Ike fallout blamed for gas spike
Ike fallout blamed for gas spike
HefaldTimes.cem online . ^eSies({tty, Ofeptemifier 17,2008 Ike fallout blamed for gas spike AAA of Michigan says gas prices across the state soared 43 cents to an average of $4.17 By Michael Jones Staff Writer GAYLORD—The fallout from Hurricane Ike, which shut down oil refineries inTexas, didn't just bring rain to Gaylord over the weekend. It's been blamed for a hefty spike in local gas prices and sent'many motorists scurrying to fill their tanks Friday. Kevin lohnson at Johnson Oil and Propane said the price of a gallon of regular gas in Gaylord Wednesday was $3.95 and by Monday it had peaked at $4.19, an increase of 24 cents per gallon. The increase in Gaylord w a s substantially less than most areas in the state experienced this past week. Mark Griffin, president of the Michigan Petroleum Associa- tion, said the average price of gas in many areas j u m p e d 60 cents a gallon between Wednesday and Monday. "WE HAD a gas panic on Friday and people were lining up to buy gas," Griffin said of the psychological impact Hurricane Ike had on motorists who feared the pric^ of gas would soon reach $5 a gallon as the storm hitTexas and its refineries. "Weather-related events filtered through the area, impacting the price of gas." According to a Monday news release from AAA of Michigan, gas prices across the stale had soared 43 cents a gallon during the past week to a statewide average of $4.17. See Panic, p. A8 HT - Bin Serv«ny SOME GAS STATIONS across the state saw a run on gas sales last weekend when customers reacted to the news of Hurricane Ike and higher prices. Celebrating recovery m Thestlgina of addiction can be hard to overcome. In Gaylord, no fewer than 10 different groups exist to help people overcome their Issues. i by J< SchuR & Fr«nk MICHM Christian-centered program helps fight sex, gambling, drug, alcohol addictions Keith tells his story about battlii^ addiction. A8 By Jii Schult Staff Writer GAYLORD — lcohol, drugs, gambling, overeating, sex — there is now a program for all types of habits, h u r t s a n d hang-ups offered at the Gaylord Community Church. Led by Gary Chappell, a chaplain ordained through t h e International FeUowship of A Chaplains and Gaylord C o m m u nity Church, Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program that covers the gamut of addiction. Chappell, a Michigan State Police trooper, retired in 1995. "Then my life just took off with God," he said. Celebrate Recovery is a program of action. Visitors participate in praise and worship a n d a sermon before breaking into small discussion groups. "It's very structured," said Keith, a program leader w h o has struggled with alcohol addiction since his teens. "People who go to structured (meetings) have more years of success." According to Keitii, whose anonymity will b e protected d u e to societal stigmas attached to alcoholism, there were only Set Ctltbrali, p. At Home Improvements Great ways to mal<e your home better C « " Kowatch, Rich, Vadnais new on chamber board Fire board corrects secret vote for chief By Michael Jones Staff Writer GAYLORD — A f t e r O t s e g o County prosecutor Kyle l^gel inf o r m e d the county fire board it was in violation of the Michigan Open Meetings Act when the outcome of the board's June vote for fire chief was not made public, the board voted again with the results a part of an addendum to the minutes of their Sept. 3 meeting. Fire board chairperson Mary Sanders said paper ballots for fire chief of t h e Otsego County Fire D e p a r t m e n t (OCFD) were sent out to board members last month after Legel advised t h e m their June vote electing Dave Duffleld as fire chief violated the public meetings act after paper ballots cast by b o a r d m e m b e r s at t h e meeting were not announced or recorded in meeting minutes. Sanders said the outcome of t h e s e c o n d vote was the s a m e as the first with Duffield receivSee Second, p. A8 Tammie Rich GAYLORD—The Board of Directors of the Gaylord/Otsego County Chamber of Commerce announced that Justin Kowatch, Tammie Rich and Greg J. Vadnais were elected to thiee-year terms to the hoard l>y a recent vote of the memtwrship. They will be participating in board activities for the remainder of 2008, including the upcoming board retreat in preparation of taking their seats on the board on Jan. 1.2009; their terms will expire on Dec.21,2011. S M 3 new. p. U 4FastFacts . The Stanley Ojp will visit the Otsego County * Spoetsptex Thursday afternoon (B1). ^ The St. Mary and Johannesburg-Lewiston footliall * teams again won Ski Valley contests (B1). ^ O n his Paradise to Hell annual charity walk. 89-year-old Clayton Klein stopped In Gaylord recoitly (C2). ^ Local women are invited to a Bil>le study invotving * 1 h e Bock of Revelation at the Friendship Church (C7). A view from the 45th Parallel In Our 133rd Year Vol IH No. B j4p<ia;4SMion *7 SUF^TUMNLS NA«IKM FREE Inside Auto Businest Clajsifteos Death Notices Editorlils Family Leflals 03 M M .A4 C8 07-8 Laliurs LewWon.... UMtytM... NASCAR.... Rellslon... Sport! Weattiar... WWW. gaylordheraldtimes. "50806''00101' ..C2-3 CT 87 C7 .81-6 A9 com Qaylord Herald Tlmee A - 2 • W e d n e s d a y . S e p t e m b e r 17, 2008 nuggets of knowledge about Local potato harvest now under way harvest Each fall Elmira's Kitchen Farms harvests 54 million pounds 0 {yes, 54 mili lion) of I white, red and russet potatoes at the largest fresh potato farm in Michigan. Bill Kitchen, who owns the farm with son, Don, said harvest of the farm's 1,200 acres of potatoes should be completed — weather permitting — by the last weel( of October. The Kitchens employ 35 people to get their harvest in each year, with No. 1 spuds sold in fresh packs of eating potatoes, with the smaller sized No. 2 potatoes shipped out for processing. According to Bill, the farm has been in the family since 1910 and has grown from 80 acres to its current size of more than 5,000 acres. What a harvest moon? The Harvest Moon is the name of the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox, so with the first day of autumn falling next Monday the full moon of Sept. 15 bek came this year's Harvest Moon. I In the days before tractor ' lights, the full moon in autumn helped farmers bring in their crops by illuminating the fields for several more hours after the sun ha"d set. Source: Ask a Scientist, w w w . earthsky.org © By Michael Jones & Chris Engle Virtual forming Not quite cut out for farm labor? Pick up a copy of the latest title in the 'Harvest Moon" video game series, 'Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility,' just released on Nintendo's Wii ' system. © Nell Young harvests top-selling record Toasting the harvest "Heart of Gold" from his 19Z2 album "Harvest" has been Neil Young's sole No. 1 hit in a career which has spanned 40 years. The C h a m el eon-like Young has k kept critics and fans off balance I over the years having dabbled ' in a variety of musical genres After a long and back-breaking, sweatinducing, hand-blistering day in the field, a cold brew should be a welcome sight. Players first decide whether [heir game character will be a boy or a girl; then join an island community where they must bring life^and energy back to the island by "tending tb the earth, befriending and raising animals, nurturing friendships and creating a family." according to vvww.ign.com. "All new controls for the Nintendo Wii Remote give players the chance to feel like they're really farming!' Specific duties in "Tree of Tranquility' include milking cows, maintaining animal stalls, planting and harvesting crops and having children. Interestingly, the series remains one of the industry's most popular. Pull up a stool at the Harvest Moon Brewery and Cafe in New Brunswick, N.J. and sample their Hops2 Double IPA. a hearty Smoked Oatmeal Porter, or an unfiltered Harvest Editor's note: If you'd like to comm«nt or suggest a topic for a future 5 Nuggets of Knowledge ptease e mail us: Hefeweisen. including electronica, blues, editor9gaylordherald tinyes.com or write to: Or, have the bartender pour a tall Jimmy country, rock-a-billy and folk-rock Editor. Gaylord Herald Times, PO, Box 598. Gaylord, D's Firehouse Red, brewed in memory of — a style which he has repeatedly returned. Ml 49734 -Deputy Chief James D'heron of the New "Harvest" is Young's most commercially sucBrunswick Fire Dept., who perished in a cessful album and was the lop-selling album" house fire Sept. 3, 2004. All 15 occupants of of 1972. In addition to "Heart of Gold" the the house made it out alive, and the brewery album features now classic Young songs donates a portion of each sale to the Chilincluding "Old Man." "Needle and the Damdren's Burn Camp of the Connecticut Burns age Done," "Harvest" and "Alabama." Care Foundation. Ttie brew has raised more Source: www.thrasherswheat.org than $47,450 for the cause. That's worth raising a glass. Source: www.harvestmoonbrewery. € O 'A view from the 45th parallel' H E ^ D TIMES Experience the level of service you deserve.Top-tier. Deborah L Clement Manager, HLC Sales There's customer service and then there's the level of service Countiywide* Home Loans has become known for and we know you deserve. We offer a flexible range of powerful loan programs (989) 732-2070 Direct (989)710-1181 Cell 866-511-2998 1030 S Wisconsin Ave. Gaylord. Ml 49735 which include: Purchase ^ ^ Refinance Honne Equity Lines of Credit Construction Financing bi Reduced Documentation Loans ^ Loans for owner-occupied, second homes or investment properties We are committed to providing the most satisfying overall loan experience you've ever had. We call it top-tier customer service. But Established 1875 Published by Otsego County Herald Times, Inc. (USPS 413-520) The Gaylord HerakI Times is published semi-weekly on Wednesday and Saturday. Periodicals Postage paid at the Gaylord. Michigan Post Office ur>der the Act of Congress March 3,1879 by Otsego County HerakI Times, Inc. Send address changes to Gaylord Herald Times. PC Box 598, Gaylord, Ml 49734. General Mar^ager Mahlyn Kaczanowski Editor Peter Comings News Edrtor Cathy Ur>dry Sports Editor Jeremy Speer Design Editor Frank Michels Advertising Sales Manager Kim Ballard Graphic-Arts Marwger . Ma^ Smith EDfTOMAL Writers... Michael Jones, Jil Schult Chris Engle Kurt Kolka you can feel free to call it well-deserved treatment. Call me today. Support Chief Photographer I^Counbywkle* HOME LOANS Countrywide Financial Corporation Is AmerV^'s «1 Iwme kan lender* and a ineml>er of the prestigious Standard & Poor's 500 and Fortme 500. <a Eaual Housira Lender 02008 Couflnywde Bank FSB. Countryviide Home Loans Divlaon. Member FDIC. Trade/servKe marks are the propett* of Countryvrkte Financial Corporate. C^JJ^wde e a " l < ^ B " ®ir r ' ^ ^ e I S RrancelFeb. 2.2007),Cop*ngM2007 070346_CS (01/08) . . Bill Sen/eny ONUNE MEDIA: Manager/Editor Peter Comings Assistant Manager . Darren Hardy ADVlilTJSme: Classified Advertising Manager/ Asst Advertising Sales Manager Kathleen Murray Sales Staff: Karen Gregot, Jeff Metz, Ashley Gunderson Sales Associate: . Adele Woskobojnik 6RAPHKAFTS: Artist ToddPfaff Page Coordinator.. Erica ^A^oat-Large BUSiNESS: Office Staff Gina Deforge. Vicky Ptummer, Linda Lyons Pubbsher Emerftus Live far OPNA: Houn: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday C5et C5ciyk>rd-area news and comnfiunity infomKition wifh our e-eciifion, an electronic version of the complete newspaper. • AH the dews, sporte & jnfofrpoHon from ^ ourprtntedi^l 13 WkS. • Avaibbfe some day, no moiling debysl • Keep up with communHy Issues • Easy to lubscrlbe and occess For mora iiifoimution! 989-732-1111 Sign up for the sedition: 2058 S. Otsego Avt. MaHing address: P.O. Box 598, Gaylord. Ml 49734 Telepbortt: (989) 732-1111 Toll frM (877) 8194170 Fax (989) 732-3490 e-mai7 adeems.' pubOgaytorrfhera/rffimes. com Web site iddress: wmv. giykydhef»fdtimes.cofn lierm of Subscriptkyt In Otsego, Crawrford. Momnwer>cy, Charlevoix. Antrim. Cheboygan and Oscoda countics: 1 year SS3/6 months S33 Loc«l Senior CitizerB: 1 year S51/6 months $32. Outside these courrties: 1 year $72.0(V6 ntonths $43.25 N<x»-k>ca) Sentor Otizens: y year $70.00^ months $42.25 ($10,00 CanceHjtion WVfwwr of 443 a<w«nli WK* t«S, mdudlrtg • Wtnnar of 18 nidoral p i m amwdi in tfit pMt 3 yean • BeitWwtiy Newipeptr In ih* Nation 2007 «ctr voob^ioiooat • McMgm NMVipipw otf tfw ^ 1991-2901, 2I03-200S. 2007 • •u*wief*»¥w-ltll. fiaylordheraldtimes.com News A t - T h « Speed Of L ! f « M p j i h ufiO Wedneeday, September 1 7 , 2 0 0 6 • A - 3 Qaylord Herald Times Crawford County Sheriff's Oept Driver cited in collision Police Truck driver killed in crash • Deputes from the Crawford County Sheriff's Dept. are continuing their investigation into 0>e death of a Cadillac truck driver who was killed Friday on North Down River Road near Wilcox Bridge Road. According to Sheriff Kirk Wakefield's office, deputies were dispatched around 11:56 a.m. to the scene of a semi truck crash on North Down River Road. The dfiver and sole occupant, 39-year-old Isiah John Long, was pronounced dead at the scene. • Jared Czaptewkj, 16. Freeland. was westtXHjrKl on Winding Road, one-hatf-mile west of Buttles Road in Albert Township. Montmorency County. Aug. 28. around 11 a.m. when he reportedly k>st control of the 1998 Mazda he was dhvir\g. Blotter Reports indicate Czapiewki's vehidQ crossed the centerline and collided with a 1985 Chevrolet driven by Gregory Schwark. 60. Atlanta. Moderate damage was reported to both vehicles and Schwark was not injured. Czapiewki and his passenger, Derrick Warner, 17. Saginaw, reportedly sustained mmor Injuries in Deputies were assisted by the Rollover crash the crash. Grayling City/Township Fire Dept., in Oscoda County Czapiewki was cited for hazMobile Medical Response EMS and • Shannon Buddy, 39. Rose ardous driving — violation of basic the Michigan State Police Motor Bush, was eastbound on M-72 at speed laws. Carrier Division. 14th Street in Oscoda County, Sept. 8. around 7:18 a.m. when she re- Otsego County Michigan State Police portedly lost control of the 2005 Kia Sheriff's Dept. she was driving. pect, Jeremiah HibWer. 18, Vanderbilt, allegedly admitted shooting at and killing a mouming dove in the direction of his neighbor's house. Hibbler was cited for discharging a firearm to take a wild animal within a safety zone and illegally take/possess non-game/protected bird species. The incident was dosed. Man cited for shooting mourning dove Buddy reportedly entered a Catalytic converters curve too fast and rolled over af- stolen from Gaylord • Troopers responded to a reter sliding sideways and knocking Auto Auction port of someone shooting a gun in down a stop sign. • Deputies responded to a comthe direction of a house on WhiteModerate damage was re- plaint from the Gaylord Auto Auchouse Trail in Corwith Township, ported to Buddy's vehicle and she tion on Old 27 in Livingston TownSaturday, around 5:02 p.m. ship Sept. 4 for a report of catalytic A suspect was identified and reportedly was not InjuredBuddy was cited for hazardous converters having been stolen from interviewed at a residence across five vehicles in the business's parkthe street from where the alleged driving — violation of basic speed ing lot. shooting had occun-ed. The sus- laws. edly stopped for traffic on eastbound West Man Street just east of Meecher Road, Sunday, axxind 1 p.m. when the rear end cd Reppuhn's vehicle was struck by the front end of a Ford dnven by Joshua Tubbs, 19,Vandert>ilt. The larceny of the catalytic converters reportedly occurred sometime between Aug. 29 and Sept 4. Value of the five converters was estmated at $500 and the case was closed with no suspects identified. Rollover crash on 1-75 • Judy Osbom, 63, Vicksburg, was norttibound on 1-75, one-haffmile north of Winters Road in Corwith Township, Thursday, around 3:25 a.m. when she reportedly swerved to avoid hitting a deer with the 1997 Chevrolet Lumina she was driving. Reports indicate the impact from the crash caused a chain reaction resulting in damage to all four vehicles. Minor damage was reported to Zeccmin and Hahn's vehicles and Reppuhn's vehicle sustained moderate damage. off the roadway and the trailer crashed into a 2001 Dodge Caravan owned by Ctetus and Rutharm Kyle, Gaylord, whk:h was parked on the south side of West Main Street. Perrin, who was easttxxind on West Main Street, reportedly failed to yield to Schafer's vehicle when she attempted to change lanes. Minor damage was reported to Schafer's and Perrin's vehictes and the parked vehicle sustarried moderate damage. There were no Injuries and Perrin was cited for hazardous driving — failed to yield. Hahn's passenger, Jacob Hahn, 5, was transported to Otsego Memorial Hospital by the Otsego County EMS/Rescue and treated Minor damage Osbom reportedly lost control of and released. There were no other in 2-vehicle crash • Meghann Roll, 23, Gaylord, her vehicle, ran oft the roadway into reported injuries. Tubbs' vehicle reportedly sus- was northbound on DicKerson Road the median and rolled over, sustaintained extensive damage and he south of Mankowski Road, Sunday, ing extensive damage. Osbom and her passenger, Ar- was cited for hazardous driving around 4 p.m. when the driver's lene Cryderman. 85. Onaway. were — fail to stop in an assured clear side of the 2001 Jeep Cherokee she was driving was reportedly t r a n ^ r t e d to Otsego Memorial distance. Hospital by the Otsego County EMS/ struck by the front end of a 2000 Rescue and treated and released. Dodge Ram pickup driven by Lisa Driver cited in crash • David Schafer, 69, Flat Rock, Montgomery, 37, Grayling. was pulling a trailer with a 1995 Reports indicate Montgomery Gaylord City Police Chevrolet pickup eastbound on was attempting to make a left turn Chain reaction rear-end West Main Street just east of South onto northbound Dicker^on Road crash sends 1 to hospital Court Avenue, ^turday, around from a private drive. Minor damage was reported • Three vehicles, a Pontiac 1:35 p.m. when a 2007 Dodge Ram van dnven by Molly Reppuhn, 41. pickup driven by Rhonda Perrin, 38, to both vehicles and there were no Caro, reportedly collided with the injuries. Gaylord, a 2008 Dodge, driven by No citations were issued. Arthur Zeccmin, 68, Gaylord, and driver's side of Schafer's vehicle. The impact from the crash re— Ck}mpiled by a 2005 Ford, driven by Rebecca MichaelJones Hahn, 27, Gaylord, were report- portedly forced Schafer's vehicle Sportsplex blood drive nets 36 units AT&T Lifeline Service Qualified low-income residents may receive discounted service from AT&T under the Lifeline program. Customers must meet certain eligibility criteria based on income level or current participation in financial assistance programs. For questions or to apply for Lifeline service, call a Lifeline Customer Service Representative at 1-800-377-9450 or visit http://tifeUne.celloneusa.com/att. M LIFELINE: $24.99 per month prior to discounts includes 600 anytime minutes, 1,000 night & weekend minutes, and nationwide long distance. m LINKUP: No activation fee. I - Jenna Wlllobee of Gaylord (above) rolls up a sleeve to add to the 36 pints of blood collected at the Otsego County Sportsplex drive on Sept. 9. According to Biz Bauer, American Red Cross senior donor recruiter, the drive was planned in just two weeks. With a goal of 25 collections, 38 donors showed up for the drive — h«o were deferred and nine were first time donors. Barry Wilson of Gaylord (r) donates blood during the Otsego County Sportsplex drive. WHson went to the Sportsplex to w a l k and when he noticed the blood drive, he decided to donate. FREE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST SUPPLI with 1-yeaf wireless wiretes* service agreement. VOICEMAIL. CALLER ID. 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All other mailc contained herein are the property of heremai ihe« respective owners MT- jrt Schun The top pick Is In your townl I Otsego Memorial Hospital, ranked in the Top 1% of U.S. I^ospitals for Total Hip Replacement. ^ Visit our website, click on Services, broad spectrum of care, and surgical procedure ' / / / / / / / / / ] / 1 i j i . i j3!%^ OTSEGO MEMORIAL H O S P I T A L w w w . g o o d h e a l t h s i a r t s / i e r e . c o m (989) 7 3 1 - 2 1 0 0 •pinions HeraldTimes.cem Yours & Dure A4 Gaylord Herald Tlmss E d i t o r : P e t e r C o m i n g s • editorCgaylordheraldtimes.com I W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 17, 2 0 0 8 Edlt< Vanderbilt community forum OTJRVIEW Fire board votes in compliance with Open Meetings Act I t didn't seem right at the time when, in June, the Otsego County Fire board voted by secret paper ballot to elect a new chief. From a technical standpoint, as Otsego County Prosecuting Attorney Kyle Legel pointed out, it violated Michigan's T h e decision Open Meetings Act. Yet the decision by b y the Otsego the fire board to vote County Fire again, this time in comBoard to pliance with the law, has value on its own vote again merits by giving every for chief, in appearance of transcompliance parency in government business. with t h e The more, and betOpen ter, information people Meetings Act j^e better decih a s value sions we can all make; the more transparent o n its own our decision-making merits. . processes, the more accountable we allow ourselves to be to people who put us in office. We thank the fire board for taking this step and want to acknowledge that there never was doubt about again-Chief David Duffield's qualifications for the post. The Gaylord Herald Times editorial board is made up of general manager Marilyn Kaczanowski, editor Peter Comings, news editor Cathy Landry, and design editor Frank Michels. Reaching Us "A view from the 4Sth parallel" Share your views with us Write to: Letter t o the Editor By mail: Gaylord Herald Times PO Box 598, Gaylord, 49734 By e-mail editor@gaylordheraidtlmes. com Byp/iono:(989)732-1111 By FAX: (989) 7 3 2 - 3 4 9 0 I 've h a d a f e w q u e s t i o n s t h r o w n my way following a recent column concerning a community f o r u m we plan to host in Vanderbilt Oh, And One next week. The n u t s a n d bolts: More Thing • WHO - Vanderbilt a n d Corwith Township c o m m u nity m e m b e r s • WHAT - A c o m m u n i t y for u m , h o s t e d by t h e Gaylord Herald Times • W H E R E Van d e r b i l t Village Hall, Peter 606 Garfield • WHEN - Tuesday, Comings S e p t e m b e r 23, 7-8:30 p.m. • W H Y ... That gets into the chatty part. I've c o n t a c t e d t h e c h a i r s / p r e s i d e n t s of t h e V a n d e r b i l t A r e a S c h o o l Board and Corwith Township, and coordinated the building use with village c o o r d i n a t o r E l i z a b e t h H a u s , b u t t h i s is n o t i n t e n d e d t o b e a governmental meeting. Area r e s i d e n t s — u p t o t h e fire m a r s h a l ' s limit of 65 — a r e i n v i t e d to c o m e out a n d discuss what's on their minds Tuesday night. Why would people w a n t to d o that? T h e r e is a lot of talk t h e s e d a y s The Gaylord Herald Times newsroom will be there to listen, without trying to put anyone on the spot for answers. a b o u t j u s t w h a t " c o m m u n i t y " is, w h e t h e r it's d e f i n e d b y c o m m o n location, c o m m o n issues, c o m m o n a n s w e r s , etc. I b e l i e v e c o m m u n i t y in O t s e g o C o u n t y c a n still b e d e f i n e d by geo g r a p h y , a n d t h a t r e s i d e n t s living in c e r t a i n p a r t s of t h e c o u n t y s h a r e s i m i l a r c o n c e r n s . Historically, it's p r o b a b l y t h e b e s t e x p l a n a t i o n for why a print n e w s p a p e r served a certain area. T h e s e d a y s , w e still o f f e r t h e p r i n t v e r s i o n of t h e G a y l o r d H e r a l d T i m e s , b u t w i t h a W e b site, social networks on t h e Web, a n d more, m a y b e that starts to change. Regardless, you t h e residents k n o w w h a t matters most to you a n d w e w a n t to h e a r a b o u t it. T h e Gaylord Herald Times newsr o o m will b e t h e r e to listen, w i t h out trying to put anyone on the spot for answers. We l o o k f o r w a r d to a n i n t e r e s t i n g t u r n o u t T u e s d a y a n d h o p e eve r y o n e w h o a t t e n d s will f i n d s o m e v a l u e in t h e f r t i m e s p e n t . 1 look f o r w a r d t o m e e t i n g you all. O H , A N D ONE m o r e t h i n g . T h e r e is n o set m e a s u r e for s u c c e s s in t h i s . W h e t h e r or n o t w e get 5 p e o p l e o r 50 to s h o w u p , t h e goal will b e t o r e p e a t t h e p r o c e s s In Joh a n n e s b u r g , W a t e r s a n d Elmlra. Letters to the Editor Offering hope for youth To t h e Editor: I a m writing this in h o p e s that our community's youth will f i n d a n a l t e r n a t e p a t h beside drugs and alcohol. H o p e f u l l y , y o u t e e n s will find a s o u n d e r route to achieving your true identity. I w a s raised in a f a m i l y w h e r e b o t h p a r e n t s a r e still m a r r i e d , a n d m y father's basic objective in life w a s t h a t his c h i l d r e n w o u l d b e g e n u ine, g o o d p e o p l e . C o n t r a r y to many households, there w e r e n o m a j o r t r a u m a s or tragedies as I was growing u p . But, you see, w e live in a w o r l d w h e r e t h e r e exists t h e d i s e a s e of m o r e - a p a i n s t a k ing y e a r n i n g for w h a t o u r futures may or m a y n o t h o l d . It is n o t n e c e s s a r i l y s o m e o n e o r s o m e t h i n g t h a t is d e f i n e d in t h e s e struggles, b u t it is a w a n t i n g for w h a t you c a n n o t o r d o n o t have. For years, I w a s u n c e r t a i n of w h a t t h i s w a s f o r m e a n d m y life. It is o n l y r e c e n t l y t h a t I h a v e discovered t h e t r u t h : p a r t of a n y g r o u p that w o u l d h a v e me. As t h a t o b s e s s i o n progressed, I f o u n d myself in p l a c e s 1 h a d n e v e r i m a g ined with p e o p l e I did n o t c a r e to k n o w . I h a d c h o s e n t h e vkTong p a t h . Again. And again. And a g a i n . Yet, it is so e x t r e m e l y difficult to b a c k p e d a l y o u r w a y o u t of p a r ticular circumstances a n d s c e n a r i o s - a l m o s t a s if y o u h a v e g o n e too far to t u r n a r o u n d now. I a m h e r e to tell y o u , t o teach you, a n d to p r o m i s e y o u t h a t it is n e v e r t o o l a t e to change. Someone once told m e that w h e n the pain of p a i n is g r e a t e r t h a n t h e p a i n of c h a n g e , y o u w i l l c h a n g e . You w i l l , p e r i o d . I had been awkwardly ashamed and somehow emb a r r a s s e d to let m y t r u e self shine through. Teens need to feel loved; t h e y n e e d to feel e n c o u r a g e d ; t h e y n e e d t o b e b e l i e v e d in. P a r e n t s , t h i s is for you, as well. I c a n not emphasize enough how imperative parent-child c o m m u n i c a t i o n is. T h e s t r e s s e s of s c h o o l go f a r b e y o n d t h e b a s i s of I w a s l o o k i n g f o r w h o I a c a d e m i a . We are f a c e d with promiscuity, parties, and am. T h r o u g h o u t m y l a t e p e e r p r e s s u r e o n a daily b a t e e n s , I felt t h e n e e d t o b e a sis. C h a n c e s a r e we w a n t t o Speak up talk. Like I stated before, this c o l u m n is w r i t t e n f o r o u r t e e n s a n d it r e m a i n s d e d i cated to them a n d their fut u r e s . If t h e s e w r i t i n g s p e r s u a d e only o n e t e e n t o t a k e a road less traveled, t h e n m y p u r p o s e Is fulfilled. A s h l e y B. H i n t o n Gaylord People should be outraged over gas To t h e Editor: The people of Gaylord a n d o u r e l e c t e d officials s h o u l d b e o u t r a g e d over t h e p r i c e of gas in this town. Would anyb o d y in Gaylord try to explain t h e price of gas over t h e July 4 holiday at $4.34 c o m p a r e d to $4.13 in Grayling a n d c h e c k this o u r "Frederic" w h i c h h a s o n e station a n d it w a s $4.10. I'm s u r e it m u s t b e t h e volu m e t h a t they sell to h a v e it $.24 a g a l l o n l e s s t h a n o u r tourist town. Maybe our officials s h o u l d just start asking s o m e q u e s t i o n s also. H o w c a n w e e n c o u r a g e t o u r i s m w i t h this g o i n g on? Get m a d Gaylord, it's y o u r m o n e y too. Conrad Code Michayw^ • U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Detroit, 269 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510,202-224-6221: FAX 202-224-1388. Local offices; 207 Grandview Parkway, Suite 104, Traverse City, Ml 49684,231-947-9569: Federal Building, 145 Water St., Suite 102. Alpena, Michigan, 49707, 989-354-5520; e-mail; www.levin.senate.gov • U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Lansing, 133 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, O.C., 20510, 202-224-4822; e-mail: senator@stabenow. sen ate.gov; Lansing 517-203-1760 • U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak, 1st Congressional District, 0-Menominee, 2352 Rayburn HOB, Washington, D C. 20515. 202-225-4735. Local office: Emmet County Building, 200 Division St., Petoskey. Ml 49770,231-348-0657; FAX 231-348-0653; e-mail: www. house, gov/stupak • State Sen. Tony Stamas, R-Midtand, 36th Senate District. 720 Farnham Building, Lansing, Ml 48909, 866-305-2136, FAX 517-3732678; e-mail: ofctstamas® senate.michigan.gov; Gaylord office, 1349 S. Otsego Ave., Unit1 A, 732-3190, • State Rep. Kevin Elsenhelmer, R-Beltaire, 105th State House District, SI 389 HOB. Lansing, Ml 48909, 517-373-0829; toll-free, 877536-4105; e-mail: kevinelsenheimer© house.mi.gov; www. gophouse. com/elsenheimer. htm. Visit us online: www.gaylordheraldtimes.com < r• Demoaats pushing for a second stimulus package on MiSmartVote.com Online P o O > n by Noah Fowle, Petoskey News-Review, Sept. 15 D e m o c r a t i c m e m b e r s of Congress h a v e b e g u n t o p u s h for a s e c o n d e c o n o m i c s t i m u l u s p a c k a g e that c o u l d i n c l u d e m o n e y to h e l p w i t h e n ergy a n d h e a l t h care costs, as vrell as provide j o b s t h r o u g h i n v e s t m e n t s in infrastructure a n d t a x credits t o r e n e w a b l e energy. The p a c k a g e is e s t i m a t e d t o b e a r o u n d $ 5 0 b i l l i o n a n d h a s yet t o g a m e r bipartisan s u p p o r t . However, w i t h e l e c t i o n d a y l o o m i n g s o m e pundits {and D e m o c r a t s ) b e l i e v e R e p u b l i c a n i n c u m b e n t s b e i n g stiff ree l e c t i o n efforts m a y favor a plan that h e l p s p u t m o n e y directly Into t h e p o c k e t s of voters. As reported in t h e Salt Lake Tribute: "We s h o u l d b e careful n o t t o allow e l e c t i o n y e a r politics dictate that unpaid p r o j e c u g e t p u t In p l a c e , ' said Rep. Jim M a t h e s o n , t h e l o n e D e m o c r a t in Utafi's d e l e g a t i o n . Obama-Biden step up campaign Following a w e e k i n the m u d t h e O b a m a - B i d e n c a m p a i g n will back o n track t h i s IM a t t e m p t s to tie McCahi t o President G e o r g e Michigan today. Despite all t h e m u d slinging kudoa t o M c C a i n for g o i n g o n o n k n o w i n g full w e l l h e w a s in e n e m y territory there, a n d O b a m a as his Interview w i t h c o n s e r v a t i v e t o u g h g u y BUI O'Reilly. get B u s h In YOURSELF I ONLINE QUESTION: Have you been able to sustain, or will you make more, cuts to offset higher enI ergy costs? A. Yes I B. No I C. I h a v e m a d e n o a d j u s t m e n t s t h e View, well for (this is n o t a scientific p o l l ) To voie omline, g o to: www. gayhrdheraldtinnes. com L .J Wednesday, September 17, 2006 • A-5 Qaytord H«rald Times New Teachers join Otsego County schools N a m e : Ann Greif D i s t r i c t : 11 H o m e : Gay lord C l a s s e s You'll b e T e a c h i n g : I will b e l e a c h i n g seve n t h a n d e i g h t h g r a d e scie n c e c l a s s e s as well a s Exp l o r a t o r y Art to sixth, seve n t h a n d eighth graders. Educational Background: I received a bachelor's degree f r o m Central Michigan University a n d my t e a c h i n g c e r t i f i c a t e f r o m Ferris Stale University with a m a j o r in biology a n d a m i n o r in c h e m istry. Teaching experience: 1 a m beginning my fourth year l e a c h i n g . Prior to c o m i n g to Lewiston, I taught eighth12th grade science classes at G a y l o r d St. Mary C a t h e d r a l School. Attraction to Lewiston S c h o o l : 1 find Lewiston a p p e a l i n g b e c a u s e of t h e i n viting s e n s e of c o m m u n i t y , w o n d e r f u l faculty a n d staff and superior reputation. Family: Ann a n d her h u s b a n d . Jeff have two children, Emily, sixth grade, a n d Andrew, f o u r t h grade. H o b b i e s : Volleyball, softball. s w i m m i n g , c a m p i n g , traveling a n d trying to k e e p u p with m y children. N a m e : H e a t h e r EsCerline D i s t r i c t : G a y l o r d St. Mary H o m e : Be 11aire C l a s s e s You'll b e T e a c h ing: Anatomy/Physiology, Earth Science, Physical Scie n c e . Biology a n d E n v i r o n m e n t a l Science Educational Backg r o u n d : U n d e r g r a d u a t e at Arizona Stale University w i t h a b a c h e l o r of s c i e n c e d e g r e e in e n v i r o n m e n t a l res o u r c e s a n d t h e n ! received m y t e a c h i n g certificate f r o m Siena Heights University in Adrian. 1 have a DX e n d o r s e m e n t for 6-12 Science. Teaching experience: I t a u g h t t w o y e a r s of 8 t h g r a d e S c i e n c e in H i l l s d a l e . M i c h i g a n b e f o r e m o v i n g to N o r t h e r n Michigan. Hobbies: Anything outdoors, traveling, s n o w b o a r d ing, cooking, reading, b o a t ing. etc. N a m e : Kristin Tebo District: Vanderbilt H o m e : Rogers'Clty Classes you will b e t e a c h ing: Seventh and eighth grade Educational bacl^;round: Spring Arbor University with a triple m i n o r in e l e m e n t a r y education, language arts a n d social studies. Graduated S u m m a C u m Laude: 3.96 GPA. Teaching experience: O n e year, fourth-grade. C a p e Coral. Fla.; and o n e year, fifth to e i g h t h - g r a d e at Bishop Baraga in C h e b o y g a n . Attraction to Vanderbilt A r e a S c h o o l s : Small school, great staff, n i c e technology' and 1 appreciate the amount of family i n v o l v e m e n t in the school. Family: H u s b a n d Dean: a d e p u t y with the Prcsque Isle Sheriff's l>ept. H o b b i e s : Enjoy w o r k i n g o u t a n d s t a y i n g in s h a p e : reading, shopping and s p e n d i n g time with family (niecesand nephews). N a m e : Kelly Long District: Vanderbilt H o m e : Gaylord Classes you will b e t e a c h ing: S e c o n d a n d third g r a d e Educational backg r o u n d : Bachelor's degree in e l e m e n t a r y e d u c a t i o n with a l a n g u a g e arts and social studies endorsement. Teaching experience: Student leaching: secondg r a d e in Boyne Falls. Several l o n g - t e r m p o s i t i o n s in a r e a schools. A t t r a c t i o n to V a n d e r b i l t A r e a S c h o o l s : Small-school setting is a great e d u c a t i o n a l environment. Family: i iusband. (ieorge, a n d daughter. Megan. H o b b i e s : Champing, reading a n d biking. Couple brings taste of Deutschlandto Charlevoix By Benjamin Gohs Charlevoix Courier Editor CHARLEVOIX - C h a r levoix's East Park will b e t h e s c e n e of family f u n G e r m a n style w h e n t h e t o w n c e l e b r a t e s its first ever Oktoberfest. H u s b a n d a n d wife t e a m Mick a n d Lori Randall h o p e t h e Oct. 4 e v e n t b e c o m e s a Charlevoix tradition. " T h e r e will b e f a c e painting, pumpkin decor a t i n g a n d lots of kids g a m e s , " Lori said. "Crazy R i c h a r d t h e juggler will be down entertaining the kids a n d we're s t a r t i n g t h e w h o l e day off with a pancake breakfast." In a d d i t i o n t o a wien e r d o g r a c e t h a t will finally s e t t l e t h e q u e s t i o n of w h o h a s t h e f a s t e s t d a c h s h u n d , t h e r e will b e a biergarten with tradit i o n a l G e r m a n ales, a n d f o o d s f r o m b r a t w u r s t to oxtail s a n d w i c h e s . T h e r e will a l s o b e a dachshund parade and c o s t u m e c o n t e s t . Cost of e n t r y is a d o n a t i o n of a n y monetary amount which will b e n e f i t t h e C h a r l e v oix Area H u m a n e Society. "I GREW U P in an Irish C.athoiic family, b u t half of my g r a n d m o t h e r ' s s i d e w a s G e r m a n . During World War 11, t h e y emphasized that they w e r e Irish b e c a u s e of all the negative s u r r o u n d i n g G e r m a n s a n d it a l m o s t b r o k e my h e a r t , " Mick s a i d . "This (festival) is s o m e t h i n g for t h e a v e r age middle class working guy a n d family to basically c o m e and enjoy t h e m s e l v e s a n d give b a c k to t h e c o m m u n i t y . " .Mick said O k t o b e r fest is all a b o u t G e m i i t - [Bring Home anj ATV Ranger! ROU'N OUT THE CHEVY'S Bring Home an ATV Ranger! Hessel, Michigan Earn one entry per day NOW for the Grand Prize ATV Ranger September 24, 2008. Random Cash Draws on Wednesdays 6-10 p.m. Earning entries NOW at ALL SITES for a Chevy Cobalt! I'"* Drawings Sept. 27th in St. Ignace & Christmas, Sept. 2 8 in Manistique & Sault Ste. Marie RAPIDS LOUNGE ENTERTAINMENT Shores Anniversary September 20,2008 6-10 p.m. 80 winners of $200 each! 8 Grand Prize Draws for Trips! Kewadin Casino Christmas Anniversary Celebration! ' October 18.2008 4:00-10:00 pm Grand Prize 10:15 pm Litde River Band " Santrdjiy, S f p f f t i i b e r 20rli J Saulr Ste. Marie, Michigan St. I ^ n c e $30,000lmack|ack Oct.3-5,,2008 Christmas $8,000 Spin l b Win Oct. 10-12,2008 ' SAULT S T E MARIE Comedy starts at 8pm - Tbur*. Sept. 18 Bifl Bushart & RoM Tetta Sept. 2S Ride Gutierrez & Mark Evani Live Music starts at 9pm Fri. & Sat. Sepc 19& 2 0 J < ^ 4 . 0 Ray Stevens ^ 2 6 & 2 7 B D R FritJay, O t r o b e r lOrh Saulc St«. Marie, Michigan NORTHERN PINES ENTERTAINMENT ST. IGNACE Wedncxiay Comedy Shows start at 9pm Sept. 17 Bin Bushaitde Ralph Tetci S ^ 24 Rick GutieiTcz & Mark Evaoi Live Mnsic starts at 9pm Fri ft Sat. Sept. 19 & 20 Toudi of Qaas Sept. 26 ft 27 Driven Sault $17,000 Keno Sept. 12'14.2008 lichkeit ( G e e - m o o t - l i k kite). w h i c h m e a n s u n i t y through celebration. T h e i d e a for t h e festival s t e m s f r o m s i m i l a r cele b r a t i o n s in G e r m a n y . A c c o r d i n g to Mick, t h e original Oktoberfest beg a n 175 y e a r s ago in w h a t Is n o w called M u n i c h . "As in Charlevoix, Mun i c h h a d t h e i r local t r a d i tions and celebrities, o n e of w h i c h w a s t h e C r o w n P r i n c e Ludwig of Uavaria. O n t h e o c c a s i o n of Ludwig's m a r r i a g e to T h e r e s e of S a x e - H i l d b u r g h a u s e n , t h e locals o r g a n i z e d a h o r s e race o n the g r o u n d s of T h e r e s i e n w i e s e . " h e s t a t e d In a p r e s s release. "It wasn't (long) a f t e r this the f o u n d i n g fathers of M u n i c h realized t h a t this was a good excuse t o host a c i t y - w i d e p a r t y a n d d'Wiesn, s h o r t e n e d v e r s i o n of T h e r e s i e n w i e s e , was born." The event eventually b e c a m e k n o w n a s Oktoberfest. Aside f r o m family a c t i v i t i e s a n d a variety of r e f r e s h m e n t s , t h e r e will b e v a r i o u s n o t - f o r - p r o f i t civic g r o u p s r a i s i n g f u n d s for everything from the Charlevoix H i g h S c h o o l a t h l e t i c d e p a r t m e n t to local f o o d pantries. T h e festival will r u n f r o m 11 a . m . to 10 p . m . w i t h a w i d e variety of live m u s i c with at least a halfdozen bands performing everything from blues and jazz lo t r a d i t i o n a l s o u n d s of O k t o b e r f e s t . T h e Randall's said t h e e v e n t c o u l d still u s e s o m e sponsors and volunteers. A n y o n e w h o w o u l d like to h e l p s h o u l d call Kelli Kwapisz, O k t o b e r f e s t a d m i n i s t r a t o r at (231) 675-5005. Kewadm O A S I N A TEAM SPIRITS BAR ENTERTAINMENT • MANISTIQUE Iheres no place like Kewadin. Kaiaoke-Scpt. 19ilift20ifa Qaylofd Heratd Times • Wednesday, September 17. 2006 Historical Society b r a i n s t o r m i n g Death Notices Leonardlke'Luzenski Sept. 2 4 at O t s e g o C o u n t y Library JohnBowden GAYLORD—While the Otsego County Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the past, m e m b e r s are looking to t h e f u t u r e a n d the establishm e n t of an e n d o w m e n t fund. T h e S o c i e t y will h o s t a "brainstorming session" Sept. 24 to learn what projects and p r o g r a m s c o m m u n i t y resid e n t s w o u l d like t o see t h e nonprofit group undertake in the years to come. The 12:301:30 p.m. session at the Otsego County Library is o p e n to all. "What h i s t o r i c ^ p r o j e c t s or p r o g r a m s are of interest if m o n e y were n o object?" v^dll serve as o n e of the discussion questions. r h e Historical Society h a s established a neweruknvment f u n d u n d e r t h e u m b r e l l a of t h e Otsego County C o m m u nity F o u n d a t i o n . M e m b e r s a r e striving to raise $15,000 by Ian. 1, 2012 to serve a s a base investment for t h e f u n d I n c o m e earned on the fiind — which will continue to ^ t ) w with donations — will be used to s u p p l e m e n t other Society f u n d i ^ s i n g efforts. For more information, or to offer suggestions for projects if you arc unable to attend, call t h e Historical Society at 7324568. John Bowden, 104, of High- of Cornwall's great gifts to America land Park, died Jan. 27, 2008 in and a true Cousin Jack. He left a wonderful legacy for his family and Ann ArtKX. John had spent summers at all wtw knew him. Thanks be to God for his faithful life. Lake Louise (Thumb John Is survived by Lake) since 1941 and his children, John (Phylwas an active member lis) of Marshall, Minn., of the Vandertllt Senior Douglas (Mary) of RockCitizens. He enjoyed the ford, 111. and Dorothy senior lunch pn)gram and Bowden of Highland his many friends there. Memorial services are pendPark; six grandchildren, He was born Dec. 21, ittg as he donated Itis body to sciBeth (Kelly) Haynes. and ence. Memorial contributions may 1903 in Beacon, Ck)rnMichael (Kim), Matthew be made to the charity waH. England, to Thomas (Amy). Mark. Stephen and Sarah of donors' choice. and Sarah Jane Bowden. He came Bowden; great-grandchildren. Nickto America through Ellis Island in March 1923 and wenttowork for olas Haynes, and Victoria and Nadia Henry Ford building Model-Ts for $5 Bowden; sisters-in-law, Dorothy a day. John worked as a tool-and- Martin of Howell and Eleanor Ropes die maker for Bower Roller Bearing of Redford: niece, Mary Kern, and In the Sept. 13 edition of the pension, only department heads grandnephew. Chris Kern, of VanOwen Clayton Pierce, age 65, Redford. Richard (Paula) Pierce o( and Federal Mogul Corporation for Herald Times. "Court wort^ers reject and members of the Police Offiderbilt; nephews, Ronald Bowden of Johannesburg, passed away at Germany and Gary Pierce of Johan- I38 years, retiring in 1971.He marof Beacon, England, Arthur (Collette) tentative new contact," we included cers Labor Council (sheriff depuhis residence on Sept. 14, 2008. nesburg; sister. Cindy (Ron) Paris 1 ried Helen Elizabeth Oualfe July 31, Ouaife of San Jose, Calif.; nieces, that county employees have the ties). Also, the county approved the 1937, at the First Methodist Church of Johannesburg; and stepmother. He was born on Sept. 4,1943 to Nancy Oualfe of New York, N.V., B-4 pension. Most regular county agreement on Aug. 26. not the court Shelley Pierce of Para- in Highland Park. He was the sonOwen and Shirley (HoffBarbara (Bill) Moss of Howell and employees do not have the B-4 employees. We regret the errors. dise. He was preceded in in-law of the late Great Lakes histoman) Pierce In l.ivonia. Linda Tackett of Troy; and greatdeath by his father, Owen rian and author Dr Milo Oualfe. Owen owned and operniece and great-nephew, Wendy A Pierce; and his mother, He was a member of St. Paul's ated Pierce Carpet Sales (Ken) Bate and Peter (Pam) Hyett Shirley Pierce. Methodist Church, First United and Service for over 30 of Birmingham, England. As were his wishes. Methodist Church of Highland years. He has lived In He was preceded in death by cremation has taken Park, and First United Methodist Johannesburg for the place and a memorial Church. Ferndale, from 1923 to his wife on Jan. 3.2002; and by sibpast two years, formerly service for Mr Pierce will 2008. He was very involved as a lings, Beatrice. Janie, Joseph, Wilof Tucson, Ariz. He enbe held today (Wednes- lay speaker, Sunday school teacher, liam and Lena Bowden, and Edith joyed cooking and loved day), Sept. 17. 