Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE)


Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE)
In support of the Oklahoma State University Mission, and
in partnership with the International Fire Service Training
Association, the mission of Fire Protection Publications
is to be the fire service leader in producing high quality,
technically accurate, state-of-the-art, and affordable fire
training and educational materials.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
IFSTA Materials
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting............................................................................... 27
Apps..................................................................................................................................... 10
Building Construction Related to the Fire Service.............................................. 25
Chief Officer....................................................................................................................... 19
Emergency Management Handbook...................................................................... 34
Essentials of Fire Fighting............................................................................................. 12
Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations........................... 12
Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer................................................... 18
Fire and Emergency Services Instructor.................................................................. 20
Fire and Emergency Services Orientation and Terminology........................... 21
Fire and Life Safety Educator....................................................................................... 33
Fire Department Safety Officer.................................................................................. 32
Fire Detection and Suppression Systems............................................................... 23
Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement................................................................... 22
Fire Investigator............................................................................................................... 29
Fire Service Search and Rescue.................................................................................. 31
Hazardous Materials for First Responders.............................................................. 16
Hazardous Materials Technician................................................................................. 17
IFSTA Libraries.................................................................................................................. 40
Industrial Emergency Services Training: Incipient Level................................... 39
Industrial Exterior and Structural Fire Brigades.................................................... 38
Introduction to Fire Origin and Cause..................................................................... 28
Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Firefighters................................................ 34
Occupational Safety, Health, and Wellness............................................................ 32
Plans Examiner for Fire and Emergency Services................................................ 24
Principles of Foam Fire Fighting................................................................................. 34
Principles of Vehicle Extrication................................................................................. 30
Public Information Officer............................................................................................ 33
Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook................................................ 14
Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook........................... 14
ResourceOne..................................................................................................................... 11
Structural Fire Fighting: High-Rise Fire Fighting.................................................. 35
Structural Fire Fighting: Initial Response Strategy and Tactics....................... 35
Structural Fire Fighting: Truck Company Skills and Tactics.............................. 35
Technical Rescue for Structural Collapse................................................................ 31
Urban Search and Rescue in Collapsed Structures............................................. 31
FPP Materials
3D Fire Fighting................................................................................................................ 41
Command and Control: ICS, Strategy
Development, and Tactical Selections, Book 1 .................................................. 42
Command and Control 2: ICS, Strategy
Development, and Tactical Selections................................................................... 42
Fire Prevention Applications....................................................................................... 24
Fire Prevention Applications for Company Officers............................................ 24
Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply Analysis...................................... 36
Fire Service Hydraulics and Water Supply.............................................................. 36
Guidelines for Highway Incident Scene Safety
and Traffic Control......................................................................................................... 42
Incident Command System Model Procedures Guide for
Incidents Involving Structural Fire Fighting, High Rise,
Multi-Casualty, Highway, and Managing Large-Scale
Incidents Using NIMS-ICS (Book 1)......................................................................... 37
Progressive Leadership Principles, Concepts, and Tools................................... 41
Rapid Intervention Teams............................................................................................ 33
Special Operations – Incidents Involving Hazardous
Materials/WMD, Structural Collapse, Wildland, and
Managing Large-Scale Incidents Using NIMS-ICS (Book 2)............................ 37
The Mental Aspects of Performance for Firefighters and
Fire Officers (The M.A.P.)............................................................................................. 41
The Sourcebook for Fire Company Training Evolutions.................................... 41
Understanding and Implementing the 16 Firefighter
Life Safety Initiatives................................................................................................... 32
Other Publishers’ Products
Action Training................................................................................................................. 46
Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator DVD Series...................................................... 48
Collapse of Burning Buildings: A Guide to Fireground Safety........................ 43
Compressed Air Foam Systems Handbook............................................................ 43
Emergency Medical Responder DVD Series.......................................................... 50
Essentials of Fire Fighting DVD Library.................................................................... 47
Fire Officer I DVD Series................................................................................................ 48
Fire Service Law............................................................................................................... 44
Fire Service Personnel Management........................................................................ 44
Fire Service Rescue DVD Series.................................................................................. 50
Flashover!........................................................................................................................... 43
Foam Firefighting Operations 1–The Essentials of Class A Foam................... 43
HazMat Awareness DVD Series.................................................................................. 49
HazMat Containment DVD Series.............................................................................. 49
HazMat Decontamination DVD Series..................................................................... 49
HazMat Response DVD Series..................................................................................... 49
Hazardous Materials Response Pocket Reference............................................... 17
Industrial Fire Brigade: Exterior and Structural DVD Series............................. 38
Industrial Fire Brigade: Incipient Level DVD Series............................................. 39
Infection Control and Prevention DVD Series....................................................... 48
Kirk’s Fire Investigation.................................................................................................. 29
Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator DVD Series............................................... 48
Strategic and Tactical Considerations on the Fireground................................. 44
Glossary of Support Products..................................................................................... 51
Cover: Firefighters ascend a 35 foot ladder to the third floor during a live fire training exercise. The exercise focused on radio model
communication, command functions, mayday operations, self-rescue techniques, effective ventilation, and basic fire ground evolutions.
Photo courtesy of Rick Montemorra, Mesa Arizona Fire and Medical Department.
Oklahoma State University, in compliance with the title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions,
employment, financial aid and educational services. Title IX of the Education Amendments and Oklahoma State University policy prohibit discrimination
in the provision or services or benefits offered by the university based on gender. Any person (student, faculty or staff ) who believes that discriminatory
practices have been engaged in based on gender may discuss his or her concerns and file informal or formal complaints of possible violations of Title IX with
OSU’s Title IX coordinator: the Director of Affirmative Action, 408 Whitehurst, Oklahoma State University.
This publication, issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by Fire Protection Publications, was printed at no cost to the taxpayers of Oklahoma.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Essentials of Fire
Fighting, 6th Edition
Item 36922.....Page 12
Structural Fire
Fighting: Initial
Response Strategy
and Tactics, 1st Edition
Rapid Intervention
Teams, 1st Edition
Marine Fire Fighting
for Land-Based
2nd Edition
3D Fire Fighting,
1st Edition
Fire and Emergency
Services Orientation
and Terminiology,
5th Edition
Compressed Air
Foam Systems
1st Edition
Item 36644.....Page 21
Item 36736.....Page 43
Principles of Foam
Fire Fighting,
2nd Edition
Foam Firefighting
Operations 1 The
Essentials of Class A
Foam, 1st Edition
Item 36482.....Page 33
Item 36140.....Page 35
Essentials of Fire
Fighting and
Fire Department
6th Edition
Item 36568.....Page 41
Item 36856.....Page 34
Item 36935.....Page 12
Aircraft Rescue and
Fire Fighting,
5th Edition
Item 36523.....Page 27
Building Construction
Related to the Fire
Service, 3rd Edition
Item 37022.....Page 25
Item 36510.....Page 34
Structural Fire
Fighting: High-Rise
Fire Fighting,
2nd Edition
Fire and Life Safety
Educator, 3rd Edition
Structural Fire
Fighting: Truck
Company Skills and
Tactics, 2nd Edition
Understanding and
Implementing the 16
Firefighter Life Safety
Initiatives, 1st Edition
Item 36620.....Page 33
Collapse of Burning
Buildings: A Guide to
Fireground Safety,
2nd Edition
Item 36872.....Page 43
Item 36697.....Page 35
Item 36542.....Page 35
Item 36512.....Page 43
Item 36870.....Page 32
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Building Construction
Related to the Fire
Service, 3rd Edition
Item 37022.....Page 25
Introduction to Fire
Origin and Cause,
4th Edition
Item 36883.....Page 28
Fire and Emergency
Services Orientation
and Terminiology,
5th Edition
Fire and Life Safety
Educator, 3rd Edition
Fire Detection and
Suppression Systems,
4th Edition
Occupational Safety,
Health, and Wellness,
3rd Edition
Item 37212.....Page 32
Fire and Emergency
Services Company
Officer, 5th Edition
Structural Fire Fighting:
Initial Response
Strategy and Tactics,
1st Edition
Item 36140.....Page 35
Fire Investigator,
2nd Edition
Handbook, 1st Edition
Item 75111.....Page 34
Item 36620.....Page 33
Item 36644.....Page 21
Item 36558.....Page 23
Item 36530.....Page 18
Item 36751.....Page 29
Fire Inspection and
Code Enforcement,
7th Edition
Item 36741.....Page 22
Fire Service Hydraulics
and Water Supply,
2nd Edition
Item 36724.....Page 36
Fire Protection
Hydraulics and Water
Supply Analysis,
3rd Edition
Item 36876.....Page 36
Fire Prevention
Applications, 1st Edition
Item 36541.....Page 24
Understanding and
Implementing the 16
Firefighter Life Safety
Initiatives, 1st Edition
Item 36870.....Page 32
Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE)
The Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) initiative is a project of the U.S. Fire
Administration that provides model course outlines for fire related and EMS management courses in
two and four year academic degree programs. IFSTA publishes 15 textbooks that support the FESHE
model curriculum. Robust student and instructor support products are also available including eBooks
and apps to insure student success.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Pumping Apparatus
Handbook, 3rd Edition
Item 36727.....Page 14
Pumping and Aerial
Apparatus Driver/
Operator Handbook,
3rd Edition
Item 36723.....Page 14
hazardous materials
Hazardous Materials
Technician, 1st Edition
Item 36885.....Page 17
Hazardous Materials
for First Responders,
4th Edition
Hazardous Materials
Response Pocket
Reference, 1st Edition
Item 36604.....Page 16
Item 36773.....Page 17
Fire and Emergency
Services Company
Officer, 5th Edition
Item 37498.....Page 20
Structural Fire
Fighting: Initial
Response Strategy
and Tactics, 1st Edition
Chief Officer,
3rd Edition
Fire and Life Safety
Educator, 3rd Edition
Fire Department
Safety Officer,
1st Edition
Fire and Emergency
Services Instructor,
8th Edition
Item 36532.....Page 19
Occupational Safety,
Health, and Wellness,
3rd Edition
Item 37212.....Page 32
Item 36530.....Page 18
Item 36140.....Page 35
Item 36620.....Page 33
Item 36472.....Page 32
Handbook, 1st Edition
Item 75111.....Page 34
Public Information
Officer, 1st Edition
Item 36794.....Page 33
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
The Sourcebook
for Fire Company
Training Evolutions,
3rd Edition
NIMS-ICS (Book 1),
1st Edition
Item 36197.....Page 37
NIMS-ICS (Book 2),
1st Edition
Item 36198.....Page 37
Item 35020.....Page 41
Fire Prevention
Applications for
Company Officers,
1st Edition
Item 36854.....Page 24
Understanding and
Implementing the 16
Firefighter Life Safety
Initiatives, 1st Edition
Item 36870.....Page 32
and Control 2:
ICS, Strategy
Development, and
Tactical Selections,
1st Edition
Leadership Principles,
Concepts, and Tools,
1st Edition
The Mental Aspects
of Performance for
Firefighters and Fire
Officers (The M.A.P.),
2nd Edition
Fire Prevention
Applications, 1st Edition
Item 36541.....Page 24
Strategic and Tactical
Considerations on
the Fireground,
2nd Edition
Fire Service Personnel
3rd Edition
Command and
Control: ICS, Strategy
Development, and
Tactical Selections,
Book 1, 2nd Edition
Item 36880.....Page 42
Fire Service Law,
1st Edition
Item 36763.....Page 44
Item 36855.....Page 41
Item 36556.....Page 42
Item 36599.....Page 41
Item 36906.....Page 44
Item 36716.....Page 44
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Principles of Vehicle
Extrication, 3rd Edition
Item 36755.....Page 30
Item 36686.....Page 31
Technical Rescue for
Structural Collapse,
1st Edition
Industrial Emergency
Services Training:
Incipient Level,
2nd Edition
Industrial Exterior
and Structural Fire
Brigades, 1st Edition
Fire Service Search
and Rescue, 7th Edition
Item 36500.....Page 31
Urban Search and
Rescue in Collapsed
Structures, 1st Edition
Item 36956.....Page 31
Fire Detection and
Suppression Systems,
4th Edition
Item 36558.....Page 23
Fire Department
Safety Officer,
1st Edition
Item 36472.....Page 32
Item 36553.....Page 39
Item 75119.....Page 38
Fire Service Hydraulics
and Water Supply,
2nd Edition
Item 36724.....Page 36
Fire Protection
Hydraulics and Water
Supply Analysis,
3rd Edition
Item 36876.....Page 36
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Introduction to Fire
Origin and Cause,
4th Edition
Fire and Life Safety
Educator, 3rd Edition
Fire Inspection and
Code Enforcement,
7th Edition
Item 36741.....Page 22
Fire Investigator,
2nd Edition
Building Construction
Related to the Fire
Service, 3rd Edition
Fire Prevention
Applications for
Company Officers,
1st Edition
Item 36883.....Page 28
Item 36751.....Page 29
Item 36620.....Page 33
Item 37022.....Page 25
Item 36854.....Page 24
Plans Examiner for
Fire and Emergency
Services, 1st Edition
Item 36643.....Page 24
Fire Prevention
Applications, 1st Edition
Item 36541.....Page 24
Kirk’s Fire
7th Edition
Item36873......Page 29
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
IFSTA full featured eBooks meet the needs of fire and emergency responders who is fully connected
and immersed in the capability of mobile devices to communicate, socialize, and learn.
