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Click to view a PDF version Foundation catalogue
Message from the FCSF President t to be es. It’s grea iti iv ct a d n a n ation Auctio ng ental Found m The pioneeri im S . n to ia d d te a n ra a ig C ock. m f o e d s p e d ro om Eu uality se st 16 Frien fr q 0 s th 2 h rt e ig o h p th g im to in l e is hips and you menta for ra Welcom nal scholars y of the Sim recognized n tio n a e ca m e u b d re e e ys , h a h w lw er reed researc area have a s well as in Lloydminst objectives; b eople in the holarships, a p ry sc a le tt m th ri u ca p l yo e ta ll re n a ked partner. ters has th Simme erous n, its close lin and adminis Foundation tio to e a s th ci f te o o u ss s with the gen ib A tr g l cu n n ta lo co n A e n . m The fo n tio a im tio d S a t. The Foun ental Found g Canadian developmen for the Youn for the Simm r g e in is d n ra d fu n l a fu n ditio be the key provides ad continues to sts who have The auction ntal enthusia e m rlasting im S m o s fr ns, these eve tio a n o d contribution y n a to nal or comp re continue made perso r breed’sfutu u o in g in st ve donations in rtunities. rs, CSA youth’s oppo r u o rs, purchase ce to a n o d enhan e th all event a Thank you to making this r fo rs e te n nd to ndation volu ove and beyo b a o g staff and fou u yo F Auction Chair S C F e unate to d Mark th rt n a fo om e fr e so ge D sa re es . a M ss e succe k you! W gest of appen, than Friends of Canadian ent the stron lim p m make it all h Welcome to the Annual co to le p o I would first e p f o st n Fundraising Auction. tio da un Fo l have the be nta me r Sim e s ental summ mmittee that has put thi breeds. to thank the working co en to a Simm a e like e b in b Er ’t , n ill ald w ve rnw a d Fo n h n l, Kirste eeke If you t together. Tracy Kimme u this July w le en p ev yo ist, o qu e re lm p u Ho a ss ige re a Pa a I , Sophie Wotten, e Lloyd n, h tte T Wo . n event before en ce Gl n , e ke ri Lib Ken yable expe uchard, Mark Shologan, fun and enjo you there. Marlin LeBlanc, Brian Bo e e en S be ve ! ha st s o tor h ble. Our dona know how to Lewis and Vanessa No ifer items consigned. The he the h very generous wit outan is g hin nc ly – MRL Ra from the McMillian Fami that le ab ail av s tic ng with gene standing individual, alo of the e on to elf urs ited. Treat yo are very unique and lim s ou pti rum sc or of art work, sporting events, a piece ters gs un yo the r Fo ! namon buns plate of perogies or cin make you several lots that would in the family, there are if you ndparents in the world the best parents or gra them. came home with one of d conent id s e r P will begin on Friday an on A cti Au t S en Sil C e Th e th m to join us in 2 016 ing. If you are not able en e ev y th da Message fro tur to Sa u de o clu rticipate, lcome y on to to pa n. This log , ure to we o SK s ti , a c ter u ns le mi A p yd n Llo a d ndatio ff, or FCSF Board memIt is indee n with the ental Fou ntact one of the sales sta co or ian Simm conjunctio ure d in a s n r g a a n e C ri y f eds. It has been a pleas each which b Friends o rs to represent your ne be ent is held iation Convention v S e YC l p s na e u tio e o Na d d ittee and the tremen l Assoc o have a working with this comm auction Simmenta anada wh immental. S y ll ceeds from this year’s Canadian ther from across C a pro e ic Th if . c ers e th mb p u me s o ard e d Y bo g n ing on families to industry a nue our work in support ays been ent; r the cattle n’s focus has alw l allow the FCSF to conti wil Developm ers rch d ea n res a as ll h o we passion fo ti rc as da duc holarships, Resea The Foun -stock pro youth development, sc s well as to be ll as seed ucation a a d s E u FCSF Auction has grown t, e s Th n e e h nt. c me m u lop p ve to lo de t e d a v an De tional meetnts th . compone ld during our breed’s Na he every day tion committee, all t en d ev n ing a cit h ex c an three key a e ntous event nd n Au c members tivities. Share this mome nerosity a Foundatio ac e ior e g jun r th d u and CSA an s o to y ing u ; the Agriculuyers d. Thank yo ure friends and support ers and b ult ppreciate ric d a ag id h ur b c yo , u all h rs m wit eing you in very , donato ow. I look forward to se is event is orr sponsors th tom f of o uth rt Yo e o tur p sup er. continued Saskatchewan this summ Ken Lewis Lacey Fisher Pg.2 Deanne Young Sale Staff Auctioneer Ringmen Fundraising Auction Saturday July 23, 2016 • Sale Time: 7:30 pm MST Lloydminster, SK In Conjunction with the CSA AGM Banquet Dan Skeels....................................403.783.1217 Darryl Snider .................................780.385.5561 Travis Bygrove...............................780.808.9563 Sale Consultants Bouchard Livestock International Brian Bouchard.............................403.813.7999 Darnell Fornwald..........................403.795.8030 Chad Lorenz.................................403.896.9585 Bohrson Marketing Services Scott Bohrson .............................403.370.3010 Darryl Snider ................................780.385.5561 Transcon Livestock Corp Jay Good .....................................403.556.5563 Glenn Norton ...............................403.542.0634 Darren Paget ..............................403.323.3985 Cody Haney .................................403.559.8809 T Bar C Cattle Company Chris Poley ..................................306.220.5006 Shane Michelson..........................403.363.9973 Ben Wright....................................519-374-3335 DLMS Internet Bidding Mark Shologan.............................780.699.5082 Whitney Bosovich.........................780.991.3025 CSA General Manager Bruce Holmquist...........................403.988.8676 Or call any of the FCSF Board of Directors Terms of Sale • Payment Options Cash, Cheque or Credit Card on file with CSA • Purchaser is responsible for any shipping costs. • No guarantees are made, lots are sold as is. Sale Day Clerking Services Donated By: Bouchard Livestock International 403-946-4999 Auction proceeds directly support Youth Initiatives and Scholarships presented through the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation FCSF Charity # - 82695 3291RR0001 FCSF Board of Directors 2015-2016 Ken Lewis Brian Bouchard Marlin LeBlanc Treasurer Estevan, SK Cell: 306-421-2470 Secretary Breton, AB Cell: 780-542-0855 Strathmore, AB Cell: 403-901-5305 Mark Shologan Ron Nolan Glenn Wotten Lacey Fisher Lee McMillien President Spruce Grove, AB Cell: 780-818-3829 Westlock, AB Cell: 780-699-5082 Vice-President Crossfield, AB Cell: 403-813-7999 Markdale, ON Cell: 519-330-5299 Little Britain, ON Cell: 705-879-3061 Deanne Young CSA Rep Amherst, NS Cell: 902-664-6206 Roger Deeg CSA Rep Carievale, SK Cell: 306-483-8067 Pg.3 Who is the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation (FCSF) is a not-for-profit registered foundation dedicated to scholarship and educational support of youth in the business of agriculture and Simmental cattle. The Foundation is governed by a board of directors who are heavily involved in the Simmental industry and who have a vested interest in educating youth, developing leadership, and encouraging young people to be a part of the agriculture industry. The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation belongs to all of those that had the vision to believe in bringing the Simmental breed to Canada, those that supported and have developed it over the past 48 years, and those that see the value it brings to the generations of the future. Focus of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Scholarships - The FCSF administers scholarships for youth who are involved in Canadian agriculture. Assisting in the development of youth with a focus on advancing their understanding of agriculture is a very important component of the FCSF. Youth Development - The FCSF supports youth programs such as the Young Canadian Simmental Association (YCSA). The YCSA is one of the most progressive and dynamic agricultural youth organizations in Canada. It is open to anyone 25 years and under who then have the opportunity to participate in various activities across Canada. YCSA members learn important skills including public speaking, marketing and communications which develop strong and dynamic leaders for not only our industry, but society as a whole. Research and Development - The FCSF is actively