2008 at choir member, Boy Scout leader, Henwood, all of Cornwall, England; to garden and worV In his yard. He was an avid watch and 11 a. m. at the Green Funeral Home and was a local visiting preacher sister-in-law, MaryTutOe; brothersIn Lewiston, the Rev. Scott Sheer at many Detroit churches In the in-law. Donald Ouaife, Russell Marcoin collector. Have diftncuhy hearing and urvilerstanding in Owen Is survived by his wife, officiating. Inurnment will take 1930s. He loved to bowl, was in- tin, William Tuttle and Gilbert Ropes; Belinda of Johannesburg; sons. place at Bay Mills Twp. Cemetery volved in stocks and finance, and and nephew, Russell Martin Jr. l>ackgxxjn<J noise. These 2? people are in Brimley. traveled to England many times Sonny of Florida and Cody of Joneeded t o evaluate Miracle-Car's latest and with his wife. On his 101 st birthday Condolences can be sent to In lieu of flowers, memorials hannesburg; daughters, Wendy most advanced d i c ^ l hearing instnjment and he was saluted by Willard Scott on 11428 Momingside Dr. Boyne Ferguson of Detroit, Shelley (Ray) have been suggested to the Pierce the effectiveness of t h e dincctional Falls Ml 49713: or to 153 Louise Oulroz of South Lyon, Julie Pierce Family or to the American Cancer the "Today Show. Ave.. Highland Park Ml 48203. microphone system in baclc^ound noise, of South Lyon. Courtney Gutierrez Society in care of the Green FuJohn's family considers him one of Idaho, Nicole (Brad) Mclain of neral Home, PO Box 201, Atlanta andidates will b e asked t o evaluate our Ft, (^mbie, Ky., and Ashley RIba Ml 49709. Condolence messages instruments RISK TREE, if you are satisfied of Kansas; seven grandchildren; can be sent via our Web site. www. with the improvement in your hearingand brothers. Dennis (Chris) Pierce of greenfuneralhomes.com' ' wish t o keep the instrument, you may d o so Mr. Tony van Staveren age 60 ture edition of the Herald Times. Friends may share condoa t TREMENDOUS SAVINGS of Gaylord died Thursday, Sept 11. lences online at www. nelsons 2008. CoMMstas witt be S0le€Nid by O b i l U A R l E S AISO pOSTEcl ONUNE funeralhome.com A full obituary will run In a fu- Leonard "Ike" Luzenski, age 85. passed away on Sept. 9.2008 at his daughter's home In Morgan mil, Calif. He was tjorn In Gaylord onJuly 21,1923. Ike was a veteran of World War . He was a TV repairman by trade. He. was a 1941 graduate of St. Mary School. He was preceded In death by his wife, Marjory "Jean" (Smith); and his son, James. He Is survived by his son, Joe; and daughters, Mary Tappan and Katie Gatch. He kwed them dearly. He is also survived t>y his grandchildren and great-grandchildren; his sister, Dorothy (Bill) Merry; brother, Robert; sister, Barbara (Al) Mackowlak; and Yvonne (Walter) Zaremba. Owen Clayton Pierce Correction <« Tony van Staveren q o TO www.qAyloRd hERAldlilVI ES.COM KAM'S TOWiniG 24 Hour Emergency Service Local & Long Distance Towing • Private Property Impounds Damage Free Wheel Lift & Roll-Back Available j Jump Start • Lock Out • Winch Out S e p f e f l i b e r 30,2008 Hymrn iaiensted, VOUmmST cm (800) 872-4074 (MfbrEunicc) Major Credit Cards Accepted Radio & Cellular Dispatched Trucks Rainy day Shopping TODAY! Miracle-Ear* Center Gaylord parking lot from ftate Pains) ^ .•*IR W no umbrella required! 2008 Otsego County R n d great cieals o n local prcxjucts a n d services every day! Save time. SavenxMTtey. Save from home. Nowthafssnrvirt Vi ShopSmart UpNorth .conn IHFFMTIUPMAITFCXWR I» • DMMD ni-J47-2544 — Because of the many volunteers, sponsors, and supporters of the Otsego County Fair, this year's fair was a resounding success. Thank you to all who helped during fair week, as well as throughout the entire year. We appreciate it! See you next year! ^ .1 Northern Michigan Review lays off 11 workers PETOSKEY — Michigan's soft e c o n o m y and growing business pressures struck a n o t h e r local e m p l o y e r Friday. The announcement came early f r o m N o r t h e r n Michig a n Review p r e s i d e n t a n d publisher Doug Caldwell that 11 jobs w o u l d b e elimin a t e d . affecting t h e c o m p a ny's n e w s p a p e r s in Petoskey. Gaylord and Charlevobc, and The PhoneGuide. " E c o n o m i c f a c t o r s , inc l u d i n g s t e e p i n c r e a s e s in fuel and newsprint costs c o m b i n e d with slower local a n d national advertising reve n u e s negatively affected our medial operations," Caldwell said. "Business conditions in t h e G a y l o r d - P e t o s k e y communities shaped these plans. Our f u t u r e forecast rem a i n optimistic as t h e local c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e a d e r in N o r t h e r n Michigan." While the contractions r e p r e s e n t a s h o r t - t e r m setb a c k . t h e local n e w s p a p e r s c o n t i n u e to look for efficient a n d m e a n i n g f u l ways to exp a n d their digital o u t r e a c h w h i l e p r o t e c t i n g t h e i r core p r i n t p r o d u c t . Employees in P e t o s k e y a n d G a y l o r d will c o n d u c t m o r e o u t r e a c h into t h e i r c o m m u n i t i e s in t h e near future, asking readers a n d non-readers, non-advertisers a n d advertisers a b o u t t h e issues t h e y face a n d the s o l u t i o n s they seek. " N o r t h e r n M i c h i g a n Review r e m a i n s c o m m i t t e d to provide the best in local inf o r m a t i o n t h r o u g h this p e riod of transition." Caldwell said. N o r t h e r n M i c h i g a n Review. Inc., is o w n e d by Schu r z C o m m u n i c a t i o n , Inc., b a s e d in South Bend, Ind. W*dnMday. S*pt«fnb*r 17, 2006 • A-7 Business Qaylord H«r«ld Tim«« Shop Talk Expansion Sleep Center opens In Gaylord • With an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans suflering tram sleep disorders, Norttwni Michigan Regional Hospital has met the challenge by expanding its Sleep Center to include a new Gaylord location. The Sleep Center in Gaylord opened Sept., 8 at 930 N. Center St., across from the Otsego County Fairgrounds. Both Certified Sleep Physicians. Owayne Griffin. DO, of Petosl(ey's Sleep Center, and David Walker, DO, a Traverse City sleep specialist, will see patients at the new clinic. The latest scoop in business accompany the ribbon cutting at the new center. For more information call 866-775-3372. Honors Skowronski named Entertainer of Month • Adam Skowronski has been named the Entertainer of the Month at Gaylord's LaSefiorita. Skowronski has been Bill Sides, supervisor of the a cook at the restaurant since Petoskey and Gaylord centers, March 2008. says all patients suffering "Adam has a great attitude," from sleep disorders, including children 3 years of age and older, said administrative assistant Beth Gomoluch "He is always can be diagnosed and treated at the new Gaylord four-bed facility. smiling and he Is always on time for his shifts. Adam is a positive Unlike other sleep centers, the team player and always willing full spectrum of sleep disorto help cover shifts. Thanks ders including, but not limited for all the great dinners you to, sleep apnea, Insomnia, and prepare." restless leg syndrome are all treatable at The Sleep Center. LaSenorita is located at 737 Main St. For more information "A lot of sleep problems call 732-1771. are easily treated,' Sides said, "and sometimes all it takes is Grayling animal hospital an evaluation and a night in the receives accreditation sleep lab to be on the way to a • Grayling Hospital for good night's sleep." Animals of Grayling has again The Gaylord facility also will house a state-of-the-art special- received accreditation following a comprehensive evaluation by ists' clinic, which opened Sept. the American Animal Hospital As2. The clinic will allow Petossociation (AAHA). The evaluation key physicians to meet more includes a quality assessment conveniently with Gaylord-area review of the hospital's facility, patients. Specialists from the medical equipment, practice Center for Pulmonary and Sleep methods and pet health care Medicine, Sleep Diagnostics of management. Northern Michigan, Michigan Only 15 percent of all small Heart & Vascular Services, Great Lakes Digestive Health, Petoskey animal veterinary practices in Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists the United States have achieved and Koskus Audiology will all accreditation by the American maintain offices in the building. Animal Hospital Association. In order to maintain accredited sta"This new location will be nice for the community, it brings tus, Grayling Hospital for Animals must continue to be evaluated all these practices together regularly by the association's under one roof," Sides says. consultants. An open house will be held "Grayling Hospital for Anion Sept. 25, from 3 to 7 p.m. mals belongs to a select group of Door prizes, food and fun will dollars raised. The doctors and staff of Gaylord Eye Care Center were inspired to take the World Sight Day Challenge by stories like that of John Moria, a 67-year-old subsistence farmer In East Timor, who Is a -4.00 diopter myope. Having lost most of his family during the recent independence The World Sight Day Challenge is organized by Optometry struggle, and with limited vision. It was Increasingly difficult for Giving Sight, which Is the only John to tend to his crops. In a global initiative that specifically country with no social welfare targets the prevention of blindEstablished In 1933, the system, this was a threat to ness and impaired vision due to AAHA Is the only organization his very survival. Today, John that accredits veterinary prac"uncorrected refractive error." has regained his sight and his tices throughout the U.S. and "Who better to ask to support autonomy, thanks to "optometry" Canada for dedication to high this program than optometrists giving sight. His life was literally standards of veterinary care. and their staff and those who are saved by a pair of glasses. Approximately 3,000 MHA-aclucky enough to live In councredited practices pass regular Thanks to the support of tries where eye care Is easily reviews of AAHA's stringent industry. Optometry Giving Sight accessible?" said the doctors of accreditation standards that Gaylord Eye Care Center. "That's guarantees that 85 percent of all cover patient care, client service why we have signed up to make funds raised go directly to proand medical protocols. For pet grams that give sight to those in a regular monthly donation care information or referral to an and we hope that our staff and need. For more information about AAHA-accredlted practice, visit Optometry Giving Sight and the patients will consider doing the www.healthypet.com. same. After all, it's costs so little World Sight Day Challenge visit www.givingsight.org. Grayling Hospital for Animals, to provide eye health examinalocated at 5806 W M-72, has tions and a pair of glasses in been an accredited practice — To submit an item to many developing countries." member of the association since ShopTalk, contact Cathy Landry Last year hundreds of 2000 and can be reached at optometric practices participated at 748-4515, cathy@gaylordher348-8622. aldtimes.com, or P.O. Box 598, in the Challenge raising more Gaylord. Ml 49734. than $250,000, which is already Fundraiser funding projects that are providing vision care, local training Gaylord Eye Care Center and infrastructure support in Sri Lanka, East Africa. East Timor joins site challenge and South Africa. This year we • Local optometrists. Bob expect to significantly increase Slezal(, O.D. Ron Mead, O.D. the number of participants and and Pete Oppermann, O.D. of practices that are committed to meeting the highest standards in veterinary medicine," sakl Anna Worth. VMD, AAHA president. "AAHA hospitals pass a stringent evaluation of over 900 standards covering patient care, client service and medical protocols. By attaining accreditation, Grayling Hospital for Animals Is demonstrating its dedication to offering the best care to its patients and clients." Gaylord Eye Car* Canter are planning a practice celebration throughout September and October to help the estimated 300 millk>n people who are blind or vision impaired simply because they do not have access to an eye examination and a pair of Finally Here! IHTBHS!?." ^19 APPLES! TNc i i • i m v , w f c r d t s technology St. • Gaylord 89) 732-1077 t dll 8pm • SuD dU 6pni that Hi woric aiywhtre kitticUSA IrueT*! quItyivandteMV Vte ««tilling pre4Nnch ilgnHips noMi Ifs free toreglMr,and we « • give you al the equlpmant Inrt for Branded Bfi wekame. Cal Randy at (9I9>78«-5M7 orfotoouriiteat WWWXCMMTUOCN and reglitcrtfiere. A d o p t A New Best Friend! Ado Costello One-year-old, medium-sized, black and tan mix. He is neutered, up to date w i t h vaccines and loves to play fetch. Will make a good compartion lor an active person two-year-oki. spayed female. She is up to [late wrth vaccinations and is a quiet cat Will make a nice indoor pet Approximate 2-3 year-ou spayed female. She is a verypfetty ofange/ bfown tabby that is trierKlly yet qwei WAGS TO WISKERS PET SUPPLIES U 1 S West Main S t , Gaylord (989) 731-4200 Two-year-old. neiitered rrale. t r k o l ored. He should be adoDted with his tnend. Costel Lucy is a very pretty, petite spayed female. She is a pretty cream and grey tabby with a good personality .com 2234 M-32 WesI, Gaylord G o / l o r d Eye C o r a Center 989-731-2003 969-732-^1 829 W Man St. • AJpneFloza Two-year-old, rteutered male, tn-cdored He should be adooted with his frieod, Don & Sharoi Twer MLVTTT MILL I HeaUMy Do* A Cat Products AtvtlaMt Her*! 9tt9- 70S-fiS00 • S77-i49.S65f> 4241 Old 276 South •Gaylord 732-8856 www.deerfieU com (969) 983-2079 President & Traaserer, Frlmte For Life (FFL) Approximately two-year-okj beautiful c a k o . spayed and up to date w i t h vaccinations. Four-way declaw. ideal for as an indoor fam lypet Gaylord Veterina^ Hospital 2 fMi«« north of town. O l d 27, G«ylord, M l 49735 (989) 732-4545 T w o ^ - o l d biaqMlae heew Rw. n M m d rnale. WoJd be 90od on a farm oriMtfisomeone who «hI 9 M h n a nbtodo. HERAU^TIMES 205S Sootk O t M f o • Gaylord V (989)732-1111 Wry sweet red beagle, between 4-e years-old. Nice persortahty; she was found H a northeast of Gaylord blue, spayed female Hist ow year-old. w has a guet dispostt and woukf make a nice houM pet o r ^ l Surj^TN' S|K'< i?ilisis or NOFTHFTM MKKICAN. nir (989) 732-4189 tig and Ipwalile nng^iaRd tabby neuimd male Steal blue spayed female, matefy 1 year-old. She has an mterest- inq dnd nquisitive pervxtamy. H A L L DR. SUSAN HAH LKTNSEO VETOUNABIAN . 314 N. C«nt«r • Gaylord \. (989) 731-6208 We have lots of veiy ctae and plaiiU kittens available Very handsome ponttr ma. white and W v n n e u i e ^ male. Very behawd, needs TLC One-year-old cako tabby short-haired s p a ^ female that loves attention PHONVCIHCTE MMGTRRR ICUPHONI PW I JRORR 1-888-860-U06 <>.TH<PHOI>«9U<D*XC»W Frwndk hindsonv, tiont M M I nev terrt fciv yeas old Shiuid be adopted witfi his fnend Nem ) haired ttnier mo, 40 pounds, I femw, energetic yet Wndly. HRAALL47IMES P a w t e i t l o M l TtiKN 2058 South Otsego • Gaylord 1893 N. O U 27 • Gaylord (989)732-1111 (989)732-7111 towiwMf ont year-fltit neutewfl nob. Onn9»tili)ivefynindl)i9its aiom with Oder ca& Btek donvsK short har Shefishy but g e * ard what (Ktt. mde > good PETIVKMXHOUEHOLD HERAU^DMES HEXALI^QMES HEKAU^BMES H^AU^IMES 2058 Sooth OtscfO • Gtytocd l«M L M i y M Shckcn 2058 Sooth OtMgo • Gaylord 20S8 Soutfa O t M f o • G a y k m l 30S« Soiali O t x f o • Caylonl 20S8 So«tk O t i c f o • Gaylord (989)732-1111 Woof woof (989)732-1111 (989) 732-1111 (989)732-1111 (989)732-1111 H^RAU^GMES To adopt a pet from the Otsego County Animal Shelter, call 705-7632, or stop in at our facility on 7th Street. Shelter Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday For Friends For Lite (FFL) sponsored assistance with spaying or neutering, please contact 989-9.39-87.^2. Qaytord H*rald TlinM A-8 • W«dn««day. September 17, 2006 Celebrate Recovery a program of action Cont. from p. A1 two or three groups in the Gaylord area a couple years ago. Now, he reported. there are approximately six groups related to alcohol or drugs and another three or four groups dealing with codependency. Though he has attended other groups. Keith struggled with the spiritual aspect of his recovery. Trying to get his hand around this "God" thing, Keith started having meetings at his home. And soon. Chappell began attending the h o m e meetings. "It was very obvious God was getting me Involved," Chappell noted. Chappell began searching the Internet for Christian-based recovery programs and then he learned addiction issues, we work of Celebrate Recovery. The program was origi- with them as well," Chappell noted. nated in 1991 by the Rev. "We're welcoming anyJohn Baker of Saddleback body with any addiction," Church in Lake Forest. Calif., the largest church in Keith added. "It can happ e n to anyone, anywhere." California and the fourth Chappell reported the largest church in the program is forward based. United Slates. The church "We're not looking at was f o u n d e d in 1980 by the Rev. Rick Warren, author of where you've b e e n but "The Purpose Driven Life." where you're going." he said. Four trained leaders CHAPPELL reported r u n the Celebrate Recovery that Gaylord Community program, which is held Church has a strong youth every Friday, 7-9 p.m. The program. church is located at 1499 "We want to grab these M-32 East. A coffee hour kids early on," he said. follows the meeting. But. Chappell added, For more information, that if young people are having trouble with an ad- call the church at 732-9202. dictive behavior, they are Contact Jil Schult at 748welcome at Celebrate Re4518 or jiK^gaylordherald covery. times.com. "If there are kids with Keith's journey with alcohol addiction GAYLORD — Kevin's j o u r n e y with alcohol isn't unique — except for the fact that it h a p p e n e d to him. Like many young people. Keith started out partying in high school and on through college f o r t h e social aspect. The lifelong resident of Gaylord was not from a family of alcoholics, yet he went through life using alcohol as a crutch. In his adult years, his a l c o h o l u s e s w i t c h e d f r o m a social a s p e c t to a medication to relieve stress, worry a n d pain. "I was trying to kill pain with it constantly," he said. "I w a s letting go of all t h e things of value to me. "When the Bible says you shouldn't serve two masters, alcohol was my master," he added. KEITH saw his successes in life progressing. He was a t t a i n i n g all of life's goals. He had a six-figure income a n d all the luxuries that go with it. But his alcoholism also was progressing. "In a year and a half 1 gave it all away because I didn't stop drinking," he said. He lost it all: assets, job, s u p p o r t , relationships. He h a d to move back in with his mother. "I e n d e d u p at a homeless shelter," he said. "My m o t h e r was d o n e . She kicked m e out." For that Keith is grateful. "That's what you have to do," he said. "Stop picking up the alcoholic. Everyone has a bottom and everyone is different. "It's not an unusual story. It's a story that 50 percent h a v e s o m e level of someb o d y in t h e i r h o u s e h o l d or k n o w s o m e b o d y in the f a m i l y with a n a d d i c t i o n problem. And very few seek treatment." Spii<e at the pumps Tom MIIHken of Ontaflo, fills up Friflay at South End Marathon as gas prices rose, a result of Hurricane Ike and the closing of rsflnertes in Texas. Some areas of the state saw prices tump by as much as 60 cents a gallon as a result of the storm. Tank created a run at the gas pumps' Cont from p. A1 "I t h i n k t h e m e d i a is t o b l a m e to a degree," Griffin said. "The panic c r e a t e d a r u n a t t h e g a s p u m p s w h e n TV n e w s started talking a b o u t $5 gas. It led to a n a c t u a l s h o r t age in s o m e areas. The m e d i a w a s telling p e o p l e t o e x p e c t j u m p in price. w a s telling p e o p l e t o e x p e c t J u m"I've p i n pbr ei ceen. t e l l i n g p e o p l e the price of g a s to rise b e c a u s e just relax, t h e h u r r i c a n e is goof the weather." ing t o p e t e r o u t a n d t h e refinON FRIDAY, J o h n s o n said e r i e s a r e g o i n g t o s t a r t b a c k he began t o h e a r of cars lining tip. We're going in t h e right diu p at t h e p u m p s t o p u r c h a s e r e c t i o n a n d I t h i n k t h e price is gas before t h e next anticipated going t o move back down," h e said Tuesday m o r n i n g . saidGriffin Tuesday . e n t of s a i dm oa rsns iensgs m the Texas r e f i n e r i e s indicated d a m a g e w a s less t h a n first believed a n d Uo lnl Cc Ce power was U C l l C V C U <I11U vwao restored to a r e a s i m p a c t e d by the storm p r o d u c t i o n would be back u p to p r e - s t o r m levels. " T h e good news is t h e price of b a r r e l s (of oil) is c o m i n g d o w n . It's going to take s o m e t i m e to work its way t h r o u g h t h e s y s t e m . In t h e l o n g t e r m . o v e r t h e n e x t 60 d a y s , w e ' r e going t o see a decrease as t h e price of c r u d e goes down." Open Meetings Act violation Chamber of Commerce 3 new members join board Second vote by fire board Cont from p. A1 Kowatch is a professional engineer with Wade TVim in Gaylord. Kowatch holds a bachelor's degree in Engineering f r o m Michigan Tech. Although originally from Gaylord, he grew u p in Alpena and m o v ^ back to Gaylord in 2000. He has enjoyed participating in the Chamber's many programs and acthrfties. He is a graduate of the 2005 Chamber Leadership Otsego County Program. ICowatch is active in the South Maple pro, Alpine Youth Soccer, Michayw^ and an active member of St. Mary C.athedral Parish. Kowatch and his wife, Annette, have two children, Joseph and Allison. Rich is the executive director of the Otsego County United Vtay, Itetired and Senior \felunteer Program and Vohmteer Center of Otsego County Rich has been a resident of Gaytond since moving with her family while in grade school. She is a graduate of Gaylord High School Mid attended Central Michigsn University for four years. She has been married to husbaiid, Scott, also from G«ylonl, for 22 years and they have one daughter, Tla, wtto attends college in Denver Colo. She has taught fltness classes for Otsego County Parks and Recreation and had her own business with a direct sales company with more than 40 consultants in I ^ r t h e m Michigan. Rich is a graduate of die Chamber's 2007-2008 Leadership Otsego County ptogram. corrects earlier secret vote 'The board VAONAIS is an owner/partner in thought Paxton Resources L.L.C.. a Gaylordbased oil and gas exploration company. that they Vadnais has mote than 31 years of ex- could do perience in the industry. Vadnais is a graduate of Central Michigan Univer- anything sity with a Bactieior of Science degree j they and is also a graduate of the United States ArmyWar College. With dual ca-! wanted reers, he retired after 36 years of service j and I just in the Army National Guard, having i attained the rank of M i ^ General. His wanted last duty assignment was Commanding to make General of the 38th In&ntry DWislon. one of eight National Guard Divisions. sure they Vadnais a n d his virife, Leanne, have were in lived on Otsego Lake ior the past 9 yean having moved ttom East Lansing. They complihave two childiea Rose, an architect ance...' residing In Potduid, Ore., and wn, Greg Jr., who resides in Boyne City and also works for Paxton. Cont from p. A1 ing n i n e votes to three for volunteer firefighter Chris Martin. The difference t h e second time though was the results were made public a n d added to the board's Sept, 3 meeting minutes. OCFD v o l u n t e e r Brett Jensen, who raised the concern the board may have viI olated the act, asked Legel to 1 review the balloting process j by t h e board in their June I a p p o i n t m e n t of Duffleld, v ^ o replaced Tim Warren as chief. As a result of t h e vote, Warren assumed t h e assistant chief's post, which had b e e n held by Duffield. Once Lege) d e t e r m i n e d t h e vote h a d violated t h e meeting act, he met with the Brett lensen fire board informing t h e m that in order to be in com- pliance they would need to hold a second vote. Jensen said he was satisfied with the board holding the second vote and making t h e results public. "That'sthe biggest thing," he said. "The board thought that they could do anything they wanted and 1 just w a n t e d to make sure they were in compliance a n d accountable to the public." IN JUNE. Duffield w a s elected chief by t h e b o a r d amid some controversy w h e n an earlier vote by volunteer firefighters gave Martin 19 votes to 16 for Duffield. T h e board broke with past p r o t o c o l in their a p p o i n t m e n t of Duffield. utilizing a n e w selection process for picking fire chief. In the past the board had endorsed the volunteer member's choice for fire chief. W h e n t h e board took a m o r e p r o a c t i v e c h o i c e in choosing a chief some volunteer members took exception with the new process at the June meeting. According to Sanders, tf^e board made the decision to t a k e on t h e responsibility of appointing the fire chief several m o n t h s ago w h e n a representative from their i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y told t h e m that for insurance purposes t h e board should b e c h o o s i n g t h e chief. At that time Sanders said t h e board m a d e the decision to consider the volunteer vote for chief as o n e of several f a c t o r s in c h o o s i n g a n e w chief. W * d n « « d a y . S « p t « m b « r 17, 2 0 0 6 • A - 9 Qayiord H#rald H m # s JM^T AlN|NiQ[UlN<Elgiraa Sign up for daily local weather forecast text messages to your phone at; gaylordheraldtimesxom^^ [ " B C T U N P E I ) ^ w i l t ' W!WV* .d-ENiT iMQRE. Waning summer? Discount everyone 2 0 0 e Buicic L a C r o s M C X 2 0 0 * PONTIAC G6 2 8 ^ >25,250MSKP '21,558 Y«wr C M E n i p w y * * Prira After All O f f v r i YlBur OM C n ^ l e y M Prfc* A f t * r A l O f l a n iOOM BUKK LUCERNE C ) ^ 2 0 0 9 PONTIAC VIBE 25 32 2 8 , 0 4 0 MsiiP 1 5 , 9 8 5 Msor Votr O M Empioy** P r k * After AM O f f * n $ 2 0 0 8 BUICK E N C L A V E CX F W D Your C M E m p l o y e Prfc* After A l O f f e n 2008 GMC ACADIA SLE F W D < =I24 • 3 3 , 9 5 5 MMP ^ 3 0 , 8 7 5 MSRp '29,950 Your G M Etnp(»y«e Price After A l Offers TOUT G M E m p w y M Price After All Offer* 2008 GMC SIERRA 1500 EXT. C A B 4 W O 200e GMC CARRIE BURNS, 14, of Gayiord sent in this photograph of her friends watching the water and hanging out on the d ^ of Ann-Marie Varga's cottage on Mullet Lake. On the dock (k) are Carrie Bums. Anne-Marie Varga, Holly Lewis, Natasha Sioniker and Hillary Monusko. Ycxir photo could appear here. Send a photo (brief ctescription of photo subject), name of photographer and hometown {dty, township, etc.). Include daytime telephor>e number. Send photos to: Herald TirT>es, PO Box 598, Gaylofd, Ml 49734, or e-mail a JPEG in-wge to: frank@gayk>rdheraldtimes.com. If you see your photograph here, bring rt t o the Herald Times and receive a free classified ad. YUKON XL SLT 4 W D '38,755 Thurs. , ADDITIONAL PURCHASE BONUS CASH^ ' FOR CURRENT GM AND NON-GM LESSEES WITH AN EXPIRING LEASE^ Mostly sunny B Mostly sunny Partly doudy Partly d o u d y Hi 6 0 s Lo 40s Hi 60s, Lo 40s Hi upper 60s. Lo 50 Hi 70s. Lo 50s Hi 70s. Lo 50s G a y i o r d area weather in review Low 40 53 — Predp. 0" .80" .36" Snow 0" r gmc.com pontiac.com Mostly sunny Date Hi Sept-16 56 Sept 15 59 Sept. 14 69 SEPLL3F'"'HG Better hi^iway fuel efficiency than Toyota TUndra' Sun. Sat. Fri. 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O t s e g o Ave., Gayk>rd, M l • ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 Gayiord 1000 Member FDIC South Wisconsin StrMt Gayiord 9B9-7S2-15a2 W¥/w.flr$t-M»rtri.com 800-498-0013 JiBUBSllll • O n f y ttaoderd c f w c k s s p p f y • n < o f e — w t i a n u — ^ « s n ATM o w m o d f t d e p o s f d b y F»»t Fadaral • ^ A c t l v chadctwe • e c o u n t voqulretf «o s m W fs»« t Gaylord H«rald Hmes A10 • W*dn«»day. S«pt«mb«r 17, 2008 YOU ARE OUT HERE FOR A REASON, SO ARE WE 1 GAL. RV & MULTI-PURPOSE ANTIFREEZE END OF SEASON SPECIALS 6 FT., 1.25# STUDDED " T " POST • Protects to •50 degrees F. non-toxic 08-23026 SAVINGS UP TO $300 ON SELECT RIDERS LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND • NO RAINCHECKS ALL ITEMS ARE TAGGED AT THE STORE DOES NOT INCLUDE BAD BOY MOWERS / Angled stud Enamel fmish 3609112 " 0 0 1 DOOR 1 GAL BAR & CHAIN OIL Reduces heat and friction Extends life of chain and bar 44-69010 2 0 FT. 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Hts. atStMary ^ g STANDOUTS Mancdona a Last week's stats and this week's previews • B4 K2<, INTANDULMSE Cirts VawOuiM HeraldTimes.c»m Sports Editor: Jeremy Speer ierBmy1igay1ordheraktOmes.com LJ M Wednesday September 17, 2008 STANLEY CUP COMING THURS. NIGHTMARE J-Lsenlarhad agreataHaiound oanw In awki against Inland Lakes, onhinglor 176 yards and scoring three timss. He also had an kitsrceptkm andfu(nt)le recovery. More Inside Sports Cross Country GaytonTsDavM Dalanay and hysons Josh (rtgM) and Brandan wen able to meat NHL champion Dallas Draks and view the Stanley Cup last month bi Traversa City. The Cup will make Its way to GaykMd Thunday aftemoon as part of a statewide tour. PIKND CowMy or DtCM> n««« HT - MSarMny Will be at Sportsplex b6 GAYLORD SENIORS (l-r): Jake Dombrow^l, Brett Hasty and Nk;k Freeman were among the stunned observers of the Blue Devils' 55-35 loss to Petoskey Friday. S I MARY JUNHM Cody Rivers had a solid showing Saturday at Ellsworlti. Local boys go 1-2-3 at Ellsworth Snowbirds score In just 2 minutes, big win in Mancy stunned Devils watch MANCELONA — It was a little strange not seeing St. Mary near the top of the Ski Valley Confererence football standings last season. The way the Snowbirds are playing this season, they'll be right back to their old position. St. Mary won a big game Friday night, taking a big early lead at Mancelona, and then holding on for a 18-13 victory. The victory improved the Snowbirds to 3-0 on the season, with m o m e n t o u s home showdowns with Forest Area and Central Lake ahead the next two weeks. "That was a tough football battle," said St. Mary coach Bob Cherwinski. "We got ahead early, but they sure made things interesting. Any win in the Ski Valley is a big one." T h e Snowbirds' d o m i n a n t ground game got churning in the first half and continued to roll up big yards, as they had 310 total See Srtowbirds, p. B3 By Jeremy Speer RECORD ^ T T £ R S Sports Editor QBNICK GAYLORD — There were few words spoken on the Gaylord FREEMAN sideline during the second half Broke school record of Friday's game with Petoskey. for career touch<k)wn Words couldn't begin to depasses and tied Tom scribe the amazement — the disPratt's record of five sappointment — the heartache touchdown passes in — felt by the Blue Devils followa game. ing a colossal collapse in a 55-35 defeat. It was a game Gaylord had to WRQUINN have, and one it seemed to have WOODHOUSE wrapped up following a near-perfect first half that saw the Devils George ahead 35-21. But five second-half >^ilson's s c h ^ career turnovers left Gaylord shocked in receptions record its third tough loss of the season. with 56. "I have been coaching football for 25 years and I have never seen anything like that," said Gaylord coach Mark Mendolia. "It was just Photo CourtMy of Rob WKterman totally unexpected. It was a nightST. MARY JUNIOR BACK Justin Mal- mare." czyk oimbles for yardage in a 18-13 Petoskey. an upstart team short victory against Mancelona. See Stunner, p. B3 Defense lifts Cardinals to 2-1 • FYI THE SCORE )-L26. Inland Lakes 6 KEY STAT Cardinals held Inland Lakes, who had averaged 2S points per game, to just six points in a big win. StMaryJuntar wasadsmon Inalltecsts of the game. coming up wHhnhie total tacMes Including four for kns. wMIe alK> exceMngat center kiawki vs. Mancetona. JOHANNESBURG — Coach Fred Davis' teams at JohannesburgLewiston have made headlines with their potent Wii^-T offense. But on Friday, it was the defense that shined b r i s t l y for the Cardinals. I-L held a high-powered Inland Lakes team in check, which spurred a 26-6 home victory Friday n i ^ t . "We dominated them on the line of scrimmage," Davis said. "It was one of those n i ^ t s where everything went well defensively.'' Much credit can be given to defensive coaches )ohn Bush, Joe Bush and lim Hilflendorf, who have im- IVe offer a wellness not just a Quick lifestyle, fix. Mancelona Office 231-587-8500 fbrmdhdiHS fbbtball standouts defending in college ^ Some former Gaylord Hl^i foottMit standouts are having success on the collegiate gridiron. Saginaw Valley State senior Brad BiMh started for the Cardinals at defensive tackles in a win against Wayne State and toss against Grand Valley. in tvK) games, he has nine total tackles. Adrian College junior linebacker Baorg* WHMII had an excellent start to the season, when he racked up 9 tackles, Including 1.5 for loss, in a win against Capital. % proved a defensive unit that had its troubles a season ago. They held an Inland Lakes team who had exploded in the second half vr, * against SL Mary the week before to just 245 yards, and a minimal number of big plays. Three turnovers — an interception and hmible recovery by senior CurtisN^nDoren arKt an interception by senior Alex Vogt—also helped the Cardinal defensive corps. And the defense's b^tfiriend—a CourtMy of 1kd 0«LuM ball-control offense—did its part as J-L SENIOR CURTIS VANDOREN is chased by a pair of the Cardinals had an overwhelming inland l.akes defenders during the Cardinals' 26-6 win advantage in time of possession. S M J-L, p. B3 against the BuHdogs Friday. f:,milies as as P^^^'^f'^j^opractic possible . g/many families care." ^ ^^ health through natura . Dr. Brian Oliver ^ exam . Dr. f^enee Ellas ^ B6 ^ In a volleyball picture in last Saturday's front page of sports, Kayla C a m l l was Menttfied as the bkxMng player. That player was actually J-L junior J ONUNEPOU. LMt HHMk** RMaltK Who do you think will bo Vt* IfLt Siiper Bonri chaaifilon? • C«Nb«y* (1> H i M n Q rn*l TA«I • Paoinn (IS iMfcwM) • PafcluU (IS paroMil) « Caiti (18 HiWiiH) • Chaiflara (S paraMt) • QlawH (P parcart) « • Receive a consultation, and necessary TOTUVAHKX a thorough x-rays with this ad! Qaytord H«ratd TlmM B-2 • Wedneeday, S a p t w n b w 17,2006 Behind the Camera Lens: Week 3 football action HT - S«rv«^ '''wto Court«*y ol Tad D«Luc« GAYLORD SENIOR DEFENSIVE BACKS Jon Morris (left) and Nathan Hartman converge on Petoskey's Mike Suter during Gaytord's J-L'S JOE YESKEY CHASES Inland Lakes quartertwck Douglas 55-35 loss to the Northmen Friday. % m HT - M Svnwny Photo CourtAsy of Rob Wegterman ST. MARY CORNERBACK Justin Rabish steps up to make a CHASING AFTER PETOSKEY QUARTERBACK Hunter Keiswetter is Gaytord's (l-r); junior Joey Mench, junior Adam Chaffee and tackle on a Mancelona player while teammate Arron Sitkiewicz junior Geoff Roney. waits in the wings. L U J • Miior m l Mtaor RiiMiri • EnglnM • Conpulw Ditgnotliet • Aulomlto t Mmiil I t m m M o M • AIIM • Bnto tMviM SmpMaton SmvIm • ConpM* Ihick t Auto • 4(4 SpMWWi • S«vk» • Fictoiy TMwd, UMiiMd MMtr TkMCIM 1^lnal«h, 1UOO Mli iwnnir Pirti 1 l * o rtoriiM« npiln AC flKtos* I04J0 • IhrnaMnn liflifc* lf(MJ01 BOLT & SCREW CO. • Re«:ail or WHolevala • Pn«*.»»r>nr»» Sf.f*r"*fl»»rrl • f j i j w u r , Pntturtirtt.K: ti Hitrtfl Tot»l«» • Drill IJil.w, Tnim t i Dimh. Tools, Plus Much More! i4e%off. HT - J m m t i SpMT II fj AMCSnVKD 989-731-35411 {fJH'll I'.W 'iVtiU IJUini U?H 7i\iVt\ GAYLORD SENIOR MIKE TAUBTTZ hauled In a team-high 11 passes for 146 yards and two touchdowns. Yeah, we're a bunch ofthirty-somethinss. IV4K/»t4IL Now patients have a choice! Imagt North It th« n m t tdvancad iMdk«l imaging ctnttr «»tlh an txpariancad, cartng staff ianHng nontwm MkMgan. Mto aMIp " Q f t M n g anywfMT*/ w Fncir. ^ e w M r a l MTvtcM o f f a r a d liKhidK • MM • Mammograplv • Brnct UNraiound I n K t Mopiiai • M> i GananI Uhmound Viln I M m a n i i • Sack Pah) I M m a n t t The Packing & Shipping Convenience Center W e Ship Furniture ® Worldwide Express Shipping! • SNiwing Mia <1 cjRian • MEx. UfS, poBil, MtnigM, fciight • Custom pKUng • oKing • t o M » l u M i a lor m o i ^ li shipping « WorldwMltat m n t e i o n • M«Mt inalbwmnul ^ J m would ita any of itiaaaHivkM k L f l d f i l d at kntga North, iiinp'y your dodgrl Mian wu haaMi can b your chaictl I 6 2 1 W. M ^ i n s t r e e t . G a y l o r d • 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 1 5 5 8 Monday-Friday 9am-6pm • S a t u r d a y 9am 'lpm 2922 O&M Onve, Gaylord, Michigan //WW inwqenorth.org (989) 705-1100 phone W*dnMday, 8«pt*mb«r 17, 2008 • B-3 Q«yk>rd H«rald Tlm«« J Gaylord Runners of the Week Gaylord tonlor * racalvar Quliw i Wtoodhouss breaks through the Pato- ^ skey detenu as he scares a flrsthalf touchdo«m. Moments like these were common In the first half against Petoskey Friday, but non existent in the second half. i By Coach Jeff Kalember HT - Bifl Svrvany BRYAN S L O C U M • SOPHOMORE Bryan,has improved markedly over his freshman cross country"season and recently moved up to our No. 2 man as he was the lone medalist at the Charelvoix Mud Run. Bryan is hard-working, listens well and is excited about his running season. His recent time at Charlevoix was a 55-second improvement over his freshman year and we are looking for big things from him the next few weeks. STUNNER: Gaylord shocked by Northmen Mike Suter w a s in the end zone to pull his team within one score. The next t w o m i n u t e s were the most excruciating in Blue Devil football history. The Blue Devils had three interceptions during that time, two of which were returned for scores a n d the other of which was p u n c h e d in by running back James Proctor a play later. When the smoke had settled, the Northmen were up 49-35. It took just two minutes,13 seconds to happen. The Gaylord offense, which was as crisp as any in the state during the first half, had five turnovers and managed just o n e first down in the second half. It never got Con't from B1 o n n u m b e r s , b u t big o n heart, improved to 3-0. The Northmen have been one of the Big North Conference's biggest surprises this season. The other was on the opposite sideline Friday night. It h a p p e n e d quick. The t h i r d q u a r t e r s t a r t e d out harmless enough. The Gaylord d e f e n s e f o r c e d a punt and senior quarterback Nick F r e e m a n began to march his team downfield on the next drive, with two straight first downs. Then c a m e t h e f u m b l e that c h a n g e d t h e game. It was scooped u p by Petoskey and taken inside the 20. Two plays later, Petoskey's past their own 38 yard line. "We weren't physically h a n d l e d , a n d we really haven't b e e n t h i s s e a s o n , M e n d o l i a said. "I h a t e to b e a t a d e a d h o r s e , but if you eliminate a few of those t u r n o v e r s the g a m e could have g o n e a different way. We need to be the opportunist and be the o n e creating those turnovers." The loss o v e r s h a d o w e d a historic day for the Blue Devils. F r e e m a n tied Tom Pratt's school record with five touchdown passes, all of which came in the first half. On his third scoring strike, Freeman broke Ellis Raatz's school record of 32 touchdovm passes. Senior W o o d h o u s e also DAWN PAGELS • FRESHMAN Dawn has moved into our No. 3 runner position on a the No. 2-ranked girls Division 2 team in the state. She logged countless summer miles in preparation and it showed at our first meet in Charlevoix, where she posted the fastest time ever for a GHS freshman girl. Her fourth-place finish in the 9-10 race would have won the race last year. She has been working hard and blends right into our varsity Ptwto Courtecy erf Rob WMtwrnan girls group. ST. MARY SENIOR LINEBACKER Nick Purgiel chases Mancelona quarterback Greg Blanco during the Snowbirds' 18-13 victory against the ironmen Friday GHS freshmen beat Sault GAYLORD—The Gaylord freshman volleyball team is putting together an excellent season. Monday, the Blue Devils t o p p e d Sault Ste. Marie in t h r e e games, 25-11, 23-25 a n d 15-10. Coach Stacy Lalxind cred ited servers Aiaina Needham. H a n n a h Parker a n d Carly Agee vdth playing well. Gaylord also had a good d a y r e c e n t l y at t h e Boyne City T o u r n a m e n t , where it lost to Cadillac in pool play, but came back to beat Petoskey, who was the eventual t o u r n a m e n t champion. The Blue Devil setters are Sam Woody and Agee, outside hitters are Chelsea Hasty. Jessie Willett a n d A m a n d a Viviano. middle hitters are Leah Marshall and Morgan Rowley and back row players are Anna Ames. Paige Clear, H a n n a h Parker, N e e d h a m , Paige Reinelt a n d Destiney Wojtkowiak. Strong service also c a m e f r o m Marshall, Wojtkowiak and Viviano. broke George Wilson's career receptions mark, as he caught his 56th career pass. He also p a s s e d t h e 1,000 yard career mark and is just 77 yards away from catching Robert Phillips to b e c o m e the career receiving yards leader. They came fast and furious. A 52-yard strike to senior Tyler Pollack. Senior Mike Taubitz hauled in scores of 29 and 19 yards. Woodhouse caught a 29-yard scoring strike. Senior Blake Fitzek snagged a 24-yard scoring pass. "We couldn't have played any better in the first half," Mendolia said. "We f u n c tioned as a unit a n d did a hecjc of a job." For t h e ga m e , Freeman finished 349 passing yards, while c o m p l e t i n g 20-of-38 passes. Taubitz was his leading receiver, hauling in 11 receptions for 146 yads. Woodhouse and Pollack each had more than 70 receiving yardsj in the game. | However, Gaylord's run-; n i n g g a m e c o n t i n u e d to: sputter, a s t h e Blue Devils gained just 46 yards on the ground, 36 of which came on Freeman scrambles. Mike Suter led Petoskey' with 123 y a r d s a n d t h r e e touchdov^ms on the ground, while Proctor had 98 yards a n d two t o u c h d o w n s a n d D.J. VanSlembrouck 89 yards and one touchdown. J-L: Cardindis get defensive -It*. gain a third-quarter cushion. Knapp c o n n e c t e d on 4*^^ "V«e had tltt bail alotir Davis said. "We played very well of-9 passes for 85 yards, while accounting for 41 yards on on both sides of the ball." VanDoren had his biggest the ground. lunior Joe Yeskey offensive day of the young caught a 42-yard pass to set up . 