“A medio camino de un buen clima laboral
“A medio camino de un buen clima laboral
Peruvian Fish meal Update September, 2015 Quotas per year (in million MT) Industrial landings (leading countries) 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 2006 PERU 2007 CHILE NORTH 2008 CHILE SOUTH Source: Holterman 2009 MENHADEN 2010 2011 ICELAND DENMARK 2012 NORWAY 2013 FAROE ISLANDS 2014 UK IRELAND 2015e Peru: Quotas per year (Million Tons) Peruvian Anchovy, a success story Peruvian Anchovy, a success story Effect of El Niño on Peruvian Fisheries EN 65-66 EN 72EN 68- 73 69 EN 82-83 EN 86-87-88 EN 9192 EN 97-98 EN Modoki 02-03 EN Modoki 2010 A Clean and sustainable Industry Total Oil and Fat in Effluents Environmental Investments Peruvian Fishmeal: A Clean Industry CHIMBOTE EFFLUENT PISCO effluent TASA Effluents Treatment System Domestic Wastewater Treatment 3,000 m2 of green areas in our plants incorporated Energy consumption has decreased *Up to July Energy consumption has decreased 15% from 2007‐2014 Anchovy Landings (in MT and %) Period: Jan – Sep 2015 Fishmeal and Fish Oil Production (in MT) Period Jan–Sep, 2015 Peruvian Fishmeal exports: 43 countries Usage of Fishmeal Per Market Source IFFO Per specie in aquaculture Peruvian Fishmeal Exports by destination (Tons) 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Others 2007 46,679 2008 68,452 2009 45,685 2010 39,624 2011 32,081 2012 58,384 2013 23,000 2014 44,831 Set 2015 15,661 Chile 6,473 29,315 5,525 39,953 50,250 51,098 54,108 71,936 15,689 Asia ex China 203,668 304,350 282,275 210,509 215,244 250,382 97,224 153,325 48,692 Europa 241,527 330,231 451,360 238,683 233,632 287,941 139,329 138,836 20,352 China 376,449 832,361 753,131 554,453 754,751 681,312 536,961 446,603 335,142 Peruvian Fishmeal Exports by destination ShareonPeruvianExports 5% 1% 23% 28% 43% 2007 4% 2% 19% 21% 53% 2008 3% 0% 18% 29% 4% 4% 19% 22% 2% 4% 4% 4% 17% 19% 16% 18% 22% 49% 59% 51% 2009 2010 2011 2012 Europa Asia ex China 5% 8% 18% 4% 4% 11% 5% 16% 51% China 3% 6% 11% Chile 63% 2013 Otros 77% 52% 2014 Set 2015 European Market Demand / Supply Balance Peruvian Exports to Europe (Tons) Fishmeal Fish Oil 2007 241,527 2008 330,231 2009 451,360 2010 238,683 2011 233,632 2012 287,941 2013 139,329 2014 138,836 2007 166,247 2008 134,690 2009 165,512 2010 104,341 2011 111,691 2012 184,285 2013 66,704 2014 80,174 Peru Exports by Country: China (Tons) 1,000,000 500,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Set 2015 ShareonPeruvianExports 77% 43% 2007 53% 49% 51% 2008 2009 2010 59% 2011 63% 51% 2012 2013 52% 2014 Set 2015 Peru Fishmeal Exports : Europe (Tons) 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Set 2015 ShareonPeruvianExports 29% 28% 22% 21% 18% 22% 16% 16% 5% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Set 2015 Peru Fishmeal Exports: Asia (ex China) (Tons) 400,000 200,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Set 2015 ShareonPeruvianExports 23% 19% 18% 19% 17% 19% 18% 11% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 11% 2014 Set 2015 Peru Exports by Country: Chile (Tons) 100,000 50,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Set 2015 ShareonPeruvianExports 8% 6% 4% 4% 4% 4% 2% 1% 2007 0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Set 2015 Peru Fishmeal Exports: Others (Tons) 100,000 50,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Set 2015 ShareonPeruvianExports 5% 3% 2007 2008 5% 4% 4% 2009 4% 4% 2% 2010 2011 3% 2012 2013 2014 Set 2015 Peruvian Fishmeal Exports to China: Jan – August 2015 (Tons) Total: 330,881 Tons 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 ‐ JAN FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST China Fishmeal Import per Origin 100% 90% 80% 541,041 70% 379,528 520,548 489,400 60% 50% 40% 30% 708,702 20% 452,151 459,600 235,015 10% 0% 2012 2013 Peru 2014 Other Origins To July 2015 Fishmeal