engaged in supporting research to benefit the agriculture industry in Canada. This work is focused on improving the Canadian beef industry by enhancing production efficiency, product quality and profitability. Pg. 4 What the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation is doing FSCF Scholarships The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation is honored to administer 3 exciting post-secondary scholarships. The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation recognizes the importance of supporting youth in agriculture and their goals of advanced education. The scholarship program is one of the ways that the Foundation intends to support youth and the future of the livestock industry. In 2016 the FSCF is excited to award $9,000 in scholarships. The current 2015 winners are listed on page 6 or go online to to find past winners and the current application form that can be used for all three of the scholarships for the 2016-17 academic year. Youth Development The FCSF supports youth programs such as the Young Canadian Simmental Association (YCSA). The YCSA is one of the most progressive and dynamic agricultural youth organizations in Canada. It is open to anyone 25 years and under who then have the opportunity to participate in various activities across Canada. For 2016 the FCSF will be sending 15% of the Fundraiser auction directly to the YCS program to assist in running of their 2016-17 activities. Here are just some of the great things we hear back from past YCSA members about this great program “I was a part of the YCSA program for 14 years. I have met many youth across the country that are going to be lasting friendships for years to come. The YCSA experience has been something I will never forget. It has showed me leadership, marketing and moments and friendships I could have never found anywhere else. Youth that is excited about their operations and the breed of cattle they raise. It shows that the Simmental breed is in good hands for the future. Good luck to all of the Junior's in Lloydminster, have fun and meet as many juniors as you can. This will be an experience you will never forget.” Tiffany Peters “The benefits of my years in YCS program have proven lifelong; Not only through my involvement in the cattle industry but also in my role as an educator. Work ethic, social engagement, and goal setting are just a few of the skills members can attain. The Friends of Canadian Simmentals Foundation's support of YCS endeavours assists in the preparation of leaders for tomorrow.” Joe Barnett "The Young Canadian Simmental Association program has a long standing tradition of youth development that benefits not only the Simmental breed but agriculture as a whole. As one of its founding members, I have benefited from the many opportunities that the program provides and encourage everyone to continue supporting YCSA activities as well as anyone 25 and under to join the program." Bruce Holmquist "YCSA, from its inception, has been very resourceful in developing an inclusive, educational, mentor-ship based organization with the “The YCSA program literally opened my eyes to the world. In 1999 when I was selected to “Travel the World with Simmental” as the CSA Youth ability to push the boundaries and think outside the box. A strong Ambassador I had no idea the impact those twelve months would have on my youth organization is our future." Rick McIntyre life. This experience inspired me to pursue a career with the Canadian Foreign "As one of the very early members of the Saskatchewan YCS, Service and provided me with an overseas branch on my family tree that there are a few things that stand out for me. One being the continues to grow and flourish. The YCSA program instilled in me early on the friendship's that were started then and still continue today. Back value and importance of communication and being a leader. The friendships then the standing President was invited to the Saskatchewan made over the years continue to be very strong despite Simmental Association board meetings, I remember the first one the many miles in some cases that lay between us. and how nervous I was the night before knowing that I would be The bond and friendship formed is a unique one – it seated beside all of these very important Simmental Breeders. seems no matter how many years pass since the last Then to top it off I was asked what I thought about one of the visit we can always just pick up where we left off. I am discussion topics . WOW. One more thing , does anyone forever grateful to the YCSA program and will always remember the Donkey up in the Queensbury at Agribition. be a proud alumni.” Dana Lajoie (Hicks) Thanks it was a great experience." Marlin LeBlanc How to Contribute to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation value all of those that support the philosophy and work the Foundation is committed to. With the FCSF having Charitable Tax Status we are able to provide those who donate to the Foundation with a charitable tax receipt. FCSF supports the programs and activities that not only benefit the Agriculture Industry today but also helps establish the future of the agriculture industry for tomorrow’s youth. In addition to donating or purchasing at the Foundation Fundraising Auctions each year, you can also use some of the other raditional methods of giving include such as: cash donations, sponsorships and memorials. Contact any of the FCSF Directors about makeing a donation or send your gift to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation today. Please make your check payable to: Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation #13 - 4101 - 19th St. NE Calgary, Alberta Canada T2E 7C4 Ph: 403-250-7979 Pg. 5 The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation is honored to administer 3 exciting post-secondary scholarships. The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation will be providing one $3,000 scholarship and one $2,000 scholarship to promising young students pursuing a degree or certificate at an accredited institution. The Dr. Allan Dixon Scholarship will be 2 scholarships of $1,500 each and the Trevor Vance Scholarship is one award of $1000 for 2016. The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation recognizes the importance of supporting youth in agriculture and their goals of advanced education. The scholarship program is one of the ways that the Foundation intends to support youth and the future of the livestock industry. Please go online to to find the current application form that can be used for all three of the scholarships for the 2016-17 academic year. Eligible applications will first be considered for the Friends of Canadian Simmental, then those remaining for the Dr. Dixon and the Trevor Vance Memorial scholarships. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2016 Sophie Wotten • Little Britain, ON 2015 Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Scholarship Winner Cole McMahon • Galahad, AB 2015 Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Scholarship Winner Sophie Wotten, is an undergraduate student in her fourth year majoring in Marketing Management and Communications at the University of Guelph. Sophie and her family have been involved with the cattle industry for numerous years. They operate Elm Tree Farms, northeast of Toronto. As Sophie’s passion for the Simmental breed has grown, she has become more actively involved in the Young Canadian Simmental Association and the Simmental breed as a whole. She is honoured to be in her second term as the President of the YCSA and looks forward to what this year will bring. “As one of the recipients of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Scholarship, I would like to thank the Friends of the Canadian Simmental Foundation for their support of the juniors within the Simmental breed. Your recognition of the importance of junior Simmental breeders is greatly recognized.” Cole is 18 years old and grew up on my family’s grain farm near Galahad, Alberta He is in his first year at the University of Saskatchewan studying Agribusiness, with hopes of returning to the family farm afterwards. Cole was lured into beef 4-H when he was 11years old by his best friend and has never looked back. He purchased his first purebred Simmental heifer at age 14 and has been hooked on the breed ever since. Cole