The NEWS-REVIEW - Sigourney News
The NEWS-REVIEW - Sigourney News
The SNR Snippets - • What to Expect The Wednesday, Nov. 20 Sigourney News-Review is going county-wide as part of its annual Thanksgiving tradition. The SNR is thankful for all of our readers! • Did You Know - A Sigourney Christmas Festival is planned for Saturday, Nov. 30? No, well it is! A full day of family fun is being planned, which will cap off with the lighting of the new City’s Christmas decora- tions around the square and Santa Claus in the rotunda. More details in next weeks SNR. - • Did You Know City of Sigourney’s recycling pick-up is moved to Tuesday, Nov. 26 for the week of Thanksgiving (only). $1.00 • Did You Know - ‘Dear Santa’ form letters for students in grades PreK-3 in Sigourney should come home in backpacks the week of Thanksgiving. Leaf Pick-Up Extension Leaf pickup is extended to Friday, Nov. 22. Leaves need to be placed on the terrace, three feet from the street to ensure complete pickup. Do not place leaves or other debris in the streets. The machine does not pickup sticks and other yard debris. Please do not place those items in with the leaves. Sticks and other yard debris can be taken to the compost site located at the end of E. Washington St. PROUDLY SERVING KEOKUK COUNTY SINCE 1860 PO BOX 285, 114 E. WASHINGTON ST. SIGOURNEY, IOWA 52591 Inside This Issue VA Scam Alert ....... Pg. 2 City Election .......... Pg. 2 Savage Eye ............ Pg. 3 Obituaries ............. Pg. 4 Calendar ................ Pg. 5 Milestones ............. Pg. 5 Church Directory ... Pg. 5 4-H Award Family Fun Night The Keokuk County 4-H Program is hosting their annual Award Family Fun Night on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 6 p.m. at the Keokuk County Expo Fairgrounds, Sigourney. The event is a family style potluck with an awards program to follow. (Sandwiches, drinks and table service is provided.) For more information about the Award Family Fun Night, contact the Keokuk County Extension office at 641-6222680. Classifieds ............. Pg. 6 Legals .................... Pg. 7 Hewett Honors ....... Pg. 8 Pekin XC Honors ... Pg. 9 VB Second Team ... Pg. 10 VB Honorable ........ Pg. 10 VB First Team ....... Pg. 11 Panther FB ............ Pg. 12 Drive Out the Cold! Submitted Manor House and Deer View Manor is sponsoring a hat, coat, mitten and glove drive from October 28 through November 20. Jorie Icenbice, Marketing Director for Manor House and Deer View Manor said, “We’re calling it “Drive Out the Cold”. We will be collecting these items for the Sigourney Elementary and for the Headstart Program.” Anyone wishing to donate can drop off the items either at Deer View Manor or Manor House. Needed are sizes toddler through adult for accessories, and toddler through youth XL for the coats. Community Thanksgiving Dinner A group of volunteers have joined forces to provide the Second Annual Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner beginning at noon on Thursday, Nov. 28 at the Sigourney Senior Center (south Main St.). Family, friends and neighbors are encouraged to join together for a family-style free Thanksgiving Dinner. There is no cost for this feast. To volunteer, please call Mike @ 319-330-9934, Christine @ 641-660-5062, or the Keokuk Co. Community Services office @ 641-622-2383. SADC 2013 Harvest Festival Last Chance for a Ticket The Sigourney Area Development Corporation board members are finalizing ticket sales for Friday, Nov. 15 big event. Each ticket entitles the holder and a guest to beverages, food, door prizes and a single chance at the $10,000 grand prize. The theme this year is Harvestfest with a “Duck Dynasty” costume contest. A “special” trophy awaits the winner. Returning this year is the ‘Dollar Game’ and back by popular demand is ‘Spike on the Mic’ for the evenings musical entertainment. Wooden Wheel Vineyard is hosting a booth as well. SADC plans to announce the 2013 Star Award winner as well and please remember to bring a nonperishable food item for the Keokuk County Lord’s Pantry. NEWS-REVIEW WWW.SIGOURNEYNEWSREVIEW.COM [email protected] WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2013 NUMBER 46, 153RD YEAR Local Youth Learn Appreciation for Homelessness To help junior and senior high school students understand how it feels to be homeless in Iowa on a cold November night, Sigourney United Methodist Church youth group leaders, Jaci Jarmes and Kelly Mousel, are encouraging their youth group members to build individual cardboard shelters and spend the night sleeping in them on the church lawn on Saturday, Nov. 16. A soup supper for the community is held in conjunction with the group’s homeless awareness “sleepout.” This is the fifth year the youth group has built cardboard shelters and spent the night sleeping in them. Each year they’ve learned to rely on their faith and each other to get them through the cold night. Through their experience they’ve strengthened their personal relationships with Christ; they strengthened their relationships with each other, and they’ve learned about homelessness “first hand.” While the members of the youth group are building shelters on the west lawn of the church, Sigourney UMC youth group parents are sponsoring a soup supper in the church dining room from 5-7 p.m. The purpose of this meal is to increase the community’s awareness of homelessness in our area and in the United States and to raise funds for a local mission work (the Sigourney Ministerial Alliance) and the youth group’s 2014 global mission trip. Items on the menu include a variety of homemade soups, desserts and drinks. A free will offering is being received. Although homelessness may not appear to be a significant problem in the Sigourney area, the Ministerial Alliance has been called on in recent years to assist several different families with children to “get back on their feet” after they arrived in town with no place to stay and few possessions besides what they could transport in their vehicle. The Ministerial Alliance has also provided temporary one-night lodging for those facing a crisis situation and having no shelter. As area residents make plans to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with their families, the UMYF encourages members of the community to take time to attend their soup supper and to give generously to the Sigourney Ministerial Alliance and the youth group’s upcoming mission trip. Landscapes of Art and Friendship Iowa artist Grant Wood first discovered the Amana Colonies during visits in the mid 1920s. He not only appreciated the Amana scenery, but the craft tradition and friendships he found within the seven communal villages. Beginning in 1928, Wood became a friend and mentor to Amana artist, Carl Flick. He urged his Amana friends, particularly Flick, to appreciate their surroundings, and to preserve the handcrafts and simple architectural lines he believed would be threatened by the community’s transition away from communal living in 1932. Peter Hoehnle is an Amana native and the author of the Amana People: The History of a Religious Community. He received his Ph.D. from Iowa State University in Agricultural History and Rural Studies in 2003, and he is a highly regarded Iowa historian. At the English Valleys History Center, on Sunday, Nov. 17, at 2 p.m., Peter Hoehnle is discussing Wood’s relationship with Amana, the artistic awareness he nurtured in the community, and, finally, the art work he produced during his visits, including the sketches for his noted landscape, Young Corn. The EV History Center is located at 108 N. Main Street in North English, and all are encouraged to attend this event at no charge. October Donors In the month of October the Keokuk County Lords Pantry received donations from: • Ruritans, Delta • St. Marys Church • Sigourney Tractor • What Cheer Lions • Winter Coats donated. Watch the Sigourney NewsReview for next months donors and maybe see someone you know. Quick Action Needed for a Red Ribbon Victory Sigourney Elementary’s Wells and Owen Clark have been chosen as one of the finalists for the National Red Ribbon contest! Help the Clark boys win an iPad and Sigourney Elementary win $1000! Go to, click on Region 7, and vote for the Clarks! Vote 10 times a day from each computer until November 19th. Friends Gather to Battle Cancer Submitted A benefit potluck for Denise Wright is in the Webster United Methodist Church basement, on Saturday Nov. 23, from 3 to 6:30 p.m. T h e community i s encouraged to attend and bring a meat dish, salad or dessert to share. The community choir performs at 7 p.m. with a redition of Handel’s “Messiah” led by Pastor John Tunnicliff. All interested singers - practice starts at 5 p.m. Wright first had cancer almost 20 years ago, only to have it reoccur seven years later. During her second bout with cancer, she underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. She had been cancer free for 13 years, until she noticed a lump near her arm this fall. Wright has breast cancer for the third time and will be undergoing surgery and further treatments. She has been a social worker Sigourney News-Review Deadlines Are Always Friday @ 5 p.m. in this area for many years and is originally from the Webster community where she attends church. Wright has been instrumental in organizing the reunion for Webster residents that is held at EXPO each year. She has also been involved in community choirs throughout her life, starting with her high school experiences at English Valleys when the “Messiah” was performed each year at Christmas time. Wright graduated in 1969, and later moved out of state, until returning to this area to work. Her brother, Kenny (Butch), also lives in Sigourney and her older brother, Jim, lives in Illinois. Wright’s friends and coworkers have banded together to have a benefit for her to raise money for her treatment, and to show support for her as a community as she starts her fight against cancer once again, by having a potluck dinner. There are also be door prizes that night. As a part of the entertainment evening, the “Messiah” will be performed. The original music score that was performed at English Valleys over 40 years ago has been discovered and will be used for the performance. The poinsettias that decorate the church are available after the performance for a donation [see an organizer for more details]. Contributions may be sent to the Denise Wright Benefit, White State Bank, P.O. Box 68, South English, IA 52335 [See the ad in the Nov. 20 NewsReview for more details]. 