2015 FCF Show Program - Florida Canary Fanciers
2015 FCF Show Program - Florida Canary Fanciers
Florida Canary Fanciers 19th Annual Canary and Finch Show December 11th-13th, 2015 Divisions in: Type Colorbred Lipochrome Colorbred Lipochrome Ticked Colorbred Melanin Colorbred New Color Melanin Colorbred Teams (All) Finch American Singers German Rollers IFCCA, (Irish Fancy Canary Club of America) National At The: Ramada Gateway Hotel 7470 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy. Kissimmee, Florida 34747 Phn: 407-396-4400 Table Of Contents Page (Front Cover sponsor—Laraine’s Lady Gouldian) Pages 1 & 2: Page 3: Page 4: Page 5: Page 6: Pages 7 –10: Pages 12-27: Pages 29: Page 30-32: Page 33: Page 34: Page 35: Page 36: Page 37: Page 38: Page 39: Page 40: Table of contents Welcome Letter from FCF FCF Club Charter Sponsors page 2015 FCF Club Officers page FCF 2015 19th Annual Canary and Finch Show Rules FCF 2014 Show winners 2014 FCF Show overall schedule Type, Colorbred, Finch and salesroom Schedule German Rollers Show Schedule American Singers Show Schedule Type Judge Bio—Armando Lee Irish Fancy US National Type Judge: Linda Hogan Colorbred Judge Bio—Robert Trincado American Singer Judge Bio—Judy Snider German Roller Judge Bio—Steve Billmire Finch Judge Bio—Kenneth Gunby Division 1—Type Birds Page 42: Page 43: Page 44: Page 45: Page 46: Page 47: Page 48: Page 51: Page 52: Page 54: Page 55: Page 56: Page 58: Page 59: Page 60: Page 62: Page 63: Page 64: Page 65: Page 58: Section 1—Border Fancy Columbus Fancy—Standards Section 2—Columbus Fancy Crested / Section 3—Columbus Fancy Smooth Head Fife Fancy Standards Section 4—Fife Fancy Section 5—Gloster Corona and standards Section 6—Gloster Consort and standards Section 7—Irish Fancy and standards Section 8—Lizard and standards Section 9—Norwich and standards Section 10—Raza Espanola and Standards Section 11—Scot Fancy and Standards Section 12—Stafford Crested and standards Section 13—Stafford Non-Crested, Clear and Variegated Section 14—Stafford Crested Melanin/Section 15—Stafford Non-Crested Melanin Section 16—Yorkshire and standards Parisian Frill Standards Northern Dutch and Southern or Dutch Frill Standards German Crested Standards Section 17—Frills / Section 18—Any other variety Division 11—Lipochrome Colorbred Page 68: Section 1—Red Ground Intensive / Section 2—Red Ground Frost Section 3—Yellow Ground Intensive / Section 4—Yellow Ground Frost Section 5—White Ground Dominant Page 1 Table of contents page 2 Division 2 Continued Page 69: Page 71: Page 72: Section 6—White Ground Recessive / Section 7—Red Ivory Intensive Section 8—Red Ivory Frost / Section 9—Yellow Ivory Intensive Section 10—Yellow Ivory Frost / Section 11—Red Mosaic Females Section 12—Red Mosaic Males / Section 13—Yellow Mosaic Females Section 14—Yellow Mosaic Males / Section 15—Yellow Mosaic Males Section 16—All Rubinos Section 17– All Lutinos Division 3—Colorbred Ticked Lipochrome Canaries Page 74: Page 75: Page 76: Section 1—Ticked Red Ground Intensive / Section 2—Ticked Red Ground Frost Section 3—Ticked Yellow Ground Intensive Section 4—Ticked Yellow Ground Frost / Section 5-Ticked White Ground Dom. Section 6-Ticked White Ground Rec. / Section 5-Ticked White Albino Section 8-Ticked Red Ivory Frost / Section 9-Ticked Red Ivory Frost Section 10-Ticked Yellow Ivory Int. / Section 11-Ticked Yellow Ivory Frost Section 12—Ticked Red Mosaic Females / Section 13-Ticked Red Mosaic Males Section 14-Ticked Yellow Mosaic Fem./ Section 15-Ticked Yellow Mosaic Males Section 16-All Ticked Rubinos / Section 17-All Ticked Lutinos Division 4 Melanin Colorbred—Classic Page 78: Page 79: Page 80: Section 1—Black Red Intensive / Section 2-Black Red Frost Section 3—Brown Red Int. / Section 4-Brown Red Frost Section 5-Red Agate and Isabel Section 6-All Ivory Melanin / Section 7-Yellow Ground Melanin Intensive Section 8-Yellow Ground Melanin Frost / Section 9-White Ground Mel. Intensive Section 10-White Melanin Frost / Section 11-Classic Melanin Red Mosaic Male Section 12-Classic Melanin Red Mosaic Female Division 5 Colorbred New Color Melanin Page 81: Pages 82&83: Page 84: Page 85: Page 86: Section 1—All Opals Section 2-All Phaeo Inos / Section 3-All Satinettes / Section 4-All Ground Colors Section 5-All Onyx Section 6– All Topaz Section 7-All Cobalt’s Divisions 6-9 Colorbred Teams Page 87: Division 6-Colorbred Teams Lipochrome / Division 7-Colorbred Teams Lip Ticked Division 8-Colorbred Teams—Mel. / Division 9– Colorbred Teams New Color Melanin Page 90: Page 92: Page 95: Pages 96-105: Page 106: American Singer Canary Confirmation Roller Canary Finch– NFSS General Standards for Finch and Softbills Division 11—All Finch and Softbill Sections Mules—Sections 12, 13 and 14 Page 2 Welcome All, to the Florida Canary Fanciers 2015—19th Annual Canary Show We at the Florida Canary Fanciers are very proud to present again our annual show the year. This is our 19th Annual Show and we are also very happy to be the only show in Florida to host, Type, Colorbred, German Rollers, American Singers, and Finches. This is our 19th year and the forth for Finches, now all competing in our show. A Show of this size and scope is not easy to organize logistically and economically, but thanks to many members, generous contributors and many affiliated sister clubs, the 19th Annual Show is a reality. Our Show provides, as the spirit of the day, a friendly, yet competitive atmosphere among all fellow breeders. The FCF is also proud to present a fine, well qualified professional group of judges, which are known by their expertise and experience in their respective specialties. FCF has always been careful in selection of judges for our shows and this year was no exception. We welcome our judges and extend to them our gratitude for coming and sharing in our show. We wish luck to all of our exhibitors, some from distant places, and we hope you will be pleased in your stay at the Ramada Gateway Hotel, Kissimmee, Florida. I as the President and Brian as our Show Chairman, want to thank all of our friends in the fancy and all of the contributors for their help. Everyone enjoy your stay and good luck to all Brian Byrne 2015 General Show Chairman Mike Corbeil President Page 3 Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. The Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to maintain and improve the standards of perfection for each type of canary. The Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. Officers are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and General Show Chairman. Appointed Committee Chairman include: Bird Band Chairman, Newsletter Editor, Webmaster and Membership Chair. The Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. hosts a bird show each fall and supports both locally and nationally. The Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. makes available bands, which can be purchased from the Band Chairman by its members. The Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. publishes a newsletter, which includes the minutes of the previous meeting, Treasurers report, Show Report, and any other items contributed by members. The Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. meets on the third Sunday of every other month. Location of meetings will be announced in the newsletter. Membership Dues are $35 per year, January to December (no pro-rate). Make checks payable to: Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. Send to: Ruth Ann Stearns—Membership and Bird Chairman P.O. Box 120279 Clermont, Florida 34712-0279 [email protected] . Page 4 Sponsorships The Florida Canary Fanciers submit our greatest and sincere thanks to those members and companies who have graciously sponsored our show. Commercial Sponsors: The Higgins Group The Bird Show Laraine’s Ladygouldian.com Division / Personal / Club Sponsors Cora Rovira Enrique Rovira Ruth Ann & Jim Stearns Sara Palmer Terry Spreeman Ninez Giles Luis Martinez Brian Byrne Joe Kellman Humberto Delgado Francis Martin Mike Corbeil Carl Beirs George Traveria Gary & Mindy Wargowsky Cesar Etayo Carol Boylan Barbara Tilden Lauran Ogburn Jim Sillers, DVM Alex Villarreal, DVM Irish Fancy Canary Club of America Suncoast Canary and Finch Club Carl Beirs —Staffords Sunshine Rollers Club Club Affiliations National Colorbred Association (NCA) National Finch & Softbill Society (NFSS) Page 5 Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. 2015 Officers President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: General Show Chairman: Type Chairman: Colorbred Chairman: American Singer Chairman: German Roller Chairman: Finch Chairman: Show Secretary: Bird Band Chairman: Membership Chairman: Newsletter Editor: Webmaster: Mike Corbeil Humberto Delgado Cora Rovira Ruth Ann Stearns Brian Byrne Brian Byrne Humberto Delgado Brenda Varhola George Traveria Joe Kellman Wilfred Ortiz Ruth Ann Stearns Ruth Ann Stearns Mike Corbeil Van To The Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. Officers, Chair Persons and Members wish to thank all the Corporate Sponsors for their support Of our annual show. All of the membership, wish to state our greatest appreciation to all the affiliated clubs who have joined us here at our show. Your contributions and affiliation is regarded in the highest of terms. We truly consider you friends and one with us as truly one family. Our goals are to benefit you as much as you us. Working together for the betterment of all, is a sincere goal and one we take very seriously. We all share our love of everything canary, thus we are friends and family of a unified goal. Thank you all sincerely Page 6 Florida Canary Fanciers Rules for Annual FCF Bird Show 2015 Note: The following rules, having been presented and ratified by the general membership at a regular FCF meeting, are presently in force and effective at the annual FCF Bird Show. 1- All canaries must be banded with closed bands in order to be accepted for competition. Unbanded finches will be accepted if they follow the NFSS rules. 