2014 - 2015 Bastrop County Budget Book
2014 - 2015 Bastrop County Budget Book
Bastrop County Official Budget Fiscal Year 2014-2015 BASTROP COUNTY OFFICIAL BUDGET OCTOBER 1, 2014 – SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 PAUL PAPE, COUNTY JUDGE PREPARED WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THE COUNTY AUDITOR’S OFFICE THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION Budget Certificate County Facts I II County Officials III Commissioner Precincts IV Ad Valorem Tax Rate & History V GENERAL FUND REVENUES, APPROPRIATIONS & PERSONNEL Revenue 1 Revenue Graph 5 Appropriations 6 Appropriation Graph 7 County Judge 8 Law Enforcement 62 Courthouse Security 68 County Jail 70 Animal Control 76 Juvenile Probation Department 79 Department of Public Safety 80 Elections Administrator 82 Planning & Economic Dev 84 Environmental Services 86 Indigent Health Care 88 Child Welfare 90 Habitat Conservation 92 Extension Service 94 GIS & Addressing 96 Sign Shop 98 Commissioners Court 10 County Clerk 12 Emergency Management 14 Veteran Services 16 ROAD & BRIDGE Human Resources 18 Revenue & Appropriations Grants 21 County Court-At-Law 22 District Court 24 District Clerk 26 Justice of the Peace, Pct. 1 28 Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2 30 Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 32 Justice of the Peace, Pct. 4 34 District Attorney 36 County Auditor 38 County Treasurer 40 Purchasing 42 Tax Assessor/Collector 44 Tax Collections 46 Information Technology 48 General Services 50 Engineering Dept. 52 Constable, Pct. 1 54 ROAD & BRIDGE, PRECINCT 4 Constable, Pct. 2 56 Revenues 116 Constable, Pct. 3 58 Appropriations 117 Constable, Pct. 4 60 Personnel 118 Revenue & Expenditure Graph 119 Non-Departmental 100 103 ROAD & BRIDGE, PRECINCT 1 Revenues 104 Appropriations 105 Personnel 106 Revenue & Expenditure Graph 107 ROAD & BRIDGE, PRECINCT 2 Revenues 108 Appropriations 109 Personnel 110 Revenue & Expenditure Graph 111 ROAD & BRIDGE, PRECINCT 3 Revenues 112 Appropriations 113 Personnel 114 Revenue & Expenditure Graph 115 DISTRICT ATTORNEY HOT CHECK FUND DEDICATED FUNDS Revenues 122 Appropriations 123 COMPLEX WILDFIRE PA Revenues 124 Appropriations 125 COMPLEX FIRE GRANTS Revenues 126 Appropriations 127 STATE APPROPRIATED FIRE FUNDS Revenues 128 Appropriations 129 STONEY POINT GRANT Revenues 130 Appropriations 131 HOT TAX FUND Revenues 132 Appropriations 133 ELGIN TIRZ Revenues 146 Appropriations 147 DISTRICT ATTORNEY SPECIAL ACCOUNT Revenues 148 Appropriations 149 ADULT PROBATION Revenues 150 Appropriations 151 JUVENILE PROBATION Revenues 154 Appropriations 155 ADULT PROBATION RESTITUTION Revenues 156 Appropriations 157 HOUSTON TOAD Revenues 158 Appropriations 159 ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION Revenues 134 Revenues 160 Appropriations 135 Appropriations 161 CETRZ LAW LIBRARY FUND Revenues 136 Revenues 162 Appropriations 137 Appropriations 163 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION 2010 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING FUND Revenues 138 Appropriations 139 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION 2014 Revenues 164 Appropriations 169 Revenues 140 DISTRICT ATTORNEY LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND Appropriations 141 Revenues 170 Appropriations 171 INTEREST & SINKING FUND Revenues 142 SHERIFF’S TELEPHONE INMATE FUND Appropriations 143 Revenues 172 Appropriations 173 MEDIATION SERVICES FUND Revenues 144 ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION FUND Appropriations 145 Revenues 174 Appropriations 175 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Bastrop County, Texas Incorporated cities within Bastrop County include Bastrop, Elgin and Smithville. Established in 1832 as part of Stephen F. Austin’s “Little Colony”, Bastrop is the second oldest incorporated city in Texas and is the county seat of Bastrop County. Surrounding counties include Travis, Lee, Fayette and Caldwell. Located at the junction of state highways 71, 21, and 95, Bastrop has ready access to the cultural and educational opportunities offered in nearby Austin as well as vocational experiences that come from our picturesque setting along the Colorado River in the piney woods. Our central location puts Bastrop County within a short drive of major colleges and universities. Located within 20 minutes of Austin Bergstrom International Airport, Bastrop is projected to be in the top five fastest growing counties in Texas during this decade. Our 130 plus buildings listed in the National Register of Historical Places earned Bastrop the title “Most Historic Small Town in Texas.” From January 2013 through September 2014, Bastrop County grew by historic proportions. Major developments include Academy Sports & Outdoors, Chick-fil-A, Southside Market & BBQ, Go Green International, Railroad Ranch Event Center, and many more, as well as several residential subdivision expansions. At A Glance At A Glance: At A Glance Cities: Bastrop Elgin Smithville County Population: 74,171 in 2010 75,825 in 2014 (estimated) Income: Median Income 2012/ $52,516 Sales Tax: County .5 % City 1.5% State 6.25% School District Enrollments: BISD- 9,575 EISD– 4,188 SISD– 1,804 Area Attractions Parks and Water Recreation: Annual Events: Bastrop State Park Jamboree (Smithville) Buescher State Park ∙ Weekend after Easter Lake Bastrop Yesterfest (Bastrop) Major Employers Major Employers Seton Smithville Hospital Bastrop ISD Bastrop, Elgin, and Colorado River ∙ Last Saturday in April HyattSmithville Lost PinesISDs Resort McKinney Roughs Nature Park Western Days (Elgin) ∙ Last Saturday in June Hyatt Lost Pines Resort Bastrop County Golf and Recreation: Homecoming (Bastrop) Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort ∙ First Weekend in August Pine Forest Golf Club Hogeye Festival (Elgin) ColoVista Golf Course ∙ Last Saturday in October Lost Pines Christmas Museums and Culture: ∙ Second Weekend in December Bastrop County Historic Society Festival of Lights (Smithville) Bastrop Opera House ∙ First Saturday in December Jim Long Railroad Museum & Park Bastrop County City of Bastrop LCRA Wal-Mart University of Texas Science Parks Bastrop FCI H.E.B. Food Store BASTROP COUNTY OFFICIALS October 1, 2014 Title Judge, 335 Judicial District Court Judge, 21st Judicial District Court Judge, 423rd Judicial District Court County Judge County Auditor Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 County Court-At-Law District Attorney Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 County Sheriff District Clerk County Clerk County Treasurer County Tax Assessor/Collector Constable, Precinct 1 Constable, Precinct 2 Constable, Precinct 3 Constable, Precinct 4 th Name Reva Towslee Corbett Carson Campbell Chris Duggan Paul Pape Lisa Smith Willie Piña Clara Beckett John Klaus Gary “Bubba” Snowden Benton Eskew Bryan Goertz Donna Van Gilder Raymah Davis Katherine Hanna Larry Dunne Terry Pickering Sarah Loucks Rose Pietsch Laurie Ingram Linda Harmon Dan Hall August Meduna, Jr. Matt Henderson Roy Pruneda III BASTROP COUNTY COMMISSIONER PRECINCTS Precinct 1 Commissioner William Piña 95 U V Precinct 2 Commissioner Clara Beckett V U Elgin 3000 Precinct 3 Commissioner John Klaus V U 696 290 £ ¤ Precinct 4 Commissioner Bubba Snowden 95 U V V U 4 1704 V U 2336 21 V U V U 969 535 1441 V1 U 1209 71 V U V U V U 21 V U Bastrop 2 71 U V 21 U V 812 V U V U V U 2104 304 3 V U 672 V U 153 20 U V Smithville V U 2571 V U 304 V U 535 95 V U 86 V U PRECINCTS 1 2 3 4 BASTROP COUNTY TEXAS 0 2 4 Miles Map Produced: 04/25/2013 US/State Highway Local Roadway City Limits Water Feature Bastrop County provides this map '"as is" and assumes no liability for its completeness or accuracy. This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Ad Valorem Tax Rate & Collection History 2007 through Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Total Tax Rate 07/08 0.6192 08/09 0.6192 09/10 0.6192 10/11 0.6192 11/12 0.6175 12/13 0.6314 13/14 0.6290 14/15 0.6290 General Levy Road & Bridge Total Operating 0.4076 0.1260 0.5336 0.4044 0.1265 0.5309 0.4139 0.1285 0.5424 0.4018 0.1200 0.5218 0.4025 0.1196 0.5221 0.4139 0.1146 0.5285 0.4165 0.1135 0.5300 0.4188 0.1134 0.5322 Tax Rate Debt Svc Levy Total Tax Rate 0.5336 0.0856 0.6192 0.5309 0.0883 0.6192 0.5424 0.0768 0.6192 0.5218 0.0974 0.6192 0.5221 0.0954 0.6175 0.5285 0.1029 0.6314 0.5300 0.0990 0.6290 0.5322 0.0968 0.6290 3,772,847,006 3,988,493,713 4,080,978,000 4,216,757,068 4,292,401,134 4,242,793,922 4,453,077,350 4,689,535,812 23,243,173 24,647,847 25,315,770 26,110,160 26,505,577 26,697,582 27,770,835 29,497,180 92% 93% 95% 94% 95% 95% Assessed Valuation Ad Valorem Tax Levy % of Levy Collected V 96% BUDGETED REVENUE GENERAL FUND - 100 Line Item 100 Description 311-1000 Current Taxes 311-1001 311-3000 319-3000 333-1002 333-1003 333-1006 333-1007 333-1008 333-1009 333-1010 333-1011 333-1012 333-1013 333-1021 333-1025 333-4136 333-4150 333-4155 333-4156 335-3000 335-7000 335-8000 335-9004 335-9005 335-9006 335-9007 335-9008 341-0435 341-1001 341-2000 341-3000 341-3500 341-4000 341-4001 341-4002 341-4003 341-4004 341-4005 341-4006 341-4007 341-4008 341-4009 381 Agreement Prop. Tax Delinquent Taxes P & I on Delinquent taxes Auto Theft Task Force BISD Security Services Drug Enforcement Reimbursement Family Crisis Center Grant Judicial Fund Reimb Program Resource Officer DA Assistant Longevity Progam MHMR Transport Officer SCAAP Program Co Judge Supplement Program Indigent Defense Task Force Texas Vine Grant Emergency Mgmt Performance 2013 HHW Collection CAPCOG County Education Step Grant- SO $1.50 per Registration Alcohol Beverage Tax Bingo Gross Receipts Auto Title Fees Parcel Collection Fees 1/2 Cent Sales Tax Motor Vehicle Sales Tax Commission 381 Agreement Sales Tax CAAL Judicial Program Fees Fees of Office, County Judge Fees of Office, County Sheriff Estray Fees Elections Fees Fees of Office, County Clerk County Clerk Records Mgmt Fees County Clerk Subdivision Fees General Records Management Preservation & Restoration Video Fees Traffic Court Costs DA Bond Forfeiture Jury Fee Reimbursement County Clerk Judiciary Fund Fee 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 17,728,452 1 (66,202) 544,889 361,803 48,766 17,675 2,489 117,015 84,000 82,493 11,983 125,195 41,490 15,000 111,133 37,341 8,902 209,128 137,328 7,918 99,129 267,541 3,013,556 570,427 (147,897) 2,052 228,482 10,159 285 442,852 39,622 15,864 826 12 6,225 3,543 197 2014-2015 Approved 18,800,000 (70,000) 600,000 350,000 50,000 25,000 100,000 75,000 45,000 15,000 100,000 25,000 15,000 70,000 37,000 7,459 200,000 100,000 7,000 80,000 275,000 3,300,000 450,000 (145,000) 2,500 1,500 200,000 10,000 200 420,000 40,000 15,000 750 20 5,000 2,500 200 GENERAL FUND REVENUE CONTINUED: Line Item 100 341-4010 341-4011 341-4012 341-4013 341-4014 341-4015 341-5000 341-6500 341-7000 341-7001 341-7012 341-7013 341-7014 341-7015 341-7016 341-7018 341-7500 341-7601 341-7602 341-7603 341-7604 341-7701 341-7702 341-7703 341-7704 341-8001 341-8002 341-8003 341-8004 341-8101 341-8102 341-9001 341-9002 341-9003 341-9004 341-9201 341-9202 341-9203 341-9204 341-9301 341-9302 341-9303 341-9304 341-9400 341-9401 341-9402 341-9403 Description Co. Clerk Cash Bond & Trust Acct. Sup Ct-Initiated Guardianship Co Clerk Crimestoppers Fee County Clerk Technology County Clerk Preserve Bond Fee ($10) Fees of Office, County Tax Assessor/Coll. Fees of Office, District Attorney Fees of Office, District Clerk District Clerk Records Management Fees District Clerk Crimestoppers Fee District Clerk Technology District Clerk Preserve District Clerk Passport DC - Family Protection Fee Tax Write-out Fees Courthouse Security Fees Courthouse Security Fees JP 1 Courthouse Security Fees JP 2 Courthouse Security Fees JP 3 Courthouse Security Fees JP 4 JP #1 SJFC JP #2 SJFC JP #3 SJFC JP #4 SJFC Civil, JP 1 Civil, JP 2 Civil, JP 3 Civil, JP 4 JP 1 Expungement Fees JP 2 Expungement Fees Fees of Office, Const Pct 1 Fees of Office, Const Pct 2 Fees of Office, Const Pct 3 Fees of Office, Const Pct 4 OMNI FTA Fees, Pct 1 OMNI FTA Fees, Pct 2 OMNI FTA Fees, Pct 3 OMNI FTA Fees, Pct 4 County FTA Fees, Pct 1 County FTA Fees, Pct 2 County FTA Fees, Pct 3 County FTA Fees, Pct 4 Trial Fees Sheriff Arrest Fees Constable Arrest Fees Jury Fee, Justice of Peace 1, 2, 3, 4 2 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 4,300 1,986 1,681 8,616 5,600 181,489 4,964 29,000 4,034 211,543 25,684 5,778 6,604 5,611 10,381 1,146 1,301 1,081 2,032 7,604 735 3,375 4,672 30 15,296 9,592 8,830 