4 - American Museum Of Fly Fishing
4 - American Museum Of Fly Fishing
Fish List B . Silver Satan. Black Skagit Now, some of you may be disappointed. You were looking forward to another issue full of SP~Y. Edward Vom Hofe Restigouche reel. historical images and information. On the other hand, the historians and researchers among you Staggered ferrule rod. History of silkworm gut. may be thrilled that we've finally taken this step. Stevens, Carrie G. After all, this is an historical document, too-one Cosseboom, John C. that reflects our history as a journal and as a Fulsher, Keith. museum. For many-the staff included-this is Salmon. Bluefish. Tarpon. Trout. Intriguing? We think so. We are proud to issue an indispensable tool. Don't just toss it aside. At least give it a good the long-overdue fourth Collective Index to The American Fly Fisher. This index covers eight years skim or perusal. You may find in these entries of journals-from Volume 17, Number 1 (1991) signs leading to information you'd like to review through Volume 24, Number 4 (1998). It is or look at for the first time. Almost all of these divided into three sections: a subject index, an issues can still be purchased from the Museum author index, and a table of contents index (the (see page 28). You could read it aloud, like an epic poem. So last of which will detail each issue). Lynn Hutchinski of Roslindale, Massachusetts, many of your favorite words. KATHLEENACHOR indexed the more than 900 pages of information EDITOR from those eight years. LU E D oc ToR THEAMERICAN MUSEUM OF FLYFISHING Preserving the Heritage of Fly Fishing T R U S E. M. Bakwin Michael Bakwin Foster Bam Paul Bofinger Donn Byrne Sr. James H. Carey Roy D. Chapin Jr. Thomas N. Davidson William J. Dreyer Charles Ferree Reed Freyermuth Duncan Grant Gardner L. Grant James H. Hunter Arthur Kaemmer Woods King I11 Walter T.Matia Janet Mavec T E E S Wayne Nordberg Michael B. Osborne Leigh H. Perkins Allan K. Poole John Rano Roger Riccardi Pamela B. Richards Tom Rosenbauer Ernest Schwiebert Robert G. Scott James Spendiff Arthur Stern John Swan Richard G. Tisch David H. Walsh Richard J. Warren Joe Wells James C. Woods Journal of 4 the American Museum of Fly Fishing WINTER 1999 VOLUME 25 NUMBER 1 Collective Index 1990-1998: Subject Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table of Contents Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Author Index o N T H E c ov E R : Among the issues indexed here are (clockwise from top left): Summer 1994 (Vol. 20, No. 3), Winter 1992 (Vol. 18, NO.I), Spring1997 (Vol. 23, No. 21, and Spring1996 (Vol. 22, No. 2). T R U S T E E S E M E R I T I G. Dick Finlay David B. Ledlie W. Michael Fitzgerald Leon L. Martuch Keith C. Russell William Herrick Robert N. Johnson Paul Schullery Stephen Sloan O F F I C E R S President Vice Presidents Treasurer Secretary Richard G. Tisch Arthur Stern Pamela B. Richards David H. Walsh Robert G. Scott James H . Carey James C. Woods STAFF Gary Tanner Executive Director Curator Events &Membership Art Director Special Projects Administration Sean Sonderman Paula M. Welch John Price Sara Wilcox Tonev Pozek The American Fly Fisher 1s published four times a year by the Museum at P.O. Box 42, Manchester, Vermont 05254. Publication dates are winter, spring, summer, and fall. Mernbershlp dues include the cost of the journal ($30) and are tax deductible as provided for by law. Membership rates are listed in the hack of each Issue. All letters, manuscripts, photographs, and materials Intended for pubhcatlon m the journal should he sent to the Museum. The Museum and journal are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, drawings, photograph~c material, or memorabilia. The Museum cannot accept responsibility for statements and interpretations that are T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R Editor Design Q Production Copy Editor Kathleen Achor John Price Sarah May Clarkson wholly the author's. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot he returned unless postage is provided. Contributions to The Amer~canFly Fisher are to be considered gratuitous and the property of the Museum unless otherwise requested by the contributor. Artides appearing m this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and Amenca: History and Life. Copyright D 1999, the Amencan Museum of Fly Flshing, Manchester, Vermont 05254. Original material appearing may not be reprinted without prior permission. Second Class Permit postage p a d at Manchester Vermont 05254 and additional offices (USPS 057410). The Arnerzcan Fly Fisher (ISSN 0884-3562) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The American Fly Fisher, P.O. Box 42, Manchester, Vermont 05254. WINTER 1999 SUBJECT I N D E X Illustration or caption page references are in italics. Articles, poems, or short stories are in quotation marks. Books, magazines, and foreign language words are in italics. [Bracketed information] is not included in source. For flies by name, see fly, by name. References are by volume(number):page. cl indicates front cover. c2 indicates inside front cover. c3 indicates inside back cover. Companies are listed alphabetically by proper name. Abercrombie & Fitch, 17(3):12 accommodations, camping, zq(4):z-g Achor, Kathleen, 21(4):26 See also Author Index Achor-Hoch, Timothy, 23(2):cz acid rain, 21(4):9-12 Adams, John Quincy, 18(2):24 Adirondack cocktail, ~~(2):zo-21 Adirondack League Club (ALC), 21(4):2-~,22(2):20 Adirondack League Club, The, 1890-1990 (Comstock), 21(4):2-~ Adirondack Mountains, 19(1):8 Adirondack, The, or, Life in the Woods (Headley), 21(4):7-8 Adrosko, Rita, Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing, 20(3):6 IElian, De Animalium Natura, 22(4):2-9, 23(2):23 On the Characteristics of Animals, 21(2):6 Aflalo, F. G., Fisherman's Weather, 22(3):1o "After Moonless Midnight" (poem by T. Hughes), 23(1):14 2 THE A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R Albright, Frankee, 22(2):3-4 Alexander, James, Salmon Fishing in Canada (ed.), 18(2):15 Alston, Charles H., 17(2):25 American Angler's Book, The (Norris), 18(2):16,19(4):15,21(1):14-19 American Angler's Guide, The (Brown), 18(4):3 American Fish Culture (Norris), 21(1):19, 21 American Fishes (Goode), 21(1):19 American Fly Fishing: A History (Schullery), 22(2):7,9, 22(3):17, 22(4):25 American Museum of Fly Fishing, The 1990 Annual Meeting Notes, 17(1):25-26 1991 Annual Meeting Notes, 18(2):28-29 1992 Annual Meeting Notes, 19(1):23-24 1993 Annual Meeting Notes, 19(4):26-28 25th Anniversary, 18(3):25-~6,18(4):~5,19(1):~5,19(~):~-35, 19(3):10-15,25-26, 19(4):12-18,24-25, 20(2):27 25th Anniversary address by Nick Lyons, 19(4):22-23 30th Anniversary, z ~ ( I ) : c24(2):20, ~, 23 AAM accreditation, 18(2):27,20(1):27,20(2):~3 awards, 17(2):28,18(3):26,19(3):26, zo(3):27, 22(3):26, 23(3):2627,24(3):30-31,24(4):32-34 Carter, President and Mrs., at, 17(2):27 collection additions, 20(1):26,20(3):27-28, 20(4):28, 21(2):28, 21(3):25,21(4):27-28,22(1):27, 22(2):27-28, 22(3):28, 22(4):2728,23(1):27-28, ~3(2):27,28,23(4):26-28,24(1):30-31, 24(3):34, 36, 24(4):32,34 collection history, 19(2):34-35 endowment, 17(1):26 Festival Weekend, 17(2):29,18(3):26-27,19(3):~2,20-21,25-26, ZO(Z):Z~, 20(3):~2,21(3):~2,26-27,22(2):26, 22(3):22-25, 23(3):c2, 26-27, 24(3):28-29 fly contest winners, 19(3):28 Heritage Award, ~4(~):24-26 internet addresses, 21(4):26,23(1):28,24(4):30 journal index, 1985-1990,18(1):2-35 logo, 22(1):26 mission statement, 22(2):26 museum exhibits, special, 23(4):22-24 NEMA award, 22(3):26 renovation, 17(1):26,17(2):26-27 trustees, 18(z):zg-30,~1(1):26,21(~):27 volunteers, 22(2):27 website, 24(4):30 American Sporting Periodicals of Angling Interest (Hogan), 19(1):15, 19(2):6 American Trout Fishing (Gordon), 20(2):3 American Trout Streams (Ingraham), i 7 ( 2 ) : ~ Amusements de Campagne (Liger), 21(4):21 Anatomy of a Fisherman (Traver), 17(3):25,18(3):15 Ancient Dyes for Modern Weavers (Weigle), 20(3):6 Androscoggin River, 17(i):c3 Angelsport in Siisswasser (Heintz), 24(2):15 angler early illustrations of, 19(3):2-9,20(1):20 maxims and hints for, 19(4):17 Angler in Ireland, The (Belton), 18(2):14 Angler in Wales, The, or Days and Nights of Sportsmen (Medwin), 18(2):1o, 14 Angler's Album, An: Fishing in Photography and Literature (Traub), 17(2):4-5 "Anglers All" exhibit, 17(~):28,18(~):~9,18(3):24-25, 19(1):25, 19(3):27 Angler's American History, An (Hogan), 19(1):15 Anglers' Club, The, of New York, 17(2):17,18(4):18-21,19(4):16, 22(2):22-23 Angler's Coast, The (Chatham), 23(2):4 Angler's Entomology, An (Harris), 18(2):14 Angler's Season, An (Hodgson), ~4(4):16-26 Angler's Sure Guide, The (Howlett), 18(2):12 Angler's Vade Mecum, The (Chetham), 18(2):12 angling in Australia, zo(4):~-9 clothing, 24(2):ci, 14-19 early European, zi(2):~-11,21(3):24, 24(1):2-6, 24(2):2-12 in France, 23(1):2-8 manuscript translation, 24(1):7-10 saltwater, 20(1):15-19,24(3):2-27 steelhead, 17(1):10-13 in Valsesia, Italy, 24(2):2-5 World War I1 and, 23(4):1o-n See also United States "Angling, A Day" (poem by G. Kinnell), 23(1):18-19 Angling Books of the Americas (Bruns), 17(1):2 Angling Excursions (Greendrake), 22(4):11 Angling in All Its Branches (Taylor), 18(2):14 Angling in America: Its Early History and Literature (Goodspeed), 22(3):3,23(3):19 Angling in Australia (Dunn), zo(4):z-9 Angling Reminiscences (Stoddart), 18(2):10 Arms, Dorothy Noyes, Fishing Memories, 21(3):20-23 See also Author Index Arseneault, J. Clovis, 23(2):17 Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing, The (Liles), 20(3):6 Arte ofAngling, The (Samuel), 21(4):20-21, 23(2):6,24 Art of Angling, The (Barker), 18(2):12,21(4):18,20,23(3):15 Art ofAngling, The (Best), zz(3):io Art of Angling, The (Bowlker), 23(2):7,23(4):18 Art of Angling, The (Brookes), 18(2):12, u Art of Angling (Blacker), 20(3):3-4,23(2):7 Art of Flymaking (Blacker), zo(3):4,7 Art of the Atlantic Salmon Fly, The (Bates), 17(1):3,18(2):9, 23(1):21, 23(2):11, 24(4):~3 Art of the Classic Salmon Fly, The (Sawada), 17(1):3 Art of the Trout Fly, The (Dunham), 22(2):12 Art of Tying the Wet Fly, The (Leisenring), 19(3):18,19 Atherton, John, 18(4):21,19(4):12 Fly and the Fish, The, 19(4):12 Atherton, Maxine, 18(4):22,28 fishing effects of, 21(3):19 in memoriam: 1904-1997, 23(2):22-23 See also Author Index Atlantic Salmon, The (Wulff), 17(1):3,23(2):9,16 Atlantic Salmon: A Vanishing Species?, The (Netboy), 17(1):3 Atlantic Salmon Fishing (Phair), i7(1):2,i7(2):16,23(2):i4 Atlantic Salmon Flies and Fishing (Bates), 23(3):10 Atlantic Salmon Journal, 17(1):2 Atlantic salmon reels, 17(1):18-21 Atlantic Salmon Treasury, The (Bates, ed.), 17(1):2 "At Night on the Lake in the Eye of the Hunter" (poem by J. Engels), 23(1):16 Auerbach, Colonel Henry, 23(3):28 Australia, angling in, 20(4):2-9 Authentic Historical Memoir of the Schuylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill (Milnor), 23(3):19 Ayer, F. W., 22(3):5 Back, Howard, Waters of Yellowstone with Rod and Fly, The, 23(2):5 "Bait, The" (poem by J. Donne), 19(4):14 Bakwin, E. M., 18(2):30 Ballad of Myra Gray (Fowler), 17(1):3 Ballou, Mary Treadway, 21(2):26 bamboo rod personal treasures, 17(3):14-23 staggered ferrule, zo(1):zi-22 Bamboo Rod, The, and How to Build It (Kreider), 20(2):15 Barker's Delight (Barker), 18(2):12,21(4):20 Barker, Thomas, Art of Angling, The, 18(2):12,21(4):18,20, 23(3):15 Barker's Delight, 18(2):12,21(4):20 Bartlett, Leander and Eugene, 23(1):25 Barton, Dr. Edwin A., 17(2):20-21 W I N T E R 1999 3 Bartram, William, Travels, 22(3):16-18 Bashline, Jim, 20(1):28,21(3):25 See also Author Index bass, saltwater, 24(3):11-12 Basurto, Fernando, Dialogue between a Hunter and a Fisher, 19(1):17-18,21(2):3 Bates, Joseph D. Jr., 23(2):a Art of the Atlantic Salmon Fly, The, 17(1):3,18(2):9,23(1):21, 23(2):11, 24(4):~3 Atlantic Salmon Flies and Fishing, 23(3):10 Atlantic Salmon Treasury, The (ed.), 17(1):2 Fishing Atlantic Salmon: The Flies and the Patterns (with Richards), 23(1):21-22, 23(2):6-17 fly collection, 24(4):c3 saltwater photos, 24(3):26-27 Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing, 