2- Judging at the FCF Show will begin promptly at 8:00am each day the show is in effect. 3- The entry fee will be $3.00 per bird. There is no limit to the number of entries an exhibitor/ competitor may enter. 4- Each competitor must fill out one entry sheet for each division in which his/her birds will be competing. The divisions to be judged are: Type, Lipochrome, Lipochrome Ticked, Melanin, New Color, Teams, and Finch. 5- A novice is any exhibitor showing his/her birds for the first year. When a Novice enters the competition, he/she will mark each entry form with an “N” to indicate his/her first year status. 6- Entries for the show should be checked in at the front desk and within the holding area no later than 10 minutes before the judging begins. Judging begins at 8:00am, Saturday, December 12th, 2015, for this show. Front desk and all checks in will be stopped and deemed complete at 7:50am this day. 7- All birds must be checked in by the show management. If leaving the show early for any reason, exhibitors should contact the stewards on duty in his/her division. After birds are checked in, they are under the care of the show management. They will not be handled by anyone other than those given authority to do so by the Show Manager. Birds in competition will be released to their owners by the show stewards at the completion of the show. 8- Only stewards shall have access to the staging area once a bird is checked in for competition. Exhibitors must make the show stewards aware when they need access to their personal entries. 9- The general public will have viewing area available to them for the purpose of watching the competition. Otherwise, non-exhibitors shall not have access to any birds in competition but will be able to frequent the venders selling at the show. 10- Exhibitors are responsible for consulting the show catalogue to be certain that their entries are labeled with the proper class and division information. The show management accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracy that may exist. Birds will be entered in the class and section number indicated on the entry blank. Classification and committee members will be available to those who need help completing this task. Judges can preview the classifications prior to judging to insure that the correct classifications have been, made by the entrants. The judge will have the final say on acceptance or disqualification or reclassification of any bird entered erroneously in the wrong division or class. Page 7 Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. Rules for Annual Show 2015—continued 11- The FCF will not be responsible for any accidents, loss or damage to any exhibitor’s property. 12- The show management reserves the right to reject any or all entries. All birds must be healthy and in a sanitary environment to be accepted for entry in the FCF Show. Where questions exists, the Show Manager shall have the final say on acceptance or refusal for entry in the competition. This rule applies to venders at the show as well. 13- The decisions of the judges are final. 14- The FCF advocates the use of regulation show cages. Each cage should comply with the standard of the species and be in sanitary condition overall. The owner of each bird in the show is responsible for providing food and water for their entries. 15- Anyone, other than the Show Manager, found tampering with the tags of any show cages is libel for having ALL of his/her entries disqualified. Anyone found to have been cheating by dyeing or tinting birds will be immediately evicted from the show and banned from exhibiting in future shows for as long as the FCF deems appropriate. Such a finding will be shared throughout all sister clubs and shows. 16- The FCF will provide a limited number of sales tables in the sales room. These are supplied as a courtesy and come with a first come first served basis. 17- Each breeder or vender at the FCF Show is responsible for securing his/her own Florida Wildlife license to sell and/or exhibit birds. 18- A formal presentation of awards will be held by FCF when all of the entries in all divisions have been judged, These awards and presentation are limited to Type, Colorbred and Finch's, all song categories will hold their own, but will notify FCF management of all winners for publication. The awards will be presented to winners of each division by the FCF Show Manager and Exhibition Judges. 19- Entries may be removed from the show hall after the formal presentation of awards. The Show Manager will make an announcement as to when entrants may remove their birds with the assistance of the club stewards. No entry will be removed until the stewards check the entry form and show tag. Stewards will control the removal of all birds from the Show site. 20- Any and all rules listed and stated here have been accepted and placed forward , any questions or clarification can be supplied by asking any show management, any final word is the Show Chairman's period. Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 2014 Show Winners Page 13 2014 Show Winners Page 14 2014 Show Winners Page 13 Page 15 Page 16 2014 Show Winners Page 15 Page 17 2014 Show Winners Page 16 Page 18 2014 Show Winners Page 19 2014 Show Winners Page 20 2014 Show Winners Page 21 2014 Show Winners Page 22 2014 Show Winners Page 23 2014 Show Winners Page 24 2014 Show Winners Page 25 2014 Show Winners Page 26 2014 Show Winners Page 27 The Suncoast Canary & Finch Club Wishes all the Exhibitors the Best of Luck at the 2015 Florida Canary Fanciers Annual Show May the best birds win! Please visit our website: www.suncoastcanaryandfinchclub.com Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SuncaoastCanaryAndFinchClub Meetings: First Wed. every month @ 7pm, Collingswood Animal Hospital 1419 Collingswood Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL. Everyone is Welcome! Good Luck!....Enjoy the Show! Enrique Rovira, DMD Family Dentistry 407-282-6380 5110 Curry Ford RD Page 28 Orlando, Fl. 32812 2015—19th Annual Florida Canary Fanciers Show Events Schedule Thursday, December 10th, 2015 Limited official show business, some people arriving and checking in only. Rollers will begin this day setting up at 1pm, then checking in birds at 3pm until complete. All other show rooms WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE, Rooms for all category's are as follows: Type / Colorbred / Finches and Salesroom: Building A, Convention Center Salons 1-5 Rollers: Building J, Judging room 116 / Holding room 118 ( Full show schedule on page 33) Singers: Building J, Judging room 122 / Holding room 120 (Full show schedule on page 34) Friday, December 11th, 2015 *Judges to be picked up at the airport, or arriving via personal automobiles, and people checking in. All show rooms and keys acquired and ready for load in, at 1pm, coordinated via Ruth Ann Stearns. 8am—Rollers begin judging 1pm—all show rooms available for all groups to load in—load in begins 1pm—Main hall, Type/Colorbred/Finch and Sales room set up Main hall, Type/Colorbred/Finch bird check in and sales room available for drop off only, from 4pm—6pm. (Set up of room and check in commencing) Main FCF Business table open and available for all Club and Show Business. This table will be manned by Ruth Ann Stearns and all club and show business will be occurring. 6pm– Set up and Type/Colorbred/Finch/ Salesroom closes and is complete for following days show. 7pm– Dinner for all who wish to attend at Hotel 8pm– 2015, 19th Annual FCF show opening ceremony for all, Same room as dinner Opening ceremony to include the introductions of all judges, words about club, show and welcoming performed by Mike Corbeil FCF President. Show rules and any and all show changes and pertinent information provided by Brian Byrne, FCF General Show Chairman. We ask all judges and club officers to remain after the ceremony concludes for pictures. All judges are requested to either between 5pm and 6pm to get with Ruth Ann Stearns, FCF Treasure to conclude and settle all expenses, or to remain and touch base and conclude their travel business after the opening ceremony, again with Ruth Ann Stearns. 9pm– All show aspects closed Page 29 Type, Colorbred, Finch and Sales room (Specific Finch Room Schedule listed on separate page, please review) Saturday, December 12th, 2015 6:00am-Breakfast will be open and begin serving at 6am in the hotel restaurant. 7am—All rooms available and final touches made. Main room will have FCF personnel available for memberships, bands and any club business to be conducted. 7am-7:50am —Type, Colorbred and Finch—Bird check in continues, (all registration and bird entries, close hard at 7:50am. Judging to commence at 8am sharp. 8am—Bird sales room opens—Type, Colorbred and Finch begin judging. All are asked to arrange and schedule lunch break for the arranged lunch at hotel to start at 12pm noon and be complete at 1pm. Colorbred and Finches Judging will judge until complete, following the show catalogue order. Type Division order as follows: Borders, Columbus Fancy, (Crested then Smooth Head), Fife, Gloster Corona, Gloster Consort. Then the Type judge takes a break and the Irish Fancy National judge will take over to Judge the IF National. When complete, The Type judge will resume with the Lizards, Norwich, Raza's, Scots Fancy, Staffords, (Crested, Non-Crested Clear & Var., Crested Melanin, and Non Crested Melanin), Yorkshires, Frills and AOV. Judging for Colorbred will follow the colorbred divisions as printed in the show catalogue. 