2 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The SNR Community Non VA Emergency Care Facts Celebrating 50 Years of Friendship The Sigourney High School Class of 1963 held their 50th class reunion. Classmates in attendance included Al Lane, John Baumert, Dave Stohler, Jon Woods, Gary Martin, Allan Sieck, Don Woods, Jim Thompson, Marge Craven, Larry Langfitt, Max Wilkening, Linda Crouse, Malcolm Schwenke, Peggy Clarahan, Tony Chilton, Barb Schroer, Donna Clubb, Darlene Reinert, Lancey Killian, Neda Spiegel, Rodger Aller, Mickey Sheetz, Stanley Chambers and Beryl Shifflett [submitted]. Hollingsworth Takes Majority for City of Sigourney’s Mayor Terry Hollingsworth The Keokuk County Veterans Affairs Director, Keith Blair just received this warning... VA cards put veterans at risk, scanners reveal social security numbers. Anyone with a smart phone and a bar code app can scan any VA identification card issued since 2004 and the cardholders’ social security number immediately pops up on the screen. Blair warns veterans with VA identification cards issued since 2004 to be extra cautious with their cards. On Friday, Nov. 8, Blair also received notice the Iowa City VAMC Pat./Reg./ Eligibility Dept. is aware of the situation and they’re in the process of correcting it. Contact Blair at [email protected] or 641 622 2761 for more information. Official Election Results for Keokuk County Communities THE SIGOURNEY NEWS REVIEW A Division of Mid America Publishing Corporation, PO Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441 (USPS 496 520) Address Correspondence To P.O. Box 285, Sigourney, IA 52591 Circulation & Subscription Inquiries: Contact Mid America circulation at 1 800 558 1244, send inquires to PO Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441 or email [email protected]. Credit Cards are accepted. You may subscribe at our office by contacting us locally during business hours or at 641 622 3110. Local Area $40.00 Per Year Official Paper Of: Keokuk County • Sigourney Hedrick Kenneth Chaney, Publisher Published Every Wednesday Advertising liability is limited to the price of the advertising. If the Sigourney News Review shall fail to publish a notice as required, in whole or in part, or shall in no event exceed the amount of the charges allowed by law for the publication of the notice which was not published. Periodicals Postage Paid At Sigourney, IA (Postmaster: Send address changes to Mid America Circulation, PO Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441; Phone 1 800 558 1244) QR Code to News Review Mobile Website • Delta, # of Voters 31; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Rudy Votroubek 28, Write In Scattering 2; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) Barb Fisher 25, Amanda Rostami 28, Sheri Walker 28, Write In Dawn Whitmore 11, Write In Todd Fisher 7, Write In Scattering 25. • Gibson, # of Voters 3; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Steve Van Zee 3; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) Greg Ehret 3, Dennis Ferns 3, Jessie Linder 3, Frank Pierce 3, Jim Schultz 3. • Harper, # of Voters 29; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Bernard Greiner 19, Write In Randall Schultz Veteran Identity Protection Shirley Altenhofen 5, Write In Scattering 2; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) Grant J. Altenhofen 15, Connie K. Baker 23, Kay Beinhart 15, Julia Smith 17, Heather Snedigar 25, Write In Colton Altenhofen 14, Write In Ryan Altenhofen 14, Write In Scattering 14. • Hayesville, # of Voters 14; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Chris Gammack 14; Council Member (Vote For Two Total) Larry Bird 14, James Hauschild 13. • Hedrick, # of Voters 64; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Robert W. Crawford 42, Write In Tommy Smith 11, Write In Scattering 6; Council Member (Vote For Two Total) Travis Bunnell 43, Kay Cernic 48, Write In Scattering 7. • Keota, # of Voters 122; Mayor (Vote For One) Anthony Cansler 77, Claudine Erwin 43; Council Member (Vote For Three) Keith Conrad 115, Kathryn Davis 71, Rod Hill 104, Bob Preston 62, Write In Scattering 1; Public Measure F, YES 79, NO 36. • Keswick, # of Voters 20; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Janet L. Wade 20; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) Larry Bair 19, Linda K. Cranston 18, David Krumm 18, Karen Sieren 17, Mark Zittergruen 17, Write In Scattering 1. • Kinross, # of Voters 12; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Walter ➥ If I am admitted to the hospital as a result of an emergency, how much will VA pay? This depends on you VA eligibility. VA may pay all, some, or none of the charged. For service connected conditions, here are some of the criteria that must be met: 1. Care of services were provided in a medical emergency; 2. VA or another federal facility were not feasibly available; 3. VA was notified within 72 hours of the admission. 4. Ask your local VA Medical Center’s Non VA (Fee) Care Office for further eligibility guidance. For non service connected conditions, here are some of the criteria that must be met: 1. Veteran is enrolled in the VA Health Care System; 2. Veteran has received health care services from VA within the previous 24 months; 3. Veteran has no other health insurance coverage; 4. Ask your local VA Medical Venter’s Non VA (Fee) Care Office for further eligibility guidance. How do I know if I have a service connected condition? A service connected condition refers to an illness or injury that was incurred in or aggravated by military service and has a rating assigned by the Veterans Benefits Administration. How long do I have to file a claim for reimbursement for emergency medical care? File you claim with the nearest VA Medical Center quickly because time limits usually apply. For non service connected care, the time limit is 90 days. Again, consult you local VA Medical Center for more information. Will VA pay for emergency care received outside the United States? VA will only pay for emergency care outside the U.S. if your emergency is related to a service connected condition. For more information about care provided outside the U.S., contact the Foreign Medical Program (FMP) at 877 345 8179, or go to the FMP wedsite at forbeneficiaries/fmp. ➥ At some time in your life, you may need emergency care. This explains what VA might be able to do for you. When it is not possible for you to go to a VA Medical Center, you should go to the nearest hospital that has an emergency room. If you are in an ambulance, the paramedics will usually take you to the closest emergency room. What is an emergency? A medical emergency is an injury or illness that is so severe that without immediate treatment, it threatens your life or health. How do I know my situation is an emergency? Your situation is an emergency if you believe your life or health is in danger. If I believe my life or health is in danger, do I need to call the VA before I call for an ambulance or go to an emergency room? No. Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room right away. When should I contact the VA regarding an emergency room visit? You, your family, friends or hospital staff should contact the nearest VA medical center as soon as possible, preferably within 72 hours of your emergency, so you are better aware of what services VA may or my not cover. Provide VA with information about your emergency and what services are being provided to you. Ask VA for guidance on what emergency charges may or may not be covered so you can plan accordingly. If the doctor wants to admit me to the hospital, must I obtain advance approval fro the VA? If the admission is an emergency, No, although prompt notification of the VA is necessary. If the admission is not an emergency, Yes. If a VA bed is available and I can be safely transferred, do I have to move to the VA hospital? Yes, if you want VA to continue to pay for your care. If you refuse to be transferred, VA will not pay for any further care. Rick Landgrebe William Bender Douglas Glandon By Robin Handy The City of Sigourney saw a total of 391 voters at the polls last Tuesday [Nov. 5]. This number reflects 27 percent of all registered voters [as of Sept. 30] in the City of Sigourney, according to the Keokuk County Auditor’s office. • The First Ward saw 82 voters for two At Large contested races and a contested Mayoral race. • The Second Ward saw 97 voters for an unopposed incumbent race, two At Large contested races and a contested Mayoral race. • The Third Ward saw 94 voters for two At Large contested races and a contested Mayoral race. • The Fourth Ward saw 118 voters for an unopposed council member seat, two At Large contested races and a contested Mayoral race. • The remainder of votes were cast via absentee ballot. While this number doesn’t set precedent, it is considered a good voter turn out in a city general election. Some Keokuk County communities saw a fraction of their registered population at the polls. The official results were released by the Auditor’s office in the afternoon of Tuesday, Smith 12; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) Beth Ann Bitner 11, Chris Krebs 11, Earl Phillips 11, Seth Dylan Phillips 11, Write In Arnold Krebs 2. • Martinsburg, # of Voters 15; Council Member (Vote For Three Total) Write In Mike Messerschmitt 13, Write In Jim Bowersock 10, Write In Ernie Shull 10, Write In Scattering 2. • Ollie, # of Voters 28; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Write In Quentin Harbison 12, Write In George Northup 3, Write In Scattering 9; Council Member (Vote For Three Total) Joshua Heisdorffer 27, Write In Dana Miller 14, Write In Scott Vetter 12, Write In Tim Hadley 3, Write In Scattering 14. • Richland, # of Voters 86; Nov. 12. The official results after the canvas didn’t show any changes to the election results. Effective January first 2014, the city governing body for the City of Sigourney, could have a whole new swing to its voting majority power with a new mayor, a single incumbent and three new faces to the City Council. Terry Hollingsworth is the City of Sigourney’s new mayor with a total of 319 votes. Michael Conner received 97 and a Write In Scattering of 7. 2nd Ward Randall Schultz [incumbent] was unopposed and returns to his seat on the Council with a total of 76 votes. There was a Write In Scattering of 5. 4th Ward Rick Landgrebe was unopposed and accepts the seat on the Council with a total of 110 votes. There was a Write In Scattering of 3. Council Member At Large William Bender takes this seat with 272 total votes. Erica Hemsley received a total of 132 and a Write In Scattering of 2. Council Member At Large To Fill Vacancy Douglas Glandon moves in to take this seat with a total of 279. Charles Williams received 133 total votes and a Write In Scattering of 5. Mayor (Vote For One Total) Thomas Hoekstra 76, Write In Scattering 7; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) Joe Donovan 69, Holly Sue Gill 16, Daniel C. Hadley 68, Larry A. Johnson 60, Darrell Loving 65, Michael A. Noel 44, Robert J. Olson 50, Write In Scattering 2. • South English, # of Voters 32; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Terry Allen 20, Cody Thomas Fredrick Searl 11, Write In Scattering 3; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) John G. Bourque 23, Virginia Garrett 31, Jim Long 20, Aaron Osweiler 29, Larry Strasser 23, Write In Bill Hoylman 12, Write In Scattering 12. • Thornburg, # of Voters 8; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Ron Denison 8; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) Jill Bos 7, Crystal Pendleton 7, Betty Rumer 7, Becky Seaton 7, Sheryl Storm 7. • Webster, # of Voters 23; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Bryan E. Lee 23; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) Steven D. Black 20, Gerald Glandon 22, Barbara Shifflett 20, Write In Scott Mihal 15, Write In Kyle Garringer 8, Write In Lowell Ryder 7, Write In Scattering 5. • What Cheer, # of Voters 69; Mayor (Vote For One Total) Mike Danner 60, Write In Scattering 4; Council Member (Vote For Five Total) Merrill David Decker 52, Max Gragg Jr. 60, Lorrie Hartwig 52, Joe Linder 52, Write In Chris Terrell 15, Write In Scattering 16. Savage Eye Staff (Listed in alphabetical order) Damien Beard Ahsley Berg Chase Tremmel Adviser, Joleen Louwsma Asst. Adviser, Mindy Jensen The ‘Savage Eye’ is a student generated newspaper for the Sigourney Community School District. The content and opinions expressed in the ‘Savage Eye’ are not necessarily those of the Sigourney News-Review nor Mid America Publishing Corporation. SNR PAGE 3 • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2013 • SE ISSUE 3, 3ND YEAR Fall Fitness By Ashley Berg On Tuesday, October 15, Sigourney Junior Senior High School took part in their second “Fall Fitness Day”, a day where teachers and students dedicate the day to learning about healthy eating, different forms of exercise, and how to stay fit. This year, afternoon sessions included ATA Tae Kwon Do with instructor Tamara Schuster, Jung’s Tae Kwon Do with teacher Drew Bahlmann, Bootcamp Madness with Kimi Wood and Carlos Frias, an information session with Mahaska Health Partnership Dietician Lea Rice, and a circuit workout with Fountain Fitness trainer Heather Jaeger. Everyone’s time and donation of resources and skills was greatly appreciated in making Fall Fitness