Part Two
Part Two
MUSTER ROLLS OF A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN STREET HALL'S COMPANY TIME OF THEIRE ENLISTMENT ALSO AccT OF THEIRE WAGES FROM Y DATE THEIR ENLISTMENT UNTIL Y FIRST JULY. Street Hall, Captain David Baldwen, Lev' Eben r Dyar, Lev' *i B a 2* Full Pay. £ 175 5 May 22 Josiah Stanly, ") 40 3 6 1c 2 13 r Marwin, 30 Step" ,. -< 32 T . t, 24 Jn°Roahngson, fV Servants 3* 3 3 June 13 Arch" Blare, 18 i 10 May 30 Isaac Cooke, f 32 2 8 4 T.Q 2 18 23 David Spencer, [-Corporal... . 2 H 26 Ethan Curtis, 36 26 Silvanus Bishop, Drummer 3fi 2 7 24 David Hall, Clark 18 2 7 18 2 7 Antony Miller.. . . Israel Daton ... 38 2 7 Stephen Ives ?,8 2 7 Samuel Totson 38 2 7 Phineas Beach 38 2 7 26 Bale Hall 3* 2 <; 36 2 c Sam"- Baley 36 2 e Ton"1- Wright . Benj" Griswell 3* 7 5 Nathaniel Yale. 36 2 e 36 2 c Elisha Bracket 36 2 c John Dudly. . . . Peter Davis ; . . . 3* 2 e 36 2 c James Coben 36 2 C Thadeus Carter 36 2 e Michael Doolittle 36 2 5 James Hertford 27 Nathan Osbon 31) 2 3 Israel Smith . . . . H 2 7 John Thomas W 2 I John Lowe I1) 2 3 James Parker 34 2 2 Francis Blake . . . 74 2 2 74 2 2 David Page. Daniel Thorn . . 34 2 2 J. rf. 8 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 o o o o 6 6 6 6 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. ;OMPANY F THEIR INTIL Y E a »i £ §• Full Pay. l°i 1755 May 27 Full Pay. 3 6 8 2 13 3 3 4 4 1 10 . . 2 8 .. 2 18 6 2 14 .. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 .. .. .. .. 2 2 5 •• 5 •• 25.. 2 5 •• 2 5 •• 2 5 .. 2 5 .. 2 5 •• 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 ason Cooper ames Henman -''red11 Chappel Benj. Chidderton Nicholas Elsworth. . . . 28 Asa Patje Josiah Dudly 3enjn- Hough Ephraim Camp Hez h Bracket Abram Jacobs Enos Hitchcock. .... Wm Brown 3O Ephraim Andrus Stephen Pirkens Jon th - Bull ilded Curtis Weitstal Cooke .. John Andrus Israel Frisbe Permemas Bunnel Nath1- Dike T.I Denis Covert June i John Atwell Enos Potter . . . . Nathan Andrus . Reuben Hitchcock Thomas Gill 3 Lawrance Parklee . . . e Jedediah Jewel Sam"' Lyons . John Hoade Elijah Hamlin 6 Stephen Mix Paul Atwell. r IO Eben Warner 1 Sam1- Harlbut Sam - Waller David Calhoun Timo Dirkee. . 1 1 Aberam Stodard Daniel Kennv. . .... .... .... .... .... 34 341 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 \2 .... 32 32 3* 32 32 32 32 32 31 ^0 . . .. 20 20 20 20 28 26 26 ?,f> 26 25 ?5 £ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ^ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 O 0 O O 0 O O O 0 i 18 9 1 i i i i i 176 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 15 .. I 12 I 12 1 1 i i ?,r i i i i i i 2C i 21 711 ?,\ 7,\ 21 * 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 O 0 O O 0 O 0 O 0 6 6 126 126 n 3 n 3 6 6 6 6 6 $ 5 3 3 3 3 3 .. MUSTER ROLLS OF 28 Ig. Full Pay =Q 175 5 June 11 Moses Erie 0 T T. Tim ' Turner Jededh Morehouse Edward Wooster Moses Wooster 16 Sam1' Smith 17 Joseph Ball Josiah Nettleton . . . . Daniel Wordon Joshua Perry 26 Wm Hopkins July Sam" Baley Jr . 7 Gideon Parrish 18 18 18 18 1C .... .' .. . IO c D o 6 i 0 0 0 A C June 3 !Timo. Carrington detained by Attachment Nath" Cook, ) ., Nath"- Hitchcock,) May 28 Thomas Walston, 1 June 2 Will"1 Tom, - Deserters John Tom, ) May 24 Amaz h - Bush. Deserter.. 8 8 8 18 o 0 13 10 45 4b •^ 10 May 17 i Captain i Levtenant Ist i i Levtenant 2d £ s. d. i 5 i 6 i 2 6 i 2 6 i 2 6 T8 o T7 6 j ' ( ( < ( 1 Captain 45 day @ 8/ 2 Levtenants 90 D° @ 6 4 Sergents 128 D° 1/8 3 Corporals \ / DO I Drum \ 79 Private 2320 Ditto 1/3 i Will Thorn since ) 9 appeared 211 7 28 T: 28 I 15 28 34 ! 29 29 S8 IO I '5 2 2 6 1 16 3 I 16 3 2 7 6 13 7 6 o o o o 13 4 14 6 o o 27 10 10 145 i 16 3 £213 4 £213 3 o 4 Deduct 3/9 for 3 Days over Charged for Lorence Parklee. NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 29 I doe Declare on the Holy Evangelest of Almighty God that y e men whose names are mentioned in the within written Roll or List where Regularly Inlisted according to an Act of Assembly of the province of New York made for that purpose and that the men therein mentioned where in actual e Sarvice from there Respective Inlistments to y first of July Exclusef except those markd- otherwise on the Roll. STREET HALL. Sworn before us ye 5th day of Aug'- 1755 JN°- DE PEYSTER PHIL. SCHUYLER Recd- of Messrs- Phillip Schuyler & John Depeyster the sume of Two hundred and thirteen pounds & four pence In full for one Cap' two Lieut. 