AT-A-GLANCE - Eastside Foursquare Church


AT-A-GLANCE - Eastside Foursquare Church
Connection Lunch—Just for Our New Guests!
Sundays | November 8, December 13
12:30 PM in the Lodge
If you are new to Eastside or just looking to finally get connected, we invite you
to enjoy a free lunch with some of the Eastside staff and small group leaders.
No RSVP is needed—simply show up, grab a bite to eat and discover new ways
to get connected here at Eastside. For details, contact Julie Woge at juliew@ or 425.488.2500 ext. 233.
So...I’ve Decided to Follow Jesus...
Now What?
Have you recently decided to follow Jesus? Pick up a “Now What?”
booklet from one of the booklet racks in the back of the Auditorium or
talk to a pastor. We’d love to connect and help you learn more. | 425.488.2500
Sundays at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM
Interpretación al Español a las 11:00 AM
If you’re new to Eastside Foursquare Church, or even if you’ve been coming here
for years, it’s important to know what we believe and what we stand for. Here’s
our church’s mission:
Our Mission
At Eastside Foursquare Church, we are people who LOVE Jesus, GROW in
community, and SERVE the world.
LOVE Jesus
Developing faith in Jesus through Bible reading, teaching, prayer and praise.
GROW in Community
Connecting with others in generous, healthy and accountable relationships
practicing love, acceptance and forgiveness.
SERVE the World
Compassionately loving and serving people through the power of the Holy
Spirit while sharing the Gospel near and far.
Our Statement of Beliefs
Eastside Foursquare Church is associated with the International Church of the
Foursquare Gospel, headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Our Statement of
Beliefs can be found at
More Online
More information about Eastside Foursquare Church can be found online at www. and click on “About Us.”
Jesus tells us in the Bible to live as disciples (followers of Jesus) who make other
disciples. To LOVE, GROW and SERVE defines what it means to be a disciple.
Ultimately, we want to be a growing movement of disciples who make disciples
who bring Jesus’ presence into the world.
The DISCIPLESHIP JOURNEY is a step-by-step process to grow as a disciple.
The journey includes discovering who Jesus is through the Bible, developing the
daily habits of a disciple, growing in healthy relationships, and serving the world
around you. As someone works through the Discipleship Journey, they are then
equipped to help someone else grow as a disciple.
Look for these icons to help you know
where on the Discipleship Journey a
group or class lands.
How Eastside is Utilizing the Discipleship Journey Wheel:
Teaching: Eastside Foursquare Church is committed to providing Biblicallybased, theologically sound teaching every week, for all age levels. Sometimes
this teaching is topical and sometimes expository (working through a passage,
chapter or book of the Bible), and always based in Scripture. Regarding the
Discipleship Journey, our goal is over the course of a 3-year period, we will cover
all the topics listed. This is the goal for the teaching in our elementary, junior high,
high school and adult services.
Trainings, Workshops & Classes: Eastside Foursquare Church also offers
additional trainings, workshops and classes on a particular topic or topics on the
Discipleship Journey. For example, at times throughout the year we offer parenting
and marriage enrichment classes, as well as leadership and mentoring training.
How You Can Pursue Your Next Step on the Discipleship Journey:
Seven Summits: A Discipleship Journey
Seven Summits is a guided experience through Eastside’s Discipleship Journey. In
these groups, participants can expect the following:
• To be introduced to “Trail Markers” - major themes in the life of a disciple
fortifying an understanding of the Word of God, the value of Christ-centered
relationships, and the mission of being a disciple.
• A fun, experiential, memorable and reproducible approach to learning.
• A highly interactive environment where discussion is based upon participant
• To build accountable relationships with those in your group.
Small Groups & Classes
In addition to Seven Summits, Eastside offers small groups and classes
specifically focused on a segment of the Discipleship Journey wheel. This
includes, but is not limited to, Financial Peace University, support/recovery
groups, book and Bible studies.
One-on-One Discipleship
One-on-one discipleship provides individuals with an opportunity to walk
alongside another person for a season of the journey.
