128th Ohio Infantry Soldier Roster
128th Ohio Infantry Soldier Roster
; 128th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. THREE YEARS SERVICE THIS Regiment was organized at Columbus, Johnson Cleveland, Ohio, from December 1861, to s Island, and Camp 1864, to serve three January 8, Companies A, B, C, and D, were originally known as Hoffman s Bat talion, and were transferred to this Regiment January 5, 1864. The One Hundred and Twenty-Eighth was principally engaged in guard 7, years. ing Rebel prisoners at Johnson detachments s for service elsewhere, pursuit of Rebel troops in Island, Ohio, but had frequently furnished including a short but active West Virginia campaign in in 1862. The original members of Companies A and B were mustered out January and 20, February 28, 1865, by reason of expiration of term of service. The Regiment was mustered out July 13, 1865, in accordance with orders from the War * Department. For 127th Regiment, see 5th U. (492) S. Colored Infantry. 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. FIELD AND STAFF. Island, O., by Major S. H. Starr, Captain E. \V. H. Reed, and other mus Previous to the organization of this Regiment it was composed of four companies, and known as Hoffman s Battalion, which was organized in the latter part of 1861, and transferred to this Regiment Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out July 13, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by B. L. Fletcher, Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. Mustered in Feb. 29, 1864, at Johnson s tering officers. (493) ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 494 COMPANY A. Johnson s Island, O., as Co. A, Hoffman s Battalion, by Captain Foster M. Follett and Lieutenants Alfred G. Tuther and Henry C. Benson; transferred to this Regiment Jan. 5, Mustered out July 13, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by B. L. Fletcher, Lieutenant 1864. Mustered in Jan. 14, 1862, at 4th U. S. Cavalry. 128 PH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 495 496 ROSTEK OF OHIO TROOPS. 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 33 497 498 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 499 500 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. COMPANY B. Mustered in Feb. 27, 1862, at Johnson s Island. O., as Co. B, Hoffman s Battalion, by E. W. H. Reed, Captain Sth Infantry, U. S. A.; transferred to this Regiment Jan. 5. 1864. Mustered out July 13. 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by B. L. Fletcher, Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 501 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 502 Rank. Date of Entering the be Remarks. Service. Douglas, Stephen E Jan. Private..! 28 25, * 1802 3 yrs. mustered Mustered as Corporal reduced out Feb. 28, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on of of term service re-enlisted expiration Feb. 28, 1S65, for one year; mustered out with company July 13, 18(55. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out Feb. 28, l65, a Johnson s Island, O.. on expiration of term of service. Mustered out Feb. 28. 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865. at Johnson s Island. O.. on expiration of term of service: re-enlisted Keb. 28. 1865, for one year; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Discharged March 25, 1865. at Johnson s Island, O., on Surgeon s certificate of disability. Discharged Sept. 23, 181)4, tit Johnson s Island, O., on Surgeon s certificate of disability. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1X65, at Johnson s Island, O.. on expiration of term of service. (Discharged July 24, 1862, at Johnson s Island, O., on Surgeon s certificate of disability. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865. at Johnson s Island. O.. on expiration of term of service. Mustered out with company July 13, 1N65. Mustered out June 9. 1865, at Johnson s Island, ().. on expiration c.t term of service. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service; re-en listed Feb. 28. 1865, for one year; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. s Island, [Discharged Oct. 27. 1862, at Johnson O., on Surgeon s certificate of disability. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Discharged Nov. 21, 1*62, at Johnson s Island, O.. on Surgeon s certiticate of disability. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865. a [Johnson s Island, on expiration ot term of service re-enlisted March 21, 1865, for one year; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. : ; ; Easterwood, Isaac ....do. ....do. 18 Aug. Ehrlick, Carl 41 Jan. 2 2, 1864 17, 1862 3 yrs. 3 yrs. John ....do. 18 Feb. 19, 1862 3 yrs. Franklin ....do. 20 Feb. 1862 3 yrs. Eiklor, Ellis, 8, t | ! j Feabeek, Peter 25 ....do. Aug. | 22, 1864 3 yrs. I Fentou, Solomon P ....do. 23 Thomas ....do. 26 Aug. 11, 1862 3 yrs. Jan. 11, 1862 3 yrs. ....do. Jan. 23, 1862 3 yrs. F ....do. Jan. 22, 1862 3 yrs. Fredebaugh George Gott. Daniel B ....do. ....do. Aug. 23, 1864 Sept. 15, 1862 3 yrs. Fishburn, Fleming, (ieorge Fowler, Benjamin , | 3 yrs. Gould, John Jan. 15, Gowdy, Thomas Jan. 21, 1862 3 yrs. Gowman, William Feb. 13, 1862 3 yrs. Aug. 22, 1864 1S62 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 31, 1862 3 yrs. 1862 j Halford, Hiram Harrington. John 22 33 .-...do. ...do. i Jan. I 6, I Hart, Miles... Jan. 23 : (>., ; I i 1\ ! 35 Aug. 23, 186-1 Dec. 28, 1861 Jan. 22, 1862 3 yrs. Rrastered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. .Mustered out Feb. 28. 1865. at Johnson s Island, O.. on expiration of term of service, 3 yrs. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865. at Johnson s Island, O.. on expiration of term of service. I Ha/.el, Peter j 36 i i i Henry, James A ...do.. 2Q Dec. ; 3 yrs. 28, 1861 musreduced Appointed Corporal tered out March 26, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., by order of War Department. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. Mustered out Feb. 2X. 1S65, at Johnson s Island, ().. on expiration ot verm of service. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1805, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. Mustered out June 9, 1*65. at Johnson s Island,. ()., on expiration of term of service, Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865, at Johnson s Island, ()., on expiration of term of service. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. : i I ; Higgius, Francis... Ilitsmau, James 26 . Almon Holby. do.. i 1864 1862 3 yrs. Jan. 17, 1862 3 yrs. April Feb. 28 !, 5, 3 yrs. ; ! j Howard, Peter Ireland, Hezekiah W .... do. . 28 Jan. 27. 1862 ... .do. . 31 Aug. 22, 186-1 Jan. 22, 1862 Oct. 28, 22, 23, 24, 1862 1864 1864 9, 1862 j | Jewell, Isaiah 3 yrs. ! ; do.. 28 do.. do.. .>., ! 1 yr. 3 yrs. i ! Johnson, E. Carson John Kramer. John Kistner, j W ( I,inderrnan. William Lucas. Daniel Liitf, | . do. Alfred Mack, do ....do.. .do.. A ]....do. Basil.. ...do. Aug. 22, 1864 20 40 Jan. r l. 3 yrs. 21 Jan. 1862 22. 1864 13, 1862 Jl Jan. 1862 3 yrs. 18 18 2H 35 !....do., Lacy. ieorge \V Lanhoif, James Lester, Aloiizo 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 1 yr. .! . I Aug. Aug. Aug. Jan. ! Aug. 1864 >, 8, 3 yrs. 3 yrs. ; 1>S65. | I Mustered out June 9, 1865, at Johnson s Island, ()., on expiration of term of service. 1862. at Ransonville, O. Died July Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Discharged Aug. 14, 1862. at Johnson s Island, O.. on Surgeon s certiticate of disability. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865. at Johnson s Island, ()., on expiration of term of service musre enlisted Feb. 1865, for one year tered out with company July 13. 1865. Died April 4, 1864, at Johnson s Island, p. Mustered out June 9. 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. s JDiseharged Sept. -9, 1862, at Johnson Island, O.. on .Surgeon s certiticate of disability, 1N65. 13. with out company July ,M ustered Mustered out Feb. 28, 1865. at Johnson s Island. O., on expiration of term of service. Mustered out June 9, 1865. at Johnson s Island. ().. on expiration of term of service. :>. : | i 2<s, I Main. Alexander... Marks, Albert ....do. ....do. 29 ii 1863 Aug. Aug. 23, 1864 Jan. 27,1862 Aug. Feb. 23, 1864 10, 1862 Aug. 22, 1864 7, 3 yrs 1 yr. I Matson, Sylvan us F. . . Mem}. Alva 8 Mellix.er, Jasper .do. ....do. ...do. I 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. ! Mercerjin, Charles W... ...do....i 18 1 I yr. ; 12STH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 503 504 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY 505 C. Island, U., as Co. C, Hoffman s Battalion, by K. W. H. Reed. Captain 8th Infantry, U. S. A.; transferred to this Regiment Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out July 1:5, l;at Camp Chase, O., by B. L. Fletcher, Lieutenant Ith S. Cavalry. Mustered in June at 6, 1862, Johnson s iV>, I". * Date of Entering the Rank, Name*. -O .o I Sprvicp.. Philitus W. Norris May 2, 1802 48 J nie (i, 18C2 47 June C>, 1862 Captain.! 40 V" I Remarks > j ?, ! 3 yrs. ! 3 yrs. ! Promoted from re.-igr.ed | . A^nou"c"Bradley . . .do. . . . , George (Carver j ;lst Lieut, i j Jan. 1st Lieutenant 1863. June 6, 1862: 5, .Promoted from 1st Lieutenant Jan. 5. 1863: mustered out June 5, I86o, on expiration of term of service. Promoted from 2d Lieutenant Jan. 5, 1863; to Captain Co. A March 29, 1865. Promoted from 2d Lieutenant Co. F April 21, 1865; mustered out with company July 13, 3 yrs. i Eugene ..do. l6.*Mitrhell 2 . . . Dee. 23, 1861 ] 3 yrs. j 1865. George Hollenbeck..;2d Lieut, 26 AY. i March 6, 1862 i 3 yrs. j ! ! j ! do Camp Jarne* L. 36 June :;, 1MJ2 :: yrs. i j Appointed Sergeant June 6, 1862: 1st Sergeant Aug. 1, 1*62: promoted to 2d Lieutenant Jan. 5. 1863; to 1st Lieutenant (Jo. A to date Sept 8, 1864. Appointed 1st Sergeant from Sergeant Jan. 5. 1863 promoted to Sergt. Major to Lieut. Nov. 21, 1864; mustered out June 5, 1*65, on expiration of term of service. Appointed June 6, 1862: promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. 1), 104th O. V. 1.. Aug. 17, : j j Lewis n. Booth !lst Sergt. ! 33 May 20. 1862 21 May 18, j Styles Rich 1862. . . ..do. . . . ! 1862 | Appointed Sergeant June 6, 1862 1st Serger.nt July 23. 1864: promoted to Com. Sergeant 3 yrs. : I MeMahan Michael 2<1 ; do I April : 25 j May 6, 1S62 24. 1865. Mustered 3 yrs. as private appointed Sergeant mustered Sept. 9, 1862: 1st Sergeant out Jtine 5. 1865, on expiration of term of service. Appointed Corporal June 6, 1862: Sergeant Sept. .i, 1862; died Jan. 11, 1863, at Johnson s Island. O. Appointed Corporal June 6. 1*62: Sergeant : ; I3u rk Shaylor A. May (i, 1862 3 yrs. ....do....: May 7, 1862 3 yrs. do June 10. 1862 3 yrs. do May 12, 1862 3 yrs. do Mav 29, 1862 3 yrs. do Mav 14, 1862 3 yrs. do Oct. 15. 1862 iSergeant. Charles N. Mai lory i Jan. 5, 1863; I 4. George S. Staruer Samuel N. Alexander... i promoted toQ. M. Sergeant Jan. 1K64. A pointed Corporal Sept. !. 1862: Sergeant Feb. 1. 18(14: mustered out June 5, 1865, by order of War Department. * Appointed Corporal June 6. 1862; Serge-.tnt on !N Keb. 1 1864; mustered out June expiration oftenn of service. is62: June 0, Sergeant Appointed Corporal mustered out June 5, 1865. on expira tion of term of service. Mustered as private: appointed Sergeant Sept. on ex .. 1862: mustered out June piration of term of service. lsr,3: 19, Sergeant Appointed Corporal April July 1,1865; mustered out with company July 13, 18C5. Sergeant July 1, Appointed Corporal 1S(5^: mustered out with company July 13, | ->, ;"., Mirou M. Starr : John A. Klasrg .">, | : E. Seholly Sargeant ; 3 yrs. i D. Joseph Mch. do Coblentz 19, 1863 i 3 yrs. ii.">, ; ! 