PDD - Village of Howard
PDD - Village of Howard
Meeting: Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Plan Commission 01/19/15 #6-7 Mission Statement To provide our residents with a safe, friendly, attractive and active community by aggressively pursuing innovative ways to deliver valuable services. STAFF REPORT REPORT TO: AGENDA ITEM: ACTION REQUESTED: Burt R. McIntyre, President, and Plan Commission Public hearing and action on the Planned Development District (PDD) request from NWTC for parcel VH-31, located at Marley Street and Glendale Avenue Approval of the proposed Preliminary PDD POLICY ISSUE Should the Village Plan Commission approve the Preliminary PDD thereby moving the process forward to allow for a Universal Driving Facility? RECOMMENDED ACTION BY PLAN COMMISSION It is recommended that the Plan Commission ask the applicant to explain his request in detail. Subsequently, the Plan Commission could invite comments from the public. The Plan Commission should review the applicant’s request, including how Preliminary Planned Development District Standards will be met. Finally, if satisfied with the proposal, the Plan Commission should recommend approval to the Village Board with any specific conditions as may be necessary to address concerns voiced by the public, staff or Commission members. Staff would recommend approval of the preliminary PDD with the conditions the following are submitted on final application: A scale plot plan showing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The location, size, type and use of all buildings and structures; Driveways, walks and access roads; Parking facilities and loading docks; Exterior lighting; Open spaces and recreation areas; Site drainage; Screening and fencing; Landscaping; and Utility easements. 10. A statistical table showing the acreage of development (exclusive of public streets), acreage of proposed open spaces and recreational areas, and proposed population densities. 11. Architectural drawings of all buildings and structures, typical building floor plans, and sketches showing the design characteristics and treatment of exterior building elevations. 12. A table showing the approximate costs of individual buildings and structures. 13. A statement confirming the anticipated commencement and completion dates. 14. Building sizes in square feet; proportions of buildings devoted to office, production, manufacturing, warehousing, etc., and proposed number of employees in each such area; proposed uses and manner of operation; and municipal services required to serve the site (commercial and industrial developments only). THIS WILL BE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE VILLAGE BOARD FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. POLICY ALTERNATIVE(S) The Plan Commission could take the following action: • Approve the request without conditions. • Approve the request with conditions. • Deny the request • Table the request until a later meeting date In February of 2012 Governor Walker and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) announced the Wisconsin Certified Site Initiative. The idea behind this program is to identify sites that the state has deemed ready for large industrial development. To qualify for the program the site has to be at least 50 acres. The Village-owned property on Marley Street is one of 13 sites that are certified in Wisconsin The Village Board accepted an offer to purchase from NWTC for the east 26 acres of the 77-acre site. The facility will be used as a universal driving training facility. ATTACHMENTS I NWTC Site Plan and Master Plan II Certified Site Information For more detailed information of the existing parcel please visit the following: http://inwisconsin.com/why-wisconsin/available-sites/certified-in-wisconsin/howard-wisconsin/ 2014PLANCOMMISSIONMEETING DATES&APPLICATIONDEADLINES TypeofSubmittal RezoningApplication PlannedDevelopmentDistrict(PDD)/Amend Variance Fee $250 $200 $250 $500AftertheFact AdministrativeAppeal $250 ConditionalUsePermit(CUP) $250 PreliminaryPlat $100+$15/lot FinalPlat $75 SitePlanApproval Itemsshadedinlightbluerequirematerialstobesubmittedtwoweekspriorto themeeting. Itemsshadedindarkbluerequirematerialstobesubmittedthreeweeksprior tothemeeting. PlanCommission MeetingDate January20 February17 March17 April21 May19 June16 July21 August18 September15 October20 November17 December15 Submittal Deadline December25 January27 February24 March25 April28 May26 June30 July28 August25 September29 October27 November28 AllmeetingsdatesaresubjecttochangeatthediscretionofVillageofficials Itistheapplicant’sresponsibilitytosubmittwoelectronic(MicrosoftWordandPDF) andtenhardcopiesofallmaterials(excludingconstructionmaterial). PleaseNotetheFollowing Incompleteapplicationswillnotbeacceptedand/orprocessed. Processinganapplicationmaytakeuptosixty(60)daysduetolegalnotices