4 season, collecting 176 rushing one ofVanDoren's scores. lunior Ben Bush again led i yards and three touchdowms the defense, collecting 13 total 1 on 19 carries. A 56-yard f i r s t - q u a r t e r tackles, including two for loss, u Vogt added 11 tackles, while f scamper by VanDoren gave the Cardinals and early 6-0 lead. VanDoren had nine and s e - 1 "He has to be a leader for nior Steve Young eight. Keith • us because of his athleticism," Koronka had three tackles for . ' Davis said. "He's a very fast kid loss, including two sacks. Elliott was 14-of-25 for 145 and is hard to bring down." The Bulldogs tied things yards to lead the Bulldogs' v in the second quarter when passing attack, while Jake Doug Elliott hit Steven Kolb Osier was the leading rusher : on a 5-yard pass. J-L quickly re- with 71 yards. The win moves J -Us record sponded, as VanDoren scored on a 23-yard run to give J-L a to2-l,astheCardinalshaveal- , ready matched their win total ' 12-6 halftime lead. A five-yard pass from se- ftx)m last season. Another big nior quarterback Ty Knapp to test comes Friday, when the ; ! junior Darren Dobbyn and a team hits the road for the first I VanDoren 28-yard touchdown time this season at Manceexcellent position," Cher- , run allowed the Cardinals to lona. winski said. Chris Churches added 10 t a c k l e s a n d Sitkiewicz nine for t h e Snowbirds. St. Back Buddy Shoff finished M a r y h e l d M a n c e l o n a to INDL\N RIVER — Four 230 yards of total offense. turnovers and a second-half wnth 133 yards and a touchDespite being 111. Sitkie- bout of cramps hindered rtie down on 23 carries, while Dalwicz had another outstand- Johannesburg-Levrtston ju- las VanDoren added 67 yards ing game, gaining 179 yards nior varsity football team in and two touchdowns on 13 on 20 carries. Quarterback a 30-19 loss to Inland Lakes carries. Brian VanCoillie had ^ 39 yards on nine carries for the | Austin Lawnlchak added 80 Wednesday. yards on eight carries while The Caidinals lost three of Cardinals, who pounded out I f u l l b a c k C h r i s C h u r c h e s j their starting backs to cramps 241 yards on the ground. Huffled the defense with 23 ; g a i n e d a h a r d - e a r n e d 29 ! in the second half, allowing the yards on eight carries. Bulldogs to claim the come- tackles, while VanDoren had . 12. John Cook and Haskill each '' L a w n i c h a k a n d P e t e r 1 back victory. Spyhalski c o m b i n e d to Smokevitch praised his of- had seven, while VanCoillie re- ^ complete 4-of-11 passes for I fensive line of Adam Haskill. corded a pair of sacks. Mike " 43 yards. Spyhalski snagged j Blake Huff, lyier Bowling, Nick Pero had an interception and ; two p a s s e s for 24 yards to j Michael and Sean Aisthorpe Michael and TYenton Roberts | each had fumble recoveries. { lead the receiving corps. I with playing well. SNOWBIRDS: St. Mary leading the Ski Valley Con't from B1 yards rushing. Senior Arron Sitkiewicz scored the first of his three touchdowns in the first quarter. He a d d e d two more in the second half, as St. Mary took a n 18-0 lead in the fourth quarter. The t a l e n t e d I r o n m e n never gave up, c o m i n g back in stirring fashion t h e seco n d half. They were led by playmaking quarterback Greg Blanco, w h o got his team back into the game by his arm a n d his feet. Tyler Hartzell and Blanco ripped off c o n s e c u t i v e s c o r i n g r u n s to bring t h e I r o n m e n within five with just under five minutes remaining. "He's a g r e a t a t h l e t e , " Cherwinski said of Blanco. "He was rolling out and got loose a couple of times. He was out there m a k i n g guys miss and throwing the ball well." Still, t h e St. M a r y deOaiAOYS-OOM f e n s e t i g h t e n e d w h e n it m a t t e r e d , l e d by a l i n e that has d o m i n a t e d the competition this season, lunior Matt C h u r c h e s has been the anchor, providing consistent disruption in the backfield. He finished with nine total tackles, including four for loss. "He was an animal." Cherwinski said. C h e r w i n s k i also c h a l lenged his cornerbacks last week, a n d senior Justin Rabish r e s p o n d e d with his best g a m e of the season, providing excellent coverage and c h i m i n g in with six tackles. "He's p u t o u t t h e r e on an island, b u t he did an excellent j o b of getting into Bulldogs top JV Cards New sessions begin Monday, September 22! The kids ore bndt in school. It's a great time to get back in shape! STEP AEROBICS ftPILATES CTNI ««BML IMI WY BV WRF M « I I ^ Uhmttf t WTDMSILAY (iriiirtt) 5:30 p«i to SEE US FOR W I N T E R I Z I N G A N D INSIDE STORAGE OF BOATS, P O N T O O N S , A N D P E R S O N A L WATERCRAFTS. I • Volvo Ptnta I I • MxCnilw k OMC Cobn DriVM t Engtiwf I • Ooda * Homs I pm U y«r mHmI aMi PhlH W H F T W M K I •r tS pwdsM birfi yaw (»i strMfli MICHIOAth #1 HAgQWAg fiayloni 989-731-2S05 I 1540 O M 27 (Otaago Ave.) M PMTM. O N ^ WBM, SS DSL Caah or CTMM card only, S any othor 0 0 1 9 0 m , I m H 1 = e«i**on | VALUABLE COUPON lllltlltlllllMMMMIIMlf fc mhlw Of far in(iniwilMi, d lnwit ( • • • I ras-MM •00-231-7354 Gaylord H«r«M H m M D-4 • W«dnMday. S«pt*mb«r 17, 2006 PREP FOOTBALL PAGE Muskegon Heights Tigers (1-2) Forest Area Warriors (2-1) Johannesburg-Lewiston Cardinals (2-1) at Gaylord Blue Devils (0-3) St. Mary Snowbirds (3-0) Mancelona Ironmen (1-2) all-state last year. To keep defenses hon- RADIO: 101.5 FM (Monday 7 p.m. Lockhom, two solid defenders. RADIO; 101.5 FM (live) RADIO: 101.5 FM (9:30 p.m. Friday ABOUT GAYUMD: ABOUT J-L: Kudos are deserved for The Gaylord offense has been nearly lAST YEAR: Forest Area 27, St. Mary 20est, quarterback John Ridutts Is also tape delay) night tape d<lay) J-L defensive coaches John Bush, capable of throwing well. Defensively, LAST YEAR: Mancelona 34, J-L 16 LAST WEEK: Bay City John Glenn 40,unstoppable this season — that is, lAST WEEK: Central Lake 34, Fo(Wt Area the Warriors areled by CoMn Paik, who LAST WEEK: St. Mary 18, Mancelona Joe Bush andJifflHiifendorf.The Muskegon Heights 30; Petoskey 55, when the Blue Devils haven't put the 30; St Mary 18. MarKeloru 13 three crafted an excellent plans and has been involved in all kinds of disrup- 13; i-L 26, Inland Lakes 6 ball on the ground or into the hands SERIES: St Mary leads 3-1 Gaylord 35 the players executed it to perfection SERIES: J-L leads 11-5 of the opponent. Moving the football OUnOOK: St Mary passed thefirsttest tion this season. SERIES: First Meeting last week against Mancelona. The Srww- ABOUT ST. MARY: OUTLOOK: The Cardinals have already against Inland Lakes last week. It was a OUTLOOK: Staying upbeat will be the isn't the problem — Gaylord has averbirds now are onto test No. 2, a home The Snowbirds are no slouch at run- proven they are a much better team breakthrough performance for a muchchallenge for the Gaylord football team, aged vrell over 350 yards in each of its matdiup with a very-skilled Fo«W Area ning the football, either, as they've than last year. Now, if they want to improved unit. The Cardinals'defensive who took one on the chin in the secondfirst three games. Fourteen turnovers is team. This game will have huge implica-averaged about 250 yards per game on thrust themselves back into the Ski line dominated against the Bulldogs. half of last week's loss to Petoskey. The the single-most reason the Blue Devils tions In the Ski Valley Conference race. the ground. Senior Arron Sitkiewia Valley's upper echelon, they'll have On offense, J-L has been able to control Slue Devils have lost three tough games,are 0-3. Gaylord's offensive line had Its ABOUT FOREST AREA; is tough for defenders to drag down, to beat a good Mancelona team on the ball with minimal turnovers the and another tough task awaits them in abest perfomiance of the season against as he's rushed for 500 yards and seventhe road. past two games. Curtis VanDoren speedy and athletic Muskegon Heights Petoskey. That group includes MKch It's hard to believe Forest Area hadn't touchdowns in three games. Justin ABOUT MANQLONA: is a first-class athlete, who has 468 Hintz, Nidi Hansmann, Brim Bibs, ever won a vanity football game just team Malczyk is also a good tailback, while The Ironmen now have an uphill battle yards of total offense this season. He's Jeremy Martimz and J. T. Boron three years aga One of the state's great ABOUT MUSKEFION HEIGHTS: turnaround stories, Forest Area has de- Onis OwrdMS is the fullbadi. Defense to get into playoff consideration, after benefited from an improved passing The Tigers will be a bit of an unknown Despite the loss, quarterback Nick veloped into one of the best programs is where the Snowbirds have also been dropping two of tbeir first three games. game, highlighted by quarterback Ty ivhen they enter Gaylord High Stadium Freeman set the school's single-game in the Ski Valley Conference. They've strong on. Junior Matt Cliuttlws has Still, the Ironmen remain danger- Knapp. Friday, but one thing isfor sure—theyll passing touchdown record and broke done so through player development. been a force on the interior defensive ous, especially with Superman Greg THE LAST WORD: bring athletes with them. Heights is 1-2the school^ all-time touchdown pass The current group of seniors took their line, setting up a pennanent home in theBlanco quarterbacking. Blanco nearly A win against the Ironmen, and the on the year, with losses to good teams inrecord, while Quinn Woodhouse lumps as freshmen and sophomores, opposing backfield. Senior comerback single-handedly lifted Mancy back into Cardinals would set themselves up Muskegon Oakridge and Bay Qty John set the school career reception mark. but are now the most experienced Justin Rabish also had a great game the game Friday against St. Maty, dis- well for a trip back to the playoffs, olennandaviaoryagainsta poor Grand Kicker Jake Dombrovnki is dosing in groups in the league. The Warriors nin against Mancelona. playing elusive running and superior something the program has uncharRapids Centraliquad. Last week, they on school kicking records as well. the football — a lot. They had over 400THE LAH WORD: athleticism. His top running back is acteristically missed the past two had a 2 ^ halftime lead against John THE LAST WORD: yards rushing against Inland Lakes, andThis v»ill be the toughest test the St Maty Kodi Balhom, with Nidi Lockman years. But, first things first. The CarGlenn, but fell apart in the second half.The roller coaster that has been Gay- have racked up big numbers throughout defense has faced this season. Having as one of his favorite passing targets. dinals must win on the road in their Iherigenwilltrytogettheirathleteson lord's football season is in need of some the season. AJ. Freeman and iustin the home aowd behind them will cer- The Ironmen aren't as big on the line first game away from Johannesburg the perimeter of the defense by running heights. A win against an athletic team Gordon could both be up for all-league tainly help the Snowbirds, however. as last year On defense, Mancelona is athis season. option, so the Gaylord defense is goingat home would some much-needed and all-state consideration. Gordon was hard-blitzing team, led by Blancon and good medicine. to have to be ready to njn. Gaylord Statistics St. Mary Statistics TD INT 10 8 TD 1 0 0 TD 3 2 2 1 2 0 IMT 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comp Yds TO INT Att 1 262 3 14 27 TD Avg. Yds. Att 7 8.3 567 68 3 4.8 143 30 1 7.9 118 15 1 3.9 14 55 TD Avg. Rec Yds. 3 21.7 10 217 0 17.0 34 2 0 18.0 18 1 INT TFL Tackles 0 6 25 0 4 25 0 1 21 0 1 19 0 1 19 0 0 13 Comp Yds Att Name 914 112 63 Nick Freeman Avg. Yds. Att Name 3.3 75 23 Nick Freeman 4.0 40 10 Kelton Hervela 3.8 23 6 loey Zaborowski Avg. Rec Yds. Name 19.4 272 Quinn Woodhouse 14 17.5 245 14 Tyler Pollack 12.6 251 20 Mike Taubitz 26.0 52 2 Blake Fitzek 8.2 49 6. Lucas Wickert 6.2 ?' 45 Brett Hasty TFL Tackles Name 1 26 lames Wagner 6 25 Joey Zaborowski 2 19 Mike Taubitz 0 16 Nathan Hartman 1 16 Kelton Hervela 0 14 Nick Hansmann Name Austin Lawnichak Name Arron Sitkiewia Justin Maiayk Austin Lawnichak Chris Churches Name Peter Spyhalski Phil Spyhalski Justin Rabish Name Matt Churches Justin Maiayk Peter Spyhalski Arron Sitkiewia Chris Churches Austin Lawnichak J-L Statistics INT 1 TD 4 1 0 1 TO 1 0 1 1 INT 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 J-L 26, Inland Lakes 6 St. Mary 18, Mancelona 13 Petoskey 55, Gaylord 35 Yds TO 359 3 A*g. 7.5 4.9 9.4 8.2 Avg. 19.0 29.3 24.3 12.0 TFL 6 0 2 2 1 2 1 Comp Att 17 34 Yds. Att 314 42 156 32 75 8 49 6 Rec Yds. 152 8 88 3 73 3 36 3 Taddes 33 25 21 22 19 12 11 Name Ty Knapp Name Curtis VanDoren Joe Yeskey AtexVogt Darren Dobbyn Name Curtis VanDoren Alex Vogt Joe Yeskey Darren Dobbyn Name Ben Bush Alex Vogt Travis Roberts Joe Yeskey Steve Young Jake Graham Darren Dobbyn First Quarter First Quarter Fint Quarter GHS—Tyler Pollack 52-yard pass from Nick freeman (Jake Dombrowski SM — Arron Sitkiewicz TD Run (kick blocked) Third Quarter kick) 11:43 SM — Sitkiewicz TD mn (conversion failed) PHS—Mike Suter 52-yanl mn (Grant Reed kids) 8.38 JL — Curtis VanDoren 56-yard run (no PAT) 6:27 Second Quarter IL — Steven Kolb 5-yard pass from Doug Elliott (no PAT) 4:49 JL — VanDoren 23-yard run (no PAT) 3:05 GHS — Mike Taubitz 29-yard pass from Freeman (Dombrowski kick) Fourth Quarter SM — StddewiczTD njn (conversion failed) 8:38 Third Quarter GHS—Taubitz 19-yard pass from Freeman (Dombrowski kick) 3:04 MANCY—Tyler Hartzell 4-yard mn (kick good) JL — Darren Dobbyn 5-yard pass from Ty Knapp (no PAT) SeoMid Quarter MANa — Greg Blanco 19-yard run (conversion failed) JL — VanDoren 28-yatd run (Gavin Koronka conversion) 0:41 Fourth Quarter PHS — James Proctor 9-yard run (kick failed) 11 ;28 GHS — Quinn Woodhouse 29-yard pass from Freeman (Dombrowski SL Mary Stats Passit)g: Austin Lawnichak: 3-of-11,32 yards, 0 TD, 0 INT kkk) 10:06 PHS — DJ. VanSlembrouck 66-yaid run (Reed kick) 8:39 GHS — Blake Fitzek 24-yatd pass from Freeman (Dombrowski kicit) No Scoring Rushing: Arron Sitkiewicz; 20 attempts, 179 yards, 3 TD; Austin Lawnichak:J-l. Stats Passing: Ty Knapp: 4-of-9,85 yards, 1 TD, 11NT 8 attempts, 80 yards; Chris Churches: 8 attempts, 29 yards Receiving: Peter Spyhalski; 2 atches, 24 yards; Austin Lawnichak: 1 Qtch,Rustling: Curtis VanDoren: 19 attempts, 176 yards, 3TD;Ty Knapp: 10 attempts, 41 yards; Joe Yeskey: 4 attempts, 19 yards; Darren Dobbyn: 11 yards; Phil Spyhalski: 1 catch, 8 yards 10.06 Third Quarter 3 attempts, 12 yards PHS—Suter 6-yaid run (Reed kick) 4:36 Receiving: Joe Yeskey: 1 catch, 42 yards; Alex Vogt: 1 catch, 28 PHS—Suter 27-yard interception return (Reed kick) 3:44 yards; Curtis VanDoren: 1 catch, 10 yards; Darren Dobbyn: 1 catch, PHS — Nick Moore 38-yard interception return (Reed kick) 3:35 5 yards TD PHS—Pnxlof 11-yatd run (Reed kick) 2:23 Fourth Quarter PHS—Suter 1-yard njn (Reed kick) 3:53 Team Team Overall Conference L Pf Lake Michigan Conference Ski Valley Conference Big North Conference PA Overall Conference W Team L W L PF PA 0 3 0 105 43 Overall Conference W L W L Pf PA Elk Rapids 1 0 3 0 129 26 1 0 3 0 132 28 1 0 2 1 93 29 W L W Petoskey 1 0 3 0 131 65 St. Mary T.C. Central 1 0 1 2 56 55 Central Lake 2 0 3 0 116 50 Boyne City 2 1 2 1 80 53 T.C St Francis 0 2 1 118 77 Cadillac 0 0 T.C. West 0 0 Alpena 0 1 Gaylord 0 1 • 3 2 1 86 76 J-l 1 2 78 120 Forest Area 2 1 2 1 111 55 Charlevoix 1 1 1 2 43 59 Grayling 1 2 1 88 63 56 Mancelona 2 1 2 20 67 Harbor Sprs. 1 1 2 73 86 1 0 3 38 88 1 0 3 41 % 1 0 This Wedi's Games Musltegon Heights at Gaylord Cadillac at Traverse City West Petoskey at Traverse Qty Central Saginaw Heritage at Alpena 2 3 33 80 118 Bellaire 1 Onaway 1 2 1 2 19 73 Kalkaska Pellston 0 2 0 3 18 75 Inland Lakes 0 3 0 3 57 107 East Jordan Last Week's Scoi«s This Week's Games Forest A n a at St. Mary Last Wedi's Scercs M at Mancelona Petoskey 55, Gaylord 3S Onaway at Pellston Traverse Qty Central 28, Alpena 0 Central Lake at Inland Lakes Traverse City West 29, Kingsford 21 Marion at Bellaire Cadillac 43, Montrose 18 LASTWEEK^SCOKS S t Mary 11, Mancelona 13 K 26, Inland Lakes 6 Charlevoix 42, Grayling 20 Traverse City St Francis 32, East Jordan 6 Boyne Qty 48, Hartjor Springs 8 Elk Rapids 48, Kalkaska 12 TMs Week's Games Hartior Springs at Elk Rapids East Jordan at Graylinq Kalkaska at Boyne City Charlevobr at Traverse City St. Frands Onaway 19, Bellaife 12 Central Lake 34, Forest Area 30 Engadine 19, MIston 12 Football scores on-line every Friday night at www.gaylordheraldtimes.com W«dnMd«y. Septwnbw 17,2008 • B-6 Qaylord Herald H m M v v Northern Michigan ouRSE DIRECTORY Hol« Men's WonMn<s Par Pw Twilight Rate 1t4icl*Rate 9-hole Rate Molt Ig-hole Lodging tawNT Carts Power Carts Lounge Mkhay«i« The Pints 989-939^11 1535 Opal Lake Rd.. Gaylord 18 72 73 $19 WD, $24 wf Through October S Through October S Through October S 18 72 72 $20 WD, $2S WE Through September 21 $39 WD, $49 UK Through SepterT4)er 21 $25 WD, $31 WE Through Septefnber $45 WD. $59 WE Through September $17 WD, $21 WE Effective October 1 $32 WD, $36 WE ^ Effective October 1 $25 WD, $30 WE $32WD.$S7WE Thiaigli October 2 $32 Anytime Effective CWober 3 '"duded Included Yes Yes pm) Through September 21 inckided Included No Yes $15 WD. $19 WE 0) (rfHr 3 PJIV) $32 WD, $36 WE (1i) laftK 3 pjlO IVough Septambcr $15 WD. $19 WE (9) (aflK 2 PJIU $26 WD. $29 WE (1« (rflK 2 pjnJ Effective October 1 included included No Yes $20 (9), $32 (18) after 2 p.m. kiduded Included- Yes Yes $35 after 3 p.m. Not Available Included Yes Yes $65 Daily from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Not Available '"'I""'"' Gayiord Country Club GAYI^RD 231-546-3376 ™ M-32 West, Gaylord Black Bear Golf Club 989-983-4441 18 71 71 1500 Alexander Road, VanderblK 1 Natural N e u r a l 989-732-1785 5004 W. Otsego Lake Dr., Gaylord 18 71 71 18 72 $20 WD, $25 WE Through September 2S llSDaHy September 26 through dose $35 WD, $48 WE Through S^tember 25 $29 Daily September 26 through ckise 18 ,, 72 Not Available $69 WD, $95 WE Through Septen^ 25 $59Dtly September 26 through dose 18 71 $22 WD, $35 WE Through October 2 J37WD I55WE rT , Through October 2 ig 73 18 71 18 72 $19.50 $2S M-F GaylonI area lesideivts Tlmughdosc $38 Daily Effective September t ,3 72 Not Available Not Available The Classic W O r S E C i O 989-732-5181 CLUB 1.SOO-752-5510 M-32 East Gaylord The Tribute CLUB 989-732-5181 1-800-752-5510 M-32 East, Gaylord MARSH Ridge 989-"2-SS52 Old 27 Soutfi, Gaylord y K | nSli , , J J V Not Available Included "O Yes included Included No Yes $28 WE after 4 p.m. Included Included No Yes $44-$69 House quest $54 $84 Non-house guest $39 - $59 after 2 p.m. Not Available Included Yes Yes $44 $69 House guest $54 W Non-house guest $39 - $59 after 2 p.m. . Available Included Yes Yes $29 WD. $36 WE $29 unlimited after 1 p.m. Included Included Yes Yes included Included Yes Yes Black Forest of Wilderness Valley Golf Resort 231-585-7090 Mancelona Road (C-38), Gaylord wiLDERMess Wilderness - K J a k f Valley VALLEY 71 231-585-7090 $50 WD, $69 WE Throuah S^ember 30 $50 Daffy October 1 to dose Not Available $18 WD, $25 WE Through September 30 $18 Daily October 1 to dose $20wO,ffiwi(9)(ifl«fJiun.) $27wo,^wt(i«)(ifter2pjiiJ Through October 2 $35 WD, $45 WE (after 3 pm) Through September 30 $35 Daily October 1 to dose $35 WD, $45 WE Through September 30 $35 Daily October 1 to dose $15(9),$25(1« after 3 p.m. Not Available Yes Yes Mancelona Rd. (C-38), Mancelorw Mountain Lake ^ 989-731-1300 1233 Opal Lake Road, Gaylord | . i , u i . f j . . | a Boyne Mountain The Alpine 80(W;O-BOYNE Boyne Fails, Michigan r i (-iiviii™ Boyne Mountain Monmient SOO-GO-BOYNE Boyne Falls, Michigan Lakes of the North 231-585-6800 $12 walk 18 72 .. TQ 74 $21 with cart $28 WD after 2 p.m. Mancelona Rd. (C-38), Mancelona Robert Trent Jones Sr. Masterpiece 989-732-6711 3962 Wilkinson Rd., Gaylord 72 Please call for rates Please caN for rates Please call for rates Tom Fazio Premier 989-732-6711 3%2 Wikinson Rd., Gaylord 18 70 72 Please call for rates Please caH for rates Please caH for rates Included IrKluded Yes Yes Rick Smith Signature 989-732-6711 3962 Wilkinson Rd.. Gaylord 18 70 72 Please call for rates Pleas* cal for rstK Please call for rates Muded Included Yes Yes „ ^ 72 Please call for rates Please caH for rates Please cal for rites Included Included Yes Yes Rick Smith Tradition 989-732-6711 3962 Willtinson Rd., Gaylord Graylirtg Country Club 989-348-5618 18 70 70 $9WD.$13wtw$16WD.$20WEM $14«Di$17«la«$2S\in,S29Mig Through dose THROU^TE $21 WD, $25 WE Through close NA Pla*N cal for rata* Included NA No Yes 2122 S. (-75 Busir>es$ Loop, Grayling ET-: RkkSmWi W M p f Thra^top* 9M-732-6711 39(2WilkiraonM,G*y<ard Green Trees Golf Course I 9«»-732-*00« NOFTNTTownline OWR Road, Gaytord 27 M M 27 iO Heat* caN for ralM Please cal for ratas $11wilk $ti«wk $16 with cart $24 wKhcart For a d v e r t i s i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s , c o n t a c t K a r e n G r e g o r a t ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 . i ^ $20 with can after S p.m. ss WFTM PUWT InckxM $8 per person per cart (•r WD • WMUm M • W N M o Yes No Yes Yes TTTKXLDHMIS Qaylord H«rald Tlm«« B-6 • W*dnMd«y, S«pt«mb«r 17, 2006 Sports Schedule Local boys go 1-2-3 at Ellsworth Invite . U 17 VOLLEYBALL Geylord at CadWac 5:30 p.m..Var8tty7p.m.) CROSS COUNTHY Wolverine at Boyne FaJb. 4 p.m. > V > f V VI * V -ii I ThurMtoy, Saptombar 18 JVFOOTBAU Gaylord at Muskegon Heights. 5:30 p.m. Mancekyta at J-L, 6:30 p.m. FRESHMAN FOOTBALL Gaytord at Bay Ctty John Qenn, 5 p.m. VOLLEYBALL Manceiona at J-L (JV at 6 p.m.) WWverine at VantJertMlt. 6 p.m. I I M ELLSWORTH — Local runners dominated the boys r a c e S a t u r d a y at t h e Ellsworth H o u s e o n t h e Hill cross country meet. H e Wolverine's l e r e m y E g a s (16:49) a n d L u k e O p e r h a l l (17:02) w e r e t h e f i r s t t w o r u n n e r s to c r o s s t h e Finish line, w h i l e St. M a r y s e n i o r M i c h a e l T o p p (17:52) l o o k Friday, September 19 t h i r d . Topp's t i m e w a s a St. VARSITY FOOTBALL Mary s c h o o l r e c o r d o n t h e Muskegon Heights at Gaykxd, 7 p.m. Ellsworth c o u r s e . Forest Area at SL Mary, 7 p.m. Wolverine b r e e z e d to t h e J-L at Mancetona, 7 p.m. t e a m victory, b e s t i n g N o r t h East Jordan at Grayling. 7 p.m. pt«oco«t~,ofc»»o..R.™™ Trails Home School bv more ST. MARY SENIOR Sarah Topp placed 10th at the Ellsworth ,[,3^ j q points. Saturday, September 20 House on the Hill Invitational Saturday. st. M a r y d i d n o t h a v e CROSSCOUNTRY Gaytonj at Delta Invttatioral. 10 a.m. Wolverine/St. Mary at Cental Lake Recently-retired Class D Invitational Red Wings SOCCER Gaylord at Bay City John Glenn Invite, forward Dallas VOLLfYBALL Drake hoists St Mary at Brimley Invite. 9 a.m. the Stanley Cup YOUTH SOCCER last month at Alpine Soccer Stampede at AJpine Traverse City. Soa»r Complex, All Day Gaylord's David Delaney and his Sunday, September 21 sons Josh and YOUTH SOCCER Brendan were Alpine Soccer Stampede at Alpine able to meet Soccer Complex. All Day Drake and see the Cup. Now, Tuesday. September 23 VOLLEYBAa the Cup will Mancekxia at St. Mary (JV at 6 p.m.) make Its way to Inland Lakes at J-L (JV at 6 p.m.) Gaylord ThursVandertHit at Mackinaw City (JV at 6 day afternoon. p.m.) Wolverine at Ellsworth, 6 p.m. SOCCER Traverse City (Central at Gaytord (JV 5 p.m..\^rsity7p.m.) SWIMMING (Saylord at Bay City John (Slenn. 5 p.m. / ULLMT ^ A 1 \ Stanley Cup to visit Sportsplex Sports schedules available at... www.gaylord heraldtimes.com GAYl^ORD — It h a s b e e n m a k e a s h o r t a p p e a r a n c e at of $10, f a n s c a n g e t t h e i r across the world, traveling the Otsego C o u n t y S p o r t - picture taken with the Cup. to m a n y exotic a n d r e m o t e splex T h u r s d a y a f t e r n o o n . T h e m o n e y will go to b e n efit the Gaylord High School locations. THE CUP will b e o n - h a n d h o c k e y p r o g r a m . And o n T h u r s d a y , it will T h e C u p is m a k i n g i t s f r o m 4:30-5:30 p . m . with b e in Gaylord. T h e Stanley C u p , r e c a p - f a n s b e i n g o f f e r e d a c h a n c e r o u n d s a s p a r t of t h e Red Wings' S e p t e m b e r tour t u r e d b y t h e D e t r o i t R e d to get their p h o t o s t a k e n . For a s u g g e s t e d d o n a t i o n a c r o s s M i c h i g a n . W i n g s t h i s p a s t s p r i n g , will NASiCM Check out Mike's NASCAR column, gaylordheraldtitnes.com. link. Join in the forum His column Saturday "Mike's Mi Garage" at Click on the Mike's Garage for some NASCAR discussion. will appear in the Herald e n o u g h runners to c o u n t a t e a m s c o r e in b o t h t h e b o y s or girls race, b e c a u s e s o m e of t h e t e a m w a s t a k i n g t h e ACT t e s t . Still, c o a c h Richard G o e p p was p l e a s e d w i t h his t e a m . "It w a s generally a p r e t t y good d a y for e v e r y b o d y t h a t ran," G o e p p said. St. M a r y ' s C o d y R i v e r s p l a c e d 14th w i t h a l i m e of 19:53, w h i l e S t e v e F o r c i e r t o o k 5 6 t h at 2 3 : 2 2 . F o r Wolverine, Eric Purgiel w a s e i g h t h at 18:17, T i m Ward n i n t h at 18:36, A a r o n J a r o c h e 13th at 1 9 : 3 9 a n d George Lawrence 16th at 6HS volleyball falls to Alpena By J i m Ryan Sports Assistant GAYLORD —You couldn't k e e p Gaylord c o a c h Chris Martin down following a three-game loss to Big North C o n f e r e n c e rival P e t o s k e y Wednesday. Although t h e Blue Devils fell 12-25, 13-25 a n d 15-25, Martin remained positive a b o u t his program's progress. "Our front row played really well, but we just m a d e too m a n y mistakes o n the back row," Martin said. "This w a s a team we really struggled with last year and we played m u c h b e t t e r against t h e m . We a r e getting better every t i m e w e play." Gaylord started off strong, but Petoskey's e x p e r i e n c e k i c k e d in a b o u t h a l f w a y t h r o u g h t h e first g a m e . T h e b r i ^ t spot for t h e Blue Devils was t h e play of s e t t e r Dan a e Klingler. The s o p h o m o r e gained nothing but h i ^ praise from her coach. "She is a perfect setter for us, a n d is only a s o p h o m o r e " M a r t i n said, "She h a s real good control of t h e g a m e a n d by the time she is a senior she Times on the first p l a c k Jforejst at WlLiynChTESS VJMXTy Designed by internationally renowned architect Tom Doak i a e e & b i ! S l i r § e j i t e n i 6 e t & Ocfo6et Consistently ranked fn ihe top 10 in Mifhigan "Besl combination of Gaylord's resort courses" - Golf Week ^ 2 0 0 Foursome Click on the Mike's Garage link at will b e really special." Martin also said t h a t h i s i m p o s i n g front-row hhters — j u n i o r s Brooke Arnold a n d Danielle Wilson w e r e s t r o n g , a s w a s classmate Mattie Ozment, w h o w a s r e c e n t l y m o v e d to middle hitter. Martin also said h e thought juniors Allison S i m m o n s and Stephanie Wcisel played well, a s d i d s e n i o r S a r a h Salyer, playing the defensive specialist Ubero position.. Gaylord did d o a good job of at least slowing Petoskey senior hitter Andi Gasco down. Gasco, with o n e of t h e hardest spikes in Northern Michigan, was stymied at t i m e s against a Blue Devil d e f e n s e designed to s t o p her. Still. P e t o s k e y ' s other players s t e p p e d u p and exploited Gaylord's defensive holes. Though t h e score s e e m e d like a d i s a p p o i n t m e n t for the Blue Devils, they p u t o u t their best effort against a t e a m w ^ o is9-2-1 overall a n d is in a fourway tie in the l e ^ u e standings at 2-1. Despite t h e positives, the Blue Devils still fell to 0-3 in league play. Qottpo ^^160 E o t t w o m e of every month. 19:46. S a r a h T o p p l e d t h e St. M a r y girls, p l a c i n g 10th with a t i m e of 23:27. For t h e Snowbirds, H a n n a h Masko t o o k 2 4 t h at 25:25, j a c k i e Cosgrove 50th at 29:06 a n d Betsy C a s t 5Bth a t 35:01. Wolverine's t o p f e m a l e finisher was Ajae Whitaker, w h o p l a c e d 1 3 t h w i t h at t i m e of 24:06. J o r d a n LaM o t h e w a s 2 0 t h at 24:29. Both t e a m s a r e in a c t i o n next S a t u r d a y at t h e Class D I n v i t a t i o n a l at C e n t r a l Lake. aieehenbi in geptemSer & Octofier i Ofler viltd sty dxy with the. coupon Manceiona Road, Gaylord, Michigan • 231-585-7090 • 866-585-7090 • www.blacMonistgoH.com _ W H A T ' S YOUR ULTIMATE TRIO? ^Quality Beyond Compare $90,000 worth of ports In ttockl Over 200 now & used props In sfocld"_ (3SIS£IID E I S S I © ® at Otsego Lake Marina |1440^«OVE^ANIROADGAY1^^ MIctigaa 's only "i9-boIe " Golf Course Blacft Bear Golf Club September Specials I I IMO*4IT-TTANDAYI I MDAF-SWDTF '! * MjMttMu ! ! tirifHrtitieki — I hfmlmwiitctit! IOO TTARMTR I < 00 *35 «20 00 FrUUriiftcft^ I •SanrriafsifUrtpai itMuvHiait I I itiekstftksM , FLKSTTITTMRF! sjgoo I I F^IAMUBMRH i i; I $4400 M m Tee T i m e s H o t l i n e - C a l l N o w g66-9«3-444l • G o l f B l a c h B e a r . n e t T a n d e r b i l t ~ Exit ( 9 0 w e s t t o A l e x a n d e r Cocpou «illd tbroofta (-so-ot. Not «Ud attfe u r olfctf coppoai or proaot. PRIVATE CONDITIONS • OPEN TO THE PUBLIC *40 Loaded Foursome PriC9 pf Carts prio*. ;:GAYLORD •. COUNTRY CLUB 9t9.71Z.6006 inelutIS Aotos whh bMlls and lunch. SBH itu$thtvtoufwtf tudprmmlciMpon. Othr good Sundty thnugh Tburtdty. MBS^GTLON 2 M I M WMI A( O A Y M OM W-32, . gaylordcountryclub.com On The Tee a at the MiSeasons Sports Forum with moderator, Kevin Frisch www.miseasons.com ilMilable • 2 3 5 4 6 - 3 3 7 6 * 4893 M-32 West. Gaylo^ PUjf. e v e r y T u e s d a y IL WedneMlay M i l i u m 18 h o t t s , cart inckrt^dffr^ijiMHiirtffc* For ttiR d«t»Ms MD tee call • ^^0^- (989) 731-1300. stafidard rates apply Wednesday, September 17, 2006 • B-7 Qsylord Herald Times' goes 1-2 in tourney ELK RAPIDS — TWO of the three 2-1. games the Gaylord soccer team played Saturday went against the Blue Devils. Gaylord finished 1-2 at the Elk Rapids Invitational, as it struggled to keep intensity going for the entire game. "We're abandoning what we're good at," said Gaylord coach Sean Byram. "We're not passing the ball weU and are making mental errors. It's frustrating as a coach and the kids are getting frustrated." Gaylord dropped the first game to Marquette, as t h e Devils fell behind 1-0 in the first half. They c a m e back early in the second when senior Jeff Cook sent a perfect cross to senior Mike Stiison. who one-timed into the back of the net. "It was one of the prettiest goals I've ever seen," Byram said. Gaylord couldn't capitalize, however, as the Redmen L I U - I M X I I E GAYLORD —The annual NFL Punt Pass Sports Briefs and Kick contest is retuning to Gaylord. The competitton will take place from 5-7 2. Chad Dutcher/Ken Ducker p.m. SepL 29 at the Gaytord High football 3. Rick Pethere/Don Dunsmore field. The free competitxxi is open to all local VandetMIt golf scramble boys and girts, who wiH be drvided into diviVANDERBILT — The Itwd-annual Vanswnsofa^, 10/11,12/13 and 14/15. There derbilt Golf Scramtile will take place at 1:30 is a separate division for boys and girls. p.m. Oct. 5 at Black Bear Golf Club. To participatB, youngsters must have a An entry fee of $50 includes cart lunch parent-signed registratk)n, which can be and golfing in the 4-petson scramble. Prizes downloaded and printed at www.nftyouth- will be awarded for many contests, includfootbaU.com. Participants must also have a ing a 50-50 drawing. copy of their birth certificiate. No cleats are Ail proceeds will benefit the Vandeitilt allowed. Athletic Department Part of the entry fee is The winner from each age group vnll tax deductable. advance to Sectionai competition, held at 11 To sign up, contact Stuart Clai1( or a.m. Oct 11 in Traverse City. Chris Rupe at Vandeibilt Area School at If you are interested in helping, or have 983-2561 (ext. 132) or at any Vandertiilt any questions, contact Colleen Cerak at athletic event 731-0856 ext 1545. buried the game-winner with three minutes leftIt was the same kind of story in a loss to the host Elks, but this time Ga>iord scored first on a pass by senior Jeff Birk to sophomore Tyler Patrick. The Blue Devils led at halftime. but allowed Hk Rapids to slip past two second-h^goals to seize victory. The Blue Devils §ot ahead 2-0 in the final game against Tawas Area and cruised to the victory. Cook scored both goals, with senior Matt Zaremba tallying an assist Byram's defensive corps of Ttavis Stier, Pete Aune, Joe Arnold. Zaremba and goalkeeper Jon Scott didn't sit a minute Gaylord Gators try-it swims the entire day, Byram said. He also credited Dustin Mastej, GCC TTnirsday night league GAYLORD —The Otsego County SporlJake Edwards and Jerem^Scott - GAYLORD — The following are the splex will host try-it swim nights for children with strong play season-ending results from Gaylord Country potentially interested in swimming for the Gaylord is now 5-4-1 with Qub's Thursday night men's golf league: Gaylord Gators swim dub. the Bay City John.Glenn Invita1. Bnjce Moulton/Gary Brandenburg Swim nights will be Oct. 6 and Oct. 9 tional ahead this weekend. 1 'J _! .1.' from 6-7;30 p.m. ^ m m e r s ages five through IB are asked to bring a suit and towel and must have Red Cross Level HI skills, or Its equivaient and the ability to swim 25 yards. The Gators are a competitive team that competes against other clul)s throughout Northern Michigan. For more information, contact M t o Wottord at 732-2739 or IHsh Wegmeyar at 732-7755. Bear Baskett>all sign-up GAYLORD — Deadline to register for Bear Basketball is Sept. 24. The program is availat)le to both boys and girls in grades three through 12. The league is operated at the Otsego County Community Center. New this year is a league for severrth and eighth-grade girls that begins in November Fundamental classes for boys and girts in grades three through six begin Oct 4 and cost $10. For more infomaation on the league, visit the community center. Weekly Choice office or online at www.weeklychoice.com. 1 H • > IJ HOT-N-READY 4-Sr\i I W 4-Sc\i ^ ^Ir \S |);i\! I ):iN! 1390 Main Sr. We'd. (xivlord • f'JS'}} 732-S200 B u y Honda GoM Whugi for lu to IM/moi fiiuncing with approved credit. May t>e I iiV'. S t a n uviiM gas for fall wtth a l M « (election of K o o t t n aad m o l M f y a o s Stop in (or all your wng outdoorMras' Fox Clothirtg • Oaicl^ a 4-wheei^ or motorcydejpo need to sell? me se? us for all your umiignment needs. O n e R e ^ l a r Sundae G e t O n e F R E E Call-in orders accepted We're now open daily from 10:30 am to 10 pm 1397 West Main, (»») 7324331 • 9M (M9) 731-72M Kll South OtMfo • Ccyterd. MicMywi Gaylord (Located m fiont ot Big LcLs) HARD WORKER. EJtSV«BCMEim. 989-448-8300_^ expires T) TO on '"SOOPB -500!^ NORTHERN MICHIGAN ALLERGY & ASTHMA CENTER Timothy Linehan, M.D* S A H t T t f T t t t N Board Certified, AduK & Pediatric AUersist Transfer Station Open (989) 732-4243 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Little League Drive, Gaylord, Ml General Public Welcome Office how hy nipuliiliiitiit In 6»ytod ot fHailny Call foi mpoinlMiit (SI) M7-65n Gaytad iocatioo: Otsego Oiasnostic S Spedally C«n(0 (Gayiord Family Practice Building) -1390 AA-312 East Partldpatlns KWI MIK CraaaMiK SMckV Mcdkap^ We treat: asthma, hives, draiic sinusitis, immunodeficiencies, and allergies due to PPOIrV Priority HcaWv » Hue Can Mctworii. foods, dmss, insects, and airtxime allergens. Vlilt ui onHne ab wwwjMaalhmyxo® Buy life insurance and save on your home and car, h e n y o u b u y life i n s u r a n c e f r o m us t h r o u g h on' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A u t o - O w D c r s i n s u r a n c e , you'll receive s p e c i a l Tndi 8 PMMtmgar • Farm 8 SkkUv 84*aar atnriea • 38B af v CompJatw Dudar car Cm d i s c o u n t s o n y o u r h o m e , m o b i l e h o m e or car i n s u r a n c e . We 'll save y o u m o n e y . As a n , ^ independent A u t o - O w n e r s agent, we %y4utit-Owner» htsurance ^ BUWWSS t a k e g r e a t i n t e r e s t i n y o u - a-s well as y o u r h o m e a n d car. W e a r e s p e c i a l i s t s in i n s u r i n g p e o p l e 2 Locations in Gaylord • 1641 S. Otsego Ave. • (989) 732-9021 II also find us in: Alpena • Presque Isle • Rogers City • Saginaw • Warren erinceHe ? M Auta f Serfice Plus r ^ r M n g Co fiefiA, Opwi »-S M y ; ft-ia and the things they o w n . I Glenn's •' 7A£ 'NO McNAMARA INSURANCE AGENCY,.. 114 N. Court, Gaytord • 732.64n Introducing Long Distance Great Lakes Savings and ENERGY Unlirnked Internet! % u r Touchstone Energy* Cooperative linVp To $ 5 0 a c t A i i P a r t s aaM S o n i l Call IbdOT 1-877-981-3000 or visit us online at www.gtlakes.com Now you can surtthe web ariytimeyou want for as low as $12.95 per morith, plus caO anywliere, anytime cicross the continefTtal U5. for as low as 3.9 cants per minute. MTARNL Wfvic« « not regulaldd by T IW Michigan Pubfcc Sanact CORTWRAWKN I. RMWOW I Open Everyday at Sam! Breal^ast Fridag Satatrday Served lUght Ifigttt f Anytime n a h Fry PoiMi Platter Thursday (Senior Day) 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Catering • DeUvery Available 11 o-m. - 2 p.m. • -MEATLOVERS •HAWAIIAN •VEGETARIAN -RANCH •CALIFORNIA 'CHICKEN • PHII.LY STEAK , • S O U T H OF T H E B O R D E R ^ If^FRIDAY • All Day Fish Fry ^ . A K a ^ o ke ^ > 2 OFF ^ Rnv • 324 W. Main. G«7loitl • (989) 732-S654 men, ladies and children welcome! Open Monday • Friday 8am. to 5:30pm Saturday 8:00am to 2:00pm ty Barber Shop Omned t l operated by the K m i a b i U h a d I n eame ommer* elnce l O O e ^ 1005 129 B. Main St.. Oaylonl, MtchKan » ( 9 ^ 732-4754 Din« ir' Only RAILSIDE COMBO OR BUILD YOUR OWN H o m e m a d e Fries & P o t a t o Chips Bluegill A v a i l a b l r D a i l y . Dine Ir» o r C a r r y O u t SATURDAY" Live E n t e r t a i n m ^ i ^ fRjnd or Op/o'IukrhSK) HOMF OF TUF. POTATO BUPGHP .1-32 West, Elmira • 231-546-3248 "k ^ (JfjH * ^ •''"iv-1 ' T T Qaytord Herald T i m e * Lewiston B-8 • Wednesday. S e p t e m b e r 17, 2006 'Coach'originally from Ishpeming Olson credits his grandfather for success in life LEWISTON By Jil Schult Ward (Coach) Olson, 79 Family: Coach and his wife, Gunhild, who retired as a surgical nurse from Mercy Memorial Hospital in Monroe, have five daughters; Nancy Schlosser, a teacher in Monroe: Kathryn Olson, a nurses aide in Monroe: Karen Morgan, a registered nurse in Houston, Texas: Krista Moran, a massage therapist in Atlanta, Ga.: and Tamela Moore, a homemaker studying culinary arts in Monroe. The couple have nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild on the way. What do you do for fun? "Relax, go on the pontoon boat and spend time with my children and grandchildren. My grandchildren are the majority of my enjoyment in life. They range in age from 26 to 3 years old." Occupation: Coach Is a retired teacher and JV tennis and swimming coach from Monroe Public Schools. For the past 15 years, he has been working at Garland. He was a ranger and started shining shoes about 12 years ago. He now shines shoes seven days a week, six hours a day for six months. During his six months off. Coach goes back to Monroe and spends winter months in Florida and Texas. "• He doesn't golf A r e y o u I n v o l v e d in any clubs or o r g a n i z a - tions? Coach is a lifelong member of both the VFW and the American Legion. W h a t is s o m e t h i n g p e o p l e w o u l d b e surprised t o learn a b o u t me? "I used to be a ski jumper when I was young. Being from Ishpeming, I was practically born with a pair of skis on. Plus I am Swedish. I started when I was about 6 until I was 19 and went into the service." When did you m o v e to L e w i s t o n ? He has had a cot- tage in Lewiston since 1973. , W h a t do you like a b o u t Lewiston? "I'm from Ishpeming. I've always liked the outdoors. Though now I don't hunt or fish, I like to relax. Lewiston is half way between Monroe and Ishpeming." HT - Jil Schult What were your duties in the service? "I spent four WARD "COACH" OLSON kicks back in a golf cart, taking life in years as an aviation structural stride mechanic aboard an aircraft carrier as a second class petty officer during the Korean GAYLORD HERAW TIIVIES War." WWW.qAyloRclhERAlclTiMES.COM Who do you credit for making you who you are t o d a y ? ' My grandfather He was just a Dice guy He was from Sweden and came through Ellis Island and I just looked up to him. We were buddies." J P H E A T I N G OF NORTHERN MICHIGAN, L L C PRIMARY CARE URGENT CARE WALK-IN CLINIC N o waiting. N o appointment necessary. A l w a y s a physician to see y o u . M O N D A Y - FRIDAV 8 A.M. - 6 SATI'RDAV 6 r S I N D A V 9 (989) P.M. A.M. - 3 P.M 732-4118 1 3 7 1 W e s t M a i n St. • G a y l o r d iNDI-PtNDfiNTLV OWNtD 6* MANAGED larUMk COOUNG-HEAIING Great Lakes Cardiology Introduces Anthony B. Ochoa, MD Drs. Roberto Corpus and Mark Smith and the staff of Great Lakes Cardiology. PC welcome Anthony B, Ochoa. MD, Major, USAF, MC to their practice. Prior to joining Great Lakes Cardiology, Or. Ochoa held the position of Chief of Cardiology for Wright-Patterson" Medical Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Staff Internist Wright-Patterson Medical Center BactKlor of Biology University of Denver Unlfonned Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda, MD Board Certifications ABIM Diplomate in Cardiovascular Disease Medk^al School Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Betiiesda, MD 24 Hour Service 732-7571 1830 DIckerson Rd. • Gaylord Internal Medicine Residency Wright-Patterson Medical Center Internet Clinical Cardiology Fellowship William Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak. Ml Unlimited Hours. No Contracts! *9.9SJ^ • 10fr-TwiMdrMsw witn Waomaic • Cuttoffl Start P®9* - ww» Fornnertv of Fiesta Hair S o l o n C Surf up to Professional Corporation & frwre' 6X faster! ) • paiDi 6v a p p o i n t m e n t o n l y ! 