IFSTA eBooks include features to enhance learning:
• Downloadable for use while offline.
• Fully searchable text.
• Accessible from up to 2 computers and 2 mobile devices.
• Bookmarked Table of Contents allows quick access to the content.
• Print-fidelity ensures compatibility with the print version, and the student support products.
• Notes, highlights, and bookmarks are stored in the cloud for access on multiple devices.
• Copy and print up to 20% of an IFSTA eBook.
Note: IFSTA eBooks are not compatible with non-Android Kindle or Nook devices.
Refund Policy: Upon purchase you will receive an activation code. Once your activation code has
been consumed the eBook cannot be returned for a refund. However, you may exchange your eBook
for an item of equal or greater value within 7 days of activation.
eBooks can be purchased through
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, 5th Edition
Item 75086.......... Page 27
Fire Department Safety Officer, 1st Edition
Item 75110.......... Page 32
Building Construction Related to the Fire Service,
3rd Edition
Item 75005.......... Page 25
Fire Detection and Suppression Systems, 4th Edition
Item 75020.......... Page 23
Chief Officer, 3rd Edition
Item 75131.......... Page 19
Fire Investigator, 2nd Edition
Item 75106.......... Page 29
Chief Officer, 2 Edition
Item 36935.......... Visit
Emergency Management Handbook , 1 Edition
Item 75111.......... Page 34
Essentials of Fire Fighting, 5 Edition
Item 75006.......... ....Visit
Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department
Operations, 6th Edition
Item 75062.......... Page 12
Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition
Item 75092.......... Page 18
Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer,
4th Edition
Item 75007.......... Visit
Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 8 Edition
Item 75028.......... Page 20
Fire and Emergency Services Orientation and
Terminiology, 5th Edition
Item 75021.......... Page 21
Fire and Life Safety Educator, 3rd Edition
Item 75108.......... Page 33
Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, 7th Edition
Item 75000.......... Page 22
Fire Service Search and Rescue, 7th Edition
Item 75112.......... Page 31
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 4th Edition
Item 75010.......... Page 16
Hazardous Materials Technician, 1st Edition
Item 75089.......... Page 17
Industrial Emergency Services Training: Incipient Level,
2nd Edition
Item 75113.......... Page 39
Industrial Exterior and Structural Fire Brigades,
1st Edition
Item 75119....Page 38
Introduction to Fire Origin and Cause, 4th Edition
Item 75085.......... Page 28
Marine Fire Fighting , 1st Edition
Item 75115 ......... Visit
Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Firefighters,
2nd Edition
Item 75023.......... Page 34
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Occupational Safety, Health, and Wellness,
3rd Edition
Item 75114.......... Page 32
Command and Control 2: ICS, Strategy Development,
and Tactical Selections, 1st Edition
Item 75123.......... Page 42
Plans Examiner for Fire and Emergency Services,
1st Edition
Item 75116.......... .Page 24
Fire Prevention Applications, 1st Edition
Item 75029.......... Page 24
Principles of Vehicle Extrication, 3rd Edition
Item 75087.......... Page 30
Fire Prevention Applications for Company Officers,
1st Edition
Item 75120.......... Page 24
Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator
Handbook, 3rd Edition
Item 76012.......... Page 14
Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply Analysis,
3rd Edition
Item 75124.......... Page 36
Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook,
3rd Edition
Item 76013.......... Page 14
Fire Service Hydraulics and Water Supply, 2nd Edition
Item 75001.......... Page 36
Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook,
2nd Edition
Item 75016.......... Visit
Structural Fire Fighting: Truck Company Skills and
Tactics, 2nd Edition
Item 75107.......... Page 35
Structural Fire Fighting: High-Rise Fire Fighting,
2nd Edition
Item 75117.......... Page 35
Structural Fire Fighting: Initial Response Strategy and
Tactics, 1st Edition
Item 75109.......... Page 35
Technical Rescue for Structural Collapse, 1 Edition
Item 75118.......... Page 31
Telecommunicator, 1st Edition
Item 75088.......... ....Visit
Command and Control: ICS, Strategy Development, and
Tactical Selections, Book 1, 2nd Edition
Item 75125.......... Page 42
Incident Command System Model Procedures Guide for
Incidents Involving Structural Fire Fighting, High Rise,
Multi-Casualty, Highway, and Managing Large-Scale
Incidents Using NIMS-ICS (Book 1), 1st Edition
Item 75121.......... Page 37
Special Operations -- Incidents Involving Hazardous
Materials/WMD Structural Collapse, Wildland, and
Managing Large-Scale Incidents Using NIMS-ICS
(Book 2), 1st Edition
Item 75127.......... Page 37
Rapid Intervention Teams, 1st Edition
Item 75122.......... .Page 33
The Sourcebook for Fire Company Training Evolutions,
3rd Edition
Item 75126.......... Page 41
Understanding and Implementing the 16 Firefighter Life
Safety Initiatives, 1st Edition
Item 75002.......... Page 32
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Exam Prep Plus Apps
Succeed with the NEW Exam Prep Plus Apps. Prepare for certification exams while on the go! Exam Prep Plus
Apps are portable versions of the IFSTA Exam Prep products, and include all questions. Use your tablet or
phone to view the questions. Select which chapters or sections to study. Miss a question? Put it back and try
again. Get it right? Remove it to focus on other learning objectives. Exam Prep Plus Apps track your progress so
you always know how well you are doing. With the easy-to-use interface and flexible navigation the Exam Prep
Plus Apps are a valuable study tool!
Flashcard APPs
IFSTA’s Flashcard Apps makes studying-on-the-go easier than ever. Knowing the key terms allows you to
understand content and help you better understand how to apply the content from the manual. Compatible
with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Essentials of Fire Fighting, 6th Exam Prep Plus App
Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon
Essentials of Fire Fighting, 6th Flashcard App
Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon
Hazardous Materials Technician, 1st Edition Exam Prep Plus App
Available on iTunes and Google Play
Hazardous Materials Technician, 1st Edition Flashcard App
Available on iTunes
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 4th Edition Exam Prep Plus App
Available on iTunes and Google Play
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 4th Edition Flashcard App
Available on iTunes
Building Construction Related to the Fire Service, 3rd Edition Flashcard App
Available on iTunes
Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 8th Edition Exam Prep Plus App
Available on iTunes and Google Play
Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 8th Edition Flashcard App
Available on iTunes
Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement,7th Edition Flashcard App
Available on iTunes
Fire Detection and Suppression Systems, 4th Edition Flashcard App
Available on iTunes
new exam prep plus apps
Will be released in 2015!
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
ResourceOne (R1) provides a one-stop resource for instructors and organizations to effectively train students
using IFSTA materials. ResourceOne is the ultimate source for in-classroom, blended, and online training.
ResourceOne provides an industry unique solution for teaching and learning.
ResourceOne is a learning management system (LMS) available to instructors. ResourceOne is user friendly for
instructors and flexible to meet the training needs of fire departments. Instructors can use ResourceOne in a
number of ways:
• Deliver the knowledge (cognitive) content of a course in a “virtual classroom” environment
• Blend face-to-face training with online instruction
• Focus in-person classroom time on skills-based training rather than cognitive content
• Provide course materials such as a syllabus, homework, reading assignments, quizzes, SOPs, etc. to students
• Provide customized content to students that personalizes their training courses and meets local requirements
Curriculum components: The Plan of Instruction, Syllabus, Lesson Outlines, PowerPoint® Presentations, Clip Art,
Quizzes & Keys, Tests & Keys, Skill Evaluation Checklists (when applicable), and Course Workbook (when available).
ResourceOne provides these free features:
• Customization — Instructors can turn content on and off and sequence lessons in any order.
• Post/upload local information — Instructor can load local information for reading and homework
• Student progress tracking — Generates reports for the instructor to track student progress.
• Grade Book — Exam prep, quizzes, end of chapter tests, and some portions of a Course Workbook are
automatically graded. Scores are automatically recorded.
• Discussion Forum — This is a space to facilitate student discussions and student/instructor interaction.
Instructors can use the ResourceOne forum with their own prompts to lead discussions.
• Fully online environment — The user is not required to download, license, or install any software to use
ResourceOne. All that is required is an Internet connection (preferably broadband) and an Internet browser.
ResourceOne is compatible with PC and Mac computers, tablets, mobile devices, and smart phones.
• Secure access — Each instructor has a secure portal for each of their courses. The students login to their
customized ResourceOne portal. The course is secure from other students and other instructors. Students
can interact online through the discussion forum as prompted. Students do not have access to see other
student’s progress, assignments, or grades.
• Integrated email function — The instructor can generate email to students. The instructor receives email
notifications when a student completes assignments, and students can email the instructor.
In addition to the ResourceOne free features instructors have options to purchase premium content.
For more information about ResourceOne and to access FREE curriculum content please contact your IFSTA
representative at [email protected].
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
essentialsnfpa® 1001
Publisher: Fire Protection Publicaitons
Edition/Publication Date: 6th Edition (2013)
Pages: 1,400
ISBN: 978-0-87939-509-4
Item 36922.............$71.00
Item 75062.............$60.35
Publisher: Pearson Education, Inc.
Edition/Publication Date: 6th Edition (2013)
Pages: 1,664
ISBN: 978-0-87939-521-6
Item 36935.............$95.00
Essentials of Fire Fighting, 6th Edition
Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations, 6th Edition
IFSTA’s Essentials of Fire Fighting, 6th Edition is the most complete and comprehensive introductory firefighter text on the market. This
new edition is completely revised to meet the 2013 edition of NFPA® 1001, and brings you the most trusted in-depth knowledge content in
the business. Key features include:
• Separation and clear identification of Fire Fighter I and II content
• Updated content, skills, and tactics that reflect the latest research from NIST and other fire service organizations
• Student-focused design with high quality photos, illustrations, key term emphasis, and engaging case histories
• Full suite of electronic products including: eBook, skills videos, study apps, exam prep and ResourceOne learning management
• Educationally sound instructional materials - free to fire service instructors
In partnership with Brady Publishing, the Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Department Operations, 6th Edition offers three additional
chapters addressing emergency medical care, and Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations content specified in NFPA® 1001.
Packages with Essentials of
Fire Fighting manual – Save 10%
Manual and Exam Prep (Print)
Item 36931–$106.20
Manual and Exam Prep (USB Flash Drive)
Item 36932–$104.40
Manual and Student Workbook
Item 36930–$114.40
Packages with Essentials of
Fire Fighting and Fire Department
Operations manual – Save 10%
Manual and Exam Prep (Print)
Item 36938..........$137.30
Manual and Exam Prep (USB Flash Drive)
Item 36939..........$135.50
Manual and Student Workbook
Item 36937..........$145.40
See page 47 for Action Training DVDs.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
nfpa® 1001 essentials
Exam Prep (Print)
Item 36923..........$47.00
Course Workbook
Item 36925..........$56.00
Skill Sheet Handbook
Item 36927..........$86.00
Prepares students for end of course tests
and written portions of certification exams,
this self-study includes 1,497 questions
from all 24 chapters of Essentials of
Fire Fighting and Fire Department
Operations. Page referenced for correct
answers in Essentials and color coded to
Fire Fighter I and II certification.
Designed for student review of classroom
instruction. The learning experience is
enriched through a variety of activities and
question types including: true/false, fill-inthe-blank, picture identification, multiple
choice, short answer, key term crossword
puzzles, and more. The answer key is
referenced and included in the Essentials
This sturdy wire-bound book with all 192
skills is heavily illustrated and provides
more detail for each skill. Prepared to be
used in the field under harsh conditions,
this rugged tool is a quick reference for
students as well as instructors.
12:34 PM
Curriculum USB Flash Drive
Item 36924..........$399.00
Interactive Exam Prep
Item 36926..........$45.00
This flash drive offers the same questions
as the print Exam Prep with interactive
features. It is divided both by firefighter
level and chapter. This self-study guide is
automatically graded and can be divided
into subsets of questions by the user.
Skills Video Series DVD Set
Item 36928..........$695.00
192 unique videos. Stream videos
Free on ResourceOne.
The Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire
Department Operations, 6th Edition
curriculum includes all 24 chapters and an
all new design based on the latest research
in effective adult instruction. The package
covers all classroom and assessment
materials needed to deliver a Fire Fighter I
and/or II course. Features include: userfriendly interface, plan of instruction,
lesson outlines, redesigned PowerPoint®
presentations, chapter quizzes, tests, skill
evaluation checklists, learning activities, clip
art, tutorials, and much more.
Instructor Resource Kits (IRK)
With the Essentials of Fire Fighting,
6th Edition.
Item 36929..........$465.00
Key Term Flashcard App
This App is designed to drill students on
all 679 key terms and definitions found
in the Essentials of Fire Fighting and
Fire Department Operations. It tracks
correct and incorrect answers, provides
answers and page references, allows study
of multiple chapters, and lets the student
remove or reinsert questions from the
flashcard deck. Download on the App Store,
Google Play, or Amazon.
Exam Prep Plus
Prepare for your certification exams
while on the go! Exam Prep Plus is a
portable, customizable version of our
Exam Prep product, with all 1,497
questions. View questions on your tablet
or phone. Download on the App Store,
Google Play, or Amazon. Optimized for
the iPad.
With the Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire
Department Operations, 6th Edition.
