London Reaches Out Through Reading Program Houston
London Reaches Out Through Reading Program Houston
Team takes off from Tim Kelly’s Ranch Houston and Kansas City Connect for A Ride of a Lifetime Twin Sisters Jackie and Kathie By Heather Almquist and Bob Ellis Deeper Connections Fighting the Battle A week later, Jackie called Joey Jackie says the trip to Houston In April, Lockton’s Houston with some amazing news; the was part of a wonderful year and Kansas City offices came two sisters, along with other for Kathie, who also renewed together to raise money family members, were making her wedding vows for her and awareness for multiple the trip from Kansas City 30th wedding anniversary sclerosis, a progressive to accompany the Houston in 2011. However, Kathie, neurological disease. For team in the BP MS150. “I was diagnosed in 1999, was in the Houston, the office’s cycling floored,” said Joey, “Not only primary progressive stages of team completed its fourth BP was I encouraging Kathie, but MS. She was admitted to the MS150, riding more than 150 now she was encouraging me.” hospital on August 14 and was miles. For Jackie Schmidt, an Associate in Kansas Kathie, Jackie, and their City, it was the trip family joined the team on of a lifetime for Friday, April 15, for a preride her twin sister, Kathie celebration and dinner. They Money. next joined the team in “Kathie fought long and hard. on September 1. Kathie lost her 12 year battle with MS on September 8. LaGrange, the ride’s midpoint, We had time to talk and she Jackie noticed a and on Sunday closed out the had no regrets but wanted story on Lockton’s weekend at the Austin finish everyone to know she loved Associate Spotlight line to cheer Joey and the them,” said Jackie. about the ride and other riders. wrote to thank the Joey attended Kathie’s Houston MS150 In total, more than $62,000 visitation and funeral, Committee for was raised in direct donations surprising Jackie and the rest their hard work and for the MS Society. Lockton of the family. “This touched dedication. Joey was also honored by the MS us more than we can express,” Dryden from the Society as the “Best Dressed said Jackie. Houston MS 150 Team” for the second time. responded, letting her While this was the fourth time know how special her Lockton Houston participated message was to the in the BP MS 150, the 2011 team. race was very special. The team raised more money for Joey Dryden and Kathie taken into emergency surgery Joey continued sharing MS than in previous years, and team news, pictures, most importantly, were able to and accolades with share the weekend with Kathie the sisters, who and her family. “Everyone I met at the visitation told me how Kathie raved about the MS150 after she returned home,” said Joey. “It meant the world to her that our office opened our arms to her and her family.” complain,” said Jackie of her difficulties, as many in her sister. “She will be missed by condition do each day, but many, but her faithfulness and always thought things could be positive attitude will not be worse and she had no right to forgotten.” Editor/Writer Bob Ellis Designer Gigi Otney Contributors Heather Almquist (Houston) Leanne Catlett (Denver) Jordan Fisher (Kansas City, Summer Associate) Libia González (Mexico) Mike O’Connor (Washington, D.C.) Debra Wesley (Atlanta) Jeannie Wilcox (Kansas City) Questions or Comments We want to hear from you! Send any story ideas, questions or comments to [email protected]. were excited to hear that, I was floored, not only was I encouraging after working as a volunteer Kathie, but now she was encouraging me. Joey decided he would attempt “She faced numerous Chris Don (London) enjoyed the updates. They coordinator for two MS150s, Kathie fought long and hard. - Joey Dryden the long ride from Houston to Austin and dedicate his ride to Kathie. London Reaches Out Through Reading Program London Associates have been helping students from the Mulberry School for Girls for four years with a reading and mentor program. This is part of the Lloyd’s Community Program, which is active in more than 20 schools in East London each week, making a huge impact in the lives of hundreds of children. Lockton held an event this summer at which Julian James, International CEO, presented 16 pupils from the Mulberry School with certificates of completion. Another 18 Associates have already volunteered to take part in the campaign next year. 8 Connect with Lockton on Facebook!/pages/ Lockton-Companies-LLC/103509353885