Procurement Page #3 – May 17, 2016
Procurement Page #3 – May 17, 2016
GOJ GOVERNMENT PUBLIC PROCUREMENT PUBLIC PROCUREMENTPAGE TENDERS ORY: NAME & POST OF OFFICER MATION: E-MAIL ADDRESS Scope: To provide pest control services at HEART’s locations islandwide for a period of 36 months. NCC Grade: General Services Specializing in Pest Control Services Procurement PROCURING ENTITY: Method: Local Competitive Bidding SCOPE: Contact NCC GRADE Sharon Graham &/OR CATEGORY: Information: Snr Manager - Administration CONTACT INFORMATION: NAME & POST OF OFFICER Address ofADDRESS Entity: 6BOF Oxford Road, Kingston 5 ENTITY: TELEPHONE NO(S). Telephone No(s): 929-3410-8 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: E-MAIL ADDRESS E-Mail Address: [email protected] Scope: To provide sanitary and hygiene services at locations islandwide for a period of 36 months. NCC Grade: Janitorial, Sanitation Services Janitorial, Sanitation Supplies Procurement Method: Local Competitive Bidding Contact Information: Sharon Graham Snr Manager - Administration Address of Entity: 6B Oxford Road, Kingston 5 Telephone No(s): 929-3410-8 E-Mail Address: [email protected] COLLECTION & SUBMISSION INFORMATION Bid packages are available at a cost of $3,000.00 (non-refundable) from Monday, May 16, 2016. Bids must be returned to the Administration Department, 6B Oxford Road, Kingston 5, no later than 2 p.m. on Friday, June 3, 2016. Opening of bids - same day at 2:15 p.m. COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT: COLLECTION & SUBMISSION INFORMATION Bid packages are available at a cost of $3,000.00 (non-refundable) from Monday, May 16, 2016. Bids must be returned to the Administration Department, 6B Oxford Road, Kingston 5, no later than 11 a.m. on Friday, June 3, 2016. Opening of bids - same day at 11:15 a.m. MENT: If you are interested in doing business with the Government, you are invited to view tender notices for procurement contracts on this page. NOTICE PLEASE CHECK THE MINISTRY’S WEBSITE FOR THE FULL DOCUMENTS NAME & POST OF OFFICER MATION: E-MAIL ADDRESS MENT: PROVISION OF 100KW GRID TIE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AT THE NATIONAL INDOOR SPORTS CENTRE The National Energy Solutions Limited (NESol) invites Firms/Consortiums to submit bids for the provision of 100KW Grid Tie Photovoltaic System at the National Indoor Sports Centre in Jamaica. The details of the particular services are included in the RFP and its accompanying Terms of Reference (TOR) which can be viewed at NESol’s website. ( Local firms/consortiums and international firms are not required to submit a Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) or Tax Compliance Letter (TCL) and NCC registration at tender submission. PROCURING ENTITY: Scope: To provide basic meals daily for trainees at eight (8) SCOPE: locations for a period of 36 months. Fully equipped canteen properties at the following locations: NCC GRADE &/OR CATEGORY: ORY: RE-TENDER REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) • Buff Bay VTC – Portland • LEAP Centre – Duke Street, Kingston ADDRESS• OF ENTITY: HEART College of Beauty Services – Hope Road, Kingston TELEPHONE NO(S). • STVET Institute Newport Campus – Manchester FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: E-MAIL ADDRESS • Petersfield VTC - Westmoreland • Rockfort VTC- Windward Road, Kingston COST OF•TENDER DOCUMENT: Boys’ Town VTC – Collie Smith Drive • Old Harbour VTC – Old Harbour, St Catherine CONTACT INFORMATION: NAME & POST OF OFFICER NCC Grade: Catering/Concessionaire Services Procurement Method: Local Competitive Bidding Contact Information: Sharon Graham Snr Manager - Administration Address of Entity: 6B Oxford Road, Kingston 5 Telephone No(s): 929-3410-8 E-Mail Address: [email protected] COLLECTION & SUBMISSION INFORMATION Bid packages are available at a cost of $3,000.00 (non-refundable) from Monday, May 16, 2016. Bids must be returned to the Administration Department, 6B Oxford Road, Kingston 5, no later than 9:30 a.m. on Friday, June 10, 2016. Opening of bids - same day at 9:45 a.m. However, local firms/consortiums and international firms are required to submit a valid Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) or Tax Compliance Letter (TCL) coupled with NCC registration in the category Renewable Energy Systems at contract award. Interested firms/consortiums may download the RFP from NESol’s website as of Monday, May 16, 2016 or purchase from: Procurement Officer National Energy Solutions Limited 113 Washington Boulevard Kingston 20 It is to be noted that the cost of the RFP is J$3500 or US$30. (For previous purchasers AND persons who acquire the bidding document electronically there will be no charges attached). All bids should be physically delivered or delivered via courier service to National Energy Solutions Limited and deposited in the tender box labeled “Provision of 100kw Grid Tie Photovoltaic System at the National Indoor Sports Centre” in the lobby area of the office at 113 Washington Boulevard, Kingston 20, no later than Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. (Jamaica’s Time). Any bids received after the closing time for submission of bids shall be returned unopened. The bids shall be opened publicly by the client on Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 2:15 p.m. in the main conference room of the offices of NESol. Clarifications may be obtained from the Director of Finance & Administration, Barrington Payne at [email protected] no later than Friday, June 10, 2016. National Energy Solutions Limited is not obliged to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to terminate the bid process at any point before the award of contract without incurring any liability to any of the participants.
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