Route 134 North Woburn - Wellington Station North
Route 134 North Woburn - Wellington Station North
To Lowell To Haverhill St. ain M on . m St. St. n sto Bo . Av e te rn Broa dway W es Ave. . ach Be il Ra ter mu St. om m rt C e po pik wb ury Tu rn ort /Ne Sa le m adw St. Re ve ail re R Be 1A ter ac h mu Pk om wy rt C . po 424, 434, 450 uryExpress to Haymarket via Route 1A b w 448, 449, 459 to Downtown Ne t/ r o Boston via Logan Airport kp c and Ted Williams Tunnel Ro rn Ave. ckp Ro an A ve. Oce l St. New Hal Bro pA ve. 119 REVERE BEACH Walde mar 112 Orient BEACHMONT 119 Ave. Ave. SUFFOLK DOWNS Belle Island Reservation Belle Island Reservation ORIENT HEIGHTS e in 120 93 ue L Sa rato ga St. Bl WOOD ISLAND es tA ve . 712 713 121 Cr St. 116 114 ve re . n St Malde Information 617-222-3200 • 1-800-392-6100 (TTY) 617-222-5146 • Taft Shore Rd. nA ve gto St. Vine St. hin St. ay ad w Ferry Wa s t. tS St. ly Bro t. Easte St. s os Cr on lm Lincoln St. Vin e Sa le St. Ly nn t. st S Fo re gton St. Washin Rd St. en re G St. Plea sant W av er ay en Wa rr Be Fellsway Haverhill Commuter Rail 107 Clinto Carro n St. ll St. 110 ch S 117 al S Win t. thro Re da rS t. Ce Sw an St. vin Sa Fulto n St Co lle ge Orange Line Main St. Av e. rd A ve. cka Pa W el St ling a. to n Sq rd fo St. ed Sa le ew N O ak St. Walton Pk. . Rd nd dla W oo . Governor ’s Ave. St. est For t. pS thro Win Cu rtis St. Pkwy . k oo Br Alewife Fellsway East Highla St. ion Un N Pon d Fre sh WONDERLAND Bea ntr No rth St. St. en me St. Main . Av e rd Ha St. er Riv Pkwy. Bright Rd. St. t. ct S os pe Pr Alb io n High St. re Ave . nd hla Hig St. ton ing Wa sh nd Ave. St. ve ro G rva Valle y t. nS Ja so St. St. 411 Ce St. Com mon M W in C che en s te te r r n ur W ob G St. Washington Centr Holton St. ail ter R mmu ll Co Lowe r Pa lm St. e Pk wy . cV all My sti St. Pa nd hla Hig Me dfo rd . Av e rk St. Bow ey Cambridge W Bry Av e. Ba ke r Pleas Peac ock tS t. Fo res Ve rn . Sq n ur St. Sa le m al St. Kil St. Pond St. d. hn Jo d. Ru sse ll R Rd . ple tR d. an hip St. le ap M so n R Rd. ant St. t. nS Main St. Main St. West St. .W ob w um ha is M St. by St. gton Lexin t. Le Muller Rd. rS . d rd R ha St. n gto xin Walnut St. . am St Walth Sum ea M Grant St. St. am Wa lth d. eR dc liff Lexi ngto Ave . St. an t. ctor m rd Tom lin S N Rd . le . Rd uld St. Go Grove St. St. ln co Lin t. gS rin Sp Wo o . g St In du str Rd. Hill d. nR lto Sk e . yA ve wv a do d. ge R Colle d. R er nte Vo lu Hill St. School Sprin ia lW ay Rd . ton Wilm ing Fox d. Le roy R Rd. is W yman Fra nc Ca re d. he en R Sh aw s . Av e ell rtw Ha St. Pro 424W 426W 439 441 442 450W 455 . wy Av e. 116 110 116 117 411 448 449 Winthrop Highlands Nah ant Spring Rd.E . Wym an 439 e Rd . Revere St. CHELSEA 117 411 Rd Revere St. 116 REVERE Quigley Hospital Cary Square Revere/Jack Satter House Pk Ave . Nahant ev R rop 3rd Sh inth Fifth R d. St. Co ok Wyman Rd. Rd . ar d O rc h d. gs R Spr in . R Castl Rd Rd. ty ant Nah un St. Co nt ha Na St. Old St. ial erc St. ut 449 St. ter tn n n tio va er e Brown Circle 411 Av e. a Bo 91 CT2 LYNN 431 Be W . e Av 86 Union Square ey 90 SULLIVAN SQUARE kli 112 n 85 mm an 110 Vane 116 CHELSEA 111 St. Humphrey St. Lewi es e er Rd Blue Line Ave. gto tt Ave. il Co . 