summer camp : 2016


summer camp : 2016
We’re Going Places
Troop 839
Summer Camp 2016 - Info and Forms
March 7th, 2016
Troop 839 Scouts and Parents
Shane Emerson – 2016 Summer Camp Coordinator
E-mail: [email protected]
Cell Phone: (281) 650-3146
Troop 839 Summer Camp 2016 will be Kia Kima Scout Reservation located near Hardy, AR.
For more information on Kia Kima Scout Reservation, use the following link:
June 18th through 26th, 2016.
The cost for Summer Camp is $260 per scout. This fee covers all camp meals and most
activities. Some merit badges courses require a small fee for class materials.
$________ is available in incentive funds earned through troop fund-raising events. Any
portion of this may be used to pay for camp.
All fees must be paid by Monday, April 21st. A late fee of $25 will be required thereafter.
Cancelations prior to camp will forfeit $40 registration fee. Pay camp fee to Shane Emerson
(a table will be set up at each scout meeting). Please make checks payable to “BSA
Troop 839”.
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Form #1:
Form #2:
Form #3:
Form #4:
Form #5:
Form #6:
Form #7:
What You Need to Do Now
Form Completion Help Sheet
Summer Camp Q&A
Summer Camp Personal Equipment List
Scout Sign-up
Adult Sign-up & Compliance Form
Permission Slip
Code of Conduct
Merit Badge and Activity Enrollment
SHAC Camper Release Form
BSA Health & Medical Record (available at
APPENDIX A: What You Need to Do Now
Please read the attached materials and review the 7 forms: Scout Sign-Up, Adult Sign-Up,
Permission Slip, Code of Conduct, Activity Enrollment, SHAC Camper Release and BSA Medical
Form (available online). For Scouts going to Summer Camp: complete all forms except Medical
and turn them in to Shane Emerson with payment by April 21st to avoid any late charges. Late
camp sign-ups will be accepted until June 1st on a space-available basis with a $25 per scout
Adults! We need and welcome your help! Please fill out the Adult Sign-up Form if you can
volunteer! Troop 839 pays for adult registration. All adults attending Summer Camp must be
registered with the Troop and have YPT (within the last two years). Please forward a copy of
your YPT certificate to Shane Emerson by June 2nd. Summer Camp fees are covered by the
Troop for adults attending all week at Summer Camp.
Every person (scout and adult) going to camp must have an up-to-date medical form on file with
the Troop. If your medical form is dated prior to 6-28-15, you must complete a new BSA
medical form (attached). The BSA medical form is also available for download from the troop
website. Please note that there are three parts to the Medical Form. Section C requires a
physician visit. Schedule your physicals now. Note- You must show current up to date
Tetanus Shot to enter camp Please return your Medical Forms by June 3th. Include a copy
(front and back) of your medical insurance card.
Before we go to camp, we will have additional planning meetings with parents to discuss packing
tips, equipment, and other helpful information. Stay tuned.
Have any questions? If you’re confused by the forms, unsure selecting activities, or just want to
hear more about Summer Camp, please see me, call me, or e-mail me. Additional information at
APPENDIX B: Form Completion Help Sheet
Form #1: Scout Sign-Up
Due Date: March 28th
This form should be completed for each Scout planning to attend Summer Camp. Scout earned
incentives through past Troop fundraisers may be applied toward the total cost of the Summer
Camp fees. Every Scout going to Summer Camp will receive one free Troop 839 T-shirt. If not
planning to go to Summer Camp but would like a Troop 839 T-shirt, please use this form for
payment. The cost is $15 per shirt. Additional shirts are available for $15 each.
Form #2: Adult Sign-Up
Due Date: March 28th
We need the help of adults to make Summer Camp a safe, fun, and productive experience for our
Scouts. Moms and/or Dads are welcome. Participating adults must be registered with BSA.
Fees for adults are paid by the Troop. Adults attending camp receive a free Troop T-shirt.
Additional shirts are available for $15 each.
