IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1ITH ruDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA FAMILY DIVISION CA S ENO . :0 8 -1 6 4 7F5 C 1 6 IN RE: THE MARRIAGEOF CYNTHIA A. RODRIGUEZ. PetitionerAVife. vs. ALEXANDERE. RODRIGUEZ, Respondent/Husband. HUSBAND'S ANSWER TO WIFEOSPETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE AND HUSBAi\D'S COANTER-PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE WITH MINOR CHILDREN Respondent/Husband,ALEXANDER E. RODRIGUEZ ("Husbffid"), through his undersigned counsel, hereby files his Answer to the Petition for Dissolution filed by PetitionerAVife,CYNTHIA A. RODRIGUEZ ("Wife"), and herebyrespondsas follows: l. Husbandadmitsthat this purportsto be an actionto dissolvethe parties'marriage. However, Florida is a "no fault" state,meaningthat a pafi may seek to dissolve a marriage without a showing of cause. Accordingly, the remaining allegations in Paragraph I are immaterial and impertinent, and should be stricken as such in accordancewith Rule 12.140, (asgoverned (2008).t Fla.R.Fam.L.P. by Rule 1.140(0,Fla,R.Civ.P. t Moreover, in accordance with Husband'spreviously stateddesireto only litigate the issuesrelevantto parties' the enforcementof the PrenuptialAgreement- - and to not publicly addressissueswhich are not relevant to the issuessurroundingthe enforcementof the PrenuptialAgreement- - Husbandwill send a letter to Wife's counsel and requestthat Wife voluntarily withdraw these immaterial allegations(and amendher Petition for Dissolution accordingly). In the absenceof being able to resolvethis issueout of the court record, Husband will file a formal Motion to Strike pursuant to Rule 1.140(f), Fla.R.Civ.P. (2008). KLUGER, PERETZ, KAPI-{N & BERLIN, P.L. MIAMI CENTER, SEVENTEENTH FLooR, 201 So. BISCAYNE BLVD., MIAMI, FL 33131. 305.379.9000 2385 NW ExEcurrlE CENTER DRrvE . SurrE 300 . BocA RAToN, FL 33431 . PH: (561) 443-0800 . FAx: (561) 998-0047 CASENO.08-16475FC t6 2. Admitted. 3. Admitted. 4. Admitted. 5. Husband admits that the parties' marriage is "irretrievably broken." However, Florida is a 'ono fault" state, meaning that a pafi may seek to dissolve a marriagewithout a showing of cause.Accordingly, the remaining allegationsin Paragraph5 are immaterial and impertinentand shouldbe strickenas suchin accordance with Rule 12.140,Fla.R.Fam.L.P. (as governedby Rule 1.140(f),Fla.R.Civ.P. (2003).2 6. Admitted. 7. Admiued. 8. Admitted. Husbandadmitsand acknowledgesthat Wife is a loving and nurturing mother.Husbandis confidentthat he and Wife will be ableto continueto work with one another to co-parenttheir children togetherand that they will be able to agreeupon a time-sharing schedulethat takes into considerationthe children's and Wife's schedulesand the practical realitiesof Husband'sprofessionallife, without the needfor Court intervention. 9. Husbandhas beenpaying, and will continueto pay for all of the minor children's actuaf reasonableand bona fide expenses pendente/ile. Husbandadmits that the parties' minor children will need to be supportedonce the parties are divorced and he acknowledgeshis financial ability to supporthis children.Consistentwith the terms of the parties' Prenuptial Agreement,$61.30, Fla. Stat.(2008),andFinley v. Scott,707. So.2dI I 12 (Fla. 1998),Husband requeststhat the Court undertakean analysisofthe actual,reasonableand bona fide needsand lifestyle of the parties' children in determiningthe amountof child supportto be paid. ' Seefootnote1. I /M057 I 333 v.l ; 7 13012008 05:48 PM } {Litigation\6605\000 - 2KI,UGER,PERDTZ,KAPI,AN & BF,RI,IN,P,]-.. MIAMI CDNTER,SI1!,E,NTF,ENTH FLooR, 201 SO, ]]IscAYN}] BL\,.D.,MIAMI, FL 33131. 