22(2):10, 23(2):13 Streamers and Bucktails: The Big Fish Flies, 22(2):9, 24(3):17 See also Author Index Bathurst, William Hiley, Roman Antiquities at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire,24(2):6 Battenkill River, Vermont, zo(i):n, 2-9 Battle of the Little Bighorn, 19(4):2-5 B. C. Milam & Son, 18(3):2,3,5, 6 Beaverkill River, New York, 22(4):16-23 Beaverkill, The (Van Put), 22(4):16-23 Behm, H. C. Alexander, and the Behm Fly, 24(1):20-23 Behnke, Robert J., 21(1):28, 24(4):6-7, 8 Native Trout of Western North America, 23(2):2 See also Author Index Belknap, Timothy, 18(2):32 See also Author Index Belton, William, Angler in Ireland, The, 18(2):14 Benjamin, Elizabeth, 22(2):7 Benson, Frank Weston, 23(2):21 Berners, Dame Juliana, 17(3):8,24, 22(2):9, 23(2):6; See also Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, A Berol, E. Albert, 17(1):15-17 Berolzheimer, Edwin M., 17(1):14-16 Berolzheimer, Myra, 17(1):15-16 Best, Thomas, Art ofAngling, The, 22(3):10 Betts, John, 23(2):c3, 24(1):31 See also Author Index Bewick, Thomas, 20(3):20-21,22(2):19 Bibliotheca universalis (Gessner), 21(2):6 Big and Little Fishes (Griswold), 17(1):3 Bird, Horace A., History of a Line: From Plains to Peaks, Fishing and Hunting in Colorado, 17(2):8 Bisby Club, 21(4):a, 4-7,s Bissell, A. W., In Pursuit of Salar, 17(1):3 Blacker, William, 20(3):3-5,8,g Art ofAngling, 20(3):3-4,23(2):7 Art of Flymaking, 20(3):4,7 Block, Victor, Outdoors Unlimited, 22(2):2 bluefish, 20(1):17 Bogdan, Stanley, 17(1):2i 4 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R Boke of St. Albans, 19(1):17,21(2):3 bonefish, 20(1):19 Bonefishing with a Fly (Kaufmann), 24(3):21 Booke of Fishing with Hooke and Line, A (Mascall), 19(1):18 Book of Fly Patterns (Leiser), 24(3):21 Book of Small Flies, A (Oelgart), 18(3):19 Book of the Black Bass (Henshall), 18(3):3,21(1):17 Book of the Salmon (Fitzgibbon), 18(2):9,20(3):4 Book of the Tarpon, The (Dimock), 24(3):22 Book of Trout Flies, A (Jennings),18(4):23 Book on Angling, A (Francis), 17(2):23,18(2):10,i4,15, 20(3):4 bookplates, angling, ~i(2):i~-17 Bourjaily, Vance, Old Soldier, 17(3):23,24 Bowlker, Charles, Art of Angling, The, 23(2):7,23(4):18 Boyd, Megan, zz(2):io-11, ~3(4):25-26 Bradford & Anthony, 17(3):9 Brayshaw, Tommy, 18(3):lo-lz,~,19(3):13 Brehm, Horst, Die Fischwaid, 24(2):15 British Fresh-water Fishes (Houghton), 17(1):4,6 Brodney, Kay, 22(2):4-5 in memoriam, 1920-1994, 21(1):27 Bronstad, M. T. Jr., M.D., 21(1):28 See also Author Index Brookes, Richard, Art ofAngling, The, 18(2):12,u Brooks, Joe, 24(3):19 Brown, Dick, Fly Fishing for Bonefish, 22(2):4, 24(3):19 Brown, Eric, 22(4):26 Brown, Jim, 17(1):28,24(4):3 Treasury of Reels, A, 18(3):3-4 See also Author Index Brown, John J., American Angler's Guide, The, 18(4):3 Brown's Tract Association, 21(4):3 Bruni, Angelo, I1 libro pratico del pescatore all 'amo in acque dolci, 24(2):3 Bruns, Henry P., Angling Books of the Americas, 17(1):2 Buchmann, Alton "Chub': 18(3):12 Buckland, John, Guide to Salmon Flies, A (with Oglesby), 18(2):9,14 Buckmaster, Robert, 1912-1993,19(3):27 Buller, Frederick, 19(3):28,22(4):28,24(2):28 Falkus e+ Buller's Freshwater Fishing (with Falkus), 23(3):15 See also Author Index Bunnell, Ardath and Irene, 17(1):11 Cain River, New Brunswick, Canada, zl(1):~-7 Calabi, Silvio, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fly Fishing, The, 22(2):9 Cameron, Kenneth M., Fly Fisher, The, 22(2):7 Cameron, L.C.R., Rod, Pole e+ Perch, 22(4):4 camp accommodations, 23(4):2-9 See also fishing clubs Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks, and Grayling Fishing in Northern Michigan (Northrup), 19(4):9-10,21(4):7 Canada Cain River, 21(1):2-7 fishing adventure photo essay, 22(1):a, 10-19 fishing in, i8(2):15-17 fish models and plaques, 18(3):10-11 Patapedia River, 17(1):14-17 Ristigouche River, 23(3):2-~,24(4):9-15 Canfield, Dorothy, Vermont Tradition, 20(1):3 Carmichael, Hoagy Bix, Master's Guide to Building a Bamboo Fly Rod, A (with Garrison), 17(3):20,20(2):15,22(1):24-25 Carter, Jimmy and Rosalynn, 17(2):27,18(2):24 Cascapedia Club, The (Griswold), 17(1):3 Cass, Beaulah, 22(2):3-4 Catalfimo, Donald F., 17(1):28, 21(3):25 See also Author Index catalogs, mail-order, 23(4):21 Catherwood, Bill, 24(3):19-20 Centennial Publications, zo(z):~-17 Chace, Lillian, 21(2):26 Chatham, Russell, Angler's Coast, The, 23(2):4 Chapor, A. H., Letters to a Salmon Fisher's Sons, 23(2):1o Cheney, A. Nelson, Fishing with the Fly (with Orvis), 24(1):11 Chetham, James, Angler's Vade Mecum, The, 18(2):12 Clarke, Kit, Where the Trout Hide, 2 1 ( 2 ) : ~ Classic Bamboo Rod Makers Past and Present (Spurr), 20(2):15 Classic Rods and Rodmakers (Keane), 17(3):14,z o ( 2 ) : ~ Classic Salmon Flies (Frodin), 18(2):9 Cleary, Shirley, 23(3):23 Cleveland, Grover, 17(1):22,18(2):24 clothing, angling, 24(2):a, 14-19 Cohen, Albert J., 18(2):32 See also Author Index Cole, John N., Fishing Came First, 17(3):23,24 Collection of Wroth Silver, The (Simpson), 17(2):22,23(2):9 Colorado Classic Cane: A History of the Colorado Bamboo Rod Makers (Spurr and Sinclair), 20(2):~-14 colors, antique, for dying materials, zo(3):~-9 Combs, Trey, 17(1):28 Steelhead Fly Fishing: Tackle and Techniques, the Great Rivers, the Anglers and Their Fly Patterns, 23(2):3 See also Author Index Company ofAnglers, A (Gingrich, ed.), 20(2):3 Compleat Angler, The (Walton and Cotton), 17(3):8,18(4):11, 21(2):4,12, 14, 21(4):20, 22(4):10,23(2):6,24(4):27 Complete Book of Striped Bass Fishing (Woolner and Lyman), 22(4):24 Complete Fisherman, The (Saunders), 18(2):13 Complete Fly Fisherman, The (McDonald), 2 3 ( 2 ) : ~ Complete Troller, The (Nobbes), 18(2):12 Comstock, Edward Jr., Adirondack League Club, The, 1890-1990, 21(4):2-13 Connett, Eugene V. 111, the Derrydale Press and, 17(2):12-19 Feathered Game from a Sporting Journal, 17(2):17 Fishing a Trout Stream, 17(2):17 Magic Hours, 17(2):14,17 My Friend the Trout, 17(2):19-20 Random Casts, 17(2):17 Wing Shooting and Angling, 17(2):17 Conrad, Charles "Chuck," 23(2):14 Constable, Clifford, 20(1):21,22 Cook, Chet, 17(3):11 Cooper, John Ashley, Great Salmon Rivers of Scotland, The, 23(4):13 Cortland Line Company, 17(3):10 Cosseboom, John C., 17(1):13,23(2):14-15 Cotton, Charles, Compleat Angler, The (with Walton), 17(3):8, 18(4):11,21(2):4,12,14, 21(4):20,22(4):10,23(2):6, 24(4):27 Courbet, Gustave, 24(4):28 Coykendall, Ralf Jr., 23(4):28 Golden Age of Fly Fishing, The (ed.), 23(4):16-20 See also Author Index Crisp, Norm, 18(2):32 See also Author Index Crook, George, 19(4):2-5 Crosby, Bing, 17(1):22 Crosby, Cornelia ("Fly Rod"), 19(3):13,22(2):2-3 Crosfield, Ernest, 23(2):10-11 Cross, Reuben R., zi(i):8-13 Crowell, A. Elmer, 18(3):n-12 Cushner, William, fly mountings of, 21(1):23 Custer, George Armstrong, i9(4):2-5 Cutthroat Q Campfire Tales: The Fly-Fishing Heritage of the West (Monnett), 23(2):2 Cutthroat: Native Trout of the West (Trotter), 23(2):3 cutthroat trout, 24(4):5-8 Daly, Thomas Aquinas, Exhibit, 21(2):23 Dame, Stoddard and Kendall, 17(3):12 Daniels, W. B., Rural Sports, 18(2):14 dapping, 22(3):16-18, 22(4):25-26 Davidson, Thomas N., 18(2):30 Davis, E. W., Salmon Fishing on the Grand Cascapedia, 17(1):3 Davy, Sir Humphrey, Salmonia, or Days of Fly Fishing, 18(2):10, 22(2):14-18,23(3):19 See also Author lndex Dawson, George, Pleasures of Angling with Rod and Reel for Trout and Salmon, The, 21(4):28, z3(2):4,24(1):24-28 See also Author Index De Animalium Natura (Zlian), 2~(4):2-9,23(2):23 de Boisset, Louis, 23(1):2-8 Ecrit le soir: bavardages d'un vieuxp2cheur de truites, 23(1):2,3,8 Les mouches du ptcheur de truites, 23(1):2,3 de Chamberet, Gerard, 23(1):2-8 DeFeo, Charles, 23(2):12-~,23(3):24-25 Denbigh, David, 17(1):4 Dennis, Jerry, 19(4):28 See also Author Index Denny, John, Secrets ofAngling, 19(1):18 Denton, S. F., fish prints of, zo(3):lo-13 De piscium Q aquatilium animantium natura (Gessner), zi(z):6-9,lo WINTER 1999 5 Der Fliegenfischer (journal), 21(3):24 Derrydale Press, the, 17(2):12-19 Derrydale Press, The: A Bibliography (Siegel, Marschal, and Oelgart), 17(2):12 Dette, Winnie and Mary, ZZ(Z):IZ-13 Dettes, The: A Catskill Legend (Leiser), 22(2):12 Dialogue between a Hunter and a Fisher (Basurto), 19(1):17-18, 21(2):3 Dickerson, Lyle Linden, 17(3):17 ledgers, l9(3):24 Dickerson: The Man and His Rods (Stein and Schaaf), 20(2):14 Die Fischwaid (Brehm), 24(2):15 Die Kunst und die Grundlagen des Fliegenfischens (Stolzle and Salomon), 21(2):4 Dier's Assistant in the Art of Dying Wool and Woolen Goods, The (Haigh), zo(3):3 Divine, Fred, 20(2):16 Divine Rod Company, 20(2):17 Donne, John, 19(4):14 Dorsey, Thomas, 17(3):21 Driffield Angler, The (Machntosh), 18(2):10-11 Dry Fly and Fast Water, The (LaBranche), 18(2):4,18(4):19-20, 23(4):19 Dry-Fly Man's Handbook, The (Halford), 23(4):19 Dunham, Judith, Art of the Trout Fly, The, 22(2):12 Dunn, Bob, 20(4):28 Angling in Australia, zo(4):2-9 See also Author Index Dyer's Manual, A (Goodwin), 20(3):6 "East Middlebury" (poem by J. Engels), 23(1):2o Easy Dyeing (Mustard), 20(3):6 Eco, Umberto, Name of the Rose, The, 24(2):2 E. C. Powell, 17(3):19-20 Ecrit le soir: bavardages d'un vieuxp&cheurde truites (de Boisset), 23(1):2,3, 8 E. F. Payne Rod Company, 17(3):15-16 E. E Payne Rod Co. Corporate Records, 1930-1968,20(2):16 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 18(2):24 England, early angler illustrations of, i9(3):2-9 Esquire (magazine), 20(2):2 Experienc'd Angler, The (Venables), 21(4):19,21 European angling, early, ZI(Z):Z-11,21(3):24, 24(1):2-6, 24(2):2-12 F Falkus Q Buller's Freshwater Fishing (Falkus and Buller), 23(3):15 Falkus, Hugh, Falkus Q Buller's Freshwater Fishing (with Buller), 23(3):15 Favorite Flies and Their Histories (Marbury), 17(2):9,21(2):22, 21(4):6,22(2):7,8,9, 23(3):4,10 museum flies vs. illustrations in, 24(1):11-19 6 THE A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R Feathered Game from a Sporting Journal (Connett), i7(2):17 feathers, antique dying of, zo(3):~-9 Ferguson, Bruce, Fly Fishing for Pacific Salmon (with Johnson and Trotter), 23(2):3-4 Feierabend, Lou, 18(4):14-17 Ferree, Charles E., 21(1):26 ferrule. See rods F. E. Thomas, 17(3):18-19 Field Q Stream (magazine), 23(3):25 1912 record fish, 24(4):9-15 Field Book, The, or Sports and Pastimes of the British Isles (Maxwell), 20(3):3 Fields, Wayne, What the River Knows: An Angler in Midstream, 17(3):23,24 fish management, Adirondack, zi(4):8-13 models, 18(3):7-13 prints, zo(3):lo-13 "Fish, The" (poem by E. Bishop), 23(1):14-15 Fisher, A. T., Rod and River, 17(2):23 "Fisherman, The" (poem by W. B. Yeats), 23(1):10 Fisherman's Fall (Haig-Brown), 17(1):8 Fisherman's Luck (Van Dyke), zi(z):i8-20 Fisherman's Weather (Aflalo), 22(3):10 Fishers' Craft Q Lettered Art: Tracts on Fishing from the End of the Middle Ages ( H o h a n n ) , 23(2):24, 24(1):2-10 Fishes of New England, The (Kendall), 17(1):3 Fish Facts and Fancies (Griswold), 17(1):3,22(3):10 Fishing (Cholmondeley-Pennell), 21(4):22 Fishing Atlantic Salmon: The Flies and the Patterns (Bates and Richards), 23(1):21-22,23(2):6-17 Fishing a Trout Stream (Connett), 17(2):17 Fishing Came First (Cole), 17(3):23,24 fishing clubs Adirondack League Club (ALC), 21(4):2-~,22(2):20 on the Beaverkill River, 22(4):20-23 North Woods Wdton Club, 21(4):3-4 Penobscot Salmon Club, Z Z ( ~ ) : C I , ~ - 6 Schuylkill Fishing Company, 21(3):14-18,23(3):19-22 Fishing from the Earliest Times (Radcliffe), 24(2):6 Fishing in Maine Lakes, or Camp L$e in the Wilderness (Stevens), 23(4):6 Fishing in Print, The: A Guided Tour Through Five Centuries of Angling Literature (Gingrich), 20(2):3 Fishing Memories (Arms), zl(3):zo-23 Fishing Rods by Divine (Sinclair), 20(2):16 Fishing Tackle (Frazer), 18(3):6 Fishing Tourist, The (Hallock), 17(1):23-24,21(2):~ Fishing with the Fly (Orvis and Cheney), 24(1):n Fitzgerald, f-stop, 23(1):23 Fitzgibbon, Edward Ephemera, Book of the Salmon, 18(2):9,20(3):4 Five Star Tackle Company, 18(4):14 Flick, Art, Master Fly-Tying Guide, 22(2):12 flies artificial, historical, 21(2):2-11, 22(4):2-9 books of, ~1(1):22,23(4):16-19 dyeing