12pm-1pm—Type, Colorbred, finch & Salesroom closes for scheduled lunch arranged at hotel 1pm—Type, Colorbred, Finch and Salesroom re-opens and continues judging 4pm-5pm—All Type, Colorbred judging completes 4pm-5pm—Awards ceremony for all Type and Colorbred, Sales room remains open—Sales room closes at 5pm and load out commences. Schedule continues on next page Page 30 Schedule continued from previous page Saturday, December 12th, 2015 5pm—all show business and show sales room closed and clean up, load out begins. 5pm– 50/50 and Raffle commences in the type/colorbred room, and all trophies and awards handed out for winners. Trophies and award money to be presented, as well as pictures are requested by all involved. There will many items of great value in our raffle this year, please take advantage of the great savings to buy a chance at any and all of them. After awards ceremony, Raffle and 50/50 drawing to be held. When all is concluded load out begins. All winners tabulated and logged, all official winners documentation filled out and handed in to FCF show chairman. Please be prepared, the FCF staff works very hard to perform everything involved with all aspect of the show. As in all shows, your patience is requested in the aspect of retrieving and removal of your birds, that were exhibited. This is for yours and everyone's safety. When someone try's to remove birds early, it creates a very large problem. There is so much going on, we can not insure the safety of all bird’s if someone is doing their own thing. We respectfully ask for your understanding, we also will stop you and remove you until it is deemed safe for all to be removed. This allows for the FCF staff and stewards to assist and insure the safety of all exhibitors birds. We have never had a bird stolen , but it has occurred at many a show. This is specifically why we ask for your patience. The only way we can insure for all birds and exhibiters is to police this area with your help and assistance is this aspect. When all is deemed complete, any and all may begin retrieving their birds. Many people travel great distances to be at our show, so everyone is treated with the same respect and governing rules, without exception. If you do not follow these rules you will be removed from the room until all is complete and then allowed back in to retrieve your birds. Thank you for your understanding. Everyone working the show has many aspects to cover, your asking for special treatment means others will have to wait because of you. Of course under special circumstances we will accommodate you, but please respect that a special circumstance truly must be just that. Page 31 Finch Room Saturday, December 12th, 2015 7am– Set up continues as does bird check in 7:50am– Set up and registration is complete and closed 8:00am– Judging begins at 8am sharp All judging will follow the judges order, and be conducted and stewarded by the Finch staff. Judging will commence at 8am and continue until complete. When complete, Ken Gunby, the Certified NFSS Judge will list and log all winners for the applying of all NFSS winners points. These sheets and information will be presented to the FCF General Show Chairman, Brian Byrne, for logging and submission to NFSS. If the General Show Chairman is busy or not available, the sheets will be personally handed to the FCF Club President, Mike Corbeil. This is to insure we receive them, and they can be presented for documentation to NFSS without delay of problems. All awards will be presented and photos taken and Finch show portion complete. Birds may be gathered by exhibitors for removal at this time. At the conclusion of all of these aspects, Mr. Ken Gunby will speak and address any and all questions, a question and answer period for all in the finch room. This is a great benefit and highly valuable time, since Mr. Gumby's experience, knowledge and personality is so highly respected and beneficial to all. 12pm– All Finch business is concluded and complete. Room will be closed and locked and lunch will commence in the hotel restaurant. Page 32 Rollers : Building J, Judging room 116, Holding room 118 German Rollers, presented and sponsored by the Sunshine Rollers Thursday, December 10th 1pm—Check in and room set up, 3pm—Bird check in begins until complete Friday, December 11th 8:00am—Judging begins in room 116 Breaks and Lunch will be scheduled and taken when time allows 5:00pm—Judging for this day completes 6:00pm—All functions complete 7:00pm—Dinner 8:00pm—2015 FCF Show opening ceremony, same room as dinner 9:00pm—All complete for the day Saturday, December 12th 7:30am—Judging begins again in room 116 12:00-1:00pm—Lunch for all at hotel 4:00-5:00pm—Judging concludes, this will be an approximate defined by how many entries If judging must continue we will do so until complete. Awards and close of show Sunday, December 13th No official show business this day Page 33 American Singers: Building J, Judging room 122, Holding room 120 Judge: Judy Snider / Show Chair: Ninez Giles Thursday, December 10th, 2015 No Show Business this day Friday, December 11th, 2015 4:00-8:00pm– Set up and Bird check in 7:00pm—Dinner in Hotel Restaurant 8:00pm—2015 FCF Show opening ceremony, same room as dinner 9:00pm—Bird Check in continues until complete Saturday, December 12th, 2015 7-8:50am—Any final check bird check ins and ready for judging 9:00am—Judging begins All judging and breaks will be at the judges and American Singer Show Chairman’s discretion and organized via the judge and show chair through out the day. 12:00-1:00pm—Lunch for all at hotel 1:00pm—Judging resumes and continues until all is complete When all judging is complete, winning birds verified and documented, awards handed out show will be concluded. Sunday, December 13th, 2015 No Official Show business this day Page 34 Type Judge Armando Lee Hello my name is Armando J. Lee and I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for selecting me to judge your Type Canary Division. I’ve had many different types of birds as pets since I was 10 years old. In 1985 I began breeding birds to exhibit at shows. I’ve bred and exhibited Borders, Fifes, Glosters, Lizards, Scott Fancies, as well as Colorbred canaries and Finches. Because I reside in Southwest Florida I am able to keep my birds in the outdoor section of my aviary all year. However, I set my breeding pairs indoors. I am a Panel Judge for the National Colorbred Association and the National Finch and Softbill Society. I have judged in Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, Tampa and Miami in Florida, Chicago, Georgia, Missouri, New Jersey, New Orleans, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, Puerto Rico and Canada. I am honored to have been chosen to judge the National Cage Bird Show and the Great American Bird Show. My wife, who also shares an interest in birds, usually accompanies me to as many bird shows as possible. We both enjoy traveling and the wonderful friends we have made through this hobby. Professionally, I am a Certified General Contractor and a Licensed Real Estate Broker. I am employed in our family business. I am looking forward to greeting old friends and for the opportunity of making new ones. I wish all exhibitors, the directors, and members the very best in this forthcoming show. Sincerely, Armando J. Lee Page 35 Irish Fancy National Judge Linda Hogan, Wichita, Kansas My first canary memory was early childhood as my mother raised about 100 canaries each year. During the breeding season, she was always finding a young chick which she said needed hand feeding. I would use a toothpick to stuff its crop with egg food. It never occurred to me that each time it was a different chick! I still have a weakness for hand feeding although I rarely do it as the mothers food is far superior. When I was 16, I adopted an elderly "grandmother" and she raised German rollers. I would sit for hours and listen to her green roller singers. I banded my first birds in 1980. I achieved master breeder exhibitor status in color-bred canaries and German Rollers. I became a judge and hold judging credentials from the Central States Roller Canary, National Colorbred, Stafford Canary, North American Border and Old Varieties Canary Associations. I have judged shows all over the US including Puerto Rico and Canada. My book "The Complete Canary Handbook, Canary Tales" is in its 14th edition and sells worldwide. In a typical year, I breed around 150 canaries. My current aviary includes German Rollers, Borders, Stafford’s, and Colorbreds. Author of the top selling And popular book, “A Complete Canary Handbook, A Collection Of Canary Tails” Page 36 Colorbred Judge: Mr. Robert Trincado As a young boy I have always loved birds...I have been raising canaries for approximately 40 years. My birds have won many awards including several "Best in Show", Higgins and the coveted Scannel.... During this time I have judged many shows throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico and i am familiar with lipochrome, melanin and new mutations...... I am a National Colorbred Association certified judge and I have been on the Board of Directors of the Color Bred Canary Club of Miami for many years as well as the National Color Bred Association.. I look forward