vacuum components - Dental Equipment and Supply, Inc.
vacuum components - Dental Equipment and Supply, Inc.
PRECISION COMFORT ASSISTANT’S VACUUM VALVES INSTRUMENTATION PACKAGES VACUUM i COMPONENTS hVACUUM COMPONENTS VACUUM COMPONENTS Wall & Cabinet Mounted Assistant’s Instrumentation Introducing the Precision ComfortTM Vacuum Valves UÊÕÌÃÊÌÊ>ÞÊÛiÀÌV>ÊÃÕÀv>ViÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ-`ÃÊViVÌÀÊxnÈäÊÕÃiÃÊÊ Ê Ê ÀiÛ>LiÊÃVÀiiÊxnÓä UÊ6ÊEÊ-ÊVÕ`iÊȽÊvÊÌÕL}ÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ-ÞÀ}iÃÊVÕ`iÊǽÊvÊÌÕL} UÊ-ÞÀ}iÊvÜÊVÌÀÊLVÊÎäÓ£ÊÊÊ UÊÀ>ÊÌÕL}Êǽ / iÊ*ÀiVÃÊ vÀÌ/Ê6>VÕÕÊ6>ÛiÃÊVÀ«À>ÌiÊÌ iÊVÌi«À>ÀÞ]ÊÊ «>ÌiÌi`Ê`iÃ}ÊÃÌÞiÊvÊÌ iÊiÜÊ*ÀiVÃÊ vÀÌ/Ê-iÀiðÊ/ iÊÛ>ÛiÃÊ >ÛiÊÊ LiiÊÀii}iiÀi`ÊvÀÊi>ÃiÊvÊ«iÀ>ÌÊvi>ÌÕÀ}ÊÌ iÊiÜÊ>À}iÀÊiÀ}VÊÊ iÛiÀÃÊvÀÊÃÌ Ê>VÌÛ>ÌÊÜÌ Ê}ÛiÃ°Ê PN 5422 5421 5415 5414 5413 5412 5422 Smooth Adjustment Lever -}iÊ«iViÊiÛiÀÊÊ EÊëÊ`iÃ}ÊÃÊÊ i>ÃÞÊÌÊVi> Easy Tip Insertion & Removal Debris Prevention Guard iÜÊ>}i`Ê«i}Ê >iÃÊÌ«ÊÃiÀÌÊÊ EÊÀiÛ>Êi>ÃiÀÊÊ >`ʵÕViÀ 6>VÕÕÊ6>ÛiÊÃÜÛiÊ }Õ>À`Ê«ÀiÛiÌÃÊÊ `iLÀÃÊvÀÊLV}Ê Û>VÕÕÊ Ãi 1-800-624-2793 UÊÕÌÊÊÛiÀÌV>ÊÀÊÊ Ê ÀâÌ>Ê«ÃÌÊÊ UÊ6ÊEÊ-ÊVÕ`iÊȽÊvÊÌÕL} UÊ-`ÃÊViVÌÀÊxnÈäÊÕÃiÃÊÊ Ê ÀiÛ>LiÊÃVÀiiÊxnÓäÊÊÊ UÊ-ÞÀ}iÊVÕ`iÃÊǽÊvÊÌÕL} 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Valve w/o Quick-Disconnect Replacement Quick-Disconnect Swivel for 1/2” Tubing Replacement Quick-Disconnect Swivel for 5/8” Tubing Replacement Lever & Spool Valve Assembly Premium Autoclavable Saliva Ejectors VALVES VACUUM VALVES Threaded Tip Standard Autoclavable Extended Vacuum Valves PN 5080 5081 5082 5083 5168 UÊ-}iÊ«iViÊ>`âi`ÊÊ Ê >ÕÕÊL`Þ UÊ>ÃÞÊÀiÛ>ÊiÛiÀÊEÊëÊÊ Ê Û>ÛiÊ>ÃÃiLÞÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ,iÃÃÌ>ÌÊÌÊVi>}ÊÃÕÌà UÊ+ÕV`ÃViVÌÊqÊÎÈäcÊÃÜÛi PRICE $31.00 $24.00 $11.00 $10.00 1-800-624-2793 1-800-624-2793 IPB on page 87 5080 UÊ-Ì Ê«>ÃÌVÊiÛiÀÊ>VÌÊÊÊÊÊ UÊiÃ}i`ÊÌÊLiÊÕÃi`ÊÊ Ê ÜÉÊÃÌ>`>À`Ê `iÀÃÊÊÊÊÊ UÊVÕ`iÃÊLÀÕà ÊvÀÊVi>}ÊÊ VACUUM i -iiÊ*>}iÊÇ{ÊvÀÊ*ÀiVÃÊ vÀÌ/Ê ÛiÀÃÊ+°°Ê-ÜÛiÃÊÊ VACUUM Ì >ÌÊ>ÜÊ«À«iÀÊwÌÊÊÌ iÀÊiµÕ«iÌÊ>Õv>VÌÕÀiÀÃ½Ê `iÀð COMPONENTS UÊ`âi`Ê>ÕÕÊL`ÞÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ-Ì Ê«>ÃÌVÊiÛiÀÊ>VÌ UÊ+ÕV`ÃViVÌÊqÊÎÈäcÊÃÜÛiÊÊÊÊÊ UÊÊV«iÌÃÊ>ÀiÊ>ÕÌV>Û>Li IPB on page 86 FEATURED ITEM DESCRIPTION Single Valve w/ Quick-Disconnect Single Valve w/o Quick-Disconnect Replacement Quick-Disconnect for 3/16” Tubing Replacement Lever & 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SWIVELS / A-DEC® STYLE ACCESSORIES VACUUM VALVES VACUUM i COMPONENTS hVACUUM COMPONENTS VACUUM COMPONENTS Saliva Ejector Tips Precision ComfortTM Conversion Q.D. Swivels UÊ*Õà ÊÀÊÃVÀiÜ UÊ/«ÃÊ>ÀiÊ>ÕÌV>Û>Li UÊ>ÌiÝvÀii PN 5754 5750 5742 5740 5742 DESCRIPTION Push-on Autoclavable, Gray Push-on Autoclavable, Black Screw-on Autoclavable Tip, Gray Screw-on Autoclavable Tip, Black 5680 Saliva Tip Adapter UÊ`>«ÌÃÊÌÊ6ÊÛ>ÛiÊÊÊ UÊ ÌÊ>ÕÌV>Û>Li PN 5752 DESCRIPTION Saliva Ejector Adapter PRICE $10.00 DESCRIPTION A-dec® HVE Q.D. Swivel PRICE $20.00 5111 Pelton & Crane HVE Q.D. Swivel $20.00 5221 Pelton & Crane SE Q.D. Swivel $20.00 5680 Cattani HVE Q.D. Swivel 26mm Swivel, 18mm Barb $24.00 5681 Cattani SE Q.D. Swivel 20mm Swivel, 11mm Barb $20.00 5682 HVE Swivel for Cattani SE Tubing $24.00 5684 Durr HVE Q.D. Swivel 28mm Swivel, 22mm Barb $24.00 5683 Durr SE Q.D. Swivel 18mm Swivel, 10mm Barb $20.00 5683 UÊ*Õà Ê>ÕÌV>Û>LiÊÌ«ÊÊÊ UÊ7Ì ÕÌÊÛ>ÛiÊÊÊ UÊ,iÛ>LiÊVi>ÊÕÌÊL>ÃiÌ DESCRIPTION Saliva Ejector Assembly PRICE $11.50 Tubing Adapter NEW m HVE Swivel for Durr SE Tubing $20.00 Siemens HVE Q.D. Swivel 19mm Swivel, 15mm Barb $24.00 A-dec® Style Vacuum Valves it e DESCRIPTION Tubing Adapter 5685 5183 5684 UÊ£Éӻʰ°ÊÌÕLiÊÝÊÎÉn»Ê"°°ÊL>ÀL UÊ iVÌÃÊÎÉn»Ê°°ÊÛ>VÕÕÊÌÕL}ÊÌÊÊ Ê Ì iÊë>ÀiÊ6Ê«ÀÌÊÊÛ>VÕÕÊV>ÃÌiÀà PN 5745 PN 5220 5681 Saliva Ejector Tip PN 5720 PRICE $8.50 PN 5061 DESCRIPTION A-dec® Style Autoclavable Extended Vacuum Valve PRICE $70.00 5060 A-dec® Style Autoclavable Short Vacuum Valve $64.00 5062 A-dec® Style Autoclavable Saliva Ejectors $64.00 Saliva Ejector Adapter UÊÇɣȻÊ"°°ÊÝÊÇÉÎÓ»ÊL>ÀLÊÊÊÊÊ UÊÃiÀÌÃÊÌÊÛ>VÕÕÊV>ÃÌiÀÊ«ÀÌÊÀÊ6ÊÛ>Ûi VACUUM i COMPONENTS PN 5751 DESCRIPTION Tubing Adapter VACUUMPRICE VALVE VACUUM CANISTERS $5.00 IPB Note: These parts are not made by or in any way connected to A-dec . ACCESSORIES ® on page 85 1-800-624-2793 Autoclavable Dry Oral Cup 73 DESCRIPTION Dry Oral Cup PRICE $11.00 Vacuum Canister, Bottom & Side Mount UÊÛ>>LiÊÊiÌ iÀÊÃ`iÊÊ Ê ÀÊLÌÌÊ«ÀÌÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ-`ÃÊViVÌÀÊÜÉÊÊ Ê ÀiÛ>LiÊÃVÀii UÊVVi«ÌÃÊÓÊ6ÊEÊ£Ê-ÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ1ÃiÃÊÓÊ£Én»ÊÃVÀiiÃÊxn£Ç]ÊÊ Ê xnn]ÊxnnÇ 5872 PN 5872 5873 5888 