mandatedbyStatelaw ThePlanCommissionmeetsonthethirdMondayofeverymonthat5:30p.m.at 2456GlendaleAvenue ThePlanCommissionwillmakearecommendationtotheVillageBoardonmost items. TheVillageofHowardisapartnerwithFocusonEnergyandforwardsallpermit informationtotheorganizationtoreviewforpotentialcostsavingsprojectsand programs. REQUIRED PLEASEENSUREALLTHEFOLLOWINGAREPARTOFTHEAPPLICATIONBELOW Statementdescribingthegeneralcharacteroftheproposeddevelopment. Aplatofsurveyortheequivalentthereofdepictingthelocation,dimensions,boundaries,usesandsizeof thesite. Legaldescriptionoftheproposeddevelopmentsite. Asiteplanincludingthefollowing: Densityandfloorarearatio Buildingheightsandsetbacks Size&locationoflots Screeningandfencing Locationofsanitaryandstormsewerlines Locationofwatermains Sitedrainage Locationofroads,drivewaysandwalks Existingandproposedstructures,parking,loadingareas,ingress/egresspoints Locationofrecreationalandopenspaceareasreservedordedicatedforpublicuses Percentageofgreenspace&impervioussurface Anaccuratetopographicalmapshowingelevationandcontourdataattwo(2)footintervalsandextending onehundred(100)feetbeyondexteriorboundariesofsiteandalsothefollowing Topographicalmapshowingallpublicright‐of‐ways&existingbuildingswithintheprojectarea. Sizeandcapacitiesofallavailableutilitiesandhighwaterelevationsalongriversandbodiesofwater. EasementstotheVillageforcommonopenspaceareas,roadwaysandotherright‐of‐waysnotdedicatedto thepublic. Landscapeplanincludingtabledepictingquantity,sizeandnameofspecies. Lightingplanshowingphotometricsandaspecsheetofallfixturesused. Signplanwithdimensionsofsign. Anattachmentstatingthemethodsandhoursofoperation(ifapplicable). Full‐colorrenderingofbuildingfacadesandlargesamplesofcolorsandbuildingmaterialstobeusedon theproject. Tableshowingsquarefootageofproposedbuildingsalongwithproportionsofbuildingsdevotedtooffice, production,manufacturing,warehousing,etc.andproposednumberofemployeesineacharea. Evidenceshowingproposedprojectiseconomicallyfeasible. Tableshowingtheapproximatecostsofindividualbuildingsanddatesofconstruction. Copiesofdeedrestrictions,sureties,performancebonds,conditions,provisions,requirementsand/or limitationstoensurepublicsafety,healthandwelfare. Ownershipandtaxliabilityofprivateopenspacereservationsandright‐of‐ways. Implementationschedulewithproposedcommencementandcompletiondates. REDISINDEVELOPMENT PleasedirectallquestionstoDaveWieseat434‐[email protected] Meeting Date: AgendaItem:# VILLAGEOFHOWARDPLANCOMMISSION APPLICATION REPORTTO: BurtMcIntyre,President VillagePlanCommission VillageBoardofTrustees ApplicationshouldbesentbackinMicrosoftWordFormatandPDFwithasignedcopyoftheapplication. TYPEOFSUBMITTAL Rezoning DATESUBMITTED 23/Dec/2014 FEE $250 SIGNATURE BACKGROUND BASICINFORMATION ProjectName NWTC‐ UniversalDrivingFacility ApplicantName/ContactNo./Email ChrisDahlke/920‐255‐1200/[email protected] Subjectpropertyaddress GlendaleAve. AbbreviatedLegal VH‐31 Consultant NWTC/RobertELeeAssociates SizeofParcel 26Acres(37.193AcresfullParcel) ExistingZoning I‐3IndustrialPark‐ Light RequestedZoning AsDesignatedbytheCommission Comp.LandMapDesignation ADJACENTLANDUSE/ZONINGMATRIX Direction LandUse Zoning North SingleFamilyResidential R‐1 South ExclusiveAgricultural A‐1 East RuralEstate R‐5 West IndustrialPark‐Light I‐3 ZONINGMATRIX Required Provided CurrentZoning I‐3 AsDesignatedbytheCommission MinimumDevelopmentArea 10,000 squarefeet MinimumLotWidth 100 feet MinimumStreetBuildingSetback 35 feet MinimumSideYardSetback 10feet MinimumRearYardSetback 17 feet MaximumHeight 80 feet BACKGROUND(Example)TheapplicantcurrentlyownsthreeabuttingpropertiesonElmhurstStreetandFairdale Avenueshownonattachment#1.TheVillagezoningmapshowsallthreepropertieszonedR‐1,however,anaffidavit ofusesubmittedin1983verifiesthatthetwoeasternmostproperties(2546&2552ElmhurstAvenue)qualifyfor theExistingIndustrial(I‐5)zoningclassification.Thereferencedaffidavitverifiesthatthesetwopropertieswere usedforautorepairpurposesonJune19,1979atthetimeoftheVillage‐widerezoning. Thereisasinglefamilydwellinglocatedonthewesternmostlot(202FairdaleAvenue).Theapplicantwishestouse aportionofthislottodisplayvehiclesforsale.SincethislotiszonedR‐1,thedisplayorsaleofvehiclesisnota permitted use. To rectify this situation, the applicant is proposing to rezone this lot along with the two lots on Elmhurst(currentlyzonedI‐5)toHighwayCommercial(B‐2).TheB‐2zonepermitsautorepairbusinessesandauto salesbusinesses. ANALYSIS 1. ZoningThethreelotsinquestionarecurrentlyzonedR‐1andI‐5.R‐1zoningisconsistentwiththezoning anduseofsurroundingproperties.TheexistingI‐5zoningandtherequestedB‐2zoningisnotconsistentor compatible with the zoning and use of surrounding residential properties. None of the lots meet the minimumsizeregulationforlotsintheB‐2zonebutincombinationtheymeettheminimumstandardsfor rezoningsetforthinSection17.20(9)(d)oftheZoningOrdinance. 