to being one of the judges at the Florida Canary Fanciers 2015 Show in Orlando and wish everybody the very best".... Robert Trincado Page 37 American Singer Judge Judy Snider "I began raising The American Singer in 1979 and received my judging card in 1984, the same year my first grand champion was hatched, who is still the highest scoring AS (most total points) in our record keeping, a feat equaled only by his nephew two years later. With quite a bit of luck in my early days I became a master breeder early on, not an easy feat these days since it requires winning ten bests-in-show at American Singer competitions. I have judged the National competition several times and judged in most states. At this point in time I am the longest continuously-serving judge. Over the years I have done some writing on behalf of my beloved American Singer, having served as "Cagebird" columnist nearly 10 years. I am proud to be a founder and charter member of my local chapter, DRAGON, Chapter 22 of the American Singers Club, serving now as newly elected president, and to have been associated these many years with this wonderful song canary and the fanciers who prefer it, since I believe our courageous songbird best expresses the innovative, adaptable American personality, remaining cool under competitive pressure. As great as the bird is, the fanciers are even better. I believe the cultivation and encouragement of the novice is the most important responsibility of the chapters and of the ASC judges. I regard it as a privilege to hear and judge the songs of your American Singer Canaries here in Florida. A little known fact about me is that my favorite hobby other than training and exhibiting the American Singer is putting on old clothes and grabbing my field glasses to bird the cloud plateaus and rain forests of Central America with my husband. My life's list now exceeds a thousand exotic birds, though none sings like the American Singer!" Page 38 German Roller Judge: Steve Billmire Steve Billmire is from the SF Bay Area. He is an active aviculturist who started with birds in Hayward, CA. at the age of 9. He raised Roller and Homing Pigeons outdoors and a flew the birds after school with friends. He currently resides in Leona Valley, CA. and his outdoor aviary is home to over 150 German Roller Canaries and Colorbred Melanin Red Factors. He is an activist for the promotion and improvement of the German Roller Song Canary. He is a member of the Oakland International Roller Canary Club (OIRCC) and Central States Association. He supports the local California Canary Clubs and Shows each year. He is an active exhibitor of both German Rollers and Red Factors who enjoys the competition of the fall bird shows. In 2009 he received his Roller Canary Judge Certification from the Central States Roller Canary Association. He enjoys open discussion and education regarding the Roller Canary Song with all fanciers. Following completion of the Roller Show Judging he enjoys holding Song seminars, which are designed to stimulate open discussion and educate new Roller Canary Fanciers on the basics and complexities of the Roller Canary Song. He has been trained and mentored by many well known Roller Canary Breeders and Judges such as Jim Naquin, Sam Barr, Dan Agrella, Fred Probstel, David Bopp and Linda Hogan. His current passion includes the propagation of quality Green Intensive, Opal, Brown and White Roller Canaries. During the last few years he has successfully brought back the intensive feather to the German Roller Canary, a characteristic which has been lost in the Rollers over the past 30 years. His email address is: [email protected] , website: http://stevesbirds.com/ Steve is honored to judge the Rollers at this years Sunshine Show within the Florida Canary Fanciers 19th annual show, and considers this an opportunity to learn and hear birds. Page 39 Finch Judge Kenneth Gunby NFSS Finch Judge—Kenneth H Gunby I have live in Jacksonville, Florida since 1998. I am self-employed and love what I do. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and have been doing that for ten years. I have been raising and showing birds since 1982. I am a member of the National Finch and Softbill Society, North American Parrot Society, and the Society of Parrot Breeders and Exhibitors. I am a Judge for NFSS and NAPS and I truly enjoy judging and looking at peoples birds. I learn so much from other breeders and I hope they learn a few things from me. My two greatest thrills were winning the Great American in 1988 with an African Grey and the Nationals in San Diego with a Derbyan Parakeet. I am still working on getting my Hawkheads to breed for me but as of today I still have not been successful with them. I recently fell in love with Rubino Rosella's, and have been very successful with them and I have raised many in the last two years. I look forward to more experiences with these interesting little birds. I would like to thank the club and your Show Committee for asking me to judge your show. Page 40 Page 41 Division 1 Type Section 1 Borders Old Cock 101 105 109 113 117 121 125 129 133 137 141 145 Young Cock 102 106 110 114 118 122 126 130 134 138 142 146 Yellow Clear or Ticked Buff Clear of Ticked White Clear or Ticked Yellow Green Lightly Variegated Buff Green Lightly Variegated Yellow Green Heavily Variegated Buff Green Heavily Variegated Yellow Cinnamon Lightly Variegated Buff Cinnamon Lightly Variegated Yellow Cinnamon Heavily Variegated Buff Cinnamon Heavily Variegated White With A.O.C. Lightly Variegated Old Hen 103 107 111 115 119 123 127 131 135 139 143 147 Young Hen 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 148 Border Fancy Canaries—Standard of Excellence Head and Neck 10 Points: Head well-rounded and neat when viewed from any angle, beak fine, eyes clear and positioned to rest on an imaginary line as an extension to the line between the upper and lower mandible of the beak, very slightly forward of the central point of the head. Neck rather fine, in keeping with the head and flowing smoothly into the body lines and of sufficient length to give a free, jaunty look to the head carriage. Body 15 Points: Well filled and nicely rounded running in a smooth downward curve from the gentle, smooth rise of the shoulders to the point of the tail. The chest is also nicely rounded, but not heavy. The line of the curve to the root of the tail always being downwards. Viewing from above and behind the body outline should be symmetrically pear shaped. Wings 10 Points: Compact and carried close to the body, covering the back with primary and secondary flight feathers meeting at the tips. Out flight tips to meet at the root of the tail. Primaries and secondary's to be pointed. Legs and Feet 5 Points: Legs of medium length and showing a little thigh. The legs should be fine yet in harmony with the size of the bird and allowing it to adopt a gay, jaunty stance. Feet in keeping with legs, both to be clean and without blemish. Plumage 10 Points: Close, firm and fine quality, presenting a smooth, silken, glossy appearance, free from brownness, frill or roughness. Tail 5 Points: Close packed and narrow, being nicely rounded and well filled in at the root. Position and Carriage 15 Points: Semi-erect standing at an angle of about 60 degrees. Gay and Jaunty with a full poise of the head. Color 15 Points: Rich, soft and pure, as level in tint as possible throughout, but extreme depth and hardness, such as color feeing gives, are debarred. Any exhibit being color fed will be disqualified. Size 5 Points: The ideal length from top of the head to the tip of the tail is 5 1/2 inches, length should be proportional and balance with other features of the bird. Health 10 Points: Condition and cleanliness shall have due weight. 100 Points total Page 42 Columbus Fancy Canary The Following Are The Standards Approved in 1998 Color: 15 Points. Natural; bright and rich throughout; color-fed or bred bot accepted Body: 20 Points. Well rounded; chest is broad and full; back wide and full; neck heavy and full blending smoothly from head to shoulders; having a slightly tubular appearance. Smooth Head: 20 Points. Large and wide in proportion with the robust size of the bird; rounded from front to back and side to side with a rise over beak; showing brows; eyes bright; unobstructed; beak short. Crest: 20 Points. A wide oval blending smoothly into the back of the head and neck feathers; length not to exceed beyond the tip of the beak or obscure the eyes; well centered over the eye; set close to the skull without splits, horns or bare spots; eyes bright’ unobstructed; beak short. Feathers: 10 Points. Neat; silky; smoothly follows the contour of the body. Wings: 5 Points. Evenly set; carried close to the body wit tips touching at the base of the tail. Tail: 5 Points. Short; compact; straight; carried rigidly. Legs and Feet: 5 Points. Neat; stocky; set well back’ showing no thigh. Size: 10 Points. Substantial; all parts in proportion; ideal length 6 inches. General Appearance: 10 Points. Alert; steady; clean and healthy; no cobbiness or feather frills; stands at a 45 degree angle over the perch; moves readily from perch to perch; shown in Columbus Fancy show cage. Page 43 Division 1 Type Section 2 Columbus Fancy Crested Old Cock 201 205 209 213 217 221 225 229 233 237 241 245 249 253 Young Cock 202 206 210 214 218 222 226 230 234 238 242 246 250 254 Yellow, Clear body, Clear, dark or Grizzle Crest Buff, Clear body, Clean, dark or Grizzled Crest White, Clear body, Clean, dark or grizzled Crest Yellow Variegated Buff Variegated White Variegated Cinnamon or Fawn