Item 36936..........$490.00
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
apparatus DRIVER/operator
NFPA® 1002
new third edition
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
ISBN: 978-0-87939-574-2
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition
Item 36727.............$62.00
Item 76013.............$52.70
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Item 76012.............$65.45 ISBN: 978-0-87939-571-1
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition
Item 36723.............$77.00
IFSTA NEW Editions Streamline Driver/Operator Training
The new editions of these bestselling IFSTA fire apparatus driver/operator training materials mark a new approach to training driver/
operators. Previously, IFSTA published two separate manuals with student and instructor support materials: Pumping Apparatus Driver/
Operator Handbook and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook. Fire departments with both types of apparatus needed two
manuals, two curriculum and driver/operator trainees needed two exam preps to study for tests.
The release of the 3rd edition of these manuals streamlines the IFSTA training resources. The Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator
Handbook, 3rd Edition covers pumping apparatus only, the second book in the pair, Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator
Handbook, 3rd Edition contains the same 15 chapters as the pumping apparatus textbook, plus an additional 5 chapters relevant to aerial
apparatus. Personnel on departments that operate both types of apparatus now only need one manual and one curriculum for training.
Students only need one exam prep to prepare for testing. If a fire department does not use aerial apparatus, they use the Pumping
Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition and omit the aerial sections of the curriculum and exam prep which include all 20
Chapters 2 and 3 are especially beneficial for all driver/operators: Inspection and Maintenance and Safety and Operating Emergency Vehicles.
Pumping Apparatus Driver/
Operator handbook, 3rd edition
• Skill Sheets now included
• Key Terms added
• The new Fire Apparatus Manufacturer’s Association (FAMA)
standardized safety signs for fire apparatus are highlighted
• Hydraulic calculations presented in a logical sequence making
teaching and learning easier
• Customary and metric calculations in one chapter
• NEW case histories introduce each chapter
• NFPA 1002 JPR Correlation Matrix
Pumping and Aerial Apparatus
Driver/Operator, 3rd Edition
• Skill Sheets now included
• Key Terms added
• Aerial apparatus safety emphasizes the most common risks
based on actual incidents including: stabilizing equipment
before raising the aerial device, wearing fall protection, and
avoiding power lines
• Strategy and tactics include assessing rescue priorities
specifically for aerial placement and deployment
• Chapters address proper stabilization; positioning; and
operation of telescoping and articulating aerial devices
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NFPA® 1002apparatus operator
Exam Prep (Print)
Item 36730..........$40.00
Interactive Exam Prep
Item 36729..........$40.00
Curriculum USB Flash Drive
Item 36732..........$199.00
Intended to prepare the student for end
of course tests and written portions of
certification exams, this self-study includes
953 questions from all 20 chapters of
Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/
Operator Handbook. Page referenced for
correct answers in Pumping and Aerial
Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook.
This flash drive offers the same questions
as the print Exam Prep with interactive
features. It is divided by chapter. This selfstudy guide is automatically graded and
can be divided into subsets of questions by
the user.
The Pumping and Aerial Apparatus
Driver/Operator Handbook curriculum
includes all 20 chapters and an all new
design based on the latest research in
effective adult instruction. The package
covers all classroom and assessment
materials needed to deliver a course.
Features include: user-friendly interface,
plan of instruction, lesson outlines,
redesigned PowerPoint® presentations,
chapter quizzes, tests, skill evaluation
checklists, learning activities, clip art,
tutorials, and much more.
Instructor Resource Kit (IRK)
Item 36754..........$300.00
PackageS – SavE 10%
Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook
manual and Exam Prep (Print)
Item 36728................$91.80
Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook
manual and Exam Prep (Print)
Item 36740................$105.30
Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook
manual and Exam Prep (USB Flash Drive)
Item 36745................$91.80
Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook
manual and Exam Prep (USB Flash Drive)
Item 36761................$105.30
IFSTA Curriculum is available free for instructors to
download on ResourceOne. IFSTA Curriculum includes
Lesson Outlines, PowerPoint® Slides, Chapter Tests,
Quizzes, Clip Art, and when appropriate Skill Sheets.
For more information go to
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products. See page 48 for Action Training DVD’s.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
hazardous materials
NFPA® 472
The 4th edition of Hazardous Materials for First Responders is written for emergency first responders
who are mandated by law and/or called upon by necessity to prepare for and respond to hazardous
materials and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) incidents. It serves as a primary text for personnel
seeking to meet the requirements of NFPA® 472, Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous
Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents, 2008 edition for Awareness Level, Operations Level,
and Mission-Specific competencies.
The purpose of this book is to provide first responders with the information they need to take
appropriate initial actions at WMD incidents and hazardous materials spills or releases. Its scope is
limited to giving detailed information about initial operations. Learning objectives are provided
at the beginning of each chapter to assist the reader in focusing on the appropriate topic.
Knowledge and review questions are located at the end of each chapter. Skill sheets are provided
at the end of many chapters to provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform crucial skills
and activities.
The book is divided into three parts designed to meet the competencies of NFPA® 472. The first
three chapters address Awareness Level competencies. The next four chapters address Operations
Level core competencies. The last seven chapters address Mission-Specific competencies.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 4th Edition (2010)
Pages: 746
ISBN: 978-0-87939-389-2
Item 36604................$82.00
Item 75010................$69.70
Support Products*
Self-Study Guide (Interactive)
411 Questions
USB Flash Drive
Item 36606................$44.50
Self-Study Guide (Print)
411 Questions
Item 36605...............$44.50
USB Flash Drive
Item 36608................$134.00
Exam Prep Plus App
411 Questions
Download on the App
Flashcard App
Course Workbook
Item 36607................$48.50 Download on App
PackageS – SavE 10%
Manual and Self-Study Guide (Print)
Item 36860................$113.85
Instructor Resource Kit
USB Flash Drive
Item 36859................$237.00
Manual and Self-Study Guide (USB Flash Drive)
Item 36861................$113.85
Manual and Course Workbook
Item 36862................$117.45
IFSTA Curriculum is available free for instructors to
download on ResourceOne. IFSTA Curriculum includes
Lesson Outlines, PowerPoint® Slides, Chapter Tests,
Quizzes, Clip Art, and when appropriate Skill Sheets.
For more information go to
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products. See page 49 for Action Training DVD’s.
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NFPA® 472 hazardous materials
Hazardous Materials Technician, 1st Edition
This new IFSTA manual is the only book available that directly addresses all competencies for
Hazardous Materials Technician according to NFPA® 472, Standard for Competence of Responders to
Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents, 2013 Edition. It also meets Technician Level
requirements in OSHA Title 29 CFR 1910.120 (HAZWOPER). The eBook and print format are available.
In depth coverage of all knowledge and skills responders must know: from incident analysis to
termination. This includes haz mat chemistry; container identification, construction features and leak
points; as well as product control and decontamination operations. Each chapter begins with
a list of specific learning objectives and the correlating competency numbers in NFPA® 472.
Competency numbers are indexed in Appendix A so students and instructors can identify the
exact places in the text to locate the applicable content.
The first edition of Hazardous Materials Technician builds on Hazardous Materials for First
Responders, 4th edition, taking training to the next certification level. The first manual addresses
training for Awareness and Operations response at hazardous materials incidents. This new
manual is designed to prepare emergency responders to conduct advanced, offensive operations.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2013)
Pages: 643
ISBN: 978-0-87939-523-0
Item 36885................$72.50
Item 75089................$61.65
Support Products*
Exam Prep (Interactive)
507 Questions
USB Flash Drive
Item 36887................$43.00
Exam Prep (Print)
507 Questions
Item 36886...............$43.00
Exam Prep Plus App
507 Questions
USB Flash Drive
Item 36888................$160.00 Download on the App
Instructor Resource Kit
USB Flash Drive
Item 36891................$247.95
Flashcard App
Download on App
PackageS – SavE 10%
Chemistry of Hazardous Materials,
5th edition
Manual and Self-Study Guide (Print)
Item 36889................$103.95
By Eugene Meyer
Designed for courses in hazardous
materials handling, this manual
addresses the needs of firefighters
and other professionals who deal with
hazardous materials. It encompasses
the key aspects of safely handling
hazardous materials and the
response actions to be implemented
during terrorist activity, hazardous
transportation mishaps, and other
Manual and Self-Study Guide (USB Flash Drive)
Item 36890................$103.95
Publisher: Brady
Edition/Publication Date: 5th Edition (2010)
Pages: 888
ISBN: 978-0-13-504159-8
Item 37128....Visit for price
Hazardous Materials Response
Pocket Reference, 1st edition
By Chris H. Weber
This handy pocket reference provides all
emergency responders with information to
protect themselves and others in a hazardous
materials incident.
Publisher: Brady
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2008)
Pages: 212
ISBN: 978-0-13-227347-3
Item 36773....Visit for price
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company officer NFPA® 1021
new Fifth edition
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 5th Edition (2014)
Pages: 532
ISBN: 978-0-87939-564-3
Item 36530................$70.00
Item 75092................$59.50
Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition
Company Officer Training in One NEW Text
This new IFSTA manual details the training required for company officers according to NFPA® 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional
Qualifications, 2014 Edition. The manual is divided making a clear distinction between Fire Officer Level I and Fire Officer Level II. Both print
and eBook formats are available.
This text addresses the wide range of topics encountered by a company officer, from leadership and supervision to health and safety
issues. The NFPA® 1021 job performance requirements are the focus of the book. The material is presented in a concise manner through 17
chapters making it easier for students to read and instructors to teach.
Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 5th Edition has new features: IFSTA’s single-column format; complete and updated
curriculum components; learning activities; real world case histories open each chapter; photographs, illustrations, and tables illustrate key
points insuring teaching and learning excellence.
Support Products*
Package – SavE 10%
Manual and Self-Study Guide (Print)
Item 36537................$99.00
Exam Prep (Interactive)
713 Questions
USB Flash Drive
Item 36540................$40.00
Manual and Self-Study Guide (USB Flash Drive)
Item 36543................$99.00
Exam Prep (Print)
Instructor Resource Kit
USB Flash Drive
713 Questions
USB Flash Drive
Item 36533................$160.00 Item 36534................$235.00
Item 36531...............$40.00
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NFPA® 1021
chief officer
new third edition
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
ISBN: 978-0-87939-568-1
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2014)
Pages: 376
Item 36532................$67.00
Item 75131................$56.95
Chief Officer, 3rd Edition
The new updated 3rd edition of Chief Officer is designed to meet the job performance requirements for Fire Officer III and IV in NFPA®
1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications, 2014 Edition.
The content of this text provides chief officers and chief officer candidates with advanced level knowledge and skills to supervise, manage,
and administer fire and emergency services organizations.
The third edition of Chief Officer concisely presents the material making it easier for students to comprehend and easier for instructors to
use. The chapter arrangement provides a logical sequence for instruction. Material that supplements the job performance requirements of
the standard is only included when determined necessary by the validation committee.
Case Histories open each chapter to illustrate important real world lessons. New learning objectives, images, tables, and review questions
to illustrate key points are all included.
The eight chapters are divided into Fire Officer III and Fire Officer IV when applicable.
IFSTA Curriculum is available free for instructors to
download on ResourceOne. IFSTA Curriculum includes
Lesson Outlines, PowerPoint® Slides, Chapter Tests,
Quizzes, Clip Art, and when appropriate Skill Sheets.
For more information go to
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
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instructorNFPA® 1041
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 8th Edition (2011)
Pages: 504
ISBN: 978-0-87939-441-7
Item 37498................$68.00
Item 75028................$57.80
fire and emergency services instructor, 8TH EDITION
State-of-the-Art Instructor Textbook and Curriculum
Qualified instructors to deliver effective training are key to a safe and effective fire service. The Fire and Emergency Services Instructor,
8th Edition, is your IFSTA source for instructor training. This text is excellent for teaching company-level trainers and is a great reference for
Instructor Level 1 promotions.
The manual includes all JPR’s for NFPA® 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, 2012 for Instructor Levels I, II,
and III. It also contains changes in NFPA® 1041, such as bias in instructional and testing materials.
Chapters 1-9 Level I
Chapters 10-14
Level II
Chapters 15-17
Level III
The text follows the Four-Step Model of Instruction: preparation, presentation, application, and evaluation for each instructor level. The 8th
edition features: case histories, the easy-to-read single-column format, and key terms highlighted in the margins.
The full curriculum package includes Lesson Plans, PowerPoint® presentations, tests, quizzes, and a digital workbook. The PowerPoint®
presentations feature interactive slides and videos. A study guide is available in both print and electronic formats. The electronic study
guide tracks a student’s progress.
Support Products*
Study Guide (Interactive)
511 Questions
USB Flash Drive
Item 37542................$45.00
Study Guide (Print)
511 Questions
USB Flash Drive
Item 37499................$46.50 Item 37543................$205.50
Packages – SavE 10%
Manual and Study Guide (Print)
Item 37545..........$103.05
Flashcard App
Exam Prep Plus App
Available on App
511 Questions
Download on the App Store..........$1.99
Instructor Resource Kit
USB Flash Drive
Item 37544................$296.50
Manual and Study Guide (USB Flash Drive)
Item 37546..........$103.05
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Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 5th Edition (2011)
ISNB: 978-0-87939-403-5
Item 36644...............$69.50
Item 75021................$59.08
Fire and emergency services orientation and terminology, 5th Edition
The Best-Selling Introduction to a Fire Service Career
• Overview of careers in fire and emergency services
• The history, culture, organizations and operations
• Extensive glossary of terms
• Also meets NFPA® 1001 FFI and FFII knowledge requirements
This manual provides a comprehensive introduction to fire and emergency services, providing a broad look at the careers, history, culture,
organizational structures, and operations. It introduces students to the science of fire behavior as well as the fire service role in fire
investigations, public fire and life safety education, and fire prevention. The text describes and illustrates the tools, equipment, apparatus,
and facilities used by personnel on the job. It also discusses how fire and emergency services interact with other local, state, or provincial
The 5th edition has IFSTA’s consistent new teachable and learner-friendly features. Its single-column format is easy to read and use; chapter
divider pages list key terms, identify the FESHE and NFPA® JPR’s covered, and provide learning objectives for the chapter. Each chapter
begins with a case history and ends with chapter review questions. In addition, information in the manual addresses many requisite
knowledge items in Chapter 5, Fire Fighter I and Chapter 6, Fire Fighter II of NFPA® 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications.