2240 5877 Dry Oral Cup Liners UÊÀÊÕÃiÊÜÉÊxn{äÊÊÊÊ UÊ*ÀiVÕÌÊÊÊÊÊ UÊÈÊâ° PN 5845 DESCRIPTION Liners (pkg of 1000) 5877 PRICE $110.00 DESCRIPTION Disposable Basket (pkg of 10) Metal Basket PRICE $5.90 $25.00 5810 5756 Valve Cleaning Brush UÊ*>V>}iÊvÊx 5620 PRICE $32.00 $31.00 $6.90 $3.90 $16.00 GRAY 5860 5866 5865 5864 UÊÞ`ÀV`Ê`À>Ê«ÀÛÃÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ£ÉÓ»Ê"°°Ê`À>ÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ1ÃiÃÊ£ÊÇÉn»ÊÃVÀiiÃÊÊ Ê xn£n]ÊxnÓä]ÊxnÎÓ BLACK 5810 5831 5812 5813 DESCRIPTION Kit, Includes Vacuum Canister & Both Brackets Replacement Cap (w/ O-Ring) Bracket, Vertical-Mount Bracket, Horizontal-Mount PRICE $29.90 $6.20 $2.60 $2.60 PN 2221 5811 5821 5814 DESCRIPTION O-Ring Seal for Cap (pkg of 12) 1/2” Plug for HVE Port Plug for Saliva Ejector Port 5/8” O.D. Drain Adapter (pkg of 10) PRICE $4.95 $1.75 $2.25 $3.25 PN 5620 DESCRIPTION HVE Brush (3 3/4” bristles) PRICE $10.00 5621 SE Brush (3” bristles) $11.00 Vacuum Canister Post Brackets 5623 Medium Brush $20.00 UÊÀÊÕÌ}ÊÛ>VÕÕÊV>ÃÌiÀÃÊÊ UÊ`âi`ÊÀÊÜ ÌiÊÊ Ê xn£äÊEÊxnÈäÊÊ>ÊÓ»Ê"°°Ê«ÃÌ Ê «Ü`iÀÊV>Ì 5622 Surgical Suction Tip Brush $20.00 5621 5827 22 LOWER *, DESCRIPTION Side Port Bottom Ported Replacement Cap (w/ O-Ring) O-Ring Seal for Cap (pkg of 12) Mounting Bracket (for wall or counter-mount) UÊ1Ãi`ÊÜÉÊViÌÀ>ÊÛ>VÕÕÊÃÞÃÌiÊÊÊ UÊ-`ÃÊViVÌÀÊÜÉÊÊ Ê ÀiÛ>LiÊÃVÀii UÊVVi«ÌÃÊÓÊ6ÊEÊ£Ê-ÊÊÊÊÊÊ UÊxÇxxÊ*>ÃÌVÊÊÊÊ UÊxÇxÈÊiÌ> PN 5755 5756 UÊÕÌÃÊÕÃ}ÊvÕÀÊÈÎÓÊÃVÀiÜÃÊÊ Ê ÊLÌÌÊÃÕÀv>ViÊVÕ`i`® UÊVÕ`iÃÊÕÌ}ÊÊ Ê LÀ>ViÌÊxnÇÇÊÊÊÊÊ UÊxÉn»Ê"°°ÊÀ>ÊÊ Vacuum Canister, Bracket Mounted Saliva Ejector Baskets 5755 hVACUUM COMPONENTS 1-800-624-2793 74 UÊ1Ãi`ÊÜÉÊViÌÀ>ÊÛ>VÕÕÊÊÛ>ÛiÃÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ7 ÌiÊ>ÕÌV>Û>LiÊ«>ÃÌVÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ{»Ê`>iÌiÀÊÝÊ{Ê£ÉÓ»Ê } PN 5840 it e UÊ*ÀiVÃÊ vÀÌ/Ê+°°Ê-ÜÛiÃÊ>ÜÊ«À«iÀÊwÌÊÊ Ê ÊÌ iÀÊiµÕ«iÌÊ>Õv>VÌÕÀiÀÃ½Ê `iÀÃÊEÊÌÕL} 5220 PRICE $2.80 $2.80 $20.56 $20.56 NEW m PN 5825 5827 DESCRIPTION Gray Bracket, Anodized Gray Bracket, White PRICE $52.00 $60.00 Dental Equipment & Supply Ph.1 319-362-2265 Toll free 1 1-800-624-2793 800-365-6265 Fax 1 319-362-1184 76 1-800-624-2793 75 VACUUM SCREENS VACUUM & CUSPIDOR SCREENS VACUUM i COMPONENTS VACUUM COMPONENTS Solids Collector Screens NEW m it e hVACUUM COMPONENTS Solids Collector Screens UÊÀÊ`iV®Ê >ÃV>`iÊEÊ*iÀvÀiÀ PN 6818 DESCRIPTION A-dec® Cascade Disposable Screen (A-dec® #11.1191.00) (pkg of 144) UÊÀÊÕÃiÊÜÉÊ ÊÃÞÃÌiÊÈäääÊEÊ,i>ÌÞÊÕÌà PRICE $60.00 PN 5823 5822 LOWER *, DESCRIPTION Collector Screen Collector Screen (pkg of 100) PRICE $.65 $65.00 Solids Collector Screens NEW m it e PN 6821 DESCRIPTION Pelton & Crane® Spirit Disposable Screen (pkg of 144) PRICE $100.00 5823 Cuspidor Screens NEW m it e Solids Collector Screens UÊ ÛiÀi`Ê`ëÃ>LiÊÛ>VÕÕÊÌÀ>«ÊÊÊÊÊ UÊÛ>>LiÊÊ£ÊÇÉn»ÊEÊÓÊ£Én» 5820 PN 5820 5832 5889 5887 DESCRIPTION Covered Screen, 1 7/8” Covered Screen, 1 7/8” (pkg of 100) Covered Screen, 2 1/8” Covered Screen, 2 1/8” (pkg of 100) UÊÌÃÊ`iV®Ê >ÃV>`iÊEÊ*iÀvÀiÀ LOWER *, PN 5314 PRICE $.65 $50.00 $.65 $50.00 DESCRIPTION White Cuspidor Screen, 1 5/8” (pkg of 144) PRICE $105.00 Solids Collector Screens UÊ£ÊÇÉn»Ê`>iÌiÀÊÊÊÊÊÊ UÊëÃ>LiÊ«}ÊvÊ£ää®ÊÊÊÊÊ UÊÀÊÕÃiÊÜÉÊxn£äÊEÊxnÈäÊÊÊÊÊÊ PN 5818 UÊ6>VÕÕÊV>ÃÌiÀ Cuspidor Screens NEW m LOWER *, DESCRIPTION Screen, Disposable (pkg of 100) it e UÊÌÃÊ`iV®]Ê«V]ÊiÌ]Ê>LÌ>Ìi]Ê>ÃiÀi>Õ]ÊÊ Ê ]ÊiÌ><]ÊÀiÃÌ]Ê} Ì]Ê>ÀÕÃÊEÊ/ PRICE $50.00 PN 5313 Solids Collector Screens VACUUM i COMPONENTS UÊÓÊ£Én»Ê`>iÌiÀÊÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ6>VÕÕÊV>ÃÌiÀ UÊëÃ>LiÊÃVÀiiÊ«}ÊvÊ£ää®ÊÊÊÊÊ UÊÀÊÕÃiÊÜÉÊxnÇÓÊEÊxnÇÎÊÊÊÊÊÊ PN 5817 LOWER *, VACUUM CLEANERS / ALTERNATE VACUUM / PRICE $50.00 COMPONENTS ALTERNATIVE VACUUM 77 Vacuum System Cleaner UÊ ÌÕÕÃÊVi>}Ê>VÌÊÊÊÊÊ UÊÛÀiÌ>ÞÊÃ>vi UÊ Ì>ÃÊ "Ê >â>À`ÕÃÊÊ Ê >ÌiÀ>ÃÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ /ÝV]Ê«>Ì }iVÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ VÀÀÃÛiʵÕ`ÆÊÊ Ê Ã>viÊÌÊ >`iÊEÊÃÌÀi 1-800-624-2793 Air Vacuum System 78 UÊÀÊ«ÜiÀi`ÊÀ>ÊiÛ>VÕ>ÌÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ,iµÕÀiÃÊxäÊ*-ÊÕÊÊ Ê >ÀÊ«ÀiÃÃÕÀi 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Drain Screens 5HSDLULWHPVIRUYDOYHVSXUFKDVHGSULRUWR 1-800-624-2793 FEATURED ITEM Air Saliva Ejector UÊÜÃÊÃÌ>>ÌÊÜ iÀiÊÊ Ê >Ê}À>ÛÌÞÊ`À>ÊÃÊÌÊÊ Ê >Û>>LiÊÀÊ«À>VÌV> UÊVÕ`iÃÊyÕà ÊÌ}}iÊÌÊÊ Ê >ÜÊÀiÌiÊ>VÌÛ>Ì DESCRIPTION Cuspidor Drain Kit Wash Station Drain Kit Bowl Gasket Diaphragm, 4 Holes, 3” Diaphragm Filter, 1 1/4” Long x 1” Diaphragm Bowl, 1 3/8” Long x 1 3/8” Diaphragm Diaphragm, No Holes, 2 9/16” Diaphragm Bowl, 2 5/8” Long x 1 3/8” Diaphragm