4 Sarg'- 3 Corprels one Drum & Eaighty men from there respective Erflistement to the first of July Exclusef as pr. List on the other side August 5, 1755.,^ STREET HALL £213.0.4. LIST OF EACH OFFICER AND SOULDIER INLISTED IN CAPT. PETER VANDERBURGH COMPANY FROM JULY u TO JULY 31 INCLUSEF 1755. Capt. Peter Vandenburgh Lieut. Joshua Champlin Lieut. Zebulon Mead Jacob Bull, "| James Green, Jonathan Policy, j-Sergants John Lewis, Peter Casley Ebenezer Novrick I Corp'5Daniel Lane, Drummer Silas Ma, Joseph Reed James Tinley Ebenezar Owen Timothy Larkin Mikel Walter James Weaks Haliness Stealbark James Dowdel Thomas Ingerson William Jonson Jeremiah Bingham John Clemmans John Moss Joseph Steal George Bunday Jeremiah Wells Thomas Champlin Daniel Holdredg Simon Terbush Jeffry Nase HT : ' •' ' r MUSTER ROLLS OF Samuel Read Fransis Sauwood John Andress Carpender Edward cDurfee Mike M Daniel John Roberts Thomas Green Ichabod Stockwell Elisha Harney William More Stephen c Meed Kain M Kinney Mikel Brown Flitcher Smith Hezakiah Kinney Richard Balis Nathaniel Chappel, Deserted July 25 day 1755 and carried off all his cloaths Elkany Cook John Herrick John Ryne John Gillit Elijah Currey James Carrel Stephen Hull Patrick Quin John Wheeler John Wood Wait Weeks John Franklin Simon Ousterhouse Increse Winn Philip Welpee John Hendrick Spicer Joseph Parrish William Mills James Mory Henry Lewis Nathaniel Dunham Jacob Weavour Simeon Croughling Elifelet Stefens Amos Bennett John Maburey Nathaniel Dinney Eaisther Wandle . John Heffey Roulf Sherred Johanis Coonrot Karel John Thompson Jonathan Linsey A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. SAML- DIMOCK'S COMPANY TIME OF THERE ENLISTMENT, WAGES & BILLITING DUE UNTIL AUGT- IST INCLUDED 1755. ; tfl ; rfi >-, ,* Wages. QJ Qj ; :£ £ '• d. 2 8— 2 8 - 75 22 IO OO 9 6 2 8— 6 6 i 16 6 4 i 04 4 Benjamin Lieu1 May Billiting. 17 Samuel Dimock Cap'. 75 30 oo oo 9 6 Christ* Helme Lieut. . 75 22 IO OO 9 6 £ May en 1 Kingland 9 Allenn Leet Serg' 54 25 Benj W o o d w o r t h *8 Sere' . *• d. 4 10 OO \ \ 4 4 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- on s* •A _* Wages. OJ QJ £ Q May 27 Elisha Kartland Serj' . 36 June 10 T h o m a s Drinkwater Sere*. . :<•* 1 J u n e 25 Elliab Farnam Corp . . 38 J u n e 9 Timothy Pacifull Corp. 54 1 June 4 Jabez Rowlandr Corp . 59 25 July 7 N" Hall Drum J u n e 2 John Griswould Clerk. 60 June 30 Stephen Downer . . .». '32 43 18 Samuel Bolden 42 19 Increase Billings 39 22 William Button 2 Andrew Baldwin . . . 60 45 16 Edward Bostrick. 24 July 7 William Brown 30 2 Samuel Bennet '58 June 4 Samuel Cabel 42 19 Roger Clark 54 9 Samuel Cummins 21 July i i Andrew Coley 28 4 Corneliusr Coen 31 I Christop ' Crouck June 30 Danil Comstock. ... 32 July 10 Ebenezar Crosby. ... 22 14 Samuel Camfield . . . . 18 58 J u n e 5 George Dibel 43 J u n e 18 Zebulon Dudley ^49 12 N"' Divine 33 29 John Ergetstone 60 2 David Franklin 53 IO Edward Fuller 23 July 9 Moses Fisher 25 7 Nathan Fisher '43 J u n e 18 Thomas Graves 41 20 Ellisha Gard 43 18 Samuel Hudson July 10 Cornelius Hannaball.. 22 June 19 Archabel Johnson . . . . 42 38 23 John Loveland 2 Calvin Leavenworth . . '60 . 36 27 William Lord. i tfl Billiting. £ s. d. £ '. rf3 0 0 4 2 1 2 IO 4 8 4 8 2 2 17 — 4 4 4 01 — 6 6 4 08 6 7 4 4 07 6 i 3 15 o 7 5 2 OO 0 3 5 5 2 5 I 4 S 3 15 oo 3 5 2 16 03 5 4 2 13 09 2 12 6 2 O8 09 I IO OO 2 2 i 17 6 3 3 3 12 6 7 i 2 12 6 6 3 7 6 6 i i 6 3 2 i 115 o 3 4 i 18 9 3 5 2 i 7 I 2 3 13 2 18 3 i 2 I 3 3 i i 2 3 2 6 2 4 6 4 2 I 8 1 9 3 i I 3 6 1 o 5 2 6 3 I I I I i 2 2 15 04 16 16 II 4 6 3 9 I I 19 9 I 8 2 i 17 5 i 05 01 2 OI OI I 09 13 18 i 19 i 7 i 16 ii 16 8 8 3 6 5 6 5 9 I£ 00 19 9 12 2 8 4 i 18 9 1 8 2 I 12 9 i oo 6 2 I I 15 i 14 3 9 8 9 2 3 OO 12 I I ii 3 2 5 oo 14 15 08 02 13 9 5 2 06 08 2 II 3 5 08 02 2 13 9 5 2 i 07 6 2 2 OO 12 O2 2 12 6 5 J '. 