80(^882-1642 Traver^ City Gaylord 829 N. Center Ave.. Suite 220 1221 ^ St., Suite 204 Traverse City, Ml 49684 Gaytord, Ml 49735 SiQn Up Ontinel nrww.LocalNvtcom (uii • mm National Board of Echocardiography Fellow in American College of Cardiok>gy Great Lakes Cardiology • FREE 24/7 Tachrrictl Support • Mttm • kMp your buddy M ' Paula Vallier Faculty Positions Assistant Professor of Medicine Wright State School of Medicine Dayton, OH C a l Today & Ssvel (989)732-5113 New Patients Welcome by Referral • All Insurances Accepted 750 W o o d h a v e n . G a y l o r d Behind Edelweiss Plaza 989-619-0573 Wake Up, Sleepyhead! Your Michigan home needs Michigan protection... Thanks for making your home in our community. As Michigan's insurance company, we know Michigan homes and the hazards they face. We also know the kinds of discounts that help you save a lot of money on your home insurance. T he Sleep Center of Northern Michigan Regional Hospital announces the ofjening of the new GAYLORD Center. Now your sleeping problems will be treated conveniently close to your home in our new stateof-the-art facility. Sweet dreams. Call today. Diagnosis and Treatment of AM Sleep Disorders Fadlily with Stateof-ihe^ Tedmohgy Lit* Adults and Chidnn (from 3 years) WHcome Horn* Auto Firm • BuslnMt _ AnnuttiM L«rl EIWB 1723 W. M - 3 2 . Ciaylord 989-731-0052 teisen^fbinsmi com MKWFW'T IFWURANCTT COMPITY ay, S e p t e i p ^ e r 2 5 , 2 0 0 8 • 3 - 7 p t TiiSk : 930 N. Canter Avenue GmBted, Michigan 49735 866.7SLEEP2 'mz-. , I '.V B ^ ' •» A Y l northernhealth.org Klein walks for Hospice 111 Leisure Calendar C2 C3 HGRALL^TLMES Lifestyles WadnMCtey, S a p l w n b w 17,2006 J Crowds of people gathered Saturday at the Pavilion on Court for the Edelweiss Garden Club plant exchange GAYLORD — iih an estimated 80 participants, Edelweiss Garden Club boasted a success fiil Fall Plant Exchange, Saturday, by the Pavilion on Court in G^lord The bi-annual plant exchange, heidin the spring and fall, encourages participants to bring in pJants, mariced with sun preference to swap for a new pj^nL If they don't have a plant, they leave a small donation and go back into the garden club fund for us,' said Pearl Peurach, plant exchange chairperson. Peurach reported people comefrcwnas far as Petoskey and Vanderbilt to«ckl variety to their gardens. People really e n j o y ^ " she said of the sixth an nual exchange. People brmg the most interesting plants." New this year, participants could trade garden diecor or pots with other gardeners We just want people to enjoy gardening and to see how many plants there are" said PeurachIn addition to the traffic that came just for the exchange, Peurach noted a lot of additional traffic from the Ci^lOTd &rmers niaiket. The club is responsible for beautifying the community with such projects as decortfing the rock EA the comer of Main Street and South O t s ^ , the Energy Outlet Park at the Otsego Coanty Sportsplex, the G^lord'Otscgo Airport and the Locos Rest Area. They also give out two scholarships per year. Peurach hopes the community takes time to visit die rock, which the chib designed widi a yellow marigold star and *'hocior our troops*'sign. Edehireiss Garden Chib is a member of Michigan Garden Ckibs, Inc. and National Garden Clubs, Inc. w Mir^ Hoeft, Carol Brown and Sherry Shangtes '.tory hy Jil Schult Photns by Bill Serveny Fall S p e c t d cTj Ia '.III O I I T THESE T U E C E GREAT r ^ P F A T I• CHECK OUT DEALS FOR N E W LOOKS FOR FALL! [,, , IC'i worth u l k l B g to th« i i K h e c k 'out I • N O W THRU SEPTEMBER 27 " ;! l i C K C r ^ • I o il l<)(ii t * y. . Carol Brown brings In a group of plants. 111 1 ' For Quality, Experience & Excellence, ComeTo Our Haus... No ou ,1 l|RaRin5*Sj| tor 17 m o n t h s w i t h prior Approval a w M 32 West Gaylord 989-731 -2003 Monttiy fniiay 9 » m to 5 30 p m tvithIs W o n o w K ] KA^ARRANTYJ^ 1 5 % OFF •IN-'STOCK I ^ R E A RUGS~ PTitmi Fa5!ii^ » C-2 • W«dn«8day, September 17. 2008 Qaylord H«ra)d H m M Leisure on benefit walk Saturday evening fun GAYLORD—Clayton Klein walked through Gaylord Friday during his Fourth Armual for Michigan Hospice. The 89-year old Fowlerville resident began his 355-mile trek south Sept. 6 t h r o u ^ the heart of Michigan, between Paradise in the Upper Peninsula and Hell in Livingston County. Klein is expected to reach Hell in the southeastern part of the state on Sept. 26. Averaging 20 miles a day, the former businessman, author and adventurer is once again walking to benefit Michigan's Hospice programs. Klein walked from Vanderbilt through Gaylord to Waters during his Friday jaunt. Klein is raising money to benefit the Sondra Seeley Scholarship Fund, developed to provide educational opportunities for those who could not otherwise afford to attend Michigan Hospice and Palliative Care Organizations educational offerings. Updates on Clayton Klein and his 2006 Paradise to Hell Walk schedule are posted at www.susanparcheta. com. Hartwick Pines event showcases logging camp life GRAYLING — Hartwick in the bunkhouse. landlooker P i n e s State Park anci t h e N.R Sailing about the search Hartv^ckPines Logging Mu- for the tall timber and camp seum will host a special eve- cooks Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. ning Saturday to celebrate Stephenson about the huge life in a Northern Michigan appetites of the lumberjacks a n d how m u c h food was logging camp. F r o m 7 to 9 p.m., park needed to feed the camp. After the tour, enjoy the visitors will have the opportunity to journey back to the campfire on the "camboose" year 1896 to m e e t s o m e of or walk back to the visitor the m e m b e r s of the Sailing, c e n t e r for a hot beverage. Hanson and Company's Sec- Doors of the visitor center tion 9 Camp as they prepare will o p e n at 6:30; however, for the upcoming winter log- t h e tours do not start until 7. The last tour will leave at ging season. C o s t u m e d i n t e r p r e t e r s 8:30. There is no charge for this will portray several members of the camp including Karen program, but all motor ve"Bessie" Michelson (the fu- hicles entering a state park ture Karen Hartwick), a local or recreation area must disboarding house owner, t h e play a Motor Vehicle Permit, landlooker, the c a m p clerk, available for purchase at the the camp cooks, a teamster park entrance. Cost is $24 for and some of the shanty boys a resident annual and $6 for a St. Mary — the men who did the cut- resident daily A nonresident Big Money Bingo ting of the trees. From these annual is $29 and a nonresiIn the Parish Hall m e n a n d w o m e n you will dent daily is $8. Hartwick Pines State learn about life in a camp, North Ohio St., Gaylord Park is located on M-93 the logging that was done in Every Monday - 6:45 p.m. (Hartwick Pines Road), two the Grayling area and the rest KT - Bill Serveny New Program miles east of I75, exit 259. of Michigan and some of the Smoke-Free For more information, con- CLAYTON KLEIN TAKES A break with the OWL-Pine bear, "Chocolat," outside ot the Alpine Chocodangers of the job. Bigger Payouts tact the park at 348-2537. lat Haus Friday in downtown Gaylord. Park visitors will take on t h e roll of n e w e m p l o y e e s Big M o n e y Bingo of the Sailing, H a n s o n a n d GAYLORD CINEMA WEST C o m p a n y a n d will journey S«pt«ll*tf 11-25 • 1775 M-n Wirt ' (M») 73M7tt Hudson Twp. A u x . from the Grayling Train DeJackpots s t a r t i n g a t SIO.OOO. BURN AFTER READING LAKEVIEW TERRACE In t h e H u d s o n T W p . H a l l pot (the visitor center) to the latori I • Fd-TlMrv M 7«)ftTOO. MOIL. TIWI. Wed. IUt*4 K-13 • Fri-Thin. «t 7401 kIS. I C a m p Ten Rd., E l m i r a logging camp. The lantern-lit Wed. 8t 7M Sit I SHI It 2:0a CIS, 7:001»» M 7:00 SM.ftS«. It I-OO. 4M. 7:00ftm Every W e d n e s d a y • 7 p . m . o n e - q u a r t e r mile walk beTHE WOMEN MY BEST FRIEND'S GIRL Uc« A 2 1 4 9 1 M M N-13 • FrL-Thn. it 7Mft>1S, Mon, Tun., tween the visitor center and Purpose • Proceeds go to the f.D. lUtad I - Ffi.-TlNn. at 7:N I MO. Mm,ta.DM. 1M.« 7 « SM.ftSUL It 2:00.4:1S. 7Mft9:1 S & Other Charities (he logging m u s e u m will be It 7«l SitftS«. M m 4M. 7 A I I M RIGHTEOUS KILL 231-549-3616 or 231-549-2789 BANGKOK DANGEROUS transformed into the eightM M R - Fri.-TI»s. It M OftIM, HML.tel.HM.t M t i R • FfL-Ttov at 740ft9:1S. Mon, Tuei. mile journey to the camp. mM. at 7 « Sit .ftSua. It 2«,4:15,7:OOft9:1S Raise funds for your charity by It 7 « Sit I sw. It m M U i m a While at Section 9 Camp, promoting your BINGO game Vlsft o u r m- w w w . l w f o w i r » . i » l K S 7 . 5 0 A d u l t s - $ 5 . S O Child - S 6 . 0 0 Seniors c o n v e r s e with s h a n t y boy here! Call 732-1111 today! aSe! Buy THERA-GESIC S 5 . 5 0 M a t i n e « A l l S « a t s - S 3 . S O Tues. Senior Matinee Morris O'Gorman about life B I N G O Go Painlessly tHERA-GESijb FREE FUEL FOR ONE YEAR When You Purchase Any Cub Cadet Yanmar Tractor Ex2900 COMPACT TRACTOR • 28.7 H P 3-cylmder dir«ct fuel injection diesel engirw Hydrostatic transmission with selectable 4WD LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS AS LOW A S • Fully hydraulic power steering • Large flywheel for smoother. rrvore sustained horsepower Curved boom loader with excellent visibility and modern design Sc2400 SUB-COMPACT TRACTOR /MONTH Attachments sold stparattly LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS • 2 4 H P diesel engine Hydrostatic transmission w i t h selectable 4WD AS LOW AS • Shift-On-The-Go* range control lets you shift f r o m low to high without stopping • Highest loader Hft capacity in its class /MONTH* • Dual hydraulic pumps to maximize attachrr>ent performance Attachments sold separately Comfortabie and open operator station • Ergonomically designed grab handles allow the operator to get on and off the tractor easily Ex3200 COMPACT TRACTOR 'ZSAMNTH* • 32 H P 3-cylinder direct fuel injection diesel engir>e 10/MONTH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS • Hydrostatic transmission with selectable 4WD AS LOW AS • Fully hydraulic power steering • Large flywtieel for smoother, more susteirwd horsepower /MONTH Attactiments sold laparately • Curved boom loader w i t h excellent visibility and m o d e m design CURVED BOOM LOADER WtTH SCV 1 0 0 * StRVKE AMD SUPfOHT. EXPECT PT WHEN YOU VISIT YOUR CUB CADET* YANMAR* INDEPENDENT DEALER. ZAREMBA EQUIPMENT INC. 1734 DICKERSON RD • GAYLORD, Ml 49735 (989) 705-7664 •eWBTWKMCTHr Wednesday, September 17, 2006 • C-3 Leisure Qaylord Herald Times Antiques downtown THE 7TH annual Gaytord Antiques & Collectibles Market Sept. 6. held in conjunctton with the Gaylord Farmers Market, attracted big crowds^ and brisk sales. week thnxjgh Dec. 18 (exduding Thanksgiving), Cost is $5 per lesson. Call MaryJo LaLonde. 786-2543; or 732-7606. • Grayling Promotional Association v/ili present a dinner show Friday at the Ramada Inn, Grayling, featuring The Classics perfomiing 50s and 60s music. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner win be served at 6 p.m.. and the performance begins at 7, Tickets are $30 per person and are available at Riverland or at the door. For information call 989-3440047. Night Thursdays. 8 p.m.-1 a.m..with Tuesdays; Bike Nite Wednesdays Bad Influence; and gurtar jam host Chns Young; and live entertainment/karaoke Friday and Saturday sessions Thursdays, 7 p.m. Call 705-7100. nights. Call 983-2279. • Tlte Keg Bar & Grille, • Redwood Steak Waters, features free House. Lewiston, will ^ pool Monday; pool host karaoke Friday tournament Tuesand SatunJay, 9 day nights; pool p.m.-l am. Ka1 leagues Wednesraoke also takes I day; SatunJays place every feature karaoke Wednesday at 9p.m-1 a.m. Call 8 p.m. Call 786^ W 732-4378. 4600. ^ • Registration deadline for • Biggby Cof• The White the VIQener Dog Races during fee, West Main Street, WoM Inn, Vanderbilt, fea Chalevoix's Okloberfest (Oct, 4) is Gaylord, has "Poetry and Friday. Call 231 -675-5005 or visit turesfree pool night Mondays; www. charlevoixoktot>erfest. com to and karaoke Fridays and Saturdays. Prose" readings every fourth Thursday of the month, 6 p.m., register Call 983-4568. • Railside Bar and Grill. Elmira, and "open mic" every Wednesday • The Northern Michigan night 6-9 p.m. (^1732-9809. Chapter of the Embroiderers GuiM has karaoke Friday; and Three • Garland Resort in Lewiston Tluimbs Up Saturday, 9:30 p.m.of America will meet Wednesday. presents Jeff and Sue/Cult of 2 five Sept. 24. at 10 a.m. in the Transfigu- 1:30 a.m. Biker Sunday is every nights a week. Thursday-Monday, 9 Sunday (all day), with open pool 7 • First Congregational Church. ration Episcopal Church in Indian River, located on M-68. The project p.m.-dose, drink and food specials. p.m.-l a.m. Call 786-2211 or 877218 W, Second St., Gaylord, viflll 4GARLAND. Call 231-546-3248. is crazy quilting with JD Shumway have a salad luncheon Sept. 23, • Northern Squares Dance of Grand Rapids. This will be an all• Stampede Saloon, 3885 11:30 a.m.-l p.m. Cost is S6 per day dass and lunch will be provided. Old 27 South. Gaylord, has sporting Lessons continue Thursday, 7person and S4 for kids 8 and under, 8:30 p.m., at the Alten Zimmer in For further information, call Emily at events on three screens Sundays includes beverage and dessert. Call Gaylord. Lessons continue every 231-626-8491. and Mondays; Classic Car Nite 732-5726 for group reservations. • Vendor tables are available Musical for Daughters' of Isabella Crafts Entertainment & More 'n' More Sate Oct. 25 at St, Mary • Jazz guitarist Randy Reszka Cathedral Hall. 606 N, Ohio Ave., Gaylord. Rrst table is S20, additional will play Fridays. 6-9 p.m., in the tables are $15 each. Call 989-983- Rose Room at the Penry Hotel in Petoskey. Call 231 -347-4000 or visit 4281 to reserve. Start w i t h a bright smile www.randyreszka.com for informa• Life Tabemade, 2622 M-32 and fresh breath. If y o u are tion, West. Gaylord. will hold a Ladies tired of w a i t i n g for weeks or • Timothy's Pub, Gaylord, Prayer & Breakfast Sabjrday. 10:30 months for a dental cleanla.m,, "to boldly approach the throne features karaoke Fridays. 9:30 p.m.of God for our families and unsaved 1 ;30 a.m.; Saturday is dancing with ing appointment, call us at friends." All are welcome to lift one DJ, 9:30 p.m.-dose, call 732-9333. Grayling Family Dentistry • Ugly Bar and Grill, Old 27 another up in prayer. for immediate openings. North. Vanderbilt. hosts free pool • Otsego Memorial Hospital Tuesdays. 8 p.m.; Ladies' Night Auxiliary is having a bake sate W e are conveniently located at Friday, 8;30 a.m.-2 p.m., in the wait- Wednesdays, 8 p.m.; Open Mic 1 6 6 4 H a r t w i d t Pines Rd., (989) 3 4 8 - 4 3 0 0 Grayling Events • Gaylord's farmers markets are conducted each Wednesday and Saturday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., under the Pavilion on Court, with local trurts and vegetables, plants, maple symp, jams and jellies and meats. For infomiation call Sue Nowak, market manager, 732-5743, • The Otsego County Historical Museum is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is free. Call 732-4568 for information. • VandertMtt Community Church. 455 W. Main St.. will host an Eat for Heat dinner Friday, 5-7 p.m., at the church. Dinner is beef pasties and includes homemade dessert and beverage. Cost is by donation and proceeds defer heating costs of the church during winter months. Call 983-3421. ing area of the hospital. All proceeds go toward the Auxiliary's (dedge for hospital needs. • Singles for Christ of Zkm Lutheran Church is inviting ail singles age 40 and over to join Its dinner group at J. W. Rlmore's, 906 Spring St., Petoskey, Saturday at 6 p.m. Aftenwards there will be a movie, bowling or games and felk)v^hip at Zion. RSVP by calling Etfrieda, 3473438 (days), 347-5747; or e-mail [email protected] Leisure Calendar • Gio's Trattoria Grille, 2325 US-131 N„ Kalkaska, will host its third Dinner Show & Dance Sept 26. Buffet dinner at 7 p.m., followed by a show at 8 p.m. featuring the Family Tree of Country Music (Johnny Cash, June Carter, Statler Brothers) with guest star, Betsy Wetsel, and dancing to oldies and dassic rock at 9 p.m. Cost is $25 per person. Call 384-4444. C, Thomas Riegle, D,D,S, WANT MORE HUGS & KISSES? Place your 1x2 display ad and Hrptembrr 30 ol 3iOO PM (EV] 1 ^ l CHECK OUT OUR NEW L I N E - U P OF COMMUNITY ED C L A S S E S . AND EACH ONE IS ONLY S 1 0 ! KC'C I* plcuv,-(l K> »'<Tcr a vmety of p<ipuiar ciimimtfiHy ei5iit«tof> offehmtvfcwonly ^10 [Wf CUinfrs take place res»f<U«\t of the numlicr r»r revwcd Addiiiooal ichcrfuic* and fcRi»»r»tioo fonn* are fouml at oof wrcb iiie htift' liirtlantl «hi-i:i>ntinait Rcpivr Of gei intormafioo by callm|t W»-27S-^or*i, ext 2""< of by ihc family uir<c<- in lh< INS huildiny JKSgal H a r t l f B O l A t t U l t A a s c lh'» n*jrw .mlubet ha»KJs on traimog m wevin«» Saiiirdav. Septemhci 2fi. 10 ,\M ^ PM A DM huikJinu in I U Kinijmi ( umptrv • t T ( 13407 - Jctry rbcMrkal iMS huiUing It» f»r Mikras nid October 9 n ( (HnMmg in Rixim ] lOU, C ainpm-( W i t i 12 (. H»ah« V l l ^ H i r — A * — * lUiie P m f l l l w thiv ixHirce iBilialn iniiniitt •!» wH-tklenie Un «nntcn Saturday 11 iO AM.2 PM, MTM <»»y1oc«l(ampu<huikliim <>-<12407 Jerry Hocrcm* triialll* CMIFK: niurvfay tm stoijshere! Saturdays from 7 ajn. - 7 pjn. Call (989) 6 1 4 - 6 1 0 9 CaHs for service talcen Monday Friday between 6 axn. - 6 pjn. Let y o u r a d v e r t i s i n g d o t h e traveling f o r y o u - C a l l for m o r e info. ^ A m An Equal Opportunity Emptoyer Free Vascular Screening THURSDAV, SEPTEMBER 2 5 • 8 : 3 0 A.M. - 4 : 3 0 P.M. MERCV PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 1 2 S 0 E. IMICHIGAN AVENUE, GRAYLING Co-sponsored by Mercy Hospital Grayling and Northern Michigan Regional Hospital WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 2 • 8 : 3 0 A.M. - 4 : 3 0 P.M. VrTALCARE GAYLORD HEALTH EXPO 2 0 0 8 Sponsored by Northern Michigan Spantofc: Your Spanish" lucwlay, C)sK«hcT 21 iSS htiiklin« M K.nim <. kmland ( { !•<' 1120'' NI«K> i ctrnncn • Ultrasound to assess arterial circulation (neck, abdomen, legs) • Counseling on individualized results PM. Wvod r09ls; Wnkicwtay. (kditin .'•2. h4PM MTI-C ('lavlivil ( amcMu Ml larpentT) lah Wrwid itn( Timl* ( FC I V402 . ('urt 1 «i4c« HuMlf Hrttll'. Manafc •o.-tMUQUCi for carcgiverN (kai MMthe dw body, mmd and of dw lU and eldcdv 1 hundav. (tctobcr 2}. 6-9 PM Wm Branch Ke|ion^ Mohcai t «MrT 24^1 S.»iih M V) fjtectitivr Ihnrng Rmrn Wol Rnmh 4 I C I4«»5 OTH l)oy<e \<twmha *, WrttlBt y»er Fatuity yoor W.» * wnoen ^Moninyiwcl«l*«ianlcrand>,hiMKii Mondey. Novenher H. A-<> f M INS huihh^ m ItoMn ) Kmland( mnpm < f ( l i VM - Jon Dtomfaon Regional Hospital Screening Includes: R.atm l^ KirtUnd ( amput- <'l <' I i .MiS Ann Rict KlrtUad Comaiuiiii Open Monday - Friday 7:S1am to 5:00pm « Other hours by appointment F . O . E . (EAGLES CLUB), 5 1 5 S . WISCONSIN. GAYLORO lf», TIT PM. INS huildmp IB SwwMoMk f . M a t a i t f o M c c f r t » . Tnlatat: 9AM IPM MTFX'<ra)»iird( ainj>«»»StMM»mrW r>iiol«A (989) 731-1700 Located in the North Star Center - Just south of Triple M Tire Call (989) 7 3 2 - 6 2 2 4 ;ijj|]lf| ' Pedicures & ManlcuTBS liy Biondl ' Designers: Noncy, Colletle, Trino, Brandi & Nicole 308 S. Otsego • OoylORl • 989-732-5094 11 &»•*•«.ft-—Fvt/'-.a l-t**-. -Si?! Martlftt y w ' M o Bwsiim: Scp««nifwt 24 Kinlandt ampM* CK i21»2 - ludifhli'cnkoww/ Bobbie and Christine at Michigan Press Association. Monday - Friday from 6 a.m. - 6 pjn. Wak-tv Welcomet Enylroninenlolly luh M U l FRLEN(LYFARI%ATM(»|«MF^<J^^R Hair Studio Cdrfibge piippeiM m Contact this newspaper or Otsego County Bus System ,'lri'ns Single & muiti-fan-nly residences • Commercial & investment p'ooerties • Held at Rock Financial Showpiace ll'utsJiiy, million readers for )ust $299t Phone; 517.372,2424 Fax;5l7,372.2429. www,michiganproty.<y;^ The 82 MICHIGAN PROPERTIES nid Swrniiodin^ classified ad and reach over 4 Lansing. Ml 48906-5199 Barber Shop ABSOLUTE FDIC AUCTION II iJ'i.n Dfiroit for just $9991 Place a ZS-word Complete Barber Services for Men VTOIIG l.fi\nicd reach over 3.S million readers wendy@fnichiganprit!M*J|, Arrived September 27, 2 0 0 8 • 9ain-1pin • The Otsego County Historical Society. 320 W. Main St., Gaylord, will host "Trash or Treasure," an antique appraisal day, Saturday. The event will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a cost of $10 per item. The appraiser tor the day will be Joseph McGee, owner of Joseph's World in Petoskey. N ntt»( fltocunoN Michigan Press A l s e d M l o n 827 N. Washington A M . Your J-ook Has at APS Mini Warehouie, 112 Eait 6 " St., Gaylord Call Simon's Veterinary Clinic for appointment (231) $ 8 4 - J 5 0 0 • The Otsego County Utirary. South Otsego Avenue, Gaylord, is hosting Beginning Computer Classes. "Mouse and Keyboard Skills" continue today (Wednesday),10-11 a.m,;andTtiureday,6-7 p.m. Next week is "Basic E-mail," taught Tuesday, 2-3 p.m.; Sept. 24, 10-11 a.m.; and Sept. 25,6-7 p.m. Classes are free and open to the public; taught by Jackie Skinner. Call 732-5841 or e-mail [email protected] to register. Cost-Effective Statewide Coverage Graylins Family Dentistry Low Cost Shot Clinic Shows, Workshops & Clinics w Who i t Eligible to Attend? • Anyone over the age of 50 ' Anyone wnth a personal or family ^ history of vascular disease Northern r Pre-registration and a brief phone assessment is required Call HealthAccess at 8 0 0 . 2 4 8 . 6 7 7 ] 10775 N St n o r t h e r n h e a l t h . o r g • 800.248.6777 Michigan REGIONAL HOSPrTAI. Vour Heckh is Our Sptaalty C-4 • Wednesday, September 17, 2006 Qaylord Herald Times Home Improvement ft • mh '• W .N u HT - Frank Michels A SOPHISTICATED LOOK is completed with a defined oak floor featuring a walnut inlay. Photo courtesy of Tripp-Smith and the Hardwood Manufacturers Association. Zachary Michels hand nails solid maple flooring at a Gayiord tiome. Solid hardwood a natural choice for a great floor (MS) - What can you buy coday that will last a lifetime with minimal care?\Ve gel new cars e w r y six or eighi years, and they rec^uire plenty of service and repairs along tlie way; new appliances bar^ly last a dozen years. But solid hardwood flooring, fumitun^ and millwork can last a lifetime in every room of the house. And. according to the American I lurdwood Information Center, www. Hnrclwoodlnfo.coin, solid hardwood products are easy to lake care of in any room of the lioiise and re(iuire vers little care to maintain their good l(M)k> and serviceabilitv'. Hardwood Flooring Is Healthy Choice For Any Rt)om In addition lotheirdis iin( live b^Muty iUKl lasting value. hauiwDOil floors are often n'Comnu'iulcii h\'doc tors because they trap less animal dander, dust, polIon, mites, and mold -- all of which can trigger respiratory problems. Natural hardwood floors can make it easier for you to reduce h o m e aliergens. while your rooms remain warm and inviting. l-ollowinga few simple niles can keep floors looking great with m i n i m u m mciintenance: * Place floor mats at entrances to trap dirt. * Sweep floors weekly with brooms that have fine, exploded ends that trap dust and grit. * Vacuum cleaners aren't just for carpels. Oo over a hardwood floor weekly with multi-surface vacuums * Water and liquids can d a m a g e the floor's Hnish. Wipe up spills, pet accidents, a n d other mishaps as soon as possible. Kitchens were once considered out-of-bounds for solid hardwood flooring. Today's urethane finishes m a k e hardwood floors an attractive choice that is easy to maintain and keep clean. Special finishes even pemiit hardwood floors and tub surr o u n d s in the bath. Mouldings Make a Difference W o o d w o r k d o e s for a h o m e what a fine f r a m e d o e s for a painting. Woodwork options include paneling, wainscoting, w i n d o w c a s i n g s and sills, d o o r s a n d d o o r jambs, staircases, firep l a c e mantels, a n d shelving. Solid h a r d w o o d w o o d w o r k is preferred for its n a t u r a l a n d distinctive look a n d ease of repair. It h o l d s nails well, miters easily, a n d readily a c c e p t s stains a n d protective finishes. U p k e e p is 6asy, too. with hardwood mouldings and trim: * Clean a n d dust to restore luster to t h e finish a n d to protect t h e w o o d . • Repair scratches by s a n d i n g out with a fine g r a d e of p a p e r a n d restaining with a m a t c h i n g color finish. Abundant in Nature Hnvironmentally conscious c o n s u m e r s should k n o w that, a c c o r d i n g to t h e US Forest Service, Mitchell.&. Associates Fight High Heating Costs This Winter... by replacing your old windows with Simonton Prism Windows! _ Commercial• Chuck's Electric We also specialize in: Professional Land Surveyors & Civil Engineers • Vinyl Dects ~512 West Main, Gayiord • Vinyl Siding • GAYLORD • Interior D o o r s 989-732-8077 5 I • Garage Doors Let us help you find a contractor! SIMONTON KINGSLEY 1-800-533-6627 email: 621norandex i n f o ® mitchellsurvey.com eUtLDINC MATtRIAl'S OI^TKIftUd Norandex/Reynolds 989-732-1756 of Gayiord 13S8 OW 2 7 North, Ooylord • M-F 8 - 4:30 Licensed Electrical Contractor : CARPET CLEANING Chuck Klee ({^ 989-732-3396 Homel Comfort Exports 2 4 Hour Emergency Service CHECK o u r T H E S E i G R E A T DEALS FOR N E ^ | L ^ K S FOR FALL! Fax: 989-731-4415 224 Marquardt Road, Gayiord Sorving Otsego County Since 1974 HTT^AAIRCONDKIOFMO the v o l u m e of American h a r d w o o d s is 90 p e r c e n t larger t h a n it was just 50' years ago, a n d nearly twice as m u c h h a r d w o o d grows as is harvested e a c h year. T h a t ' s t h e very d e f i n i t i o n of sustainability. For more information on solid hardwood care, sustainability and decorating ideas, visit the American Hardwood Information Center at www.Hardwood lnfo.com. 't [ i ' • Commercial >nd Raidentiil starting at 1 1 gel more energy savinps Over l..iOO franchiiet Nstianwule. Scnfro' Hrtnehtse Spurn Serving Since J 967. A T A SQ. N . I wprranty • DrzpcTy Cleaning I Emergency Water Extraction • Spot Removal I Showcase Carpet Qeanrng • P " " ^ o r Removal Free 3 Rooms I Free 4 . Estimates' Estimates! f o r n o p ; : T forn29 Rooms I with the new Amana' high etflciNC! systin Over time debris ar>d bactena can accumulate tn your air ducts creatirw an unhearthy situation your home. Using our exckj^ doct cleaning system. SEFIVPHO can clean your ducts, leaving ttw air tn your tx)nf>e ciear^er than ever _ Save on your heating bills with the new Amana high efficiency furnace ard heat pump system—plus save more wrtJi a Free 10-Year Parts and Labor Limited Warranty.* 50°/- O f f 15%-off? IN-STOCK AREA RUGS i i( k i T S o n I <j KK)r & r i JPlMUItniMI of Northarn Mlchlflan, LLC 1830 D I c k a r s o n . G a y i o r d , I M c h l g a n (989) 732-7571 I 4 Mohawk custom window fashions N O W T H R U SEPTEMBER 2 7 ™ For Quality, Experience & Excellence Come To Our Hous No poyniefll. noinlerBlfor 12 monllKwith prior a|)proyal S« store (or detoik Mondoy Friiloy 9 • m lo S:30 p m ^'•'ur'W 9 0 m 10 3 p m. SwKlByi inetiinssliyiippoinliMBi 2234 M 32 West, Gayiord 9 8 9 - 7 3 1 - 2 0 0 3 : Duct Cleaning special i »5q OFF regular pnce of Gayiord and Cheboygan 1 - 8 7 7 - 2 4 4 - 7 9 6 5 1 -989-705-2400 Fire & Water - C l e a n u p & Restorotion" IndtptruUntlj Owned and Operattd Like it nevei even happened. Wednesday, September 17, 2008 • C«6 Home Improvement Qaylord H«rald Times Add some soothing colors to your bedroom with paint (StatePoint) If the old saying is true that your home is your castle, then your bedroom is your personal sanctuary and should be decorated to reflect individual taste. For some, bedrooms provide escapes from daily life - places to shut the door and decompress. Others want uplifting, l i ^ t or peaceful spaces. Still others wish for invigorating places where they wake and feel charged for the day. A bedroom should be suited for the individual or couple who sleeps there. This often can be achieved through creative use of color and the easy task of painting the room to suit your desires. "Your bedroom is the most [>ersonal space in your house, so it should reflect who you are." says Ann McGuire, founder of Beehive Studios and color consultant. "Don't worry about what others may think. Choose your favorite colors and have fun. Above ail, think about the purpose of your bedroom and what kind of personal space you want to create." which to place the headboard or pillows. Pick a deeper color to make the headboard "pop." Select a cok>r from the fabric or carpet in the room so all pieces work together. • If the room has lots of Light, consider a li^t, breezy paint color. If you have a basement bedroom or a darker room, don't hesitate to choose darker colors. • Unorthodox colors can work well. "Once, I painted a windowless room a chocolate brown and it worked surprising well. It was a cozy, inviting place," says McGuire. Another good color is a deep coral which woiics with cream colored furniture. * Consider the color of furniture. Find a color that is pleasing and harmonizing. For dark wood like mahogany, go with bold colors. For lighter toned wood, use l i ^ t colors. You even can paint your bed frame or posts, instead of your walls. * Consider decorative painting, such as color washing, stripes or stenciling to soften a room's angles and comers. Color washing is a random blending technique created by apply• Since bedrooms are private, you may select a different color than those ing translucent glaze colors over a diy base paint. A criss-cross motion done used elsewhere in the house. You can with lighter colors creates the look of shut the door and treat it as its own parchment. individual space, so use a color that you love. "If you're an eariy riser, you'll get up no matter what." stresses • While you shouldn't feel restrictMcGuire. "But if you're a night owl, ed, most prefer soothing environments for bedrooms. The b>est colors you spend more time awake in the bedroom. A warm color might be for this are soft blue, ivory, khaki or camel, or a warm off-white ivory tone. conducive to dark nights spent reading before sleeping." Golden hues also work well. Thinking about personal needs and color preferences will go a long • If the bedroom looks boring, way in creating the perfect sleeping "lift" it by painting the wall behind the bed to create a focal point against sanctuary. There are many ways to achieve color goals, McGuire emphasizes. Here are some "tricks of the trade": Floor covering with Creative use of c o l o r s and p a i n t c a n help personalize your b e d r o o m . * G R A N D O P E N I N C ^ i i : K4 • ] I 10% OFF 0 dedian NEXT REPAIR function All y o u r P l u m b i r \ g & H e a t i n g N e e d s *24 H o u r E m e r g e n c y C a l l ^Licensed ^Insured FrM EstimatM Residential & C o m m e r c i a l A s p h a l t P a v i n g Since 1 9 3 8 RI> BMANNINCTON SMm (989) 732-1759 1-800-800-5791 Just oH 1-75 •* Eilt 270, WaUri, I ^ ccaarr p ne e t and s design center With Fisher's Trip-Edge design, onty the blade edge trips t>ack when an ot>stacle is er>countered. Sir>ce the blade and wir>gs stay uprighl, you don't tose the load. Easy On/Off • Either drive into tt>e attachment arms on the plow, or sKde the Homesteader into the receiver brackets on your vehicle. S i r r ^ corv>ect t w o plr>s, remove two jacks and pkjg in the electrtcat. ffordable Plumbing & Heating. RSHAW , (989) 785-2405 ^ Coupon Expires 9/29/08 Asphalt • Concrete • Sand/Gravel • Site Development Serving Norihern Michigan • 100% Employee Owned Toll fr— 1-888-666-5757 www.hdpaving.com Fisher Homesteader personal snowplow Grab a coffee, hop in, and turn up the heat. No more struggling in the cold with a heavy snow blower. Now you can clear your driveway the easy way - when you want, and how you want. Make the most of your vehicle with the personal use snowplow for today's light truci<s and SUV's. Weighing as little as 250 lbs., the Homesteader meets all federal and manufacturers' weight ratings for your vehicle, so there's no worry about overloading your front end, like with heavier ptows The popular FISHER* XtremeV™ V-plow with its innovative trip-edge design won't trip you up when you're on the job. The blade can trip in all configurations when encountering obstacles, preventing jarring, spine chilling "wake u p calls" and protecting t h e plow, vehicle and operator. Plus, the XtremeV features INTENSIFIRE*" lights, speedy hydraulics and the Minute Mount* 2—the best on/off system In t h e business. Take a trip In style with the FISHER XtremeV. WATERS GARAGE 10483 Old 27 South, Waters ( WATERS GARAGE 989-732-2124 10483 CM 27 South, W a C m 7 3 9 2 8 - 9 2 ) 1 2 4 WW w.fishor plows.com C-6 • Wednesday, September 17, 2008 Gayiofd Herald Times Home Improvement Transform your basement into the perfect storage space by waterproof K a r e n Billman Designs for h o m e & business • Faux & Decorative Painting • Transform a room w i t h o u t wallpaper • Glazing 3 steps for organizing your basement for photos, important papers, holiday decorations a n d m o r e -- but only if it's dry a n d free from mold a n d mildew growth. But thanks to advances in waterproofing technology, reclaiming your b a s e m e n t is easier than you think! To transform your b a s e m e n t into the ideal storage area, follow t h e s e few easy steps from (MS) -- Now (hat the cold w e a t h e r is approaching, why not spend some time organizing indoor spaces that have been overlooked during the w a r m s u m m e r months? The b a s e m e n t may be a good place to start. Many homeowners have discovered that the b a s e m e n t can provide a m u c h n e e d e d storage area signs of active water leaks. It creates a water-tight seal in just 5 minutes. t h e h o m e improvement experts: Step One: Clean your b a s e m e n t walls to get rid of dirt, grease and other contaminants. Kill any existing mold and mildew v^rtth a simple household bleach and water solution. Patch any holes a n d cracks with , especially those that show Step Two: A p p l y t w o coats of a waterproofer with mold and mildew protection to keep water out a n d mold and mildew away. It offers protection against water intrusion a n d a 5-year mold and mildew-proof paint film • Venetian Plaster • Metallics • M a r b l e S W o o d Looks Stenciling guarantee. •Walls, Ceilings & Floors Step Three: C o m p l e t e Home Staging Services your organized basement with plastic bins and metal shelves. Organize papers, files a n d photos into separate bins for easy finding. Using shelves to store boxes will help you keep organized and free up floor space -- creating an even larger storage area! • Stage your home t o help sell it • Consultations SI 50 989-732-9439 989-370-7912 [email protected] Honeywell Window In the early 1900s, the light bulb brightened our lives for the first time. I'hat simple p n x l u t l has retrained basically unchanged t h r o u g h 100 years of technological advancements. Custom Vinyl Windows . FACIORJ C " At about the same time, Pioneer State Mutual began offering insurance protection for its customers. When something is good, its value is everlasting. Ihe same is true today w i t h home, auto and farm insurance from Pioneer Stale Mutual. Fair. Comprehensive. Competitive. MISISSISSSS^ 35%Yearsi "When it comes to quality ' replacement windows...vinyl isfin^l" Mon. - Fri. 7-5 • Sat. 8-12 • Gaylord § Located in the Gaylord Air Industrial Park BouldCT Creek Stone \ t o A »ViiiylSMnig«VinylR»aii»g 1069 O'Rourice BJvd. www.midstatestiolt.com (98^ 732-32S5 or (BOO) 528-2448 1406 Kittle R o a d • Mio CENTRAL INSURANCE SERVICES AOENCY.INC. I I I W . MitctwIiSt • Gaytotd, Ml 49736 989.732.5423 Miles North o! Mio &: 3 Miles We.st on Kittle Road) (989) 826-2341 'Itutntmr Ihf wny H ihould be" CLEAN CLEAN Gaylord Ace Hardware HEATING & COOUNG PRODUCTS Since ^ H e i l ® Heating and Cooling Products. Designed with homeowners in mind 1948 ' Energy-saving high efficiency operation of 92.1%AFUE. > 10-year No Hassle Replacement™ limited warranty gives you a replacement unit if t h e heat exchanger should fail within the first five years. >4CE Gaylord Feed & Grain Y o u r i d c i i i l y nvvncii & o p c m l c t i l u l l s c r v i c e • 5 year limited w a r r a n t y * o n all functional STULEY STEEHEH i Y R O O M S " 4 ROOMS • Ace brand hand tools featuring a hfetime warranty. Small Engine Repair • Plumbing Electrical • Sjjecial O r d e r s Key Cutting • P r o p a n e Filling Sharpening Service Glass Cutting • Screen Repair Pipe Cutting/ Threafding > Lifetime limited w a a a n t y * o n the primary a n d secondary heat exchanger Bring Your Carpets Back to Life! ^ ^ ^ . The helpful place h a i i l w i i i c sUirc. 90% Gas Furnaces r N o w featuring computerized "CHIP KEYS" I c k a n e d for only | | cleaned for only [ l-800-STEEMERj| I-800-STEE^R, — — — — — — J CST—'S — — — — — — ^ ' 5 " R O O M S ' ' SOFA,"CHAiR 1 I clcaned for only | | ^ LO VESEAT ' ; ^ 1 5 9 ^ ^ ;; $ F G 9 ^ 5 Program) available. ' C'(iiiipiik'n/i.'il p.iinl m.iu lim;j ^\vk'ni ii-.ilunivj ; stjlhley ' parts. • HELP® (Homeowner's Extended Labor | STEEMjn. i , 1-800-STtEMtK,, i-SOO-STEEMERi hr.iiHl •iiiil l U ' n i . i i i i m \ l o i > i v I'loiimmi r.iinls. :540 Off • I Air Duct C C ll ee aa nn ii nn gg I SIKK.'IIS BR.iiiil NI.IIII-\ \ KIO M - K ' i l i i < N I'L p . i m l i i i L _ Ace 1868 D i c k e r s o n IsTAHLET dESOl • ISTEEIIER. I 1-800-STEEMER nil I 11 ii» A s k about OUT R e w a r d s program today! 'SSsisS?'' I N I S. OlMgo AM, Cayfcxd Gaylord, M I 4 9 7 3 4 989-731-0338 (tM)732-13M •iw».gay)oiitii>dwii».toin MmdirMday IMI to apm, Situnlay TYw Nipfui pimom • M I to ffini. Sunday inn to Spm l-800-STEEMER E X ( L - ^ 7 8 A ^ 7 ) • • Qayford H«ratd Tlm*« Wedn«Miay, September 17, 2006 • C-7 Religion The man who felt like giving up On the darkest day, God makes a way. Now what about the man Tomorrow his who considered himself a troubled wife and failure and didn't see how he family would share his could face another day? shame. Did he survive? Legal action would If so, where did he turn undoubtedly be brought for help? against him. Prison time Surprisingly, at this momight be ahead... or worse. Rjflectlone mentofdesHis position as head of a peraaon, a on Faith Roman prison made him comforting responsible for the safekeepcall from one ing of every prisoner in his of the prisoncare and to lose even one ers caught his could seal his fate. Now an attention and earthquake had shaken the I brought hope prison so violently that stone I out of despair. Roger walls had crumbled causSomebody Campbcli ing the prison doors to fall cared. off their hinges and it only And this made sense to conclude that caring one, named Paul, these desperate men had all along with his fellow prisescaped. oner, Silas, had been the Impulsively, this troubled most unusual prisoners the man drew his sword, intend- jailor had ever encountered. ing to fall on it to escape his During their darkest hour fearful fate. they had spent the night Perhaps you understand praying and singing praises the jailor's despair. to God (Acts 16:25). The mountains you're In his moving article, facing seem too steep to "Singing in Chains," appearcross. Your present problems ing in Christianity Today. appear to be unsolvable. Fear Mark Buchanan says: "Paul rules your t h o u ^ t s about and Silas are bleeding. Their the future and your strength flesh blooms with welts to fight on is gone. Why con- bright as red roses, bruises tinue to struggle against such dark as dahlias. And they are insurmountable odds? singing." But this is the perfect time for God to show His love. H e had failed at his job. When you feel like giving up, listen to those who care and understand the power of prayer. These praying ones, long to bring light to your darkest night. Responding to Paul's comforting call, the jittery jailor discovered things weren't as bad as they had seemed. Instead of fleeing after the earthquake, the other prisoners had been so ; captivated by the presence of these two praying and praising ones that they had chosen to stay and pray. His assumption that he would be prosecuted because of lost prisoners was but a false fear, like many of ours when we're CourtMy p h o t o terrorized by the unknown. AREA WOMEN ARE INVITED to join a 12-week study of ttie Book of Revelation witti ttie ComThe man who felt like givmunity Women's Bible Study, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Friendship ing up discovered his need Churcfi, 415 N. Ohio St. For more information contact Nancy Stecker at 989-619-2000. was to look up. Moments later, he responded to his praying prisoner's invitation to trust the One who was once a crucified captive but arose to set us free. And the GAYLORD — The Community Women's ture. We'll be using 'Revelation—The Glorigood news the f r i ^ t e n e d Bible Study invites area women to a special fied Christ,' a very user-friendly Bible study jailor discovered that night 12-week study of the Book of Revelation. guide written by Woodrow Kroll from the remains the same for you beginningTuesday, Sept. 23 from 9:30 to 11 Back to the Bible radio program." and me. "We hope area women will bring a friend a.m. at Friendship Church, 415 N. Ohio St. and join us in this fascinating time of study, — Roger Campbell is an in Gaylord. "We're looking forward to diving into the prayer and sharing," added DebVanHouten, author, broadcaster and columnist who was a pastor for Book of Revelation," said Nancy Stecker, CO-leader. For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n contact Nancy 22 years. He can be reached at co-leader of the Women's Community Bible rcministry(§>ameritech.net. Study. "It will be a challenge and an adven- Stecker at 989-619-2000. Women invited to study Book of Revelation Looking for a place of i • o worship? FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 215 South Center Avenue, Gaylord 732-5380 Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.ni. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. ihat cares... 1649 M-32 East GAYLORD 1 E V A N G E L I C A L G a y l o r d 732-2647 www.gayIordefree.org FREE i CHURCH 8:30 a.m. - Traditional Service 9:45 a.m. • Communities & Sunday School 11KX)a.m. - Contemporary Service Junior High Youth Group 5:30 p.m. Senior High Youth Group 7:30 p.m. Attended Murvery at the 10:30 a.m. Service John E. Naite, Pastor • Paul 6k>ck, Youth Director fumcgaylord.org • Email: fumcofficeduprwth.net Johannesburg Christian Church 206 UJest 5th Street - 989-705-1755 Sobboth School - 9:30 o m • UJorstiip Sen/ice - H o r n . Midujeeh Proi^r Setvice Poster Terrv Nelson • 231 -536-2468 10722 East M-32 - Johannesburg • 989-705-7456 Pastor Scott Scheer Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Meal and Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Children's Church and Nursery Provided St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Song of the Morning Corner of Haves Rd. & Main St. Yoaa Retreat Center 960/M Sturgeon Valley Road, Vanderbtlt (989) 963-4107 P.O Box 920 • Gaylord • 732-4163 I'TS North to Exit 290. turn nght, at bUnkor turn onto Main St Rev. Gerald Rehagen (becomes £ Sturgeon VMey Rd.f, conboue 9 1/2 mtos, fum right (3 maMwm on rigM/sign or left), continue 1 f/4 mH9sto(he Center 8 a.m. daily momir>g prayer • Wednesday Eutharist at noon SurKlay Worship-11 a.m. Sunday Eucharist at 9:00 a.m. Sunday Vegetarian Dinrwr-I p.m. {$9/person;reservationsrequired) Evening Mediation Seorice'8>9;15 p.m. (Mon^Wed'Sat) Go and preach the ^oepel. Use words If necessary. Through meditation, still the mind-end in the stillness, experience the Divine.' Francie of Assiei sunday school: Sundaj al 1flOp.ffl. evanceusnc servict: SiBday al 2:00 pa,C O M M W N I F ^ O L C H R I S T We prxim Jesus Christ and promote commities of joy, hope, hve, and peace. md-weekservia: Paaoc Wayne Hammoods 2622 West M-32 •Gavl(*(t-732-M35 ()l K s \ \ lOK M I III U \ \ Niiiul.ix \\Mr^hi|> S:4? .ttn 'VMIMI.IN IMMII MI:00 MI ( #»///<' i h i II / / S I'.lslfll Ixlllt < 'loix On the comer of I VI/, 5th St. & S. Court Ave, (One block east of the State Police Post.) 989-732-0475 CHURCH SCHOOL; 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY WORSHIP: 11:00 A.M. 220 S. Center - Gaylord • Further Information: (989) 732-1067 • (231) 525-6494 {^Church of the Nazarene I m Mllunson Rd., Gaykmi (909) 732-«09 pytordnaz^hotnuil com Fastor Hark Houll Sunday School 9:4} i.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 «.ni. Sunday Evening 6:00 p m. Wed Bible Study & Canvins 6 M p.ni. Your local Angel Food Mlnlstrie* Host Site I C q l v , a . r Y BaErfite* Sunday School • 10 OJn. •Murt 'flu 'BtbO l» 'fhi '/uialAutiumt^ Sunday MwMngWonMp- &m. Vjndoy Ivenine WonNp • 6 p m ni^dnoeoytt>i»Sludy -' p.m Ddi • Wedn—doy • 7 p m S. Wltcontin St • N«t • Goykxd • W-732-4001 Roman CatboBc A place of light in a world of darkness David R. Burncy, Pastor M-32 West at rtorlh Townline Road, Oaytord Sunday BINe Sludy I0;00 a.m.. Homing Worship 11:00 a.m. f Wednesday Service 6:00 p.m. Nursery available for all services Por Bort InforvatkMi cjiB 732'4602 or 731 >2860 COME DISCOVER A LITTLE Unitad Church of Christ 218 W Sccond Street. Gaytord 732-5726 Sunday Worship 10a m Rev Susan Webeler 'Solving our commurvly for 130 years' a FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 513 Charies Brink Rd. • Gaylord "Our Church Can Be Your Home" * 4^ ALPINE VILLAGE BAPTIST CHURCH First Congregational Church 1354S.Oti«goAv«. Gaykxd (968)732-4816 Sunday Worthip Servicas - 8.