Filter, 2 1/2” Long x 1” Diaphragm PRICE $440.00 $155.00 $27.50 UÊ iVÌÃÊÌÊÃÌ>`>À`ÊxÉn»Ê°°Ê`À> UÊÀÊViVÌÊÕÃiÃÊÃÌ>`>À`Ê£É{»Ê"°°ÊÃÕ««ÞÊÌÕL} 5851 PN 5851 5853 9614 9615* 9616* 9617* 9632 9633 9634 DESCRIPTION Air Vacuum System AVS Valve & Tubing 1 Quart Replacement Bottle UÊ iVÌÃÊÌÊÃÌ>`>À`ÊxÉn»Ê°°Ê`À> UÊ7>ÌiÀÊViVÌÊÕÃiÃÊÃÌ>`>À`Ê£É{»Ê"°°ÊÃÕ««ÞÊÌÕL} Vacuum Drain Assembly Kit UÊ-iiVÌÊÌÊvÀÊiÌ iÀÊ>ÊÊ Ê VÕë`ÀÊÀÊ>ÊÃÊ`À>ÊÊÊ UÊ>ÌiÃÊÌ iÊii`ÊvÀÊÊ Ê VÛiÌ>Ê«ÕL}Ê UʣʵÕ>ÀÌÊ«>ÃÌVÊViVÌÊLÌÌi UÊ"ÕÌiÀÊÌÕL}ÊÃÊ ÊÇÎÓÊEÊÌ iÊÊ Ê iÀÊÌÕL}ÊÃÊ Ê£Óän UÊÕÌÃÊiÌ iÀÊÕ`iÀÊVÕÌiÀÊÀÊÊ Ê ÊÌ 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LOWER *, DESCRIPTION Yankauer Suction PRICE $35.00 *, PN 5350 5340 5350 DESCRIPTION High Volume Saliva Ejector Autoclavable Sleeves (pkg of 12) PRICE $29.40 $15.00 Modified Frazier Style Aspirator UÊ6>VÕÕÊÀiivÊ iÊ>ÜÃÊÞÕÊÌÊVÌÀÊÌ iÊÃÕVÌÊLÞÊÊ Ê VÛiÀ}ÊÀÊÕVÛiÀ}ÊÌ iÊ i UÊÀÊÕÃiÊÜÉÊ£É{»ÊÃÕÀ}V>ÊÌÕL}ÊÀÊÜÉÊÛ>ÛiÃÊÊÌ iÊ«iÊ«ÃÌ UÊ1ÃiÊi`ÕÊVi>}ÊLÀÕà ÊxÈÓήÊÊÊÊÊ LOWER UÊÌÃÊÃÕÀ}V>ÊÌÕL}ÊÀÊ } ÊÛÕiÊÛ>Ûi 5361 Stainless Steel Surgical Aspirator UÊ/>«iÀi`ÊÌ«Ê i«ÃÊ«ÀiÛiÌÊV}}}ÊÊÌÕLiÊÊÊÊÊ UÊÀÊxÎxÎÊÕÃiÊÃ>ÊVi>}ÊLÀÕà ÊxÈÓÓ® UÊÀÊxÎxÓÉÊxÎx£ÊÕÃiÊi`ÕÊVi>}ÊLÀÕà ÊxÈÓή 5353 PN 5353 5352 5351 *, PN 5361 5362 LOWER *, DESCRIPTION 1 1/2 mm Surgical Suction 2 1/2 mm Surgical Suction 3 mm Surgical Suction PRICE $25.00 $25.00 $55.00 UÊ/ÃÃÕiÊÀiivÊÃÌÃÊ i«Ê«ÀiÛiÌÊ}À>LL}ÊvÊÃvÌÊÌÃÃÕi UÊ1ÃiÊ6ÊVi>}ÊLÀÕà ÊxÈÓä®ÊÊÊÊÊ UÊ>ÌÌii`ÊÃÕÀv>ViÊ>`ÃÊÊÀiÌÀ>VÌ Stainless Steel Surgical Aspirator UÊ/ÃÃÕiÊÀiivÊÃÌÃÊ i«Ê«ÀiÛiÌÊ}À>LL}ÊvÊÌ iÊÌ}Õi]ÊÊ Ê V iiÊEÊÃvÌÊÌÃÃÕi UÊ1ÃiÊi`ÕÊVi>}ÊLÀÕà ÊxÈÓή PN 5354 DESCRIPTION 4 mm Surgical Suction LOWER *, PN 5358 5357 PRICE $25.00 $25.00 1-800-624-2793 COLOR S601 PN 740 740R SV05 SV05R 5561 PARTS 740 TUBING ILLUSTRATED SV05 BREAKDOWN 5561 DESCRIPTION 2 1/2 mm Surgical Suction (8 1/2” long) 3 mm Surgical Suction (8 1/2” long) 81 3/16” I.D. Vinyl Saliva Ejector Tubing colors Dark Surf Gray Lt Sand Sterling Black PRICE / PER FT. $.70 S615 S601 S603 S605 S604 PRICE / 100 FT. ROLL $54.00 S615R S601R S603R S605R S604R COLOR Gray PRICE / PER FT. $.70 S611 PRICE / 100 FT. ROLL $54.00 S611R PRICE / 100 FT. BOX $54.00 S615B S601B S603B S605B S604B PRICE / 100 FT. BOX $54.00 S611B 13/64” I.D. Braided Saliva Ejector Tubing Gray PN S612 S612R S612B S612 PRICE $29.40 $25.00 2243 2253 2254 2256 2257 2300 5107 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $13.00 5117 $13.00 5217 $11.00 5227 $11.00 LOWER *, DESCRIPTION Per ft. 100 ft. Roll 100 ft. Box DESCRIPTION Flush Cup Tubing, Gray (per ft.) Flush Cup Tubing, Gray (25 ft. Roll) 1/2” I.D. Drain Tubing, Gray (per ft.) 1/2” I.D. Drain Tubing, Gray (100 ft. Roll) 1/8” O.D. AVS Inner Tubing, Black (per ft.) PRICE $5.40 $95.00 $1.20 VACUUM $110.00 $1.60 COMPONENTS h 1-800-624-2793 Precision Autoclavable Vacuum Valve Parts 82 13/64” I.D. Vinyl Saliva Ejector Tubing S611 DESCRIPTION High Volume Suction Right Angle High Volume Suction Drain & AVS Tubings LOWER *, UÊÀÊÕÃiÊÜÉÊ£É{»ÊÃÕÀ}V>ÊÌÕL}ÊÀÊÜÉÊÛ>ÛiÃÊÊÌ iÊ«iÊ«ÃÌ UÊ1ÃiÊi`ÕÊVi>}ÊLÀÕà ÊxÈÓή VACUUM i COMPONENTS NEW PN 5355 5356 5356 LOWER *, PRICE $55.00 Stainless Steel Surgical Aspirator 5358 PRICE $35.00 $35.00 High Volume Suction 5355 5354 DESCRIPTION 2 1/2 mm Modified Frazier 3 mm Modified Frazier O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) Premium Anodized Swivel for 1/2” Tubing Standard Thermo Plastic Swivel for 1/2” Tubing Premium Anodized Swivel for 3/16” Tubing Standard Thermo Plastic Swivel for 3/16” Tubing 5105 PRICE $1.80 $130.00 $130.00 5108 $20.00 5118 $12.00 5218 $20.00 5228 $10.00 5165 $9.50 5166 $9.50 Premium Anodized HVE Lever & Spool Valve Assembly Standard Thermo Plastic HVE Lever & Spool Valve Assembly Premium Anodized SE Lever & Spool Valve Assembly Standard Thermo Plastic SE Lever & Spool Valve Assembly Precision ComfortTM HVE O-Ring Repair Kit Precision ComfortTM SE O-Ring Repair Kit 5215 5125 2254 2300 2254 2256 2253 Asepsis Smooth Wall Vacuum Tubing NEloW rs 5108 UÊ-Ì ]ÊÃ`iÊEÊÕÌÃ`iÊÊÊÊ UÊ «>ÌLiÊÜÉÊVi>}ÊÊ UÊiiÌÀVÊVÀÃÃÃiVÌÊÀiÃÃÌÃÊÊ Ê EÊ`ÃviVÌ}ÊÃÕÌÃ Ê VÀ«}ÊÀÊV>«Ã} UÊÌÃÊÃÌ>`>À`Ê6ÊÛ>Ûià UÊÝÌÀÕ`i`ÊÛÞÊÊÊÊÊ co 737 PN 737 733 734 742 744 DESCRIPTION 1/2” I.D. Dark Surf (per ft.) 1/2” I.D. Gray (per ft.) 1/2” I.D. Light Sand (per ft.) 1/2” I.D. Sterling (per ft.) 1/2” I.D. Black (per ft.) 5218 5108 2253 2243 2243 2257 5107 5217 5107 PRICE / PER FT. $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 5115 5225 5120 2254 2254 2300 2256 2253 Asepsis Vacuum Tubing 5228 5118 2253 732 24 PN 731 732 743 739 DESCRIPTION 1/2” I.D. Gray (per ft.) 5/8” I.D. Gray (per ft.) 1/2” I.D. Light Sand (per ft.) 5/8” I.D. Sterling (per ft.) PRICE / PER FT. $2.30 $3.90 $2.30 $3.90 5118 2243 2243 5117 2257 5227 5117 Dental Equipment & Supply Ph.1 319-362-2265 Toll free 1 800-365-6265 Fax 1 319-362-1184 1-800-624-2793 83 84 1-800-624-2793 ILLUSTRATED PARTS ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN VACUUM i COMPONENTS hVACUUM COMPONENTS VACUUM COMPONENTS A-dec® Style Autoclavable Vacuum Valve Parts 2243 2254 2257 2300 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $20.00 $16.00 $20.00 $14.00 $9.50 $9.50 Autoclavable Vacuum Instrument Parts 2243 2253 2254 2256 2257 5082 5092 5168 5169 5171 5172 5670 5672 5742 5754 O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) Bail/Spool w/ O-Rings, A-dec® Style HVE Swivel w/ O-Ring, A-dec® Style HVE Bail/Spool w/ O-Rings, A-dec® Style SE Swivel w/ O-Ring, A-dec® Style SE Repair Kit, A-dec® Style HVE Repair Kit, A-dec® Style SE Note: These parts are not made by or in any way connected to A-dec®. $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $10.00 $7.00 $23.00 $21.00 $6.00 $7.00 $5.00 $6.80 $20.56 $2.80 O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) Anodized Swivel w/ O-Ring Anodized Swivel w/ O-Ring Lever & Spool Valve Assembly Lever & Spool Valve Assembly HVE Bail Valve Spool w/ O-Rings Saliva Ejector Bail Valve Spool w/ O-Rings Saliva Ejector Tip, Screw-On (gray) Saliva Ejector Tip Gray `âi`Ê6>VÕÕÊÃÌÀÕiÌÊ,i«>ÀÊÌà Repair Kits include items designated by an asterisk. 5061 5084 5093 5145 5645 5062 5060 $2.50 $4.70 $9.50 $8.80 Premium Repair Kit, Autoclavable HVE Premium Repair Kit, Autoclavable SE Repair Kit, Autoclavable HVE Repair Kit, Autoclavable SE 2254 2300 2257 5080 5065 5090 5070 2254* 2243 5754* 2254* 5063 5088 5742 2257 5066 2253* 2256* 5168 2243 2253* 2243* 5064 5169 5168 2243* 5082 2257* 5082 ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN VACUUM i COMPONENTS 5148 1-800-624-2793 5660 hVACUUM COMPONENTS 5510 / 5511 1-800-624-2793 5742 5092 ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN 85 5710 2207 1-800-624-2793 86 5650 2254* 5750 5754 1020 5171* 5755 5670 2253* 2207 2256* 2209 2206 1210 2243* 5172 2257* 5082 5672 5150 5092 5709 5010 / 5011 5210 Vacuum Instrument Parts 2207 2254* 5750 1020 5755 3204 5171* 1042 2207 1030 2253* 2206 2208 2243* 1020 1030 1042 1210 2206 2207 2208 2209 3204 3205 5709 5742 5750 5754 5755 $15.00 $10.00 $40.00 $10.00 $2.80 $2.80 $3.10 $2.80 $40.00 $15.00 $5.80 $20.56 $2.80 $2.80 $5.90 Valve Extension, HVE Knurled Screw, SS Valve Spool w/ O-Rings Knob, Economy HVE O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) O-Ring (pkg of 12) Valve Spool w/ O-Rings Knurled Screw Knob, Economy SE Saliva Ejector Tip, Screw-On (gray) Saliva Ejector Tip (black) Saliva Ejector Tip (gray) Strainer Basket (pkg of 10) *ÀiÕÊ6>VÕÕÊÃÌÀÕiÌÊ,i«>ÀÊÌà 5172 Repair Kits include items designated by an asterisk. 5084 5093 3205 1-800-624-2793 87 88 $2.50 $4.70 Premium Repair Kit, HVE Premium Repair Kit, SE 1-800-624-2793 25 VACUUM COMPONENTS Let us be your component resource Vacuum Vacuum PARTS WAREHOUSE Basic Vacuum Kit with (2) HVEs S1803 Post Mount Assistant's Package › › › › › S1806 t t t t t t t t Housing mounts to 2" vertical post Includes contour QD autoclavable HVE and SE Includes contour C1700 syringe Includes master switch with visual indicator 1/4" water QD with flow control Integrated vacuum canister Vacuum drain and supply lines concealedin 7' long umbilical tubing Double articulating instrument holder Includes contour QD autoclavable HVEs and SE 6' asepsis tubing Standard vacuum canister with mounting bracket 1/2" asepsis drain line, 7-feet Hangers ordered separately $173.00 Deluxe Vacuum Kit with (2) HVEs $580.00 S1804 Basic Assistant's Package with (1) HVE › › › › › $211.00 S1801 › › › › › › › Includes deluxe QD autoclavable HVEs and SE 6' asepsis tubing Standard vacuum canister with mounting bracket 1/2" asepsis drain line, 7' Hangers ordered separately Includes contour QD autoclavable HVE and SE Contour C1700 syringe 6' asepsis tubing Flow block for accurate syringe metering Standard vacuum canister with mounting bracket 1/2" asepsis drain line, 7' Hangers ordered separately Deluxe CV Kit with (1) HVE S1800 › › › › $215.00 Vacuum canister with locking lid 8" flush mount hanger bar and hangers Two autoclavable HVEs and 1 autoclavable SE Smooth asepsis suction tubing $238.00 Deluxe Assistant's Package with (1) HVE S1802 › › › › › › › Includes deluxe QD autoclavable HVE and SE Contour C1700 syringe 6' asepsis tubing Flow block for accurate syringe metering Standard vacuum canister with mounting bracket 1/2" asepsis drain