Variegated Yellow Heavy Variegated Buff Heavy Variegated White Heavy Variegated Yellow Green, self or foul Buff Green, self or foul Blue, self or foul Cinnamon, self or foul Old Hen 203 207 211 215 219 223 227 231 235 239 243 247 251 255 Young Hen 204 208 212 216 22224 228 232 236 240 244 248 252 256 Old Hen 303 307 311 315 319 323 327 331 335 339 343 347 351 355 Young Hen 304 308 312 316 320 324 328 332 336 340 344 348 352 356 Division 1 Type Section 3 Columbus Fancy Smooth Head Old Cock 301 305 309 313 317 321 325 329 333 337 341 345 349 353 Young Cock 302 306 310 314 318 322 326 330 334 338 342 346 350 354 Yellow, clear, or ticked Buff, clear, or ticked White, clear, or ticked Yellow Variegated Buff Variegated White Variegated Cinnamon or Fawn Variegated Yellow Heavy Variegated Buff Heavy Variegated White Heavy Variegated Yellow Green, Self or foul Buff Green, Self or foul Blue, Self or foul Cinnamon, Self or foul Page 44 Julington Creek Aviary Jacksonville, Florida George Traveria Master Breeder—Roller Canaries PH: 904-262-1143 [email protected] Visit my Website Www.georgesgermanrollers.com Fife Fancy Canary Page 45 Division 1 Type Section 4 Fife Fancy Old Cock 401 405 409 413 417 421 425 429 433 437 441 445 449 453 457 461 465 469 473 477 481 485 489 493 497 Young Cock 402 406 410 414 418 422 426 430 434 438 442 446 450 454 458 462 466 470 474 478 482 486 490 494 498 Old Hen Yellow Clear or Ticked 403 Buff Clear or Ticked 407 White Clear or Ticked 411 Yellow Green, Lightly Variegated 415 Buff Cinnamon, Lightly Variegated 419 Yellow Cinnamon, Lightly Variegated 423 Buff Cinnamon, Lightly Variegated 427 White, Lightly Variegated 431 Fawn, Lightly Variegated 435 Yellow Green, Medium Variegated 439 Buff Green, Medium Variegated 443 White, Medium Variegated 447 Fawn, Medium Variegated 451 Yellow Green, Heavily Variegated 455 Buff Green, Heavily Variegated 459 Yellow Cinnamon, Heavily Variegated 463 Buff Cinnamon, Heavily Variegated 467 White, Heavily Variegated 471 Fawn, Heavily Variegated 475 Yellow Green, Self or Foul 479 Buff Green, Self or Foul 483 Yellow Cinnamon, Self or Foul 487 Buff Cinnamon, Self or Foul 491 Blue, Self or Foul 495 Fawn, Self or Foul 499 Young Hen 404 408 412 416 420 424 428 432 436 440 444 448 452 456 460 464 468 472 476 480 484 488 492 496 4100 Fife Canary Standards of Excellence Head: 10 Points. Small round and neat when viewed from any angle. Dark and bright eyes near the center. Beak fine. Body: 10 Points. Back well filled and nicely rounded but not heavy, the line gradually tapered to the vent. Wings: 10 Points. Compact, carried close to the body, meeting at the tips just below root of the tail. Legs: 5 Points. Medium length showing thigh. Feet proportionate. Feathers: 10 Points. Close firm and fine, presenting a smooth glossy silky appearance and free from frill or roughness. Tail: 5 Points. Close packed and narrow, nicely rounded and filled in at root. Position: 10 Points. Semi erect standing at about a 60 degree angle. Alert and jaunty moving confidently between perches. Color: 10 Points. Natural rich soft and pure, as level in tint as possible throughout. Condition: 5 Points. Clean and in perfect health. Size: 25 Points. Ideal length 108mm / 4 1/2 inches or less. Tending towards a diminutive bird. 100 Points Total Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Irish Fancy Canaries Become a breeder & Exhibitor Of this successful new breed in The US. Pairs available in the Sales Room Join our club today & register For the 2016 IFCCA bands Irish Fancy Canaries Bred in America Pairs Available in Sales Room Brian Byrne's: 912-344-7196 [email protected] WWW.Irishfancyclubofamerica.com Wishing the Luck of the Irish to All on Show Page 49 Wishing Everyone an Enjoyable Show Dr. Jim 2013 Best Irish Fancy, National Cage Bird Show BIS IF 2014 Greater Chicago Show James Sillers, DVM 6760 Seabury Rd Imlay City, MI 48444 Cell: 810-814-1499 Email: [email protected] Breeder and Exhibitor Of Irish Fancy and American Singer Canaries Red Siskin Finches Page 50 Section Sponsored by: Brian Byrne and The Irish Fancy Canary Club of America Page 51 Scale of Points = 100 Points Total Spangles; Feather Quality Ground Color Breast Wings and Tail Cap Covert Feathers Eyelash Beak, Legs & Feet Steadiness & Staging For regularity and distinctness For tightness and silkiness For depth and evenness For extent and regularity of Rowing’s For neatness and darkness For neatness and shape For lacings For regularity and clarity For darkness Page 52 25 Points 15 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points The Norwich Keeper Francis Martin, Jr, Ph.D. Member of American Norwich Society Breeder & Exhibitor of Quality Norwich Plainheads Since 1970 International Judge of Type Canaries Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Division 1 Type, Staffords Sponsored By Carl Beirs, John Cromwell And Gary & Mindy Wargowsky Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Artisan’s Canary House A Subsidiary of “The 5 Borders Ranch and Aviary”, specializing in Border Collies, Type Canaries: Parisian and Northern Dutch Frills, Yorkshires, Glosters, Irish Fancy’s and New Color Colorbreds Artisan’s Canary House Mike Corbeil – FCF President and Newsletter Editor – [email protected] I would like to wish everyone participating in the Florida Canary Fanciers, Canary and Finch show the best of luck. I also would like to personally thank both The Bird Store and Laraine’s Lady Gouldian for their continued help and support personally, and for our beloved club. Laraine and all the ladies at the Bird Store, Thank You I highly recommend both these great companies to anyone. Page 61 Page 62 Parisian Frill Show Standards Parisian Frill Standard & Scale of Points Size and Shape: From 19 to 22 cm. (7.5 to 8.5 in.) Well Built. 10 points Feathering: Very even, Fine and long, or crisp and sharp. 10 points Position: Well poised. Massive and symmetrical disposition of the feathers. 10 points Mantle: Abundant and well develop, with frills reaching almost to the rump. 15 points Breast Feathers: Double frills, well-furnished and symmetrical. 10 points Flanks: Symmetrical with mantle and jabot. Rising well over the wings and shoulders. 10 points Head and Neck: Frills on the head of the type “calotte” or the type “casquette”. Perfect transition from head to body. 8 points Tail Coverts: Falling evenly from the rump on either side. 5 points Wings: Long and close to the body. 5 points Legs and Feet: Well developed. Nails like corkscrew 4 points Tail: Long and large. Type of quills in line. 4 points Condition: Vigorous, with poise. General impression massive and symmetrical. 8 points Total 100 points Page 63 Northern and Southern Dutch Frill Show Standards Northern or Dutch Frill Standard & Scale of Points Legs and Feet: Long thighs, normally feathered, legs not too bent. 10 points Head and Neck: Slightly raised, small and without frills. 15 points Size: About 17 centimeters (7.25 inches) 10 points Mantle: Symmetrical, well proportioned, without any additional frilling. 15 points Flank: Full, bulky, even, rising towards the shoulders. 15 points Breast: Frills symmetrical and complete. 15 points Condition: Healthy, clean and entire. 10 points Plumage: Frills undamaged and symmetrical. 10 points Total 100 points Southern or Dutch Frill Standard & Scale of Points Carriage: In the form of a figure seven, neck extended and square with the back Size: 16 to 17 centimeters Head and Neck: Small and slender, neck elongated. 15 points Mantle: Curving symmetrically from left and right 15 points Breast: Small “pannier” well filled and perfect 15 points Flanks: Curling upwards, well raised up 15 points Legs and Feet: Thighs not showing, legs stiff 10 points Tail: Long, closed, almost touching the perch. 5 points Condition: Healthy, clean and perfect 5 points Total Page 64 15 points 5 points 100 points Show Cage: Color canary type show cage with two round perches 12 mm in diameter, 12cm apart. Notes: For Lipochrome: with the exception of the crest, no other form of variegation is allowed. For Melanin's: Variegated bids are not allowed. Formation of teams: Different variegation is allowed on crests which can be clear, dark or grizzled. Page 65 Division 1 Type Section 17 Frills Old Cock 1701 1705 1709 1713 1717 1721 1725 1729 1733 1737 1741 Young Cock 1702 1706 1710 1714 1718 1722 1726 1730 1734 1738 1742 Parisian Frill - Clear or Ticked Parisian Frill - Variegated or Green Parisian Frill - White or Allied Northern Dutch - Clear or Ticked Northern Dutch - Variegated or Green Northern Dutch - White or Allied Southern Dutch Fiorino Frill Padovan Frill Swiss Frill Any other Frill Old Hen 1703 1707 1711 1715 1719 1723 1727 1731 1735 1739 1743 Young Hen 1704 1708 1712 1716 1720 1724 1728 1732 1736 1740 1744 Old Hen 1752 1756 1760 1764 1768 1772 1776 Young Hen 1753 1757 1761 1765 1769 1773 1777 Division 1 Type Section 18 Any other Variety Old Cock 1750 1754 1758 1762 1766 1770 1774 Young Cock 1751 1755 1759 1763 1767 1771 1775 German Crested Belgian Fancy Hartz Lancashire Gibber Italicus Japanese Hosa Any Other Variety The Florida Canary Fanciers, Inc. Thank you to all of you, who have entered, and participated in all Sections. We do promote, and ask the judges to be as interactive with the audience As they feel comfortable with doing. This promotes learning and better understanding Of all fanciers of type birds in relationship to standards and overall advancement Of knowledge. This is always a great way for the audience and breeders to better understand the evaluation process, And become more involved within the show