`Cats lose to Manistee 22-6 Scottville Fri. A WM PTA Conference Ott
`Cats lose to Manistee 22-6 Scottville Fri. A WM PTA Conference Ott
The Montague Observer 96th Year, No. 46 MONTAGUE, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, October 12, 1967 $4.00 A Year^Slngle Copy 1 0 ^ . School budget public heoring Mouth Sch.tonite 'Cats lose to Manistee 22-6 Scottville Fri. A fighting group of Mootague Wildcats went down to defeat at the hands of the -Manistee Chippewas last Friday night 2 2 - 6 . This Chip victory puts Manistee in the driver's s e a t with 2 wins and no l o s s e s while the loss all but mathematically eliminates A w ~ I / jr * the Wildcats from the title race. out^ coddTo" n M consistantly cope with Manist e e ' s 2 5 - 3 0 pound per man weight advantage nor stop their tricky quarterback, Jim T » T r f In the first quarter, after <**•*, 'k' w k b just 17 s e c m d s score witn just seconds remaining. . . , Early in the 2nd period the Wildcats fumbled on their own 33 and the Chippewas scored their 2nd TD in 2 plays with a 31 yard aerial from Swanson. fought right^back^nd^rove 2 ya ds in 5 plays to get Ln L J ia t a a e , ' 6 > • The 3rd quarter saw the breaks of football go against the Cats a s they had the ball just two plays in the first nine minutes of the stanza. A Sfbntague p a s s attempt went awrv and a chin olaver fell on the ball in the endzone f " r a 9 n '; n !" ! f L v T h T r , f < : , , p. , u u ad to kick to the Chips who then proceeded to march 42 yards for the final score of the game. Again the Wildcats fought back and rolled 63 yards and had a first and goal to eo on the Ch v 4 vard Une where a i r 17 f ! , , Z, lost fumble deprived the Cats f k ki r n 0 . j , r n e entire 4th quarter was spent within the Montague ^20 yard line where the Cats stopped Manistee three times with a great defensive effort. MONTAGUE HIGH nOMECOMlNG KINGS AND QUEENS j WM PTA Conference Ott. 26th 1 MICHIGAN SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION CONVENTION A statement urging re- WEST MICHIGAN PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION C 0 N /f REfl0/ . T f course " t o the courts and to ^ Michigan PTA Conference disobedience o( .he U , " i . obtaining t e d t e s s of g.ievhighlighted the resolutions passed by delegates Thursday, October 5, 1967 at t h e 2 2 n d A n n u a l Convention o f t h e M i c h i g a n Sunday . h , A s s o c i a t i o n meeting ^ Cobo HaH, Detroit. t l i e H o l l a ; d Semo.'Hieh School, 600 Van Raalte Ave. This conference s e r v e s the areas of Kent, Muskegon and .Ottawa Counties, and north to include the Big Rapids and .Manistee area and south to inc lude B e r r i e n a n d C a s s C o u n . - • In the cit , y whereh a . f months n0terS had "f w a s t e t0 laf e tie ances fw. u 8 sections of the 'metropolis, the representat i v e s o { s o m e ^gg Michigan a n d Canadian churches in 32 denominations voted unanimousl o n a "Resolution I n R d T o Crime And Lawipocnpsc" I ,: . . , Following the action taken at the 0 enin P 8 General Session of MSSA there was an address by Dr. Myron Augsburger. President of Eastern Mennonite College. The conclave continues in Detroit through Saturday evening. , -Upiino a* " d a n p e r o u s " lm u u' u u phlIo phy hlch ^ ^ " P5"^es that it is morally ustifiable * , / won A ' resolution referred to " r e c e n t g Supreme Court decisions t j l a t j ^ y e handcuffed our policemen...M Tn fn cfafp. J ? ™ M r s . Edward Zenko of Spring Lake PTA is general chairman and Mrs. Richard Hansen of Muskegon Heights PTA is program chaiiman. The planning committee includes a representative group of PTA leaders and school Michigan area. They have chosen Coping with Prustrat i o n S i Apathies and Pressures as the theme of the conference. This theme will be carried out by outstanding speakers and in group s e s sions. Such timely problems a s Professional Negotiations. Counseling. PTA Effectiveness, Delincjuency, and Pis* cal Reform and Its Implicapvnlored in thp wn tfl ?o onnss W l i il kp °e in tne grou P sessions. Russell Kleis of Michigan State University will be the keynote speaker, and Charles Sligh, a past-president of the National Association of Manufacturbe the dinner S eak ^ P - Tommorow nig t t e Montague Wildcats will travel nort and meet the Spartans of Scottville at 8 p.m. Altnougn the Spartans are favorites, a close game is in store and a Wildcat win would put them back in the title chase. THE STATISTICS Mont. Man. r i % rasUng*I lo bypassing 4 3 by penalty . . . . . . . 3 0 by rushing ! " 108 183 by passing!!!".'.!! 69 U4 Passes Attempted . . . 21 11 completed 4 7 • DI I rumDics • • # • • • • • • • • j lost 2 2 Yards Penalized . . . . 20 65 ness, the MSSA Convention PTA members and other passed three other resolutions- • interested persons can make relating to school prayer, the reservations for the conference by contacting the resern e w theology, and the new morality. vation chairman, Mrs. Paul I. Favoring " a n amendment Phillips, 1009 Drexel Drive, N E Constitution « '» G r a n d Rapids, Michigan t0 the y s 495 5 ° - Reservations should a i m e d a t restoring the freedoms practiced traditionally reach Mrs. Phillips by Oct. 17. under the First Amendment", r l r R xru'c representatives termed the p A S T PRESIDENTS Supreme Court outlawing of p r e s i c j e n t s Club Bible reading and prayers in of the White Lake Woman's the ubllc s c h o o l s a s P leading c l u b will meet Friday, Oct. to " a n official position of 20, in the home of Mrs. JeanAgnosticism and Atheism." ette Gasahl. A dessert lun. cheon will be served at 1:30, MONTAGUE OES The afternoon's business — j Ait ma The officers of Montague s e s s i o n , conducted by Mrs. Chapter OES No. 404 held John Shelhamer, will be fol- LITTLE CHIPS BEAT JV'S 19-.8 their annual " O f f i c e r s Dinner Saturday evening in the Just two plays (49 and 56 yard TD tuns) were the difference between victory and defeat for the Wildcat J V ' s last week a s they lost to the r h J n t v ' c 10—ft Thf» i iffl^ Chip JV s 19 8. The Little . Cats outplayed their opponents and made 10 first downs to the Chips 4 but those 2 n long runs gave Manistee the advantage in yards gained, 203 to 114 Tonight (Thur. 7 p.m.) the tw» ;ii fK- Qivar S..T, entertain the Spartan J V ' s at Memorial Field Ro yal wel «hbor ive b f° fr 8 " y worthy M atr on V e l , n a R o e s l e r . '®ndu L 1 the invocation was by Worthy Patron Henr Jr y R°e£s Arrangements of fall flowers centered the tables where ^ntered tte ^mner was ser ed z pe son ^-. , Following the di e , t w ° / t h y m a t r J o n P ^ s e n t e d her . officers and pro tem officers ^ « i f t s o f appreciation for Acir cooperation during the p a s t year Entertainment for ^ included slides ^ h e h ^ s s grarn ^reCted Nei me w s ATHLETIC BOOSTERS HAVE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT Emergency equipment is n0W gue school and community athletic e v e n t T h e MontagueAthietic Boosters announced ^ purchased a stretcher, and they a l s o extended their thanks to T o d d ' s Pharm c y and L i p k a . s Drug store f o r foe contribution of a kit of plastic pressure spUnts. The equipment will be on hand to the athletic a t i v i t i e s . - - - - PEGGY RABE NAMED HOMECOMING QUEEN Peggy Rabe was chosen a s Montague High School's Homecoming Queen this year, and Glen Gillan was named to serve with her as the Homecoming King. The annual event was highlighted Friday evening with the usual parade starting at the high school. The School band led the parade from the school to the football field. Following were the four c l a s s queens, the Homecoming queen, and the floats which represented each c l a s s . The c l a s s queens and kings were Laurie Hill and Chris Yeager for the freshmen; Lois VanDuinen and Jeff Cockerill, for the Sophomores; Phyllis Garcia and Jerry Ginn, the juniors; and Diane Smith and George Lohman, the senior c l a s s . During the halftime, the band entertained with several selections. The kings and queens were introduced and the Homecoming Queen was presented with a bouquet of red roses by Karen Canter, Homecoming queen for last year. The floats were displayed and it was announced the senior c l a s s won first place with their flowered design of a telephone and slogan "Dial V For Victory". Second