This is not only an opportunity to contribute to the Troop, but to enjoy a particularly rewarding
experience. We have many ‘jobs’ to be filled. No experience necessary; just a willingness to
help. The duties range from driving Scouts to/from Camp to organizing a late evening ‘cracker
barrel’ for the boys. This is a neat thing to do. And yes, you also get to sleep in a tent!
Form #3: Permission Slip
Due Date: March 28th
This is required for each Scout attending Summer Camp. The form must be complete, signed,
and dated by a parent or legal guardian.
Form #4: Code of Conduct
Due Date: March 28th
Parents should take the time to sit down with their Scout and together, thoroughly and
completely read this form. The form is then signed and dated by both the Scout and the
parent/guardian. By following the above guideline, we ensure that Scouts, parents, and adult
leaders all understand what is considered proper and improper behavior, and what the penalties
for improper behavior can be.
Form #5: Activity Enrollment
Due Date: March 28th
First year Scouts: First time campers at Kia Kima, will want to take advantage of the Trailblazers
program. The program is specifically designed with younger scouts in mind. They spend the
morning working on requirements toward the rank of First Class, and in the afternoon, the scouts
take merit badge classes. It is recommended that Swimming be one of the merit badges since it is
hard to achieve other wise.
Form #6: Camper Release Form
Due Date: March 28th
Form #7: Medical Forms (All) and YPT Certificate (Adults)
Due Date: June 2nd
APPENDIX C: Summer Camp Questions & Answers
Must my Scout go to Summer Camp? A Scout can be very active in Scouting without going to summer
camp. However, it is a great opportunity to see what Scouting is all about and to have a great experience
with the Troop. We strongly recommend that new Scouts make every effort to attend summer camp so
that they are “jump-started” into Scouting. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn/develop/practice Scout
skills and values, in addition to working on rank advancements.
Will he get homesick? Your Scout’s days and evenings will be filled with activities, so he probably won’t
dwell on thoughts of home for long. Adult leaders are sensitive to your Scout’s concerns and uncertainties
about being away from home and family for an extended period. We will be there to listen, reassure, and
comfort your Scout.
Can I send my son a letter or “care” package? All scouts look forward to a letter or a package from
home. Kia Kima receives mail and parcel service daily. They recommend mailing letters and packages by
Friday of the week preceding camp to ensure delivery to the scout while in camp. Make sure your
letter/package has a return address on it in case it arrives after the scout has gone home. Letters &
packages should be addressed as follows:
Kia Kima Scout Reservation
Troop 839 and Scout’s Name
629 Kia Kima Trail
Hardy, Arkansas 72542
Will the schedule be too demanding? The daily schedule is fairly busy, but free time is built into the
schedule. Many scouts use the free time to make camp gadgets, to catch up on merit badge classes, to
hone various scout skills for rank advancement, and/or to enjoy the fellowship of other scouts.
Will my Scout be with boys whom he does not know? We camp and eat our meals as a Troop. Most
activities and classes involve all or part of our Troop. Your Scout will be in Merit Badge and skill classes
with friends from Troop 839 as well as Scouts from other Troops.
What should he bring? Please see the accompanying “Summer Camp Personal Equipment List”. We
will review equipment requirements at future Troop meetings (for both Scouts and Adults).
What should he wear on the way to Camp? Official BSA Field Uniform (we call it our “Class A” uniform)
per the enclosed “Summer Camp Personal Equipment List”.
What should he NOT bring? Please do NOT let your son bring any of the following (if he does, we or
Camp Staff will confiscate it): hunting or sheathed knife; matches or lighter; fireworks; firearm or
ammunition. The following items will not be allowed in use at camp: electronic games (such as DS or
PSP); MP3’s; stereos; cell phones; iPOD’s; PC’s; and any other personal electronic devices. Use of
certain electronic gear may be permitted during travel to/from camp with driver’s consent.