111 hin 1 111 Ra an 111 ir Ave t. shm ntai n Ave . k Ave . ervo mn Cu 119 Par Res Ru nS 117 Evere ce Ave . Mou Sagamore y. St. ter Fr stitu Beach Pkw Market Basket lde on Legi ican Amer Hwy. 112 426W Ma 112 mu Summer St. lvd. eB tun Nep 441 Point 448 of Pines 442 449 439 h or Rumney Marsh d. St. St. ru om 442 s St. St. ac rth R hols Sp ll C Myrtle St. e St. Con as W St. St. ion Un No 1A uir Nic Union 3rd m gent 110 d ha 119 Sar Elm St. M ad Da iso rtm n St. ou th St. 99 110 St. 2n ac Sq St. Everett Square t. 60 St. St. nS 1A . Northgate Shopping Center Express to Haymarket tion St. ea Be St. 450/450W 459 434 455 424/424W 411 119 429 426 428 Woodlawn 104 105 Eastern Ave. EVERETT 109 Revere ASSEMBLY SQUARE Rumney Marsh 1 en ck es . hS ald ris co els 109 e Av ac M or an Ch ld St. Be Fuller St. M H Ch 16 99 tral Sa le St. m 108 St. Garfield Ave. nam Buck 108 110 99 112 134 710 we 83 428 St. 104 97 90 97 99 100 106 St. St. gto e. Av 439 107 426/426W Linden Square Maplewood rry Cliftondale Square 429 411 Salem n Lyn 450/450W 459 455 434 424/424W W. Lynn Garage 428 St. Fe St. ity in Tr 99 ay 109 hin SWAMPSCOTT 441 448 456 t. xS se Es Lincoln Ave. in Cro ter 426/426W SAUGUS Cen t. do w land New Br ya nt St. Win 436 459 455 Wa s 107 429 l St. nS Bo ss 99 Medford St. Centra e. ano St. rfie St. rly Av Leb St. St. St. dw a Bro y Lo St. Wave St. ya nt Ga tral Summer East St. rry (under construction) wa Av e. Lincoln St. Assembly Square Mall Bro t. Granada Highlands Complex 411 108 Br 105 Fe St. 92 e St. Salem St. e Av 105 Main 95 dg 60 97 ad 87 96 non 89 Lebanon Street Loop nbri . tern 97 xS 430 430 s Ea 428 se Leba 90 Es d. St. Sa Gateway Center 80 77 Av e . . e Av nd e Av St. 101 . s. 88 hla od St. St ford as M Hig wo Mystic River E. Al bion n Ave. 134 ay llsw ain ay M adw 90 108 Cen Damo Fe . WELLINGTON Med Bro Main St. Ave. 100 Meadow Glen Mall St. ley lles n St. We eto St. nc Pri rvard Ha t. nS rio Ma Lin Charles St. Medford St. Av e lem 137 ilton 430 Pe nny R B ai 106 131 er St. 325 101 136 t St. Walnu St. ke lyo Ham Up MELROSE 106 434 t St . Ho Saugus Center 429 430 Mt. Hood Memorial Park and Golf Course 450/450W 424/424W 435 Wal nu 429 Saugus Iron Works St ham t. Summ 100 Appleton St. Main St. MALDEN MALDEN 108 West Highland ide 95 . 72/75 t. . 