materials for, zo(3):~-9 early metal-bodied, 18(2):9-19 evolution of, 20(3):14-18 Macedonian, 22(4):2-9, 23(2):23-25 saltwater, 24(3):3, 4,5, 6 , 6 2 1 skrie Gallica, 23(1):3, 4,5, 6, 7 styles of, 19(4):15 Flies (Leonard), 24(1):11 Flies for Fish and Fishermen (Shaw and Kessler), 22(2):12 Floating Flies and How to Dress Them (Halford), 23(4):19 fly, by name Atlantic salmon dressings, 17(1):10-13 Ballyshannon, 23(2):7 Bass, 24(1):12-15 Beaulieu Peacock, 20(3):14 Behm, 24(1):20-23 Black Cosseboom, 23(2):12 Black Doctor, 23(2):1o Black Heron, 23 (2):12 Black Silk, 20(3):14 Black Skagit Spey, 17(1):10 Blue Black Teak, 20(3):14 Blue Doctor, 23(2):10 Bluefish, 24(3):18 Boulder Creek, 17(1):10 Brown, 23(2):7 Brown Heron, 17(1):10 Bunker, 24(3):6 Car Body, 17(1):10 Claret Montreal, 24(3):3 Claret Spey, 17(1):1o Coachman, 24(3):6 Cockroach, 24(3):16 Copper Killer, 23(2):12 Cosseboom, 23(2):14 Dark Daze, q(1):zo Dark Iris, 23(2):11 Delfur Fancy, 20(3):14, 23(4):~-15 Dirty Yellow (Crosfield), 20(3):17 Dragon's Tooth, 17(1):10 Drone Fly, 22(4):9 Durham Ranger, 24(3):12 Epoxy, 24(3):16 Frankee-Belle, 24(3):18 Gaudy, 23(2):7 Gibbs Striper Fly, 24(3):18 Gled Wing, 20(3):14 Golden Fly, 18(2):lo Golden Prince, 24(3):20 Gold Streak, i7(1):10 Gray Heron, 17(1):10 Green and Gold, 20(3):14 Hairwing, 23 (2):13,23(2)33-15 Haslam, zo(3):14 Helmsdale Doctor, 23(2):10 Horror, 24(3):18 Horsefly, 22(4):7 Invicta, 20(3):14 Iris, zo(3):y Janssen's Half Beak, 24(3):16 Janssen's Striper Fly, 24(3):16 Jeannie, 20(3):14 Jock Scott, 20(3):14, 20(3):17, 23(2):12, 23(2):8, 9-10, 24(3):11 "true" original, 17(2):22-26 Joe Brady, zo(3):14 Kilroy Pattern, 20(3):17 Lady Caroline, 20(3):14 Lake, 24(1):16-19 Little Inky Boy, 17(2):22-23 Macintosh pattern, 18(2):11 Mackintosh's Tartan, 18(2):16 Magog Smelt, 24(3):18 Major Pitcher, 18(3):18 March Brown, 20(3):14 Michigan Caddis, 19(3):16 Mitchell, 23(3):10 Needlefish, 24(3):20 Old Battenkill, 19(3):28 Orange Heron, 17(1):10 Orange Skagit Spey, 17(1):10 Per1 Max, zo(3):14 Pink Shrimp, 24(3):18 Purple Spey, 17(1):1o, 23(2):12 Red Doctor, 23(2):10 Red Gauntlet, 20(3):14 Red Spey, 23(2):12 Rusty Rat, 23(2):17 Sally, zo(3):14 Sand Eel, 24(3):18,24(3):4 Sawbelly, 24(3):4 Scarlet Ibis, 24(3):3 Sea-trout, 24(3):9-10 Silver Blue, zo(3):14 Silver Doctor, 20(3):14, 23(2):10, 23(2):12 Silver Fly, 18(2):11 Silver Peacock, zo(3):14 Silver Satan, 23(2):12 Silverside, 24(3):18 Silversides, z4(3):20,24(3):5 Silver Spey, 23(2):12 Silver Streak, 17(1):10 Smelt, 24(3):5 Spirit, 23(2):7 Thunder and Lightning, 23(2):12 Thurso Canary, 20(3):14 Tim Fly, lg(l):lo Tinker Mackerel, 24(3):20,24(3):6 Torrish, 23(2):12 Watson's Fancy, zo(3):14 Whitebait, 24(3):7-8 WINTER 1999 7 W h i t e Deceiver, 24(3):16 W h i t e Doctor, 23(2):io W h i t e Skagit Spey, 17(1):10 W h i t e Spey, 23(2):12 W h i t e W i n g , 20(3):14 William Rufus, zo(3):14 Yellow Skagit Spey, i7(1):10 Yellowstone Creeper, 23(2):11 Fly and the Fish, The (Atherton),19(4):12 fly casting, 20(2):18-19,24(3):24-25 Fly Fisher, The (Cameron),22(2):7 fly fishing. See angling; United States Fly Fishing (Grey),23(4):I5 Fly Fishing for Bonefish (Brown),22(2):4,24(3):19 Fly Fishing for Pacific Salmon (Ferguson, Johnson, and Trotter), 23(2):3-4 Fly-Fishing: Salmon, Trout, and Grayling (Hamilton),22(3):10 fly line manufacturing, 17(3):8-13 fly patterns, evolution o f , 18(2):9-19 Fly Patterns for the Rivers Q Lakes of Wales (Morgan),18(2):15 Fly Rods and Fly Tackle (Wells),17(3):12 fly tying, i7(1):11-13,21(1):18-19,23(2):10-~, 24(1):12-19 Art Winnie, 19(3):16-19 dyeing materials, z o ( 3 ) : ~ - 9 Reuben R. Cross, 21(1):8-13 saltwater, 24(3):16-21 women, 17(1):11-12,19(3):10,zo(l):g,Z Z ( Z ) : ~ - 23(4):25-26 U, Fly- Tying (Shaw),22(2):11,12 Fly Tying for Salmon (Taverner),17(1):3,23(2):11 Foggia, Lyla, 22(2):28 Reel Women: The World of Women W h o Fish, z z ( 2 ) : ~ - 1 3 See also Author Index Forest, Lake and River (Johnson),23(3):4 Forester, Frank, 19(1):7 Frank Forester's Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen, 19(4):15 Frank Forester's Fish and Fish of the United States, 19(4):15 Fowler, A. A., Ballad of Myra Gray, 17(1):3 France, fly fishing in, 23(1):2-8 France, Lewis B., 17(2):6-10 Mountain Trails and Parks in Colorado, 17(2):7 With Rod and Line in Colorado Waters, 17(2):7,zz(1):z-6,23(2):4, 18 See also Author Index Francis, Francis, Book on Angling, A, 17(2):23,18(2):10,14,15, 20(3):4 Franck, Richard, Northern Memoirs, 18(2):12 Frank Forester's Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen (Forester), 19(4):15 Frank Forester's Fish and Fish of the United States (Forester), 19(4):15 Frazer, Perry D., Fishing Tackle, 18(3):6 Fredrickson, Audun, 18(2):30 Frodin, Mikael, Classic Salmon Flies, 18(2):9 From Sea to Sea: Letters of Travel (Kipling),19(3):11 frontispieces, zo(2):zo-21 8 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R Fulsher, Keith, 24(3):36 Hair- Wing Atlantic Salmon Flies (with Krom), 23(2):14 Tying and Fishing the Thunder Creek Series, 24(3):2-4 See also Author Index Furman, Grover Coe, 17(1):18 Furman, William, 17(1):18 Galaise, Hallie Thompson, 20(1):9 Game Fish of the Northern States of America and British Provinces (Roosevelt), 18(2):15-16 Garrison, Edmund Everett, Master's Guide to Building a Bamboo Fly Rod, A (with Carmichael),17(3):20,20(2):15,22(1):24-25 Garrison rods, 17(3):20 Gene Edwards rods, 17(3):22 Germany, Julius v o m Hofe and, 24(4):2-4 Gessner, Conrad, 21(3):24,23(2):23 artificial flies in 1558,21(2):2-11 Bibliotheca universalis, 21(2):6 De piscium Q aquatilium animantium natura, 21(2):6-9,10 Historia Animalium, 19 (1):17,21(2):4,6,10, 23(2):23 G. H. Howells Rod Company, 17(3):20 Gibbs, Harold, 24(3):17 Gierach, John, Where the Trout Are All as Long as Your Leg, 17(3):23,24 Gilborn, Craig, 21(3):~3, 21(4):26 See also Author Index Gill, Emlyn M., Practical Dry-Fly Fishing, 23(4):19 Gillett, George, i8(3):n Gillum, H. S., i7(3):21 Gillum rods, 17(3):21-22 Gingrich, Arnold, 17(1):9,19(2):5,zo(z):cl,2-9, 20(4):22 Company of Anglers, A (ed.),20(2):3 Fishing in Print, The: A Guided Tour Through Five Centuries of Angling Literature, 20(2):3 fishing tackle and paraphernalia, 19(4):19 Joys of Trout, The, zo(z):3 Well-Tempered Angler, The, 19(4):19,20(2):3,20(4):22 Glasso, Sydney, 17(1):13,23(2):11 " G o Fishing" ( p o e m b y T. Hughes), 23(1):11 Golden Age of Fly Fishing, The (Coykendall, ed.), 23(4):16-20 Goode, G . Brown, American Fishes, 21(1):19 Goodspeed, Charles, Angling in America: Its Early History and Literature, 22(3):3,23(3):19 Goodwin, Jill, Dyer's Manual, A, 20(3):6 Gordon Garland, The, 17(1):9,17(2):3 Gordon, Theodore, 17(1):22,19(1):2,21(1):18 American Trout Fishing, 20(2):3 ceremony for, 22(1):7-9 fishing effects, 20 (2):22 Gould, J o h n M., How to Camp Out, 20(1):22-23 See also Author Index Grant, Gardner L., 19(2):12-15 See also Author Index Grayling, 19(1):6 demise in Michigan, 19(4):6-11 flies for, 21(3):24 Greased Line Fishing (Scott), 17(1):3,12 Great Salmon Rivers of Scotland, The (Cooper), 23(4):13 greenback trout, bringing back the, 24(4):5-8 "Green Bay Flies" (poem by J. Engels), 23(1):17 Greendrake, Gregory, Angling Excursions, 22(4):11 Gregory, Myron, fishing effects of, 22(3):19 Grey, Viscount, Fly Fishing, 23(4):15 Grey, Zane, 17(i):n, 12, 23(3):25 Tales of Freshwater Fishing, 17(1):11 Griswold, Frank Gray, Big and Little Fishes, 17(1):3 Cascapedia Club, The, 17(1):3 Fish Facts and Fancies, 17(1):3,22(3):10 Life History of the Atlantic and Pacific Salmon of Canada (with Hume), 17(1):3 Memoirs of a Salmon, 17(1):3 Observations on a Salmon River, 17(1):3 Salmon River, A, 17(1):3 Salmon Score of E Gray Griswold lgzo-zg,17(1):3 Salmo Salar, 17(1):3 Some Fish and Some Fishing, 17(1):3 Gruber, Ira, 23(2):15 Guide to Salmon Flies, A (Buckland and Oglesby), 18(2):9,14 gut, silkworm, 17(3):3-7 Habits of the Salmon, The (Traherne), 17(1):22 Haig-Brown, Roderick, 17(1):8,9 Fisherman's Fall, 17(1):8 Salmon, The, 17(1):3,4,9 See also Author Index Haigh, James, Dier's Assistant in the Art of Dying Wool and Woolen Goods, The, zo(3):3 hair, use of, 17(2):22-23,23(2):10 horse, 18(2):25-26 Hair- Wing Atlantic Salmon Flies (Fulsher and Krom), 23(2):14 Hale, J. H., How to Tie Salmon Flies, 17(2):23,20(3):4 Halford, Frederic M., Dry-Fly Man's Handbook, The, 23(4):19 Floating Flies and How to Dress Them, 23(4):19 Hallock, Charles, Fishing Tourist, The, 17(1):23-24,z l ( 2 ) : ~ Sportsman's Gazetteer, 22(4):12 See also Author Index Hamilton, Edward, Fly-Fishing: Salmon, Trout, and Grayling, 22(3):10 Handbook of Freshwater Fishing (Wulff), 17(2):2 Hansard, George, Trout Q Salmon Fishing in Wales, 18(2):10 Hardy Brothers, 18(3):9-lo,catalog, 17(3):12-~ Hardy, Campbell, Sporting Adventures in the New World: or Days and Nights of Moose-Hunting in the Pine Forests of Acadia, 18(2):16 harling, 17(1):20 Harris, J. R., Angler's Entomology, An, 18(2):14 "Hatch" (poem by J. Engels), 23(1):15 Hawes, Hiram, 22(2):22-23 Headley, Joel, Adirondack, The, or, Life in the Woods, 21(4):7-8 "Heaven" (poem by R. Brook), 21(4):22 Heintz, Karl, Angelsport in Susswasser, 24(2):15 Hemingway, exhibit, 17(3):26 Michigan trip, 20(3):28 Henderson, William, M y Life as an Angler, 18(2):9 Herbert, Henry William, 19(1):7 Hewitt, Edward Ringwood, 17(1):15,18(4):20,19(4):16 fly collection, 17(2):11 Secrets of the Salmon, 17(1):3 Telling on the Trout, 23(4):20 Hill, F., Salmon Fishing the Greased Line on Dee, Don, and Earn, 17(1):3 Hill, Warren Vander, 20(2):28 See also Author Index Historia Animalium (Gessner), 19(1):17,21(2):4,6,10, 23(2):23 History of a Line: From Plains to Peaks, Fishing and Hunting in Colorado (Bird), 17(2):8 History ofAngling, A (Trench), 21(4):19 H. L. Leonard Rod Company, 17(3):16-17 Hodgson, W. Earl, An Angler's Season, 24(4):16-26 Trout Fishing, 22(3):10 See also Author Index Hoffrnann, Richard C., 21(2):28, z4(1):p, 24(2):28 Fishers' Crafc Q Lettered Art: Tracts on Fishing from the End of the Middle Ages, 23(2):24,24(1):2-10 See also Author Index Hogan, Austin, 19(1):15,19(2):6,20(1):14 American Sporting Periodicals of Angling Interest, 19(1):15,19(2):6 Angler's American History, An, 19(1):15 Orvis Story, The (with Schullery), 19(1):15 Holden, George Parker, 22(1):24-25 Homer, Winslow, 20(1):10-14 Hoover, Herbert, 18(2):24 How and Where to Fish in Ireland (Hi-Regan), 17(2):23 Howells, Gary, 17(3):20, 22 Howlett, Robert, Angler's Sure Guide, The, 18(2):12 How to Camp Out (Gould), 20(1):22-23 How to Dress Salmon Flies (Pryce-Tannatt), 17(1):3,23(2):11-12 How to Tie Salmon Flies (Hale), 17(2):23, 20(3):4 Hubert, Joe, Salmon-Salmon, 23(2):12 Huggler, Tom, Trout Streams of Michigan, 19(4):11 Hume, R. D., Life History of the Atlantic and Pacific Salmon of Canada, 17(1):3 Hunter, James, 18(2):30 H. W. Hawes Rod Company, 22(2):22-23 I Go A'Fishing (Prime), 21(2):13 I1 libro pratico del pescatore all 'amo in acque dolci (Bruni), 24(2):3 Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fly Fishing, The (Calabi), 22(2):9 WINTER 1999 9 illustrations, zo(1):zo bookplate, z~(z):iz-17 early English, 19(3):2-9 early fishing, 23(3):14-18, 24(i):c1 fourth-century, 24(2):6-12 wood-block, 20 (3):zo-21 See also sporting prints index, 1985-lggo,i8(1):2-35 Ingraham, Henry A., American Trout Streams, I ~ ( z ) : u Innovative Saltwater Flies (Veverka), 24(3):16-21 In Pursuit of Salar (Bissell),17(1):3 Introduction to the History of Science (Sarton), 21(4):18 Irish Trout and Salmon Flies (Malone), 18(2):14 Italy, fishing in, 24(2):2-5 Jardine, Sir William, 17(1):4,7 Naturalist's Library, The, 17(1):7 J. B. Crook, 23(1):25 J. Cheek of London, 17(3):10 Jennings, Preston, 18(4):23,23(2):12-~ Book of Trout Flies, A, 18(4):23 J.G. Ward Rod Company, 23(1):25 J. L. Sage, 18(3):4 Joan Wulff'sFly Fishing (Wulff), 22(2):7 Johnson, Donald S., as executive director, 19(2):3~-33 See also Author Index Johnson, Frank Mackie, Forest, Lake and River, 23(3):4 Johnson, Les, Fly Fishing for Pacific Salmon (with Ferguson and Trotter), 23(2):3-4 Jones, Robert F., 17(1):28 See also Author Index Jones's Guide to Norway (Tolfrey), 20(3):4 Jordan, Gloria, Wes Jordan: Profile of a Rodmaker (with Spurr), 20(2):17 Joy, Audrey, 17(1):11-12 Joy, John, 17(1):1i Joys of Trout, The (Gingrich), 20(2):3 Kaufmann, Randall, Bonefishing with a Fly, 24(3):21 Keane, Martin, Classic Rods and Rodmakers, 17(3):14,20(2):13 Kelson, George Mortimer, zo(3):4, 23(2):7-8 Salmon Fly, The, 17(1):3,17(2):26,17(3):4,12, 18(2):io,23(2):12, 23(2):7-8 Kendall, W. C., Fishes ofNew England, The, 17(1):3 Kennebec River, 17(1):c3 Kessler, Hermann, 19(2):4 Flies for Fish and Fishermen (with Shaw), 22(2):12 Keyser, C. E., List of Buildings in Great Britain and Ireland Having Mural and Other Painted Decorations, A, 19(3):3 Kienbusch collection, 19(4):14 10 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R Kienbusch, Otto (von), 17(1):15,18(4):20-21 Kies, W. S., Salmon Fishing on the Restigouche, 17(1):3 Kinney, Lynda, 19(3):27 Kipling, Rudyard, 19(3):n, 1 9 ( 4 ) : ~ From Sea to Sea: Letters of Travel, 19(3):11 Klausmeyer, David R., 17(3):28,18(3):28,20(2):28 See also Author Index Knight, John Alden, 18(3):20-23 Modern Fly Casting, 18(3):23 Moon Up-Moon Down, 18(3):21 Theory of Fresh Water Angling, A, 18(3):23 Kosmic catalog, 17(3):12 Kovach, Rudi, 17(1):4 Kreider, Claude, Bamboo Rod, The, and How to Build It, 20(2):15 Krom, Charles, Hair- Wing Atlantic Salmon Flies (with Fulsher), 23(2):14 Kuralt, Charles, 17(2):4,5 L LaBranche, George, 18(2):4-8,18(4):19-20 Dry Fly and Fast Water, The, 18(2):4,18(4):19-20,23(4):19 Salmon and the Dry Fly, The, 17(1):3,23(2):16 Lafayette, General, visit to Schuylkill, 23(3):19-22 Lamb, Dana, 19(1):5 Lambuth, Letcher, ~4(3):17-18 Lanman, Charles, 18(4):7 Lansing, A., Recollections, 17(1):3 La peche moderne, encycloptdie du picheur (Petit), 23(1):2 Lascelles, Richard, Letters on Sporting, 18(2):14 La truite de riviire, peche a la mouche artificielle (Petit), 23(1):2, 4 Ledlie, David, 19(2):26 Lee, Patricia, Thyme and the River: Recipes from Oregon's Steamboat Inn (with Van Loan), 23(2):5 Leisenring, Jim, on the Platte, 19(3):18-19 Art of Tying the Wet Fly, The, 19(3):18,19 Leiser, Eric, Book of Fly Patterns, 24(3):21 Dettes, The: A Catskill Legend, 22(2):12 Leonard, Hiram Lewis, 17(1):20,17(3):16,~ ~ ( 2 ) : ~ ~ - 2 3 Leonard, J. Edson, Flies, 24(1):11 Lesch, Alma, Vegetable Dyeing, 20(3):6 Les mouches du picheur de truites (de Boisset), 23(1):2,3 Letters on Sporting (Lascelles), 18(2):14 Letters to a Salmon Fisher's Sons (Chaytor), 23(2):10 Libri de piscibus marinis (Rondelet), 21(2):6 Life History of the Atlantic and Pacific Salmon of Canada (Griswold and Hume), 17(1):3 Liles, J. N., Art and Crafr of Natural Dyeing, The, 20(3):6 List of Buildings in Great Britain and Ireland Having Mural and Other Painted Decorations, A (Keyser),19(3):3 Little Bighorn, Battle of, 19(4):25 Little Rivers (Van Dyke), 21(2):12,13 Livingston, Robert Forsyth, fishing collection of, 21(4):23 L. L. Dickerson, 17(3):17-18 London, model makers in, 18(3):9-10 Meek & Milam reels, 18(3):5 Melancholy Fate of the Spanish Salmon, The (Netboy), 1 8 ( 2 ) : ~ Melcher, James L., 21(1):26 Memoirs o f a Salmon (Griswold), 17(1):3 Memoranda Relating to Adirondack Fishes (Mather), 21(4):5 Mercer, Galen, 23(1):23 Merwin, John, ig(z):z8-p,zo(l):28,21(4):28 Well-Cast Lines: The Fisherman's Quotation Book, 21(4):14-17 See also Author Index Meyer, Nathan, 18(3):12 Middleton, Harry, On the Spine of Time, 17(3):23,24 Miller, Glenn, i7(2):11 MacKenzie, Malcolm, 18(2):30 Miller, Louise Brewster, 18(4):c2 Mackintosh, Alexander, Drifield Angler, The, 18(z):lo-11 Miller, Warren D., 20(2):28 Maclean, Norman, A River Runs Through It, 17(2):28,19(2):8 See also Author Index Macleay, W. A., 17(1):21 Milnor, William, Authentic Historical Memoir of the Schuylkill Magic Hours (Connett), 17(2):14,17 Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill, 23(3):19 Mahseer game fish, 17(1):21 See also Author Index Mdloch, P. D., 18(3):8-9 Minor Tactics of the Chalk Stream (Skues), 23(4):19-20 Malone, E. J., Irish Trout and Salmon Flies, 18(2):14 Mist on the River: Remembrances of Dan Bailey (Waterman), Marbury, Mary Orvis, 17(2):9,21(2):22,~ ~ ( 2 ) : s - 9 23(2):4 favorite bass and fancy lake flies, 24(1):11-19 Mitchell, Archibald, 24(4):9-15 Favorite Flies and Their Histories, 17(2):9,21(2):22, 21(4):6, on Ristigouche River, 23(3):2-~ 22(2):7,8,9, 23(3):4,10 Modern Fisher, The, or Drifield Angler (Mackintosh), 18(z):lo-11 Marinara, Vince, 17(3):22 Modern Fly Casting (Knight), 18(3):23 Markham, Gervase, Pleasures of Princes, The, 19(1):18 Modern Saltwater Sportfishing (Woolner), 22(4):24 Marschal, Harry S., Derrydale Press, The: A Bibliography (with Monnett, John H., 17(2):32,19(4):28 Siege1 and Oelgart), 17(2):12 Cutthroat ei. Campfire Tales: The Fly-Fishing Heritage of the Martin, Lothar H. H., 17(3):28 West, 23(2):2 See also Author Index See also Author Index Martuch, Leon, 19(2):16-17 Montague Rod & Reel Company, 20(2):16,23(1):24-25 See also Author Index Montgomery, M. R., Way ofthe Trout, The, 17(3):23,24 Mascall, Leonard, Booke of Fishing with Hooke and Line, A, 19(1):18 See also Author Index Masseini, Alvaro, 23(1):28,24(2):28 Moon Up-Moon Down (Knight), 18(3):21 See also Author Index Morgan, Moc, Fly Patternsfor the Rivers ei. Lakes of Wales, 18(2):15 Master Fly- Tying Guide (Flick), 22(2):12 Morgan, Paula "Stick," 23(2):26 Master's Guide to Building a Bamboo Fly Rod, A (Garrison and Morosky, Paul A., 23(3):28,24(4):34 Carmichael), 17(3):20, 20(2):1j, 22(1):24-2j See also Author Index Matching the Hatch (Schwiebert), 19(1):19 Morris, Holly, Uncommon Waters: Women Write About Fishing Mather, Fred, Memoranda Relating to Adirondack Fishes, 21(4):5 (ed.), 17(3):23,24 Mathewson, Jon C., 18(3):2j, 22(2):26 mountain ash cocktail, 22(2)20-21 See also Author Index Mountain Trails and Parks in Colorado (France), 17(2):7 Maxims and Hints on Angling, Chess, Shooting, and Other Matters Mundt, John, 17(3):28,22(3):28 (Perm), l9(4):17 See also Author Index Maxwell, Sir Herbert, Salmon and Sea Trout, 17(2):26,18(2):14, Mustard, Frances, Easy Dyeing, 20(3):6 My Friend the Trout (Connett), 17(2):19-20 23(2):9 Maxwell, W. H., Field Book, The, or Sports and Pastimes of the My Life as an Angler (Henderson), 18(2):9 British Isles, 20(3):3 My Secret Fish-Book Life (Lyons), 18(z):zo-23 McBride, Sara Jane, 22(2):7-8 McClane's Standard Fishing Encyclopedia, 17(1):2 McDonald, John, Complete Fly Fisherman, The, 23(2):13 Origins ofdngling, The, 21(3):24,23(2):6 Name of the Rose, The (Eco), 24(2):2 Medicina piscium, 19(1):16 Native Trout of Western North America (Behnke), 23(2):2 Medieval Technology and Social Change (White), 21(4):18 Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing (Adrosko), 20(3):6 Medwin, Thomas, Angler in Wales, The, or Days and Nights of Naturalist's Library, The (Jardine),17(1):7 Sportsmen, 18(2):10,14 W I N T E R 1999 11 Long Island, New York, in 1873,19(1):zo-22 Lyman, Henry, Complete Book of Striped Bass Fishing (with Woolner), 22(4):24 Tackle Talk (with Woolner), 22(4):24 Lyons, Nick, 17(2):32, 18(2):32 25th Anniversary address, 19(4):2z-23 My Secret Fish-Book Life, 18(~):20-23 See also Author Index Nauheim, Bob, 24(3):19 Needham, Joseph, Science and Civilisation in China, 21(4):18 Needham, Omar, fishing effects of, 20(3):19 Netboy, Anthony, Atlantic Salmon, A Vanishing Species?, The, 17(1):3 Melancholy Fate of the Spanish Salmon, The, 18(2):13 Salmon, The World's Most Harassed Fish, 17(1):3 Nick Lyons Books, i8(z):zo-23 1912 record fish, Field & Stream, z4(4):9-15 Nobbes, Robert, Complete Troller, The, 18(2):12 Noel Buxton, 17(3):13 Nogay, Michael Edward, 18(3):28 See also Author Index Norris, Charles M., 19(1):6 Norris, J. Robert Jr., 21(1):28 See also Author Index Norris, Thaddeus, 19(4):7-8,lo-n, 21(1):14-20,21 American Angler's Book, The, 18(2):16,19(4):15,21(1):14,15,16,1718,19 American Fish Culture, 21(1):19, 21 Northern Memoirs (Franck), 18(2):12 Northrup, Ansell Judd, Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks, and Grayling Fishing in Northern Michigan, 19(4):9-lo, 21(4):7 North Woods Walton Club, 21(4):3-4 Norton, Jeffrey, 20(3):28 See also Author Index "Pacific Salmon" (poem by R. Haig-Brown), 17(1):9 Pacific slope, 17(1):23-24 Page, Margot, 17(1):c2,17(3):23,24 See also Author Index Partridge, William, Practical Treatise on Dyeing, A, 20(3):3, 6 Patapedia River, New Brunswick, Canada, 17(1):14-17 Paton, Edward, 17(1):19 Patton, George S., 18(2):24 Paul H. Young Company, 17(3):20-21 Payne, Jim, 17(3):15 Pellicane, Al, 18(3):28 See also Author Index Penn, Richard, Maxims and Hints on Angling, Chess, Shooting, and Other Matters, 19(4):17 Penobscot River, Maine, zz(3):~-9 Penobscot Salmon Club, Brewer, Maine, 22(3):ci, 4-6 Perkins, Leigh H., i9(2):7-11 See also Author Index Perluns, Randall, 24(3):~2 Petit, Albert, 23(1):2 La peche moderne, encycloptdie du ptcheur, 23(1):2 La truite de rivikre, peche a la rnouche artificielle, 23(1):2,4 Phair, Charles, Atlantic Salmon Fishing, 17(1):2, 17(2):16,23(2):14 Phillips, George, 24(3):19 Phillipson, Philip William, 21(2):21 Phillipson Rod Company, artifacts of, 21(2):21 plaques, fish, 18(3):7-13 Pleasures ofAngling with Rod and Reel for Trout and Salmon, The Observations on a Salmon River (Griswold), 17(1):3 (Dawson), 21(4):28, 23(2):4, 24(1):24-28 "October Salmon" (poem by T. Hughes), 23(i):iz-13 Pleasures of Princes, The (Markham), 19(1):18 Oelgart, Isaac, Book of Small Flies, A, 18(3):19 Pleissner, Ogden, 17(1):22 Derrydale Press, The: A Bibliography (with Siege1 and Marschal), "Poem of Silk and a Fisherman, A" (poem by Liyu), zi(4):zo 17(2):12 Poetry, fishing, 23(1):9-20 Oglesby, Arthur, Guide to Salmon Flies, A (with Buckland), 18(2):9, Pole, Edward, 17(3):9,12 14 Popovics, Bob, 24(3):21 Olds, Edward A. Jr., 24(4):9 Porter, William T., 19(1):4 Old Soldier (Bourjaily), i7(3):23,24 postal stamps, fishing fly, 18(3):16-17 Oncorhynchus clarki stomias, 24(4):5-8 posting, stream, 22(4):16-23 Oncorhynchus mykiss, 17(1):13 Powell, E. C., i7(3):19 One Man's Steelhead Shangri-La (Wahl), 23(2):4 Practical Dry-Fly Fishing (Gill), 23(4):19 On the Characteristics of Animals (Elian), 21(2):6 Practical Treatise on Dyeing, A (Partridge), 20(3):3, 6 On the Spine of Time (Middleton), 17(3):23,24 Presidential Salmon, zz(3):6-8 Oregon Waters Fly Company, 17(1):11,12 Preylowski, Jiirgen F., i7(2):32,23(4):28,24(i):3i,24(2):28,24(4):34 Origins of Angling, The (McDonald), 21(3):24,23(2):6 See also Author Index Orvis, Charles Frederick, 17(3):9,12,21 Price, Everett, 23(2):15 Fishing with the Fly (with Cheney), 24(i):n Price, G. Wood, Story of the Salonika Army, The, 22(4):5 start of company, 20(1):6-9 Pris sur le vi$ ombres, truites, saumons (Ritz), 23(1):2 Orvis Company, 17(3):10,21, 19(1):3,19(2):7-8,20(2):17,20(3):19, Price, John, 24(3):cz, 24(3):30 21(2):22,24(1):11 Prosek, James, 22(3):20 Orvis, Franklin, 20(1):6-7 Pryce-Tannatt, T. E., How to Dress Salmon Flies, 17(1):3,23(z):n-12 Orvis Story, The (Hogan and Schullery), 19(1):15 See also Author Index Outdoors Unlimited (Block), 22(2):2 Pulitzer, Joseph 11,23(2):17 12 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R Radcliffe,William, Fishing from the Earliest Times, 24(2):6 Ragland, Nat, 24(3):19 Ramsbottom, Robert, Salmon and Its Artificial Propagation, The, 21(1):21 Ramsbottom, Robert Jr., 21(1):21 Random Casts (Connett),17(2):17 Rangeley's Favorite Trout and Salmon Flies, 19(3):10,22(2):9 Recollections (Lansing), 17(1):3 Redford, Robert, 17(2):28,19(2):8 reels Atlantic salmon, 17(1):18-21 earliest, 23(3):14-18 favorite, 17(3):14-i5,22-23 introduction o f , 18(2):11-12 origin of,21(4):18-22 vom Hofe, 24(4):3,4 reels, b y popular n a m e Barton D r y Fly, 17(2):20-21 B.C. Milam, 18(3):3,5, 6 Edward Paton Revolving-plate, 17(1):20 Edward V o m H o f e Restigouche, 17(1):21 Folding Crank Fly, 17(1):19 G. C. Furman Saltwater, 17(1):18 George Main Hinged Checkplate, 17(1):20 Hewitt, 18(4):21 H . L. Leonard 1877 Patent Bimetal, 17(1):20 J.C . Conroy & Co. Ball-handle, 17(1):19 J.L. Sage, 18(3):4 Kentucky, 18(3):2-6 Meek & Milam, 18(3):5 N e w York Ball-handle, 17(1):19 spike-mount, 17(1):18 Thomas's 1896 Patent Mahseer, 17(1):21 W.A. Macleay Salmon Fly