
$1.2 million+
Guests in 2013
Visitors experienced Guitars! Roundups to Rockers
Fender guitars donated by the museum to school and community groups
Awarded to Native American contemporary artists during RED:
The Eiteljorg Contemporary Art Fellowship
Awarded to Native American artists during Eiteljorg Indian Market & Festival
Native American artists from 60 different tribes sold their artwork during
Eiteljorg Indian Market & Festival
People experienced Indian Market & Festival
Students met Native American artists through our
Artist-In-Residence program
In art sales during a record Quest for the West ® Art Show and Sale
Students experienced actress Joanna Winston in her theatrical role as
Stagecoach Mary Fields during Eiteljorg Museum to the Classroom
Visitors experienced Jingle Rails: The Great Western Adventure
Years the Eiteljorg Museum has been a leader in the Indianapolis arts
community and one of the country’s premier institutions featuring the art and
cultures of Native America and the American West.
The Eiteljorg Museum of American
Indians and Western Art is nationally
renowned for our contemporary Native
art collection, our rapidly-growing annual
Western art show and sale and more. We
have made our mark by telling amazing
American stories through the art, history
and cultures of the West and Native
America. But our challenge, as a Midwestern institution, is to make the complex
narratives of the West and Native America
relevant to an audience who may have
never ventured to the rim of the Grand
Canyon or experienced the rich cultures
of even Indiana’s indigenous peoples.
In 2010, we launched a grand experiment to bring our mission to life in a fresh
way. We began strategically leveraging
unexpected social history to engage new
audiences. In 2011, for instance, we
explored intersections of Native American
and African American cultures with Red
Black: Related through History. In 2012,
Steel Ponies looked at the history of
motorcycles and the West, as well as
connections to Native American cultures.
This past year, we successfully continued
our plan of making the museum relevant
and exciting to a broader audience. The
Eiteljorg presented Guitars! Roundups to
Rockers, an exhibit that explored the social
history of the guitar in the American West.
The exhibit featured important guitars
representing musical genres from Western
swing to Seattle grunge and brought a
diverse group of new visitors to our door,
including teens and 20-somethings—an
audience traditionally difficult for museums
to attract. For the third straight year in a
row, we broke attendance and revenue
records with our major summer exhibit.
Importantly, we were able to do this local
brand building while continuing the
important work that has cemented our
heart. Riding, hunting and fishing at his
Wyoming ranch were his great passions,
exceeded only by his love for his wife
and best friend, Barbara. A veteran media,
communications and public relations
professional, Ed led corporate communications at WellPoint, Inc. and Eli Lilly and
Company. Ed generously shared that
world-class expertise with the Eiteljorg’s
marketing staff to create its strategic
marketing plans, including the marketing
and promotion that has led to unprecedented growth in visitation. He was
a great friend to the museum and a
personal friend. The Eiteljorg Museum
and the Indianapolis community have
lost a brilliant communicator and leader.
John Vanausdall pictured with his prized 1947
Gibson L-7 archtop owned by his father
reputation as a nationally-recognized
institution, such as hosting the 8th round of
the Eiteljorg Contemporary Art Fellowship,
the 21st annual Indian Market and
Festival and the 8th annual Quest for the
West ® Art Show and Sale. Maintaining
and perfecting this balance is what will
help propel us into a successful future.
As you will see in this report, the success
of Guitars is but the centerpiece of a
great year that included achievements
in programming, community outreach,
maintaining our facility and more.
Traditionally, this good news would be
coming to you via a joint letter from the
museum’s chairman of the board and
me. Sadly, this year I am writing alone.
On June 11, 2014, the museum lost
our great leader and a dear friend, Ed
West. Ed, who served as the Eiteljorg’s
chairman of the board beginning in July
of last year, was a true Westerner at
John Vanausdall
President and CEO
Ed West
In 2013, the Eiteljorg continued its
commitment to showcasing exhibitions
that delight, inspire, educate and entertain
both longtime museum guests and curious
newcomers attracted to the diverse
subject offerings.
Perhaps no exhibit exemplified this
approach more clearly than Guitars!
Roundups to Rockers. Presented
by Eli Lilly & Company, this blockbuster
displayed more than 100 never-beforeseen-together guitars in a once-in-alifetime collection. With something for
every music fan, from experienced
musicians to casual listeners, Guitars!
drew a record audience of more than
63,000 and turned the Special Exhibitions
Gallery into a stage spotlighting the
Western connections of artists and their
instruments, representing genres as varied
as Western swing, rock, punk and jazz.
Famed for their owners (greats
such as Roy Rogers, Buddy Holly, Jimi
Hendrix and Kurt Cobain) and their own
rarified status (the oldest known Fender,
a hard-to-find Gibson Lloyd Loar
Quartet), the guitars were the crown
jewels of this exhibition, but the artists
who played them also received a
starring role. A veritable who’s who of
20th and 21st century music, the lineup
included fascinating facts about Patsy
Montana, Jerry Garcia, Metallica, The
Decemberists, Stephen Stills, SleaterKinney, Barney Kessel, Keith Richards,
Gene Autry and more.
(Top) Epiphone SG, 1991, formerly owned
by Carrie Brownstein. Courtesy EMP Museum,
Seattle, WA
(Bottom) Gene Autry and Champion, circa
1935. © Autry Qualified Interest Trust and The
Autry Foundation. Used with Permission.
Once again, the annual Quest for the
West® Art Show and Sale dazzled, as
patrons chose selections from more than
180 amazing pieces by 50 renowned
artists, praised for capturing the spirit of
the American West. With $1.2 million in
sales, a portion of the funds supporting
the Eiteljorg’s operations and collection
acquisitions, the 2013 Quest shattered
the previous year’s $870,000 opening
by an impressive 35 percent increase.
The only Western art show and sale
hosted by a major museum east of the
Mississippi, Quest brought guests from
across the country seeking works by
noted artists such as Robert Griffing and
Doug Hyde, as well as four who were
new to the event: Blair Buswell, Mike
Desatnick, C. Michael Dudash and
Logan Maxwell Hagege.
Attendees mingled with participating
artists, enjoyed a panel discussion by
artists and their spouses and attended
the elegant awards gala, at which painter
Don Crowley received the esteemed
Artist of Distinction Award. The 2012
winner, sculptor John Coleman, was honored by a special exhibition—Honored
Life: The Art of John Coleman—during
this year’s Quest.
Following closely on the heels of
Quest for the West, RED: Eiteljorg
Contemporary Art Fellowship
debuted. A biennial program, the Fellowship
welcomes four independently-juried
and one invited artist, all of whom excel
in Native contemporary art. The 2013
initiative featured Lawrence Paul
Yuxweluptun (Coast Salish/Okanagan),
Julie Buffalohead (Ponca Tribe of
Oklahoma), Nicholas Galanin (Tlingit/
Aleut), Shan Goshorn (Eastern Band of
Cherokee) and Meryl McMaster (Plains
Thanks to this talented and diverse
group of artists, guests learned first-hand
that Native American art is anything but
stereotypical. The exhibit itself featured
a combination of paintings, drawings,
photography, sculpture and installation
art, while the opening weekend wowed
with the an awards ceremony dubbed
Celebration! and a lively Contemporary
Arts Party, complete with sketch comedy
by the 1491s, music by A Tribe Called Red
and the creation of an artistic monster.
The year concluded with an exhibition
exploring the photography of Richard
Throssel (Cree), known for documenting
life on the Crow Reservation in Montana
during the early 20th century. In 2011,
the Eiteljorg received a donation of 14
images by Throssel, who at the time
worked to educate the American public
(Above) John Coleman, Walks in Beauty,
2013, bronze, 24 x 19 x 12 inches
about the dangers of tuberculosis and
trachoma via images taken on the reservation. The Photography of Richard
Throssel images were newly conserved,
framed and matted.
Richard Throssel, Child Portrait, 1907,
photograph, 8 x 6 inches
(Below) Nicholas Galanin (Tlingit/Aleut), I Think
it Goes Like This?, 2012, wood and paint
As with the Eiteljorg’s exhibitions, programming and educational opportunities
provided by the museum are far from
static. Instead, they vividly bring to life art’s
vibrancy and relevance both on museum
grounds and within the community.
Guitars! Roundups to Rockers served as
an outstanding example of this approach,
as an extensive list of hands-on and
interactive experiences complemented
the exhibit.
The Eiteljorg provided iPods and
content that allowed visitors to hear how
select guitars rocked the house, while
those eager to make their own music
plucked and strummed at the Fender
“petting corral,” where talented instructors
taught basics on 18 Fender-donated
guitars. (Post-exhibit, the museum
donated those instruments to schools
and community groups.) The Eiteljorg
also hosted the sold-out Midwestern
premiere of the award-winning film
The Wrecking Crew, about the nearlyanonymous LA studio musicians who
were the “wall of sound” for Phil Spector
and played on many 1960s hits.
Families and friends battled it out on
the big screen for Guitar Hero® bragging
rights and rocked out to a number of
guest bands throughout the exhibit’s run.
Riders in the Sky, Cowboy Celtic and
The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band
entertained and Martin Guitar historian
Dick Boak drew a capacity crowd for his
The museum presented the award-winning film,
Two Spirits, in September.
Visitors enjoyed hands-on activities and interactive opportunities in the Guitars! exhibit.
