Stratigraphy, structure and petroleum potential of
Stratigraphy, structure and petroleum potential of
Stratigraphy, structure and petroleum potential of the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq Basins, offshore southern West Greenland Aage Bach Sørensen Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum, Postboks 930, DK-3900 Nuuk, Greenland (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]) (Previous address: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark) ABSTRACT: The Lady Franklin Basin, which contains a thick succession of Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments, constitutes the western part of the southern West Greenland offshore area. In the Davis Strait and Labrador Sea region rifting was initiated in the earliest Cretaceous and a number of basins formed. In time these basins deepened, although subsidence was interrupted by two main phases of uplift and erosion that took place in middle and late Cretaceous time, resulting in two hiatuses in the succession. Sediments with source or reservoir potential were deposited in the basins. Source rocks are known to occur in the marine Cretaceous successions of onshore northern Canada and central West Greenland and also offshore eastern Canada, and can therefore be expected to occur in the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins. In the Lady Franklin area Paleocene volcanism associated with further tectonism caused the eruption of flood basalts and hyaloclastites on top of the Cretaceous mudstone and sandstone succession. A Lower Palaeogene sediment succession, which may contain both source and reservoir rocks, was then deposited on top of the basalts, as seen in the nearby Canadian Hekja O-71 well. Around the Ypresian to Lutetian transition a regression took place. The regression gave rise to an unconformity and a hiatus spanning a few million years throughout the entire West Greenland shelf. New deposition followed and, after a long period, major compression set in and a regression occurred across the whole shelf in Late Oligocene time. Erosion set in and was deep on the southern shelf, resulting in a hiatus spanning about 39 Ma. To the north the hiatus is only about 19 Ma. In early Middle Miocene time the tectonic regime in the Davis Strait area changed. Subsidence and deposition resumed offshore West Greenland. These events may have created conditions for generation of hydrocarbons in the potential source-rock sequences in the Cretaceous succession. Therefore, although hydrocarbon exploration has been limited in this region and had little success, it is thought that conditions are favourable for the discovery of significant oil and gas accumulations. KEYWORDS: offshore West Greenland, stratigraphy, structure, petroleum system, Cretaceous, Palaeogene, Neogene INTRODUCTION The Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins are located offshore West Greenland at the boundary of Canadian waters. The basins were established during Early Cretaceous rifting and are separated by a number of highs. The basins contain a Cretaceous–Cenozoic succession of sediments. The stratigraphy of the West Greenland Shelf is similar in many ways to the stratigraphy of the basins on the Canadian Labrador Shelf. Petroleum exploration offshore West Greenland has so far been concentrated further north and on the Fylla Platform to the east, where the most recent well, Qulleq-1, was drilled in 2000 (Fig. 1). Further southwest in Canadian territory a prospective petroleum basin, the Saglek Basin, has been proved by the Hekja gas/condensate discovery (Klose et al. 1982). The Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins, which are among the Petroleum Geoscience, Vol. 12 2006, pp. 221–234 deepest basins offshore West Greenland, seem to have a similar structural setting. In recent years modern seismic acquisition and processing technology have improved significantly the quality of seismic data in areas where basalts are interlayered in the sedimentary succession. A flood basalt formation, erupted during the mid-Paleocene rifting phase in the Labrador Sea region, separates the Cenozoic from the Cretaceous clastic sequences in part of the investigated area. The presence of this Paleocene basalt was proved in the only well, Gjoa G-37, drilled in the study area. Flood basalt eruption centres, such as the Hecla–Maniitsoq centres, are located around the Lady Franklin Basin. Seismic data used for the present study consist of a set of seismic lines acquired in 1997–2003 by TGS–Nopec and Nunaoil A/S. The lines are of good quality and have a line 1354-0793/06/$15.00 2006 EAGE/Geological Society of London 222 A. B. Sørensen Fig. 1. Cretaceous basins, regional structural elements and extent of flood basalts around the Lady Franklin Basin and the Hecla–Maniitsoq volcanic centres, offshore southern West Greenland. Basalt limits shown in stipple are based on interpretations by Chalmers & Pulvertaft (2001) and Skaarup et al. (2006). spacing of c. 15 km, except in the area to the south of the Lady Franklin Basin where the line spacing is 30–60 km. Lines from older surveys were used as a supplement. Well data from Qulleq-1, Nukik-1 and 2, Kangâmiut-1 and the Canadian wells Gjoa G-37, Ralegh N-18 and Hekja O-71 were available for seismic calibration. In addition, an interpretation of the wells drilled on the West Greenland shelf was carried out for the purpose of well ties and interpretation of major unconformities. As a result of this work important revisions of previous interpretations by Chalmers & Pulvertaft (2001) and Sønderholm et al. (2003) on the Cenozoic tectonic and stratigraphic development of the West Greenland shelf area are proposed. In this study the following horizons were identified on seismic sections and form the basis of interpretations: 1, Top Miocene; 2, Top Palaeogene (near Top Lower Eocene); 3, Intra Lower Eocene 1; 4, Intra Lower Eocene 2; 5, Near Top Paleocene (Thanetian); 6, Top (Selandian) Basalt; 7, Base Basalt; 8, Top Cretaceous; 9, Intra Upper Cretaceous unconformity; 10, Top Fylla (Santonian) Sandstone equivalent; 11, Base Fylla Sandstone; 12, Intra Upper Cretaceous (only in Maniitsoq Basin); 13, Top Lower Cretaceous (Appat); 14, Intra Lower Cretaceous (only in Maniitsoq Basin); 15, Top Pre-Cretaceous. On the West Greenland shelf exploration wells document the presence of a Cretaceous–Cenozoic succession corresponding to that found in the Hopedale and Saglek basins off eastern Canada. The structural style of the West Greenland shelf also resembles that of these Canadian basins. Chalmers et al. (1993), Chalmers & Laursen (1995) and Chalmers & Pulvertaft (2001) have described the geological development of the West Greenland shelf and have suggested a stratigraphic subdivision that corresponds to the stratigraphy of the Canadian shelf published by McWhae et al. (1980) and Balkwill (1987). North of the present study area, in the Nuussuaq Basin of central West Greenland (Fig. 1), there are extensive outcrops of Cretaceous–Paleocene sediments and Paleocene–Lower Eocene flood basalts that correspond to successions of the same age offshore (Bojesen-Koefoed et al. 1999; Chalmers et al. 1999). The onshore succession includes both source-rock and reservoir lithologies. The numerous oil seeps that have been found in this area