efs equestrian team uniform
efs equestrian team uniform
EFS EQUESTRIAN TEAM UNIFORM EQUESTRIAN UNIFORM REQUIREM ENTS: Lo go for Saddle pad RIDER: EFS navy woollen jumper, white shirt and navy/white school tie. Handmad e EFS hair ties $8.00 each White or beige jodhpurs or breeches preferred. Moleskins optional in light colours only. Black or brown boots, short or top boots are acceptable – cleaned and in good condition EFS Equestrian Polo Top s $40 (N ot to b e worn for ridin g in classes) Handmad e Browband Saddle Pad with lo go $40 Items ava ilab le fo r p urch as e th ro u gh the EFS Un ifo rm S ho p . Limited h ire n umb ers ava ilab le via th e 7-12 Lib ra ry or co n tact He len Wa kef ield . Please maintain a neat and tidy appearance throughout the day. The Equestrian Team polo shirt and soft-shell jacket are noncompulsory items. HORSE: White EFS saddle pad (or equivalent, with logo attached) for ridden or saddled classes. Available in Pony/Cob/Full sizes. Browband non-compulsory but desirable.
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