Individual Learning
Growing as a disciple includes personal time of study in God’s Word, as well
as additional resources. Resources available for small groups, one-on-one
discipleship, and individual learning include: The Discipleship Journey Journal;
“white papers” – theological statements with Biblical verses that encompass
segments of the Discipleship Journey wheel; books and DVD series on salvation,
the Holy Spirit, prayer, Christian living, missions and outreach, leadership,
finances, parenting, marriage and relationships, men’s interests, women’s
interests; and Seven Summits participant handouts.
Seven Summits
Seven Summits is a guided experience through the Discipleship Journey. These highly
interactive, engaging, memorable and fun groups are designed for both those desiring to be
discipled and those ready to be equipped, empowered and released to disciple others. Individuals
may begin “climbing” any summit at any time. Feel free to drop in on any Seven Summits group!
B C Basecamp & Summit 1: New Life in Christ - Adults
Sundays | 11:00 AM | Room 102
1 Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | Room 105
Basecamp introduces you to Jesus, the Gospel and what it means to be a disciple. On
Summit 1, you’ll encounter a new life in Christ – salvation, identity in Christ, water baptism,
baptism of the Holy Spirit, covenant. This group is designed for individuals new to a
relationship with Jesus and for people desiring to present the gift of salvation to others.
BC Basecamp & Summit 1: New Life in Christ – Kids & Families
Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | Room 217
1 Kids (first through sixth grade) are introduced to Jesus and what it means to be a Christfollower. Parents are highly encouraged to join their children!
2 Summit 2: A Disciplined Life - Adults
Sundays | 9:00 AM | Room 102
As you climb Summit 2, you’ll explore the daily practices of a disciple – study of God’s
Word, prayer, fasting, worship, stewardship. This group is designed for individuals who
want to experience the presence of Jesus and for those who want to show others how to
spend time in God’s presence.
3 Summit 3: Life in the Church - Adults
Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | Room 102
Summit 3 gives us a panoramic of the purpose of the Church and how we are designed to
function together to carry out the mission of the Church. We will also take time to discover
and discuss spiritual gifts.
Begin your Discipleship Journey with Seven Summits!
New Groups begin in January!
2 Monday AM Prayer Group with Pastor DJ
Mondays | 7:00-8:00 AM | EFC | Fireside Room
Pastor DJ Vick | 425.488.2500 ext. 211 | [email protected]
Join Pastor DJ and others in the church in praying for the Holy Spirit to move in our lives, church,
community, and around the world. This weekly gathering is a powerful, Spirit-led time of prayer
and intercession! All are welcome at anytime.
3 Joyful Singles of EFC
For single adults who call Eastside Foursquare Church “family.” A place to connect, encourage
one another, plan fun events and enjoy life! Enjoy church with others at the 9:00 AM service. We
sit in the middle rows 3-5 depending on availability. Fun events to be planned on Saturday nights
via social media. Please request to join the Facebook group for details and locations. Search for
the Facebook group called “Joyful Singles of EFC”.
4 Foster/Adopt Support & Discussion Group
First Tuesday of the month | 6:00 PM | Overlake Christian Church
Tricia Collins | [email protected]
Our purpose is to support each other on the journey as we care for children from foster care and
domestic adoption and to raise awareness for the need for more foster/adoptive families.
2 Potluck/Sharing/Prayer/Conversation Group
Sundays (1st & 3rd) | 4:30-6:30 PM | Clearview & Finn Hill
Steve & Fran Meyer | 425.483.9530 | [email protected]
Join us for a casual evening where we enjoy a shared meal, sharing about our lives, and prayer.
No children please.
BC Life Recovery! – Bible Study Group
Saturdays (1st & 3rd) | 7:15 PM | Kirkland
Chet & Dawn Marie Samonds | [email protected]
Join us as we gather with others in recovery to dig deep and explore the 12 steps through
Scripture, using the Life Recovery Bible as our guide. The goal of this group is to be a partnership
between recovery in action and the life that comes through being connected with God and
others. Anyone in recovery seeking a deeper understanding of God and salvation is welcome!
2 Community Bible Study: Return to Jerusalem
Mondays | 7:00 PM | EFC | Room 217
Groups for men, women and married couples. Community Bible Study is an interdenominational
Bible study and our mission is to “make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities
through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all.” For more info: http://lakewashingtoneve.