-00 a.m. & 10-.30 a.m. Sunday School & Adutt BIbIa Class 9:15 a.in. CNklran's SMvice offered duilna 10:30 ««rvic« Praachool/Daycara avamWe Iter. TinM B n m w o r t l i Tune intoWBYC FM on Sunday al 7:30 un. MNRJIITITFA'*"'*"*"''''* r A Christian Reformed Ministry 'Where You Have A Friend In Jesus and A Fner>d In Us" SUNDAY SCHOOL: 11:15 a.m. WORSHIP: 10 a.m. Reverend Steven Datema 415 N. Ohio, Gaytord 732-3621 friend8hipcro6l2k.com St. Mary Cathedral 606 North Ohio Avenue, Gaylord (989) 732-5448 MASSES: Saturday 5 p.m.; Sunday 9 & 11 a.m. HOIY DAYS: 7 & 9 a.m. & 6 p.m. CONFESSIONS: Friday Noon to 1:00 p.m. & 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH LCMS A Friendship Church ^ Pastor Jay Ctiamtjers Life Tabernacle Apostolic Church Haineslj;' Evtnirijs at 7:30 p.®. 3703 Old 27 S. Gaylord, 732-1991 Holy Communion 8.30 & 11 a.m. Thomas Mammoser, Pastor w Gaylord Seventh-Day fldventist Church CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH SERVICE Christian Science Society' A l p i n e H a u s Bldg., 209 W. First St., Suite 103, Gaylord, MI Sunday Service J0:30 a.m. Wednesday Service 7 p.m. 2° & 4 (April - O c t o b e r ) "fVe must look where we would walk, and we must act as possessing all powerfromHim in whom we have our being." - Maiy Baker Edd)' Peace Lutheran Church : J= SO^AJR SENKC TAUIY S C M IIUL (nnoy providti) The Re«ci«>4 M i ^ A. McOart A a m HetelUaL Diractar ef Mask 98M39-87M www.atMga.«rg;/rpcg M'.Lsaa Gaylord Herald Tlmaa Family C - 8 * Wednesday, S*ptomb«r 17, 2006 Engagement Anniversary Hurst-Roberts Lawnlchaks golden h'ORT W O R T H . T e x a s — V i c k i e a n d A r t i s t H u r s t of L i s b o n , O h i o h a v e a n n o u n c e d t h e e n g a g e m e n t of t h e i r d a u g h t e r , N i c o l e H u r s t of H o u s t o n , T e x a s t o l ^ n c e R o b e r t s of H o u s t o n , t h e s o n of C r a i g a n d P h y l l i s R o b e r t s o f Gaylord. T h e b r i d e - e l e c t is a 1 9 9 6 g r a d u a t e of A u b u r n d a l e H i g h S c h o o l in A u b u r n d a l e , Fla. S h e is e m p l o y e d b y G r e a t e r H o u s t o n E m e r g e n c y Physicians as a n executive assistant. H e r f i a n c S i s a 1 9 9 0 g r a d u a t e of G a y l o r d H i g h S c h o o l . H e is e m p l o y e d by C.R. E n g l a n d . Inc. in t h e s a f e t y / t r a i n i n g d e p a r t m e n t . T h e c o u p l e are p l a n n i n g a May 2009 w e d d i n g in Fort W o r t h . GAYLORD — J i m a n d Bobbi (Robinson) L a w n i c h a k will c e l e b r a t e their 50th w e d d i n g annivers a r y o n Oct. 4. They were married o n Oct. 4 , 1 9 5 8 at U n i t e d Methodist C h u r c h in G a y l o r d b y t h e Rev. G u e n ther Brantsner. J i m w a s b o r n in F l a t R o c k . B o b b i w a s b o r n in Lance Roberts & Nicole Hurst M a c k i n a w City. T h e y m e t while both working at Hidd e n Valley. T h e c o u p l e have eight c h i l d r e n : H a l (Anita) TRAVERSE CITY — The 20th an- for MDurself," presentations, lunch arti a who are loc^ breast cancer survivors. I L a w n i c h a k of G a y l o r d : D a Scholarships are available for those nual Recoverv Plus Program is slated for fashion show. v i d (Kathy) L a w n i c h a k of This year's program v^ll include pre- who would not otherwise be able to atSaturday, Oct 11. at the Waterfront Inn St. I g n a c e ; S h e r r i C h i p l e y tend. Conference Center in Traverse City from sentations on" Breast Cancer Genedcs; HeTo register or for more information, of Erie, Pa.; D a n L a w n i c h a k recfitary Syndromes and More" by Christa 8 a.m,-3 p.m. of St. I g n a c e ; R o b i n Recovery Pkis is a program of infor- Kiessel. MSN. «N-CS,AOCNP; "New Digital contact the /^erican Cancer Society at L a w n i c h a k of D e W i t t ; Kelly mation. discussion and demonstration for Mammography and Educatton" by Deborah (800) 723-0370. The 2(»i anrxial Recovery Plus pro- M u r p h y of G a y l o r d ; M i women who have had or are living with Crowe, MD; and">bur Body Image and intimacy after Breast Cancer" by Mary Raymer. gram is sponsored by Zonta Club of Tra- c h a e l ( B a r b a r a ) L a w n i c h a k breast canrer. Admission is $20 per pereon and in- LM^. ACSW. The event will also include verse City and supported by local American of G a y l o r d ; H e a t h e r (Bob) cludes the "Just for Mdu, Pamper and Care a luncheon fashion show featuring models Cancer societies. H o l l e m a n of Mt. O l i v e t , Tenn. T h e Lawnichaks also h a v e 21 g r a n d c h i l d r e n a n d Sept. 20 Otsego County-area residents and their six g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d . • Dawn Cottrell, extended families with a birthday in the The Lavmichaks enjoy Gaylord coming week include; c a m p i n g , fishing a n d travSept. 22 Sept. 11 eling. • Don Huff, Gaylord • Gabriel Cavanaugh, 5, Gaylord Sept. 23 Sept. 13 • Howard Grosser Sr., Bagley Twp. • Marjorie H. Frye. 93, Temecula, Calif, • Douglas Deleo Jr., Grayling GAYLORD HERAW TifviEs • and formerly of Gaylord • Henry Mason III, Gaylord Sept. 17 Jim & Bobbi (Robinson) Lawnichak on ttieir wedding day (l)p and today. 'Recovery Plus' slated for Oct. 11 in T.C. Happy Birthday wishes • Meghan Prentice, Gaylord ' Sept. 19 • Michael Diebold, Charlotte • Kiaya Baur, Gaylord — Submit birthday wisttes to: PO Box 598, Gaylord, Ml 49734. call 732-1111: or e-mail cengle@gaylordl}eraidtimes.com 989'752^1111 Good news Your new PhoneGuide is in the mail! Need to Buy Any Meal. Get The Second One l/2^F Fresh Loob...Fresh Food Breakfast • Lunch Dinner ur survey for a chance to win 732-5444 Downtown Gaylord Win a nOO Gift Certificate Across From Family Video to Harmony Spa! IMellssa & Co.) 1 . W h a t parenting problem you are struggling to solve today? CAR WASH Z . W h e n d o you encounter this problem? The best place to find all things local! 3 . Where do you turn for information or help with this p r o b l e m ' • Restaurant menus • Golf directory • Ski guide • Local m a p s • Community pages 4 . What do you like about the information or help that those sources provide? § . 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Item Prtcc $100 ar>d under » Free $101 $300 - $ 4 $301-$600 . $5.60 $601-$1.000 - $7.20 n«rt >«<ur ^ in Dm HtrhttfUc* taf M tvttliMtfardaragi mIh. and fnc*a(MM m Name # of diildren In household Address Emati Phone Find it fast in print & online! Level of education completed 7\ P S I V I I C G U I I I C COMMUNITY TIUPHONE DIRECTOrr 311V4 E. Mitchell, P e t o s k e y • 2 3 1 . 3 4 7 . 8 6 0 6 319 State Street, Petoskey;-MI 49770 - thephonegulde.com A service of Northern Michigan Review, Inc. H M A L t f i R M E S 989-7^111 — WadnMday. Saptwnbcr 17,2000 • D-1 Qaylord HaraM TlmM V T OAVI O N O Herali^imes 1i plw* y*«r CteHHM 14, n>9M>73M111 •rMifrMl774l»-«l70 2058 S. Otacgo A m . P.O. Box see, Qaytord, Ml 48734 e-mail: clafiifi«df#gay1ordheraldtim«f.cofn Advertising Standards Houses For Sale 000 ADVERTISING DEADLINES. The deadline to place a classified ad in the Wednesday Herald Times is Monday at 10:00am. The deadline for the Saturday Herald Times is Wednesday at 5pm. To piace your classified ad. call us at (989)732-1111. 004 3 BEDROOMS, 1 bath. Finished basement. 2 car attached garage. Great condition. Priced under appraised value. Close to town. $80,000. (989)239-1856.(10) ADVERTIStNG STANDARDS. Advertising published in the Gayiord Herald Times is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are properly described and willingly sold to customers at the advertised price. Advertisers are aware of these cor>ditior>s. Adverlising that does not conform to these standards, or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any Gaylord Herald Times reader encounters non-compliance with these standards, we ask that you inform the Advertising Department of this newspaper (989)732-1111 NOTICE: ALL ads are subject to approval before publication. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any ad at any time. Errors must be reported by 9am on the first business day after publication. We shaU not be liable for any loss or expense that results from the publication (whether published correctly or not) or omission of an advertisement. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination tTased on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are availatHe on an equal opportunity t>asis. To complain of discrimination. call HUD toll free at 1 -800-669-9777 The toil free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Equal housing opportunity.(0721tfn000) Business Property COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on Gomick Avenue and Fairview Road. Gaylord. $75,000/each. (989)370-9533.(10) CLASSIFIED ADS PAY OFF! 3 BEDROOMS. 1 bath Full t^asement. 3 car attached garage. Close to town. Just remodeled New well. $89,000. (989)858-6376.(10) BY OWNER. 3 bedrooms. 3 baths In Michaywe. Beauty and quality. $189,900. See wvw.upnorthhome.homestead.com for more information. (989)350-0111.(13) FOR S A L E by owner. Charming farm home on 18.9 beautiful acres. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Open floor plan, generous kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Beautiful stone fireplace. Pellet stove including 1 plus tons of pellets. Awesome bam with finished office space, workshop, 4 large horse stalls, huge loft! Fenced pastures. 5 miles north of Qaylord. Matelski Road West. $275,000. (989)983-4415.(13) GAYLORD ACREAGE 10 Aciw, 4 rn. Itam dcNwntMin. S28 900 1«^Acf«QuwtarSeckxv SCALL nAcTMviiflOlpHs. P M d R d $294l( 20 Acres Mumer Rd $66,500 39.1 Acres. PnvM Settng. St3Z900 4 0 A a w L / C l « r m CartyRd.$13Bli SCOTT CHESLEY (W9) 614-<100 Michigan Network SPACIOUS 2 b e d r o o m . 2 bath h o n w . Central air, fireplace, all appliances, m u d room, garage, large d e c k . $ 2 9 , 5 0 0 . N e g o t i a l ^ . Will cor>8kjer a s m u c h a s half in trade tor ? ( 3 6 0 ) 5 9 3 - 6 3 1 3 leave message.(13) Lots & Acreage 006 GAYLORD. 5 wooded acres on private road just west of town. Ideal location to raise a family. Electric and telephone. $26,900. $500 down, $360/month, 11 % land contract, www.northernlandco.com. Northern Land Company, 1-e00-968-3118.(16t) Income/Investment Property oos LAND CONTRACT. By owner Gaytord. 1,700 square foot home with 30'x40' garage. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Fireplace. Appliances included. Walkout basement. $119,000. (231)420-7205.(06) N E W TODAY! NEW TODAY! LEWISTON GYM for sale Indudes Nautilus equipnf>ent. free weights and tanners. Please inquire (989)785-2142 ask for Jackie.(171 GAYLORD HUNTING property. 5 wooded acres with hunting/fishing rights to adjacent 1,280 acres. Well maintained, paved road. $25,000 (586)468-3520.(17) Mobile/Modular Housing 007 NEWLY REMODELED, 1986 Fairmont. 3 bedroonw, 2 baths. Must see. $10.900/be8t. (989)731-4196. (402)682-1396. NOTTINGHAM FOREST MHC. 2 double wides available for imrne> diate occupancy. Lot 14 and 48. $33,000. See meu>ager at Lot 11 or call (269)823-3170.(10) Apartments For Rent 010 NICE 2 (989)732-2270.(06) COLDIUGLL B A N K C R Q ROOM TO ROAM . . . MSKX AND OUTI Smtock CrafBiriin Styte hom wiSi 4 SR 2.S btte, waftoui bBse(TKFLTAND2S . Cat Gangi aUnesM on 10 Acm slixeni State Und CAIL TOOAT FOR rOM mVATE SHOWING! i39e,900{MLSl 2SM)28) GREAT LOCATION . . . fer MiK busms! forircrly 'TV Corner Crocftv' buMng tWatucM 2 ur garage an] 3 BK Mobw hem Fr«h on the martfl CAU MOW! S99,«» (MISI2S8673} West Main Street • Gaylord • Ml Your buyer could be anywhere. Coklweli Banker is everyw here. COWOOFORKBn-.mitows omwowiwdwifc! LooUns fof Mteh^fwe Pioperty? mititfTrmichavwe.coni Call Fred Smith REALTOR ASSOCIATE by W o | t k o w i a k Builders Inc. 3 t>edroom. 2 bat^. full basement Cape Cod home on 2-1/2 acres (acJdItional 5 acres available) with 2 car attached garage Pick your floor covering, Minutes from town. Close to snowmobile/ORV trails and state land. Reduced to $132,000. Cell 989-732-2814 A great value at $149,000! Newer-built 1900 sq. ft. home located close to town in beautiful Britny Pines subdivision (behind Gaylord West). Move-in ready home ir>cludes 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, office, 3 garages, spacious yard, decking, sprinkler system & much more! 1817 A s h l e y L a n e , G a y l o r d (989) 858-0561 — — HOUSE FOR sale or rent by owner. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Built in 2003. 3 miles west of Vanderbilt, (231)582-3821.(13) 989-939-7008 GRI, ABR, ASP.ePRO, FSC 989-732-2804 • 989-858-1466 www.harmonygaylord.com 'Enoefience at vour service ' NEW TODAY! PICTURESQUE FARMHOUSE with wraparound porch. Spectacular views. 5 acres. 2 bams. Garage. More acreage available. $199,000. (989)732-4040 or (248)884-9290,(17) NEW TODAY! QUALITY HOME 5 ACRES-$79,900 Spht Hoor fton. super A aream come master suite with luxury condition with 3 bedrooms Finished walkout 2 baths on a partially fin basement w/ family room, walkout w/ family room & office, S"'bath, and 4* pos. 4th bedroom, bedroom. 2!4 car garage, kitchen w/appllances large deck, central ^lir, wall to deck. Covered fron A GREAT SHOW, immaculaie, caredral calng cfaM on re 4th porch, private yard, att note of ihe Michaywe FV«s Gol Course. Oek tnm. roalfleUsksnefir»- Super insulated, energy place, noe lawn, spmUdr syswn. paved dfw and more*' S194.900 efficient, nat gas, $198,0002 car garage. $109,900 ULS #251216 Estate sale or lease to own option. Motivated seller. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. 5 acres. Beautiful with upgrades. Private. 7649 West Opal Lake. Gayksrd. $81,000, (801)558-9550, (231)675-3920 local.(17) PRICED TO sell! $99,900 . 4 bedroom. 2 bath ranch. Finished walkout basement. Attached garage. (231)590-3729.(06) MLS « 2 5 4 5 6 0 NEW TODAY! RECENTLY FORECLOSED. Special Financing Available. Any Credit, Any Income. 2 bedrooms. 1 t>ath. 763 square feet. Located at 2689 Dorothy Drive. Gaylord. $16,900. Visit www.roselandco.com/78P. Drive by. then call 1-866-249-0680.(17) Completely renovated farmhouse on 20 acres, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, new country kitchen, fonnal partor. Large, private master suite. iVt cat heated, attached garage hkige traditional bam, plus other outbuildings Partially wooded, pasture/ ^ land. $249,900 MLS # 2 5 8 2 6 1 i-'ii .vso ^^>?o cindvcioikrcdv''chanci net SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! ^C M • ' www.lynchgoet>oi.com PWVACY 6 YOURS in ttw i^xlated Mavajo Lake hocne. Oii«r lOCX of private. picturesque waterfront Gneat open floor plw and walkout loM«r 1 ^ to the lake, R>le bam to Hon all of toys. $139,900. MLS I25861« (989)350-8100 1 -989-732-1111 ESTATE SALE. Lake Charlevoix, September 19 and 20. 9;30eim-5;30pm, Boyne City. Charievoix Road. 7 miles east from US-31, just past Camp Seagull or about 7 miles west of Boyne City. 2 cottages full of 1203 MEECHER Road, Gayfurniture and household items lord. September 19 and 20. Must be sold, 5 sections of 20' 9am-5pm. Used log bed. forwheeled dock, 1996 jet boat. mal dining room set. Lots of ex42 hours on engine. Lawn furniTR^(17W) ture. bedroom furniture, l>ed 178 CRESTWOOD. Gaylord. linens, tablecloths, lots of September 19 and 20. kitchen items. refrigerators, 8;30am-1pm. Kids' clothes, freezer. washing machine, toys, coats, weight set. 1989 stoves, comer hutch tea cart, Mercedes Benz.(12s) dishes, unique tables ar>d chairs, desks, lamps, pictures, 2 BEAUTIFUL solid wood twtn beds baskets, tools, lots more! Sale with niQhtstand, HaRoween costumes, by Busy Bridge, girls' and boys' clothes (Gymtwr*. (231)536-3511.(17w) OM N » y ) . lots ol baby gmr. 3 Wng SALE. comtortefs, toys, Ammtaan Giti Items. ESTATE/MOVING Tools, household items. ThursFtWay, September 19. 8:30«m-5p(n day and Friday. September 18 Saturday. SeptetrOer 20. 9:30wn- and 19. 9am-4pm, September 4pni. From 3 p m ^ p m on Saturday. 20. 10am-2pm, 1020 TlmberItems tree. 1549 Honey Dew Lane, Hr^e Trail, Gaylord,(17c) Gaylord. o n Mumer Road.(17w) FREE CHILDREN'S ctothmg exchange at the Evangelk:al CLEANING UP before winter Free Church, 1649 M-32 East, Pickup tooitx>x. shop vacuum, Gaytord. Saturday. September camper, LP furnace, weight 20. 9am-12r>oon Everyor>e machine, utility trailer, b l c y c l ^ . wekx>me.(17e) smoker, compound bow. kids' FRIDAY AND Saturday. Sepckjthes, playpen, highchair, toy tember 19 and 20. 9am-5pm kitchen. 2388 Caetlewocd. 216 North Ohio, Gaylord. Lots Gaytord. Crestwood Subdiviof miscellaneous. (I7c) sion. Septenr>t>er 19. 9am-5pm. S ^ e m t > e r 20 dam-2pm.(178) GREAT STUFF, great pnces DO SOUTH 1/2 price farm and Friday. September 19. garage sales Furniture, arv 3pm-7pm Saturday. SeptemttquM and arts, lots of everyber 20 8am-4pm, 208 East thing Saturday, Septenr>ber, 20 Third Street, Oaylord.(17c) 11 am-6pm. Sunday, Septem HUGE SALE. Many, many ber 21 12noon-5pm 2893 items too numerous to Kst Very Kaaauba Road, Gaytord. Ram reasonable September 19 ar>d or •htna.(17e) 20. 9am-5pm 4196 Parmater DOWNTOWN VANDERBILT. Road. O a y l o r d , ( l 7 w ) RK h«ni Storage Some anLARGE COMPUTER cabinet. tk^uaa. many household. SepJBL surround acMjnd speakers. tember 19 ar>d 20. smaH cabinet, 4T boys' clothes, 8am-5pm (17n) ladies' smaN ar>d medium, beQ A R A O e ANTIQUE and coiginner Kitty Cat srwwmobile, iectftXa aata. S48 South Court crafts. TV stands. coNector por8^<ML Oaytord. September celain doMs. croaa country skis, 12. 5pm-6pm September 13. rustic futon, miaoellaneous 9am-6pm Seplen^ber 14. Itenr^s September 20 and 21. Collectible plates 8am-4pm. 1714 Oerea North, and tma. Currtor & tvea. Lota at Oayterd.(l7s) dWerent Rema, Too much to Hat Sale oontiruiea on SeptemSEPTEMBER 19 and 20. ber 19. Spm-8pm. September I0am-4pm. Giant yard sale. 20, 9 i m - a p m September 21. Appliances, furniture, ale, 4808 1pm-6pm (10c) P i n e h u r s t Gaytord. (17s) MOVING SALES. Wilderness Valley. 9 miles west off Old 27 on Mancelona Road at Postiewait Road, Look for signs. Tools. TVs. building supplies, furniture, pot t>elly stove. drap>eries. more. Come be surprised, September 20 and 21. 8am-5pm,(17s) RUMMAGE SALE at First Congregational Church. 218 West Second Street, Gaylord. September 19. 8am-3pm, September 20. 8:30am-1pm, On Saturday. September 20, fill a bag for $1. Clothing, housewares, books, miscellaneous items from our membership.(13c) RUMMAGE SALE. First United Methodist Church. Friday. September 19, 9am-5pm and Saturday, September 20, 9am-12noon 215 South Center, Gaylord. One block south of Main Street. Clothing and househokj items. Saturday, $l.00/bag,(06c) SELLING rTEMS from house Garage ar>d yard Sonr>e sport items ar>d tools. No ctothes. Septemt^r 19 ar>d 20. 10am-4pm in pole t>am 8441 Douglas Lake Road, F-97, Johanr>eaburg,(13e) SEPTEMBER 19 and 20. 8am-6pm. 1898 Gere'a North, Gaytord. Off West Otsego Lake Drive Hutch, couch, rediner, er>d table, TV, t>ask^ball hoop with stand, kitchen ttema. DVDs, books. Boys' 8-10. giris' 10-14. juniors, nrien's clothing. Toys, lmagir>ex. Legos. h^-Man. muct> nr>ore,(17s) SEPTEMBER 20 and 21. 9anr>-Spm, Doghouse, chirta hutch, dishwasher, furniture. ciotty%. gkts' rMwtX)m to 5T. wonr>en's small to large and maternity, tots at miscellaneous. 1399 Five Lateea Road, Qaylord. Between Meecher and Mumer.(17w) YARD SALE. Cutter duHtS. nr»lac*Naneous arrtiquea, September 20. 9am-4pm 112 Weet Third Street, Qaytord.(l3c) YARD SALE. September ig-21. I0am*5pm, Hundng, Aahing, f u m t u r e ar>d more. T r ^ Oaytord.(17s) 60' of sandy frontage on Otsego Lake! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths with open floor plan. Cozy gas fireplace. O^ntinual updates including kitcheTi. bath, flooring and more. 2 car g a r a ^ with extra storage, 88 boat dock, irrigation S269.900 gaylord real estate SELL YOUR STUFF! Call the Gaylord Herald Times to place your a d here. 1098 BENSON Drive, Gaylord. Off Kassuba. Boys' and girls' ck>thes. toys, books, household items, lawn mower, power tools. September 19 and 20. TOM^PFRK(17E) bedrooms. Your Perfect Part net* COLOUIEU, BANKeR U MAMONO M TH€ ROUOHI PACK UP AND HOVE M FraMy 4 Mdroofn homt dOM to I m n MMED WNH AWIM RWOMOOA that • need oi KMH R C loort throu^wul f M home. TNe "Sou AS IS,-* MLS t2S6S72. home toaUw 3 bedroom, 1 M TMDH. 11/ZCVOERA0T hMttng «i on a ipaooutt m mnjlaa lo inoput JUM Juat min md adwois. Tfw awrrm your budget) MLS a a s i o n . Pealurlng SHOWCASE HOMES Take a Tour & Pick Your Home WifcBSiui ontmirQCiimrlot OTPMINMI GONVB»fr W-KMM UMNO the wann inviting atmosphere of this 3 bedroom. 2 bath home. Fresh pair^ new windows, great kitchen! Nice landing area upAain R o s s wilots of bght makes tor an eac Of Reel Estate Consultant fice at am roomt The huge ma»«miMLUvii>9inG«ytord. com ter suite has a completely updated bath with lots and lots of storage! (989) 732-4337 SM^I2S018S SCHMIDT KEALTORS* Dorothy J a m e s Associate Broker. GRI OHice (9891732-)327 Cell. i989l 350-3776 Gaylord Horald T l m M < lassiticU I n d v x ace l b € M h f * r t l s e»,, M i l 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 8 7 7 - 8 1 9 - 6 1 7 0 ADVERTISING DEADLINES - The deadline to place a dassifted ad In the W e d n e s d a y Herald T i m e s is M o n d a y at 10:00 a.m. The deadline tor the Saturday Herald T i m e s & M a r k e t p l a c e is Wednesday at 5 p.m. Apartments For Rent RCALEtTATl 000 Adtftrtaing Standtrdi 001 ProfMTty 002F«TI«1^ 004 HouM« For Sal* 006 tncom^ invwvnant Prepwiy 006 Loli & AcTMga 007 MobtoModuttr HoMtng 006 RmI EstaM Wanttd OOP nwon/Vacation Propfty RENTALS 010 Apartnents For Rant 011 Busmaas Proparty For Ram Apartments For Rent Apartments For Rent Two Bedroom Duplex 1 BEDROOM apartment Excepttonally (9e9)732-5118.(0201ttn010) 1 BEDROOM apartment Unfurnished. Private entrance. No pets. $450/nionth. (989)732-1931.(13) 1 BEDROOM. No pets. $450/month plus utilities. (231 )546-3919.{27t) 2 BEDROOMS. Modem In town. ifx^ludes utilities. $620/month. (989)732-2271 .(13t) 2 BEDROOMS. With garage. Many extras Included. Very n i w $650. Eff»cier>cy. Everything included. $425. (989)390-1213.(06) 3 BEDROOM in town duplex. 1,400 square feet. Attached 2 car garage. Laurtdry hookup. Water, trash, lawm care and sr>ow removal included. $650/month. (989)731-6080 after 5pm or leave message.(23t) 303 NORTH Illinois 2 bedroom duplex. Clean. No pets. $650/nx>nth plus utilities. (989)8^1729.(13) APARTMENTS FOR rent. 1 and 2 bedroom units. Indudes utilities. lawn care. sr>owplowing arxi trash. No pets. $550-$650 (863)557-5113.(03) CHARMING APARTMENT. 2 bedrooms. Nice, in town location. No pets. W75/nwnth. $475 deposit. (734)355-6136.(06) DUPLEX. GAYLORD. 2 bedrooms. Garage, Washer/dryer Security deposit. $650/month plus utilities. (734)604-8528 days. 1-888-216-8918 evenings. (10) NEW TODAY! GRAND OPENING! Sheldon Place II in Gaylord is accepting applications tor our new apartments. 1 & 2 bedroom senior living. 55 years or older housing Call Pam (989)732-6237 for more information. Income guidelines apply. MSHDA voucher accepted. EHO.{17) REMODELED EFFICIENCY units on Otsego Lake. Daily, weekly or $395/month. Includes utilities, fumishings and cable. No pets- (989)732-9795.(13) with l-car attached garage, full basement. Completely tike oew cooditioQ, exceptionally clean! City water & sewer, oak cabinets, new carpet, 1 bath, approximately 1,000 sq. f^. of space. All lawn care & snow reoioval included. Beautifully landscaped with great city parks out your front door. N O PETS PLEASE! Located on Elkview Drive. S t a r t i n g at X700 p e r month plus all utilities. 1-year lease required. Call 1-989-732-7852 or 1.989-737-4289 today for a showing. HOSTMAN'S QUALITY Rentals. THE Official home of affordable discounted rents. Pets considered. Sectk>n eight and HHS. (989)732-0599. Available mobile homes: 1906 Springwood is ready, 2 bedrooms. $475/ 5039 North Mallard Trail is ready. 2 bedrooms. $375/ 1692 Groveland. 3 bedrooms is ready. 2 baths. $575/ 1511 Groveland, 3 tjedrooms. 2 baths, shed. $575/ September special: 1596 GrovelarxJ. 3 bedrooms, expanded living room. $495/ Available soon. Special: 326 Edelweiss Trail. 3 bedrooms. $395/ Special: 2399 Charles, Elmira. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. $425/(17t) NEW TODAY! COUNTRY VIEW Manor Apartments in Lewiston is currently acceptlr>g rental applk»tions for 1 and 2 t>edroom apartments. Affordable rents based on your ir>come- Country View Manor Apartments is a family apartment complex. Barrier free units are available for qualified ir>dividuals. Rental applk^tions are available on-site or contact Rural Mar»agement Group. PC Box 265, Hillman. Ml 49746 or call (989)742-4020. hearing or speech impaired TRS 1-800-649-3777. An equal housing opportuntty.(17) NEW TODAY! WEBER WOODS Manor Apartments tocated in Atlanta Is currently accepting rental applicatkDns for 1 arxl 2 bedroom apartments. Affordable rents based upon your income. Weber Woods Marx}r Apartments is a family apartment complex. Barrier free units are available for qualified individuals. Rental appUcatkins are available on-site or contact Rural Management Group. PC Box 265. Hillman. Ml 49746 or call (989)742-4020, hearir>g or speech impaired TRS 1-800^649-3777. An equal housing opportunity.(17) NICE 2 bedroom apartment. Coin laundry available. $625/month. 506 North Center, Gaylord. (989)370-4831.(06) SHARP. FURNISHED, 1 bedroom. Utilities, cable, plowing included. No pets. Security deposit. Referer>c©s. $540/month. 1 BEDROOM apartment 2 (989)731-5112 Sherry.(13t) blocks from downtown. $350/month. Electrk: and cable SPACIOUS 1-2 bedroom apartment. Great location. Downtown TV included. (989)350-5577.(17) Gaylord. First floor. $550/month VANDERBILT. NEXT to senior plus utilities- Available October center. 2 bedroom duplex with 1. (231)585-6608.00) washer/dryer hookup. TOWNHOUSE. HEAT included $650/month. Includes all utilities, 2 blocks from Main Street, east snow removal and lawn care. side. (989)732-2270.(12) Security deposit and references. No pets. (989)607-0106.(17) NEW TODAY! Can*t Find Wluit Ton're Looking For? Get Online NEW TODAY! EFFICIENCY ROOMS. All utilities included. $85/$100 weekly. Can Chris. (989)350-8005.(17) www.petoAke711cws.com 4Q2F 403 Boati/SnovvmoMaa MERCHANDISE 301Clo«*to 302 ProducaftPtama 303 Qaraoa'Yard Salaa 304 Hmtn^Ak CcndUon^ 305 Houaahold Qoodi 306 MiacaiMWOM For Sala 307 Muaical Marchandiaa 306 ElactrorMca 300^temadToBuy 310 Machtrtary 311 Amiquas & Aucborts EMPLOYMENT 201 Adminlawtfir^ Pro<aaa>onaJ 202 Ckjba/Raaiaurams 203 CMU C m Hat> Wtntad 204 Halp Wamad/MacaNanaous 206 OfflcaOaitcal 206SI(uatk)naWar«ad 207 Tradaa^nduatnai 206Sata« 209 Satt Employmam Oppoitimity 210 Madical/Profasatonai ANNOUNCCMCNTS 101 Anrtouncamams 102 Card of TTwnks 103 FraaOflars 104 Happy Notaa tOS Loat and Foikk) 106 Parvonala 107 Ctvid Cara Sarvicae 010 010 lOeSafvtcaaAvtfiaM 109 Buamaaa Opportunity 012 Houaaa For Ram 013 Room For Ram 014 Raaoit Prapacty For Ram OiSWantadToRam 016 Miaoatanadua For Ram 017 Roommalaa Waraad UVESTOCK S PCTS 601 Horaaa i RMng SWDtaa 602 Pati & SuppNaa 603 Uwaatock & Faad 900Fr»a Ciaaailladi AUTOMOTIVE MARKETPLACE (Saparata Sac»on) 701 Cara 702AUIO Paits/Accaaaortaa 703 Vin/Sporl UtMty VaNcta 704Truck8 705 UtiMy Traikars RECREATIONAL 401 Sporting Goods Business Property For Rent Business Property For Rent Business Property For Rent 011 1 OFFICE suite for lease 1.100 square leet Call (969)732-2600 for more information.(12) oil oil A PRIME ofrk:e locatksn available for rent. (989)732-7551 •(0429tfn011) nffpfn^'sPACE PRIME RETAIL or office space. Main Street, downtown. Plenty of private pari(ing. Rates starting $5/8quare foot. (989)350-1669.(09) 50% COMMERCIAL BUILDING. Two 12'x12' overhead doors. Office and restroom plus vacant k?t. Lease required. 118 Meecher Road. (989)731-5856.{07t) For rente 2,!00 Stuart root oCBct buOdbig at a prbne location on SonA Otsego Avenue )iut south or McCoy Road. Spadous parking, pleiuant setting. HERALECTIMES Call for more information. COMMERCIAL RENTALS available. Retail or office space. Call (989)614-1004 Of e-mail scott © dunr\sonline. com. (0722tfn 011) PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for lease. 350 square feet up to 1.200 square feet. Downtown k>catkx). (989)732-5118.(0201 tfnO11) DOWNTOWN BUSINESS locations available. Office suites or storefronts. (989)732-5118.(0201tfn011) WAREHOUSE SPACE for rent in Gaytord. 20"x40' for $210/month arKl 40'x40' for $420/month(989)370-9533.(10) GAYLORD. RETAIL/OFFICE. 800 square feet plus full basement. $1,100/month plus utilities. 114 West Main. GREAT PARKING. Main street. Office space, (989)732-2270.(1 Ot) PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. 814 South Otsego. Suite D. Approximately 1.400 square feet. $1.700/month plus utilities. Excellent location arid parking. (231)348-2700 PREMIUM PROFESSIONAL medical office space for lease on South Otsego Avenue. Individual suites of 800 and 1,200 square feet or will customize 2.000. 1 office suite for lease. 550 square feet. Call (989)732-2600 for more information. (0505tfn011) WAREHOUSE SPACE for rent in Gaylord. 1.760 square feet. Office and bath 640 square feet. Loft 640 square feet. Large parking lot. 14" overhead doors $850/month plus utilities. (989)370-9533. CLASSIFIED ADS PAY OFF! H e r e ' s Lots of Stuff Sell your ^ stuff on the web! www.petoskeynews.com News-Review 231-347-2544 ofP. Rnd instant savings cm FURNITURE FLOORING AUTOMOTIVE GIFTS FLOWERS DINING ENTHRTAINMENT APPAREL BEAUTY ANTIQUES JEWELRY AND MORE! Steeply discounted gift certrficates and coupons from local businesses. ShopSmanUpNorth.cofn Is a dMson of Northern Midilgan Revi«w, htc 231-347-2544 ShopStnartUpNorthxom O a r i > Landscaping < Beautiful Yards Made Easy! "Quality & Pride in Every fob" RESIOeNTlAL & COMMEROAL 29 YEARS LANDSCAPING EXPERIENCE Designing & Planting • ln%KfM0Mi|iCMi<nKta • OSCriMT I h M M I i C t FlAGSTON€ WaiKS 4 PATKDS • BOULDEB & RfTAlNING WALLS -PONDS & WATEBFAJ.LS • BRCK PAVFB WAIKS, PATOS & FiREPfT? NEW HORIZON LANDSCAPE LAMDSCAPE/IRRIGATIOM CONTRACTORS 1^ Aia's <nly bsoed Unflodc ustaller of povcn & retak^ T & W LANDSCAPING, INC. (989) 732-5248 Cell 989-350-5668 349 Randolph Stnti 15433 220ttAvMMM 49307 Stone • Sod • Fill • HYoeosEED • Topso*. • CEOAfi Mulch • Natural Stone Ca«. MKEO-ANZY Owner/Operstxir 2 5 Years Experience GUiylord • (989) 732-4335 Loca/)y OwnoeJ & Operated Voted Norttmm Michigan's *1 Landscapmg Company By People's Chotee Awanls 5 Yaa/s In A Rowl 6aylorrf,MI 49735 (9S9J73^9307 (231)79»«925 UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION Miscellaneous Services Ray's Carpet Cleaning Service MsiaiaiaaifiBHi Need your carpet deaned today - Just call Ray! Call attorney Todd N y e Commercial & Residential Satisfaction Guaranteed! 989-732-1427 ^tU^LE! Free Estimates 25-04 P & K Get a Website that Works •CRIMINAL Court Expertise • Counseling • Excellence FAMILY BUSINESS 1262 S. Otsego Ave. Gayofd, Ml stop f o r e c l o s u r e and garnishments! Fresh starti Nye & Associates, Grayling, Ml W e are a debt rdiW agency and a»sisl p e o p l e with filing bankrifjCcy. bar Modden's Internet MarketingftServices | Kevin Hesselink Attorney • Specializing in ^ , 9 e » 4 1 4 - 2 7 2 4 989-732-5952 CoMuttotkMi, Domain, On* Ymt HoetlRO, Email. 3-t wrtpogM. Myspoc* Accoant, Directory IMIngt ond Much mor*. CLEANER ONE X MAIDS Bondad and Inaund OumlHy Houtakaaplng Servkx* 0*t moratoryour adwrtlslng dollor wltti o w*lMlte thot works MMytSM Call lodayl (9M)-<M-032« ProfottSwvers.com Carrie Denlson Qenaral Manager 1113 E t f l e B o u l e v a r d Tal. 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 5 0 6 8 Gaylord, Ml 49735 Call 989-858-0782 KhesselinkOpklawtlnn.coni SnUfMaBraalDeal lniliaClassaoil& Shoomn wHh a noM tor b v g i i n t head itniigtit tor the Herald TIITMS d a x H M s In tlw classifieds, you can tract dovnt 8 on everyttung trom cars to canine companions. It's easy to place an ad or find the Kerns you want and It^ used l>y hundreds of area shoppers every day 989-732-1111 2058 S. Otsego • Gaylord. Ml 49735 • Fli: 989-732-3490 wvm.gaytordlwraKfllnnes com • Graylh>g C m H F M t Q l * n ' » M i n i M a l l ParMng Lot ^ i 4 i i i i | t | . 5 SPADE TRUCKS . 55-FOOT BUCKET TRUCK • TREE TRIMMING & REMOVAL • BRUSH CHIPPING . STUMP G R I N D I N G . lOT & ROAD 10 OEARMG • INSURED at&t Antkehzed HemUr JanWfarOarTMr UPS Shipping • Bill Paying Ch«cl( CMhlng m u t iain i«—uni 2 2 0 Birch St. BeHoira, M l 4 9 6 1 5 Ir^foONoilhemTrMTranspbnt.com wyrw.Norlh«mTrMTronspkif>t.com 231.533 8122 231.676.0441 231.533.5125 231.676.0442 S M Ao«nt C r t w t a f d A OtMQO County Mobile 9 6 ^ 7 3 2 - 4 0 0 2 Office: 969-348-9100 c«shi«nM»rO aol.oom W a d n M d a y , S a p t w n t M r 17. 2 0 0 6 - D - a Gaylord H w a M Tlnw* Business Property For Rent Houses for Rent Houses For Rent Servtces Available 012 012 100 oil yoiir K K N I A l . CONM t I ION A P A R T M I N T S GLEN MEADOWS HOMES Lease with o p t i o n to buy. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. $1.000/nK>nth. AJao 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. $ 1 , 1 0 0 / m o n t h with no option. Lou, (517)202-3996.{10) PROFESSIONAL/MEDICAL OFFICES SALE - LEASE - CAN DIVIDE 3 3 0 0 aq. f t with 11 offices, conference room, kitchen, basement & high visibility. H O U S E FOR rent. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. G a r a g e . W o o d boiler outside. No heating bills. $890/month. (231)585-7415.(13) LAKEVIEW APARTMENTS. 2 BR, carport, large storage room, private balcony. NearH75 exit. T H E A N N E X . In t o w n , 2 bedrm and 1 r o o m efficiency units availat>le. C H A L E T C O N D O S . In town, 2 BF1,2 full batfis, patios. T H E W O O D S . 2 BR, 2 baths, fireplace, W / D hookup. LEWISTON. 2-3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Attached garage. Appliances. $ 6 5 0 / m o n t h plus utilities. First/security deposit. (989)786-7320.(17) with 17.000 sq. ft. pnme Class-A offices, elevator. Or)e 1k>or, 6,000 sq. ft. leased. 2 3 ^ tQ. n. PERFECT LOCATION SALE • LEASE • CAN DIVIDE NEW TODAY! 1 B E D R O O M cabin. Northeast Otsego Lake area. 7 7 0 Michigan Avenue. $ 3 6 0 / m o n t h plus security. (989)370-1498.(17) NEW TODAY! 2 B E D R O O M house $450 plus some (989)732-9676.(17) for rent. utilities NEW TODAY! 500 t o 1,200 sq. f t units at Parkside Mini Mall. Great values! INDUSTRIAL /VfAREHOUSE SALE - LEASE • CAN DIVIDE 3 BEDROOM house in Michayvt^e. 2 baths. 2 - 1 / 2 car garage. Hot tub. Fireplace. Convpletely furnished. Available now. $ 8 0 0 / m o n t h plus utilities. Security deposit. (989)939-8110.(17) NEW TODAY! 6,000 sq. f t with 2 offices, air compressor. 3 overhead doors. Fenced storage and parking with diesel plug ins. 3 B E D R O O M , 1 bath mobile home, (989)619-5884 or (989)731-1235,(17) NEW TODAY! 12,000 sq. ft., great service facility includes 1,400 sq. ft. of offices, overtiead doors and floor hoist. dale j. smith Realty (989) 732-2477 • 1-800-822-2350 www.daleismith.com e-mail - [email protected] ' . 4 ; S. jtsego Be* 309, Gaylord VI 4?735 3 B E D R O O M . 1/12 bath mobile. Ctose to t o w n yet country setting. $600/month. (989)731-6360.(13) NEW TODAY! 3 B E D R O O M S . 2 baths in Mic h a y w e . N e w kitchen a n d appliances, $ 7 5 0 / m o n t h plus deposit and utilities. (989)619-9031.(17) Houses For Rent 012 1 B E D R O O M mobile on foundation with utility room on large lot. Furnished. No smoking. No pets. $ 3 9 5 / m o n t h . Utilities furnished. (989)494-8100.(03) 2 B E D R O O M c a b i n s starting at $ 3 9 5 / m o n t h plus utilities. Available t h r o u g h May. No pets. (989)732-3933.(30) 2 B E D R O O M h o u s e in Sparr. $ 6 5 0 / m o n t h . N o pets Includes lawn care. R e f e r e n c e s required. (989)732-1931.(13) 2-3 B E D R O O M houses. Clean. A p p l i a n c e s Cable r e a d y F r o m $ 6 3 5 / m o n t h , (989)732-2271 (lOt) 3 BEDROOM mobile home. S525/month plus utilities. Security deposit, (989)306-0234.(06t) 4 B E D R O O M , 1 bath h o u s e in d o w n t o w n Gaylord. 2 car garage. Fresh paint a n d new carpet. First m o n t h ' s rent a n d 1 m o n t h secunty deposit required. $ 8 0 0 / m o n t h . Available September 15. (859)396-9628.(06) 4 B E D R O O M S . 2 car garage. Within the city limits. $ 8 0 0 / m o n t h plus security deposit. Pets considered. Available N o v e m b e r 1. (231)585-7525.(13) 5 1 5 0 M A L L A R D Trail 3 bedrooms. All a p p l i a n c e s ir>cluded. $650 plus deposit. (989)390-4444.(13) house, PhSM ( M l 732-5440 M-(W)36(K5B8B 6747 OU 27 South. 3 BEDROOMS. Totally furnished. Available t h r o u g h May. Snowplowing. washer, dryer, garbage pickup. $ 6 0 0 plus utilities. (989)858-6569.(17) NEW TODAY! 4 B E D R O O M S , 2 baths. Full basement. Large attached garage. Near G a y l o r d . $ 9 0 0 / m o n t h plus utilities and deposit. (989)619-8131.(17) NEW TODAY! 4 1 4 H A Z E L , Gaylord. 2 bedrooms. $625/month. (716)759-7155.(17) NEW TODAY! H O U S E FOR rent w e s t of Gayk^rd. 3 b e d r o o m s . 2 baths. ^ acres. $900 plus utilities. (231)420-1568.(17) NEW TODAY! L A R G E 3 b e d r o o m . 2 bath house. C l o s e to town. Pets okay. $ 8 5 0 / m o n t h . (989)619-9479.(17) NEW TODAY! NICELY DECORATED 3 b e d r o o m s , 2 baths. Weil insulated. All appliances. $700/month. (989)731-4329.(17) CLASSIFIED ADS PAY OFF! Help Wanted Miscellaneous 201 204 DOG QROOMER/PET stylist Experianca necasaary. Full or part-time availabia. Compaaaionate Dog Qroomk>g, Higgins U k a , ( 9 8 9 ) 8 2 1 - 7 4 7 9 (06) Chain Link. OMlvanlzvd and Vtnyl Coatad vmyl and Wood Fanotno Farm F«noa Fraa EattmatM G>ylord.MI DJ/ K A R A O K E entertainment for ar>y occasion, www.larryentertajnment.com. Larry Reichert, (989)732-3933.(06) D R I V E W A Y S E A L coating by Rick Eut}ank. Protect a n d beautify. 3 0 y e a r s experience. Also line striping. Reasonable (989)732-6553.(1 Ot) S H A R P H O U S E . Furnished. 1 bedroom. Includes cable, water, plowing, m o w i n g . N o pets. Referer>ces. secunty deposit. $580/month, (989)731 -5112 Sherry. (16t) Resort Property For Rent 014 L A K E F R O N T C O T T A G E . Dixon Lake. For rent by day, w e e k or month. Great swimming. (231)499-2230.(23) Interior & Exterior (A Qayiort) Eichangal Darryl Hill 16 PURE PRECISION Lawn Care Fall cleanup, sprinkler s y s t e m and lawn winterizing, shrub/hedge t r i m m i n g a r ^ gutter cleaning. Licensed/insured. Please call (989)370-4257.(13) Dutchman Home & Cottage Services NEW TODAY! D i X O N L A K E Resort. Scenic lakefront kitchenettes for rent by weekend, week or month. (989)732-2802.(17) Repairs 989-732-2639 • LicenMO • irwjred Gard«n Structurv* KOHL'S NOW HIRING! Looking tor earty m o r n i n g trxxA unloaders. caahiars a n d overnight a d set asaociatea. Apply in peraon. 2 4 5 0 W e a t M - 3 2 , Gayk>rd, to fill out a n applk»tk>n at the aervk:e deak.(13) Clubs/Restaurants L A S E N O R I T A M E X K ^ A N Restaurant is kx}king for you. Applicants must b e energetic, enthusiastic a n d have a passion for customer service. LaSenorita is currently accepting applications for servers. Please stop in f r o m 2 p m - 4 p m daily at 7 3 7 W e s t Main. Gaykjr d, Michigan. O n l y positive t e a m players n e e d app l y (10) 101 F A L L E M T class. B e g i n a new career. Begins S e p t e m b e r 22. 2008 in Gaylord. Call (989)732-9085,(30) F R E E F I N A N C I A L fitness/credit educatiorvloreclosure prevention w o r k s h o p n o w f o r m i n g to start in G a y l o r d o n W e d n e s d a y . Sept e m b e r 24 a n d running 5 weeks. CatI Alice at Northern H o m e CDC to register, toll free 1-866-637-1834.(10) NEW TODAY! NEW TODAY! Help Wanted Miscellaneous Voice Lessons Offering vocal lessons for aspiring vocal students i n m y h o m e for ages 12 and up.(Bachelor of Music Edt>cation with emphasis on vocal music; CMU) Focusing on Free Offers healthy techniques for breathing and vocal warm-ups. Repertoire F R E E : M A L E springer/boxer mix p u p p y atK>ut 3 - 4 months old. (989)732-8040.(17) study ranglr>g f r o m renaissance/ baroque t o modern. Emphasis also placed o n the study of music Lost And Found theory/music history. 105 F O U N D : G R A Y male cat. Loving. Five Lakes Road. (989)731-2664.(17) students for the 989- Child Care Services 107 2 F U L L - T I M E o p e n i n g . Offering secunty, love, ^ u c a t i o n , a preschool p r o g r a m a n d baby sign language. Please call (989)705-7734. L o c a t e d in Gaylord West.(27) F U N H O U S E D a y c a r e has openings. (989)732-8258.(19) W I L L I N G T O do overnight babysitting in m y h o m e . Please call (989)731-4030.(13) Advertising: He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. Call Classifieds (231) 347-2544 today to place an ad. Proud of your c o m p a n y ? Put your logo in the ad! AUtOMdYlVE^^i 732-4884 (ill Hi l/"ir.' tiiiii (fur hw! O F R C E M A N A G E R , administrative assistant, booldteeper. Must have excellent c u s t o m e r service artd t e l e p h o n e skills a n d be very organized. Responsibilities include invok:ing. p a y i n g bills and other t)ookkeeping. MkJ-level or t>etter k n o w l e d g e of Quickbooks is required. A great opportunity for the right individual. Fax res u m e . cover letter a n d salary history to ( 9 8 9 ) 6 8 8 - 5 9 6 6 or mail to: Administrator. 657 Crestwood Drive, Gaylord. M l 49735.(06) Office/Clerical 205 G A Y L O R D F I R M s e e k i n g experienced legal assistant. Send res u m e , salary requirements and references to: Topp Law. PLC, PO Box 1977. Gaylord, Ml 49734,(17) PRESTON FEATHER More d e t a i l s Faster S a l e s Petoskey News-Review Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS PAY OFF! (231)347-2544 GAYLORD C O M M U N I T Y SCHOOLS Services Available 108 A & D L A N D S C A P E . Lawn maintenance. c l e a n u p s , hydroseeding. topsoil, gravel driveways, brick paver a n d walls, b e a c h work. (989)370-3915.(24t) Immediate opening for an entrylevel building designer Experience to include sales, knowledge of construction, CAD, and building design experience. A n Associate's degree in architecture or higher is preferred. Send resume to: Preston Feather Building Centers. 3689 O3ld l d 27 2 7 ^South, ^ u t h , Gaylord, M l 49735, < CI MANPOWER 1 3 4 9 S. O t s e g o Ave., Suite 9 Gaylord. Ml 49735 204 ADULT ACTIVITY aide Part-time, 3 0 hours per week. Position o p e n for G a y l o r d location. Assist d e v e l o p m e n t a l disa b l e d irKjividuals build daily living a n d vocational skills. Must be d e p e n d a b l e , flexit)Je. self motivated and t e a m o r i e n t e d with a high degree of confidentiality. Requires g o o d driving record, high school d i p l o m a / G E D with related work e x p e r i e n c e but will train. W a g e s start at $10.21 per hour with paid vacation. S e n d res u m e to: HR North Country C M H , One M a c D o n a l d Drive, Suite A, Petoskey. M l 4 9 7 7 0 . Fax (231)347-1241 or e - m a i l hr@norc o c m h org. E O E . ( 1 3 ) Buildlns Desisner W A N T T O sell your car. toick, t)oat or motor h o m e yourself? N e e d a spot to park it for g o o d exposure? (989)350-5080.(10) L O O K I N G F O R self rrralivated. carir>g people t o w o r k with indivkluals in g r o u p h o m e setting assisting t h e m with needs of daily living. Must l i a v e a valid drivers l i c e r ^ . Part-time positior>8 available. 8 hour shifts. Mostly aftemoons and midnights. $7.85/rK>ur. After training is complete $8/hour. Training in care of others will b e provktod Possibility of full-time with benefits after training. Call (989)732-9464 M o n d a y through Friday, 7 a m - 3 p m . ask for Veronica. EOE.(13) F U L L SERVICE cook wanted. Apply in person at Flora Cafe, (989)732-3505.