9.4 Slope failure mechanisms in cohesive soils The most usual
9.4 Slope failure mechanisms in cohesive soils The most usual
Slopefailure mechanismsin cohesiuesoils 361 F = c'+ (Tz - y*h) cos2I tan Q,, yz sin B cosB 1 2+ ( 2 0x 4 - 9 . 8 1x 4 ) c o s 21 4 .x t a n2 4 o -_',- : .!.! 2 0 x 4 x s i n 1 4 " x c o sl 4 o 9.4 Slope failure mechanisms in cohesive soils Themost usualmethodsof providingan analysisof stabilityin slopesin cohesive soilsare basedon a considerationof rimitingplastic equilibiium.Fundamentally, a_.conditionof limiting plastic equilibrium existsfrom the moment that a shear slipmovementcommencesand strain continuesat constantstress.It is first necessaryto definethe geometryof the slip surface;the massof soil about to move over thissurfaceis then consideredasa freebody in equilibrium.The forcesor moments acting on this free body are evaluatedand those shearforces acting along the slip surfacecomparedwith the available shearresistanceoffered by the soil. severalforms of slip surfacemay be consideredfor cohesivesoilsas shown _. in 9 by cullmann in rg66, consistsof an l'ig 6 The simplestof these,suggested infinitelylong planepassingthrough the toe of the slope.Although the analysis of-thefree body equilibriumis simplein this case,the method y[lds factors of safetvwhich grosslyoverestimatethe true stability conditions.On the other hand, while the choice of a more complex surface,such as a log-spiral or an irregular shape'may produce resultsnear to the actual value, the analysistends to be long and tedious.For most purposes,a cyrindricarsurface,i.e. iircurar in crosssection, will yield satisfactorily accurate results without involving analytical routinesof any great complexity. The stability of a cut or built slopedependsvery largely on changesin the pore pressureregime.During the constructionof embankments pore pressures /+ + Y (al / (cl Fig. 9.6 Types of failure surface Drained stability - effectiuestressanalyses 379 2 . 0m 5 . 0m Fig.9.22 Upperlayer: ci = 25 kPa Qi = 12" Tt = 18.0kNlm3 "tz= 19.5kNlm3 Lower layer: ci = 7 kPa Q'z= 25" The slip mass is divided into a convenient number of slicesof width D as in worked example9.9. The averageheight of eachsliceis measuredoff a scaledrawing of the crosssectionin two componentsft, and hr. The weight of each sliceis therefore: W=(Trhr+yrhr)b As an alternativemethod to that usedin worked example9.9 (i.e. drawing the trianglesof forces):in this examplethe angle a has beenevaluatedfor each slice: a = arcsin(x/R) From eqn [9.15]: , _ 2 c ' l + L a n Q 'L [ ] / ( c o so - r u s e c a ) f 2 W s i na which, sincethere are two layers,becomes: A . f I fciLo, + clLool+ | tan 4i) W(cosa - t seca) + tan Q'rZW@"ta - 6 seca)'l | B L *. F = 2W sina 378 Stability of slopes 7.0m \. groundwater level \{- I equapotential l- I I I I I I I I not to same scale as others Fig. 9.21 L e s = o R = 9 1 . t4#7t 1 8 . 5 8 = 2 9 .m 7 From eqn [6.16] . _ c'Lor + tan Q' >N' 2r _ l0 x 29.7 + tan 28" x 1052 = 1 . 0 5 814 A similar analysiscarried out on a microcomputer gaveF = 1.074.Another computer analysisusing Bishop's simplified method gayeF = t . 2 2 . vl/orkedexample9.70 Determinethefactor of safety in terms of effectiue stressof the slopeshownin Fig. 9.22 in respectof the trial circle shown.Assumethat thepore pressure ratio r,= 0.3 and that the soilpropertiesare asfollows: Drained stability - effectiue stressanalyses 3i.7 y l c ' b +(W-u b )ta n Q'l se ca r= *J. [e.18] 2 w s r n a ,l+tan utang,lF The procedureis commencedby assuminga triar varue for the ,F on the righthand side and then, using an iterative p-""rr, to converge on the true value of ,F for a given trial circle. This is the routine procedurf commonly used in programsdesignedfor use on computers.Many of th. program packagesnow availableoffer also the inclusion of multiJayer conditions,s,ircharge loads,variablepore pressuredistribution and eventhe provision of berms and drains.In most problems, it is acceptableto adopt a constant average varue for ru. The factors of safety computed by this -"ihod may be slight underestimates,but