is the Vice-president of the Alberta YCSA board. In the summer of 2015, Cole organized an online auction in memory of a young boy involved in a farming accident. He raised over $5,000 to donate to S.T.A.R.S. “I owe a lot to the junior programs that I have been involved in and the Simmental breed as a whole for being so open and helpful to me, and am very thankful for receiving this award.” Ryley Noble • Lloydminster, SK 2015 Dr. Allan A. Dixon Memorial Scholarship Winner Ryley Noble is 19 years old and grew up on a their family farm called Black Gold Simmentals Northeast of Lloydminster, SK, where they raise purebred and commercial Simmental cattle. Currently, he is enrolled in Animal Science at the University of Saskatchewan in plans of applying to the Western Veterinary College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. Thank you again to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation for the scholarship. He has been in 4H since he was nine years old. Ryley attended Hutchinson Community College, for one year on their Livestock Judging Team. “I was very honoured to be selected this year, and I couldn’t be any more excited to be a part of this great breed”. Taylor Campbell • Meaford, ON 2015 Dr. Allan A. Dixon Memorial Scholarship Winner Taylor is currently a 4th year Animal Biology student at the University of Guelph. She grew up in Rocklyn, Ontario where she is actively involved with her family's farm, Destiny Simmentals. Taylor is engaged in her community through volunteering. She is an active member of 4-H and YCS. “I am honoured to be selected to receive the Dr. Allan A Dixon Memorial Scholarship. Thank you to The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation for your consideration and your support towards the Simmental breed.” Mariah Wotten • Little Britain, ON 2015 Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship Winner Mariah is currently enrolled in her final year of the Pharmacy program at the University of Waterloo. Her passion for the livestock industry began with interest in the family farm, and has included participation in the 4-H and YCS programs. She continues to be very involved in her family’s cattle operation, Elm Tree Farms, assisting with herd records and promotion of their Fullblood Simmental cattle. “I am honoured to receive the 2015 Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship, and I would like to thank the Friends of the Canadian Simmental Foundation for this incredibly special award.” Pg. 6 200 Donation Bred Heifer MRL MISS 5350C The Donation Heifer will be auctioned off at the start of the sale by Dutch Auction at $20 per ticket To pre order your tickets if you can not attend the sale please contact any of the FCSF board of directors or sale staff to have tickets purchased on your behalf. Donated By: 12 January 2015 LFE BUNDI 300X Sire: MRL DRILLER 107Z MRL MISS 493U A C T BW 87 lb Adj WW 825 lbs Adj YW - Carrievale, SK Lee McMillen 306 483-8067 Dave McMillen 306 483-8660 Jim McMillen 306-483-7986 E P D CSA # BPG1139275 MRL 350C HTP SVF IN DEW TIME Dam: MRL MISS 3355A MRL MISS 612Y CE 11.2 BW 2.1 WW YW MCE MWW MILK 64.4 90.1 10.0 53.8 21.7 AI Bred Hart State of War 056C - May 13/2016 We at MRL are proud to offer this feature young female in support of the FCSF and their dedication to Simmental youth. This black female will develop into an elite matron. Sired by MRL Driller who has turned into a real breeding piece in our program with his calving ease abilities, maternal prowess and structural soundness, he is one of the most impressive herd bulls in our elite herd bull lineup at the ranch. Driller is a son of Bundi and our elite 493U donor cow and co-owned with Come As UR Simmentals. He is also a full sibling to a feature $20,000 bull in 2016 going to Dana Johns as well as a full sibling to the dam to MRL Missile, the $100,000 high selling black bull in Canada in 2016 to Bouchard Livestock, Robb Farms and X-T. On the dams side just as impressive a young female with a bright future in our herd, an In Dew Time out of a feature Predator daughter going back to our famous 18C cow family- responsible for more of our high selling bulls over the years than any other cow family at MRL. This young female will be a outstanding cow and with a small donation to great cause and a little luck she could be walking in your pasture. McMillen Ranching is a family owned and operated ranching outfit located near Carievale in southeast Saskatchewan. The operation spans over 10,000 acres of owned and leased land with approximately 4000 acres of seeded farmland and over 6000 in seeded and native grass and hayland. The cowherd consists of over 750 purebred breeding females of both Simmental and Angus genetics. Jim and Georgette started to AI Simmental in 1969 and imported their first fullblood female “MRL Belette “ in 1971. This was the start of over 45 years of breeding Simmental. Jim is still very active in the day to day routine and decision making. He is most certainly one of the last of the pioneers importing Simmental that are still active today. Lee and Erin, Dave and Chris, and their families are now carrying on the MRL tradition. The ranch homesteaded in 1903 now sees the 5th generation helping in day to day activities. MRL hosts their annual bull sale the first Saturday in March with over 150 bulls on offer. We are honored to have many top breeding bulls in the industry carry the MRL tattoo and proud to be herd bull suppliers to many of the top commercial operations across Canada and the Northern U.S. MRL will also host a fall female sale on December 10, 2016 offering over 150 bred females and open females and would like to extend an invitation to one and all. The past 45 years has been very rewarding and enjoyable working with such a great group of people and a great breed of cattle. We are proud to once again support FCSF in 2016 with a top breeding female from our herd. Previous Bred Heifer Donators Friends of the Simmental Foundation Each year the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation designates a “Friend of the Foundation.” This individual / family has generously donated a bred heifer to the Foundation Auction. Their commitment to the Foundation through this gesture is greatly appreciated and recognized throughout the year. 2015 Heifer Donator Elm Tree Farms 2014 Heifer Donator Bonchuk Farms 2013 Heifer Donator 2012 Heifer Donator / Buyer R Plus Simmentals ~ Gibbons Farm ~ Vaughn and Cindy Gibbons ~ More Bros. Simmentals ~ Everett More Pg. 7 201 CSA # PG1166945 LER 598C 26 February 2015 REMINGTON RED LABEL HR WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y Dam: HR/RR MS CANDACE T73 Sire: WHEATLAND CIRCUIT BREAKER GFI CANDACE G51 WHEATLAND LADY 81X A C T 202 Semen Qualified Canada - USA - Austraila 5 Straws of WHEATLAND KILL SWITCH BW 97 lb Adj WW 923 lbs Adj YW E P D CE 4.7 BW 4.1 WW 64.7 YW 91.2 MCE 8.2 MWW 57.5 MILK 25.1 Here is an opportunity to be a part of one of the new up and coming herd sires of the Simmental breed. Wheatland Kill Switch 598C is the high selling bull in Canada topping at $210,000.00! The genetics and phenotype are bred into this outstanding herd bull. He covers all the bases; style, performance, structural soundness, lots of body and rib shape, all while being sired by Circuit Breaker – a bull whom is really making a name for himself in the breed. The maternal traits of his Red Label dam, Candace T73, a female that comes right out of the Hale Ranch program – is Donated By: something that you will want in your reCurtis Simmentals placement heifer pen. This bull was Barry, Landon & Justin Curtis bred to raise the bar, and that he will! Barry Cell 306-638-7748 Don’t miss the chance to be a part of a breed changer! Landon Cell 306-638-7793 Justin Cell 306-638-7745 Semen Qualified Canada 5 Straws of LFE EXPLORER 388C 10 January 2015 MRL INTEGRITY 76Y Sire: MRL DISCOVERY 21A TSN MS EDITION 55W A C T BW 99 lb Adj WW 892 lbs Adj YW E P 1599 lbs D CSA # PG1148001 LFE 388C NGDB WET DREAM 6W Dam: KHG TALIA 45Y KHG HONEYCOMB 2W CE 4.3 BW 4.1 WW YW MCE 73.1 105.5 4.9 MWW MILK 60.7 24.2 Explorer has ranked himself as one of the highest selling red bulls in Canada this spring after selling to Westgold Farms in the 31st Annual Lewis Farms Bull Sale. His pure mass and power sent him to the top of the charts for both his 205 day and 365 day weights. With his true