305.379.9000 2385 NW ExEcurrvE CENTER DRrvE. SurrE 300. BocA RAToN, FL 33431 . PH: (561) 443-0800. Frx: (561) 998-0047 CA S ENO . 0 8 -1 6 4 7 5 F C t6 10. Husband admits the allegationsin Paragraph10 to the extent consistentwith termsand obligationsimposedon him underthe parties' PrenuptialAgreement. I 1. Husbanddeniesany duty to supportWife beyondthoseobligationsspecifically set out in the parties'PrenuptialAgreementand Floridalaw. Husbandreaffirmsthe obligations imposed on him under the parties' PrenuptialAgreementwhich Wife executedwith the assistance of counselof her own choosing,freely and voluntarily,on her own volition and with full and completefinancial disclosureof Husband'sincome,assetsand liabilities. 12. Husband admits that the parties own a piece of real property in Coral Gables where the partiesresidedduring their intact marriageas their "marital home." Husbandreaffirms the obligationsimposedon him under the parties'PrenuptialAgreementwhich Wife executed with the assistance of counselof her own choosing,freely and voluntarily,on her own volition andwith a full and completefinancialdisclosureof Husband'sincome,assetsand liabilities. 13' Husbandreaffirms the obligations imposedon him under the parties' Prenuptial Agreementwhich Wife executedwith the assistance of counselof her own choosing,freely and voluntarily,on her own volition and with a full and completefinancialdisclosureof Husband's income,assetsand liabilities. 14. Denied. The parties' Prenuptial Agreement controls the distribution of any 'Jointly acquiredproperty." Accordingly, with respectto "assetsacquiredduring the marriage," the PrenuptialAgreementshouldbe enforcedpursuantto its terms. 15. Admittedto the extentconsistentwith theparties'PrenuptialAgreement. 16' Denied, The parties'PrenuptialAgreementcontrolsthe distributionof any assets acquiredby the partiesduring their marriage.Accordingly,with respectto the "real andpersonal property now in Wife's possession,"inclusive of the personalproperty containedin the marital v.l;7t30/200t05:48pM} {Litigation\6605\0001/M0571333 _3 _ KLUGER, PERETZ, KAPLAN & BERLIN, P.L.. MrAMr CENTER, SEvENTEENTH FLooR, 201 So. BlscAtr\E BLvD., MrAMr, FL 33131. 305.379.9000 2385 NW ExEcurnE CENTER DRrvE . SUrTE 300 . BocA R \roN, FL 33431 . pu: (561) zt43-0800 . FAX: (561) 998_0047 CASENO. 08-16475FC 16 home, Husbandrequeststhat the Court enforcethe PrenuptialAgreementthat Wife signedwith the assistance of counselof her own choosing,freely and voluntarily,on her own volition and with a full andcompletefinancialdisclosureof Husband'sincome,assetsandliabilities. 17. Husband admits and acknowledgeshis obligation to maintain life and health insurance for the benefit of the parties' minor children during these proceedingsand upon dissolution.Husband'sobligationto providebenefitsto Wife, uponthe dissolutionof the parties' marriage,are governedby the parties' PrenuptialAgreement.Pursuantto the parties' Prenuptial Agreement,Wife will be receiving substantialassetswhich will afford her the ability to pay for her own health insuranceupon dissolution. 18. Admitted to the extentconsistentwith the parties' PrenuptialAgreement. 19. As of this filing, Wife has not conceded(despiteHusband'srequestthat she do so) the validity of the parties' PrenuptialAgreement.The PrenuptialAgreementprovidesthat the prevailing party, in any action over the validity of the PrenuptialAgreement,will be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party, the reasonableattorney's fees and costs incurred in connectionwith suchan action. Accordingly,with respectto Wife's requestsfor feesand costs for her "attorney's and other professionals,"HusbanddeniesWife's entitlementpursuantto the termsof the PrenuptialAgreement. 