039… Salaries Admin Wages Total Salaries 90,581.27 90,581.27 76,902.76 76,902.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Total Fringe Benefits 6,497.10 9,222.87 17,577.91 99.12 27.27 6,708.37 40,132.64 5,516.95 11,385.12 15,403.79 119.18 31.72 6,176.75 38,633.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5053 5122 5172 5202 5204 5206 5270 5570 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Public Info & Advertising Filing Fees Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Other General Expense Total Office & Admin 37.49 0.00 0.00 855.96 213.00 218.00 7.00 0.00 1,331.45 0.00 60.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.18 66.28 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5924 5970 Professional Fees Legal Consulting Total Professional Fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,890.38 0.00 1,890.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 250,000.00 36,892.84 418,938.20 0.00 28,398.30 145,891.23 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 31,862.84 1,041,198.45 161,618.29 4,066,653.86 23,177.00 6120 6190… Grants Admin Allocation Total Expenses Change in Net Position 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Engineering Change In Net Assets GL Acct 4001 Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings Total Customer Billings ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… 3/31/2011 3/31/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2014 3/31/2015 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $587,700.00 587,700.00 Total Income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 587,700.00 5001-… 5002 5039… Salaries Engineering Wages Overtime Wages Admin Wages Total Salaries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 275,469.00 89.00 5,459.00 281,017.00 5031 5032 5033… 5034… 5035 5042 5054 Fringe Benefits FICA Expense Pension Expense Health Insurance Workers Comp Disability Insurance Post Retire Overhead Employee Physicals & Scr… Total Fringe Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,491.00 50,280.00 26,994.00 714.00 143.00 24,895.00 250.00 124,767.00 5124 5128 5403 5601 5602 5603 5605 5712 5904 5906 8090 Operations & Maintenance Computer Equipment Programming & Software Safety Equipment & Supplies Auto/Light Truck Rep. & M… Auto/Light Truck Fuel Auto/Light Truck Rental/Le… Vehicle Ins Purchased Maintenance &… SCADA GIS Purchases for Resale Total O & M 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,525.00 1,060.00 1,500.00 2,200.00 5,700.00 8,800.00 2,000.00 9,000.00 22,690.00 26,450.00 75,450.00 160,375.00 5112 5114 5120 5122 5202 5204 5206 5370 Office & Administrative Telephone Cell Phone Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Employee Mileage Reimbu… Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Training & Development Total Office & Admin 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,040.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 600.00 8,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 5,500.00 29,640.00 6114 6190… 6191… 6208 Insurance Admin Allocation Engineering Allocation NYS Administrative Asse… 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 2,415.00 (92,788.00) 3,676.00 12/12/2014 3:42 PM Engineering Change In Net Assets ACTUAL GL Acct ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED BUD… Account Description Total Expenses 3/31/2011 0.00 3/31/2012 0.00 3/31/2013 0.00 3/31/2014 0.00 3/31/2015 514,102.00 Change in Net Position 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73,598.00 12/12/2014 3:42 PM APPENDIXIV Administation 2015-2016 Wage & Fringe Benefit Budget Assumptions Wages - Pool Percentage 3.25% Subject to approval. Health Stipend - $3,750 Dru Escudero James Wright Laura Tousant Mary Chereshnoski Thomas Sauter Total $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 18,750 Family Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ 14,883.70 Amy Austin Angela Marra Carl Farone Jo Anne Yaddow Matthew Taylor Tim Field Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,883.70 14,883.70 14,883.70 14,883.70 14,883.70 14,883.70 89,302.20 Individual Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ 7,989.80 Keely Barney Michelle Capone Matt Siver Total $ 7,989.80 $ 7,989.80 $ 7,989.80 $ 23,969.40 FICA 7.65% of Payroll Workers' Compensation 0.31% of Payroll Disability Males Females $ $ Pension Tier 1 Pension Tier 3 & 4 Pension Tier 5 (See Tier 5 Employee Listing) Pension Tier 6 (See Tier 6 Employee Listing) Post Retirement 17.40 per year per employee 65.52 per year per employee 25.20% 18.80% 15.50% 10.60% $ of Payroll of Payroll of Payroll of Payroll 3.00 per hour \\Fileserver\share\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\FYE 2016 Wage Budget Assumptions. Rev 0 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 2015-2016 Wage & Fringe Benefit Budget Assumptions Wages - Pool Percentage 3.25% Subject to approval. Health Stipend - $3,750 Mark Borte Robert Durantini Timothy Buckley Total $ $ $ $ Family Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ 14,883.70 Anthony Cerrone David Northrop David Wolf Stephen Smithers Total $ $ $ $ $ Individual Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ 7,989.80 Nicholas Moulton 7.65% of Payroll Workers' Compensation 0.31% $ $ Pension Tier 3 & 4 Pension Tier 5 (See Tier 5 Employee Listing) Pension Tier 6 (See Tier 6 Employee Listing) Post Retirement 14,883.70 14,883.70 14,883.70 14,883.70 59,534.80 $ 7,989.80 FICA Disability Males Females 3,750 3,750 3,750 11,250 of Payroll 17.40 per year per employee 65.52 per year per employee 18.80% of Payroll 15.50% of Payroll 10.60% of Payroll $ 3.00 Per hour \\Fileserver\share\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\FYE 2016 Wage Budget Assumptions. Rev 0 SWMF 2015-2016 Wage & Fringe Benefit Budget Assumptions Wages - Pool Percentage 3.25% Subject to approval. Health Stipend - $3,750 Dan Ouderkirk Jamie Perry Lisa Carbone-Simpson Mark Tyo Richard LeClerc Valerie Deon Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Family Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ 14,883.70 Brian LaRock Christopher Sullivan Edward Barker Henry Waite Jan Oatman Michael Blackwell Richard Hatch Scott Worden Stuart Tamblin Thomas Goad Total $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 148,837.00 Individual Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ Benjamin Millard Howard Widrick Jason Akins Leonard Tibbetts Stephen McElwain Total 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 22,500 7,989.80 $ 7,989.80 $ 7,989.80 $ 7,989.80 $ 7,989.80 $ 7,989.80 $ 39,949.00 FICA 7.65% Workers' Compensation 0.31% of total payroll for all office or clerical workers 12.47% of total payroll for all those employees such as Ouderkirk, Blackwell, Waite, LaRock, etc Disability Males Females $ $ Pension Tier 3 & 4 Pension Tier 5 (See Tier 5 Employee Listing) Pension Tier 6 (See Tier 6 Employee Listing) Post Retirement 17.40 per year per employee 65.52 per year per employee 18.80% of Payroll 15.50% of Payroll 10.60% of Payroll $ 3.00 PER HOUR \\Fileserver\share\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\FYE 2016 Wage Budget Assumptions. Rev 0 Water/Wastewater 2015-2016 Wage & Fringe Benefit Budget Assumptions Wages - Pool Percentage 3.25% Subject to approval. Health Stipend - $3,750 Michael Taber Norman W. Jones Robert Stevenson Sheldon Dukes Steven Marshall Total $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 $18,750 Family Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ 14,883.70 Brian Nutting Jerame Roux Keith MacMillan Michael Bigness Neil O'Dell Patricia Pastella Shawn Rowe Sharon Fitzpatrick Total $14,883.70 $14,883.70 $14,883.70 $14,883.70 $14,883.70 $14,883.70 $14,883.70 $14,883.70 $119,069.60 Individual Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ 7,989.80 Brian Mantle Kevin Wallace Total $ 7,989.80 $ 7,989.80 $ 15,979.60 FICA 7.65% Workers' Compensation 0.31% of total payroll for all office or clerical workers such as SLF. 8.43% of total payroll for all other employees Disability Males Females $ $ Pension Tier 2 Pension Tier 3 & 4 Pension Tier 5 (See Tier 5 Employee Listing) Pension Tier 6 (See Tier 6 Employee Listing) Post Retirement 17.40 per year per employee 65.52 per year per employee 23.10% 18.80% 15.50% 10.60% $ of Payroll of Payroll of Payroll of Payroll 3.00 PER HOUR \\Fileserver\share\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\FYE 2016 Wage Budget Assumptions. Rev 0 Engineering 2015-2016 Wage & Fringe Benefit Budget Assumptions Wages - Pool Percentage 3.25% Subject to approval. Health Stipend - $3,750 Allison Roosa Brian K. Tulip Daniel Merrill Jeffrey Overstrom Starr Carter Total $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 $18,750 Family Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ 14,883.70 Bart A. Crary Christina Illingworth Carrie Tuttle Peter Chereshnoski Terri Belden Total $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 14,883.70 $ 74,418.50 Individual Health Insurance (net of employee offset) $ 7,989.80 John Mothersell Total $ 7,989.80 $ 7,989.80 FICA 7.65% of Payroll Workers' Compensation 0.31% of