101 PORTER nc ton St. e Av ers 93 St. 89 il 132 St. nt Pleasa c - note Riv Exit 31 Main College Ave. 94 96 Washing nd t. 131 n St. hla . eS l St. Sylva Malden Family Health Center 429 Square One Mall Laure OAK GROVE 132 99 St. St. Grove Pine Banks Park Clifton St. 60 St. m St. Ave . WYOMING HILL Glenwood St. Sa Central St. Express to/from Boston Haymarket station Exit 32 er Ra ord nS ing Fells Reservoir 710 lem t. ve. on A Hur org Powder House Square 83 mmut Co Mai d. St. Wyo m Boston Regional Medical Center in . Upha 136 137 106 t. 435 Ma Bellevue Golf Club 131 St. Porter MELROSE/ CEDAR PARK dS 28 Medford Square dS Rindge Ave. Fitchbu nwoo a sw ll Fe DAVIS Russell Field s Pkwy. Pon 710 Fellsway Lynn Franklin Sq. Ell Pond Wright’s Pond Exit 33 1 Hig St llan Ho Washington St. 75 est way W p ro 351 Danehy Park Fresh Pond Fells th in Belmont St. W t St. r Rd. mon Borde t. Bel 89 77 78 St. 554 rS 73 74 ve Gro ave Rd. Oakley Rd. bu h Fitc elo t. 60 r Ra mute om rg C S ton ing av W South d. il k Oa ey erl Beaver St. Tra p 87 rg Co . WAVERLEY d sR t. Hig Ge 96 rt R lS St. ard Rd hoo ey erl av W Blanch Sc as Ple . rbe He Red Express to/from Burlington via Rt. 2 and Rt. 128 St. Lynn Fell t. s Ea Molineaux Circle 710 hS 94 88 e Lin Gree sS t 100 Lawrence Memorial Hospital Tufts University Clarendon Hill 79 ALEWIFE Ave . Rd e. Av s. as St. 2 Channing Rd. cord ad Rd. M St. 78 t. ss S Cro Main St. St. 132 325 428 St. ard How y. Pkw Fells Fra rkin Middlesex Fells Reservation 99 t. 80 ad o ald W s os Cr 76 351 79 62/76 131 MELROSE HIGHLANDS nklin Elm St. 16 y St. SWAMPSCOTT Birch Pond 106 South Reservoir 94 wa St. rk Melrose Highlands Spot Pond . Bro 350 ant Pleas . St. ing y Middle Reservoir Playste 87 Breakheart Reservation Pe St. c Win St. e Av rth am Spr St. Doleful Pond Stone Zoo in Ma sti as 60 Goden St. nS t ain M No illi nklin STONEHAM 93 North Reservoir High St. Pkwy. Town Forest St. GREENWOOD Fra 28 Dark Hollow Pond St. Wyman Bo My St. ey st re Doonan St. 326 Serving •Veterans Memorial Senior Center •Woburn Square •Medford Square •Meadow Glen Mall •Orange Line •Lowell Commuter Rail Nahant St. ay Buckman Pond Middlesex Fells Reservation St. Grove stic My Arlington Center t. tS an as Ple 129 12-18 mins. Broadw Spring St. Pa Rd. North WoburnWellington Station Wakefield St. Square Water St. W Ave. St. St. ton gh Bri gto t. St. t. St. field St. Mystic ck xin ll S erhi Hav hn Jo Main St. eS Gar in . Rd t. nS mlo an St. Ple St. Le l St. Pear . e. Av St. ington Wash Pin d Woo Bow St Ma ton ngto Arli . He t r St. Ave . 554 Be 170 Va ll St. son hard Ric Fo St. nA ve . ton cord x Le 556 t es Ken sto Rd Clif Mill St. . High St. Menotomy Rocks We st S Park e Con Bentley College mit St ice t. St. MEDFORD 60 80 erv tS Dale Pkwy WEST . d. st S d. rR le Ty Fle tche an 554 n St St. Waltham Highlands Av e BELMONT . Sum tern Con 554 St. St. 350 ARLINGTON . St. . Dale to hing Was ter Rd t. 76 d. d. nd yS as d. eR ge R Po Prospect Hill Park Park Cir. E eR rvic lo en 62 BELMONT To tt ion Alb 10 mins. h St. win 95 eR pe W Waltham Shuttle Waltham–Bay Colony 781-890-0093 Se Gra 62/76 Ea a Tr Fourth Ave. 170 St. MEDFORD rvic St. W Ave . E. Marsh 70A ALE Ave. Hancock West Medford Spy Indicates MBTA pass and fare sales locations. Pond 67 77 Fare vending machines are also located at all 62 84 subway stations and Dudley Station. 