2 07 6 4 4 3 i5 o 7 5 2 o=; o 4 2 07 04 2 OI I O2 05 04 OI IO MUSTER ROLLS OF 32 July June Thomas Lamb glZephaniah Michel i6|Samuel Mack ... 10 Willim Markham Mosely 12 Joseph j —i <,v.,Elihu Palmer '41 20 19:William Perigoo 23 19 Ebenezer Pelton 42 5 Samuel Reves 57 12,Israel Rowley '49! gGershom Rowley 54j 3 7 30 Samuel Renols 32, 2 00 3oiThomas Shearman.... |32j 2 OO 3,Stephen Spencer 591 3 13 iSjJohn Shaw • • 43 2i 13 15 20 Jabez Spencer 12 20 Francis Summers 41 12 July June July June July June June July June July June July July July June - , 54l 3 — 12 10 I 06 00 12 02 08 08 10 01 07 05 oi 18 09 I 6 o o 9 9 5 12 09 1 16 06 o 19 09 — 19 09 2 09 04 21 OO O2 oo; o; 0 04 06 1 16 8 6 6J 6J * i 16 06 7 18S£S&S?::::.'M s « j « < i > ' » • 9'5 2 bamuei x can 5'John Tacker '-7 Christ" ^ Tooly 2 Samuel Tooley 3 Thomas Webb 14 James Warner 7 Boaz Williams ijjohn Wetmore Samuel Rament, 5 Joshua Rogers Richard Dorus. 12 Simon Bagonet 20 Peter Buck 2 Henry Chip 5 John Chopts 8 July June 14 Andrew Currecompt. 10 Reuben Rousk 26 John1 Indian 12 Dan Sejru Benjamin Harrak. . 30 Charles rawu Pawheagg July lojCharles June lOjRobert Powe 5711 3 n 03 7| 2 -'c 25. iT i i \ 2 5 15 ° 13 59| 3i 02 06 i i»| i ii 3: 2 I 25^ 3 1° 9 T 3*' 1 18 9 3 13 9 ^7; 16 !29, 13 ,43! |49| 3 i J 4i| 136 24; 47 5i 37 49 32 2 II 2 5 i 10 1 18 3 l 2 l6 3 i 2 O 2 I 17 51 3 °3 oi 4 1 18 o 14 2 i i 4 _ 8 4 o 14 5 3 o 19 o o 16 o 0 17 6 2 O I 17 1 08 2 II 12 09 i 6 08 I 0 1 i i I 2 II 16 ii I 14 5 03 7 12 9 o 19 9 O 12 2 03 :~,/* a £ s- d. June 00 IO O8 01 16 06 oi 09 08 - 12 O2 10 08 I 06 08 00 12 IO 01 07 05 oi 18 09 I 12 09 1 16 06 o 19 09 - 19 09 2 09 04 21 GO O2 o 04 06 I 16 8 I 16 06 2 i i I 18 0 14 2 i 0 19 Jacob Pompey 20 Tafett Pompey July 5 Reben Rusk 2 d . June I Thomas Shearman . . . 22 Charles Sharper . . . July 8 Zacheus Still J u n e 12 John Towump 23 Joseph Toley 20 Chareuel Toucy 17 Robben Toucv*. July 10 Samuel Toodd July 10 Benjamin Flagg J u n e 5 John Ycont 12 Isack Molatt Wages 6 08 2 II 2 £ *. </. i 07 5 i 16 8 0160 i 13 9 3 o 3 16 3 7 6 2 2 8 9 4 5 I i o I IO 0 3 oi 3 6 i I 2 01 6 4 4 i 2 II 3 5 0 i i 2 15 0 5 3 22 I 07 6 2 2 O 22 i 07 6 2 2 O 2 i 58 3 oi 3 49 3 oi 3 6 I I 323 5 5 bin elk' 134 William M c Ginnis, Capt. Robert M c Ginnis, ) T . Peter Becker, John Freeman, Solomon Gardner, \ SerjtsJohn Hair, Herm s - Terwilliger, j Martin M'Gee, 1 John Williams, j-Corp' 5 Joseph Fetchet, Morris Kivers, Drumer. 12 09 I 14 03 £ x. d 2 12 6 5 i 2 II 3 5 0 Billiting. OI 10 IS I 16 9 12 9 04 4 06 8 08 i i 12 12 2 2 18 9 12 9 oi 3 MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. WILL M - M C GINNIS'S COMPANY T FROM 1ST AUG ' 1755 TO THE 31"' D°" 1755. o 19 o 16 o 17 08 O 12 i SAMLL- DIMOCK. 1 17 9 6 5 7 12 9 o 19 9 M >> a 33 These names were dropped in the Roll for Aug'- 1755 : Thomas Graves, Thomas Lamb and Ebenezer Pelton. 0 14 16 ii 14 03 42 4i 27 61 39 24 49 38 4' 44 Wages. Weeks. XEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- Andrew Kerney Thomas Kerny Joseph Griffin Andrew Kyser Johan*- Stodder Severen Bruyen Jacob Sluyter Evert Osterander 34 MUSTER ROLLS OF Will™ Sheaf John Stagg David Decker Garret Newkirk John DeWitt Dan1 DeWitt George Sparks Dan1 Letts James Dorwell Edward Davis Peter Craty Stephen Brown Johan' Miller John Wright Edward Macher John M'Michael John M c Cafry Jacobus Maybee John Smith Hamilton Stewart Michael Lester George Berry Henrich Fritchel Jam* Kennedy Alexander M c Nall John Adams John M c Donald John Philips And" Philips Lowdowick Bernherd John Geo. Waggoner Adam Shever John Powel John Richardson Edward Simmons Patrick Ohara John Flemin 2 4 3 i 84 Dan1- M c Bride Francis Duffy George Ackly John Foy Godliff Hoffman John Brooks Jocliim Van Valkenburgh Herm'- Van Valkenburgh John Staats Peter Wilson Hugh Horon W m - M c Connell David M c Eagan W m Howley Peter Williams Frederick Geler Peter Stark Coonrad Kyer Johann 8 Plank Will"1- Price Lawrence Schoolcraft Lowdowick Snyder Barnet Kelder Johan* Ackerson Johan 8 - Page Will"1 Hair Wm- Downard John Davis Isaac Becker Stephen H u n t Sam1 Stebbins John Schoolcraft John Hair, J r Thorn 8 Berup Edward Collins Francis Steeder Capt ns pay for 31 Days® 8/ per Day Amounts to Lieut 5 D° @6/ Serg" D° @ 1/8 Corp'5D° @ 1/6 Drum r D° @ 1/6 private Men D° @ 1/3 Total, £ '• 14 8 18 12 10 6 6 19 2 6 16215 o o 8 6 6 o 213 7 8 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. 