What if it rains? Life goes on. That is why we take rain gear (rain suits or a poncho) as well as change of
shoes, socks, and other clothes. Camp staff and adult leaders are trained in dealing with severe weather.
Safety is always our top concern.
Does he need a cot? Not necessary, bunks with mattress are provided by the camp. The Scouts will be
sleeping in 2-man canvas wall tents. A ground cover or indoor/outdoor carpeting can improve comfort
within the tent.
Does he need mosquito netting? No. Our experience has been that mosquitoes should not be a
Can all Merit Badges be completed at Camp? Most, but not all. Some Merit Badges have requirements
that cannot be completed at Camp. Partial completion reports will be issued at the end of camp for the
Rank Advancement Chairperson. Be Prepared: pre-read Merit Badge pamphlets before arriving at camp.
What if my Scout needs to take medicine during Summer Camp? We will need to know about his
medicine requirements (type, dose, frequency, etc.). The medication form available from the troop website
should be completed and accompany the medication in a ziplock baggie. Like all campouts, medications
will be checked in with the Troop-designated adult leader on the day of departure and dispensed to the
Scout per written instructions.
How much money should he take with him to Camp? Probably about $50-$60. Some Merit Badges
have costs for materials. It is nice for the Scout to have some money for buying souvenirs or snacks during
free time. We will have a designate adult banker. Scouts can receive cash withdrawals per previously
arranged instructions. Also, the scout should bring enough money for two meals on the road.
What about meals for my Scout? Be assured that your Scout will have plenty of fresh, wholesome food
served in balanced meals three times a day at camp. Do not send camp food. Food attracts unwanted
visitors to a Scout’s tent. .
What happens if my Scout becomes sick or injured? Safety and care of the Scouts in the Troop is our
primary concern. Minor problems will be handled by a Troop adult leader using our well-equipped First Aid
kit (two adults are always at our campsite for such situations). More serious matters will be referred to the
Camp Medic. The camp has established relationships with local physicians and hospitals for serious
problems. Two adult leaders from the Troop will accompany any sick or injured Scout and inform parents
in a prompt fashion. It’s important that your Scout inform his adult leaders if he gets sick or hurt in any
Can I telephone my Scout at Camp? No. Kia Kima telephone access is restricted to business and
emergency services. For emergency contact to a scout, camp staff will locate the scout and a troop leader.
In addition, we will designate a local phone contact in Kingwood who will relay messages between home
and Camp. This Kingwood contact will also know our arrival time back to Kingwood on Sunday if other
than the designated time. Cell phone coverage is limited at camp.
Can I spend the week in Camp with my Scout? Yes! We always welcome additional adults to our
Scouting family. You must be registered with the Boy Scouts of America as an adult leader if you intend to
stay in Camp overnight. In addition, all attending adults are required to complete the Youth Protection
Training (available online). Contact a Troop leader for adult BSA registration procedures.
What if my Scout can’t swim? Water sports will be at the Swimming pool it is one of the most enjoyable
activities at Kia Kima. Safety is the camp's number-one priority, and the camp has established some simple
guidelines to ensure a safe stay. Any Scout or leader who wishes to participate in aquatic activities must
have completed the BSA swim test. A BSA swim test will be conducted locally in a pool, but Kia Kima
reserves the right to re-test all scouts upon arrival at camp.
Can we visit the Camp? Yes! Parents and visitors are welcome to come and enjoy a meal with the scout
and his troop on Friday after 1:00PM with departure by 9:30PM. There is a nominal per person fee of $5.
Visitors who wish to attend the Friday activities are required to check in with the camp upon arrival and the
Troop needs a headcount of visitors by noon on Thursday to make reservations.
Will my Scout be safe? The adult leaders of Troop 839 strictly follow BSA Guidelines concerning youth
protection. The adult leaders camp in a separate area of our campsite (apart from the boys, but close
enough to supervise). We follow “two-deep leadership” guidelines, meaning that there are no activities in
which an adult leader will be in a private one-on-one situation with your Scout. Kia Kima requires all
campers to follow check-in/check-out procedures if needed.