Payroll Disability Males Females $ $ Pension Tier 3 & 4 Pension Tier 5 (See Tier 5 Employee Listing) Pension Tier 6 (See Tier 6 Employee Listing) Post Retirement 17.40 per year per employee 65.52 per year per employee 18.80% of Payroll 15.50% of Payroll 10.60% of Payroll $ 3.00 PER HOUR \\Fileserver\share\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\FYE 2016 Wage Budget Assumptions. Rev 0 RETIREMENT TIERS FYE 2016 The following Authority Employees are in Tier 1 : WRIGHT JAMES The following Authority Employees are in Tier 2 : BIGNESS MICHAEL The following Authority Employees are in Tier 5: BELDEN CARBONE-SIMPSON CARTER MOULTON PERRY ROOSA ROUX SIVER SULLIVAN TERRI LISA STARR NICHOLAS JAMIE ALLISON JERAME MATTHEW CHRISTOPHER The following Authority Employees are in Tier 6: BARNEY KEELY CERRONE DUKES GOAD ILLINGWORTH MARRA NORTHROP TABER TULIP ANTHONY SHELDON THOMAS CHRISTINA ANGELA DAVID MICHAEL BRIAN All other employees are Tier 3 or 4 (Same Rate) \\Fileserver\share\BUDGETS\FYE 2016\FYE 2016 Budget Preparation\FYE 2016 Wage Budget Assumptions. Rev 0 APPENDIXV FY 2015-2016 Budget Budget Work Session Geographic Information Systems Critical Issue: GIS is a critical service for the Authority and its municipal customers. The Authority has continued to utilize Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Grants (i.e., NYS Archives) to develop data for municipal customers. In order to develop competitive funding applications, the Authority must complete Needs Assessments and assist communities with the application process in advance of obtaining any reimbursement. If the grants are not funded, then the Authority covers these upfront costs of approximately 15% of the total project costs within the Company 60 budget and these costs would have to be offset with margin carried over from prior fiscal years. In a typical year, the upfront costs are approximately $15,000. Factors: The graph below illustrates the history of grants utilized to develop GIS data for municipal customers. GIS Revenue from Grants $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Recommended Action: Increasing the number of paying GIS hosting customers would provide a more stable revenue stream that could help mitigate the risk presented by diminishing GIS grant funding. This could be achieved through broader marketing of the Authority’s GIS in the North Country region, and by negotiating hosting agreements with other counties to improve efficiencies as identified by a local government efficiency planning study. Increasing staff charge out rates would contribute additional margin to the overall Engineering Division budget which could provide potential funding for new customer development. FY 2015-2016 Budget Budget Work Session Finance Support Critical Issue: Due to increased responsibilities, additional staff is needed within the Finance Division to complete assigned tasks and to ensure that the Financial Responsibilities of the organization are met. Factors: Finance Staff of the Authority are responsible for the Financial Management of the Authority to include monthly financial statement preparation, budget preparation, biweekly payroll processing, account payable processing, as well as the management of over $70 million in investments. As a Public Authority, finance staff prepares numerous reports to meet the requirements of the New York State Comptroller, Public Authority Law, and the Division of Budget. Finance Staff are also responsible for coordinating the annual external audits of the Authority. Procurement: Finance staff is responsible for managing the procurement process across Authority Divisions. This includes developing Procurement procedures as well as training staff that are procuring good and services on behalf of the Authority. MWBE Requirements: New York State is increasing its MWBE requirements to include a 30% MWBE goal and the requirement to enter all contracts subject to Article 15 – A in the New York State Contract Reporting System. Finance staff is required to attend mandatory bi‐weekly meetings with ESD to discuss MWBE compliance. ECMS: Finance is responsible for managing the Authority’s Electronic Content Management System. To date, the system houses thousands of documents to include; Accounts Payable, Board Resolutions, Minutes, Contracts, Audits, Bank Statements, Investment Documentation, and Financial Assurance Documents. The ECMS strategic plan outlines further ECMS utilization to include Human Resources and Telecom Service Order integration which will increase the level of staff support to maintain the system. Asset Management: Finance is responsible for finding the replacement for its existing Asset Management System and implementing its utilization across Authority divisions. This project will require a substantial level of effort to ensure that the system is implemented successfully and utilized among all Authority Divisions. The Asset Management Plan will include an annual internal audit of Authority assets. Insurance: Finance staff is responsible for managing the insurance policies of the Authority. Recommended Action: Create a “Director of Purchasing” position who will report to the Comptroller and work as part of the Finance Department. This position will be responsible for managing procurement activities across all divisions of the Authority and will also be responsible for the oversight and management of the Authority’s Asset Management System. The “Director of Purchasing” will refine existing procurement procedures and create new procedures for managing all Authority Procurements and will serve as the MWBE Liaison. The “Director of Purchasing” will be an integral part of all Procurement activities across the Authority to include MWBE reporting and compliance. The “Director of Purchasing” will work across all Divisions to develop a purchasing plan which will enable the Authority to consolidate multi – divisional purchases into one Authority procurement which will save time and provide better pricing. Further, the creation of this position will enable Divisional Managers to spend less time on procurement activities and more time managing operations. FY 2015-2016 Budget Critical Issues Waste Volume Solid Waste Management Facility Waste Volume and Revenues Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) volume has remained steady year to date and may be expected to decline due to continued implementation of a more aggressive recycling program within the facility’s service area. NYSAR has developed a state-wide textile recycling initiative. Textile waste generation is approximately 70 lbs/person, of which 85% is being landfilled. With a state-wide recycling initiative, this waste volume will start to decline. More and more organizations are contemplating organic waste composting programs. Ft. Drum initiated a food waste composting pilot program in Fall 2014 from four of their dining facilities and the Post Commissary. If successful, this may lead to an installation-wide composting program which will further reduce MSW volumes at the landfill. Lower waste volumes will reduce revenues for the current and upcoming fiscal years. As recycling programs are expanded throughout the service area, waste volumes will most likely decline further. Lower waste volumes will ultimately have an effect on landfill life, which could be extended on a long term basis. This will have an effect on long term reserve funding which could be adjusted to lower levels of funding over time. Future reduction in the volume of petroleum contaminated soil (PCS) may ultimately lead to a requirement to purchase alternate daily cover materials. This is necessary to avoid use of soils for daily landfill cover. This may affect the upcoming and future budgets. Waste volume reductions do not necessarily affect operational expense as most landfill costs are relatively fixed. As volumes change, it is important to closely monitor landfill operations to ensure high levels of efficiency are maintained. Consideration should be given to purchase of a waste shredder that could process C&D for use as an alternative cover material. Waste processed by a shredder would increase compaction density which would further extend landfill life. Page 1 of 3 Solid Waste Management Facility (continued) Regulatory Compliance Several issues related to state and federal regulatory compliance could have significant effects on both operating and capital costs. The ongoing permitting process for the “Southern Expansion” continues to require significant capital expense. The Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404 Wetlands Provisional Permit was issued in December 2013 by USACE. Ongoing efforts involving the NY State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) process, as well as the NYS DEC Part 360 Permit process will continue and significant capital costs are anticipated. This issue will impact the upcoming and future budgets. Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Additional monitoring and inspection requirements will have an impact on the upcoming and future budgets. Additional resources are required to maintain the required higher level of waste inspection and monitoring. Additional resources (human and educational materials) will be required to fully implement the planned coordination efforts throughout the region. The Recycling Agriculture Plastics Program (RAPP) will potentially require additional resources to operate the system and provide other support. This could affect the upcoming and future budget years. There is a growing demand for recycling and/or reuse of construction debris and there is nothing available north of the thruway. This may result in further loss of material from the region. St. Lawrence County doubled the tip fee for the disposal of recyclables at their transfer stations which may be counterproductive to the planning unit’s initiatives. Commercial recycling rates will remain relatively flat in Jefferson County without the introduction of single stream recycling in the region. Data gathering and reporting for the regional planning unit has posed challenges and resulted in an increased use of personnel resources. Page 2 of 3 Solid Waste Management Facility (continued) Other Issues Future determination of the Authority’s role (if any) in managing individual county solid waste systems, including conversion to single-stream recycling, could have an impact on operating and capital budgets. Leachate flows appear to be stabilizing. Although additional temporary and permanent caps have been added, the placement of additional landfill gas (LFG) collection wells, and their leachate pumps, appears to be accounting for sustained flows. The placement of additional LFG collection wells in the upcoming fiscal year may further increase flows. Natural Resources Management and trail construction/maintenance activities continue to expand, which may have resource requirements in the upcoming budget. The change in trash vehicle route to the last two cells (10 and 11) requires greater road maintenance to maintain adequate access at all times. The budget amount for stone, sand and gravel will have to be increased to maintain the increased cell access route (perimeter road) and working face requirements. To accomplish the required operator training, an increase in funding will be needed to either support the new training location (Erie/Niagara Counties), or allow for other outside training opportunities. It was formerly held in Syracuse where it allowed for a one-day session. Page 3 of 3 FY 2015-2016 Budget Budget Work Session Managing expanded network and customer base Critical Issue: The rapid geographic expansion of the network presents many opportunities but does require some changes in operations. Factors: Our ability to reach more customers has allowed us to increase the number and complexity of the customer base. Trouble response time service level agreements are more difficult to meet based on distances to some customers. Recommended Action: Change existing temporary Outside Plant technician position to Full Time. Analyze and determine best approach for providing 24x7 customer support via an enhanced trouble ticketing and network operations center. Continue to develop relationships including “hands and feet” contracts with other service providers. Include a project for trouble ticketing and Network Operations software. Risk Assessment: Customer service level agreements may not be met resulting in credits to their accounts/less revenue. Customers may choose to move to another carrier if service is too bad. Expenses may increase higher than anticipated if we have more troubles farther from the primary work location. FY 2015-2016 Budget Budget Work Session Revenue Retention Critical Issue: The 10 year contract with BOCES ran out in December of 2014 and revenues will decrease significantly. The impact in the FYE 2015 budget was minimal as only 3 months were affected, however, the net revenue reduction from FYE 2015 to FYE 2016 will be approximately $2,000,000. Factors: Increased competition in our operating area has resulted in significantly lower prices for bandwidth, especially for wholesale and private network customers. Many of our circuits are reaching the end of their term and based on the move from TDM to Ethernet combined with lower rates for bandwidth we expect the prices to decrease. Anticipated FYE2016 impact is a negative $200,000. BOCES contract has been renewed but at a significantly lower rate as noted above. Recommended Action: Evaluate new revenue opportunities including new services. Change marketing approach slightly to make it easier for small/medium customers to do business with us. Complete Public Emergency Grant. Develop competitive analysis including price detail to help us determine our price and market strategy. Proactively reach out to other service providers to develop standard marketing, sales, and operational arrangements. Risk Assessment: Primary risk is that expenses would be higher than revenues. Although this is not anticipated it is a potential risk. Mitigated by existing reserves. APPENDIXVI Regional Development January 29, 2015 Highlights Beaver Meadows – Phase II work begin in April 2014 with completion by June/July 2015. 2% vacancy in Phase I (168 units). 60 units at 80% AMI or less. Preserve at Autumn Ridge – 314 of 396 units completed to date. Project to be completed by August 2015. 3% vacancy rate. 100% market rate units. Creekwood – Completed in Sept. 2014. Less than 1% vacancy in project (200 units). 75% of units at or below 60% AMI. Highlights City of Ogdensburg CDBG Program - Completed within budget collaborating with Engineering Division. Assisted 11 homes along Ford Street. Lyons Falls Redevelopment – Working with Engineering Division to provide budget oversight and grant compliance for multi-phased project. Mercy Redevelopment – Provided loan funding to COR Development to demolish the former Mercy Hospital complex. Next phase to begin in Spring. Highlights U.S. Export-Import Bank – Recognized as a City/State Partner with the U.S. ExportImport Bank in order to market their programs to exporting firms across the region. USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grant Program – Applied for and was funded two grants through the RBEG Program $42,000 to Homestead Heritage Cheese (Jefferson County) and $99,750 to Agbotics (St. Lawrence County) North Country Regional Economic Development Council– Funded first 2 loans through Tourism Fund totaling $450,000; awarded $5 million for targeted investment in on-going priority projects. Proposed for FYE 2016 • Additional CDBG funding for the City of Ogdensburg to assist with owner-occupied rehabilitation along New York Avenue. • Working with partners in the North Country Regional Economic Development Council to promote the U.S. Export Import Bank in order to increase exports from the region and thus support our regional economy. • Utilize resources like webinars to promote our various loan programs to partners and organizations across the region and no cost. • Work with communities on projects of regional significance like J&L site, Lyons Falls Mill Site redevelopment and former Mercy Hospital site redevelopment, among others. Regional Development Programs/Services -Community Development Loan Fund -Affordable Housing Loan Programs -Community Rental Housing Program -North Country Transformational Tourism Fund -Digital Film Project Conversion Fund -North Country Value Added Agriculture Fund -Loan Program Administration and Portfolio Management -Loan Underwriting Services -Housing Program Administration -Grant Writing -Community Technical Assistance Projects Engineering January 29, 2015 1 Role of Engineering • Provide internal technical support • Capital Project Management • Safety, Environmental Compliance, Sustainability • Develop/Maintain Core Technical Apps. - CMMS, GIS, and SCADA • Provide external technical support to municipalities • • • • • Grant Writing/Administration Capital Project Management (water/sewer) Asset Management Planning GIS Development, training and web-based data hosting SCADA Development, control engineering, and integration 2 Engineering Costs are Allocated to Divisions Based on Time Regional Development 1% Solid Waste 23% Municipal Contracts 42% Telecom 11% Water Quality Contracts <1% Regional Water 1% Army Water 9% Army Sewer 13% 3 Engineering Wages & Expenses FYE16 = $1M Municipal Service Revenue Annual Company 60 Municipal Billings $587,700 $556,324 $517,570 $228,225 FYE13 FYE14 56% FYE15 12% FYE16 -6% 4 Municipal Service Breakdown $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 5 $0 SCADA GIS ES MS Engineering Expenses Office Expenses 4% Insurance and Administration 2% Operation & Maintenance 22% Wages & Fringes 72% Projected 7% Decrease from FY15 to FY16 6 Solid Waste Management January 29, 2015 Overview • Solid Waste Revenues • FYE 2015 Operational Issues • FYE 2015 Capital Projects • Landfill • Facilities • Equipment • Regional Recycling Progress Solid Waste Revenues • Current fiscal year near projections • Economic Climate (CY2013 to CY2014) • MSW volumes up slightly • Construction and Demolition (C&D) down slightly • Petroleum Contaminated Soil (PCS) up slightly • Fort Drum • Personnel levels lower • Waste