with errors not usually exceeding3 per cent, exceptin occasional unusual cases with deepbasefailure circlesunJ F t"r, than unity. More accurate lower factors of safety are claimed for methods which account for the variation in seepage forceson and in the slice(King, l9g9). However,suchrefinements dependeven more on good estimatesof pore pressures.Morrison and Greenwood(19g9) havefurther examinedthe assumpiionsmade in this method. vltorkedexample9.9 Determinethe factor of safety in terms of effectiue stress Jbr the slopein Fig. 9.21 inrespect of the triar circreihown. The soirpropeiti^ o* as fbilows: c' = I0 kPa Q' = 28. T = Ig kNlm3 Thepore pressuredistributionalong the trial circle is obtained by sketchingequipotentials at eqchslice centre. Figure 9.21 showshow a partialy graphical sorution may be obtained. The slip mass has beendivided into slicesofwidth 3 m and the sectiondrawn to an approp'ate scale. The averageheight of each slice(ft) is scaledoff the diagram and its w#ht calculated. 14t= yhb = 18 x h x 3 = 54.0/zkN/m ofthe chord at the baseofeach sliceis scaledoffand the pore pressure fbrce lT ]:lttn calculatecl. u l = h * x 9 . 8 1x / A triangle of forcesis drawn at the baseof each sliceto obtain varuesof,A/ and z. The calculationsare tabulated below: Slice h (m) no. W (kNlm) I 2 0.6 )z J 4 5 6 7 +.o 6.4 7.4 8.3 7.2 8*! J . l 130 248 346 400 448 389 246 'r^ * Width = 3.7 m h, (m) 0.6 1.7 3.6 4.6 5.3 5.1 4.1 1.3 1(m) ).2 3.1 3.0 J,I 3-Z 3.5 3.9 6.9 N ul 3t t9 r28 s2 248 106 341 140 378 166 381 175 298 t57 150 88 N' 12 76 r42 201 2r2 206 141 62 > 1052 _8 -20 0 57 130 2t8 251 186 814 376 Stabilityof slopes value for F which may be as much as 50 per cent on the low side. Errors may also arisewhen ru is high and the circle is deep-seated or has a relativelyshort radius.In suchcases,Bishop'smethodis preferable. Bishop'ssimplifiedmethod In reasonablyuniform conditions and when also r, is nearly constant,it may be assumedthat the tangentialintersliceforcesare equaland opposite,i.e. xr=f,, but that Er+ Er(Fig. 9.20). For equilibriumalong the baseof the slice: c'L + N' tanQ' o =w sina - lt :w sina F F L(c'l + N' tan Q') F - So that 2 W s i na For equilibrium in a vertical direction: 0 = W - - l y ' ' c ous - u l c o s a - l L l , r n o F TL^_ I nah =w -N' cosa - ulcosd - lt F ^r, W (c'lF)l sin g - ul cosa /\/ N' tunQ' rino rinu F - c o sd + ( t a n Q ' l F ) s i n a After substituting for /: b sec a and N' rearranging Wsino ( \ \ Fig. 9.20 Bishop's simplified slice Drainedstability- effectiuestress analyses 375 E, andE'z= normal intersliceforces X, andXz = tangentialintersliceforces Theeffectsof any surchargeon the surfacemust be includedin the computation ofthe body weight and other forces. At the point of limiting equilibrium, the total disturbing moment will be exactlybalancedby the moment of the total mobilisedshearforce alons AB. r . / R = H) F* l o = Z r y s i na R -) ' " giving D a - l I r^/ - 2W sina Now in terms of effectivestress, and xf = c'+ o'"tan f Trl= c'l + N' Ian f , _ I c'l+2 N'tanQ' 2 W s i nu Sothat or if the soil is homogeneous , _ c'Lou + lan Q' L N' 2W sina where Lo.n= a.rclength AB = 9R [e.16] A lot dependson how the valuesof N'are obtained.A numberof methodshave beensuggested,somerelatively simple and somewhich are quite rigorous. The mostaccurateestimatesmay be expectedfrom rigorousmethods,but may only be possibleif a computer routine can be employed.A compromisemay be arrived at by combining a simpler method of analysiswith an increasedfactor of safety. Felleniuso method In this method, it is assumedthat the interslice forces are equal and opposite and canceleach other out, i.e. Er = Ez and X, = Xz. It is now only necessaryto resolvethe forces acting on the baseof the slice,so that: N'=Wcosu-ul = yhb cos a* ub seca (l = b secu) orputting u=ruyh 1tJ'= yh(cos a - r" seca)b o r I N ' = T b D h ( c o sa - r u s e c a ) Then substitutingin eqn [9.13]: , _ !'Lou + yb tan Q' L h(cosa. - ru seca,) LW sina le.r7l The number of slicestaken should not be lessthan five, and obviously a larger number