line, 7' Hangers ordered separately Post Mount Folding Arm / Hanger Assembly S1846 › › › › › $241.00 Includes 12" folding arm Post mount bracket with swivel for 2" post C2000 holder bar, 3 universal cavities Accepts additional folding arm sections Holder bar rotates 360º $224.00 Swing Mount Assistant's Package with (1) HVE › › › › › › Post Mount TeleArm / Hanger Assembly Under the counter mounting Includes QD autoclavable SE and HVE with asepsis tubing Syringe with 6' asepsis tubing and flow control block Solids canister with screen 1 piece molded swinging hanger 10' umbilical S1845 S1845SD S1845ST S1847 › › › › › $445.00 With Grey tubing With Sand tubing With Sterling tubing Vacuum Let us be your component resource $604.00 Deluxe Universal Autoclavable QD HVE Includes C1906 telescopic arm Post mount clamp provided CV canister mounting bracket S1414 included C2000 holder bar, 3 universal cavities Holder bar rotates 360º Call 1-800-817-6704 for assistance S1132 › Single piece contoured lever/valve assembly › Hangs from tip in most syringe hangers › Ultra-smooth body › Long lasting Viton O-rings › Anodized aluminum finish › Lightweight swivel QD Deluxe Standard Autoclavable QD HVE 26 Vacuum Manufactured to CE specifications 25 Standard Autoclavable QD HVE S1133 › › › › › › HVE Upper Assembly $48.00 › Single piece contoured lever/valve assembly › Hangs from base in most HVE hangers › Ultra-smooth body › Long lasting Viton O-rings › Anodized aluminum finish › Lightweight swivel QD S1132SG With 6' of tubi ng ..................................................................... $60.00 $46.00 RS11002 Delrin QD only ..............................................................................$6.50 Deluxe Autoclavable QD HVE, Upper Assembly S1135 › Upper assembly only for deluxe QD HVE › Use while original is being autoclaved Deluxe Standard Autoclavable QD HVE, Upper Assembly S1134 S1101 › Fits S1100/1103 HVE only › Use as extras while autoclaving SE Upper Assembly $41.50 $39.50 RS11301 Replacement spool assembly, deluxe HVE ................. $17.50 RS11301 Replacement spool assembly, deluxe HVE .................. $17.50 S1201 SE upper assembly ................................................................. $22.50 RS12001 Delrin QD only .............................................................................. $5.50 › Single piece contoured lever/valve assembly › Ultra-smooth body › Long lasting Viton O-rings › Anodized aluminum finish › Lightweight swivel QD › Fits in most syringe hangers $42.00 S1230SG With 6' of tubing ...................................................................... $45.60 RS12301 Replacement spool ................................................................. $17.00 Deluxe Autoclavable QD SE, Upper Assembly S1235 › Upper assembly for deluxe QD SE only › Use while original is being autoclaved S1125 › › › › › Smooth lever action Long lasting Viton O-rings 90º head for special handling Fully autoclavable Quick-disconnect $50.00 26 S1150 $36.50 › Quiet operation › Smooth external contour without a lever allows one-handed operation › Quick disconnect and fully autoclavable › Ready for cleaning and sterilization in seconds RS12301 Replacement spool ................................................................. $17.00 $66.00 Universal Autoclavable QD HVE 90º Autoclavable HVE Contour Vacuum Valve, Slider HVE › › › › › › Smooth lever action Single piece ultra-smooth body Long lasting Viton O-rings Anodized aluminum finish Lightweight swivel quick-disconnect Hangs from tip in syringe hanger S1100 S1103 S1100SG HVE with delrin QD ....................................................... $36.00 HVE with metal QD........................................................ $36.00 HVE with 6' Grey tubing .............................................. $48.00 S1105 S1104 HVE with delrin QD HVE with metal QD HVE Upper Assembly › Fits S1200 and S1203 only › Use as extras while autoclaving Deluxe Autoclavable QD SE Smooth lever action Single piece ultra-smooth body Long lasting Viton O-rings Anodized aluminum finish Lightweight swivel quick-disconnect Fits large-bore HVE hangers $36.00 $29.50 › Upper assembly only for deluxe QD HVE › Use while original is being autoclaved S1230 PARTS WAREHOUSE S1106 › Fits S-1104/1105 HVE only › Use as extras while autoclaving $29.50 Autoclavable QD Saliva Ejector › › › › › › Smooth lever action Long lasting Viton O-rings Single piece ultra-smooth body Anodized aluminum finish Lightweight swivel quick-disconnect Tapered base fits all syringe and auto hangers S1200 S1203 S1200SG SE with delrin QD ........................................................... $28.00 SE with metal QD ........................................................... $28.00 SE with 6' Grey tubing ...................................................