suggest the existence of at least five distinct source rocks, including marine sources of SW Greenland stratigraphy and petroleum potential possible Early–Middle Cretaceous or even Late Jurassic age (Bojesen-Koefoed et al. 2004). REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Lady Franklin Basin is the westernmost basin in West Greenland waters. The basin is bounded to the west by the Ungava strike-slip fault zone, which consists of three large fault sets (Fig. 1). Further to the west and southwest, the Saglek and Hopedale basins are located on the Labrador Shelf. Both these basins have been explored extensively for hydrocarbons and a number of exploration wells have been drilled. Examination of seismic data and wells in these basins indicates that rifting between Canada and Greenland started in the Labrador Sea region in Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) time (McWhae et al. 1980; Balkwill 1987). No evidence of Jurassic or Triassic sediments was found in the Saglek and Hopedale basins (Bell 1989). These basins are located north of the Cartwright Arch where the Charlie Gibbs fracture zone in the Atlantic Ocean approaches the Newfoundland coast. A comprehensive stratigraphic subdivision of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic successions in the Hopedale and the Saglek basins was published by McWhae et al. (1980). Five major unconformities were demonstrated: at the base and top of the Lower Cretaceous; at the Cretaceous–Paleocene boundary; and at Upper Eocene and Upper Miocene levels (cf. Fig. 2). Several rift phases, accompanied by volcanic activity, uplift and creation of unconformities, have affected the geological evolution of the area greatly and have influenced possible petroleum systems in the basins strongly. In the northern and central part of the Hopedale Basin significant hydrocarbon discoveries have been made in the Snorri J-90, S. Hopedale E-33, Gudrid H-55 and Bjarni H-81 wells (Bell 1989). In the Saglek Basin a gas/condensate discovery was made in the Hekja O-71 well, not far from Greenland territory (Fig. 1). PRE-CRETACEOUS–LOWER PALEOCENE OF THE LADY FRANKLIN AND MANIITSOQ BASINS Pre-Cretaceous Until now no Mesozoic sediments older than Cretaceous age have been found in the area between Greenland and Canada. It has generally been assumed that the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq Basin areas, together with large parts of the present area between Greenland and Canada, were land areas during the Late Palaeozoic until the start of the Cretaceous period (Balkwill 1987; Bell & Howie 1990). However, some re-deposited Late Jurassic palynomorphs have been identified recently by palynological investigations in Cretaceous sediments offshore southern West Greenland (Piasecki 2003; H. Nøhr-Hansen pers. comm. 2004). These palynomorphs could have been transported into the area from the more elevated areas to the northeast. They could also have been derived from Jurassic sediments that had previously been deposited in a Late Jurassic rift system, extending from the south of the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone northwards along the Southwest Greenland coast. New seismic data indicate that previously unreported basins are present in these areas. Offshore southern West Greenland the formation of a series of basins and highs (Figs 1, 3) was initiated at the start of the Cretaceous along a main system of NNW–SSE-trending faults formed as a result of rifting. The Hecla High complex on the east side of the Lady Franklin Basin is thought to consist of Precambrian to Early Palaeozoic rocks and Paleocene extrusives. Precambrian basement was encountered in the 223 Kangâmiut-1 and Nukik-1 wells offshore West Greenland. The Lady Franklin Basin is bounded to the west by the Gjoa Paleocene volcanic complex and the Ungava transform fault zone (Fig. 1). The base of this basin can only be seen on a few of the seismic lines. In some of the Canadian offshore wells the Precambrian crystalline basement complex is overlain by Ordovician limestones (Bell 1989), and it is possible that similar limestones underlie the Cretaceous sediments offshore West Greenland. A seismic line (Fig. 4) running eastwards from the Gjoa volcanic centre shows a succession of Cretaceous sediments which underlie Paleocene volcanics and which rest on an anticipated Precambrian basement block. This area is part of the southwest flank of the Lady Franklin Basin. Palaeozoic sediments, if present, are not expected to be prospective for hydrocarbon exploration. However, Palaeozoic source rocks may be present, because bituminous beds with possible source-rock potential occur within Ordovician strata in northeast mainland Canada (Sanford & Grant 1990). Hydrocarbons generated from such source rocks might have accumulated in traps associated with Precambrian fault blocks where Lower Cretaceous or younger reservoir lithologies reach closures or form stratigraphic traps. Cretaceous In the Canadian area the lowermost Cretaceous rocks are the Alexis Formation volcanics (Umpleby 1979; Balkwill 1987); these have been dated to 122–118 Ma in the upper part and 139 Ma near the base. The latter date corresponds very well to dates reported by Larsen et al. (1999) on dykes in a coastparallel dyke swarm in Southwest Greenland. Corresponding volcanics may underlie Cretaceous sediments in basins offshore West Greenland. Cretaceous sediments have been interpreted throughout most of the study area. These can be divided into two successions separated by an unconformity of presumed midCretaceous age (Top Lower Cretaceous reflection; Figs 2, 3, 4, 5). The lower succession, which is likely to consist of interbedded sandstones and mudstones, is interpreted as being of Early Cretaceous age (cf. Chalmers et al. 1993). The Lower Cretaceous sediments can, in places, have the appearance of a series of fans which build out into the interpreted syn-rift basins, as seen for example in the Maniitsoq Basin (Fig. 3). At the interpreted Lower to Upper Cretaceous boundary a thin unit (Intra Lower to Top Lower Cretaceous) bounded by unconformities can be seen in the Maniitsoq Basin (Fig. 3). In the Lady Franklin Basin only an unconformity is present (Figs 4, 5). In the Lady Franklin Basin the mid-Cretaceous unconformity is overlain by a mudstone unit or a laterally extensive unit interpreted as consisting mainly of sandstones, the Fylla sandstone unit, which in the northern and central part of the basin is up to about 200 m thick (Fig. 5). This sandstone unit is presumed to be equivalent to the marine Santonian sandstone unit underlying the Kangeq Sequence in the Qulleq-1 well, the oldest sediment dated so far in wells offshore West Greenland (Christiansen et al. 2001). The Fylla sandstone unit seems to extend over wide areas offshore southern West Greenland, as it is found in the Lady Franklin, Maniitsoq and Nuuk basins, as well as on the Fylla platform. This sandstone unit is thought to be the most important reservoir unit in the basins offshore southern West Greenland (Figs 1, 2). The sandstone is interpreted from seismic evidence to be a lowstand facies and is bounded at the top by an unconformity that may have been caused by a new, early Campanian, tectonic pulse (cf. Dam et al. 224 A. B. Sørensen Fig. 2. West Greenland and Labrador Shelf stratigraphic correlation diagram including known and presumed source-rock units. Canadian stratigraphy based on McWhae et al. (1980), Balkwill (1987) and Bell (1989). Possible source-rock units known from the Canadian Labrador shelf and presumed source-rock units in the West Greenland shelf suggested by oil seeps on Nuussuaq and in the Kangâmiut-1 well numbered as follows. 