would yield a better estimateof ,F.Even so, this method tends to sive a 374 Stabilily of slopes (b) When D = 1.5,B = 35oand 0, = 0, then from Fig. 9.18(b): N=0.168 and n=0.6 l-actor of' safety, - r = 40 = -1.65 0.168x18x8 Thus, the presenceof the harder layer constrains the failure mode to a smaller critical circle and so the factor of safetyis larger, and the break-out point (n11)of this circlewill be 0.6 x 8 = 4.8 m. 9.10 Drained stability - effective sfress analyses Stability analysesshould be carried out in terms of effectivestressesin problems where changesin pore pressuretake place, such as existing embankmentsand spoil tips; also to estimatethe long-termstability of slopesand in the caseof overconsolidated claysfor both immediateand long term conditions.Because of the variationsin the stresses alonga trial slip surface,the slip massis considered as a seriesof slices.A trial slip circle is selectedhaving a centre o and a radius R (Fig. 9.19),and the horizontaldistancebetweenthe two endsA and B divided into slicesof equalbreadthb. The forces acting on a slice of length I m will be as follows: W = the body weight o, tA" tfiss = yhb N' = the effectivenormal reacting force at the baseof the slice T = the shearingforce induced along the base =Wsinu R, and Rz = forces imposed on the sidesfrom adjacent slices- which may be resolvedinto: e ___.,-{L base assumed to be straight of length / {a} Fig. 9.19 (bl Method of slices (a) Division of slip mass (b) Forceson a slice Taylor'sstability numbermethod 373 v-zc o.25 o"ls a 0.20 D = * o E .= 0.15 0.10 o a 0.05 0.181 t4 --'; e{,'i;, tr 'ili: tr u!,' 10 20 ==: =?- 53" 30 40 50 60 Slopeangle,0 (deg) 70 80 90 (b) F i g .9 . 1 8 C o n t i n u e d the critical circle may pass in front of the toe and the chart shown in Fig. 9.18(a) is used. When the critical circle will be restricted to passing through the toe, the heavy broken lines on the chart must be used. The value of n, giving the breakout point of the critical circle in front of the toe, can be obtained from the light broken lines. Workedexample9.7 A cutting in a saturatedclay hasa depthof 10 m. At a depthof 6 m belowthefloor of the cutting there is a layer of hard rock. The clay has an undrained cohesion of 34 kPa and a bulk unit weightof 19 kNlm3. Calculatethe maximumsafeslope that will prouidea factor of safety of 1.25 againstshort-termshearfailure. Referto Fig. 9.18(a). 1 1= l 0 m a n d D H = 1 6 m .'. D=1.5 Jl= --4= 0.143 Requiredstability number,' 1,' : -l . 2 5 y H 1 . 2 5x 1 9x 1 0 Thepoint on the chart locatedby D = 1.5 and N= 0.143givesa slopeangleof B = 13". Also. from the chart. n = 0.2. Hence the circle will break out 2.0 m in front of the toe. Workedexample9.8 A cutting in a cohesiuesoil has a slopeangle of 35" and a uertical heightof 8 m. Using Taylor's stability method,determinethefactor of safetyagainstshear failurefor thefollowing cases: (a) c,= 40 kPa "l = 18 kNlm3 D is large rb) c,= 40 kPa "t = 18 kNlms D = .1.5 (a) When D is large,with B < 53' then N = 0.181 j9= r.S: Factor of safety, P = ---0.l8lx18x8 372 Stability of slopes o.te! 0. t > --rt = "llf .ll = 0 .1 4 o -o E t c 0 .1 3 4 depth factor; D .= lt o o - nH l+--l CaseA: usefull linesfor N and short-dashlines tor n B: toe circles only. Use long-dash lines for N 1 (al 2 Fig.9.18 Stabilitynumbersfor total stressanalyses (a) In terms of depth factorD (bl Toe circlesin terms of slopeangleB Hence. or since Ir - r -u NvH te.l5l = c,/F, required c-ou.= NyH cmob. Values of N related to the slope angle B, the angle of shearing resistance @"and the depth factor D are given in the charts shown in Figs 9.18(a) and (b). For slope angles greater than 53o, the critical circle passesthrough the toe of the slope and the chart shown in Fig.9.l8(b) is used. For slope angles less than 53o, Taylor's stability number method 108654 32.5 2 1.5 0.75 371 0.5 \ \ \ \ Y" H N . 