Appendices contain an indexed table to FESHE Course Outcomes and NFPA® 1001 JPR’s, explanation of the Candidate Physical Ability Test
(CPAT), the Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives, and an Incident Command System (ICS) organizational chart.
Fire and Emergency Services Orientation and Terminology, 5th Edition, addresses the learning outcomes for the Principles of
Emergency Services course, part of the National Fire Academy’s Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) associate’s degree
program model curriculum.
Instructor Materials
USB Flash Drive
Item 36713....$97.00
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
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inspectorNFPA® 1031 – feshe
Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, 7th Edition
A reference manual for both uniformed and civilian inspectors, Fire Inspection and Code
Enforcement, 7th Edition, is a comprehensive source of information. This manual educates inspectors
about the principles and techniques of fire prevention and life safety inspection and code compliance. It
addresses NFPA® 1031, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner, Levels
I and II of the 2009 edition. This manual has also been written to meet the learning objectives of the Fire
and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Principles of Code Enforcement course.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 7th Edition (2009)
Pages: 892
ISBN: 978-0-87939-348-9
Item 36741................$93.50 Item 75000................$79.47
Support Products*
Study Guide (Print)
1054 Questions
Item 36742................$44.50
Study Guide (Interactive)
1054 Questions
Item 37185................$40.00
USB Flash Drive
Item 37179................$40.00
Item 36743................$63.50
USB Flash Drive
Item 37178................$104.00**
Clip Art
Item 38114................$40.00
**USB Flash Drive includes Clip Art
Key Term Flashcard App
Download on App
Packages – SavE 10%
Student Workbook
Item 37481................$69.50
Instructor Resource Kits
Item 37482................$216.00
USB Flash Drive
Item 37182................$216.00
Manual and Study Guide (Print)
Item 36744..........$124.20
Manual and Study Guide (CD-ROM)
Item 37186..........$120.15
Manual and Study Guide (USB Flash Drive)
Item 37183..........$120.15
Manual and Student Workbook
Item 37493..........$146.70
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
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Fire Detection and Suppression Systems, 4th Edition
Fire Protection Systems: Familiarization and Reference
• Familiarization with system design, operation and maintenance
• Covers fire detection and alarm systems
• Smoke management, sprinklers and standpipe systems
• Current equipment and best practices
The 4th edition of Fire Detection and Suppression Systems provides current information
on fire protection systems. An introduction to fire detection and suppression systems, it is
written for college students, personnel in the fire service, industrial fire protection, building
construction and anyone who may be responsible for the design, installation, inspection,
and maintenance of these systems.
The 4th edition meets the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) model
course outcomes for the Fire Protection Systems core course.
It provides comprehensive information about the types, arrangements, and operating
principles of these systems. Topics addressed include fire detection and alarm systems,
smoke management systems, water supply, fire pumps, automatic sprinkler systems,
standpipe and hose systems, special extinguishing systems, and portable fire extinguishers. Information and images of current equipment,
technology, and best practices are provided.
The 4th edition incorporates popular new IFSTA formatting. Chapter divider pages provide key terms, FESHE outcomes, and learning
objectives found in each chapter. Each chapter is introduced by a case history that reveals the impact these systems have in real world
application. Chapter content is in the easy-to-read single-column format and key terms are defined in the margins.
Appendices provide important information about fire pump testing and fire department operations at sprinklered buildings.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 4th Edition (2011)
Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-0-87939-398-4
Item 36558................$80.00 Item 75020................$68.00
Support Products*
Key Term Flashcard
App Available on App
Self-Study Guide (Print)
Course Workbook
332 Questions
Item 36597................$47.50
Item 36595................$43.50
Self-Study Guide (Interactive)
332 Questions
USB Flash Drive
Item 36596................$43.50
Instructor Resource Kit
USB Flash Drive
Item 37060................$232.50
Instructor Materials
USB Flash Drive
Item 36598................$132.00
Packages – SavE 10%
Manual and Self-Study Guide (Print)
Item 37196..........$111.15
Manual and Course Workbook
Item 36759..........$114.75
Manual and Self-Study Guide (USB Flash Drive)
Item 36758..........$111.15
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
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Fire Prevention Applications,
1st Edition
By Brett Lacey and Paul Valentine
By Brett Lacey and Paul Valentine
This manual takes a
nontraditional look at fire
prevention methodology
and process. It explores and
emphasizes the need for good
public process and community
motivation in solving
present-day community
injury problems. It
meets the objectives for
the FESHE model Fire
Prevention Organization
and Management course.
This book will help
you implement a 21stcentury fire prevention
Fire Prevention Applications for
Company Officers is specifically
geared for company officers
who have been, or are newly
responsible for, conducting
company level inspections. This
text blends current and timely
philosophical aspects of fire
prevention and mitigation with
technical inspection details to
help a full-time or volunteer
officer in accomplishing basic
level inspections in a variety
of occupancies. It provides
summaries of various occupancy
classifications, hazards that
are common to these locations, and details on how they should
be managed. It provides other basic fire prevention information
to help street-level personnel recognize critical fire prevention
issues that may be easily corrected or that require the attention
of assigned fire prevention personnel. This text is ideal for initial
company officer training and on-going promotional training.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2010)
Pages: 368
ISBN: 978-0-87939-384-7
Item 36854................$75.00
Support Product*
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2005)
Pages: 392
ISBN: 978-0-87939-257-4
Item 36541................$71.00
Item 75029................$60.35
Support Product*
Instructor Disc
Item 36689................$63.00
Instructor Materials (USB Flash Drive)
Item 36871................$63.50
Plans Examiner for Fire and Emergency Services, 1st Edition eBook
This manual was developed for personnel who serve their communities by ensuring that construction projects
meet applicable fire and building codes and standards. It addresses the job performance requirements (JPRs) of
Plan Examiner I, and (to some extent) Plan Examiner II as outlined in Chapters 7 and 8 of NFPA® 1031, Standard for
Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner (2003). While the structure of this manual reflects the
standard, the material in each section is drawn from a variety of sources. The manual only partially addresses Plan
Examiner II since in-depth review of sprinkler and fire alarm shop drawings are not included
Please note: The eBook has a sample set of blueprints (sold separately) that are referenced in various chapters
throughout the book. The blueprints (Item 36592) can be purchased by calling Customer Service at 800.654.4055.
For availability in print format, please visit
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2005)
Pages: 390
ISBN: 978-0-87939-266-6
Item 75116................$37.83
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
3rd Edition
This textbook matches the course outline and objectives identified by the National Fire Academy’s
Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Program for the Building Construction for Fire
Protection core course.
The 3rd edition provides the learner with basic instruction about how buildings are designed and
constructed, and how this relates to emergency operations. In addition to basic construction
principles, a new emphasis is placed on firefighter safety, newer types of construction that
may be difficult to identify, and green construction principles. This edition is illustrated
with new drawings and photos; and includes case histories that emphasize real-life safety
principles, key terms, and review questions. Fire inspectors, preincident planners, fireground
commanders, investigators, and firefighters will all find useful and valuable information in
this manual.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2010)
Pages: 448
ISBN: 978-0-87939-371-7
Item 75005................$53.98
Item 37022................$63.50
Support Products*
Self-Study Guide (Print)
453 Questions
Item 37023................$42.50
Self-Study Guide (Interactive)
453 Questions
Item 37025................$39.50
Instructor Materials
Item 37024................$59.50
USB Flash Drive
Item 37188................$40.50
USB Flash Drive
Item 37187................$97.00**
Clip Art
Item 37026................$38.50
**USB Flash Drive includes Clip Art
Key Term Flashcard
App Available on App
Packages – SavE 10%
Manual and Self-Study Guide (Print)
Item 37191..........$95.40
Course Workbook
Item 37028................$54.00
Instructor Resource Kits
Item 37190................$182.00
USB Flash Drive
Item 37189................$182.00
Manual and Self-Study Guide (CD-ROM)
Item 38121..........$92.70
Manual and Self-Study Guide USB Flash Drive
Item 37192..........$93.60
Manual and Course Workbook
Item 37029..........$105.75
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting provides basic information needed by firefighters to effectively
perform the various tasks involved in aircraft rescue and fire fighting. Material covered includes
qualifications for aircraft rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) personnel, aircraft and airport familiarization,
safety and aircraft hazards, ARFF communications, extinguishing agents, ARFF apparatus, rescue tools
and equipment, ARFF driver/operator, airport emergency planning, and ARFF strategic and
tactical operations.
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting addresses the requirements of NFPA® 1003, Standard
for Airport Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications (2005 edition). Additional material
addresses the airport fire fighting apparatus covered in Chapter 9 of the 2008 edition of
NFPA® 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications. Key
parts of NFPA® 402, Guide for Aircraft Rescue and Fire-Fighting Operations (2008 edition),
and NFPA® 403, Standard for Aircraft Rescue and Fire-Fighting Services at Airports (2008
edition), are also covered in this manual. Also covered are those subjects included in the
training requirements of Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 139.315, 139.317, and 139.319.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 5th Edition (2008)
Pages: 452
ISBN: 978-0-87939-323-6
Item 36523................$64.50
Item 75086................$54.83
Support Products*
Study Guide (Print)
638 Questions
Item 35067................$41.00
Study Guide (Interactive)
638 Questions
Item 37132................$35.50
USB Flash Drive
Item 37197................$35.50
Item 35070................$64.00
Clip Art
Item 38115................$35.50
USB Flash Drive
Item 37194................$98.00**
**USB Flash Drive includes Clip Art
Packages – SavE 10%
Manual and Study Guide (Print)
Item 35074..........$94.95
Manual and Study Guide (CD-ROM)
Item 37133..........$90.00
Instructor Resource Kits
Item 37459................$185.00
USB Flash Drive
Item 37198................$185.00
Manual and Study Guide (USB Flash Drive)
Item 37199..........$90.00
IFSTA Curriculum is available free for instructors to
download on ResourceOne. IFSTA Curriculum includes
Lesson Outlines, PowerPoint® Slides, Chapter Tests,
Quizzes, Clip Art, and when appropriate Skill Sheets.
For more information go to
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 4th Edition (2013)
Pages: 248
ISBN: 978-0-87939-527-8
Item 36883................$56.00
Item 75085................$47.60
introduction to fire origin and cause, 4th edition
Fire Investigating for Firefighters and Company Officers
• Updated fire behavior dynamics
• More detailed illustrations of fire patterns
• In-depth ignition sequence, post-scene investigation
• Expanded section on vehicle fires
Introduction to Fire Origin and Cause, 4th Edition, addresses key sections of NFPA® 1001 (2013 edition) and NFPA® 1021 (2009 edition)
that focus on the first responder’s responsibility to begin the process of fire investigation. Validated by IFSTA subject matter experts
dedicated to providing an accurate firefighter guide to the process of fire origin and cause determination, the 4th edition has significant
updates and new information.
The information in this book helps first responders protect themselves by understanding the hazards present at a fire scene. It explains
how fires behave and how that information is relevant to fire investigations. It emphasizes the importance of securing the scene to prevent
spoliation, and helps responders to identify the area of origin by analyzing fire patterns and other information. Also included is the process
and information necessary to determine the fire cause.
New information in the 4th edition includes the latest scientific research on fire behavior and dynamics. The edition features new
information about area of origin, evidence identification and preservation, hypothesis and testing, vehicle fire analysis, and fire cause
Featuring updated photos and artwork throughout the book, it has IFSTA’s new format and is accompanied by a curriculum.
Support Product*
USB Flash Drive
Item 36884................$249.00
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2010)
Pages: 516
ISBN: 978-0-87939-383-0
Item 36751................$71.00
Item 75106................$60.35
Fire Investigator, 2nd edition
This 2nd edition manual is designed to provide fire investigators with the resources necessary to meet the job performance requirements
for fire investigators outlined in NFPA® 1033. Arson investigators, private and public fire investigators, officers responsible for origin and
cause determination, and students training to become investigators will find this manual to be an essential resource. This edition places
emphasis on area of origin and cause determination with expanded information about fire pattern analysis. The text includes but is not
limited to the following topics:
• Scene examination and reconstruction
• Safe practices for conducting an investigation
• Area of origin determination
• Effects of fire and explosion science on fire investigation
• Ignition source, sequence, and cause determinations
• Building construction and building services
• Explosion dynamics
• Investigative process
• Explosion scene examination
• Protecting, documenting, and collecting evidence
• Explosion origin and cause determination
• Conducting interviews
Support Product*
USB Flash Drive
Item 36752................$100.00
Kirk’s Fire Investigation, 7th edition
By John D. DeHaan and David J. Icove
Taking the reader from the beginning stages of a fire investigation in evidence collection and evaluating
a fire scene to the end stages of report writing and giving testimony, internationally recognized forensic
scientist John DeHaan is joined by forensic fire engineering expert David Icove for the 7th edition of Kirk’s Fire
Publisher: Brady
Edition/Publication Date: 7th Edition (2011)
Pages: 763
ISBN: 978-0-13-508263-8
Item 36873....Visit for price
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
RescueNfpa® 1006 & 1670
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2010)
ISNB: 978-0-87939-380-9
Item 36755.............$60.50
Item 75087.............$51.42
principles of vehicle extrication, 3rd Edition
Three Levels of Extrication Training in One Manual
• Best practices validated by IFSTA
• Covers wide variety of vehicles and machinery
• Step-by-step Skill Sheets for many evolutions
This manual meets vehicle extrication requirements of NFPA® 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications; pertinent chapters
of NFPA® 1006, Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications; and pertinent chapters of NFPA® 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for
Technical Search and Rescue Incidents.