(17) P I E R S O N ' S AT B o y n e Mountain n o w accepting applications for waitstaff. prep c o o k s , line c o o k s a n d dishwashers. Apply in pers o n or s e n d your application to: Pierson's. do S y m o n s Gener al Store, 4 0 1 East L a k e Street, Petoskey Ml 4 9 7 7 0 . ( 1 7 ) Announcements LOST: L A R G E great dane. Very affectionate. D o e s n o t bark, only m u m b l e s A n s w e r s t o "Astro or Rastro". Last s e e n in the Intergalactic northern hemisphere. Sadly m i s s e d by G e o r g e . Jane. Judy a n d EIroy. Please contact the Jetsons. NEW TODAY! PART-TIME P R O G R A M director n e e d e d for small nonprofit. Starting salary $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ar>nually- Experier>ce with successful grant writir>g, runnir^g a r t o n p r c ^ p r o g r a m a n d interest in the arts. Typing, Internet a n d Q u i c k B o o k s . Atjibty t o prioritize, multi-task a n d h a v e g o o d p e o p l e skills. S e r x j res u m e , cover letter a n d refere n c e s to P O B o x 2 4 9 , Gaylord, Ml 4 9 7 3 4 . Deadline to apply Septerrtber 27. 2008,(17) 202 C O O K W A N T E D . A p p l y in person. T h e O l d Depot Restaurant, Johannesburg.(13t) DARRYL'S 103 NEW TODAY! PERFECT 4 bedroom (989)732-2270.(10t) ALPINE FENCE CO. LLC CABINS AT Loet ACTM. C a b i n # 5 a n d «7, $ 3 7 5 m d u d ing utIMtes. Near Biu« QHI L a k a 11010 N o f t h Otd US>27. 1 - « 7 7 - 2 2 7 - 6 9 7 6 U o petS-OOt) Administrative Professional FREE A N D REDUCED PRICE MEALS This is the public release that we will send to GAYLORD HERALD TIMES, INC. on AUGUST 27. 2008. JOHANNESBURG-LEWISTON SCHOOLS today announced its policy for free and reduced price meals for children unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program. The following househokJ size and income criteria will be used for deterrriining eligitHlity; SCAU FOt FtiE MIALS 0 1 F U i MILK SCAU f M UDUCiD P t K l M i A U Total Family Size Annual 1 $13,520 2 $18,200 3 $22,880 4 $27,560 6 $32,240 6 $36,920 7 $41,600 8 $46,280 $4,680* $1,127 $1,517 $1,907 $2,297 $2,687 $3,077 $3,467 $3,857 $390' Twice per Month $564 $759 $954 $1,149 $1,344 $1,539 $1,734 $1,929 $195- Every Two Weeks $520 $700 $880 $1,060 $1,240 $1,420 $1,600 $1,780 $180' Twice per Weekly . $260 $350 $440 $530 $620 $710 $800 $890 $90' $19,240 $25,900 $32,560 $39,220 $45,880 $52,540 $59,200 $65,860 $6,660' $1,604 $2,159 $2,714 $3,2^ $3,824 $4,379 $4,934 $5,489 $565' $802 $1,080 $1,357 $1,635 $1,912 $2,190 $2,467 $2,745 $278' $740 $997 $1,253 $1,509 $1,765 $2,021 $2,277 $2,534 $25r $370 $499 $627 $755 $883 $1,011 $1,139 $1,267 $129* For each additional household member add; $ 9 9 D O W N p a y m e n t s o n selected a u t o m o b i l e s to qualified buyers. N o credit, b a d credit, rK> problem. Taik>red Enterprises, P a t o s k ^ . 1-888-774-2264. www.taik>redenterprises. c o m . (2t) 1997 L I N C O L N Town Car Signature Series. Very clean. $6,300/best. (989)370-0533-8819.(13) NEW TODAY! 1992 O L D S M O B I L E Cutlass Suprerr>e. S o m e rust, runs great. 140,000 mHea $ 2 , 5 0 0 or beat offer. (969)370-8105.(17) - h U-SAVE A U T O ^ N T A L . 1987 J E E P Wrangler. H a r d top. A s is. $1,500. (989)350-8569.(13) 2 0 0 0 G M C Jimmy. G o o d condition. $3,700. (989)619-3894.(13) NEW TODAY! • U w OaNy. WMWy a Ma«Mly R«IM < 9v— Uea< Pleh-Up a DOtyry • LAEAMY OWMTF A OJPARAM 989-732-0060 1 4 1 OMRF—TLS WYTON 2003 JEEP Liberty, V-6. 4 speed, automatic. Flame red clear coat, slate gray interior. C u s t o m e r preferred p a c k a g e 6 C D / 6 s p e a k e r s D e e p tint glass. R e m o t e entry Power o p t w n s a n d towir>g p a c k a g e $9,200. (231)529-9054.(17) Trucks 704 I mm. . y r t t t t a t S a t t f l 1941 D O D G E 1 t o n stepside 702 Auto P a r i s / A c c e s s o r i e s pickup 2 o w n e r s . O n g m a l title. ^ R u n s good. Fair to g o o d condi10' H E A V Y duty snovuplow blade fc OOO 1930 M o d a l A 2 0 0 2 F O R D M u a t a n g convarti- with mount. $1,500. ^ox. Runs $900 bte 2 door 3.8, V-6 2 2 . 2 0 0 (989)732-4275.(13) ( 2 3 1 ) 5 9 9 - 3 1 9 4 owonifigs (10) mttea P r e m i u m sound. N e v e r seen 8r>ow. $10,950. A L P I N E A U T O Parta a n d San/- 1 9 9 1 C H E V R O L E T S - 1 0 6 cylin(231)548-2456.(17) k:e buytng u a a d a n d junk vehi- der. $1.200. (231 )585-7415.( 13) cles (989)731-6548.(06) 1999 D O D G E R a m 1500 4 W A N T E D : D E A D or aHve Paying wt>eel drtve. Yelkjw. Tonneau oover. Runs good $3,500. 2004 FORD Taurus S E S c a s h for c a r s ar>d trucka. C a s h quick p k * u p . (989)614-6404.(13) Loaded. Many opiiona. u p o n $6,300A>a«t (969)939-8819.117}_ ( 9 6 9 ) 7 8 6 - 3 9 3 2 . (06) NEW TODAY! NEW TODAY! NEW TODAY! 2 0 0 1 G M C 4 x 4 2 S 0 0 HD Regular cab. 8' box. Topper. Hner, W e s t e r n poly plow, 8 7 . 0 0 0 mites$9.S00A>eat. ( 2 3 1 ) 4 9 9 ^ 9 6 0 . ( 1 7 ) Alpine Auto Parts Services Used Car & Pickup -•1 ffon & CLASSIFIED ADS PAY OFF! Parts Higl&y NEW TODAY! 2 0 0 2 F-1S0. 4.6. R * d . 100.000 mtaa. Gka«l truck. Must < M , 4 0 0 (969)300-0207.(17) Children from households whose income is at or betow the levels shown are eligible for free milk. ApplrcatkHi forms are being sent to all homes with a letter to parerrts or guardians. To apply f w free or reduced price school meals, households shoukJ fill out the form ar>d return it to the school. Additional copies of the applk^ation form are available at the principal's office m each school. HousehoWs shoukJ answer aH questkxis on the form. NON FOOD STAMP HOUSEHOLDS: An applrcatkxi wtHCh does not contain aU of the folkTwmg informs tkxi carwxjt be processed by the school: (1) the total jr>come by source for each househoW member (such as wages, c^ikj support, tfc.); (2) names of all househokJ members; ( ^ social security numt>er of the adutt household member wtx) signs the appiicatkxi; ar>d (4) the stgnatura of a househoM member. FOOD STAMP/FIP/FDPIR HOUSEHOLDS: If you currently receive Food Stamps, F a n % lndeper>derx:e Program (FIP). or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservation (FDPIR) ber>eftt$ lor your child, you onfy have to list your chiWs name ar>d Food Stamp or FtP/ FDPIR case number srxJ sign the applicatHXi. The mformatkxi provided by the househokJ m confidential v t d win be used onty for the purpose of dstsrmining ekgibWty. vertfying data, or qualifying ch«dren for ottier fedsral snd ststs progrsms. s t autf>ortzsd by the United Stales Dapsrtmsnt of Agriculture. The school or other officials may verify applications at any tkns durlrig the school year. Houssholds msy spply for ber>e#ts at arry tims during the school year. If s househokJ is not currently s l i g * l e but has a dacrssss In household Incoms, an Incraase in housshokl size or if • housshold member becomes unempkyyad. the housshold should M out an applkatk)n at that tima. In nx>st cases, FOSTER CHILDREN are eligible for these benefits regardless of the household's irxxxne. If a household has foster chikJren living with them and they wish to apply for free or reduced price meals for them, tt>e household shoukJ contact tt>e school for more infonnation. Under the provisrans of the policy, the FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR will review ^jpHcatiorts and determine eligibility. Parents or guardians dissatisfied with the ruling of the ofAcial may wish to discuss tt>e deoskx^ with tt>e detennining official on an intomial basis. The househokJ also has the right to a fair hearing. This can be done by calling or writing the following official: CARLEE ALLEN. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR 0615 SOUTW ELM, GAYLORD. Ml 49735 Each school and the BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFICE have a complete poScy. wlifeh may be revtewed by any interested p v t y . REAPPLY; Vtou may apply for meal t>enefrta at any time dunng the school year. K you toee your job, if your ir>come decreasss, if your famMy size increases, If you begin Food Stwnps or nP/FDP»R. fW out ar applica tk>n at thst time. *ln sccordwtce with Fsdersl law and U.S. Department of Agnculture polcy, this n ^ t u t k x i is prohibited from discriminating on the baais of race, cotor. national origin, aax, age. or disabilty. To fHe a complairrt of diacrlminatton, wrtta USDA, Dkactof. OfRce of C M Rights, 1400 independence Avenue, SW. Wsehington. D C. 20250-9410 or CsR (800) 795-3272 or (202)7206382 (TTY). USDA is sn equal opportunity provkJer and empkjyer.* wW be rnformed of appMcatton approval or denial. SIncarsly, Sandra Mateliki Qaylord H*r«ld TlmM D-4 • W^dnMday, S«pl«mb«r 17.200a SuperSavers IVBdes/lndustrial Medical/Professional Miscellaneous For Recreational Vehicles Pets & Supplies 207 210 Sale 402 100TH ANNIVERSARY Heritage Softail ClaMic Black and aUver. Solid chrome. 3.000 mllee. $25.(XX). 100th Anniversary Softail Standard. Totally customized. Won best in show award. 2.000 miles. $25,000. (9a9)732-2S22.(06) AKC GOLDEN retriever puppies Healthy t n i beautlfult Oewdaws removed, first shots. Ready to go. Both parents on<«ite. Males $350. Females $400. ( ^ > 4 9 5 - 7 1 8 0 please leave message.(IO) NEW TODAY! Drtvers CDL TRAlNiNQ Want to 80« the country and gat paid for r ? Northern Driving Institute. Inc., Charlevoix. Ml 1-688-870-6289 www.rK>rthemdrtvtrtg instltute.com. Financing available for thoee who qualify. job placement a88i8tar>ce. Jer 29:11(17) Sates 206 NEW TODAY INSURANCE MANAGERS and agents needed to sell health ar>d other insurance products. We provide leads. 10 month advarKe connmissions 25%, bonoses. tralnir>g. management support and more. To be corwidered. call 1-866-427-2775.(17) 308 PAINT B A L L gun and act^ssoriee. 3 heaters, basketball hoope, 10 gallon fish tank and 2 bottom feeders, refrigerator, youth left-harxled bow, washer and electric dryer. (989)732-3616.(13) NEW TODAYI CERTIPIED NURSING ASSISTANTS Tenderears Qaylord m now accepting appUcatlone for Certified Nurslrtg Assistants We offer Excellent B e r ^ i t s Competitive Wages 401 (k) Tuition Reimbursement Flexible Schedulir>g Interested applicants apply in person or ser>d your resume to: Debbie Schlttaci. RN. Education and Training Director, 508 Random Lane, Gayk>rd, Ml 49735. Telephor>e (989)732-3508. Fax (969)731-5260. E-mail 309 NEW TODAY! WANTED: STACKABLE washer and dryer. (989)858-1910.(10) Dechlllacl9extondlcare.com Produce & Plants WANTED Heating, firaplace and/or spas experience r>ecessary. Suljmit resume in person, Phillips Lifestyles. 1182 South Otsego. Gaylord,(21) Medical/Professional 210 GRANDVUE MEDICAL Care Facility is looking for an Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable Specialist. Successful candidate will be organized, professional, dependable, able to multi-task while maintaining customer sen/ice focus and possess a minimum of 2 years Medicare/Medicaid billing experierKe. This full-time position will be eligible for benefits such as medical, dental, vision and life insurar>ce, company pakJ retirement plan ar>d generous paid time off package. Applk^tions will be accepted through September 25. Stop by our facility at 1728 South Peninsula Road. East Jordan to fill out an application or call Jane Korthase, Human Resource Director at (231)536-2286 with questions.(10) Machinery 310 CLARK HI-LO. 5000 pound. Cab. lights, heater. Dual air tires for outside work. Also White hard tire Hi-Lo (989)742-4219.(06) NEW TODAY! Heating .. Al' V/OnQiuOrling 304 FIREWOOD. SPLIT, delivered and dumped. 5 cords/$300. Unlimited supply. (231)420-5069. ENERG^^DRAFTS^CCEGTE^ 2005 JOHN Deere 5205 4WD diesel tractor for only $2,900, Syncshuttle transmission, power steering. No mechanical defects. Comes with 500 ml of free delivery. Details/pictures contact robgar53 @ gmail .com. (617)440-4606(17) Miscellaneous For Antiques & Auctions Sale 311 MACQUE ESTATE auction! ^ptember 20. 10am. 2136 South Stephen Bndge Road, Grayling. View online or call Lets Talk Auction! (989) 848-5158 www.LetsTalkAuction.com(17) 306 CASH REGISTER from 1925-1926. Works but keys are jammed. 60 plus pounds. Pictures available at http://community. webshots. com/album/56568 4776oOlmx!. $100. (989)350-1353.(06) ICE CREAM (soft serve) and restaurant equipment for sale. All equipment for sale. (231)347-4901 days or (231)547-5182 evenings.(l3) NEW TODAY! AIR DUCT equipment and trailer. Great starter business. $10,000. (989)915-0085(17) ANTIQUE WRINGER washing machine with laundry tub. Works good. $12S/best. (989)786-4099 after 3:30pm.(13) ARCHERY TREESTAND. Self climber. Like new. $55. (989)786-5878.(13) AKC REGISTERED St. Bernard puppies. Shortfiair $500/each Now takir>g deposits. (989)727-8057.(13) BABY CRIB with mattress. Simmers. Uke new. Light maple finish. $60. (231)584-3468.(17) AKC TOY poodle puppies. 1 male. 1 fenrwle. Cream. $225. (969)858-3961 .(13) BALI BLINDS for sky track sky light. 22"x58'. 1 pair with tong pull opener. Pakj $200. WiH take $100 (989)732-7235.(17) CHIHUAHUAS. MUST see NEW TODAY! Lor>g coated white male and a 1971 VOLKSWAGEN Westfalda s r r K x ^ coated black male. Vet camper bus. Restored 5 years checked. Cfiampior>ed sired. ago from excellent original vehi- Parents on-stte. ^ 7 5 . New litter cle. New engine 5,000 miles ago. available in October. LP gas heater for campir>g. inte- (989)448-0161.(06) rior updated. Call lor photos. $6,500 or best offer. NEW TODAY! (231)526-7305.(17) COCKER SPANIEL puppies FrierKHy, rings bells to be let out. NEW TODAY! Come to silent whistle. Taught, 1989 . HARLEY-DAVIDSON sit stay, go down a r ^ leave it. Sportster 1200. Black. Minor (989)379-3296.(17) custom. 13,000 miles. Real nice. Asking $5,000 PUREBRED SHIH-TZU puppies. (231)758-0262.(17) Dewclaws, veterincurian checked. st>ots. 4 boys. $400. NEW TODAY! (969)657-4193.(13) 1996 KAWASKI KX250. Good condition. $1,500/best. L i v e s t o c k & F e e d (989)350-0074.(17) 603 TWO 2006 Kawasaki Bayuo four NEW TODAY! wheelers with trailer. 250cc. Good condition. $7,500 or Ijest YOUNG ROOSTERS and Banoffer. (989)350-3996 or tam chickens $3 each. Bantam (989)731-0930.(02) hen with 12 babies $ 15. (989)732-3757.(17) WANTED: COKE and Pepsi memorabilia. Please call or fax list of items and prices to (989)348-6171 Monday through Friday. 9am-5pm or fax (989)348-6161 anytime.(IOt) www.terwJercaregaytord.rwt AKC POMERANIAN puppies Black male, bkxxj rrwie, white female. $600. (069)619-4256.(13) JUST INI SAVE GAS with our brar>d new mopeds. 50cc. Models starting at $1,195. Call Becroft Motors at (989)705-7800 to reserve yours today.(19t) WANTED: ANTIQUES. Coin and stamp collections, antiques, any ar>d ail old collectibles and cars. (407)461-7720 Glenn.(17) Sales 302 PAT MCKEOWN FORD INC. 2 full-time sales positions availMUMS! MUMS! MUMSI able. Includes BO plus Demo. Many cotors. 9" pots. $5/each paid vacation and holidays. or five for $20. Wakjrast Tree Bring your professiorval appearFann, 5374 West M-32. Gayance arid positive attitude, apply lord. Across from Camp in person at US-31 South, CharSancta Maria. levoix. (231)547-4401 or ©mail (231 >546-2015.(06) resume 'omckeown @ voyager.net{ 17) SALESPERSON 2001 JAYCO 28 fifth wheel with super sMdeout. Has extras. $9.895/best. (989)786-4099 after 3:30pm,(13) W a n t e d To B u y 900 ANTIQUE CHILD'S roll top oak desk. Excellent cortditlon. $65 (989)732-6307(17) Boats/Snowmobiles 403 2004 POLARIS snowmobile. PROX Edge Liberty 800. 1.050 miles. Reverse. Studded. Excellent condition. $4,200. (989)348-1484.(13) AVOID CHRISTMAS rush! Great deals on all in stock Sanpan, Aqua Patio. Sweetwater and South Bay pontoons! Powered by Mercury. Evinrude E-tec and 5 year warranted Honda o u t b ^ r d motors. A small deposit means you don't have to take delivery or pay for it until next spring and we will store it for you free this winter. Okj Point Comfort Marine, 4629 West Higgms Lake Drive. Higgins Lake. (989)821-5692.(17) NEW TODAY! ANTIQUES: 40'S round back chairs. $20. 42" 40's drop leaf table. $75. 1920 dry sink $100. 50's end tables. $10. (989)786-4119.(17) SpOrting GoodS 401 NEW TODAY! NEW TODAY! HUNTERS SPECIAL: Two used CERTIFIED ORGANIC BEEF. top of the line bows and several tree stands VITALCARE, NORTHERN Grass Genetic (G.G.) Black An- assorted Michigan's largest home care gus t>eef. Grass produces the (989)732-2751(17) company, is seeking a full-time good omega-3 fats instead of OLD TOWN Discovery 158 carespiratory therapist to provide omega-6 fats from grain fattened noe with 2 Carlisle paddles. patient education and supervi- fimimals. Available by the quarter, Natural finish ash carrying yoke, sion of home respiratory serv- half, or whole. Also, ground beef thwart and web seats. Excellent ices. Great benefit package. and (G.G.) bulls and heifers. shape. Has only been on the EOE. Fax resume to Contact J-Mar or Stony Ridge river 10 times in the past 6 years (989)742-4505 or (231)627-1165. Attention: Human Famns $500/best. Located in Grayling. (989)742-4065.(17) Resources. (17) Photos on request at tpfaff463©hotmail.com or call (231)675-3167.(12) Sell it f a s t i n NEW TODAY! WINCHESTER MODEL 70. 300 POURED W A L L forms for sale. N e w s ' R e v i e w Ciasslfeds! WIN mag. Burns scope. Perfect. Paid $25,000! Must sell. Asking $500. (816)738-1882.(10) (231)347-2544 $12,000. Call for information. (989)688-4326,(17) Find Super Savings in Classifiedsl NEW TODAY! NEW TODAY! 1996 STARCRAFT 191 Islander. 19'. 3.0 I ite r Me rCru iser. 126 hours. 1 owner. 4 Cannon electnc downriggers. electronics and more. Excellent condition with trailer. Available on Burt l ^ k e to test dnve and buy for fall fishing. $8,995, (630)878-1030.(17) SHRINK WRAPPING, winterizing and storing for tioats and jet skis. Also snowmobile preseason preparation, (989)731-5050.(13) CLASSIFIED ADS PAY OFF! Tfio BAND STUDENTS. Yamaha trumpet. Great corxjltkx^. $350/best. (989)370-4755.(13) BARELY USED rabbit cage with litter pan. water tx>ttie, resting pad and food. $45/best. (989)732-1900.(10) BUNK BED set with mattresses Heavy ^duty. Wooden. Twin with full futon on bottom. Asking $100. (989)732-5053.(13) CHEST OF drawers (989)732-1300.(17) $30 COUCH HIDE-A-BED. (989)619-9231,(17) $50 CRAFTSMAN WOOD chipper shredder. 8 horsepower Briggs & Stratton. $ 125/best. (231)585-7550.(17) CULTURED STONE Pro-Line's hillside splitrock. 30 square feet. Paid $210 from GCP, Will sell for $99. (231)585-6193.(13) SuperSavers DINING ROOM table 4 chairs 1 leaf. Good condition. $100. (989)732-3560 or (989)614-1011.(17) 900 1 DOLLAR TO $1000 SUPER SAVERS All ads run for 2 days in the Gayk)rd Herald Tirr>es and for an additional $5.00, 1 day in the Mart^etplace Maximum 20 words...Free. Items Priced Free for items $100 and under $4.00 for items $101 - $300 $5.60 for items $301 - $600 $7,20 for items $601 - $1000 Enjoy the success of our SUPER SAVERS 10 TANNED deer hides without fur. $100. (989)732-7924.(13) 17" CRT monitor with flat screen. $40. (989)732-8039.(10) 18'X4' ROUND quick set pool with chemicals. Excellent corKJition. $100/best. (989)619-4256.(13) 1974 EVINRUDE 440 Only 800 miles. Not started in 2 years. $100. (231)546-4849.(13) 2 DRYERS. GOOD condition. 3 years old. $75/each. (989)731-5898.(17) 3 NEW mahogany/leather barstools . Solid wood. $ 100. (989)350-8569. (989)350-3270.(13) I t e m Price 5 GOODYEAR P255/70R16 tires. $1W. (989)732-8491 .(17) $601-$1,000 = $7.20 • FUEL OIL furnace with oil tank. $100. Scott 989-614-6100.(17) FUEL OIL furnace with oil tank. $100. Scott. (989)614-6100.(17) FUTON. SOLID wood Excellent condition. $125 (989)939-7379.(17) ARMOIRE. CHILD'S. $20, (989)732-6307.(17) White HUSQVARNA SNOWBLOWER. 9 horsepower Tecumseh engine. $75/best. (231)585-7550.(17) LOG TABLE. 8' long. 2 benches, 2 chairs. $800. Gray microfiber couch and chaise lounge. Stainguard. New. $300/both. (989)350-8569. (989)350-3270.(13) MARCY WEIGHT bench Like new. $50. Yukon AB crunch machine, $99, (989)939-8452.(17) MOTOROLA RAZR V3M (Spnnt) cell pfione with charger, car charger and manual. Excellent conditkjn. $75. (989)619-0823.(17) NAVY BLUE lift Chair Very good condition. $300. (989)732-1485.(13) NORDIC HOT tub Excellent coTKlition. Full and running. All extras included. Excellent puchase at $1,000. (989)732-2006(17) OAK DROP leaf end table. $85. Hound cherry end table. $85. &nall oak nightstand $40 (989)939-7226.-(17) PAIR SPERRY shoes size (989)732-1009 Oil top 11M. siders $25 =$4 $301-$600 = $5.60 No dealer ads please. Pie-payment is equired W e accept Visa, MasterCard & Dtscover FLORAL EARTHTON6 sofa sleeper $20, (989)619-3614(17) GUITAR. ACOUSTIC. $100, (989)619-2750.(13) HEWLETT-PACKARD PAVILION 4463 computer. Needs new hard drive. Complete with monitor, keyboard and wires, $75. (989)705-8189 leave message.(13) T o place a n ad: $101-$300 FAKE 5' green potted plant. $15. (989)732-4181.(13) Garage sales and pets not applicable, Not available for the use of commercial businesses The highest priced item determines the cost of your ad. Price of the item must be advertised. List e a c h i t e m a n d its b a r g a i n p r i c e . T h e h i g h e s t p r i c e d i t e m d e t e r m i n e s t h e c o s t of y o u r a d . P r i c e s a r e f o r 20 w o r d s , 2 days. $100 and under = Free heater $75 GAS STOVE. Natural or propane. Good condition. $100. (231)587-9130.(13) 22" LONG large hydraulic cylinder for log splitter. $50, (989)786-2831.(17) 25' ANTENNA mast 5' sections with guide wires and hardware, $50rt>est, (231)546-3281.(13) where every item is $1,000 or less! ELECTRIC WATER Barely used. (989)448-0393.(17) Call us today! Gaylord Herald Times. (989)732-1111 1969 FLEETWING pull behind camper. Sleeps 2. New tongue, new rims arnl tires. Set up for hunting. $650. (989)350-5896.(13) n 5 < s / / P DEER BLIND windows. New, 42^x27", Insulated, $15, Not insulated, $10. (989)732-7494.(13) 9 8 9 - 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 (laylord Community Schools Educational Assistant Gaylord Intermediate School is seeking an Educational Assistant to vroiit with students during and after school (11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.) • Must have an Associate's Degree or the equivalent to meet iederal highly qualified standard Willingness and ability to work with elementary school students in a child care capacity CPR and first Aid certification required prior to working with students Position is 6.5 hours pef day, 5 days pef week during school year Please send covet leKK, resumt completed application S 3referenceletters to; you think y o u ' v e found our I M P O S T O R c l a s s i f i e a a d , d o o n e of t h e f o l l o w i n g : Cheryl Wojtas, Superintendent, do Personnel Office, Gaylord Community Schools, 615 S. Elm St., Gaylord, Ml 49735 AFIPLKATIOMAWHABLEATWW^TYYTOWSCT^^ • C u t it o u t a n d m a i l it i n D r o p it o f f a t t h e H e r a l d T i m e s Email [email protected] nckide , address, phone numtjer & a copy of the ad available on our website , * * E ' TTSS O A V L . O R O HERALD TIMES I f o u n d t h * I M P O S T O R A D O F THE WEEKI (Offer S«pt«nnt>*r 24. 2006) NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER Mnd o o i ^ o n arxt FAKE A O t o ; Oay»ord T l r n ^ . P.O. B o x 5«e. 0 « y k x d , M l 49734 Or d r o p ofT at O c y t o r d HanMd T^mmrn. 2 0 5 6 S. O f a g o . Q«ytord ( i a \ l « ) r ( l C o m m i i n i l y S c h o o l s Special Education Classroom Assistant Gaylord Intemtediate School is seeking a Special Education Classroom Assistant to work with students that have emotional and/or behavioral needs. Must have an Associate's degree or the equivalent to meet federal highly qualified standard: willingness and ability to work with students who have severe behavtora) and emotional needs: ability to remain cahti and provide positive behavior support to students: abilitytoeffectively communicate in writing and verbally. Prefer experience with Crisis Prevention Institute de-escalation strategies or equwalent. Position is 6 hours per day, S days per week during student school year Please send cover letter; resume, completed application & 3 referetKe letters by September 22, 2008 to; Cheryl Woltas. Superintendent (Jo Personnel Office. Gaylord Community Schools. 615 S. Elm St, Gaytord, Ml 49735 <11 aiiMib al W*dnMday. September 17.2008 • D-5 Qaylord Herald T1m«s SuperSavers SuperSavers 900 PROPANE DRYER. $15. (989)658-1474 a s k for Brtan.(17) 900 TREADMILL. MANUAL. (989)619-2750.(17) Q U E E N SIZE S«lect mattress set. (989)731-4225.(17) TROY-BUILT CHIPPER-VAC. 5 horsepower. $600. (969)731-0312.(13) Comfort $500. RECLINER. U K E new. blue. Oversized. (989)732-1979 m e s s a g e . (17) Dark $100. leave S I Z E 12 w e d d i n g d r e s s Never worn! $100. 10 karat w e d d i n g b a n d set. Size 5. $ 1 0 0 . Call Tracey. ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 8 0 4 0 SNOWMOBILE HELMET by Lazer. A full face B l i z z a r d helmet with breath m a s k . L i k e new. Med i u m . $85, ( 2 3 1 ) 4 3 6 - 7 6 3 2 . ( 1 7 ) T H R E E 3 0 0 galton fuel t a n k s o n star>ds. $ 1 0 0 / e a c h . 5 0 gallon fuel tank for pk:kup. $ 100. (989)370-3392.(17) T O T A L G Y M 1700. N e v e r used. $65. ( 9 8 9 ) 7 0 5 - 8 8 5 8 . ( 1 3 ) TRADITIONAL STYLE sofa Sleeper. $20, ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 6 3 0 7 . ( 1 3 ) T R A I L E R A X L E w i t h springs ar>d 3 tires. $100. ( 9 8 9 ) 3 7 0 - 0 7 0 2 . ( 1 3 ) $90. WHIRLPOOL WHITE side-by-side refrigerator. Like new, $ 3 0 0 . ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 7 - 8 5 4 9 . ( 1 7 ) W O O D S l i g y E i C A S T iron. Perfect for pole b a m , etc. $200. (989)731-3307.(17) An advertisement is a Advertising Something Terrible Happens - WHIRLPOOL WHITE skle-by-side refrigerator. Like new. $ 3 0 0 . ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 7 - 8 5 4 9 , ( 1 7 ) W I L D U F E P R I N T full size sofa sleeper. New. $ 4 0 0 / b e s t . 3 new log barstools. $125/each or $300/all. (989)350-8569. (989)350-3270.(13) REMEMBER: '^Without V E N T L E S S O A S fireplace. $200. Gas stove. $ 1 5 0 . Washer. $50. G a s dryer. $ 7 5 . Refhgerator. $250. All in g c ^ w o r k i n g cor>ditlon. ( 9 8 9 ) 7 3 2 - 4 9 5 8 . ( 1 7 ) W H I R L P O O L G A S stove. White a n d btack. b k e new. $100. (989)737-8549.(13) Salesperson in Print! NOTHING! With: P.T. Barnum *N0 sick pay DISTRICT MANAGER SALES REPS *N0 office space *N0 mileage expenses A Michigan Company expanding in northwestern M i c h i g a n is seeking sales reps and a district manager. N o overnight travel. O n l y the best need apply. Base plus c o m m i s s i o n , $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 - $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 for first year probable. Income c o m m e n s u r a t e w i t h experience. IMES 987.732.111 Call Mr. K l i n e : Monday- Friday September 1 5 - 1 9 10 a.m.-3 p . m . 877-544-1944 Senior Civil Engineer or Architect Work and Play Where Otiiers Vacation! An incredible w a t e r f r o n t community is looking for healthcare professionals whose idea of theAmerican dream includes living in a relaxed, resort area w i t h award-winning schools and plenty of outdoor adventure. ARMC is currently seeking quirements for registry as a pharmacist. 10+ years of experience, project management skills, and license required. The successful candidate will manage staff, expand the company's Sault Ste. Marie office, and create work for others in the company. This is a Director of Pharmacy Graduate of an A M A approved school of pharmacy. with Meets the re- Must have a m i n i m u m of five years experience as a pharmacist and/or assistant director. Prefer experience in a hospital setting, Strong knowledge of CAP and JCAHO regulations Director of Rehabilitation Services Graduate of an approved school of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, athletic training, or other related allied health program. Meets the requirement for licensure or certification w i t h the respective national organization. M i n i m u m of five years experience as a therapist. Experience in hospital, outpatient, and home care rehabilitation settings preferred. Management experience highly desired. We offer a competitive salary, excellent benefit and retirement packages. Reasonable interview and relocation assistance. Superior staff. challenging position and offers an unparalleled opportunity for career growth. Contact [email protected] or call 800-562-7684. FOX CHARLEVOIX,. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN WANTED Oo lo 0 F o x C h a r l e v o i x , a m e m b e r of t h e F o x M o t o r s a u t o m o t i v e group, has a great opportunity for you! For more information, call the Human Resource Department at 800- • P o t e n t i a l t o t u r n a n a v e r a g e of 5 0 h o u r s / w e e k 556-8842. ext. 8 1 8 4 or e-mail [email protected]. • Incentivized pay plan, • C o n t i n u o u s t r a i n i n g t h a t is c o m p a n y p a i d . ALPENA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER www.alpenareglonalnnedicalcenter.org Equal Opportunity Empioyer Michigan Statewide Classified Ad Network To advertise here, call 989-732-1 111 ADOPT: MMRIED COUPLE WISHING to adopt. MOTORCYCLES • WALNEC1CS MOTORaCLE We'd love to give your bat>y a life full of SWAP MKT! Sun Sept. 21, Caihoun County love, happiness ar^ fun menxxies. Ex- Fairgrounds. Marshall Ml 8am-3pm. Adm penses Paid, Please caH Lon & Chns 1- $6/Booth $40, Indoors/Outstde! Rain888-777-9718 Shine! 630-965-2097. www,walneckswap, oom IRS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE-September 22nd, 2008, Commercial Real Estate, Well kept "BEST HOME LOANS- land Contract and Office/Retail, comer location Detroit. Ml, Mortgage Payoffs. Home-improvements, Formformalion visit: www,ifsaucti0ns.90v Detit Consolidation, Taxes. Houses, Doublewides. Mobiles, Any reason. Any credit! 1-800-246-6100 Anytime! United ALL CASH CANDT ROUTC. Oo you earn if) to Mortgage Seivices, www.umsmortgage, $800/day? Your own k x ^ candy route, com M. I1«KLS w e SM Real Estate Loans. Cash tor land cortracts, $10,000 to $500,000 - Fast funding, tree consultamett®ets. Plus, you may quaHy lor up to $20,000 cash bonus. C ^ or visit 1-600- • 4 0 1 (k). p a i d v a c a t i o n s , p e r s o n a l d a y s a n d p a i d h o l i d a y s . Q u a l i f i e d c a n d i d a t e s m u s t h a v e all s t a t e c e r t i f i c a t i o n s a n d p r e f e r a b l y at l e a s t o n e y e a r of o n t h e j o b t e c h n i c i a n e x p e r i e n c e . C h r y s l e r t r a i n e d is a p l u s ! ! IMES "Only the best" n e e d a p p l y i n p e r s o n a t : Fox C h a r l e v o i x 6684 US-31 Highway South C h a r l e v o i x , M l 491^20 Call 987-732-1111 You may also email your resume to hr@foxmotorsusa. c o m or fax to 2 3 1 - 5 4 7 - 6 8 0 0 . REAL ESTATE AUCTION Lots of Stuff 4 Properties In Northern Michigan Thursday, September 25 50% 16293 Orchard Creek Hwy.. Ocqueoc. off! Beautiful 10 acre parcel on a semi-private lake with sandy beach. Approx. 5294 Holly Road, Kalkaska. Nice building site of about 4 1/2 acres. GO-GUARO.com BUILDINGS FOR SAIL Beat next substantial ATTEND COLLEGE OMJNE FROM HOME, increase. 20x30x12 iS.IOO. 25x40x14 'Medical 'Business 'Paralegal, 'Cnrmnal $7,800. 30x50x14 $9,500. 35x56x16 justice. Job placement assistance. Com- $12,900. 40x60x16 $16,990. 50x140x19 puter avails^. Financial Aid if qualified. 46.900 60x100x16 $38,700. Others. Ends CaN 666-656-2121, www.CenturaOnline. optional 1-800-668-5422 ^ HSH FOR FAU STOOONG • Trout. Bass. Blueg i . Perch. Catfish. Minnows. Algae/Weed control. Aeration EcM^ment, ConsultaAHUNES ARE HMNG - Tr«rv for paying t>ons/lnstallatiof«. FWE CATALOG. HarAviation Manter\ar>ce Career, FAA ap- netta Hills Trout Farm, 1-677-389-2514. proved program f nar¥>al 3»6 if qualtfi^ www,hamettahtfs,com Job placement assistanca. CaK Aviation Institute o( Mamtertance (866) 349-5367, PKWEER OCUffE POU BUIUMNGS - 1' ABLE TO TRAVEL Hlnr^ eight people, no overt)»^, r fiberglass roof raulation, expenence rtecessary, tmportalion & GtfvAime steel, 14 colors. ACQ treated lodging fumehed. expensa piwj trarwig. kiTtotr. Licensad and Insured. caN for WorliAravei entire U.S. Start immedialeiy. quotes. 1-600-292 0679 Www.protet(Chemical.com. C«l 1-677- POU BAM 30X4010' ONLY I B ^ OO 936-7468 Other sbae. Free Deivery. 40x64x12' only $13,996.00. Ctf 937-564-5082 DMVBI - fiK SIGN-ON BONUS for experiSAMBLLS FTCM ONLT CJBOJO Convert your enced teams. Dry van & temp, control. Solo Lanes also availabte. QOs & COL-A logs to valuable lumber w«h your own (^ads welcome Cal Covenam (866) 664- Nomrood Portable bend sewmi. Log sKidders also avwlabie. www.nonwood2519. EOE. sawmlfc.conV300N - Free informatton OWVERS-CAU. ASAP1 $$ Sign-on Bonus 1-800-576-1363 exL 300-N $$ 36-41 cpm. E«n over $1000 weeWy OOHAH VBBCIE: RCGEM t1,00e grocary ExcaRem beneflu Need CDL-A & 3 moe coifnna. your choice. Noah's Arc. no k i rMent OTR 877-2Sfr-8782 wwwmeitonanmel shelters. Advance veterinary trial truck.com ments. Frae t o n i ^ IRS tax deduction DMVOS - m m AVTOflE p M Norwtfwart. 1-886-912-GME to tnjck i l rrtfee excellent network. Lale model equipment. 401i(. Slue Creei neur- H o m e s A R o a l E s t a t e . «ica 800-771-6318. www.p(lmelnc£om A PWrr JOtI Now hmng 16-24 shirp enthuiwetic motlv#ed guys 4 girte freetotravel USA lepieeentrtfl 1S0« leadbig ouWcatnna. 2 weela paid ranmg. trareportation provkJed. Aelumtrlpouannteed. Cal T1r«vJlm (8001^2-6147 VOOO TWGOtt. B R ^ . Qnal New Careert Job Quarmieed on completion of FflM 3 week COL-A TfaMng 1 ye» comrrMment required. 1-800-621-48^ • M e d i c a l , d e n t a l , v i s i o n a n d lite i n s u r a n c e b e n e f i t s at remarkable rates, EAST TBIKMB AFRMMLE UUS LOn MD M N B minules from the GiMl Smotcy Manama on prMine Noma Lake. Cal Lakeelde Raaity 0886-291-S253 or v M -tn.com Rv ROONT l o m t m i m LUDMQTOM, UkhigafL Qreal arrwiRW. convenianl ky caUon. Deeded W tots avaiable tor eale. Dally and seaaonal rentato aieo offered. Ctf B l fey dttm- 231-843-8017 www. vacattonatabonn/pafk com Approx. 990 Phelps Rd . Kalkaska. Nice building site of about 10 acres. Find instant savings on: Timber Ridge Dr., Echo Twp. A t>eautiful 10 acre wooded parcel on a gated private road in Antrim County. Details at ^ FURNITURE FIJOORING AUTOMOTTVE GIFTS ^ . I A S T B I D » . I I » T A T A C < H N 0 L > \ S T B I D R E A L E S T A 1 E . 1 SOOtastbM (5Z7-8243). FLOWERS <« m l * d « n a company DINING EWTERTAINMEMT MERCY HOSPITAL GRAYLING APPAREL BEAUTY Partnering with < ) | > m u n s o n Hemthcahe KuewMg* to tM, Compatthu to Cor* ANTIQUES ^WEUNR ANDMORB Steeply discounted gKk octtlAcates and coupons (iotn local businmiei. FEATURED J O B O P E N I N G S REGISTERED NURSES: E M E R O E N C Y D E P T . - Full-time n i g h t positk>ns available. ER e x p e r i e n c e r\ preferred. M E D 8 U R Q - N e w g r a d s w e l c o m e . 1 2 h o u r s h i f t s . E x c e l l e n t t>er>efit9. C C U - P r e v i o u s experier>ce preferred. Full-time p o s i t i o n s available. O T H E R AVAILABLE POSTTIONS: ^ Vi M E D T E C H / M E D L A B T E C H - I m m e d i a t e o p e n i r ^ for m e d t e c h s in o u r h o s p i t a l taboratory. R E S P I R A T O R Y T H E R A P I S T - F u l l - t i m e posjtk>ns a v a i l a b l e f o r R R T WiU ShopSnnart UpNorth cor^sMer CRT. L A B A T T E N D A N T - Prevkxjs p h l e b o t o m y or m e d k » l experience preferred. F u l l - t i m e p o s i t i o n avaitat>le. W e o f f e r c o m p e t f t i v e w a g e s a n d e x c e f l e n t f r i n g e t>eneflts. I n t e r e s t e d p e r » o r » p l e a s e c o n t a c t : O r g a n i z a t i o n af>d T a l e n t E f f e c t i v e n e s s D e p a r t m e n t , M e r c y H o s p i t a l Q r a y H n g . 1 1 0 0 E . 9MfiaMU»NonluMi k i M n t l M k : h i g a n A v e . , Q r a y M n g , M l 4 9 7 3 8 , t h e r e c r u i t m e n t Una a t ( 9 8 9 ) 3 4 8 - 0 3 5 8 . f a x t o ( 9 8 9 ) 3 4 8 0 4 8 5 o r err>aM s l e w i a O t r k i l t y - h e a K h o r g . LIL Ctieck euf web aHe at mefc»yayllwo.imwonhea>thcars,ot9 l»r a hill 111 of o»aw poaWona. 231-)47-2S44 I • M M H M M M I M I M I Qaylprd H«r*ld T l m M D-6 • W « d n M d « y . S«pt*mb«r 17,2006 H b r e ' s M v C a r d Auto Sales & Services F E E N Y MUFFLER MAN & REPAIR x p w a v i n r t e J E E P D O D G E BRIAN SI A V F N S < ! F I ' . ' N ' I CONCUL'.AV' ZALtS TOWING SYSTEMS HITCHES STANDARO • RECEIVER CLASS l-IV FRONT MOUNT RECEIVERS FIFTH WHEEL • GOOSENECK TOW BARS • BIKE RACKS • WIRING Mufflers, Brakes Oil & Filter C h a n g e - $18.87 101 East Main Oaylord. M l 49736 (969) 732-6239 / (989) 732-6733 C H R Y S L E R WATERS GARAGE VANCE MOREHOUSE MON-FRI 6-6 P M SAT 8-3 PM DOWNTOWN WATERS (989) 732-2124 Forest Services/Excavating ^ F & F EXCAVATING, LLC ^ * Loggtog/LumOenng Lot/Land Clearing Brush Chipping Whole Tree Chopping Stump Grinding Tree RemovaJ Tnmming * Shawn Thomas TREE SERVICE • Removal • THmming Futty tn$ur»d • S t u m p Clearingj • Lot C l e a r i n g M I L LOT CLEARING • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • BASEMENTS » DRIVEWAYS • DEMOLITION • SNOWPLOWING * S T L T M M I , QKIS. ^ ^ GAYLORD • 989-614-0793 * • Storm Work 24 Hour Emergency service (989) 732-5230 f a x I989J 705-2050 300 Expressway Ct PO Box 670 Gaylord. Ml 49734 989-348-6950 We Accept Cell 989-745-1538 7891 HULBERT RD., FREDRICK. Ml 49733 Builders, Contractors & Home Improvement Services m Log Home Restoration • Custom Staining • Power Washing • Deck Refurbishing P O W E R W H S H I N G DECKS, HOUSES 'Your E n e r g y Efficient C r e a t o r " £ JUST ABOUT ANYTHING PiintiRf • Staining • Sealing C u s t o m Homes Permanent W o o d Foundations a n d B a s e m e n t s R o u g h & Finish Carpentry Residential Commercial • DECK ONE Current Construction Professional Painting • Sand Blasting • Log R e p l a c e m e n t • TREE E s t i m a t e s Insured U c . Bid. 56764 PAINT C€. Professional Work - Reasonable Rates Snowplowing Aviilalile • CALL NOW! j p a ^ \ l| FREE ESTIMATES - SENIOR DISCOUNTS^ • 1 V Tully I n s u r e d Frank Bryant Cell: 9 8 9 - 6 1 9 - 9 8 7 4 Bill Current (989) 786-4595 • Owner Why Buy New When Used L Will Do! % Located In Gaylord For Over 20 Years COMMERCIAL. • RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION 30 YEARS • LICENSED & INSURED Ai A Pritr The Door Specialists RESIDENTIAL ROOFING LOG CABINS • Deck C l e a n i n g ^ Sealing Vou C a n Afford SOUTH COURT GAYLORD. M l 4 9 7 3 5 Call: 2 3 1 - 5 8 5 - 7 6 3 7 RANDY RICH • 9 8 9 . 7 3 1 . 1 8 5 5 • 9 8 9 . 3 5 0 . 1 3 2 7 CELL r S a l e s • Service • Installation GARAGE DOORS & OPERATORS Full Line of W i n d o w s • Exterior Doors EMERGENCY SERVICE 2 4 HOURS Gerta's Draperies "Everything Logs r e p l a c e d , c a u l k c d chinked, sandblasted a n d stained. Also b u i l d n e w s t r u ICIUIC^. ctures 12476 E. M-32 Johannesburg, MI 49751 phone 989 786 3265 cell 989 390 1844 enuil: deldtomas^oyager.nei 1-800-757-1879 DMS Construction, LLC Window Log H o m e Restoration Insured Licensed Builder 119 Fairview Road (989) 7 3 2 - 1 8 7 9 GAYLORD Located Next To The Fairgrounds • Free Estimates I Excellent Customer (989) SS (989) 731-4560 Tim Lawes > Carpet • Ceramic • Additions • Vinyl ' Siding ' Roofing • Laminate ' Gorages > Pole Barns • Remodeling ' Knotty Pine ' Cultured Stone • And Morel Guaranteed Workmanship • Sen/ke within 24 houn on all makes Appliance (231) George 584-3335 Guess, Owner 1958 hZPRGBuild Insurance Quotes Professional installation Available custom decks windows / doors free estimates new c o n s t r u c t i o n / r e m o d e l vinyl / c e d a r s i d i n g licensed / i n s u r e d New Construction • Carports • Pavilions • Existing Roofs M i n i - S t o r a g e s • W o o d s h e d s . Etc. Repair Ml 49730 Since In-Homa MeasuremMits, Estlmattts & DIVERSIFIED ROOFING SYSTEMS -METAL ROOF SPECIALISTS- Commerciat ' Residential • Agricullural Over 35 Years Combined Experience • Fully Insured (989) 732-3522 Scott Van Luchene Oaylord (989) 348-7238 Sathfactlon Guaranteed! 8-5:30 Monday-Fiiday • 8-2 Saturday Bus. 989-732-5136 Fax 9 » 732009 • WM« 8 7 7 « S « 0 6 • OM US-r N • PO ao» 306 • Gayionl W O L F BUILDERS INC. KAiULT tUSlHeSS SCTWWG <JAYLO«> D. R. S. ^ Shelby Appliance Inc. eimira, Service 732-3340 2281 OLD 27 SOUTH • GAYLORD ' New Homes Licensed Builder O v e r 30 Years E x p e r i e n c e in Treatments" • In-Home Appointments • Hardwood D A V I D S T U B U JR. (989)751-9747 « RICH JB's Painting Residentul & C o m m c r a a l ^360 West Main Street, Gaylord. Ml 49735 989-732-6767 • 80ChS42-6073 All major credit cards accepted. 989-732-7655 (989) 732-0738 GAKAOCS ft POI.S BARNS CIMTUM WOOD OCCKS NKw c o N s m u c n o N VINYL ft WOOD SIOINO MMOOCLS ft A o o m o m HEFLACIMEKT WWfOOWB •HINOLSO ft S T O L HOOPING NO J 0 9 T 0 0 t M A L L SiMCf 1990 « MnCK WOLF (M9K732M21 LICCNSBD AND INSUNKD Dave O'Dcll Otayling ]|iiiiiniiniii;'Mi|iiH!'iii,'iin|ii'iiiiiiiiiiniiii|iiii|iMi|iiiiiiiM)iiM|ii 1 1 » « • • ' • Solid Home Constmctloii Construction LICENSED & INSURED' HotTiM • Garages • AddWons • Decks • Ftoofing • Siding J-N-J Construction, Inc. I HOMi:BIIlLDtR.S PLUS* "Owr S«Y«m» CMibtool E<|MrlMctNew Homes • Additions • Remodeling • Garages Custom Decks • Skiing & Windows • Snowiptowmg " R a n d y M u r p h y , Owner (060)731-6189 S R (9S») 7 3 1 - 1 3 3 8 New Construction. R s m x M . AddWons. Smal Protects. CONCRETE Counlsrtops and Sinks References i PortMio A v i l a t l e f t n n s (23116314006 F(K(331)StS-6033 B w i isidhemsaaooawieheomii l!tt>o«167lifiLeluii«.MI<«698 Qayloitl Herald Times Classifiecls LCQAL NOTICE OF MOnrOAOE FORECLOSURE SALE THiS FIRM tS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILfTABY DUTY. ATTN p u r t h a s e r S ' This sale may Ka f r i n r i a r i hu Hm fi ym liT^nn moTto w e e In that^vent your damagea. if turn Of the bid amount tendered at MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made In the corxJltlons of s mortgage made by /^idrew J, Smrth a ^ a A.J. Smtth WKJ JW S. Smith, his wife, ortginal mortgagor<s), to First Chicago NBD H-Hoftgage Comparvy. Mortgagee, ^ " " . g T S i aiyj assigned by ^ 1 ^ ^ ' i^SSin>ents"to w w £ " Fargo B«nl< N A M assignee as docuS S i d ^ J T a i ^ - n J n t , in Otsego county leconjB Michigan, on which mortmoe there Is claimed to be due th« sum of One SJISLd Nk>ir^lKjt«Lid HunS ^ S m r t v ^ h t J i d e & l O O Dollar, a ^ 4 M 8 a in5udiiS^ Interest at R r w Annum 6,85% per an Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case m a d e a n d provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mort' or some part -* gaged premises, of them, at public vertdue. at this place of holding the circuit court wtthin Otsego County, at 10:00 AM. on October 2, 2008. I BrtAi FORECLOSURE NOTICE RANDALL S MILLER & ASSOCiATFS PC IS A OFBT COLLECTOR AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Mortoaoe Sale - Defautt has bean mediTSTthe condlttons of a certain JlSLSs mStobT %ioetoL Davila-Martinez a Married Woman «>d CheTvIe Srsdlch a Marked Woman, and David L. siedtoh. a MarTW) Utan, «KJ Waym L. D.vita-MBrtinez, a Married Man a/K/a Wayne DavUa-lwlartlrtaz to Amertqueat Mortgage Comp«»y, Mortgages, dated May 30, 2001. » d recorded on Jur>e 12. 200l! in Lrt>er 0606. Page 914. Otsego County Records, said mortgage was aaatgned to WM Specialty Mortgage LLC by an Assignment of Mortgage dated July 25, 2 0 W and reo.; ALO^SI i ; SOOS m Lib«r 1177 on Page 866, on which mongage there i ^ l a l m « a to be due at the da'e hereof the sum of One Hundred TWrteen Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Seven and 2V100 D d l a i s S l 13,897,25) including interest at the rate of 11.876% per annum husband •od wif*. Moftgaoor*. to FIRST NATONAL BANK OF QAYLORD • National bank, having K» ortncioti offlca at 4200 East Qaltllna. g S S T a S S T M l 4«2S, Apni 17 2001 and r«cordad May 8 2 « 1 in Ubsr 0801 of Mortoaoas Paga 911 By raason of such deSuli ths undersigned elects to declaie the entire u n p ^ »T*x»nt of said mortoaoe due and payable forthwith. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public venue, at the North door of the City-County Building in Gaylord. Michigan at 10:00 AM on rt AAi-to October 9.2008. oww ».v situated in ... TownSaid premises are ship of Dover. Otsego County. Michiand are described as: Unit 5E. Treetops North Estates, a condominlum pursuant to the Master Deed recorded in Liber 589. Pages 906-969. inclusive, and amended by First Amendment and the Second /^mer>dments to the Master Deed recorded in Liber 646. Pages 472-508 and U ber 685, Pages 525-562. Otsego C ^ n t y Records, r e s p ^ i v e l y . as Ot »eoo County Condominium Subdivi- .. sion Plan No. 16. together with rights In common elements as set forth in the above Master Deed, as amended, and as descnbed in 1978 PA. 59, a s amended, sut^ect to all easements, reservations, restrictions of record arKl as set forth in the above referenced Master Deed, as amended The redemption penod shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned m accordance with MCLA 600.3241 a. in which case the redemption penod shaJI be 30 days from the date of such sale. Dated: September 3. 2008 For more information, please call: FC D 248.593.1309 Trott & Tfott, PC. ^ £ o * ^ c S h w ^ ^ ^ H i a h w a v Suite 31440 Northwestern Highway, i»uite 200 Michigan Farmington I 48334-2525 File «189435F03 (9-3-4) LEGAL MORTGAGE SALE This firm is a debt collector attemptif>g to collect a debt, and any information obtair>ed will be used for that purpose. Default has occuned in a mortgage made by Raymond L. Mahaffy, Sr. a marned man. Betty J. Mahaffy. a married wontan, and Leonard K. Mahaffy, an unmarried man, to NPB Mortgage. LLC, dated October 9, 2003 and recorded on November 3, 2<X)3 in liber 972 page 169. Otsego County records and assigned to Rose Land and Finance Corporation on January 21. 2008 and recorded on February 22. 2008 In liber 1164. page 405. Otsego County records. The mortgage holder has begun no proceedir>gs to recover any part of the debt, which is now $173,126.94. The mortgage will be foreclosed by a pubUc sale of the property on Thursday. October 16. 2008 at 10:00 a.m., at front (north) door of City-County BuUdlrtg. Gaylord, Michigan. The property will be sold to pay the amount then due on the mortgage. together with interest at 8.95 per cent. fOTBClosure costs, attorney f e ^ , and d s o any taxes and irtsurance that the nrx>rtgage holder pays before the latria The property is located in Bagley Tovmship. Otsego County. Michigan, ar>d is described in the mortgage as: Lot 64, Michaywe' Fairways #2. according to the plat thereof as recorded In Liber 4 of Plats. Page 149, Otsego County Records. The redemption period will be six months from the date of sate; but If the property is cUi^andoned, the redemption p ^ o d will be one month from the date of sale. Date: September 11, 2008 Joseph B. Backus, attorney for mortgage hokler PO. Box 794 East Lansing, Ml 48826 517-337-1617 (9-17-4) Said premises are situated in the Township of Charlton. Otsego County, Michigan, and are descnbed Lot 151, Block 2. Little Bear Lake Subdivision, as Recorded in Liber 1 of Plats. Page 11, Otsego County Records 6559 BEACH At the date of this N o t k * there is claimed to bs due for principle af>d interest on said mortgage the sum of SIXTY EK3HT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY AND 5S/100 ($66,760.55) dollars mdudir^g interest at the rate of 6.25% per annum. No suit or proceeding at law has been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contaned in said m o n g ^ x ana t n . statute in such case made and provided and to pay saKj amount with interest as provided in said moitgage, and all l e g ^ costs, c h a i ^ . and expenses, including attomey fees allowed by law, said gage will be foreclosed by sale of the mortgaged promises at public vendue to the highest bidder at the lower »vel lobby of the Otsego County Courthouse, 225 W. IVIain Street, the piace of holding the Circuit Court within the County of Otsego. City of Gaylord. Michigan, on October 23. 2008. at 10:(X3 a.m.. local time. . „ w. a . ki^ o k Pursuant to Public lie Acts of 1971 [MCLA 600.3240(8). MSA 27A3240(8)1 the redemption pefiod shall cKaII be Ka 6a months from tmm the thA date fiAtA of the foreclosure saie. unless the property is detennined to be abandoned under MCLA 600.3241a: MSA 27A.3241(1), in which case the property may be redeemed dunng the 30 days immediately following the sale or expiration of statutory notice period The redemption penod shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCL 600.3241a. which case the redemption penod 30 days from the date of such sate, or 15 days after statutory notice, whichever is later. The premises covered by said mortgage are situated in the Township of Hayes, County of Otsego. State of Michigan, descnbed as follows, to Lots 9 and 10, Turner & Sons Sutxjivision Number 1, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Liber 2 of Plats. Page 56. Otsego County ReIIN79.'*IN.NRV>.NR»Q-(VI cords. <K)72-310-000-009-00. Dated: September 10, 2008 Date: September 11. 2008 Randall S. Miller & Associates, PC. Attorneys for Assignee 43252 Woodward Ave.. Suite 180 Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48302 (248) 335-9200 OurFileNo. 141.01110 (9-10-4) FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GAYLORD a National bank. Mortgagee LEGAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SCHNEIDERMAN & SHERMAN, PC.. IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT (248)539-7400 IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, MORTC5AGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage by ANTTjONY_ MOT^. ^ R RIED and MICHELLE R, MOTZ, MARRIED, JOIf4T TENANTS, to Mortgage Electnanic Regtstration Systerra. lr>c. CMERS"). solely as nominee for lender aixj tender's successors and assigns.. Mortgagee, dated May 8. 2003. and recorded on Meiy 19, 2003, in Litser 0934, on Page 526, Otsego County Records. Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due «t the date hereof tt>e sum of Forty-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Ffve Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($47,385.75). eluding interest at 7.000% per annum. Under the power of sale contained in surh said mortgage and the statue case made arxj provided, notice is hereby given that said rr>ortgage will be f o i ^ o s e d by a sate of the mortgaged premises, or some part of ttiem, at public venue, at the North door of the Ci^-County Building in Gaylord. Michigan, at 10:00 AM o'ckx:k, on October 16, 2008 Said premises are located in Otsego County, Michigan and are described as: LOT 5 BLOCK 14 ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE VILLAGE, NOW CITY OF GAYLORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN LIBER 1 OF PLATS. PAGE 28, OTSEGO COUNTY RECORDS. The redemption penod shall be 6 months from the date of such sale unless determined abandoned in accordar>ce with 1948CL 600.3241a, In which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sate. Dated; September 9. 2008Mortgage Electronic Registreition Systems. Inc. ('MERS'}. solely as nomir>ee for lerxJer and ler>der's successors and assigns. Mortgagee/Aa^nee Schneiderman & Sherman. PC. 23100 Pfosriderice Drive, Suite 450 Southfteld, Ml 48075 (9-17-4) LEGAL MORTGAGE SALE Thts is an attempt to coHect a debt. and any ir^ormation obtairied will be used for that purpose. Default has occurred m the cor>ditions of a mortgage made by BRIAN YOUNGS and RONNA YOUNGS, C O R W r m TOWNSHIP B I D NOTICE C o r w i t h Township is n o w a c c e p t i n g b i d s for s n o w p t o w i n g a n d rem o v a l at t h e C o f w t t h T o w n s h i p Hall and landfiU t r a n s f e r station. B i d d e r m u s t b e re8por>slble for s n o w p t o w i n g a n d r e n ^ v a l , carry o w n i n s u r a n c e a n d liabHtty a n d sign agreement t o t h a t e f f e c t . B i d s m u s t b e r e c e i v e d b y M o n d a y , Septeo>ber 29. 2 0 0 8 at 4 : 0 0 p . m . Please s p e c i f y " S n o w R e n * ) v a l Bid" o n o u t e r e n v e l o p e . B i d s n f ^ b e m a i l e d t o t h e T o w n s h i p at PO B o x 100, VanderbHt. M l 4 9 7 9 5 , ( 9 8 9 ) ^ - 2 8 6 5 . C o r w i t h T o w n s h i p reserves t h e to a c c e p t o r rsject a n y o r aN b i d s . O T S I G O COUNTY HOUSING C O M M I T T I I N O T I C I OP M I B U C H I A R I N O T h « O t a a g o C o u n t y H o u a t n g Cor-nmittoo wMI b e h o l d i n g a p u b l i c h a a r i n g for t h a a u b m i a a i o n o f a h o u a i n g a n d rental rahaWWtation l«>p«catton t o M i c h i g a n S t a t e H o u a i n g D a v a l o p m a r t A u t h o r i t y tor f u n d i n g m l a r t h e 2 0 0 6 H o u a i n g R a a o u i c e Fund, C o m i t i u n l t y 0 » v a t o f i m a n t B l o c k G r a n t H o u a i n g Program. T h a p u b l i c h e a r t n g w M b a h a l d o n Thureday. S a p l a m b a r 18, 2 0 0 6 at 9 : 3 0 a . m . in t h a c i l y / c o u n t y BuHdlng. 2 2 5 W k t a m Straat, r o o m 2 1 2 . a a c o n d floor, Q a y k x d M l 4 8 7 3 5 . W r i t t e n c o m m e n t w i l l b a a c c e f H e d untU 12:00 p . m . Ftlday. O c t o b e r 3 , 2 0 0 6 a n d t h o u i d b e m a l l a d t o O t aago County Houaing C o m m m a a . 225 W Mam StraM. r o o m 213. O a y l o n f M l 4 8 7 3 5 . A a t a i a m a n i o f acNvniae a n d b u d g e t p r o p o a e d w»*i t h a g r « i t w D b e a v a l a b l e t o t h e p u b l i c at t h a H o u e M g O f flca al tfie addreaa M e d a b o v e M Wednesday, September 17, 2008 • 7 Legals &. Public Notices A N EOUAL OPPORTUNITY HOUSING PFIOG«AM SCHENK. BONCHER & RYPMA Gary PSchenk PI9970 601 Three Mile Road. N.W. Grand Rapids, Ml 49544-1601 (616)647-8277 (9-17-4) LEGAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SCHNEIDERMAN & SHERf^N, PC . IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR NP ?IS ® A T Y O ^ ^ ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. MORTnAGE i5ALE - Default has been MORTGAGE SAL± L)eTautt nas Deen I I S S 'bv C H F U S T O P H E R ^ l S W c iikSUCi uy i n i , j I wr • « wi-i-rw-., AKA CHRISTOPHER A. LEBLANCE. A SINGLE MAN. to Mortgage Electronie Raaistration Svstems. Inc. i S s r S S f r a s ' ^ n ^ o r e e 'Vor lender and lender's successors and assigns,. Mortgagee, dated August 25. 2006. and recorded on August 28. 2006, in Liber 1106, on Page 635, and assigned by said mortgagee to DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE FOR MORGAN STANLEY MSAC 2007-HE1, as assigned. Otsego County Records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date nereor the sum ot One Hundred S e v ^ t y Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars and Thirty-Eight Cents ($170,450.38), including interest at 7.190% per emnum. WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTV. ATTN PURCHASERS; Th»s sals may bs rascinded by ths foractosmg mortgagea. In that evsnt. your damages, it any. shall bs hmrtsd solely to the f»tum of the btd amount tendered at ^ p j y , interes,. ($107,502.24). mciuding int«rMt 796 pef anoom. DUTY MORTGAGE SALE • Oafault has baan mads in ths conditions of a mortoaos m ^ b y l>vid » unmamad man. to Mortgaoa Elactronic RsQWration Systsms, Inc., as nominas for Isndar and lander's succassors and/or aasigns. Mortgages, dated October 13. 2006 and recorded October 26, 2006 in Liber 1113. Page 631. Otsego County Records. MIchi^ n . Said mortgage is rK>w held by Provident Fur>ding Associates. L.P.. CalHomla L j ^ e d Partnership by sigrwnent. There is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of One Hundred Twenty Thousand Thr4e Hundred One and 27/100 Dollars ($120,301.2 7) including interest at 5.875% per annum. MORTGAGE SALE • Default has been made in mad. CynthB C ^ . A Siogte ^ Saxon Mortgage, ^"C^^^iAortgagee, dated October 1'corded on October 30. 2006 in uber 1113 on Page 837, in Otsego„ county recorcte, Michigan,to a iDeutsche ^ assigned by Under the power of sale contained in said Mortgagee Banf^ National Trust Company, as Trustee said mortgage and the statute in such for Saxon /^sset Securities Trust case made and provided, notice is 2007-1 as assignae. on which mort- hereby given that said m<«ga9e will gage there is claimed to be due at tlw be l ^ l o s e d by a sale ot the date h ^ ( the sum of Two Hundred gaged p r e m ^ ^ , or some p a r ^ j ) ^ them, at public vendue at the North Eighty-Eight T h o ^ d ^ door of the City County Building in A™) J , Gaylord. Michigan in Otsego County, » Michigan at 10:00 a.m. on SEPTEM8,5% per annum. BER 25, 2008. . ^ Under the power ot sale contained in said mortgage and the statute In such SaKl premises are located in the case made and provided, notice « T^ownship of Dover, O t ^ County, hereby given that said m < M ^ will Michigan, and are descnbed as: be foreclosed by a sale ot the mort-^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gaged premises, or some part of Parcel A: A parcel of land on part of them, at public vendue, at the place the Northwest one-quarter of Section of holding the circuit court within Ot- 17, Town 31 North, Rar>ge 2 West, sego County, at 10:00 AM, on Octo- Dov6r Township. Otsego County, " Michigan, descnbed as: commencing ber9. 2008. at the North one-quarter comer of Said premises are situated in Town- said Section 17; thence South 01 deship of Livingston, Otsego County, gree 22 minutes 06 seconds West. Michigan, and are descnbed as: The 255.50 feet along the North-South East 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the North- one-quarter line of said section 17 to east 1/4 of Section 19. Town 31 the point of beginning; ther>ce continuing South 01 degrees 22 mmutes North, Rar>ge 3 West. 06 seconds West 394.78 feet ak>ng The redemption period shall be 12 said North-South one-quarter Itne of months from the date of such sale, Section 17: thence North 89 degrees unless determir>ed abandoned in ac- 18 minutes 14 seconds West. 235.02 cordar\ce with MCLA 600.3241a. in feet; thence North 01 degrees 22 which case the redemption period minutes 06 seconds East. 394.89 shall be 30 days from the date of feet; thence South 89 degrees 16 minutes 35 seconds East. 235.01 feet such sale. to the point of beginning, being sublect to an easement for ingress, Dated: September 10, 2(X)8 egress and public utilities over and across the Southerly 30 feet. Also, For more information, please call; subject to an easement for highway F C R 248.593.1305 purposes over and across the EastTrott & Trott, PC. erfy 33 feet thereof. Together vflth a Attorneys For Servicer 31440 Northwestern Highway, Suite 30 foot Easement for ingress, egress and public utilities whose centerline is 200 Farmington Hills. Michigan described as: Commencing at the North one-quarter comer of said Sec48334-2525 tion 17: thence South 01 degree 22 File #219919F01 (9-10-4) minutes 06 seconds West, 622.07 feet along the North-South one-quarter of said Section 17 to the point of LEGAL beginmng of this easement; thence NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE North 86 degrees 11 minutes 09 secFORECLOSURE NOTICE This IS an attempt to collect a debt onds West. 235,21 feet; thence South and any information obtained will be 76 degrees 26 minutes 19 seconds used for that purpose. Please contact West. 105-56 feet; thence North 89 the office below if you are in active degrees 18 minutes 14 seconds West. 367.01 feet to the point of endmilitary service ing of this easement. DEFAULT having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortoage made by KATHERINE L TASKEY a single woman Mortgagor to First federal of Northern Michigan, Mortgagee,"'dat^'The '25^^^ May, 2«56, and recorded m the Office o r V h e R ^ s r e r o T ^ D e ^ s f o r the County ot Otsego and State of Michlrvi the 2nd dav of June 2006 in Lib^"County Records, pages 896-914 aner on which mortgage there is 896-S claimed to be due at the date of this ^ n a p a l ^ n d ^ i n t e ' ^ ' "he "otice, tor pnncipaJ ana iniere^, tne Parcel B: A parcel of land on part of Northwest one-quarter of Section 17, Town 31 North, Range 2 West, Dover Township, . Otsego coun^^ Michigan, descnbed as: commencing at North one-quart^ corner of said section 17; thence North 89 de9 ^ 1 6 s ^ o n d s West 304,00 feet along the North line of said section 17 to the point o f ^ m " ' " 9 : thence South 01 degree 22 mmutes 06_seconds West. 255.50 feet; thence South 89 degrees 16 minutes qq feet; th£i«r-a 35 seconds East. ea 68-99 thence Undsf ths powsf of sals containad in cass mads and pfovtdad. notica is hsmby o'vsn that said nwtgaBa will be foraciosad by a sale of ths mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at puWc vendue, at the p » ^ of holding ths circutt court wtthin Otsego County, at 10:00 AM. on Octo ber9. 2006. Said premises are situated m Township of Elrmra. Otsego County. Michigan. ar>d are described as: Parcel A: "" The South ~ -- 1/2 - - of the Southeast " 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 25. Town 31 North. Range 4 West descnbed aa t>eginning at the Southeast comer of said Section 25: thence North 88 degrees 36 minutes 47 seconds West 658.34 feet along the South line of sa»d Section 25 and the centedine of Hallenius Road t h ^ e N<«h 00 d e ^ 16 thence South 88 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds East 658.22 feet; thence South 00 degrees 15 minutes 07 sec onds West 333.61 feel alorig the East line of said Section 25 and the center line of Townline Road to the point of beginning. The redemption period shall be 12 months from the date of such sale unless determined abandorwJ in ac cordance with MCLA 60C.3241a. " which case the rMemption period •shall be 30 days from tt>e date of such sale. Dated: September 10. 2008 For more information, pleasecall: FC R 248.593.1305 Trott & Trott. PC. Attorneys For Servicer 31440 Northwestern Highway, Suite 200 Michigan Hills. Farmington 48334-2525 File «219527F01 (9-10-4) LEGAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR "WAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may t>e rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the raturn of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the conditions of a rr>ortgage made by Theresa A Wummel aka Theresa Wummel, a mamed woman and Bradley T Wummel. her husband, onginal rrK>rtgagor(s), to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems. Inc., as nominee for lender and lender's successors and/or assigns. Mortga gee, dated_August 29. 2007^ and re^ r d e d on September 5. 2007 in Liber 1149 on Page 352, in a s e g o county records. Michigan, and assigned by said Mortgagee to Tayior, Bean S Whrtaker Mortgage Corp. as assignee, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Ninety Thousand_ Two Hundred Eighty-Five And 44/100 Dollars ($90,285.44). including interest at 7.125% per annum. South 01 degree 22 minutes 06 Seconds West. 394.89 feet; thence North 89 degrees 18 minutes 14 seconds West. 269-00 Feet; thence North 01 degree 22 minutes 06 seconds East, 650-51 feet: thence South 89 degrees 16 minutes 35 seconds East. 200.00 feet to the point of beginning, being subject to an easement tor ingress, Now therefore by virtue of the power egress and public utilities over and contained in said Mortgage, across the Southerty 30 feet. Tonut^uant to the statute of the gather with a 30 foot easement for inoress. eoress and public utilities Slate of Michigan in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given whose centerline is described as: that on Thursday, the 2nd day of Oc- commencing at the North one-quarter tober. 2008. at 10:00 o'clock a.m.. lo- corner of said Section 17; thence cal time, said mortgage will be fore- South 01 degree 22 minutes 06 secclosed by a sale at public auction, to onds West. 622.07 feet along the Under the power of ^ e contaned in North-South one-quarter line of said said mortgage and the statue in sucti Section 17 to the point of beginnirig case made and provided, notice is of the Otsego County C^surthouse, of this easement; Thence North 86 225 West Mam, Gaylord. Michigan, of hereby given that said mortgage will degrees 11 minutes 09 seconds the premises descnbed in said mortbe foreclosed by a sale of the mortWest, 235,21 feet; thence South 76 gaged premises, or some p>art of gage, or so much thereof as may be degrees 26 minutes 19 seconds them, at public venue, at the North necessary to pay the amount due, as West, 105.56 feet; thence North 89 aforesaid, on said mortgage, with the door of the City-County Building in degrees 18 minutes 14 seconds Gaylord. Michigan, at 10:00 AM interest thereon at 6.625% per annum West, 367.01 feet to the point of endand all legal costs, charges and exo'clock, on October 9. 2008 penses, including the attorney fees ing of this easement. allowed by law, and also any sum or Said premises are located in Otsego sums which may be paid by the un- The redemption penod shall t)e 6 County. Michigan and are described derstgned. necessary to protect its in- months from the date of such sale. as: terest in the premises, which said unless determined abandoned in acPART OF THE WEST 1 / 2 OF THE premises are described as follows: cordance with MCLA §600-3241a, in SOUTHEAST 1 / 4 OF SECTION 5. which case the redemption period TOWN 30 NORTH. RANGE 4 WEST shall be 30 days from the date of All that certain piece or parcel of land DESCRIBED AS COMMENCING AT such sale. TO ALL PURCHASERS: situated in the City of Gaylord. THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID The foreclosing mortgagee can reSECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH 88 DE- County of Otsego, and State of scind the sate. In that event, your GREES 51 MINUTES 09 SECONDS Michigan and descnbed as follows, damages, if any. are limited solely to to-wrt: WEST ALONG THE SOUTH SECTION the retum of the bid amount tendered LINE 1270.75 FEET TO THE POINT at sale, plus interest. OF BEGINNING: THENCE CONTINU- Lota 19 and 20, Block 1, W. H. ING SOUTH 88 DEGREES 51 MIN- Smith's Addition to the Village, now Dated: August 27, 2008 City, of Gaylord. accoKling to the plat UTES 09 SECONDS WEST. 400 of FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES tf>ereof as r e c o r ^ in ^ b e r Orfans Associates. PC, . __ SECONDS EAST.fli Plats, Page 81. Otsego rMsA/in County Re- Attorneys for Servicer 58 MINUTES 53 1090 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 DE- cords, EXCEPT the South 12 feet of PO. Box 5041 GREES 51 MINUTES 09 SE(DONDS Lot 19. Block 1 of W. H. Smith's Ad- Troy, Ml 48007-5041 EAST. 400 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 dition to the Village, now City, of Gay- 248-502-1400 File No. 210.1757 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 53 SEC- lord. (8-27-4) ONDS WEST 1090 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THIS CON- The redemption penod shall be si* (6) VEYANCE DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY months from the date of such sale, LEGAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE OIL, GAS OR MINERAL RIGHTS: unless determined abar>doned in acFORECLOSURE SALE SELLER (S) RESERVES ALL OIL, GAS cordance with 1948CL 600.3241a. in THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND 'MINERAL RIGHTS. IN ANY. which case the redemption penod shall be 30 days from the date of ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT, UNTO THEMSELVES. such sale ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURThe redemption period shall be 12 Dated August 12, 2008 POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFmonths from the date of such sale FICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF unless determtned abandoned in acYOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY cordance with 1946CL 600.3241a, in MORTGAGEE: OF NORTHERN tXJTY. wtuch case t t « redemption period FIRST FEDERAL shall be 30 days f n ^ the date of MICHIGAN ATTN PURCrfASEf^S: This sale nwy 100 S. Secor>d Avenue such sale. be rescinded by the foreclosing mort Atpena, Ml 49707 gagee. In that event, your damagas. if Dated: August 27, 200B any. shaN be bmrted solely to the reKeith Wallace. P21932 tum of the bid amount ter>dered al DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST Isackson & Wallace, P.C. sale, plus interest COMR^NY AS TRUSTEE FOR MOR- Attorney for Mortgagee, First Federal of Northern Michigan GAN STANLEY. MSAC 2007-HE1 MOfTTGAGE SALE Default has been 114 S. Second Avenue Mortgagee/Ass»gnee made in the cor>drtws of a mortgage Alpena. MtcFugan 49707 (8-27-4) made by Donald Stuewer. an unmar Schr>eidemwi & Sherman. RC. ned man, ongir>al rrK>rtgagor(s). to 23100 Pros'kdence Drive, Suite 450 LEGAL Nations One Mortgage Corp , MortSouthfieid. Ml 48075 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE gagee, dated November 21. 2003, (9-3-4) THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ar>d recorded on December 8. 2003 in ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT Liber 974 on Page 331, and oastgned LEGAL ANY INFORMATION OBTAIN by sa*d Mortgagee to Washington NOTfCC OF MORTQAOE WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR Mutual Bank. FA as asstgrtee as FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE CONTACT OUR OF documented by an assignment. »n OI THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR POSE. ^ AT - ^ N U f u ^ ^ B ^ ^ ATTEMPTING TO COUECT A DEBT v S S ACT^ MILTTARY ^ fsc^. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY nnortgage there • clajmed to ti* One Hundred Seven Thousand Five ^ 90/100 Dol "ara ($92,796.90). And no suit or pro ceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt now remaining secured by said Mortgage or any part thereof whereby the power of sale contained m said Mortgage has become operative. M I I T I N G f t o r t t i C o u n t r y C o m r n u n i t y MantaJ H w t f t h B o a r d w l i l h o l d « • w g u i a r t y s c h e d u t e d n w r t h l y m e e t i n g o n Thursday. S e p t e m b e r 18, at 4 : 3 0 p . m . i n t h e B o w d C o n f e r e o c e R o o m . S e c o r x l Floor. O n e PwlacOooatd Drtve, S u i t e A, Petoakey. M l 4 9 7 7 0 . Anyone whoie haa special needs or mformatton t o be brought betora t h e N C C M H b o « d s h o u l d c o n t a c t J o a n B o o t h at (231)347-7800 N C C M H is a n e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y e m p l o y e r / p r o g r a m R e a s o n able a c c o m m o d a t i o n s wiH b e p r o v i d e d i^Jon n o t i f i c a t i o n o r req u e s t . AuxHtary a i d s arKl s e r v k ^ are available, u p o n r a q u e a t . t o indivtduala w i t h disabilities This m e e t i n g is o p e n t o all m e m b e r s of tf>e pubUc u n d e r M i c h i g a n ' s c5pen M e e t i n g s Act ^ at Under the power of sate corifgTnefl ir said mortgage and the statute m such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sate of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, at the place of holding the circuH court within Otsego County-, at 10;(X) AM, on October 9. 2008. Said premises are situated in Towns^ip of Elmira, Otsego County, Michi gan. and are descntjed as: Parcel A-2: a parcel of land on part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 31 North, Range 4 West, descnbed as Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Section 13; thence South 83 degrees 19 minutes 07 seconds East 540.41 for point of beginnirig. thence North 31 degrees 06 minutes 29 seconds Eeist 197.16 feet, thence North 87 degrees 23 minutes 32 seconds East 121.22 feet, thence South 83 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds East 284.53 feet, thence South o i degrees 29 minutes 20 seconds vVest 200 feet, thence North 83 degrees 19 minutes 07 seconds West 503.79 feet to point of beginning The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale. unless determiried abandoned in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a. in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. Dated: September 10. 2008 For more information, please call: FC J 248.593.1311 Trott & Trott, RC. Attorneys For Servicer 31440 Northwestern Highway, Suite 200 Farmifigfon Hills. Michigan 48334-2525 File #218948F01 (9-10-4) LEGAL MORTGAGE SALE THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ALL INFORMATION WILL BE USED FOR THIS PURPOSE. IF YOU ARE IN THE MILITARY SERVICE PLEASE CONTACT THIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY NOTICE TO PURCHASERS: THE SALE MAY BE RE SCINDED BY THE FORECLOSING MORTCiAGEE IN THAT EVENT. YOUR DAMAGES, IF ANY WILL BE LIMITED SOLELY TO THE RETURN OF THE BID AMOUNT TENDERED AT SALE PLUS INTEREST havmg occurred in tt>e condig certain Mortgage made by made by DOUGLAS FOPMA aita DOUGLAS LEE FOPMA a smgie man. to The Bank of Northern Michlg w . a Michigan Banking Association of 814 S. Otsego. Suite A Gaytord, Mtchigw>. Mortgagee, dated January 12, 2007, arKJ recorded January 16, 2007 m Liber 1122. Page 197. and an Asaignmant of Rents dated January 1 ^ 2007, rewxded January 16. 2007 ^ ^^^2. Page 211. Otaego County Reoorda, State of Michtgan. la/Kirii Mnrtoaoe there is claimed ^ W O L V l R I N i COMMUNITY SCHOOL ACCEPTING BIDS S N O W R E M O V A L SERVICE T h e W b l v e r l n e C o m m u r > l t y S c h o o l win a c c e p t b k r t for a n o w rem o i m l aarvlce. S p e c l f i c a t t o n a are availatale at t h e B o a r d Offlca, 5993 S h o l e e S t r a r t . W o l v e n n e . M l 4979B B i d a will b e r e c e i v e d at t h e a b o v e a d d r e a e until 2:00 p . m . o r O c t o b e r 6, 2006. T h e Board'a d e a i g n e e wHI o p e n aH bide at t h e b o a r d o f f i c e i m m e d i ately f o l k w i n g t f i e d e a d l i n e . The w i n n i n g b i d wW b a a w a r d e d et the t>ext B o a r d M e e t i n g o n O c t o b e r 13. 2006. T h e Wolvertne C o m m u n i t y S c h o o l a B o a r d of E d u c a t i o n raaarvae t h e right t o reject any or all b i d a . T Legals & Public Notices 8 • WodnMday, S«pt«mb«r 17, 2006 l o r prtnctpal and t h « • u m of $689,394.51 a n d an a t t o m v y a f * * M provtdad for In s a i d M o r t o a g e . artd n o • u f t or proc«edinga at law or In aquity hava b « a n InatHutad t o r a c o v a r t h * rnor>ay as sacurad b y saM M o r t g a g a . or part tharaof and t h a a r ^ r a a u m c i « m a d d u a is. as of t h a d a t a h * r a o f . tutty d u a and payable. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that b y virtue of t h e p o w e r of sato c o n t a i n a d in said Mortgage, a n d the statute i n s u c h case m a d e a n d provided, o n SEPTEMBER 25. 2008 at 10:00 S-m.. local time, the undersigned wHI. Immedisrtely Inside t h e North d o o r of CWy/County Building. City of Qaytord. Michigan, (thst t M i n g the p i s c a f o r t h e O r e u i t Court for the C o u n t y of Otsego Is held), sell at public a u c t i o n , t o t h e highest bidder, t h e premises des c f i b e d m said M o r t g a g e f o r s o m u c h thereof which may be necessary t o pay ttie amount d u e o n s a i d M o r t Q f t y w i t h interest at t h e rate of S181.66 per day a n d aJl legal c o s t s , chsrges, and expenses, together w i t h said attorneys fee. and also any s u m or s u m s which m a y be p a i d a n d are by Mortgagee necesseiry t o p r o t e c t its i r i t ^ in the premises, w h i c h p r e m I9S6 are located in t h e City of Gaylord. County of Otsego. S t a t e of Michigan, and d e s c n b e d £is f o l l o w i n g : The West 24 feet of Lot 19. B l o c k 1. C.C. M i t c h e i r s Addition to t h e village, now City of G a y k x d . as r e c o r d e d in Liber 1 of Plats, page S3. O t s e g o County Records. (130 W M a i n Street. Gaytond. Michigan / PP* 103-300-001-019-00.) MORTQAQE SALE - Default has b e e n m a d e m t h e tenms a n d c o o d M o n s of a c e n a i n M o r t g a g e m a d e by Evan W. KnoU, an u n n w r t e d m a n . w h o a e s d dreaa is 500 Greenbrtar. Decaiur. M i c h i g a n 4 9 0 4 5 (the ' M o r t o a g o r ' ) . t o jPfwlorgan C h « s e B a n k . N A . w h o s e addrsas for the p u r p o e e o f t h e Mortgage Is 611 w o o d w a r d AverHje, Detrort, Michigan 46226. ( ' M o r t g a g e s ' ) , d a t e d Ju)y 10. 2007 a n d r e c o r d e d o n July 17, 2007. in Llt>er 1143, Page 576. O t s ^ C o u n t y Register of Deeds (the ' M o r t g a g e ' ) , o n w h i c h M o r t g a g e there Is ctalnned t o b e d u e as of t h e date hereof t h e s u m of Six hundred twerrty t h o u s a n d t w o hundred fifty four a n d 1 6 / 1 0 0 Dollar ($620,254.16). e x d u s i v s o f accrii<r>g late charges, c o s t s a n d interest at a rats of 6.625 % per a n n u m . C o m m e r K i n g 159 feet East o f w h e r e t h e Sooth side of Main Street intersects t h e East side of Court Street {fomierty ' F ' Street) in t h e City o f Qaylord. running thence East 18 feet; t h e n c e South 4 0 feet; t h e n c e West 18 feet: thence North 40 feet t o t h e point of beginning. Section 4. T o w n 30 North. Range 3 West. (131 W. M a i n Street. Gaylord, Michigan / PP# 101-104-000-095-00.) Eighteen (18) feet next West of t h e East 2 4 feet of Lot 19, B l o c k 1. C . C . Jyfitcheii's A d d i t i o n t o t h e City of Gayl6rd. a s recorded in Liber 1 of Plats, page 63, Otsego C o u n t y Records. (128 W. Main Street. Gayiord. M i c h i g a n / P P # 103-300-001-019-00.) Parcel 1 A: The East 34 feet of Lot 1. EXCEPT, the East 9 feet thereof. Block 1. C.C. Mitchell's A d d i t i o n t o the Village, n o w City of Gaylord. as recorded''in Liber 1 of Plats, p a g e 53. Otsego County Records. Parcel 18; The East 9 feet of Lot 1, Biock 1 C.C. M i t c h e i r s A d d r t i o n t o t h e Village, n o w City of G a y l o r d . as r e c o r d e d in Liber 1 of Plats, p a g e 53, O t s e g o County Records. Parcel 2: The West 16 feet of Lot 20, Block 1 C.C. M i t c h e i r s A d d i t i o n t o t h e Village, r>ow City of Gaylord. as r e c o r d e d in Liber 1 of Plats, p a g e 53, O t s e g o County Records. Parcel 3; The 2 5 feet next East of t h e West 2 5 feet of Block 1 C.C. M i t c h e i r s /Addition t o t h e Village, n o w City of Gaytord, as recorded in Liber 1 of Plats, page 53. O t s e g o C o u n t y Records. Under t h e p o v ^ of sale c o n t a i n e d in said M o r t g a g s ar>d t h e statute in s u c h case m a d e a n d provided, n o t i c e is heret>y given that said M o r t g a g e will b e foreclosed by a sale of t h e M o r t g a g e d Premises (as this t e r m is d e fined below), or s o m e part of tftem, at public vendue t o t h e highest b i d d e r at 10:00 a.m. Thursday. rO cwt orb e 9, ^r Q 2008. immediately inside t h e f>orth door of t h e C i t y - C o u n t y Building in Gaylord. Michigan, that b e i n g t h e place of holding t h e Circuit C o u r t f o r Otsego County, Michigan, f s c o f d e d m the office of t h e Register of Deeds for t h e County of O t s e g o . State of Michtgan. o n N o v e m b e r 4, 2006. m Liber 1073 o n p a g e 963. Otsego C o u n t y Records, a n d further m o d l f l e d o n J u n e 14, 2006, artd rec o r d e d in t h e office of t h e Register of Deeds f o r t h e County of Ot se g o . State of Michigan, o n J u n e 26, 2006. In Liber 1099, page 747, o n w h i c h m o r t g a g e there Is claimed t o t)e d u e at the date of tt>is notice t h e s u m o f $629,281.64 i n d u d k t g interest at t h e rate of 2 4 . 0 0 % per a n n u m together w i t h any additional s u m or s u m s wt>ich may t>e p a i d by t h e undersigned as p r o v i d e d for in said m o r t g e ^ . a n d no suit or p r o c e e d i n g s at law or In squlty having been instituted t o recover t h e d e b t secured b y said mortgage, or any part thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, b y virtue of t h e p o w e r of sale contajr>ed in said mortgage. ar>d t h e statute of the S t a t e o f Michigan in s u c h case m a d e and provided. n o t i c e Is hsreby given that o n the 2 3 r d day of October. 2008. at 10:00 o'ckx^k a.m., the u n d e r s i g n e d will at the: The real property c o v e r e d b y t h e above M o r t g a g e is s it u a t e d in t h e Township of Elmira, C o u n t y o f O t sego. State of Mk:higan ar>d is m o r e particularly d e s c r i b e d as f o l l o w s (the ' M o r t g a g ^ Premises"); That part of t h e Southeast 1/4 of Section 27, Town 31 North, Rartge 4 West, Elmira Township, Otsego County, Michigan, descnbed as; C o m m e n c i n g at t h e East 1/4 c o m e r of s a i d Section 27; t h e n c e S o u t h 6 9 degrees 57 m i n u t e s 4 1 s e c o n d s West. 1253.81 feet t o t h e POINT OF BEGINNING: t h e n c e S o u t h 25 degrees 28 m i n u t e s 57 s e c o n d s East. 262.91 feet; t h e n c e S o u t h 57 d e g r e e s 33 minutes 20 s e c o n d s W e s t . 437.02 feet t o an intermediate traverse line of Lake 27; thence along s a i d i n t e r m e d i ate traverse line the folk>wing four (4) courses: 1) N o r t h 3 8 d e g r e e s 59 m i n utes 0 5 secor>ds West, 2 8 . 6 0 feet; 2) North 39 degrees 51 m i n u t e s 53 seco n d s West, 108.09 feet; 3) N o r t h 62 degrees 00 m i n u t e s 3 0 s e c o n d s West. 132.47 feet; 4) N o r t h 8 5 degrees 03 m i n u t e s 52 s e c o n d s West, 181.70 feet; t h e n c e North 2 6 d e g r e e s 56 minutes 43 s e c o n d s East, 3 2 3 . 5 0 feet; thence N o r t h 89 d e g r e e s 57 minutes 4 1 s e c o n d s East, 4 W . 3 3 feet t o t h e Point of Beginning. c o m m o n l y k n o w n as: 138 and 144 W M a i h Street, Gaylord. M i c h i g a n / PP# 103-300-001-001-02 During the six (6) m o n t h s i m m e d i a t e l y following t h e sale, the property m a y be redeemed e x c e p t in t h e event t h e property Is determined t o b e a b a n doned pursuant to MCLA §600.3241(a), in which c a s e t h e p r o p erty may be r e d e e m e d durir>g t h e thirty (30) days immediatefy follownng t h e sale. Dated: 8 / 1 1 / 0 8 THE BANK OF. N O R T H E R N M I C H I G A N . MORTGAGEE BY; RHOADES LAW OFFICE PC Peter D. Rhoades. Esq, (P49515) PO B o x 2271 HoHand M l 4 9 4 2 2 616-355-7318 (8-20-5) LEGAL N O T I C E OF F O R E C L O S U R E S A L E Default having been m a d e in t h e t e r m s and c o n d i t i o n s o f a c e r t a i n m o r t g a g e m a d e by STEVEN A, GREGORY and PAMELA GREGORY, h u s b a n d and wife, and ROBERT A. GREGORY A / K / A ROBERT /^LLEN GREGORY and B A R B A R A G R E G ORY, h u s b a n d and wife of 7 3 3 9 O l d 27 h4orth, Vanderbilt, M i c h i g a n 4 9 7 9 5 t o FIRST FEDERAL OF N O R T H E R N MICHIGAN, of 100 S. S e c o n d Avenue, Alpena. Michigan 4 9 7 0 7 . d a t e d A u g u s t 21, 2001 a n d r e c o r d e d In t h e office of tfie Register of Deeds, for t h e C o u n t y of Otsego, a n d S t a t e o f Michigan, o n S e p t e m b e r 18, 2 0 0 1 in Liber 0821. Page 697, O t s e g o C o u n t y Records, artd w h i c h t h e r e is c l a i m e d t o be due. at t h e date of this n o t i c e , for p r i n c i F ^ . interest, a n d late fees, t h e s u m of $94,406.12, at the North d o o r of the Crty-County Buikling in Gaylord. Michigan. foreclose said m o r t g a g e by selling at publk; auction t o the highest bidder, the prenuses described in said r T K > r t gage, or so m u c h thereof as may b e r>eces3ary to pay the a m o u n t s d u e o n said mortgage, and aH legal c o s t s , charges a r ^ expenses, including t h e attorneys fees allowed by law. a n d also any sum or s u m s w h i c h may be paid b y the undersigned, necessary to protect its interest in t h e premises. Which s a i d premises are descrit>ed as follows; Land situated in t h e Township of Bagley, in the C o u n t y of Ot se g o . State of Michigan and described as; EASEMENT P / ^ C E L ; A 30 foot wide easement f o r ingress, egress, and t h e installation a n d m a i n tenance of public utilities o n part of the Southeast 1/4 of S e c t i o n 27, Town 31 North. Range 4 West, Elmira Township. O t s e g o County. M i c h i g a n , w h o s e centerline Is further d e s c r i b e d as; C o m m e n c i n g at t h e East 1/4 corner of said Section 27; t h e n c e S o u t h 02 degrees 36 m i n u t e s 17 s e c o n d s East, 525.45 feet along t h e East line of said Section 27; t h e n c e S o u t h 90 degrees West, 48.98 feet t o t h e POINT OF BEGINNING: t h e n c e N o r t h 61 degnses 37 m i n u t e s 53 secor>ds West. 114.42 feet; t h e n c e N o r t h 4 9 degrees 2 1 minutes 16 s e c o n d s West, 144.96 feet; t h e n c e North 68 degrees 08 m i n u t e s 3 3 secor>ds West. 187,22 feet; t h e n c e N o r t h 78 degrees 00 m i n u t e s 2 9 s e c o n d s West. 196.90 feet: t h e n c e N o r t h 63 degrees 55 m i n u t e s 4 1 s e c o n d s West, 61,40 feet; t h e n c e N o r t h 69 degrees 01 m i n u t e s 35 s e c o n d s West, — . « feet: 187,48 • t h e n c e S o u t h 62 en dJ e g r e e s 12 minutes 38 s e c o n d s West. 83,29 feet; thence South 47 d e g r e e s 41 minutes 18 s e c o n d s W e s t . 124,39 feet; thence North 4 6 d e g r e e s 14 m i n u t e s 0 9 s e c o n d s West. 190-75 feet: thence North 44 d e g r e e s 2 9 minutes 17 s e c o n d s West, 170.19 feet; thence N o r t h 62 d e g r e e s 31 minutes 06 s e c o n d s West. 2 3 3 . 4 4 feet; thence S o u t h 8 9 d e g r e e s 13 minutes 35 s e c o n d s W e s t . 3 3 2 . 4 9 feet: thence S o u t h 78 d e g r e e s 11 minutes 50 s e c o n d s West, 194.88 feet t o the Point of E n d i n g of this 3 0 foot wide Easement. C o m m o n l y k n o w n as: 5 2 9 5 Eagle Landing Trail, Gaylord. M l 4 9 7 3 5 As no surt or other legal p r o c e e d i n g s have been filed t o recover t h e d e b t secuned tjy t h e M o r t g a g e s ; Now, therefore, b y virtue of t h e p o w e r of sale c o n t a i n ^ in t h e m o r t g a g e . ar>d pursuant t o t h e statutes of t h e S t a t e of Michigan. NOTICE is h e r e b y g i v e n that o n Thursday, t h e 23nJ d a y of O c tober, 2008 at 10 o c i o c k a . m . t h e m o r t g a g e will b e f o r e c l o s e d b y a sale at public a u c t i o n t o the h i g h ^ b i d der, at t h e main e n t r a n c e t o t h e C o u n t y BuMding i n the City of G a y tord. Otsego C ^ n t y , M i c h i g a n o f that premises d e s c r i b e d in t h e n w i g a g e s , or s o m u c h thereof as may b e necessary t o pay tt>e a m o u n t d u e . o n t h e rrxxtgages, w i t h interest t h e r e o n at ttte contract rate a n d aJI legal c o s t s , charges and expenses. ir>ciudir>g t h e attorney fees altowed b y law. a n d also any s u m s wt^ich may b e p a i d t)y t h e m o r t g a g e e t o protect its interest in t h e premisee. L a n d situated in t h e T o w n s h i p of Corwlth. C o u n t y of O t s e g o . S t a t e of iwlichigan ar>d d e s c r i b e d a n d f o l l o w s ; T h e p » t of t h e N o r t h w e s t 1/4 of t h e Southeast 1/4 of Section 27. T o w n 32 North, R«>ge 3 West. descrH>ed as c o m m s o c i n g at a point 4 0 0 feet N o r t h o f t h e S o u t h w e s t c o m e r of t h e N o r t h w e s t 1/4 OL t h e Southeast 1/4 of said Sactton 27. tt>ence r\jr>ntng N o r t h o n t h e q u w t e r t m e t o a point 17,40 r o d s S o u t h of 0>e center o f s a i d S e c t i o n thar>ce Eaat t o the J a c k s o n . Lanaing, WHj Saginaw Railroad rtght o f way. r>ow kr>own as the M i c h i g a n Central RaRroad. t h e n c e S o u t h a l o n g t h e Wsat «ne of said raNroad r t g h t - o f - w a y t o a point 4 0 0 feet N o r t h of t h a East a n d Wsat eighth line m tt>e S o u t h e a s t 1/4 of s a k l Section 27, t h e r tc e V\Met t o t h a ptaoe erf bagirtnirtg, Tha rademfMion p e r i o d shall b e o n e year from t h a d a t e of t h e sate, S e p t e m b e r 4. 