herd bull character, sound structure, big foot and amount of natural muscling he will produce the right type of cattle to take our breed many places. The top side of his pedigree is new to the red side of the breed and the bottom side is stacked with breed legends. All of us from the LFE and Westgold operations are very excited about Explorer’s future in both of our herds and couldn’t be more excited to have this lot in the Foundation sale!! 203 Donated By: Westgold Farms Ltd. Ken Gilbert - 780-581-4135 Lewis Farms Ltd. Semen Qualified Canada - USA - Austraila A - 5 Straws of WHEATLAND CIRCUIT BREAKER B - 5 Straws of WHEATLAND CIRCUIT BREAKER CSA# PG796990 LER 325A 1 Febrary 2013 STF DOMINANCE T171 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W Dam: WHEATLAND LADY 81X Sire: WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y WHEATLAND LADY 902J WHEATLAND LADY 736 T A C T BW 86 lb Adj WW 881 lbs Adj YW - E P D CE 8.6 BW 0.5 WW YW MCE MWW MILK 50.5 68.7 10.6 49.0 23.9 Here is another opportunity to get semen on a great bull! He was the 2014 $60,000 high selling bull at Wheatland Cattle bull sale. Siring very functional, growthy, great haired, stout and very marketable calves. Recently just sired the highest selling Simmental bull ever in Canada for $210,000 wheatland kill switch. Donated By: Outlaw Cattle Co. Brad Dundas 403-325-0684 [email protected] Pg. 8 204 Semen Qualified Canada & USA 5 Straws of LFE THE RIDDLER 323B 4 January 2014 LFE THE DARK NIGHT 350U Sire: LFE GOTHAM 819Y LFE BEST LADY 47W A C T BW 87 lb Adj WW 852 lbs Adj YW E P 1518 lbs D CSA # BPG1118748 LFE 323B TNT TANKER U263 Dam: LFE BS CHARO 23Y LFE CHARO 3N CE 7.3 BW 3.7 WW YW MCE MWW MILK 86.1 131.8 14.0 62.9 19.9 LFE The Riddler 323B was the high selling beef bull in Canada in 2015. There has been a limited amout of semen sold on The Riddler in 2015 & 2016. This package of five doses offered at the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction is donated only because of the commitment to this event by The Riddler owners. Donated By: Ashworth Farm & Ranch Ltd. 306-456-2749 205 Bouchard Livestock Lewis Farms Ltd. A - 5 Straws of RJY CHROME 6B B - 5 Straws of RJY CHROME 6B 2 January 2014 HARVIE JDF WALLBANGER111X Sire: LRX BLAZE 55Z LRX RED 116U A C T BW 95 lb Adj WW 847 lbs Adj YW CSA # BPG803090 WHEATLAND BULL 468P Dam: RJY DREAM DOUBLEDATE 15X SS EBONYS DREAMDATE SS27 RJY 6B E P 1370 lbs D CE 7.0 Semen Qualified Canada & USA BW 2.3 WW YW 65.8 95.4 MCE 9.2 MWW 57.3 MILK 24.5 This Black Blaze face - Homo polled bull was purchased as the high seller out of Checkers 2014. Chrome calved extremely well and put a money strip on the majority of his calves.His calves will pressure the scale in both our purebred and commercial herds and the first heifer calves have the making of mamma cows. We are a family run purebred and commercial cow/ calf and quarter horse ranch located in southeast Saskatchewan. Mike,Carla,Daniel,Jacey and Ryder Fellner. Our crew are active in 4-H beef and hit a few shows . 206 Donated By: Flying F Ranch Mike & Carla Fellner Weyburn, SK 306-842-1816 Semen Qualified Canada - USA - Austraila 5 Straws of ANCHOR D RAPTOR 392C 5 January 2015 CHAMPS ROMANO Sire: VIRGINIA MAXIMUS VIRGINIA MS REBECCA A C T BW Adj WW 104 lb 871 lbs Adj YW E P 1412 lbs D CSA # P1144447 ZDS 392C FGAF BARBOSSA 707X Dam: ANCHOR D ZILEY 392Z HEMR MILEY 7W CE 8.0 BW 4.6 WW 67.7 YW 94.5 MCE 7.5 MWW MILK 64.2 30.4 Anchor D Raptor 392C was the $60,000 high selling Polled Full Fleckvieh purchased by Ferme Gagnon & Canadian Sires. Raptor is a complete package herd sire that wraps genetics, phenotype, pigmentation and EPD's into a highly marketable herd sire. He comes from a great, young Barbossa cow that is destined for greatness! Her first daughter sold to Oakview Simmentals, MB for $11,000 and Raptor being her second highlight. Raptor's sire, Maximus possesses a great pedigree being backed by cornerstone females such as Barbi 46K. Raptor has a bright future, we feel that his daughters are going to be flat out excellent and his sons will be extremely easy to market as he will add docility, scrotal and performance. Donated By: Canadian Sires a division of Bohrson Marketing Services Ferme Gagnon Inc Pg. 9 207 Semen Qualified Canada & USA 5 Straws of JNR'S TITANIUM 27 December 2014 JNR'S SALTON Sire: JNR STEELE 248Z JNR'S GRELLI 440P A C T BW Adj WW 83 lb 922 lbs Adj YW - E P D CSA # 1143132 JNR 520B SHAWACRES JAHARI 50L Dam: MFI LOLITA 8050 ANCHOR "T" FRAULEIN 37D CE 6.5 BW 2.9 WW 56.8 YW 74.6 MCE 5.1 MWW MILK 60.2 32.0 After seeing Titanium as a 4 month old we knew he was special. A calf with that much thickness, eye appeal and correctness doesn't come around often. He continued to impress as he developed, as seen in this picture at 10 months of age. He combines a moderate birth weight with explosive growth in a extremely soft made package. His dam ties together some of the best genetics in the Fleckvieh breed and he brings a different twist to a pedigree on the sire side. Beechinor Bros and Black Gold Simmentals are privileged to present this unique opportunity to add the influence of one of the premier herd bull prospects Donated By: from last year's crop to the Friends of Canadian Black Gold Simmentals Ltd. Simmental Foundation Fundraiser Auction. The Noble Family 208 209 Lot 207 - 10 Straws of IPU LINER 56U 213Y Lot 208 - 10 Straws of ANCHOR D GUNNER 60Z 10 February 2011 RCC/TCF LINE DRIVE M181 Sire: SPRINGCREEK LINER 56U NEVAS L93 A C T BW 96 lb Adj WW 820 lbs 210 Adj YW - IPU Liner 56U 213Y E P D CSA # BPG753421-KN IPU 213Y REMINGTON RED LABEL HR Dam: IPU MS BLACK LACEY 159S IPU MS GOLDMINE 69P CE 9.5 BW 2.0 WW 57.2 YW 89.4 MCE 8.5 MWW MILK 58.4 29.9 24 December 2012 PROSTOCK HUGO 7052T Sire: FGAF BARBOSSA 707X FGAF BARBARELLA 839L A C T BW 85 lb Adj WW 819 lbs Adj YW Anchor D Gunner 60Z E P CSA # P783575 ZDS 60Z DOUBLE BAR D MAESTRO 100S Dam: ANCHOR D JENNIFER 60X PRL LOPEZ 147L CE 1401 lbs D 14.8 BW 1.2 WW YW MCE 66.7 96.9 11.4 Donated By: Alta Genetics Inc. Terry White - MWW MILK 67.1 34.2 Gift Certificate for 10 Straw of any Semex Sire Gift certificate in the amount of 10 Units of Semen from the Semex Sire line up. Pg. 10 Beechinor Bros. Simmentals John & Stefon Beechinor [email protected] Donated By: WestGen / Semex Dennis Serhienko 306-389-7770 211 25 Straw Full Fleckvieh Semen Package Grinalta’s Unique DPFF81Z Selling as One Package - 5 Straws of semen from each bull pictured. This is an outstanding unique lot of Full Fleckvieh semen. Check out additional info on each of these outstanding sires on an added online only sheet at 212 Grinalta’s HP Ultra FF940 22 Straw Semen Package Grinalta’s Black Elite 79U - 10 Straws Grinalta’s Superb DP106R VPFS BRANTZ 12B KUZ COLOSSAL 427Z Shawacres Black Magic 3M - 10 Straws Selling as One Package - 22 Straws of semenon this unique lot of Black Simmental semen. Check out additional info on each of these sires on an added online only sheet at Bonina Polled Nugget 9023J - 2 Straws Donated By: Grinalta Farms Ruben & Kent Grinde 3 Embryos from WHEATLAND ENVY 281Z ce Resulting Pedigree of Embryos S A V HARVESTOR 0338 SPRINGCREEK ALL IN 155Y Sire 2: RUST BREAKTHROUGH 4043 Sire 1: SPRINGCREEK OLYMPIAN 66A ATNT MISS W31 SPRINGCREEK LINNE 33R re Ch oi 213 Multiple Qualification See Online added sheet Multiple Qualification See Online added sheet WHEATLAND STOUT 930W Dam: WHEATLAND ENVY 281Z WHEATLAND LADY 351N Si Here is the female that was our “pick of the calf crop” for $37,000, from Wheatland! She is one of few females to ever leave the Wheatland herd, and as you analyze the pedigree on this young female, you will note the prestige individuals in it. Her dam is none other than, Wheatland Lady 351N, also the dam of the influential Wheatland 680S. On the top side of her is Wheatland Stout, a bull that bred extremely and also set records when he was only the second bull in history to win back to back Grand Champion Bull at Agribition! The matings she has been flushed to, are hands down some of the most exciting bulls in the industry today ... Olympian has been a sought after breeding piece and Breakthrough is the leading sire in the SimAngus gene pool as he is creating a wave of excitement. We are excited about Envy being a cornerstone female and no matter what combination is chosen, you will receive highly marketable and proven genetics while supporting a great