The 3rd edition of Principles of Vehicle Extrication contains updated information on the hazards presented by extrication operations,
vehicle extrication incident management, vehicle anatomy, passenger restraint systems, vehicle extrication tools and equipment, hybridpowered vehicles, machinery extrication situations and procedures, and emergency medical services considerations at extrication
In addition to passenger vehicles, chapters are dedicated to buses, medium and heavy trucks, railcars, industrial and agricultural machinery
and special situations, such as multiple vehicle accidents, amusement park rides, and military vehicles.
The only manual validated by an IFSTA committee of practitioners and subject matter experts, Principles of Vehicle Extrication, 3rd
Edition, presents the best practices for vehicle extrication both on the North American continent and internationally. It encompasses
information required for Awareness, Operations, and Technician levels of vehicle extrication training. Departments large and small,
volunteer, career, combination, and military rely on this reference for training personnel to free victims from entrapment situations.
Skill Sheets provide step-by-step illustrated procedures for many extrication evolutions.
Clip Art
Item 38123................$40.00
USB Flash Drive
Item 36757................$54.00
IFSTA Curriculum is available free for instructors to
download on ResourceOne. IFSTA Curriculum includes
Lesson Outlines, PowerPoint® Slides, Chapter Tests,
Quizzes, Clip Art, and when appropriate Skill Sheets.
For more information go to
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Nfpa® 1006 & 1670 Rescue
Fire Service Search and Rescue,
7th Edition
Technical Rescue for Structural
Collapse, 1st Edition
This manual provides emergency
response agencies and their
personnel with the information
needed to meet the Operations
Level requirements of NFPA®
1670, Standard on Operations
and Training for Technical Search
and Rescue Incidents
(2004). It identifies
the requirements that
agencies must meet and
the tools and techniques
that their personnel
must master if they are
to provide Operations
Level rescue within their
This manual focuses primarily on Operations Level situations to
which firefighters and rescue squad members are most often called.
However, to provide Operations Level fire/rescue personnel with
the background information needed to effectively support and
participate in complex technical search and rescue operations,
some Technician Level information has been included.
North American Version
Because fire department
personnel are usually the
first responders to structural
collapses, firefighters should
be trained to locate and free
victims in the safest and most
efficient way possible.
This manual, which
addresses the structural
collapse portion of
NFPA® 1006, Standard
for Rescue Technician
Professional Qualifications,
and the 1999 edition of
NFPA® 1670, Standard on
Operations and Training
for Technical Rescue Incidents, is designed to go beyond the basic
rescue skills detailed in the Fire Service Search and Rescue
manual to cover those needed by the rescue technician at these
types of incidents.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 7th Edition (2005)
Pages: 454
ISBN: 978-0-87939-255-0
Item 75112................$42.50
Item 36686................$50.00
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2003)
Pages: 369
ISBN: 978-0-87939-225-3
Item 36500................$48.75
Item 75118................$41.44
Support Product*
Support Product*
Clip Art
Clip Art
Item 38109................35.50
Item 38110................$35.50
Urban Search and Rescue in Collapsed Structures,
1st Edition
International Edition
In partnership with the Institution of Fire Engineers, IFSTA has developed an edition of its Technical
Rescue for Structural Collapse aimed primarily at rescuers outside of North America. This edition features
terminology and techniques used throughout the world. The validation committee for this manual
included fire service professionals from Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2005)
Pages: 368
ISBN: 978-0-87939-269-7
Item 36956................$50.00
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
WELLNESS, 3rd Edition
Fire Department Safety Officer,
1st Edition
The 3rd edition of the IFSTA
Occupational Safety, Health,
and Wellness manual is intended
to provide an overview of
programs, policies, procedures,
and actions that will establish
and maintain a culture
of safety within the
fire and emergency
services. By addressing
fire and emergency
service administrators,
supervisors, and emergency
responders, it is hoped
that a new culture based
on safety, health, and
wellness concerns can be instilled in emergency responders. The
basis for this manual is NFPA® 1500, Standard on Fire Department
Occupational Safety and Health Program. Additional standards are
listed in the Introduction and in Appendix A. This manual is also a
companion to the IFSTA Fire Department Safety Officer manual.
As is apparent from the expanded title, the 3rd edition includes
more than safety-related information. After discussing the risks
faced by fire and emergency services personnel, the manual
analyzes the dominant culture that contributes to current levels
of injuries and fatalities. Methods for creating a new safetybased culture grounded on changes in personal behavior and
organizational change are recommended. The manual then
lays out the requirements for health and fitness programs, as
well as training, apparatus, tool and equipment, protective
clothing, emergency scene, and facility safety. Finally, an outline
for developing and implementing a safety, health, and wellness
program is provided.
This 1st edition of Fire
Department Safety Officer
addresses NFPA® 1521, Standard
for Fire Department Safety
Officer, which identifies the
performance requirements
necessary to perform the duties
of a safety officer, the applicable
performance requirements of
NFPA® 1500, Standard on Fire
Department Occupational Safety
and Health Program, and NFPA®
1021, Standard for Fire Officer
Professional Qualifications.
Safety Officer provides the
health and safety officer and
the incident safety officer with information necessary to perform
the various tasks assigned, and lists resources that will further their
knowledge of safety-related issues.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2001)
Pages: 238
ISBN: 978-0-87939-191-1
Item 36472................$43.00
Item 75110................$36.55
Support Product*
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2010)
Pages: 500
ISBN: 978-0-87939-388-5
Item 37212................$82.00
Item 75114................$69.70
Clip Art
Item 38107................$36.00
Understanding and Implementing the 16 Firefighter
Life Safety Initiatives, 1st Edition
This textbook was developed as a joint project between the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
(NFFF) and Fire Protection Publications. It provides a detailed overview and implementation of
strategies for the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives that were developed by the NFFF at their
landmark summit in 2004. Each chapter was written by a different highly respected fire service subject
matter expert for that topic. This text provides the information necessary to meet the FESHE Principles
of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival (associate degree level) and Advanced Principles in
Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival (bachelor degree level) courses.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2010)
Pages: 316
ISBN: 978-0-87939-416-5
Item 36870................$76.50
Item 75002................$65.03
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Rapid Intervention Teams, 1st Edition
By Gregory Jakubowski and Michael Morton
This manual will guide you through
the regulations and standards that
apply to rapid intervention, give
you options for implementation and
dispatch of rapid intervention units,
provide equipment lists for
rapid intervention work,
show how work can be
performed using existing
equipment and training,
and explain how a twoteam concept can provide
the resources for most
rescue situations.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2001)
ISBN: 978-0-87939-194-2
Item 36482................$54.00
Item 75122................$45.90
Support Product*
Instructor Program
Item 36900................$63.00
Package – Savings of 10%
Package: Manual and Instructor Program
Item 36901..........$105.30
Public Information Officer,
1st Edition
Delivered on CD-ROM
The role of public information officer
(PIO) is very important to every
department. While some agencies are
able to assign the role on a permanent
basis, others may assign the duty as
needed. This manual will assist any
person who serves in the role of PIO or
spokesperson to understand the news
media and learn how to develop good
relations with them. It functions as a study manual as well as an onscene reference guide.
Public Information Officer is based on job performance
requirements in NFPA® 1035, Standard for Professional Qualifications
for Public Fire and Life Safety Educator (1999 edition).
The chapters, as well as sample forms and documentation, are
provided in Adobe® Acrobat® PDF format, which works on both
Windows® and Macintosh® computers.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (1999)
Pages: 104
ISBN: 978-0-87939-170-6
Item 36794................$33.50
Fire and Life Safety Educator,
3rd Edition
Fire and Life Safety Educator,
3rd Edition provides, the educator
with knowledge to support
successful performance as a
fire and life safety educator
as addressed in NFPA® 1035,
Standard for Professional
Qualifications for Fire
and Life Safety Educator,
Public Information Officer,
and Juvenile Firesetter
Intervention Specialist.
New to the Fire and Life
Safety Educator manual
is the addition of two
levels: Juvenile Firesetter
Intervention Specialist I and Juvenile Firesetter Intervention
Specialist II. All levels are covered separately for ease of use. In all,
this edition covers five levels of the standard:
• Fire and Life Safety Educator Level I: Chapters 2-6
• Fire and Life Safety Educator Level II: Chapters 7-11
• Fire and Life Safety Educator Level III: Chapters 12-16
• Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist I: Chapters 17-20
• Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist II: Chapters 21-25
This manual should be the first document on a public educator’s
bookshelf and a “ready reference” of public education knowledge.
The manual is intended to educate the educator rather than to
train the educator. In this way, the educator will be able to apply
knowledge and skills to many different areas under the “umbrella”
of injury prevention and control. The manual focuses on all-risk
education. This manual is intended to assist in preparing for
certification to the Fire and Life Safety Educator I, II, and III and
Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist I and II levels of NFPA®
1035, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire and Life
Safety Educator, Public Information Officer, and Juvenile Firesetter
Intervention Specialist, 2010 edition.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2011)
Pages: 624
ISBN: 978-0-87939-396-0
Item 75108................$63.75
Item 36620................$75.00
IFSTA Curriculum is available free for instructors to
download on ResourceOne. IFSTA Curriculum includes
Lesson Outlines, PowerPoint® Slides, Chapter Tests,
Quizzes, Clip Art, and when appropriate Skill Sheets.
For more information go to
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
featured ifsta products
This manual prepares
firefighters and emergency
responders to meet the Marine
Fire Fighter I and Marine
Fire Fighter II training and
certification requirements
of NFPA® 1005, Standard for
Professional Qualifications
for Marine Fire Fighting for
Land-Based Fire Fighters
(2007 edition). This
textbook gives assistance
to fire service personnel
with the training,
knowledge, technical
information, and reference
materials necessary for the
safe and effective management of marine fire incidents. It describes
the roles and responsibilities of the vessel’s crew, emergency
responders, and other agencies, including the implementation
of a unified command structure within an incident management
system. The book describes common situations encountered in
vessel fire situations for vessels of all sizes.
2nd Edition
This manual provides
municipal, rural, industrial,
shipboard, and airport fire
and emergency services
personnel with knowledge on
the selection, production, and
delivery of all types of foam
extinguishing agents.
This book is intended to help
fire and emergency responders
meet the foam requirements
contained in the following
NFPA® standards: 472, 1001,
1002, 1003, 1021, 1051, 1081.
Publisher: Fire Protection
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2003)
Pages: 362
ISBN: 978-0-87939-213-0
Item 36510................$64.00
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2010)
Pages: 628
ISBN: 978-0-87939-386-1
Item 75023................$64.60
Item 36856................$76.00
Emergency Management Handbook, 1st edition eBook
The Emergency Management Handbook (1st edition) provides a groundwork on which emergency services can
build a strong foundation for disaster and emergency management and homeland security in the 21st century. Many
relatively new requirements, standards, rules, policies, regulations, presidential directives, and laws exist. The main
focus of the handbook is to address the requirements of NFPA® 1600, Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management
and Business Continuity Programs (2007), as a minimum and build on them to provide even more information to
the reader.
The Emergency Management Handbook was written by emergency management planning professionals for
emergency management practitioners, managers, professors, and students along with the news media and the
general public. It addresses the issues, policies, questions, best practices, and lessons learned through recent years.
Several appendices, a bibliography, and a glossary are included. A bonus CD-ROM disc containing additional reference documents
completes the manual.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2007)
Pages: 728
ISBN: 978-0-87939-282-6
Item 75111................$49.30
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
structural fire fighting
Structural Fire
Fighting: High-Rise
Fire Fighting,
2nd Edition
Structural Fire Fighting:
High-Rise Fire Fighting, 2nd
Edition, is designed
to be a companion to
IFSTA’s other Structural
Fire Fighting manuals:
Truck Company Skills
and Tactics and Initial
Response Strategy and
Tactics. This manual
provides an overview of
historic high-rise fires,
construction features, fire behavior, water supply, fire protection
systems, elevators and escalators, evacuation procedures,
preincident planning, incident command, strategy and tactics, and
special situations. Topics such as hazardous exposures, wind-driven
fires, staging and communications, and working with fire protection
systems are given special emphasis.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2011)
Pages: 315
ISBN: 978-0-87939-397-7
Item 36697.........$75.50
Item 75117.........$64.17
Structural Fire
Fighting: Truck
Company Skills
and Tactics,
2nd Edition
Structural Fire Fighting: Truck
Company Skills and
Tactics, 2nd Edition, is
designed to be a resource
for those who engage
in “truck work” on the
fireground. Building on
concepts introduced in
Essentials of Fire Fighting,
this manual provides more
detailed information on
such topics as forcible entry,
fireground search and rescue, horizontal and vertical ventilation,
rapid intervention, loss control, and many other responsibilities
traditionally assigned to truck companies.
