Minerva - SipcamAdvan


Minerva - SipcamAdvan
The Natural Choice
The wise choice for first spray.
For disease control that lasts.
Make Minerva™ Fungicide the foundation of your
sugarbeet fungicide program. There really is no better choice
for first-spray Cercospora leafspot protection. Applied to
the sugarbeet canopy, this aggressive systemic fungicide
provides unmatched disease control that lasts. Minerva is
readily absorbed and redistributed throughout the plant,
providing rapid disease control, while also being pooled in the
crown area for extended protection of new growth. That is
why Minerva protects your sugarbeets – even new growth – for
weeks. Suitable for ground, aerial or chemigation application,
Minerva also controls powdery mildew and can be tank mixed
with a variety of products, including postemergence herbicides.
Protect your investment and profit,
Minerva is the wise choice for first spray.
The Natural Choice
• Contains Tetraconazole, long been
recognized as the standard for Cercospora
Leaf Spot control in sugarbeets.
• A highly efficient systemic fungicide for
Cercospora Leaf Spot and Powdery Mildew.
Not only is Minerva rapidly and thoroughly
distributed throughout the plant, but it
also remains in plant crown for extended
absorption and control.
• The ideal first-spray
fungicide in Cercospora
Leaf Spot management
• Tank-mix compatible with many products,
including postemergence herbicides.
• Suitable for ground, aerial or
chemigation application.
Timing Is Everything
The correct application timing for Minerva is in the first spray of the season, generally 50 to 60 days
after planting, pending weather. At this point, beet plants are well-formed and conditions for disease
development are typically right, even if disease is not yet detected. Include Minerva in a Cercospora
Leaf Spot control program, in rotation with other fungicides with different modes of action. Follow
recommendations of your local crop advisor.
PHI = 14 days
Application Guidelines
Rate: 13 fl. Oz/A
Minimum Gallon 20 gallons for ground application
Per Acre: 5 gallons for aerial application
Pre-Harvest Interval: 14 days
Do not make more than one application per season.
©2015 Sipcam Agro USA, Inc. The Natural Choice is a trademark of Advan LLC. Minerva is a trademark of Sipcam Agro USA, Inc. Always read and follow label instructions.

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