Evolution of the American Guitar. And as
a grand finale, the Girls Rock! Indy day
invited talented young female musicians
onstage in the museum’s Clowes Sculpture Court to impress the audience with
their strings skills.
Each year, the autumn Artists in
Residence program introduces Hoosier
students to American Indian and Western
arts and cultures—and for many of the
young people, it’s a revelation to realize
Native American cultures endure and
thrive in the 21st century.
In 2013, more than 2,500 students
met artists such as award-winning
jewelry and basket artist Iva Honyestewa
(Hopi), painter Norris Chee (Dineh),
husband-and-wife jewelry makers Lorenzo
and Mary Tafoya (Santa Domingo), bead
artist Katrina Mitten (Miami), gourd artist
Patria Smith (Miami), Native plant expert
Dani Tippmann (Miami) and Albuquerque
tin artist Richard Gabriel. The student
guests not only examined the works of
these artists, but they became part of the
creative process. For example, Honyestewa
helped students set goals for the future
as they drew their own life path; Chee
taught a Dineh word and guided youth
in drawing a picture to illustrate it; and
the Tafoyas led the students in designing
take-home jewelry pieces.
Artist-in-resident Norris Chee (Dineh) led visitors in
an illustration excercise.
Riders In The Sky performed as part of the
Guitars! Roundups to Rockers concert series.
Museum guests also were inspired
by the artists, who opened their studios
to the public on Saturday afternoons,
offering insight into their backgrounds,
cultures and projects in progress.
The Eiteljorg continued its commitment
to creating a diversity-rich programming
schedule with the ongoing Out West
initiative. Introduced to illuminate the
contributions of the lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender (LGBT) community to
the American West’s history and culture,
Out West brought the award-winning
film, Two Spirits to the Eiteljorg in
The timely, thought-provoking documentary interweaves the tragic death
of a transgender Navajo teen and the
bullying and violence too often faced by
the LGBT community with the efforts
of Navajo activists to restore the rich
heritage of “two-spirit” members within
tribal communities.
Two Spirits director Lydia Nibley, who
described her film as being “about
respecting who people are and what
they have to contribute,” participated in
a panel discussion about the film and
the issues that inspired it as part of the
2013 Out West programming.
The Eiteljorg’s educational efforts
also reached well beyond the museum’s
galleries. The popular From the Eiteljorg
Museum to the Classroom: Stories of
Cultural Diversity program reached nearly
2,700 third-to fifth-grade students in the
Indianapolis area through school visits.
Actress Joanna Winston engaged the
students by telling the stories of two
true-life groundbreakers of the American
West in the mid to late 1800s: mountain
man and explorer James Beckwourth and
Mary Fields, the first African-American
woman to deliver the U.S. mail. (Eiteljorg
visitors enjoyed her presentations in
museum galleries on the weekends.)
Educators could further expand on
the lessons through Eiteljorg-provided
resources, including pre- and post-visit
activities, biographical materials, vocabulary lists and more. And thanks to the
support of Citizens Energy Group and
the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust,
Storyteller Teresa Webb (Anishinnabe)
the Museum to Classroom program was
free to participants.
The Eiteljorg reached out to a new
audience in 2013 as well, with the introduction of an onsite storytelling program
at Riley North Hospital. Teresa Webb
(Anishinnabe) visited the pediatric unit
each month, while Fred Shaw (Shawnee)
stopped in during the Indian Market and
Local school children were enlightened by storyteller Joanna Winston through the From the Eiteljorg
Museum to the Classroom: Stories of Cultural Diversity program.
In addition to the new exhibits, programming and educational opportunities
presented in 2013, the Eiteljorg also
welcomed back some well-established—
and well-loved—events that have become
eagerly anticipated annual traditions for
museum members and guests.
The Eiteljorg Indian Market and
Festival returned in June for its 21st
year, welcoming nearly 6,000 art and
culture enthusiasts from across the state
and country. Five-time world champion
hoop dancer Tony Duncan captivated the
crowd with two mesmerizing performances.
Other Native American performers took
the spotlight to showcase their vocal and
instrumental talents in blues, rock and
traditional Native music.
The “market” portion of the event
featured 130 Native American artists
and their creations in jewelry, pottery,
weavings, Southeastern cut shell work
and more. Visitors,
who worked up
an appetite
Buckaroo Bash participants enjoyed a memorable
evening of dancing, catering, live music, auctions
and a wine pull.
tried treats such as fry bread, Indian tacos
and buffalo burgers, washed down with
lavender lemonade. And a variety of handson activities in the Dogbane Family Area
allowed youngsters to try their own hands
at creating a mini artistic masterpiece.
World-champion hoop dancer
Tony Duncan entertained the
audience at Indian Market
and Festival
Buckaroo Bash, an annual must-do
on many social calendars, returned for its
16th year with the theme “Carats, Corsets
and Cowboys.” Presented by Curtis
Publishing, the event again raised funds
for the Eiteljorg’s educational programming,
which reaches more than 24,000 children
each year. Guests got into the spirit of the
event with line dancing and an innovative
menu by Kahn’s Catering, then watched
local chefs create amazing concoctions
in a dessert competition. Buckaroo Bash
has contributed nearly $1.3 million dollars
to the Eiteljorg’s educational programs.
Other evening highlights included an
auction of one-of-a-kind experiences,
live music, a fine-jewelry raffle courtesy
of G. Thrapp Jewelers, a silent auction
and a wine pull.
November ushered in the holidays and
the return of the newly-beloved family
tradition, Jingle Rails: The Great
Western Adventure. More than 40,000
guests visited the Eiteljorg to delight in
eight ultra-sized G-scale/gauge model
trains traveling along nearly 1,200 feet
of track and 13 overhead walk-under
Those trains passed by more than
30 painstakingly crafted structures
representing Indianapolis landmarks,
national park re-creations and
scenes from the Old West. New in
2013 were an idyllic Aspen ski resort
and lift, sponsored by the Kortepeter
family and Indy’s own N.K. Hurst building,
a downtown landmark since 1938. Every
Jingle Rails element was produced by
Paul Busse and his Alexandria, Kentuckybased Applied Imagination.
Jingle Rails was but one beneficiary
of the Eiteljorg’s Project New Moon
three-year fundraising effort. To continue
to write such success stories, the museum
launched Project Silver Moon in 2013.
This new campaign—named after the
Eiteljorg’s 25th anniversary taking place
in 2014—focuses on five new objectives:
• Celebrate 25 extraordinary years of
service to the Indianapolis community
and the fields of art, history and cultures
of the American West and Native peoples
• Sustain the success of Project New
Moon’s blockbuster Unexpected West
exhibits and Jingle Rails
• Bring to life the museum’s permanent
galleries with technology-based interactive experiences
• Prepare the museum facilities for the
next 25 years
• Build the museum’s endowment to
sustain the Eiteljorg Museum’s future
A wonderful Indianapolis holiday family tradition
continued with the return of Jingle Rails: The Great
Western Adventure.
Project Silver Moon, said Eiteljorg
Museum president and CEO John
Vanausdall, will ensure that the Eiteljorg
continues to thrive into the future by
providing funds for both short-term
program needs and long-term endowment
support, complementing strong annual
fund support.
Celebrating 25 Years
Project Silver Moon will ensure the continued
vitality of the Eiteljorg Museum and it’s contributions
to the community.
More than 136,000 visitors experienced
the Eiteljorg Museum in 2013. Attendance
by students from Indianapolis Public
Schools and Indiana University-Purdue
University of Indianapolis (IUPUI) increased
by 24 percent and 36 percent respectively,
and prepaid school groups soared 28
percent over the goal. Outreach numbers
also climbed, increasing 465 percent
over 2012 for interactions with artists
and storytellers. And, beginning in late
May, Diamond Tours joined the museum’s
ongoing group admissions program,
ushering in 1,077 visitors, with more
expected in 2014.
Keeping those guests interested and
attracting new audiences are of vital
importance, and that’s where the museum’s
Visitor Studies initiative proves invaluable.
Visitor Studies provides important insight
into the needs and interests of guests,
which in turn allows the Eiteljorg staff
to create exhibits and programming that
connect with diverse audiences. The
information gleaned by Visitor Studies
also assists with successful strategic
planning efforts.
During 2013, Visitor Studies projects
included an evaluation of how guests
interacted with the iPod Touch component
of Guitars! Roundups to Rockers, giving
staff the knowledge needed to fine-tune
future interactive offerings. In addition,
it examined and enhanced the visitor
experience in the museum’s contemporary
galleries and continued its partnership with
the IUPUI Museum Studies department.
Kara Baldwin, director of Visitor Experience, co-founded iCare, the Indianapolis
Consortium of Audience Research and
Evaluation, in 2013. This innovative group
brings together visitor studies professionals
and evaluators from a number of
Indianapolis-area cultural institutions to
share knowledge and offer support.
The “Amazing Stories” told through
exhibitions at the museum are built
around paintings, sculptures and artifacts
that allow us to interpret the West and
Native people of North America. There
are other ways in which the Eiteljorg
shares its collections with the public.
Most importantly, we actively borrow from
other sources to supplement our own
holdings. Watercarrier, 1986, an important
90 inch high bronze by Allan Houser
(Warm Springs Chiricahua Apache,
1914–1994) done in 1986 came on
loan from the private collection of Tia
and was installed outside, overlooking
the Christel DeHaan Terrace and the
canal. In the spring we sent our N. C.
