Arapeen OHV Trail Map
Arapeen OHV Trail Map
#1 Fairview PLACES TO STAY: Horseshoe Mountain Lodge 850 South Highway 89 Mt. Pleasant, UT 84647 800-462-9330 Mt. Pleas Willow Creek Inn 450 South Main Street Ephraim, UT 84627 877-283-4566 Manti Country Village Motel 145 North Main Manti, Utah 84642 800-452-0787 Palisade State Park 2200 Palisade Road Sterling, UT 84665 Information: 435-835-6676 Reservations: 800-322-3770 ATV RENTALS: Skyline Recreation 88 North Main Street PLEASE MATCH PANELS AS OUTLINED BELOW #1 #2 #3 #4 Spring City 4 #5 #6 #2 w 12 Skyline 12 Electric Lake HW Staging Areas 3 Y 31 015 0 Mountainv i Huntington Reservoir 1 12 lle H i gh way 2 10 - 17 Lake Canyon Trail System 001 4 Rolfson Reservoir 4 asant Old Folks Flat Miller Flat Reservoir d Flat Roa Miller 41 1 01 50 Forks of Huntington 02 71 57 54 57 06 1 HWY 3 51 A 54 1 5 Potter's Ponds 0017 iv e Dr ne Sk yli 4 71 02 51 0014 33 Indian Creek 4 B 55 0040 1 Bald 10,728 ft. 53 01 nt ou 51 0 South Tent Mtn. st M Ea 0054 004 C 45 North Tent Mtn. 11,230 ft. 55 Sterling, UT 84665 435-851-2288 1 #3 Ephraim 01 at 50 We st e r nT rai l 9 SUGGESTIONS FOR A 4-DAY CIRCUIT RIDE: Arrive in Mt. Pleasant. Stay the night. 56 10 0052 Day #2 - Ephraim to Manti - 42 miles Y 74 3 3 5 118 34 93 3 31 31 11 3 35 More Difficult 54 G 38 02 22 31 24 00 3 0231 23 26 25 Sterling 39 20 00 Skyline Drive 0150 0150 18 00 123 Nine Mile Reservoir 73 7 Duck Fork Reservoir 19 Black Mtn. 10,632 ft. 35 0022 Pinchot Staging 0047 Main Highway 2 73 72 47 GPS Point Main Forest Road 35 0131 0150 28 The ove C Lake Mtn. 10,529 ft. 61 7 Staging Area 21 1 013 38 0047 Palisade 27 State Park & Golf Course Most Difficult Potable Water 17 Jet Fox Reservoir 73 95 Sk y l ine D 3 Easiest Fishing Area F 33 32 rive 33 1196 32 32 0193 01 3 33 1131 3 01 113 1 33 15 11 ElksKnoll Knoll Elks 10,255ft.ft.16 10,255 37 0054 Golf Course 12 46 46 00 00 33 Manti Gunnison Reservoir E 0051 0051 37 Campground 9 2 37 Day #4 - Sterling to Mt. Pleasant - 68 miles Æ D HW Day #3 - Manti to Sterling - 66 miles ATV / UTV / 4x4 Route ATV / UTV Route ATV Route (50" Trail Width) Gr e Lake Hill Day #1 - Mt. Pleasant to Ephraim - 64 miles 1 49 72 00 Harmonica Point 10,509 ft. 71 00 49 86 52 Re 8 ed er Ca ny on 80 Hu nti ng ton 5 5 02 55 0014 02 003 5 51 in nta 11,285 ft. #4 6 51 Reeder Staging Grassy Lake 5 HW 56 Y2 9 H 5 5 005 2348 Joes Valley Reservoir 7 5 5 0014 52 Trail M ounta in 53 [ 11 6 12 Str Straaiigghhtt C Caann yyoo nn 17 700 01 HWY HW Y 2299 8 0 13 ATV Routes include sections passable only by ATV’s (50” or less in width) along with other sections where ATV’s share use of Forest Roads. 4x4 Routes include sections passable only by high clearance four-wheel drives along with other sections that may be graded or graveled roads. 4x4 Routes are also shared by ATV’s. Birch Birch Spring Spring Point Point 8,687 ft. ft. 8,687 0170 61 14 Mary's Lake 41 00 0166 66 This trail is closed to motorized use each year from December 1 to April 15 to protect wildlife on winter range. 00 66 20 61 64 0020 6 N M orth ou H nt or ai n n Orangeville 02 26 20 23 9 224 6 001 0170 71 09 01 71 67 6 19 0031 71 Overlook 00 23 67 Castle Dale 65 61 74 64 62 00 6 This trail is 62 closed to motorized use each year from December 1 to April 15 to protect wildlife on winter range. 63 Ro ck C 63 This trail is closed to motorized use each year from December 1 to April 15 to protect wildlife on winter range. It is also closed for approximately one week (spring and fall) for cattle movement. Check with the local district office in Ferron for specific dates. anyo n 63 So M uth ou H nt o ai rn n 21 30 1250 ad Ro 1 Manti-La Sal National Forest 24 Musinia 10,984 ft. 45 Fishlake National Forest 46 Emerald Lake Blue Lake 47 91 9 94 Julius Flat Reservoir 0169 48 9 95 23 24 1 Island Lake 0159 08 91 4 004 50 01 90 02 K 38 L 22 12 43 43 22 24 Spinners Reservoir 44 37 er 1160 59 01 23 00 C ek 22 J 29 2 Heliotrope Mountain 11,130 ft. 7 21 9 er av 1 26 35 34 Be 125 DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY Ratings are assigned to trails under ideal conditions and are based on difficulty compared to other trails in the area. A trail rated easiest by Arapeen OHV Trail System standards could possibly be rated more or even most difficult elsewhere. Trail conditions are always subject to change due to the weather and other acts of nature. 21 36 23 22 I 1166 Birch Creek Staging 25 33 Pinchot Staging 2 76 0285 12 Mile Flat Mt. Baldy 10,918 ft. 1243 Forest Boundary 1:75,000 22 33 27 32 Ferron Reservoir 00 29 50 Mayfield 28 2 Twin Reservoir 31 39 01 State or Private Property H 0161 Reservoir or Lake 2 27 1240 Stream 002 0024 29 2 0150 Town Reservoir Forest / Other Road 95 92 Mayfield Canyon Trail Vicinity Map Forest Service Campground Reservations: - For optimal riding conditions, choos PLEASE NOTE: High Altitude trails may be impassible during high snow pack years, and may not be com #5 7 62 7 40 0022 Willow Lake 77 2092 7 14 00 22 00 on Ca ny o n 22 7 7 00 43 Fe r r 03 7 7 Clawson Ferron Picnic Staging 78 Millsite State Park & Golf Course Ferron 00 03 43 77 (02 2) 14 42 7 41 Wrigley Springs Reservoir 7 7 93 93 This trail is closed to motorized use each year from December 1 to April 15 to protect wildlife on winter range. It is also closed for approximately one week (spring and fall) for cattle movement. Check with the local district office in Ferron for specific dates. 9 Sage Flat 92 93 9 00 Wildcat Knoll 9,029 ft. Hole Staging 44 Em er y 4 15 To 004 03 se to ride the mountain trails between June 15 - October 15. mpletely accessible until after July 15. 800-281-4346 #6
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