wbrhs bulls - West Boca Raton Community High School
wbrhs bulls - West Boca Raton Community High School
WBRHS BULLS West Boca Raton High School “A” School “HOME OF THE BULLS” West Boca Raton High School 12811 Glades Road Boca Raton, Fl. 33498 Ph 5616722000 Parent/Student Connection 4/15/2016 Congratulations to our girl’s tennis team for winning the FHSSA tennis state championship! Parents, as we enter the testing season these are some things to keep in mind: During FSA, EOC, and Midterm/Final Exams students are not permitted to leave campus while the test is in progress. Once the testing period has begun students must stay in their class until the end of the period. Please plan appointments accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation. Students may not have cell phones, smart watches or any other electronic devices near them during testing. These items will be collected and kept in a safe place until testing is complete. All students need to have a photo ID with them at all times so the Testing Administrators can verify their identity. Please bring headphones / earbuds for testing. Please make sure students are well fed and rested on testing days. State of the art software programs examine all testing results and can statistically pinpoint students who may have shared answers. If this occurs, student tests may be invalidated. Encourage your child to relax, do his or her best, and rely on the testing tips and preparation which has been ongoing within our classrooms. FSA Testing All 9th and 10th grade students will take the Reading portion of the ELA FSA during the week of April 11th 14th. FSA (Florida State Assessment) Practice Tests Contentspecific practice tests are available for students at http://fsassessments.org/studentsandfamilies/practicetests/. These Practice Tests are intended to familiarize students with the types of items that will make up the tests and with the tools that will be available to them. Chicago the musical nominated for 14 Cappie Awards! The Cappies are similar to the Tony Awards and Oscars, and include over 30 high schools in Palm Beach and Broward County. The award ceremony is a black tie event held at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts on May 24, and once again West Boca will perform for an audience of 2000. Congratulations to the cast, crew, and orchestra on your hard work. Nominations: Hair and Makeup Costume Design and Construction Set Stage Management and Crew Ensemble Featured Actress Sammi Frankenbush Female Dancer Carolyn Castillo Male Dance Sam Cadieux Male Vocalist Ryan Lim Comedic Actor Matthew Madden Supporting Actress Hillary Corniel Lead Actress Alexia Assuncao Best Song Both Reach For The Gun Best Musical Seniors can no longer check out books from the Media Center. You may continue to renew books, but please make sure that all library materials are returned and any fines are taken care of before you leave. Failure to do so will place you on the obligation list. Freshman, sophomores and juniors, your last day to check out books will be April 29th. There will be a Freshmen academic night for incoming Freshmen on Thursday April 21st at 6pm in the theater. AICE, AP, Academies, and course selection will be discussed. There will also be a section for clubs, teams and organizations. If anyone went to prom and took a picture with the photographer, check it out! http://www.mikejurusphoto.com/photocart/index.php?do=photocart&viewGallery=1442#page=thumbs Thanks for coming! Hope you guys had a great time! West Boca it's here! The 12th annual talent show . Whether you have talent or not we are looking for you! Can you sing, dance, do magic, stand on one leg, eat swords, or are in a band? This is your chance to shine. This also includes teachers and staff. Auditions will take place Monday, April 25 after school in the Drama Room 2104. The show will take place on May 5th at 7:00 pm. Be part of the legacy that is the talent show, and walk away a winner. If you are interested in being in the show, please stop by room 2104 for an audition packet. The media center's April contest honoring National Poetry Month has begun. Stop by for more information and for a chance