place was won by the junior c l a s s with a display of a beacon light and the slogan "Search For Victory". The usual Homecoming dance was held at the high school after the game. The Questers from Grand Rapids provided the music. A special attraction at the dance was the crowning of the Homecoming queen by E. G. Townsend, high school principal. MICHIGAN GAS H E L P CUSTOMERS MAKE CHANGE OVER Michigan Consolidated Gas Company has announced a plan to a s s i s t home and commercial building owners who presently do not have natural gas heat to update their heating systems through either conversion of their existing equipment or the installation of new gas equipment. George E. Ludwig, district general manager, said the utility is offering to purchase any fuel oil or coal the customer may presently have on hand at the price he paid for it, and remove his unburied fuel oil tank. The utility will also pay the contractor for the g a s conversion burner or new gas furnace upon satisfactory completion of the installation and offer the customer a choice of two payment plans. The school budget hearing will be held Thursday night starting at 7 at the Mouth School on Chicago avenue. The regular October board meeting will follow at 8 p.m. also at the Mouth School. The agenda for the board meeting includes setting salaries for administrators of the school, a l s o that of adopting the budget. The agenda a l s o includes appointment of a citizens committee to recommend building solutions. Also a recommendation made by Supt. Jack Meeder to request cities and townships within the district to collect school taxes during the summer. These taxes are levied now with the winter tax, same a s the county tax. These meetings are open to the public. TAXES AND SPENDING The 2 Federal Incosistencies being prompted in 1967. 10 per cent surtax in order to stop inflation, plus continuing of spending for welfare and other spending ideas. Reduction of spending before the surtax will be passed. Which i s the b e s t idea? More taxes to be paid by the people and for th-e Federals to pour down the rain barrel, or more money for the people with which to buy goods. At the same time a reduction of needless government spending would do away with the necessity for the surtax. How funny can Washington get? It also is funny the voters don't s e e the falacy or inconsitency. TO ESTABLISH RULE FOR CONTROL OF WATERCRAFT POLLUTION On October 26 the State Water Resources Commission will hold a public hearing on a rule it proposes to establish for the control of watercraft pollution. The hearing i s scheduled for 10 a.mi in the Terrace Room at the Civic Center in L a n s i n g , it was announced today by Loring F . Oeming, Commission executtive secretary. Dealing with the discharge of human sewage, the proposed rule is designed for application to a l l watercraft equipped with a marine toilet, with the exception of passenger or cargo-carrying v e s s e l s subject to the Interstate Quarantine Regulations of the U.S. Public Health Service. Owners or operators of sugh watercraft will be s u b j e c t to the provisions of the proposed rule whether the craft is being operated on inland waters or the Michigan waters of the Great L a k e s . At the direction of the Governor, the Commission developed the proposed rule in cooperation and consultation with the Department of Public Health, the Waterways Commission and other affected state agencies. . The Commission will accept written or oral statements regarding the rule from all interested persons at the October hearing. Copies of the proposed rule for the control of watercraft pollution are available upon request from the Water Resources THE MONTAGUE OBSOTVEB 8674 Feny St,, Moatagne, MkUgao Second C l a s s Postage Paid At Moatague. Michigan FREDERICK OIGAX Publisher and Edltot uouittci if nm mmmmmmm «tMppMummmm mm 10 YEARS AGO Oct. 10, 1997 MOBtagM a O f M '' The city spent $16,985.30 PROGRESS OUR HOBBY , for paving during the summer. ' FRIENDSHIP OUR H/kBIl The County highway commission paved that section of NATIONAL N E W S P A P E I Walsh road which was In the city, about 1,000 feet at no lAsfibcATI?N cost to the city. Montague Township had paved Walsh road from the Weesles Corner I t e Ghsenrer goes tar M i l to to the city line the previous a distinguished c l l a t e l e . year. The city section was gravel, and the county wanted It paved up to U.S. 31 where It crossed the C & O railway tracks. Commander Jack Bursey's Editorial comnent book. "Antarctic Night" was some designeii to be Issued. It relates his experhnaorons, sone serious. iences a s a member of the Explorer Admiral Richard E. Byrd South Pole exploration There are three or four huncrews during the years of 1928 dred "weeks" in the year, and -30. 1931-41. and 1955-57. one of them is National News20 YEARS AGO paper Week. It is the one week Oct. 9. 1947 in the year when newspapers The city was paying 80 pause long enough to report cents per hour for labor. City to their readers some of their Supt. Herb Jacobs told accomplishments, their hopes members of the city council he and purposes, and their roles he could not hire any workers in the social and economic life for that pay. and was given of their communities. authority to pay more if he could hire good men. Mayor Edward Scharmer appointed George Hunt as a member of the Board of Appeals. and Clyde S. Price as a member of the City Planning Commission. NATIONAi NEWSPAPfR 30 YEARS AGO WEfK Oct. 14. 1937 OCT. 8-14. 1967 Nellie B. Chisholm was the speaker at the Chamber Ladies Night meeting, which Next week will be observed was held at the St. James as National Newspaper Week Lutheran church. and Saturday of next week Chamber President Paul will be observed as InternaMedbery appointed a Hallotional Newspaperboy Day to ween Committee at the meetpay tribute to the young mering whiqh included Mrs. Opal chants who have one of the Llpka. Mrs. James Reavey. most important jobs in the Rufus Hunt. Marvin Lipka and newspaper production line and Roth Leddick. who, day after day in all kinds Robert King. 56. of Fruitof weather, deliver the finvale road died. Survivors inished product to your doorcluded the widow. 2 sons. step. Tom and Robert, and one dau"Newspapers Get T h i n g s ghter. Mrs. Beatrice Pord. Done" is the theme of National 40 YEARS AGO Newspaper Week, emphasizOct. 13, 1927 ing the many activities in Unknown a s s a i l a n t s shot which newspapers are engaged and wounded both Mr. and in addition to gathering and Mrs. Herman Webber at their distributing the news. Whiskey Creek cottage. The Webbers came to this section Since the first newspaper from Grand Rapids about 2 was published in the United years previously. States they have been "Freedom's Sentinels" by keeping a The Masonic funeral serwatchful eye on government, vice for Allan F. Casselman clarifying public issues, and was reported in The Observer using their influence as cona s the largest funeral evec structive forces for community held here. It was attended by growth and development. many relatives from out of the Good newspapers m a k e city. The death of Mrs. Chargood communities and vice les J . Jackson of Whitehall versa. also was reported in this edition of the paper. 50 YEARS AGO O c t 11. 1917 The paper repored the marriage of Mrs. Myrtle JongePHONE T W M $ * S waard and Garrlt H. Brower. The story related, " It Is a tomet — Legal r k t f M t a U pleasure for the Observer.to Old Pheto ResterattM a a i chronicle this happy event as the contracting parties are among the best and most es• WEDDING teemed citizens. The bride • COMMERCIAL was born and brought up here •CHILDREN ~ and Is prominent In church • PORTRAIT work. During the past 2 years she taught school In Blue VOUR r VtMrrntMytot Lake Township. The groom m m Is better known In this viciniIf,'.'-.* • ty as " T h e Rawlelgh Man", OrnCR R O W S and h a s lived here only a few f : * * itft'JNfe years, yet has made many friends during his residence on account of his good christian character and pleasing personality. B e s t wishes and. congratulations". Tke' COIMI — ^ • mm - ] • ' MONTAGUE OBSERVER October 12# 1967 Page Two ROTHBURY Mrs. Lena Newman Phone 894-5022 Mr. and Mrs. Harry |)rown and family spent the Oct. Ist weekend on a camping trip to Bear Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Elsenan recently spent a week with relatives in Detroit and Mnnroe. They left Friday to spend until Tuesday with relatives at Suttons Bay and Charlevoix. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Holland Schneider of Montague, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strahl, Robin and Robbie and Mrs. Oliver Longnecker and Bill were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Schneider. Mrs. Larry James of Fruitport spent Thursday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Grossman. Mrs. Oliver Longnecker, Mrs. Al Schneider and Mrs. Herman Newman called on Arthur Grossman at Hackley Hospital, Muskegon Thursday evening. Mrs. Lena McGarry and Mrs. George Loomis spent Thursday with Mrs. Mc Garry's brother-inl^w, Roy Hutchins of Glendale, in the Paw Paw area. - Mr. and Mrs. L e Roy S c h n e i d e r , Mr. and Mrs. Holland S c h n e i d e r w e r e S a t u r d a y d i n n e r g u e s t s of Mr. and Mrs. Al S c h n e i d e r the dinner honored Susan Schneider on h e r 6th b i r t h d a y . Mrs. O l i v e r L o n g n e c k e r and Mrs. T . F l o r e s who s p e n t S a t u r d a y a t C o l d w a t e r with Mrs. L o n g n e c k e r ' s s o n , Richard, were Saturday evening g u e s t s in the S c h n e i d e r h o m e . . Mr. and Mrs. Holland S c h n e i d e r were g u e s t s S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g of her m o t h e r , Mrs. Maxine H o o s e , at d i n n e r a l Stony L a k e . T h e S c h n e i d e r s , who h a v e s p e n t t h e p a s t 3 w e e k s with h i s p a r e n t s , the L e Hoy S c h n e i d e r s of Montag u e , and o t h e r r e l a t i v e s l e f t Sunday A.M. to return to F t . weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cook. Mrs. Anna Gilbert left Sunday to spend some time with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mathewson of Belding, and other relatives in that area. The Willing Workers met Hiursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Ida Richert with 12 members in attendance. The group voted to give $10.00 to help replace the many needed items for the Retarded Childrens School that Was destroyed by fire Thursday September 28th at Crystal Lake. Classes were resumed Thursday October 5th at the former Shelby Center school. Mrs. Nita Squires of Rothbury is the teacher. ' Refreshments were served by the hostess. ' Sam Usiak and Ray Danhof attended the White Lake Golf Club banquet at the Red Vest in Muskegon Saturday. They both received first place trophies and irizes. Ray won the second light and Sam won the fourth flight in the recent golf tournament. ? U.S. Savings Bonds are ''dndestructibeV - - any Bond that is lost, stolen, or destroyed will be replaced by the Treasury at no cost to the Bond owner. Time for an Oil Change? See us for periodic oil check-ups a n d changeover. W e use only top grade oil. ROESIER'S Citgo Service phone 893-471S Meet the Benning. Ga. where he is s t a t i o n e d with the army. Mr. and Mrs, R o b e r t C o o p e r returned t o their home in Hego P a r k , New York S a t u r d a y a f t e r s p e n d i n g a w e e k w i t h her . p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G o w e l l . L o i s G o w e l l of C h i c a g o and Mrs. E d w a r d R e i t h e l and g r a n d d a u g h t e r , Kim, of G l a d w i n s p e n t the w e e k e n d in the G o w e l l home. Mrs. Anna J a n c e k r e t u r n e d home on W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g of l a s t w e e k a f t e r s p e n d i n g ten d a y s with r e l a t i v e s in I n d i a n a . While t h e r e , s h e a t t e n d e d t h e w e d d i n g of a g r e a t n i e c e Mr. and Mrs. William H a m e y , Mr. and Mrs. K e n n e t h Strahl and Mrs. Herman Newman a t t e n d e d the open h o u s e at Ferry town hall Sunday a f t e r n o o n h o n o r i n g Mr. and Mrs. F o r e s t Hamey of rural H e s p e r i a on t h e i r 50th wedding a n n i v e r s a r y . E v e l y n H u i z e n g a r e t u r n e d to W.M.U. at K a l a m a z o o Sunday a f t e r s p e n d i n g the w e e k e n d with her u n c l e and a u n t , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E d g e r t o n . Mr. and Mrs. H e n r y K i t c h a b a w of F l i n t s p e n t the w e e k e n d with t h e i r s o n - i n - l a w and d a u g h t e r , Mr. and Mrs. P h i l l i p C u d n e y . Mrs. Robert Lohman entertained Sunday afternoon at a personal and linen shower honoring her sister-in-law, Miss .Phyllis Lohman, whose marriage to Mark Morningstar of Shelby now serving in the air force will be an event of October 14th. Games entertained with prizes for the winners. An orange and green color scheme was used about the rooms. Refreshments were served to 19 guests with Mrs. Dale Schlee and Mrs. James Lohman assisting the hostess. Miss Lohman was presented many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Strahl, accompanied by Mrs. Oliver Longnecker and Mrs. Herman Newman, drove to Elkhart, Ind. jwhere Mrs. Newman will spend . a week with her son-in-law and •daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Dovey.fhe Strahls and Mrs. Longnecker returned home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Huls, Darda, and Timothy of Brntus spent the m . as® money men Bill Collard & Roger Ho wen are the men to see about money at our Montague office. They know that almost everyone needs extra cash now and then . . . for emergencies or to make special purchases that make living a little better. And they are good listeners, too. Why not come in soon and talk to either of them about a personal loan? HACKLEY UNION NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Muakegonnfirst andfarorilrliank-uherehellerliringhegim U K CMOS WELCOME HERE MRS. ANNA GOODRICH Funeral services for Mrs. ^Anna Goodrich, 64, of Lakeivood Club, were held Saturday afternoon a t the Purdy Chapel. Rev. Virgil Marshall officiated and burial was in Fruitland Township Cemetery. Mrs. Goodrich died Wednesday night, Oct. 4, at Shelby Hospital after a long illness. The former Anna Reynolds, she was born Nov. 15, 1902 in Pennsylvania. She married Lewis C. Goodrich in 1927. Survivngare her husband, three sons, James of Montague, Ricfaaid of Muskegon, and Charles of Inidana; two daughters, Mrs. Ann Fredericks of Lake wood and Mrs. Margerie LaPree of Washington; and 15 grandchildren. I. DELLA S. P U F F E R Mrs. Delia S. Puffer, 34, of Twin Lake died Friday morning after the car in which she was riding was involved in an auto-train accident.' The accident took place in Grant. Mrs. Puffer was bom September 5, 1933 in Rothbury. The former Delia Crawford, she married Harold Puffer in Muskegon December 23, 1950. They made their home in Montague before moving to Twin Lake. She was a member of the Ladies Society of the Dalton Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband; three s o n s and five daughters; David. Gregory, Timothy, Diane, Sharon. Nancy, Lorretta, and Belinda, all at home; three brothers,- Harry Crawford of Shelby, Lawrence Crawford of Hesperia, and Robert Crawford of Fort Worth, Texas; seven s i s t e r s , Mrs. Nora Striker, Mrs. Jennie Griswold. Jr.. and Mrs. Eva Carlson, all of Twin Lake. Mrs. Nellie Baxter and Mrs. •Bessie Kurz of Washington. Mrs. Dora Near of Lansing, and Mrs. Martha Gowell of Montague. Funeral services for Mrs. Puffer were held Monday afternoon at the Gee Chapel. Rev. James Rentz officiated and burial was in Rothbury Cemetery. Mrs. L e o n T w i s s and c h i l d r e n went to Muskegon Sunday t o v i s i t her p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. William S t a p l e s and to h e l p her f a t h e r c e l e b r a t e h i s birthday anniversary. . Mr, and Mrs. Ed Woller and h i s brother and s i s t e r - i n - l a w , Mr. and Mrs, William Woller, l e f t T h u r s d a y morning on a color tour through New York, Vermont and into C a n a d a . T h e y returned home Sunday e v e n i n g , Saturday e v e n i n g Mr, and Mrs. William B u t z e r and family attended the s i l v e r wedding a n n i versary party of her brother-inlaw and s i s t e r , Mr, and Mrs, Milo B o e s in Muskegon, Dr, and Mrs, J , Hunt and family of V i c k s b u r g , who came to a t t e n d the s i l v e r a n n i v e r s a r y party, s p e n t Saturday overnight and Sunday with the B u t z e r ' s , Mr, and Mrs, Jim Schiller a t t e n d e d the B r a n d t - L y o n s wedding and r e c e p t i o n in the E v a n g e l i c a l C o v e n a n t Church in Muskegon Saturday a f t e r n o o n , Mrs, George Rager went with Mrs, Gilmore T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g to a bridal s h o w e r in the home of Mr, and Mrs, L e o Forth of Duck L a k e R o a d , T h e event w a s given in honor of Miss P a t Gilmore, F r i d a y Mr, and Mrs, Ted Mikkelson had supper with h i s g r a n d p a r e n t s , Mr, and Mrs. George R a g e r , Sunday the R a g e r s went with Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Scott to Muskegon and had dinner and s p e n t the afternoon and e v e n ing with the Raymond Rager family. Miss Marguerite Schmiedeknecht and friend of Montague s p e n t Sunday a f t e r n o o n with her grandmother, Mrs, August Schmiedeknecht, LEBANON LUTHERAN Laymen of the oongrega'tion will be in complete charge of the worship at Lebanon Lutheran Church this Sunday, at 11:00 a.m. The , Pastor, Earl F. Nelson will have no part in the service, and will in fact be out of town. Leading the c o n g r e ^ t i o n in worship as Litiirgist will be Wesley Wiethoff. Ronald Peterson will be the Lector, reading the Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel for the day. The general sermon theme is "What the Church means to me", and this is' then divided into three parts: "What the Church means to me - - in Home and F a m i l y " by Harry Schalk; "What the Church means to me - - in Recreation" by Clarence Johnson; and "What the Church means to me - - in Work" by Paul Brogren. Laymen's Sunday is a reminder t o a l l Christians of their continuing responsibility to be true witnesses for Christ in whatever place in life they find themselves. The witness to the Gospel of Christ is not the job of the Clergy alone, but it is the life blood of the whole Church clergy and laity alike. U.S. Savings Bonds will return $4 for every $3 you invest - - in just seven years. LOIS ANN GOWELL * RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIP Lois r Ann Gowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gowell of Rothbury, will complete her nurses training within the next few months. She received a scholarship for her senior year at Cook County School of Nursing where she has been a student nurse for the past two y e a r s . . Miss Gowell served as secretary of her c l a s s during her freshman year, and secretary of the student body in her junior year. She was recently chosen c l a s s secretary for her final year. . Her s i s t e r , Wanda, is also a graduate from Cook County School of Nursing, while another sister, Valda, is a graduate nurse from St. Mary's Hospital,. W,L. WOMANS C L U B T h e White L a k e Womans Club will tour the new Muskegon County Community College Tuesday, Oct. 17, beginning at 1:45 P,M. William J. Harrison, director of special services will conduct the tour, Mrs. Clarence Johnson .is in charge of arrangements. THE WONDEI STOVE Groceries • DeUcatessef 4W4 B e w l f c r S t i Mortifue, Mich. Open 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Daily Daily, including. SUNDAYS MONTAGUE OBSERVER October 12, 1967 Page Three W.L. BAPTIST CHURCH SPECIAL SERVICES There will be a week of special series of messages given at the White Lake Baptist Church on the general theme; "From Eternity to Eternity" God's plan for the Ages, illustrated by a large 18 foot colored chart; by Dr. John J . Lanting, Muskegon.. The time will be Sunday, Oct. 15 through the 22nd at 7:30 each evening and will be given in the order and dates following: Sun,, Oct. 15, A.M. God's Eternal Purpose and Man's Failure." Sun., Oct. 15, P.M. "From Noah to Abraham". Mon,, Oct. 16, No meeting T u e s . , Oct. 17, P.M. "(Israel divided, and the Rejected King". Wed., Oct. 18, P.M. " T h e Church of Christ, and The Two Resurrections". Thurs., Oct. 19. P.M. . " T h e Judgement Seat of Christ, and The Anti C h r i s t " . Fri., Oct. 20. P.M. " T h e (Great Tribulation, and what will we be l i k e " . Sat. No Meeting Sun,, Oct. 22, A.M, " T h e National Restoration of Israel," Sun.,. Oct. 22, P.M. " T h e Millennium, and can the United Nations bring P e a c e ? " Featuring Fresh ' Vita Boy Potato Chips mm ' :. tmmmm CLAYBANKS Mrs. George Rager—894-4361 Sunday Mrs. J o h a n n a Muter of F l i n t , Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barringer and children of Muskegon and the Gerald E i l e r s family of C r y s t a l Downs spent the a f ^ t e m o o n and e v e n i n g with Mr. and Mrs. L a w r e n c e E i l e r s . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kolbe, Floyd Fogg, and Mrs. Ada Sumner of H e s p e r i a had dinner Sunday and s p e n t the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Eveard S e a v e r . Mrs. Mary C h a m b e r s went to Onekma F r i d a y to spend a few d a y s with f r i e n d s . . Mr. and Mrs. Charner Perry of C h i c a g o came l a s t T h u r s d a y to s p e n d a few days at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Friday left Sunday morning to spend a week in Onio a t t e n d i n g a Union convention. L a s t week Monday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Royalty drove to Seymour, Ind. to s e e h i s brother, Tom Rovalty, in the Seymour H o s p i t a l , wno w a s s e v e r l y . j n j u r e d in a c a r a c c i d e n t . T h e y returned home T h u r s d a y , Mrs. Earl Friday s t a y e d witn the Royalty children while their p a r e n t s were a w a y , Mrs, Wendell Hill and d a u g h t e r s , Marsha and Sharon, of Grand R a p i d s s p e n t Saturday overnight and Sunday with her p a r e n t s , the Earl F r i d a y s , T h e Farm Bureau Committee Women and g u e s t s toured the ) Maraschino cherry plant in F r e imont l a s t T u e s d a y a f t e r n o o n . They held their b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g in the Fremont State Bank building following the tour, Saturday e v e n i n g the 14th the Happy N e i g h b o r s Farm Bureau ^vill meet in the home of Mr. and Irs. Jim Rarathun, Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ramthun attended the • Sunday School convention in the Trinity Lutheran Church in Conklin. '68 Caprice Coupe; rear, Camaro Sport Coupe, "The Hugger" Dramatically new! Astro Ventilation makes the ride as quiet as it is smooth. With special new Astro Ventilation, you get outside air through two vent-ports right on the instrument panel. Just roll up the windows, open the vent-ports and get plenty of air without annoying drafts and street noises. It's standard on Camaro, Corvette and the Caprice Coupe (available on many other models) and it's one of the new ways Chevrolet shows greater concern for your comfort. No better value For '68, you also get new riding silence, thanks to Chevrolet's computer-refined suspensions. You get better performance, GM's new exhaust emission control, proved safety features (the GM-developed energy absorbing steering column, for one) along with many new safety features. Drive the finest Caprice, The Grand Chevrolet, gives you new elegance everywhere. Camaro, "The Hugger," gives you smoother acceleration and more of a true sports-car feel than ever before. Come drjve 'GS's finest-now at your Chevrolet dealer's! Be smart! Be sure! Buy now at your Chevrolet dealerfe. GM turn or ixauiMCf Carpenter Chevrolet & Oldwobile ,1K Whitehall,Mich. i NOTICE OF LETTING OF DRAIN iCONTRACT' AND REVIEW OF APPORTIONMENTS SHORT FORM MONTAGUE DRAIN State of Michigan ) )88: County of Muskegon) Township of Montague City of Montague Notice is Hereby Given, That I, Patrick J . Buckley, County Drain Commissioner of the County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, will on Friday the 6th d a y of October) A.D., 1967, a t the City Hall, City of Montague, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that d a y receive s e a l e d bids until 12 o'clock in the noon of that day, when bids will be opened and publicly announced for the cleanout of a portion of the Montague Drain, located and established in the T o w n s h i p of Montague, City of Montague, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan. . Notice is Further Hereby Given, That on Satuiday the 28th day of October, A.D., 1967, a t the City Hall, City of