1865. Emory Huron w Corporal. May 18. 1862 3 yrs. do May 15, 1862 3 yrs. do May 1, 1802 3 yrs. 1862 3 yrs. 20. 1862 3 yrs. 6, 1862; mustered out June on expiration uf term of service. June 1863 mustered out June 5, 5. Appointed 1865, on expiration of term of service. out June 5, 1865, mustered Appointed on expiration of term of service. out June March 186:c 26, mustered [Appointed Appointed June I Homer A. Bishop , 5, 186">, ; I William E. Grub i William H. Hollenbeck. ...do.. . . j. Sept. 1!>, : i David K. do Fisher A tig. i { 1 Alonzo Burk , do A tig. 20, 1862 3 yrs. July 7. 1863 3 yrs. i Oscar F. Ensign Thomas E. Alva Coburn Price Jacob A Grove . isii"), July 6, 1863 3 yrs. do July 9. 18IJ3 3 yrs. [Musician Aug. 19, 1862 3 yrs. do Aug. 17, 186.2 3 yrs. Appointed July 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Discharged Jan. 6. 1863. at Johnson s [gland, O..OU Surgeon s certificate of disability. Mustered out June 5, )8(i5, by order of War do July 1863 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July do.... Whiting George W. Day James .do... 5. by order of War Department. Appointed April 19. 186:;; mustered out June o, 1865, by order of War Department. Appointed Feb. 1, 1864; mustered out June 5, 1865, by order of War Department. Appointed July 1, 18(35; mustered out with e.impany .Inly I:i. 1.S65. mustered out with Appointed July 1, j 186">; company July 13. is.i5. Department 4, 13, 1S65. 506 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 507 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 508 g Dr.te of Rank. Names. Remarks. Entering the Service. Phillips, John B May Private. 15, 18(i2 i Appointed Corporal 3 yrs. 3 yrs. request April 19.1863; mustered out on expiration of term of service. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Discharged Aug. 20. 1862. at Johnson s Island, his own June Pochee. Louis Pratt, Allan Ransom, Diodatt do. do. 22 20 do. do. 34 ....do. ...do. 24 ....do. ...do. 27 20 j Reese, Elijah Richards. Bnzil K Roberts, Benjamin Rogers, Linus Rogers, John F 4, 1863 1862 i 1862 30, 1862 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 23. 1863 Sept. 16, 1862 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 1 May , June I I Sal/gaver. William Sargent, \\ esley Oct. 29, 1863 3 yrs. May 31, 1862 3 yrs. do Aug. 22, IS64 do. do. May Men. 12, 1X62 19, 1863 3 yrs. 3 vrs. do June June 1862 1S62 3 yrs 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. ! i 1 i .Sept. 9, 1.S62; 5, 1865, ().. on Surgeon s certificate of disability. Died Jan. 23, 18F3 at Berlinville, O. Mustered out June 5, 1865, on expiration of term ol service. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Discharged June 2. 1864, at Johnson s Island, O.; M John Sabin, S. June Oct. i 22 45 July reduced at 3 yrs. on Surgeon s eerti cate of disability. Mustered out with company July 13. S. Infantry. where hehad Transferred to loth No further record previously enlisted. found. Mustered out June 5, 1865, by order of War 18C>5. I". yr. Department. A ... ! Discharged June 20, 1865, on Surgeon s certifi cate of disability. William Sarles, K : Charles Shiffler, ... .do. Showman. William B Smilh, Louis S Smith, Jonathan L do do do i .Inly July May 3. 2, . . ; 1863 17, 1863 IS, 1S62 Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 18a5. Mustered as Corporal; discharged June 2. 18(v2. at Johnson s Island, O., on Surgeon s (vrtiricate of disability. Smith, Samuel *ii .rr, George W i do. Stoker, Willis Teift, 18 d. <1o. Nathan Julv 1. 1862 Jan. July 1. 1861 1S63 1862 May do. 5, S, Mustered out June 5, 1865, by order of War De partment. Mustered out with company July 13, 1M65. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. A ^pointed Corporal June 6, 1862: reduced at ills own request March 26. 1S63: mustered n out June 5. 1865, on expiration of term of 3 vrs. , 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. i service. Urabcnhouar, Benjamin \? . . ..do. . 18 . ! July 27, 1862 Mustered out June 5. 1865, by order of War Department. Mustered out June 5.1865, on expiration of term of service. Mustered out June 5, 1865. by order of War Department. Mustered out June 5, 1S65, on expiration of term of service. 3 yrs. i Van Buskirk. George Walling, Charles Wann, William i . . . . .do . 24 . ...do... II... 18 33 18 i....do.. W I 19 do.. do.. , E Williams, George May IS, 3 yrs. IS(>:> j .do. . Warner. Henry West. Johii T White, Edward 19 | M i j i Aug. 22. 1864 May 1 yr. 19, 1862 3 yrs. June 4, July 4. June 2, 1X62 1863 1862 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 14, 1862 3 yrs. 2, 1862 3 yrs. Mustered out with com pan v July 13. 1865. Mustered out June 5, IS65. on expiration of term ol service. [Discharged Sepi. 20, 1X62 at Johnson s Island, ()., on Surgeon s certificate of disability. Mustered out June 5, 1NJ5. on expiration of term of service. Mustered out June 5, 1S65, by order of War Department. Mu^tevd out June 6, 1865. by order of War Department. Mustered out June 6, 1S65, by order of War Department. ; do May : June do Williamson, James j I j Wriker, Jacob A ycagley. James K. do... 31 do I , 1 18 j Oct. 1, 1862 July 7, 1862 3 yrs. Aug. 7, 1862 3 vrs. 3 yrs. | | Zimmerman. William II. do ; 18 i j | COMPANY Mustered in Sept. Hi. Ih62, at Johnson s Island, O., as Co. D, HoIV man s Battalion, by K. W. II. Reed. Captain Mustered out July 13, 1865, S. A.: transferred to this Regiment Jan. 5, 1864. 8th Infantry, I". at Thomas D. Camp Chase, H. Linnell Captain Lcroy W. Bailey . do j O., by B. L. Fletcher, 29 Dec. 21 Jan. 3 yrs. 24, 1S61 9, 1862 Lieutenant 1th U. > 3 yrs. S. Cavalry. Promoted from 1st Lieutenant Co. B Sept. 3, 1862; to Major Ailtf. 