8,160 1,917 1,765 3,857 1,678 1,278 1,177 2,419 1,119 2,747 8,694 190 229 2014-2015 Approved 100 3,500 2,000 1,500 25,000 5,000 195,000 4,000 26,000 4,000 170,000 25,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 8,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,700 7,000 500 2,700 4,000 25 25 14,000 8,000 7,000 10,000 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 2,200 1,000 2,500 7,500 200 150 GENERAL FUND REVENUE CONTINUED: Line Item 100 341-9408 341-9409 341-9410 341-9411 341-9501 341-9502 341-9503 341-9504 341-9600 341-9601 341-9602 341-9603 341-9604 341-9605 341-9705 341-9706 341-9707 341-9708 341-9801 341-9802 341-9803 341-9804 342-5000 351-1000 351-2000 351-2001 351-3001 351-3002 351-3003 351-3004 351-3011 351-3022 351-3033 351-3044 351-4000 361-2000 361-3000 364-0000 365-1000 366-1000 366-2000 366-3000 370-1000 370-3000 370-4000 Description Drivers Safety Course JP 1 Drivers Safety Course JP 3 Drivers Safety Course JP 2 Drivers Safety Course JP 4 Warrant Fee, JP 1 Warrant Fee, JP 2 Warrant Fee, JP 3 Warrant Fee, JP 4 Fees - Copies JP Courts TFC/Traffic, JP 1 TFC/Traffic, JP 2 TFC/Traffic, JP 3 TFC/Traffic, JP 4 Dismissal Fees L.E.O.S.E. Training JP Technology Fee Tertiary Care Fee JP- CMIT Collection Agency Fee, JP 1 Collection Agency Fee, JP 2 Collection Agency Fee, JP3 Collection Agency Fee, JP4 JECT Fees Fines, District Clerk Fines, County Clerk (Misdemeanor) Peace Officer Service Fee Fines, JP Pct 1 Fines, JP Pct 2 Fines, JP Pct 3 Fines, JP Pct 4 Fines, Constable Pct 1 Fines, Constable Pct 2 Fines, Constable Pct 3 Fines, Constable Pct 4 Deferred Adjudication Interest, Bank Deposits Interest, Investments Contributions From Public Enterprise Refund, Taxes Housing of Prisoners Work Release Program Inmate Medical / Dental Fees 911 Addressing Attorney Fee Rebates Indigent Health Care Refunds 3 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 2014-2015 Approved - 3,554 759 800 2,044 340 3,779 5,460 3,093 8,756 8,856 3,830 1 10,013 26,836 44,785 45,783 1,070 51,024 69,182 1,379 159,285 146,933 142,542 278,051 31,795 17,288 75,845 55,962 82,978 4,700 4,892 315,400 2,093,340 5,572 109,042 270,014 50,651 3,200 750 600 2,000 300 4,000 4,500 2,500 7,000 7,000 2,500 5 10,000 22,000 40,000 45,000 1,000 50,000 80,000 1,000 140,000 140,000 125,000 275,000 22,000 15,000 60,000 50,000 70,000 4,000 4,000 188,667 2,132,274 5,000 98,861 240,000 55,000 GENERAL FUND REVENUE CONTINUED: Line Item 100 370-5000 370-5300 370-5400 370-5401 370-5450 370-5451 370-5452 370-5453 370-5500 370-5600 370-6000 370-6200 370-6250 370-6260 370-6501 370-6600 370-6700 370-7500 370-7501 390-1000 390-1900 390-2000 390-2100 390-2300 Description Miscellaneous Sexual Assault Nurse Exam Radio Billing Utililty Reimb Billing Tower Lease- PHI Air Tower Lease- Texas Wireless TADS Rental Purdue Contract Tobacco Settlement Election Contract Services Permits Restaurant Inspection Fees Driveway Culvert Permits Development Permit Fees Transfer Station Fees HCP Application Fees Signage Fees Animal Control Fees Animal Control Donations Budgeted Transfer in from CJP Fund Equipment Sales Cash on Hand Other Sources Of Revenue Intergovernmental Total General Fund Revenue 4 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 2014-2015 Approved 145,210 7,278 164,034 7,867 13,200 4,950 1,853 39,103 80,250 278,645 72,680 8,150 150,125 65,218 7,345 9,282 81,818 109,044 178,858 150,000 5,000 165,000 6,000 13,200 6,600 2,000 25,000 35,000 70,000 245,000 75,000 6,500 140,000 55,000 7,000 8,000 70,000 120,000 - 30,338,411 30,886,686 GENERAL FUND BUDGETED REVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 DETENTION 7% SALES TAX 10% GRANTS 2% OTHER 6% FINES & FEES 11% PROPERTY TAX 64% PROPERTY TAX FINES & FEES OTHER SALES TAX DETENTION GRANTS 5 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS Budgeted Department Totals Code 400 401 403 404 405 406 410 426 435 450 451 452 453 454 475 495 497 498 499 500 505 510 520 551 552 553 554 560 561 562 563 574 575 590 593 597 635 645 655 665 680 911 995 Department County Judge Commissioner Court County Clerk Emergency Management Veterans Services Human Resources Grants County Court-At-Law District Court District Clerk Justice of the Peace, Pct 1 Justice of the Peace, Pct 2 Justice of the Peace, Pct 3 Justice of the Peace, Pct 4 District Attorney County Auditor County Treasurer Purchasing County Tax Assessor/Collector Tax Collections Information Technology General Services Engineering Dept Constable, Pct 1 Constable, Pct 2 Constable, Pct 3 Constable, Pct 4 Law Enforcement Courthouse Security County Jail Animal Control Probation Department Department of Public Safety Elections Administrator Planning & Projects Environmental & Sanitation Services Indigent Health Care Child Welfare Habitat Conservation Extension Service GIS & Addressing Sign Shop Non Departmental Total General Fund Appropriations 6 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 2014-2015 Approved 248,563 119,359 474,353 554,161 46,374 333,342 143,282 962,868 691,104 772,840 181,048 177,504 168,383 181,516 1,123,727 366,223 256,965 110,844 921,981 322,122 545,819 406,636 166,746 58,741 65,807 65,443 65,199 6,914,816 116,221 6,553,457 660,006 251,520 111,505 327,855 136,095 596,682 968,254 48,993 79,763 176,728 165,552 109,632 2,812,596 263,724 278,508 509,580 573,176 52,981 383,565 113,459 824,837 743,648 824,751 183,958 187,184 186,457 186,789 1,276,423 390,497 328,217 128,513 982,736 347,482 540,402 451,094 301,137 65,387 70,149 68,988 68,233 7,395,262 131,211 6,825,001 773,229 271,000 113,797 352,962 159,218 560,987 892,470 52,107 97,563 202,040 273,744 2,454,220 29,560,625 30,886,686 GENERAL FUND BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 JUDICIAL 7% INDIGENT HEALTH 3% GRANTS 1% ADMINISTRATIVE 32% NON DEPARTMENTAL 9% JAIL 22% LAW ENFORCEMENT 26% ADMINISTRATIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT JAIL NON DEPARTMENTAL JUDICIAL INDIGENT HEALTH GRANTS 7 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS County Judge 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-400 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 4100 4130 4133 4134 4211 4231 4232 5750 Salary Deputies/Assistants Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Court Reporter Court Appointed Atty Pro Court Appointed Investigator Psych Evaluation Communications Transportation Conferences/Training Furniture/Equipment 8 2014-2015 Approved 84,507 78,292 52,855 3,992 6,900 4,731 3,808 9,600 2,327 1,552 85,264 81,285 57,595 4,000 7,200 3,000 1,500 2,500 4,680 12,300 2,400 2,000 248,564 263,724 PERSONNEL County Judge 2014-2015 Approved Job Title County Judge Executive Assistant Admin Assistant 68,899 46,201 32,007 147,107 Judge's Stipend 15,000 Longevity Merit 1,528 2,913 Budget 166,548 9 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Commissioners Court 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-401 Description 1100 2000 3100 4100 4108 4231 4232 4300 4542 4999 5650 Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Professional Services Legal Transportation Conference/Seminars Texas Department of Highways Supplies Miscellaneous Copier/ Equipment 10 2014-2015 Approved 565 112,536 2,944 1,793 72 1,449 134,208 38,000 500 100,000 2,000 1,500 2,300 119,359 278,508 PERSONNEL Commissioner's Court 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Pct Pct Pct Pct 1 2 3 4 32,636 32,636 32,636 32,636 130,544 Longevity Merit 1,080 2,584 Budget 134,208 11 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS County Clerk 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-403 Description 1100 1105 1108 2000 3100 4001 4003 4100 4231 4232 Salaries Deputies/Assistants Salaries Records Management Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Records Management Preservation/Restoration Professional Services Transportation Conference/Seminars 12 2014-2015 Approved 63,550 282,695 111,092 14,213 1,140 1,200 446 65,017 296,718 129,445 14,000 1,200 1,200 2,000 474,336 509,580 PERSONNEL County Clerk 2014-2015 Approved Job Title County Clerk Chief Deputy County Clerk Clerk Misd Deputy County Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Misd Deputy County Clerk Compliance/Collections Clerk 60,666 43,433 35,754 35,943 34,944 34,247 33,711 34,605 32,980 346,283 Longevity Merit 8,596 6,857 Budget 361,736 13 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Emergency Management 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-404 Description 1100 1105 1117 2000 3100 4211 4212 4213 4214 4231 4232 4500 4501 5750 Salary Assistant Emergency Mgt Coord Communications Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Communications Communication Radio System Radio Repair Tower Repair Transportation Conferences/Training Communication Contracts Tower rental Contracts Furniture/Equipment 14 2014-2015 Approved 55,556 32,803 86,054 55,547 5,587 15,976 18,795 6,464 21,199 13,200 5,434 204,231 27,687 5,361 56,344 34,501 89,082 63,069 4,200 18,180 15,400 5,000 23,000 13,200 5,000 198,000 43,200 5,000 553,894 573,176 PERSONNEL Emergency Management 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Manager Communication Manager Technician Assistant 54,621 46,198 40,766 33,472 175,057 Longevity Merit 1,404 3,467 Budget 179,928 15 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Veterans Services 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-405 Description 1100 2000 3100 4211 4231 4232 5750 Salary Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Communications Transportation Conference/Seminars Furniture & Equipment 16 2014-2015 Approved 31,345 6,941 533 600 4,200 2,346 409 32,564 11,195 300 650 3,751 2,500 2,021 46,374 52,981 PERSONNEL Veterans Services 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Officer - PT 31,526 31,526 Longevity Merit 414 624 Budget 32,564 17 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Human Resources 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-406 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 4100 4211 4231 4232 5750 Salary Deputies/Assistants Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Professional Services Communications Transportation Conference/Seminars Machinery/Equipment 18 2014-2015 Approved 52,490 181,696 79,228 1,943 2,747 2,574 3,265 1,469 7,963 60,841 197,317 95,204 2,000 7,542 3,244 3,720 3,000 10,697 333,375 383,565 PERSONNEL Human Resources 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Director Benefits/Payroll Coordinator Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant 59,660 44,546 40,660 40,291 32,805 32,699 250,661 Longevity Merit 2,535 4,963 Budget 258,159 19 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 20 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Grants 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-410 Description 1012 1127 4107 4125 4126 4128 4130 4131 4133 4134 4137 4142 4143 4153 4154 4155 4157 SCAAP Program COPS Grant 2007-2010 Family Crisis Center Grant Texas Vine Grant HAVA Grant Flood Protection (TWDBD) PSIC Grant Household Hazardous Waste Bulletproof Vest Partnership HS Citizens Corps Program Jag Recovery PFW Program AED Grant (NRA) TXDot Incentive Program CAPCOG - Tower Relocation CAPCOG County Education STP-MM Transportation Plan 21 2014-2015 Approved 5,416 99,358 13,454 4,532 1,200 18,996 326 6,000 100,000 7,459 - 143,282 113,459 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS County Court-At-Law 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-426 Description 1100 1110 1115 2000 3100 3999 4002 4100 4101 4102 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4211 4232 5750 Salary Office Salaries Court Reporter Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Visiting Judge Petit Jurors Court Reporter Professional Services Interpreter Court Appointed Attorney - CPS/Prob/Other Court Appointed Attorney - Misdemeanor Court Appointed Attorney - Juvenile Investigator Psych Eval Communications Conference/Seminars Equipment 22 2014-2015 Approved 142,154 72,630 46,180 73,029 2,354 2,791 9,971 1,025 10,925 342,992 220,663 30,890 1,680 1,500 3,193 141,205 74,976 47,656 79,000 2,500 7,000 5,000 1,500 10,000 215,000 200,000 32,000 1,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 3,000 961,977 824,837 PERSONNEL County Court-At-Law 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Judge, Court-At-Law Court Reporter Court Coordinator Bailiff 139,000 46,231 42,586 29,518 257,335 Longevity Merit 4,159 2,343 Budget 263,837 23 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS District Court 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-435 