possible! Students and teachers also took part in a scavenger hunt across town during the first half of Thursday, October 17 as part of Fall Fitness Day. The scavenger hunt included tasks for students to do at each stop and putting puzzles together as the clue to the next stop on the Students Helping Students Preston McNurlen By Ashley Berg This week I wanted to recognize an important member of our school: Preston McNurlen. Preston is one of the special needs students in Sigourney who is currently enrolled as an eighth grader. I had the chance to ask primary caretaker, Sonia McNurlen, more about what Preston does throughout the day. First thing in the morning, Preston gets a question at 8:15 to wake him up, such as the day of the week or his age. He attends physical education or art class during the morning, then English. Afterwards, he has the choice of computer time or listening to music on the radio. In the after- noon, he sits in on English, math, social studies, and science. Preston can not verbally communicate so much of his education is focused on giving him the choice and turning things on and off. He can consciously decide to continue music playing. Preston enjoys listening to the radio, and likes being around people and listening to them talk. Camping is one of his favorite things to do and he likes going outside when it’s nice out. I asked Sonia why she thinks it is important for Preston to be enrolled in school. “I think it is important for kids to be aware of him and understand more about him. They are all very accepting of him.” Early Graduation By Damien Beard At the end of the first trimester, three students will be graduating from Sigourney High School. These students have completed all of their credits and requirements for graduation. These students are Sarah Stanley, Olivia Knuth- Miller, and Jerry Barnett. These students have decided to step out into the real world. Their future plans are: Sarah-In January she will be attending Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Sarah will be enrolled in the Pre-Med program studying to become a pediatrician specializing in NICU and PICU. She has always been interested in the medical field and working with children so it seems to be a good fit. In five years, Sarah will be entering medical school. She doesn’t know where quite yet, but which ever school. Olivia- She is planning on moving to Belle Plaine in February. Olivia will be starting Capri in March of 2014.She is going to college for esthetics and make-up artistry. After Olivia Graduates from college, she will be working in Iowa City as an esthetician. She will either be setting up her own spa or already have it open and running in the next five years. Jerry- Jerry is going to be an intern at Yhadra’s law firm in Alexandra, Virginia. He will be attending college next fall. Jerry plans on going to Montgomery College in Silver Spring, Maryland. He plans on having his own apartment, and he also plans on working for a personal injury law firm in the next five years. By Ashley Berg High school students Katie Dillon, Jolie Erbacher, and Ashley Berg are raising money throughout the school year for an organization called Mary’s Meals. Mary’s Meals is a non-profit organization that uses donations and money raised by volunteers to feed children one meal a day in their place of education. It costs $16.80 to feed a child porridge for a year. This is an average of six cents per meal. The food provided improves school attendance and creates a better life for children in the seventeen different countries Mary’s Meal works in, including Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Haiti, and India. The idea to raise money for Mary’s Meals started as a TAG project, but has since grown into a philanthropic pastime. Throughout the year, the girls intend to sell bracelets and tee shirts, have a showing of the documentary “Child 31” about the organization, and conduct fundraising events. By selling bracelets, the group has raised over $200 and hope to continue the success this school year! walk. The scavenger hunt included the following people and places: Keokuk County Ambulance Crew, Deer View Manor tenants, Sigourney Schools Central Office with Dr. Scott, Legion Park, Keokuk County Jail, Sigourney Post Office, MidWest One Bank, Misc. on Main, Dave & Nancy Tremmel, Sigourney Public Library, Holm’s Funeral Home, Keokuk County Courthouse, Keokuk County Bank, and the Sigourney Christian Church. All in all, the walk was over two miles long and a great excuse to enjoy the fall weather. October Students of the Month By Chase Tremmel This months Students of the Month are Lane Boender for high school and Madison Schwenke for junior high. Madison is the daughter of Alex and Pam Schwenke. She is in 7th grade and her favorite subject is English. She participates in softball, volleyball, basketball, dance, roller hockey, and also plans on being in track this spring. Lane is son of Justin and Michelle Boender. He is in 10th grade and his favorite subject in science. Lane’s extra curricular activities are football and wrestling. 4 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 ~ Whitmire ~ Evelyn “Carol” Whitmire, age 77, of Sigourney, died Saturday, Nov. 9, 2013, at Sigourney Care Center. Carol was born August 4, 1936, in Toledo, Ohio and graduated from Swanton High School in Swanton, Ohio. She then worked for the Rossford Ordinance Depot for a year and a half. On March 19, 1955, she married Rolin “Rod” Whitmire in Swanton. In 1974, Rod became a minister and they served churches in Ohio, Missouri and Iowa. While in Coffey, Miss., the couple also owned and operated Whitmire Service. Rod retired from the ministry and they moved to Sigourney in 1997. Carol enjoyed her grandchildren, ~ Sellers ~ Harold Lloyd Sellers, 85, was born in Sigourney, on Tuesday, October 30, 1928. Harold grew up with six siblings: Cleo, Cleland, Alta, Phyllis, Willis and Jack; with two loving parents, Richard Samuel Sellers and Louie (Derby) Sellers. Harold graduated from Sigourney High School in 1946, where he set State records in football and track. His classmates nicknamed him “Flash” for his outstanding speed and agility. Immediately following graduation, he volunteered for the United States Army and became a Ranger. Harold served honorably, receiving The Army of Occupation Medal Japan, AsiaPacific Theatre, Good Conduct Medal, Expert Marksman, Small Arms Ordinance and the WWII Victory Medal. He attended Iowa State University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Nebraska and Colorado State University with Degrees and Certifications in Agriculture, Forestry, Botany, and Landscape Design. To say the least, Harold Sellers was on a path of education and achievement. Harold always had an outstanding work ethic. It followed him with pride throughout his life. He not only started his first landscaping business at the age of 13; but, by the time he was 14, he had accomplished the goal of saving enough money to buy his first Chevy Coupe. He continued working in his landscaping business throughout high school and college years, naming the business Sellers Tree Service. He consulted in landscaping, disease and insect control, and was a tree surgeon; he also was a consultant, speaker, and panel member at various conferences regarding issues in his chosen field. Harold became a lineman and tree specialist for Iowa Southern Utilities, a forester for Iowa Power and Light Company, and a forester for Polk County Conservation Board. He was a former staff member of the Iowa State Auditors’ Office and Coordinator of the Iowa Pesticide Department. He assisted the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture and eventually ran for Iowa Secretary of Agriculture. He later became President and CEO of Iliff reading and family dinners. She especially enjoyed her ministry of sending cards for all occasions, for encouragement and to share God’s love with others. Survivors include six children: Charles (Anita) Whitmire of Liberty Center, Ohio, Susan Hendricks of Sigourney, Rebecca O’Brien of Sigourney, Michael (Koby) Whitmire of Bethany, Miss., Daniel Whitmire of Eagleville, Miss. and Kelley (Reggie) Horstman of Ida Grove; 13 grandchildren; 17 great grandchildren; a sister, Rosemary (Kent) Judson of Swanton, Ohio; several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Rod on March 9, 2013; son-in-law, Lee Hendricks: a great granddaughter, Dacey Whitmire in infancy; two sisters, Judy Crockett and Janet Keener and two brothers-in-law, Greg Keener and Bernie Crockett. Memorial services were Tuesday, Nov. 12, at Lancaster Christian Church in rural Sigourney, Revs. Dave Matteson, Chuck Whitmire and Jim Eschenbrenner officiated. Burial is at Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Sigourney at a later date. A memorial fund has been established for missionaries Brett and Jaci Kuntz. Powell Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Sigourney cared for Carol and her family. Condolences may be e-mailed at under obituaries. Nurseries, American Continental Nursery and Conservation Tree Service. Throughout his lifetime, he was an active member at various times in the following organizations: Tree Research Institute, Registered Lobbyist for both The Colorado and Iowa Legislatures, International Society of Arboriculture, V.F.W. Post #1141, Trustee of the I.O.O.F., Board of Governors of the MidWest Chapter of the International Shade Tree Conference, American Institute of Park Executives, American Forestry Association, Mid-Continent Park and Recreation Conferences, Men’s Garden Clubs of America, Izaak Walton League, Lion’s Club, Iowa and National Rose Societies, American Nursery Men’s Association, Landscape Industry Council, Landscape Contractors of Colorado, American Small Business Men’s Association, National Wildlife Association, and Past Director of Rocky Mountain Men’s Garden Clubs. He also was baptized and a member of First Christian Church of Sigourney; attended Foothills Christian Church in the Denver area; at the time of his death, he attended City Christian Church in Apache Junction, Ariz. He is survived by six of his seven children: Connie Dye of Apache Junction, Ariz.; Lois (Steve) Eaton of Golden, Colo.; Ronald (Kim) Sellers of Longmont, Colo.; Gary Sellers of Des Moines; Richard (Terri) Sellers and Bonnie (Jeff) Payne; 12 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. His daughter, Connie lived with and cared for him the last six months of his life, assisted by daughters Lois and Bonnie. All three were with him at the time of his death in his home in Apache Junction, Ariz. Above and beyond all his personal and professional accomplishments, Harold’s greatest achievement in life is the value of family he taught to all his family. No matter the situation, he successfully passed on, as the most important of his heirlooms, his advice, his wisdom, his sense of humor, his heritage and his faith in God, which all have benefited from and continues to share with future generations. Flowers and Honorariums may be sent to Aspen Mortuary, 1350 Simms St., Lakewood, Colo. 80228. Burial was at City of Golden Cemetery in Golden, Colo. The SNR Obituaries ~ Vogel ~ Olive Irene Grade Baxter Vogel, age 97, passed away Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013, at Crystal Heights Care Center in Oskaloosa. She was born March 21, 1916, in Fremont, the daughter of J. Earl Grade and Sadie Breon Grade. She attended school in Fremont. Olive helped her dad on the farm, and drove the pony when they hauled water during thrashing season. She was united in marriage to Filby Baxter, August 2, 1932. Following her marriage she and her husband moved to Farson and resided there until 1947 when they moved north of Hedrick. Filby died June 29, 1965. Olive was united in marriage to James Joseph Vogel, February ~ Yates ~ James David Yates, 69, of Des Moines, died Thursday, November 7, 2013, at his apartment. His was born September 2, 1944, in Sigourney, to