cause in the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction. Donated By: Canadian Sires a division of Bohrson Marketing Services Sire: Springcreek Olympian 66A Sire: RUST Breakthrough 4043 Deeg Simmentals Mader Ranches Pg. 11 214 2 IVF Embryos - BROOKING BANK NOTE 4040 & AJE/JF ANT JOYS ELEGANCE CONNEALY EARNAN 076E Sire: BROOKING BANK NOTE 4040 E A ROSE 918 Resulting Pedigree of Embryos 3C MACHO M450 BZ Dam: AJE/JF ANT JOYS ELEGANCE BHS JF ANTOINETTES JOY As the demand for SimAngus genetics continually increases, there is no better opportunity than to acquire genetics from 2 leading producers from the Simmental & Angus gene pool. The combination of Brooking Bank Note 4040 and AJE/JY Ant Joys Elegance is truly exciting as they combine the best phenotype and genotype that can be found anywhere. This is the first opportunity to purchase embryos from the great Joy cow in Canada. She is a model Simmental female with a strong foot and great udder that we would all desire to have a pasture full of. She has produced progeny demanding $46,000, $20,500, $20,000 and $11,000 and that is just the beginning of her legacy. Brooking Bank Note 4040 is the $125,000 phenom that stems from one of the best females in the breed and he is proven to be a curve-bending sire that combines calving ease with power while adding maternal and phenotype to his progeny. When we were asked to donate, we felt we needed to offer our best and these embryos are nothing short of that. Donated By: Canadian Sires Dam: AJE/JF Ant Joys Elegance 215 a division of Bohrson Marketing Services Rancier Farms Muirhead Cattle Co [email protected] Sire: Brooking Bank Note 4040 4 Embryos - BAR 5 SA KAPTAIN x BAR 5 SA SADIE 822S Resulting Pedigree of Embryos BAR 5 SA STIMULATION 415P KYKSO KALGER Dam: BAR 5 SA SADIE 822S Sire: BAR 5 SA KAPTAIN 427R BAR 5 SA LADY SISKA 409M RU-DEV JODY 2 Great individuals combined in this embryo combination that come out of the outstanding Bar 5 Program. Mark your calendar as the end of the Bar 5 program will happen this fall - Bar 5 Complete Dispersal Sale - October 1, 2016 Dam: BAR 5 SA SADIE 822S 2 Embryos from DOUBLE BAR D KLAUDIA 21X Resulting Pedigree of Embryos MRLN ROGAR Sire 1: DOUBLE BAR D RIVAL 201A DOUBLE BAR D JOCELINE ce 216 Sire: BAR 5 SA KAPTAIN 427R Si re Ch oi JNR'S SALTON Sire 2: JNR'S PHILOSOPHY KEATO MS TAJSA 72T FF DOUBLE BAR D ADONIS 603N Dam: DOUBLE BAR D KLAUDIA 21X DOUBLE BAR D KLAUDIA 80T Selling Choice of Sires from Double Bar D Klaudia 21X - Klaudia was the high selling heifer from Double Bar D in the 2011 Simsational sale. Since then she has developed into a tremendous cow producing one of the best calves every year. Very thick and easy doing the cross with these two young bulls should be very exciting. Take your pick. Embryos are exportable. Dam: BENS X-Tasy 4X Pg. 12 Donated By: Bar 5 Stock Farm Ron & Carla Nolan Markdale, ON 519-986-1330 Sire: DOUBLE BAR D RIVAL 201A Sire: JNR'S PHILOSOPHY Donated By: Tryon Fleckvieh Simmentals Frank Robblee 902-432-0596 217 218 219 220 Bova Tech Ltd. - Embryo Flush Package Bova Tech Flush Package Includes the following: - drugs for stimulating donor - flushing of donor - all freezing and related costs If flushing is done on farm, the client would pay for mileage. If flushing is done at our centre near Crossfield, the client would pay for board of the donor Donated By: Bova-Tech Ltd Dr. Andres Arteaga DVM. Airdrie, AB 403-332-1567 Davis-Rairdan/ Janzen Brogan - Embryo Collection Package Embryo Collection Package Includes: -drugs to synchronize and super-ovulate donor -breeding of donor -embryo collection -freezing of resultant embryos from the flush -flush to be done in-house at Davis-Rairdan ET Facility -Does not include donor board, semen purchase and transport of donor to and from ET facility Donated By: Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Dr. Roger Davis, DVM (403) 946-4551 Janzen Brogan Embryo Services Ltd. Dr Bob Janzen & John Brogan (403) 466 8789 or (403) 4701974 Bow Valley Genetics - Embryo Flush or Semen Collection Credit $1000 Credit for Embryo Flushing or Semen Collection Bow Valley Genetics offers complete embryo collection and transfer services on farm or at our donor centre. In addation to Embryo work we provide comple export qualified & owners use semen collection at our new industry leading bull stud facility. Donated By: Bow Valley Genetics Brooks, AB A - Optimum Genetics 5 Frozen Embryo Transfers B - Optimum Genetics On Farm Bull Collection - 1 Bull Up to 100 Straws Optimum Genetics is a Saskatchewan-based Genetics firm serving the livestock industry. Our primary focus is the collection and freezing of semen, embryos, and embryo transfer. Our centre, near Regina (10 miles south), is a (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) approved semen and embryo collection and storage facility, with lab facilities to allow us in-house research opportunities. From this Centre we can export to most countries, and have exported to various locations worldwide. The facilities are for "custom" collection only, and no operator-owned animals will be marketed through the centre. Donated By: Optimum Genetics Ltd. Regina, SK Pg. 13 221 222 EBY All Aluminum Slide in Dog/ Small Animal Travel Box EBY All Aluminum slide in Dog Box with winter closure plugs - 48”wide x 60” long x 48” tall Retail Value $1500.00 Donated By: T Down Trailer Sales & Lease Ross Annett Brooks, AB Ph 403-362-5252 New Holland Gas Inverter Generator INVERTER GENERATOR 3500 WATT - Max Output: 3500 watts - Running Watt Output: 3000 watts - Noise Level: 60 db @ rated load - DC Output: 12V 8.3A - Fuel Tank Capacity: 2.64 Gallons Donated By: 223 Pg. 14 Air Express III Livestock Blower & Show Supplies ~ Sullivans Air Express III ~ Stierwalt Medium Adhesive (moderate hold) 11oz ~ Stierwalt ProPink 14oz This lot comes from the National YCS Board. We are so happy with the continued partnership between the YCS and FCSF and look Donated By: forward growing the Foundation together. 224 225 226 5 Nights Condo Accommodation Package Wyndham Bonnett Creek Resort Orlando Florida 5 nights accommodations at Wyndham Bonnet Creek Resort, Orlando, Florida - Close to Disney World! Located in Lake Buena Vista, Wyndham Bonnet Creek Resort is mere minutes from the gates of Walt Disney World®. You will enjoy a very rewarding stay on site. From the full activities calendar to special touches like the tranquil Lazy River, beautiful pool and private lake, this is no ordinary stay. Features a luxurious 2 bedroom , 2 bathroom, full kitchen, washer/dryer, 3 outdoor pools, 4 outdoor hot tubs, exercise room, games room, bar/lounge. Expiry Date June 30, 2017 - subject to availability Donated By: Bouchard Livestock International Brian & LaVonne Bouchard Crossfield, AB 403-946-4999 $500 Westjet or VIA Rail Travel Credit Looking to take a trip? You have your choice of a flight on Westjet or jump on the VIA Rail and travel the tracks across Canada. M & J Farms is pleased to make this donation to make your adventure come true. Donated By: M & J Farms Miles & Bonnie Glasman Jared, Matthew & Leanne Glasman Russell, MB A - 2 Box Seat Tickets to Edmonton Oilers Hockey Game B - Connor McDavid Edmonton Oiler Jersey A. Edmonton Oilers tickets for the 2016 – 2017 season. – The Edmonton Oilers are predicting this to be a season filled with anticipation and excitement. You will get to experience this firsthand in box seats at the new Rogers Place. Possible dates will be available on sale day and Lewis Farms do their best to work with your schedule. B. Go to the Game in style with your very own Connor McDavid Jersey Donated By: Lewis Farms Ltd Ken Lewis & Family Spruce Grove, AB 780-962-5050 Pg. 15 227 228 229 Braden Hotby Capitals Jersey Holtby spent his junior career with the Saskatoon Blades of the Western Hockey League , He was drafted by the Capitals in the fourth round of the 2008 NHL Entry Draft, After his impressive playoff performances as a rookie, Holtby was rewarded with the starting goaltender's job with the Washington Capitals for the 2012–13 season, Holtby was born in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, but was raised in Marshall, Saskatchewan. A great jersey to add to your collection. Donated By: R Plus Simmental Marlin Leblanc Estevan, SK 306-421-2470 Autographed Colby Sissons WHL Swift Current Broncos & 2 Swift Current Broncos Game Day Tickets Colby Sissions – The Sissons family are no strangers to the Simmental Industry. Colby is a former YCS member but currently hockey is his focus. A Defenseman for the Swift Current Broncos and in the 2016 Draft for the NHL., Sissions is on the radar with his size, smarts and skating ability, and he’s still a growing boy. "Some of the stuff that he can do offensively is natural talent. And that’s what the scouts are seeing right now.