Description 1110 1115 1129 1925 2000 3100 4002 4010 4100 4102 4103 4105 4107 4108 4131 4133 4134 4135 4231 4232 4300 5750 Office Salaries Court Reporters Court Administrator Supplement Salaries District Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Jurors/Grand Jurors Visiting Judges Professional Services Interpreter Court Appointed Attorneys Court Appointed Attorneys Court Appointed Attorneys Court Appointed Attorneys Court Appointed Attorneys Investigator Psych Eval Court Reporters Transportation Conferences/Seminars Courthouse Security Machinery/Equipment Felony 21st Felony 335th Felony 423rd Civil 423rd Civil 24 2014-2015 Approved 43,879 136,314 84,985 3,286 80,151 6,408 2,375 5,738 5,907 72,473 90,579 101,346 9,863 4,646 12,350 17,284 1,200 1,721 7,415 526 44,995 145,646 87,632 3,364 89,011 8,000 2,000 3,100 12,500 70,000 80,000 110,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 25,000 2,400 5,000 3,000 2,000 688,446 743,648 PERSONNEL District Court 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Court Coordinator Secretary Secretary Court Reporter Court Reporter Court Reporter Court Administrator Court Coordinator 19,209 10,646 8,611 37,942 37,942 61,492 42,650 41,743 260,235 Longevity Merit 14,101 3,936 Budget 278,272 25 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS District Clerk 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-450 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 4001 4100 4110 4211 4231 4232 5750 Salary Deputies/Assistants Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Records Management Professional Services Tax Write-out Fees Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars Machinery/Equipment 26 2014-2015 Approved 62,143 488,042 191,556 20,242 3,100 1,500 1,200 2,599 2,459 61,867 523,484 202,200 20,000 5,000 1,200 2,000 5,000 4,000 772,841 824,751 PERSONNEL District Clerk 2014-2015 Approved Job Title District Clerk Chief Deputy Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Compliance/Collections Clerk Clerk Clerk Compliance/Collections Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk (Part-Time) Bailiff Bailiff 60,666 44,519 36,868 35,038 35,038 35,038 35,038 35,038 35,038 35,038 35,038 35,038 35,038 16,619 29,630 28,560 567,242 Longevity Merit 6,878 11,232 Budget 585,352 27 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 Line Item 100-451 1100 1110 2000 3100 4002 4211 4231 4232 4997 4999 5900 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 48,991 73,969 43,963 4,391 469 1,500 6,000 1,765 - Description Salary Office Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Jurors/Interpreters Communications Transportation Conferences & Seminars Technology Defensive Driving Capital Asset 181,048 28 2014-2015 Approved 49,674 77,598 44,186 3,000 500 1,500 6,000 1,500 - 183,958 PERSONNEL Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Justice of the Peace Court Clerk Court Clerk (Part-Time) Court Clerk (Part-Time) 48,709 41,775 17,613 15,926 124,023 Longevity Merit 618 2,631 Budget 127,272 29 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Justice of Peace, Precinct 2 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-452 Description 1100 1110 2000 3100 4002 4211 4231 4997 4999 Salary Office Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Jurors/Interpreters Communications Transportation Technology Defensive Driving 30 2014-2015 Approved 50,431 78,101 38,998 2,475 1,500 6,000 - 51,514 80,542 44,128 3,000 500 1,500 6,000 - 177,505 187,184 PERSONNEL Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Justice of the Peace Chief Court Clerk Court Clerk 48,709 41,775 32,861 123,345 Longevity Merit 6,268 2,443 Budget 132,056 31 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Justice of Peace, Precinct 3 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-453 Description 1100 1110 2000 3100 4002 4211 4231 4997 4999 Salary Office Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Jurors/Interpreters Communications Transportation Technology Defensive Driving 32 2014-2015 Approved 51,392 64,032 42,821 1,408 2,730 6,000 - 52,932 76,823 45,702 3,000 500 1,500 6,000 - 168,383 186,457 PERSONNEL Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Justice of the Peace Chief Court Clerk (Part-Time) Court Clerk Court Clerk (Part-Time) 48,709 25,272 32,515 13,000 119,496 Longevity Merit 3,966 2,369 Budget 125,831 33 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-454 Description 1100 1110 2000 3100 4002 4211 4231 4997 4999 Salary Office Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Jurors/Interpreters Communications Transportation Technology Defensive Driving 34 2014-2015 Approved 49,945 75,910 44,937 3,224 1,500 6,000 - 51,210 78,518 46,061 3,000 500 1,500 6,000 - 181,516 186,789 PERSONNEL Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Justice of the Peace Chief Court Clerk Court Clerk 48,709 41,821 32,809 123,339 Longevity Merit 3,946 2,443 Budget 129,728 35 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS District Attorney 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-475 Description 1105 1110 2000 3100 3101 4100 4211 4231 4232 4233 4241 5750 Deputy Assistant Salaries Office Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Library/Reference Materials Professional Services Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars L.E.O.S.E. Training Witness Travel, Meals, Lodging Machinery/Equipment 36 2014-2015 Approved 643,886 186,776 242,324 17,206 450 15,050 1,821 1,708 11,074 3,213 731,277 192,728 317,554 16,000 3,000 2,000 4,364 7,500 2,000 1,123,508 1,276,423 PERSONNEL District Attorney 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Assistant DA Assistant DA Assistant DA Assistant DA Assistant DA Assistant DA Assistant DA Assistant DA Assistant DA Investigator Victim/Witness Coordinator Office Manager Secretary Legal Secretary Misdemeanor Clerk Receptionist 76,387 86,075 73,052 57,217 62,418 54,540 61,252 62,754 55,000 48,923 43,357 44,655 38,379 35,534 37,191 30,221 866,955 State DA Longevity Longevity Merit 17,223 9,833 29,993 Budget 924,004 37 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS County Auditor 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-495 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 4100 4211 4231 4232 5750 Salary Assistant Auditors Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Professional Services Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars Machinery/Equipment 38 2014-2015 Approved 86,765 178,041 83,677 2,842 5,944 5,439 3,440 88,382 186,291 87,960 3,500 5,000 9,364 4,000 6,000 366,148 390,497 PERSONNEL County Auditor 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Auditor 1st Assistant Auditor Assistant Auditor/Accounting Specialist Assistant Auditor/Grant Coordinator Assistant Auditor Assistant Auditor/PT 84,424 48,499 39,662 37,789 36,567 19,115 266,056 Longevity Merit 3,348 5,269 Budget 274,673 39 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS County Treasurer 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-497 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 4211 4231 4232 5750 Salary Deputies/Assistants Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars Machinery/Equipment 40 2014-2015 Approved 60,699 120,578 60,715 3,635 1,678 1,200 701 7,616 61,687 171,645 82,485 4,000 2,000 1,200 1,500 3,700 256,822 328,217 PERSONNEL County Treasurer 2014-2015 Approved Job Title County Treasurer Assistant Clerk Clerk JP Collections Clerk Clerk- (Part Time) 60,666 45,975 35,817 35,816 28,000 17,740 224,014 Longevity Merit 4,778 4,441 Budget 233,233 41 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Purchasing 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-498 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 4211 4231 4232 5750 Salary Other Salary Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars Machinery/Equipment 42 2014-2015 Approved 43,199 33,180 26,775 1,112 1,577 5,000 49,259 39,413 31,641 1,500 1,800 400 1,000 3,500 110,843 128,513 PERSONNEL Purchasing 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Purchasing Manager Assistant 47,679 38,648 86,327 Longevity Merit 636 1,709 Budget 88,672 43 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS County Tax Assessor/Collector 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-499 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 4100 4211 4231 4232 Salary Deputies/Assistants Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Professional Services Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars 44 2014-2015 Approved 68,611 285,463 120,076 13,616 425,406 1,500 7,200 110 69,323 298,689 129,134 15,000 460,640 1,750 7,200 1,000 921,982 982,736 PERSONNEL County Tax Assessor/Collector 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Tax Assessor Collector Assistant Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk 64,650 48,552 35,821 35,395 33,623 34,879 32,217 32,484 32,102 349,723 Longevity Merit 11,364 6,925 Budget 368,012 45 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Tax Collections 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-500 Description 1110 2000 3100 4211 4212 4232 4500 5750 Office Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Communications Postage Conferences/Seminars Maintenance/Contracts Machinery/Equipment 46 2014-2015 Approved 221,521 68,196 13,535 600 16,471 540 1,259 - 229,655 79,227 15,000 600 20,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 322,122 347,482 PERSONNEL Tax Collections 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Property Tax Administrator Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk 53,632 35,821 36,085 32,217 29,057 32,811 219,623 Longevity Merit 5,684 4,349 Budget 229,656 47 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Information Technology 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-505 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 4100 4211 4231 4232 4235 4500 4502 4510 5750 5900 Salary Other Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Professional Services Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars Training Software Maintenance Phone Maintenance System Maintenance/ Repairs Machinery/Equipment Capital Asset 48 2014-2015 Approved 127,223 37,604 1,225 30,820 3,822 3,925 150 2,011 298,095 28,602 427 11,830 - 77,250 145,913 72,239 1,500 15,000 7,500 5,000 3,000 10,000 155,000 30,000 6,000 12,000 - 545,734 540,402 PERSONNEL Information Technology 2014-2015 Approved Job Title 75,750 55,550 47,975 39,559 IT Director IT Operations Manager Support Services Technician Support Services Technician 218,834 Longevity Merit 4,329 Budget 223,163 49 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS General Services 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-510 Description 1100 1115 2000 3318 4100 4211 4231 4510 4543 4544 5750 5900 Salary Other Salaries Fringe Benefits Janitorial Supplies Contracted Janitorial Services Communications Transportation Maintenance/ Repairs Vehicle Maintenance/Repair Fuel Machinery/Equipment Capital Asset 50 2014-2015 Approved 47,071 162,653 79,107 13,392 747 4,425 82,205 3,159 7,617 5,796 - 47,495 220,590 94,909 15,000 3,000 4,600 50,000 2,500 6,000 7,000 - 406,172 451,094 PERSONNEL General Services 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Director Maintenance Grounds Keeper Custodian Maint. Worker/Custodian Custodian Custodian Custodian- Part Time Custodian- Part Time 46,114 36,835 29,913 27,503 39,174 25,943 24,190 15,363 15,446 260,481 Longevity Merit 3,535 4,069 Budget 268,085 51 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Engineering Dept 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-520 Description 1100 1105 1110 2000 3100 3550 4100 4211 4231 4232 4542 5750 Salary Assistants Salaries Sign Shop Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Sign Shop Disposal/ Operations Professional Services Communications Transportation Conferences & Seminars Sign Shop Gasoline Machinery & Equipment 52 2014-2015 Approved 79,350 45,385 34,105 1,494 371 1,220 2,400 45 2,376 82,856 46,799 61,184 69,948 2,150 23,000 1,000 1,200 3,800 1,500 5,200 2,500 166,746 301,137 PERSONNEL Engineering Dept 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Administrator Flood Plain Administrator Sign Shop Manager Sign Shop Assistant- Part Time 81,247 43,208 38,862 19,612 182,929 Longevity Merit 4,288 3,623 Budget 190,840 53 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Constable, Precinct 1 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-551 Description 