William “Bill” Harry and Evelyn Lucille Pottenger Yates. He graduated from Sigourney High School in 1962 and later from AIB in Des Moines. He worked for King’s Delivery in Des Moines for 10 ~ Appleget ~ Clarence Appleget, age 82, of Sigourney, died Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013, at the Keokuk County Health Center in Sigourney, surrounded by his family. Clarence was born on March 29, 1931, to Myrl and Ethel (Hollingsworth) Appleget at their home in Lancaster Township, Sigourney. A graduate of Sigourney High School in 1949, Clarence served in the Army and was stationed in Yokohama before returning to Sigourney to marry Rosemary Weber at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in 1957. Always an antique car hobbyist, Clarence was known for having at least one antique car in local parades from the time he was in high school driving a modified ‘jumper’ Model T, until just last year when he drove his long-wished-for hot rod in the Delta Days parade. Clarence spent most of his later working life as a farmer, but he was known by many as the man behind the wheel of one vehicle 11, 1970, he died September 29, 1997. Olive was employed at Dickey’s Prairie Home Restaurant for many years. She moved to Melrose, in 1970, and in 1989, moved to Moravia. She was active in school sports, enjoyed reading, working puzzles, gardening, being outside and was known by the family for her famous raisin pies. Olive was a member of Farm Bureau and a leader of 4-H of Keokuk County. Olive is survived by her sons: Earl Joe (Mary Lou) Baxter of Marion, Ill. and Donald LeRoy (Jean) Baxter of Kingman, Ariz.; four daughters: Pauline Louise (Kenneth) Seaba of Webster, Marjorie Marie (Jim) Van Polen of Bussey, Linda Lee (Gary) Tedrow of Salem and Janice Arlene (Steven) West of Fremont; 17 grandchildren, 38 greatgrandchildren, 16 great-great grandchildren, and a sister: Eva Gertrude Echelberry of Hedrick. She was preceded in death by her parents, both husbands; a son; David Ray Baxter; three granddaughters; one great granddaughter; two brothers: Ward Gilbert Grade and Glenn Robert Grade, and two sisters: Doris Lola Baxter and Hildred Mae Baxter. Funeral services were Saturday, Nov. 9, in the Fremont Funeral Chapel and Rev. Lois Williams officiated. Burial followed at Memorial Lawn Cemetery near Ottumwa. Memorials may be made to Crystal Heights Nursing Center or MHP Serenity House. years and spent the rest of his life at the Des Moines Register, retiring in 2010. He was known as “Gunner” at the Register. Jim was an avid golfer, playing many courses in Iowa and around the country. He also enjoyed other sports and cooking. He was preceded in death by his father William Yates. He is survived by his mother, Lucille of Sigourney; brother, Dan (Pat) Yates of Waterloo; nephew, Michael (Erin) Yates of Waterloo; niece, Lisa Macs of Texas; grand nieces, Samantha and Katelyn Macs, Emily Yates; grand nephew, Jack Yates and various aunts, uncles, and cousins in Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois and Washington. A Funeral Service is at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013, at the Holm Funeral Home. Visitation will be one hour prior to the service at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday. Burial is at Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Sigourney. Memorials may be made to the Sigourney Christian Church. or another. First as a teen who willingly gave any school friend a ride (earning him the chauffeur’s nickname ‘Jarvis’), then as driver of a Sigourney school bus. Later he worked at Century Motors, Iowa Southern Utilities, the Iowa DOT, Iowa Parcel Service, Sun Oil DX tankwagon, Pioneer HiBred, and in recent years he was the driver of the local SEIDA bus. He was a member of the American Legion Post #19 and Lacey Kerr V.F.W. Post #2308. Clarence is survived by his wife, Rosemary of Sigourney; daughter, Susan (Gerald) Hurst of Winterset; sons, Michael (Cheryl) of Oskaloosa, Mark (Eileen) of Danville, Calif., Daniel (Beckie) of Sigourney and daughter, Ann Hickcox of Lenexa, Kan., as well as twelve grandchildren, three step grandchildren, and one step great grandchild. Clarence is also survived by his siblings, Dean (Jean) Appleget and Verna Edmundson of Sigourney, Rex (Barbara) Appleget of Shueyville, and Ruth (John) Dietrich of Bettendorf. Many nieces, nephews, cousins and in-laws also mourn his loss. Clarence was preceded in death by his parents; son, Terrance Patrick in 1983 and his brother-in-law, Gene Edmundson. A Memorial Mass was Friday, Nov. 8, at St. Mary Catholic Church in Sigourney, and Rev. Charles Fladung officiated. Military rites by American Legion Post #19 and Lacey Kerr V.F.W. Post #2308 followed the service. A memorial fund has been established for Keokuk County Hospice Foundation or St. Mary’s Church in Sigourney. Powell Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Sigourney is caring for Clarence and his family. Condolences may be e-mailed at under obituaries. ~ Sorden ~ George L. “Bud” Sorden Jr., passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013, at his home in rural South English from cancer. He was born in San Diego, Calif. on March 13, 1939, the son of George L. And Dorothy L. Barker Sorden. He moved to Iowa with his parents and later moved to Albuquerque, N.M., as a child. Bud grew up near an Army Air Base where his father worked Civil Service after spending four years in the US Navy. He found his love of airplanes there, learning to identify them by their sound in the air. In 1944, he moved back to Iowa. He attended all his schooling at Webster Consolidated School in Webster, graduating in the school’s last class in 1956. On February 21, 1959, Bud married his school sweetheart Elaine E. Wemer in Webster. To this union three children were born. Roy D., John B. and Julie M. In 1961, he started flying. In 1962 Bud obtained his private license and in 1963, his commercial ticket. He then acquired thousands of hours in the air, flying ferry flights for dealers, some spraying and as a charter pilot for Solar Homes. Bud owned seventeen different airplanes, his favorite being a 1940 Meyers OTW, a WWII bi-plane. In 2012, Bud received the Wright Brothers “Master Pilot” Award from the Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration for over 50 consecutive years of safe aircraft flight. Bud was active as a Boy Scout Leader, providing Hunter Safety Programs and taking many young people on airplane rides. He collected old Allis Chalmers tractors and machinery. In 1984, along with his wife and the late Shorty Edmundson, formed Flying Eagle Ministries, taking food and clothing to the needy in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky. Virtually all of his life was spent in the Webster community. Moving from the Sorden Farm, north of Webster in 1969, to his present residence. Bud spent most of his life farming and OTR truck driving. His interests were his family, flying, hunting, fishing and conservation. He was an active member of Hilltop Chapel, Experimental Aircraft Association, a lifetime member of Antique Aircraft Association, and a member of Allis Connection. Bud was president of Sorden Cemetery Association, a past member of Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, President of Webster High School Alumni and was on the board of the Keokuk County Historical Society. Bud is survived by his wife, Elaine; son, John (Betty) Sorden of Webster; daughter, Julie Sorden and Richard Buehneman of South English; grandchildren, Renee (Lenny) Winn of Rochester, Sasha (Josh) Hoylman of South English, Chastity (Quenten) Offerman of North English, Timber Sorden of North English, Brett Buehneman of Monroe, Annie Jayne (Nick) Hol of Beacon; 14 great grandchildren; his mother, Dorothy Sorden of North English; sister, Donna (Raymond) Gent of South English and special friends, Keith and Marlene Leinenweaver of South English. Bud was preceded in death by his father George L. Sorden, Sr. and a son, Roy. A Going Home Celebration was at Hilltop Chapel in What Cheer on Saturday, Nov. 9. Pastor John DeBoef officiated. Burial was in the Sorden Cemetery near Webster. In lieu of flowers, the family requests using a general memorial fund or donating to the Antique Airfield Association in Blakesburg. Memorials and tributes may be left at www. under obituaries. The SNR Calendar, Achievements, Church Calendar DRIVE OUT THE COLD “Drive Out the Cold” donations are being accepted until Nov. 20 at Manor House, Sigourney. Coats, hats, gloves, mittens and scarves sizes toddler through adult for the Sigourney Elementary and SIEDA Headstart. BAY STREET BRASSWORKS Bay Street Brassworks is performing at George Daily Auditorium, Oskaloosa on Thursday, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. CARE CENTER HAPPENINGS Cowboy Jim is at the Sigourney Care Center on Friday, Nov. 15 at 2:30 p.m. UMC HOMELESS PROJECT Homeless Project sleepout and soup supper is Saturday, Nov. 16 at the Sigourney United Methodist Church at 5 p.m. MANOR HOUSE PIE FEST RSVP today (622-2142) for the Manor House Pie Fest on Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 2 p.m. Bring a pie to share and enjoy the music of Rex McFall. HEDRICK BLOOD DRIVE Hedrick Community Blood Drive is Tuesday, Nov. 19 from 3-7 p.m. at the Community Center, 109 N. Main St., Hedrick. BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK Senior Center, Keota is the spot for blood pressure check’s on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 11:30 a.m. MUSIC AND FUN Music with Peggy is at the Sigourney Care Center on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 2:30 p.m. BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK Donna’s Diner in What Cheer is the spot for Blood Pressure Check’s on Thursday, Nov. 14 at 9 a.m. COMMUNITY MASS St. Mary’s Catholic Church Community Mass at Manor House in Sigourney is Thursday, Nov. 21 at 9:30 a.m. LANDSCAPES OF ART Peter Hoehnle is speaking on Sunday, Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. at the EV History Center. BLOOD DRIVE Sigourney AM Blood Drive is Friday, Nov. 22 from 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the City of Sigourney Offices. FALL SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA Fall Shopping Extravaganza is Sunday, Nov. 17 from 12 noon5 p.m. with Pekin 8th grade serving lunch at 11 a.m. in Carl Craft Civic Center, Hedrick. WRIGHT BENEFIT POTLUCK A Benefit Potluck for Denise Wright is Saturday, Nov. 23 from 3-6:30 p.m. at Webster Methodist Church Basement. Milestones Vivian Stein 85th Birthday Vivian Stein is turning 85 on Saturday, Nov. 23. Join her family in celebrating by sending birthday wishes to 110 N. 5th Ave West, Apt. 211, Newton, Iowa 50208. Kenny and Angie Gretter of Harper and Mark and Cheryl Tinnes of Keota are pleased to announce the engagement and upcoming wedding of their children, Michaela Nicole Gretter and Nathan Mark Tinnes. A wedding is being planned for November 30, 2013. Bethel United Methodist Church Pastor LuAnn Benge 319-456-3105 6 mi. E of Sigourney on Hwy. 92 Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship at 10:30 a.m. Alive at Five every 1st and 3rd Sunday evening at 5 p.m. Delta Christian Church Henry Goetz, Lay Pastor 641-799-4800 Worship: Sunday at 9 a.m. Delta United Methodist Church Vince Homan, Pastor Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School for Elementary age children at 9:30-10:15 a.m. English River Church of the Brethren Diana Lovett, Pastor 29252 137th Street South English, IA 52335 (2 mi. E of S.E. on Hwy. 22) Church: 319-667-5235 Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Worship at 10:30 a.m. MILESTONES SUBMISSIONS Sigourney News-Review accepts “Milestones” announcements to share with the community, including surprises. Send all engagement, birth, wedding and anniversary announcements to Sigourney, NewsReview, Attn: Robin Handy, P.O. Box 285, Sigourney, IA 52591, drop by the office at 114 East