This manual builds on the information contained in Fireground
Support Operations, 1st Edition and has a special focus on safe
fireground operations. Each chapter begins with Safety Points
that highlight specific safety reminders for tasks addressed in
the chapter. In addition, a scenario at the end of each chapter
encourages the reader to apply concepts that have been learned.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2010)
Pages: 484
ISBN: 978-0-87939-387-8
Item 36542................$71.00
Item 75107.........$60.35
TACTICS, 1st Edition
The 1st edition of Structural Fire Fighting: Initial Response Strategy and Tactics is intended to
provide fire personnel with the knowledge needed to deploy resources in the first 10 minutes of any
structural fire incident. The manual is designed to help the reader develop a logical decision-making
process for determining incident priorities, strategies, and tactics regardless of the available resources
or configuration of the emergency services organization. Scenarios for residential, commercial,
and special hazard incidents are included with recommended best practices and considerations.
Training officers can use these scenarios, modified to local resources and realities, to develop
classroom discussions or field simulations.
This manual is a companion to Structural Fire Fighting: Truck Company Skills and Tactics,
2nd Edition and Structural Fire Fighting: High Rise Fire Fighting, 2nd Edition. Each chapter of
the manual contains learning objectives, key terms, and review questions to assist the reader in
understanding the material.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2010)
Pages: 416
ISBN: 978-0-87939-395-3
Item 36140................$82.00
Item 75109................$69.70
PACKAGE – Save 10%
Structural Fire Fighting Series:
• Initial Response Strategy and Tactics (Item 36140)
• Truck Company Skills and Tactics (Item 36542)
• High-Rise Fire Fighting (Item 36697)
Item 37910.........$205.65
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
hydraulics and water supply
Fire Service Hydraulics and Water
Supply, 2nd Edition
fire protection hydraulics and
water supply analysis, 3rd Edition
By Michael Wieder
The ability to find a sufficient water supply and use it effectively
to control a fire remains one of the most basic functions of the fire
service. This text provides detailed
information on the principles of
water and its movement, determining
accurate discharge pressures and fire
flows, the types of apparatus
and pumps used to move
water, and effective means
for supporting fixed fire
protection systems. This 2nd
edition includes up-to-date
photos and illustrations.
This manual was written to
meet all of the FESHE model
course objectives for the
Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply course. The Instructor
Materials disc provides improved instructor outlines, PowerPoint®
presentations, and test questions.
By Pat Brock
For use in engineering, technology,
and fire science classrooms or as
a useful resource for engineers,
design professionals, fire marshals,
and insurance industry personnel
working in the areas of water
supply or sprinkler analysis
and design. This 3rd edition
of Hydraulics covers the
characteristics of water and
the principles of hydrostatics
and hydrokinetics. It explains
how to determine friction loss
within water systems, test water
supply systems, and prepare
hydraulic calculations. The text also gives methods for testing,
inspecting, and maintaining fire pump installations. New to this
edition is the addition of metric calculations and information for all
of the relevant portions of the text. A must for anyone working with
water supplies or sprinkler systems.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2010)
Pages: 463
ISBN: 978-0-87939-414-1
Item 36724................$76.50
Item 75001................$65.03
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2012)
Pages: 382
ISBN: 978-0-87939-445-5
Item 75124................$84.58
Item 36876................$99.50
Support Product*
Instructor Materials
Item 36756................$62.00
USB Flash Drive
Item 36858................$62.00
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
incident command
Incident Command System Model
Procedures Guide for Incidents
Involving Structural Fire Fighting,
High-Rise, Multi-Casualty, Highway,
and Managing Large-Scale Incidents
Using NIMS-ICS (Book 1), 1st Edition
Prepared by the National Incident
Management System Consortium
Model Procedures Committee
This manual includes basic
information on NIMS-ICS and
detailed information on how to
apply it to structure fires,
high-rise fires, major EMS
incidents, roadway incidents,
and large-scale incidents of
all types. It includes concepts
such as unified command,
area command, joint
operations centers (JOC),
multi-agency coordination
centers (MACC) and much
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2008)
Pages: 503
ISBN: 978-087939-305-2
Item 75121................$61.62
Item 36197................$72.50
Special Operations – Incidents
Involving Hazardous Materials/WMD,
Structural Collapse, Wildland,
and Managing Large-Scale Incidents
Using NIMS-ICS (Book 2), 1st Edition
Prepared by the National Incident Management System Consortium
Model Procedures Committee
The second in a series, this
manual covers incidents
pertaining to wildland fires,
hazardous materials incidents,
USAR/structural collapse
incidents, and other types of
large-scale incidents. It can be
used in training personnel to
take ICS and efficiently apply
it to the incident at hand.
Publisher: Fire Protection
Edition/Publication Date:
1st Edition (2008)
Pages: 428
ISBN: 978-087939-311-3
Item 36198................$72.50
Item 75127................$61.62
Package – SavE 10%
Includes Book 1 and Book 2 of the Incident Command System
Model Procedures Guide
Item 36199..........$130.50
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
industrialnfpa® 1081
Industrial Exterior and Structural Fire Brigades, 1st Edition
This is the first manual of its kind developed to address the specific needs of industrial advanced exterior and interior
structural fire brigades. The purpose of this manual is to:
• Support management personnel in complying with applicable laws and regulations
• Support the training of personnel who will provide advanced exterior and
interior structural fire control for industrial occupancies
• Expand the student’s knowledge and serve as a training source for individual industrial emergency responders
The scope of the manual includes, but is not limited to, those standards, laws, and regulations that apply to fire
brigade members who serve at the advanced exterior fire fighting and interior structural fire fighting levels.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2006)
Pages: 703
ISBN: 978-0-87939-558-2
eBook 75119................$60.35
Support Product*
Clip Art
Item 38117................$34.50
Industrial Fire Brigade: Exterior and Structural DVD Series
This 11-part DVD series teaches to: advanced exterior and interior structural levels of NFPA®
1081, Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications.
Students see how brigades are organized and are shown their functions and limitations
under occupational safety regulations. The series demonstrates the operation and
maintenance requirements for common industrial fire fighting equipment, such as portable
extinguishers and fixed extinguishing systems, fire alarm and detection systems, fire hose,
nozzles, appliances, and tools. The series also provides demonstrations of fire behavior,
hazard communication systems used at industrial sites, evacuation procedures, fire safety
surveys, and the incident management system.
Make the most of precious firefighter training time and prepare students for hands-on
training with specialized demonstrations of the knowledge and skills required to fight
industrial emergencies before they become industrial disasters.
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 11-DVD Series
Item 37913................$4,300.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Personal Protective Equipment
DVD–Item 38130................ $425.00
DVD–Item 38131................ $425.00
Access and Forcible Entry
DVD–Item 38132................ $425.00
Search and Rescue
DVD–Item 38133................ $425.00
DVD–Item 38134................ $425.00
Industrial Water Supply
DVD–Item 38135................ $425.00
Handling Hoselines
DVD–Item 38136................ $425.00
Foam Operations
DVD–Item 38137................ $425.00
Industrial Fire Control
DVD–Item 38138................ $425.00
Tank Hazard Control
DVD–Item 38139................ $425.00
Ventilation Procedures DVD
DVD–Item 38140................ $425.00
Additional Product (Sold
Industrial Fire Brigades: Exterior
and Structual Lesson Plans
Item 38129–$825.00
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
NFPA® 600 & 1081 industrial
Industrial Emergency Services Training: Incipient Level, 2nd Edition
This manual covers those standards, laws, and regulations that apply to the incipient level fire brigade
member. NFPA® 600, Standard on Industrial Fire Brigades, and NFPA® 1081, Standard for Industrial Fire
Brigade Member Professional Qualifications, are addressed in this manual. These standards outline
general requirements for an organized industrial fire brigade and define minimum professional
requirements for incipient industrial fire brigade members. However, the functions that the industrial
fire brigade will be expected to perform in the workplace are site-specific and will vary from facility to
facility and from company to company.
This book is written for industrial emergency services personnel who fight incipient-stage fires and
for management personnel who are responsible for developing procedures and training for the
industrial fire brigade.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2003)
Pages: 304
ISBN: 978-0-87939-226-0
Item 75113...............$38.67
Item 36553................$45.50
Industrial Fire Brigade: Incipient Level DVD Series
Industrial fire brigades can provide rapid, on-site response to fires and other workplace
emergencies, minimizing injuries, loss of life and property damage. Our first series of 12
programs for the industrial sector is designed for training fire brigade members to the incipient
level, which provides the capability to extinguish incipient-stage fires while wearing normal
work clothing. This basic training is a prerequisite for advanced exterior and/or interior
structural level fire brigades.
Students see how brigades are organized and are shown their functions and limitations under
occupational safety regulations. The series demonstrates the operation and maintenance
requirements for common industrial fire fighting equipment, such as portable extinguishers
and fixed extinguishing systems, fire alarm and detection systems, fire hose, nozzles,
appliances, and tools. The series also provides demonstrations of fire behavior, hazard
communication systems used at industrial sites, evacuation procedures, fire safety surveys, and
the incident management system.
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 12-DVD Series
Item 37911................$4,690.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Organization and Safety
DVD–Item 37915...............$425.00
Combustion and Fire Behavior
DVD–Item 37916...............$425.00
Portable Fire Extinguishers 1
DVD–Item 37917...............$425.00
Portable Fire Extinguishers 2
DVD–Item 37918...............$425.00
Fire Alarm Systems
DVD–Item 37919...............$425.00
Fixed Extinguishing Systems
DVD–Item 37920...............$425.00
Fire Hose
DVD–Item 37921...............$425.00
Fire Streams and Nozzles
DVD–Item 37922...............$425.00
Hoselines and Master Streams
DVD–Item 37923...............$425.00
Hazard Recognition
DVD–Item 37924...............$425.00
Incident Management
DVD–Item 37925...............$425.00
Loss Control: Salvage
DVD–Item 37926...............$425.00
Additional Product (Sold
Industrial Fire Brigades: Incipient
Level Lesson Plans
Item 37914..............$895.00
your only source for individual titles of
action training dvd’s!
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
ifsta libriaries
Save 10% when you purchase the complete IFSTA library. New editions
are frequently added, please visit for the current list of
manuals and price.
Item 36912................Visit for price
Manuals in the Custom Library are:
• Building Construction Related to the Fire Service (3rd)
• Essentials of Fire Fighting (6th)
• Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer (5th)
• Fire and Emergency Services Instructor (8th)
• Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement (7th)
• Hazardous Materials for First Responders (4th)
• Principles of Vehicle Extrication (3rd)
• Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook (3rd)
Item 37213................$526.05
Additional IFSTA manuals may be added at a discounted price.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Featured Fpp products
The Sourcebook for Fire Company
Training Evolutions, 3rd Edition
By Michael Wieder
By Dennis Compton
This book replaces the When in
Doubt, Lead! series previously
written by Chief Compton (they
will go out of print when supplies
run out). This book is written for
current or aspiring fire service
managers and leaders. This text
focuses on enhancing employee
development, personal and
organizational development, and
creating a prepared, focused,
empowered, and safe workplace.
It provides detailed information
on managing agencies during
tough times and the fire
department’s role in the political process. This manual will work well
in officer or leadership courses or classes and is also an excellent
reference for fire officer promotional processes.
Thousands of fire instructors
and officers have used this
reference to deliver easy,
meaningful two- to threehour training programs within
their fire departments. Busy
fire instructors and
training officers
who struggle to
arrange and prepare
weekly or monthly
training drills will
appreciate this text
as it has 75 training
sessions completely
prepared and ready
for implementation. Training sessions include basic firefighter skills,
driver/operator skills, activities for inclement weather, company
evolutions, and competitive, yet useful, exercises.
The training sessions in this 3rd edition cover most of the major
job performance requirements in the 2008 version of NFPA® 1001
and the 2009 version of NFPA 1002®. This edition is spiral bound
which allows it to lay flat when being used. Each session contains
information on the standards being covered, the equipment
that is needed, outlines for presentations and practical exercises,
discussion questions, and recommended references. New to the 3rd
edition is a CD-ROM contained in every manual that includes short
PowerPoint® presentations for most sessions and Word® versions of
every session to allow the instructor to customize the files for local
use, if desired.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2009)
Pages: 400
ISBN: 978-087939329-8
Item 35020................$70.00
Item 75126................$59.50
3D FIRE FIGHTING, 1st Edition
By Paul Grimwood, Ed Hartin, John McDonough, and Shan Raffel
Written for fire chiefs, fire administrators,
engineers, and firefighters, this book
and CD-ROM explore new approaches
to tactical venting options and fire
and confinement strategies, providing
primary teaching aids relative to various
forms of rapid fire progress, compartment
fire behavior training, and tactical fire
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2005)
Pages: 435
ISBN: 978-0-87939-258-1
Item 36568................$61.00
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2010)
Pages: 136
ISBN: 978-0-87939-385-4
Item 36855................$49.50
The Mental Aspects of
Performance For Firefighters and
Fire Officers (The M.A.P.), 2nd Edition
By Dennis Compton and Gary Mack
Mental training is a key
component of progressive
training and safety programs.