20. Denied. Wife executedthe PrenuptialAgreementwith the assistance of counsel of her own choosing,freely and voluntarily,on her own volition and havingthe benefitof a full and completefinancialdisclosureof Husband'sincome,assetsand liabilities. Accordingly,the PrenuptialAgreementmust be enforcedconsistentwith its terms. 333 v.l ; 7/30/200805:48 PM} {Litigation\6605\0001/M0571 -4 KLUGER, PERETZ, KAPLAN & BERI,IN, P,L.. MIAMI CF,NTF,R,STjVE,NTIiF,NTH FLooR, 201 So, BISCAYNI' BLVD., MIAMI, FL 33131. 305.379.9000 2385 N'W ExEcurrvE CENTERDRrvE. SurrE 300. BocA R \roN, FL33431 , PHr (561) 443-0800. FAx: (561) 998-0047 CASENO. 08-1647s FC l6 ALEXANDER E. RODRIGUEZ, requeststhat WHEREFORE, Respondent/Husband, the Court dissolvethe parties' marriagein accordancewith the terms of the parties' Prenuptial Agreement,adjudicateall issuesconcerningthe parties'minor childrenand provide suchother relief asthis Courtdeemsjust andproper. HUSBAND'S COUNTER-PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE WITH MINOR CHILDREN Husband, ALEXANDER E. RODRIGUEZ ("Husband"), through his undersigned counsel, hereby files his Counter-Petitionfor Dissolution of Marriage with Minor Children againstWife, CYNTHIA A. RODRIGAEZ ("Wife"), andalleges: 1. RESIDENCE OF HUSBAND: Husbandhas been a residentof Florida for morethan six (6) monthsprior to the filing of this Petition. 2. MARRIAGE OF THE PARTIES: Husband and Wife were married to each otheron November2,2002, in Dallas,Texas. 3. MILITARY AFFIDAVIT: Both Husband and Wife are over the age of eighteen(18) and neitheris, nor hasbeenwithin a periodof thirty (30) daysprior to the frling of this Petition, a person in the military serviceof the United Statesof America as defined by the AmendedSoldiers'andSailors'Civil ReliefAct of 1940. 4. MARRIAGE IRRETRIEVABLY BROKEN: The marriage between the partiesis irretrievablybroken. 5. MINOR CHILDREN: The partieshavetwo (2) minor children born of the marriage, to wit: NATASHA A. RODRIGAEZ, born on RODRIGUEZ, born on ELLA A. "Minor Children"). (A completedUniform Child CustodyJurisdictionand EnforcementAct (UCCJEA)Affidavit will be filed with the Court once Husbandis ableto returnthe originalverificationpage.) v.l;7/30/2008 05:48PM} {Litigation\6605\0001/1\40571333 _ 5 _ KLUGER,PERETZ,KAPII,N & BERLIN,P.L.' MIAMI CENTER,SEVENTEENTH FLOOR,201SO,BISCAYNE BLVD,,MIAMI,FL3313'I'305,379.9000 2385NW ExEcurrvE CENTERDRrlE . SurrE 300. BocA ItAroN, FL 33431. PH: (561)443-0800. FAX:(561)998-0047 CASENO. 08-16475FC16 6. SHARED PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY: It is in the best interestof the Minor Children that the Court enter an order providing that the parties share parental responsibilityover the decisionsaffecting the Minor Children, including, but not limited to, their wealth,health,educationand religiousupbringing. 7. TIME-SHARING: Husbandis a professionalbaseballplayer. In that employ, he is requiredto travel extensivelyfrom springtraining in March throughthe end of the baseball seasonin September(and more often than not through the baseballplayoffs in October).Given the realities of Husband'sprofessionallife, Husbandrequeststhat both partiesare designatedas "co-residential"parents,realizingthat the children are likely to spendmore time with Wife given the realitiesof Husband'sprofessionallife. Husbandis confidentthat he and Wife will continue to work with one another to co-parenttheir children together and that they will be able to coordinate a mutually acceptabletime-sharing schedule that takes into consideration the children'sand Wife's schedules andthe practicalrealitiesof Husband'sprofessionallife without further Court intervention. 