with Palming Ring, 17(1):21 Reel Women: The World of W o m e n W h o Fish (Foggia),22(2):2-13 Reid, Bill, 17(1):4,5 Rennie's Alphabet of Angling, 19(4):15 Rhode, Homer, 24(3):17 Richards, Pamela Bates, 21(1):26,23(2):28 Fishing Atlantic Salmon: The Flies and the Patterns ( w i t h Joseph Bates), 23(i):zi-22, 23(2):6-17 See also Author Index Richey, George, 19(3):28 See also Author Index Rickard, William Howard Jr., 24(4):7-8 Ristigouche and Its Salmon Fishing, The (Sage),17(1):2,23(3):6-7, 24(4):fl Ristigouche River, N e w Brunswick, Canada, 23(3):2-13,24(4):9-15 Ritz, Charles, 17(1):22,ZO(I):ZI-22 Pris sur le v$ ombres, truites, saumons, 23(1):2 River Runs Through It, A (Maclean),17(2):28,19(2):8 River Tweed, Scotland, 17(2):24-25 Robinson, A. H., 18(3):10 Robinson, Alan James, 23(z):c3 Robinson, Helen, 22(2):6 Robson, Kenneth, Robson's Guide, 22(4):8 Robson's Guide (Robson), 22(4):8 Rod and River (Fisher), 17(2):23 Rod in India, The ( T h o m a s ) ,i7(1):21 Rod, Pole 6 Perch (Cameron),22(4):4 rods books about, z o ( 2 ) : ~ - 1 7 favorite bamboo, 17(3):14-23 five-strips and the Super-Z, 18(4):14-17 staggered ferrule, z o ( i ) : z ~ - 2 2 Rogan, Michael, zo(3):g Rolls, Eric, They All R a n Wild, 20(4):8 Roman Antiquities a t Lydney Park, Gloucestershire (Bathurst), 24(2):6 Rondelet, Guillaume, Libri depiscibus marinis, 21(2):6 Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell, Game Fish of the Northern States of America and British Provinces, i8(2):15-16 Rosenbauer, T o m , 17(2):32,21(1):26 See also Author Index , Runnymede Lodge, 2 3 ( 3 ) : z - ~24(4):9-15 Rural Sports (Daniels),18(2):14 Russell, J o h n Bucknell, 18 (3):7-8 Sage, Dean, Ristigouche and Its Salmon Fishing, The, 17(1):2, 23(3):6-7,24(4):11 Salminen, Ray, 23(4):28 See also Author Index Salmo gairdneri, 17(1):13 Salmon, The (Haig-Brown), 17(1):3,4,9 Salmon and Its Artificial Propagation, The (Ramsbottom), 21(1):21 Salmon and Sea Trout (Maxwell),17(2):26,18(2):14,23(2):9 Salmon and the Dry Fly, The (LaBranche),17(1):3,23(2):16 salmon books, classic, 17(1):2-3 Salmon Fishing (Taverner), 18(2):14,23(2):11 Salmon Fishing i n Canada (Alexander), 18(2):15 Salmon Fishing on Cain River N e w Brunswick (Sturges),17(1):2-3, 21(1):3-7 Salmon Fishing o n the Grand Cascapedia (Davis), 17(1):3 Salmon Fishing on the Restigouche (Kies), 17(1):3 Salmon Fishing the Greased Line on Dee, Don, and Earn (Hill), 17(1):3 Salmon Fly, The (Kelson), 17(1):3,17(2):26,17(3):4,12, 18(2):10, 23(2):12,23(2):7-8 Salmonia, or Days of Fly Fishing (Davy),18(2):10,Z Z ( ~ ) : I ~ - 1 8 , 23(3):19 Salmon of the World (Schwiebert), 17(1):3 Salmon on the Dry Fly (Wertheim),17(1):3 Salmon portfolio, 17(1):a,4-7 Salmon River, A (Griswold), 17(1):3 Salmon Rivers of Iceland, The (Stewart), 17(1):3 Salmon-Salmon (Hubert),23(2):12 W I N T E R 1999 13 Salmon Score of E Gray Griswold, 1920-29 (Griswold), 17(1):3 Salmo Salar (Griswold), 17(1):3 Salmon, The World's Most Harassed Fish (Netboy), 17(1):3 Salomon, Karl, Die Kunst und die Grundlagen des Fliegenfischens (with Stolzle), zi(z):4 saltwater angling, 20(1):15-19, 24(3):2-27 Saltwater Fly Fishing (Sand), 22(2):4 Samuel, William, Arte of Angling, The, 21(4):20-21,23(2):6,24 Samuels, E. A., With Rod and Gun in New England and the Maritime Provinces, 23(3):4 Sand, George X., Saltwater Fly Fishing, 22(2):4 Sandham, Henry, 19(1):8 San Tshai Thu Hui, 21(4):18 Sarton, G., Introduction to the History of Science, 21(4):18 Saunders, James, Complete Fisherman, The, 18(2):13 Sawada, Ken, Art of the Classic Salmon Fly, The, 17(1):3 Schaaf, James W., Dickerson: The Man and His Rods (with Stein), 20(2):14 Schloff, Ivan, 20(2):27-28 Schubart, C.F.D., 24(4):27-28 Schubert, Franz, 24(4):27-28 Schullery, Paul, 21(4):28, 23(2):28 American Fly Fishing: A History, 22(2):7,9, 22(3):17, 22(4):25 as museum historian, i9(2):22-27 Orvis Story, The (with Hogan), 19(1):15 See also Author Index Schuylkill Fishing Company, 21(3):14-18,23(3):19-22 Schwarzkopf, General H. Norman, i7(3):cz, 26, 19(2):8 Schwiebert, Ernest, Matching the Hatch, 19(1):19 Salmon of the World, 17(1):3 Trout, 17(3):14,20(2):13 Science and Civilisation in China (Needham), 21(4):18 Scotland fishing in, 18(2):14-15,18(3):ci fish models and plaques, 18(3):7-9 Scott, Jock, l7(2):23-24,26, 23(2):9 Scott, Lord John, i7(2):24,23(2):9 Scott's Fishing in American Waters (Scott), 19(4):15 sea trout, zo(i):i5-16,17 Secrets of Angling (Denny), 19(1):18 Secrets of the Salmon (Hewitt), 17(1):3 Sharf, Frederic A., fishing collection, 20(4):23 Shaw, Helen, ~~(2):ii-12 Flies for Fish and Fishermen (with Kessler), 22(2):12 Fly- Tying, 22(2):11,12 Shewmaker, Kenneth E., 18(4):28 See also Author Index Shoff, Clarence, 17(1):12 Siegel, Henry A., Derrydale Press, The: A Bibliography, (with Marschal and Oelgart), 17(2):12 silk, 17(3):cz,2 in fly fishing, 19(1):16-19 fly line manufacturing, i7(3):8-13 history of silkworm gut, i7(3):3-7 Simes, Patrick R., 22(3):28 See also Author Index 14 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R Simpson, R. T., Collection of Wroth Silver, The, 17(2):22,23(2):9 Sinclair, Michael, Colorado Classic Cane: A History of the Colorado Bamboo Rod Makers (with Spurr), ZO(Z):U-14 Fishing Rods by Divine, 20(2):16 Skues, G.E.M., Minor Tactics of the Chalk Stream, 23(4):19-20 Smith, "Bonefish" Bonnie, 22(2):3-4 Smith, Harry, 17(1):13 Smith, 0.W., Trout Lore, zz(3):io Smith, Ray F., 17(3):10 Smith, Ray R., 20(3):28 See also Author Index Solunar Theory, 18(3):21-23 Some Fish and Some Fishing (Griswold), 17(1):3 Sonderman, Sean, 24(4):31-32 Spirit of the Times, 19(1):4 SportingAdventures in the New World: or Days and Nights of Moose-Hunting in the Pine Forests of Acadia (Hardy), 18(2):16 sporting camps, i9(1):9-14 See also fishing clubs sporting prints, ~ ~ ( 1 ) : ~ o - 2 3 See also illustrations Sportsman, The (magazine), charter of, 23(4):17 Sportsman in Canada, The (Tolfrey),18(2):15 Sportsman's Gazetteer (Hallock), 22(4):12 Spurr, Dick, 20(2):13 Bamboo Rod Makers (with Sinclair), zo(z):i3-14 Classic Bamboo Rod Makers Past and Present, 20(2):15 Colorado Classic Cane: A History of the Colorado, 20(2):~-14 Wes Jordan: Profile of a Rodmaker (with Jordan), 20(2):17 steelhead fly fishing, i7(i):io-13 Steelhead Fly Fishing: Tackle and Techniques, the Great Rivers, the Anglers and Their Fly Patterns (Combs), z3(2):3 Stein, Gerald S., M.D., 17(3):28 Dickerson: The Man and His Rods (with Schaaf), 20(2):14 See also Author Index Steinhacker, Charles, 20(3):28 See also Author Index Stetzko, Anton, 22(2):19 Stevens, Carrie G., 19(3):10,zz(z):9-lo Stevens, Charles W., Fishing in Maine Lakes, or Camp L$e in the Wilderness,23(4):6 Stewart, R. N., Salmon Rivers of Iceland, The, 17(1):3 Stoddart, Thomas Tod, Angling Reminiscences, 18(2):10 Stolzle, Adolf, Die Kunst und die Grundlagen des Fliegenfischens (with Salomon), 21(2):4 Story of the Salonika Army, The (Price), 22(4):5 Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing (Bates), 22(2):10, 23(2):13 Streamers and Bucktails: The Big Fish Flies (Bates), 22(2):9, 24(3):17 striped bass, 19(1):7,20(1):16,17 Sturges, Lee, Salmon Fishing on Cain River New Brunswick, 17(1):23, 21(1):3-7 Swanson, Ronald S., 18(3):28 See also Author Index tackle. See reels; rods Tackle Talk (Woolman and Lyman), 22(4):24 Tait, Arthur Fitzwilliam, 19(1):5 Talbot, Al, 17(3):22 Tales of Freshwater Fishing (Grey), 17(1):11 Tanner, Gary P., 23(3):c3 See also Author Index tarpon, 24(3):22-23 Taschenbuch der Angelfischerei (Von dem Borne), 24(2):18 Taverner, Eric, Fly Tying for Salmon, 17(1):3, 23(2):11 Salmon Fishing, 18(2):14,23(2):11 Taylor, James S., 17(1):4,5 Taylor, Samuel, Angling in All its Branches, 18(2):14 Telling on the Trout (Hewitt), 23(4):20 "Testament of a Fisherman" (R. Traver), 21(1):~3 Theory of Fresh Water Angling, A (Knight), 18(3):23 They All Ran Wild (Rolls), 20(4):8 Thomas & Thomas, 17(3):21 Thomas Aquinas Daly Exhibit, 21(2):23 Thomas, Fred, 17(3):18 Thomas, George, 22(3):20 Thomas, Henry Sullivan, Rod in India, The, q ( l ) : u Thompson, Roy Angus, 17(1):q Thyme and the River: Recipes from Oregon's Steamboat Inn (Van Loan and Lee), 23(2):5 T'ien Chu Ling Ch'ien, 21(4):18 Tim Pond Camps, Maine, 19(1):9-14 Tisch, Richard G., 18(2):30 See also Author Index Tolfrey, Frederick, Jones's Guide to Norway, 20(3):4 Sportsman in Canada, The, 18(2):15 Towslee, Laura, ig(z):z7 Traherne, John P., Habits of the Salmon, The, 17(1):22 transportation, early, 22(4):10-15 Traub, Charles H., An Angler's Album: Fishing in Photography and Literature, 17(2):4-5 Travels (Bartram), 22(3):16-18 Traver, Robert, Anatomy of a Fisherman, 17(3):25,18(3):15 fishing effects of, 17(3):25 list of novels by, 18(3):15 Trout Madness, 17(3):25,18(3):15 Trout Magic, 17(3):25,18(3):15 See also Author Index Treasury of Reels, A (Brown), i8(3):3-4 Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, A, (Berners), 17(1):3,17(2):13, 17(3):8,23-24, 19(1):17,19(3):2,4,8,9, 21(2):3,10,12, 23(2):6,24 Trench, Charles Chenevix, History of Angling, A, 21(4):19 Trotter, Patrick C., Cutthroat: Native Trout of the West, 23(2):3 Fly Fishing for Pacific Salmon (with Ferguson and Johnson), 23(2):3-4 "Trout" (poem by S. Heaney), 23(1):10 Trout (Schwiebert), 17(3):14,20(2):13 Trout 6 Salmon Fishing in Wales (Hansard), 18(2):10 trout art, 24(4):27-28 Trout Fishing (Hodgson), 22(3):10 Trout Hunting (Woolner), 22(4):24 Trout Lore (Smith), 22(3):10 Trout Madness (Traver), 17(3):25,18(3):15 Trout Magic (Traver), 17(3):25,18(3):15 Trout Streams of Michigan (Huggler), 19(4):11 Tully, John, 18(3):8 Tying and Fishing the Thunder Creek Series (Fulsher), 24(3):2-4 Uncommon Waters: Women Write About Fishing (Morris, ed.), 17(3):23,24 United States Battenkill River, Vermont, zo(1):~-9 Catskill Mountains fishing, 20(4):10-21,22(4):16-23 Colorado fishing, zz(1):~-6,24(4):5-8 early transportation, z2(4):10-15 fish importation, 21(1):~1-22 fish models and plaques, 1 8 ( 3 ) : n - ~ fly casting on the frontier, zo(z):l8-19 Long Island, New York, 19(i):zo-22 Pacific slope, 17(1):23-24 Penobscot River, Maine, zz(3):~-9 sporting camps, 19(1):9-14 Virginia fishing, zi(3):~-u Western fishing, z~(z):z-5 Wyoming trout, 21(3):20-23 See also Fishing clubs Upland Stream: Notes on the Fishing Passion (Wetherell), 17(3):23, 24 U.S. Line Company, 17(3):11 Van Dyke, Henry, Fisherman's Luck, 21(2):18-20 Little Rivers, 21(2):12,13 See also Author Index Van Loan, Sharon, Thyme and the River: Recipes from Oregon's Steamboat Inn (with Lee), 23(2):5 Van Put, Ed, 22(4):28 Beaverkill, The, 22(4):16-23 See also Author Index Varney, George, 23(1):25 Vegetable Dyeing (Lesch), 20(3):6 Venables, Robert, Experienc'd Angler, The, 21(4):19,21 Vermont Tradition (Canfield), 20(1):3 Veverka, Bob, 24(3):36 Innovative Saltwater Flies, 24(3):16-21 See also Author Index Voelker, John D., i7(3):25 fishing effects of, 18(3):14-16 See also Author Index W I N T E R 1999 15 winches, introduction of, 18(2):ii-12 Wing Shooting and Angling (Connett), 17(2):17 Winnie, Arthur Garfield, i9(3):16-18 Winston Rod Company, 17(3):22 With Rod and Gun in New England and the Maritime Provinces (Samuels), 23(3):4 With Rod and Line in Colorado Waters (France), 17(2):7,22(1):2-6, 23(2):4,18 women, 17(3):24, 19(1):3,19(3):~,20(1):23, 21(3):19 Wahl, Ralph, One Man's Steelhead Shangri-La, 23(2):4 anglers, zi(2):18-20, 21(3):20-23, zz(z):z-6,24(i):ii-i9 Walden, Howard T. II,19(4):18 clothing for, 24(2):18 Walker, Arthur, 17(1):21 fly tyers, 17(1):11-12,i9(3):10,20(1):~,22(2):7-13,23(4):25-26 Walsh, David H., 21(2):27 See also Reel Women: The World of Women Who Fish (Foggia) Walton, Izaak, CompleatAngler, The (and Cotton), 17(3):8,18(4):11, Woods, Craig, in memoriam, 1951-1992,18(3):cz 21(2):4,12,14, 21(4):20,22(4):10,23(2):6,24(4):27 See also Author Index Waterman, Charles F., Mist on the River: Remembrances of Dan Woods, James C., 21(2):27 Bailey, 23(2):4 Woolner, Frank, Complete Book of Striped Bass Fishing (with Waters of Yellowstone with Rod and Fly, The (Back), 23(2):5 Lyman), 22(4):24 Way of the Trout, The (Montgomery), 17(3):23,24 fishing effects of, 22(4):24 weather lore, 22(3):10-15 Modern