35 I doe Swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned In the within Book or List where in actual Service In my Company from the first Day ofdAug'- to the 31. Day thereof Both Days Included. Rec of Mess"5- Philip Schuyler & John DePeyster paymasters of the New York forces the sum of two Hundred & thirteen Pounds seven shillings and Eight Pence In full for the pay of three officers four Serj" 3 Corp1*- i Drummer and 84 private Men from the 1st Day of August to the 3 Ist thereof Both Days Included as wittness my hand this I2th day of Sept. 1755. Recd- the above mentioned sum pr. the hands of Volkert P. Dow. ROBERT MGINNES. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. PHILL. JN»- SCHUYLER'S COMNV E ST FROM Y I DAY OF AUGUST TO THE 31" THEREOF BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. Phill. Jn°- Schuyler, Capt. ., Henry_Van Schaack, Philip Lansing, John Brooks, John M c lntire, - Serj"Andries Besinger, Daniel Bixby, Anthony Warren, Abraham Conckling, [-Corporals. Oliver White, William Deer, Drummer. Richard Hornet Charles Deer David Price David Crawford Johannes Graat Alexander. Grant Samuel Roberts 20 John Eerhart Johannes Waaker 5 John Thomas Benjamin Sampson George Albreghtell Lamert VanValkenburgh Hugh Flannagan Johannes Althuysen Jacob Woodcock Frans Klaw 25 James Williams 10 Johannes Klaw Anthony Noble John Brooks John St Lawrence Sangro Warren Nicholas Follard Nicholas Graat Napthaly Owens Gerrit Bowman 30 Jerone Vanvlieren 15 Edward Wheeler Reuben Prim Jurigh Protepigh John Veder MUSTER ROLLS OF Philip Harmon Joseph Hall Martin Zighler John Nojaras 60 Joseph Bosworth John Woodcock William Crouder Jonathan Lowell Jacob Quackinbouss 6j Thomas Caton Bastijan Pompale Thomas Welch David Winshell* Oliver Thayre 70 John M'Namara Peter Faverois Anthony Speck Francis Crebel Isaac Van Alstyn 75 Samuel Thomas Henry M'Cormack 77 Jonathan Hutchins. George Shurf Benjamin Wampum 35 Dirck Woodcock Samuel Taylor Christopher Ceerhart William C. Halenbeek Mathew Howel 40 Thomas Carril Charles Jacobs William PendaU William Higgins William Beecraft 45 George Patterso.n John Ward Robert Barret George Rainer George C. Cogh 50 Myndert Wynkoop Petrus Schut Johan Jurigh Bogh Johannes Jager Patrick O'Neil 55 Richard Hews I do swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose Names are mentioned in the above Roll or List were then in Actual Service as Witness my hand this 12th Sept. 1755. I do swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose names are mentioned In the within Roll or List where In Actual Service in my Company from the 1st Day of Aug'- to the jist therof Both Days Included, as wittness my Hand. PHILL. JN* SCHUYLER. Sworn before me VOLCKERT P. DOUW, Justice. For I Captain 2 Lieut'4 Serj"-1 3 Corp I Drurr* 77 Private men for for for for for for 31 31 31 31 31 31 Days @ 8/ D° @ 6/ D° @ 1/8... D° 1/6... D° 1/6... D° 1/3-.. £ '•'• 12 80 18 12 o 10 6 8 6 19 6 2 66 H9 39 199 16 5 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 37 Great Carrying place September the I2th. 1755 Then Recd of Mess" Phill. Schuyler & John DePeyster, By the Hands of Capt Volkert P. Douw the sum of one hundred and Ninety Nine pounds sixteen Shill. and 5d as pr. the above pay roll. Recd pr. me PHILL. JN°- SCHUYLER. MUSTER ROLL OF THE COMPANY UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. PHILL. JN°- SCHUYLER FROM THE IST SEPT" TO THE 30™ THEREOF IN-CL. Phill. Jn'- Schuyler, Captain. Henry Van Schaack, ) T . Phill. Lansingh, ( Joshua Brooks, Dan^Bixby. ' -„. John M c lntire, Andries Besinger, Anthony Warren, Oliver White, j* Corp1'm Abr Concklin, Richard Hornet Johannis Graat Sam" Roberts John Thomas 5 Benj" Sampson Sam1 Van Valkenburgh John Althuysen Frans Klaw John Woodcock 10 Sangro Warren Nicholas Graat Garret Bowman Francis Crebel Edward Wheeler 15 Jurigh Drotepigh Charles Deer David Crawford Alexr Grant Johannis Waaker 20 George Albreghtell Hugh Flannagan Jacob Woodcock 25 30 35 