67 350 Win ln co Lin 170 4th tvale Sout 38 Mystic Lakes Rid St. em Sal St. Elm Maple St. WEDGEMERE Su r. lD m Hil St. me r S Oak 3 attle t. Ma Br ss Minut ac eman hu se Bik Com tts eway mut Mystic er Av e. 79 rvic dA ve St. O . WALTHAM Exit 27 West St. e. Av W. Se or ALE Gatehouse Dr. 78 nd Cambridge Reservoir t. 78 Ave. ple Ap Belmont Country Club nc ve. nA sto akla Co Win ter S 77 LEX Metropolitan Parkway Dr. Hardy Pond 2A Av e. 84 2 Ple Forest Arlington Heights lla Wo t. S ton Lake St. ALE Ridge St. Taft . ve tt A se 70A W Hu Country Club tch ins on Rd . 67 St. Arlington Reservoir t. nS lo Rd. North Waltham . r Ave ow Trape Bay Colony Waltham Woods LEX er Park . Rd Exit 28 Winchester St. ge mm Farm Rd. 225 t. as e. Hig ck u ch Wa lo Lexington Ridge ALE ALE Alewife Commuter Shuttle Alewife–Lexington–Waltham 781-890-0093 n ela Lo Su tle Fot tS an ord Av 4 Cocoa Express Cafe Turkey Hill tert Wa Conc t. . ll S we Av e Lo pe a Tr Express to/from Alewife Station via Rt. 2 76 wo St. Salem Broadway Mon Exit 36 Express to/from Medford Square/ Boston, State St. Station via I-93 3 . Rd Rid r ord ALE d 2A ute Lexington Lahey ALE ster Dr . LEX 62 LEX nc Tracer Lane m om n C ay ma ew ute Bik Hayden Ave. Co 62/76 LEX p Rd. Philli Trapelo Rd. Winche The Great Meadow d. LEX Hayden Woods Wild ll St. Approximate total running time Crystal one way 44-55 minutes Lake Unicorn Country Club WINCHESTER CENTER t. dS t. hS Min LEX nR St. Marrett Rd. Folle e E G me ar rs de o ns n R d. 2A Museum of our National Heritage 225 LEX St. ad . tham Wal Sh sA ve 4 Rd. rrett LEX re Exit 29 LEX S ett Ma 2A 2 m olo us . St. ve. yA Ca n Pierce o ch Rd St. 76 62/76 Middle Lincoln St. Cambridge Reservoir sa en th d. R t. lS Mil Lincoln ing St. ur Wob LEX as LEX St. Lake WINCHESTER LEX M or W tt re Lincoln Park Exit 30 St. o Lexington Center 76 62/76 ge m ar M LEX 134 350 n St. . Mass Ave East St. id ha LEX Pau . br St. Redstone Shopping Center r m alt W l Rev Ad . Rd rth Winter December 28, 2013 – March 21, 2014 Lowe 136 Country Club Fo Cross St. Cordis St. 129 10 mins. Bear Hill Marble St. N.E. Rehab Hospital Ca t. en St. Arl St. ell S or W d. LEX eR s am St. er . e Av ss e Mass Av St. Willow St. St. ell Low 62 th Ma St. cock r mmute t. man Co Minute Bikeway rd S dfo Be Han re ve Re East St. Main t. ge rid l Rd. Wood St. d. rt R po Air LEXINGTON 350 ss Ru LEX Pine Meadows Country Club Old Green St. Horn Pond t. t. Lake Quannapowitt WAKEFIELD No 134 WAKEFIELD ll S 137 Montvale Ave 38 354 t. L ll S e. WOBURN sa a Ple nS LEX 28 12-17 mins. 354 ale Av Montv t. gto se LEX St. S nt St. St. 132 