2. SetbacksThisareawasplattedin1941priortotheadoptionofzoningregulationsintheVillage.Assuch, noneoftheexistingbuildingsonanyofthethreelotsinquestioncomplywithcurrentsetbackregulations (see“ZoningConsistencyMatrix”above). 3. ParkingThethreelotsinquestionareextremelysmallinareaandmostofthisareaisoccupiedbybuildings. Thereisverylittleareaonanyofthelotstoparkemployeeandpatronvehicles,letalonevehiclesdisplayed forsale.Attachment#3isaclose‐upaerialviewofthethree propertiesshowingcarsparkedintheroad right‐of‐wayandcloserthantherequiredfivefeettopropertylines. 4. Floodplain,ShorelandZoning&StormwaterManagementTherearenomappedfloodplainorwetland areasontheproperty. 5. LandDivisionNolanddivisionisbeingproposedinthisrequest. 6. LightingN/A 7. Fire Protection This property is currently served by the municipal water system and is located approximately2.1roadmilesfromthenearestfirestation. OFFICE USE ONLY RECOMMENDEDACTION ItisrequestedthatthePlanCommissionopenthepublichearingandasktheapplicanttoexplainhisrequestin detail.Subsequently,thePlanCommissionshouldinvitecommentsfromthepublicandthenclosethepublic hearing. StaffwillprovidearecommendationtothePlanCommissionbasedonthematerialssubmitted. I Platmapshowinglocationofsubjectproperty II ATTACHMENTIPARCELMAPOFAREA(AGOODSOURCEISTHEBROWNCOUNTYLANDINFORMATION OFFICEWEBSITE) http://www.co.brown.wi.us/departments/page_7f0c2fbe6bc6/?department=85713eda4cdc&subdepartment=89c e08984445 NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning September 19, 2014 Table of Contents 1. Project Planning 2. Facciliity & Site Program m 3. Site e Plaan Phasingg 4. Facility Plan Phasing 5. Cost Estimate Project Planning 1 A Project Kick-off & Vision Session was held with the Master Planning Task Force to establish the over-arching purpose and aspirations of the Public Safety Department for this project. The following is a summary of these discussions. One area of training included in the Public Safety Mission is Emergency Vehicle Operations Course training (EVOC). Such training is not exclusively required of Law Enforcement. Emergency Vehicle Operation training and proficiency is also required by both Fire and Emergency Medic personnel. NWTC also offers training classes to the community. Currently, training classes utilize three separate locations: Austin Straubel Airport auxiliary lot, NWTC main campus (classrooms, parking lots and Utility Field Lab/Energy Lane), as well as the Public Safety Training Center located northeast of the main campus. These locations were not originally designed specifically for EVOC training and therefore pose challenges, limitations and potentially hazardous obstacles for inexperienced student operators. The Public Safety Department aspires to provide the highest quality of lifelong learning opportunities for incumbent workers employed in community agencies throughout the district, as well as future workforce trained through its credential programs. An improved state-of-the-art training facility is needed to achieve this goal. NWTC Public Safety Training Center (View from Shoot House) NWTC Green Bay Campus The new site for EVOC training is located south of East Adam Drive in Ashwaubenon, WI. The site is about 24 acres, which provides sufficient space for a new EVOC driving track and a one story facility that houses classrooms, driving simulators, vehicles and restrooms. This facility will allow the implementation of a hybrid model of delivery, combining traditional training with vehicles with simulator training. The facility and adjacent parking would occupy 3 acres of the site. The driving track utilizes 12 acres of the site leaving 9 acres for future planning. Utility Field Lab (Energy Lane) is shown on the le New site near Austin Straubel Airport - E. Adam Drive NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Auxiliary Lot at Austin Straubel Airport Introduction 2 PROJECT PURPOSE SUCCESS CRITERIA FUNCTIONAL GOALS • New site needed - Current EVOC training site at Austin Straubel auxiliary lot will no longer be available for use as soon as June 2015 & was not originally designed for purposes of EVOC training which poses challenges, limitations, and potentially hazardous obstacles for inexperienced student operators • Provision of cuing edge education and training insuring ongoing levels of skill and proficiency for public safety professionals • To continue training at the current level and provide seamless service to existing associate degree, recruit academy and public safety in-service learners • Combine three existing sites (NWTC, Austin Straubel Airport, Public Safety Building) into one improved state-of-the-art training facility • Training in an environment simulating real-world scenarios • Training efficiency through the utilization of a hybrid learning environment • Improved Corporate Training opportunities for motorcycle, CDL, Dispatch and other trade programs • To