Arragain Simon - Collège de France


Arragain Simon - Collège de France
Dr. Arragain Simon (MCFA) Laboratoire de Chimie des Processus Biologiques, Collège de France, 11 place Marcelin Berthelot 75 005 Paris, France E-­‐mail : simon.arragain@college-­‐de-­‐ Phone number: 33 1 44 27 16 45 RESEARCH INTERESTS Mechanistic and Structural Enzymology • Special interest in [Fe-­‐S] protein involved in redox process • Radical SAM enzymes • Enzymatic kinetics • RNA modifications • Kinetic studies • X-­‐ray crystallography • Biophysical techniques: EPR, Mössbauer, RMN, HPLC/MSMS, Stopped Flow • Labeling: Isotopic and/or radioactive labeling During my PhD (2008-­‐2011) under supervision from Dr. M.Atta, Dr. E. Mulliez and Pr. M. Fontecave, my main interests bore upon “Radical-­‐SAM” enzymes involved in sulfur insertion into unreactive C-­‐H bonds. I acquired research expertise in identification of post-­‐translational modifications either on tRNA or proteins. Then, I joined Pr. L. Rubio’s laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow (Dec 2011-­‐ Sep 2014) to work on NifB radical SAM enzyme involved in nitrogenase FeMo-­‐co biosynthesis. I am now working at College de France since October 1st 2014. PUBLICATIONS 2014 • Echavarri-­‐Erasun, C.; Arragain, S.; Scandurra, A.A.; and Rubio LM., Expression and Purification of NifB Protein from Aerobic and Anaerobic Sources, Methods in Molecular Biology; 2014 Feb 1122, 19-­‐31 Abstract • Echavarri-­‐Erasun, C.; Arragain, S.; Rubio, LM.; Purification of O2-­‐Sensitive Metalloproteins, Methods in Molecular Biology 2014 Feb; 1122, 5-­‐18. Abstract Arragain Simon Page 1 / 2
2013 •
2011 •
2010 •
Forouhar, F.; Arragain, S.⃰; Atta, M.; Gambarelli, S.; Mouesca, J. M.; Hussain, M.; Xiao, R.; Kieffer-­‐
Jaquinod, S.; Seetharaman, J.; Acton, T. B.; Montelione, G. T.; Mulliez, E.; Hunt, J. F.; Fontecave, M.; Two Fe-­‐S clusters catalyze sulfur insertion by radical-­‐SAM methylthiotransferases; Nat Chem Biol. 2013 May;9(5):333-­‐8. Abstract ⃰ Co-­‐first author Atta, M.; Arragain, S.; Fontecave, M.; Mulliez, E.; Hunt, J. F.; Forouhar, F.; Luff, J. D., The methylthiolation reaction mediated by the Radical-­‐SAM enzymes; Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012 Nov;1824(11):1223-­‐30. Abstract Atta M., Mulliez E., Arragain S., Forouhar F., Hunt JF., Fontecave M. ; S-­‐Adenosylmethionine-­‐
dependent radical-­‐based modification of biological macromolecules; Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2010 Dec;20(6):684-­‐92. Abstract •
Arragain S, Handelman SK, Forouhar F, Wei FY, Tomizawa K, Hunt JF, Douki T, Fontecave M, Mulliez E, Atta M ;Identification of eukaryotic and prokaryotic methylthiotransferase for biosynthesis of 2-­‐
methylthio-­‐N6-­‐threonylcarbamoyladenosine in tRNA ; J Biol Chem. 2010 Sep 10;285(37):28425-­‐33. Abstract •
Arragain S, Garcia-­‐Serres R, Blondin G, Douki T, Clemancey M, Latour JM, Forouhar F, Neely H, Montelione GT, Hunt JF, Mulliez E, Fontecave M, Atta M ; Post-­‐translational modification of ribosomal proteins: structural and functional characterization of RimO from Thermotoga maritima, a radical S-­‐adenosylmethionine methylthiotransferase ;J Biol Chem. 2010 Feb 19;285(8):5792-­‐801. Abstract Arragain Simon Page 2 / 2

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