29, 1864. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant from 1st Sergeant Co. B Sept. 3, 1862: to Captain Sept. 8. 1864 mustered out June 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island. O., on expiration of term of service. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. A from 2d Lieutenant Jan. 5, mil: transferred from ; A .tson C. Bartholomew. ;lst . Lieut. 24 Sept. 10. 1862 3 yrs. 19 Nov. 23, 1863 3 yrs. Promoted from 2d Lieutenant o. E to date March 2 J, 1865; transferred to Co. K April 3 yrs. Transferred from Co. K April 22, 18(55; tered out with company July 13. 18o5. | i I Gcorux- M. Phillips do j | | Co. A Sept. 26, 1864; to Co. A April 12, 1865. < 22. 1865. James H. Fluhart.... ...do 25 Dec. 2, 1863 i mus 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Date of Entering the Rank. Names. 509 Remarks. Service. George Hutchinson .J2d Lieut. .. 36 Sept. 23 Sept. 10, 1862 5,186:1 Promoted from 1st Sergeant Jan. 5, 1*64: mus tered out.June 8. at Johnson s Island, 3 yrs. : 186.">, on expiration of term of serviiv. Appointed Corporal Sept. 30, 1.S62 SergeaiH Sept. 1, 186: .: 1st Sergeant March 7. 1864; promoted to Q. M. Sergeant April 3, 1^65. Appointed Corporal Sept, 30. 1S62: Sergeant O. Hobart Corning. .ilstSergt. I 8 yrs. : j i | Addison Wells... .!.... do....! 25 Sept. 12.1862 j 3 yrs. i March 7. 1864; 1st Sergeant April lS65; 4, mustered out June 8. 1865. at Johnson s on expiration of term of service. Promoted to Com. Sergeant Jan. 1. !S64. Discharged Dec. 11. 1*64, at Johnson s Island, on Surgeon s certificate of disability. p.. Discharged Dec. 7. 1X63. to accept promotion in 102d ( S. Colored Troops, from which Island, O.. Henry (. Strong Charles A. Hunt... Sergeant. . ....do.... ! 21 21 Sept, Sept. ; 10. 10, 1862 1862 11, 1862 3 yrs. 3 yrs. i 3 yrs. ; . resigned as Captain April 6, 8 yrs. 1862 ; ; | 3 yrs. 12, 1862 25, 186^. Appointed from Corporal Dec. 17, 1802 promoted to 2d Lieutenant Co. A Aug. 25, 1863. ; .Appointed Corporal Dec;. 17, 186. : Sergeant March 20, 1864: mustered out June Johnson s Island, O.. on expiration i <s, l.-f>5, at 9, 1862 8. 1862 3 yrs. j I I 3 yrs. ! : ! 6, 1862 3 yrs. ! l<si;:>, | j of service. j 23, 1863 JO, 1862 3 yrs. i of term of service. Appointed from Corporal May 1.1864: mustered out June 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. Appointed from Corporal Dec. 14, 1864 mus tered out June 8. 1865, at Johnson s Island, O.. on expiration of term oi service. Appointed Corpora) Sept. 1, 1863: Sergeant ut April 4. 1865: mustered out Junes. Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term (Appointed June 10, 1865; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. June8, 1865. at Johnson s Island, O.. on expiration of term of service, Appointed Sept, I, 186:!; mustered out June 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island. ()., on expiration of term of service. Appointed Dec. 1. 1863: mustered out June 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. (Appointed March 7. 1864 mustered out June 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. Appointed March 7, 1861 mustered out June 8, 3 yrs. jMustertd out i | 3 yrs. 10, 1862 j i I ! 8, 1862 9, 1862 3 yrs. i I : [ 3 yrs. : j 3 yrs. 10, 1862 : Johnson s Island. O., on expiration term of service. Appointed May I, 1864; mustered out June 8, ISO.), at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. [Appointed Dec. 14, KS64 mustered out JuneX, on expiration 1865, at Johnson s Island, of term of service. Appointed April 4, 1 86.1 mustered out June 8, 1865, at I of 3 yrs. 12, 1862 f | 6, 1802 3 yrs. i ; <.)., j i 9, 1862 9, 1864 3 yrs. ; 3 yrs. 1865, at Jonnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. Appointed June 10,1865; mustered out with. 3 yrs. Appointed June I j . 19, 1861 j 12. 1862 | company July 13. 1865. company July 10, 1865; 13, 1865. mustered out with 3 yrs. [Mastered as private; mustered out June 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. 3 yrs. .Mustered as private; mustered out June 8, 1865. at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. 3 yrs. Discharged April 25,1863, at Johnson 8 Inland, O., on Surgeon s certilicate of disability; also borne on rolls as Frank Beach man. 3 yrs. Mustered out June u 1865. at Johnson s island, O., on expiration of term of service. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out J line 8. 1865. at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. 3 yrs. Discharged June 20, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on Surgeon s certificate of disability. 3 yrs. Clustered out June 8. 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. 3 yrs. Mustered out, June 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. 3 yrs. Mustered out J line 8. 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., on expiration of term of service. 3 yrs. Appointed Sergeant from Corporal Dec. 1. 1863; reduced March 17, 1864 mustered out i i "T^:""! j Elbridge G. Huntoii . |....do.... 20 j Sept. 10, 1862 j i Beichinaii, Frank Sept. 9, 1862 ...do.... Sept. 8, 1862 ....do.... ....do.... Men. Private..! 27 : I Bethee, William i. I Bradley, Roscius J... Brown, Franklin Brown, George S I. Brownling. John Bushnell, Charles H . Busldrk, Isaac Campbell, Charles C. ...do.... 26 Sept. 19, 1864 12, 1862 Aug. 25, 1803 ....do.... Sept. 8, 1862 ...do... Sept. 9, 1862 .do. Sept. 8, 1862 Sept. 8, 1862 i . ; 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island, O., pirnl.ion of term of service. June on ex- 510 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. aj Rank. Names. j tr Date of Entering the 511 Remarks. Service. Martin, Rowland L Private. Mch. 21 10, 1863 3 yrs. Sept. 10, 1862 3 yrs. Sept. 11, 1862 3 yrs. Nov. Aug. 3 yrs. Discharged ; do. . . Feb. 2, Mustered out June Department. -Discharged Aug. 20, ; j 1 1864, on Surgeon s cer- by order of War tincate of disability. . Metzgar, Jacob 8, 1865, j Miller. Jacob 39 tirif-ate i Mowery, James R | Mvers, otlo ! Olds, William. do. do. . . . 