to win a $15 gift card to Dunkin' Donuts. The drawing will be held on April 29th. Good luck! FINISH THE YEAR ORGANIZED AND SWING BY STUDENT SERVICES AND BUY A SCHOOL PLANNER FOR ONLY $1.....YES, YOU HEARD IT RIGHT......ONLY $1!!! The senior yearbook signing party will be April 29th in the cafeteria. Any senior student that purchased a yearbook will receive a wristband on Friday the 29th from their first hour teacher. Only students with wristbands will be allowed into signing party. Yearbooks will be on sale for $100 until April 28th and are available in room 6204. Underclass students will receive their yearbooks during lunch on May 2nd. PTSA/Project Graduation meeting on Tuesday, April 19 at 7:00pm. This will follow the 6pm SAC meeting. All are welcome to this brief PTSA meeting which will include Project Graduation updates. The PTA is selling Enjoy the City coupon books to benefit Project Graduation. These books have thousands of dollars of coupons including Panera, Rotelli's, Fresh Market (which can be used at Publix), Dick's (good at Sport's Authority) and so much more! The books are $20. To get yours, please email Nancy Shore at [email protected] or Marjorie Licht at [email protected] . Project Graduation! Calling all seniors! Come out for one last party with your graduating class at Xtreme Action Park on May 25 from 9pm until 1am. Exciting hypnotist show at 9pm followed by private use of all activities at Xtreme! Tickets will be on sale at the box office on Wednesdays and Fridays during lunch. Price is only $55 until May 1 when the price goes up to $70. Cash or check payable to West Boca PTSA. All students must turn in a signed waiver when they purchase tickets. Project Grad flyers and waivers can be found in student services, guidance, and the front office. Don’t wait purchase your tickets ASAP! More information, an awesome video, flyers, waivers, and credit/debit card purchase option can be found on the West Boca website: http://westbocahighschool.net/ptsa/ 2015/16 SENIOR DATES Tuesday, May 3 Senior Awards Night Theater 6:30 pm Monday, May 16 Senior Exams Cafeteria 7:30 am 11:20 am Room 12210 1:00 pm – 2:45 pm Tuesday, May 17 Senior Exams Cafeteria 7:30 am 11:20 am Thursday, May 19 Virtual Credit Due for All Seniors Monday, May 23 Graduation Practice Gymnasium 9:00 am Cap / Gown Distribution Theater 11:00 am Monday, May 23 Senior Academic Awards Dinner Boca Marriott 7:00 pm *by invitation only Wednesday, May 25 Graduation South Florida Fairgrounds 12:00 pm FROM: Mr. Clutter The schedule listed below will cover the May / June exam period. Do not administer early exams. All classes should administer an exam. Makeup exams will be given in student services during the month of June. MAY / JUNE 2016 EXAM SCHEDULE Friday May 27th Regular Day Schedule Periods 1 7 Period 1 Exam 1:00 – 2:50 Tuesday May 31st Exam 2 10:30 – 12:30 Exam 3 *12:45 – 2:50 Wednesday June 1st Exam 4 10:30 – 12:30 Exam 5 *12:45 – 2:50 Thursday June 2nd Exam 6 10:30 – 12:30 Exam 7 *12:45 – 2:50 Friday Teacher Work Day Progress reports will be handed out on the following dates. Friday, April 22nd CLUBS Attention Spanish Club members: There will be a meeting for elections of the Spanish Club board for next year 20162017, next Wednesday April 20th at lunch time in Ms. Midttun's room followed by chips and music See you there! National Honor Society New Member Induction 2016 National Honor Society new member invitations to the induction ceremony were distributed this week during English classes. Please return the RSVP to Mrs. Kline, in room 5207, by the deadline : Monday, April 18, 2016. The formal induction ceremony will take place in the West Boca Raton High School Theater, Monday, April 25th, 2016 at 7:00 pm(inductees arrive by 6:30 pm). The invitation letter contains all pertinent information. Questions? Please contact Mrs. Kline with any questions. Congratulations to SECME! The team competed this weekend and took home awards for two events! Attention Key Club Members: We have two service project opportunities this weekend. The RELAY FOR LIFE th is this Saturday, April 16 from 5 – 11pm @Omni Middle School. You can sign up for a 3 hour shift or the whole