Washington, or e-mail to [email protected]. A $10 photo fee is assessed per photo, per newspaper. The SNR is also able to submit the ‘Milestone’ to all Keokuk County newspapers. Announcements are also posted to the SNR website at Farson Baptist Church Pastor: Jerry Newman Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. First Presbyterian Church 4-H FAMILY FUN NIGHT Keokuk County 4-H Family Fun Night is Saturday, Nov. 23 at 6 p.m. at the Keokuk County Expo Fairgrounds. BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK Senior Center in Hedrick is the spot for Blood Pressure Check’s on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 11:30 a.m. KC HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Keokuk County Historical Society is closed Thanksgiving week Wednesday, Nov. 27 and Thursday, Nov. 28. THANKSGIVING FEAST The 2nd Annual Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner at Sigourney Senior Center is Thursday, Nov. 28 at noon. The meal is free of charge. For more details call 641-660-5062. THANKSGIVING DINNER Packwood Christian Church’s Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner is Thursday, Nov. 28 at the church beginning at noon. Please RSVP by Nov. 26 at 319-6953601. HOSPICE TREE OF MEMORIES Hospice Tree of Memories Lighting Ceremony is Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 6:30 p.m. in Keokuk County Courthouse Rotunda. MANOR HOUSE SING-A-LONG Sing-A-Long at Manor House Care Center is every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. Holy Trinity Catholic Parish Rev. Charles Fladung Rectory: 641-636-3883 Saturday Mass, 6 p.m. Sunday Mass, 8 a.m. Hope Lutheran Church, LCMS Hedrick-Martinsburg United Methodist Church Saturday worship, 5 p.m. Communion first and third Sundays. Hilltop Chapel of What Cheer John & Pat DeBoef, Pastors 4 Blocks East of Opera House 506 E. Briney St. 641-634-2839 [email protected] Singing and Preaching at 10 a.m.; Children’s Church at 10:30 a.m. November 17-19: Joel Lamb preaching and praying for Christians to be filled with the Holy Spirit. TOPS MEETING Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets at the Extension office at KC Expo on Tuesdays, with weigh-in at 4:30 p.m. and the meeting at 5 p.m. KC PUBLIC HEALTH Keokuk County Public Health Immunization Clinic is the third Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 4 p.m. This is a free clinic for individuals with out insurance or underinsured. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 12 noon at the Methodist Church, 4th Street, Kalona. CARE CENTER HAPPENINGS Bingo at Sigourney Care Center is Tuesdays at 2 p.m. The community is encouraged to attend. KNITTING WITH KAREN Knitting with Karen is Tuesdays from 2-5 p.m. at the Sigourney Public Library. FOOD PANTRY Keokuk County Community Services food referrals is Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Courthouse in Sigourney. Thursday, Nov. 14: KCCA Winter Term Starts. Volleyball Banquet at 7 p.m. (HS Cafeteria). FB Semi-Finals in UNI Dome (Class 3-A). Friday, Nov. 15: End Tri 1-Hex 2. FB Semi-Finals in UNI Dome (Class A and 4A). Saturday, Nov. 16: FB SemiFinals in UNI Dome (Class 1A and 2A). Monday, Nov. 18: Report cards sent home this week. Wrestling and Boys Basketball begins. Tuesday, Nov. 19: TAG field trip to U of I Hospital and Clinics (Grade 6 and 7). Police/Sheriff lunch with Mrs. Hammes’ class. Public Library Program 4th-6th at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20: Blood Drive at HS from 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. Music Boosters Meeting- Cafeteria at 6 p.m. Public Library Program 2nd-3rd at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21: All State Festival in Ames. JH WR at EV at 4:15 p.m. Public Library Program for Public Library Program K-1st at 3:30 p.m. Sigourney News-Review Deadlines For Advertising, Classifieds And News Articles Is Friday At 5:00 P.M. 215 N. Jefferson, Sigourney Rev. Kim Alten, 641-622-3029 Children’s Sunday School, 9 a.m. Sunday Worship, 10 a.m. 203 N. Spring St., Hedrick Carl Benge, Pastor 641-653-4477 Sunday Worship: 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10 a.m. Sigourney School Menu Nov. 13 through Nov. 20 Senior Citizen Menu Sigourney Schools Nov. 14 through Nov. 21 Sports and Activities All meals are served with fortified bread, margarine and two percent milk. There is a suggested donation for persons 60 years of age or older and their spouses of any age. Thursday, Nov. 14: Potato crusted fish fillet, baked potato, sour cream, creamed peas, fresh fruit. Friday, Nov. 15: Beef tips in gravy, mashed potatoes, broccoli, mandarin oranges, banana pudding. Monday, Nov. 18: Salisbury steak, gravy, oven brown potatoes, broccoli Normandy, diced peaches, orange juice. Tuesday, Nov. 19: Roast pork, mashed potatoes, gravy, scalloped cabbage, banana orange cup. Wednesday, Nov. 20: Hearty beef/bean vegetable soup, saltine crackers, spinach strawberry salad, homemade wheat dinner roll, apricot halves. Thursday, Nov. 21: Baked chicken, candied sweet potatoes, broccoli cauliflower raisin salad, blueberry crisp. Rev. Dick Meyer 315 W. Kelly Street Church: 641-622-3777 Office: 319-668-2999 Keswick and Webster Methodist Church Circuit Pastor: John Tunnicliff WEBSTER: Saturday worship, 4:45 p.m. Come as you are. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Worship service at 10:30 a.m. KESWICK: Sunday worship at 9:15 a.m. Lancaster Christian Church 22934 W. County Rd. V5G Dirk Alspach, 641-224-2255 Sunday School: 9 a.m.; Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday evenings from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Youth Group 7-12 grade. Wednesday, November 13, 2013 New Life Fellowship Hwy. 22 South, Keswick Pastor: Barry Render 319-738-3851 Sunday Services, Worship and Children’s Church at 10 a.m. Wednesday Evening Teaching at 7 p.m.; Youth Group at 7 p.m. Every third Saturday is Praise Night at 7 p.m. Ollie Baptist Church Rev. Carla Nelson 641-667-2841 Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Richland United Methodist Church 106 W. South St., Richland Pastor Carl Benge Phone: 319-456-2251 Adult Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Service, 10:30 a.m. Following is the breakfast and lunch menu for the week of Wednesday, Nov. 13 to Wednesday, Nov. 20. Cereal is a breakfast alternative. Milk choices are offered with breakfast and lunch. 100 percent juice or fruit is offered with breakfast. BREAKFAST Wednesday, Nov. 13: Yogurt and cinnamon roll. Thursday, Nov. 14: Breakfast wrap, salsa, potato. Friday, Nov. 15: Pancakes, applesauce. Monday, Nov. 18: Combo bar, toast. Tuesday, Nov. 19: Egg and cheese sandwich. Wednesday, Nov. 20: Pancake, sausage stick. LUNCH Wednesday, Nov. 13: Corn dogs, potato wedges, romaine salad, grapes, raisins. Thursday, Nov. 14: Salisbury steak, whipped potatoes, gravy, green beans, blushing pears, WW roll. Friday, Nov. 15: Cooks choice, baby carrots, banana. Monday, Nov. 18: Sloppy Joe, bun, alt: hamburger, bun, potato rounds, celery and dip, apple slice. Tuesday, Nov. 19: PizzaSM, corn, rosey applesauce, chocolate chip cookie. Wednesday, Nov. 20: hot ham, bun, baked beans, romaine salad, mixed fruit. Hammes Awarded IHCC Scholarship Sandra Hammes, a Sigourney High School graduate, was awarded an Indian Hills Community College Foundation scholarship for the 2013-2014 academic year. Hammes received the IHCC Foundation Marvin & Esther E. Metcalf Perpetual Scholarship. She is enrolled in the Accounting Assistant program at Indian Hills. The Indian Hills Foundation was created with the goal of providing scholarships to help deserving students enhance their lives through college education. Pyle Graduates From Upper Iowa University Upper Iowa University is pleased to announce Donna Pyle of Sigourney, graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting in August. Honors qualifications as follows: Summa cum laude is awarded to those with a 3.8 to 4.0 GPA; magna cum laude (3.63.79 GPA), and cum laude (3.33.59 GPA). Upper Iowa University has 19 U.S. off-campus education centers, a traditional residential campus in Fayette, international centers in Hong Kong and Malaysia, as well as an extensive online program and an self-paced degree program. St. Mary’s Catholic Church Sigourney Rev. Charles Fladung Rectory: 641-622-3426 Prayer Line: 622-2877 Saturday Mass, 4 p.m. Sunday Mass, 10 a.m. Sigourney Christian Church Pastor: Jim Bringman 308 S. Jefferson, 641-622-2151 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.; Adult Bible Study: 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service: 10:45 a.m. Bible Study, Sundays at 6 p.m.; Elder Gathering meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m.; Committees meet the second Wednesday each month at 5:30 p.m.; Board meets every second Wednesday each month at 6:30 p.m.; Sister’s/CWF group meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Sigourney Church of Christ Pastor: Billy Claywell 615 South Jefferson 641-622-3708, 641-622-3582 Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship with Communion Service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service at 6:30 p.m. 5 Pekin HS Honor Roll Announced Pekin High School 20132014 First Quarter Honor Roll names have been released and are as follows: Seniors (Straight A’s): Eric Adam, Jared Bond, Petie Clubb, Jessica Horras, Cade Millikin, Taiylor Morgan, Hannah Robison, Tiana Slaney, Jenna Swanson and Samantha Wright. Juniors (Straight A’s): Paige Baetsle, Madelyn Baker, Avery Bennett, Matthew Bollinger, Maggie Brown, Baylie Dimmitt, McKenna Gambell, Sanna Haugane, J.D. Hollingsworth, Whitney Horras, Matthew Jones, Micaela Knapp, Victoria Lisk, Kyle Miller, Mallory Reed, Cole Reighard, Caylee Swearingen, Sofie Teistedal and Bobby Thornton. Sophomores (Straight A’s): Beth Atwood, Emily Bemis, Courtney Comstock, Bethanne Cooksey, Austin Fariss, Madison Lathrop, Payton Lock, Taylor Lock, Ashley Lucas, Shae Oostra, Sloan Reighard, Joel Swanson, Ryan Swanson, Tayler Winn, Tessa Winn and Gwynne Wright. Freshman (Straight A’s): Aspen Clark, Zackary Conger, Jordan Handy, Jared Horras, Nathan Kielkopf, Chelsea Lanphier, Kaylee Linder, Ryan Millikin, Trever Northup, Drew Powers, Gabriele Rutherford and Hazel Ward. Seniors: Peyton Atwood, Bryan Brain, Caleb Clark, Alex Coleman, Alison Deutschle, Clayton Essary, Hunter Gates, Jessica Heaston, Josh Jackson, Apryl Knox, Dakota Lisk, Brody Long, Katie Meeker, Hailee Miller, Michael Mosbey, Allie Phillips, Mickey Reynolds, Andrea Schrader and Holly Weinhold. Juniors: Tanner Adam, Jeffrey Brain, Cassie Clubb, Torrent Decker, Gabbi Earnest, Scott Entsminger, Ligeia Ervin, Samantha Fink, Bridget Fritchen, Billie Griffin, Jerica Ingle, Erica Jonson, Logan Lamb, Colton Lanman, Rebecca Phillips, Shelbi Talley, Breanna Weinhold and Christian Wittrock. Sophomores: Nikole Arendt, Riley Brown, Chase Copeland, Haleigh Dage, Devin Dailey, Kaysha Dodson, Brady Donovan, Chris Ehret, Roni Greiner, Michael Hadley, Madison Knapp, Allison Lankford, Amber Lankford, Taylea Manley, Jarrett Mattly, Clayton McKim, Chaquoyah Muntz, Whitney Phillips, Dylan Richey, Shelbie Williams and Keaton Winn. Freshman: Bonnie Becker, Matthew Brain, Kaitlyn Conger, Tyler Copeland, Shea Dahlstrom, Colton Emery, Sydney Farmer, Madison Fears, Chelsey Gillum, Emily Hadley, Joe Hagedon, Makayla Hammes, Thomas Hampton, Athena Hedman, Jakeup Huff, Joshua Jasper, Heidi Jones, Shelby Lanman, Mackenzie Martin, Willoh Mills, Malcolm Myers, Taylor Peiffer, Brad Pregon, Taylor Reynolds, Aaron Shaw, Hunter Swearingen, Katlyne Woodard and Ashlyn Zook. Sigourney First Baptist Church 308 N. Jefferson St. Pastor Joe Winkler S.S. Supt. Dorothy Jacobs 641-622-2786 Sunday School, 10:15 a.m. Worship at 9 a.m. Evening Worship at 6 p.m. Wednesdays Bible Study at 7 p.m. All are encouraged to attend. Sigourney United Methodist Church Pastor: Richard Pippert Website: Sunday Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. What Cheer Baptist Church Pastor: Dick and Jane Larson 641-433-0013, 641-790-1934 A Place to Grow Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Kid’s Club and Adult Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. 