Look for these icons to help you know
where on the Discipleship Journey a
group or class lands.
3 Hiking Small Group
Contact for date and time | Locations will vary by group interest
Don Bucher | 307.921.2841 | [email protected]
Where do you like to hike? Where have you always wanted to hike? This Christ-centered sharedinterest group for men and women will discover some of the amazing hiking in our region while
enjoying great Christian fellowship.
One-on-One Mentorship
Julie Woge | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 233
Learn, grow and be encouraged! Mentors are available for those seeking to know more about Jesus,
the Bible, what it means to be a Christ-follower, finances, relationships/marriage, and parenting.
3 Grupo Latino de la Communidad
Viernes | 7:30 PM | Contacto para lugar
Elkin & Adriana Montalvo | [email protected] | 206.267.8514
Oramos para que este nuevo grupo Latino sea de gran bendición para todos, y podamos
entender y aprender con mas fé, la palabra de Dios, así podemos convertirnos en una gran
familia y crecer en la fé de Cristo Nuestro Señor.
Interpretación al Español Domingo a las 11:00 AM
Spanish Interpretation Available at 11:00 AM Service
4 RECONNECT Young Marrieds Group
Contact for dates, times & location | Bothell
Rob & Lindsay Grove | [email protected]
Join other couples in their 20s, 30s & 40s for connection and fellowship.
4 Marriage Builders Class: Cornerstones
Sunday, November 22 - December 13 | 9:00-10:30 AM | EFC | Room 105
Angela Van Lierop | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 352
This is a facilitated small group learning environment, open to committed dating couples and
married couples of all ages. Discussion topics will include God’s Purpose for Marriage, Life
Together, and Essential Relational Tools. Interested couples who choose to go deeper, will have
access to a relational assessment tool and further mentoring. Please email Pastor Angela Van
Lierop ([email protected]) to register before the first class.
4 Marriage Help Available
Married couples – are you wanting to make some positive changes in your marriage? Would it
help to have another couple come alongside you for support and accountability? Please contact
Pastor Angela Van Lierop ([email protected]) for information on our Marriage
Mentors program and/or to be matched with another EFC couple.
Look for these icons to help you know
where on the Discipleship Journey a
group or class lands.
2 Lifeline Support Groups
Tuesdays | 7:00–8:30 PM | EFC
Blair Schmautz | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 251
These groups offer an environment of support, love and acceptance: a safe place to learn,
change and grow. Unless otherwise noted, groups meet on Tuesday evenings at EFC from 7:00
PM to 8:30 PM. Childcare is available.
Tuesdays | 7:15–8:30 PM | EFC | Lodge
A 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous Group
Start anytime.
Tuesdays | 7:00–8:30 PM | EFC | Room 217
A 12-step Sexual Addiction Group for men.
Men can start anytime.
Tuesdays | 7:00–8:30 PM | EFC | Room 210
A support group for women whose partners struggle with sexual integrity.
Women can start anytime
Tuesdays | 7:15–8:30 PM | EFC | Room 104
A support group for family and friends of those dealing with addiction
Start anytime.
A group will begin when there is sufficient interest. Contact Mike Downey at miked@ or 425.488.2500 ext. 215
For women seeking confidential help concerning abusive intimate relationships.
Call toll-free 866.262.9284 to be matched with a group in the area
For more information about any of these groups or to pre-register, please contact Blair Schmautz
at [email protected] or 425.488.2500 ext. 251. Updated information is also available at
4 Raising Sons to Be Godly Men
Every other Wednesday | 6:30 PM | EFC | Room 104
Monte Wright | 206.769.6185 | [email protected]
This small group is for fathers of boys ages 7 and up. We meet bi-monthly as just dads. Then meet
on one Saturday a month (TBD) with our sons for a fun activity or service project.
2 Veterans’ Prayer Group
Contact for dates, times & location
Mark White | 425.742.5734 | [email protected]
A prayer group for veterans of all eras including those currently serving, to pray for and support
each other. Safety and confidentiality are guaranteed. Through our Savior, Jesus Christ, there can
be healing and peace in all circumstances.