Montague, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, or at such other time and place thereafter, to which I, the County Drain Commissioner a f o r e s a i d , may adjourn, the s a m e , the Apportionment for Benefits and the lands comprised within the Montague Drain Special Assessment District, and the Apportionments thereof will be subject to review for one day, from nine o ' c l o c k in the forenoon until five o'clock in the afternoon* The following is the property plate descriptions of the several tracts or parcels of land constituting the Special Assessment District of said Drain, viz: City of Montague Property P l a t e Numbers: MON-8 thru MON-19, MON-58 thru MON-67, MON-74 thru MON-84, MON-88 thru MON-107, MON-220 thru MON-301, MON-410 thru MON417, MON-420 thru MON-$26 MON585 thru MON-592A, MON-59r7 thru MON-597L, MON-612-B-1, MON613, MON-613A, MON-613AA, MON675 thru MON-686, MON-791 thru MON-721, MON-1064 thru MON1122, MON-1403 thru MON-1483. NON-BR-1 thru MON-BR-7, MONBirw-1 thru MON-Bitw-7,MON-Hep1 throu MON-Hep-20, MON-Lag-1 thruMON-Lag-23, MON-Par Val-1 thru MON-Par-Val-7, MON-PBR-1 thru MON-PBR-32. Township of Montague Property Plate Numbers: MON-248 thru MON-260. The Townahip of Montague, the City of Montague, the County of Muskegon, Michigan State Department of State Highways. And you and each of you, owners and persons interested in the aforesaid l a n d s , are hereby cited to appear at the time and place at such reviewing of Apportionments as aforesaid, and be heard with respect to such Special A s s e s s ments and your interests in relation thereto, if you so desire. Dated on Friday this 28th day of September, A.D., 1967. / s / Patrick J . Buckley Patrick J . Buckley County Drain Commissioner Muskegon County, Michigan (10/5, 12) 13 WEEKS FOIf Sl.OO bjhnalL Send d o l l a r bill or check to OBSERVER, Montague, Michr11/lOtfc STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER O F THE ESTATE OF ESTELL LYNCH, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on December 7, 1967, at 9:00 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held a t which all creditors of said d e c e a s e d are required to prove their claims and heirs will be determined. Creditors must file sworn claims w i t h the Court and serve a copy on Mary Lynch, Muskegon, Michigan prior to said hearing. Publication and s e r v i c e shall be made a s provided by statute and Court rule. Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 28th d a y of September 1967. ' By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate . A true copy Grace V . Matteo Register of Probate William F« Hanna, Attorney . ( 1 0 / 5 , 12, 19) . ' STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court far the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH R. LeCOMPTE, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on November 30, 1967, a t 10:30 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held a t which a l l creditors of said d e c e a s e d are required to prove their claims and heirs w i l l be determined. Creditors must file swodi claims with the Court and serve a copy on Petrina M. LeCompte Muskegon Heights, Michigan prior to said hearing. Publication and service s h a l l be made a s provided by statute and Court r u l e . Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and , JOHN J . NAMENYp, Judges of P r o b a t e , this 21st day of September, 1967 By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of P r o b a t e A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate Thomas J . O'Toole, Attorney ( 9 / 2 8 , 1 0 / 5 , 12) STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GRACE C. JACOBS, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on November 2, 1967, at 9:30 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of Hackley Union National Bank and Trust Company, for probate of a purported will, for granting of administration to the executor named, or some other suitable person, and for a determination of h e i r s . Publication and service s h a l l be made a s provided by statute and Court rule. Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 21st day of September, 1967 By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate Hackley Union National Bank & Trust Company ( 9 / 2 8 , 10/5, 12) MONTAGUE OBSERVER October 12, 1967 Page Four STATE OF MICHIGAN , The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER O F THE ESTATE OF MARY S T E F U L A , Deceased IT IS ORDERED t h a t on . November 30, 1967, . at 9:30 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held at which all creditors of said deceased are required to prove their claims and heirs will be • ddtermined. Creditors must file sworn claims with the Court and serve a copy on R u s s e l l A. Crandall, Muskegon ^ e i g h t s , Michigan prior to said hearing. Publication and service shall be made as provided by statute and Court rule. Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of P r o b a t e , this 21st day of September, 1967. By GRACE V. MATTEO .. Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate William P . Spaniola, Attorney ( 9 / 2 8 , 1 0 / 5 , 12) STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RAYMOND DOUD, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on November 30, 1967, at 10:30 A.M., in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held at which all creditors of said deceased are required to prove their claims. Creditors must file sworn claims with the Court and serve a copy on J . Donald Murphy, Fremont, Michigan prior to said hearing. Publication and service shall be made as provided by statute and Court rule. • Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 21st day of September, 1967. By GRACE V. MATTEO REGISTER OF PROBATE A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate J . Donald Murph/, Attorney (9/28, 10/5, 12) STATE OF MICHIGAN T h e Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL KOZIAK, Deceased IT IS ORDERED THAT ON November 2, 1967, at 10:00 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of Steve Koziak for probate of a purported will, for granting of administration to the executor named, or some other suitable person, and for a determination of heirs. Publication and service shall be made a s provided by statute and Court rule. Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 21st day of September, 1967. By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate Harry J . Knudsen, Attorney (9/28, 10/5, 12) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE LAND CONTRACT STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NORA B. PRUITT, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on . November 2, 1967, at 11:00 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of Roland W. Guilfoyle for probate of a purported will heretofore admitted to probate in the State of Indiana, and for granting of administration to the executor named, or some other suitable person, and for a determination of h e i r s . Publication and service s h a l l be provided by statute and Court rule. Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 21st day of September, 1967. By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate , William P . Spaniola, Attorney (9/28, 10/5,12) FORFEITED AND DEMAND FOR PAYMENT: AND NOTICE OF FORFEITURE IN THE F.VENT OF NON-PAYMENT To: Nanciesue Grawbarger You are hereby notified that a certain land contract, bearing date October 9 , 1 9 6 5 , by and between Hugh Lynn and wife, Velma Lynn, a s s e l l e r s , and Nanciesue Grawbarger, a s purchaser, is in d e f a u l t by reason of non-payment of the installments of principal and interest due thereunder, and you have forfeited your rights thereunder, and you are hereby notified that the undersigned hereby demand the payment to them by you of the sum of three hundred seventy-six dollars and twenty-eight cents (S376.28), which is the amount now past due and unpaid, according to the terms of said land contract, and a l s o demand that you pay the above amount by October 26, 1967, which period of time is considered and declared to be a reasonable length of time, and, in default thereof, you are notified herewith that the undersigned will e l e c t , without the service of any other notice upon you, to declare and consider your land contract a s forfeited by