1, Rut H-11, Hekja O-71?; 2, Herjof M-92; 3, South Hopedale L-39; 4, Herjolf M-92, Skolp E-7, Hekja O-71?; 5, North Leif I-01; 6, Nuussuaq peninsula (Marrat oil); 7, Nuussuaq peninsula (Niagornaarsuk oil); 8, Nuussuaq peninsula (Kuugannguaq oil); 9, Nuussuaq peninsula (Itilli oil) and Ellesmere Island, Kanguk Fm.; 10, Kangâmiut-1 ?. 2000) which initiated new rifting and subsidence in the West Greenland basins. Overlying this unconformity a thick seismically rather transparent interval consisting primarily of mudstone was deposited. This interval has been interpreted to be a deep-water deposit, the Kangeq Sequence (Chalmers et al. 1993). The Kangeq sediments are generally very homogeneous but an internal erosional unconformity thought to be of Campanian age can be seen in the central and northern part of the Lady Franklin Basin (Figs 2, 5). Small fans or turbidite units are also present in the Kangeq Sequence. The Upper Cretaceous sediments in the Qulleq-1 well were described by Christiansen et al. (2001). In the study area the Upper Cretaceous succession is terminated by a regional erosional unconformity (Figs 2, 3, 5). Correlation The Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins were probably initiated at the same time as other basins offshore eastern Canada and West Greenland (McWhae et al. 1980; Balkwill 1987; Chalmers et al. 1993). The maximum age of sediments in the Canadian basins is fixed by the youngest age obtained from volcanics in the Alexis Formation that underlie the Cretaceous sediments in many places, i.e. 122–118 Ma SW Greenland stratigraphy and petroleum potential 225 Fig. 3. Section through the northern part of the Lady Franklin Basin area, the South Maniitsoq High and Maniitsoq Basin, with presumed strike-slip faults of Late Cretaceous age cutting through the Cretaceous succession and pre-Cretaceous basement. Late Cretaceous basin inversion and erosion can also be seen. For profile location see Figure 7 (courtesy of Nunaoil A/S). (Barremian–Aptian). The oldest sediments in these basins have been termed the Bjarni Formation. This has been divided into a lower, predominantly continental, member and an upper, partly marine member. Basal beds in the Lower Bjarni Member are not older than Barremian, while the top of the formation is generally not younger than middle Albian (Fig. 2; Balkwill 1987). The oldest sediments in the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins are expected to correspond to the lower and upper members of the Bjarni Formation and to be correlatives of the Kitsissut and Appat sequences identified by Chalmers et al. (1993) in Greenland waters further north. Chalmers et al. (1993, p. 925) correlated these sequences with the lower and upper members of the Bjarni Formation, respectively. Recently Nøhr-Hansen (in Sønderholm et al. 2003) dated sediments in the Ogmund E-72 well located further southwest in the northern part of the Canadian Hopedale Basin as Aptian–Albian (Upper Bjarni Member). Seismic interpretation of the area further north around the Kangâmiut-1 and Ikermiut-1 wells (Fig. 1) indicates that sequences below the Kitsissut Sequence are present in this part of the West Greenland shelf (Chalmers et al. 1995). Such sediments may also have been deposited in the Lady Franklin Basin. The mid- and Late Cretaceous unconformities identified in the Lady Franklin Basin (Figs 2, 3) are believed to be timeequivalent to the Canadian mid-Cretaceous Avalon and the Cretaceous–Paleocene Bylot unconformities, respectively (McWhae et al. 1980; Chalmers et al. 1993), both of which are present in the Ogmund E-72 well (Sønderholm et al. 2003). The mid-Cretaceous Avalon unconformity, which truncates the Upper Bjarni Member, is an important feature of tectonic origin on the Canadian shelf. The precise stratigraphic level of the unconformity and the time span of the hiatus are not known on the West Greenland shelf. In the Canadian Ogmund E-72 well, Nøhr-Hansen (in Sønderholm et al. 2003) found a hiatus spanning the interval Turonian–mid-Campanian. In this well another hiatus related to the younger Bylot unconformity spans most of the Late Maastrichtian (Sønderholm et al. 2003). Similar ages are envisaged for unconformities in the Lady Franklin Basin. Lower Paleocene The Cretaceous–Paleocene boundary offshore southern West Greenland is represented by a major unconformity (Chalmers et al. 1993; Chalmers & Pulvertaft 2001). Figure 3 shows a profile through the South Maniitsoq High and Basin where a strike-slip fault of Late Cretaceous–Early Paleocene age can also be seen. The erosion of the Upper Cretaceous Kangeq Sequence is very variable, judging from the thickness variations of the Cretaceous succession. Seismic interpretation of this profile (Fig. 3) also indicates that only a thin layer of Lower Paleocene clastics may be present. In most of the area around the Lady Franklin Basin the boundary between the Cretaceous and Palaeogene sequences is placed at the Late Cretaceous unconformity, or at the base of the basalts if no unconformity can be seen (Figs 2, 5). The Cretaceous–Palaeogene hiatus in wells offshore southern West Greenland has been documented by Nøhr-Hansen (in Sønderholm et al. 2003). In the Ikermiut-1 well a major unconformity separates the Lower Campanian from the Upper Paleocene, and in the Qulliq-1 well a hiatus spans the same interval. The time span of the corresponding hiatus seen on the seismic sections in the Lady Franklin area could not, however, be established. Sediments of Early Paleocene (Danian) age are not present in wells offshore West Greenland, apart from Nukik-2. It therefore appears that most of the Maastrichtian– Danian interval is not represented over large areas offshore southern West Greenland (Fig. 2). Just west of the Lady Franklin Basin the Canadian well Gjoa G-37 reached Danian sediments at TD (Nøhr-Hansen 2003). Figure 6 shows that a thin clastic unit of Selandian (P4) age (60.9–57.9 Ma) is present in the three northern wells, in Nukik-2 and in Gjoa G-37. PALEOCENE BASALTS Flood basalts occur in two areas bordering the Lady Franklin Basin: around the Hecla–Maniitsoq eruption centres, where a seismically transparent thin flood basalt succession was erupted; and in the southern part of the Lady Franklin Basin, where a much thicker basalt sequence is present (Fig. 4). In the latter area, which formerly constituted an island, here named 226 A. B. Sørensen Fig. 4. Seismic section showing the flood basalt of ‘Escarpment Island’ with a transpressed strike-slip fault (initially the Gjoa Eruption Centre), which is developed as a more normal strike-slip fault northwards. The escarpment (up to 700 m high) is seen to the east. Layers of flood basalt deposited under water extend from the escarpment eastwards to the boundary (at the marked strike-slip fault) of a Cretaceous basin. Below Base Basalt a sequence of Cretaceous sediments overlying Palaeozoic or Precambrian basement has been interpreted. For