Diversion - Regional Recycling Program Solid Waste Revenues • Power sales revenues projected to be down slightly • A result of additional capping (lower moisture, slower generation) • Continue to more closely manage our landfill gas collection efforts Operational Issues • Expanding/Upgrading facilities • LFG system and odor control remain a top priority Capital Projects (Landfill) • Landfill Southern Expansion • USACE 404 - Provisional Permit Granted • SEQRA - On-going • NYSDEC 360 - Awaiting SEQRA Conclusion Capital Projects (Facilities) • Murray Interpretive Center & Pavilion (continuing) • Ancillary Facilities • Leachate Loadout Facility (LLO) • Scale Relocation Capital Projects (Equipment) • Compactor • Hydraulic Excavator • Articulated Hauler • Road Grader • Tandem-axle Dump Truck/Sander • Leachate Tank Trailer Regional Recycling Progress • Meetings with partners – bi-monthly • Regional Solid Waste Management Plan • Working with NYSDEC on revisions • Public Education and Awareness • Establish an in-house Community Recycling position – terminate our financial partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Jefferson County • New commercials, improved branding • Increased individual outreach and visibility • Annual Meetings with haulers (our customers) • Communication, Cooperation, Consistency, Education Regional Recycling Progress • Activities • Textiles • CRTs What’s Next • Obtain all permits for Southern Expansion • Continue to lead and coordinate Regional Recycling Program for region • Maintain improved odor control • Continue to improve public awareness, access, and utilization of the facility Telecommunications January 29, 2015 Overview • Critical Issues • Operation Focus • FYE16 Projects • Revenue and Expense Projection Highlights Critical Issues • Revenue Reduction • BOCES Revenue was $2.8 million/year • Impact in FYE 2016 = -$2,100,000 • Public Emergency Grant • Large network with evolving requirements • Network Monitoring/Network Operations Center Upgrades • Several customers require enhanced trouble ticketing/NOC process Telecom Operations Focus FYE 2016 • Implement Public Emergency Network • Enhance network management capabilities to meet customer demand • Evaluate and implement enhanced Network Operations Center to care for increased requirements from Healthcare and Wireless markets Wireless Tower Services Requires more sophisticated NOC Projects TELECOMMUNICATIONS CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Description Budget FYE 2016 Customer Network Construction $ 215,000 Central Office Enhancements $ 60,000 Fiber Augments $ 95,000 Emergency Restoration $ 100,000 Network Security Testing $ 25,000 Economic Development Initiatives $ 25,000 DOT - Road Projects $ 100,000 TOTAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS $ 620,000 Revenue and Expense Projections Customer Billings are decreasing by $1,200,000 • BOCES Major expense changes • Total expenses increasing 1.3% or $45,000 • Expected that revenue will cover all expenses plus capital projects. New Revenue Sources • Revenue Share Opportunities • Municipal Networks Water Quality January 29, 2015 Budget Overview • Four (4) Operating Companies in Division • • • • Company 41 – Army Sewer Line Company 42 – Army Water Line Company 43 – Regional Water Line Company 44 – Contract Operations • Companies 41/42/43 – Break-even contracts • Company 44 – Minimal Margin – Economic Service to Customers – Cover Costs Labor and Expenses by Company RWL 8% WQC 13% ASL 49% AWL 30% ASL /AWL– Budget Philosophy • DoA contract dictates operation • Revenue (Customer Billings + Reserve Interest) calculated to match Total Expenses • Flows based on historical usage/future plans • Rate/Kgal set to generate appropriate revenue • Budget a $0 cash flow at year end • True-up process with Army RWL – Budget Philosophy • Revenue = Expenses --> $0 net cash flow • Capital Reserve/Operating Reserve • Water Service Agreements • Water Use Allocations • Billing Philosophy • Fixed Costs • Variable Costs = Water Purchase • Pay Fixed Costs Based on Capacity % Allocation Contract Operations – Budget Philosophy • Minimal Margin • Renewal contracts more accurately reflect costs • Base Services vs. Billable Extra Work • Spread Overhead Costs between Authorityowned assets and O&M contracts • Value for the Customer Capital Projects FYE 16 • Warneck Pump Station Emergency Genset Replacement • Warneck Pump Station Back-up Pump Improvements • BPS-2 VFD Replacements • RTU Replacements – Dexter and Brownville Information Technology January 30, 2014 Summary of 2013 projects • Server Virtualization • ECMS and GIS were virtualized • Network Attached Storage • This completed project has increased our capacity and redundancy for Disaster Recovery operations and file storage • Enhanced Network Security • Mobile device encryption • Mobile device VPN • IT Policy / Procedure Documentation The focus of IT in 2014 • Optimize the virtualized server environment Increase capacity of existing Host Servers Virtualize SCADA Virtualize CRM • Enhanced network monitoring Implement new network monitoring platform which provides deeper scanning capabilities • Increased Disaster Recovery capabilities ECMS, SCADA and GIS will be added to our DR platform FYE 2015 IT Budget • Host Server upgrades • Additional memory • Additional hard drives • Redundant Firewall • Provide a failover firewall for Authority Internet • Additional Disaster Recovery Licenses • GIS, SCADA and ECMS • Network Monitoring Software • Minimal PC replacements • Usual Annual Software maintenance APPENDIXVII AUTHORITY WAGES - 4/1/15 Last Name First Name Division Title WRIGHT SAUTER WOLF DURANTINI JR BORTE SMITHERS FIELD TUTTLE FARONE JR PASTELLA CERRONE LECLERC CAPONE MCELWAIN VACANT TAYLOR OVERSTROM MOTHERSELL MERRILL CHERESHNOSKI CRARY TULIP TOUSANT VACANT BUCKLEY AUSTIN OATMAN BLACKWELL TAMBLIN MARSHALL ESCUDERO FITZPATRICK OUDERKIRK YADDOW O'DELL DUFFANY Part-Time JONES JR AKINS LAROCK NUTTING WAITE ROWE SIVER CARTER DEON BARKER TYO CHERESHNOSKI BIGNESS WALLACE WIDRICK HATCH WORDEN BELDEN MILLARD SULLIVAN BARNEY ROUX STEVENSON VACANT MANTLE VACANT GOAD TABER MARRA MOULTON DUKES FLEMING CARBONE-SIMPSON PERRY ROOSA ILLINGWORTH TIBBETTS PIERSON Part-Time VACANT JAMES THOMAS DAVID ROBERT MARK STEPHEN TIMOTHY CARRIE CARL PATRICIA ANTHONY RICHARD MICHELLE STEPHEN Admin Admin OATN OATN OATN OATN Admin ENG Finance WPS OATN SWMF Proj.Dev. SWMF OATN Proj.Dev. ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Finance Admin OATN Admin SWMF SWMF SWMF WPS Finance WPS SWMF Admin WPS OATN Executive Director Deputy Exec Director Telecom Division Manager Director of Network Facilities Telecom Chief Tech Officer Network Architect Information Technology Director Director of Engineering Comptroller WQ Division Manager Telecom Bus Dev Specialist SWMF Division Manager Director of Regional Dev Landfill Superintendent Telecom Analyst Senior Proj Dev Specialist W/WW Operations Supv I Facilities Coordinator Controls Engineer Environmental Coordinator W/WW Operations Supv I Project Engineer I Deputy Comptroller Information Technology Spc Telecom Specialist Director of Human Resources Recycling Coordinator SWMF Lead Maint Tech SWMF Lead Equip Oper WQ Oper V Accountant I Office Manager SWMF Maint Tech II Executive Assistant WQ Oper IV Field Inspector WPS SWMF SWMF WPS SWMF WPS Proj.Dev. ENG SWMF SWMF SWMF Finance WPS WPS SWMF SWMF SWMF ENG SWMF SWMF Admin WPS WPS SWMF WPS WPS SWMF WPS Admin OATN WPS WPS SWMF SWMF ENG ENG SWMF SWMF WQ Oper IV SWMF Landfill Gas Tech SWMF Landfill Gas Tech WQ Coordinator SWMF Lead Truck Driver WQ Lead Oper SLC Project Development Spc GIS Analyst Customer Svc Coordinator SWMF Equip Oper II SWMF Environ Tech I Accounting Assistant WQ Oper II WQ Oper I SLC SWMF Truck Driver SWMF Equip Oper I SWMF Equip Oper I Engineering Assistant SWMF Maint Tech I SWMF Equip Oper I Administrative Specialist WQ Tech II WQ Oper I SWMF Recycling Asst WQ Tech I SLC WQ Tech I SWMF Equip Oper I WQ Tech I Administrative Assistant II Administrative Assistant WQ Tech I WQ Tech I Customer Svc Assistant Customer Svc Assistant GIS Technician GIS Technician I SWMF Maint. Tech. Asst. SWMF Recycling Comp Officer SWMF SWMF Maint. Tech. Asst. MATTHEW JEFFREY JOHN DANIEL PETER BART BRIAN LAURA TIMOTHY AMY JAN MICHAEL STUART STEVEN DRUANNE SHARON DAN JOANNE NEIL THOMAS NORMAN JASON BRIAN BRIAN HENRY SHAWN MATTHEW STARR VALERIE EDWARD MARK MARY MICHAEL KEVIN HOWARD RICHARD SCOTT TERRI BENJAMIN CHRISTOPHER KEELY JERAME ROBERT BRIAN THOMAS MICHAEL ANGELA NICHOLAS SHELDON ALAN LISA JAMIE ALLISON CHRISTINA LEONDARD STEPHEN APPENDIXVIII Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of May 2014 Company GL Acct# 30 5802 30 6901 60 5054 60 5122 60 8090 Acct Description Utilities Contingency Employee Physicals & Screening Public Info & Advertising Resale Parts, & Materials Type of Budget Revision Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Original Budget $0.