Wyeth (American, 1882–1945) painting,
The Burial of Uncas, 1919, to the
Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown,
New York. In exchange, we were able to
borrow their important 1785 portrait of
Iroquois chief Joseph Brandt by Gilbert
Stuart (American, 1755–1828). Three
paintings depicting Native peoples in
the Columbia River region by E.I. Couse
(American, 1866–1936) were loaned
to an exhibit and were published at the
Maryhill Museum in Oregon. Finally,
frequent requests from publishers, authors
and other museums led to a large number
of requests for images of works in our
collection to be published in magazines,
books and on the internet.
Josh Elliott (American, born 1973), In Between, oil on panel, 2013. Gift of Steve and Jane Marmon.
In 2013 the collection grew with the
addition of select donations and collection
purchases. One major gift of Southwestern
baskets and weavings came from longtime Fort Wayne residents Brook and
Margaret Berger. We added notable
purchases from the 2013 Eiteljorg
Contemporary Art Fellows and the year
witnessed the completion of a fractional
gift of 100 top-level Katsina carvings
from the collection of museum patrons,
Terry and Rebecca Rader. Helen Cox
Kersting contributed a number of
especially beautiful objects as part of her
on-going gifts to the museum. Steve and
Jane Marmon gifted a contemporary
painting by Josh Elliott that was in the
Quest for the West ® show, and greatly
Susan Folwell (Santa Clara, born 1970),
Love Gun, clay, india ink, bone white slip, 2013.
2013 Indian Market Purchase Award.
admired by the curators. We are also
pleased to receive important donations
from our friends Stan and Sandy Hurt and
Patricia Keller and her late husband James.
Growth of the collection and its use in
publications and exhibitions is one thing.
At the same time, the entire collection
requires careful management and care.
A strategic approach to this is essential.
If you’ve attended any of the Eiteljorg’s
exhibition opening receptions, you have
heard John Vanausdall claim that the
Eiteljorg has the “leanest, meanest”
museum staff in the city. This holds true
for the staff charged with managing,
caring for and interpreting the collection.
To supplement full-time staff, the museum
has developed a strong relationship with
the Indiana University Purdue University
Indianapolis (IUPUI) Museum Studies
graduate program. A number of students
fulfill some of their required six credits of
internship by contributing 150 or more
hours of work at the Eiteljorg. In 2013,
10 interns and volunteers contributed
1,880 hours to assist with managing the
collection. Their work included building
custom storage mounts and boxes for
hundreds of collection objects; helping
to unpack, condition report and repack
loaned objects, including 175+ works of
art that come in each year for Quest for
the West ® and in 2013, 100+ guitars;
documentation photography; downloading temperature and humidity data
to assist in monitoring the museum’s
environment; and many other important
collections functions.
Staff are always looking for other
ways to support essential collections
projects, and as a result, submit grants
for federal funding regularly. In 2013,
the museum received notification that
the Institute for Museum and Library
Services had awarded over $120,000 to
support major renovations in collections
storage. In 2014, the 25 year old carpet
will be removed and replaced with an
inert flooring; cabinets to house oversize
clothing items and framed works of art
that require flat storage will be added;
and important upgrades to the fire
monitoring and suppression system
will be implemented.
In just the last 10 years, the museum
has added 2,338 objects and works of
art to the collection. While the overall
collection size is small (6,964), this rate
of growth is quite aggressive requiring
proactive management of space to
accommodate the collection. In its 25th
anniversary year, the museum will be
looking ahead to determine the needs
to manage the collection for the next 25
years and beyond.
You may notice when you visit the
museum that the temperature is around
70°F no matter the time of year. In order
to care for the collection and objects
that come in on loan, museum staff are
charged with maintaining a constant
temperature and humidity. Following up
on a 2012 consultation with nationallyrenowned environmental expert William
Lull, facilities and collections staff worked
together to plan major upgrades to our
facilities plant. Designs were completed
for an additional 300-ton chiller and two
new cooling towers that will operate
year-round (especially important when
Indiana experiences those 60°F highs
in February!) Grants were submitted to
help with funding and an anonymous
donor stepped up to help get the project
started. Installation began in early 2014
(you’ll hear more about that in next year’s
report) and fund-raising is on-going
to upgrade the museum’s electronic
controls for better automation of the
Despite the lack of a conservation
department, collections management
staff continue to make solid progress
in urgent conservation treatments and
preventive conservation. In 2013, the
Throssel photograph collection was
conserved and matted for exhibition;
three small paintings by E.I. Couse were
stabilized and reframed in preparation to
go out on loan; Curt Mattson’s (American, born 1956) bronze Dealin’ With
the Bolter was cleaned and re-waxed to
address an issue with corrosion; Doug
Hyde’s (Nez Perce, Assiniboine and
Chippewa, born 1946) bronze Southwest
Summer Showers was conserved to
replace failed internal plumbing so that
it could operate as a fountain in its new
location on the Christel DeHaan Terrace;
and outdoor bronze sculptures were
cleaned and re-waxed to protect them
from the elements. Staff are continuing
to strategize for ways to add a muchneeded conservation lab and staffing to
provide even greater care of the collection.
Alfred “Bo” L’omaquahu (Hopi, born 1964),
Sun, Chasing Star, Planet and Moon Katsina,
cottonwood root, 2008. Gift of R. Terrance and
Rebecca J. Rader.
Edward Sherriff Curtis (American, 1868–1952),
The Vanishing Race, gold tone photograph,
ca. 1908. Gift of Stan and Sandy Hurt.
Gift of Stan and Sandy Hurt
Allan Houser
(Warm Springs Chiricahua Apache,
Morning Blessing, bronze, 1988
Gift of Brook and Margaret Berger
Collection of 38 baskets by Hopi artists,
Margaret Harrison, Kathy Kooyahoema,
Marcella Namokie, and Josie Tymes;
Navajo artists, Nellie Black, Marie James,
Eleanor Rock, and Kathryn Yazzie; Ute
artists, Agnes Black and Rose Esplain;
Inupiaq artist, John Hank; and unknown
Akimel O’odham, Apache, Hopi, Navajo,
Paiute, Tohono O’odham, and Yavapai
artists; black on black pot and plate by
Maria Martinez (San Ildefonso Pueblo,
1887–1980) and her grandson Popovi
Da (San Ildefonso Pueblo, 1923–1971);
four weavings by Navajo artists including
Lucy Simpson and Dorothy Howe; and
one Rio Grande woven runner.
Edward Sherriff Curtis
(American, 1868–1952)
Gold tone photograph, ca. 1908
Maria Martinez
(San Ildefonso Pueblo, 1887–1980) and
Julian Martinez
(San Ildefonso Pueblo, 1885–1943)
Black on black pot, ca. 1938
Henry C. Balink
(American, born in Holland, 1882–1963)
Chief Ten Bear, oil on canvas, 1942
Gift of Steve and Jane Marmon
Josh Elliott (American, born 1973)
In Between, oil on panel, 2013
Gift of R. Terrance and
Rebecca J. Rader
Completion of fractional gift of 100
Katsina carvings by Hopi artists: Cecil
Calnimptewa Jr., Neil David Sr., Nuvadi
Dawahoya, Jonathan Day, Henry Fred,
Aaron Fredericks, Armand Fritz, Ros
George, Arthur Holmes Jr., Arthur
Holmes, Sr. (Huminimptewa), Tom
Holmes, Aaron Honanie, Ernest Honanie,
Brian Honyouti, Ronald Honyouti,
Stetson Honyumptewa, Wilmer Kaye,
D’Armon Kootswatewa, Alfred “Bo”
L’omaquahu, Loren Phillips, Marlin Pinto,
Kevin Pochoema, Dennis Tewa, Ed
Tewanema, and Oliver Tsinnie.
Heart Sick, mixed media on Lotka paper,
The Medusa Syndrome, mixed media on
Lotka paper, 2010
Nicholas Galanin
(Tlingit/Aleut, born 1979)
I Think It Goes Like This?, mixed media
installation, 2012
Shan Goshorn
(Eastern Band of Cherokee, born 1957)
39, Arches watercolor paper splints,
archival inks, acrylic paint, 2012
Meryl McMaster (Plains Cree/Blackfoot, born 1988), Wingeds Calling (In-Between Worlds series),
digital chromogenic print, 2012. Eiteljorg Contemporary Art Fellowship Acquisition Fund.
Gift of Natalie and Sheldon Siegel
Saila Kipanek
(Inuit, Cape Dorset, born 1948)
Falcon, serpentine carved sculpture,
Gift of James and Patricia Kellar
Three stonecut prints by Davidialuk
Alasua Amittu (Inuit, 1910–1976):
Father, Mother, and Baby Owls, 1978;
Tungart Running After Man, 1975;
Katajujak and Igloo, 1974
Man and Sedna, serpentine carved
Gift of Helen Cox Kersting
Rose Benally (Navajo)
Weaving, wool, ca. 2005
Olla, clay
Museum Purchase with funds from
an anonymous donor
David Scott Rogers
(American, born 1961)
Cheyenne to Deadwood, bronze, 2013
Carl Clark (Navajo, born 1952) and
Irene Clark (Navajo, born 1950)
earrings, bracelet, ring and necklace
14K gold, silver, coral, turquoise, mother
of pearl, jet, 1980–1985
2013 Indian Market Harrison
Eiteljorg Purchase Award
Susan Folwell (Santa Clara, born 1970)
Love Gun, clay, india ink, bone white slip,
Apache olla, devil’s claw, yucca, willow, split willow,
ca. 1910. Gift of Brook and Margaret Berger.