1100 2000 3100 3213 4211 4231 4232 4233 5750 Salary Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Uniforms for Officers Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars L.E.O.S.E. Training Machinery/Equipment 54 2014-2015 Approved 36,523 10,188 330 600 1,500 9,600 - 37,525 13,962 500 600 1,500 9,600 200 1,500 58,741 65,387 PERSONNEL Constable, Precinct 1 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Constable 36,090 36,090 Longevity Merit 720 715 Budget 37,525 55 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Constable, Precinct 2 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-552 Description 1100 2000 3100 3213 4211 4231 4232 4233 5750 Salary Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Uniforms for Officers Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars L.E.O.S.E. Training Machinery/Equipment 56 2014-2015 Approved 37,134 16,825 113 600 1,500 9,600 35 - 38,341 18,383 500 600 1,500 9,600 225 1,000 65,807 70,149 PERSONNEL Constable, Precinct 2 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Constable 36,090 36,090 Longevity Merit 1,536 715 Budget 38,341 57 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Constable, Precinct 3 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-553 Description 1100 2000 3100 3213 4211 4231 4232 4233 5750 Salary Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Uniforms for Officers Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars L.E.O.S.E. Training Machinery/Equipment 58 2014-2015 Approved 36,799 16,820 35 600 1,500 9,600 89 37,318 18,245 500 600 1,500 9,600 225 1,000 65,443 68,988 PERSONNEL Constable, Precinct 3 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Constable 36,090 36,090 Longevity Merit 1,008 715 Budget 37,813 59 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Constable, Precinct 4 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-554 Description 1100 2000 3100 3213 4211 4231 4233 Salary Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Uniform for Officers Communications Transportation L.E.O.S.E. Training 60 2014-2015 Approved 36,923 16,876 600 1,200 9,600 - 37,939 18,344 250 600 1,500 9,600 - 65,199 68,233 PERSONNEL Constable, Precinct 4 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Constable 36,090 36,090 Longevity Merit 1,134 715 Budget 37,939 61 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Law Enforcement 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-560 Description 1100 1101 1104 1105 1106 1107 1110 1117 1900 1910 2000 3100 3103 3105 3213 3319 4100 4103 4110 4211 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4415 4500 4502 4542 4543 4544 Elected Official Salary Chief Deputy Salary Civil/Criminal Process Division C.I.D. Salaries Patrol Salaries Special Services Salaries Office Salaries Communications Salaries Certification Compensation Contract Reimb Salary Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Ammunition Evidence Supplies Uniforms for Officers Building Maintenance Professional Services Medical Expenses - Child Psy Exams Pre Employment Expenses Communications Transportation/Lodging Trans/Lodging Communications L.E.O.S.E. Training Vehicle Allowance Training Bonds Computer Maintenance Contracts Telephone Equipment Maintenance Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance Repairs to Equipment 62 73,326 61,176 226,532 1,155,528 1,964,073 176,101 216,603 515,271 86,225 24,896 1,520,882 11,844 14,281 6,086 32,710 986 2,151 7,956 13,719 97,857 14,892 428 18,000 16,967 4,971 5,742 419,746 137,514 155 2014-2015 Approved 76,008 63,486 240,082 1,321,027 2,046,001 143,442 229,916 657,521 81,600 38,000 1,648,904 15,000 15,000 8,000 41,275 2,000 10,000 10,000 105,000 15,000 18,000 20,000 3,500 380,000 100,000 1,000 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTINUED: 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-560 Description 4997 4998 4999 5001 5003 5004 5700 5751 5752 5753 5755 5756 5757 5758 5766 Estray Operations Reimbursable Items Miscellaneous Photograph Equipment Printing/Forms K9 Supplies Purchase of Police Vehicles Office Furniture Purchase of Office Equipment Police Equipment Radio Equipment Copier/Equipment Computer Equipment Fingerprint Equipment Photograph Supplies 63 2014-2015 Approved 10,863 893 1,552 1,644 1,906 2,306 16,111 4,142 34,183 14,166 32 10,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 5,000 3,000 1,000 20,000 10,000 35,000 17,000 500 6,914,416 7,395,262 PERSONNEL Law Enforcement 2014-2015 Approved Job Title 1100 1101 Sheriff Chief Deputy 74,109 61,829 1104 CPD 1 CPD 2 CPD 3 CPD 4 CPD 5 CIVIL/CRIMINAL PROCESS DIVISION Sergeant Deputy, Civil Process Deputy, Civil Process Deputy, Civil Process Civil Process Tech 53,639 50,825 42,168 48,661 35,195 1105 CID 1 CID 2 CID 3 CID 4 CID 5 CID 6 CID 7 CID 8 CID 9 CID 10 CID 11 CID 12 CID 13 CID 14 CID 15 CID 16 CID 17 CID 18 CID 19 CID 20 CID 21 CID 22 CID 23 CID 24 CRIMINAL INVESTAGATION DIVISION Lieutenant Sergeant Sergeant Crime Records Analyst Warrant/ID/CS Property Analyst Warrant/ID/CS Property Analyst Investigator II Investigator II Investigator II Investigator I Investigator II Investigator I Investigator II Investigator I Investigator I Investigator II Auto Task Force Investigator I Investigator I Investigator II Investigator II Investigator II Investigator I Victim Services Investigator II 56,778 53,639 53,639 41,243 41,137 35,089 50,393 50,393 50,393 48,769 50,393 48,769 50,393 48,769 48,769 50,393 48,769 48,769 50,393 50,393 50,393 48,769 43,578 50,393 64 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTINUED: CID CID CID 25 26 27 1106 PTL 1 PTL 2 PTL 3 PTL 4 PTL 5 PTL 6 PTL 7 PTL 8 PTL 9 PTL 10 PTL 11 PTL 12 PTL 13 PTL 14 PTL 15 PTL 16 PTL 17 PTL 18 PTL 19 PTL 20 PTL 21 PTL 22 PTL 23 PTL 24 PTL 25 PTL 26 PTL 27 PTL 28 PTL 29 PTL 30 PTL 31 PTL 32 PTL 33 PTL 34 PTL 35 PTL 36 PTL 37 2014-2015 Approved 47,822 32,000 32,000 Job Title Training Coordinator Discovery Compliance Clerk Discovery Compliance Clerk PATROL DIVISION Lieutenant Patrol Admin Assist Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Deputy II Deputy I Deputy III Deputy IV Patrol Corporal Deputy III Patrol Corporal Deputy I Deputy II-SRO Patrol Corporal Deputy II Deputy I Deputy I Deputy I Deputy II Deputy IV-Estray Deputy III Deputy III Deputy II Deputy I Deputy I Deputy I Deputy III Deputy II Deputy III- Crisis Intervention Officer Deputy I Deputy I Deputy III Deputy III Deputy II Deputy III 65 56,778 36,469 53,639 53,639 53,639 53,639 44,333 41,349 46,497 48,661 48,661 46,497 48,661 42,168 48,661 44,333 42,168 42,168 42,168 44,333 48,661 46,497 46,497 44,333 42,168 42,168 42,168 46,497 44,333 46,497 42,168 42,168 46,497 46,497 44,333 46,497 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTINUED: PTL 38 PTL 39 PTL 40 PTL 41 PTL 42 PTL 43 PTL 44 PTL 45 1107 SSD 1 SSD 2 SSD 3 Job Title Deputy II Deputy I Deputy II Deputy II Deputy II Deputy III- SRO Deputy III Estray Deputy IV - MHMR Officer SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION Support Services Director Tcleose/Training Analyst Deputy IV Crime Prevention 1110 ADM ADM 1 ADM 2 ADM 3 ADM 4 ADM 5 1117 COM 1 COM 2 COM 3 COM 4 COM 5 COM 6 COM 7 COM 8 COM 9 COM 10 COM 11 COM 12 COM 13 COM 14 COM 15 COM 16 COM 17 COM 18 ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Executive Assistant Administrative Assistant Fiscal Officer Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Jail Fiscal Analyst COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION Director Shift Leader Shift Leader Telecommunicator I Telecommunicator II Telecommunicator I Telecommunicator I Telecommunicator II Telecommunicator I Telecommunicator II Telecommunicator I Telecommunicator I Telecommunicator I Telecommunicator II Telecommunicator II Telecommunicator II Telecommunicator I Shift Leader 2014-2015 Approved 44,333 42,168 44,333 44,333 44,333 46,497 46,497 48,661 52,598 37,636 50,393 41,349 35,089 39,269 35,089 35,089 38,648 Merit Longevity 44,982 39,680 39,680 34,161 35,460 34,161 34,161 35,460 34,161 35,460 34,161 34,161 34,161 35,460 35,460 35,460 34,161 39,680 4,681,489 48,219 47,775 Budget 4,777,483 66 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 67 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Courthouse Security 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-561 Description 1100 1900 2000 3100 4211 4232 5750 Salary Certification Compensation Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Communications Conference/Training Machinery/Equipment 68 2014-2015 Approved 83,110 1,763 28,753 27 1,200 1,369 94,073 1,800 32,788 500 1,500 50 500 116,222 131,211 PERSONNEL Courthouse Security 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Security- Deputy III Security- Deputy III 46,497 46,497 92,994 Longevity 1,140 Budget 94,134 69 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS County Jail 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-562 Description 1101 1116 1118 1900 2000 3100 3214 3215 3313 3316 3317 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3332 3333 3334 4100 4110 4211 4231 4235 4237 4430 Jail Administrator Jail Corrections Officer Jail Support Staff Certification Compensation Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Uniforms for Correction Officers Inmate Clothing Inmate Laundry Food For Prisoners Food Service Equipment Building Maintenance L.E.C. Maintenance Supplies L.E.C. Inmate Janitorial Expenses Jail Bedding Inmate Paper Goods Medical-Contracted for Inmates Medical Expense Medical Training Professional Services Pre-Employment Expenses Communications Transportation & Lodging Training Extraditions Utilities 44,300 2,508,182 1,395,369 55,238 1,393,727 9,853 20,901 5,592 7,959 305,575 5,266 56,879 7,683 12,603 9,644 19,938 11 317,893 23,860 10,999 1,748 5,844 6,728 3,345 259,782 70 2014-2015 Approved 57,317 2,590,612 1,495,018 60,600 1,481,954 16,000 22,000 15,000 10,000 350,000 2,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 18,000 265,000 18,000 8,000 8,000 7,000 4,000 340,000 COUNTY JAIL APPROPRIATIONS CONTINUED: 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-562 Description 4542 4543 4544 4999 5001 5002 5003 5004 5700 5750 5756 Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance Repairs to Equipment Miscellaneous Photograph Equipment Fingerprint Supplies Printing Forms Safety Equipment Purchase of Police Vehicles Machinery/Equipment Copier/Equipment Lease 71 2014-2015 Approved 569 12,255 1,622 73 661 16,253 22,125 5,091 12,000 500 1,000 2,000 2,000 7,000 1,000 7,000 6,547,568 6,825,001 PERSONNEL County Jail 2014-2015 Approved Job Title 1101 1116 CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO 5 CO 6 CO 7 CO 8 CO 9 CO 10 CO 11 CO 12 CO 13 CO 14 CO 15 CO 16 CO 17 CO 18 CO 19 CO 20 CO 21 CO 22 CO 23 CO 24 CO 25 CO 26 CO 27 CO 28 CO 29 CO 30 CO 31 JAIL ADMINISTRATION Jail Administrator CORRECTIONAL DIVISION Correctional Officer II Correctional Officer I Jail Lieutenant Corrections Sergeant Corrections Sergeant Correctional Officer I Corrections Sergeant Corrections Sergeant Correctional Officer III Correctional Officer II Correctional Officer II Corporal Corporal Correctional Officer I Corporal Corporal Correctional Officer III Correctional Officer III Correctional Officer III Correctional Officer I Correctional Officer I Correctional Officer IV Correctional Officer IV Correctional Officer II Correctional Officer I Correctional Officer III Correctional Officer II Correctional Officer IV Correctional Officer I Correctional Officer I Jail Prog/ Proj Coord 56,204 38,720 37,383 53,531 46,737 46,737 37,383 46,737 46,737 40,056 38,720 38,720 43,953 43,953 37,383 43,953 43,953 40,056 40,056 40,056 37,383 37,383 41,393 41,393 38,720 38,720 41,393 37,383 37,383 41,393 72 COUNTY JAIL CONTINUED: 2014-2015 Approved Job Title CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Correctional Jail Clerk Correctional Correctional Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer I- Jail Clerk I II III I I II I - FROZEN UNTIL 4/2015 III II I III II III I III III II I I I III I II III I III I III I I I I Officer I Officer I 73 37,383 37,383 38,720 40,056 37,383 37,383 38,720 18,328 40,056 38,720 37,383 40,056 38,720 40,056 37,383 40,056 40,056 38,720 37,383 37,383 37,383 40,056 37,383 38,720 40,056 37,383 40,056 37,383 40,056 37,383 37,383 37,383 37,383 36,657 37,383 37,383 COUNTY JAIL CONTINUED: 1118 MED 1 MED 2 MED 3 MED 4 MED 5 MED 6 MED 7 MED 8 MED 9 MED 10 MED 11 MED 12 ADM 1118 FS 1 FS 2 FS 3 FS 4 FS 5 FS 6 2014-2015 Approved Job Title MEDICAL DIVISION Medical Office Supervisor Medical