The M.A.P. provides the best road
map available to implement a
structured curriculum dedicated
to minimizing mental letdowns
and maximizing performance. It
has been developed in a format
that is easily adaptable as a selfstudy program or can be used
by students and instructors as a
workshop curriculum.
Publisher: Fire Protection
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2004)
Pages: 143
ISBN: 978-0-87939-233-8
Item 36599................$48.75
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
structural firefighting
Command and Control: ICS, Strategy
Development, and Tactical
Selections, Book 1, 2nd edition
Command and Control 2: ICS,
Strategy Development, and Tactical
Selections, 2nd Edition
By Burton Phelps and Robert Murgallis
This book covers incident
scene decision-making in
depth; provides techniques to
enhance a firefighter’s ability to
make rapid, correct decisions
based on knowledge of various
types of occupancies;
and addresses the
development of strategy
and tactics and the size-up
This book presents the
Incident Command
System (ICS) from the
perspective of day-to-day
application. While branch
operations, complex command, and area command are discussed,
the ICS presented principally addresses those functions needed
to handle the majority of incidents to which firefighters respond.
Specific information common to types, or groups, of occupancies
is presented with examples, and reader activities are included in
each chapter. Occupancy-specific cues, cue-based decision-making,
incident management cues, and strategy and tactics are provided
for each occupancy type covered.
By Robert Murgallis
This book details the basic
processes that apply to all
incidents as well as some of the
specific procedures necessary
to make effective decisions at
certain common occupancies.
The authors explain basic
ICS elements using an easyto-understand method and
introduce the concepts of
Unified Command, Complex
Command, Area Command, and
Incident Management Teams.
Publisher: Fire Protection
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2015)
Pages: 372
ISBN: 978-0-87939-463-9
Item 35421................$77.00
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2012)
Pages: 384
ISBN: 978-0-87939-455-4
Item 36880................$68.00
Item 75125................$57.80
Support Product*
Study Guide (CD-ROM – 330 Questions)
Item 36881................$41.00
Package – SavE 10%
Manual and Study Guide (CD-ROM)
Item 36882..........$94.50
Guidelines for Highway Incident Scene Safety and Traffic Control,
1st Edition
The materials in this training course are based upon proven highway traffic control that provides for a safe
incident area. Participants are trained in the proper location of advanced warning signs, flagging techniques,
lane closures, and safety equipment. The materials will help make it safer for first responders who assist at
highway accident scenes and for motorists in the accident vicinity.
The CD-ROM includes:
• Instructor manual
• Participant manual
• Pocket guide
• Full-color PowerPoint® slides
System requirements: Microsoft PowerPoint® 95 or newer, and Adobe® Acrobat 5.0 or newer, or Acrobat Reader.
Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2005)
ISBN: 978-0-87939-382-3
Item 36561................$64.50
*See pages 51-52 for descriptions of the IFSTA/FPP Support Products.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
other publishers
Collapse of Burning Buildings: A
Guide to Fireground Safety,
2nd Edition
By Vincent Dunn
Based on 30 years of fire fighting experience
in collapse situations, this book looks at
analyzing causes of collapse and developing
action plans for survival. Subjects include
general collapse information, building
construction, how buildings collapse,
structural and collapse hazards, search and
rescue, and safety precautions.
Publisher: Fire Engineering Books and Videos
Edition/Publication Date: 2nd Edition (2010)
Pages: 347
ISBN: 978-1-59370-233-5
Item 36872................$69.00
Support Product
Collapse of Burning Buildings 5-DVD Series
Item 36622................$165.95
Individual Titles in the Series:
Wall Collapse DVD
Item 36623..........$39.00
Peaked Roof Collapse DVD
Item 36624..........$39.00
Truss Roof Collapse DVD
Item 36625..........$39.00
Floor Collapse DVD
Item 36626..........$39.00
Wood Frame Building Collapse DVD
Item 36627..........$39.00
By Vincent Dunn
Chief Vincent Dunn shows what causes
flashover, what the warning signs are, and
how to avoid injury. The DVD is approximately
20 minutes of live-fire footage, graphic
illustrations, and instruction.
Compressed Air Foam Systems
Handbook, 1st Edition
By Dominic Colletti
This book is an essential manual
on the use of compressed air foam
for structure and wildland/urban
interface fire fighting. It is intended
as the primary text for all personnel
needing to develop knowledge and
skill levels required to efficiently adopt
and use this technology. The author
incorporates real-world lessons learned
from over 20 years of fireground
Publisher: Lyon’s Publishing
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2006)
Pages: 228
ISBN: 0-9663468-5-8
Item 36736................$55.00
Foam Firefighting Operations 1
The Essentials of Class A Foam,
1st Edition
By Dominic Colletti and Larry Davis
Any department that has a desire
to improve its current use of foam
technology or is considering the use of
foam for the first time will find a very
useful resource in Foam Firefighting
Operations 1. The text focuses on
educating firefighters of various
competency levels about the safe
and effective use of Class A Foam and
compressed air foam systems (CAFS).
Publisher: Lyon’s Publishing
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition
Pages: 128
ISBN: 0-9663468-4-X
Item 36512................$35.00
Publisher: Fire Engineering Books and Videos
Item 36734................$59.00
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
other publishers
1st Edition
By Lawrence Bennett
This text contains easily understood
legal principles and case studies that
illustrate how legal problems can be
prevented. The text also provides the
reader with a foundation for proper
decision making and protocol in a fire
service organization.
Publisher: Brady
Edition/Publication Date: 1st Edition (2008)
Pages: 320
ISBN: 978-0-13-155-288-3
Item 36763....Visit for price
Strategic and Tactical
Considerations on the Fireground,
3rd Edition
By James P. Smith Blending theory with personal
experience, Strategic and Tactical
Considerations on the Fireground, Third
Edition, features over 40 years of author
experience. Using a systems approach,
the text covers not only strategic
decisions but tactical operations,
guiding students through the process
of problem identification and solution
response. From planning to incident
scene control, this text provides
knowledge and tools that can be applied to a variety of complex
fire situations.
3rd edition
By Steven T. Edwards
Fire Service Personnel Management is
written with basic public personnel
management concepts and
incorporates fire service applications
and examples throughout. It serves
as both a successful text in the
classroom and as an excellent resource
for promotional officer candidates.
Topics include: fire service personnel development, professional
qualifications, recruitment, and diversity issues. The book is a topnotch resource for promotional officer candidates and current
managers in the fire service.
Publisher: Brady
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2010)
Pages: 416
ISBN: 978-0-13-512677-6
Item 36906....Visit for price
Publisher: Brady
Edition/Publication Date: 3rd Edition (2011)
Pages: 617
ISBN: 978-0-13-215-881-7
Item 36878....Visit for price
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Action Training Systems (ATS) programs are available in 3 delivery formats:
1. DVD – Available in the IFSTA Catalog, and at
a. Traditional DVD format with chapter sections
b. Playable on computers or DVD players
c. Typically presented in a classroom setting to groups or students
d. Sold separately – ATS Instructor PowerPoints® and Question Files (requires Exam View)
2. Online Streaming Video – ATS Online
a. Same hi-resolution video content as the DVD but delivered in streaming video format via the internet
(similarly compare Netflix® streaming to Netflix® DVDs)
b. ATS Instructor PowerPoints® included
c. Playable from PC or Mac computers and mobile devices
d. Can be played straight through or played by section similiar to chapters on a DVD
e. Can be presented in a traditional classroom setting or individually viewed by students from any
location where a broadband internet connection is available
f. Independent viewing by students is tracked and recorded via the online Learning Management System
g. Sold separately – ATS Question Files (requires Exam View)
3. Interactive Online Courses – ATS Online
a. All the same hi-resolution video content used in the DVD and online streaming is presented in the
online interactive course with the addition of interactive formative assessments, section quizzes and
final exams
b. Can be assessed individually by learners from any location where a broadband internet connection is
available or used in classroom settings
c. Playable on PC or Mac computers and some mobile devices
d. All student activity and test scores are tracked and recorded, via the online Learning Management
e. Multi-year subscriptions to interactive courses include: interactive courses (includes all questions in
the question files), streaming video without interactivity, Instructor PowerPoints®, stand-alone exam
modules for test out and group session testing
ATS programs delivered in any of thsee 3 formats are designed to be used as part of a course of instruction
overseen by a certified instructor. They serve as excellent instructor resources to be used as part of the initial
certification training and also refresher or continuing education instruction.
All ATS programs teach to recognized national standards such as NFPA, OSHA and NEMSES.
Please contact an IFSTA Sales Associate at 800.654.4055 for access to the Online Streaming Videos or the
Interactive Online Courses.
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
The DVD library is what you need for mastering the basics for certification or
refresher training. Each title in this 33-volume series is designed to teach current
NFPA® 1001 (2008), Fire Fighter I and II skills and prerequisite knowledge. Simplify
technical material and reinforce your group training objectives through the
‘seeing is believing’ of these training programs.
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Publication Date: 2008
Complete Essentials Library (33 DVDs)
Item 36846................$6,535.00
Firefighter I
Firefighter Safety: Part I
DVD–Item 36811...........................$225.00
Vertical Ventilation
DVD–Item 36823...........................$225.00
Firefighter Safety: Part II
DVD–Item 36812...........................$225.00
Fire Hose Basics
DVD–Item 36824...........................$225.00
Fire Behavior
DVD–Item 36813...........................$225.00
Handling Hose
DVD–Item 36825...........................$225.00
SCBA 1 Introduction
DVD–Item 36814...........................$225.00
Advancing Hoselines
DVD–Item 36826...........................$225.00
SCBA 2 Use and Maintenance
DVD–Item 36815...........................$225.00
Fire Streams
DVD–Item 36827...........................$225.00
Personal Protective Clothing
DVD–Item 36816...........................$225.00
Forcible Entry
DVD–Item 36828...........................$225.00
Portable Extinguishers
DVD–Item 36817...........................$225.00
Fire Detection, Alarms, and Communications
DVD–Item 36829...........................$225.00
Ropes and Knots
DVD–Item 36818...........................$225.00
Lighting and Power Sources
DVD–Item 36830...........................$225.00
Fire Control 1
DVD–Item 36819...........................$225.00
Property Conservation: Salvage
DVD–Item 36831...........................$225.00
Ladders 1
DVD–Item 36820...........................$225.00
Property Conservation: Overhaul
DVD–Item 36832...........................$225.00
Ladders 2
DVD–Item 36821...........................$225.00
Sprinkler Systems
DVD–Item 36833...........................$225.00
Ventilation Basics and
Horizontal Procedures
DVD–Item 36822...........................$225.00
Firefighter I Set (23 DVDs)
Item 36834................$4,660.00
Firefighter II
Building Construction
DVD–Item 36835...........................$225.00
Rescue Operations
DVD–Item 36836...........................$225.00
Advanced Ventilation
DVD–Item 36837...........................$225.00
Water Supply
DVD–Item 36838...........................$225.00
Fire Control 2
DVD–Item 36839...........................$225.00
Foam Fire Streams
DVD–Item 36840...........................$225.00
Fire Hose Appliances
DVD–Item 36841...........................$225.00
Fire Origin and Cause
DVD–Item 36842...........................$225.00
Pre-Incident and Fire Safety Surveys
DVD–Item 36843...........................$225.00
Fire Prevention and Public Education
DVD–Item 36844...........................$225.00
Firefighter II Set (10 DVDs)
Item 36845................$2,070.00
your only source for individual titles of
action training dvd’s!
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
DVD series
DVD series
This 5-part DVD series models
the technical skills and
procedures that are critical for
the safe operation and proper
maintenance of this expensive
life-saving equipment. Each
program looks in-depth at one
aspect of this complex piece of
apparatus. By using the entire series, you will see the vehicle and
its many systems from front to rear. This Aerial Apparatus DVD/CBT
series is designed to teach the skills and knowledge prerequisites of
NFPA® 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional
This 5-part DVD series presents
many of the prerequisite
knowledge and skill
requirements of NFPA® 1002,
Standard for Fire Apparatus
Driver/Operator Professional
Qualifications (1998). Each title
teaches to a specific NFPA®
Standard. The series correlates with IFSTA’s Pumping Apparatus
Driver/Operator Handbook (2nd edition).
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 5-DVD Series
Item 37651...............$1,060.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Aerial Apparatus Driving
DVD–Item 37652.............. $225.00
Positioning Aerial Apparatus
DVD–Item 37653.............. $225.00
Stabilizing Aerial Apparatus
DVD–Item 37654.............. $225.00
Operating Telescoping and
Articulating Equipment
DVD–Item 37655.............. $225.00
Aerial Apparatus Maintenance
DVD–Item 37656.............. $225.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Safe Operation of Emergency
DVD–Item 37646.............. $225.00
Positioning Apparatus
DVD–Item 37647.............. $225.00
Operating Fire Pumps
DVD–Item 37648.............. $225.00
Apparatus Inspection and
DVD–Item 37649.............. $225.00
Water Shuttle and Relay
DVD–Item 37650.............. $225.00
Infection Control
and Prevention
dvd series
Fire Officer I
DVD Series
Presents types of bloodborne
pathogens of concern to
emergency care providers,
including HBV, HCV and
HIV. Reviews standards and
requirements outlined in
OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens
standard. Presents standard
precautions, safe work practices and engineering controls
used to prevent or minimize the risk of occupational exposure.
