history and current processes
history and current processes
Settlement system structure of the Kaliningrad Region: history and current processes III Congress of Lithuanian geographers Vilnius, 2014-09-26 Dr. Andrey Levchenkov Baltic federal university (Kaliningrad) • History of settlement system forming • Development after 1945 • Current process Schlüter O. Wald, Sumpf und Siedlungsland in Altpreußen von der Ordenszeit, Jena 1921 Forming history: stages - Stage 1 (VI a.d.-1280): Prussian period of settlement, land settle predetermined by features of nature, sustainable condition, minor human impact. - Stage 2 (1280-1525): The beginning of German period of settlement. Intensive colonization of western margins of the area, deforestation, watercourse regulation, extensive agriculture. - Stage 3 (1525-1810): Reclamation of eastern margins of the area, expansion of the large-scale farming, rise of human impact on an environment. - Stage 4 (1810-1945): Land reform, settlement system is formed. Melioration, intensive agriculture, forest devastation. - Stage 5 (1945-90): Fundamental changes of the settlement system and land ownership. - Stage 6 (1991-now): changing of the economic system (i.e. landuse feature). Colonization of Old Prussia Scheu, E. Ostpreußen. Eine wirtschaftsgeographische Landeskunde, Königsberg 1936 Settling of the area by peasants Pr.-Eylau, 1450 (M.Rousselle) Angerweiler: Sollecken-Косатухино, 1407, Kr.Heiligenbeil Angerweiler Woydehnen, Kr. Tilsit-Ragnit (Ветрово), 1722 Streusiedlung: Unter-Eiseln, Kr. TilsitRagnit (Большое Село), gegr. 1504 State at 1507/19 State at 1540 State at 1618 Schirwindt-Kutuzovo – 1515; Schloßberg-Dobrovolsk– 1519; Gumbinnen-Gussev – 1539; Darkehmen-Ozersk, Stallupönen-Nesterov – 1540 Plague 1709-11 • About 200000 persons was dead, 10834 farmsreads became empty • Resettlement programm FW I. 1714-21 • about 53 000 migrants total, 16 000 from Salzburg • also Schwitzerland, Nassau, Pfalz, Lithuania Salzburger Church in Gumbinnen 1840 von Karl Friedrich Schinkel Stage 4: Land Reform in Prussia 1807/1811 and consequences • Liberation of the serfs • Separation, rural community secession • New forms of settlement: isolated farmstead, household, estate • New agricultural approaches Estate of Ackerau-Armejskoje settling 1908 1942 New settlements 1890-1919 1919-1927 Melioration First melioration in 1852 at estate Fuchsberg (now – Kholmogorovka) by Belgium engineer Leclerc, subsurface drainage system Pasture management union area, ha Drainage society area, ha Dams union area, ha Total area, ha Reg.-Bez. Königsberg Reg-.Bez. Gumbinnen Provinz 176 141 540 48 247 32 343 150 490 254 108 395 140 965 37 563 191 426 14 12 26 24 342 46 243 70 585 444 261 961 213 554 116 149 412 501 Hansen, J. Die Landwirtschaft in Ostpreußen 1916 Elchtal colony at Grosses Moosbruch • History of settlement system forming • Development after 1945 • Current process State at 1939 • • • • • • Population – 1 165 837 , including rural – 512 000 Population density – 67,3 Einw./qkm Settlements – 10 614 Small forms of settlements Employment: per 100 ha – 25 persons Agricultural employment 36,5% labour force Number of frontiermen in the countryside 1947-55 according to other sources, thous. people Source 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Regional 38,4 frontierman department Regional statistics 54,4 department 44,1 21,4 20,4 5,8 6,7 4,5 4,6 3,5 54,5 37,9 33,8 21,3 20,9 25,5 25,5 20,7 Frontiermen data during 1947-50. According to point of outcome, thous. people Income Outcome Amount of growth Relative share in amount of growth, % RSFSR 253,3 79,2 174,1 70,0 Belarus 35,2 7,6 27,6 11,1 Ukraine 29,2 11,7 17,5 7,0 Baltic states 24,1 11,6 12,5 5,0 Other USSR Republics 50,0 32,9 17,1 6,9 391,8 143,0 248,8 100 Total Archival documents «...during land settle campaign the economic, cultural and general construction in kholhoz had not been provided. Kolkhoz centers are located at settlements and farm yards which do not challenge the requirements to modern kolkhoz centers and which are in need of redivision» «...хозяйственного и культурно-бытового строительства в колхозах, в период кампании заселения, не проводилось. Колхозные центры размещены в населённых пунктах и хуторах, которые в полной мере не отвечают требованиям современных колхозных центров и должны быть в ближайшее время подвергнуты перепланировке» ГАКО, Ф.332, Оп.1 Д.1 Л.1-2 «...for frontiermen at 1949 it was repaired 5 069 houses-apartments while 5000 was planned. Meanwhile, in 1949 all frontiermen together with theirs families were settled to repaired housesapartments located in settlements, farmstead settle had not been allowed» «...для переселенцев 1949 года отремонтировано 5 069 домовквартир при плане 5 000. Таким образом, все прибывшие в 1949 г. семьи переселенцев были вселены в отремонтированные дома-квартиры, находящиеся в населённых пунктах, не допуская расселения их на хуторах» ГАКО, Ф.183 Оп.5 Д.133 Л. 11 Statement from 3 March 1947 by Chairman of Molotov Kolkhoz on proposal argumentation about kolkhoz division: «Settlement system based on isolated farmsteads provide difficulties to see after each kolkhoz member… theft of property is occur…, further it will be difficult to detect theft of yield… its easier to manage and to reduce to discipline being in kolkhoz, to look into the matter of each person… it takes more than 8 hours to gather all to common meeting and its not possible to gather all the people due to long distance, people come to work out of step of the time, its impossible to detect the violation as well as overcome the mess on-time… on the common meeting it was unanimously resolved that its better to divide us into two equal kolkhozes, everybody will work harder as well as it will be able to get the governance going better…» ГАКО, Ф.325, Оп.1, Д.3 Л.169 The dynamics of rural population List of settlements liable for further development and settlements liable for gradual liquidation and demolition (Ozersk Production and kolkhoz office. 1963-09-02) agriculture Perspectives settlements Destiny Population Liquidation 1963 1980 2013 1. Sovkhos «Luzhki» Лужки Пограничный Central estate Branch-office 38 93 1500 500 237 49 21 2. Sovkhos «Yudinsky» Новостроево Юдино Central estate Branch-office 705 279 1700 500 591 436 20 3. Sovkhos „Trudovik“ Ново-Гурьевское Central estate 71 1500 447 8 4. Sovkhos «Ozersky» Суворовка Кадымка Жучково Дубрава Central estate Branch-office Branch-office Branch-office 172 235 179 167 500 500 500 500 …. ... ... ... ... 16. Kolkhos «Vlast truda» Садовое Шишково Central estate Brigade 347 161 7 ... ... 652 12 1000 164 500 Ф. 297. Оп. 8. Д. 723. Л. 104-111 Settling of Lower Neman lowland 1939 2011 Rural settlements according to the regions, 1939 in compasion with 2012 Settling system after 1945 • History of settlement system forming • Development after 1945 • Current process Population of settlements, 2010 Geodemographic situation Service centers, 2000 Municipalities, since 2009 Saldo in rayons, 1989-2010 Saldo in communal units, 1989-2010 Factors • • • • • • Economic situation Municipal reform Infrastructure objects Change in agriculture sectors Support of major producers Unemployment, but luck of personnel Thanks for your Attention!