$31.60 Screw-on Tip Saliva Ejector Universal Lever HVE › Lightweight comfortable body › Hangs by tip in syringe hangers › Easy to disassemble for cleaning $40.00 S1340G S1340B 28 Grey HVE Black HVE › › › › Secure screw-on style tips Choice of Grey or Black tips Rubber tip, brass insert Autoclavable valve only, remove tip first $35.00 S1207 S1208 S1209 SE with Black tip SE with Grey tip SE with metal QD and Grey tip Manufactured to CE specifications 27 1-800-817-6704 for assistance DentalCallEquipment & Supply Ph.1 319-362-2265 Toll free 1 800-365-6265 Fax 1 319-362-1184 Vacuum Let us be your component resource VACUUM COMPONENTS Vacuum PARTS WAREHOUSE Standard Rotary HVE › › › › › Standard Lever HVE Traditional rotary on/off 360º swivel quick-disconnect Lightweight comfortable body Fits large-bore HVE hangers Easy to disassemble for cleaning $31.00 S1300G S1300B S1320G S1320B › › › › › Traditional rotary on/off 360º swivel quick-disconnect Lightweight comfortable body Hangs by tip in syringe hangers Easy to disassemble for cleaning › › › › $36.00 S1310G S1310B Grey HVE Black HVE $10.00 $5.00 Vacuum Brush Autoclavable SE, No Shut-off Traditional rotary on/off Accepts plastic or metal screen Removable push-on tip Easy to disassemble for cleaning S1360G S1360B › Inserts into HVE to accept SE tips SE Screen S1361 › Disposable plastic › Package of 10 $3.00 $19.00 › Maintain internal valve passages $2.50 S1202 S1109 S1110 › Use for auto-hanger vacuum installations › Same great features as S1200, less lever valve $18.00 Grey HVE Black HVE S1002 › Allows connection of SE and tubing to an HVE › Inserts into an HVE tip › 7/16" OD with a 7/32" barb S1001 › Smooth lever action › Single piece ultra-smooth body › Lightweight swivel quick-disconnect Horizontal Rotary Saliva Ejector Universal Rotary HVE SE Adapter for HVE S1805 $31.00 Grey HVE Black HVE Saliva Ejector Adapter Horizontal Lever SE, Grey › Lightweight comfortable body › Fits large-bore HVE hangers › Easy to disassemble for cleaning Grey SE Black SE SE Brush HVE Brush Tip Extension for HVE S1810 Suction Line Plug › Seals HVE or SE line while autoclaving valve › Aluminum, snaps into end of HVE › Allows standard HVE to hang from syringe holder › Accepts common plastic and S.S. tips $10.00 $9.00 SE to HP Hanger Adapter Oral Dry Cup S1000 $15.00 Replacement Lever › Snaps in place › Fits all anodized aluminum SE & HVE valves V1203 V120310 V1103 V110310 RS1340B1 Saliva Ejector Tips, Push-on and Threaded SE replacement lever........................................................ $2.50 SE replacement lever, package. of 10 ................... $25.00 HVE replacement lever.................................................... $3.00 HVE replacement lever, package. of 10 ............... $30.00 Black for non-autoclavable HVEs ............................... $3.00 Push-on, autoclavable, Grey, bag of 5 ............................$13.50 Push-on, autoclavable, Black, bag of 5 ..........................$13.50 Screw-on, Grey, singles .........................................................$10.50 Screw-on, Black, singles ........................................................$10.50 S1397 S1396 S1004 S1003 Let us be your component resource SE Check Valve Vacuum 29 Call 1-800-817-6704 forVacuum assistanceCanister, Locking Lid Vacuum Canister › › › › › › › › › › › Multiple mounting configurations Two HVE ports, one SE port Includes plugs and mounting brackets S1398 1-7/8" screen included For spare brackets and parts, see page 100 S1395 S1495 S1414 Canister in Grey ........................................................................ $22.00 Canister in Black....................................................................... $22.00 Under counter bracket ..........................................................$13.00 Canister in Grey ........................................................................ $23.00 Canister in Black....................................................................... $23.00 Under counter bracket ..........................................................$13.00 S1386 S1385 › › › › › › › › › › › › Includes base mounting inserts Side ported Two HVE ports, one SE port Includes plugs S1406 2-1/8" screen included For spare parts, see page 101 $31.00 S1413 S1413 Bottom mount bracket, Gloss White...............................