event. We also have the MORIKAMI HATSUME FESTIVAL which takes place on Sunday, April 17th from 10–2:30pm at Morikami Museum. Please go to Mrs. Caryll's room 6107 or Mrs. Whittaker's room 5203 for your TLE's ASAP. The West Boca High Samaritans365 Club is collecting gift cards for the foster care students of Best Foot Forward. Against all odds, a group of these students will be going away to college next year and could use help to furnish and decorate their dorm rooms. Let's help by providing as many gift cards as we can so they can purchase the essentials for college! Next time you or your relatives are shopping, please consider buying a small denomination gift card from Bed Bath & Beyond, Target or Walmart and donating it to the fundraiser. Suggested amounts are $5$20. We will be collecting through April. Please bring the gift cards directly to Mr. Womble in room 12205. Any questions, please contact [email protected] . Thank you for your generosity! The Spanish National Honor Society induction for new members will be held on April 28th at 6 p.m. Ping Pong club meets every Friday in room 4213. Spanish Club: meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month during lunch time in Mrs. Midttun's room # 12122. See you then! Chess Club will meet every Monday in room 12202 from 3 to 4:30. Bring your board and best strategies!!! Recycling club will meet every Tuesday during lunch and Thursday's after school at 3pm in Mrs. Steel's room 5107. If you have any questions come see Mrs. Steel in room 5107. French Club meetings will be on the 3rd Friday of every month, also at lunch Merci! A bientot The Computer Club will meet each Wednesday After School in The Technology Lab Room 6102. BULLS 2 0 1 5 S P O R T S ALL SCHEDULES SUBJECT TO CHANGE, CONTACT THE SCHOOL FOR UPDATED INFORMATION Congratulations to our girls tennis team for winning the FHSSA tennis state championship. Great team play from Ana Bright, Jacara Gillis, Ally Nerf, Eden Sela and Francine Voit brought the championship to West Boca High School. Congratulations to the girls. The girls varsity flag football team won their 5th game Thursday night 400 over Somerset Canyons. Jacque Langley threw for 1 touchdown, caught 1, and scored an extra point. Amanda Benevente scored 2 touchdowns, one a 65 yard catch and run. Jessica Fals caught 1 touchdown, scored on a Pick 6, and also scored an extra point. Kelsey Sexton scored a 60 yard touchdown reception. And Haley Prouty threw for 4 touchdowns! The team is now 53 and headed to the playoffs. The girls flag football team won their fourth straight game last night 256 over Boca Raton. Haley Prouty again threw for 3 touchdowns, one a spectacular endzone catch by Jacque Langley, and also ran for one touchdown. Jessica Fals caught a touchdown and Amanda Benevente caught another. The team record is now 63 after 4 straight wins. Guidance Reminder: April 26th is the last day to register for the May 7th SAT exam. Stop by guidance if you need a fee waiver!! Student Volunteers Needed Morikami Museum is in need of volunteers to help for an upcoming Hatsume Fair , taking place Saturday & Sunday, April 16 & 17, 2016. This is M orikami's largest annual event , t wo days of taiko performances, martial arts demonstrations, cosplay/costume contests, plant, craft & anime vendors, the Japanese food market, children's activities and so much more! There are a wide range of volunteer opportunities and 3 shifts available per day, for more information and volunteer application go to http://morikami.org/volunteer/festivalvolunteers/ . The Miracle League of Palm Beach County is looking to recruit new “buddies” for their baseball and cheer programs. Students can earn community service hours while helping kids with special needs play baseball and cheer. This is a fun, easy way to earn some hours. Games are only about an hour long on Saturdays from April 9 May 21 in Delray Beach. For more information and registration: http://miracleleaguepalmbeachcounty.com PLEASE CHECK THE HOMEPAGE OF EDLINE FOR AN UPDATE ON SOME WONDERFUL SCHOLARSHIPS! PLEASE SEE YOUR SCHOOL COUNSELOR WITH QUESTIONS! Free Tutoring Algebra 1 tutoring will be Even days during lunch from 