19 .do. I Sept. 1863 17, 1864 6, 8, 1862 1 I yr. 3 yre. i June I Jan. | | Sept. 22, 1863 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 1863 1802 3 yrs. 11, 1862 3 yrs. 1, 5. i 21 | 1!) Sept. Sept. 12, 1862 Sept. 12, 1862 s cer- Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July IS, 1805. Mastered out June 3, 1865. at Cincinnati, O., by order of War Department. Mustered HS Henry H. Penny mustered out June 3. 1805, at Cincinnati, O., by order of War Department. j j i 21 on Surgeon titicate of disability. ; I I 22 35 19 1863, of disability. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. Mustered out June 8. 1865, by order of War Department; also borne on rolls as Otto Mayer. Discharged Nov. 10, 1802, on Surgeon s cer- ; 3 yrs. jDied Oct. 24, 1862, at F.lyria, O. 3 yrs. [Discharged Feb. 12. 1863, on Surgeon s certincate of disability. 3 yrs. Mustered out June 3, 1865, at Cincinnati, O., by order of War Department. 3 yrs. out June 8, 1*05, by order of War j Sept. 11. 1862 ; ! 38 Sept. 9, 1862 jMustered i Sept. 10, 1862 21 3 yrs. i j 34 Sept. 10, 1802 3 yrs. JMustered out | 37 ] Sept. 26, 1862 Ryan, Andrew do. do. 32 Schlogater, Michael do 36 ! 23 ! ! June 8, 1865, 8, 1865, of War by order of War by order Department. out June 8, 1865, by order of War Department. Died Feb. 15. 1863, at Grafton, O. Appointed Sergeant Sapt. 30, 1862; reduced to ranks at his own request Dec. 17, 102 died March 29, 1803, at Johnson s Island, O. Mustered out June 8, 1865, by order of War Department. Mustered out June 8, 1805, by order of War Department. Mustered out with company July ]:!. 1865. Mustered out June 8, 1865, by order of War 3 yrs. [Mustered j Royce, Henry Department. Mustered out June Department. Sept. 12. 1862 Sept. 10, 1862 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. : j Sept. 8, 1802 Sept. 11. 1802 3 yrs. Dec. 16, 1863 Sept. 11, 1802 3 yrs. 3 yrs. i I : i Sept. 0, 1862 Deportment 3 yrs. iDischarged Aug. 20, 1863, on cate of disability. 3 yrs. out June 8. 1865, Surgeon s eertifi- | Sept. 8, 1862 Sept. 8, 1862 1S63 1862 by order of War jMustered Department. 3 yrs Mustered out June 8, 1805, by order of War Department. 3 yrs. Mastered out with company July 13, 1805. 3 yrs. Mustered out June 3, 1865, at Cincinnati, ()., by order of War Department. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 10, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, !Mi5. 3 yrs. jMustered out June 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island. O.. by order of War Department. 3 yrs. Mustered out June 8, 1865, at Johnson s Island. O. by order of War Department. isi ,5. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company- July 3 yrs. Mustered out June 8, 1865, at Johnson s island, O.. by order of War Department. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1X05. 3 yrs. Mustered out June 8. 1805, by order of War j April 6, Sept. 9, All?. 1. ISO!! Aug. 1, Sept. 9, 1863 1802 Sept. 11, 1862 Oct. Sept. 6. 8, 1862 1802 Mch. 14. 1804 Sept. 10, 1802 ! : i:.;. Sept. 8, 1802 3 yrs. Deparment. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. Mustered out June 8, by "order of War Department. Mustered out June 8, 1865, by order of War Department. Mustered out June 8, 1805, by order of War Department. Mustered as George W. Werner; discharged Sept. 23, 1804. at Johnson s Island, 0., on Surgeon s certificate ol disability. Mustered out June 8, 1865, by order of War Department. Mustered out June 8, 1805, by order of War Department. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Discharged Nov. 25, 1862, on Surgeon s certifi Sept. 9, 1862 3 yrs. Promoted Sept. 10, 1862 3 yrs. Died Jan. i Nov. 1862 3 yrs. 3 yrs. Sept. 10, 1862 3 yrs. Sept. 11, 1803 8, Sept. 12, 1862 3 yrs. Sept. 9, 1862 3 yrs. Sept. 26,1862 3 yrs. 1802 3 yrs. Sept. 9, Mch. 19,1863 3 yrs. 1!S65," cate of disability. to 2d Lieutenant 178th Sept. 26, 1864. 26, 1863, at Sandusky, O. O. V. I. ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 512 COMPANY Mustered in Jan. 9, 13, E. Cleveland, O.. by H. Douglas. Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered out July 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by B. L. Fletcher. Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. 1864, at 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 513 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 514 COMPANY Mustered out July 13, F. Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas. Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by B. L. Fletcher, Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. in Dec. 21, 1863, at Mustered 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 515 516 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. COMPANY G. Mustered in Jan. 10. 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. out July 13, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by B. L. Fletcher Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. Mustered 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Rank. Names, Date of Entering the 8b 517 Remarks. Service. Donovan, John Private..! 22 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Elton, Israel Fisher, James J... Fisher, William. .. Fleig, Anton Flint, Cornelius G. Fried, William D.. Friend, Henry Gignac. Napoleon. Gillett, Joseph Gittner, Marshall Gordon, Daniel.. . . . Dec. 12, 1863 23 Aug. 26. 1864 . 2-2 .! 18 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 19, 15, 14, 19, 21, 14, 15, .; 22 J 35 2l : I . 