in n we Dr. 137 As schedule change Exit 41 Lo Exit 39 William St. W e. in ex s Ru 354 St. S nS mb pike twel 225 t. m on Av rd N Hancock St. 2A St. gto Ca St. Turn Willard Woods ch S Lynnfield Country Club Exit 40 Bro ok 128 95 Bea ale Harris dfo sex Rd Ber 95 128 76 62/76 Rd. Be BUR dle . ds on Sim Minuteman National Historic Park S. Bedford Rd. Rd. Wheeler Mid Exit 31 4 76 rd Bedfo rlin rd . LEX 62 Lincoln Labs Main Bu dfo Be e Av Rob er mm St. St. S. 354 nch Bla 3 BUR d. nR inso Su Chestnut inn W t. uth . . Rd ard St. W alk ers 354 t. Burlington Plaza Exit 32 Exit 25 LEX 62/76 Cat Rock Park . St. St. Exit 37 Olymp Exit 35 tS 136 Exit 38 (limited service) nS BUR Van DeGraff Dr. Burlington Mall coln Woburn Mall Win St Wall 350 Lahey Clinic Vin e South St. ia Ave. tnu Salem St. 129 h 93 Exit 36 es LYNNFIELD St. READING MISHAWUM St. ed Alfr an Wym Express to/from Boston State St. Station via 128 & I-93 Exit 33 351 Logan Express Woburn–Logan Airport 1-800-23-LOGAN L ho Senior Ctr. ol S t t - note BUR ge S So Rd r Express to/from Alewife Sta. via Rt. 128 and Rt. 2 Rd. Mall 351 BUR LEX Trade Center 128 rc brid d ill M . te 76 62/76 n ngto Burli g m Bik an ew Co ay mm u Hanscom Field g xin Le BUR e. Av nin ve sA ute . t. Exit 37C Veterans Memorial Sc Exit 34 LRT r Tu 225 gin in Rd 3A S ton 2n LEX Wig M uth Northwest Office Park hO 352 BUR . Ave ac Pe Cam ge rria 4 So . Ave LRT Ca BUR ny . Sto k Rd o Bro 4th . Rd t. ter S Cen t. Bir Rd. James St. d. Center School re chc Brook R 3rd d. 134 BUR Stony e at R ac ANDERSON REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION CENTER 38 BUR . Terr Memorial Park 129 Lin t. st S 351 3 Pa Gre o Lo ik urnp ex T d. ge St. mis LRT R ail North Woburn nS BUR l Ave St. R Hil Win Bedford St. al eH er rn bu Wo Mill Pond Reservoir d. dfo ut READING BURLINGTON BUR 350 Be ell ay W e eto 62 dles ge Mid Bedford Local Transit 781-275-2255 bedford_local_transit.html Pa 62 62 62/76 Sun Microsystems Dr. Bedford V.A. Hospital Rd. rk two Ne Springs Brook Park Rd. St Main . Burlington Burlington 62 Low lsid BUR 352 St. St. ow Will om Route 134 North Woburn - Wellington Station nR rd t Rd Dr. Crosby Rd. Billerica BEDFORD Ea WILMINGTON nc BUR lC m Woburn St, n sto ike np ur xT se dle id Pri es m St. 62 62 LRT er hil 93 St. 38 North Burlington 351 Oak Park Dr. av Ch t. H il Bo M d. sR g rin Sp LRT Lowell Regional Transit Authority 978-452-6161 LRT St. 28 Ra ike ula Bu Camp Curtis Guild Exit 38 er ut m om np r Tu 351 Bedford Woods ood BUR Pa 3A 3 We stw R rs tte t. ut S x BILLERICA ow estn BUR Burlington “B” Bus Local service to schools and malls. 781-270-1965 bline/bline.htm 129 St. ll C Ch se dle id M LRT we Rd . LRT ain Lo ell 3A St. M kn St. Lowell Bic C ha rle s LRT S ve Gro To Billerica, Lowell h Rd. Flas NAHANT W me rald Rd. illo w Rd . Rd .
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