2 0 0 8 DICKINSON W R I G H T P L L C A t t o m e y s for M o r t g a g e e 3 8 5 2 5 W o o d w a r d Avenue. Suite 2 0 0 0 Bk>3mfield Hills. M i c h i g a n 4 6 3 0 4 Attention; J. Benjamin Dolan (248) 433-7535 (9-10-5) LEGAL STATE O F M I C H I G A N 46TH CIRCUIT TRIAL C O U R T C O U N T Y OF O T S E G O PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO CREDITORS D E C E D E N T S ESTATE FILE: 0 6 - 8 0 0 3 - D E Matter ESTATE OF R I C H A R D W. RACHOW, D e c e d e n t Date of Birth: M a r c h 5, 1948 TO ALL CREDFTORS: Tha decedent, Rtehard W. R a c h o w . w h o lived €rt 5254 Gir^geil Road, J o hanrtesburg, M k : h i g a n 49761, d i e d o n August 12. 2006. C r « ) i t o ™ o( t h » ^ ootidea that all d a m e againat t h e 8«tate will l » t o m v w batT«J u n l « » to VaMfW K i a s u b a , n a m e d Poraooal Representative, or t o t)oth t h e O t s e g o vBWKt C o u n t y Probate O x i r t at 8 0 0 Livings t o n Boulevard, Suite 1C. G a y k y d , Michigan 4 9 7 3 5 afMJ tt>e n a m e d Personal Representative w l t h m four (4) nr>onth8 after t h e d a t e of pubbcatton of this n o t k » . Dated: S e p t e m b e r 8. 2 0 0 6 Valerie Kaaauba. Personal Representattve 12509 Heatherton R o a d Johanr>aaburg, M l 4 9 7 5 1 RonaW J, Klrkpatrick (P24667) A t t o m a y for Personal Rapraaerrtative KIRKPATRICK & D u B O l S P L C 2 1 3 Eaat Main. S e c o n d Floor Gaylord. M l 4 9 7 3 5 (9M) 732-2912 (9-17-1) LEGAL MOATQAOE FORECLOSURE NOTICC S e p t e m b e r 12, 2006 BOOMANLLP By; S w x k s L. Jaemakl (P37430t O a M CoNaclor for Firat Federal of 2 2 9 Court Straat, PO. Box 4 0 5 C h a b ^ ^ a n , Michigan 4 9 7 2 1 (231) 6 2 7 - 6 0 0 0 (9-17-5) FORCCLOSURf NOTfCC T H I S FIRM IS A DEBT C O L L E C T O R ATTEMPTINO TO C O L L E C T A DEBT ANY INFORMATION W C O B T A M WHJ. BE U S E D FOR THAT PURPOSE. Mortgagee: INDEPENDENT BANK, a Michigan banklr>g c o r p o r a t i o n By: Neil S. Silver (P38224) StrobI & Sharp, P C . 300 E. Long Lake Rd.. Suite 2 0 0 Bloomfield Hills, M l 4 8 3 0 4 (248) 540-2300 Attorney for Mortgagee (9-17-5) N O T I C E OF SALE Default having been m a d e in t h e ccwidition of a certain m o r t g a g e m a d e t h e 2 5 t h day of June, 2003, b y Keith F. P i c k e n n g and Gladys J. P i c k e n n g , h u s b a n d and wife, t o N o r t h w e s t e r n M o r t g a g e Company, a n d r e c o r d e d o n July 1. 2003, in t h e office of t h e Register of Deeds for O t s e g o C o u n t y, Michigan, in Lit>er 0944. p a g e 5 1 9 . and o n w h i c h m o r t g a g e t h e r e is claimed to be d u e and u n p a i d at t h e date of this Notice EIGHTY T W O T H O U S A N D FOUR H U N D R E D FIFTY NINE / ^ D 33/100 ($82,459.33) a n d no suit or proceeding at law o r in equity having been instituted t o recover t h e debt, or any part of t h e d e b t , secured by said m o r t g a g e , a n d t h e p o w e r of sale in said m o r t g a g e c o n tained having b e c o m e o p e r a t i ve b y reason of such default. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that o n O c t o b e r 23, 2008, at 10:00 o ' c l o c k in the forenoon at the C i t y - C o u n t y Building, 225 W. Mam, Gaylord. M l 49735, there will t>e o f f e r e d for sale and sold to t h e highest bidder, at public sale, for the p u r p o s e of satisfying the a m o u n t s d u e and u n p a i d u p o n said m o r t g a g e , t o g e t h e r w i t h legal c o s t s and charges of sale, including an attorney fee of S e v e n t y - F i v e ($75.00) Dollars p r o v i d e d b y law a n d in said mortgage, t h e l a n d s a n d premises in said m o r t g a g e rrtentioned and described as follows, t o w i t : E M Highway as monunnentad. t h e n c e South 00 degrees 12 m m u t e s 48 s e c o n d s East 1400.28 feet alor>g t h e N o r t h - S o u t h 1/4 line of said Sectton 2 t o the point of beginniog. EXCEPT: A parcel of land o n part of t h e West 1/2 of Section 2. Town 3 0 North. Range 3 Wast, Bagley Township, Otsego County. Michigan, described as, Comrnerx:ing at t h e S o u t h 1/4 c o m e r of s a k l S e c t i o n 2: t h e n c a N o r t h 00 degrees 12 m i n u t e s 46 s e c o n d s Wast 1319.20 faet ak>ng t h e N o r t h - S o u t h 1/4 line s a i d S e c t t o n 2; thence N o r t h 89 degrees 13 mlr>utea 0 1 aacoTKls Wsat, 1309.50 feet trie South 1/8 line of sakJ SecHon 2; thence North 0 0 d e g r s s a 15 mrHJtes 0 0 s e c o r x t t West 1064,70 feat a l ^ t h e Wast 1/8 kne of s a i d Sectton 2, t o t h e point of b a g m n i o g , tt>enca corttlnutrtg North 0 0 dagraaa 15 minutaa 0 0 s e c o n d s NVsat 2 5 3 . 4 3 feat: t h e n c e North 00 degraas 01 mtnutas 38 seconds Wsal. 400.29 >n^' t h a n o a ^ tarma and condWIor^a of i mortgaoa made by Qaylord Community Oiurch, a Mlchiaan Ecclaaiatical oorporMlon. of 1499 E. M - 3 2 , Qaytord. MkMgw> 4 9 7 3 6 (Mortgagor), to mdapandent Bank, a banking corporation, of 5 2 1 W. Main Street, Qaylofd, Michigan 4 0 7 3 6 (Mortgagee^ dated Auguat 26, 2006, and raoordad m tha ofMca of tha Raglater of Daada for tha Cowtty of Otaaoo. State of MtcNgan, on Saptamber 12, 2006. m Liber 1006 o n page 757, Otaego County Racoida. as rnodWad o T o c t o b a r 14, 2006, onda Eaat 296.77 faet along tha South Hna of M - 3 2 Highway, thanca South 09 dagwiea 0 0 mlnutea 2 0 aaconda Eaat, M i 09; thence South 0 0 d a y a e s 14 mirwtaa 27 aaconda Eaat 370.72 faet; thenoe North 8 9 degraee 13 mlnutea 0 1 aaoonda Wast 3 2 7 . 1 0 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPT A parcel of land on part of the Waat 1/2 of Section 2. Town 30 North, Range 3 W a « , Baglay TownaNp, Otsago Cou^. Michigan, deacrtbed as oommanoing N O T I C E O F SALE Default having been m a d e in t h e c o n dition of a certain rrx>rtgage m a d e t h e 10th day of March, 1 9 M , b y Sara E. Wells a n d Craig R. Rich, a sir>gie w o m a n a n d a single rnan, r e s p e c tively. t o Northwestern S a v i n g s B a n k & Taist (n/k/n N o r t h w e s t e r n Bank), w^d r e c o r d e d o n March 11, 1999, In t h e office of t h e Register o f D e e d s f o r Otsego County, Michigan, at Liber 0714, p a g e 465, and o n v»rhlch m o r t g a g e there is clsumed t o b e d u e a n d unpaid at the date of this N o t i c e SIXTY SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE H U N D R E D NINETY THREE AND 6 6 / 1 0 0 ($Q7.593.68) a n d n o suit or proceedir>g at law or in equity h a v i n g been instituted t o recover t h e d e b t , or any part of t h e debt, s e c u r e d b y s a k j m o r t g a g e , a n d t h e p o w e r of in said m o r t g a g e c o n t a i n e d h a v i n g b e c o m e operative by reason o f s u c h d e fautt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that o n O c t o b e r 9, 2008, at 10:00 o ' c t o c k in t h e forer>oon at the C i t y - C o u n t y Building. 2 2 5 W. Main, G a y l o r d . M l 49735, there will be offered for sale ar>d sisid t o t h e highest bidder, a t public sale, for t h e p u r p o s e of satisfying t h e a m o u n t s d u e a n d unp>aid u p o n said m o r t g a g e , t o g e t h e r w i t h legal c o s t s £ u ^ charges of sale, i n c l u d ing an attorney fee of S e v e n t y - F i v e ($75,00) Dollars p r o v i d e d b y law a n d in said mortgage, t h e l a n d s a n d premises in s ^ m o r t g a g e rr>entior>ed and d e s c r i b e d as follows, t o w'lt: For more Information, please call: FC D 248.593.1309 T r c t t & T r o t t , P.C. Attorneys For Servrcer 31440 N o r t h w e s t e r n Highway. Suite 200 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334-2525 File#157476F02 (9-10-4) LEGAL NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT C O L L E C T O R ATTEMPTING TO C O L L E C T A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION W E OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, PLEASE CONTACT O U R O F FICE AT THE N U M B E R B E L O W IF Y O U ARE IN ACTIVE MILfTARY DUTY, Lot 7, Vantell Park, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e Plat thereof as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 140, Otsego C o u n t y Records. Hayes Township, O t s e g o County. M i c h i g a n The r e d e m p t i o n period shall be six (6) m o n t h s f n j m date of sale; p r o v i d e d , however, that if t h e s u b j e c t p r e m i s e s are heretofore or hereafter cor>clusively p r e s u m e d t o have b e e n a b a n d o n ^ pursuant t o M C L 6 0 0 . 3 2 4 1 a , the applicable p e n o d for r e d e m p t i o n shall be thirty (30) d a y s frcim s a i d date, or otherwise shortened. In acc o r d a n c e w i t h that statute. Dated: A u g u s t 25. 2006 ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the f o r e c l o s i n g m o r t gagee, In that event, your d a m a g e s , if any, shall be limited solely t o t h e return of the bid a m o u n t t e n d e r e d at sale, plus interest, MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the c o n d i t i o n s of a m o r t g a g e made by Richard N. Martin and Crystal L, Martin, h u s b a n d a n d wife, onginal mortgagor(s), t o Wells Fargo Bank, NA, Mortgagee, d a t e d O c t o b e c 6, 2004. and r e c o r d e d o n O c t o b e r 11. 2004 in Liber 1020 o n Page 912, in Otsego c o u n t y records. Michigan, o n w h i c h m o r t g a g e there is c l a i m e d t o be d u e at the d a t e hereof t h e s u m of Eighty-One T h o u s a n d Three H u n d r e d Forty And 73/100 Dollars ($81,340.73). including interest at 6 . 3 7 5 % per annum. NORTHWESTERN B A N K Mortgcigee C A L C U T T ROGERS & B O Y N T O N by; J a c k E. B o y n t o n (P23137) 109 E. Front Street. Suite 3 0 0 Traverse City. M l 49684 (9-3-4) LEGAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT C O L L E C T O R ATTEMPTING TO C O L L E C T A D E B T ANY INFORf^TlON W E OBTAIN WILL BE U S E D FOR THAT P U R POSE. PLEASE C O N T A C T O U R O F FICE AT THE N U M B E R B E L O W IF Y O U ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. MORTGAGE CALCUTT ROGERS & B O Y N T O N by: J a c k E, B o y n t o n (P23137) 109 E. Front Street. Suite 3 0 0 Traverse City, M l 49684 (9-17-4) LEGAL N O T I C E OF M O R T G A G E FORECLOSURE SALE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT C O L L E C T O R ATTEMPTING TO C O L L E C T A D E B T ANY INFORMATION W E OBTAIN WILL BE U S E D FOR THAT P U R POSE. PLEASE CONTACT O U R OFFICE AT THE N U M B E R B E L O W IF Y O U ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may b e rescinded by t h e f o r e c l o s i n g nrortgagee. In that event, y o u r darruiges. if any, shall be limited solely t o t h e ret u r n of the b i d a m o u n t t e n d e r e d at sale, plus interest. MORTGAGE SALE - Default h a s b e e n m a d e in the c o n d i t i o n s of a rrxDrtgage m a d e by Terry L Barb Jr. a n d C a m e L Falkenhagen, a Single M a n a n d a Single Woman, o r i g i n ^ mortgagor(s), t o M o r t g a g e E l e c t r o n s Registration S y s t e m s , Inc., as nominee f o r lender a n d lender's successors a n d / o r assigns. Mortgagee, d a t e d December 26, 2006, and recorded o n January 5. 2007 in Liber 1121 o n Page 2 7 4 . in O t s e g o c o u n t y records, M i c h i g a n , o n w h i c h mortgage there is c l a i m e d to be d u e at the date hereof t h e s u m of Seventy-Six ThousarKl Nir>e Hur>dred Nir>eteen And 76/100 Dollars ($76,919,76), including interest a t 6 % per annum. Under ttie p o w e r of scUe c o n t a i n e d in said mortgage a n d t h e s t a t u t e In s u c h caae made ar>d p r o v i d e d , n o t i c e is hereby given that s a i d m o r t g a g e wHl be forectoeed by s sale of the n ^ g a g e d prsmlsea, o r s o m e part of them, at public vendue, at t h e p l a c e of holding t h e circuit c o u r t w t t h i n Otsego County, at 10:00 A M , o n O c t o ber 2, 2008, Said premiaea sre s i t u a t e d In Towns h i p of Otsego Lake. O t a e g o County. Michigan, a n d ars d e a c r t b e d as; Lot 17, C o m p t o n Beach, a c c o r d i r t g t o trie Flat thereof as r e c o r d e d m L i b e r 2 of Ptata, Page 84. O t a e g o C o u n t y Records T h e redemptton p e r i o d shall b e 6 m o n t h s f r o m the d a t e o f s u c h sale, unlaas d e t e r m i n e d abandor>ad in acc o f d w t c a wKh M C L A 6 0 0 . 3 2 4 1 a . m ^ tadamptton partod such aale LEGAL Dated; September 10, 2008 Dated: September 8, 2 0 0 8 -1-" Ortans Associatee. P.C. A t t o r n e ys for Servkier P.O. Box 5041 Troy, M l 4 6 0 0 7 - 5 0 4 1 248-502-1400 File No. 2 6 5 . 5 0 6 9 (9-3-4) The r e d e m p t i o n p e r i o d shall b e 6 months f r o m t h e date of s u c h sale, unless d e t e r m i n e d a b a n d o n e d in accordance w i t h M C L A 600,3241a, In w h i c h case the r e d e m p t i o n p e r i o d shall be 30 d a y s f r o m t h e d a t e o f such sale. The redemption p e n o d shaH b e six (6) m o n t h s from date of sale: p r o v i d e d , however, that if the s u b j e c t p r e m i s e s are heretofore or hereafter c o n c l u sively presumed t o have b e e n a b a n d o n ^ pursuant t o M C L 6 0 0 . 3 2 4 1 a . the applicable period f o r r e d e m p t i o n shall be thirty (30) d a y s f r o m s a i d date, or otherwise s h o r t e n e d , in accordance w i t h that statute. 1499.96 leet. Dated: S e p t e m b e r 3 . 2 0 0 6 TownSaid premises are si t u a t e d County, ship of Bagtey. O t s e j ^ Michigan, a n d are d e s c r i b e d as; Lot Fain.'iew Acres, A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Plat thereof as R e c o r d e d in Liber 1 of Plats, Page 106, O t s e g o C o u n t y Records. The S I / 2 of Lot 14. S c o t t s d a l e Estates; AND Lot 15. S c o t t s d a l e Estates. according t o the plat thereof as recorded'in L i t w 3 of Plats. Page 67, O t s e g o County Records. City o f G a y lord, County of Ot se g o . S t a t e of Michtgan. NORTHWESTERN COMPANY Mortgagee TO ALL PURCHASERS: T h e foractoaing m o r t g a g e e c a n reacind t h e sale. In that event, your d a m a g a a . If ar>y. are limited solely t o t h e return of t h e bid a m o u n t t e n d e r e d at sale, plus Interest, Ur>der the p o w e r of sale c o n t a i n e d in said m o r t g a g e a n d t h e statute in s u c h case m a d e a n d provided, notice is hereby given that said m o r t g a g e will be foreclosed by a sale of t h e m o r t gaged premises, or s o m e part of t h e m , at public vendue, at t h e p l a c e of holding the circuit court wfthin Otsego County, at 10:00 A M , o n O c t o ber 9, 2008. LEGAL PARCEL 4; Part of the West 1/2 of Section 2, T o w n 30 North, Range 3 West, Bagley Township. Otsego County, Michigan, descntved as: C o m m e n c i n g at the South 1/4 c o m e r of sakJ Sectk>n 2; t h e n c e N o r t h 0 0 degrees 12 minutes 48 s e c o n d s W e s t 1319.20 feet along ttie N o r t h - S o u t h 1/4 lir>e of said Section 2 t o tf>e Point of Be®nning, ther>ce North 89 d e grees 13 m i n u t e s 01 secor>ds W W t 327.37 feet along t h e South 1/8 lirte of said Section 2: t h e n c e N o r t h 00 21 38 M ^ d s MORTGAGE SALE - Defautt h a s b e a n m a d e In t h e c o n d i t i o n s of a m o r t g a g e m a d e b y Lawrence E. Gertvlnger a n d Melanie G. Gahringer, H u s b a n d a n d Wife, o r i ^ a l nxxtgagor(8), t o Mortgage Electronic Registratk>n Systems, Inc., as nominee for lender artd lender's successors a n d / o r asaigrM, Mortgagee, d a t e d S e p t e m b e r 11, 2006, ar>d r e c o r d e d o n S e p t e m b e r 12. 2006 In Liber 1108 o n Page 402, in Otsego c o u n t y records, Michigan, and assigned by m e s n e a s s i g n m e n t s t o Midfirst Bar\k as as8igr>ee, o n v ^ i c h rrKHtgage there is clairrted t o b e d u e at the d a t e hereof t h e s u m of O n e Hur>dred Seven ThousarKl O n e Hundred Seventeen A n d 9 0 / 1 0 0 Doll€V8 ($107,117,90), including interest at 7 % per annum. DATED; September 17, 2 0 0 8 PARCEL 3: Part of t h e West 1/2 of Section 2, Town 30 North. Range 3 West. Bagley Township. Otsego County. Michigan, descnbed as; C o m m e n c i n g at t h e South 1/4 of s a i d Section 2: thence N o r t h 00 d e g r e e s 12 minutes 48 s e c o n d s West 1319.20 feet along t h e N o r t h - S o u t h 1/4 of Section 2; thence North 89 d e g r e e s 13 m i n u t e s 01 s e c o n d s West 327.37 feet along the South 1/8 line of s a i d Section 2 t o the point of b e g i n n i n g ; t h e n c e continuir>g North 8 9 d e g r e e s 13 m i n u t e s 01 s e c o n d s West 3 2 7 . 3 8 feet along said 1/8 tine; t h e n c e N o r t h 00 degrees 13 minutes 54 s e c o n d s West 1536.66 feet; t h e n c e S o u t h 72 degrees 22 minutes 38 secorvds East 191.75 feet along t h e South line of M-32 Highway as nr>onumented; thence North 17 degrees 37 m i n u t e s 22 s e c o n d s East 60.00 feet a l o n g t h e South line of said M - 3 2 H i g h w a y ; thence South 72 degrees 22 m i n u t e s 38 s e c o n d s East 133.07 feet a l o n g the S o u t h line of sakJ M - 3 2 H i g h w a y : thence South 00 degrees 13 m i n u t e s 21 s e c o n d s East 1499,96 feet t o t h e point of beginning. 170 t h r o u g h 175 of P M a . The r a d w n p t i o n p e r i o d ahaN b e 6 nrxxitha f r o m t h a date of a u c h aale. uniaaa da(armir>ed a b a n d o n e d in a c c o r d « > c e w i t h MCLA § 6 0 0 . 3 2 4 1 a . i n w h i c h caae t h e r e d e m p t t o n p e r i o d shafl t)e 3 0 d a y s f r o m t h a d a t e o f s u c h sale. ATTN PURCHASERS: T N a aaie may b e reacindad by t h e foracloak>g mortgagee. In that event, your d a m a g e s , if arfy. shall b e limKad aoieiy t o t h e r * t u m of t h e b k l a m o u n t ter>dered at sale, plus intarsat, The redemption period shall b e s i x m o n t h s f r o m the date of s u c h sale unless t h e property is d e t e r m i n e d at}andor>ed in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h M C L A 600.3241a, In w h i c h c a s e t h e red e m p t i o n period s h a l K b e thirty d a y s f r o m the date of s u c h sale. PARCEL 2: Part of the West 1/2 of Section 2. Town 30 North Range 3 West, B^ley Township. Otsego County. Michigan, descnbed as: C o m r r w i c i n g at the South 1/4 c o r n e r of said Section 2: t h e n c e North 00 degrees 12 minutes 48 s e c o n d s West 1319.20 feet along t h e N o r t h - S o u t h 1/4 line of Section 2; t h e n c e North 89 degrees 13 minutes 01 s e c o n d s West 654.75 feet along the South 1/8 line of said Section 2 t o t h e point of beginmrtg: t h e n c e continuing North 8 9 degrees 13 minutes 01 s e c o n d s West 327.37 feet along said 1/8 line; thence North 00 degrees 14 m i n u t e s 27 s e c o n d s West 1699.42 feet; thence South 72 degrees 22 m i n u t e s j g s e c o n d s East 355 24 feet a l o n g the ^ u t h line of M - 3 2 Highway as m o n u m e n t e d ; thence South 17 degrees 37 minutes 22 s e c o n d s West 60,00 feet along the South line of said M - 3 2 Highway: thence South 72 degrees 22 minutes 36 s e c o n d s East 8,25 feet along the S o u t h line of s a i d M - 3 2 Highway: thence South 0 0 degrees 13 m i n u t e s 54 s e c o n d s East 1536.66 feet t o the point of beginning. J P M o r g a n C h a s e Bank. N. A , Mortgagee LEGAL NOTICE O f M O R T G A a E FOftECLOSURC SALE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT C O L L E C T O R ATTEMPTTNQ T O C O L L E C T A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION W E OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, PLEASE C O N T A C T O U R OFFICE AT THE N U M B E R B E L O W IF Y O U ARE IN ACTIVE MILfTARY DUTY. Tax l,D.# 6 9 - 0 1 0 - 0 0 2 - 3 0 0 - 0 2 5 - 0 1 C o m m o n l y k n o w n as: 1499 E. M - 3 2 , Gaylord, Michigan 4 9 7 3 5 PARCEL1; Part of the West 1/2 of Section 2, Town 30 North. Range 3 West, Bagley Township, Otsego County. Michigan, described as: C o m m e n c i n g at the South 1/4 c o m e r of said Section 2: t h e n c e North 00 degrees 12 m i n u t e s 48 s e c o n d s West 1319.20 feet along the N o r t h - S o u t h 1/4 line of said Section 2: t h e n c e North 89 degrees 13 m i n u t e s 01 seco n d s West 982.12 feet a l o n g t h e South 1/8 line of said Section 2 t o t h e Point of Beginning: I h e n c e continuir>g North 89 degrees 13 minutes 01 seconds West 327.38 feet on said 1 / 8 line: t h e n c e North 00 degrees 15 m i n utes 00 s e c o n d s West 1318.13 feet along t h e West 1/8 line of said S e c tion 2; ther\ce North 00 degrees 01 minutes 38 s e c o n d s West 480.29 feet along said West 1/8 line; t h e n c e South 72 degrees 22 m i n u t e s 39 seconds East 341.77 feet along t h e South line of M - 3 2 Highway as m o n u mented: t h e n c e South 0 0 degrees 14 minutes 27 s e c o n d s East 1699,42 feet to t h e point of beginning. The r e d e m p t i o n p e r i o d shall b e o n e year from t h e d a t e of s u c h sale. Dated: at t h e South 1/4 c o m e r of s a k l S e c tKxi 2; thence North 0 0 d e g r e e s 12 m i n u t e s 46 seoor>ds W e s t 1 3 2 9 . 2 0 f e e l along the N o r t h - S o u t h 1 / 4 Hrte of said Section 2; t h e n c e N o r t h 8 9 d e grees 13 minutes 0 1 s s c o n d s W e s t . 912.66 feet a l o n g t h e S o u t h 1 / 6 line of s a i d Section 2 t o the P o i n t of B e g i r d i n g ; thence contlnulr>g N o r t h 6 9 degrees 13 mirHJtes 01 s e c o n d s West. 396.94 feet; t h e n c e N o r t h 0 0 degrees 15 minutes 0 0 s e c o n d s West. 1064.70 feet along t h e West 1/6 line of said Section 2 ; t h e r x ^ South 69 degrees 13 m n u t e e 0 1 s e c ortds East. 327.10 feet; t h e n c e N o r t h 00 degrees 14 m i n u t s s 27 s e c o n d s West 370.72 feet; t h e n c e N o r t h 0 9 degrees 0 0 minuts 20 secor>ds W e s t . 281.09 feet; t h e n c e South 72 d e g r e e s 22 minutes 36 s e c o n d s East, 118.55 feet ahxtg t h e South lir>e of S t a t e Highway M - 3 2 ; thence S o u t h 00 d e grees 14 minutes 27 8ecor>ds East 1678.11 feet t o t h e point of b e g i n ning. Q«yford H«r«ld T i m M ClAMttWdt DAY Dated September 3 . 2 0 0 6 For mors mformtfon, p l i a a a caK F C X 246.583.1302 T>Ott & Trott. P.C. Attorneys For Sarvioar $ 1 4 4 0 North weatem Highway, Suite 200 Farmlnglon 48334-2525 Fla t173422f0e Under t h e p o w e r of sale c o n t a i n e d in said mortgage and t h e statute in s u c h case made and provided, n o t k » is hereby given that said m o r t g a g e will be foreclosed by a sale of t h e mortgaged premises, or s o m e part of them, at public v e n d u e , at t h e p l a c e of holding t h e drcurt c o u r t writhin Otsego County, at 10;00 A M , o n O c t o ber 16, 2008. MORTGAGE SALE - Defautt has b e e n m a d e In t h e c o n d i t i o n s of a m o r t g a g e m a d e b y Walter A. F e d e , a m a m e d man a n d Sar>dra M. Feole, his wife, t o M o r t g a g e Electronic Registration S y s t e m s , Inc., as nominee for lender a n d ler>der's successors a n d / o r a s s i g n s . M o r t g a g e e , dated January 30, 2 0 0 1 and r e c o r d e d January 3 1 , 2 0 0 1 i n Liber 787. Page 758. O t s e g o C o u n t y Records, Michigan. S a i d m o r t g a g e is now held b y Fifth Third M o r t g a g e C o m p a n y b y assignment. T h e r e is c l a i m e d t o be d u e at t h e d a t e hereof t h e s u m of Seventy-Nir>e T h o u s a n d Eight H u n d r e d Two a n d 9 2 / 1 0 0 Dollars ($79,802.92) including interest at 7 . 6 2 5 % per annum. Said premises are si t u a t e d I n City of Gayiord, O t s e g o County, Michigan, ar>d are d e s c r i b e d as; Lot 9, B l o c k 3, George H. S m i t h ' s A d d i t i o n t o t h e Village. now City, of Gaylord. a c c o r d i n g t o the recorded plat thereof as rec o r d e d in Liber 1 of Plats, Page 82, Otsego County Records. The rederr>ption p e r i o d shall b e 6 m o n t h s f r o m t h e d a t e of s u c h sale, unless d e t e r m i n e d a b a n d o n e d in acc o r d a n c e w i t h M C L A 600.3241a, in w h i c h case the r e d e m p t i o n p e r i o d shall be 30 d a y s f r o m t h e d a t e of s u c h sale. Dated: September 17, 2008 For more information, please call; F C D 248.593.1309 Trott&Trott.P.C. A t t o m e y s For Servicer 31440 N o r t h w e s t e m Highway. Suite 200 -3 Fanningtori Hills, Mtehigan 48334-2525 File #220930F01 (9-17-4) LEGAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE THIS FIRM IS A DEBT C O L L E C T O R ATTEMPTING T O C O L L E C T A D E B T ANY INFORMATKDN W E OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT I ^ R POSE. PLEASE C O f / T A C T O U R OFFICE AT THE N U M B E R B E L O W IF Y O U ARE IN ACT?VE MILITARY DUTY. MORTGAGE SALE • Default h a s b e e n m a d e in t h e condltiona of a m o r t g a g e m a d e by Richard J, Shials. s single man. t o M o r t g a g e Electronic Registration Systems, Inc,, aa n o m i n e e for isrtder VKJ lender's successors and/or aaaigns. M o r t g a g e e , d a t e d A p m 24. 2006 a n d r e c o r d e d M a y 2, 2008 m Liber 1093, P a g e 2 9 1 , O t s e g o C o u n t y Reoorda, MK^hlgan. There Is claimed t o b e d u e at t h e d a t e hereof t h e s u m of O n e H u n d r e d Eight T h o u s w i d Forty-One «>d 50/100 Oolars ($106,041.50) including mtarsat at 6 . 8 7 5 H per a n n u m . Under t h e p o w e r o f sals c o n t a i n e d In said m o r t g a g s artd t h a atatuta m s u c h caae rnade ar>d p r o v l d a d . r w t l c a la hereby given that aakl n w t g a q a wM be toracloaad by a aala of tha nnortgaged pramlaaa. OK soma part of them, al p u M c vendue at the North door of the Ctty County Building m Gaylord, Michigan M Otsago County, Michigan at 10:00 a.m. on O C T O B E R 2,2006. S ^ pramlsaa ar« looalad m tha Town^ of UvmgMon. Otaego County, Michigan, and ara daacrfced aa; Lot 139, Qaylord Waat S u b d M alon. aa recorded m Ubar 3, Papaa Under t h e p o w e r of sale c o n t a i n e d i n said m o r t g a g e and t h e statute in s u c h case m a d e and p r o v i d e d , rtotice Is hereby given that said m o r t g a g e will tje f o i ^ o s e d b y a sale of t h e m o r t gaged premises, or s o m e part o f t h e m , at public v e n d u e at t h e N o r t h d o o r o f the City C o u n t y BuikJing in Gaylord. Mfchigan in O t s e g o C o u ^ , M i c h i g a n at 10:00 a.m. o n S E P T E M BER 25, 2008. Said premises are l o c a t e d in t h e T o w r ^ i p of O t s e g o Lake, O t s e g o County, Michigan, a n d are d e s c r i b e d Lot 147, A r b u t u s B e a c h H i g h l a n d N u m b e r 4, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e plat thereof as r e c o r d e d in Liber 4 of Ptats, Pages 1 t h r o u g h 2, O t s e g o C o u n t y Records. The redemption p e r i o d shall b e 6 m o n t h s fror^ t h e d a t e of s u c h sale, unless d e t e r m i n e d ^ > a n d o n e d i n acc o r d a n c e w i t h M C L A § 6 0 0 . 3 2 4 l a , in which case the redemptton period ShaH be 3 0 d a y s f r o m t h e d a t e of s u c h sale TO A L L PURCHASERS: T h e forectosm g m o r t g a g e e c a n r e a d r n l t h e sate. In that event, your d a m a g e s , if arty, are l i m l t s d solely t o tr»e return of t h e b i d siT>ount t e n d e r e d at sale, p l u s interest. Dated; A u g u s t 27, 2 0 0 8 Ortarw A s s o o a t s s . P C . Attorr>eys for Servicer P O , B o x 5041 48007-5041 248-502-1400 FUe No. 2 0 0 . 3 5 7 7 (6-27-4) mplovmen Hgrad lTm i es-Cfn o l i m w i n a r email HERYILD TIMES PULTTCATTOWB Welcome to beautiful Otsego County for the 2008 Alpine Soccer Stampede! STAMPEBE . •J-" T he Gaylord Soccer League welcomes you to the Fifth Annual Alpine Soccer Stampede! We take pride in our community and our Alpine Soccer Complex. We ask that you demonstrate sportsmanship and respect for all players, coaches and officials on and off the field. The success of our tournament is the result of volunteers who unselfishly offer their time and talents each year Their dedication and commitment help make this Tournament successful year after year We would also like to thank all the teams and their families. We hope that everyone will experience a fun filled weekend of soccer, along with an enjoyable stay in our community. VV. 1' -I •• > >• T Sincerely, Cindee Polena Tournament Director Alpine Soccer Stampede • W - ' . R^S-F. Get to know your tournament staff: JUST FOR KICKS GgntraJ Manager Marilyn Kauanowslci Is p u b l i s h e d b y : Tournament Director: Cindee Polena Volunteers, Travel Teams Assistant to the Director: George Sponsor: BC Pizza Lake, Northern Christian Radio Marshals: Gene Sanders, Rob Pray Registration: Mary Parker, Melissa C o m m u n i t y Relations: Paul Beach- Meadows, Debbie Stark nau, Gaylord Convention and Tourism Communications; Rick Ashley Bureau Referees: Don Klingler, Matt Deisig Tournament Program: Dave Trophies/Awards: Trish Adam, Kathy Baragrey, Choice Publications Heinz Complex Maintenance/Set-up: Concessions: Olivia Smith, RSVP 2 lUST FOR KICKS September Mike Lawnichak, Northern Hydroseed 77, 2008 ftf/toria/.Peter Comings iditof. HeTK^ld Times Cathy Landry News Editor .J PUBLICATIONS Soom Editor Jeremy Speer Oesi?n Editor Franlt Midiels MichMl Jones, Writers P.O. B o x 5 9 8 , G a y l o r d , M l 4 9 7 3 4 2 0 5 8 S. O t s e g o A v e , , G a y l o r d (989) 7 3 2 - 1 1 1 1 FAX: (989) 732-3490 www.gaylordherakltimes.com e-mail: p u b O g a y l o r d h e r a l d t i m e s . c o m Chris Engle, Jil Schuit Friitonai SuDDort. Kurt Kolka Chief P^QToyaoher mil Serveny Graphic Arts: (Jrflphi^ Arts Mar^aqer Matt SniiTh AHists ^odd Waff, We«oat-Large Advertaing: Advertfsino Sales Kim Ballard Mansoer: ^a«I^ed Ailv^ftrtino Manajef/ Aat. Adtertmng Sates Kathleen Murray Manager Karen Gregor, Ashley Sales Staff Gunderson, Jeff Met2 Adelewoskobojnik Sales Associate Busineis: Office Staff Cina DeFDr». Vicky Plummer; UrvSa Lyons Online Media: Manaqer'EOitor Peter Codings Darre'" HafOy A G a y l o r d H er ald I t m e s p u b l i c a t i o n Thousands to witness Gaylord's Stampede Local teams inside TYPHOON U-10B0YS>B4 THUNDER U-12B0YS-B4 RED BULLS U-10BOYS-B5 FORCE U-12B0YS-B6 BLIZZARD U-11B0YS-B7 SHOCK U-16 GIRLS-BS HURRICANES U-16 GIRLS-BS FUSION U-13 GIRLS •B9 STORM U-16GIRLS> BIO LIGHTNING U-12 GIRLS >611 GAYLORD — t is the biggest local event of the fall — p n e that fills u p almost every hotel r o o m in the area and will k e e p local restaurants h o p p i n g all w e e k e n d long. T h e fifth-annual Alpine Soccer S t a m p e d e m a k e s its return to Gaylord this w e e k e n d , Sept. 2021, at the beautiful Alpine Soccer C o m plex on North Ohio in Gaylord. I The t o u r n a m e n t wfill o n c e again b e h u g e — there are 61 t e a m s registered, c o m i n g from all across Michigan, a n d e v e n from Indiana. This will bring a b o u t 1,000 b u d d i n g athletes o n the fields, a n d more than 4,000 spectactors there to support them. "Many t e a m s return every year b e c a u s e they love Gaylord," said tourn a m e n t director C i n d e e Polena. "Our t o u r n a m e n t is also very affordable. This is a great thing for our community." The S t a m p e d e offers a little bit of s o m e t h i n g for everybody, as there are both select and recreational t e a m s competing. Many of the t e a m s will feature a local Hair as 10 of the c o m p e t i n g t e a m s call their h o m e Gaylord. A t o u r n a m e n t like this takes a cast of m a n y to run s m o o t h ly. Volunteers have helped in any capacity from c o n c e s s i o n s to c o m m u n i t y relations, and everywhere in b e t w e e n . "The work can be very time c o n s u m ing, but it's worth it to s e e the kids play and have fun." Polena said. The following pages vrill s h o w all the h o m e t o w n teams, as well as their schedule of games. G o o d luck to all the t e a m s this weeke n d — b o t h from near and far! Boys and girls on recreational and select travel teams, will converge upon the Alpine Soccer Complex this weekend for an action-packed Alpine Soccer Stampede. Off Entire Bill ; ^ - for Breakfast, lunch or dinner ^ ; . .«;Good Luck Gaylord Teams! A G a y l o r d H e r a l d Times p u b l i c a t i o n \ Homemade Pasta ' Broastcd Chicken Steaks ' Seafood - Cocktails ^ Dine in or Carrv'Out! T ^ Authentic American - Italian Cuisine 2 5 8 3 Old 27 South, J u s t off" 1-75 - Exit 279, Gaylord September!?2008 s r;Open at fi.im lilz (939) 7 3 2 - 4 4 3 1 JUST FOR KICKS 3 Gay lord Typhoon U-10BOYS TEAM ROSTER Nathan GIbbs Seth Gregory Ben Holscher Colin Kwapis Brendan Mendolia ZacMlslak Elijah Needham Cameron Strange Mitchell Wilson Logan Wojtkowiak The 2008 Gaytord Typhoon U - I O T e a m : (Front row l-r: Nathan Gibbs, Brendan Mendolia, Seth Gregory, Logan Wojtkowiak, Ben Holscher; Middle row l-r): Elijah Needham, Mitchell Wilson, Zac Misiak, Cameron Strange, Colin Kwapis; (Back row l-r): Coach: Christian Wilson Coach Christian Wilson SCHEDULE" Saturday: vs.BASAMajors,9:15a.m.(Fields) Saturday: vs. Strikers, 1:30 p.m. (Field 6) Gaylord Thunder Sunday: vs. Gaylord Red Bulls, 8 a.m. (Field 6) Sunday: vs. Harbor Springs, 4 p.m. (Field 6) U-12B0YS Nick Brigham Cole Butler Jackson Deans Fox Deisig Josh Delaney Patrick Eldridge Tristan Gregory Nate Fox Graham Holt Mitchell Lawton Mike Misiak Collin Watters The 2008 Gaylord Thunder U-12 team: (Front row l-r): Graham Holt, Fox Deisig, Nick Brigham, Patricjt Eldridge, Josh Delaney; (Back row t-r): Coach Steve Gregory, Cole Butler, Tristan Gregory, Colin Watters, Mike Misiak, Nate Fox, Coach Matt Deisig. Missing: Jackson Deans, Mitchell Lawton. SCHEDULE" 4 TEAM ROSTER Saturday: vs. Gaylord Force, 10:30 a.m. (Field 2) Saturday: vs. Strikers, 1:30 p.m. (Field 9) lUST FOR KICKS September 172008 Sunday: vs. Cheboygan Crew/, 8 a.m. (Field 9) Bracket Rounds: Sunday, TBA Coach: Matt Deisig Coach: Steve Gregory A Gaylord Herald Times publication Gaylord Red Bulls U-10BOYS The 2008 Gaylord Red Bulls U-10 Boys soccer team; (Front row l-r): Bailey Wleber, Ethan Nlda, Blake Harrington, Dominique Arevalo; (Back row Ir); Coach Michelle Sullivan, Kyle Karsten, Trae Bischof, Austin Monusko, Chase Jones, Joey Pietzak. Missing: Kyle Hannah. SCHEDULE: Sunday: vs. Gaylord Typhoon, 8 a.m. (Field 6) Sunday: vs. BASA Majors Black, 4 p.m. (Field 5) Saturday; vs.Strikers,9:15a.m.(Field6) Saturday: vs. Harbor Springs, 5:15 p.m. (Field 5) IMPROVE YOUR VEHICLE'S FUEL E C O N O M Y These P e r f o r m a n c e Plus offers a v a r i e t y of p r o d u c t s arnd services d e s i g n e d t o k e e p y o u r v e h i c l e r u n n i n g efficiently, o p t i m i z i n g f u e l e c o n o m y Ask y o u r P e r f o r m a n c e P l u s T e c h n i c i a n t o p e r f o r m s o m e of t h e s e gas-saving s e r v i c e s . o r install s o m e of our fuel-saving p r o d u c t s today! busiri > Air Filter Replacement lutk \ > Fuel Filter Replacemertt \ 2-Step Fuel & Emissions Cleaning EVERY 3,000 MILES! 1450 W. Main Street Gaylord P S R F I I this Complete Motor Flush Fuel Injector Cleaners 9 989-731-0660 Horse Power Full Synthetic Oil Changes Torque Power Full Synthetic Oil Changes Hours: Mon-Sat, 8am-6pm Fuel SflVing Tips source Abotrtcom,Eclmunds.com,Ca<*eorg - Drive t h e Speed Limit and Use Cruise Control. Gas Mileage decreases rapiidly at speeds over 60 mph. Maintaining constant speed also reduces consumption by up to 23% Baymont Inn & Suites Dr. Kari Visser-Robel ..Fitness System Sheriff'McBride State Farm Andy Patricli - D o n ' t Drive Aggressively. Aggressive dnving can lower gas rr^ileage by as much as 22% on the highway,and 5% in town. - Check your gas cap. A loose or missing gas cap can cause gas to evaporate, decreasing mileage dramatically. Taco Bell of Gaylord Driving on low tires is tiVe driving with the parking brake on. costing you 12% - Clean O u t Your Vehicle. Each additional 100 pounds can cost you 1 -2%. R A C K A G E Telephone Support I - Our'Oritflnal' Full S^rvk* Oil Chang* lflCludMt 2*St«t> FtMifor * EmiMiotis I --Certificate Free Fuel OMnlng ' A G a y l o r d Herald Times p u b l i c a t i o n — - Properly Inflate your tires. F ICW W M H I F IWI WIVAW- SAVE 35% _ _ September 172008 JUST FOR KICKS 5 Gaylord Force U-12B0YS m The 2008 Gaylord Force U-12 team: (Front row l-r): Brandt Kierczynski, Lane Jeakle, Trent Hibner, Dominic LaJoie, Jared Caswell, Alphonse Buclay, Jackson Landrie, Matttiew Coger; (Back row l-r): Coach Dennis Jeakle, Jacob King, Ethan O'Dell, Michael Dipzinski, Ben Fry, Shane Foster, Brady Wright, Coach Scott Fry. Coach: Scott Fry Coach: Dennis Jeakle SCH E D U LE; Check out next week's Herald Times for photos of the 2008 Alpine Soccer Stampede, just like these from previous local soccer tournaments; 6 JUST FOR KICKS Saturday: vs. Gaylord Thunder, 10:30 a.m. (Field 2) Sunday: vs. Strikers, 9:15 a.m. (Field 2) Saturday: vs. Cheboygan Crew, 2:45 p.m. (Field 2) Bracket Rounds: Sunday, TBA wfim •• / September!72008 A C a y l o r d Herald Time'i publicalion U-11 GIRLS TEAM ROSTER Jenna Adam Danica Bebble Courtney Busch Adrienne Edwards Elizabeth Heinz Ally Gregory Sarah Korff Madison MacQuarrle Bekah Myler Georgi Nowicki Ali Porta Sarah Vanliere Brandi Wagner r Gaylord BUzzard Coach: Rick Butler Coach: Todd Gregory Coach: Bob Wagner THE 2008 GAYLORD BLIZZARD U-12 Girls soecer team: (Front row l-r); Sarah Vanliere, Georgi Nowicki, Bekati Myler, Elizabeth Heinz, Danica Bebble, Sarah Korff, Madison MacQuarrle; (Middle row l-r); Ally Gregory, Ali Porta, Adrienne Edwards, Jenna Adam, Courtney Busch, Katie Butler, Brandi Wagner; (Back row l-r); Coaches Rick Butler, Bob Wagner and Todd Gregory. SCHEDULE; T H E NIEMAN AGENCY BERNIE NIEMAN, A G E N T Saturday: vs.Renegades98,8a.m.{Field6) Saturday: vs. Valkyrie, 12:15 p.m. (Field 6) AUTO • HOME B O A T • RV • LIFE UMBRELLA 989-731-5060 1-800-523-5060 Email - [email protected] 2508 M-32 West, Gaylord, MI 49735 A Gaylord Herald Times publication Is Satuday: vs. Bay Area Spirit, 4 p.m. (Field 6) Sunday: vs. Fusion White, 10:30 a.m. (Fields) E'ofj S I T A L I A N EXPRESS $1.50 OFF ANY GRINDER SANDWICH! r M-32 at SB >-75 Exit 282, Gaylord 989-732-2422 Expires 11-30-08 September 17, 2008 JUST FOR KICKS 7 U-16 GIRLS SCHEDULE: Saturday: vs. The 2008 Gaylord Shock U-16 Team: (Laying); Megan Lamb; (Front row l-r): Emily Ballard, Alaina Needham, Jessica Hellenberg, Anna Ames, Paige Clear, Emily Patrick; (Second row l-r); Ashley Bartow, Kelly Hintz, Kaitlyn Klay, Kaitlyn Kaiser, Olivia Deans, Brandy Tallent; (Back row l-r): Taylor Rabineau, Amanda Vtviano, Kayleigh Cafuk, Heather Hartman, Allison Fischer. WMFJ - Hutzel, 2:45 p.m. (Field 8) Sunday: vs. Gay- i lord Hurricanes, 9:15 a.m. (Field 8) Sunday: vs. BWSC Fury, 2:45 p.m. (Field 8) Sunday: Bracket champinoship, TBA GaylordHurricanes U-16 GIRLS The 2008 Gaylord Hurricanes U-16 team: (Front row l-r): Tiffany Graus, Whitney Joyce, Nicole McNamara; (Second row l-r); Annalise Payne, Allie Gee, Rachel Watts, Tanner Renkiewka, Kate KierczynskI, Kay Patrick; (Third row l-r): Kaitlyn Koronka, Kayley Crawfonl, Stephanie Augustine, Mackenzie Morrison, Claire McPhetson, Jamie Green, Jessie Meehan, Carrie Bums; (Back row l-r): Coaches Ginger McNamara, Shawn McNamara and Travis Buzzell-Wells TEAM ROSTER Stephanie A u g u s t i n e Carrie Burns Kayley Crawford Allie Gee Tiffany Graus Jamie Green W h i t n e y Joyce Katie Kierczynski K a i t l y n Koronka Nicole M c N a m a r a Claire McPherson Jessie M e e h a n Mackenzie M o r r i s o n Kay Patrick Annalise Payne Tanner Renkiewicz Taylor Vanliere Rachel Watts rd Shotk, 9:15 a . m . (Field 8) nshio. TBA 8 JUST FOR KICKS September 17, 2008 A G a y l o r d Herald Times p u b l i c a t i o n Gayhrd Fusion U-13 GIRLS TEAM ROSTER Erin Borgeson Karl Borowiak Kaycie Burroughs Kinsey Burroughs Stephanie Buttrick Aubrey Curtis Mai Dao Darby Fitzhenry Chelsea Fox Sydney Gooding Madison Hamilla Missy Hartmann Lauren Mintz Emily Karsten Hayley Minor Katie Reinelt Jessica Snnith Brooke Stier THE 2008 GAYLORD FUSION U-13 Girls soccer team: (Front row): Missy Hartmann, Madison Hamilla; (Second row l-r): Kari Borowiak, Kaycie Burroughs, Darby Fitzhenry, Chelsea Fox, Kinsey Burroughs, Katie Reinelt, Mai Dao; (Third row l-r): Hayley Minor, Brooke Stier; (Back row l-r): Stephanie Buttrick, Lauren Hintz, Aubrey Curtis, Erin Borgeson, Emily Karsten, Sydney Gooding, Jessica Smith. TEAM SCHEDULE: Saturday: vs. Sault Raiders, 4 p.m. (Field 1) Sunday: vs. Freeland Mad Dogs, 8 a.m. (Field 1) F O R T H E ^ P U ^ G ^ I ^ S I N T H E N E I G H ^ R S O O D L ; ^ [ 17 Bracket Rounds: Sunday,TBA North American Wildlife M u s e u m 1 Gifts • Collectibles • Books Jewelry • Fudge • Boot Shop Uucationol Toys Bavarian Falls P a r k Adventure Golf • Go Carts Krazy Kars (989) 732-4336 • 800 835-4347 - ^ 1379 W. Main St., Gaylord • (989) 732-2530 Mon Thurf 11 4 m it pm,, Satuidav *< A Caylord Herald Times publication Sunrtov 11 •m -10OJn Open all year, 7 days a wcvk 8S0 S. WiM'onsin Avenue • GoylortI www.9«>collorthewlld.< <»m September 17 2008 ^ 1 ' ^ j JUST FORKICKS 9 GaylordStorm U-16 GIRLS Coach; Barry Gooding Coach: Gene Sanders Coach: Bob Polena THE 2008 GAYLORD STORM U-15 Girls soccer team; (Front row); Paige Reinelt, Hannah Parl<er, Destiney Wojtkowiak, Carly Agee, Kaylor Mikolowski, Nicole Vaporis; (Middle row l-r); Geena Duff, Cindy Fiser, Jessie Willett, Alex Simmons, IVIakayla Pomarzynski, Kenzie Edwards, Megan Borgeson; (Back row l-r): Kateiynn Dreyer, Allie Gooding, Kayla Miller, Karii Jacob, Sarah Polena. Missing; Tina Pagels, Coaches Gene Sanders, Barry Gooding and Bob Polena TEAM SCHEDULE; 10 JUST FOR KICKS September 17, 2008 Saturday: vs. United Gold, 1:30 p.m. (Field 8) Sunday: vs. BASA Spirit, 8 a.m. (Field 8) Sunday: vs. Detroit Turbo, 1:30 p.m. (Field 8) Championship: Sunday, TEA A Gaylord Herald Times publication U-12 GIRLS TEAM ROSTER daylord Lightning Arica Alread Meagan Bartow Autumn Cancllla Delaney Eckstein Jacquelyn Harbin Kelsey Hardy Abigail Hasklll Taylor Kaiser Alexis Mang Rebecca Pensyl Katie Rutkowski Danni Wojtkowlak Lindsey Zaremba Coach: KurtCancilla Coach: Russ Pensyl J6 LI-12 Girls soccer team: (Front row): Abigail Haskill; (Second row l-r): Katie Rutl(Owski, Delaney Eckstein, Danni Wo|tkowiak, Arica Harbin: (Third row l-r): Kelsey Hardy, Lindsey Zaremba, Taylor Kaiser, Rebecca Pensyl, Meagan Bartow, Alexis Mang: (Back row Russ Pensyl TEAM SCHEDULE: Saturday: vs. Harbor Springs, 8 a.m. (Field 7) Sunday: vs. Patriots, 4 p.m. (Field 7) Bracket Rounds: Sunday, TBA - - - - -VALUABLE COUPON «1.00 O F F P u r c h a s e of a n y C o m b o Meal or G a r d e n Sensations Salad 2-topping Pizza Valid ai Gaylord. Crayhng arKl N^evi } *PIRE» \2 M ON Gaylord location only. Expires October 1. 2006 FREE 6 Oz. Junior Frosty [ OLDMMOVKD 6 1 0 S. W i s c o n s i n A v e . , G a y l o r d , M i c h i g a n * W9-731 ^ 2 9 onlj i - - - - VALUABLE COUPON - - Wrth coupon. Tax & delivery extra. www.jetspizM.com l.imn ortt offt' ptr coupon One coupon per visit Not Mlid wirh any other ofTrr tx Uiscourtl 8ao>n. chme. wx} tax rxtri | >kh<rp applicaWe J HAMBURGERS ] i \ . i psifoh.iM.' ixxc-.Av.nlal^lr m chivoUte or I ra» . . • • T I L BUYVOURIFAVO Sports photo* from the 8008 hH^ cav«ragc area Graduation 8008 and other school Front page souvvnli* and other features Community events and entertainment VWT.^ QAYTOGDBFLVLCKILLLCS*M8I yourl»i^rlte photos are^dcVrared t o your d o o r CAU FOR MOn MFO • 9W-7M-1111 Since 2000, Central Payroll Services has been servicing over 30 companies throughout northern and lower Michigan. PAYKOLL FROCESSINO: CEMTRAL PAYROLL * Computer Generated Payroll Checks SERVICES • Federal Tax DepKJSlts n I W. Mitchell SI. Qaylord, Ml 49735 989-732-5423 Fax: 989-732-0893 Olivia Smith, Owner OUvla9cisal. net 12 JUST FOR KICKS • State Tax Withholding Reports • All Quarterly Tax Forms Completed and Filed • All Yearly Tax Forms. Includlr>g W-2 and W-3 • Electronic Tax Payments Through CFTPS Call, fax or email us all your payroll needs. September 17, 2008 Valuable Coupon Enjoy a Breakfast FREE CUP OF COFFEE' with breal^ast Coupon expires October 1,2008 324 W. Main. Gaylord • (989) 732-5654 | — Valuablef.'oupori ('oupori A G a y l o r d H e r a l d Times p u b l i c a t i o n