itself. Please do respect the judges opinions and there advice. When they speak, and give tips or explain specific things they see, this is a great way to Evaluate your knowledge and better work your knowledge and stock. All judges as people have their own views and likes and dis-likes, but all judge Against the standards. Page 66 Wishing everyone A Great Show Humberto Delgado Breeder and Exhibitor of Top Quality Colorbred Canaries Specializing in Yellow Champion Birds Yellow Intensive and Yellow Frost (Stock from Belgium champion birds) (813) 243-9457 Tampa, Florida [email protected] Page 67 Division II Lipochrome Colorbred Canaries (All clear birds, No Melanin) Recommended by the National Colorbred Association Lipochrome color: Position: Size: 50 points 10 points 10 points Conformation: Feather: Condition: Total = 100 Points Section 1 Red Ground Intensive Class 101: Red Intensive 102: Red Intensive White Wing Section 2 Red Ground Frost Class 201: Red Frost 202: Red Frost White Wing Section 3 Yellow Ground Intensive Class 301: Yellow Intensive 302: Yellow Intensive White Wing Section 4 Yellow Ground Frost Class 401: Yellow Frost 402: Yellow Frost White Wing Section 5 White Ground Dominant Class 501: White Dominant Page 68 10 points 15 points 5 points Division II Colorbred Lipochrome Section 6 White Ground Recessive Class 601: White Recessive Section 7 White Albino Class 701: White Albino Section 8 Red Ivory Intensive Class 801: Red Ivory Intensive 802: Red Ivory Intensive White Wing Section 9 Red Ivory Frost Class 901: 902: Red Ivory Frost Red Ivory Frost White Wing Section 10 Yellow Ivory Intensive Class 1001: 1002: Yellow Ivory Intensive Yellow Ivory Intensive White Wing Section 11 Yellow Ivory Frost Class 1101: Yellow Ivory Frost 1102: Yellow Ivory Frost White Wing Page 69 CANARY CRAZY AVIARY Sarasota, FL CESAR ETAYO (941) 356-2331 Page 70 Division II Colorbred Lipochrome Section 12 Red Mosaic Females Class 1201: Red Mosaic Females Section 13 Red Mosaic Males Class 1301: Red Mosaic Males Section 14 Yellow Mosaic Females Class 1401: Yellow Mosaic Females Section 15 Yellow Mosaic Males Class 1501: Yellow Mosaic Males Section 16 All Rubinos Class 1601: Rubino Red Intensive 1602: Rubino Red Frost 1603: Mosaic Rubino Female 1604: Mosaic Rubino Male 1605: Rubino Ivory Intensive 1606: Rubino Ivory Frost Page 71 Division II Colorbred Lipochrome Section 17 All Lutinos Class 1701: Lutino Yellow Intensive 1702: Lutino Yellow Frost 1703: Lutino Ivory Intensive 1704: Lutino Ivory Frost 1705: Lutino Mosaic Female 1706: Lutino Mosaic Male Division II Colorbred Lipochrome Sponsored by: XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Exotica Canaries Show Quality Canaries by Cora Rovira Specializing in White Recessive & Lizard Canaries Orlando, Florida ; 407-592-3751 [email protected] Page 72 Beirs & Cromwell Stafford’s & Colorbred Canaries Sponsor of both the Colorbred Division and Stafford’s within the Type Division Lipochrome Recessive White Yellow / Yellow Frost Yellow Mosaic Red Red Mosaic Rose Ivory Melanin & New Color Black Red Agate Red Isabel Red Black Yellow Black Red Mosaic Agate White Opal Brown Yellow Pastel Brown White Pastel Black Pastel Red Mosaic Grey Wing Brown Pastel Red Mosaic Ino Red Mosaic Brown Onyx Red Mosaic Brown Red Cobalt Mosaic Black Red Cobalt Stafford’s—Crested and Non-Crested NATIONAL COLORBRED ASSOCIATION FIRST PLACE WINNERS 2008, 2010, 2012 NATIONAL COLORBRED ASSOCIATION BREEDER OF THE YEAR 2010, 2012, 2013 3 TIME NATIONAL CAGE BIRD SHOW—HIGGINS AWARD WINNERS Carl Beirs & John Cromwell Port Charlotte, FL 941-764-7877 www.carls-canaries.com Page 73 Division III Colorbred Ticked Lipochrome Canaries (All Ticked birds, No Melanin) Rules provided for this Division are as follows 1– The exhibitor may exhibit as many birds as he / she wishes in any section of this division. 2– The Exhibition fee is the same as all other divisions, $3.00 per bird entered. 3– The bird being exhibited in this division, should show a tick in any part of his/her feather carriage, No ticks should be present on the beak, legs or nails. By definition, a tick is a natural dark spot, or any dark color, which is different from the clear background color of the bird. 4– The tick should not be bigger than the size of an actual American quarter. 5– Only one tick is permitted on the bird. This includes all remiges in both wings and all retrices in the tail. Example: Only one feather on the wings could be ticked or entirely dark, not one feather in each wing or more than one feather in the tail. 6– The bird exhibited that shows no tick on his/her feather carriage is automatically disqualified. 7– The exhibited bird will conform to the pictorial model of color, shape, roundness and proportions with a good balanced appearance. 8– All General Official Rules for this show apply to this Division. 9– The bird exhibited will be judged by the points system. Since the bird is a Lipochrome bird, no points are given for dark pigments. At the judges discretion, he / she may utilize either the OMJ or NCA point system in this division. The Judges decision is final. (Same rules apply to Lipochrome Ticked Team Division) NCA Points System: 100 points total Lipochrome—Max. 50 pts Position— Max. 10 pts Confirmation—Max. 10 pts Size—Max. 10 pts Feathering—Max. 15 pts Condition—Max. 5 points OMJ Points System: 100 points total Category: Intensive—Frost Lipochrome—Max. 55 pts Feathering—Max. 15 pts Conformation—Max. 15 pts Maintenance—Max 10 pts Condition—Max. 5 pts Division III Colorbred Ticked Lipochrome Section 1 Ticked Red Ground Intensive 101: 102: Class: Ticked Red Intensive Ticked Red Intensive White Wing Class: Section 2 Ticked Red Ground Frost 201: 202: Ticked Red Frost Ticked Red Frost White Wing Class: Section 3 Ticked Yellow Ground Intensive 301: 302: Ticked Yellow Intensive Ticked Yellow Intensive White Wing Page 74 Division III Colorbred Ticked Lipochrome Section 4 Ticked Yellow Ground Frost 401: 402: Class: Ticked Yellow Frost Ticked Yellow Frost White Wing Section 5 Ticked White Ground Dominant 501: Class: Ticked White Dominant Section 6 Ticked White Ground Recessive 601: Class: Ticked White Recessive Section 7 Ticked White Albino 701: Class: Ticked White Albino Section 8 Ticked Red Ivory Intensive 801: 802: Class: Ticked Red Ivory Intensive Ticked Red Ivory Intensive White Wing Section 9 Ticked Red Ivory Frost 901: 902: Class: Ticked Red Ivory Frost Ticked Red Ivory Frost White Wing Section 10 Ticked Yellow Ivory Intensive 1001: 1002: Class: Ticked Yellow Ivory Intensive Ticked Yellow Ivory Intensive White Wing Section 11 Ticked Yellow Ivory Frost 1101: 1102: Class: Ticked Yellow Ivory Frost Ticked Yellow Ivory Frost White Wing Page 75 Division III Colorbred Ticked Lipochrome Section 12 Ticked Red Mosaic Females 1201: Class: Tickled Red Mosaic Females Section 13 Ticked Red Mosaic Males 1301: Class: Ticked Red Mosaic Males Section 14 Ticked Yellow Mosaic Females 1401: Class: Ticked Yellow Mosaic Females Section 15 Ticked Yellow Mosaic Males 1501: Class: Ticked Yellow Mosaic Males Section 16 All Ticked Rubinos 1601: 1602: 1603: 1604: 1605: 1606: Class: Ticked Rubino Red Intensive Ticked Rubino Red Frost Ticked Mosaic Rubino Female Ticked Mosaic Rubino Male Ticked Rubino Ivory Intensive Ticked Rubino Ivory Frost Section 17 All Ticked Lutinos 1701: 1702: 1703: 1704: 1705: 1706: Class: Ticked Lutino Yellow Intensive Ticked Lutino Yellow Frost Ticked Lutino Ivory Intensive Ticked Lutino Ivory Frost Ticked Lutino Mosaic Females Ticked Lutino Mosaic Males Page 76 Luis Martinez Breeder Orlando, Florida Email: [email protected] Phn: 321-388-3091 Exhibitor Breeder of: Colorbred, New Colors, Timbrado’s, Lizards, Stafford’s Russian’s, Cobalt's Rose Ivory, White’s, Red’s (Intensive & Frost), Red Mosaic’s. Yellow Mosaic’s Yellow’s (Intensive & Frost), Pastel Mosaic’s, Grey Wing and Bronze Cobalt Mosaic’s Wishing everyone the best of luck at the show. Contact me for any canary you wish to acquire. Canary Row Aviary Port Charlotte, Florida Show quality Spanish Timbrados Sara Palmer & Terry Spreeman [email protected] 941-830-8468 Come Look, Listen and Linger Happy Canarying and Good Luck at’ The Show Page 77 Division IV Melanin Colorbred Canaries Melanin Pigment: Ground Color: Position: Size: 30 points 20 points 10 points 10 points Conformation: Feather: Condition: Total = Division III Colorbred Melanin Section 1 Black Red Intensive Class 101: Black Red Intensive Section 2 Black Red Frost Class 201: Black Red Frost Section 3 Brown Red Intensive Class 301: Brown Red Intensive Section 4 Brown Red Frost Class 401: Brown Red Frost Section 5 Red Agate and Isabel Class 501: Agate Red Intensive 502: Agate Red Frost 503: Isabel Red Intensive 505: Isabel Red Frost Page 78 10 points 5 points 5 points 100 Points Division IV Colorbred Melanin—Classic Section 6 All Ivory Melanin Class 601: Black Red Ivory 602: Brown Red Ivory 603: Agate Red Ivory 604: Isabel Red Ivory 605: Black Yellow Ivory 606: Brown Yellow Ivory 607: Agate Yellow Ivory 608: Isabel Yellow Ivory 609: Black White Ivory 610: Brown White Ivory 611: Agate White Ivory 612: Isabel White Ivory Section 7 Yellow Ground Melanin Intensive Class 701: Black Yellow Intensive 702: Brown Yellow Intensive 703: Agate Yellow Intensive 704: Isabel Yellow Intensive Page 79 Division IV Colorbred Melanin—Classic Section 8 Yellow Ground Melanin Frost Class 801: Black Yellow Frost 802: Brown Yellow Frost 803: Agate Yellow Frost 804: Isabel Yellow Frost Section 9 White Ground Melanin Intensive Class 901: Black White Intensive 902: Brown White Intensive 903: Agate White Intensive 904: Isabel White Intensive Section 10 White Melanin Frost Class 1001:Black White Frost 1002: Brown White Frost 1003: Agate White Frost 1004: Isabel White Frost Section 11 Classic Melanin Red Mosaic Male Class 1101: 1102: 1103: 1104: Black Red Mosaic Male Brown Red Mosaic Male Agate Red Mosaic Male Isabel Red Mosaic Male Section 12 Classic Melanin Red Mosaic Female Class 1201:Black Red Mosaic Female 1202: Brown Red Mosaic Female 1203: Agate Red Mosaic Female 1204: Isabel Red Mosaic Female Page 80 Division V Colorbred New Color Melanin Section 1 All Opals Class 101: 102: 103: 104: 105: 106: 107: 108: 109: 110: 111: 112: 113: 114: 115: 116: 117: 118: 119: 120: 121: 122: 123: 124: 125: 126: 127: 128: 129: 130: 131: 132: 133: 134: 135: 136: 137: 138: 139: 140: Black Opal Red & Red Ivory Intensive Black Opal Red & Red Ivory Frost Black Opal Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Black Opal Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Black Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Black Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Black Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Black Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Black Opal White Recessive Black Opal White Dominant Brown Opal Red & Red Ivory Intensive Brown Opal Red & Red Ivory Frost Brown Opal Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Opal Red & Red Ivory Female Brown Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Brown Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Brown Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Brown Opal White Recessive Brown Opal White Dominant Agate Opal Red & Red Ivory Intensive Agate Opal Red & Red Ivory Frost Agate Opal Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Opal Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Agate Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Agate Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Opal White Recessive Agate Opal White Dominant Isabel Opal Red & Red Ivory Intensive Isabel Opal Red & Red Ivory Frost Isabel Opal Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Isabel Opal Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Isabel Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Isabel Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Isabel Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Isabel Opal Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Isabel Opal White Recessive Isabel Opal White Dominant Page 81 Division V Colorbred New Color Melanin 201: 202: 203: 204: 205: 206: 207: 208: 209: 210: Section 2 All Phaeo Inos Class Phaeo Ino Red & Red Ivory Intensive Phaeo Ino Red & Red Ivory Frost Phaeo Ino Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Phaeo Ino Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Phaeo Ino Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Phaeo Ino Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Phaeo Ino Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Phaeo Ino Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Phaeo Ino White Recessive Phaeo Ino White Dominant 301: 302: 303: 304: 305: 306: 307: 308: 309 310: Section 3 All Satinettes Class Satinette Red & Red Ivory Intensive Satinette Red & Red Ivory Frost Satinette Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Satinette Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Satinette Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Satinette Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Satinette Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Satinette Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Satinette White Recessive Satinette White Dominant 401: 402: 403: 404: 405: 406: 407: 408: 409: 410: 411: 412: 413: 414: 415: 416: 417: 418: 419: 420: Section 4 Pastels—All Ground Colors Class Black Pastel Red & Red Ivory Intensive Black Pastel Red & Red Ivory Frost Black Pastel Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Black Pastel Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Black Pastel Gray Wing Red & Red Ivory Intensive Black Pastel Gray Wing Red & Red Ivory Frost Black Pastel Gray Wing Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Black Pastel Grey Wing Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Black Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Black Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Black Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Black Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Black Pastel Gray Wing Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Black Pastel Gray Wing Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Black Pastel Gray Wing Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Black Pastel Gray Wing Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Black Pastel White Recessive Black Pastel White Dominant Black Pastel Gray Wing White Recessive Black Pastel Gray Wing White Dominant (Section 4 Pastels Continued on Next Page) Page 82 Division V Colorbred New Color Melanin Section 4 Pastels—All Ground Colors Continued Class 421: 422: 423: 424: 425: 426: 427: 428: 429: 430: 431: 432: 433: 434: 435: 436: 437: 438: 439: 440: 441: 442: 443: 444: 445: 446: 447: 448: 449: 450: Brown Pastel Red & Red Ivory Intensive Brown Pastel Red & Red Ivory Frost Brown Pastel Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Pastel Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Brown Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Brown Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Brown Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Brown Pastel White Recessive Brown Pastel White Dominant Agate Pastel Red & Red Ivory Intensive Agate Pastel Red & Red Ivory Frost Agate Pastel Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Pastel Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Agate Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Agate Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Pastel White Recessive Agate Pastel White Dominant Isabel Pastel Red & Red Ivory Intensive Isabel Pastel Red & Red Ivory Frost Isabel Pastel Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Isabel Pastel Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Isabel Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Isabel Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Isabel Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Isabel Pastel Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Isabel Pastel White Recessive Isabel Pastel White Dominant Support Florida Canary Fanciers Club and Show Become a member today at the show It is a small price to show your support Page 83 Division V Colorbred New Color Melanin Section 5 All Onyx Class 501: 502: 503: 504: 505: 506: 507: 508: 509: 510: 511: 512: 513: 514: 515: 516: 517: 518: 519: 520: 521: 522: 523: 524: 525: 526: 527: 528: 529: 530: 531: 532: 533: 534: 535: 536: 537: 538: 539: 540: Black Onyx Red & Red Ivory Intensive Black Onyx Red & Red Ivory Frost Black Onyx Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Black Onyx Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Black Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Black Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Black Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Black Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Black Onyx White Recessive Black Onyx White Dominant Brown Onyx Red & Red Ivory Intensive Brown Onyx Red & Red Ivory Frost Brown Onyx Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Onyx Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Brown Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Brown Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Brown Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Brown Onyx White Recessive Brown Onyx White Dominant Agate Onyx Red & Red Ivory Intensive Agate Onyx Red & Red Ivory Frost Agate Onyx Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Onyx Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Agate Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Agate Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Onyx White Recessive Agate Onyx White Dominant Isabel Onyx Red & Red Ivory Intensive Isabel Onyx Red & Red Ivory Frost Isabel Onyx Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Isabel Onyx Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Isabel Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Isabel Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Isabel Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Isabel Onyx Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Isabel Onyx White Recessive Isabel Onyx White Dominant Page 84 Division V Colorbred New Color Melanin Section 6 All Topaz Class 601: 602: 603: 604: 605: 606: 607: 608: 609: 610: 611: 612: 613: 614: 615: 616: 617: 618: 619: 620: 621: 622: 623: 624: 625: 626: 627: 628: 629: 630: Black Topaz Red & Red Ivory Intensive Black Topaz Red & Red Ivory Frost Black Topaz Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Black Topaz Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Black Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Black Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Black Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Black Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Black Topaz White Recessive Black Topaz White Dominant Brown Topaz Red & Red Ivory Intensive Brown Topaz Red & Red Ivory Frost Brown Topaz Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Topaz Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Brown Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Brown Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Brown Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Brown