8. CHILD suPPoRT: Husband acknowledges his obligation to support his children in accordancewith $61.30,Fla. Stat. (2008). Husbandhas been paying, and will continue to pay, for all of the Minor Children's expensespendente lite. Consistentwith the terrns of the parties' PrenuptialAgreement,$61.30,Fla. Stat. (2008), andFinley v. scott,707. So.2dl1l2 (Fla. 1998),Husbandrequeststhat the Court undertakean analysisof the actual, reasonable andbonafide needsand lifestyleof the parties'childrenin determiningthe amountof child supportto be paid. 9. DISTRIBUTION OF *SEPARATE' AND *JOINTLY ACOUIRED' PROPERTY: Husband requeststhat the Court first adjudicate the validity of the parties' Prenuptial Agreement and then distribute the "separate" and 'Jointly acquired" property in v.l ; 7/30/200805;48PM} {Litigation\6605\0001/M0s71333 -6 KLUGER, PERETZ, KAPLAN & BERLIL\, P,L,' MIAMI CENTER, SIIWJNTEENTH FL(X)R, 2OI SO. BISCAYNE BLVD., MIAMI, FL 33131' 305,379.9000 2385 NW ExEcurlvE CENTER DRlvE. SurrE 300. BocA RAToN, FI..33431, PH: (561) 443-0800. FAx: (561) 998-0047 CASENO. 08-16475 FC t6 accordancewith the terms of the PrenuptialAgreementreachedbetweenthe parties on October 3,2002. 10. DISTRIBUTION OF "JOINT"/'.MARITAL" DEBTS: Husbandrequeststhat the Court distributeany 'Joint" or "marital" debts(as defined in the Agreement)consistentwith the termsof the PrenuptialAgreementreachedbetweenthe partieson October3,2002. 11. ATTORNEY'S FEES AI\D COSTS: As of this filing, Wife has not conceded to the enforcement or validity of the Prenuptial Agreement (despite several requests by Husband'scounselthat shedo so). BecauseWife is challengingthe validity of the Agreement, Husband is entitled to recover from Wife the reasonableattorney's fees and costs he incurs defendingagainstWife's challengeto invalidatethe PrenuptialAgreement,shouldhe prevail in suchan action. WHEREFORE, Husband,ALEXANDER E. RODRIGUEZ, requeststhat the Court: (a) take jurisdiction over this cause,the parties,their children and the subject matter; (b) entera Judgmentdissolvingthe marriageof the parties; (c) adjudicateall issuesconcerningthe parties' children, including,but not limited to, child support,"sharedparentalresponsibility''and time-sharing (if necessary); (d) ratiff and enforcethe parties' PrenuptialAgreementpursuantto its terms; and, (e) provide suchother and further relief as this Court deemsjust and proper. 05:48PM} v.l; 7/30/2008 {Litigation\6605\0001/1\,10571333 -7 KLUGER,PERETZ,KAPTAN& BEpJ-rN, P.L.. MrAMrCENTER,SEVENTEENTH FLoo& 201So. BrscAyNEBL!D., MrAMr,FL 33131.305.379.9000 . F^* (561)998-0047 2385NW ExEcuTrvE CENTERDRr\€ . SuirE 300. BocA MToN, FL 33431. PH: (561),143-0800 C CASENO.08- 16475F16 KLUGER, PERETZ, KAPLAN & BERLIN, P.L. band CounseI for Respo.ndent/Hus Miami Center,17'nFloor 201 SouthBiscayneBlvd. Miami,Florida33131 PhoneNo. (305)379-9000 Fax No. (305) 379-3428 P \/. ALAN J. KLUGER FloridaBarNo.: 200379 BY: JASON R. MARKS FloridaBar No.: 144584 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the forgoing was furnishedvia day of July, upon Maurice Jay Kutner, Kutner and facsimile and U.S. Mail on this _ rh Associates, I l"'Floor-Courthouse Tower,44 West FlaglerStreet,Miami, Florida33130;Earle S. Lilly, Esq., Lilly Law Office,4544 Post Oak Place,Suite 380, Houston,TX 77027; and Cynthia L. Greene, Esq., GreeneSmith & Associates,P.A., 7340 S.W. 6l't Court, Miami, Florida33143. BY: JASON R. MARKS 333 v.l ; 7 13012008 05:48 PM} {Litigation\6605\0001/M0571 -8 KT-UGER,PERETZ, KAPI.AN & BE,RI,IN,P.L.' MIAMI CF,NTER,SI,:,VENTEIiNTHFLOOR,2O1 SO. BISCAYNE BI,VD., MIAMI, FL 33131' 305.379.9000 2385 NW ExEcurlvF. CF.NTERf)RlvE. SulrE 300. BocA R^TON-,FI- 33431 . Ps: (561) 443-0800. FAx: (561) 998-0047