12:15 to 1:00 in Room 3203 Geometry tutoring will be every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch from 12:15 to 1:00 in Room 3206 Algebra 2 tutoring will be every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch from 12:15 to 1:00 in Room 3201 After school tutoring on Wednesday in the Media Center from 3 to 4:30 all levels. Bonjour! French extrahelp and makeups are given every Monday, Tues and Weds. at lunch you may bring your lunch room 110 Bldg 12! The Spanish National Honor Society is providing Spanish tutoring on Mondays during lunch in room 12101. Students that are having difficulty can come and be helped by peers taking higher levels of Spanish. Students should bring their lunch to class and any materials / textbook needed to facilitate help and instruction. Don't wait until you fail the test to get help! STUDY GUIDES and PRACTICE TESTS Testing & Education Reference Center http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/boca72467?db=TERC On Site password: westboca Remote password: bulls *You must create a free account to take any practice tests. *You can also access the site by going through Students/ Learning Tools/High School/Gale on the Palm Beach County homepage. College Prep Tools: · Build a resume · College search · Scholarship search Study Guides and Practice Tests for: · PSAT · SAT and Subject Tests (including bio, chem, French, literature, math 1 & 2, physics, Spanish, U.S. history, world history) · ACT High School Tools (study guides and practice tests for): · FSA (ELA 10 / Algebra 1 EOC) · GED · Biology AP (practice tests) · Calculus AB and BC (practice tests and online book) · Chemistry AP (practice tests and online book) · English Language and Composition AP (practice tests and online book) · English Literature and Composition AP (practice tests and online book) · European History AP (practice tests and online book) · Human Geography AP (practice tests) · Macro/Microeconomics AP (practice tests) · Physics 1,2, and C AP (practice tests) · Psychology AP (practice tests) · Spanish AP (practice tests) · Statistics AP (practice tests) · U.S. Government and Politics AP (practice tests and online book) · U.S. History AP (practice tests and online book) · World History AP (practice tests and online book) Career Tools (study guides and practice tests for): · Accountant · Cosmetology · Firefighter · Law Enforcement · Military (ASVAB and AFOQT) · Social Work And more… West Boca Raton High School 20162017 Summer Reading Requirements Language Arts, Social Studies/History, Science, and Medical Academy Please refer to the list below for your required and optional reading assignments for the upcoming summer and 20162017 school year. Required books will be tested/assessed as part of your first quarter grade. All optional books are available for extra credit grades. Happy reading! Language Arts 9 Regular choose 1 (Required): 9 Honors: Buried Onions (Soto) (Evslin) Travels with Charley (Steinbeck) (Lockhart) The Things they Carried (O’Brien) Required: Heroes, Gods & Monsters of Greek Myths Optional: T he Disreputable History of Frankie LandauBanks Optional: Sarah’s Key (de Rosnay) 10 Regular choose 1 (Required): 10 Honors: Native Son (Wright) The House on Mango Street (Cisneros) 10 AICE General Paper: Required: Ellen Foster (Gibbons) Required: The Ballad of the Sad Café (McCullers) Optional: My Name Is Asher Lev (Potok) Required: The Alchemist (Coelho) 11 Honors: Required: Any autobiography of your choice Required: Keep up with current events by reading the newspaper of your choice at least once a week Required: The Old Man and The Sea (Hemingway) Required: Tuesdays with Morrie (Albom) 11 Regular choose 1 (Required): Brave New World (Huxley) Feed (Anderson) 11AP English Lang & Comp: Required: A Moveable Feast (Hemingway) Required: Lucifer’s Hammer (Niven & Pournelle) AICE Language Required: See Ms. Baldet in rm. 4212 for accompanying handout Required: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet (Ford) Required: Tuesdays with Morrie (Albom) Required: See Ms. Dixon in rm. 6208 for 12AP Literature: accompanying handouts McCullers) Required: The Member of the Wedding (Novel by 12 