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $76,300.00 G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\Copy of Mthly Budget Revisions FYE15 $ Change Revised Budget $5,000.00 $5,000.00 ($5,000.00) $30,000.00 $250.00 $250.00 $600.00 $600.00 ($850.00) $75,450.00 May14BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of June 2014 Company GL Acct# Acct Description 10 5924 Legal 10 5970 Consulting 10 6901 Contingency Type of Budget Revision Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Original Budget $12,000.00 $20,000.00 $27,550.00 G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\Copy of Mthly Budget Revisions FYE15 $ Change Revised Budget $7,500.00 $19,500.00 ($2,500.00) $17,500.00 ($5,000.00) $22,550.00 Jun14BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of July 2014 Company GL Acct# 44 4001 44 8090 20 5810 20 5826 Acct Description Customer Billings Resale Parts, & Materials Site Supplies Seed & Mulch Type of Budget Revision Board Amended Modification Board Amended Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Original Budget $685,256.00 $5,200.00 $45,000.00 $9,000.00 G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\Copy of Mthly Budget Revisions FYE15 $ Change Revised Budget $19,800.00 $705,056.00 $19,800.00 $25,000.00 ($1,000.00) $44,000.00 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 Ju14BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of August 2014 Company GL Acct# 10 5112 10 6901 20 5123 20 5708 20 5810 20 5826 52 5924 52 5970 Acct Description Telephone Contingency Promotional Materials Fuels Site Supplies Seed & Mulch Legal Consulting Type of Budget Revision Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Original Budget $2,040.00 $22,550.00 $6,000.00 $371,625.00 $44,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,200.00 $5,000.00 $ Change Revised Budget $1,050.00 $3,090.00 ($1,050.00) $21,500.00 $1,500.00 $7,500.00 ($1,500.00) $370,125.00 ($5,000.00) $39,000.00 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,200.00 ($1,000.00) $4,000.00 $0.00 Accounts with more than 1 revision during the month have the current revised budget amount displayed in bold type. G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\DANC Budget and Financial Plan FYE 3-31-2015\Mthly Budget Revisions Aug14BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs FYE15 Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of September 2014 Company GL Acct# Acct Description 20 7032 Depreciation 10 6106 Annual Report 10 6901 Contingency Type of Budget Revision Board Amended Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Original Budget $5,718,712.00 $5,000.00 $21,500.00 $ Change Revised Budget $477,000.00 $6,195,712.00 $1,987.20 $6,987.20 ($1,987.20) $19,512.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Accounts with more than 1 revision during the month have the current revised budget amount displayed in bold type. G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\DANC Budget and Financial Plan FYE 3-31-2015\Mthly Budget Revisions Sep14BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs FYE15 Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of October 2014 Company GL Acct# 10 5601 10 6901 20 5062 20 5123 20 5708 20 5708 20 5708 20 5826 30 5720 30 5836 30 5926 30 6901 Acct Description Contingency Third Party Temporary - O&M Promotional Materials Fuels Fuels Fuels Seed & Mulch Offnet Circuit Lease Pole Attachment Fees Investment Banking Fees Contingency Type of Budget Revision Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Original Budget $500.00 $19,512.80 $92,150.00 $7,500.00 $370,125.00 $365,125.00 $365,090.00 $15,000.00 $320,035.00 $214,212.00 $2,423.00 $30,000.00 $ Change Revised Budget $500.00 $1,000.00 ($499.80) $19,013.00 $5,000.00 $97,150.00 $35.00 $7,535.00 ($5,000.00) $365,125.00 ($35.00) $365,090.00 ($5,000.00) $360,090.00 $5,000.00 $20,000.00 ($2,600.00) $317,435.00 $2,600.00 $216,812.00 $1,577.00 $4,000.00 ($1,577.00) $28,423.00 Accounts with more than 1 revision during the month have the current revised budget amount displayed in bold type. G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\DANC Budget and Financial Plan FYE 3-31-2015\Mthly Budget Revisions Oct14BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs FYE15 Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of December 2014 Company GL Acct# 41 5202 41 5204 41 5602 41 5804 41 5808 41 5812 41 5924 44 5033 44 8090 52 5122 52 5206 52 5270 52 5970 52 5970 Acct Description Type of Budget Revision Original Budget $ Change Revised Budget Employee Mileage Reimbursement Internal Transfer Modification $3,000.00 ($1,000.00) $2,000.00 Empl. Meals & Incidental Internal Transfer Modification $4,000.00 ($2,000.00) $2,000.00 Auto/Light Truck Fuel Internal Transfer Modification $70,000.00 ($5,000.00) $65,000.00 Building Maintenance & Repair Internal Transfer Modification $11,000.00 $2,000.00 $13,000.00 Site Maint & Repair Internal Transfer Modification $18,700.00 $4,000.00 $22,700.00 Pipeline Maintenance Internal Transfer Modification $19,500.00 $4,000.00 $23,500.00 Legal Internal Transfer Modification $3,000.00 ($2,000.00) $1,000.00 Health Insurance Internal Transfer Modification $73,024.00 ($5,000.00) $68,024.00 Resale Parts, & Materials Internal Transfer Modification $25,000.00 $5,000.00 $30,000.00 Public Info & Advertising Internal Transfer Modification $500.00 $20.00 $520.00 Empl. Lodging Internal Transfer Modification $2,500.00 $800.00 $3,300.00 Travel & Meeting Expense Internal Transfer Modification $300.00 $550.00 $850.00 Consulting Internal Transfer Modification $4,000.00 ($1,350.00) $2,650.00 Consulting Internal Transfer Modification $2,650.00 ($20.00) $2,630.00 Accounts with more than 1 revision during the month have the current revised budget amount displayed in bold type. G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\DANC Budget and Financial Plan FYE 3-31-2015\Mthly Budget Revisions Dec14BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs FYE15 Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of January 2015 Company GL Acct# 10 5123 10 5206 10 5370 10 5370 10 5403 10 5924 10 5926 10 5970 10 6901 10 6901 11 5202 11 5570 20 5702 20 5708 20 5708 20 6009 20 6013 52 5924 52 5926 60 5924 60 8090 Acct Description Promotional Materials Empl. Lodging Training & Development Training & Development Safety Equipment & Supplies Legal Investment Banking Fees Consulting Contingency Contingency Employee Mileage Reimbursement Other General Expense Large Parts Fuels Fuels Household Hazardous Waste CRT Recycling Legal Investment Banking Fees Legal Investment Banking Fees Type of Budget Revision Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Original Budget $5,000.00 $1,500.00 $13,200.00 $11,700.00 $12,000.00 $19,500.00 $4,300.00 $17,500.00 $19,013.00 $14,493.00 $600.00 $200.00 $105,000.00 $360,090.00 $320,090.00 $75,000.00 $0.00 $2,200.00 $703.00 $0.00 $75,450.00 $ Change Revised Budget ($2,500.00) $2,500.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 ($1,500.00) $11,700.00 $9,020.00 $20,720.00 ($2,000.00) $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $24,500.00 $1,250.00 $5,550.00 ($1,250.00) $16,250.00 ($4,520.00) $14,493.00 ($5,000.00) $9,493.00 $75.00 $675.00 ($75.00) $125.00 $5,000.00 $110,000.00 ($40,000.00) $320,090.00 ($5,000.00) $315,090.00 ($20,000.00) $55,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 ($130.00) $2,070.00 $130.00 $833.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 ($2,500.00) $72,950.00 Accounts with more than 1 revision during the month have the current revised budget amount displayed in bold type. G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\DANC Budget and Financial Plan FYE 3-31-2015\Mthly Budget Revisions Jan15BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs FYE15 Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of February 2015 Company GL Acct# 10 5204 10 6901 20 5702 20 5708 44 5033 44 5770 44 6208 44 8090 52 5570 52 5970 Acct Description Empl. Meals & Incidental Contingency Large Parts Fuels Health Insurance Other Tools, Equip, O&M Exp NYS Administrative Assessment Resale Parts, & Materials Other General Expense Consulting Type of Budget Revision Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Original Budget $2,000.00 $9,493.00 $110,000.00 $315,090.00 $68,024.00 $0.00 $4,287.00 $30,000.00 $200.00 $2,630.00 $ Change Revised Budget $1,500.00 $3,500.00 ($1,500.00) $7,993.00 $5,000.00 $115,000.00 ($5,000.00) $310,090.00 ($5,000.00) $63,024.00 $700.00 $700.00 ($700.00) $3,587.00 $5,000.00 $35,000.00 $100.00 $300.00 ($100.00) $2,530.