John Buxton (American, born 1939), A Secret
Cache, oil on linen, 2013. 2013 Quest for the
West Harrison Eiteljorg Purchase Award.
Gift of Dorothy Schlatter
Photographs and photograph albums by
Richard Throssel (Cree, 1882–1933)
Meryl McMaster
(Plains Cree/Blackfoot, born 1988)
Four digital chromogenic prints from the
In Between Worlds Series: Anima 2012;
Aphoristic Currents, 2013, Wind Play,
2012; Wingeds Calling, 2012
Eiteljorg Contemporary Art
Fellowship Acquisition Fund
Julie Buffalohead
(Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma, born 1972)
The Columbus Prophecies, mixed media
on Lotka paper, 2012
The Dog Paddle, mixed media on Lotka
paper, 2012
Fearsome Critter, mixed media on Lotka
paper, 2012
Davidialuk Alasua Amittu (Inuit, 1910–1976),
Father, Mother, and Baby Owls, stonecut print,
1976. Gift of James and Patricia Kellar.
Rose Benally (Navajo), weaving, wool, ca. 2005.
Gift of Helen Cox Kersting.
Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun
(Coast Salish/Okanagan, born 1957)
The Last Old Growth Spirit Tree, etching
on St Armand paper, 2012
Black Ovoids in Deep Blue Sea, acrylic
on canvas, 2013
2013 Quest for the West
Harrison Eiteljorg Purchase Award
John Buxton (American, born 1939)
A Secret Cache, oil on linen, 2013
We express our sincere appreciation to
all 2013 donors for their generosity and
commitment to the Eiteljorg Museum.
Without your help, 2013 would have not
been as successful.
Due to space limitations, only gifts of
$100 or more are listed—except in Annual
Fund, gifts in honor of and in memory. If your
name is not listed correctly, please accept our
sincere apology and call 317-275-1311.
Vision Circle
2013 cumulative gifts of $25,000 and above
Frank and Katrina Basile
Steve Cagle
Betsey Harvey
David Jacobs
Steve and Jane Marmon
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paul
Mel and Joan Perelman
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore W. Rice, III
Joan SerVaas and Larry Roan
Charles and Peggy Sutphin
Chairperson’s Circle
2013 cumulative gifts of $10,000–$24,999
Bob and Pat Anker
Mary Beth and Robert Braitman
Michael and Juanita Eagle
Tom and Sue Hoback
Kay F. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Reilly, Jr.
Cathy and Robert Turner
Bill and Roberta Witchger
Richard and Billie Lou* Wood
President’s Society
2013 cumulative gifts of $5,000–$9,999
Dr. Caryn C. Anderson and Mr. David Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Appel
Dr. Elizabeth A. Beck
Roger and Mindy Eiteljorg
Karen and Joseph Glaser
Geoffrey and Sarah Gund
John H. Holliday
Stan and Sandy Hurt
Ann W. King
Henry and Louise Leander
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Lechleiter
Mr. and Mrs. P.E. MacAllister
Myrta Pulliam
Ellen M. Reed
Clay and Amy Robbins
Nancy M. Russell
Evelyn and Thomas Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Skehan
Donald Woodley
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Zinser
Frank and Katrina Basile
Golden Eagle Society
2013 cumulative gifts of $2,500–$4,999
Nancy Ayres
Elaine and Eric Bedel
Dr. Rosanne Bonjouklian
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Borinstein
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Cockerill
Robin and Susan Cooper
Ed and Jo Davis
Lori Efroymson-Aguilera and Sergio Aguilera
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fortune, III
Donald and Pat Gongaware
Earl and Vicki Goode
Ginny Hodowal
Chris Katterjohn
Helen C. Kersting
James Kincannon and Charles Goad
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Korb
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Leppert
Kim and Paul Mannweiler
Terry and Connie Marbach
Susie and Howard Maxwell
Beth Meloy and Robert Oppelt
Charlotte Mittler
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard O. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rader
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Schumaker, II
Mr. and Mrs. George Seybert
J. Albert and Maribeth Smith
Denise and Theodore Solso
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stanley
Michael and Maureen Surak
Dawn and Norm Tabler
John Vanausdall
Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
Eagle Society
Sue and Michael Back
Sarah C. Barney
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Blackwell, II
Ben and Sandy Blanton
Mr. Russell Breeden, III
Brian and Kim Buchanan
Georgia Buchanan
William and Moira Carlstedt
Charles and Helen Coghlan
John and Karen Colglazier
Catherine and Michael Coscia
Carl and Gayle Cox
Standiford H. Cox
Susie M. Cross
Deanna DeBrier
Mary Jane Failey
Drs. Richard and Becky Feldman
Richard E. Ford*
Ryan and Stephanie Fuhrmann
Tim Garnett and Peter Slaymaker
Robert* and Marilyn George
Tom and Patty Gibbs
Larry and Lee Glasscock
Fred and Angie Green
Gloria Griesinger
Perry and Michelle Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Guyette
Kathy Anderson Hansen and Art Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Hess
Polly H. Hix and Tony J. Fair
Allan and Kathy Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. S. Michael Hudson
Dr. Ann H. Hunt
Needham and Mary Lou Hurst
James and Jeanine Isham
Craig W. Johnson
Mrs. Ruth Johnson
Patricia Katterjohn
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kemper
Mrs. Billie Lee
Susan and Mike Lewis
Norris and MaLes Lineweaver
Kelly and Stephan Masoncup
Jayme and Rod McComas
Michael and Patricia McCrory
Roger and Virginia Merkel
Dr. Daniel H. Mowrey
Heather and Patrick Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nash
Ralph G. Nowak
Joseph and Gita Osborne
Jay and Sally Peacock
Marian Pettengill
Mr. Narcisso G. Povinelli
Dr. and Mrs. George Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Resley
Dr. and Mrs. Randall G. Rowland
Hilary and Ron Salatich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sandroni
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Schulstad
Jerry and Rosie Semler
Joe and Sandra Slaughter
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Staley
Jerry and Linda Stark
Michael and Carol Stayton
Rosemary Steinmetz
Marlys and Harry Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Thomasson
Harry and JoAnn Trausch
Martha and John Tynan
Gil Waldman and Christy Vezolles
Roberta and Robert Walton
Bradley and Terri Warnecke
Ed and Barbara West
Dorothy M. White
Margaret Wiley
Dr. Oksana and Peter Withey
Jan Woodruff and William T. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Wright
Marjorie P. Zeigler
Advocate Member
Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Beering
Steven and Sharon Klusman
Gwen and Robert Krivi
Andrew and Jane Paine
Patron Member
Toni and Robert Bader
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Broadie
Erin and Scott Dorsey
Jeffrey Dowden
Dru Doyle
Burke H. Eiteljorg
Patrick and Judith Henck
Stephen and Elizabeth Holmes
James and Kathleen McGrath
Mike and Lisa Overby
Keith and Tammy Passwater
Gail Plater and William M. Plater
Dr. Marguerite K. Shepard
Jefferey and Christy Soldatis
Ann M. and Chris Stack
John W. Timothy, Jr., M.D.
Robert and Ellen Whitt
Sustaining Member
Catherine and Eric Allen
John and Joann Birdzell
Donald P. Bogard
Alice Brown and Randy Trowbridge
Stephen and Bonnie Caplin
John Carvey
Robert Cirillo
C. Jack and Linda Clarkson
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Coleman, III
William and Patti Curran
P.R. Davis
Stephen and Mary DeVoe
Berkley and Nancy Duck
John and Dawn Fazli
Pawel and Lou Fludzinski
Jim and Sally Friend
Pat and Bob Anker
Charles and Louise Gay
Robert and Linda Glover
Sandra Gootee
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gould
Ms. Jane Gradison
Deborah and John Grew
Ken and Linda Grimes
John and Mary Ann Grogan
Dave and Donna Grow
Anita K. Harvey
Barbara M. and John R. Hayes
William and Linda Hefler
Rick Hoffman
Cindy and Robert Hoye
Gary Huber
Roger and Francine Hurwitz
Nancy and Thomas Inui
John Krauss and Margaret Maxwell
Alan Ladd
Gerald and Shirley Lewis
Carlos and Eleanor Lopez
Dr. Susan Maisel
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Manley
Boris E. Meditch
Michel Mott and Kim McManama
Dr*. and Mrs. Jans Muller
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Neal
Thalia Nicas and Louis Jungheim
John and Janet Nine
Mr. William J. O’Connor, Jr.
Nancy A. Pickering
Margaret Piety and Josef Laposa
Mel and Judy Pleiss
Dr. and Mrs. Newell O. Pugh, Jr.