3 Genesis Process for Men
Contact for dates, times & location | $25 | Gary Requa
Preregistration is required. A biblical and neuro-chemical understanding of what is broken
and how to heal the wounds. For more info or to register, contact Blair Schmautz at blairs@ or 425.488.2500 ext. 251.
BC Basecamp & Summit 1: New Life in Christ - Men
Beginning in January | Weeknight TBD | 6:00 PM | Bothell
1 Peter Tassani | 425.530.9272 | [email protected]
Basecamp introduces you to Jesus, the Gospel and what it means to be a disciple. On Summit 1,
you’ll encounter a new life in Christ – salvation, identity in Christ, water baptism, baptism of the
Holy Spirit, covenant. This group is designed for individuals new to a relationship with Jesus and
for people desiring to present the gift of salvation to others.
2 Google Hangout Video Prayer Group
Thursdays (2x/mo) | 9:30-10:00 PM | Online | Username - munruhfamily
Matt Unruh | 425.892.5204 | [email protected]
This is a half hour prayer group where guys can pray for each other from the convenience of their
own living room.
2 Union Gospel Mission Men’s Bible Study
Wednesdays | 6:00 PM | Seattle | Union Gospel Mission | Sixth Floor
Scott Schumacher | 206.660.0148 | [email protected]
Join other men in the Union Gospel Mission Recovery program for a time of Bible study, personal
growth and mentorship. All men in the program are welcome!
Look for these icons to help you know
where on the Discipleship Journey a
group or class lands.
3 Men’s Accountability Group
Tuesdays | 6:15-7:30 AM | EFC | Room 103
John Taylor | [email protected]
Accountability, discussion, prayer and support for one another. This is a place where guys share
how they’re doing, what God is speaking to them from the Bible, and pray for each other.
3 4x4 Off-Roading
Contact for dates, times & location
Will Roberts | 206.962.9564 | [email protected]
Get together this fall to go off-roading, find lots of mud, and make new friends.
2 Renegades Bible Study
Thursdays | 7:00 AM | EFC | Fireside Room
Scott Schumacher | 206.660.0148 | [email protected]
The Renegades Bible Study is a group of middle-aged men that meet Thursday mornings to get
into the Word. Our focus is Nehemiah right now, but we have also been through Mark, Timothy,
and Romans. Our meetings are an in-depth review of the Word to enhance understanding and
improve our relationship with Christ.
2 Men’s Bible Study
Wednesdays | 6:10 AM | Canyon Park Denny’s
Steve Meyer | [email protected]
Join other men to systematically work through Scripture, discuss, and grow in their knowledge
and understanding of God’s Word.
2 Guys’ Group (18-25)
Mondays (1st & 3rd) | 5:30 PM | Kenmore
Brandon Brazee | 425.488.2500 ext. 225 | [email protected]
Join us for fellowship, discipleship, prayer and service opportunities in our city. Guys only!
2 Amigos Latinos Eastside
Elkin Montalvo | 206.267.8514 | [email protected]
Grupo de caballeros latinos de la iglesia Eastside Foursquare de Bothell, te invitamos para
tener un tiempo para dialogar, estudiar, orar, y compartir como hermanos latinos. Y lo mejor
en español.
ALSO See “One-on-One Mentoring” on the ALL ADULTS page
Our goal is to provide women with opportunities for worship, prayer, Bible study, friendship,
and service. Keep informed on women’s events and small groups by “liking” us on Facebook
2 Women’s Bible Study: Spiritual Warfare - The Battle of the Mind
Wednesdays (Every other) | 9:30-11:30 AM | Kenmore
Barbara Victorio | 425.879.8679 | [email protected]
Hosted at Mary Chiechi’s home | 425.482.6363
Study on Spiritual Warfare - The battle of the mind. No childcare available.
2 Living Beyond the Frame
Mondays | 7:00 AM | EFC | Cafe
Cheryl Harris | 206.793.4487 | [email protected]
Journey beyond the frame of who you think you are—the roles you play and the labels you
wear—and discover God’s true: Plans and successes for you beyond your blocks of vision;
Triumphs for you beyond your failures; Joys for you beyond the sorrows; Peace for you beyond
the fears. Most of all, come face-to-face with the big picture for your life, as God sees it—His
masterpiece. As you take a closer look, you will experience His very presence, His great power,
great purpose, and great plans for your life!