legend see Figure 2; for profile location see Figure 7 (courtesy of TGS). ‘Escarpment Island’, at least two eruption centres seem to have been located (Figs 1, 4). Along the northeast coast of the island an escarpment (up to 700 m high), first observed by Chalmers & Laursen (1995), was formed; this may be considered as the southwestern boundary of the Cretaceous basins of the southern West Greenland shelf. The basalts below the escarpment are slightly transparent to virtually opaque. On a seismic line extending eastwards from Gjoa G-37 (Fig. 4), a presumed Cretaceous section can be seen on top of a basement faultblock located below the basalt escarpment. What can be identified as a former flood basalt island on the new seismic lines, with a pronounced escarpment along its northeast margin and an up-thrusted volcanic edifice, called here the Gjoa Eruption Centre (Fig. 4), was considered previously to be a subaqueously erupted basalt body around the Gjoa G-37 well combined with later mafic intrusions (Balkwill 1987). Based on the interpretation of magnetic anomalies and on anomalies along seismic lines, the area was presumed previously to be underlain by oceanic crust extending from the central part of the Labrador Sea (Roest & Srivastava 1989; Srivastava & Keen 1995). However, in the Gjoa G-37 well sediments originally dated to be of Maastrichtian age, but now considered to be Danian (Nøhr-Hansen 2003), are present below the basalt (Klose et al. 1982; Chalmers & Pulvertaft 2001, p. 89; Fig. 2). The present interpretation suggests that no oceanic crust is present in the area with basalts around the Gjoa well and Escarpment Island. The boundary between continental crust and the area with oceanic crust in the middle of the Labrador Sea area must be moved further south. The basalt surface of Escarpment Island dips gently southwards and the subaerial basalt flows change with increasing depth into submarine hyaloclastites. Seismic data indicate that the basalts of the western part of the former island are connected with the Canadian basalt province around the Davis Strait High (Fig. 1). The Gjoa Eruption Centre is a domal elevation of the basalt surface centred about 32 km east of the Gjoa well. It is c. 12.5 km wide and rises about 1500 m above the surrounding basalt surface. It is also expressed as a strong positive gravity anomaly (Fig. 7). The Near Top Paleocene marker onlaps the western flank of the structure; this feature suggests that the Gjoa Eruption Centre had primary relief. Indications that the structure had primary relief as a volcanic centre are also seen on the eastern flank, where it appears that lavas flowed down the slope and thickened as they accumulated on the flat-lying area to the east. The greater part of the relief must, however, be attributed to compressional forces. Unconformities at the base SW Greenland stratigraphy and petroleum potential 227 Fig. 5. Seismic section through the Lady Franklin Basin with the Central Ridge showing Fylla sandstone underlain by Early and Late Cretaceous (Turonian?) mudstone and sandstone successions. A few basalt sills can also be seen. The Cretaceous basin is in an upthrown position relative to Top Basalt southwest of the interpreted strike-slip fault system. For legend see Figure 2. For profile location see Figure 7 (courtesy of TGS). Fig. 6. Well-correlation diagram for West Greenland wells and the Canadian Gjoa G-37 well. Redrawn from Nøhr-Hansen (2003). Time-scale and zonation after Berggren et al. (1995) and Mudge & Bujak (2001). of the Intra Lower Eocene and Top Palaeogene markers and thinning of the Eocene units on the flank of the dome show that the compression and uplift took place primarily during the Early Eocene. Structures seen in the two NE–SW seismic lines north of the Gjoa Volcanic Centre indicate that a NNW–SSE strike-slip fault crosses these lines. Extrapolated southwards this fault runs into the Gjoa Volcanic Centre. It is therefore concluded 228 A. B. Sørensen Fig. 7. Bouguer gravity anomaly map (based on unpublished 100 km high pass filtered data by J. A. Chalmers, GEUS) with fault map overlay showing the Ungava transform fault zone and structures offshore southern West Greenland shelf. 1, Davis Strait High; 2, Hecla High; 3, South Hecla High; 4, Lady Franklin Basin; 5, Fylla Platform; 6, Maniitsoq High; 7, Maniitsoq Basin; 8, South Maniitsoq High; 9, Kangâmiut Ridge; 10, Gjoa Eruption Centre; 11, ‘Escarpment Island’; 12, Atammik High; 13, Nukik Platform; 14, Nuuk Basin; 15, Ungava transform fault zone. that the folding and thrusting that gave rise to the elevated feature was due to transpression along this fault. Further east another strike-slip fault has been interpreted at the boundary of the proposed Cretaceous (Lady Franklin) basin (Fig. 4). The boundary between the Lady Franklin Basin and the western basalt-covered area also seems to lie along a set of strike-slip faults (Figs 1, 5, 7). The basalts extend further north and cover a large part of the Ungava Fault Zone area (Chalmers & Pulvertaft 2001; Skaarup et al. 2006). The base of the basalts has been mapped where possible around the Hecla–Maniitsoq eruption centres. The basalts are estimated to be up to 200–300 m thick, except over the central parts of the Hecla and Maniitsoq highs where they are somewhat thicker and opaque. In the area between the two eruption centres, in particular, only a very thin and seismically transparent basalt layer is present (Fig. 1). Along the eastern boundary of the basalt area two small but characteristic escarpments indicate that water depths at the time of basalt eruption were up to 100 m. The flood basalts of the Hecla and Maniitsoq highs are expected to be underlain by basement blocks and Cretaceous sediments which are cut by NW–SEtrending strike-slip faults along which feeder dykes to the eruption centres may be located (Figs 1, 3). The basalts in the Lady Franklin area are of mid-Paleocene age, as two basalt samples in the Gjoa G-37 well have been dated by the CO2 laser argon method at 59.51.0 Ma and 59.31.8 Ma, respectively (Williamson et al. 2003). These volcanics can be correlated with the two lower formations in the volcanic succession in the Nuussuaq area in central West Greenland. In this area the lowest formation (Vaigat Formation) and the lower part of the overlying Maligât Formation have yielded 40Ar/39Ar ages between 60.70.4 Ma and 59.40.5 Ma (latest Danian–earliest Selandian), while the uppermost lavas (Kanísut Member) yielded an age of 52.50.2 Ma (Early Eocene) (Storey et al. 1998). Other basalts, such as the Late Paleocene alkali basalt dyke swarm in the Maniitsoq region, were dated by Larsen et al. (1999) to 55.21.2 Ma (40Ar/39Ar ages). Williamson et al. (2003) obtained an age of 57.71.2 Ma for the basalts in the Hellefisk-1 well. SW Greenland stratigraphy and petroleum potential Williamson et al. (2003) reported CO2 laser argon ages of 62.92.5 Ma and 55.12.3 Ma for basalts off Cape Dyer and in central Davis Strait. These ages are, within error, the same as those obtained from eruptives in the central West Greenland volcanic province. Williamson et al. (2003) concluded that there were two major phases of volcanism in the region that took place at c. 60 Ma and 55 Ma, respectively. The dates obtained on the Gjoa basalts (Williamson et al. 2003; Fig. 