John and Gaye Rardon
Gary and Phyllis Schahet
Dr. John Cole and Rose Schnell-Cole
Marjorie and Karl Schnelle
William L. Scott
Carolyn A. Sharp
James R. Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey K. Spivack
James and Cheryl Strain
John and Marcy Taylor
Bill and Jeanette Thomas
Larry and Cate Waynick
Contributing Member
Roger Abelson
Dr. Walter and Joan Able
Mr. C. Willis Adams, III
Bill and Susan Allen
Jerald and Gayle Ancel
Jennifer Anker
Andrew and Susan Appel
Nila Armstrong
Jeanne and Barry Aydt
Dick and Kathi Badertscher
Irving and Patricia Ball
Dr. Charles R. Bantz and Dr. Sandra Petronio
Sheila H. Barr
James and Marilyn Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Baxter
William and Joyce Behnke
Raymonda Bell
David Belser and Judy Armes
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Belt
Steve and Debbie Benefiel
D. Eugene Bennett
Fred and Annette Biesecker
Peter and Lisa Blaser
Ted and Peggy Boehm
Eleanor D. Bookwalter
Robert and Laura Boyd
Debra Ann Boyer
Jesse Brand and Geri Handley
George and Susan Brattain
Gina and Jim Bremner
Scott and Maryann Bridge
Gregory and Marsha Brown
Marilyn C. Burger
Debi* and John Burns III
Ruth Burns
Rob Burton & Linda L. Strawbridge
James Buss
David Byrne
Philip and Roberta Caito
Howard and Karen Campbell
Johneva Campbell
Kay and Larry Carl
James and Jane Carlson
Dan and Ann Carter
Dr. Gail H. Cassell and Ralph H. Cassell
Bob and Diane Chaney
John and Barb Chirgwin
Nancy Christy
Ronald and Claudia Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Cohen
Brandon and Cristina Cole
Kay and Larry Conrad
Charles Costa and Tonicia Smith
Carl and Janice Wheater-Cowen
Dorothy Craig
Wayne Craig
Hanni and William Cramer
Casey and Betsy Cronin
Richard and Sherry Crowe
Troy and Heather Crum
J. Robert Cutter
Forest and Marsha Daugherty
Manuel and Sara Debono
John C. DePrez, Jr. and Lee Marks
Federico and Rosa Maria Dies
Jim Dillard
Robert and Sharon Doiron
George and Wendy Dougherty
Nancy Dunn
Michael Durham
Claudette and Larry Einhorn
Max Eiteljorg
Stephen Fager
John and Jill Failey
Terry and Linda Farias
Michael and Rhonda Fasig
Phyllis Fee
Janice and Tom Forte
Rev. Joseph Freeman
David R. and Ann Frick
David Fukuda
Ed and Phyllis Gabovitch
Pat Garrett Rooney
Linda Gilman
Richard Goertemiller
Dr. Gary and Sharon Graff
Nancy and Dean A. Graves
Austin and Christine Greene
Dr. and Mrs. Jay L. Grosfeld
Ronald and Judith Hagan
Benjamin Hallada
Cris Halter and Bill Fraser
JoAnn Hamilton
Kenneth H. Hamilton
Mr. Neil Handley
Stella Hanley
George and Carol Harding
Tom and Nancy Hartmann
Hart and Simona Hasten
Don and Karen Hawes
Dr. Thomas Z. Hayward, III
Hunter and Glenna Heath
John Hene
Kevin P. Hennessey
Weimer and Anita Hicks
Jay T. Hirschauer
Ron and Pam Hodge
Gary and Katie Hoefle
Mary Ann Hogan
Ken and Jan Holder
Peggy and Helen Hollingsworth
Anne and Bob Hoover
Bonnie and Joe Hovish
Wayne and Donna Huffman
Rex and Sarah Humbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hunter, Jr.
Joe and Emily Huntzinger
Debbie Hyndman
Barbara Irwin-Herman and Erv Herman
Stephen and Anne Jay
Michael and Kay Johnson
Robert Johnstone
Marilyn Jones
Jeanette Kassebaum
Trudy E. and Thomas C. Kaufman
Jon R. Keep
Michael Khalil
Gayle Cox
Lee and Betsy Kleinmaier
Alan and Dorothy Klineman
Colonel Alfred Kneessy
Susannah Koerber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kraft
Nancy Lacy
Joan Lafuze
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Lamb, Jr.
L. Lang and Jean Brownlee
Kevin and Rosalie Lavelle
Norman and Stephanie Lees
Dr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Lehman, D.D.S.
Kirk Lemoine and Dr. Wendy Winckelbach
Jack E. and Karen Kay Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leucht
Alan Linton and Stephanie Dougherty-Linton
Rebecca Lomax-Sumner
Bob Lucid
James and Carol Lyon
Sandy and Greg MacAllister
Linda and Marvin Maguire
Kevin and Annette Mandrell
Jeff and Mary Mason
Barbara Masters
Ted and Melissa Mau
Zygmunt and Karen Mazanowski
Norman and Ginny Mazurowski
Richard and Cheryl McDonald
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. McDougal
H. Richard McFarland
Jeff McGuire
Jim and Jan Mellott
Anjelica and Luciano Menossi
Clayton C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Moore, Jr.
Ellie, Weber and Emalin Morse
Carolyn and Gary Mueller
Ms. Sherry Mueller
Michael and Brandi Naish
Elnora E. Noe
David and Sheila Ogden
Patte and Frank Owings
The Honorable and Mrs. Max F. Page
Al and Jan Panther
Ben and Donna Pauley
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pauloski
Janice Payne and Judi Hastings
Robin and Gregory Pemberton
Steven Pettinga and Michael Byrum
Joel and Karen Piassick
Margaret Drew and Craig Pinkus
George and Christine Plews
Noreen and Alan Poorman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Pribush
William K. Ransom
Chris Reading and Juliet Port
Maryann Redmon
John and Sue Rees
Bob and Carol Reynolds
Camille and Paul Richard
J. Lawrence Richardt
Steven and Andrea Richel
Darrell and Karen Richey
Marjorie and Victor Riemenschneider
Dale and Mary Jo Roberts
Miriam Robeson
Laura Rockwell
Michael and Kaaren Rodman
Mary Ann Roman
Carole Ross
James and Maureen Ross
David and Elizabeth Ruben
George and Jan Rubin
Fred and Beverly Ruebeck
Jan Sanders
Art and Christine Schildbach
Jan Schmetzer
Michael and Kathleen Schneider
Dianne Seibert
Ms. Sheri Seifers
David Shaw
Butch Shockey
Morris and Judith Silverman
Jack and Barbara Simon
Jerrold and Ellen Simon
Ann and Steve Smith
Donald and Nancy Smith
Kerry and Rita Smith
Sheryl A. Sostarich
Dan and Diana Sullivan
Steve and Santina Sullivan
Bill and Mary Swallender
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Tanis
Aviva and Bob Tavel
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor
Tom Tepe and Michelle Preston
Howard and Marlies Terpning
William and Sharon Theobald
Gerald and Judith Thomas
Charlene K. Timothy
P. Michael and Carolyn M. Tolson
Pam and John Ulrich
Larry and Nancy Vanarendonk
Milo and Betty Jo Vanek
Norbert and Carol VanOchten
Becky Vermillion
James K. Vinton
Patrice and John Waidner
Frank and Jane Walker
Charles and Kathleen Warren
Nicholas and Terry Watson
M. M. Weiss
Martin and Kim Wessel
Dena and Dennis White
James and Anna White
Gerry and Kim Wichman
Julia and John Wickes
Dr. James and Barbara Williams
S. Wolen and R. Gilbert
Y. Rosalind Wolen
Ms. Gretchen Wolfram
Brian and Linda Wood
H. David and Jane Wright
Frank and Suzanne Wylie
Doug Yost and Kim Mathews
David and Magdalen Zauner
Mary Zundo
Annual Fund and Other Designated Gifts
David and Mary Allen
Eric Allen
Amy and Michael Alley
Erin Aloisio
Robert M. and Sally G. Anderson
Bob and Pat Anker
Anonymous (24)
Andrew and Susan Appel
Rosalee Arnett
Jeffrey and Christine Arnold
Nancy Ayres
Colleen and David Bailie
Darrell and Dawn Bakken
Marilyn and James Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Baxter
Mark K. and Ann Bear
Marilyn and James Beattey
Ms. R. Nadine Beck
Martha J. Beckort
Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Beering
Neva S. Bell
Steve and Debbie Benefiel
Jay D. Benjamin
Pamela J. Bennett
Dr. Kerry and Elizabeth Blanchard
Ted and Peggy Boehm
Dr. Rosanne Bonjouklian
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Borinstein
Kristine and Abdel Bouaichi
James and Barbara Boyle
Mary Beth and Robert Braitman
Russell Breeden III
Gina and Jim Bremner
Karen Brethauer
Barbara J. Briggs
L. Eugene and Evelyn Park Brown
Carolyn Burkley
Cathy Burton and Donald Fisher
Kathy A. Cala and Danny R. Cala
Edward M. Cambra
Stephen and Bonnie Caplin
Steve and Jane Marmon
Ms. Katharine Carr
George and Linda Charbonneau Family Fund,
a fund of The Indianapolis Foundation
Peter Chen
Ronald and Claudia Clark
Lorenzo Clayton
Mary Ann and Frank Clifford
Charles and Helen Coghlan
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Coleman, III
Faye Craig
Hanni and William Cramer
Suzanne Crosby and Toni Marbach
Linda Darr
Phillip E. Darrah
Forest and Marsha Daugherty
Manuel and Sara Debono
Lisa Dellinger and Doug Wilson
Carol Derbin
Federico and Rosa Maria Dies
Mary Downey
Nancy Dunn
Michael and Juanita Eagle
John Eichacker
Murvin and Linda Enders
Stephen A. Enkema
Robert D. Epstein
Dr. Judith Erickson
Colin and Anna Ewing
George and Kathleen Farthing
John and Elizabeth Fawcett
John and Dawn Fazli
Drs. Richard and Becky Feldman
Joan Fitzgibbon
Ms. Mary Fortney and Mr. Stephen C. Smith
Thomas and Joyce Gellenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Max Gibson
Cyrena Gilman
Linda Gilman
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gilmor
Maude E. Glore and Richard Harper
Donald and Pat Gongaware
GoodCents Solutions
Konei Goodro
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Gray
Lowell and Sherryl Haines
Cris Halter and Bill Fraser
Stella Hanley
Kathy Anderson Hansen and Art Hansen
August Hardee, II
Linda Hardin
Betsey Harvey
Don and Karen Hawes
Dan Hedden
Lynn Hemmelgarn
Joy and Dan Hess
Jeffrey Higgens
Tom and Sue Hoback
Jane A. Hodgin
Beverly O. Holly
Stephen and Elizabeth Holmes
Tammy and Chris Holmes
W. Seymour and Rheta Holt
Stephen and Colleen Hopkins
Gregory and Mary Huebner
Mary Huggard
Dr. Robert L. Ingram and Lynda Eckard
Kenneth and Kristina Inskeep
Mary Beth and Kyle Jackson
Sheila and Richard Jackson
Jamilie Jacobs
John and Frances Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jenkins
Pam and Gary Jursik
Steven and Sharon Klusman
Kay F. Koch
Chris G. Krok
Elizabeth and J.A. Lacy
Lezlie Laxton
Kevin and Rosalie Lavelle
Louis Lazaron
Frank and Sandra Learned
Lebanon Public Library
John F. Lees
Norman and Stephanie Lees
John and Mary Lisher
Truman and Nancy Lowe
Francis P. Maguire
Linda and Marvin Maguire
Jon D. Marhenke, M.D.