What if I can’t afford it right now? We will strive to see that every Scout wanting to go Camp gets to go.
If you don’t have the money to send your Scout to Camp, please contact one of the adult leaders.
APPENDIX D: Summer Camp Personal Equipment List
Review and assemble listed equipment in Scout’s room several days before start of Camp. Check
items off list only after they have been placed into foot locker or duffel bag. Make sure all items
are indelibly marked with name of Scout!
*Kia Kima provides bunks with mattresses, so no need to pack a cot.
Travel & Meal Time
 1 complete BSA Field Uniform: Official BSA tan shirt, BSA belt, shorts (2 pair), socks
(2 pair minimum)
 Money for travel lunches (outbound and return)
 Rx medicines, instructions (1)
 Watch
 Water bottle
 ________________________
Other Clothing
 Cap
 T-shirts (6 = 1/day)
 Underwear (6 = 1/day)
 Blue jeans
 Shorts (Scout + 2 extra)
 Socks (6= 1 pair/day)
 Shoes (2 pair, closed toe only)
 Hiking boots (optional – can serve as second pair of shoes)
 Swimsuit
 Rain gear (poncho or suit)
 Sweatshirt
 ________________________
Daily Activities
 Day Pack (for the following items)
 Water bottle (a must!)
 Pens / pencils / notebook
 Merit Badge pamphlets and/or printouts
 Scout Handbook
 Cash for Merit Badges (if needed)
Tent Stuff
 Footlocker & combination lock (ask if you don’t have one)
 Sleeping bag
 Ground cloth or Astroturf (optional – for foot comfort in platform tents)
 Pillow
 Dirty clothes bag (plastic garbage bag)
 Ear plugs (optional)
 Kit bag for following:
 Face/hand soap (in plastic container)
 Shampoo
 Towel for shower
 Toothbrush & toothpaste
 Comb
 Deodorant
 Shower shoes (optional, but must be closed toe)
 Sunscreen lotion
 Mosquito lotion (pump, not aerosol)
 ________________________
Other Gear
 First aid kit
 Flashlight (including extra batteries)
 Mess kit with utensils
 Battery operated fan
 Camp chair or stool
 Folding pocket knife – only if (or when) you’ve earned the Totin’ Chip
 Hanger
 Postcards for writing home
 Spending money (include allowance for merit badge money) (2)
 Camera and film
 ________________________
In ziplock bag with Scout’s name and completed medication form.
In envelope with your Scout’s name, amount and distribution instructions.
Label every item of clothing and piece of equipment with your Scout’s name.
The checklist above is suggested packing list for summer camp. Items that are most important are
clothing, sleeping gear, and personal care. Refer to the Boy Scout Handbook for additional
information on personal equipment.
Form #1: Scout Sign-up
Yes!!! ________________________ will attend 2016 Summer Camp.
No. Sorry, but __________________ will not be attending 2016 Summer Camp.
Participating Scouts get 1 free Summer Camp T-shirt. Additional T-shirts are $15 each.
Please indicate size and quantity of shirts in the table below:
Quantity (Total to include
your free shirt and any extras)
Camp Registration Fee ($260)……..
Extra T-shirts ($15 each).…………..
+ ______
Total Fees……………………………
= ______
Incentives Account Payment………
-- ______
Payment Balance……………………
= ______
Please make all checks payable to “BSA Troop 839”
Although we want all Scouts in the Troop to attend Summer Camp, sometimes it just
can’t be done. Visiting your grandparents, taking a family vacation, going to a church
camp, or having a summer job that won’t allow you the time off are all good reasons for
not attending. If financial difficulties or a Scout's fear of leaving home for the first time
are making it difficult to decide, we can help. How? Contact the Summer Camp
coordinator (Shane Emerson @ (713-703-6604), the Committee Chairman (Robert
Beck), or the Scoutmaster (Andy Hill @ 281-686-0611) and we’ll discuss it with you.