3) show that the volcanism in the Lady Franklin area belonged to the first of these two volcanic phases. The tectonic activity, synsedimentary faulting of Thanetian sediments at the Hekja O-71 well, and the strike-slip faulting in the Escarpment Island area (Fig. 4), are time-equivalent to the latest volcanic episode c. 55 Ma, reported by Williamson et al. (2003) and Larsen et al. (1999) and, hence, contemporaneous with the initiation of seafloor spreading in the North Atlantic and the reorientation of the spreading axis in the Labrador Sea (Srivastava 1978; Chalmers & Pulvertaft 2001). Basalt intrusions Sills and dykes, presumably of basalt, are very common in the Cretaceous succession. In the Lady Franklin Basin the intrusions are especially common in the southern part of the basin and further east along the northern boundary of Escarpment Island (Fig. 4). Also to the east of the Hecla High, in the southern part of the Nuuk Basin, many dykes and sills are present. The intrusions are almost confined to the lower part of the Cretaceous succession, that is below or within the interpreted Fylla sandstone interval. It is presumed that the intrusions are of Paleocene age. Some dykes, however, could be of mid-Cretaceous age and be related to volcanism associated with tectonic activity responsible for the regional midCretaceous uplift phase, either the event that caused uplift and formation of the Avalon unconformity or a later Santonian event. Sills and dykes of presumed Paleocene age are also found in the Kangâmiut Basin (Fig. 1). Since these intrusions appear almost exclusively in the interpreted Lower Cretaceous Appat Sequence, some of them may be of Early–mid-Cretaceous age. Seismic interpretation in the Maniitsoq Basin area indicates that no or only few basalt dykes occur in this basin. POST VOLCANIC DEVELOPMENT Late Paleocene–Eocene After eruption of flood basalts offshore southern West Greenland at around 59 Ma (Williamson et al. 2003), renewed subsidence and deposition of the first post-basalt clastic sediments started around the Selandian–Thanetian transition (Figs 2, 4, 6). During Late Paleocene and Early Eocene four sequences were deposited (Figs 4 (lower part), 5). The lowest two sequences are aggradational in character, the upper two clearly progradational. When the first sequence was deposited, both Escarpment Island (Figs 1, 4) and the Hecla and Maniitsoq basalt areas were islands. This sequence is more than 400 m thick in the Hekja and Gjoa wells and seems to be distributed throughout the Lady Franklin, Maniitsoq and Nuuk basins. Dalhoff et al. (2003) reported that this sequence (sequence 3500) is one of the most extensive sequences on the West Greenland shelf. A pronounced unconformity (Near Top Paleocene, green reflection), which developed on top of it, is overlain by a sequence of almost similar thickness (Fig. 4, lower part of figure). This sequence is of Early Eocene age. The pattern of layering of the two sequences shows that the time during which they were deposited was tectonically very active. The Gjoa Eruption Centre (Fig. 4) was faulted upwards and 229 syn-sedimentary faults formed at the Hekja O-71 well. Figure 4 also demonstrates how the sequences onlap the escarpment and thin against the Gjoa Eruption Centre, the two sequences having been deposited as the structure was folded upwards. The two overlying progradational Lower Eocene sequences (between the green stippled and red reflections on Figs 4, 5) were deposited from the northwest and show clear downlapping relationships. The uppermost sequence consists of several sub-sequences. The layers are often strongly progradational and appear to have a varying sandy–clayey lithology. The Lower Eocene succession is truncated by the most pronounced unconformity on the West Greenland shelf (red reflection Figs 3, 4, 5). This unconformity represents a hiatus which offshore southern West Greenland spans a time from the beginning of Middle Eocene until Middle Miocene (Fig. 2 Nøhr-Hansen 2003; Piasecki 2003; Sønderholm et al. 2003). It is thought that this unconformity represents two hiatuses, one of Middle Eocene and one of Oligocene age (Fig. 2). The first was presumably caused by a major eustatic sea-level fall (Haq et al. 1987, 1988). An unconformity of this age is found throughout the North Atlantic region and is related to erosion near the beginning of Middle Eocene time. In the southern Labrador Sea at ODP sites 112 and 647 (Fig. 1), investigations by Kaminski et al. (1989) and Baldauf et al. (1989) showed that an interval with a special foraminiferal Glomospira fauna referred to NP 14 is present at this level. According to Nøhr-Hansen (2003), hiatuses of the same age (early Lutetian) are present in the Kangâmiut-1, Ikermiut-1 and Hellefisk-1 wells on the West Greenland shelf (Figs 2, 6). The second (Oligocene) hiatus includes half of the uppermost Eocene zone E8b in the Hellefisk-1 well (Fig. 6). The Kangâmiut Formation cannot be interpreted with confidence in the Lady Franklin area because of lack of good well tie; it seems, however, that the formation is missing here. To the south, in the Nukik-1, -2 and Qulleq-1 wells, mid-Miocene sediments overlie Early or early midEocene layers directly. In the Canadian well Gjoa G-37 the lowermost Lutetian is preserved (Nøhr-Hansen in Sønderholm et al. 2003; Fig. 6). It is, however, not known if a mid–Late Eocene succession was originally deposited in the southern areas of the West Greenland Shelf. Oligocene As just described, the Palaeogene–Neogene hiatus in the wells on the West Greenland shelf spans, as a minimum, the time interval latest Eocene to mid-Miocene (Hellefisk-1 well). However, at ODP sites 112 and 647, situated over oceanic crust in the southern Labrador Sea, Oligocene sediments are present, and the hiatus here occurs at the boundary between Early Oligocene and mid-Miocene successions (Laughton et al. 1972a; Baldauf et al. 1989). This hiatus, together with the presence of alkali basalts at Avatarpaat (west of Disko) that have been 40 Ar/39Ar dated at 27.40.6 Ma and a dyke swarm on Ubekendt Ejland dated to 34.10.2 Ma (Storey et al. 1998), indicates that tectonic activity accompanied by volcanism took place in the area west and southwest of Greenland during Oligocene time. Laughton et al. (1972b, p. 266) indicated that a major unconformity also occurs between Oligocene and Miocene strata at ODP site 113 in the southern Labrador Sea. The tectonic regime in the region seems to have changed from general subsidence and N–S sinistral displacement along the Ungava Fault zone in Early–Middle Eocene to a period (Late Eocene–Oligocene) with uplift, SE–NW-directed compression and strike-slip faulting in the Lady Franklin area. The Ungava Fault Zone (Figs 1, 7) was probably segmented during this tectonic event. An alternative explanation for the segmen- 230 A. B. Sørensen tation may be that changes in the stress directions in Late Eocene–Oligocene time caused changes in the strike-slip movements and concomitant offsets along the Ungava Fault system and the formation of pull-apart basins along the faults (J. A. Chalmers pers. comm.; cf. Klose et al. 1982, fig. 7). The cessation of lateral movements along the Ungava Fault system could have been caused by the collision of Northwest Greenland and southeast Ellesmere Island with