Sneech/ Articulation -
Sneech/ Articulation -
Sneech/Articulation . Modelslow easyspeech . Exaggerate the correctproductionof sounds . In a oneto onesituation-Repeatwhatthe chiid saysandthen modelthe correctproduction.@x. open the toor,I don't know whata toor is, Do you meanopqnthe door?)Only do this occasionallyso you won't frustratethe child o Consuitwith the deveiopmental soundlist to seeif the sounderror is within developmentaliimits r Consuitwith the SpeechLanguagepathologist to determinethe correctproductionof the soundatld what else can be done I' lUun S-t . Age rangesoi f,ormalconsonaildeveioomenl Average ags eslimares and upDerege producllon. nresofiC ler onespoiiif ioiJ souna nansarrn: 5f_lt-*o.*"O "onsonant mqtran ageoi customary rrticuialion; I slopEsl anageEveratwnidlgtr/i ol 8I chllrirenaresr lonadlyFooucingtiresoundtdagtromiemDiin, f iSZ;rc1,*n q a. iisii. tFroma ssnoer [ 9721'l{iren lre SoeechsoundbGarned:"Journat o{So*i ,ic irip' ooorcen,J7, 5i,_ 6? | lca,i tu