Form #2: Adult Sign-up
Summer Camp can’t happen without the help of a lot of volunteers from our Troop family. Our
usual need for volunteer efforts include: (1) towing Troop trailers to Camp, (2) transporting Scouts
to and from Camp, and (3) resident adult Scout leaders for working with the Scouts in camp and
on the trail.
Have Questions? Talk to one of the Troop adult leaders. We’ll fill you in on what Camp is about
and how you can help. We appreciate how busy your schedules can be, and thus welcome your
help whether for a couple of days or the whole week. Your cost for attending the Camp will be
covered by the Troop. You’ll also receive a rich bonus of true ‘quality time’ with your son, warm
adult fellowship, beautiful surroundings, and just plain fun!
Name: ______________________________
 Maybe. Let’s talk about it. Call me at (____) _____________ around _____ am/pm
 Count me in. I’ve marked the days I can be at Camp and the activities I can help with.
Pull a Trailer
Drive ____† Scouts
Resident Leader
A seat belt is required for each rider.
You’ll need a Troop T-shirt! Mark the size you want. Your first one is free; extras are $15 each.
Quantity (Total to include your free
shirt and any extras)
Form #3: Permission Slip (for Troop 839 use)
I __________________ hereby give my permission for my son/Scout __________________ to participate
in Troop 839 Boy Scouts of America Summer Camp program at Kia Kima Scout Reservation from June 2128, 2016. As Parent/Legal Guardian of my son/Scout, I release Sam Houston Area Council, the Boy Scouts
of America, Troop 839, all Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, adult leaders and Scouts of Troop 839,
and all staff and members of Kia Kima Scout Reservation of and from any and all liability claims, demands,
actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or relating to any loss, damage, death or injury that
may be sustained by me or my Son/Scout during the aforementioned activity.
I acknowledge that I am familiar with the activities involved in my son/Scout participating in the Summer
Camp. I acknowledge and agree that the troop will provide transportation from Kingwood, Texas to Kia
Kima Scout Reservation in Hardy, AR and the return trip home. I agree to familiarize my son/Scout with
the line of authority that the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters have to assure his and Troop’s
safety on this outing. If a Scout endangers the safety of the group, he will be suspended from the activities,
and you, your son/Scout, the Scoutmaster, and Assistant Scoutmasters will discuss disciplinary actions.
In case of emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me. In the event I cannot be
reached, I hereby give permission to the physician named by me or the physician selected by the Camp
Director to hospitalize and secure proper treatment (including surgery) for my son/Scout. I am aware that
Troop-designated adult leader will administer medications prescribed for my son/Scout by his physician
when sent with the completed medication form.
I have read and agree to the above statements. Signed _____________________________
Date _______________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian’s Information
Alternate Contact (if Parent cannot be reached)
Name ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________
Relation to Scout___________________________ Relation to Scout ___________________________
Address _________________________________ Address __________________________________
Phone (H) _______________ (W) _____________ Phone(H)______________(W) _______________
Scout Information
Is son/Scout on any prescription medications? ___. If yes, describe
Does he have any allergies or physical limitations? ___ If yes, describe
Insurance Carrier _________________________________Policy/Group __________________________________
Family Physician __________________________________Phone ______________________________________
Physician Address ____________________________________________________________________________
Family Dentist ____________________________________Phone ______________________________________
Dentist Address ______________________________________________________________________________
Family Eye Doctor _________________________________ Phone _____________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
Form #4: Code of Conduct
Statement of Understanding: Boy Scouts of America camps are operated for the training and enjoyment of youth and adult leaders.
Therefore, all youth participants and the parents or guardians are asked to sign the Code of Conduct and Statement of
Understanding. Understand that serious misconduct of infraction of rules and regulations may result in expulsion, at the
participant's expense, from the BSA Camps. Ultimately, we want each participant to be responsible for his/her own behavior, and
only when necessary will the procedure be invoked to send a participant home from camp.