$15.00 $9.00 Air Vacuum System, Self Contained 30 PARTS WAREHOUSE Manufactured CE specifications AirtoVacuum System, Auto-draining S1830 › Air-operated HVE requires 60–80 PSI @ 1 CFM › Pulls 3.00 In Hg at tip › 32 oz collection canister, no drain required › Includes mounting clamp and hardware › HVE includes 6' asepsis vacuum line $450.00 Replacement Canister ................................................. $38.00 SE Tip Adapter ..................................................................$10.00 RS18251 RS18252 RS18252A RS18252B RS18256 RS18305 RS18307 Canister with filter ......................................................... $38.00 Nozzle assembly.......................................................... $179.00 Button cartridge assembly........................................ $54.00 Nozzle with tubing..................................................... $199.00 Replacement filter ..............................................................$7.00 Quick Disconnect, male .............................................. $38.00 Quick Disconnect, female ........................................... $19.50 S1820 $64.00 each package of 144 S1398 S1406 $4.00 › Air-operated HVE requires 60–80 PSI @ 1 CFM › Pulls 3.00 In Hg at tip › 8 oz. self draining collection canister › Includes mounting clamp and hardware › HVE includes 5' asepsis vacuum line › Shipped with 9' drain line $500.00 Air/Water Saliva Ejector Venturi V1605 › Plated brass construction › Serviceable Venturi $89.00 Air/Water Saliva Ejector Venturi A patented self-contained evacuation trap designed to promote simplified and sanitary disposal. A specially incorporated lid system means no more messy and unsanitary removal of the vacuum trap—all waste is trapped inside the screen and disposed. Regular use of TRAP-ease helps avoid bio-burden overflow and the resulting difficulty of removing traps. Eliminate the most disliked chore in your office and maintain maximum vacuum efficiency. Patent number 5571412. Disposable enclosed vacuum traps Reduces bio-burden buildup Easy removal Eliminates overflow S1399 › Fits all valves with 7/16" ID › Beige autoclavable plastic › For Air Vacuum Systems S1825 and S1830 TRAP-ease Vacuum Screen › › › › P1077 › Slips over your old SE base to allow use in an auto hanger Vacuum System Spare Parts Includes base mounting inserts Bottom ported Two HVE ports, one SE port Includes plugs S1406 2-1/8" screen included For spare parts, see page 101 $31.00 Bottom mount bracket, Gloss White...............................$15.00 Vacuum $13.50 RS18251 S1001 Vacuum Canister, Bottom Port Vacuum Canister, Side Port Prevents back-flow Easy to install barbed ends Long lasting plastic Non-restricting S1825 Twist-lock safety lid Multiple mounting configurations Two HVE ports, one SE port Includes plugs and mounting brackets S1398 1-7/8" screen included For spare brackets and parts, see page 99 S1394 S1494 S1414 V1846 › › › › Belmont, Biotec, Dentech, Forest, Proma & other 1-7/8" traps Adec Plastic traps, Biotec side port plus other 2-1/8" traps Air Vacuum Venturi for SE and HVE › Uses 30-50 PSI water to create suction or minimum 1CFM @ 60 PSI › Saliva Ejector with 6-feet of tubing › Includes vacuum generator, on/off toggle, drain line and installation hardware V1610 › Venturi only › Plated brass construction $156.00 $89.00 Disposable Trap Vacuum Canister 5500 5501 5502 5503 Adec Cascade and Performer Adec models with black plastic canisters, plus newer models by Ampco, Belmont, DCI, Forest, Marus, MDT, Biotec and Schein (2-1/8") Adec models with metal canisters (2-1/4") Ampco, Belmont, Biotec, Chayes, Dabi-Atlante, Dansereau, DCI, DentalEz, Dentech, Forest, Knight, Pelton & Crane, Proma, and others (1-7/8") $50.00 each package of 144 5504 5505 5506 5507 5509 5510 5511 5512 DentalEz models with wire screen filters Pelton & Crane Spirit with canisters. (2-3/4") DentalEz models with black plastic filters (2-15/16") Midwest 210 models. (2-3/4") DCI/Belmont Reality Series, System 6000 Sirona/Siemans C2, C3, C4, C6, C8; Pelton & Crane S1, S2 (3") Kavo Environment series Adec 500 (not shown) $50.00 each package of 144 Air Venturi 5501 5502 5503 5504 5505 5506 5507 Call 1-800-817-6704 for assistance 5509 5510 5511 31 Vacuum Canister Mounting Bracket S1414 S1413 › Use for an SE › Simple to connect › Plastic outer body with brass ports › › › › › › › › $31.50 $13.00 V1606 5500 CV Canister Bracket 32 White powdercoat finish Includes mounting hardware Fits C1906 telescoping arm Doubles as an