Officer II Medical Officer II Medical Officer III Medical Officer III Medical Officer III Medical Officer III Medical Officer II Medical Officer II Medical Officer II Medical Officer II Medical Clerk Records Clerk FOOD SERVICE DIVISION CO III/Kitchen CO III/Kitchen CO IV/Kitchen CO III/Kitchen CO III/Kitchen CO III/Kitchen 45,847 42,926 42,926 44,550 44,550 44,550 44,550 42,926 42,926 42,926 42,926 35,089 35,938 40,056 40,056 41,393 40,056 40,056 40,056 74 COUNTY JAIL CONTINUED: 1118 FAC 1 FAC 2 1118 SS 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 Job Title FACILITY MAINTENANCE DIVISION Facility Maintenance Sergeant Facility Maintenance Technician SUPPORT STAFF Lietenant Corrections Sergeant CO III CO IV/Commissary CO III- Auxiliary CO III/Recreation 1118 TR 1 TR 2 TR 3 TR 4 TR 5 TR 6 TR 7 TR 8 TRANSPORT Transport Sergeant Transport Corporal CO III-Transport CO II-Transport CO III-Transport CO II-Transport CO IV-Transport CO IV-Transport 2014-2015 Approved 46,738 40,056 53,531 46,737 40,056 41,393 40,056 40,056 46,737 43,953 40,056 38,720 40,056 38,720 41,393 41,393 4,088,285 Merit Longevity 20,892 33,770 Budget 4,142,947 75 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Animal Control 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-563 Description 1101 1105 1900 2000 3100 3213 3319 3320 3321 3332 3333 3335 4100 4211 4212 4231 4235 4310 4431 4432 4542 4543 4544 4546 4999 5750 5754 5756 5799 5900 Director Salary Assistants Salaries Certification Compensation Fringe Benefits Supplies Officer Uniforms Bldg Maintenance Maintenance Supplies Janitorial Medical Contract Medical Intake Vaccination/tests Professional Services Communications Communication Equipment Transportation/Lodging Training Advertising/Legal Notices Refunds Propane Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance/Repairs Repairs to Equipment Donations Miscellaneous Equipment Purchase of Vehicle Copier/Equip Lease Miscellaneous Capital Outlay Capital Asset 76 2014-2015 Approved 50,436 275,172 129,535 8,268 4,568 5,731 1,197 2,742 30,200 27,596 57,226 7,060 8,757 432 280 174 6,398 23,796 7,679 1,897 826 4,996 4,573 - 54,640 371,684 164,405 6,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,500 28,000 30,000 40,000 8,000 6,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 3,500 6,000 25,000 5,000 1,500 500 2,000 3,000 - 659,539 773,229 PERSONNEL Animal Control 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Director Animal Services Manager Animal Services Officer Kennel Attendant Animal Services Officer Animal Services Officer Animal Services Officer Animal Services Officer Animal Services Officer Animal Services Officer Animal Services Officer Animal Services Officer Animal Services Officer- PT 52,598 33,835 34,340 33,583 32,255 32,249 29,523 29,523 29,523 29,523 29,523 29,231 15,126 410,832 Longevity Merit 4,272 8,142 Budget 423,246 77 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 78 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Juvenile Probation Department 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-574 Description 3333 4100 4540 Medical Expenses Professional Services Maintenance and Equipment 79 2014-2015 Approved 7,700 243,820 - 10,000 260,000 1,000 251,520 271,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Department Of Public Safety 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-575 Description 1110 2000 3100 4211 4999 5760 Office Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Communications Miscellaneous Machinery/Equipment 80 2014-2015 Approved 77,933 28,148 1,957 1,237 239 1,524 80,121 27,676 3,000 1,500 300 1,200 111,038 113,797 PERSONNEL Department of Public Safety 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Admin. Assistant Clerk 38,764 37,641 76,405 Longevity Merit 2,204 1,512 Budget 80,121 81 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Elections Administrator 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-590 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 3500 3550 3555 4211 4231 4232 5750 Salary Assistants Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Maintenance Fees Elections- Direct Elections- Indirect Communications Transportation Conferences and Seminars Machinery/Equipment 82 2014-2015 Approved 45,812 63,947 30,484 5,129 40,741 114,323 16,614 3,014 1,800 1,210 4,643 46,879 65,963 38,870 5,000 40,250 125,000 20,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 5,000 327,717 352,962 PERSONNEL Elections Administrator 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Administrator Assistant Assistant 45,451 33,552 30,300 109,303 Longevity Merit 1,374 2,164 Budget 112,841 83 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Planning & Economic Development 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-593 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 3550 4100 4211 4231 4232 4234 5750 Salary Other Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Operating Supplies Professional Services Communications Transportation Conferences and Seminars Education/Supplies Machinery/Equipment 84 2014-2015 Approved 59,851 32,847 24,906 1,188 102 865 1,440 2,400 2,342 265 9,889 61,598 33,913 38,407 2,000 200 7,000 2,000 2,550 2,000 350 9,200 136,095 159,218 Personnel Planning & Economic Development 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Administrator Administrative Assistant 60,025 32,690 92,715 Longevity Merit 960 1,836 Budget 95,511 85 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Environmental & Sanitation Services 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-597 Description 1100 1105 1106 1107 2000 3100 3550 4100 4211 4232 4542 4543 5750 5900 Salary Other Salaries Inspectors Transfer Station Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Disposal/Operating Professional Services Communications Conferences & Seminars Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance Machinery & Equipment Capital Asset 86 2014-2015 Approved 49,190 98,153 185,557 28,968 124,013 2,980 71,155 8,301 4,200 1,594 15,161 6,911 500 - 49,360 68,406 196,906 29,921 123,894 3,000 55,000 8,000 4,000 2,000 13,000 6,000 1,500 - 596,683 560,987 PERSONNEL Environmental & Sanitation Services 2014-2015 Approved Job Title 1100 1105 1106 1107 Environment & Sanitation Services Manager Environment & San Other Salaries Admin Tech Clerk Environmental & San/Inspectors Inspector Environment Enforcement Officer Environment Enforcement Officer Inspector Retail Food Inspector Environmental & San/Transfer Station Transfer Station Attendant 47,345 33,046 32,103 46,060 36,505 34,460 37,008 34,848 28,910 330,285 Longevity Merit 7,767 6,540 Budget 344,592 87 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Indigent Health Care 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-635 Description 1100 2000 3100 3101 4100 4105 4211 4231 4232 4905 4906 4908 4909 4911 4912 4913 4914 4916 4918 4919 4925 5750 Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies RX Program Supplies Professional Services Seton Contracted Services Communications Transportation Conferences/Seminars Payments for Indigents Equipment Physician Services Prescription Drugs Hospital Inpatient Services Hospital Outpatient Services Lab/XRAY Skilled Nursing Facility Rural Health Clinic Service Optional Services Reimbursements Ambulatory/ Surgical Centers Furniture 88 2014-2015 Approved 110,520 34,305 4,087 460 25,451 44,714 98 551 129,282 60,759 185,529 188,227 134,095 1,652 35,853 9,459 - 134,750 46,552 3,500 500 25,932 28,866 250 920 650,000 600 600 965,042 892,470 PERSONNEL Indigent Health Care 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Director Deputy Clerk Clerk (Part-Time) 46,054 35,190 31,460 15,944 128,648 Longevity Merit 3,554 2,548 Budget 134,750 89 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Child Welfare 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-645 Description 1110 2000 4105 4211 4231 Office Salaries Fringe Benefits Foster Care Communications Transportation 90 2014-2015 Approved 32,160 6,541 2,500 1,200 6,592 33,080 7,327 2,500 1,200 8,000 48,993 52,107 PERSONNEL Child Welfare 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Clerk 31,374 31,374 Longevity Merit 1,085 621 Budget 33,080 91 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Habitat Conservation 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-655 Description 1100 2000 3100 4100 4211 4231 4232 5750 Salary Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Professional Services Communication Transportation Conferences/Seminars Machinery/Equipment 92 2014-2015 Approved 47,281 15,685 46 14,700 1,200 440 411 48,537 18,776 1,250 25,000 1,500 1,000 500 1,000 79,763 97,563 PERSONNEL Habitat Conservation 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Administrator 47,595 47,595 Longevity Merit 942 Budget 48,537 93 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Extension Service 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-665 Description 1100 1110 2000 3100 4211 4230 4231 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4542 4543 4545 5750 5900 Extension/Agriculture Office Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Communication Transportation 4-H Transportation FCS Supplies Stock Show Expenses Professional Improvement Professional Improvement FCS Professional Improvement 4-H Fuel Vehicle Maintenance Feral Hog Bounty Program Machinery/Equipment Capital Asset 94 2014-2015 Approved 39,331 70,365 24,172 5,528 448 2,969 4,500 200 1,107 1,216 780 326 2,049 1,034 14,790 7,860 - 48,947 72,602 28,541 5,000 450 5,700 4,500 200 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 400 20,000 8,200 - 176,675 202,040 PERSONNEL Extension Service 1100 1110 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Extension Agents Agent Agent Agent Administration Secretary Secretary 19,559 13,983 13,983 35,518 31,752 114,795 Longevity Merit 4,480 2,273 Budget 121,548 95 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS GIS & Addressing 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-680 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 3550 4211 4231 4232 4543 4544 5750 Salary Assistant Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Operation Supplies Communications Transportation Conferences and Seminars Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Fuel Machinery/Equipment 96 2014-2015 Approved 56,830 67,125 28,543 1,529 918 1,200 521 962 7,924 58,233 135,776 62,135 2,000 2,000 1,200 400 2,500 9,500 165,552 273,744 Personnel GIS & Addressing 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Manager Chief Deputy/ 9-1-1 Admin Assistant/ 9-1-1 Addressing Spec GIS Admin Assistant I Intake Specialist 56,258 34,432 33,119 31,821 32,000 187,630 Longevity Merit 2,337 3,722 Budget 193,689 97 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Sign Shop 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 100-911 Description 1100 1105 2000 3100 3550 4542 Salary Assistant Salary Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Operation Supplies Gasoline 98 2014-2015 Approved 40,131 19,404 24,434 19,629 6,004 - 109,602 - Personnel Sign Shop 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Manager Assistant - PT - - Longevity - Budget - 99 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Non-Departmental Line Item 100-995 4000 4001 4002 4050 4070 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4109 4110 4111 4201 4202 4203 4211 4212 4213 4216 4310 4415 4425 4430 4456 4501 4741 4742 4744 4746 4747 4748 Description Flexible Spending Administration Deferred Comp Admin Jury Payments Penalty/Fines Retirees Insurance Professional Services/Audit Professional Service - JP's/DA Delinquent Tax Attorney Fees Collection Agency Fee, JP's Rural Fire Protection CAP Murder Trial Conexis (Cobra) CrimeStoppers Collections Sales Tax Exp Tax Write Out Fees Technology Funds Smithville Fire Department Paige Fire Department Heart of Pines Fire Department MHMR Communications Postage Game Warden Phone Allowance Ominbase - FTA Program Advertising/Legal Notices Insurance Auto Liability/Property/Comp Basic Telephone Utilities DPS Weight/Measures Contract/Repairs Library C.A.S.A First Responders Lincoln Clinic Ambulance - 3 Departments Combined Community Action 100 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 4,404 30,446 249,898 42,415 236,635 211,666 83,402 3,413 1,001 6,900 4 168,555 15,000 15,000 15,000 8,000 102,760 9,878 15,937 457,502 158,786 249,646 1,384 159,295 25,500 11,000 10,000 317,333 10,000 2014-2015 Approved 4,000 30,000 250,000 44,000 180,000 190,000 