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Accounts with more than 1 revision during the month have the current revised budget amount displayed in bold type. G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\DANC Budget and Financial Plan FYE 3-31-2015\Mthly Budget Revisions Feb15BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs FYE15 Development Authority of the North Country Budget Revisions FYE 2015 Budget Revisions for the Month of March 2015 Company GL Acct# 10 5924 10 6901 30 5172 30 5720 42 5122 42 5802 Acct Description Legal Contingency Filing Fees Offnet Circuit Lease Public Info & Advertising Utilities Type of Budget Revision Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Internal Transfer Modification Original Budget $24,500.00 $7,993.00 $11,000.00 $317,435.00 $1,000.00 $28,000.00 $ Change Revised Budget $6,700.00 $31,200.00 ($6,700.00) $1,293.00 $2,500.00 $13,500.00 ($2,500.00) $314,935.00 ($1,000.00) $0.00 $1,000.00 $29,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Accounts with more than 1 revision during the month have the current revised budget amount displayed in bold type. G:\PARIS REPORTING\PARIS FYE 2015\DANC Budget and Financial Plan FYE 3-31-2015\Mthly Budget Revisions Mar15BoardAmnd-InternalTrfs FYE15 APPENDIXIX Summary of All Units Change In Net Position For the Twelve Months Ending Monday, March 31, 2014 GL 4001 4004 4005 4006 4008 4010 Annual Budget Account Description Customer Billings Customer Billings $19,612,109.65 Dark Fiber Billings 59,979.96 Capital Billings 328,602.33 Replacement Reserve Tip Income 206,115.00 Closure Reserve Tip Income 463,758.75 Tip Fee Stabilization Tip Income 412,230.00 Total Customer Billings 21,082,795.69 YTD Variance Over (Under) YTD Budget Actual YTD $19,612,109.65 59,979.96 328,602.33 206,115.00 463,758.75 412,230.00 21,082,795.69 $19,830,045.03 64,410.00 328,602.32 201,997.16 454,493.63 403,994.32 21,283,542.46 $217,935.38 4,430.04 (0.01) (4,117.84) (9,265.12) (8,235.68) 200,746.77 (175,862.79) 1,567,672.85 1,391,810.06 Grant Revenue 4181 Federal Grant Income 4183 NY State Grants Total Grant Revenue 2,517,441.60 4,182,061.58 6,699,503.18 2,517,441.60 4,182,061.58 6,699,503.18 2,341,578.81 5,749,734.43 8,091,313.24 4104 Loan Interest Income 493,200.00 493,200.00 504,468.15 11,268.15 101,340.00 975,000.00 1,076,340.00 101,340.00 975,000.00 1,076,340.00 160,999.86 1,382,463.22 1,543,463.08 59,659.86 407,463.22 467,123.08 97,844.00 198,551.00 84,076.00 18,988.00 51,337.00 75,025.00 56,598.00 582,419.00 29,934,257.87 97,844.00 198,551.00 84,076.00 18,988.00 51,337.00 75,025.00 56,598.00 582,419.00 29,934,257.87 46,988.59 (107,135.66) 11,476.98 3,467.31 (44,240.79) (102,791.81) (73,007.09) (265,242.47) 31,157,544.46 (50,855.41) (305,686.66) (72,599.02) (15,520.69) (95,577.79) (177,816.81) (129,605.09) (847,661.47) 1,223,286.59 Other Income 4164 Miscellaneous 4166 LFGTE Revenue Total Other Income Interest Income 4102 Investment Interest Income 4106-+4115 Trustee Interest 4108 Reserve Interest 4116 Replace Reserve Interest Income 4117 Liner Reserve Interest Income 4118 Closure Reserve Interest Income 4119 Post Close Interest Income Total Interest Income Total Income Salaries 5001-+5006-+5007--5006-10-0000--5001-21-0000--5007-21-0000 Regular Wages & Salaries 2,455,157.96 2,455,157.96 5001-21-0000-+5007-21-0000 Engineering Wages 649,014.00 649,014.00 5002 Overtime Wages 95,816.38 95,816.38 5005 On-Call Stipend 25,800.00 25,800.00 5039-+5006-10-0000 Admin Wages 1,000,503.07 1,000,503.07 Total Salaries 4,226,291.41 4,226,291.41 Fringe Benefits 5031 FICA Expense 5032 Pension Expense 5033-+5037--5037-00-0000 Health Insurance 5041-+5037-00-0000 Retiree Health Insurance 5034-+5040 Workers Comp 324,029.80 845,072.85 503,686.34 34,970.00 140,661.49 324,029.80 845,072.85 503,686.34 34,970.00 140,661.49 2,422,210.44 656,499.87 124,370.95 25,350.00 966,376.35 4,194,807.61 (32,947.52) 7,485.87 28,554.57 (450.00) (34,126.72) (31,483.80) 302,299.96 818,884.95 451,974.68 29,447.50 100,143.53 (21,729.84) (26,187.90) (51,711.66) (5,522.50) (40,517.96) 5/14/2014 9:30 AM Summary of All Units Change In Net Position For the Twelve Months Ending Monday, March 31, 2014 GL 5035 5036 5042 5051 5054 5062 5124 5126 5128 5129 6108 5133 5134 5135 5403 5601 5602 5603 5605 5702 5704 5706 5708 5710 5712 5716 5718 5720 5770 5815 5820 5830 5834 5836 5838 5902 5904 5906 5932 6008 6009 6010 6011 Account Description Disability Insurance Unemployment Post Retire Overhead Benefit Admin. Fees Employee Physicals & Screening Total Fringe Benefits Operations & Maintenance Third Party Temporary - O&M Computer Equipment Computer Maintenance Programming & Software ECMS Expense Web Page Design & Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Contracts Maintenance Contracts Underground Locating Safety Equipment & Supplies Auto/Light Truck Rep. & Maint. Auto/Light Truck Fuel Auto/Light Truck Rental/Lease Vehicle Ins Large Parts O&M Supplies Shop Tools Fuels Lubricants Purchased Maintenance & Repair Equipment Rental Tires Offnet Circuit Lease Other Tool, Equip & O&M Chemicals LFG/LCRS Supplies Collo Expense Permitting Pole Attachment Fees Conduit Lease Lab Fees SCADA GIS Monitoring & Testing Contract Hauling Household Hazardous Waste Cape Vincent Reserve Recycling Rebate Annual Budget 1,940.05 25,000.00 410,282.01 20,200.00 10,900.00 2,316,742.54 YTD Budget 1,940.05 25,000.00 410,282.01 20,200.00 10,900.00 2,316,742.54 Actual YTD 2,084.73 5,794.35 447,701.82 7,691.47 9,269.50 2,175,292.49 YTD Variance Over (Under) 144.68 (19,205.65) 37,419.81 (12,508.53) (1,630.50) (141,450.05) 190,000.00 37,860.90 2,239.10 75,117.00 20,000.00 2,025.00 241,973.58 161,454.50 38,000.00 23,400.00 24,400.00 95,850.67 85,800.00 16,700.00 105,000.00 25,000.00 14,400.00 403,300.00 20,000.00 82,000.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 220,244.00 14,000.00 50,900.00 50,000.00 167,310.24 2,000.00 242,950.30 24,695.96 6,100.00 22,400.00 94,300.00 90,000.00 30,000.00 75,000.00 700.00 175,000.00 190,000.00 37,860.90 2,239.10 75,117.00 20,000.00 2,025.00 241,973.58 161,454.50 38,000.00 23,400.00 24,400.00 95,850.67 85,800.00 16,700.00 105,000.00 25,000.00 14,400.00 403,300.00 20,000.00 82,000.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 220,244.00 14,000.00 50,900.00 50,000.00 167,310.24 2,000.00 242,950.30 24,695.96 6,100.00 22,400.00 94,300.00 90,000.00 30,000.00 75,000.00 700.00 175,000.00 137,671.66 35,512.12 0.00 66,379.63 19,683.98 1,356.38 146,566.49 135,723.83 27,174.98 18,670.48 19,208.02 91,720.46 82,289.37 14,366.36 88,560.69 17,439.83 12,137.43 271,176.07 14,310.33 79,256.60 4,016.83 14,920.27 195,014.40 4,690.26 44,842.09 45,300.74 83,943.49 125.00 179,938.74 16,283.58 4,164.00 15,829.54 89,371.22 67,274.93 20,676.25 58,501.32 700.00 175,000.00 (52,328.34) (2,348.78) (2,239.10) (8,737.37) (316.02) (668.62) (95,407.09) (25,730.67) (10,825.02) (4,729.52) (5,191.98) (4,130.21) (3,510.63) (2,333.64) (16,439.31) (7,560.17) (2,262.57) (132,123.93) (5,689.67) (2,743.40) (3,983.17) (5,079.73) (25,229.60) (9,309.74) (6,057.91) (4,699.26) (83,366.75) (1,875.00) (63,011.56) (8,412.38) (1,936.00) (6,570.46) (4,928.78) (22,725.07) (9,323.75) (16,498.68) 0.00 0.00 5/14/2014 9:30 AM Summary of All Units Change In Net Position For the Twelve Months Ending Monday, March 31, 2014 GL Account Description 6106 Annual Report 6110 Marketing 8090 Purchases for Resale Total O & M Annual Budget 5,000.00 5,000.00 117,450.00 3,085,571.25 YTD Budget 5,000.00 5,000.00 117,450.00 3,085,571.25 0.00 5,000.00 47,365.56 2,352,162.93 YTD Variance Over (Under) (5,000.00) 0.00 (70,084.44) (733,408.32) 6002 Sewage & Leachate Treatment 6004 Water Purchases 6016-+4508-+4510 Closure & Post Closure Care 6006 Host Community Benefits 6007 LFGTE Revenue Sharing 1,138,918.12 917,535.49 595,381.75 669,853.14 20,000.00 1,138,918.12 917,535.49 595,381.75 669,853.14 20,000.00 1,011,592.09 902,468.06 605,991.00 642,350.97 83,636.32 (127,326.03) (15,067.43) 10,609.25 (27,502.17) 63,636.32 7,400.00 103,947.00 26,100.00 8,700.00 25,841.67 33,400.00 17,900.00 12,600.00 11,750.00 17,000.00 75,000.00 23,278.75 971.25 5,800.00 51,500.00 35,148.00 33,528.00 36,040.00 8,250.00 6,432.00 51,468.00 23,700.00 22,350.00 1,875.00 1,600.00 6,850.00 27,500.00 675,929.67 7,400.00 103,947.00 26,100.00 8,700.00 25,841.67 33,400.00 17,900.00 12,600.00 11,750.00 17,000.00 75,000.00 23,278.75 971.25 5,800.00 51,500.00 35,148.00 33,528.00 36,040.00 8,250.00 6,432.00 51,468.00 23,700.00 22,350.00 1,875.00 1,600.00 6,850.00 27,500.00 675,929.67 5,893.88 92,322.01 18,767.81 6,619.72 22,700.96 30,444.25 11,590.82 6,938.93 5,818.49 16,084.10 70,734.66 17,919.60 971.25 2,153.22 10,056.53 26,077.20 26,169.54 29,649.40 2,114.70 4,451.00 27,081.95 19,027.79 21,114.25 1,269.58 351.36 4,420.00 11,942.00 492,685.00 (1,506.12) (11,624.99) (7,332.19) (2,080.28) (3,140.71) (2,955.75) (6,309.18) (5,661.07) (5,931.51) (915.90) (4,265.34) (5,359.15) 0.00 (3,646.78) (41,443.47) (9,070.80) (7,358.46) (6,390.60) (6,135.30) (1,981.00) (24,386.05) (4,672.21) (1,235.75) (605.42) (1,248.64) (2,430.00) (15,558.00) (183,244.67) 1,000.00 235,000.00 26,700.00 262,700.00 1,000.00 235,000.00 26,700.00 262,700.00 399.40 211,704.04 26,700.00 238,803.44 (600.60) (23,295.96) 0.00 (23,896.56) 5053 5102 5104 5110 5112 5114 5118 5120 5122 5123 5125 5130 5132 5170 5172 5202 5204 5206 5270 5312 5370 5402 5508 5570 6102 6104 6210 Office & Administrative Misc Employee Costs Office Rent Office Supplies Postage & Shipping Telephone Cell Phone Other Communications Dues & Subscriptions Public Info & Advertising Promotional Materials Promotional Materials - RRR Office Equipment Office Equip Maintenance Other Office Expenses Filing Fees Employee Mileage Reimbursement Empl. Meals & Incidental Empl. Lodging Travel & Meeting Expense Continuing Education Training & Development Employee Uniforms Cleaning Services Other General Expense Board Member Travel & Expenses Sponsorships Trustee Fees Total Office & Admin Utilities 5801 Waste Oil 5802 Gas & Electric 5803 Propane Total Utilities Actual YTD 5/14/2014 9:30 AM Summary of All Units Change In Net Position For the Twelve Months Ending Monday, March 31, 2014 YTD Variance Over (Under) Annual Budget YTD Budget Actual YTD 5,000.00 69,000.00 130,000.00 9,000.00 213,000.00 5,000.00 69,000.00 130,000.00 9,000.00 213,000.00 2,452.34 32,767.65 126,291.86 6,734.00 168,245.85 (2,547.66) (36,232.35) (3,708.14) (2,266.00) (44,754.15) Professional Fees 5924 Legal 5926 Investment Banking Fees 5928-+6112 Accounting Fees 5970 Consulting Total Professional Fees 55,575.00 33,956.39 41,000.00 151,743.55 282,274.94 55,575.00 33,956.39 41,000.00 151,743.55 282,274.94 33,624.06 24,297.24 40,100.00 75,176.20 173,197.50 (21,950.94) (9,659.15) (900.00) (76,567.35) (109,077.44) Repairs & Maintenance 5804 Building Maintenance & Repair 5808 Site Maint & Repair 5812 Pipeline Maintenance Total Repairs & Maintenance 44,000.00 34,000.00 52,000.00 130,000.00 44,000.00 34,000.00 52,000.00 130,000.00 19,888.55 30,036.90 42,818.52 92,743.97 (24,111.45) (3,963.10) (9,181.48) (37,256.03) 235,000.00 127,911.71 7,560,800.00 29,565.00 532,699.04 73,450.06 23,093,624.12 235,000.00 127,911.71 7,560,800.00 29,565.00 532,699.04 73,450.06 23,093,624.12 245,065.89 122,000.00 8,234,158.57 (21,732.84) 410,899.38 0.00 22,124,368.23 6,840,633.75 6,840,633.75 9,033,176.23 GL 5806 5810 5824 5826 6114 6208 7032 7002 6202 6901 Account Description Materials & Supplies Building Supplies Site Supplies Sand, Gravel & Stone Seed & Mulch Total Materials & Supplies Insurance NYS Administrative Assessment Depreciation Amortization Interest Expense Contingency Total Expenses Change in Net Position 10,065.89 (5,911.71) 673,358.57 (51,297.84) (121,799.66) (73,450.06) (969,255.89) 2,192,542.48 5/14/2014 9:30 AM APPENDIXX AUTHORITY CAPITAL PROJECT SUMMARY Fund FYE 2015 Authorization Budget FYE 2016 Budget FYE 2017 Budget FYE 2018 Budget FYE 2019 Budget FYE 2020 ADMINISTRATION $ - $ 179,500 $ 213,000 $ 172,000 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY ARMY SEWER LINE ARMY WATER LINE REGIONAL WATER LINE $ $ $ $ $ $ 250,000 4,307,170 25,000 20,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 595,000 8,800,000 475,000 55,000 20,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 820,750 3,365,000 362,000 500,000 20,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 508,038 1,435,000 60,000 - $ 625,939 $ $ 29,905,000 $ 400,000 $ $ - $ 794,737 $ $ 1,850,000 $ 7,850,000 $ 30,000 $ 2,500,000 TOTAL $ 4,602,170 $ 10,124,500 $ 5,280,750 $ 2,175,038 $ 31,072,439 $ 13,142,237 $ 141,500 $ 117,500 APPENDIX B ADMINISTRATIVE CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Number Project Description Fleet Vehicles Server Replacements Fund O O TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE Prior Approval $ - Budget FYE Budget FYE Budget FYE Budget FYE Budget FYE 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 $ 146,000 $ 213,000 $ 152,000 $ 121,500 $ 97,500 $ 33,500 $ $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 179,500 $ 213,000 $ 172,000 $ 141,500 $ 117,500 Fund Description O Operating Investments APPENDIX B TELECOMMUNICATIONS CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Number 30568 Project Description Customer Network Construction Central Office Enhancements Fiber Augments Emergency Restoration Economic Development Initiatives DOT - Road Projects DWDM Upgrade Ethernet Enhancements Fund R R R R R R R R TOTAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS Prior Approval $ $ 250,000 250,000 Budget FYE 2016 $ 215,000 $ 60,000 $ 95,000 $ 100,000 $ 25,000 $ 100,000 $ Budget FYE 2017 $ 225,750 $ 75,000 $ 85,000 $ 110,000 $ 25,000 $ 50,000 $ 100,000 $ 150,000 595,000 $ 820,750 Budget FYE 2018 $ 237,038 $ 75,000 Budget FYE 2019 $ 248,889 $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 121,000 25,000 50,000 508,038 $ 127,050 25,000 50,000 100,000 625,939 Budget FYE 2020 $ 261,334 $ 75,000 $ 100,000 $ 133,403 $ 25,000 $ 50,000 $ 150,000 $ 794,737 Fund Description R Repair & Replacement Reserve APPENDIX B SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY CAPITAL PROJECTS Project Number Project Description Leachate Loadout Facility, Access Control, Scales 20045 20122 20111 Permitting and Planning - Southern Expansion Murray Pavilion and Interpretive Center LCRS/LFG System Development Waste Composition Study Recycling Alternatives Evaluation 20105 Natural Habitat Enhancement Equipment: Landfill Compactor Equipment: Hydraulic Excavator Equipment: Articulated Hauler Equipment: Grader Equipment: TA Dump/Plow/Sander Equipment: Primary Equipment GPS Upgrade Equipment: Leachate Tank Trailer 20096 20087 Flare Relocation Property Boundary Integrity and Recreation Equipment: Waste Dozer Equipment: Ag Tractor Equipment: Skid Steer Equipment: Roller Equipment: Leachate Truck Tractor Equipment: Sweeper 20070 Leachate Treatment Alt. Assessment & Construction Closure IV Storage Facility (SF) 4 New Construction Equipment: Litter Vacuum, Trailer-mounted TOTAL SWMF Fund Description C Closure Reserve CC Carbon Credit Reserve CAP Capital Reserve R Replacement Reserve LG Landfill Gas Reserve DEBT Debt Issuance Fund Debt CAP CAP LG R R CC Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt R R LG CAP R R R R R R R C R R Prior Approval $ $ $ 2,695,000 150,000 605,000 $ 152,170 $ $ $ $ Budget FYE 2016 $ 5,700,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 80,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 975,000 $ 450,000 $ 425,000 $ 400,000 $ 250,000 $ 110,000 $ 85,000 200,000 425,000 Budget FYE 2017 $ 1,900,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 80,000 $ 25,000 $ $ $ $ $ 80,000 4,307,170 $ 8,800,000 $ 600,000 100,000 400,000 85,000 75,000 Budget FYE 2018 Budget FYE 2019 Budget FYE 2020 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 85,000 $ 85,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 1,025,000 $ 475,000 $ 450,000 $ $ 700,000 75,000 $ $ 100,000 500,000 $ $ $ $ 175,000 140,000 135,000 150,000 3,365,000 $ 1,435,000 $ $ 100,000 145,000 $ 25,000,000 $ 3,400,000 $ 29,905,000 $ 1,850,000 APPENDIX B WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS ARMY SEWER LINE Project Number 41042 Project Description Warneck Pump Station Genset Replacement Warneck Pump Station and Back-Up Pump Improvements Gaseous Chlorine Alternative Disinfectant Assessment/Implementation Nature Trail Improvements WPS VFD Replacement (Pump 1/2) Bar Screen Rehabilitation/Replacement Contract 6 - Engineering for Duplicate Pipeline & Construction Fund Prior Approval REV $ 25,000 REV Budget FYE 2016 $ 400,000 $ 75,000 Budget FYE 2017 REV $ 312,000 REV REV REV $ 50,000 Budget FYE 2018 $ Budget FYE 2019 60,000 $ 400,000 TBD TOTAL ARMY SEWER LINE Budget FYE 2020 $ 7,850,000 $ 25,000 $ 475,000 $ 362,000 $ 60,000 $ 400,000 $ 7,850,000 Budget FYE 2019 Budget FYE 2020 ARMY WATER LINE Project Number Project Description BPS2 VFD Upgrades Pipe Insulation and Repair BPS1/2 Emergency Generator Assessment and Replacement BPS1/2 SCADA Upgrade Fund CAP CAP Prior Approval Budget FYE 2016 $ 30,000 $ 25,000 REV Budget FYE 2017 $ Budget FYE 2018 500,000 REV TOTAL ARMY WATER LINE $ - $ 55,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ 30,000 $ 30,000 REGIONAL WATER LINE Project Number 43106 Project Description RTU Upgrades LBPS Generator Assessment and Overhaul RWL Water Tower TOTAL REGIONAL WATER LINE Fund Description REV Revenue CAP Capital Reserve Fund REV REV TBD Prior Approval $ 20,000 Budget FYE 2016 $ 20,000 Budget FYE 2017 $ Budget FYE 2018 Budget FYE 2019 Budget FYE 2020 20,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ 2,500,000 APPENDIXXI FY 2015-2016 Budget Work Session Authority Debt Service Narrative 1) Solid Waste Management a) 1995 (2005D) EFC Bond Issue Debt Balance @ 3/31/15: $1,475,000 Annual Debt Service, Interest & Principal: $1,509,463 Maturity Date : 5/15/2015 b) 1997 Bond Issue Debt Balance @ 3/31/15: $950,000 Annual Debt Service, Interest & Principal: $978,500 Maturity Date: 5/15/2015 c) 1998 (2010C) Bond Issue Debt Balance @ 3/31/15: $1,815,000 Annual Debt Service, Interest & Principal: $370,591 Maturity Date: 4/15/2019 d) The Authority anticipates issuing $2,500,000 in debt for Solid Waste Management Equipment for a term of 5 years. Additionally, the Authority anticipates Bonding for $7,500,000 for the Access Contol and Leachate Loadout Facility for a term of 10 Years. The Authority anticpates paying interest only on the debt issued in FYE 2016. 