4 Little Sprouts Playgroup and Moms’ Devotional
Tuesdays | 9:45–11:00 AM | Room 104-105
Angela Van Lierop | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 352
Join us for a facilitated time of age appropriate children’s activities and spiritual encouragement
for moms. Children’s activities will include free play, circle time, an art/craft project, running
room, and closing circle/prayer.
4 Mother’s Circle
Thursday (1x a month) | 6:30-8:00 PM | Totem Lake
Mary Zenter | 425.770.3041 | [email protected]
Join other moms with special needs kids to talk, offer support and resources.
3 Women’s Book Club and Knitting Circle
Wednesdays | December 2, January 13 | 6:30-8:00 PM | EFC | Prayer Room 106
Angela Van Lierop | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 352
Childcare not available.
Purchase your book and then join us for a facilitated discussion. This is a great opportunity for
spiritual encouragement and relational connection.
December 2 – Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
January 13 – Sister Aimee: The Life of Aimee Semple McPherson, Epstein. Find out more about
the founder of the Foursquare Movement, and the history of our denomination.
Look for these icons to help you know
where on the Discipleship Journey a
group or class lands.
3 Knitting Group
Wednesdays | 7:00 PM | Kirkland
Deb Scheve | [email protected]
For women of all ages who like to knit, crochet or just come talk, care for and pray for each other.
We are about lifting each other up and making fun things.
5 Mary’s Place Outreach
November 11-17 | EFC & Mary’s Place Women’s Shelter (Seattle)
Angela Van Lierop | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 352
Join our outreach team as we provide hospitality to Mary’s Place women and children. There are
opportunities to visit and volunteer at Mary’s Place for a day with other EFC women. Volunteer
training and background check is required.
3 Team EAT Meals Ministry
Alissa Helton | TEXT 425.786.7384
Partner with your Eastside family to shop for, prepare or deliver meals to those in need during
their time of illness, bereavement or transition.
3 Craft Friends Group
Contact for next date and time
Dawn Busick | 206.794.1655 | [email protected]
Bring your scrapbooking or small, portable, clean crafts (stamping, card making, beading) for
a day of community! Come even if you can’t stay all day. Potluck lunch will be coordinated the
week before. Questions or RSVP? Contact Dawn.
ALSO See “One-on-One Mentoring” on the ALL ADULTS page
Children’s Ministry is available for birth through 6th grade during each of our Sunday services.
Early Childhood (Infants thru Kindergarten)
Sundays | Children’s Ministry | 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM
Marcie Brazee | 425.488.2500 ext. 313 | [email protected]
Children participate in learning centers that include a variety of games, books, arts and crafts,
sensory play and toys. The learning center segment is followed by circle time, which includes
worship, a Bible story with discussion and application, prayer time, and often times a special visit
by a storyteller or puppeteer!
Kids Zone (1st – 6th grade)
Sundays | Children’s Ministry | 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM
Patty Sabandal | 425.488.2500 ext. 300 | [email protected]
We believe children should be equipped and encouraged in their walk with the Lord, and are
capable of and should be expected to minister to others. We teach God’s Word each week
through a large group setting which includes worship, drama and a children’s sermon, then use
small groups to emphasize relationships, Scripture memory, prayer and relevant application of
God’s Word.
Volunteer opportunities: We are always looking for people willing to share their giftedness with
children—workshop leaders, small group leaders, greeters, snack helpers.
BC Seven Summits Basecamp & Summit 1: Kids & Families
Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | Room 217
1 Kids (first through sixth grade) are introduced to Jesus and what it means to be a Christfollower. Parents are highly encouraged to join their children!
4 Little Sprouts Playgroup and Moms’ Devotional
Tuesdays | 9:45–11:00 AM | Room 104-105
Angela Van Lierop | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 352
Join us for a facilitated time of age appropriate children’s activities and spiritual encouragement
for moms. Children’s activities will include free play, circle time, an art/craft project, running
room, and closing circle/prayer.