northernmost Canada along the Eurekan orogenic belt (De Paor et al. 1989). A number of thrust faults on the southeastern part of Ellesmere Island may be related to such an episode. The most important consequence of the changed tectonic regime was that there was uplift and erosion of the West Greenland shelf and transport of large amounts of sediment towards the south into the Labrador Sea area. Oligocene sediments have, for example, been found in the wells at ODP sites 112 and 647, both of which are situated in an area underlain by oceanic crust (Baldauf et al. 1989; Kaminski et al. 1989; Fig. 1). The biostratigraphy of wells in this area indicates that the Palaeogene–Neogene unconformity spans a shorter time interval (Late Oligocene to near early Middle Miocene times) than in the wells on the West Greenland shelf further north. At site 112 located in the middle of the Labrador Sea a c. 160 m thick Oligocene section is present. Regression on the West Greenland shelf during Late Oligocene may have been related to both local compressional uplift and to a fall in sea-level that could have been caused by major structural changes in the North Atlantic. In this region spreading shifted from the Aegir Ridge to the Kolbeinsey Ridge during Oligocene time (Nunns 1983; Mosar et al. 2002). Late Oligocene sea-level fluctuations have also been observed in the North Atlantic area (Martinsen et al. 1999; Sørensen 2003). The period of uplift and erosion lasted until early midMiocene time, after which the tectonic regime changed and subsidence of the whole Davis Strait and the Labrador Sea area began. Neogene On the West Greenland shelf there is an unconformity between sediments of mid-Miocene and Palaeogene age (Fig. 2 Nøhr-Hansen 2003; Piasecki 2003; S. Piasecki pers. comm. 2004). The unconformity truncates the Palaeogene sequences and, in the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins, it is presumed that it represents a hiatus of about 35 Ma (Fig. 2). The Neogene succession in the Lady Franklin Basin is up to c. 600 m thick and is clearly transgressive from SE to NW. The Neogene succession directly overlies the basalts on top of the Hecla and Maniitsoq highs. Any Eocene strata deposited here could have been eroded during the Oligocene uplift before deposition of Neogene sediments started. No detailed studies have been carried out on the Neogene succession in the nearby Gjoa G-37 well. Nøhr-Hansen (in Sønderholm et al. 2003) investigated the Palaeogene succession in this well and found that it was impossible to define the exact position of the Palaeogene– Neogene boundary, as only a few samples were available for analysis. During the Neogene there were two depocentres offshore southern West Greenland: the Nuuk Basin to the northeast and the Labrador Sea Basin located south of the Lady Franklin Basin and Fylla Platform, where up to 1600 m and 1000 m sediments, respectively, were deposited. The amount of Neogene subsidence increased from the north around the Hellefisk-1 well southwards into the Labrador Sea. The base of the Neogene drops from 640 m below sea-level in the Hellefisk-1 well, to about 1800 m below sea-level in the Nukik and Qulleq-1 wells, and it reaches around 2500 m below sea-level in the Lady Franklin Basin. Further south, in the southern Labrador Sea where the underlying crust is oceanic, the base Neogene is as deep as 3897 m below sea-level at ODP site 112 (Laughton et al. 1972a). The Miocene sequence alone is around 225 m thick in the Hellefisk-1 well and increases to about 525 m in the depocentre near Nukik-2 (S. Piasecki pers. comm.). It is difficult to map the Miocene succession with confidence in the Lady Franklin Basin as there are no well ties. The sequence is topped by an unconformity (Figs 3, 4, 5) that may represent a time span of most of Late Miocene time. In the wells on the West Greenland shelf an unconformity spanning about 2 Ma, comprising the latest Miocene (Messinian) interval, is found (S. Piasecki pers. comm. 2004; Fig. 2). At ODP Sites 112 and 647 in the southern Labrador Sea a somewhat longer hiatus spanning from 11 Ma to 4 Ma at Site 112 is present (Laughton et al. 1972a; Baldauf et al. 1989). The hiatus may primarily be a result of a glacially induced sea-level fall during early Pliocene (Davies 1972). A Plio-Pleistocene succession consisting of contourites, prograding sequences and slumps tops the Neogene succession in the Lady Franklin Basin. TECTONIC SUMMARY The possible existence of a petroleum system in the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins is related closely to the development of the complicated tectonic regime in the Davis Strait area. Cretaceous and Paleocene rifting interrupted by phases of uplift were followed here during the Eocene by northward drifting of Greenland. Major Oligocene uplift and phases of Neogene subsidence and the formation of the deep Labrador Sea as it is known to day, finalized this development, and created the conditions for the formation of a petroleum system. + The first recorded rifting phase in the Davis Strait and Labrador Sea took place in Berriasian–Valanginian times, with the formation of half-graben related to movements on coast-parallel to sub-parallel extensional faults (McWhae et al. 1980; Balkwill 1987). Subsequently, continental and marine clastic syn-rift sediments of the Lower and Upper Bjarni members were deposited in the graben. Chalmers et al. (1993) have shown that corresponding rift-related Lower Cretaceous units named the Kitsissut and Appat sequences are present offshore West Greenland and, presumably, also in the Lady Franklin Basin. + In the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins a period of major uplift and the formation of a regional unconformity took place in mid-Cretaceous time. + In the southern basins offshore southern West Greenland early Late Cretaceous erosion was followed by deposition of a sandstone unit, the Fylla sandstone, in the Santonian. Renewed rifting and extension caused deepening (probably in the early Campanian) along rotational NW–NNW-striking faults in the old, Lower Cretaceous basins of the shelf. Deposition of the Kangeq mudstone sequence followed. In the Lady Franklin Basin an intraformational (?Late Campanian) unconformity can be mapped in the Kangeq Sequence. + At the end of Cretaceous time the extensional tectonic regime changed into a compressional regime resulting in uplift accompanied by NNW–SSE-orientated strike-slip faulting (Fig. 3). On the Fylla Platform a set of NE–SWtrending faults formed. + A period of uplift followed, caused by activity related to an arriving plume (cf. Dam et al. 1998). Sedimentation was 231 SW Greenland stratigraphy and petroleum potential Fig. 8. Seismic section from the northern part of the Lady Franklin Basin showing a geological setting similar to the Qulleq-1 area on the Fylla Platform, where the Fylla sandstone is found at the bottom in small basins or pinching out against basement blocks as shown on this figure (courtesy of TGS). + + + + sparse and lasted until late Danian or early Selandian times. Afterwards intense volcanic activity started around the Lady Franklin Basin and further north off southeast Baffin Island and in coastal central West Greenland. The volcanism is thought to have lasted until near the end of the Selandian. In Thanetian