6 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED RATES Classified ads, $8.50 minimum for up to 25 words and 35¢ additional for each word over 25. (Published in the Sigourney News-Review and the Keota Eagle). Service charge of $5.00 for blind ads. Cards of Thanks and Memorials, $7.50 minimum per newspaper for up to 50 words and 35¢ additional for each word over 50. Ads need to be paid for at time of submission. All want ads and cards of thanks copy must be in the News-Review and the Keota Eagle offices by 5 p.m. on Friday. Mail want ads to: News-Review, P.O. Box 285, Sigourney, IA 52591; or The Keota Eagle, 310 East Broadway, Box 18, Keota, IA 52248. Mail remittance to: MidAmerica Billing, PO Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441. All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act called Title VIII and the State of Iowa Civil Rights Act. These laws make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, handicap/disability, familial status/presence of children or national origin, or the intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of these laws. All persons are hereby informed all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Hay, big rounds, string tied, $50 each. 40 available. 641541-0633. SKW46-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: 2,200 sq. ft. home, 11196 Hwy. 92, Delta. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 100x60 pole barn, 24x30 garage, 150x100 arena, 20x30 machine shed. $200,000. 918-202-3009. SKWN45-3* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: 2005 Dodge Ram 1500, 4 WD, quad cab, 5.7 hemi, very clean, 69K miles, $15,100. 641-660-7991. SKWN45-2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Bicycles by Raleigh and others. Many models to choose from. We stock everything for your bicycle and service all makes and models. Rider Sales, Washington, IA, 319653-5808. SK10tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Green Mountain wood pellet grills; Ammunition, hand loading, muzzle loader supplies, firearms by order at Myles Miller Refrigeration, 641-622-2643. S25tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– This classified spot for sale. Advertise your product or recruit an applicant in over 250 Iowa newspapers! Only $300/week. Call this paper or 800227-7636 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The SNR Classifieds For Rent In Sigourney: 2 bedroom house w/attached garage, high efficiency furnace and AC. No smoking. No pets. 641-624-2561, 641-6609840. SKW46-2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent: 2 bedroom house in Keswick, 2 car attached garage, $350/month. 641-660-3746. SKW45-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent In What Cheer: 1 bedroom apartment w/attached garage, AC, stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer provided. Mowing and driveway snow provided. No smoking, no pets. Available Dec. 1. 641-624-2561, 641-660-9840. SW45-2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WANTED older Boy Scout badges. Highest prices for Jamboree, WWW, Eagle, Merit Badge, Camp badges. Individual pieces or collections. 800877-1544 [email protected] (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Remember... THE NEWS-REVIEW for LAMINATION Help Wanted: For fall season tiling. Must have driver’s license. Will do manual labor and backhoe work. Call Jeff, 641-891-9500. Eyler the Tiler, Gibson. SKW46-3* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Best lease purchase in the industry with $.99/gal. diesel fuel, $100 weekly bonus, new trucks, top pay, and great freight lanes. Hirschbach 888-514-6005 or www.drive4hml. com (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Flatbed Drivers New Pay Scale-Start @ .37cpm. Up to .04cpm Mileage Bonus. Home Weekends. Insurance & 401K. Apply @ 800-648-9915 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers -HIRING EXPERIENCED/ INEXPERIENCED TANKER DRIVERS! Top Earners make $.51 per Mile! New Fleet Volvo Tractors! 1 Year OTR Exp. Req. -Tanker Training Available. Call Today: 877882-6537 www.OakleyTransport. com (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Make Top Pay DRIVING FLATBED - We Pay for Experience! BIG CPM, 10,000 miles/month average. ALL late-model equipment. CDL-A, 1-Year OTR Required. 888.476.4860 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Partners in Excellence” OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825 (INCN) Drivers: CDL-A Train and work for us! Professional, focused CDL training available. Choose Company Driver, Owner Operator, Lease Operator or Lease Trainer. (877) 369-7895 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Iowa Based Dedicated Customer Account, Consistent Home-Time, Excellent Pay ($55-60K annually) and Benefit Package! Call 800-397-8132 or apply online (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TanTara Transportation is now hiring OTR Company Flatbed Drivers and Owner Operators. Competitive Pay and Home Time. Call us @ 800-6500292 or apply online at www.tantara. us (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BAKE SALE: November 15 and 16, Wallace Yoders, 18491 Hwy. 149, Sigourney. We will have bread, pies, rolls, cookies, Angel food cakes. SKW46* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Grocery errands, light housekeeping and evening showers. CNA experience. Call 641-990-3242 and leave message. SK46-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CALLING ALL VENDORS! Sign up today for Halcyon’s 7th Annual Holiday Craft Fair, Saturday., December 7, 9 to 3. Contact: Wellness Dept., 319653-8453, please leave message. SKWN46-3 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Computer viruses slowing you down? Get a computer tune-up! Design House, 220 East Jackson, Sigourney. Open Monday-Friday, 641-622-9013. SKW46 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Land Auction: 60 acres, 52 tillable, 8 pasture. November 23 at 11 a.m.; Location - 11196 Hwy. 92, Delta. Highway frontage, excellent hunting. 918-202-3009, 641-660-3349. SKWN45-3* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Call All American Pest Control to control rodents, birds, roaches, box elder bugs, flies, termites and fleas. 641-622-3565. SK8tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– True Value, Sigourney can cut glass to fit your window frame and replace window screens. Call 641-622-3261. SKW40tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ADOPTION: Childless, loving couple pray to adopt. Stay at home mom, successful dad, great dogs & devoted grandparents. Legally allowed expenses paid. Bill & Debbie 800311-6090 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Huge Gun Estate Auction 300+ Winchester, Savage, Marlin & More! Ammo, Reloading & related. Sat. Nov. 16th Prairie du Chien, WI (608) 326-8108 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BE YOUR OWN BOSS! OWN A DOLLAR, DOLLAR PLUS, BIG BOX DOLLAR, MAILBOX, PARTY, TEEN, CLOTHING, YOGURT, OR FITNESS STORE. WORLDWIDE, 100% FINANCING, OAC. FROM $55,900 TURNKEY (800)385-2160 WWW.DRSS3.COM (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– A big thanks to everyone who worked on the beautiful quilt I won at the Keokuk County raffle. Wes Greiner. SK46* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The SNR Legals Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice No. CDCV005745 ORIGINAL NOTICE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR KEOKUK COUNTY In Re the Marriage of MILLER UPON THE PETITION OF RICKY L. MILLER Petitioner, AND CONCERNING KRISTINE E. MILLER Respondent. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT: KRISTINE E. MILLER You are notified that a petition has been filed in the office of the Clerk of this court naming you as the Respondent in this action. A copy of the petition (and any documents filed with it) is attached to this notice. The attorney for the Petitioner is Cynthia D. Hucks, whose address is 304 North Court Street, Ottumwa, Iowa. That attorney’s phone number is (641) 682-4512; facsimile number (641) 682-4878. You must serve a motion or answer within 20 days after service of this original notice upon you and within a reasonable time thereafter, file your motion or answer with the Clerk of Court for Keokuk County, at the County Courthouse in Sigourney, Iowa. If you do not, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at (641) 684-6502. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-7352942). Disability coordinators cannot provide legal advice. (Seal) Janietta Criswell CLERK OF COURT Keokuk County Courthouse Sigourney, Iowa IMPORTANT: YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTEREST. S45-3 Public Notice The City Council of the City of Sigourney, Keokuk County, Iowa, has adopted a Resolution proposing the vacation and disposal of the following described real estate, lying and being situated in Sigourney, Keokuk County, Iowa, legally described as follows, to-wit: The West Half of the East-West alley abutting Lots Four, Five and Six, Block One in A.E. Lowe’s Addition to the City of Sigourney, Keokuk County, Iowa For purposes of economic development the City proposes to vacate the above described alley, and to convey all of said vacated alley to the adjacent property owners by deed when payment is made to the City of Sigourney for the cost of preparing the transfer documents and publication costs. Further, by Resolution, the City Council has set said public hearing for the 20th day of November, 2013 at 6:00 o’clock P.M. at the City Hall in Sigourney, Iowa to act upon the proposed vacation of the alley and to make a final determination thereof. Said vacated alley will be conveyed without the City providing an abstract of title and transfer to be by City Quit Claim Deed. Transferees will be responsible for any cost of preparing an abstract of title. Transferees will be responsible to obtain any survey as may be required. This property will be transferred in “AS IS” condition. /s/ Angela K. Alderson Angela K. Alderson, City Clerk Sigourney, Iowa S46 Notice Of Sheriff’s Levy And Sale Iowa District Court Keokuk County Court Case #EQEQ040617 Civil #13-000567 STATE OF IOWA KEOKUK COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank NA VS. Sara L. Boorman F/K/A Sara L. Urie, Brett Wayne Boorman; Tremmel Backhoe Service; Beneficial Iowa, Inc.; and Parties in Possession Special Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) real estate described below to satisfy the judgment. The Property to be sold is Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Out Lot One in the City of Sigourney, Keokuk County, Iowa, running thence North One Hundred Eight-Two Feet to the place of beginning, thence East One Hundred Twenty-Eight Feet, thence North Ninety-Eight Feet, more or less, to the North Line of Said Out Lot Two, thence West on the North Line of said Out Lot Two, to the Northwest Corner thereof, thence South on the West Line of said Out Lot Two Ninety-Eight Feet, more or less, to the place of beginning Property Address: 403 South East Street, Sigourney, IA 52591 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Date of Sale: December 17, 2013; Sale Time: 10:30 A.M.; Place of Sale: Keokuk County Sheriff’s Office Lobby, 204 S. Stone St., Sigourney, IA 52591 Homestead: Defendant is advised that if the described real estate includes the homestead (which must not exceed 1/2 acre if within a city or town plat, or, if rural, must not exceed 40 acres), defendant must file a homestead plat with the Sheriff within ten (10) days after service of this notice, or the sheriff will have it platted and charge the costs to this case. This sale not subject to Redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if acceptable. Judgment Amount: $57,717.43; Costs: $2,119.01; Accruing Costs: $2,096.03; Interest: $948.78; Sheriff’s Fees: Pending. Attorney: David M. Erickson 215 10th St., Ste. 1300 Des Moines, IA 50309 Date: October 24, 2013 /s/ Casey J. Hinnah Sheriff, Keokuk County, Iowa 45-2 Remember... THE NEWS-REVIEW for BUSINESS CARDS Notice Of Sheriff’s Levy And Sale Iowa District Court Keokuk County Court Case #EQEQ040527 Civil #13-000552 STATE OF IOWA KEOKUK COUNTY Bank of America, NA VS. Eric W. Fee; Kimberly K. Fee; IFR, Inc.; and Cox Sanitation and Recycling, Inc. Special Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) real estate described below to satisfy the judgment. The Property to be sold is The East one-half of Lot One, and all of Lots Two, Three, Four, Five and Six, all in Block Ten in the City of Kinross, Keokuk County, Iowa Property Address: 300 Ives Street, Kinross, IA 52335 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Date of Sale: December 17, 2013; Sale Time: 10:00 A.M.; Place of Sale: Keokuk County Sheriff’s Office Lobby, 204 S. Stone St., Sigourney, IA 52591 Homestead: Defendant is advised that if the described real estate includes the homestead (which must not exceed 1/2 acre if within a city or town plat, or, if rural, must not exceed 40 acres), defendant must file a homestead plat with the Sheriff within ten (10) days after service of this notice, or the sheriff will have it platted and charge the costs to this case. This sale not subject to Redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if acceptable. Judgment Amount: $72,893.46; Costs: $9,025.89; Accruing Costs: $10,754.00; Interest: $3,743.53; Sheriff’s Fees: Pending. Attorney: Janelle G. Ewing 531 Commercial St. Waterloo, IA 50704 319-232-3304 Date: October 23, 2013 /s/ Casey J. Hinnah Sheriff, Keokuk County, Iowa 45-2 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 7 Of Probate Notice Of Probate Notice Of Probate Notice Probate No. ESPR037757 Probate No. ESPR037753 Probate No. ESPR037756 SMALL ESTATE NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Iowa District Court Keokuk County IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LARRY J. WHITE, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Larry J. White, Deceased, who died on or about September 15, 2013: You are hereby notified that on the 31st day of October, 2013, the last will and testament of Larry J. White, deceased, bearing date of the 27th day of December, 2004, was admitted to probate as a small estate in the above named court and that Staci M. White was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of the mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 4th day of November, 2013. Staci M. White Executor of estate 30169 Highway 92 Harper, IA 52231 Lloyd, McConnell, Davis & Lujan, L.L.P. Attorney for executor 211 W. Washington, P.O. Box 867 Washington, Iowa 52353 Date of second publication 13th day of November, 2013. S45-2 CLASSIFIEDS-A GREAT INVESTMENT NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Iowa District Court Keokuk County IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RUTH ELDRIDGE JOHNSON, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Ruth Eldridge Johnson, Deceased, who died on or about Augut 8, 2013: You are hereby notified that on the 29th day of October, 2013, the last will and testament of Ruth Eldridge Johnson, deceased, bearing date of the 7th day of December, 2001, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Mary Frances Eldridge now Mary Frances Eldridge Turkington was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of the mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 29th day of October, 2013. Mary Frances Eldridge Turkington Executor of estate 1125 29th St. NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 John N. Wehr, ICIS PIN No: AT0008299 Attorney for executor 116 E. Washington, P.O. Box 245 Sigourney, IA 52591 Date of second publication 13th day of November, 2013. S45-2 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Iowa District Court Keokuk County IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF G. IONA STREIGLE, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Patricia G. Iona Streigle, Deceased, who died on or about October 17, 2013: You are hereby notified that on the 31st day of October, 2013, the last will and testament of G. Iona Streigle, deceased, bearing date of the 20th day of November, 2010, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Karen Liebl was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of the mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 6th day of November, 2013. Karen Liebl Executor of estate 1121 Woodland Drive Newton, Iowa 50208 McCoy, Faulkner & Broerman Attorney for executor 216 South First Street Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577 Date of second publication 20th day of November, 2013. S46-2 8 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The SNR Area Athletics H E W E T T Congratulations! The business community salutes the dedicated efforts of English Valleys’ Allison Hewett as a 2013 State Cross Country Qualifier: Abell Auction & Real Estate, Agriland FS-Hedrick, Amy’s Salon House & Spa, B&L Welding, Bain Electric, Bell’s Collision Repair, Bender Foundry Service, Inc.; Brenneman Construction, Inc.; Cassens’ Mill, Clarahan Trucking Co., Inc.; Copeland Towing & Recovery, Crop Production Services, English Valley TV & Electronics, Farm Bureau Insurance, Menster/Miller; Farmer’s Lumber Co., Garcia Carpet, Gentry Insurance, Greiner Crop Service, Greiner Real Estate & Auction, LLC; Gretter Autoland, Healing Arts, Hinshaw Trailer Sales, Holm Funeral Home, Hometown Market, Horak Insurance, Ideal Ready Mix, Jack’s Corner Drug, Jack Walker CDJ, Jackie’s Beauty Salon, Jim Tinnes Trucking, John N. Wehr, Just My Style, Keoco Auction Co., LLC; Keokuk County Abstract, Keokuk County Health Center, Keokuk County Implement Co., Keota Eagle Foods, Keota Meat Processing, Keota Transmission & Repair, Keota Veterinary Clinic, LaKappCo., Inc.; Latta, Harris, Hanon & Penningroth, LLP; Lyle Insurance, MHP Home Health & Hospice Services, Sigourney News-Review, Fremont-What Cheer Vine, Keota Eagle, Maplewood Manor, McCulley Culvert Inc., McDonald Bone Yard & Auto Recycling, Miller Auto Body, Misc. on Main, Modern Communications, Olde English Barber Shop, Ollinger Electric, Phelps Auto Supply, Pilot Grove Savings Bank, Member FDIC; Pizza Ranch, Powell Funeral Homes, Prairie Mutual Insurance Association, PTL The Shop, Ray-Man, Inc.; Ridgeway Hardware, River Products Co. Inc., Sigourney BP, Sigourney Body Shop, Sigourney Care Center/Windsor Place Assisted Living, Sigourney Financial Services, Sigourney Pride, Sigourney Shoe Repair Shop, SloanMohr Monument Company, State Farm Insurance, Kelli Steil; State Farm Insurance, Rodger Redden; STI, Strobel’s, Inc.; Terry Schroeder Frame & Alignment, The Garden Gate, The Lumber Company, The Pro-Line Building Company, The Roost Tap, Thomas Grocery, TruBank, Member FDIC; True Value, UI Health Care, Sigourney, Vittetoe, Inc.; Walk “ER” Drive Thru, Wayne (Pappy) Davis Trucking, W.C. Gretter & Sons, Inc.; White State Bank, Member FDIC; Wolf Floral Inc. and Wolfe Family Vision Center 2013 Pekin Panthers Cross Country Congratulations Champions! 9 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The SNR Area Athletics . r, , , y , ., r n n ., is lo sio nc ery ns ine rts ad n N te ir 3 h ss y Sa lli , I ov u I re A Re h en pa ss e 3 1 t T e it ’s o ion c ea G ng l Jo C Re e o 1 ry C a e 0 a i y , t t , h r r l e : n t R om c & n 0 t u m 2 n ce ea Id ng al H s l’s u C 2 S si u e r , A el str g & m B an H e, cki He ion P od u s u o e a i e ick , B on in ar ur d, nc ru ty iss MH wo b mm th er f C h dr ic C ow , F ns an ra T n m e, le rn h o n t s a l i -He ectr man nd T ics ry I utol nsu nes Cou ans anc Map ode s o t I l n S d c es t s i a e k Tr ur e, , M ng on n A k l F E u n T t s n a o ku a s l in vi d nn e tr e r l u a r l a r Q n ain re op ec , G te or im o ot In ag a a he a l i P i C B B C El et et , H J Ke e le E M S T e gr , c., c., & rp Gr et n, t, , K Ly ta on ve L y G ip t sa in s A ng In In V a , rk lo c ng P, eo c. ro PT d y k s h r t a te, ldi e, ., T C LC a Sa tra si LL , K is G ., Bo , e M ta e ic Co ley ia L ty bs es h, e , M ot oc ey s e tr S P u n i o n t h s l Es L W erv ing Val Garcion, town eau ty A roc rot Vin ody , Pil Ass urn rvicey, o p a n a ea & ry S ck sh ., ct e B un t P ing er o B ply e igo Se an C m P s & R B nd Tru gli Co Au om ie’s Co ea nn Che ut up anc , S ial p n, M u , y Pe t r A S ur P c om e n n En r & , H k k a h i n o tio pa Fo ha s, be e me ac ku ota & ha lle to ns y B an C dd t, C k B uc & S der ara ice um tat Ho J, J Keo Ke non t-W , Mi Au al I rne Fin ent Re en l A L v n e Es al CD , s, a on ng ps tu ou ey m r nm e ll e e C r s e H r C u , d ’ P , ig rn nu ge lig Th m cli el be us , B ll S r al e r L o A Ho air ’ Mi on me Re un lke ., L Fo rris Fre cy Ph ie M ., S ou Mo od A y, st i r g F e a a R o & e n , l c, ir c i r ep s t a r oo e R sen duc , F ine olm k W n C ag a, H iew to R tri Pra . In g, S oh e, pa R k, o m t c r as ro e re H ac tio E t ev u e s, C in -M c a om e n C P ill G s, J uc ta La -R & A El e ts Liv an an Fr C Th Ba I , e o r , p l c m . s r o , r /M , ru U ro r e a ug A e c w rd e o u d l su e er y T n , C te ic S r o , K In e a g H d te S n d b , I e e s rv er D oc o. ., N Y lin al ro is , m pa , o y y u P l r u ss op en e il er e C o y ne l r m r e M S ra rn , K t pC ne o , O ne er A h rm ch L o ce Va n k S n B T v a C r u e p S p o p i e r o e F r u al a ld o F R c ir e u ro w C yl t G u C a s em K go a Sh ll , la a o W e sh k’ y S pl , La Si on r we are r P ep te Tr i g yn , D e o o R , in c a w s t S H a t M Im ic s c b P c. a , , J s ty lin ce M ar , rd nd e S In u, W ing ix Ju n C vi ., B ch a i ho il, M r, ou ry er Inc sh an y H /, W S te hr ck e a S T rt li R wa er ey i S y ru hit eh C in g T W uk er ice lve n za e nt rn ell rr W , g k E e e t z u p K u i is c., IC eo Ve os y C de , P Rid e C igo e, , T e av In D K l . F , a H , D t r le O C . ar S c c Th g s n I c lfe n a In , i n s eo & ul , D n C , be o K lth cC ns r F n, I ey ide sur s, ate ild a C, So m , W n o r n ’ u G o m DI e, e , e ) r & Me c. io ea M ti be a r P In l H or, ica m y-M ou y m be en B T h F ar o riv y tte k, l In Vis g e C t e D p re an ora ar tro rd ne an un M Ra Si n er er b M m k, p, p, ur te F , S Ga -Li , th t e ” a p . G te B f Fl ily nt o e l m l t om an ho ho ig ta TI he ro a p e ea i ER P .C ta o am C W S W F B S S S S S T P T M H V “ ( C 10 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The SNR Area Athletics SICL Volleyball 2013 Honors Pictured (front to back, left to right): Tyler Reynolds, Jacob Weber, Hunter Weinhold, Tyler Loyd, Blaze Muntz; Hailey Ean, Jordyn Earnest, Mackenzie Manley, Kodi Dailey; Hunter Lock, Ayren Essary, Kelly Myers, Zoey Wright Hollie Loper, Kameron Fears, Tony Deutschle, Coach Spillman; Sam Roth, Coach Millikin and Simon Bollinger. Pekin JH XC Excels at State By Adam Meier, Regional Sports Editor 10-19-2013 The Pekin junior high cross country team competed in the Junior High State Meet on October 19th in Saydel and flexed its muscles for the rest of the state to see. Both the seventh-grade boys’ and girls’ teams won the team championships, while the eighthgrade boys placed second and the eighth-grade girls finished fourth. Each of the four Pekin seventh-grade boys placed in the top twenty on the way to the team title. Pacing them in 11th place was Tony Deutschle with a time of 15:11. Following Deutschle in 13th with a time of 15:27 was Jacob Weber. Blaze Muntz (17:27) and Tyler Reynolds (18:37) finished 17th and 18th, respectively. The seventh grade girls had an even more impres- sive showing, placing four Panthers in the top ten. Leading the way with a fourth-place finish was Zoey Wright with a time of 14:38. Kelly Myers was just behind Wright in fifth place with her time of 14:52. Hunter Lock earned another topten finish for a