Saltwater Spor*shing, 22(4):24 Webster, Daniel, 18(2):24 Tackle Talk (with Lyman), 22(4):24 as angler, 18(4):c1,2-13 Trout Hunting, 22(4):24 Weigle, Palmy, Ancient Dyes for Modern Weavers, 20(3):6 World War 11, fly fishing and, 23(4):io-n Well-Cast Lines: The Fisherman's Quotation Book (Merwin), Wright, James, 17(2):22 21(4):14-17 Wulff, Joan, Joan Wulfs Fly Fishing, 22(2):7 Wells, Henry, Fly Rods and Fly Tackle, i7(3):12 Wulff, Lee, 23(2):16 Wells, Sam, 17(1):11 Atlantic Salmon, The, 17(1):3,23(2):9,16 Well-Tempered Angler, The (Gingrich), 19(4):19,20(2):3, 20(4):22 Handbook of Freshwater Fishing, 17(2):2 Wertheim, M., Salmon on the Dry Fly, 17(1):3 in memoriam: 1905-1991, i7(2):2-4 Wes Jordan: Profile of a Rodmaker (Spurr and Jordan), 20(2):17 www.amff.com, 24(4):30-31 Wetherell, W. D., Upland Stream: Notes on the Fishing Passion, Wynn, Don, 23(3):23 17(3):23,24 Wharton, Joe, i7(i):ii, 1 2 , ~ What the River Knows: An Angler in Midstream (Fields), 17(3):23, 24 Yeats, W. B., zo(z):io-12 Wheeler, Charles E. "Shang," 18(3):11-12 Young Sportsman? Instructor (G. M.), 18(2):12 Wheeler, David, 20(2):28 See also Author Index Where the Trout Are All as Long as Your Leg (Gierach), 17(3):23,24 Where the Trout Hide (Clarke), 21(2):13 White, Lynn, Medieval Technology and Social Change, 21(4):18 Zern, Ed, 20(3):23 Wickstrom, Gordon M., 18(4):28,19(3):28,20(2):28,23(2):28, Zincavage, J. David, 17(2):32 23(4):28,24(4):34 See also Author Index See also Author Index Zwarg, Otto, 17(1):2i Wilcox, Sara, 24(3):30 Vom Hofe, Edward, i7(i):zi, 24(4):3,4 Vom Hofe, Julius, 24(4):2-4 Von dem Borne, Max, Taschenbuch der Angelfischerei,24(2):18 Von Kienbusch, Otto, 17(1):15,18(4):20-21 Von Lengerke & Detmold, 23(1):25 16 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R AUTHOR INDEX Index of authors publishing in The American Fly Fisher. Illustration or caption page references are in italics. Articles, poems, or short stories are in quotation marks. Books, magazines, and foreign language words are in italics. Editors contributions are in brackets. References are by volume(number):page. ci indicates front cover. c2 indicates inside front cover. c3 indicates back cover. Companies are listed alphabetically by proper name. Achor, Kathleen "Access" (editorial), zz(4):cz "Century of Salt, A" (editorial), 24(3):cz "Ice Interlude" (editorial), 23(1):c2 "International Cast, An" (editorial), 24(2):~2 "Old Haunts" (editorial), 24(4):cz "Role Cast" (editorial), 22(3):c2 "Summer Stock" (editorial), 23(3):cz "Thaw" (editorial), 23(2):~2 "Travels" (editorial), q(4):cz "Voices" (editorial), 24(1):~2 [Achor, Kathleen] "Board Names New Executive Director" (editorial), 23(3):c3 "Festival Weekend:' 22(3):22, 24(3):28 "Museum Exhibits," 22(2):19, 22(3):20, 23(1):23, 23(2):~3, 23(3):23,23(4):22 "October:' 24(4):16 "Piscatory Poetics," 23(1):9-20 "The Pleasures of Angling," 24(1):25 "Salmonia: Or Days of Fly Fishing:' 22(2):14 "Theodore Gordon: A Ceremony and Letters," 22(1):7 "Weather Lore and the Opinions of Anglers," 22(3):10-15 Adams, Robert Jr., "The Oldest Club in America:' 21(3):14-18 Angler's and Shooter's Press, The, "Eugene V. Connett I11 and the Derrydale Press:' 17(2):12-19 Arms, Dorothy Noyes, "Fishing Memories: Wyoming Trout," 21(3):20-23 Atherton, Maxine, "Old Friends from the Golden Age:' 18(4):18-21 Bashline, Jim, "Winslow Homer: A Down East Story:' zo(l):10-14 Bates, Joseph D. Jr. and Pamela Bates Richards, "From the Old to the New in Salmon Flies:' 23(2):6-17 Beaufort, Duke of (ed.), and Alfred E. T. Watson, "Fly Fishing in the Sea," 24(3):7-12 Behnke, Bob, "The Ramsbottom Family-Fish Culturists:' 21(1):21-22 Behnke, Robert J., "The Case of the Disappearing Drink," 22(2):20 Belknap, Timothy, "George LaBranche's High Holt: A Place in His Life and Work:' 18(2):4-8 Betts, John, "Some of Marbury's Favorite Bass and Fancy Lake Flies," 24(1):11-19 Bonbright, George D. B., "Talung Tarpon With a Fly," 24(3):22-23 Bort, Mary Hard, "Museum Find:' 21(2):22 Bronstad, M. T. Jr., "Lee Sturges: The Search for the Film of Salmon Fishing on Cain River," 21(1):2-7 Bronstad, Ted, "A Bit More on Gingrich," 20(4):22 Brooke, Rupert, "Heaven" (poem), 21(4):22 Brown, Jim, "Atlantic Salmon Reels of the Past," i7(1):18-21 "Thomas Aquinas Daly Exhibition," 21(2):23 Buller, Frederick "The Earliest English Illustrations of an Angler:' i9(3):2-9 "The Earliest Fishing Reel: A New Perspective," 23(3):14-18 "Fourth-Century European Illustration of a Salmon Angler, A" 24(2):6-12 "The Macedonian Fly," 22(4):2-9 "Origin of the Reel:' 21(4):18-22 Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans, "The Salmon Portfolio," 17(1):4-7 WINTER 1999 17 Catalfimo, Don, "Classic Salmon Books:' 17(1):2-3 Cohen, Albert J., "Some Thoughts About Salmon Fly Evolution, Early Metal-Bodied Salmon Flies, (A Bit About Mixed Wings, Also), and a Yorkshireman:' i8(2):9-19 Combs, Trey, "Atlantic Salmon Dressings in Steelhead Fly Fishing:' y(i):io-13 Conley, Spence, "Back to the Future: The Historic Tim Pond Camps:' 19(1):9-14 Coykendall, Ralf Jr. (ed.), "The Golden Age of Fly Fishing:' 23(4):16-20 Crisp, Norm, "A Trout by a Hair:' 18(2):25-26 Davy, Sir Humphrey, "Salmonia: or Days of Fly Fishing:' 22(2):1418 Dawson, George, "The Pleasures of Angling:' 24(1):24-28 Day, Dr. Walter DeForest, "The Fishicians Club Outing, Spring 1865:' zo(4):io-21 Dennis, Jerry, "The Demise of the Michigan Grayling:' 19(4):6-11 Dimock, A.W. and Julian A., "Saltwater Fly Fishing:' 24(3):13-15 Dunn, Bob, "The Grand Experiment: Angling in Australia:' 20(4):2-9 F Finlay, Dick, "A Few Memories:' 19(2):3 Fisher, Alanna D., "The Museum's Collection from Then to NOW,"19(2):34-35 [Fisher,Alanna D.], "1993 Donations to the Collections:' 20(1):2627 Foggia, Lyla, "Reel Women: The World of Women Who Fish," zz(z):z-13 France, Lewis B., "With Rod and Line in Colorado Waters:' zz(1):~-6 Fulsher, Keith, "Saltwater Thoughts Revisited:' 24(3):2-6 G Gilborn, Craig "Camelot Reprisedn(editorial), Z Z ( ~ ) : C ~ "Collections: Hoard or Trove?" (editorial), zz(4):c3 "Is There a Visitor in This Audience?" (editorial), zi(4):c3 "Museums and the Inimitable" (editorial), 22(1):c3 "The Past Is Prologue" (editorial), 23(i):c3 "Two Roads" (editorial), 22(2):c3 Gould, John M., "How to Camp Out:' 20(1):22-23 Grant, Gardner L., "During My Watch:' 19(2):14-15 H Hackle, Sparse Grey, "Maxine Remembered:' 18(4):22 Haig-Brown, Roderick, "Fall Defined:' 17(1):8 Hallock, Charles "Long Island: An 1873 Perspective," 19(1):20-22 "The Pacific Slope:' 17(1):23-24 Hill, Warren Vander, and David Wheeler, "Fly Casting Instruction Reaches the American Frontier:' zo(z):i8-19 Hodgson, W. Earl, "October:' 24(4):16-26 Hoffmann, Richard C. "The Evidence for Early European Angling, 111: Conrad Gessner's Artificial Flies, 1558," zi(2):~-11 "Fishers' Craft & Lettered Art:' 24(i):z-10 "More on Gessner's Flies:' 21(3):24 "The Oldest Silk," 19(1):16-19 "On 'The Macedonian Fly'," 23(2):23-25 Hoffmann, Richard C. (translator) "Dr. H. C. Alexander Behm and the Behm Fly:' 24(1):20-23 "He Avoids Fashionable Costume," 24(2):14-19 Hunter, Bill (reviewer), Fishing Atlantic Salmon: The Flies and the Patterns, 23(i):zi-22 Johnson, Donald S. "Dreams" (editorial), 18(1):c3 "From the Basement Up:' i9(2):32-33 "A Full Slate" (editorial), 17(1):c3 "Good Friends" (editorial), 20(4):c3 "A Great Leap Forward" (editorial), 17(2):~3 "A Heart and Soul Museum" (editorial), 19(4):c3 "An Honorable Calling" (editorial), 19(2):~3 "Into Our Second Quarter Century" (editorial), 20(1):~3 "A Life Commitment" (editorial), 20(3):~3 "Museological Musings" (editorial), 18(2):~3 "Museum News," ig(i):23-25, 19(3):25-28,19(4):26-28, 20(1):2728, 20(2):26-28,20(3):26-28,20(4):27-28, 21(1):26-27 "New Images, New Faces" (editorial), 17(i):cz "1993 and Beyond" (editorial), 18(3):c3 "Summer and Other Wonderful Things" (editorial), 18(4):c3 "Unsung Heroes" (editorial), 19(1):c3 "Volunteers" (editorial), 19(3):c3 Johnson, Donald S., and Wallace J. Murray 111, "Cause for Celebration" (editorial), 19(2):2 Jones, Robert F., "Another Planet: The Old Days on the Patapedia:' 17(1):14-17 Klausmeyer, David R. "Books about Fly Rods, Fly Rod Makers, and Fly Rod Lovers:' 20(2):13-17 "John Alden Knight: Angling Teacher and Theorist:' 18(3):20-23 "The Major Pitcher: A Bit of Western Fly Weaving:' 18(3):18 "Silk: Smooth as Silk:' 17(3):12-13 Lyons, Nick My Secret Fisk-Book Life, i8(2):20-23 "The Museum: Our Anchor, Our Heart, Our Memory," 19(4):22-23 Major, Harlan, "Fly Casting," 24(3):24-25 Martin, Lothar H. H., "Silk: The History of Silkworm Gut," 17(3):3-7 Martuch, Leon, "Recollections," 19(2):16-17 Masseini, Alvaro "Fly Fishing in Valsesia, Italy: An Ancient Technique," 24(2):2-5 "The French School: Messiers de Boisset and de Chamberet and Les mouckes de la strie Gallica," 23(i):z-8 Mathewson, Jon "Gallery: The Atherton Collection," 21(3):19 "Gallery: Catalogs as Historical Perspective," 23(4):21 "Gallery: Charles DeFeo," 23(3):24-25 "Gallery: Frank Weston Benson," 23(2):21 "Gallery: The Frederic A. Sharf Collection:' 20(4):23 "Gallery: The Livingston Collection," 21(4):23 "Gallery: The Montague Rod & Reel Company," 23(1):24-25 "Gallery: The Myron Gregory Collection," 22(3):19 "Gallery: The Phillipson Collection," 21(2):21 "Gallery: A Rod-Crafting Legacy:' 22(1):24-25 "Gallery: A Talented, Close-Knit Family," 22(2):22-23 "Gallery: The Woolner Collection," 22(4):24 "Getting There," 22(4):10-15 "Museum News," 21(2):26-28,21(3):25,21(4):26-28 "Off the Shelf," 23(3):19 "Staying There," 23(4):2-9 Merwin, John "The Battenkill: Portrait of a River," zo(i):2-9 "On Growing a Museum," 19(2):28-31 "Well-Cast Lines," 21(4):14-17 Miller, Warren D., "A Morning in the Life of America's Esquire," zo(2):~-9 Milnor, William, "General Lafayette's Visit to the Sch~~ylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill," 23(3):19-22 Monnett, John H. "Lewis B. France: Pioneer Fly Fishing Writer," 17(2):6-lo "Mystery of the Bighorns: Did a Fishing Trip Seal Custer's Fate?,"19(4):2-5 Montgomery, M.R., "On 'The Macedonian Fly:" 23(2):25 Morosky, Paul A. "The 1912 Record Fish," 24(4):9-15 "The Ristigouche Atlantic Salmon Fishing of Archibald Mitchell," 23(3):2-~ Mundt, John "The Historic Penobscot: America's Atlantic Salmon Fishing Legacy," 22(3):2-9 "Silk: Silk Fly Line Manufacturing: A Brief History:' 17(3):8-13 Murray, Wallace J. 111, and Donald S. Johnson, "Cause for Celebration" (editorial), 19(2):2 Newsom, Wilbur, "A Creelful of Sporting Prints," 22(1):20-23 Nogay, Michael Edward, "Early Fly Fishing with the Kentucky Reel," i8(3):2-6 Norman, Geoffrey, "Leigh H. Perkins: The Art of Giving Something Back:' 19(2):7-9 Norris, J. Robert Jr., "Visiting with Uncle Thad: Thaddeus Norris, 1811-1877:' 21(1):14-20 Norton, Jeffrey, "Thomas Bewick, Wood Engraver," zo(3):zo-21 Novesky, Gerald, "The Collective Index 1985-1990," 18(1):2-35 Page, Margot "Big Announcement, A" (editorial), 20(1):c2 "Books, Poetry, and an Esquire" (editorial), 20(2):~2 "Bright Hours" (editorial), 18(4):c2 "Craig Woods, 1951-1992" (editorial), 18(3):c2 "Dear Reader: A Call for Submissions" (editorial), 22(1):~2 "Film Mystery, Rube Cross, and Thaddeus Norris, A" (editorial), 21(1):~2 "Great Fun-Good Ole Reading" (editorial), 21(3):c2 "Hello and . . . Goodbye" (editorial), 22(2):~2 "Images" (editorial), 19(3):c2 "Kay Brodney, 1920-1994,'' 21(1):27 "The Last Stand" (editorial), ig(4):cz "Long Ago Time, A Faraway Continent, A" (editorial), 20(4):c2 "Many-Roomed Mansion, A" (editorial), 18(1):cz "New Images, New Faces" (editorial), 17(3):~2 "Renaissance" (editorial), 21(4):c2 "Seasonal Confabulations" (editorial), 21(2):~2 "Spring Reveille" (editorial), 18(2):c2 "Technospeak" (editorial), 17(2):c2 "Two Thousand Pages" (editorial), 19(1):~2 "Victorian for a Day" (editorial), 20(3):c2 "Visionaries, Volunteers, Generous Hearts" (editorial), lg(z):c2 [Page, Margot] "Early Saltwater Fly Fishing: 'Music on the Reel Equal to a Brass Band:" 20(1):15-19 "Festival Weekend (photo essay)," 21(3):26-27 "Library Bookplates:' 21(2):16-17 "New Executive Director" (editorial), 21(3):c3 "Off the ShelE Frontispieces:' 