0.5 0 \ 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 slopeanglep" 0 50 60 Fig.9.17 First trial location of the critical circle 9.9 Taylor's stability number method In 1948,D. w. Taylor proposeda simpremethod of determiningthe minimum factor of safetyfor a sJopein a homogineoussoil. Using a totaistress analysis and ignoring the possibitityof tensioncracks,he produceda series of curves which relate a stability number(N) to the slope angle B. consider the basicexpressionusedin a total stressanalvsis c,,RL n = -Wd 0rom eqn [9.12]) Itwill be seenthat Ln H and Wn TH2,i.e.L= K1H, W= KrTH, cuRHKr Then p YH2Krd The stability numberis dependenton the geometryof the slip circle and may be definedas: "u N=Krd = K,R FyH Undrained stability - total stressanalyses 365 R \\- f" = 9.58 m \" = 4.32m Fis. 9.10 (b) The effect of the tension crack is to reducethe arc length from AB to AC. Depth of tensioncrack, Sectorangle, Area of slip mass, Centroiddistancefrom O, In this case, Then from eqn [9.13]: zo= 2 x 40/19.5= 4.32m 0.= 67.44o A = 11.64m2 d = 5.g6m2 p_ = 0 p _ cuR,O" Wd _ 40 x 17.432x 67.44x n 71.64x18.5x5.86x180 = 1 4 3 0 4= ,: o o 7766 (c) When the tensioncrack is full of water, a horizontal force p, will be exertedon the slip mass. P * = I y * z ' o = j x 9 . 8 1x 4 . 3 2 2 =9 1 . 5 4k N / m The leverarm of P, about O, !" = 6.7 + 2 x 4.3213= 9.5gm Then from eqn [9.13]: r- = c.,R20. Wd + P*y. 14 304 = 1.65 1766+91.54x9.58 364 Stability of slopes T I lr . t 'c ^/ 2c.. f fC" c hydrostatic pressure in tension crack Fig. 9.9 Effect of tension crack in total stress analysis slip circle arc and the tension crack. No shearstrength can be developedin the tension crack, but, if it can fill with water, allowance must be made for the hydrostatic force P*, which acts horizontally adding to the disturbing moment: P* = iY*rZ Taking this into account,togetherwith the factthat the slip circle arc is reduced, the factor of safetyexpressionbecomes: f n crR20" [e.13] = - Wd + P*y" Worked example9.4 A cutting in a saturatedclay is inclinedat a slopeof I uertical:L5 horizontaland hasa uerticalheightof 10.0m. Thebulk unit weightof the soil is 18.5kNlm] and its undrainedcohesioni.s40 kPa. Determinethefactors of safety against immediate shearfailure along the slip circle shownin Fig. 9.10: (a) ignoring the tensioncrack, (b) allowingfor the tensioncrack empty of water, and ( c) allowingfor the tensioncrack when full of water. The factors of safetyagainstimmediateshearfailure may be obtained using the total stressmethod of analysis.Firstly, it is necessaryto establishthe geometryand areaof the slip mass. (a) In the case ignoring the tension crack, the slip mass is bounded by the ground surfaceand the circular arc AB, for which the following may be calculated. Radius,R= OA={(5,+ 16.7\=t7.43m Sectorangle, 0= 84.06' Area of slip mass, A = 102.1m2 d = 6.54m Centroiddistancefrom O, T h e nf r o m e q n [ 9 . 1 '2 ] : Ow= ' i r \ .d" t 4 0 x 1 7 . 4 3 x28 4 . 0 6 x n lorJrt8ir6s+*ru=t-44 Undrained stability - total stress analyses 363 Fis. s.s rotat *.. ,lil-r.," Figure9.8 showsthe cross-section of a slopetogetherwith a trial slip circleof radiusR and centreo. Instability tendsto be causeddue to the moment of the bodyweight W of the portion abovethe slip circle. Disturbing moment = Wd Thetendencyto move is resistedby the momentof the mobilisedshearstrength actingalong the circular arc AB. Lengthof arc AB = R0 Shearresistanceforce along AB = c.Rg Shearresistance moment Then factor of safety, = c..R20 shear resistance moment F - disturbing moment cuR20 Wd [e.r2] The values of w and d arc obtainedby dividing the shadedarea into slicesor triangular/rectangularsegmentsand then taking area-momentsabout a vertical axispassingthrough the toe, or other convenientpoint. Tensioncracks In cohesivesoils, a tensioncrack tends to form near the top of the slope as the condition of limiting equilibrium (and failure) develops.From Chapter 8 [eqn8.13]it will be seenthat the tensioncrack depth may be taken as g^=12 v The development of the slip circle is terminated at the tension crack depth and so its arc length is really AC as shown in Fig. 9.9. The free body weight W of the slipping mass is the shaded area bounded by the ground surface, the 362 Stabilityof slopes