the undersigned. Said premises are described in said land contract a s situated in the Township of Cedar Creek, County of Muskegon and State of Michigan, towit: The West Half (WM) of the North Half (NH) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1^) of Section Twelve' (12), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Fifteen (15) West. Dated • September 16, 1967. HUGH LYNN and VELMA LYNN BY: / s / J . Donald Murphy Their Attorney s B u s i n e s s Address: Old State Bank Building Fremont, Michigan (9/21, 28, 10/5, 12) CENTENNUL B O O K S are still available for $2.90 each. TheObservcr will mail a book to o u t s i d e address for 29 cents extra. STATE OF MICHIGAN Citcoil Coun foe the County of Muskegon SHIRLEY A. ADAMS, PUiatiff va JAMES M. ADAMS, Defendant ORDER TO ANSWER F i l e No. D3338 On September 15th, 1967, an ac* tion w a s filed by Shirley A. Adams, P l a i n t i f f , against James M. Adams, Defendant, in this Court to obtain a ' divorce from the bonds of matrimony. It is hereby osdered that the De« fendant, James M. Adams, shall answer or take such other action a s may be permitted by law on or before November 1, 1967. Failure to comply with this order will result in a judgment by default a g a i n s t such Defendant for the relief demanded in tl>c complaint filed in this Court, / s / Albert J . Engel Circuit Judge Date of Order) September 15, 1967 / s / Edward C. Wilson P l a i n t i f f ' s Attorney 203 Strifling Building Muskegon, Michigan ( 9 / 2 8 , 10/5, 12. 19) Tkt Observer c m kgr hy anilto • h distfafBMed clieuMe . . STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANDREW ESTLUND, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on November 9, 1967, at 11:00 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of Claude Medema for license to sell real e s t a t e of s a i d d e c e a s e d . Persons interested in s a i d estate are directed to appear a t said hearing to show c a u s e why s u c h license should not be granted. Publication and service shall be made as provided by statute and Court rule. Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 28th day of September, 1967. By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate Henry L . Wierengo, Attorney ( 1 0 / 5 , 12, 19) STATE O F MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELVIRA ESTLUND, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on November 9, 1967, at 11:00 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of Claude Medema for l i c e n s e to sell real e s t a t e of said d e c e a s e d . Persons interested in said e s t a t e are directed to appear at said hearing to show c a u s e whysuch l i c e n s e should not be granted. Publication and s e r v i c e shall be made a s provided by statute and Court rule. Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 28th day of September, 1967 By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate Henry L . w Wierengo, Attorney ( 1 0 / 5 , 12, 19) STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARIE BURNS, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on December 7, 1967, at 10:30 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held a t which all creditors of said d e c e a s e d are required to prove their c l a i m s . Creditors must file sworn claims with the Court and serve a copy on Anna E. Pothoff, Whitehall, Michigan prior to said hearing. Publication and service shall be made a s provided by statute and Court rule. Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 28th day of September, 1967 By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate . A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate Henry L . Wierengo, Attorney ( 1 0 / 5 , 12, 19) STATE O F MICHIGAN T h e Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF B E R T HAZEKAMP, • Deceased v IT IS ORDERED that on November 16, 1967, . at 10:00 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of The Muskegon Bank & Trust Company, T r u s t e e praying for the allowance of its 1st and final account, f / b / o Wilbur Hazekamp. Publication and service shall be made a s provided by statute and Court r u l e . Witness, the HON CRABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judaes of P r o b a t e , this 5th day of October, 1967. By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate The Muskegon Bank & Trust Company (10/12, 19, 26) STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MAY H. JOHNSON, a / k / a May Johnson, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on November 16, 1967, at 9:30 a.m. in the Probate Court room, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of Alfred C . Johnson, J r . for probate of a purported will, for granting of administration to the executor named, or some other suitable person, and for a determination of heirs. ^ Publication and service shall be made a s provided by statute and Court r u l e . Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of P r o b a t e , this 5th day of October, 1967. By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate Raymond J . Engle, Attorney (10/ 12, 19, 26) STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE GROSSMAN, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on November 16, 1967, at 10:30 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of Albert Zuidema, Executor praying for the allowance of his final Account. Publication and service shall be made a s provided by statute and Court r u l e . Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of P r o b a t e , this 5th day of October, 1967. By GRAVE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate Charles A. Larnard, Attorney (10/12, 19, 26) STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDWIN H. WENTZLOFF, Deceased IT IS ORDERED t h a t on November 16, 1967 at 10:30 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of Sandra K. Burns for appointment of an administrator, and for a determination of heirs. Publication and service shall be made a s provided by statute and Court r u l e . Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J. NAMENYE, Judges of P r o b a t e , this 5th day of October, 1967. ^ By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate William P . Spaniola, Attorney ( 1 0 / 1 2 , 19, 26) TODD P H A R M A C Y prescriptioHS our specialty ph TW 4*4543 ST. P E T E e ' S PLAN FORUM TYPE SERVICE The Episcopal Church of St. Peter's-by-the-Lake will inaugurate a fonim-type program in place of the sermon at 11:00 o'clock on this coming Sunday. :This is planned for the third Sunday of each month, according to the Vicar The Rev. H. Austin Pellett. T h e purpose is to permit the adult congregation to share views and c h a l l e n g e positions p r e s e n t e d from time to time in an exchange between parson and p e o p l e . . Basic to the d i s c u s s i o n will be Holy Scripture and In particular the E p i s t l e and Gospel for the Day according to the BoolC of Common Prayer. . Action of the General Convention of the E p i s c o p a l Church convened from September 17 to 27 In Seattle will be possible concern for the f i r s t forum.. Confirmation Instruction will begin on this coming Sunday at 10:00 o ' c l o c k . All interested persons s e e k i n g a • Church home are cordially Invited to attend t h e s e s e s sions and s e r v i c e s of St. Peter's-by-the-Lake.. At 5:30 p.m. on Sunday evenings, Junior High P e o p l e are meeting for supper, religion, fun and worship. A cordial Invitation Is extended to a l l Junior High people of the community to join this new and e n t h u s i a s t i c group. LOOKING FORWARD TO FUTURE EVENTS Oct. 12 - Rebekahs O c t 12 - Episcopal Guild O c t . 12 - P a s t Noble Grands Oct. 12 - Board of Education Oct. 12 • Ferry Memorial Guild Oct. 12 - W.L. B a p t i s t L a d i e s Fellowship Oct. 12 - Gold Star Mothers O c t 15 - Trail B l a z e r s Trail Ride Oct. 16 - Home Extension O c t 16 - S t Ann's Circle Oct. 16 - J o b ' s Council Oct. 16 - Rothbury Village Meeting Oct. 17 - Montague OES Oct. 17 - Dirt Daubers Oct. 17 - Onward Club Oct. 17 - Mouth School Oct. 17 - LLL St J a m e s Lutheran Church Oct. 17 - Montague 4-H Oct. 1 8 - V F W P o s t Oct. 18 - J o b ' s Daughters O c t . 