Demonstrates what actions to take after an exposure incident
Each title in Action Training
System’s Fire Officer I Series
on DVD has been designed
and referenced to meet NFPA®
1021, Standard for Fire Officer 1
Professional Qualifications
(2003 edition).
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 7-DVD Series
Item 37678................$1,480.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Leading Your Team
DVD–Item 37679.............. $225.00
Maximizing Team Performance
DVD–Item 37680.............. $225.00
DVD–Item 37681.............. $225.00
Managing Conflict
DVD–Item 37682.............. $225.00
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 5-DVD Series
Item 37645...............$1,060.00
Incident Leadership
DVD–Item 37683.............. $225.00
Team and Health Safety
DVD–Item 37684.............. $225.00
Community Relations
DVD–Item 37685.............. $225.00
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 3-DVD Series
Item 37547................$675.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Bloodborne Pathogens
DVD–Item 37239............ $225.00
Airborne Pathogens and Other Diseases
DVD–Item 37277............ $225.00
Infection Control Practices
DVD–Item 37278............ $225.00
Additional Product (Sold Separately)
PowerPoint® slides for instructors
Item 37677.............$325.00
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
DVD Series
This series provides an
overview of the major issues
and procedures arising out of
hazardous materials spill control.
The program teaches specifically
to NFPA® 472, Standard for
Competence of Responders to
Hazardous Materials/Weapons of
Mass Destruction Incidents, 2008 edition.
This series is a detailed
Operations Level guide
teaching specifically to NFPA®
472, Standard for Competence
of Responders to Hazardous
Materials/Weapons of Mass
Destruction Incidents, 2008
edition. Covering specific
training procedures including emergency, remote, technical and
mass decon, this four-part series outlines steps critical for safe and
effective decon ops.
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 4-DVD Series
Item 37670................$900.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Plugging and Patching Drums
DVD–Item 37666............ $225.00
Containing Leaks in Pressurized
DVD–Item 37667............ $225.00
Diking, Diverting, and Retaining
DVD–Item 37668............ $225.00
Incidents Involving Fuel Tank
DVD–Item 37669............ $225.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Why Decontaminate?
DVD–Item 36848............ $225.00
Decontamination Procedures
DVD–Item 36849............ $225.00
Handling Decontaminated
DVD–Item 36850............ $225.00
Mass Decontamination
DVD–Item 36851............ $225.00
Additional Product (Sold Separately)
PowerPoint® slides for instructors
Item 36852................ $290.00
DVD Series
Each title in this 7 DVD
HazMat Response,
Operations Level, series
is a comprehensive,
sequential reflection of
NFPA® 472. The series
allows instructors to track
a student’s progress in the
same progression followed by the standard. Beyond NFPA® 472, this
series includes Awareness Level information about terrorism and
weapons of mass destruction as it relates to the fire service.
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 7-DVD Series
Item 37698................$1,480.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Hazardous Material Containers
and Scene Safety
DVD–Item 37699............ $225.00
Hazardous Material Response
Sources and Terminology
DVD–Item 37700............ $225.00
Hazardous Material Defensive
Options and Objectives
DVD–Item 37701............ $225.00
Hazardous Material Protection
and Decontamination
DVD–Item 37702............ $225.00
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 4-DVD Series
Item 36902................$900.00
Hazardous Material Scene
Control and Safety Measures
DVD–Item 37703............ $225.00
Hazardous Material Defensive
DVD–Item 37704............ $225.00
Terrorism and WMD Awareness
DVD–Item 37705............ $225.00
Additional Product (Sold Separately)
Instructor’s PowerPoint® presentation on CD-ROM
Item 37706................$335.00
DVD Series
This 2-part HAZMAT Awareness
DVD series teaches to NFPA®
472, Standard for Competence
of Responders to Hazardous
Materials/Weapons of Mass
Destruction Incidents, 2008
edition; NFPA® 1001, Standard
for Fire Fighter Professional
Qualifications, 2008 edition; and NFPA® 704, Standard System for
the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response,
2007 edition.
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 2-DVD Series
Item 37676................$450.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Hazardous Materials Recognition
DVD–37674...................... $225.00
Hazardous Materials Identification
DVD–37675...................... $225.00
your only source for
individual titles of action
training dvd’s!
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Fire Service Rescue DVD Series
Each title in this 10-DVD series from Action Training Systems’ Fire Service Rescue Series has
been designed and referenced to meet the Operations Level standards in NFPA® 1670
(2004). The technical advisors include members of the 1670 Committee and renowned
specialists in the field. An excellent teaching companion to IFSTA’s Fire Service Search
and Rescue manual (7th edition), this series covers basic rescue skills required of
Operations Level responders.
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 10-DVD Series
Item 37686................$2,070.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Rescue Apparatus and Equipment
DVD–Item 37687.............. $225.00
Rope Rescue
DVD–Item 37688.............. $225.00
Confined Space Rescue
DVD–Item 37689.............. $225.00
Structural Collapse Rescue
DVD–Item 37690.............. $225.00
Trench/Excavation Rescue
DVD–Item 37691.................225.00
Vehicle and Machinery Rescue
DVD–Item 37692.............. $225.00
Water and Ice Rescue
DVD–Item 37693.............. $225.00
Wilderness Search and Rescue
DVD–Item 37694.............. $225.00
Elevator Rescue
DVD–Item 37695.............. $225.00
Fireground Search and Rescue
DVD–Item 37696.............. $225.00
Additional Product (Sold
DVD Series Lesson Plan on CD-ROM
Item 37697..............$455.00
Emergency Medical responder DVD Series
This series includes 25 programs, on a variety of medical and trauma topics, each
15-20 minutes in length. Each program features realistic scenarios and professional
responders who demonstrate patient management skills for medical and trauma
related emergencies. Clearly defined training objectives combined with high-quality
video and 3-D graphics creates powerful and engaging training tools that help meet
national, state, and local training requirements for EMS personnel. Interactive courses
are proven to enhance student proficiency and help increase confidence on scene.
ATS courses are standards-based and standards-driven. The EMR programs were
developed using the most recent and accepted emergency care protocols, including
the Department of Transportation National EMS Education Standards, NREMT skills
and relevant OSHA and NFPA standards. Product development also included the use of the text, Emergency Medical Responder: First on
Scene, 9th edition (Brady/Pearson). Content review was also provided by co-author Chris J. Le Baudour as well as a host of other national
subject matter experts.
Publisher: Action Training Systems
Complete 25-DVD Series
Item 37240................$5,065.00
Individual Titles in the Series
Scene Safety and Management
DVD–Item 37214.............. $225.00
Workforce Safety
DVD–Item 37215.............. $225.00
Primary Patient Assessment
DVD–Item 37216.............. $225.00
Secondary Patient Assessment
DVD–Item 37217.............. $225.00
Airway Management
DVD–Item 37218.............. $225.00
Artificial Ventilation
DVD–Item 37219.............. $225.00
Respiratory Compromise
DVD–Item 37220.............. $225.00
DVD–Item 37221.............. $225.00
DVD–Item 37222.............. $225.00
DVD–Item 37223.............. $225.00
DVD–Item 37224.............. $225.00
Behavioral Emergencies
DVD–Item 37225.............. $225.00
Neurological Emergencies
DVD–Item 37226.............. $225.00
Head and Spine Injuries
DVD–Item 37227.............. $225.00
Blood Sugar and Dialysis
DVD–Item 37228.............. $225.00
Infectious Disease and
DVD–Item 37229.............. $225.00
Cold, Heat, and Submersion
DVD–Item 37230.............. $225.00
Obstetrics and Neonatal Care
DVD–Item 37231.............. $225.00
DVD–Item 37232.............. $225.00
DVD–Item 37233.............. $225.00
Trauma Patient Assessment
DVD–Item 37234.............. $225.00
Abdominal Trauma
DVD–Item 37235.............. $225.00
Chest and Multi-System Trauma
DVD–Item 37236.............. $225.00
Soft Tissue Trauma
DVD–Item 37237.............. $225.00
Orthopedic Trauma
DVD–Item 37238.............. $225.00
IFSTA.ORG • 800.654.4055 • Free Shipping on US ground only
Exam Prep/Self
Study Guide/Study
Course Workbook
Media Available: Print, Interactive
CD-ROM, and Interactive USB Flash
Purpose: To prepare students to
successfully complete written exams,
acclimate to the testing process,
instill confidence, and reduce test
Method: Multiple choice questions
as used by colleges, departments, and certification agencies.
Provides correct answers and page references to the manual for
further study.
How to use the Exam Prep/Self Study Guide/Study Guide:
Students can complete each set of questions to review
information in each chapter of the manual and/or before formal
examinations. Reviewing in this way can help identify subjects
requiring additional study time.
Benefit to Students: Students become experienced with the
multiple-choice question format, identify testing strategies to
prepare for examinations, work toward reducing test anxiety,
and are able to focus on areas of weakness that require more
preparation. This process allows students to ultimately make
better use of their study time.
Benefit to Instructor: Students are prepared for exams and
experience high success rates. Checking their own progress allows
better use of class time.
Purpose: To engage the student
in the content of each chapter and
to reinforce and apply concepts
presented by the instructor.
Method: Each chapter provides a
range of question types including:
definitions, true/false, fill in the blank,
picture identification, matching,
multiple choice, short answer,
scenarios, and crossword puzzles to
review key terms. Each question provides page references to the
manual for further study (answer key provided with instructor
How to use the Student/Course Workbook: Assign a Workbook
lesson before class to introduce the student to key concept,
allowing better use of class time. Have students complete a
Workbook lesson after class to reinforce important information,
theories, or challenging subject matter.
Benefit to Students: Students become actively engaged in the
learning process and further understand concepts and theories,
and how to apply. Different types of questions and activities
reinforce different learning styles.
Benefit to Instructor: Allows the instructor to utilize classroom
time more efficiently. Reinforces key concepts, enabling students
to correctly interpret information both in and out of the
classroom. Provides instructor with learning activities to measure
students’ progress and evaluate the effectiveness of instructional
Clip Art
Media Available: CD-ROM and USB Flash Drive
Purpose: To provide instructors and
training agencies with the materials
needed to teach corresponding courses.
Method: Instructor outlines, PowerPoint®
presentations, and review questions. These
materials also include: Chapter quizzes and
tests (with answer keys), answers to the
Student/Course Workbook, and Learning
Activities/Skill Evaluation Checklists (as
needed by manual).
How to use the Curriculum/Instructor Disc: Build a course plan
using customizable instructor outlines, customize PowerPoint®
presentations to complement course instruction, and develop
tests and reviews using provided questions and answers.
Benefit to Students: Students’ instruction is consistent with the
manual, allowing accelerated learning. Instructors are provided
with multiple teaching methods to further student understanding
of the material and to reinforce key concepts and illustrations.
Benefit to Instructor: Shortens instructor preparation time while
allowing full customization and provides a portable, easy-to-use
instructional method.
Media Available: CD-ROM and USB Flash
Purpose: To provide instructors with as
much customizable content as possible.
Method: Art work and photos
corresponding to the figure numbers in
the manual. PC and MAC compatible.
How to use the Clip Art: Customize
instructor content using the illustrations
corresponding to each figure in the
Benefit to Students: Illustrations reinforce key concepts and help
make students’ learning consistent. Visual aids enhance student
Benefit to Instructor: Allows instructors full customization of
course materials. Provides instructors with images directly from
the manual.
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Resource Kit
Media Available: CD-ROM and
USB Flash Drive
Purpose: Provides instructors
with all materials needed
throughout a course, making it
easy for them to retrieve materials
for use in the classroom or in the
Includes: Manual, Curriculum
Instructor Materials, Self-Study
Guide, and Clip Art.
Provides a one-stop resource for instructors wanting to train
students using IFSTA materials. IFSTA’s 80-year history as a
developer of comprehensive, validated fire service training
materials make ResourceOne the ultimate source for in-classroom,
blended, and online training. Please see pages 11 for more
ResourceOne details.
Flashcard Apps
Purpose: This format allows both instructors
and students to access manual content in a
variety of forms that may better suit a
mobile lifestyle.
This App is designed to drill students on all key
terms and definitions found in the manual. It
tracks correct and incorrect answers, provides
answers and page references, allows study of
multiple chapters, and lets the student remove or
reinsert questions from the flashcard deck.
eBook versions of manuals are now available
and can be accessed using a PC, Mac, iPad,
iPhone or Android-based device.
How to use the eBook: Each user can read and
make notes, highlight, and set bookmarks within the eBook to
facilitate learning and review of information.
Benefit to Students: The eBook format can be beneficial to
students who need to study in an environment not conducive to
traditional print formats. Using the eBook in courses may allow
students better access to information.
Exam Prep plus apps
Prepare for certification exams while on the go!
Exam Prep Plus is a portable version of the IFSTA
Exam Prep. Use your tablet or phone to view the
multiple choice questions. Select which chapters
or sections to study. Miss a question? Put it back
and try again. Get it right? Remove it to focus on
other learning objectives. Exam Prep Plus tracks
your progress so you always know how well you’re
doing. With the easy-to-use interface and flexible
navigation Exam Prep Plus is a valuable study tool
for you! Download on the App Store. Some available
on Google Play and Amazon.
Benefit to Instructor: The eBook format is also beneficial to
instructors who may need access to multiple titles. By choosing this
format over the print version, instructors can carry
several manuals in a single device.
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