Topaz White Recessive Brown Topaz White Dominant Agate Topaz Red & Red Ivory Intensive Agate Topaz Red & Red Ivory Frost Agate Topaz Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Topaz Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Agate Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Agate Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Topaz Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Topaz White Recessive Agate Topaz White Dominant In Loving Memory John Cromwell 1926-2015 Rest in peace, good Friend Page 85 Division V Colorbred New Color Melanin Section 7 All Cobalt's Class 701: 702: 703: 704: 705: 706: 707: 708: 709: 710: 711: 712: 713: 714: 715: 716: 717: 718: 719: 720: 721: 722: 723: 724: 725: 726: 727: 728: 729: 730: 731: 732: 733: 734: 735: 736: 737: 738: 739: 740: Black Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Intensive Black Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Frost Black Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Black Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Black Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Black Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Black Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Black Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Black Cobalt White Recessive Black Cobalt White Dominant Brown Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Intensive Brown Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Frost Brown Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Brown Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Brown Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Brown Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Brown Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Brown Cobalt White Recessive Brown Cobalt White Dominant Agate Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Intensive Agate Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Frost Agate Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Agate Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Agate Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Agate Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Agate Cobalt White Recessive Agate Cobalt White Dominant Isabel Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Intensive Isabel Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Frost Isabel Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Male Isabel Cobalt Red & Red Ivory Mosaic Female Isabel Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Intensive Isabel Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Frost Isabel Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Male Isabel Cobalt Yellow & Yellow Ivory Mosaic Female Isabel Cobalt White Recessive Isabel Cobalt White Dominant Page 86 Colorbred Teams Colorbred Teams - Rules that apply to teams 1– The exhibitor could exhibit as many Teams as he/she wishes. 2– The exhibition fee is $300 per bird ($9.00 per Team) 3– The birds in each Team must belong to the same Class, Section and Division, no exceptions. Each cage in each Team should have a label attached with the same number followed by the latter T. Each label should be filled with Class, Section and Division information and all should coincide. 4– The birds in each Team must exhibit the same year closed ring, no mixing of different aged birds are permitted within the Team. The exhibitor can exhibit birds for the present year ring or older birds, but again all birds in the Team should be the same year-age. Teams that do not conform with this rule are to be disqualified by the Show Manager and the decision is final. 5– Each bird in the Team is going to be judged in the 100 points NCBA Score Sheet. The judge will add at his discretion a maximum of 2 points per bird for Harmony between Team members. The Teams with more points including points for Harmony win First Prize, the following Team in scoring Second Prize and the Third Team in scoring Third Place. In case of a tie between Teams, the decision of what Team is First, Second and Third should be decided by the judge. All Lipochrome Ticked birds/Team will be judged in accordance to the stated Lipochrome Ticked Rules stated for Division II Lip. Ticked. 6– The judge (s) decisions are final. There will be a Certificates for winners. Division VII Colorbred Lipochrome Ticked Teams Division VI Colorbred Teams—Lipochrome Class—Section 1 Lipochrome Section 1T: Red Ground Intensive Section 2T: Red Ground Frost Section 3T: Yellow Ground Intensive Section 4T: Yellow Ground Frost Section 5T: White Ground Dominant Section 6T: White Ground Recessive Section 7T: Red Ivory Intensive Section 8T: Red Ivory Frost Section 9T: Mosaic Males Section 10T: Mosaic Females Class—Section 1 Lipochrome Ticked Section 1T: Red Ground Intensive Ticked Section 2T: Red Ground Frost Ticked Section 3T: Yellow Ground Intensive Ticked Section 4T: Yellow Ground Frost Ticked Section 5T: White Ground Dominant Ticked Section 6T: White Ground Recessive Ticked Section 7T: Red Ivory Intensive Ticked Section 8T: Red Ivory Frost Ticked Section 9T: Mosaic Males Ticked Section 10T: Mosaic Females Ticked Division VIII Colorbred Teams—Melanin Class—Section 1 Melanin Section 1T: Black Red Int. Melanin Inc. Ivory Section 2T: Black Red Frost Melanin Inc. Ivory Section 3T: Brown Red Melanin Int. Inc. Ivory Section 4T: Brown Red Melanin Frost Int. Inc. Ivory Section 5T Red Agate & Isabel Including Ivory Section 6T: Yellow Ground Melanin Section 7T: White Ground Melanin Section 8T: Classic Mosaic Males Section 9T: Classic Mosaic Females Division IX Colorbred Teams—New Color Melanin Class—Section New Color Melanin Section 1T: Section 2T: Section 3T: Section 4T: Section 5T: Section 6T: Section 7T: Section 8T: Section 9T: Page 87 All Opals Inos All Ground Colors Satinette All Ground Colors Pastels All Ground Colors Onyx All Ground Colors Topaz All Ground Colors Cobalt All Ground Colors New Color Melanin Mosaic Males New Color Melanin Mosaic Females Barb’s Birds Specializing in Spanish Timbrado’s Barbara Tilden Winter Park, Florida 407-644-2370 [email protected] Wishing Luck to all in The Show Page 88 Ninez Giles Nashville, Tennessee 615-297-2281 Email: [email protected] Breeder and Exhibitor of American Singer Canaries & German Roller Canaries (Reasonable Prices) Page 89 Page 90 Selling All, Birds & Equipment Beautiful, Healthy, All Banded American Singer Canaries Singles, And Pairs Available All Cages And Equipment Moving entire flock Carol Boylan, St. Augustine, Florida (904) 824-9674 / (Leave Message) Entire Flock and Equipment $500.00 Make Offer Florida Canary Fanciers Needs your help! We are a club of many members Please join us this January at our first yearly meeting And volunteer or become a chair person We need your help and participation Every person makes a huge difference Be a bigger part of the Team Page 91 The Roller Canary The Roller Canary in the United States can be traced back to Germany, to the Hartz Mountain region where miners used them to detect harmful gases in the mine. Their song became a source of entertainment and competitions were held to see which canary could sing the best. Through careful selective breeding these birds became known as the opera singers of the bird world and acclaimed as the best singing birds in all of Europe. Today, the Roller Canary is still bred for its beautiful song which is sung only by the males with their beaks closed. It is the only canary that sings entirely with its beak closed. The name “Roller” describes the flowing style of delivery which is but one of many variations in their song tempo. They are bred primarily for their song but also come in a variety of shades of yellow, green and white. The Roller Canary breeder enriches the bird’s song by breeding the strongest and healthiest birds. Inheritance accounts for about 75% of the bird’s singing ability and training contributes the remaining 25%. Courteously Supplied via Linda S. Hogan, Canary Tales, The Complete Canary Handbook Page 92 Page 93 SA SongBird Aviaries__ Canaries / Finches Joseph Kellman _________________________________________________________________________________________ Dunnellon, Florida [email protected] [email protected] H: 352-795-1964 C: 352-212-9102 F: 352-795-0482 S O N G B I R D AVIARIES Page 94 Page 95 Division XI Finches Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Finch Mules Any Offspring from a Finch to Canary or Canary to Finch mating Section 12 - Eurasian Class 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 Cock or Hen Flighted or Unflighted Any European Goldfinch Mule Any European Siskin Mule Any European Serin Mule Any European Greenfinch Mule Any European Linnet Mule Any European Twite Mule Any Red Fronted Serin Mule Any Himalayan Greenfinch Mule Any Himalayan Goldfinch Mule Any Other Variety - AOV - Eurasian Mule Section 13 - South American Class 1300 1301 1302 1303 Cock or Hen Flighted or Unflighted Any Black Siskin Mule Any Hooded Siskin Mule Any Red Siskin Mule Any Other Variety - AOV - South American Mule Section 14 African Class 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 Cock or Hen Flighted or Unflighted Any Green Singer Mule Any Grey Singer Mule Any Yellow Crowned Mule Any Yellow Rumped Serin Mule Any Brimstone Mule Any White Bellied Mule Any African Yellow Mule Any Lemon Breasted Mule Any Citril Mule Any Other Variety - AOV - African Mule 1419 Collingswood Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Alexander Villarreal, D.V.M. Phone: (941) 625-7500 Page 106