23 19 19, 9, 4, Mustered out Aug. 31, 1865, at Detroit, Mich., by order of War Department. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 18(55. Mustered out with company July in, 1865. Mus;ered out with company July 13, 1865. JMustered out with company July 13, 18(55. reduced [Appointed Sergeant Jan. io, 1864 mustered out with company July 13, 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 vrs. 18(53 1863 1863 ; ; 1865. Graves. Conrad Greenman, Samuel.. Griffin, Benjnnlin F. Gustin, James M. . . . John O Hall, .do Harrigan. Daniel Harroun, Henry E.. Hart, Leffert Scott. . . Heath, Francis M. . . Inschol, Edwin Jones, Royal C Kelly, Eli Kelly, Francis M Kendall. George King, Elias D Kirk. Joshua Krist, Michael .... Lee, James E Lee, Norman Lee, Thomas Linsley, Hufus Melntyre, Peter W.. Maimon. Jacob G Marsh. Henry Miley, Thomas Mills WilliamS , Northup, Lewis Parsons, Henry B.... Patton, James" D Peabody, James B. Peabody, John S. M. Peron, John . Phillips. . John Poulson, James Poulson, William N. Rathbun, Francis. Ressap, Gerard A .. .... Reutapaugh,- John. . Roberts, Frank Rodd, Charles Shank, Henry Shanly, George Dec. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Dec,. 27 24 j 22 18 | 22 26 33 I ! i Dec. April Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dei Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. . 28 35 29 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 23 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. jo 1 .) 23 21 28 26 26 24 19 43 Nov. Aug. I i Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 16, 18(53 16, 1863 14, 18(53 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 25, 1864 19, 1863 12, 18(13 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 vrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 17, 19, 14, 16, 1863 1863 1803 1863 1863 16, 186:; 26. 1863 15, 1863 18(53 IS, 18(53 16, 1863 18, 1864 24, 1864 IK, 18(54 22, 1864 12. 1863 8. 1863 17, 18(53 17, 1863 11. 18(53 28, 18(53 18, 1864 14. 1863 14, 1863 11, 1863 19, 1863 8, 186: 17, 18(53 , 1863 4, 1863 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 1863 3 yrs. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 12, 1863 24. 1863 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 16, 1863 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 21, 18, 15, 23, 14. 1863 Dec. Dec. 21. 18(53 9, 12. 1863 11, 1863 Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered [Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered Mustered .Mustered Mustered out out out out out with with with with with out with out with out with out with out with out with out with out with out with out with out with out with out with out with out with company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 1N 5. company July 13, 18(55. company July 13. 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 18(55. company July 13. 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13. 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 1865. company July 13, 18(55. company July 13, 1865. ;Mustered Died Dec. 28. 186-1, at Cedar "Point, O, JMustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 1N55. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered ut with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 13(55. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 18(55. Discharged April 26, 1864, at Johnson s Island, ; O.. on Surgeon s certificate of disability. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with compmiy July 13, 1865. Appointed Corporal Jan. 10, 1864; reduced mustered out with companv July 13, 3 yrs. 3 yrs. ; 1865. Showman. John H. Shull, Isaiah Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, David Edwin John Jesse Sintz, Daniel .Spauldiug, John 1863 1863 1863 1863 21, 1863 9, 1863 ; I ! i 3 3 3 3 3 3 Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Died May 14. 1864. at Johnson s Island, O. Discharged June 2. 1864. at Johnson s Island, O., on Surgeon s certificate of disability. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. Transferred to Co. A June 29, 1865. Discharged Aug. 30. 1864. at Johnson 3 yrs. 3 yrs. s Island, O., oil Surgeon s certificate of disability. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. JMustered out July 5, 1.H65. at Cincinnati, by order of War Department. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Clustered out with company July 13, 1865. | Spanldirig, William. Stough, Henry Thompson, Samuel. Wales, Ralph W Wales. William R... Watson, William Weston. John H Wick wire, Alfreds.. Zeigler, John J .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Dec. 1863 23, 1864 31. 1864 26, 1863 3 yrs. 2 yrs. Dec. Dec. Dec. 18. 1863 D^-c. 18, 1863 22, 18154 3 3 3 3 Aug. Aug. Dec. Aug. 9, 17, 1863 14. 1863 2 yrs. 3 yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. 3 yrs. Died Oct. 8, 1864. at Johnson s Island, O. O., ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 518 COMPANY Mustered out July 13, H. Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. 1865, at Camp Chase, 0., by B. L. Fletcher, Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. in Jan. 10, 1864, at Mustered 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 519 Remarks. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Discharged Dec 14. 1804, at Johnson s Island, O.. on Surgeon s certificate of disability. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. Discharged June 2, 1805, on Surgeon s certificate of disability. I Mustered out with company July 13, 28. 1864, on Surgeon Discharged Au<r. ; 1865. s certiri- cate 01 disability. j Mustered out with company Inly 13, .Mustered out with company July 13, [Mustered out with company July lit. Discharged June 2, 1864, on Surgeon ! 1865. 