2) Army Wastewater a) Key Bank PCCP Loan Debt Balance @ 3/31/15: $655,702 Annual Debt Service, Interest & Principal: $363,787 Maturity Date: 2/1/17 b) Key Bank LEED Improvement Project Loan This loan is split 65% Army Sewer and 35% Army Water Debt Balance @ 3/31/15: $521,559 Annual Debt Service, Interest & Principal: $527,502 Maturity Date: 2/1/16 4) Regional Waterline a) United States Department of Agriculture Debt Balance @ 3/31/15: $1,220,651 Annual Debt Service, Interest & Principal: $91,104 Maturity Date: 4/08/36 5) Administrative a) NYS Loan (Original State Investment in Authority) Debt Balance @ 3/31/15: $1,214,000 Annual Debt Service: $50,000 (Principal Only, 0% Interest) Maturity Date: 3/31/40 APPENDIXXII APPENDIXXIII FY 2015-2016 Preliminary Budget Budget Work Session January 29, 2015 BUDGETARY RISKS ASSESSMENT Public authorities are required to provide information regarding their budget and financial planning to the Office of the State Comptroller pursuant to New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, Part 203, Chapter V, Title 2. The data is collected in the OSC Budget Request (Part 203) tab in the Public Authorities Reporting Information System (PARIS), posted on the Authority’s website, www.danc.org. Pursuant to Section 203.6, the following is a self-assessment of budgetary risk. 1. U.S. Army Reductions at Fort Drum – High The Authority, like the surrounding community and region, will be significantly adversely impacted by a dramatic reduction of forces stationed at Fort Drum. The Authority has significant revenue streams dependent upon the garrison and the military population throughout the community. Impacts: Water Quality, Housing loans, Solid Waste, Telecommunications 2. Lyons Falls Redevelopment Loans – High The Authority made a significant commitment to Lewis County and Lewis County Development Corporation to finance the Lyons Falls redevelopment project, advancing cash flow subject to reimbursement by New York State Consolidated Funding Awards (CFA). The risk factor assigned reflects the large level of funding commitment, the phases of the project required for completion, and the unknowns of the demolition and clean-up which have impacted project costs. Impacts: Community Development Loan Fund, Engineering 3. Organic Waste Diversion – Medium The diversion of organic waste is being explored at various locations and on various scales throughout the region. While the Authority supports waste diversion, it also recognizes the potential loss of 36% of its annual waste volume. This would have a dramatic impact on annual revenues for the landfill. If the Authority is not a part of an organic waste diversion solution, such a project could produce tipping fee increases. Impact: Finance, Administration, Engineering, Solid Waste 4. MWBE Compliance Process – Medium FY 2015-2016 Preliminary Budget Budget Work Session January 29, 2015 The state’s Executive Policy, requiring 30% procurement from certified MWBE vendors, is placing financial and staffing demands upon the Authority for compliance. The state has implemented a one size fits all contract reporting system, which necessitates the Authority to manually report or invest in software reprogramming. While the Authority has exceeded the required goals for purchasing, it has not achieved compliance in contract reporting. Since the Authority does not utilize the state’s financial system for budgeting or payments, it is difficult to comply. Impact: Finance 5. State Funding Reimbursement – Medium The Authority has received a number of CFA grants which require the Authority to advance funds and be subject to reimbursement upon completion. The Authority is also awaiting over a million dollars in reimbursement for investments in landfill gas collection systems. The risk is associated with the subjective application of reimbursement criteria, changes of criteria after expenses are paid, and the delays in state payment. Impact: Finance, Engineering, Telecommunications, Solid Waste, Administration 6. Telecommunications Revenues – Low The Authority has identified changing telecommunications revenues as a critical issue over several years. The Authority maintains a balanced telecom budget and has successfully renewed contracts with both regional BOCES and FDRHPO, albeit at significantly less revenue. The continuing changes in technology to greater capacity for lower cost has created a highly competitive environment, necessitating new business lines to compete. Impact: Finance, Telecommunications, Engineering, Administration 7. Low Interest Earnings – Low The Authority believes the decline in interest earnings has stabilized; however, the forecast is not optimistic for significant growth. The decline in interest earnings has been a critical issue for the past five years. The lack of earnings has adversely impacted the Authority’s operating expenses. The administrative overhead has been allocated and lack of reserve growth has necessitated added expenditures in operating divisions. Impact: Finance, Administration, Regional Development, Engineering, Solid Waste, Telecommunications, Water Quality 8. Municipal Contract Pricing – Low FY 2015-2016 Preliminary Budget Budget Work Session January 29, 2015 The Authority labor rates for Water Quality are not higher than industry standards; however, the fully burdened Authority hourly rate is viewed by municipalities as too high compared to municipal hourly rates. The Authority must maintain competitive pricing or face potential loss of municipal contracts. Impact: Water Quality, Engineering RISK MANAGEMENT The risk factors assigned medium and low values are risks the Authority has previously encountered to varying degrees in prior years. The same is true as it relates to the ongoing national defense spending debate and the short and long-term impacts on Fort Drum. Fort Drum has been assigned a higher level of risk due to proposed reductions resulting from the sequestration of future budget funds. The high risk assigned to the Lyons Falls project reflects the concerns with funding availability for project completion. The project contains federal, state, local, and private funding sources, all of which will be required to commit additional funds to reach project completion. REVISIONS AND RECONCILIATIONS Public Authorities are required to provide information regarding their budget and financial planning. Pursuant to Section 206(e) and (f), the following is a review of significant revisions and reconciliations. 1. Debt Service – The Authority has retired the original debt on the construction of the original telecommunications network and subsequent expansions have been grant and reserve funded. This was anticipated in the FYE 2015 Budget. The Authority has continued to pay down the original and subsequent bond issuances for the construction and development of the original solid waste landfill. The expiration of the debt is planned to coincide with the initial issuance of new debt for the planned landfill expansion. In the interim, additional solid waste debt will be incurred for the replacement of the solid waste ancillary facilities. The Authority continues to pay down long term balances for Water Quality improvements and obligations to New York State. 2. Engineering Division (60) – The division is anticipating a decrease in purchase for resale of an estimated $30,000 which will decrease the expense item and customer revenues by an equal amount since it is a pass through account for technical equipment purchases on behalf of municipal customers. FY 2015-2016 Preliminary Budget Budget Work Session January 29, 2015 3. Reserve Funds – The Authority’s reserves - both third party restricted reserves and board designated reserves - are stable and reflect the planned growth. The solid waste capital reserve reflects the consolidation of the liner reserve following completion of the Cell 11 liner. The regional health care reserve has been closed and returned to the repair and upgrade reserve for telecommunications. The regional recycling reserve funds were applied to cover the costs of the CRT recycling initiative with the member counties. These changes were anticipated in the FYE 2015 Budget. 4. Solid Waste Division (20) – The adopted budget anticipated the continued decline of MSW in the waste stream due to waste diversion, thereby reducing revenues. Improvements to the economic climate produced additional waste generation and corresponding revenues which exceed fixed expenses, producing additional revenue generation for the fiscal year. 5. State Loan Funds – The Authority has entered into contracts with New York State Empire State Development and the New York Power Authority to administer state funds for the operation of regional revolving loan funds for Agriculture, Tourism, and Economic Development. These combined state funds currently reflected in the budget and balance sheets exceed $10 million. As loans are underwritten and approved, the disbursement will be reflected and accounted for by the Authority. 6. Telecommunications Division (30) – The Division budget no longer reflects significant sources of federal and state revenue with the completion of Federal ARRA and state CFA projects. There is also a revenue loss attributable to the reduced BOCES contracts. The budget reflects reductions in revenue and reductions in capital projects and commitments to reserves. This was anticipated in the FYE 2015 Budget. 7. Water Quality Division (40) – The adopted budget separated Engineering from Water Quality and projected an initial deficit of $80,000 annualized. At present, the revised deficit estimate would be $10,000; however, the increased customer billings that closed the deficit are not sustainable on an annual basis.