Pekin runner, coming in seventh with a time of 15:03. In tenth place came Ayren Essary with a mark of 15:08. Hollie Loper ran a time of 15:21 and placed 11th, while Kameron Fears finished at 17:10 in 19th place. The eighth-grade girls brought home fourth place in Saydel, with Hailey Bean running their fastest time of 15:22, placing her in 13th. Jordyn Earnest finished in 21st and ran a time of 16:12. In 31st came Kodi Daley with a time of 17:19 and Mackenzie Manley ran an 18:35 and placed 36th. Eighth-grade boy Sam Roth clocked in at 12:35 and helped the Panthers place second as a team with his fourth-place finish. Finishing in 21st for the eighth-grade boys with a time of 15:06 was Tyler Loyd. In 23rd with a time of 15:28 was Simon Bollinger, and Hunter Weinhold placed 29th with a time of 16:32. Alec Coleman finished in 32nd with a time of 17:25. The junior-high Panthers proved that the future of Pekin cross country will be just as bright as the present. Second Team All-SICL Abby Schulte - Keota Second Team All-SICL Madison Sheetz - Keota Southeast Iowa Cedar League 2013 Second-Team All-Conference • Abby Schulte, So., Keota — In her first year starting at the varsity level, Schulte came through with 479 assists at 6.56 per match; both ranked fourth in the conference. Schulte also tallied 97 digs and was second on the team with 38 aces. • Madison Sheetz, Jr., Keota — Sheetz had another big year by finishing first on her team and fourth in the SICL with 242 kills this season (3.25 per set). The junior also led the Eagles with 47 aces and recorded 120 digs. • Becca Ohland, Sr., Sigourney — Ohland was far and away the SICL’s leader in digs with 407 and 5.65 per set. The senior tallied over 70 more digs than Belle Plaine’s Kameo Pope, who ranked second in the conference in that category. Ohland also pitched in 13 kills and was a unanimous Second-Team selection. Southeast Iowa Cedar League 2013 Honorable-Mention All-Conference • Madison Parmenter, Sr., English Valleys — Parmenter finished second on her team with 50 kills. The senior finished the season second on the team and fifth in the SICL with 52 total blocks while also tying a team high with 16 aces. • Rylee Voss, Jr., English Valleys — The long, athletic Voss was EV’s leader in kills Second Team All-SICL Becca Ohland - Sigourney by a large margin with 100. Voss was one of the SICL’s top blockers, finishing third in the conference with 78 in total. Her 1.3 blocks per set ranked second in the conference. • Brooke Sieren, Jr., Keota — Sieren led the team and finished fifth in the SICL with 261 digs this season in 73 sets. Sieren was third on the team in aces with 34, while serving at nearly a 94-percent clip. The junior also finished fourth on the team with 65 kills. • Maggie Baker, Jr., Keota — Baker’s 92 kills this season was the third most by an Eagle. Baker ranked eighth in the conference with a .96 serving efficiency and was second on the team with nine blocks. The junior also had 120 digs on the season, which ranked fifth on her team. • Karah Appleget, Sr., Sigourney — The senior outside hitter finished 11th in the conference and second on her team with 144 kills; an average of two per set. Appleget’s 38 aces ranked second on the team while her 44 digs ranked fifth. The Honorable-Mention selection marks Appleget’s second in a row. • Brooke Schroeder, Jr., Sigourney — Schroeder finished third on her team in kills with 55 and in aces with 19. The junior also finished the season with 43 digs. • Brooke Glenn, Jr., Tri-County — After returning to the court from an injury, Glenn finished second on her team with kills with 25. Glenn also recorded six aces and was TC’s top server at 98-for-111; an 88-percent clip. • Kristen Lundy, Sr., Tri-County — Lundy once again led the Trojans in kills with 45. The senior anchored the Tri-County defense and was far and away the Trojans’ leading blocker with 33 in total. The SNR Area Athletics Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11 SICL First Team ★ ★ Volleyball 2013 Honors By Adam Meier • Kelsi Sieren, Sr., Keota — The senior finished seventh in the SICL in kills with 208 while averaging nearly three per set. Sieren served successfully on almost 94 percent of her serves and finished with a team-high 14 blocks while also tallying 179 digs. The lefty led the Eagles with a .294 kill efficiency rating and her FirstTeam selection marked her second in a row. Sieren helped lead the Eagles to a fifth-place finish in the SICL at 6-4. • Jordan Carter, Jr., Sigourney — Carter finished second in the conference with 355 kills this season, but was the SICL’s leader in kills per set with an average of 4.93. Carter also finished fifth in the conference with 51 aces and led the Savages with 41 blocks. The junior finished second on the team in digs with 207 and was a unanimous First-Team selec- tion. Carter finished the season ranked eighth in Class 1A in kills and second in kills per set. Her average of 4.93 kills per set was ninth best in the entire state. Carter was named to the SICL’s Second-Team as a freshman and has now earned backto-back First-Team honors. • Sydney Davis, Sr., Sigourney — Davis wrapped up her career by finishing third in the conference with 544 assists as a senior. Davis ranked second in the SICL with 7.56 assists per set and finished the season with .885 serving efficiency. Davis’s 544 assists ranked 15th in all of Class 1A. Her First-Team selection at setter marks Davis’s second in a row. Davis was a key piece in the Savages’ 8-2 conference record and second-place finish. S Y D N E Y D AV I S J ORDAN C ARTER K ELSI S IEREN Southeast Iowa Cedar League • 2013 First-Team All-Conference 12 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Panthers’ Wild Ride Ends at Brooklyn The SNR Area Athletics 11-4-2013 • Pekin 27, Lisbon 6 11-8-2013 • Pekin 8, BGM 29 By Adam Meier, Regional Sports Editor Last Monday the Panthers proved that they were one of the best teams in Class A, but on Friday BGM proved that the Panthers weren’t quite a State championship-level team. The Pekin football team manhandled Lisbon in the second round last Monday, 27-6, before falling at BGM on Friday, 29-8, to end its season with a 9-3 record. The Panthers blew out Lone Tree in the first round before earning a rematch with Lisbon; the same team that knocked them out of the 2012 playoffs. Pekin set the tone early with – you guessed it – the running game. Chase Copeland broke loose down the left side on a big gainer to quickly get the Panthers deep into Lisbon territory. Petie Clubb powered into the end zone a few plays later to give Pekin an early 6-0 lead. The stingy Pekin defense shut down quarterback Logan Rickard and the rest of the Lisbon offense for most of the first half, allowing the Panthers to increase its lead to double-digits. A 20-yard catch and run by Body Long set the Panthers up again deep inside Lisbon territory. This time, Chase Copeland plunged into the end zone from three yards out for the score. A successful two-point conversion made the Pekin lead 12-0. Copeland ran for 169 yards and a touchdown on 23 carries. Clubb found the end zone again later in the first half to give the Panthers a 19-0 lead. Clubb ran 16 times for 122 yards and two touchdowns. Lisbon managed to get on the board late in the second quarter to make the score 19-6, but the Lions left Pekin enough time to go back to work on offense. Quarterback Kolby Allsup and the Pekin offense took advantage of every last second and the Panthers soon found themselves inside Lisbon’s 30-yard line with 20 seconds left in the half. On the next play Allsup tossed a perfectly thrown ball down the left side. Single-covered Cade Millikin timed his jump perfectly to bring down Allsup’s pass in the corner of the end zone for the touchdown, giving the Panthers a 25-6 lead. Allsup added the two-point conversion on a bootleg run to make the score 27-6 at the half. Allsup ran for 49 yards on the night. Neither offense did much in the second half until the Pekin offensive line started shoving around Lisbon again early in the fourth. The Panthers ran the ball at will on the early fourthquarter drive until Copeland lost a fumble inside Lisbon’s five yard line. The Panthers got the ball back on Lisbon’s following drive via a Keaton Winn interception. Winn, a sophomore safety, finished with two interceptions and two tackles. The Pekin defense held strong for the rest of the game to close out the Lions by a count of 27-6. Tanner Adam led the team with 11 tackles while Clubb added ten, including three for loss. Jared Bond finished with nine tackles, including two for loss. Cole Reighard added seven tackles and Colton Lanman recorded six. All in all, the Pekin defense held Lisbon to just 235 total yards after the Lions had been averaging over 43 points per game. With second-ranked BGM on the horizon in the State Quarterfinals, the Panthers didn’t have much time to bask in the glory of their big win. Pekin got three days to prepare for a BGM team that beat the Panthers 19-7 just two weeks earlier. Early in the big matchup in Brooklyn on Friday the two teams looked like even sides. However, a pair of bad breaks quickly gave the Bears a 9-0 lead. After coming up with a stop to force a BGM punt, the Panthers took over inside BGM’s one-yard line. Pekin ran a quick handoff to Copeland but the elite BGM defensive line and linebacker core got enough penetration to bring him down in the end zone for a safety. BGM running back Jack Kline ran for a touchdown on its following possession. Kline ran for 206 yards and four touchdowns on 42 carries. BGM increased its lead to 16-0 with another short Kline touchdown in the second quarter, but the Panthers amped up their game to get back into it. The Pekin offensive line started to do work against the Bears, opening holes for Clubb, Copeland and eventually Allsup. Allsup got his team on the scoreboard in the second quarter when he found the end zone after making a tackler miss on an impressive designed run. The Panthers then got to within 16-8 with the twopoint conversion on a beautifully designed bootleg and pass to a wide open Cade Millikin. BGM found the end zone again late in the second quarter to extend its lead to 23-8 at the half. With winds consistently gusting into the 20-to-30 mile per hour range, neither team was able to produce much offense through the air, making a comeback extremely difficult for Pekin. The teams traded a pair of turnovers in the third quarter, but neither led to points. With the wind negating Pekin’s passing game, the BGM linebackers flew to the ball all night long. Senior All-State linebackers Kyle Gritsch and Adam Hawkins combined for 25 tackles, including six for loss and a sack, while Thompson intercepted Allsup in the fourth quarter. The strong athletic BGM linebackers consistently outran Copeland and Clubb’s blockers to make the play and limit Pekin’s running game. The Bears added another touchdown in the fourth quarter to make the score 29-8 and end the Panthers’ excellent season just one game short of the Dome. The Panthers will have some rebuilding to do before the 2014 season. They need to find replacements all over the field and groom Trever Northup into a dependable quarterback. Eight seniors will be gone from this year’s team in 2014 and the younger Panthers will need to grow into their roles to replace them. As for this season; a trip to the state quarterfinals and consistent ranking as one of Class A’s top ten teams is anything from a failure. Incredible season, Panthers! Clockwise: 1) Kolby Allsup drove for the pylon for Pekin’s only touchdown at BGM. 2) Cade Millikin made this great TD catch right before the half at Lisbon. 3) Petie Clubb got the corner on this second-half run at Brooklyn. 4) Body Long couldn’t quite catch up to this pass in the second quarter at Lisbon. Center: Jared Bond put pressure on the quarterback as ball released in Lisbon [photos by Adam Meier].
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