40 James Williams Anthony Noble John St Lawrence Nicholas Follard Isaac Van Alstyn Napthaly Owens Jerone VanVlieren Ruben Prime Johannis Vedder Christopher Lodewyck George Shurff Benj° Wampum Dirck Woodcock Samu Taylor Will m C. Halenbeek Thomas Curril Charles Jacobs Sam" Thomas Will1" Higgins Will™ Beecraft George Patterson William Ward Vt H M » J8 O f f 5/2 O *) Privates Discharged NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 39 Recd of Mess"- Phill. Schuyler & John Depeyster Paymasters to the Forces Raised by the Province of New York the sum of One hundred and Ninety pounds Nineteen Shillings and Nine Pence. In full for myself and Company as per the above pay Note as witness my hand at Lake George this Octr 1755. PHILL. JN°- SCHUYLER. £'90- 19- 9MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. ROBERT M c GiNNis's OCTOBER 3iST 1755; Robert McGinnis, Capt" Peter Becker, Lieut. } John Freeman, Solomon Gardner, [ Serj* John Hair, Hermanus Terwilleger, John Williams, \- Corporals. Wmm- Price, W - Hair, Drummer. Andrew Fillips, Adam Shever Joseph Griffes Joseph Phitchet Andrew Kyser John Richardson sick in Johannis Strader Albany Jacob Sluyter Patrick O'Harow John Stagg John Flemen Daniel DeWitt Daniel M c Bride George Sparks 30 George Ackley Daniel Letts John Fowey James Dorwell John Brooks 10 Edward Davis Johan Van Valkenburgh John Right Harm* Van Valkenburgh Edward Mahair John Staats Peter Craty c Stephenc Brown Wm. M Connell Wm. Howley John M Mical Frederick Geler John M°Cafery Lowdowick Snyder Andrew Stewart 40 Coonrad Kyer John Smith John Ackerson John Miller John Beets r 20 Henrick Frichet John Hair J Alexander M c Nall Richard Hair John Philips Wm. Downard John Waggoner MUSTER ROLLS OF Stephen Hunt Isaac Becker Martin M°Gee Thomas Berup John Planck Edward Collins John Schoolcrafft John McDonald Peter Starke wounded Furloug'd Thomas Kerney James Kennedy Andrew Kerney Andrew Philips Edward Simmons Francis Duffey Peter Wilson Lawrance Schoolcraft John David Deceased I3th Oct. 1755 Hamilton th Stewart Decas'd 20 D°- I do swear on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in^ the within Roll or List where in Actuall Service in my Company from the ist day of Oct. to 31 of said month both days Included, Except those names marked or tested other ways. ROBT- MCGINNIS. e 1 Sworn before me y 10 Dec - JN°- DE PEYSTER. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. MICHAEL THODEY'S COMPANY FROM THE IST TO 3IST OCTOBER 1755, BOTH DAYS INCLUDED VIZT- Thomas Champlin, James Green, VSergJonathan Policy, John Lewis, Peter Carsley, \- Corporals. Mich1- Walter, John Maybury, J Drummer. Sam11- Paine, Elijah Currey John Whealor Elijah Harvey Thomas Green Jacob Weavour Mich1 McDonald Nath1' Dunham James Weeks John Franklin Wm. Nules. Roulef Sherred Ichabod Stockwell John Clemmans Edward Dunfee John Hassey Thomas Ingerson * Elkany Kook James Dowdle Rob1- Kook Patrick Quin John Thomson Simeon Bowling NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- * Richard Nicholson John Henrick Lewis Bennet John Ryon Amoss Bennet Wm. Moore Ebenezer Owen John1 Moss Dan - Davison John1 Koonratt Kerrell * Mich - Brown* Sam1-1 Read Nath Chappel Francis Sauwood James Finly Nath11- Lane Elimas Steerbark James Carrell Joseph Stell Thimothy Larkins Stephen Mead Jeremiah Bingham George Bunday Jonathan Lynsey Richd- Bayless * These names were dropt in the Muster Roll for Novr- 1755. I do swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose Names are mentioned in the within Roll or List where in Actuall Service in my Company from the first day of Octr to the thirty first thereof both days Included. MICH L - THODEY. d Sworn before me Dec. 2 1755. JN°- DE PEYSTER. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. PHILL. JN°- SCHUYLER'S COMPANY FROM THE 1ST OCTO"' TO THE 31ST THEREOF BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. Phill. Jn°- Schuyler, Capt. Henry Van Shaack, ) Lieuts. Phill. Lansing, j Joshua cBrooks, John M lntire, { SerjtsAndries Besinger, Dan"- Bixby, j Peter Faverois, Corp'sOliver White, Isaac Van Alstyn 31 Alexr- Grant George Albreghtill 31 Johannis Graat Will m - Beecraft 31 Nicholas Graat Joseph Bosworth 31 Thomas Welsh Robbert Barrit 31 Mathew Howell Hans Jurig-h Buch . . 