time a new tectonic phase accompanied by volcanic activity was initiated and continued into the Early Eocene; this is particularly well documented in the West Greenland volcanic province. This phase was related to the onset of seafloor spreading in the North Atlantic area. Sinistral N–S-orientated displacement along the newly established Ungava Fault system took place in the old Cretaceous basins (Figs 1, 7). Early Eocene N–S-trending faults are also present to the north and east, in areas around the Kangâmiut-1 and Ikermiut-1 wells and on the Fylla Platform where the Fylla West Boundary Fault was also active at this time. Major subsidence of the West Greenland offshore area also started in the Thanetian and lasted until a new period of sea-level fall occurred in earliest Lutetian time, resulting in a regional unconformity being formed over the West Greenland shelf and the northern part of the Labrador Sea. Shortly after the mid-Eocene event renewed subsidence resulted in deposition of a succession of Middle–Late Eocene, and presumably also Early Oligocene, sediments in the northern part of the southern West Greenland offshore. A major change in tectonic style occurred in the Oligocene when compression, volcanism and uplift caused erosion of the West Greenland shelf area as well as large areas in the Labrador Sea. An interplay between sea-level fall (Haq et al. 1988) and cessation of the left-lateral strike-slip movements along the Ungava Fault system, probably caused by the collision of the Greenland plate with northernmost Canada, may be an explanation for the Oligocene uplift offshore West Greenland. The period of uplift and erosion ended in mid-Miocene time, when renewed subsidence of the shelf began. The subsidence accelerated southwards and affected the area of the Labrador Sea strongly (Davies 1972), which today reaches a water depth of more than 3000 m and a depth to base Neogene of 3987 m at ODP site 112 in the south. Sedimentation lasted until Late Miocene, when the last short phase of uplift of the shelf occurred. A final phase of subsidence started in early Pliocene time. Around Qulleq-1 more than 1500 m of subsidence took place during Neogene time. PETROLEUM POTENTIAL Potential reservoir successions This study has shown that hydrocarbon reservoirs in the area of the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins are likely to be located primarily within the Cretaceous and secondarily in the Palaeogene successions. Sandstone sequences appear to be present in both the Lower Cretaceous (Appat and Kitsissut sequences) and Upper Cretaceous (Fig. 2). In the Upper Cretaceous the primary reservoir unit is the Santonian Fylla sandstone, deposited in a shallow-water depositional setting after the mid-Cretaceous hiatus. This sandstone unit was drilled in the Qulleq-1 well (Christiansen et al. 2001). The present study suggests that it is present not only in the Fylla Platform but also in the Nuuk and Lady Franklin basins (Figs 5, 8). In the Lady Franklin area the Santonian sandstone and the underlying Appat Sequence are situated at depths of c. 3000–5000 m and are sealed by the thick Kangeq mudstone. Other possible reservoirs are shallow-water deposits related to unconformities in the Kangeq Sequence which can be mapped at least in the Lady Franklin Basin (Fig. 5). Depending upon depth of burial the Appat and Kitsissut sequences (Fig. 5) are expected to have promising reservoir properties like the Bjarni Formation of the Canadian Hopedale and Saglek basins (Bell 1989). The Appat Sequence is thought to consist of varying amounts of mudstone and sandstone, which may have been transported into the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins from coastal areas of both West Greenland and Canada. The Kitsissut Sequence is difficult to define in the Lady Franklin Basin. The sequence, if present, is not separated clearly from the Appat Sequence by an unconformity. The Lower Cretaceous sediments in the Maniitsoq Basin are interpreted to be syn-rift deposits like the Canadian Lower Bjarni Member (Fig. 3; Balkwill 1987). These consist of erosional products and fans from the local ‘basement’ blocks that acted as islands in a shallow sea. Good reservoir sands in the Early Cretaceous could therefore be present around such ‘basement’ blocks in the Lady Franklin area. Interpretation of the new seismic lines has shown that some of the ‘basement’ blocks mapped in the offshore area of southern West Greenland may partly consist of sediments that could be of Palaeozoic to mid-Mesozoic age (Fig. 9b). Chalmers et al. (1995) suggested that the Deep Sequence, defined further north, could be of Palaeozoic age. These sediments are not likely to contain reservoir-quality sandstones and carbonates because porosities and permeabilities would be too low. How- 232 A. B. Sørensen Fig. 9. (a) Fylla sandstone prospect in the Lady Franklin Basin. The flat-spot and gas chimney strongly suggest that a Cretaceous hydrocarbon system exists here (courtesy of TGS). (b) Detail from Figure 2 (SW flank of Maniitsoq Basin) showing truncated, folded, presumed Palaeozoic rocks with possible Ordovician source-rock beds (courtesy of Nunaoil A/S). For legend see Figures 2, 3. ever, they could contain source-rock sequences such as those known in northeast Canada (Sanford & Grant 1990). Source rocks and a possible live petroleum system A Cretaceous petroleum system has been proven in the Canadian Hopedale and Saglek basins located southwest and west of the Lady Franklin Basin (Klose et al. 1982; Bell 1989). Biostratigraphic and kerogen maturation studies were carried out on possible source intervals in a number of wells located in these two Canadian basins (Bujak et al. 1987). New stratigraphic investigations by Nøhr-Hansen (in Sønderholm et al. 2003) and the present interpretation of the Lady Franklin Basin indicates that the development of these three basins may be similar. Bojesen-Koefoed et al. (1999) have shown that Cretaceous source rocks are also present in the Nuussuaq Basin area further north (Fig. 1). It is reasonable to expect that sourcerock sequences and a petroleum system corresponding to what is found in these basins further north and south are also present in the basins offshore southern West Greenland (Figs 1, 9a, b). To the southwest of the Lady Franklin Basin a gas/ condensate discovery was made in the Hekja O-71 well (Klose et al. 1982). The gas is found in a 76 m sand/shale succession of latest Paleocene age. Reserves are estimated to be a minimum of 2.31012 SCF gas. The average porosity is 16% and permeability is 10 mD. The reservoir succession is underlain by shale. The organic carbon content of this shale is 1.6% and vitrinite reflectance is 0.5%. Resinite is present in a 300 m thick layer in the shale and an average hydrogen index of up to 400 has been determined in some intervals. The shale can therefore be considered as a possible source for oil, when mature, but not for gas (Sønderholm et al. 2003). Consequently the Hekja gas may be sourced from a Cretaceous or older interval underlying the basalts. Further south, in the Hopedale Basin, drilling has revealed Lower Cretaceous marine shale and continental coal beds of the Bjarni Formation that could be possible sources for the gas/condensate in the Hekja discovery (e.g. Herjolf M-92 and