Alice blue gown - OC Public Libraries
Alice blue gown - OC Public Libraries
ALICE BLUE Lyrics by JOSEPH McCARTHY Music by HARRY TIERNEY Presented by IMPERADIO PICTURES, Ltd. 'With ANNA NEAGLE RAY MILLAND Produced and Directed by Herbert. Wilcox RKO RADIO. PICTURE Let)' ~ear Uc.c. 1629 IROAPoNA' • NlW YORIC , er lA'O K (9 Jfitll. tnoffi the £R ( "~nene" - £Ra&io NEW MODERN ARRANGEMENT Sling by TIN King's Mtn IRENE Ftalurul in lIN R K O· RAdirJ Pietu" "IRENE" Lyric by Millie by JOSEPH M,CARTHY Chorus, Moderately HARRY of salt amsweet-ness, a dain-ty . rv • !rv TIER~Y . silp -- ~. Man-ner-i of rare cOffi-plete-ness, -- --~ . .......".~ , - rf I , ~ I --. I . 9m,ma(~net-i - !!' - ~ ~ r ~ '1 Copyri'lhr 1019 LEO feiST, INC~ 1629 Brold...y. Ne.. York, N. Y. Any , ~ , -. I • '= "t - sm, eyes of youth in- vlit- ing, ..t 1"I"",tiGn.1 CopY"'lht Secu"d M.d, ;1\ U. S. A. All RiqJ.t. R.......d r"dudinq Public. P.....O<m.n~. Fo' Profit. of lbi. «lmpolilio<o without ,h. con•• n! of·th. owu. i, ,n infril,,~_"t of copyright ''''''9,,,,...1O',lion NEW MODERN ARRANGEMENT Sung by Tht OthlilanttJ CASTLE OF DREAMS FlaUma in IIx R K O· &Iaio Pic/11ft "IRENE" Lyric by Mmk by HARRY TIERNEY JOSEPH McCARTHY Chorus, Slowly (wilA expression) There's a cas in tie our dreams, -r all .. oJ Where I. • we place I '1 our , r r ~ 'T r and hopes, , I II r II our fan- des, -..... 'r ;# Copy";gh' "~llllEO fEIST, INC., Ib1"/ B,ood... oy. N.... Yo,I, N. Y. lftt",,,,,tioul CopY';9h1 S.,u••d l.4"d" i" U. S. A. All Riqhh R"."rvod !"dudi"q Pub!i, P.rlo.monc" fo, p,o,a. A"y .... "OJ·....", 0' "dop'''lio'' 01 thi. 'ompo,""''' ..i'hout th" CO".. ,,, of 'h" _"". i• • " ;"',i"qom",,, of 'opynohl You Can Get Complete Copies of These Songs from Your Dealer , NEW MODERN ARRANGEMENT " 'J Sung by Anna Neagle GOWN ALICE BLUE aRadio Picture "IRENE" Featured in the R K Lyric by JOSEPH McCARTHY Music by HARRY TIERNEY . M ossa u I .. 4- 4- -== < ~ 4- n( I m mm mp , I 4- I ~I J. . I. m . r i= I I Dm7 most for that _ 4- 4- I G7 000 mm , ,j : J . Am6 When And I there, - fore, t "y had don't dare :: :: ~ C7 F6 0 • lit - tie for - get - me-nots placed here and nev - erwas an - v - thine: like it be I~ r r h...,. Cdlm D~ Cm Cdlm ~00!t~ I "I' it to : f f ~ TO 19"' on, I hope there will Em ~ walked ~n the be an - ~ - I- I :'i pOCO • r r'rt.t ~ br , r.-.. alr, m~e, " r ~ ra; D7 d • IIt ''"' 1-..... I I Cudc: Gown 7193- 3 . r I I'i . Fmaj7 Fm6 mmmmmm I J ::L I mmm - jtoo m , ;~ Gm7 1'--'1'=: r I g~n, r-. • 4' dh, the dain - ti - est made that much Just new, ,I. I • mm G+ 0 -I m I':'. mmm; G9 , sweet A lice was Blue, thing, it With silk and then crawled in the ground, For there . u Dm C6 • gown it was once had a al lit - tie silk - worms that made silk ... ... . f- I C6 • Tenderly (rather .last) . 