Analyzing the Causes of Traffic Congestion and Enact Measures to
Analyzing the Causes of Traffic Congestion and Enact Measures to
Together with Customers Operation of Expressways Analyzing the Causes of Traffic Congestion and Enact Measures to Break and Ease Causes of Congestion Trends and Analysis of Congestion In 2014, a p p rox i m ate l y 76% of th e c au s e s of congestion were concentration of traffic, of which about 63% of the congestion occurred at uphill slopes and “sag-sections,” which refer to between the end of a downhill and in the beginning of an uphill slope. Others 6% Accidents 14% Road work 4% Traffic concentration 76% Lost time due to traffic congestion* decreased to about 50% in 2008 from peak levels because of the introduction of a variety of measures, but it has started to increase significantly since 2009 after the launch of the holiday special discount program. Although lost time decreased from the previous year in 2011 because of the completion of the discount program (the maximum toll in local areas is 1,000 yen), it started to increase again due to the impact of recovery work from the damages of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and an increase in traffic volume. Because of various countermeasures and a decrease in traffic, the lost time due to traffic congestion decreased in 2014, but still remains high. *Index for showing the difference between the travel time actually taken and the travel time without any congestion. Trends in lost time due to traffic congestion Traffic concentration Lost time due to Traffic concentration (10,000s of vehicle hours) 800 N E XCO East: Annual Rep o r t 2015 Road work (earthquake recovery) Accidents Other 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 21 Road work 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Providing Congestion Forecasts ▲Near Hanawa IC, Keiyo Expressway Traffic Jams Measures against Traffic Congestion Improvement of Road Structures We increased the number of lanes and added auxiliar y lanes at places where congestion was becoming apparent. In order to provide a comfor table driving e nv i ro n m e nt by avo i d i n g traf f i c, N E XC O E a st Group provides its congestion forecasts through “Congestion forecast guides” and other means. In addition to the forecast, we also p r o v i d e a r e a l -t i m e t r a f f i c information via our website “Drive Plaza” and “Drive Plaza App,” which is an application exclusively for smar tphone users. Overview of providing drive traffic information Auxiliary lane Auxiliary lane ▲Section between Anagawa IC and Kaizuka IC, Keiyo Expressway Call to Recover Speed using LED Displays, etc. In order to eliminate the congestion caused by traffic slowdown on uphill slopes and sag-sections, NEXCO East Group used LED displays around the beginning of the congestion to call for recovering speed. ① Display “congestion ends” in 300 m to 1 km before the beginning of congestion ○○○ m先 渋滞終了 ② Display encouraging “resume speed” behavior near the beginning of congestion 速度回復 願います Beginning of congestion Sag sections and uphill slopes Drive Plaza app Drive Traffic Mobile NE XCO E a st: A nnu a l Re por t 2015 22