18 - W.L. Osteopathic Guild Oct. 18 - St. Mary's Guild Oct. .18 - Clvfc Improvement Committee Oct. .19 - Royal Neighbor* Oct. 19 - Montague Garden Club O c t 19 - St. J a m e s Catholic Home & School In 17 years, the money you Invest In United States Series E. Savings Bonds more than doubles. How to saw your wife and s over 140.00 with a new Gas dryer. MONTAGUE OBSERVER October 12,1967 Page Five STATE OF MICHIGAN . The Probate Court foe the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE # ESTATE OF VALBORG JOHNSON, Deceased IT IS ORDERED that on December 7, 1967, at 9:30 A.M. in the Probate Court* room, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held at which all credi* tors of said deceased are required to prove their-claims and heirs will be determined. Creditors must file sworn claims with the Court and serve a copy on Hackley Union National Bank and Trust Company, Muskegon, Michigan prior to said hearing. i Publication and service shall be made a s provided by statute and Court rule. Witness, the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J . NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 28th day of September, 1967 By GRACE V. MATTEO . Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate Hackley Union National Bank and Trust Company (l0/ 5 , 12,19) STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County of Muskegon IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANDREW GERHARDSTEIN Mentally Incompetent IT IS ORDERED that on November 9, 1967, at 9:30 A.M. in the Probate Courtroom, Muskegon, Michigan, that a hearing be held on the petition of The Muskegon Bank & Trust Company, Successor Guardian praying for the allowance of its 10th and final account, transfer of funds to Coldwater State Home and Training School, and payment of residue to State of Michigan. Publication and service shall be made a s provided by statute and Court rule. Witness t the HONORABLE ROBERT A. CAVANAUGH and JOHN J. NAMENYE, Judges of Probate, this 28th day of September, 1967. By GRACE V. MATTEO Register of Probate A true copy Grace V. Matteo Register of Probate. The Muskegon Bank & Trust Company ( 1 0 / 5 , 1 2 , 19) / Our man with the Armed Forces Because beer is such a favorite with service men, we brewers like to do all we c a n to keep its surroundings right. So USB A representatives serve as adviser members of the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards t h r o u g h o u t the c o u n t r y . • These men f r o m the USBA operate h a n d in h a n d with service and civilian police, with m a l t beverage licensees, public boards and committees: military, civil, professional. Object: to protect those who are underage, and to insure strict observance of t h e law. We're proud of the work they do. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. If your wife is drying clothes on a line, she's working for less than 2»f a load. That's all it costs to do it in a Gas dryer. And that's the thriftiest, easiest way in the world. It's 1/5 the cost of the next best way—with electricity. So when you consider the number of if you believe there ought to be a great-looking way for a family man to save money, the Good Guys are in your corner. So is their new Dodge Coronet—the car that gives you family-sized room at a budget-sized price. It has great new looks. More extras. And more safety features. So, see the Dodge Boys and their all-new Coronet. They'll make a Dodge Fever Believer out of you. loads dried by an average family, they could save over $28.00 a year with AUTHOftlZEO DEALERS 4 b CHRYSLER W M f MOTORS CORPORATION Gas. In 5 years that comes to $140— the purchase price of a new Gas dryer. ONHyme And since installation is free, you can save right from the start. No wonder we say Gas makes the big difference . . . costs less, too. See the latest models at dealer or Gas Company showrooms. 7 out of 10 families now using dryers have Gas dryers. Care to make it 87 Isn't it tune you bought her a new Gas dryer? MICHIGAN CONSOUDATED OAS COMPANY BOYS $8 Dodge Coronet HUNT SALES I SERVICE, Montague,Michigan 8703 Water st. SERVICEMEN (N061) USS Okinawa (LPH-3) (PHTNC) Sept. 27 - ' Navy Lieutenant (junior' grade) Prank N Hunt, son of Mrs. Leon Hunt, 4849 Williams St., Montague, Mich., and husband of the former Miss Mary Ann Smith of 5920 W. McDowell Road, Phoenix, Ariz., participated in operation ''©Ml i s t i c Charger", a concentrated effort at stemming the enemy's flow of men and munitions from North Vietnam. As a staff member of Commander Amphibious SquadronFive aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Okinawa he helped direct the landing of a battalion-sized force of Marines along the coast of South Vietnam near DaNang. Leathernecks of the F i r s t Battalion. Third Marine Regiment were moved into the area by amphibious landings craft and helicopters, a s two Navy destroyers stood further off shore and provided supporting heavy gunfire. Navy and Coast Guard small craft patrolled closer inshore W. L. SENIOR CITIZENS The White Lake Senior Citizens are completing plans for an All Games Party to be held Thursday, October 26, in the social hall of the St. James Catholic Church, Mrs. William Collard is serving a s general chairman. An invitation to attend has been extended to all interested persons. An afternoon of games is being arranged with prizes for the winners, and refreshments will be served. BOWLING NEWS W.L. Ladies League (10-2-67) High team series: Reed's Tire Service 2377-828, Pitkin's Rexall Drugs 2282-826, Todd's Tavern 2240, and Klett's Standard Service 807. High Individuals: Mary Forbes 498-190, Clara Todd 487, Frances Brown 486, Dorothy Smith 188 and Mary Ann Band 185. Community College Open Hoose INVITATI0H THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF MUSKEGON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROUDLY I N V I T E S THE PUBLIC TO VIEW THE BEAUTIFUL NEW CAMPUS. GENERAL OPEN HOUSE - SAT., OCT. 14, 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. • SUN., OCT. 15, 1 P.M. - 6 P.M. FORMAL DEDICATION Montnane Personals Mrs. Henry Roesler, who w a s a patient in Hackley Hospital about four weeks, returned last week to her home where s h e i s convalescing after sustaining a severe leg fracture when she fell at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle VanGoor of Cutlerville visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Weesies, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Vander Wall of New Era were dinner guests Sunday of the Ed W e e s i e s . Mr. and Mrs. David Driscoll and Mik^ were Sunday dinner g u e s t s in the home of h i s par% e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. Earl D r i s c o l l of Muskegon. L a t e r in the a f t e r noon they were a l l entertained a t the Edward Driscoll home where cake and ice cream were served in o b s e r v a n c e of the birthday a n n i v e r s a r i e s of Dale Driscoll and C h r i s t i n a D r i s c o l l . Mrs. Hattie Conklin, who h a s been confined at Shelby H o s p i t a l for s e v e r a l w e e k s , is now s t a y i n g at the home of Mrs. M. B. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Gillan of F l i n t were weekend v i s i t o r s in the White L a k e a r e a . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunt and 'Dr. and Mrs. B. Wayne Gillan attended an open house at the Community Hall in Ferry Sunday afternoon in commemoration of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. F o r r e s t Hamey of Hesperia. Mr. and Mrs. Marc Dahl returned home last week T u e s d a y a f t e r a trip to Colorado Springs. They left Montague Sept. 24 stopping enroute in Springfield, 111. where they visited the Marvin Ramthun family. Their trip took them through Indiana, St. L o u i s and Independence, Mo., K a n s a s , and N e b r a s k a . While at Colorado Springs, they s t a y e d at the Broaamore Hotel a s g u e s t s of the Wayne F e e d Company. Highlights of their s t a y included a guided tour to P i k e ' s P e a k , and a visit lo the U.S. Air Force Academy and i t s Cadet C h a p e l . Mr. and Mrs. Desford dray r returned to their home In Lan* sing Monday after spending four days with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cox. The occasion was their annual group gettogether in celebration of the birthday anniversary which took place Saturday, Oct. 7. Weekend house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sievert Block were her brother and sister-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schaefer, and children, Kimberly, MONTAGUE OBSERVER October 12, 1967 Page S i x Jeff, Gary, Alan and Brian, of Marengo, 111. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Block, the Kenneth Gillans of Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer, and the William Gillans were guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. Wayne Gillan after the Manistee-Montague football game. •• ,V Goes from place to place seeking telephone numbers. Never has frequently called numbers right by phone. Doesn't know handy numbers make dialing so much simpler. Can be recognized by messy nest, flying around in circles. Don't be a Number Thumber. OEHERAL TELEPHONE W A Member of the GTiE Family of Companies - SUN., OCT. 22, 2 P.M. THE F O R M A L DEDICATION WILL BE HELD IN THE NEW FIELD HOUSE,WITH RENOWNED EDUCATOR, ASHLEY WHAT! DO MY IRONING IN AN ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER? HO MONTAGU, DELIVERING THE DEDICATORY ADDRESS. THE NEW CAMPUS IS LOCATED AT MARQUETTE AVE. AND OUARTERLINE ROAD - JUST EAST OF THE U.S. 31 EXPRESSWAY. CASH & CARRY SPECIALS Self Storing Redi-Hung Aluminom Combination Door 2/8 3 i /° $24.95 Self Storing Aluminum Combination Window $10.75 Complete hardware kit $9.95 Wood Coloninl Combination Door $24.95 Mobogany Panels3 new colors ea.$3.95 BIRCH PAHELS $4.7i ea. 11 i ii • • n i • • complete line of electric supplies Extermital Termite Service Of coursc you can't actually iron your clothes from inside a dryer. But what we are saying is that when you dry today's new permanent press fabrics in an electric clothes dryer, 30// c j w forget once and for all about ironing them. With the even heat, gentle tumbling action and special "washwear" cycles of an electric dryer, permanent press clothes bounce back to their original shape without wrinkles and with creases razor sharp. Save yourself a lot of work — let a new Electric clothes dryer do your ironing! 4.^ SEE YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER Get the latest, facts A MODERN ABOUT ELECTRIC HOME HEATING [kUkHulit call or write Consumers Power for this new FREE BOOKLET PE-l 518-22.5 Fast-Action ELECTRIC Water Heater is the answer to today's demand for more HOT WATER Published by Consumers Power C o m p a n y at low cost : I'l1. Ii cilili classified ads FOR SALE: BULK 60% MURIATE of potash fertilizer. Custom applied or spreaders rented. Farm Bureau Services, Inc. Hart branch. 10/5, 1 2 , 1 9 , 26 c FOR SALE USED HOME, SCHOOL smd CHURCH SMALL PIANOS. Damaged dealer and rental returns. Floor samples. Priced low. Write Mrs. Peabody, Gordon Laughead Piano Factory, Box 274, Grand Haven. Michigan 49417. •9/28-ll/30p SERVICE DORIS' CLOTHES SERVICE DEPT. • Special service on all types of clothing. Zippers put In heavy and light weight jackets, pants, skirts, slacks. Pants cuffed, tapered, new pockets. Coats shortened. Come In. Visitors Welcome. CLOUTIER'S TAXIDERMY. Old U.S. 31. Montague. 10/5-26c AMMONIUM NITRATE, bagged and bulk, special low prices off cars, we custom spread. Buy now. Farm Bureau Services, Inc. Hart branch. 10/5, 12, 19 c REAL ESTATE COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE-Rentals, trades, low down payments, lease options, trailers, contracts discounted, financing at The Arrowhead Agency. Phone TW 4*4344 or call Don Holmstrom TW 4t'513f FOR RENT PARTY CENTERPIFCES for rent at Todd Pharmacy, Inc. Centerpieces available for all occasions, baby showers, weddings, anniversaries, and holidays. Also a complete line of matching table covers, napkins, plates, cups and favors. Stop at the party "Headquarters" and see our display of party a c c e s s o r i e s . 3/30tfc SWAP ITEMS SWAP- New Zig Zag Sewing Machine for any articles of value - guns, boats, etc. Rex Sewing C e n t e r 2754 Peck.St. Muskegon Hpights. Open evenings 'til 9 p.m. Phone PE 7-5503. •• 5/25 tfc MONTAGUE OBSERVER October 12# 1967 Page Seven BAGGED UREA, lowest CARD OF THANKS prices now. Farm Bureau Services, Inc. Hart branch. 10/5, 12 c I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all of my neighbors, friends and relatives who so thoughtfully remembered me with flowers, gifts, cards and other expressions of kindness during my recent confinement in the hospital. I especially thank Fr. H. Austin Pellett and Rev. Earl Nelson for their many visits. Mrs. Henry Roesler, Sr. B e *VICES CAML BRANBEL Tank Cleaninc S e n t e ^ C ^ mefci&l and R e » i d « » t U t L F a s t Service. RMponftfo prices. Call collect 873-2Mf JHart. 11/3 tfc ROUND STEEL mesh corn cribs, Farm Bureau Services, Inc., Hart branch. 10/5, 12, 19, c m 11 P————————— WATCH REPAIRINa-Exp«aa$ done. Electric -timing, ultra-sonic cleaning. MITCHELL JEWELRY. Professionaf Building, Montague. 3/3tfc accordinf to your Doctor's Orders Lipka's Drag Ston Phone TW 1-5624 After Houn Call TW 3-5765 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1RAILERS ATTENTION100 feet frontage, wooded lot 4 miles north of Montague on U.S. 31 and Oceana County Line on Oak Lane Drive. Why pay $25 rent or more If you can pay $25 on your own? Phone 894-8066 or 894-5320. 10/12, 19p DELICIOUS FOOD Served The Woy YOU LIKE ITI MONTAGUE DISPOSAL S E R V I C E - Pickups twice weekly. Two months free to new customers. Ralph Rogers Phone 744-3076.. 7/20tfcc ^Jfie CjooJy CjooJu Phone 894-4178 for our Specially Prepared Take-Out Dinners I Hours: 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. Closed Mondays ^ WHITE LAKE BAPTIST Dowling St., Montague Sunday School 9:45 A.M.» Sunday Morning 11:00 A.M. OUT OF EVERY Follow that car Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Speaker Rev. John Lanttng Morning & Evening Service •tote WE RENT: Power pipe threaders, power nail drivers, lead furnaces, building j a c k s , Skllsaws, linoleum rollers, floor and wall sanders, floor polishers, rug scrubbers, extension ladders, power hedge clippers, lawn mowers, power post hole diggers, keys made. Hunt's Hardware, Montague. Phone 893-6945. . 3/5tfc ANNOUNCEMENTS - Weddings and anniversaries.^ Embossed and very handsome. Priced as low a s 100 foi $12.50. Large selection to choose from. We also have . napkins. Observer office. WHIN IS AMERICANS IS IN THE ILS.MMY RESERVE SPEED QUEEN WASHERS & DRYERS N«w and U««d SoUs Parts andSwvict Eithar stainless t t . . l or pomlain tubs SMUsFtnt ROTHBURY HARDWARE RoHibory, Mich. Phon. TW 4-8590 . . . WHEN YOU NFFD TO BUY A MONEY OPDFR, CASH A CHECK OR DEPOSIT MONEY IN YOUR ACCOUNT IN A HURRY! (LIKE AFTER WORK) THE WHITE LAKE ARFA'S NEWEST (AND ONLY) DRIVE-IN BANK CAN TAKE CARE OF A L L THOSE LAST MINUTE RUSH JOBS IN LESS Ralph Mallory •I ^ DON U P K A Save Trouble, Let U s World 2 new 30 lb wuhcn M* nanjr s m I I oaes You can't cut comers when it comes to Auto tasurance. You need the most protection you can get for the money you have to spend on this type of insurance. We s e e that you get the financial protection you need. brings you NFL footbal !.c,".„;„cbs t TV Sunday! Call in for a better ^eal on car insurance any day! Ralph Mallory THAN A MINUTE. OPEN 40 HOURS A WEEK FROM 9:30 AM TO 5:00 PM MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY AND 9:30 AM TO 7:30 PM ON FRIDAY. WE'RE HAPPY TO SPEND MORE TIME ON OUR JOBS JUST TO GIVE YOU A WIDER CHOICE OF CONVENIENT BANKING HOURS. FOLLOW THAT CAR! White Lake LAUNDEBMAT NOW OPEN IW. 1 ' Q ' t T i | g » w y E v a t a g and SUNDAYS a CM 1 P.6753 STATE F A R M M U T U A L \ U T O M O B I L E I N S U R A N C E COMPANY , Home Office; Bloomington, Illinois WHITE LAKE OPPICE-119 S. MEARS, WHITEHALL Serving the White Lake Area - where B u s i n e s s and P l e a s u r e thrive together beautifully! MONTAGUE OBSERVER , October 12, 1967 Page Eight ' noe your mcMg or our place Newport Custom 2-Door Hardtop New Yorker 2-Door Hardtop H^^SSISSbSSSS liiiii 300 4-Door Hardtop ANNOUNCING THE 1968 CHRYSLERS. Our '68 Chryslers are on the floor. 15 all-new models. Sedans. Wagons. Hardtops. Convertibles. All full-size. With luxurious new interiors. Improved engines. Great new styling. See for yourself how beautiful a big car can be. MOVE UP TO CHRYSLER 68 AUTHORIZED DEALERS ^ f M f CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION CIDAA 8703 Water sf. HUNT SALES & SERVICE Montague,Michigan