31 Frans Klaw John Eerhart 31 John St. Lawrence Hugh Flannagan 31 Jona: Lowell Nicholas Follard 31 Christ' Lodewyck 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 .31 31 MUSTER ROLLS OF Bastian Pompale 31 Jurigh Protepigh 31 George Patterson 31 Jacob Quackenbosh 31 George Rainer 31 Martin Zigler 31 Abrm- Concklin 31 Thomas Caton 31 Sangro Warren . . . 31 John Brooks 31 Francis Crebel 31 Thomas Curril 31 David Crawford 31 Charles Deen 31 Richard Hornet 31 Willm- Wiggins 31 Philip Harmen 31 Will m -C. Halenbeek 31 Joseph Hall 31 Johannis Jager 31 John Nojares 31 Anth y - Noble 31 Napthaly Owens 31 John Althuysen, Dead . . . .20 Anth y - Speck 31 Petrus Schut 31 George Shurff 31 Benj"- Sampson 31 Sam1- Thomas . .*. 31 John Thomas 31 Oliver Thayre 31 John Vedder 31 David Winchel 31 Benj"' Wampum 31 Dirk Woodcock 31 Johannis Waaker 31 Edward Wheeler 31 David Price, Dead 31 Garrat Bowman 31 Johannis Klaw 31 Ruben Prime 31 Sam"- Roberts 31 Willm- Crouder 31 Henry M c Cormack 31 Charles Jacobs 31 John M c Namara 31 Sam11- Taylor 31 Jerome Van Vlieren 31 Sam Van Valkenburgh 31 John Ward 31 James Williams 31 Myndert Wynkoop, DisdSick 31 2173 PAY NOTE. For i Captain from the ist to the 3ist Ocf' £ s- dboth Days Included is 31 days @ 8/ 1290 2 Lieuts. Each 31 Days is 62 Days @ 6/ 18 12 o 4 SergtsEach 31 Days is 124 @ 1/8 10 6 8 2 CorplsEach 31 Days is 62 @ 1/6 4 1 3 0 67 Private Men Each 31 Days is 2071 @ 1/3 129 16 3 i Died the 2oth Octoris 20 @ 1/3 i 5° I Died was discharged 24th Sept. to the 2ist Oct. 31 ® 1/3 1189 i Discharged but sick at the West Camp from the 24th Sept. to the 3Ist Oct., 38 @ 1/3 2 76 181 16 i i Myndert Wynkoop bei'ng gone from Albany i 18 9 and not allowed 31 Days 179 17 2 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 43 I do swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose names are mentioned in fene within roll or List where in actual Service in my Company from the i of Octr- to y e 31 of said Month both days Inclusef Except those marked otherwise on the pay note. PHILL. JN°- SCHUYLER. e Sworn before me y 22 Decem r - 1755 JN°- DE PEYSTER. 31 Albany Decr- 22d 1755. Then Recd of Mess™- Jn°- De Peyster and Philip Schuyler the Sum of one hundred and Seventy Nine Poundsy Seventeen Shillings and 2d. In full for me and my Comp - from the 1st Oct. to the 3ist Both days Included as pr- the within pay Note. PHILL. JN°- SCHUYLER. £179- 17- 2. 3i 3i 3' Disd • 3' • 3" 2173 i 189 2 7 6 A MUSTER ROLL OF THE COMPANY OF VOLUNTEERS RAISED & COMMANDED BY EDMOND E MATHEWS AND MUSTERED IN LAKE GEORGE OCT"- Y IST 1755 BEING IN NUMBER 77 EFFECTIVE PRIVATE MEN. Edmond Mathews, Esq r , Capt"Jellis Funda, First Lieut. John Lottridge, Second Lieut. Will™Orson, Jas- Patblado, SerjtsChristopher Quin, Joseph Mitchel, J John Sidebottom, ^ Anthony Broadrick, [-Corporals. Hugh Dougherty, John Goodwin, Drummer. Dennis O'Brian John Collins Christopher Witmore Henry Rice Jas- Harley John Reily Corn 5 - VanVaghten Garret 8Marcellus Ahasur - Marcellus 10 Samuel Builtman Adam Strodbeck Adam M°Lachlin Hendrick Manier Francis Lewis David Burch John Loughren John Hermon Adam1 Miller Mich - Cassedy 2O Charles Galocher 44 MUSTER ROLLS OF Jas Guttery Mich1 Hillen John George Burger Samuel York Phillip Miller Hend k- Gano Francis Schemel Johan8- Mesker Joseph Munci 30 Charles Holland Will™- Snodgrass John Applestall Caleb Knapp Henry Koldron Will"1- Watson Nich!- Kidney Jacob Pettengal Reynold M c Donald Daniel M'Killip 40 Johnm Cogswell Will Morrison Jas- Bennet John Cogdil Will-- M c Pharson John Holley Johan 8 - Buckly Timothy Higgins Rich d -s Masterson Johan - Salsberry 50 Hend k - Salsberry Conrade Freckhe Patrick Devor Alexander Strahan Johns- Dorby Tho 1 Murrey Will" - Leach Thos- Wells John1 Hawkins Mich - Dovon 60 Hend1k - Erkson Mich - Holenbeck Jas- Mars Martin Ryan Nich s - Van Schack Dennis Springer Owen McCarty John Lyddy Jas- Connorc Patrick M Donald 70 John Johnson John Long Jas Harris Hugh Railey Jacob Brenon Anthony Owen John Smith 77 John Hames the whole amount of the Pay is £201. 