9-" . C I <;,:; ~ "all. J. : I The 4- ~ '"' ,0 ~ Copyright 1919 LEO FEIST, INC., 1629 Broadway, New York, N. Y. InternatioMI Copyright Secured Made in U. S. A. All Rights Reserved Inc:luding Public Performance For Profi~. Any arrangement or o!Idaptation of this composi:ion without the consent of the owner is /In infringement of copyright And it But it's a tempo ... -~--~---~ ------~-~---------------~--~'-,~---- 4 <) 1\ , Am mm " wore, just and had " , mm I and it 'cause it wore] 1\ gone Cm6 m E7 <) it to wore, be, " , , " ·· H'· '0 "If " : " <l ~~ G7 o tJ -~ - I ~ : it my and in went 1\ weflrs J. ~ rail. I F ~o - Fro6 C <) " 1:·~r 1..----..- I p 1:== · " · D7 m A7 (SIOll'l?!) ~ o mtl -- ----- =:::;:===-1- Gown~, A -lice Blue sweet lit - tle II " · - ~ i I In my ~ <) Chorus, Waltz Tempo -, " more. ry. - 0 I mmmm m 1\ was - tit mem . mil mtl fl i - '-<5 D7 Till it StiI~ ~ I ~ 1 -I . When I I " first wan-dered ,.J9- ./ I .\ I' , I I G+ G7 000 I r tJ down in . it r 7193-3 town,-- i ., i L1 "-r=:::::: I : to i""-- /'" II , d mm fl ~ ~ r---WARNING! C~ ~-r !.~ l,~ r ~ , I I was both proud and ,;;;;;: 1'1 .- I 'I , r ,.. Mtl r As I shy, felt I ev - ry ~ -.-.... *' , r iij'" I r ;1.:-',' PEIISO:-' WIIO WII.I.Fl"I.I.Y AXU t'OH I'IlOt"IT COPIEl-i TIn: WHOLt: Oil ;\;\;Y PART OF THE WOUIlS Oil MI"SU: OFTIIiS SO:-;(;.SII \I.I.IIE l.1.\lll.t: TO 1:111."1:"1,\1. 1'1I0JolEITTIO:-; I"NUt:U TilE I ':-.n'..:D STATt:S C()I'YIII(;IlT I.AWS. C6 f' r , Am7 D7 * Ddim !m~mm • TT ev - 'ry But in eye, Dm7 D7 " shop win- dow : .. "1 ... I I T 1 m A7 man-ner .... • ....... llc;j ... r --.... :: ': fash-ion I'd of · - 1 frown. /' ~ l ~ ~:~ J t: ;9:. . " . ,. f ~ ""11" , l1r - round, 1\ , 1~ wilt - ed I ~ · l1if·.~~I~ .. 2.' · - ~ G7 0-9 Dm7 00 '1 ·C mmmm 1':'\ ~ Gtf ~ sweet lit - tIe Oms ~ , r~[: mmmm A-lice Blue .. ... pi "11 .. , mj' ::::I==F_ a'le,!!?! . I "* lf~ .Q. I .0 .. F Fms 11 2 ,c mmOOfj .' .. my Dm7 .. 0+ Gown. . rail, TEDDY WILSON PIANO RHYTHMS • CHINA BOY • MY BLUE HEAVEN PARADISE • STUMBLING, etc. •. _ .... S::: A Folio 01 His Originol Interpretations of J 5 FEIST Songs Including ~ _ I 50' from you" dicIer or direct cs mmm mi I TIGER RAG !r 1':\ •• ==-:: rail. qffj~ ';.:,) In ... . it, 1':\ aI-ways a - dare .---.- ~ • II'" q.. r.'\ , ~ 07 ~ , L1':'\ Odim A9 mm fffm . III . . I Co wore it, • I· ~, '- .. ... .. ... q--- I ,r.'\ Till it ~ a- ------ . lff-6'- --- · r .. Fdim ~ :#~:: And the world seemd to smire all '" !Y F;' ~r _______ i "l: ~ , I • Dm O '- - ' ... ~ Then in by; , /I I . pass -lUg Id pnmp, ;-...... r qr ", if ~ ll1 ~ -. , , I --- 1\ mm " , .tj) My • <lite FEIST GOOD OLD TIMERS ' A choice selection 01 seventy-five American popular songs that have made musical history. From the lilting "Sidewalks of New York" to the lachrymose "The Curse Of An Aching Heart" and the fasl caving "The