maintain communication contact between Instructors and Students • Transition to a hybrid model of delivery • To provide flexible space to meet needs of all user groups • Provide opportunity for training with space and accommodations at one location that is available year round • To allow for scheduling of multiple user groups • To create an efficient & safe relationship between public space, low speed space & high speed space • Improve safety and efficiency • Develop a master plan at a site that is expandable to meet future needs FORM GOALS CRITICAL ISSUES PLANNING & DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS • To create a state-of-the art training facility • Safety • Master plan will be phased • To create an expandable facility to serve future needs • Accessibility year round • Site will be bermed 100% at its perimeter • To create a facility that serves its users during both good and inclement weather • Facility Components: Pavement, Classrooms, Storage, Restrooms, Elevated Platform, Parking • Safety concerns will drive location of public space, low speed area and high speed area on site • Accommodate and enhance all user groups’ schedules • 8 acres for continuing current EVOC training • 1-2 acres for new facility NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Vision Report “Seing the Direction” 3 Facility & Site Program 2 A Program & Needs Assessment Session was conducted with the Master Planning Task Force to establish the space form and needs requirements for plan development. The following is a summary of those discussions. STAFF & SPACE SUMMARY CURRENT FORECAST TOTAL Total GSF Total GSF Total GSF 1.0 Instructional Space 1.1 Space Requirements 1.2 Open 22,055 22,055 0 48,083 48,083 0 70,138 70,138 0 2.0 Storage Garage 2.1 Space Requirements 2.2 Open 1,000 1,000 0 11,308 11,308 0 12,308 12,308 0 3.0 Office/Support Space 3.1 Space Requirements 885 1,989 2,874 885 1,989 2,874 18.2 Open 4.0 Common Space 0 880 0 3,975 0 4,855 880 3,975 4,855 0 0 0 24,820 65,355 90,175 COMPONENT SPACES 4.1 Space Requirements 18.2 Open TOTAL Comments Note: Current space includes areas located on the "Hill". Forecast space encompass the Master Plan requirements. NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Staff & Space Summary 5 Instructional Space Northeast Wisconsin Technical College New Universal Driving Facility 1.0 Green Bay, WI CURRENT 1.1 Space Requirements 1.100 Classroom (4 plex) 1.101 Classroom (Static) 1.102 Classrooms (Future) 1.103 Simulator Training Space 1.104 Control Room for Simulator Training 1.105 Multi-purpose Room 1.106 Shooting Range (Indoor) 1.107 Armory FORECAST Units Total NSF Total GSF 2 2 440 675 2 1 100 186 1 1 3,150 285 880 1,350 =0 200 186 =0 3,150 285 1 1 1 1 1 2 - Units Unit NSF Total NSF 24 24 24 2 24 16 - 4 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 700 500 700 100 200 4,700 3,150 600 2,800 1,000 4,200 200 200 4,700 3,150 600 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 STAFF STUDENT Capacity Usable Usable Factor SF Gross Factor Total GSF Total NSF Total GSF 3,920 1,400 5,880 280 280 6,580 4,410 840 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 4,077 1,456 6,115 291 291 6,843 4,586 874 3,240 1,675 4,200 300 386 4,700 6,300 885 4,957 2,806 6,115 491 477 6,843 7,736 1,159 1.108 TAC House 1 8,750 8,750 - - 1 8,750 8,750 1.40 12,250 1.04 12,740 17,500 21,490 1.109 1.110 1.111 1.112 1.113 1.114 1.115 Burn Tower Forceable Entry Bldg Laser Simulation 1 1 1 1,440 5,184 630 =0 =0 =0 =0 1,440 5,184 630 =0 =0 =0 =0 - - 1 1 1 1,440 5,184 800 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 2,016 7,258 1,120 =0 =0 =0 =0 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 3,537 12,732 1,795 =0 =0 =0 =0 13 20,840 22,055 7 114 2,097 7,548 1,165 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 48,083 2,880 10,368 1,430 =0 =0 =0 =0 Subtotal 1,440 5,184 800 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 33,024 53,864 70,138 46,234 Comments wall dividers at 4 plex 2 general classrooms future 4 plex + 2 general classrooms each simulator footprint is 10'x10' instructor, storage for extra driving seat, 94'x50' 25 yd, 8 lanes Includes 2 classrooms, domestic training, corrections training, gear storage 60'x24' 72'x72' conc pad 20'x40' Note: Current space includes areas located on the "Hill". Forecast space encompass the Master Plan requirements. NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning 1.0 Instructional Space 6 Storage Garage Northeast Wisconsin Technical College New Universal Driving Facility 2.0 Green Bay, WI CURRENT Units 2.1 Space Requirements 2.100 Squad Car Storage 2.101 Fire Truck Storage 2.102 F150 Truck Storage 2.103 Ambulance Storage 2.104 Semitrailer & Tractor Storage 2.105 Motorcycle Storage 2.106 Scooter Storage 2.107 Service Vehicle 2.108 Misc. Vehicle Equipment 2.109 Misc. Storage Room 2.110 Fire Storage 2.111 