` Add this signed jersey of an up and coming talent to your collection. Donated By: Cam Sissions & Family Edmonton, AB 403-505-7810 4 Tickets to Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Game Picture yourself right behind the Blue Jays dugout on the line between home plate and first base. You will have a great view of the game but be close enough for a good look at your favorite players. Dates of the game will be available sale day Donated By: Bar 5 Stock Farm Ron & Carla Nolan Markdale, ON 519-986-1330 Pg. 16 230 Canadian Cattlemen Advertising Certificate $'9(57,6,1*&(57,),&$7( The bearer of this certificate is entitled to a single advertisment in the Canadian Cattlemen Magazine to a maximum value of $2,180.02 The bearer of this certificate is entitled to a single advertisment in the to a maximum value of $2,180.02 No cash value. Valid for one year from date on certificate. One certificate per advertisement. Certificate must be presented when booking advertising space. Donated By: To reserve your advertisement contact Mike Millar 306-251-0011 or [email protected] July 20, 2016 DATE ISSUED 231 FARM BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS REPRESENTATIVE 1666 Dublin Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0H1 204.944.5765 Fax: 204.944.5562 [email protected] CC1545 Canadian Simmental Foundation Charity Auction $400.00 towards custom catalogue design courtesy of Today's Publishing Inc. or $400.00 towards catalogue online on Today's Publishing and T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. are proud to produce the Simmental Country and work with some of the most progressive breeders in the industry. We offer every aspect of livestock marketing from custom websites and sale catalogues to complete sale management. We are dedicated to high quality, strong integrity and continued success. Our goal is to help you market your program to its truest potential whether your operation is large or small. Today’s Publishing and T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. are proud supporters of junior beef programs across Canada. In the last six years, their annual fundraising event, the T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament has raised over $191,000.00, which provides funding and opportunities to a large number of youth in the livestock industry. 232 Donated By: T Bar C Cattle Co / Today’s Publishing Chris Poley Saskatoon, SK 306-933-4200 $1000 Service Credit towards a DLMS / Internet Broadcast & Pre-Sale Video Service This credit is for a Broadcast and Pre Recorded video service combined project offered by DLMS & This Credit is to be used by the end of the Spring 2017 Bull Sale Season. Donated By: Direct Livestock Marketing Systems 780-699-5082 Mark & Joanne Shologan Pg. 17 233 234 Simmental Country Marketing Package This is an excellent opportunity to promote a bull sale or other event and may be purchased by an individual, organization or sale group with an overall value of $1300. • Full page full color ad in Simmental Country magazine (does not include Commercial Country issues) • Inclusion of your event in the monthly CSA Enewsletter • Link to your Website or Catalogue from Simmental Country Website • Eblast - Email announcement of your event to the CSA email contact list • Hyperlink to your website / email in the Online Electronic version of the Magazine Donated By: Canadian Simmental Association Calgary, AB 403-250-7979 Package of 5 - Horn / Polled Test. Provided By Delta Genomics Here is a donation that all cattle breeders can use. Delta Genomics has provided 5 Horned/Polled tests. Delta Genomics is a national, not-for-profit genomics service provider created as the service arm of Livestock Gentec. We provide biobanking, genotyping, and sequencing services for members of both the livestock industry and livestock research community. We also provide contract research services for clients looking to conduct demonstration and validation studies to identify novel genetic traits in their animals. 235 236 Donated By: Delta Genomics Edmonton, AB $1000 Sale Credit to the Eastern Harvest Female Sale $1000 Sale Credit to the Eastern Harvest Female Sale. After the tremendous support seen for the First Annual Eastern Harvest sale from across the County, the sale group is pleased to provide a $1000 credit to the 2016 sale and help support the great work the FCSF is doing. Donated By: BBBG Simmental Group A - $250.00 Sale Credit Certificates with Transcon Livestock Hoodie B - $250.00 Sale Credit Certificates with Transcon Livestock Hoodie 2 - $250.00 Sale credit certificates, valid towards the purchase of any animal at a Transcon managed sale during the period of Sept. 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017. Plus go to the sale in style with your own personal Transcon Livestock hoodie Since 1967, Transcon Livestock has been professionally managing registered cattle sales. This proven track record has stood the test of time maintaining a solid core of clients who choose to conduct business with all the same moral standards we insist upon. Transcon personnel are legitimately qualified to assist both buyers and sellers because of the knowledge they have all gained as being registered breeders themselves. With Transcon Livestock you have real world experience at your side. Pg. 18 Donated By: Transcon Livestock Corp. Jay Good Sundre, AB 403-638-9377 237 238 Hand Made Quit This is a a queen size quilt, made from batik hand dyed material and has a natural silk batting. There are over 60 hours of hand sewing and cutting work to create this masterpiece Donated by Dr. Victoria Cane of TC Tara Simmentals. You could do worse than to come home from a livestock auction with a hand made quilt for your better half. Donated By: TC Tara Simmentals Dr. Victoria Cane & Mike Thomas Caledon, ON Handmade Wooden Bar Take a look at a very cool custom made wooden bar built by Neil Johnson, Vanessa Noble's dad. This handmade wood bar will be a centerpiece for your man cave or to add to your stall display on the show road this fall. This will be a lot not to be missed. Donated By: Black Gold Simmentals Ltd. The Noble Family 239 Neil and Lana Johnson Handmade Western Mirror G.I. Gypsy's Western Decor makes Handmade Western Mirrors, Picture Frames, and Home Decor. We are located near Eastend, SK. We are pleased to donate this one of a kind western decor mirror to the Foundation Auction. Other items we feature are Handmade Rustic Western Decor Items and Picture Frames. Our products make great gifts, prizes, or add a little western style to your home. Item not exactly as shown Donated By: X-T Simmentals Don Lundberg - Ryan Lundberg Don 306-295-3843 ~ Ryan 306-295-7999 G.I. Gypsy Western Decor Pg. 19 240 241 242 Cassie Dorran Original Framed Print Traveling across the country for nearly 100 purebred cattle sales per year has allowed Dorran Marketing Inc. to capture some great pasture photography along the way. As a team, Ryan and Cassie Dorran are proud to support the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation, especially the youth of our industry! This picture was one of these captures. The picture is professionally matted and framed, ready to hang in any house or barn at an approximate size of 20x28". Donated By: Dorran Marketnig Inc Ryan & Cassie Dorran 403-507-5953, Bill Peters Framed Print Bill, Virginia and Tiffany Peters of Peters Simmentals appreciate what Simmental has done for the cattle in Canada and how it supports the youth in the industry because that is the future of the breed. We have enjoyed the last 40 years and hope to be a part of it for many years to come. The pencil sketch is a part of our lives and we enjoying sharing it with others. The picture is drawn by Bill Peters. Pictured is a sample of his artwork. One will be available sale day. Donated By: Peters Simmentals Bill, Virginia & Tiffany Peters Perdue, SK 306-237-9506 Copper Clipping Box The 1st Class Clipper Caddy is a top of the line, lightweight clipper caddy designed to hold a variety of clippers in a tough and durable aluminum box, that includes a padded divided section for blades and other utensils. Coated with a scratch resistant black or copper hammer tone powder coat that completes the luxurious look of the 1st Class Clipper Caddy. 