100,000 6,000 1,000 6,000 170,000 15,000 15,000 8,000 90,000 8,000 12,000 575,000 185,000 250,000 1,000 60,000 25,500 11,000 10,000 10,000 NON DEPARTMENTAL CONTINUED: Line Item 100-995 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4759 4760 4761 4800 4802 4810 4910 4999 Description Soil & Water Conservation Family Crisis Center Teen Court Food Pantry (3) Boys & Girls Club Child Advocacy Center CARTS MEEELJ Smithville Clinic Advocacy Outreach Envision Central TX Clean Air Coalition Avance Serenity Star Boot Camp Membership Dues, County Organizations Miscellaneous 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 8,500 26,500 8,000 12,500 10,000 4,000 1,600 3,000 75,438 23,005 6,855 2,800,158 101 2014-2015 Approved 8,500 26,500 8,000 12,500 10,000 2,500 4,000 4,000 3,000 78,720 25,000 15,000 2,454,220 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 102 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND BUDGETED REVENUE FUND 221 222 223 224 Road Road Road Road DESCRIPTION & Bridge, Precinct & Bridge, Precinct & Bridge, Precinct & Bridge, Precinct 1 2 3 4 Totals FY 13/14 1,306,000 1,957,000 1,776,500 1,507,000 6,546,500 FY 14/15 1,353,700 2,016,000 1,587,000 1,640,500 6,597,200 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS FUND 221 222 223 224 Road Road Road Road DESCRIPTION & Bridge, Precinct & Bridge, Precinct & Bridge, Precinct & Bridge, Precinct 1 2 3 4 FY 13/14 1,306,000 1,957,000 1,776,500 1,507,000 FY 14/15 1,353,700 2,016,000 1,587,000 1,640,500 Totals 6,546,500 6,597,200 103 BUDGETED REVENUE Road & Bridge Fund, Precinct 1 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 221 Description 311-0000 311-0001 311-3000 319-1000 320-1000 335-4000 361-0000 365-0000 370-0000 390-1900 Current Taxes 381 Agreement Prop. Tax Delinquent Taxes Penalties/Interest Motor Vehicle Registration State/Lateral Road Funds Interest Sales/Service Miscellaneous Proceeds on Sale of Assets 873,067 (3,293) 29,088 18,699 297,155 15,540 5,585 87,593 23,360 18,000 1,382,794 104 2014-2015 Approved 935,000 (3,300) 30,000 16,000 280,000 16,000 5,000 50,000 25,000 1,353,700 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Road & Bridge, Precinct 1 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 221-621 Description 1100 1115 1190 2000-2060 3100 3599 4100 4211 4231 4430 4540 5750 5900 Salary Road Workers Salary Overtime Salary Fringe Benefits Summary Office Supplies Road Maintenance Professional Services Communications Transportation Utilities Maintenance/Repair Machinery/Equipment Capital Asset 105 2014-2015 Approved 66,408 375,297 10,147 184,979 1,777 350,015 3,600 11,577 11,400 7,504 112,683 396 34,046 33,498 386,159 29,000 173,890 2,000 539,153 6,000 7,000 10,000 7,000 100,000 10,000 50,000 1,169,829 1,353,700 PERSONNEL Road & Bridge, Precinct 1 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Commissioner Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Administrative Assistant 32,636 48,172 42,444 39,533 35,402 37,099 36,766 33,238 33,238 37,099 37,778 413,405 Longevity Merit 4,240 8,186 Budget 425,831 106 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND, PRECINCT 1 BUDGETED 14-15 REVENUE STATE & LATERAL ROAD FUNDS 1% SALES & SERVICE 4% OTHER 3% VEHICLE REGISTRATION 21% PROPERTY TAXES 71% BUDGETED 14-15 EXPENDITURES MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 7% MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1% OTHER 1% DEBT SERVICE 4% SALARY 47% ROAD MAINTENANCE 40% 107 BUDGETED REVENUE Road & Bridge Fund, Precinct 2 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 222 Description 311-0000 311-0001 311-3000 319-1000 320-1000 335-4000 361-0000 365-0000 370-0000 390-1900 Current Taxes 381 Agreement Prop. Tax Delinquent Taxes Penalties/Interest Motor Vehicle Registration State/Lateral Road Funds Interest Sales/ Service Miscellaneous Proceeds on Sale of Assets 108 2014-2015 Approved 1,572,790 (5,858) 52,348 33,514 297,267 15,540 6,562 93 23,774 3,500 1,551,000 (6,500) 55,000 30,000 280,000 16,000 5,500 25,000 60,000 1,999,530 2,016,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Road & Bridge, Precinct 2 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 222-622 Description 1100 1115 2000-2060 3599 4100 4211 4220 4231 4430 4540 4550 5751 5900 Salary Road Workers Salary Fringe Benefits Summary Road Maintenance Professional Services Communications Reimbursable Expenses Transportation Utilities Maintenance/Repair Operational Expenses Machinery/Equipment Capital Asset 109 2014-2015 Approved 69,820 538,307 229,798 453,876 2,815 7,525 10,799 4,314 147,383 315,695 3,066 41,106 33,786 600,000 259,359 538,755 5,000 7,000 9,600 5,000 120,000 310,000 2,500 125,000 1,824,504 2,016,000 PERSONNEL Road & Bridge, Precinct 2 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Commissioner Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Administrative Asst 32,636 54,094 45,462 41,394 41,289 40,914 39,237 40,886 36,737 35,298 33,667 33,624 33,242 30,273 30,273 12,593 581,619 Longevity Merit 12,629 11,517 Budget 605,765 110 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND, PRECINCT 2 BUDGETED 14-15 REVENUES STATE & LATERAL SALES & SERVICE ROAD FUNDS 0% 1% OTHER 6% VEHICLE REGISTRATION 14% PROPERTY TAXES 79% BUDGETED 14-15 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE 6% OTHER 17% SALARY 44% MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 6% ROAD MAINTENANCE 27% 111 BUDGETED REVENUE Road & Bridge Fund, Precinct 3 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 223-623 Description 311-0000 311-0001 311-3000 319-1000 320-1000 335-4000 361-0000 365-0000 370-0000 380-0000 390-0000 390-1900 Current Taxes 381 Agreement Prop. Tax Delinquent Taxes Penalties/Interest Motor Vehicle Registration State/Lateral Road Funds Interest Sales/Service Miscellaneous Transfers from Other Funds Cash on Hand Proceeds on Sale of Assets 112 2014-2015 Approved 1,220,505 (4,586) 40,293 25,443 289,927 15,540 5,473 283 23,360 6,864 7,820 1,195,000 (5,000) 45,000 25,000 280,000 16,000 5,000 1,000 25,000 - 1,630,922 1,587,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Road & Bridge, Precinct 3 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 223-623 Description 1100 1115 2000-2060 3550 3599 4100 4211 4231 4430 4540 5750 5900 Salary Road Workers Salary Fringe Benefits Summary Consumables Road Maintenance Material Professional Services Communications Transportation Utilities Maintenance/Repairs Machinery & Equip Capital Asset 113 2014-2015 Approved 66,184 387,112 173,700 1,387 644,235 1,605 5,441 10,799 6,130 333 3,066 86,700 33,642 611,784 321,849 1,500 517,125 2,000 6,000 9,600 8,000 500 75,000 1,386,692 1,587,000 PERSONNEL Road & Bridge, Precinct 3 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Commissioner Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Administrative Asst 32,636 53,673 52,201 44,726 42,959 41,458 40,350 40,350 42,974 38,277 36,933 36,895 34,621 12,593 550,646 Longevity Merit 12,424 10,904 Budget 573,974 114 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND, PRECINCT 3 BUDGETED 14-15 REVENUES STATE & LATERAL ROAD FUNDS 1% OTHER 3% VEHICLE REGISTRATION 18% PROPERTY TAXES 78% BUDGETED 14-15 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE 3% OTHER 2% SALARY 61% ROAD MAINTENANCE 34% 115 BUDGETED REVENUE Road & Bridge Fund, Precinct 4 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 224 Description 311-0000 311-0001 311-3000 319-1000 320-1000 335-4000 361-0000 365-0000 370-0000 390-0000 Current Taxes 381 Agreement Prop. Tax Delinquent Taxes Penalties/Interest Motor Vehicle Registration State/Lateral Road Funds Interest Sales/Service Miscellaneous Cash on Hand 116 2014-2015 Approved 1,135,562 (3,614) 37,836 24,202 280,705 15,540 8,203 23,422 - 1,255,000 (4,500) 38,000 23,000 280,000 16,000 7,000 1,000 25,000 - 1,521,856 1,640,500 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Road & Bridge, Precinct 4 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Line Item 224-624 Description 1100 1115 2000-2060 3599 4050 4100 4101 4211 4231 4430 4540 5750 5900 65,558 513,370 221,865 485,399 1,995 6,693 10,802 9,148 71,578 3,066 - Salary Road Workers Salary Fringe Benefits Summary Road Maintenance Penalty/Fines Professional Services Elgin TIRZ Agreement Communications Transportation Utilities Maintenance/Repair Machinery & Equipment Capital Asset 1,389,474 117 2014-2015 Approved 33,282 689,393 245,325 558,900 3,000 6,000 9,600 10,000 60,000 25,000 - 1,640,500 PERSONNEL Road & Bridge, Precinct 4 2014-2015 Approved Job Title Commissioner Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Road Worker Admin Asst 32,636 48,459 47,777 43,211 39,640 38,492 33,238 37,802 36,882 37,426 33,431 33,195 33,030 28,910 28,910 28,130 28,130 15,482 12,719 637,500 Longevity Merit 10,084 12,624 Budget 660,208 118 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND, PRECINCT 4 BUDGETED 14-15 REVENUES STATE & LATERAL OTHER ROAD FUNDS 1% 3% SALES & SERVICE 0% VEHICLE REGISTRATION 17% PROPERTY TAXES 79% BUDGETED 14-15 EXPENDITURES MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 4% DEBT SERVICE 0% MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1% OTHER 2% SALARY 59% ROAD MAINTENANCE 34% 119 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 120 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 121 BUDGETED REVENUE Dedicated Funds Line Item 220-341 4001 4004 4013 4014 7001 7013 7014 7801 7802 7803 7804 9408 9409 9410 9411 9701 9702 9703 9704 9705 9706 9721 9722 9723 9724 Description County Clerk Records Management County Clerk Preserve/ Restore County Clerk Technology County Clerk Preservation District Clerk Records Mgmt District Clerk Technology District Clerk Preservation Courthouse Security $1 Fee- JP1 Courthouse Security $1 Fee- JP2 Courthouse Security $1 Fee- JP3 Courthouse Security $1 Fee- JP4 Drivers Safety Course JP1 Drivers Safety Course JP2 Drivers Safety Course JP3 Drivers Safety Course JP4 L.E.O.S.E Constable 1 L.E.O.S.E Constable 2 L.E.O.S.E Constable 3 L.E.O.S.E Constable 4 L.E.O.S.E DA L.E.O.S.E Sheriff's Office JP 1 Technology Fees JP 2 Technology Fees JP 3 Technology Fees JP 4 Technology Fees 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 2014-2015 Approved 80,000 70,000 600 2,000 10,000 11,000 14,000 1,600 2,000 1,500 3,000 3,500 1,700 6,000 10,000 650 650 650 650 1,000 10,400 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 370-7501 Animal Control Donations 18,000 390-0000 Cash On Hand 87,914 366,814 122 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Dedicated Funds Line Item 220 Description COUNTY CLERK 403-1108 Records Salary Mgmt 403-2000 Fringe Benefits 403-4001 County Clerk Records Mgmt 403-4003 County Clerk Preserve/Resto DISTRICT CLERK 450-4001 District Clerk Records Mgmt JP 451-4999 JP 1 Drivers Safety 452-4999 JP 2 Drivers Safety 453-4999 JP3 Drivers Safety 454-4999 JP 4 Drivers Safety DISTRICT ATTORNEY 475-4233 L.E.O.S.E DA CONSTABLE 551-4233 L.E.O.S.E. Constable 1 552-4233 L.E.O.S.E. Constable 2 553-4233 L.E.O.S.E. Constable 3 554-4233 L.E.O.S.E. Constable 4 LAW ENFORCEMENT 560-4233 L.E.O.S.E. Sheriff's Office ANIMAL CONTROL 563-4546 Animal Control Donations NON-DEPT 995-4111 JP Tecnology 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 2014-2015 Approved 41,332 14,332 48,200 35,000 110,400 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 1,200 650 650 650 12,000 20,000 66,400 366,814 123 BUDGETED REVENUE Complex Wildfire - PA Line Item 235 333-1002 333-1005 333-4450 361-0000 370-1005 370-5000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description LCRA Capital Area Housing Financing Lost Pines Recovery Team Interest FEMA Miscellaneous 124 2014-2015 Approved 1,821,252 - - 1,821,252 - BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Complex Wildfire - PA Line Item 235 622-3599 Description Complex Wildfire Supplies Professional Services Debris Management Advertisements Debris Management Utilities Lost Pines Recovery Team Houston Toad Equipment Precinct 1 Road Maintenance - Pct 1 Precinct 2 Road Maintenance - Pct 2 700-0000 Transfers Out 410-3100 410-4100 410-4200 410-4300 410-4430 410-4450 410-4900 410-5000 621-3599 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 2014-2015 Approved 1,880 85 - - - - - - - 1,965 125 - BUDGETED REVENUE Complex Fire Grants Line Item 240-333 1120 4105 4205 4206 4305 4306 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4405 4505 4606 4705 4805 4906 361-0000 390-0000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description GLO - Langford Admin TCEQ Grant Austin Community Foundation Fund