Lift 2.112 Maintenance Bay 2.113 2.114 2.115 Total Total GSF =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 1,000 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 1,000 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 1,000 1,000 1 1 2 FORECAST Total NSF STAFF STUDENT Capacity 0 0 Units Unit NSF Total NSF 22 2 2 1 1 25 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 162 0 162 147 440 36 36 162 100 200 0 162 800 3,564 =0 324 147 440 900 288 324 100 200 =0 162 800 =0 =0 =0 =0 7,249 TOTAL Usable Usable Factor SF 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 5,346 =0 486 221 660 1,350 432 486 150 300 =0 243 1,200 =0 =0 =0 10,874 Gross Factor Total GSF Total NSF Total GSF 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 5,560 =0 505 229 686 1,404 449 505 156 312 =0 253 1,248 =0 =0 =0 3,564 =0 324 147 440 900 288 324 100 200 1,000 162 800 =0 =0 =0 5,560 =0 505 229 686 1,404 449 505 156 312 1,000 253 1,248 =0 =0 =0 11,308 8,249 12,308 Comments parking space 9'x18' tempered space. vehicle dimensions: 8'x32' parking space 9'x18' vehicle dimensions: 7'x21' tractor storage inside only. 8'x60' parking space 4'x9' parking space 4'x9' parking space 9'x18' Secured space Note: Current space includes areas located on the "Hill". Forecast space encompass the Master Plan requirements. NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning 2.0 Storage Garage 7 Office/Support Space Northeast Wisconsin Technical College New Universal Driving Facility 3.0 Green Bay, WI CURRENT Units 3.1 Space Requirements 3.100 Office (full time) 3.101 Office (workstations) 3.102 Data Room 3.103 Printer, Copier, Collate, Fax Area 3.104 Vending 3.105 Lobby/Lounge 3.106 Conference Room 3.107 Break Area 3.108 3.109 3.110 3.111 3.112 3.113 3.114 3.115 Total 2 1 1 1 5 FORECAST Total NSF Total GSF 95 470 135 =0 =0 =0 90 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 190 470 135 =0 =0 =0 90 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 3 4 - 790 885 7 STAFF STUDENT Capacity - 0 Units Unit NSF Total NSF 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 120 64 120 50 50 200 180 150 360 256 120 50 50 200 180 150 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 1,366 TOTAL Usable Usable Factor SF 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 504 358 168 70 70 280 252 210 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 1,912 Gross Factor Total GSF Total NSF Total GSF 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 524 373 175 73 73 291 262 218 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 455 726 255 50 50 200 270 150 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 714 843 310 73 73 291 352 218 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 1,989 2,156 2,874 Comments 10'x12' offices 8'x8' workstations 8 person conference room Note: Current space includes areas located on the "Hill". Forecast space encompass the Master Plan requirements. NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning 3.0 Office/Support Space 8 Common Space Northeast Wisconsin Technical College New Universal Driving Facility 4.0 Green Bay, WI CURRENT Units 4.1 Space Requirements 4.100 Entry Vestibule 4.101 Men's Toilet 4.102 Women's Toilet 4.103 Future Restrooms (M & W) 4.104 Decontamination Shower Rooms 4.105 Housekeeping / Janitorial Room 4.106 Laundry Room 4.107 Electrical Room 4.108 Mechanical Room 4.109 Mechanical Room - Shooting Range only 4.110 Storage 4.111 4.112 4.113 4.114 4.115 Total 1 1 FORECAST Total NSF Total GSF =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 880 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 880 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 880 880 STAFF STUDENT Capacity - 0 3 3 6 0 Units Unit NSF Total NSF 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 70 200 200 200 100 80 80 120 300 1,200 80 70 200 200 200 200 80 80 120 300 1,200 80 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 TOTAL Usable Usable Factor SF 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 2,730 98 280 280 280 280 112 112 168 420 1,680 112 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 3,822 Gross Factor Total GSF Total NSF Total GSF 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 102 291 291 291 291 116 116 175 437 1,747 116 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 70 200 200 200 200 80 80 120 300 2,080 80 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 102 291 291 291 291 116 116 175 437 2,627 116 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 3,975 3,610 4,855 Comments Size will support additional 8 lanes in future Note: Current space includes areas located on the "Hill". Forecast space encompass the Master Plan requirements. NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning 4.0 Common Space 9 Site Northeast Wisconsin Technical College New Universal Driving Facility 5.0 Green Bay, WI CURRENT 