21.5" x 14" Donated By: Foxy Lady Cattle Co & Show Supplies Tracy Pizey [email protected] Pg. 20 243 244 Livestock Photo Shoot from Grindell Cattle Services Grindell is offering 10 selected edited images from a upcoming photo shoot. Milage is waived for the first 100kms. Milage is negotiable after that. Grindell is a proud supporter of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation. In supporting today’s youth, we are assuring our breed’s future! Donated By: Grindell Cattle Services Kent Grinde Holden, AB 780-781-7034 [email protected] A - Men’s Special Order Palm Leaf Sunbody Hat B - Women’s Special Order Palm Leaf Sunbody Hat Vern & Barb are distributors for SunBody Palm-Leaf Hats. What makes a SunBody Palm Leaf Hat different? -They look great, they're crushable and pop back out to their original shape. -They can be easily reshaped just by getting them wet. No steam is required. -They're water repellent and will hold their shape even in a heavy downpour. -They're washable with just soap and water. -They're self-conforming to the shape of your head. Here is your opportunity to have the hat of your choice. 245 Donated By: Riskan Hope Farm Vern & Barb Luther Craik, SK 306-567-7114 [email protected] GENUINE ALL LEATHER COWBOY GEAR BAG True Western Fashion "on-the-go”! Genuine all leather Cowboy Gear bag for those show or sale trips. This 19" X 12" X 11" bag makes it a nice weekend or carry-on size! Features 2 way zippers and nickel or brass concho accents. Donated By: High Country Cattle Services Rob & Deanne Young Breton, AB 780-514-0758 - 780-542-0855 Pg. 21 246 247 248 20 Doz. Home Made Perogies Here is a very unique item for the 2016 FCSF Auction from Bonchuk Farms. For any one that has been to a Bonchuk sale you have had the opportunity to have some of the outstanding perogies served by Marnee & Charlene. This is your opportunity to have 20 Dozen Homemade perogies for your next family function. Perogies will be frozen and shipped to the purchaser after the sale or plan a trip to Solsgirth, MB for a herd tour and join the Bonchuk Family for supper and pick up the Perogie. Donated By: Bonchuk Farms Dave Bonchuk - 204-842-3706 Wayne Bonchuk - 204-796-4000 Solsgirth, MB Limited Edition Wine Package Limited edition wine package, containing three limited edition wines. Wines included in this package are a medium body, dry, red wine from Italy along with a crisp, light – medium dry Italian white wine, a refreshing blush wine and a Riesling ice-wine. Your package also includes a variety of wine accessories – glasses, an opener, a cheese board with a varitety of cheeses which will compliment your wines, and for your sweet tooth, some Swiss chocolate. All packaged in a sturdy, reusable storage box. Truly a package to enjoy with friends! Donated By: Twisted Sisters Livestock Meghan Hoffman & Brianna Kimmel Lloydminster, AB Canadian Western Agribition 45th Anniversary Whiskey / Hoodie Canadian Western Agribition (CWA) is the largest livestock show in Canada. The show is anchored by beef cattle and features horses, bison, sheep, goats, and an extensive agribusiness trade show. CWA is a blend of agriculture, First Nations, and festive entertainment, featuring live music, shopping and food. The show is home to Canada’s largest semi-professional Rodeo Finals, presenting five nights of action-packed rodeo entertainment. The event is an international hub of agriculture excellence, hosting over 800 international guests from over 70 countries. Donated By: Canadian Western Agribition Regina, SK Pg. 22 249 250 251 252 Kids John Deere Gator Your child can spend the day out driving beneath the sun in this Peg-Perego John Deere 12V Gator XUV Ride-On Vehicle with spacious side-by-side seating for a friend. The seats can be adjusted for continued fun as your child grows. The extra-large dump bed with opening tailgate makes your child feel like he or she is driving a real John Deere, and allows him or her to carry toys or yard equipment to help out. Driving across grass, dirt and hard surfaces is easy with the ride-on's super-traction wheels, and the high-speed lockout helps ensure beginning drivers don't go too fast. Donated By: Meadow Acres Farms Dustin & Kirsten Fornwald Blair & Laurel Fornwald Lampman, SK Kids Toy Chute & Livestock Toys From McCormack Family Ranch comes a one of a kind toy stall display and clipping chute. What future Young Canadian Simmentaler wouldn't want these to add to their farming operation. Their donation will be new, but by the one pictured you can tell this has a lot of play value! Front Cover Canvas Print Donated By: McCormack Family Ranch Scott & Carolyn McCormack Grenfell, SK This canvas print is #1 in a limited series run of the 2016 Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction front cover image. It was created as a one of a kind image by Mark Shologan of following in the footsteps of last year's Legacy image cover. Each year the FCSF will produce a limited numbers of prints of the cover image and have them available for sale with proceeds to the Foundation. Complete Info will be available after the auction sale at Donated By: Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Donated By: Mark Shologan Back Cover of 2017 FCSF Auction Catalogue 2017 FCSF n Auc t io e gu o l a t a C o ver c k c a B 2017 Back Cover of Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction Cataloge - Your Chance for a Unique Advertising Opportunity. Purchase the back cover of the 2017 Foundation Auction Catalogue. It is printed for the auction, distributed to all of the active members of the Canadian Simmental Association, e-blasts and circulated through email and social media reaching over 5000 cattle enthusiasts. Donated By: Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Pg.23 Silent Auction A B C D E F Pg. 24 Silent Auction will be held onsite during the AGM Banguet Call FSCF Directors or Sale Staff to bid on any Silent Auction Items Framed Limited Edition Print – “Simmental Country” by Bernie Brown. Bernie is a self-taught pencil artist born and raised in Saskatchewan. A former junior high school art and physical education teacher, he gave up teaching in 1989 to become a full-time artist. In 1993 he and his family left their home in Swift Current, Saskatchewan and now live near Okotoks, Alberta. Bernie was commissioned by Brian Bouchard to create this print for the 2006 World Congress, held in Calgary, AB. Donated By: Bernie Brown KEEP Collective is a brand new line of personalized jewelry that comes from the Stella & Dot family of brands. It's a collection of ONE-OF-A-KIND, interchangeable Keepers and Keys. Each one is a wearable touchstone, an instant reminder of the big things, the small things, and all the things that matter. This is a double band in mint and steel grey with a Rose gold Gratitude bar and Rose gold Pave Geo Bar. Donated By: High Country Cattle Services Rob & Deanne Young 3 Sterling silver jewelry charms. A steer, ribbon and ear tag, original created as a wax model and reproduced in precious metal by hand. Finished with a mirror polish; The steer and ear tag size is 1/2 wide by 3/4 tall, and the ribbon is 3/8" wide by 5/8" tall, all are suitable for a charm bracelet or a necklace. Cow Art and Moreis where art and agriculture meet. Enjoy our large selection of cow jewelry, cow paintings, stained glass, ceramics, mixed media and other art. Donated By: Cow Art & More Cattle Cures - This wooden barn sign, really does describe the YCS Youth Program, It is way more than fluffy cows. It is the dedication, discipline, leadership, passion and friendships that are developed over the years. Along with 2 Coffee mugs for those Show Moms and Dads. Donated By: Cattle Cures by Barb Luther Barb Luther Craik, SK 306-567-7114 Custom made Leather Clipper Blade holder designed by Blair McIntosh. Holder may not be exactly as showen in picture. Donated By: McIntosh Livestock Blair & Stephanie McIntosh Maymont, SK Blair’s Cell 306-441-7755 Farmfair International is donating One panel (10’) of space to exhibit an operation