bod. - True Way Tracts
bod. - True Way Tracts
The concept of the Tninityis an issue many people wnestle with. This apoloqeticsbnief onesents tnuth in a iutshell-for cultists, seekens,and new believens. :':.,..i.,::. , , . ..::.. [S-pack] M. J. Tynen 1 59751OO33, $Z.SO nerail This pamphletpnesentsan .overviewof the :casefon Chnistian :theism and an apileal to.atheists iand agnosticE.ll ends with a ' salvationinvitaLioir; ,.i This pamphlet addnessesone of today'shot issues,leading readensto considenthe one ' ano onryHrgnwayEo Heaven. lt onesentstruth and the heant of bod. [5-pack] M. J. Tyner 1 5 9 7 5 1 O O 4 1, $ 7 . 5 0 r e t a i l , -, ,,' [5-pack] M. J. Tynenl 15 9 7 5 1 O O s X$, 7 . 5 On e t a i l Jesus' resunnection-an unmatched minacle-pnovidesthe most powerful contnast bewveen Chnistianityand all neligious systems. Use this apcilogetics bniefto show that He lives! : tQ"peckl M. J. Tyner 15€751 0068, $7.5O nerail Director GraduatePrognamin Chr.istran Apologetics, BiolaUnivensity Endonsements for the original three TWT Apologetics Bniefs: Brief #1 : lSimple, understandable,and logical explanationfor the thinking person truly in seanchof the tnuth." Brief #2: "Excellentoverviewof the perplexing questionsabout pain and suffening,and God's put pose in allowingit in the world.l' Brief #3: "Excellent,brief synopsis of the difference between true Christianityand other neligions." Bbbr#:*lriy} Founden of PreceptMinistniesIntennational ':TWT Apologetics Bniefs pnovideconcise tneatments of key doctrinal issues that can pavethe way for individuals to accept Chnistand then buildthem up in the faith. The tracts pack so much content into a brief space, they can be used for outneachor as study tools," _CARL WESTERLUND Director Schoolof Ministny, Calvany ChapelCostaMesa "This is to recommend in the strongest terms TWT Apologetics Bniefs. They providewhat is badly lackingin Christiancincles:responsible,succinct evidencefor the faith once deliveredto the saints. In our secular age of the 'sound bite,'they can give concennedbelieversthe ammunitionto fulfillthe 'Be apostle'sadmonition: ready a neasonfor hope within.'" "'*T.::.:': -JOHN WARWIGK MONTGOMERY Ph.D. Apologetics& Law Professor TninityCollegeand Theological Seminar.y "Since 1998, we've sent oven 1O,OOOTWT ApologeticsBniefs,along with our Bible studies, to jails and pnisonsall over the United States and the Philippines.These tracts have blessedthe lives of many inmates and their families." _JERRY MC FADDEN Founden orrheNannow *"u #l3fifl: PRODUCT DESCBIPTION: 8.5" X 14" gatefold pamphlets with full graphics and color DISPLAY SUGGESTION: Use a 4-tier acrvlic brochure holder For RETAILordens,pleasecontact The Word for Todayat 800-272-9673. For WHOLESALEor dens, pleasecontact CalvaryDistr^ibutionat 8OO-444-7 664. Note; The suggestedretail price is $1 .50 ea The Costa Mesa ChapelStore pniceis $1 .27 ea. 'ii ,':,':i *scoii coiif FridayNight Street Witnessing Ministry CalvanyChapel Pacific Coast t' /t- I / t-,/ THEWORD (9 :a::a:: STOFE ,r',\ --L-i rheChapelStore