5.1 Space Requirements 5.100 Communication Tower 5.101 Outdoor Shelter 5.102 Fire Training Pad (car fire, flash cover, etc.) 5.103 Parking 5.104 Parking (Future) 5.105 Parking for Semi Trailer 5.106 Decontamination Area 5.107 Trench 5.108 Confined Space 5.109 Splash Board 5.110 Roof Simulator 5.111 Vertical Ventilation 5.112 Virtual City 5.113 5.114 5.115 Total FORECAST Units Total NSF Total GSF =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 10,530 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 2 2 65 =0 =0 =0 162 162 10,530 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 71 STAFF STUDENT Capacity 0 24 24 Units 1 1 1 103 113 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unit NSF Total NSF 120 700 20,000 162 162 480 120 700 20,000 16,686 18,306 480 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 261,360 261,360 =0 =0 =0 TOTAL Usable Usable Factor SF 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 317,652 168 980 28,000 23,360 25,628 672 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 365,904 =0 =0 =0 444,713 Gross Factor Total GSF Total NSF Total GSF 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 175 1,019 29,120 24,295 26,654 699 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 380,540 =0 =0 =0 120 700 20,000 16,848 18,306 480 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 261,360 =0 =0 =0 175 1,019 29,120 34,825 26,654 699 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 380,540 =0 =0 =0 462,501 317,814 473,031 Comments 100'x200' conc. Pad 9'x18' parking space. Current references PS bldg 9'x18' parking space 8'x60' 6 acres (future) Note: Current space includes areas located on the "Hill". Forecast space encompass the Master Plan requirements. NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning 5.0 Site Components 10 Site Plan Phasing 3 The main element for Phase 1 of the New Universal Driving Facility is the Driving Track, which utilizes 12 acres of the site. There is only one access point to the track, which is a gated entrance from the north. This road will be concrete to support heavyweight vehicles. The driving track includes a centralized skid pad, a roundabout as well as two large pads to the north for motorcycle and CDL training. The building in this phase, which will be demolished in later phases when instructional space is necessary on site, will house both men’s and women’s bathrooms as well as a large, covered pavilion space. Sign Si gnag age e Sign Si nag age ge G te Ga ted d En Entr tryy Po oin nt E. ADA E. DAM DR DAM DRIV IVE E (PAC (P A KE ERL R AN AND D DR.)) Restroom Pavilion Gravel Parking Lot 103 Parking Spaces On the west side of the structure there is a paved parking lot that is accessed from the north by the public, faculty and students. A gravel parking lot to the east of the facility provides outdoor parking for training vehicles. This lot can only be accessed from the driving track. Potential F tu Fu t re e Sitte SH HOR ORTC TCUT UT T ROAD OA O AD The southeast corner of the site is not utilized because of its low elevation and adjacency to wetlands. The perimeter of the driving track is bermed at three sides for safety and security purposes. Coniferous trees should be planted along the north edge of the site to visually screen the site from the neighbors. Maintaining a view of the building and signage will be important when approaching from the east to assist with wayfinding. Berms @ 3 side d s of Driving Track c NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Site Plan - Phase 1 12 The facility in Phase 2 consists of classrooms, restrooms, a driving simulator training room and necessary mechanical/electrical space. The main entrance faces south towards the driving track. The restroom pavilion from Phase 1 will be demolished or relocated once this phase is complete. A garage providing storage for up to 22 vehicles is constructed to the east of the instructional space. An additional drive on the site provides access from the north, through the storage garage, and out to the track. There will be an overhead door on both the north and south facade of the garage. The paved parking lot to the west remains as is. Sidewalks will be incorporated into the site design to connect the lot to the new building as well as the driving track. Sign Si nag age ge G te Ga ted d En Entr tryy Po oin nt E. ADA E. DAM DR DAM DRIV IVE E 103 Parking Spaces (PAC (P A KE ERL R AN AND D DR.)) Instrucctionall Space & Storage Gaarage Shelter Communicatio on Tower Shelter Potential F tu Fu t re e Sitte SH HOR ORTC TCUT UT T ROAD OA O AD Other important site components in Phase 2 include a Communication Tower and two shelters to be utilized by students during training. Temporary tent structures can be used if permanent shelters are not built immediately. Sign Si gnag age e Berms @ 3 side d s of Driving Track c NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Site Plan - Phase 2 13 The third phase increases the footprint of the building, which now includes office space, a conference room, additional classrooms and a multi-purpose room. The building layout has been arranged to accommodate a shooting range as an alternative in this phase since its footprint is almost identical to the multi-purpose room’s. The Storage Garage expands to the east. An additional 18 parking spaces for vehicle storage is provided by this expansion, as well as a maintenance bay including storage space and a vehicle li. There is an overhead door to the south providing access from the driving track. Sign Si gnag age e S gn Si nag age ge G te Ga ted d En Entr tryy Po Poin intt in E.. ADA DAM DR DRIV VE 103 Parking Spaces ((P PAC ACKE ACKE KERL ERL RLAN AND D DR R.)) Instructional Space e & Storage Garage Shelter Shelter Potential F tu Fu t re e Sitte SHORTC SH ORTC OR T UT T ROA OAD OAD Communicatio on Tower Berms @ 3 side d s of Driving Track c NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Site Plan - Phase 3 14 The fourth phase increases the Instructional Space by 9,500 sf. New building components consist of additional offices, doubling the amount of classrooms, a laser simulation room, relocating the driving simulator training room, and additional restrooms including showers. The main entrance is now located a the southwest corner of the facility and includes a lounge/break area for students. Sign Si gnag age e S gn Si nag age e G te Ga ted d En Entr tryy Po Poin intt in E. ADA E. DAM DR DAM DRIV IVE VE A new parking lot is required to the west of the instructional space addition. The original parking lot entry will remain in the same location, maintaining access from the north. (PAC (P A KE ER RL LAN LAN AND D DR.)) Instructional Space e & Storage Garage 132 Parking Spaces Shelter Shelter Potential F tu Fu t re e Sitte SH HOR O TC CUT T ROA OAD OAD Communicatio on Tower Berms @ 3 side d s of Driving Track c NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Site Plan - Phase 4 15 The Master Plan includes the final expansion to the instructional space, relocating the TAC House and Shoot House from “The Hill”, as well as obtaining an additional parcel of land to the east to accommodate relocating all fire training structures and activities to this site. There is also enough acreage to support a virtual city. The final building addition to the north includes the 8-lane shooting range, armory and necessary range support space. The entire building requires 2 acres of the site. The shooting range and multi-purpose room are located along the north facade of the building so providing vehicle access through either of these rooms, if desired, is a possibility to enhance the student training experience. (Note: not shown on plan). Sign Si gnag age e Siign S nag age e G te Ga ted d En Entr tryy Po Poin intt in E.. ADA E DAM D DR RIV IVE TA AC Hous Ho use e Instru ructional Space e & Stor o age Garage Shoot Shoo Hous Ho u e Roof Simulator Signage Shelter 132 Parking Spaces Shelter The TAC House and Shoot House are sited to the west of the existing parking lot. These structures are shown at the same scale and arrangement as the existing on “The Hill”. (PAC (P A KE ERL R AN AND D DR.)) Splash Board d Vertical Venti t lation Smokeless Bu B rn Tower w/ Forceable e Entry on first leve el The parcel to the east of the existing site is suitable for all fire training related activities and buildings. These components are currently shown with a gracious setback from the north lot line to provide a buffer from the neighbors. Planting a line of coniferous trees at this lot line is recommended for a visual barrier. Shelter Fire Training Pad Virtuaal City (6 acr c es) Trench, Confined Space... SH HOR ORTC TCUT UT T ROAD OA O AD Communicatio on Tower A new road will extend from the existing site towards the east to provide access to the smokeless burn tower, splash board, vertical ventilation and the new fire training pad. The main floor of the burn tower will be designed for forceable entry training. The existing berms can be utilized for trench and confined space training. An outdoor shelter is also programmed for student use on the new parcel. Wettllan We and The remaining acreage could be utilized for a virtual city, which could be accessed from Shortcut Road if necessary. Berms @ 3 side d s of Driving Track c This design will accommodate all Public Safety training functions at a new single location. NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Master Plan 16 Facility Plan Phasing 4 W M Mech. . 