4 Spiritual Parenting DVD Small Groups
Time, date, and location TBD | Groups beginning in Winter 2016
Angela Van Lierop | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 352
Spiritual Parenting is a six-part DVD series by Dr. Michelle Anthony that empowers parents
to be the primary nurturers of their children’s faith and teaches them how to create a home
environment God can use to work in their children’s lives. Families will be transformed as they
learn how to create space for God-encounters in everyday life. Learn more about the series at
Youth Programs
Junior High and High School students are invited to join a Sunday Bible study to discover the
Biblical perspective to questions facing our youth today.
FUSION is our highly interactive service for students! Build friendships, play games, hear a Biblebased message and experience time with God through worship.
Matt Unruh | 425.488.2500 ext. 336 | [email protected]
3 FUSION Leadership
The FUSION Leadership team is an opportunity for people to minister to a group of people who
are close to God’s heart. Our leadership team serves, loves and encourages students in an
uplifting way. To get involved on Sundays, Wednesdays, camps or other special events, contact
Matt Unruh at [email protected] or 425.488.2500 ext. 336.
2 HouseChurch
Fridays | 7:00-8:30 PM | EFC | Room 105
Matt Unruh | 425.488.2500 ext. 336 | [email protected]
A weekly service designed and led by young adults to get you closer to God, to each other, and to
the Eastside family. Show up at 7:00 PM to hang out, service starts at 7:30 PM
2 Guys’ Group (18-25)
Mondays (1st & 3rd) | 5:30 PM | Kenmore
Brandon Brazee | 425.488.2500 ext. 225 | [email protected]
Join us for fellowship, discipleship, prayer and service opportunities in our city. Guys only!
3 Internship Opportunities
Matt Unruh | 425.488.2500 ext. 336 | [email protected]
Opportunities include supporting the missions and outreach vision, learning tech, AV and video
skills, leading small groups for youth, and assisting with youth services, supporting Kids ministry,
creative arts, event planning, facility and more.
3 Connection Ministries
Molly DuQue | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 329
The Connection Ministries Team is passionate about connecting people to Jesus and to the
Eastside family. We need Parking Lot Guides, Greeters, Conversation Starters, Info Center,
Auditorium Hosts/Ushers.
3 Worship Team
Matt Simmons | 425.488.2500 ext. 212 | [email protected]
Music Ministries exists to lead our congregation in corporate worship to our Lord Jesus Christ
through music. The music ministries team is by audition and we are currently looking for bass
players, electric guitar players, drummers, keyboard players and singers. Come and be a part of
this dynamic ministry.
3 Tech Arts
Tim Oas | 425.488.2500 ext. 333 | [email protected]
Sound Engineering, Camera Operation, Lighting Design, Set Design, Computer Operation
Do you have a passion for creating unique ambience with lighting and stage design? Or are you
someone who enjoys operating behind the scenes; capturing speakers or musicians with our
camera, displaying slides during sermons and worship. Welcome to Tech Arts at Eastside! We
work together to engineer and create a unique atmosphere for every service that takes place in
our Auditorium.
Community Outreach
Chris Peppler | 425.488.2500 ext. 335 | [email protected]
EPIC Opportunities (Every Person Impacting Community) is a driving force designed to get
volunteers from Eastside mobilized and building bridges with ministries and organizations right
here in Bothell and extending into the heart of downtown Seattle!
Global Outreach
Brandon Brazee | 425.488.2500 ext. 225 | [email protected]
We send mission teams and missionaries throughout the world to spread the love of Jesus Christ.
5 Mary’s Place Outreach
November 11-17 | EFC & Mary’s Place Women’s Shelter (Seattle)
Angela Van Lierop | [email protected] | 425.488.2500 ext. 352
Join our outreach team as we provide hospitality to Mary’s Place women and children. There are
opportunities to visit and volunteer at Mary’s Place for a day with other EFC women. Volunteer
training and background check is required.
5 Thailand Mission Team
February 20 – March 2, 2016
Nick Casper | [email protected]
This team will partner with Gary and Paula Hays to minister to children through thinkSMALL.
P.O. Box 1439 • Bothell, WA 98041-1439
14520 100th Avenue NE • Bothell, WA 98011
425.488.2500 |
Sundays at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM
Interpretación al Español a las 11:00 AM
on any of the opportunities in this
At-A-Glance brochure, contact us at 425.488.2500
Content is subject to change.
For the most current information, search online at