Skolp E-07, Fig. 2; Bell 1989). Lower–mid-Cretaceous source rocks are presumed to have generated two of the oil types found in seeps on the Nuussuaq peninsula further north – the Itilli and the Kuugannguak oil types (Fig. 2; Bojesen-Koefoed et al. 1999). The former is presumed to have been generated from an early mature to mature marine source rock having a composition similar to that of the organic-rich shales of the Cenomanian–Turonian Kanguk Formation on Ellesmere Island (Núñez-Betulu et al. 1993) or possibly even from Upper Jurassic source rocks as known in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin (Bojesen-Koefoed et al. 2004). The Kuugannguak type may be sourced from coals or carbonaceous shales of Albian–Coniacian age. Santonian– Campanian shallow-marine source rocks of the Markland Formation are present in the Herjof M-92 well (Bell 1989). A corresponding source may have generated the Niagornaarsuk type oil found on Nuussuaq (Fig. 2; Bojesen-Koefoed et al. 1999). A source rock such as the organic-rich shales of the Kanguk Formation on Ellesmere Island may be present in the lower part of the Kangeq Sequence in the Lady Franklin Basin or in the upper part of a predominantly Lower Cretaceous succession below, dependent upon the exact stratigraphic location of the mid-Cretaceous hiatus (Fig. 2). Seismic data have shown that the mid-Cretaceous unconformity is situated at a depth of about 3500–4500 m in the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins. It is therefore probable that lower–mid-Cretaceous source rocks, if present in these basins, are at a mature stage. Paleocene source rocks (Fig. 2) may have generated the Marrat oil, a typical wax-rich deltaic oil that is dominant in seeps on Nuussuaq, Disko and Hareøen (Bojesen-Koefoed et al. 1999). This oil is also present in the basalts and hyaloclastites in the GANW-1, GANE-1 and GANK-1 slim core wells drilled on the Nuussuaq peninsula. The oil may have leaked from a larger accumulation located below the basalts west of Disko and Nuussuaq. As already mentioned, west of the Lady Franklin Basin Late Paleocene source rocks are present in the Hekja O-71 well. These were presumably also deposited in the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins but are expected to be early mature, having therefore a limited potential. Further southwest an Early Eocene marine source rock was found in the Rut H-1 well in the southern part of the Saglek Basin (Bell 1989). In conclusion, the presence of source rocks of similar age or type on Nuussuaq and in northern Canada and offshore in the Hopedale and Saglek basins indicates that similar source rocks should be present in the Cretaceous–Paleocene successions in basins offshore West Greenland (Fig. 2). A gas show in the 233 SW Greenland stratigraphy and petroleum potential Kangâmiut-1 well (Chalmers et al. 1995) also confirms this prediction. Maturation of the source rocks is favourable in the somewhat deeper Lady Franklin, Maniitsoq, Nuuk and other West Greenland basins as compared to the Canadian Hopedale and Saglek basins. Palaeozoic carbonate rocks have been encountered in wells located in the southern part of the Hopedale Basin, in outcrops on the southern part of Baffin Island and also in Cumberland Sound (Jenkins 1984; Fig. 1). Lower Cretaceous gasprone Bjarni Formation source rocks or bituminous beds in Ordovician limestones (Bell & Howie 1990) must be considered to be the most probable sources for the gas/condensate discovery in the Hekja O-71 well. Similar source rocks may also be present in the Lady Franklin and other basins offshore southern West Greenland. Seismic data from the Fylla Platform area indicate that a Palaeozoic succession may overlie Precambrian basement in that area. Consequently, a petroleum system based on either Cretaceous or Palaeozoic source rocks and Lower–mid-Cretaceous or Paleocene reservoir sequences can be expected to be present in basins offshore West Greenland (Figs 9a, b). The Itilli oil type from onshore central West Greenland may be the most interesting oil type to be found in the southern West Greenland basins; as already mentioned it indicates the presence of a source rock of similar age to that in the Canadian Arctic Kanguk Formation (Bojesen-Koefoed et al. 2004). Possible Cretaceous source rocks located at a depth of c. 4000 m below sea-level in the Lady Franklin Basin are expected to have reached maturity for oil generation in Late Neogene time when subsidence of more than 2000 m and deposition of up to 700 m thick sediments took place. CONCLUSIONS The Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins and surrounding areas seem to have the potential to be a new West Greenland petroleum province. During the Cretaceous period source- and reservoir-rock sequences have been deposited in the basins. Marine source-rock sequences identified or thought to exist on Nuussuaq and in the Canadian Hopedale and Saglek basins may extend into the basins offshore southern West Greenland including the Lady Franklin and Maniitsoq basins. The Lady Franklin Basin subsided in more than one pulse and the proposed source-rock sequences of mid- and Early Cretaceous age are now situated at depths of main petroleum generation. A reservoir unit believed to correspond to the Santonian Fylla sandstone interval drilled in the Qulleq-1 well is situated just above possible source-rock sequences. Furthermore, a Paleocene gas/condensate-bearing reservoir succession was drilled in the Hekja O-71 well not far west of the Lady Franklin Basin, where flat-spots have also been observed in Cretaceous structures. The Neogene subsidence of the area may have favoured late oil generation. Therefore, the Lady Franklin Basin and its surroundings may constitute a prospective area containing a live petroleum system. The author would like to thank TGS and Nunaoil A/S for permission to reproduce and publish the seismic sections in this paper. Special thanks are owed to the Bureau of Mineral and Petroleum and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) for support and funding of the project, which was carried out as part of the preparation for the West Greenland Licensing round 2004. The author would also like to thank T. C. R. Pulvertaft and J. A. Chalmers at GEUS, and Ioannis C. Baartman, DONG, for discussions of the scientific ideas presented here and for improving the English text. The paper is published with the permission of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. REFERENCES Baldauf, J.G., Clement, B., Aksu, A.E. et al. 1989. Magnetostratigraphic and Biostratigraphic synthesis of Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 105: Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay. In: Srivastava, S. P., Arthur, M., Clement, B. et al. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 105, 935–956. Balkwill, H.R. 1987. Labrador Basin: structural and stratigraphic style. In: Beaumont, C. & Tankard, A.J. (eds) Sedimentary basins and basin-forming mechanisms. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoirs, 12, 17–43. Bell, J.S. & Howie, R.D. 1990. Palaeozoic Geology. In: Keen, M.J. & Williams, G.L. (eds) Geology of the Continental Margin of Eastern Canada. Geology of Canada, 2, 143–165. Bell, J.S. (Co-ordinator) 1989. 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