Central Texas RC&D GLO/HUD GLO/HUD ROW Post Erosion GLO/HUD Ingress/Egress South GLO/HUD Radio Tower GLO/HUD State Park GLO/HUD Smithville Shelter GLO/HUD Elgin Shelter GLO/HUD Bastrop Shelter GLO/HUD Ingress/Egress North GLO/HUD 4-H Comm Ctr Shelter GLO/HUD ESD2 - Firestation TxDOT Debris Program STP-MM Grant 2009 Wilderness Ridge Fire Art for the Ashes HEB Donation FEMA- TDEM Hazard Mitigation Interest Transfers In 126 2014-2015 Approved 4,346 1,396,851 213,164 3,047 100,000 1,600,000 4,548,000 2,609,732 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 300,000 2,000,000 4,447,952 - 68 - - 1,617,476 21,605,684 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Complex Fire Grants Line Item 240-410 1105 1110 1115 2000 4100 4105 4205 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4405 4505 4705 4805 4905 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description STM-MM Salaries GLO Salaries GLO Job Creation Coordinator Fringe Benefits GLO- Langford Admin TCEQ Grant Austin Comm Foundation Funds GLO/HUD GLO/HUD ROW Post Erosion GLO/HUD Job Creation Program GLO/HUD Ingress/Egress South GLO/HUD Radio Tower GLO/HUD State Park GLO/HUD Smithville Shelter GLO/HUD Elgin Shelter GLO/HUD Bastrop Shelter GLO/HUD Ingress/Egress North GLO/HUD 4-H Comm Ctr Shelter GLO/HUD ESD2 - Firestation TxDOT Debris Program STP-MM Grant Art For the Ashes HEB TDA 127 2014-2015 Approved 147 32,114 9,474 14,550 110,665 130,912 1,489,956 316 68 1,324 75,590 495 2,853 30,000 10,000 100,000 51,200 1,600,000 4,548,000 2,609,732 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 300,000 2,000,000 4,447,952 10,265 12,500 1,868,464 21,719,649 BUDGETED REVENUES State Appropriated Fire Funds Line Item 245 333-4700 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description State Fire Funds 128 2014-2015 Approved 4,261,956 - 4,261,956 - BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS State Appropriated Fire Funds Line Item 245-410 1100 2000 4200 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Salaries Fringe Benefits Debris Removal ROW Damages To County Roads Dangerous Tree Removal Debris Site Remediation / Cleanup Fire Hazard Mitigation Reforestation/ ECO-Restoration 129 2014-2015 Approved 28,842 5,431 600 14,136 30,454 3,018 315 91,627 60,000 20,000 1,873,864 345,681 999,359 831,098 174,423 4,130,002 BUDGETED REVENUE Stony Point Grant Line Item 255 333-4152 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Stony Point Grant 130 2014-2015 Approved 223,571 - 223,571 - BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Stony Point Grant Line Item 255 410-4152 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Stony Point Grant 131 2014-2015 Approved 233,751 - 233,751 - BUDGETED REVENUE HOT Tax Fund Line Item 265 311-0000 361-0000 390-0000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Taxes Interest Income Cash on Hand 132 2014-2015 Approved 345,111 1,887 - 310,000 1,800 - 346,998 311,800 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS HOT Tax Fund Line Item 265-515 1110 2000 3100 3101 4100 4211 4231 4232 4761 4910 5750 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Salaries Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Marketing Materials Professional Services Communications Transportation Conferences & Seminars B.E.S.T. Memberships Furniture & Equipment 133 2014-2015 Approved 46,710 17,694 1,728 248,576 7,930 1,872 7,200 3,140 30,707 4,517 47,938 19,254 2,000 150,096 50,000 2,112 8,400 5,000 5,000 19,000 3,000 370,074 311,800 BUDGETED REVENUE Elgin TIRZ Line Item 275 311-1000 311-3000 319-3000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Current Taxes Delinquent Taxes P & I On Delinquent Taxes 134 2014-2015 Approved - 60,000 3,000 2,000 - - 65,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Elgin TIRZ Line Item 275 516-3599 516-4100 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Road Maintenance Professional Services 135 2014-2015 Approved - 15,000.00 50,000.00 - - - 65,000 BUDGETED REVENUE CETRZ Line Item 280 Description 333-4500 CETRZ Grant 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 136 2014-2015 Approved 301,772 301,772 301,772 301,772 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS CETRZ Line Item 280 Zone 1 622-3599 Zone 2 623-3599 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description 2014-2015 Approved South Old Potato Road 168,894 95,000 Humble Lane 166,205 20,000 335,099 115,000 137 BUDGETED REVENUE Certificate of Obligation, 2010 Line Item 310 361-2000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Interest Income 138 2014-2015 Approved 2,323 - 2,323 - BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Certificate of Obligation, 2010 Line Item 310-570 5300 5400 6100 6200 6201 6300 6400 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Development Service & Tax Building Technology Upgrades Rd Construction Pct #1 Rd Construction Pct #2 Rd Construction Pct #2- ROW Aquist Rd Construction Pct #3 Rd Construction Pct #4 139 2014-2015 Approved 1,825,375 128,180 316,601 162,944 456 (2,029) 98,851 - 2,530,378 - BUDGETED REVENUE Certificate of Obligation, 2014 Line Item 314 361-2000 361-5000 361-5001 361-5005 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Interest Income Proceeds Premium on Bond Issue Contrib From Other Entities 140 2014-2015 Approved 19,257 9,335,000 329,012 17,000 50,000 - 9,700,269 50,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Certificate of Obligation, 2014 Line Item 314-570 0222 0224 0290 0560 0562 0565 5200 5400 6100 6200 6300 6400 6600 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description PCT 2 Annex PCT 4 Annex US 290 R.O.W. Law Enforcement Renovations Law Enforcement Generator County Vehicles Courthouse & Parking Lot Renovations Technology Upgrades Precinct 1 - Road Constuction Precinct 2 - Road Construction Precinct 3 - Road Construction Precinct 4 - Road Construction Issuance 141 2014-2015 Approved 1,111 328,633 39,070 840 388,926 29,610 36,819 98,005 81,204 999,000 1,000,000 266,000 209,000 627,000 872,000 415,000 515,000 589,000 1,611,000 1,072,000 878,000 - 1,004,218 9,053,000 BUDGETED REVENUE Interest & Sinking Fund Line Item 325 311-1000 311-1001 311-3000 319-1001 361-1000 361-3000 361-5000 361-5100 390-0001 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Current Taxes 381 Agreement Prop. Tax Delinquent Taxes Penalty & Interest Interest on Accounts Interest on Investments Bond Proceeds Premium on Bonds Cash on Hand 142 2014-2015 Approved 4,207,982 (12,610) 131,720 84,166 16,081 25,859 - 4,286,000 (14,000) 120,000 75,000 16,117 - 4,453,198 4,483,117 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Interest & Sinking Fund Line Item 325-470 4999 6009 6600 8007 8008 8009 8010 8015 8016 8017 8018 8019 8020 8021 8022 8023 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8030 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Miscellaneous Other Uses - Bond Refunding Bond Issuance Costs 2002A CO Principal 2002A CO Interest 2002B CO Principal 2002B CO Interest 2003 CO Principal 2003 CO Interest 2005 CO Principal 2005 CO Interest 2006 CO Principal 2006 CO Interest 2009 Refunding Bond Principal 2009 Refunding Bond Interest 2010 CO Principal 2010 CO Interest 2012 Refunding Bond Principal 2012 Refunding Bond Interest 2013 Refunding Principal 2013 Refunding Interest 2014 CO Interest 143 2014-2015 Approved 1,210 460,000 79,944 940,000 242,261 380,000 91,000 425,000 347,538 520,000 144,350 275,000 218,104 - 5,000 - 480,000 60,968 905,000 204,662 395,000 79,600 440,000 338,988 530,000 133,950 340,000 220,126 349,823 4,124,407 4,483,117 BUDGETED REVENUE Mediation Services Fund Line Item 335 343-4000 343-7000 343-8001 343-8002 343-8003 343-8004 343-8005 361-0000 361-4999 390-2000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description County Clerk Fees District Clerk Fees JP 1 Fees JP 2 Fees JP 3 Fees JP 4 Fees Mediation Service Fees Interest Miscellaneous Cash on Hand 144 2014-2015 Approved 2,140 8,303 890 610 645 850 374 - 2,000 8,000 800 600 600 800 25 300 50 14,825 13,812 28,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Mediation Services Fund Line Item 335-670 1100 1105 2000 3100 4100 4211 4232 4910 4999 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Salary Mediators Fringe Office Supplies Professional Services Communications Training & Education Membership Dues Miscellaneous 145 2014-2015 Approved 5,352 13,275 409 75 44 8,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 750 5,000 250 1,000 19,155 28,000 BUDGETED REVENUE District Attorney Hot Check Fund Line Item 350 361-1000 390-1000 390-2000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Interest Hot Check Fees Cash on Hand 146 2014-2015 Approved 734 12,495 - 550 13,000 - 13,229 13,550 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS District Attorney Hot Check Fund Line Item 350-475 2000 3100 3101 4000 4100 4231 4233 5750 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Fringe Benefits Office Supplies Library/Reference Materials Salaries Paid from Hot Check Fees Professional Services Transportation Witness Travel, Meals & Lodging Machinery/Equipment 147 2014-2015 Approved 12 - 1,000 100 100 5,350 5,000 1,000 1,000 12 13,550 BUDGETED REVENUE District Attorney Special Account Line Item 351 390-1000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description DA Special Account Fees 148 2014-2015 Approved 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS District Attorney Special Account Line Item 351-475 2000 2010 2020 2030 3100 4000 5750 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Fringe Benefits FICA Retirement Insurance Office Supplies Salaries Paid from DA Special Account Machinery/Equipment 149 2014-2015 Approved 2,415 22,550 - 420 600 750 230 20,500 - 24,965 22,500 BUDGETED REVENUE Adult Probation Line Item 352 334-0102 334-0103 334-0104 334-0105 334-0111 334-0203 334-0303 334-0503 334-0603 334-0605 361-0000 370-0000 390-1000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description CJAD - Sex Offenders CJAD - Basic CJAD - Education CJAD - TAIP CJAD - CSR CJAD - SAFPF Supervision Fees - Basic Carryover Previous Yr (COH) Basic Payments by Prog Part - Basic Payments by Prog Part - TAIP Interest Miscellaneous - Basic From Probation Department / Adult Payroll 150 2014-2015 Approved 118,082 480,550 26,114 38,700 75,566 13,192 1,133,100 46,260 8,135 2,033 4,437 - 85,084 458,572 32,193 38,700 107,669 13,000 1,020,000 85,553 42,000 8,500 2,000 4,000 - 1,946,169 1,897,271 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Adult Probation Line Item 352-565 0102 0103 0104 0111 2000 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3318 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4116 4201 4202 4229 4230 4415 4425 4430 4435 4500 4510 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Salaries - Sx Offend Salaries - BASIC Salaries - Education Program Salaries - CSR Fringe Benefits Office Supplies - Sx Offend Office Supplies - BASIC Office Supplies - CSR U/A Supplies - BASIC Computer Supplies - BASIC Office Supplies - Education Office Supplies - TAIP Carpentry Tools Contract Services - BASIC DWI/DOEP Inst - BASIC Tutors - Education Worksite Supervisor - CSR U/A Confirmation - BASIC Volunteers Ins (CSR) - BASIC Individual Counseling - TAIP Assessments/Exams - BASIC Polygraph Fees - BASIC Group Counseling - TAIP IT Support - BASIC Independent Fiscal Audit Legal Services Retainer - BASIC Bonds/Liability Ins - BASIC Mileage - Sx Offend Mileage - BASIC Per Diem - Sx Offend Per Diem - BASIC Vehicle Insurance - BASIC Long Distance Service - BASIC Cellular Phone Service - BASIC Internet Access - BASIC CSC Software 9Accutermo - BASIC Equipment Maint/Repair- Basic 151 77,724 1,130,958 15,699 31,298 246,384 32,214 131 5,955 2,087 389 33,000 4,419 19,639 1,055 2,561 5,680 12,120 625 30,383 387 5,100 1,860 84 7,663 2,465 2,726 809 790 8,608 51,740 57 2014-2015 Approved 72,005 1,167,185 28,895 81,013 259,116 32,170 7,600 5,000 5,000 5,417 250 1,200 2,835 9,650 13,500 1,500 37,392 500 5,200 2,000 600 1,800 8,000 4,000 2,375 1,000 9,600 9,500 47,760 2,000 Adult Probation- continued Line Item 352-565 Description 4511 Equipment Maint/Repair- CSR 4540 Vehicle Maintenance - BASIC 4541 Vehicle Maintenance - CSR 4542 Vehicle Fuel - BASIC 4543 Vehicle Fuel - CSR 4910 Registration Fees - BASIC 5901 New Equipment - BASIC 5902 Leased Equipment - BASIC 152 Estimated Actual 5,701 2,777 1,570 10,549 12,410 2014-2015 Approved 6,618 3,000 3,500 4,000 2,000 3,600 38,000 12,490 1,767,617 1,897,271 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 