IndIana State UnIverSIty campus map


IndIana State UnIverSIty campus map
Indiana State University campus map
Revised May 2014
1Academic Enrichment
Center ....................................3-E
35 Admissions, Office of (John
W. Moore Welcome Center).....3-E
2African American Cultural
24 Arena (Health and Human
Services Building—A)............. 2-D
3Art Annex—AA....................... 1-D
59 Arts and Sciences, College of
(Stalker Hall—SH)...................3-F
4Athletics Annex West............. 3-A
5Blumberg Hall—BL............... 3-D
6Bookstore (Barnes and Noble
Booksellers) and Indiana State
University Foundation............ 4-D
7Burford Hall—BU...................3-E
20 Business, Scott College of
(Federal Hall—FD)................. 4-G
8Career Center..........................3-F
9Central Chilled Water Plant....3-J
10 Cherry Street Parking Garage.4-H
28 Commons (Hulman Memorial
Student Union—HU)...............2-E
11 Condit House—CH.................4-F
28 Counseling Center, Student
(Hulman Memorial Student
12 Cromwell Hall—CR................ 3-D
13 Cunningham Memorial
28 Dede Activity Center (Hulman
Memorial Student Union—
14 Dede Plaza..............................2-E
15 Dreiser Hall—DH....................3-F
66 Education, Bayh College of
(University Hall—UH).............2-H
16 Erickson Hall—EH..................3-E
17 Facilities Management and
18 Facilities Management
Storage Buildings....1-H, 2-J, 3-J
19 Fairbanks Hall—FH............... 3-G
20 Federal Hall—FD................... 4-G
21 Fine Arts Building—FA.......... 3-G
6Foundation, Indiana State
University and Bookstore
(Barnes and Noble
Booksellers)........................... 4-D
22 Gillum Hall—GH....................3-F
52 Global Engagement, Center for
(Rhoads Hall)—RH................ 3-D
65 Graduate and Professional
Studies, College of
(Tirey Hall—TH)...................... 3-G
23 Grounds Maintenance
24 Health and Human Services
Building—A........................... 2-D
25 Hines Hall—HI.......................2-E
26 Holmstedt Hall—HH..............2-F
27 Hulman Center—HC................3-I
28 Hulman Memorial Student
26 IU School of Medicine—
Terre Haute (Holmstedt
29 Jones Hall—JO.......................2-E
30 Klueh Tennis Complex,
Duane..................................... 1-D
31 Landini Center for Performing
and Fine Arts, Richard G.—
PA.......................................... 3-G
13 Library, Cunningham
32 Lincoln Quadrangles—LQ.......1-E
33 Marks Field............................ 2-C
34 Mills Hall—MI....................... 3-D
35 Moore Welcome Center,
John W. ..................................3-E
36 Multimedia Services,
Center for................................2-F
37 Myers Technology Center,
John T.—TC............................4-F
38 New Theater—NT.................. 1-G
39 Normal Hall—NH...................3-F
40 Nursing Building—CN...........3-H
40 Nursing, Health, and Human
Services, College of (Nursing
41 Oakley Place.......................... 4-C
42 Oakley Plaza.......................... 4-G
10 Parking Garage, Cherry
43Parsons Hall—PH.................. 4-G
31 Performing and Fine Arts,
Richard G. Landini Center
for—PA.................................. 3-G
44 Pickerl Hall—PI......................3-E
45 Power Plant—PO...................1-H
46 Price Field.............................. 1-C
47 Public Safety—PS..................3-E
48 Rankin Hall—RA................... 3-G
49 Recreation East......................1-J
50 Recycle Center........................2-J
51 Reeve Hall..............................1-E
16 Residential Life
(Erickson Hall—EH)................3-E
52 Rhoads Hall—RH.................. 3-D
53 Root Hall—RO....................... 2-G
54 Sandison Hall—SA.................2-E
55 Satellite Chilled Water
Plant...................................... 1-D
56 Science Building—S...............2-F
57 Simmons Student Activity
Center, Michael.......................1-J
58 St. John Softball Complex..... 1-C
59 Stalker Hall—SH....................3-F
60 Statesman Towers ...................2-I
57 Student Activity Center,
Michael Simmons...................1-J
28 Student Counseling Center
(Hulman Memorial Student
65 Student Financial Aid, Office
of (Tirey Hall—TH)................. 3-G
62 Student Health Center
(Sycamore Center for Wellness
and Applied Medicine—SS)....1-E
61Student Recreation Center.....1-F
22 Student Success, Center for
(Gillum Hall—GH)...................3-F
62 Sycamore Center for Wellness
and Applied Medicine—SS....1-E
63 Sycamore Towers................... 3-D
64 Technology Building—TA.......4-F
37 Technology Center,
John T. Myers—TC..................4-F
64 Technology, College of
(Technology Building—TA)......4-F
30 Tennis Complex, Duane
Klueh..................................... 1-D
65 Tilson Music Hall
(Tirey Hall—TH)...................... 3-G
65 Tirey Hall—TH....................... 3-G
66 University Hall—UH..............2-H
47 University Police
(Public Safety—PS).................3-E
35 Welcome Center, John W.
67 Wolf Field—WF...................... 3-C

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