will rise and, after construction, they will gradually fall. In cuttings, however, excavationcausesan initial fall in pore pressures,but as seepagedevelopsthey gradually rise. Effective stressesand therefore shear strengthsare generallyin' verselyrelated to pore pressures.The most critical (lowest)factor of safetymay therefore be expectedto occur immediately after or during the constructionof an embankment;after this the soil will gradually get stronger. In contrast,the shearstrengthin a cutting diminisheswith time and so doesthe factor of safety. Thus, it is necessaryto consider both short-term (end-of-construction)and long-term stability. In this context it is convenientto think of short-term conditions as being completely undrained,in which the shear strength is given by t = cu.ln the next section,the first caseto be consideredwill be that of undrained stability of a slopein a saturatedclay; this type of analysisis often referredto as a total stress,method. For long-term problems,and problems where changesin conditionsmay occur long after the end of construction (suchas the suddendraw-down of level in a reservoir),a form of effectiueslressanalysisis required.Thesemethodsmay take the form of either a force- or moment-equilibriumanalysis,involving plane, circular or irregular slip surfaces.For complex problems, stresspath and slip line field methodsare used.The shearstrengthparametersmust be chosenwith care (seeSection9.2). 9.5 Undrained stability - totalsfress analYses A total stressanalysis may be applied to the case of a newly cut or newly constructedslope in a fully saturatedclay, the undrained shear strength being T = cu.It is assumedthat the failure surfacewill take the cross-sectionalform of a circular arc, usually referred to as the slip circle. The centre of the critical slip circle will be somewhereabove the top of the slope. The critical (failure) slip circle is one of an infinite number of potential circles that may be drawn having different radii and centres(Fig. 9.7). Somecircleswill passthrough the toe of the slope and somewill cut the ground surfacein front of the toe' The critical circle is the one along which failure is most likely to occur and for which the factor of safetyis the lowest. A number of trial circlesare chosenand the analysisrepeatedfor eachuntil the lowest factor of safetyis obtained. Fig. 9.7 Slip circles at different radii and centres 380 Stability of slopes The resultsare tabulated below for a solution in which ten sliceswere taken: Slice no- I 2 3 4 5 t') 7 8 9 h, (m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 2.00 3.30 4.70 5.00 5.00 h, (m) 0.6 2.1 3.9 5.0 4.8 4.4 3.5 2.5 0.7 W (kNtm) x (m) 23.4 8t.9 152.1 214.8 259.2 290.4 305.7 277.5 207.3 5.67 4.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 u (de7.) cos cx- 24.10 16.70 8.28 0.00 8.28 16.70 25.60 35.20 46.00 0.584 0.64s 0.686 0.700 0.686 0.64s 0.569 0.450 0.26s 2.9 0.0 125.3 T 11.8 58.1 t3.7 52.8 104.3 1s0.4 t77.8 187.3 173.9 124.9 s4.5 -9.6 -23.s 21.9 0.0 31.3 83.5 132.1 160.0 149.0 1040 2N'(A-+F) 10* N' fu sec a -0.039 0t 2 : f ( A - + B) 106.4 613 * Width = 2.4 m t When cos a - ru seca < 0, N' is set to 0, sinceN' cannot be negative N' = W(cos a- rusec a) Lo.=go.R =79.9x ft 180 T = W sin cx x13.39=19.37m Lrs= 23.7* #' = 5.75m * 13.89 x 5.75+ 7 x 19.39]+ [tanl2"(0)+ tan 25"(1040)] Then " _ [25 613 _ 279 + 485 ------..-:blJ _ !:=! A similar analysis carried out on a microcomputer gave F : l.2j . Another computer analysis using Bishop's simplified method gave F = 1.42. 9.11 Effective sfress stability coefficients A method involving the use of stability coefficientssimilar to that devisedby Taylor, but in termsof effectivestress,was suggestedby Bishop and Morgenstern (1960).The factor of safety(,F) is dependenton five problem variables: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) slopeangleB depth factor D (as in Taylor's method- Fig. 9.18) angleof shearingresistance@' a non-dimensionalparameterc'lyH pore pressurecoefficientr" The factor of safetyvaries linearly with r, and is given by F:n1-flru [e.re]