All youth and adult participants are expected to abide by the code of conduct as follows:
The troop adult camp leadership (Scoutmaster and
Assistants) is responsible for the supervision of its
membership in respect to maintaining discipline,
security, and the camp code of conduct.
The Scout Oath and Law will be the guide throughout
the week of camp.
I will set a good example by keeping myself neatly
dressed and presentable. I will proudly wear the
official Scout uniform to appropriate activities.
I will attend all scheduled programs and participate as
required in cooperation with other troop members and
In consideration of other troop participants, I agree to
follow bedtime and sleep schedule of the Troop,
unless otherwise directed by the camp program.
I will be responsible for keeping my tent and personal
gear clean and neat. I will adhere to all Camp recycle
policies and regulations. I will do my share to prevent
littering of the camp.
I agree that gambling of any form is prohibited.
10. Possession or detonation of fireworks is prohibited.
11. I will demonstrate respect for Troop, Camp property
and/or the property of others and be personally
responsible for cleanliness and any loss, breakage or
vandalism of property. I will not enter another Troop's
site without permission.
12. Neither the Troop Leader, nor the Chickasaw Council,
BSA will be responsible for loss, breakage, or theft of
personal items. I will label all of my personal items and
check items of value at the direction of Troop Leaders.
Theft will be grounds for expulsion from the camp
13. While participating in the Camp Program center's
aquatics and other activities, all Scouts and leaders will
obey the safety rules and instructions of all supervisors
and staff members.
14. Adult leaders and youth are prohibited from having
firearms and weapons in their possession.
It is clearly understood that the purchase, possession,
or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs
by a Scout or Leader is prohibited. Smoking or the
use of tobacco is prohibited in and around all camp
buildings and all Camp Program areas. In addition,
the use of tobacco in the presence of Scouts is not
15. Adult Leaders will receive the Texas Youth Protection
Training and follow the guidelines therein.
Serious and/or repetitive behavior violations by youth
including use of tobacco, cheating, stealing,
dishonesty, swearing, fighting and cursing will result
in expulsion from camp or serious disciplinary actions
and loss of privileges.
17. Adult Leaders should have the good judgment to avoid
trading souvenirs or patches with youth members in
16. Hazing has no place in Scouting. Nor does running the
gauntlet, bell lines, or similar punishment. Leaders and
older Scouts must prevent all Scouts from being
"initiated" by the Troop with a hazing activity.
I certify I have read the Statement of Understanding and we agree to abide by the conditions in the Code of Conduct as a participant at
this BSA Camp.
Signature of Participant: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________
Date: _____________________
Kia Kima Scout Reservation CAMP OSAGE Merit Badge
Form #5: Merit Badge and Activity Enrollment (page 1 of 3)
Scout Name: ________________________________
To increase success rate for completing merit badges, Scouts should know the requirements and
read the appropriate merit badge pamphlet before they arrive. Each Scout who completes only a
portion of a merit badge will receive a partial completion report giving credit for those requirements he
has completed.
Please place a #1 - #6 on the merit badges you would like to participate in while at camp. Place an
"A" on two alternate classes in case your first choices are not available.
First year Scouters will be placed in Trailblazers in the morning sessions. Please strongly consider
placing your son in Swimming merit badge class in the afternoon, as well as two other choices, along
with 2 alternates.