20(2):20-21 "A Quarter Century to Build a Museum:' 19(2):18-21 "Retrospective: A Portfolio," 19(1):2-8 "Retrospective 11: A Portfolio," 19(3):10-15 "Retrospective 111: A Portfolio," i9(4):12-18 WINTER 1999 l9 "25th Anniversary Festival Weekend Photo Essay," 1g(3):20-21 "25th Birthday Party Photo Essay," ig(4):24-25 Pellicane, Al, "John Voelker and the History of 'The Cup'," 18(3):14-16 Perkins, Leigh H., "From the Father of the Museum," ~g(z):lo-n Pisarro, Joe A. "Ed Zern, 1910-1994,"20(3):23 "Gardner L. Grant: Guiding Light, Strong Back," 19(2):12-13 "Hermann Kessler (1904-1993) and the Birth of a Museum," 19(2):4 "Lee Wulff ig05-19g1," 17(2):2-4 "A Profile of Roderick Haig-Brown," 17(1):9 "Recommended Reading: Books of Any-Month Club," 17(3):23-24 "Silk: The History and Use of Silk in Fly Tackle," 17(3):2 Preylowski, Jiirgen F. "The Barton Dry Fly Reel," i7(2):20-21 "The Delfur Fancy," 23(4):12-15 "Dr. H. C. Alexander Behm and the Behm Fly," 24(1):20-23 "He Avoids Fashionable Costume," 24(2):14-19 "Julius vom Hofe: From Westfalian Emigrant to Legendary American Reelmaker," 24(4):2-4 Pryce-Tannatt, T. E., "The Evolution of the Salmon Fly," zo(3): 14-18 Rhead, Louis, "Angling Bookplates (excerpted from The American Angler, ig18)," 21(2):12-15 Richards, Pamela Bates, and Joseph D. Bates Jr., "From the Old to the New in Salmon Flies," 23(2):6-17 20 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R Richey, George, "Arthur Garfield Winnie: Northern Michigan Fly Tyer," 19(3):16-18 Rosenbauer, Tom "Maxine Atherton: Grand Lady of Fly Fishing's Golden Age, 1904-1997:) 23(2):22-23 "Paul Schullery: Premier Historian:' ig(z):z2-23 Rosenbauer, Tom (reviewer), An Angler's Album: Fishing in Photography and Literature, 17(2):4-5 Salminen, Ray, "A Visit with Megan Boyd," ~3(4):25-26 Schullery, Paul "On the Question of Dapping," 22(4):25-26 "'A Sportsman's Paradise': Fishing at the Adirondack League Club," 21(4):2-13 "Taking the Museum Personally," ig(2):24-27 "The Winds of Time," 19(2):17 Schullery, Paul (reviewer),"Western Fly Fishing: The Discovery of a Great Tradition," 23(2):2-5 Shewmaker, Kenneth E., "Daniel Webster, Angler," 18(4):z-u Simes, R. Patrick, "Dapping in the New World:' 22(3):16-18 Smith, Ray R., "Antique Colors for Atlantic Salmon Flies:' 20(3):2-9 Stein, Gerald S., M.D., "Personal Treasures: The Bamboo Fly Rods and Reels Fishermen Love," 17(3):14-23 Steinhacker, Charles, "The Fish Prints of S. F. Denton," zo(3):lo-13 Swanson, Ronald S., "Fish Models, Plaques, and Effigies," 18(3):7-0 Tanner, Gary "Artful Commemoration" (editorial), 24(2):c3 "Casting" (editorial), 24(3):c3 "Changes" (editorial), 23(4):~3 "Collecting Flies" (editorial), 24(4):c3 "Leaders" (editorial), 24(1):32 Teale, Edwin, "Reuben R. Cross, Fly Tyer," 21(1):8-13 Thomas, Craig "Gallery: Arnold Gingrich:' 19(4):19 "Gallery: The Austin Hogan Collection," 19(1):15 "Gallery: Lyle L. Dickerson Collection:' 19(3):24 "Gallery: Omar Needham Collection:' zo(3):ig "Gallery: Preston Jennings:' 18(4):23 "Gallery: Theodore Gordon Collection," 20(2):22 "Gallery: The William Cushner Collection:' 21(1):23 Tisch, Richard G., "The Museum Reaches 30:' 24(2):20 Traver, Robert (John Voelker), "Testament of a Fisherman:' 21(1):c3 Van Dyke, Henry, "A Fatal Success:' 21(~):18-20 Van Put, Ed, "The Beaverkill: Preservation and Posting," 22(4):1623 Veverka, Bob, "Innovative Saltwater Flies: A History," 24(3):16-21 Voelker, John. See Traver, Robert Watson, Alfred E. T., and Duke of Beaufort, K. G. (ed.), "Fly Fishing in the Sea:' 24(3):7-12 Webster, Dwight, "The Adirondack or Mountain Ash Cocktail:' 22(2):20-21 Wheeler, David, and Warren Vander Hill, "Fly Casting Instruction Reaches the American Frontier:' zo(z):i8-19 Wickstrom, Gordon M. "Bringing Back the Greenback: Oncorhynchus clarki stomias:' 24(4):5-9 "Contrasts in Trout Art:' 24(4):27-28 "Crusty Old Fly Books:' 21(1):22 "Fly Fishing and World War 11: Retreat, Advance, and Democracy:' 23(4):1o-11 "Leisenring on the Platte:' i9(3):18-19 "Look at That Line Hand:' 20(1):20-21 "Lou Feierabend: From Five to Z," 18(4):14-17 "A Memoir of Trout and Eros or Following L.B. France into Colorado's Middle Park:' 23(2):18-20 "W.B. Yeats and the Fly:' 20(2):10-12 Woods, Craig, "Neither Rain, Sleet, Snow, nor Hail:' 18(3):16-17 Woods, Richard H., "Bamboo Mystique: The Birth of the Staggered Ferrule Rod:' 20(1):21-22 Zincavage, J. David, "The 'True' Original Jock Scott . . .All Three of Them:' i7(2):22-2 WINTER 1999 21 TABLE O F CONTENTS INDEX Books, magazines, and foreign language words are in italics. [Bracketed information] is not included in source. 17, N U M B E R 1 (SPRING 1991) Classic Salmon Books 2 Don Catalfimo The Salmon Portfolio 4 Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans A Profile of Roderick Haig-Brown g Joe A. Pisarro Atlantic Salmon Dressings in Steelhead Fly Fishing lo Trey Combs Another Planet: The Old Days on the Patapedia 14 Robert F. Jones Atlantic Salmon Reels of the Past 18 Jim Brown Gallery 22 Off the Shelf: The Pacific Slope 23 Charles Hallock Museum News 25 Contributors 28 VOLUME 17, N U M B E R 2 (SUMMER 1991) In Memoriam: Lee Wulff 1905-1991 2 Joe A. Pisarro Recommended Reading: A n Angler's Album 4 Tom Rosenbauer Lewis B. France: Pioneer Fly Fishing Writer 6 John H. Monnett Gallery: Glenn Miller Rod and 11 Edward R. Hewitt Fly Collection Eugene V. Connett I11 and the Derrydale Press 12 The Angler's and Shooter's Press The Barton Dry Fly Reel 20 Jiirgen Preylowski The True Original Jock Scott. . . All Three of Them J. David Zincavage Museum News 27 Letters 30 Contributors 32 VOLUME 22 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R 17, N U M B E R 3 ( F A L L 1991) Silk: The History and Use of Silk in Fly Tackle 2 Joe A. Pisarro Silk The History of Silkworm Gut 3 Lothar H. H. Martin Silk: Silk Fly Line Manufacturing: A Brief History 8 John Mundt Silk: Smooth as Silk 12 David R. Klausmeyer Personal Treasures: The Bamboo Fly Rods and Reels Fishermen Love 14 Gerald S. Stein, M.D. Recommended Reading: Books of Any-Month Club 23 Joe A. Pisarro Gallery: John Voelker (Robert Traver) 25 Museum News 26 Contributors 28 VOLUME 18, N U M B E R 1 ( W I N T E R 1992) The Collective Index 1985-1990: Subject Index 2 Author Index 30 Table of Contents Index 33 Gerald Novesky VOLUME 18, N U M B E R 2 ( S P R I N G 1992) Letters 2 George LaBranche's High Holt: A Place in His Life and Work 4 Timothy Belknap Some Thoughts About Salmon Fly Evolution: Early Metal Bodied Salmon Flies, (A Bit About Mixed Wings, Also), and a Yorkshireman g Albert J. Cohen First Person: My Secret Fish-Book Life 20 Nick Lyons Gallery: The V.I.P. Collection 24 Notes & Comment: A Trout by a Hair 25 Norm Crisp Museum News 27 Contributors 32 VOLUME 22 18, N U M B E R 3 (SUMMER 1992) Early Fly Fishing with the Kentucky Reel 2 Michael Edward Nogay Fish Models, Plaques, and Effigies 7 Ronald S. Swanson Notes & Comment: John Voelker and the History of "The Cup" 14 Al Pellicane Neither Rain, Sleet, Snow, nor Hail 16 Craig Woods The Major Pitcher: A Bit of Western Fly Weaving David R. Klausmeyer Gallery: A Book of Small Flies 19 [Craig Thomas] John Alden Knight: Angling Teacher and Theorist David R. Klausmeyer Museum News 25 Contributors 28 VOLUME 2 5 ANNIVERSARY ~ ~ EDITION Cause for Celebration 2 Wallace J. Murray I11 and Donald S. Johnson A Few Memories 3 Dick Finlay Herman Kessler (1904-1993) and the Birth of a Museum 4 Joe A. Pisarro Arnold Gingrich (1903-1976) 5 Austin Hogan: First Curator, Founding Editor 6 Leigh H. Perkins: The Art of Giving Something Back 7 Geoffrey Norman First Person: From the Father of the Museum lo Leigh H. Perkins Gardner L. Grant: Guiding Light, Strong Back 12 Joe A. Pisarro First Person: During My Watch 14 Gardner L. Grant Recollections 16 Leon Martuch A Quarter Century to Build a Museum 18 Paul Schullery: Premier Historian 22 Tom Rosenbauer First Person: Taking the Museum Personally 24 Paul Schullery First Person: On Growing a Museum 28 John Merwin First Person: From the Basement Up 32 Donald S. Johnson, Executive Director The Museum's Collection from Then to Now 34 Alanna Fisher, Curator 18 20 18, N U M B E R 4 ( F A L L 1992) Daniel Webster, Angler 2 Kenneth E. Shewmaker Lou Feierabend: From Five to Z 14 Gordon M. Wickstrom First Person: Old Friends from the Golden Age 18 Maxine Atherton Gallery: Preston Jennings 23 [Craig Thomas] Museum News 24 Letters 27 Contributors 28 VOLUME 19, N U M B E R 3 ( S U M M E R 1993) The Earliest English Illustrations of an Angler 2 Frederick Buller Retrospective 11: A Portfolio 10 Continuing highlights from the nearly two thousand pages and twenty years of The American Fly Fisher Notes & Comment: Arthur Garfield Winnie: Northern Michigan Fly Tyer 16 George Richey Leisenring on the Platte 18 G. M. Wickstrom 25th Anniversary Festival Weekend Photo Essay 20 Gallery: Lyle L. Dickerson Collection 24 [Craig Thomas] Museum News 25 [Donald S. Johnson] Contributors 28 VOLUME 19, N U M B E R 1 ( W I N T E R 1993) Retrospective: A Portfolio A look back at the first years of The American Fly Fisher [Margot Page] Back to the Future: The Historic Tim Pond Camps 9 Spence Conley Gallery: The Austin Hogan Collection 15 [Craig Thomas] Notes & Comment: The Oldest Silk 16 Richard C. Hoffmann Off the Shelf: Long Island: An 1873 Perspective 20 Charles Hallock Museum News 23 [Donald S. Johnson] Letters 27 VOLUME 2 WINTER 1999 23 19, N U M B E R 4 (FALL1993) Mystery of the Bighorns: Did a Fishing Trip Seal Custer's Fate? John H. Monnett The Demise of the Michigan Grayling 6 Jerry Dennis Retrospective 111: A Portfolio 12 Continuing highlights from the nearly two thousand pages and twenty years of The American Fly Fisher Gallery: Arnold Gingrich 19 [Craig Thomas] The Museum: Our Anchor, Our Heart, Our Memory 22 Nick Lyons 25th Birthday Party Photo Essay 24 Museum News 26 [Donald S. Johnson] Contributors 28 VOLUME 2 20, N U M B E R 1 (WINTER 1994) The Battenkill: Portrait of a River 2 John Merwin Winslow Homer: A Down East Story lo Jim Bashline Early Saltwater Fly Fishing: Music on the Reel Equal to a Brass Band 15 [Margot Page] Notes & Comment: Look at That Line Hand 20 Gordon M. Wickstrom Bamboo Mystique: The Birth of the Staggered Ferrule Rod 21 Richard H. Woods Off the Shelf: How to Camp Out 22 John M. Gould 1993 Donations to the Collections 26 [Alanna D. Fisher] Museum News 27 [Donald S. Johnson] Contributors 28 VOLUME 20, N U M B E R 2 ( S P R I N G 1994) A Morning in the Life of America's Esquire 2 Warren D. Miller W.B. Yeats and the Fly 10 Gordon M. Wickstrom Books about Fly Rods, Fly Rod Makers, and Fly Rod Lovers 13 David R. Klausmeyer Notes & Comment: Fly Casting Instruction Reaches the American Frontier 18 Warren Vander Hill and David Wheeler Off the Shelf: Frontispieces 20 [Margot Page] Gallery: Theodore Gordon Collection 22 [Craig Thomas] Museum News 26 [Donald S. Johnson] Contributors 28 VOLUME 24 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R VOLUME 20, N U M B E R 3 ( S U M M E R 1994) Antique Colors for Atlantic Salmon Flies Ray R. Smith The Fish Prints of S. F. Denton lo Charles Steinhacker The Evolution of the Salmon Fly 14 T. E. Pryce-Tannatt Gallery: Omar Needham Collection 19 [Craig Thomas] Notes & Comment: Thomas Bewick, Wood Engraver 20 Jeffrey Norton Letters 22 In Memoriam: Ed Zern 1910-1994 23 Joe A. Pisarro Museum News 26 [Donald S. Johnson] Contributors 28 2 V O L U M E 20, N U M B E R 4 (FALL 1994) The Grand Experiment: Angling in Australia Bob Dunn The Fishicians Club Outing, Spring 1865 lo Dr. Walter DeForest Day Notes & Comment: A Bit More on Gingrich Ted Bronstad Gallery: The Frederic A. Sharf Collection 23 [Jon Mathewson] Museum News 27 [Donald S. Johnson] Contributors 28 2 22 21, N U M B E R 1 (WINTER 1995) Lee Sturges: The Search for the Film of Salmon Fishing on Cain River 2 M. T. Bronstad Jr. Reuben R. Cross, Fly Tyer 8 Edwin Teale Visiting with Uncle Thad: Thaddeus Norris, 1811-1877 J. Robert Norris Jr. Notes & Comment: The Ramsbottom Family-Fish Culturists 21 Bob Behnke Crusty Old Fly Books 22 Gordon M. Wickstrom Gallery: The William Cushner Collection 23 [Craig