Aminoacid Profile per Origin Aminoacid / Origin Peru USA Chile Vietnam Mexico Ecuador Thailand Sud Africa Marocco Histidina (His, H) 2.49 1.34 2.30 1.13 1.88 2.13 1.51 1.97 1.80 1.40 1.4 Valina (Val, V) 3.23 2.80 3.31 2.39 3.20 3.04 2.94 3.74 3.14 2.98 3.36 Leucina (Leu, L) 5.64 4.47 5.28 3.90 4.82 4.79 4.63 5.54 5.26 4.63 5.46 Treonina (Thr, T) 3.16 2.63 2.14 2.32 2.79 2.86 2.66 3.20 3.03 2.90 3.08 Lisina (Lys, K) 5.21 4.73 5.53 3.84 4.75 4.98 4.51 6.16 5.73 4.70 5.67 Triptófano (Trp, W) 0.60 ‐ 0.71 ‐ 0.52 Fenilalanina (Phe, F) 3.66 2.44 2.71 2.04 2.63 2.61 2.45 3.02 2.77 2.58 2.8 Isoleucina (Ile, I) 3.54 2.36 2.72 1.92 2.74 2.46 2.48 3.38 2.52 2.43 3.01 Arginina (Arg, R) * 5.06 3.80 5.76 3.80 3.76 4.08 3.81 4.58 4.16 4.28 4.27 Metionina (Met, M) 1.76 1.66 1.97 1.25 1.52 1.84 1.82 2.09 2.15 1.95 2.17 ‐ ‐ Peruvi a n Soy Protei n Super pri me Bl ood Mea l Concentra te Fis hmea l Alanina Arginina Ácido Aspártico Cistina Ácido Glutámico Glicina Histidina Isoleucina Leucina Lisina Metionina Fenil Alanina Prolina Serina Treonina Triptófano Tirosina Valina 3.59 4.38 5.28 0.82 7.72 3.34 2.46 2.97 4.70 5.13 1.65 2.71 3.54 3.11 3.25 0.66 2.40 2.60 4.60 7.10 0.60 11.40 2.40 1.50 2.90 4.70 3.80 0.90 3.20 2.90 3.10 2.40 0.80 2.40 7.69 2.35 10.84 1.40 8.79 4.40 3.05 0.80 10.30 7.00 1.00 5.10 4.62 4.56 3.80 1.00 2.34 2.65 2.80 5.20 ‐ ‐ Argentina Scandinavia ‐ 0.77 Omega 3 (Epa+dha) content of the Fishoil Probabilities of Niño/Niña (Source IRI y ENFEN) Según IRI (al 20 de Agosto 2015) During late July to mid‐August 2015, the SSTs were at a level of strong El Niño event. All weather variables also showed a pattern of "El Niño", including trade winds weakened, the Southern Oscillation Index low and excess rains in the central tropical Pacific. The consensus forecast models of El Niño conditions indicate continued strong El Niño during the season from August to October 2015, it is likely to strengthen a small drop reaching summer 2016. There is a greater probability of 90% that the child will continue during the northern hemisphere winter, summer for us (2015‐2016) and about 85% to persist until early autumn 2016 Informe 15– 2015 ENFEN (3 de Setiembre): The current conditions remain consistent with a warm event of strong magnitude, without the presence of heavy rains, but with temperatures in the costs above normal. This first phase of the Child coastal continues to decline slightly, but a 95% probability that the event will extend until next summer, with 55% of that in this second phase can reach the magnitude of strong to moderate estimates. In the Central Pacific the models still indicate El Niño conditions with 75% or higher have strong magnitude in the Niño 3.4 region. Current conditions Peruvian Fishmeal, average price per season Area CN CN Season Quota (Tons) 2009 II 2,000,000 2010 I 2,500,000 2010 6,031,867 CN 2010 II 2,070,000 CN 2011 I 3,675,000 2011 5,745,000 CN 2011 II 2,500,000 CN 2012 I 2,700,000 2012 5,200,000 CN 2012 II 810,000 CN 2013 I 2,050,000 2013 2,860,000 CN 2013 II 2,304,000 CN 2014 I* 1,677,867 2014 3,981,867 CN 2014 II 0 CN 2015 I 2,580,000 2014 2,580,000 (*) 2015 I: Exports to September 5, 20015 Exports (Tons) 575,360 632,614 1,482,129 267,928 971,113 1,239,040 593,908 729,786 1,323,694 191,112 560,261 751,373 541,736 380,131 921,868 57,351 378,185 435,536 FOB 776,464,388 972,343,252 2,273,395,396 391,356,452 1,310,750,761 1,702,107,213 708,855,527 1,034,921,781 1,743,777,308 346,480,998 886,298,040 1,232,779,038 751,000,494 636,096,862 1,387,097,356 116,823,987 616,581,793 733,405,780 Price per Ton 1,350 1,537 1,534 1,461 1,350 1,374 1,194 1,418 1,317 1,813 1,582 1,641 1,386 1,673 1,505 2,037 1,630 1,684 Scenarios for the next season 2015 II QUOTA 0 Fishmeal Production (Th tons) Exports to China (Th tons) 50 0.8 1.2 1.6 186 279 372 190 259 329 Thank you!
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