15. 2. The Muster Roll for the Month of October y ist 1755. I doe swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in the within Roll or List where in Actual Service in my Company from the first day of Octobr- to ye 31 of said Month both days Included Except those marked otherwise. EDMOND MATHEWS. Sworn before me ye 30 Dec'- 1755. JN°- DE PEYSTER. NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755- 45 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. ISAAC CORSA'S COMPANY FROM THE 1ST OF NOV"- TO THE 2™ OF DEC"" 1755. BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. Nathan Flint, John Kindal, r u Johnson, i u John Barnt Martlin, Samuel Brewer, Jesse Burrill, Thomas Wildear, George Katon, that II or first ided Joseph Worden John Glyn Jonathan Barrat John Lane John Cooling John Mahar John Thacker Michf Howser Ezekiel Gey Richard Wilson Elefut Clinton David Sturdivant Thomas Wilson Jeremiah King Thomas Harring Thomas Scaly John Eliot Joshua Barns Mich1- Bryant Henry Harriss James Denison John Welch Peter Clinton Thomas Hagarty Samuel Gilbert Chris1- Petrents David Brady John Tappen . r cSerjeants. ^ \- Corporals. J Drum r - PRIVATE Patrick Fitzgarold Walter Riddle Savage Trescott Rowland Forster William Blake Whorten Ruttess John Cowls Mich1- Hofnal John Sufferly Mathew Fisher Daton Buck Patrick Onail William Ponnomne John Fling Patrick Martin Johannes Slighter John Synfey Abraham Bullys WTra Griffen Roger Downing John Harriss Vincent Carter Titus Travis Rob'- Rogers Henry Stibbs Nath 1 - Applebee Timothy Agen Discharg d - Nov r> 24, 1755 William Riddle Richard Taylor George Bury John Smith. MUSTER ROLLS OF I doe swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the Men whose Names are Mentioned in the within Roll or List where in Actual Service in my Company from the 1st day of Nov r - to the Second day of Decr- 1755 both days Included. Sworn before me ISAAC CORSA. JN°- DEPEYSTER. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. PHILL. JN°- SCHUYLER'S COMPANY FROM THE 1ST NOV. TO THE 2D DECEMBER BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. Phill. Jn"- Schuyler, Cap. Henry Van Schaack,) y . ,. Phillip Lansingh, f John Brooks, ~] John M c lntire, . Serg" Andries Besinger, 1 Dan Bixby, j Oliver White, CorplsPeter Faverois, MEN'S NAMES. Number of Days. Isaac Van Alstyn George Albreght Will"1- Beecroft Joseph Bosworth Robbert Bennet Hans Juriah Buch John Eerhart Hugh Flannagan Nicholas Follard Alexr Grant Johannis Graat Nicholas Graat Thomas Welsh John Ward Mathew Howell Frans Klaw John St. Lawrence Jon"- Lowell Chris r - Lodewyck . . . . . . . . Bastian Pompale Jurish Protepigh George Patterson MEN'S NAMES. 32 Jacob Quackenbosh 32 George Rainer 10 \ Martin Zigler 32 Abr m - Concklin 32 Thomas Caton 32 James Williams 32 Sancia Warren 32 John Brooks 32 Francis Brebel 32 Thomas Carril 32 David Crawford 32 Charles Dan i Richard Hornet 32 William Higgins 32 Philip Harmen 32 Will1" C. Halenbeek 32 Joseph Hall 32 Johannes Jager 32 John Nojarer 32 Myndert Wynkoop 32 ' Anthony Speek 32 i Petrus Schut Number of Days. 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 18 32 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. MEN'S NAMES. George Shurff Benj"- Sampson Sam1- Thomas .. Jn°- Thomas Oliver Thayre John Vedder David Winchel Anthony Noble Napthaley Owen John Washer Dirk Woodcock Benj" Wampum Number of Days. 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 MEN'S NAMES. 47 Number of Days. Edward Wheeler .. Gerret Bowman Johannis Klaws Ruben Prime Sam1 Roberts Will™ Crouder Henry McCormack Charles Jacobs John M c Namara Sam1- Taylor Jerome Van Vlieren Sam1- V. Valkenburgh 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 I do swear on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in the within Roll or List where in actual service in my Compy- from the 1st of Nov r - to the 2* of Decr- both days Inclusef Except those marked otherwise on the pay note. PHILL. JN°- SCHUYLER. Number of Days. ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 • • 32 ...32 ...32 ...32 -..32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ...32 ... 