Darktown Strutters' Ball", They're all here. including such old time favorites as "Goodbye. Dolly Gray", "Liltle Annie Rooney", "Mandy Lee", "I Can't Tell Why I Love You", "That's How I Need You", "WheD You Wore a Tulip", etc. WORLD'S GREATEST SONG FOLIOS * *~6eU1,~~ $~ ~~ lo1ku tIud . WAYNE KING COLLECTION OF FEIST WALTZES FEIST CAVALCADE OF SONG HITS 20 words ond music complete -verso and chorus with guitar chords. including "Three O'eloele in the Morning", "Honest and Truly", "ReDections in the Water". "It Happened in Mon~ terey". "When Lights Are Low". "Midnight Waltz", "Ramona", "Masquerade", "Honolulu Eyes" and eleven other well. known Feist waltzes. 25 years - 25 hitsl The greatest value ever possible I Memorable news events of each year are cleverly tied in with the outstanding hit song of each year from 1914. when "When You Wore A Tulip" was popular. to the smash hit of 1938. "Ti·Pj·Tin". All Feist copyrights. Words and music complete with guitar chords. 'RICE 501 'RICE 501 FEIST COLLECTION OF CELEBRATED SONG HITS Twenty outstanding songs. complete. verse and charus with words and q'uitar chords. including "My Blue Heaven", "Linger Awhile", "Thai's How 1 Need You", "At Sundown", "Down the River of Golden Dreams", "Pal 01 My Cradle Days", "Sleepy Time Gal", "Ireland Must Be Heaven", "M-O·T-H-E-R", "I'm Sorry I Made You Cry". "Peg O' My Heart", etc. niCE SOt 'RICE sot 90itt "y- MAJOR BOWEs --, SOHGS EVERYBODY SIHGS MAJOR BOWES COLLECTION OF SONGS EVERYBODY SINGS Contains twenty-five of the beUer cla811 ballads, including "Wonderful One", "Isle d'Amour", "Jeannine", "Dear Old Girl", "Dreams of Long Ago", "Somewhere in the World", etc. Also, many of Major Bowes' favorite concert songs, including Schubert's "Serenade", "None But the Lonely Hearl", "Songs That My Mother Taught Me", "The Rose cl Tralee", ~'The Lost Chord", etc. 'RICE SO/ I MERRILY WE SING LEGION AIRS A Ccmmunity song book, 144 pages, 176 songs, Contains 29 FEIST copyrighted songs which have never belore appeared in a hook 01 this kind, includ. ing "Dear Old Girl", "When You Wore a Tulip", "M-O-T-H-E-R", "Peggy O'Neill", "Over There", 'Tm Sony I Made You Cry", etc, Songs for male voices, for mixed voices, solos, and for group singing. Meally sui fed for home, school, club and fraternity gatherings. The war songs that thrilled a nation. including "Over There", "Anchora Aweigh", "My Buddy", "K-K.K.K:aty", "Keep the Home Fires Burning", "It's a Long Way to Tipperary", "There's a Long, Long, Trail", "The Sunshine of Your Smile", "Good-Bye Broadway, Hello France", "Smiles", "Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag", 83 80ngs, 144 pages, beautifully bound in blue and gold, wrapped in cellophane. 'RICE 2St 'RICE 51.00 ~ I i
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