1865. 1805. s certifi cate or disability. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. Mustered out with company July 13. 1805. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 1805. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 1805. reduced June Appointed Corporal Jan. ti. 1. 1*05; mustered out with company July 13, I8i>4 ; 1805. Died April 5, 1864. in hospital at Cleveland, O. Mustered out with company July 13, 1S65. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Discharged Aug. 28, 1804, on Surgeon s certifi cate of disability. Mustered out with company July Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 13. 1805. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. Mus ered out with company July 13, I8 Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Appointed Corporal Jan. 6, 1804; reduced mustered oat with company July 13. 1805. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out wi1h company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Discharged June 12, 1865, on Surgeon s certifi i.<. ; l.s>;5. cate of disability. Mustered out with company July Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 13, 1865. Transferred to U. S. Navy April 22. 1864. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Died April 9, 1864, at his home in Logan County, O. Transferred to Co. A June 29. 1S05. Mustered out with company July 13, Transferred to Co. A June 29, 1805. Discharged June 2, 1804, on Surgeon 1865. s certifi cate of disability. Mustered out with Mustered out with Mustered out with I i company July company July company July 13, l^t 5. 13, 1865. 13, 1805. ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. -520 COMPANY I. Mustered in Jan. 14, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. out July 13, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by B. L. Fletcher, Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. Date of Entering the Rank. Names. I ^o s Remarks. > Service. Austin McDowell : 48 Dec. 1st Lieut.] 26 Jan. Captain. 1863 3 yrs. 23, 3862 3 vrs. 1, Appointed Dec. 1 Samuel I). McElroy... j company July 25, 1863; 13. 1865. mustered out with Promoted from 2d Lieutenant Co. B Jan. 5, 1864; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Charles W. Simve. [ Discharged April Promoted Conkliu L, Joseph . 7, 18fi5. Major from 1st Sergeant Lieutenant April 21, 1865 mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Appointed from Sergeant April 2, 1865; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Discharged Aug. 30. 1861. Discharged Oct. 1, 1864, to accept promotion as 1st Lieutenant in With O. V. I. Discharged March 27. 1865. to accept promotion as Captain in 186th O. V. I. mustered out Appointed from Corporal with company July 13. 1865. mustered out Appointed from Corporal with company July 13. 1865. Appointed from Corporal March 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Appointed from Corporal April 2. 18(15 mus tered out with company July 13, 1865. iDied Aug. 12, 1861. i April 2, to Sergt. 1865 to 2d : ; j Joel L. Little Louis H. Campbell Thomas . . . C. Hirst i ; Arthur O. Griswold. Charles B. | Fox ; i j William Smith ; I Hiram B. Crute i Robert N. Marshall.. . ; Isaac N. Phillips John C. Andri-w? James C. Reedcr Henry L. Napp. i i Charles C. Armstrou S Appointed July Darwin Russell Edwin Discharged Dec. 10. 1864. Discharged April 25, 186). Mustered out to date July War Department. 13, 1865. | B. Fullmer... mustered out with company Appointed ; Benjamin mustered out with company Appointed July A. Teasdell i Jeremiah Overholser. Dec. do.... 3 yrs. 28, 1863 July by order of 13, 1865. j i 13. 1865, mustered out with company ; 13. 1865. mustered out with company Appointed July 13, 1865. Appointed March 1. 1865; mustered out with | i Spellmau Green Carlos F. Dec. ..do... 17, 1863 ! 3 yrs. company July company Med lev ....do....: 21 Dec. 23,1863 3 yrs D. Richards.. Charles H. Wright Musician Dec. Dec. 27, 1863 11, 1863 3 yrs. 3 yrs. Auger, Elea/.ur Baker, Edgar L Private.. Dec. Dec. Dee. Dec. Dec. April Dec. 21, 186;; 10, 1863 3 yrs. Edward ...do... 13, 1865. Appointed April July Appointed May 2, 1865, mustered out with 13. 1865. 1, 1865; mustered out witb company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered ns private; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Discharged April 23, 1861. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. [Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Transferred to U. S. Navy July 27, 1864. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. | i I Ballenger, George L. Bole, John Brinson Job n S . . , LS ..do... ..do... ..do....] ..do I Brooks, George Caley, Watson Carleton, Eugene A... Carroll, Henry Castle. Theodore O Chivoret, Napoleon Crawford, Charles H Crawford, Wm. Crow, Mark E Curl, Charles H Deeter, Reuben Dewilly, Brown Dowling. Robert Engle, John Ernst, George. (iarusy, Win. II Gaskill, Luther W Greenwood, Henry Gregory, Andrew J Gunsenhauser, Jacob. Haekett. Edward D.... Hake, Jacob Hall. Charles Harshman, D. A Haydock, Thomas Heisner, Augustus Hiher, Hugh ..do.... ....do.. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do ... ....do.... ....do.... | 24 18 32 IS 18 !H5 19 1.". LJj I ! I 18 20 19 30 18 34 18 18 18 28 Aug. 19 Dee. Dec. 27 29 24 do ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do.... Aug. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dee. Dec. Dec. Dee. Dec. Jan. 22 Aug. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 8, 1863 23, 1863 21. 1863 2, 18, 23, 19, 22, 10, 15, 18, 21, 14, 26, 4, 11, 26, 18, 5, 15, 12, 21, 23, 23, 23, 19, 23. 