under-counter mount Powdercoat steel Fits S1385, S1386 and others Fits all bottom mount canisters Mounts vacuum canister to a vertical surface $15.00 Manufactured to CE specifications 27 VACUUM COMPONENTS Let us be your component resource Large Air-Water Separator Vacuum Vacuum PARTS WAREHOUSE Small Air-Water Separator S1388 S1389 › › › › 2 gallon volume, 15" Tall Heavy Duty Molded polyethylene 1" drain port on base Side mounted twin 1-1/4" inlet ports › Use for twin pump installation › Adjustable powdercoated steel mounting bracket › Threaded barb selection included › › › › $285.00 $195.50 1 gallon volume, 12" Tall Heavy Duty Molded polyethylene 3/4" drain port on base Side mounted twin 3/4" inlet ports › Use for single pump installation › Adjustable powdercoated steel mounting bracket › Threaded barb selection included Workstation Vacuum Drain Kit Cuspidor Vacuum Drain Kit S1815 S1392 › › › › › › › › › Converts any cuspidor to vacuum drain Accepts 5/8" drain line, adaptable Fully automatic, silent running In-line filter included $184.00 RS13921 S1817 Silent running Fully automatic In-line filter included Includes all drain/suction adapter hardware Converts most workstations to vacuum drain $184.00 Drain valve with diaphragm ..................................... $98.00 Diaphragm only.................................................................. $9.00 RS13921 S1817 Drain valve with diaphragm ..................................... $98.00 Diaphragm only.................................................................. $9.00 Replacement Screen S13902 › › › › Fits all vacuum drain kits Direct replacement for S1390 Woven stainless steel 1" diameter x 1-3/8" long $6.50 Muffler, Suction System Disposable Trap-Evac S1384 › Inside diameter of threaded flange is 2-3/8" for model 2200 S1390 2300 2350FS 2400 Fits 1, 2 hp DentalEz single models Apollo 1 hp, 1.5 single & tandem models Air Techniques-Vacstar models Ohmeda-Matrix most models Turbine Industries Techwest-Whirl Vac models Vacudent-Workhorse single plus a number of other units (Qty 12) Fits DentalEz dual models made after 1978 and Dentsply made after 1991 Matrix 1000, 2000 Drymax (Qty 8) Fits Apollo 2hp, 3hp single & tandem models Air Techniques - 1997 and later dual models Vacudent - Workhorse dual Newer Vacstar models New finer mesh screen (Qty 8) Fits Dentsply-MVS .75, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0 models made before 1991 (Qty 8) › Plastic Barbs fit into tubing with same I.D. as barb size. › Use to remove heavy debris from suction or drain line › Easy to clean stainless screen › Exchangeable 5/8" barb inlet/outlet $44.00 $88.00 each package (pkg sized below) 2200 Barbed Vacuum Adaptors Suction / Drainline Pre-filter › Softens exhaust noise › Easy to install in-line › 3/4" female inlet + outlet $37.00 RS13902 RS13904 Replacement gasket ......................................................... $2.00 Replacement bowl .........................................................$14.00 P1910 P1911 P1912 P1913 P1914 P1915 P1916 1/2" NPT x 1/2" Barb.................................................................... $1.30 1/2" NPT x 5/8" Barb ................................................................... $1.30 3/4" NPT x 1/2" Barb.................................................................... $1.40 3/4" x 5/8" Barb ............................................................................. $1.50 3/4" x 3/4" Barb ..............................................................................$1.70 3/4" x 1" Barb.................................................................................. $2.50 1" x 1" Barb ...................................................................................... $2.50 2234 2301 In-line Manual On/Off Valve Replacement Heads Pinnacle replacement heads are available for most vacuum pumps. The head is the part of the vacuum pump where the Evac-U-Trap canister is attached. $18.00 MSRP each 2234 2301 Replacement head 3/4" FPT (matches #2200) Replacement head 1" FPT (matches #2300 and #2350-FS) Call 1-800-817-6704 for assistance 33 › Use for vacuum shut down applications $24.00 V1810 V1811 V1812 34 1/2" x 1/2" Barbed fittings 5/8" x 5/8" Barbed fittings 1/2" x 5/8" Barbed fittings Vacuum gauge C2507 › Registers down to 30" of Hg › 1/8" MPT fitting $22.00 Manufactured to CE specifications We’re your Headquarters for PARTS GIVE US A CALL WITH YOUR QUESTIONS. 28 Dental Equipment & Supply Ph.1 319-362-2265 Toll free 1 800-365-6265 Fax 1 319-362-1184
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