1,500 SF M Outdoor Pavilion Future INSTRUCTIONAL SPACE STORAGE OFFICE/SUPPORT COMMON SPACE NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Facility Plan - Phase 1 18 6,400 SF 6,000 SF Future F150 Truck Maintenance F150 Truck Maintenance Motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle Future Scooter Motorcycle Storage Garage St Simulatorr Training Classroom Classroom Future Data Mech. M Scooter Motorcycle Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Future Classroom Classroom Storage Main Entrance INSTRUCTIONAL SPACE STORAGE OFFICE/SUPPORT COMMON SPACE NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Facility Plan - Phase 2 19 13,100 SF 6,400 SF 6,400 SF Storage/Maintenance/Li Ambulance Multi-Purpose Room Storage Garage Simulatorr Training Classroom Data M Classroom Storage Garage Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Squad Classroom Mech. Future Semi Tractor Future Classroom Storage Offices V Conf. V Classroom Classroom Main Entrance INSTRUCTIONAL SPACE STORAGE OFFICE/SUPPORT COMMON SPACE NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Facility Plan - Phase 3 20 13,100 SF 6,400 SF Multi-Purpose Room Future Storage Garage W + Showerss Classroom Classroom M Classroom Classroom + Showerss Lounge g ge Break Areaa Office O Ve Ve Ven Vending Classroom V Office O Mech. M Laundry/ y/ Sto age Storage Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom V Classroom Offices V Conf. Simulator Training Storage Garage Storage Data 9,500 SF Laser Simulation Simulation n 6,400 SF Classroom Classroom Main Entrance INSTRUCTIONAL SPACE STORAGE OFFICE/SUPPORT COMMON SPACE NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Facility Plan - Phase 4 21 13,100 SF 6,400 SF 6,400 SF Future Control + Storage (8 lanes) 6,000 SF Shooting Range (8 lanes) Mech. Armory V Multi-Purpose Room Office Storage Garage Classroom Classroom M Classroom + Showerss Classroom W + Showerss Lounge ge e Break Area Office Ve V Ven Vending e Classroom Classroom Office Mech. Laundry/ y/ Storage g Offices M Conf. Simulator Training Storage Data 9,500 SF Laser Simulation Storage Garage Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Main Entrance INSTRUCTIONAL SPACE STORAGE OFFICE/SUPPORT COMMON SPACE NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Facility Plan - Phase 5 22 Cost Estimate 5 1 2 PHASE 1: 3 PHASE 2 4 PHASE 3 5 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 SITE/UTILITY: BUILDING: $1,400,000 $ 100,000 SITE/UTILITY: BUILDING: $ 100,000 $1,400,000 SITE/UTILITY: BUILDING: $ 100,000 $1,500,000 SITE/UTILITY: BUILDING: $ 200,000 $1,200,000 SITE/UTILITY: BUILDING: $ 100,000 $1,200,000 TOTAL: $1,500,000 TOTAL: $1,500,000 TOTAL: $1,600,000 TOTAL: $1,400,000 TOTAL: $1,300,000 NEW UNIVERSAL DRIVING FACILITY Master Planning Facility Plan Implementation Estimate 24 THANK YOU! Performa would like to acknowledge and thank the NWTC UDF Master Planning Task Force members for their contribution to this project: Chris Dahlke Chet Lamers Todd Anderson Dean Stewart Jr. Heidi Thomas Amy Kox Michael Molnar Chris Madson Elizabeth Paape Thomas Vandenack Pamela Thornton Erik Walters Universal Driving Facility -ProposalNortheast Wisconsin Technical College Time of Use • Public Safety Program Classes – Classes run year round • Fire Department Training – Typically takes place 5 pm – 9 pm – Primarily takes place in “Nice Weather” months – Exterior sirens not used during training • Corporate Training – Class schedule based on demand – Classes typically take place during normal business hours Facility Usage • Police Academy – 20-30 Students – Summer and Winter Sessions • Public Safety Associates Degree Program – 90 students – Fall and Spring Sessions • Fire – 25 Program Students – Local departments upon availability • Motorcycle – 200 Students, Summer Sessions • CDL – 25-30 students, Fall and Spring Sessions 120.00 Noise Levels Change via Source Distance from Barrier – Source 100w Siren @ 68° F 100.00 Receiver Distance from Barrier 1 ft 60.00 250 ft 500 ft 1000 ft 2000 ft 40.00 5280 ft 20.00 0.00 1 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000 Sound Level dB 80.00 Source Distance from Barrier Noise Levels East Site vs. West Site • East Site – Pros • Less desirable to other industry due to access • Utilities already brought to the site • Allows development of possible future road through east site – Cons • East site is more populated • NWTC would prefer access off of Marley East Site vs. West Site • West Site – Pros • Further away from majority of residences – Cons • Blocks east site without construction of access road Community Impact • Kicks off development on the site for future development • CTED training brings public safety personnel from around the state, who will stay in the Howard area. • NWTC will buy fuel for vehicles at the facility at local businesses. tsfield To w n o f P i t oward Village of H Vi lla Vi lla Mills Center Industrial Site Village of Howard Brown County WI 77.193 Acres 0 40 Acres 37.193 Acres ge o ST f H ow H 2 9& ard ge 32 of Ho ba rt 0.1 0.2 future interchange . 0.4 0.6 0.8 Miles Master Site Plan Aerial photography: 2011 Print Date: July 2, 2012