29, 16, 26, 1864 1863 1864 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1864 1861 1863 1863 1864 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 i 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 vrs. .Transferred to Co. A June 29, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1S65. 3 yrs. jMustered out with company July 13, 18(55. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Musterea out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. [Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. [Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. 3 yrs. iMustered out with company July 13. 1865. 3 yrs Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. 3 yrs. Transferred to U. S. Navy July 27, 186-1. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. IMustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. I | i ! j I I i I 12Srn REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Names. Date of Entering the Rank. 521 Remarks. Service. Huffman, Silas Hylaud. William Private.. ....do.... Dec. Dec. 10, Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 23, 28, 11, 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. iDied March 16, 1864, in hospital at Camp Cleveland. O. 3 yrs. Discharged Aug. 30. 1804. 3 yrs. Mustered ont with company July 18, 1865. 1803 1803 i Inman. William Irwin. Daniel L ...do... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do....! ....do.... ...do... Jacobs, Abraham Keeler. George Kelso, George Kistner. Joseph E W Knapp. Lorenzo Kreutzer. John Kump, Israel Lanaguu, George Lee. Kzra R ..do.... .do. ....do.... Leeland, Major I Little, Jacob I.utz, Casper McAvoy, Michael do do.. do.. I Malla, Alexander . Peter.. 1 Marshall, William P. Miller, . . . . Abraham . ..do.. ..do.. . . do... do.. i Moose, John MurdocK, John . . E do... do... do. . do. . . do... do. H ....do... .do. ....do... j Perkins, Charles Ray, Francis . I . . John . Rhodes, Charles ...do... j Napp. John Overmire, Washington Penniman, Silas Riley, William Rivers, Adam .. j Mulford, Charles Murray, James B E . . . . do do do Roach, Leonard C Roberts, George Robinson, William ....do... ...do... Roe. William Rnple, Darwin Sawyer, David. ....do. ....do. ...do. Scarran, Thomas Snyder, Franklin D Solomon, George Sprontberry. Henry Stewart, Robert | I Stiekney, Malcolm Stout, Jonathan Strong. Lorenzo A Sweeney, Henry Swisher. Anthony Taylor, Andrew J Titus, Titus, Dec. Aug. Dec. Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.. j Mans. Reit, . Aug. George Ora I i ! i do do do do do do do !....do.... Turner, James Peter Vining, Albert Volkert, Charles | Van Honten, : Wartman, Abraham Wallace. William Webb, John N Webb, William do. do. do. do. H Webster, Daniel Will ord, Thomas ; do do do do do do Dec. Dec. 29, 21, 8, 22, 11, 23, 24, 5, 12, 19, 20, 10, 17. 19, 18. 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1804 1803 1804 1803 A ug. Aug. Aug. 22, 23. Dec. Deo. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 18, 10, 28, 17, 10, Aug. Aug. 23, 18(54 23, 1864 Dec. Dec. 18, Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. 5, 1864 4. 180:5 19, 18(53 20, 1863 2 21, Dec. Dec. 28. 1863 Aug. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec Dec. Dec. Dec. Aug. Dec. Mch. ....do.... ....do... Dec. Dec. Dec. do. do. Dec. Dec. i. ; 1863 180:> 19, 1863 22. 1863 i ! ! j 1863 1864 1863 1864 1863 1863 1863 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 17, 1803 3 yrs. 1803 3 yrs. 23, 22, 21, 16, 20, 29, 29, 18, >.\ ; 28, 1863 23, 1804 J, A ; 1803 12, 17, 1863 19, 1863 3 yrs. June 29, 1805. yrs. (Transferred to Co. yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. yrs. Transferred to U. 8. Navy July 27, 1864. yrs. Discharged Sept. 23, 18(54. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 18(55. 3 yrs. Discharged Jan. 5, 1865." 3 yrs. Mastered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 1 yr. Transferred to Co. B March 16. 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Transferred to Co. June 29, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13. 1805. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13. 1805. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13. 1805. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. .Mustered out with company July 13. 1805. 3 yrs. Appointed Corporal reduced April 27, 1805; mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Died Aug. 29, 1804. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865, 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1305. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered as Musician mustered out with company July 13, 1805. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1805. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. 3 yrs. Discharged May 2, 1804. 3 yrs Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. 186.">. 11, 1863 3, 1865. 1865. 1805. ls A 1804 1863 Aug. Dec. Dec. Dec. 13, 13, 13, 13. I 1863 1863 1863 Dec. July July July July i I 1803 1803 1863 1863 1863 1864 1864 1863 13, yrs. 3 3 3 3 3 7, 18(53 19, 23, 18, 17. Aug. Aug. :: 3 yrs. 1804 1803 1803 1803 1863 1803 1863 1803 1863 1864 1861 1804 10, 19. Mustered out with company Mustered ont with company Mustered out with company .Mustered out with company 3 yrs. 3 yrs. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. Mustered out with company July 13. 1865. Mustered out to date July 13, 1865, by order War Department. Mustered out with company July 13, 1865. of ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 522 COMPANY Mustered in Jan. 7, out July 1864. at 13, 1865, K. Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. at Camp Chase, O., by B. L. Fletcher, Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. Mustered 128TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 523 524 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS.
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