George and Cindy Maude
Susie and Howard Maxwell
Dee A. McConville
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McCormick
Robert H. McKinney
Mr. H. Roll McLaughlin
Bob and Elly McNamara
Marian F. McNamara
Roger and Virginia Merkel
MET Foundation Inc.
Joe Miller and Joan Amati
Jo Ellen Miller
Kathryn Minx and Al Lessie
David and Barbara Mitchel
Noreen and Craig Mixan
Terry Mumford
Col. James Mutter and General Carol Mutter
Timothy and Nancy Nagler
Drs. Blake and Carolyn Neubauer
Patt Norton
Eloise Paul
Ben and Donna Pauley
Jay and Sally Peacock
Michael T. Pekarek
Mel and Joan Perelman
Steven Pettinga and Michael Byrum
Margaret Piety and Josef Laposa
Margaret Drew and Craig Pinkus
Noreen and Alan Poorman
Robert and Lillian Potts
Nancy and Larry Pugh
R.B. Annis Educational Foundation
Hilary Raab
John and Gaye Rardon
Chris Reading and Juliet Port
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Reilly, Jr.
Robert and Jan Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore W. Rice, III
Steven and Andrea Richel
William and Gloria Riggs
Julia Ritter
Tim and Linda Robb
Miriam Robeson
Katie and Jon Robinson
Lucy and Ingrid Rockstrom
Nancy Ray Ross
Diane and Randall Rowland
Gail Rudolph
Thomas and Linda Sands
Carol Saviano
Rod and Anne Scheele
Art and Christine Schildbach
Alice and Robert Schloss
Roger and Barbara Schmenner
William L. Scott
Gene and Joann Sease
Evelyn and Thomas Seeley
Carole Shaffer-Koros
Joseph J. and Jo Ann M. Shary
Michael and Mary Sifferlen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Skehan
Roger and Janet Smith
Kerry and Rita Smith
Edward and Carol Smithwick
Sheila and Bob Snider
Sheryl A. Sostarich
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey K. Spivack
James and Cheryl Strain
James and Emily Sturman
Maureen and Michael Surak
Claudia Swhier
Janet and William Taylor
Lois M. Templeton
The Saltsburg Fund-Karen Lake Buttrey*
and Donald W. Buttrey
James and Jayne Thorne
John W. Timothy, Jr., M.D.
Clara Trusty
Cathy and Robert Turner
Pauline Ulrey
Beth and Edward Valdettaro
Roger and Reita Vandrey
Milo and Betty Jo Vanek
Joan and Mel Perelman
Ms. Karin Veatch
David M. Wagner
Robert F. Wagner
Jane T. Walker
Kay Walkingstick
Lisa and John Wallace
Sue Ward
Donald W. Ward
Dr. and Mrs. Don C. Weiser
Brian and Carrie West
Emily West
Nancy and Gerald Westerfield
Jon J. White
Ashley E. Wick
Rosalyn Wiener
William J. and. Linda A. Wilhelm
Clarke L. Wilhelm
Dr. James and Barbara Williams
Fay H. Williams
John D. Wilson
Marion Wolen
S. Wolen and R. Gilbert
Y. Rosalind Wolen
Dr. Christian Wolf and Elaine Holden-Wolf
H. David and Jane Wright
Douglas W. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Wright
Douglas W. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
Warner and Patricia Young
Dr. Donald J. and Linda Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Zinser
Steven and Susan Zumdahl
Gifts in Honor and Memory
All gifts received are listed.
In Honor of Krys Marie Bond
Newell Pennell
In Honor of Steve Cagle
Susie and Howard Maxwell
John Vanausdall
In Honor of Eiteljorg Museum staff
John Vanausdall
In Honor of Dr. Richard Feldman
Sally Mager
In Honor of Andrew Glaser
JPMorgan Chase
In Honor of Chris Katterjohn
Bob and Pat Anker
Katherine and Daniel Appel
Frank and Katrina Basile
Ben and Sandy Blanton
Mary Beth and Robert Braitman
Steve Cagle
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Cockerill
Gayle and Carl Cox
Cripe Architects + Engineers
L.G. and Alyce Edwards
Roger and Mindy Eiteljorg
Drs. Richard and Becky Feldman
Tim Garnett and Peter Slaymaker
Fritz R. and Sandy Gordner
Laura Gretencord
Tom and Sue Hoback
Cindy and Robert Hoye
Stan and Sandy Hurt
Ms. Modupe Gloria Labode
Carla and Mike Leppert
Susie and Howard Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paul
Mel and Joan Perelman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Reilly, Jr.
Molly Sass
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Skehan
J. Albert and Maribeth Smith
Dawn and Norm Tabler
John W. Timothy, Jr., M.D.
Cathy and Robert Turner
John Vanausdall
Edward and Barbara West
Donald Woodley
Jan Woodruff and William T. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
In Honor of Judi Leland
Jerry and Joan Wright
In Honor of Emily and Adley Grace McDuffee
Larry and Dianne Metzler
In Honor of Molly Sass
Mickey’s Camp
In Honor of Molly Sass for 5 Extraordinary
Years of Service as Assistant to the President
John Vanausdall
In Honor of Evelyn and Tom Seeley
Jacqueline and William Kingston
In Honor of John Vanausdall
Carrie Kirk and Carol Besore
In Honor of John Vanausdall and Susie Maxwell
Sara Compton
In Memory of Chad Baber
A New Arrangement LLC
Billie Barnett Kingston
Sara A. Perry
In Memory of Lee Scott Beasley
Gayle and Carl Cox
In Memory of Richard Lewis Bloch
Lorenzo Clayton
In Memory of Charlotte Colson
Dr. and Mrs. Randall G. Rowland
In Memory of Judith Derringer
Dr. and Mrs. Randall G. Rowland
In Memory of Harry E. Fonseca
Harry Nungesser
In Memory of Bob George
Susie and Howard Maxwell
In Memory of Virigina Hanselman
John and Herma Compton
In Memory of Robert L. Hofmann
Mrs. Virginia Hofmann
In Memory of Luther Hubbard
Charlotte and Dana Parmerlee
In Memory of Betty Huffer
Susie and Howard Maxwell
In Memory of Linda McLaughlin
Susie and Howard Maxwell
In Memory of Jans Muller, M.D.
Delores Muller
In Memory of Frank E.* Russell
Norris and MaLes Lineweaver
Mel and Joan Perelman
Nancy M. Russell
John Vanausdall
In Memory of Billie Lou Wood
Susie and Howard Maxwell
Ella Kay and John W. Timothy, Sr. Family
Memorial Fund
John W. Timothy, Jr., M.D.
Project New Moon and
Project Silver Moon Campaigns
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Appel
Kara and Brad Baldwin
Mary Beth and Robert Braitman
Steve Cagle
Don B. Earnhart*
Drs. Richard and Becky Feldman
Tim Garnett and Peter Slaymaker
Karen and Joseph Glaser
The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation
Eric and Pamela Hinkle
Stan and Sandy Hurt
Mrs. Ruth Johnson
Kay F. Koch
Carla and Mike Leppert
Virginia and Roger Merkel
Jim and Jackie Morris
Peter and Betsy Morse
Mel and Joan Perelman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Reilly, Jr.