Thomas] Museum News 26 [Donald S. Johnson] Contributors 28 VOLUME 14 21, N U M B E R 4 (FALL1995) "A Sportsman's Paradise": Fishing at the Adirondack League Club 2 Paul Schullery Excerpted from The Adirondack League Club, 1890-1990 Edited by Edward Comstock Jr. Well-Cast Lines 14 John Merwin Excerpted from Well-Cast Lines: The Fisherman's Quotation Book, by John Merwin Notes & Comment: Origin of the Reel 18 Frederick Buller Poem: "Heaven" 22 Rupert Brooke Gallery: The Livingston Collection 23 [Jon Mathewson] Museum News 26 [Jon Mathewson] Contributors 28 VOLUME 21, N U M B E R 2 (SPRING1995) The Evidence for Early European Angling, 111: Conrad Gessner's Artificial Flies, 1558 2 Richard C. Hoffmann Angling Bookplates (excerpted from The American Angler, 1918) 12 Louis Rhead Library Bookplates 16 A Fatal Success 18 Henry van Dyke Gallery: The Phillipson Collection 21 [Jon Mathewson] Notes & Comment: Museum Find 22 Mary Hard Bort Thomas Aquinas Daly Exhibition 23 Jim Brown Museum News 26 [Jon Mathewson] Contributors 28 VOLUME VOLUME 21, N U M B E R 3 (SUMMER 1995) The Virginian Canaan 2 by a Virginian Reprinted from Harpers New Monthly Magazine, December 1853 The Oldest Club in America 14 Robert Adams, Jr. Reprinted from The Century Magazine, August 1886 Gallery: The Atherton Collection 19 [Jon Mathewson] Fishing Memories: Wyoming Trout 20 Dorothy Noyes Arms Excerpted from Fishing Memories, 1938 Notes & Comment: More on Gessner's Flies 24 Richard C. Hoffmann Museum News 25 [Jon Mathewson] VOLUME 22, N U M B E R 1 (WINTER 1996) With Rod and Line in Colorado Waters 2 Lewis B. France Theodore Gordon: A Ceremony and Letters 7 Canadian Fishing Adventure: A Selection of Photographs A Creelful of Sporting Prints 20 Wilbur Newsom Gallery: A Rod-Crafting Legacy 24 [Jon Mathewson] Museum News 26 (SPRING1996) Reel Women: The World of Women Who Fish Lyla Foggia Salmonia: or Days of Fly Fishing 14 Sir Humphrey Davy Museum Exhibits 19 Notes & Comment: The Case of the Disappearing Drink 20 Robert J. Behnke Gallery: A Talented, Close-Knit Family 22 [Jon Mathewson] Museum News 26 Contributor 28 10 V O L U M E 22, N U M B E R 2 2 WINTER 1999 25 VOLUME 22, NUMBER 3 (SUMMER 1996) The Historic Penobscot: America's Atlantic Salmon Fishing Legacy 2 John Mundt Off the Shelf: Weather Lore and the Opinions of Anglers 10 Notes & Comment: Dapping in the New World R. Patrick Simes Gallery: The Myron Gregory Collection 19 [Jon Mathewson] Museum Exhibits 20 Letters 21 1996 Festival Weekend Photo Essay 22 Museum News 26 Contributors 28 4 (FALL1996) The Macedonian Fly 2 Frederick Buller Getting There l o Jon Mathewson The Beaverkill: Preservation and Posting 16 Ed Van Put Gallery: The Woolner Collection 24 [Jon Mathewson] Notes & Comment: On the Question of Dapping Paul Schullery Museum News 26 Contributors 28 VOLUME 16 1904-1997 VOLUME 25 23, N U M B E R 1 (WINTER 1997) The French School: Messieurs de Boisset and de Chamberet and Les mouches de la se'rie Gallica 2 Alvaro Masseini Piscatory Poetics 9 [Kathleen Achor] Book Review: Fishing Atlantic Salmon: The Flies and the Patterns 21 Bill Hunter Museum Exhibits 23 Gallery: The Montague Rod & Reel Company 24 [Jon Mathewson] Museum News 26 Contributor 28 26 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R NUMBER 2 (SPRING 1997) 22 [Tom Rosenbauer] Notes & Comment: On "The Macedonian Fly" Richard C. Hoffmann, M. R. Montgomery Museum News 26 Contributors 28 Museum Exhibits 29 VOLUME 22, N U M B E R VOLUME 23, Review of Books: Western Fly Fishing: The Discovery of a Great Tradition 2 Paul Schullery From the Old to the New in Salmon Flies 6 Joseph D. Bates Jr. and Pamela Bates Richards A Memoir of Trout and Eros or Following L.B. France into Colorado's Middle Park 18 Gordon M. Wickstrom Gallery: Frank Weston Benson 21 [Jon Mathewson] Maxine Atherton: Grand Lady of Fly Fishing's Golden Age, 23, NUMBER 3 (SUMMER 23 1997) The Ristigouche Atlantic Salmon Fishing of Archibald Mitchell 2 Paul A. Morosky Notes & Comment: The Earliest Fishing Reel: A New Perspective 14 Frederick Buller Off the ShelE General Lafayette's Visit to the Schuylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill 19 William Milnor Museum Exhibits 23 Gallery: Charles DeFeo 24 [Jon Mathewson] Museum News 26 Contributor 28 New Executive Director 29 VOLUME 23, NUMBER 4 (FALL 1997) Staying There 2 Jon C. Mathewson Fly Fishing and World War 11: Retreat, Advance, and Democracy l o Gordon M. Wickstrom Notes & Comment: The Delfur Fancy 12 Jiirgen F. Preylowski The Golden Age of Fly Fishing 16 Ralf Coykendall Jr., Editor Gallery: Catalogs as Historical Perspective 21 [Jon C. Mathewson] Museum Exhibits 22 First Person: A Visit with Megan Boyd 25 Ray Salminen Museum News 26 Contributors 28 24, N U M B E R 1 ( W I N T E R 1998) Fisher's Craft & Lettered Art 2 Richard C. Hoffmann Some of Marbury's Favorite Bass and Fancy Lake Flies 22 John Betts Dr. H. C. Alexander Behm and the Behm Fly Jurgen F. Preylowski (translated by Richard C. Hoffmann) The Pleasures of Angling 29 George Dawson Museum News 29 Contributors 31 24, N U M B E R 3 ( S U M M E R 1998) Saltwater Thoughts Revisited 2 Keith Fulsher Fly Fishing in the Sea 7 Edited by His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, K.G. Assisted by Alfred E.T. Watson Saltwater Fly Fishing 13 A.W. and Julian A. Dimock Innovative Saltwater Flies: A History 16 Bob Veverka Taking Tarpon With a Fly 22 George D. B. Bonbright Fly Casting 24 Harlan Major Fishing Salt Water: A Midcentury Montage 26 Festival Weekend 28 Museum News 30 Contributors 36 VOLUME VOLUME 20 24, N U M B E R 2 ( S P R I N G 1998) Fly Fishing in Valsesia, Italy: An Ancient Technique 2 Alvaro Masseini A Fourth-Century European Illustration of a Salmon Angler Frederick Buller He Avoids Fashionable Costume 14 Jurgen F. Preylowski (translated by Richard C. Hoffmann) The Museum Reaches 30 20 Richard G. Tisch Honoring Our Membership 21 Museum News 24 Contributors 28 VOLUME 6 24, N U M B E R 4 (FALL 1998) Julius vom Hofe: From Westfalia Emigrant to Legendary American Reelmaker 2 Jurgen F. Preylowski Bringing Back the Greenback: Oncorhynchus clarki stomias Gordon M. Wickstrom The 1912 Record Fish 9 Paul A. Morosky Off the Shelf: "October" 16 W. Earl Hodgson Notes & Comment: Contrasts in Trout Art 27 Gordon M. Wickstrom Museum News 30 Contributors 34 VOLUME WINTER 1999 5 27 The American Museum of Fly Fishing Box 42, Manchester,Vermont 05254 Tel: 802-362-3300. Fax: 802-362-3308 JOIN! 1 100a/o COTTOM Made In USA Membership Dues (per annum) INDIVIDUAL Associate Sustaining Benefactor Patron Comes in Grav & Ivorv $35 $60 $125 $250 GROUP Club Trade $50 $50 Membership dues include four issues of The American Fly Fisher. Please send your payment t o the Membership Director and include your mailing address. The Museum is a member of the American Association of Museums, the American Association of State and Local History, the New England Association of Museums, the Vermont Museum and Gallery Alliance, and the International Association of Sports Museums and Halls of Fame. We are a nationally accredited, nonprofit, educational institution chartered under the laws of the state of Vermont. SUPPORT! As an independent, nonprofit institution, the American Museum of Fly Fishing relies o n the generosity of public-spirited individuals for substantial support. We ask that you give our museum serious consideration when planning for gifts and bequests. VISIT! Hours are l o AM t o 4 PM. We are closed o n major holidays. Web A d d r e s s ! www.amff.com BACK ISSUES! Available at $4 per copy: Volume 6 , Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 Volume 7, Number 3 Volume 8, Number 3 Volume 9, Numbers 1, 2,3 Volume lo, Number z Volume 11, Numbers I, 2 , 3 , 4 Volume 13, Number 3 Volume 15, Number z Volume 16, Numbers 1, z, 3 Volume 17, Numbers 1 , 2 , 3 Volume 18, Numbers 1, z, 4 Volume 19, Numbers 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 Volume 20, Numbers I, 2 , 3 , 4 Volume 21, Numbers 1, z, 3, 4 Volume 22, Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 Volume 23, Numbers I, z, 3, 4 Volume 24, Numbers 1 , 2 , 4 28 T H E A M E R I C A N FLY F I S H E R call s be Ame~zcanMuseum oy Fly F~sblnc TO O K ~ ~~xcluszvely R aT (802) 362-3300 Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation The American Fly Fisher (publication number 0084-3562) is published four times per year (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall). Editor is Kathleen Achor. Complete address for both publisher and editor is The American Museum of Fly Fishing, P.O. Box 42, Manchester, VT 05254. The journal is wholly owned by the American Museum of Fly Fishing. Total number of copies: 2,200 (average number of copies of each issue run during the preceding twelve months; 2,000 actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date). Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, and counter sales (not mailed): loo (average; 78 actual). Paid or requested mail subscriptions (including advertiser's proof copies and exchange copies): 1,500 (average; 1,541 actual). Total paid and/or requested circulation: 1,600 (average; 1,619 actual). Free distribution by mail: loo (average; 81 actual). Free distribution outside the mail (carriers or other means): loo (average; 72 actual). Total free distribution: 200 (average; 153 actual). Total distribution: 1,800 (average; 1,772actual). Office use, leftovers, spoiled: loo (average; 228 actual). Returns from news agents: o (b). Total: 1,900 (average; 2,000 actual). Percent paid and/or requested circulation: 88.88% (average; 91.37% actual). then choose the action. Whether you prefer the distance and accuracy of the tip-flex, or the versatility and superior tippet protection of the mid-flex, you'll The TL 905 i s asailable in either mid- o r tip-flex. $470. enjoy the lightest, most responsive five-weight Orvis has ever built. YOU'V~901 10 cast these rods. n a t , s the only way you'll fully appreciate just how light these rods really are. High-modulus graphite combined with an exclusive compound taper means less material in a stronger rod - lighter than any fiveweight we've ever made. You'll also benefit from the vibration reduction of the exclusive Trident gripdamping technology that increases your distance and accuracy on every cast. VISN YOUP OI'V~Sdealer. With its distinct green blank, handsome gold anodized and maple burl reel seat, and sleek titanium carbonitride guides, the Trident TL 905 is as stunning as it is light. Come see for yourself. Visit your local Orvis dealer for a test cast. Or two. 0 r3 A SPORTING T R A D I T I O N S I N C E 1856 WWW.OPV~S.CO~ Orvis is proud to support The American Museum of Fly Fishing Historic Route 7A, Manchester, Vermont 05254 Call toll free 1-800-333-1550 eNt. 802 for further information on our dealers world-wide or for a free Fishing Catalog a nationally accredited, nonprofit, educational institution dedicated tc preserving the rich heritage of fly fishing, wa founded in Manchester, Vermont, in 1968. The Museum serves as a repository for, and conservator to, the world's largest collection of angling and angling-related objects. The Museum's collections and exhibits provide the public with thorough documentation o the evolution of fly fishing as a sport, arr form, craft, and in-dustry in the United States and abroad from the sixteenth century to the present. Rods, reels, and flies, as well as tackle, art, books, manuscripts, and photographs form the ma-jor components of the Museum's collections. The Museum has gained recognition as a unique educational institution. It supports a publications program through which its national quarterly journal, The American Fly Fisher, and books, art prints, and catalogs are regularly offered to the public. The Museum's traveling exhibits program has made it possible for educational exhibits to be viewed across the United States and abroad. The Museum also provides in-house exhibits, related interpretive programming, and research services for members, visiting m is an active, member-orientinstitution. For informati01 : The American Museum of F1.