18 ...32 A PERPUTAL ROLL OF THE COMPANY OF VOLUNTIERS RAISED & COMMANDED BY CAPT. EDMOND MATHEWS AND MUSTERED IN LAKE GEORGE Nov"- Y E 2° 1755 BEING IN NUMBER 77 EFFECTIVE MEN. [The same names as in the list of Oct. 1st with the addition of Patrick Murrey.] A MUSTER E ROLL OF CAPT. STREET HALL'S COMPANY R FROM Y I™ NOVEMB TO 2™ DECEMBER BOTH DAYS INCLUDED VIZTJosiah Stanlay, "] Jn° Roulingson, I SerjtsStephen Merwin, j Isaac Cook, Ethen Curtis, John Thomas, Corporals. Stephen Mix, Enos Potter, Drummer. Moses Earl Benjamin Griswell Sam1- Bayle Michale Dowlittle Jonathan Wright Frederick Chappel 48 MUSTER ROLLS OF Ruben Hitchcock Sam11- Bayles J r Dennis Covert Ebenezer Warner Asa Page Phinehas Beach Nathanall Dike Benjamin Chitterton William Brown Daniel Worden William Tom Stephen Perkins Sam11- Hurlbert Gideon Parish Permineas Bunnel Nathan Andrews Hezekiah Bracket James Parker Moses Wooster James Coben Stephen Joes Antony Miller Ephraim Andrews James Hartford Nathanale Gale Waitstell Cook John Dudly Daniel Tharp Jason Cooper Peter Davis Eldad Curtis Bate Hall Israel Frisbe Francis Blake Enos Hitchcock Sam1- Lyon Ed Wooster David Calhoun Sam" Waller Paul Atwell Larance Parkle John Howde Sam1- Smith Joshua Perrey William Hopkins Sam11- Tietson Albany ye 4 Decr- 1755 I doe swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in the within Roll or List where in actual Service in my Company from the i of November to ye 2 of Decr both days Included Excepting those marked in the said Roll other wise. STREET HALL. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. SAML- DIMOCKS MEN, Nov 30TH, 1755. Capt. Sam1- Dimock ............. Left. Christopher Helms ......... Lel Benj"- King ................. Serj'-Allin Leat Serj'- Benj n - Woodworth Serj'-ElishaKirtland. Serj'-Jabez Howland. Corp1- Eliab Farnam. . £ s. d. 12 oo o 4 16 o 9000 2 10 oo Corp1- Tim 0 - Persival. Corp 1 -Zebulon Dudly 2 IO OO Drm r - N a t h " - H a l l . . . 2 10 OO John Grisewould . . . 2 10 oo Stephen Downer .. . 1 2 5 oo Sam - Baldwin j. d. 2 5 2 5 2 5 I 17 oo oo oo 6 17 6 i 17 6 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1755. God that in Roll or n the i of Excepting 1 HALL. •\, Nov R - £ ,. d. 2 5 oo 2 2 5 OO 5 00 i 17 6 I 17 6 i 17 6 49 d. £ £ s. ,1. 1 i 17 6 W11' Butten 2 "7 6 Sam ' Teal i 17 6 Andrew Baldwin.. . . I 17 6 John Tacker 6 W" Brown I 17 6 Christopher Tooly. . i i 17 6 Sam" Benet . Sam1' Tooly . 10 i 17 6 Sam" Cable . ... I '7 "6 Thos- Webb i 17 6 Roger Clarke. . . . I i7 6 James \Varner i 17 6 Sam1' Canfield I 6 Boaz Williams Andrew Cooley. .... I 17 6 Jonathon Washbon. i 17 6 6 John Wetmore i 17 6 Cornelus Cone t i 17 6 6 Sam"' Rayment Cristopher Crouch. . I 6 Joshua Roger*. i 17 6 Danil Comstock. . . . I i 17 6 Ebenezer Croseby. . I i7 6 Richard Dorus i 17 6 I Gorge Dibble 6 Peter Buck r 17 6 John Egleston I John Chops 7 I 17 7 Andrew Curri Comp. i 17 6 David Franklin. . i 17 6 Moses Fisher. I 17 6 Ruben Rusk i 17 6 I 17 6 John Indian Thomas Graves i '7 6 Ehsha Garb I 17 6 Daniel Sirus n I 17 6 Benj ' Harry . . . . . i 17 6 Satn u Hutson Cornelus Hanabal. .. I 6 Charles Powheage.. i 17 6 i '7 6 Archabald Johnson. O 08 9 Robert Pone i 17 6 0 2 6 Jacob Pompey. John Loveland 6 i W" Lord 6 Japhet Pompey i 17 6 Ruben Rusk 2 nd Zephoniah Mitchle. . 6 17 i 17 6 Sam1' Mack . . . 17 6 Tom Sherman i 17 6 Charles C h a r p e r . . . . W" Markham 6 17 6 i Joseph Moxly 17 6 Zackeus Stell i Elisha Palmer 6 John Tromp 17 6 17 i 17 7 W"' Pereggo . . Toby 17 6 Joseph i 17 6 1 17 6 Lem11' Zone Sam"- Rynols i 17 6 Thomas Sherman. . . I 17 6 John Yeout i 17 6 Stephen Spencer.. . . I 17 6 Sam" Todd r 17 (5 I 17 6 Belli"' XVasrsrs . . John Shaw. Jabez Spencor. . . . . . I 17 6 r T7 6 Francis Sumers.. Sum total. ..177 if 3 e 1 Albany y 5 Dec ' 1755. I doe declare on ye holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the men whose names are mentioned in the within rool or List where in actual service in my Comp y from the I Day of Novr to yc 2 of Decr both days Included Except those marked otherwise. SAMLL DIMOCK. Sworn before me Day & year above. JN°- DE PEYSTER. 4
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