_____ BSA Lifeguard
_____ Mile Swim
_____ Canoeing
_____ Small Boat Sailing
_____ Swimming*
_____Swimming Instruction
_____Indian Lore
_____Wood Carving
15 years of age and CPR required, all day course
Practice each morning, swim on Friday
(2 hour class)
Recommended for older Scouts
Recommended for older Scouts, Requirement 13b
completed prior to camp - Bring long pants, long sleeved
shirt and shoes to get wet (2 hour class)
Recommended for older Scouts
Recommended for older Scouts
Recommended for older Scouts (2 hour class)
Must pass BSA Swimmer Test, Bring long pants, long
sleeved shirt and shoes to get wet, Recommended for
For Non-swimmers
13 years of age and pass BSA Swimmers Test, (3 hour
class), $25
Cost $10 for materials
Cost $10 for materials
Cost $8 - $20 for materials, Requirement 1 completed prior
to camp
Cost $8 - $10 for materials, Requirement 3 completed prior
to camp
Must bring own camera and USB cord
Cost $10 for materials
Cost $10 - $13 for kit
Form #5: Merit Badge and Activity Enrollment (page 2 of 3)
Scout Name: ________________________________
_____Backpacking / Hiking*
_____Emergency Prep*
_____Fire Safety
_____First Aid*
_____Wilderness Survival
Nature Lodge
_____Environmental Science*
_____Fly Fishing / Fishing
_____Fish & Wildlife / Soil & Water
_____Nature / Forestry
_____Combined Animal Study
Tech Center
_____Automotive Maintenance
_____Model Design/Inventing
_____Nuclear Science/Energy
_____Space Exploration
First year Scouts (3 hour class)
Recommended for older Scouts (2 hour class)
Requirements 4b, 5e, 7 8d & 9 may be completed prior to
camp (2 hour class)
Prerequisites: 5 (2 hour class)
Must have First Aid Merit Badge, Bring pen and paper,
Requirements 2c & 8c must be done at home
Requirement 11 may be completed prior to camp
Bring pen and paper (2 hour class)
(2 hour class)
Requirement 5 may be done prior to camp (2 hour class)
Recommended for older Scouts, Bring a notebook,
Requirement 1 & 4 may be completed prior to camp (2 hour
Encouraged to bring own fishing pole (2 hour class)
Conservation project required
Need notebook and adhesive tape
Requirement 8 must be done at home
Recommended for older Scouts, Requirement 8 & 9 may be
completed prior to camp (2 hour class)
Recommended for older Scouts
Recommended for older Scouts, limited to 12 Scouts
Not recommended for first year campers
Recommended for older Scouts
Recommended for older Scouts
Recommended for older Scouts (2 hour class)
Recommended for older Scouts, Cyber Chip required
Recommended for older Scouts (2 hour class), $30
Recommended for older Scouts
Form #5: Merit Badge and Activity Enrollment (page 3 of 3)
Scout Name: ________________________________
Life to Eagle
_____Citizenship in the World*
_____Citizenship in the Nation*/
American Heritage
Public Speaking
Recommended for older Scouts, (2 hour class)
Recommended for older Scouts, Field trip for Requirement
2a, (2 hour class)
Recommended for older Scouts,
Communications Requirement 5, 7 & 8 may be completed
prior to camp, (2 hour class)
_____Rifle Shooting
_____Shotgun Shooting
Must be 2nd year Scout, limited to 16 Scouts (2 hour class)
13 years of age, limited to 16 Scouts (2 hour class)
14 years of age, limited to 12 Scouts (2 hour class), $30
_____Personal Fitness*
Recommended for older Scouts (3 hour class), $30
Recommended for older Scouts (2 hour class)
Recommended for older Scouts (3 hour class)
High Adventure
Recommended for older Scouts (3 hour class)
_____Search and Rescue Merit Badge Recommended for older Scouts (3 hour class)
_____Metalwork / Woodworking
Recommended for older Scouts (3 hour class)
Ozark Venture Base (OVB)
*Please see the Ozark Venture Base section of for special packing lists and additional
13 years of age and First Class by Jan. 1st, (3 hour class),
13 years of age and First Class by Jan. 1st, (3 hour class),
13 years of age and First Class by Jan. 1st ,(recommended
for 14 years of age) (All Week class), $50
13 years of age and First Class by Jan. 1st, limited to 18
Scouts, (All Week class), $50
13 years of age and First Class by Jan. 1st, (3 hour class),
$50, long pants and boots
_____Mountain Man
_____Ozark Ultimate Trek (O.U.T.)
_____Pilot ATV adventure
Form #6: SHAC Camper Release Form