153 BUDGETED REVENUE Juvenile Probation Line Item 353 390-1000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description From Probation Department / Juvenile Payroll 154 2014-2015 Approved - 950,000 - 950,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Juvenile Probation Line Item 353-574 2000 4000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Fringe Benefit Summary Account Salaries 155 2014-2015 Approved - 250,000 700,000 - 950,000 BUDGETED REVENUE Adult Probation Restitution Line Item 354 361-0000 390-1000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Interest From Probation/ Restitution 2014-2015 Approved 1,090 1,582,425 156 - 1,000 1,400,000 - 1,583,515 1,401,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Adult Probation Restitution Line Item 354-565 4120 4150 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Restitution Fees 157 2014-2015 Approved 467,141 1,096,483 401,000 1,000,000 - 1,563,624 1,401,000 BUDGETED REVENUE Houston Toad Line Item 475 361-0000 370-1000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Interest Earnings Mitigation Fees 158 2014-2015 Approved 5,065 18,500 4,000 16,000 23,565 20,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Houston Toad Line Item 475-656 4100 4101 4104 4999 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Professional Service Mitigation Grants Donation Miscellaneous 159 2014-2015 Approved 4,650 - 6,000 5,000 9,000 4,650 20,000 BUDGETED REVENUE Environmental Restoration Line Item 476 361-0000 370-2000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Interest Donations 160 2014-2015 Approved 34 75 25 75 109 100 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Environmental Restoration Line Item 476-410 4000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Donation Expenses 161 2014-2015 Approved - 6,000 - 6,000 BUDGETED REVENUE Law Library Fund Line Item 500 341-4000 341-7000 361-1000 361-2000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description County Clerk District Clerk Interest on Account Donations 162 2014-2015 Approved 7,510 32,645 428 - 7,000 32,000 1,000 - 40,583 40,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Law Library Fund Line Item 500-426 1100 2000 5758 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Salary Fringe Operating Expenses / Books 163 2014-2015 Approved 7,779 2,402 84,157 8,000 3,000 29,000 94,338 40,000 BUDGETED REVENUE Criminal Justice Planning Fund Line Item 550 361-1000 403-0400 403-0500 403-0600 403-0700 403-1000 403-2000 403-3000 403-3005 403-4000 403-5000 403-5001 403-5002 403-5003 403-5005 403-5006 403-5007 403-5008 403-5009 403-5011 403-5012 403-5013 403-5014 403-5015 403-5016 403-5017 403-5018 403-5019 403-5021 403-5022 403-5023 403-5024 403-5025 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Interest County Clerk County Clerk - Fugitive Apprehension County Clerk - Juvenile Crime/Delinquency County Clerk - Time Payments Consolidated Court Costs Criminal Justice Planning Law Enforcement Education Judicial Education CMIT Victims of Crime DPS Arrest Fees Bastrop PD Arrest Fees Elgin PD Arrest Fees Smithville PD Arrest Fees Breath Tests State Fees DPS Video County Clerk - Indigent Fees County Clerk - Arrest Fees Marriage License Fees Birth Certificate Fees County Clerk - Jury Reimbursement Fee State Traffic Fines DNA Testing EMS Trauma Fee JS Judicial Support Fee 3rd Court of Appeals Fee Support of the Judiciary Indigent Defense Services DCCF - Drug Court Fee Civil Justice Data Repository Judicial Fund-Filing Fees Judicial Fund-Stat CO Crt 164 2014-2015 Approved 907 750 5 1 3,915 15,218 2 268 127 97 63 2,150 13,438 1,498 775 150 1,048 1,075 8,988 377 4,727 8,560 2,906 10 5 4,000 15,000 5 400 100 75 50 2,000 11,000 1,000 1,000 200 1,000 1,000 8,000 400 5,000 7,500 3,000 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING FUND CONTINUED: Line Item 550 403-5026 403-5027 403-5030 403-7000 450-0400 450-0500 450-0600 450-0700 450-0800 450-1000 450-2000 450-3000 450-3005 450-4000 450-4018 450-5000 450-5005 450-5008 450-5013 450-5015 450-5016 450-5017 450-5019 450-5020 450-5021 450-5022 450-5023 450-5027 450-5029 450-5030 450-7000 450-8000 450-8001 451-0400 451-0500 451-0600 451-0700 451-0900 451-3000 451-3005 Description Tx Home Visiting Program E- Filing Fee Criminal Conviction Fee County Clerk - Crime Victim Compensation District Clerk District Clerk - Fugitive Apprehension District Clerk - JC & D District Clerk - Time Payments District Clerk - Consolidated Court Costs Nondisclosure Fee Criminal Justice Planning Law Enforcement Education Judicial Education CMIT Victims of Crime 3rd Court of Appeals Fee Juvenile Probation Diversion Breath Tests District Clerk - Indigent Fees District Clerk Jury Reimbursement Fee DNA Testing EMS Trauma Fee JS Judicial Support Fee Support of the Judiciary District Clerk - Family Protection Indigent Defense Services DCCF - Drug Court Fee DNA (SB727) $34/$50 E- Filing Fee Family Violence Fee Criminal Conviction Fee Juror Donations-Crime Victim Other Than Divorce/Family Divorce/Family Law Cases Justice Of The Peace Precinct #1 JP 1 - Fugitive Apprehension JP 1 - Juvenile Crime JP 1 - Time Payments JP 1 - Consolidated Court FTA State Omni Judicial Education CMIT 165 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 10 4,545 347 35 2014-2015 Approved 6,000 250 50 179 93 3,314 15,083 84 20 1 75 17 1,607 4,664 180 21 12,615 523 1,300 7,782 685 50,170 249 2,944 3,191 19,970 459 214 5,350 42,007 16,830 200 100 3,000 13,000 100 25 5 75 20 1,500 4,200 200 20 11,000 500 1,300 7,500 600 45,000 225 2,500 2,700 40,000 300 200 4,200 40,000 15,000 15 1 1,444 77,001 6,370 5 - 20 5 1,500 65,000 5,500 5 5 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING FUND CONTINUED: Line Item 550 451-4000 451-5000 451-5004 451-5005 451-5006 451-5008 451-5009 451-5013 451-5015 451-5016 451-5017 451-5023 451-5027 451-5028 452-0100 452-0200 452-0300 452-0400 452-0500 452-0600 452-0700 452-0900 452-1000 452-2000 452-3000 452-3005 452-4000 452-5000 452-5004 452-5005 452-5006 452-5008 452-5009 452-5013 452-5015 452-5016 452-5017 452-5023 Description Victims of Crime DPS Arrest Fees Parks and Wildlife Arrest Fees JP 1 - TX Parks & Wildlife JP 1 - TABC State Fees JP 1 - Indigent Fees Subtitle C Fees JP 1 - Jury Reimbursement Fee SJFS Judicial Support Fee IDF (Indigent Defense Fund $2) Child Safety Seat Civil Justice Data Repository E- Filing Fee Truancy Prevention & Divers Justice Of The Peace Precinct #2 LEMI LEOSE JP 2 - Weights & Measures JP 2 - Fugitive Apprehension JP 2 - Juvenile Crime JP 2 - Time Payments JP 2 - Consolidated Court FTA State Omni Criminal Justice Planning Law Enforcement Education Judicial Education CMIT Victims of Crime DPS Arrest Fees Parks & Wildlife Arrest Fees JP 2 - TX Parks & Wildlife JP 2 - TABC State Fees JP 2 - Indigent Fees Subtitle C Fees JP 2 - Jury Reimbursement Fee SJFS Judicial Support Fee IDF (Indigent Defense Fund $2) Child Safety Seat Civil Justice Data Repository 166 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 15 7,642 248 7,020 115 1,126 37,498 7,688 10,341 3,809 124 1,905 2,065 2014-2015 Approved 20 6,500 250 6,000 150 1,000 35,000 6,500 9,000 3,500 5 120 2,000 2,000 1 25 2 3,095 87,931 5,906 5 1 10 2 90 9,621 285 3,311 750 55,006 8,745 11,735 4,304 178 5 25 5 3,000 80,000 5,500 5 5 20 5 100 9,000 250 3,000 1,000 50,000 8,000 12,000 4,000 200 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING FUND CONTINUED: Line Item 550 452-5027 452-5028 452-7000 452-8000 453-0100 453-0200 453-0400 453-0500 453-0600 453-0700 453-0900 453-1000 453-2000 453-3000 453-3005 453-4000 453-5000 453-5004 453-5005 453-5006 453-5008 453-5009 453-5013 453-5015 453-5016 453-5023 453-5027 453-5028 453-7000 453-8000 454-0100 454-0200 454-0300 454-0400 454-0500 454-0600 454-0700 454-0900 Description E-Filing Fee Truancy Prevention & Divers CR - Compensated Rehabilitation GR - State General Revenue Justice Of The Peace Precinct #3 LEMI LEOSE JP 3 - Fugitive Apprehension JP 3 - Juvenile Crime JP 3 - Time Payments JP 3 - Consolidated Court FTA State Omni Criminal Justice Planning Law Enforcement Education Judicial Education CMIT Victims of Crime DPS Arrest Fees Parks & Wildlife Arrest Fees JP 3 - TX Parks & Wildlife JP 3 - TABC State Fees JP 3 - Indigent Fees Subtitle C Fees JP 3 - Jury Reimbursement Fee SJFS Judicial Support Fee IDF (Indigent Defense Fund $2) Civil Justice Data Repository E-Filing Fee Truancy Prevention & Divers CR - Compensated Rehabilitation GR - State General Revenue Justice Of The Peace Precinct #4 LEMI LEOSE JP 4 - Weights & Measures JP 4 - Fugitive Apprehension JP 4 - Juvenile Crime JP 4 - Time Payments JP 4 - Consolidated Court FTA State Omni 167 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 1,250 1,995 5 3 2014-2015 Approved 1,000 1,500 5 5 2 95 9 7,446 74,370 12,552 4 1 38 9 407 4,848 792 30,597 7,333 9,787 3,555 95 1,320 1,754 2 5 100 10 7,000 65,000 12,000 50 10 400 4,500 10 50 20 750 27,000 6,500 9,000 3,100 100 2,000 1,500 5 5 1 4 41 6 9,054 138,098 5,594 5 5 100 10 8,000 120,000 5,000 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING FUND CONTINUED: Line Item 550 454-1000 454-1234 454-2000 454-3000 454-3005 454-4000 454-5000 454-5004 454-5005 454-5006 454-5008 454-5009 454-5013 454-5015 454-5016 454-5017 454-5023 454-5027 454-5028 454-6000 454-7000 454-8000 454-9000 995-5010 995-5020 Description Criminal Justice Planning All Four JP's Compulsory Law Enforcement Education Judicial Education CMIT Victims of Crime DPS Arrest Fees JP 4 - Parks & Wildlife JP 4 - TX Parks & Wildlife JP 4 - TABC State Fees JP 4 - Indigent Fees Subtitle C Fees JP 4 - Jury Reimbursement Fee SJFS Judicial Support Fee IDF (Indigent Defense Fund $2) Child Safety Seat Civil Justice Data Repository E-Filing Fee Truancy Prevention & Divers House Bill 1294 CR - Compensated Rehabilitation GR - State General Revenue BAT Sexual Assault/Substance Abuse Bail Bond Fee 168 2013-2014 Estimated Actual 10 2 27 5 229 14,960 10 404 1,038 87,514 13,664 18,366 6,762 285 1,720 4,096 3 1,959 19,035 2014-2015 Approved 10 5 30 5 250 13,000 10 450 10 900 75,000 12,000 16,000 6,000 5 300 1,500 3,500 75 5 5 2,000 17,000 1,097,440 1,004,270 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Criminal Justice Planning Fund Line Item 550 690-4900 690-5500 690-6000 690-6001 690-6002 690-6003 690-6004 690-6005 690-6006 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Payments to Comptroller 3rd Court of Appeals Fees Service Charges Interest Earned Due to City of Bastrop Due to City of Elgin Due to City of Smithville DPS Arrest Fees Texas Parks & Wildlife 169 2014-2015 Approved 971,551 5,699 77,990 907 127 97 63 30,147 10,897 898,045 5,000 65,000 1,000 100 75 50 25,000 10,000 1,097,478 1,004,270 BUDGETED REVENUE District Attorney Law Enforcement Fund Line Item 606 361-1000 370-1000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Interest Income Forfeited Property 170 2014-2015 Approved 1,586 - 1,500 4,500 1,586 6,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS District Attorney Law Enforcement Fund Line Item 606-475 3100 4100 4102 4232 4999 5750 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Supplies Pymts to Cooperating Agencies Prevention/Treatment Programs Conferences/Meetings/Trainings Miscellaneous Equipment 171 2014-2015 Approved 250 350 23 8,000 500 1,000 1,000 500 1,000 2,000 8,623 6,000 BUDGETED REVENUE Sheriff's Telephone Inmate Fund Line Item 609 361-0000 361-1000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Fees Interest 172 2014-2015 Approved 316,141 739 274,000 1,000 316,880 275,000 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Sheriff's Telephone Inmate Fund Line Item 609-560 3319 4100 4212 4999 5750 5905 5910 609-562 3332 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Building Maintenance Professional Services Communication Cards Miscellaneous Equipment Capital Outlay-Principal Capital Outlay-Interest 138,000 62,000 75,000 138,000 233,732 275,000 22,066 70,204 3,462 - Medical Contract for Inmates 173 2015-2016 Approved BUDGETED REVENUE Elections Administration Fund Line Item 630 341-0000 341-1000 341-1015 361-0000 390-2000 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Contract Fees Rental Fees Administrative Fees Interest Cash on Hand 174 2014-2015 Approved 12,921 10,217 807 - 12,000 6,000 750 - 23,945 18,750 BUDGETED APPROPRIATIONS Elections Administration Fund Line Item 630-690 3550 2013-2014 Estimated Actual Description Operating Expenses 175 2014-2015 Approved 11,387 18,750 11,387 18,750
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