Kyle and Natasha Salyers
Joan SerVaas and Larry Roan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Skehan
J. Albert and Maribeth Smith
Charles and Peggy Sutphin
Dawn and Norm Tabler
John W. Timothy, Jr., M.D.
John Vanausdall
Edward and Barbara West
Donald Woodley
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Wright
Mr. Jeffery Wylie
Don B. Earnhart*
Elton T. Ridley*
Native American Curator Endowment—
Research and Travel
Charlotte Mittler
In Honor of Frank E.* and Nancy M. Russell
In Memory of Frank E.* Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Zimmerman
Eye on the Future Capital Campaign
Mike and Juanita Eagle
Western Art Society
Ryan and Stephanie Fuhrmann
Tom and Patty Gibbs
Cathy and Robert Turner
Foundations, Corporations and
$500,000 and above
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Efroymson Family Fund, a Central Indiana
Community Foundation Fund
The Ed Klink Emerging Artist Fund
Arts Council of Indianapolis
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc.
The Indiana Rail Road Company
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
BMO Private Bank
Cardinal Contracting LLC
Christel DeHaan Family Foundation, in honor
of the children and families of Christel House
Citizens Energy Group
David H. & Barbara M. Jacobs Foundation
Indiana Arts Commission
The Capital Group Companies, The home of
American Funds
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Ice Miller LLP
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
National NAGPRA Program
Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr. Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation
The Forest Fund, Inc.
The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation
The Lacy Foundation
The Saturday Evening Post Society
The Swisher Foundation
Ayres Foundation, Inc.
Indianapolis Colts
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP
Mothershead Foundation
R.B. Annis Educational Foundation
Sullivan & Poore, Inc.
Blackink IT
Booth Western Art Museum
Circle Design Group, Inc.
Citimark Management Co., Inc.
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
Flanner & Buchanan Funeral Centers
Fuhrmann Capital LLC
High Noon Western Americana
London Witte & Company, LLP
REI Real Estate Services
The Eugene and Marilyn Glick Family
The Namaste Foundation
Wilhelm Construction Co.
Woodley Farra Manion Portfolio Management
Arthur Jordan Foundation
Cassidy Turley
Gregory & Appel Insurance
Indiana Humanities
Joanne W. Orr Charitable Fund, a fund of The
Indianapolis Foundation
Jungclaus-Campbell Co., Inc.
MET Foundation Inc.
Paul I. Cripe Charitable Foundation
The Penrod Society
Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
LHD Retirement
LumiNET Technology Solutions
The Great Frame Up
The Media Guy LLC
Matching Gift Companies
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The Capital Group Companies Charitable
Gifts in Kind
$10,000 and above
BSA LifeStructures
Honeymoon Image & Design Inc.
Steve and Jane Marmon
Sun King Brewing Company
Brittany Erwin Photography
Captured by Lindsey Photography
Guitar Center – Castleton
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
International Documentary Association
Markey’s Rental and Staging
Nedra and Richard Matteucci
Ann Buskirk Photography
Drs. Richard and Becky Feldman
Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc.
Indiana State Fair Commission
Jeff Collins Photography LLC
JP Parker Flowers
Mary Hinds
Priority Press
Republic National Distributing Company
Joe and Paula Stallsmith
Vontra Foods II, LLC, dba Punch Burger
Guitars! Roundups to Rockers
Presented by
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc.
Sponsored by
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Capital Group Companies, The home of
American Funds
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
Ice Miller LLP
Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP
Mel and Joan Perelman
With additional support from
C.F. Martin & Company
Fender Musical Instruments Corporation
Guitar Center – Castleton
McGuire Music and Sound, Lafayette, IN
Reno’s Music
Wilhelm Construction
In-kind sponsors
JP Parker Flowers
Markey’s Rental & Staging
Stack Wines
Sun King Brewing Company
Quest for the West®
Art Show and Sale
Presented by
BMO Private Bank
and the Western Art Society
Cardinal Contracting LLC
Alan Gerry
Betsey Harvey
Steve and Jane Marmon
Mel and Joan Perelman
Bill and Roberta Witchger
David and Caryn Anderson
Ed and Phyllis Cockerill
L.G. and Alyce Edwards
Kay Koch
Tom and Evelyn Seeley
Howard and Frankie Alper
Roger and Mindy Eiteljorg
High Noon Western Americana
Stan and Sandy Hurt
David and Virginia Mullins
Robert Oppelt and Beth Meloy
Rosie Steinmetz
Laura Tesdahl – Artistic Designs Gallery
Lee Tesdahl – Alpha Graphics
Steve and Sharon Zimmerman
Prize Sponsors
Harrison Eiteljorg Purchase Award
Western Art Society
Henry Farny Award for Best Painting
Jane and Steve Marmon
Victor Higgins Work of Distinction
Catherine and Robert Turner
Cyrus Dallin Award for Best Sculpture
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Leppert
Patrons’ Choice Award
Booth Western Art Museum
Eiteljorg Keepsake
Catherine and Robert Turner
Fuhrmann Capital LLC
In-kind support
Sun King Brewing Company
Additional support
Dr. Gail and Ralph H. Cassell
Eiteljorg Contemporary Art Fellowship
Presented by
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Sponsored by
BMO Private Bank
Christel DeHaan Family Foundation, in honor
of the children and families of Christel House
David H. and Barbara M. Jacobs Foundation
David Jacobs
The Ed Klink Emerging Artist Fund
Gerald and Dorit Paul
With additional support from
NUVO Indy’s Alternative Voice
Spirit and Place
Lorenzo Clayton
Sandy and Stan Hurt
In-kind support
Sun King Brewing Co.
Jingle Rails:
The Great Western Adventure
Created by Paul Busse and the talented staff
of Applied Imagination
Presented by
The Indiana Rail Road Company
Sponsored by
Gina and Jim Bremner
Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
The Kortepeter Family
The Lacy Foundation
Mothershead Foundation
Woodley Farra Manion Portfolio Management
The Hurst Family in honor of Needham
S. Hurst’s 80th birthday and the 75th
anniversary of the N.K. Hurst Company
Additional support
Cassidy Turley
In-kind support
Planes Companies
21st Annual Indian Market and Festival
Festival Sponsored by
Ice Miller LLP
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Entertainment Stage
Christel DeHaan Family Foundation, in honor
of the children and families of Christel House
Sunrise Foundation
The Penrod Society
Storyteller Program
made possible through a matching grant
from Indiana Humanities in cooperation
with the National Endowment for the
Additional support provided by
Pat and Bob Anker
Lorenzo Clayton and Richard Bloch
LHD Retirement
Frank and Heather Mulhern
Paul I. Cripe Charitable Foundation
Hoop Dancer Sponsors
Ella Kay and John W. Timothy, Sr. Family
Memorial Fund
power2give donors
Media partner
Native Peoples Magazine
Ticket Sales
Marsh Supermarkets
Harrison Eiteljorg Purchase Award sponsors
Bob and Pat Anker
Mike and Juanita Eagle
Mel and Joan Perelman
Terry and Becky Rader
Ellen M. Reed
Ella Kay and John W. Timothy, Sr. Family
Memorial Fund
Best of Show sponsor
Terry and Becky Rader
Helen Kersting Award sponsor
Helen Kersting
Prize sponsors
Bob and Pat Anker
Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
Mary Beth and Robert Braitman
Wayne Craig
Painted Desert Indian Art, Mike and
Evelyn Crouch
Mike and Juanita Eagle
L.G. and Alyce Edwards
Roger and Mindy Eiteljorg
Drs. Richard and Becky Feldman
Nancy and Dean A. Graves
Betsey Harvey
Polly H. Hix and Tony J. Fair
Indianapolis Colts
Chris Katterjohn
Kay Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Korb
Billie Lee and Family
Kim and Paul Mannweiler
Steve and Jane Marmon
Jim and Jackie Morris
Mel and Joan Perelman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Reilly, Jr.
Amy and Clay Robbins
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Rodgers
The Saturday Evening Post Society
Hutch and Kevina Schumaker
Tom and Evelyn Seeley
Denise and Theodore Solso
Rosemary Steinmetz
Michael and Maureen Surak
Ella Kay and John W. Timothy, Sr. Family
Memorial Fund
Cathy and Robert Turner
In-kind Donations
Bardach Awards
Honeymoon Image & Design Inc.
Hubbard & Cravens
Indiana State Fair Commission
Indianapolis Fruit Company
Markey’s Audio Visual
Priority Press
Troy Hill Photography
Wilhelm Construction Company
2013 Buckaroo Bash committee members
Cathy Turner, Lisa Staley and Jana Varanka
Gas Card Awards for Artists
Sue Arnold
Yelitza Breen
Gayle and Carl Cox
Wayne Craig
Sarah and Evan Farthing
Cindy and Ray Fontaine
Mark and Becky Herbison
Drs. Martha and Michael Hill
Tammy and Chris Holmes
Debbie Hyndman
Doris Jones
Norris and MaLes Lineweaver
Susie and Howard Maxwell
Alan and Joyce Niederman
James and Mary Ellen Nottage
Hilary Raab
Ellen M. Reed
John W. Timothy, Jr., M.D.