at Farmfair International. - Farmfair International is Western Canada’s Premier seed stock livestock show it offers great opportunity to display your product to the world. View complete details of farmfair at Donated By: Northlands Beef Programs Jacob Onyscuk 403-471-7210 Silent Auction will be held onsite during the AGM Banguet Call FSCF Directors or Sale Staff to bid on any Silent Auction Items G H I J K L Silent Auction Here is a very Unique Rustic Cross from 2M Custom Design - We custom design and fabricate... Rustic Log Furniture, Interior Decor, Yard Projects, and Livestock Equipment. May not be exactly as showen in picture. Donated By: 2M Custom Design Matt and Mel Robertson Weldon, SK Printed cutting board as well as steak knife set. This will make a great addition to any kitchen. ~ Get R Done is a home based Embroidery bushiness providing embroidery, laser engraving and much more. May not be exactly as showen in picture. Donated By: Get R Done Embroidery Lloydminster, SK Hand painted wooden sign by Sara Archdekin, local Simmental & Club Calf breeder from the Lloydminster Area. Measures 16" x 20 Donated By: Arch Holdings Ryan & Sara Archdekin Speers, SK [email protected] Start your summer with a picnic thermal tote from Thirty One Gifts. Included are spices from Epicure, which include the Extraordinary Trio (Cheese, chive and bacon; Lemon dilly; 3 Onion), Buffalo Wings Mix, Butter Chicken Mix, Pulled Pork Mix, and a Chocolate Velvet Cheesecake mix. Donated By: Thirsty-One Gifts Regan Bompais What sounds better than Caramel Apple Cinnamon Buns? Made from the Fornwald Kitchen. 2 dozen of these mouth watering delights are yours for the taking. They will be available at the auction. If you are the successful bidder, you may have a lot of friends wanting to join you for coffee the next morning. Donated By: Meadow Acres Farms Dustin & Kirsten Fornwald Blair & Laurel Fornwald Lampman, SK This is the ultimate gift for the gal in your life! We offer this in a Sterling Silver overlay Tag with the figure in Jewelers bronze. Features stamped western tooling on 1 side. Chain not included. Donated By: Farmstead Gallery 855.676-3276 Maxwell, ON Additional Silent Auction Items will be accepted until July 15, 2016 To Donate please call FSCF Auction Chair Deanne Young Home: 780-696-3643 or Cell: 780-542-0855 Silent Auction bidding will be open Friday and Saturday onsite during CSA Activities with all lots closing at the start of the FSCF Fundraiser Auction at the CSA Saturday Evening Banquet. Call FSCF Directors or Sale Staff to bid on any Silent Auction Items Pg. 25 Silent Auction M N P Silent Auction will be held onsite during the AGM Banguet Call FSCF Directors or Sale Staff to bid on any Silent Auction Items Prairie Wind Farms is pleased to donate to the auction. This Outstanding handmade barnwood sign perfect for your entryway or in your barn office. Donated By: Prairie Wind Farms Ltd. Wes and Karen Mack Estevan, SK 306 634-4410 Here is some very unique wood working items created by Vanessa Noble's dad Neil Johnson. Check out the very unique windtalker wall mount or the fancy side tables both items will add a great rustic look to any home. O Donated By: Black Gold Simmentals Ltd. The Noble Family Neil and Lana Johnson XRC Simmentals is pleased to donate to FCSF a BBQ Basket for the Auction. It has everything you need to make your next BBQ a great experience. Basket includes: Cutting Board, BBQ Tools, Spices, Sauces, Apron, hand towel, skewers, meat thermometer, and more. Happy Grilling! Donated By: XRC Simmentals Ian & Cathy Klicks Meadow Lake, SK Additional Silent Auction Items will be accepted until July 15, 2016 To Donate please call FSCF Auction Chair Deanne Young Home: 780-696-3643 or Cell: 780-542-0855 Silent Auction bidding will be open Friday and Saturday onsite during CSA Activities with all lots closing at the start of the FSCF Fundraiser Auction at the CSA Saturday Evening Banquet. Call FSCF Directors or Sale Staff to bid on any Silent Auction Items Pg. 26 Thank you to our 2015 Donators and Buyers Allan Cave Allen Leigh Security Sysytems Alliance Simmentals Alta Genetics Anchor D Ranch Simmentals Anna Marie Laque Annie Larose Arrow Creek Simmental Ashworth Farm & Ranch Aulmack Simmentals Bar 5 Stock Farms Barbara Vance Beechinor Bros Simmentals Bernie Brown Big Sky Simmentals Black Gold Simmentals Black River Farms Bohrson Marketing Services Bonchuk Farms Boss Cattle Co Bouchard Livestock Int Bova Tech Brad Turpin Brandy Brook Farm Brian & Lavone Bouchard Broken Arrow Jamieson Cameo Farms Canadian Simmental Assoc Canadian Sires Canadian Western Agribition Carla Hicks Carlaur Simmentals Carles View Farms Carson Rogers Cedar Creek Cindy Fox Clearwater Simmentals Cornerview Cattle Cow Art & More Dan Currins Dan O'Brien Dana Johns David Foley Deeg Simmentals Delta Genomics Dennis Carew Diane Chaffe DJ Farms DLMS - Direct Livestock Marketing Systems Donovandale Donna Morano Dorran Marketing Double R Farms Dr Katie Wood Dr. Everett Hall EastGen Dwayann Simmentals Dylan Foley Elm Tree Farms Elysha Bryans Enright Cattle Co Eric Kern Farmfair International Farmstead Gallery Fleckvieh Society of Australia Flying F Ranch Foxy Lady Cattle Co. Fusion Livestock G5 Cattle Co Genex Gibbons Farms Gravandale Simmentals Greg Bryans Greyledge Simmentals Hannah Simmentals Hi Tech Farms High Country Cattle Services Hillcrest Farms Indian River Cattle Co Janet Reid Jeanette Herrema Jeff Hannaberry Jeff Hyatt Jeff Knox - Australia Jessica Savada Jetstream Simmentals Jim Pulyk John Grant Kaitlyn O'Neil Kalie Dufalt Keitha Harris Donovan Kelly Sommerville Keystone Simmentals Kingfield Simmentals Kurdan Farms LaBatte Simmentals Laurie Jones Leach Farms Leewood Ranch Lewis Farms Lori McRay Reech M & S Belanger Mader Ranches Maple Falls Simmentals Mark & Joanne Shologan Mark Land & Cattle Marywood Breeders Group Matthew Barclay Maxwell Simmentals McCormack Family Ranch McManus Simmentals McMillen Ranching Ltd McVicar Simmentals More Bros. Muirhead Cattle Co New Holland Agriculture Nicole Wade Nolara Farms North Hill Simmentals Norwood Farms Oakview Simmentals Paul Maxwell Paul Stafford Pinch Hill Farms Pine Creek Simmentals Praire Wind Farms R Plus Simmentals Rainalta Simmentals Rancier Farms Richard Woodissee Rick-Sha Farms Risken Hope Farms River Point Cattle Co Rivers Edge Ranch RK Animal Supplies Robbie McDowall Robson Acres Rodney James Rosemead Simmentals Roy Lewis Vet Services SIBL Simmentals Silver Smith Snider's Cattle Service Stephen Mutch Stock Show Toy Co Stout Bros Simmentals Sullivan Simmentals Sully's Farm Sunny Valley Simmentals Swan Lake Farms Tadomi Hunt The Cow Barn Tim Mc Vicar Timberwood Simmentals Today's Publishing Tonetts Farms Transcon Livestock Corp. Trendsetter Livestock Troy Drake TSN Livestock Tulip Farm Twin Meadows Simmentals Twisted Sisters Cattle Co Ultra Farms Wagon Wheel Enterprise Waydamar Farms Wendy Weir Westman Farms Whiskey River Farms Wild Oak Farms Pg. 27 7063707 #13, 4101-19th St. N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 7C4 MRL CAPONE 130B LFE THE RIDDLER 323B Boundary Astute 4C MR CCF VISION LRX Royal Flush 100C Crossroad Polled Future 35C MRL Missile 138C MRL Western Force 251B Full Service Management & Consulting Services Oct 21 & 22, 2016 Canadian Red Roundup Sale Oct 26, 2016 Chinook Classic Angus Sale Nov 16, 2016 Bar 4A Cattle Co. Angus Production Sale Nov 29, 2016 Camrose Country Classic Simmental Sale Dec 1 , 2016 Peak Dot Ranch Fall Angus Bull Sale Dec 3 , 2016 Lewis Farms Leading Ladies Female Sale Dec 5 , 2016 The Source of Elite Simmental Genetics Female Sale Dec 9, 2016 McMillen Ranching Herdbuilder Female Sale Dec 10, 2016 Hartman Cattle Co Customer Appreciation Female Sale Dec 10, 2016 Meadow Acres “Maidens of the Meadow” Female Production Sale Dec 12, 2016 Shades of the Prairies Simmental Sale Dec 12, 2016 Stoughton Farms Complete Dispersal Sale Dec 13, 2016 Bonchuk Farms Fall Female Production Sale Dec 17, 2016 Checkers Red, Black & Fullblood Sale Dec 29, 2016 Rainalta Simmental & Charolais Complete Herd Dispersal View sale updates & our complete fall sale calendar at Box 1409 Crossfield, AB CANADA Office: 403.946.4999 Email: [email protected] • Website: Brian Bouchard 403.813.7999 Chad Lorenz 403.896.9585 Darnell Fornwald 403.795.8030 Doug Domolewski 403.635.1840
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