College Prep Eng choose 1 (Required): Required: The Wild Duck (Ibsen) The Last Lecture (Pausch) Required: A Confederacy of Dunces (Toole) Zero Dark Thirty (Brantley) AP Capstone Seminar: 12 Honors: Required: See Ms. Rubin in rm. 5209 for your assignment Required: The Year of Wonders (Brooks) Optional: Nickel and Dimed (Ehrenreich) AICE Global Perspectives Required: Scratch Beginnings (Shepard) Required: Nickel and Dimed (Ehrenreich) Required: See Ms. Baldet in rm. 4212 for assignment Social Studies/History AP Macro Economics : Optional: On the Brink (Paulson) AP Government : Required : In Our Defense: The Bill of Rights in Action (Aldeman and Kennedy) Required : The Constitution of the United States **See Ms. Graves in Rm 12204 for Assignment Packet** AP US History: Required: A People’s History of the United States —chapters 1 and 2 only, available online (Zinn) **See Mr. Bradford in Rm 12217 for Assignment** AP World History : Required: The Art of War (Tzu) read by September 7, 2016 Required: I am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced (Ali) read by February 2, 2017 OR I am Malala (Yousafza) read by February 2, 2017 Optional: Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (Diamond); In Wake of the Plague (Cantor); Snowflower and the Secret Fan (See); The Good Earth (Buck) AP Psychology: Required: 40 Studies that Changed Psychology (Hock) AICE International: Required: Heart of Darkness (Conrad) SCIENCE AP Biology : REQUIRED: The Selfish Gene (Dawkins) OR The Botany of Desire (Pollan) OR The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot)—Medical Academy students may not choose the last option. The following are optional for the classes listed: Earth Space Science Regular : Optional : Dire Predictions—Understanding Global Warming: The Illustrated Guide to the Findings of the IPCC (Mann and Kump) Earth Space Science Honors : Optional: Death by Black Hole and Other Quandaries (Tyson) and/or Bad Science (Goldacre) Biology : Optional : Code Orange (Cooney) Biology Honors : Optional : Survival of the Sickest (Moalem) OR Hot Zone (Preston) Chemistry Regular and Honors: Optional: Bomb: The Race to Build and Steal the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon (Sheinkin) and/or The Poisoner’s Handbook (Blum) AP Chemistry : Optional : The Periodic Table: Elements with Style! ( Basher and Dingle ) AND/OR The Disappearing Spoon [and other true tales of madness, love, and the history of the world from the periodic table of the elements] (Kean) Genetics Honors: Optional: Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters (Ridley) Marine Science Regular and Honors : Optional : The World is Blue: How Our Fate and the Oceans are One (Earle) AICE Marine Science: Optional: Sex, Drugs, and Sea Slime (Prager) Environmental Science : Optional : The Blue Death: Disease, Disaster, and the Water We Drink (Morris) Physical Science : Optional : What's Science Ever Done For Us: What the Simpsons Can Teach Us about Physics, Robots, Life and the Universe ( Halpern ) Physics : Optional : Classic Feynman: All the Adventures of a Curious Character ( Feynman ) OR Black Holes: A Traveler's Guide ( Pickover ) Medical Academy One required for each course. Choose from books listed. Anatomy Hon/Reg : Stiff (Roach); Another Day in the Frontal Lobe (Firlik); On Call (Transue) Biology Reg : Hot Zone (Preston); The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot) PreAICE Biology: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot) AICE Biology : Fever 1793 (Anderson); Biology Made Simple (King) Chemistry PreAICE/Reg: Required: Bomb: The Race to Build and Steal the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon (Sheinkin); Optional: The Periodic Table Elements with Style! (Basher and Dingle) Forensics : Spider Bones (Reichs); 206 Bones (Reichs) Emergency Medical Responder : Trauma Junkie (Hudson) Medical Lab Asst : Informed Consent (Glahn) or any of the Forensics books Health and Wellness : You’re OK, It’s Just a Bruise: A Doctor’s Sideline Secrets About Pro Football’s Most Outrageous Team (Huizenga)
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wbrhs bulls - West Boca Raton Community High School