Larry and Karen Zimmerman
16th Annual Buckaroo Bash:
Carats, Corsets & Cowboys
Presented by
The Saturday Evening Post Society
G. Thrapp Jewelers
Wagon Masters
Mary Beth and Robert Braitman
L.G. and Alyce Edwards
Indianapolis Colts
Mel and Joan Perelman
Cathy and Robert Turner
blackink IT
Citimark Management Co., Inc.
Burke Eiteljorg
Flanner & Buchanan Funeral Centers
Jane and Steve Marmon
Stan and Sandy Hurt
Additional support from
Gayle and Carl Cox
Dave and Melissa DeHaven
Ted and Julia Dunn
Tom and Sue Hoback
Duane and Marguerita Johnson
Mel and Joan Perelman
Jim and Kim Robertson
Pat G. Rooney
Alice and Robert Schloss
Elizabeth Scokin
Scott and Jane Sickels
D.J. and Myrna Ware
Kent and Gloria White
In-kind contributors
Five Star Dance Studio
Heaven Hill Distilleries
Stack Wines
Sun King Brewing Company
The Chef’s Academy
WJ Deutsch & Sons Ltd.
Fund-a-need donors
Caryn and David Anderson
Mary Beth and Robert Braitman
Charles and Helen Coghlan
Louise and James Combs
Jake and Jessica Cox
Deanna DeBrier
Dave and Tyler Ferguson
Betsey Garfield
Tom and Patty Gibbs
Amy and Jeffrey Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Hess
Logan Hollowell
Carlie Irsay-Gordon and Zach Gordon
Carla and Mike Leppert
Steve and Jane Marmon
Ted and Melissa Mau
Susie and Howard Maxwell
Daniel and Colleen Salvas
Joan SerVaas and Larry Roan
John Sturman
Jeff and Maria Vogel
Jinghi Zhang
Hosted by Agave, the Eiteljorg Museum’s
Young Professional Auxiliary
Presented by
Sun King Brewing Company
In-kind support provided by
Chateau Thomas Winery
Hollow Point
Jeremy Daeger
Kahn’s Catering
New Day Meadery
Rettig Hill
The Art Adams Band
Vontra Foods II, LLC, dba Punch Burger
Pat Anker
Sue A. Back E
Frank Basile
Mary Beth Braitman
Edward M. Cockerill, M.D.
Gayle Cox, Ph.D. E
L.G. Edwards E
Roger S. Eiteljorg E
Richard Feldman, M.D.
Tim Garnett
Karen Glaser
Fritz Gordner
Fred Green
Katherine Anderson Hansen (Kiowa)
Betsey Harvey E
Polly Horton Hix
Tom Hoback
Cindy Hoye
Sandy Hurt
Stan C. Hurt E
Chris Katterjohn E
Gerald Paul
Alexander G. Peacock
Mel Perelman, Ph.D. E
Bonnie A. Reilly E
A.H. “Hutch” Schumaker, II
Joan SerVaas
J. Albert Smith, Jr.
John Timothy (Muscogee Nation)
Cathy Turner
Edward A. West E
Don Woodley (Ojibwe)
Timothy T. Wright
C. Daniel Yates E
Board Officers
Ed West, Chairman
Tom Hoback, Vice Chair
Gayle Cox, Secretary
Sue Back, Treasurer
Emeritus Members
Robert R. Baxter
Michael Eagle
Joyce Gellenbeck
William K. McGowan, Jr.
Steve Radcliffe
Robert Salyers
Founding Directors
Robert R. Baxter
Tom Binford (deceased)
Harrison Eiteljorg (deceased)
J.B. King (deceased)
Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., M.D. (deceased)
William K. McGowan, Jr.
Chris Schenkel (deceased)
June Swango
Donald Tanselle
Jean Whitcraft (deceased)
Ben Blanton, Counsel
Executive Committee member
Katherine B. Appel
Russ Breeden
Steve Cagle
Tish Champagne
Phyllis Cockerill
Majie Failey
Laura Gretencord
Mary Huggard
Carlie Irsay-Gordon
Modupe Labode
Carla Leppert
Jim Morris
Pete Morse
Erin Oliver (Miami)
Gita Osborne
Steve Russell
Kyle Salyers
Rebecca Denison Schultz (Cherokee)
Michael P. Skehan
Dawn Tabler
John Timothy (Muscogee Nation)
Stephen Todd
Kai Binford
Ron W. Dollens
Susie Dollens
Juanita Eagle
Michael Eagle
Burke Eiteljorg
Gordon Gund
Llura Gund
James M. Guyette
Helen Kersting
Charlotte G. Mittler
Janie Radcliffe
Steve Radcliffe
R. Terrance Rader
Rebecca Rader
W. B. Rodgers, M.D.
Jody A. Rodgers, M. D.
Bob Sandroni
Lora Sandroni
Harry M. Stern
Marlys A. Stern
Ellen Napiura Taubman
Gil Waldman
Vivian Wunsch
Audit Council
Sue Back
Mike Hudson
Anita Lawrence
Mike Skehan
Adobe Society (Buckaroo Bash)
Burke Eiteljorg (co-honorary chair)
Cindy Hoye
Carlie Irsay-Gordon (co-honorary chair)
Carrie Kirk
Melissa Mau
Larry Roan (honorary chair)
Joan SerVaas (honorary chair)
Lisa Staley (co-chair)
Dona Stohler
Cathy Turner (co-chair)
Jana Varanka
Myrna Ware
Collections Council
Ben Blanton
Ed Cockerill
Richard Feldman
Betsey Harvey
Sandy Hurt (chair)
Stan Hurt
Charlotte Mittler
Dorit Paul
Bonnie Reilly
Mindy Taylor Ross
Facilities Council
Roger Eiteljorg (chair)
Bo Elder
Fred Green
Jonathon Hess
Jay Peacock
Jeff Wylie
Finance Council
Sue Back (chair)
William Denton
Mike Hudson
Stan Hurt
Ralph Nowak
Mike Sawyers
Mike Skehan
Human Resource Council
Charles Baldwin
Mary Beth Braitman (chair)
Charlene Giles
Chris Katterjohn
Marvin Recht
Investment Council
Sue Back
Bruce Benjamin
Russ Breeden (chair)
John Grogan
Cris Halter
Gerald Paul
Steve Russell
Leslie Thompson
Marketing Task Force
Steve Cagle
Cindy Hoye
Mary Huggard
Ed West (chair)
Merchandising Council
Elizabeth Garber
Eloise Paul
Cleve Skelton
Jan Woodruff
Tom Yeo
Native American Advisory
Margaret Archuleta
Brenda Child
David Edmunds
Donald Fixico
Emma Hansen
Kathy Anderson Hansen (liason)
Gloria Lomahaftewa
James Riding In
Dennis Sun Rhodes
Scott Shoemaker
Planned Giving Council
Kristine Bouaichi (chair)
Jay Benjamin
Cindy Dashnaw
Rob Twitchell
John Gardner
Kathy Hower
Louie Lazaron
Holly Pantzer
Rodney Retzner
Justine Overturf Singh
Karin Veatch
Dan Yates
Western Art Society
(WAS Members Only)
David Anderson and
Caryn Cockerill Anderson
Ed and Phyllis Cockerill
Roger and Mindy Eiteljorg
Mary Jane Failey
Tom and Patty Gibbs
Betsey Harvey
Stan and Sandy Hurt
Jim and Sherry Kittle
Mike and Carla Leppert
Steve and Jane Marmon
Joe and Gita Osborne
Mel and Joan Perelman
Tom and Evelyn Seeley
Bob and Cathy Turner
Steve and Sharon Zimmerman
Matt Askren
Kara Baldwin
Christa Barleben
Brent Barnes
Sarah Bean
Bert Beiswanger
Johanna Blume
Chris Burrus
Cathy Burton
Ann Carey
Jeff Christian
Mary Ann Clifford
Belinda Cozzy
Cindy Davis
Sally Dickson
Mary Downey
Jan Eason
Heather Elmore
Mint Evans
Sarah Farthing
Benny Grider
Zane Harley
Kim Hassett
Martha Hill
Kay Hinds
Eric Hinkle
Ashley Holland
Sheila Jackson
Kitty Jansen
Bonnie Kandel
Deborah Kish
Lezlie Laxton
Susan Lewis
Susie Maxwell
Dee McConville
Amy McKune
Jennifer C. McNutt
Linda Montag-Olson
Anne Nelson
Jaq Nigg
Alisa Nordholt-Dean
James H. Nottage
June Padgett
DeShong Perry
Jim Pierle
Charles Purdy
Dru Roach
Katie Robinson
Ashley Robinson
Hyacinth Rucker
Molly Sass
Steve Sipe
Sarah Sissom
Autumn Soeurt
Jordan Stout
Robert Tate
John Vanausdall
Teresita Vigil
Tamara Winfrey Harris
500 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2707
Visit us at eiteljorg.org
This annual report is dedicated to the men and women, lost to
the Indianapolis community in late 2012 and 2013, who made
a profound impact on the life of the Eiteljorg Museum and its
future. The museum will forever be indebted to these individuals
for their outstanding leadership and devotion.
K.S. Adams
Daniel H. FitzGibbon
Richard J. Freeland
J.B. King
Eugene Glick
George Gund
Betty J. Huffer
Frank E. Russell
Billie Lou Wood