LA LD NDENT S E P E D N C I HO R A O M ICT N O RT H IS T R in g n e er ce M ak a Wo r l d o f D i ff 2010-2011 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT BOARd Of TRUSTEES Gary Hilliard, President Bill Coleman, Vice President Brad Perry, Secretary Paul Drake Dave Osborne Amy Stephens Robert White, D.D.S. SUPERINTENdENT James A. Dawson Superintendent Shelley McDowell Assistant Superintendent & Special Education Director dISTRIcT OffIcES Tammy Crutcher Business Manager SUPERINTENDENT In his 46th year of service to public school children, James A. Dawson’s leadership has taken North Lamar ISD to new heights. After joining the district in 1987 as high school principal, the office of superintendent was added to his responsibilities in the spring of 1989. North Lamar’s Board of Trustees named him superintendent without the additional duties as principal that fall. As superintendent to approximately 3,000 students, North Lamar has seen growth in all areas: the passing of a $11,500,000 bond in 1994 for the present day high school, an addition to Aaron Parker Elementary in 1996, a state-of-the-art indoor athletic facility in March JAMES A. dAWSON of 2006, and a $4.68 million dollar favorable bond for new science and computer labs at the high school in the spring of 2010. Mr. Dawson is passionate about his job and is North Lamar’s biggest fan. He attends as many student activities as he possibly can and has been known to see performances in three corners of Texas, all in the same day. Mr. Dawson efficiently balances a $26.8 million dollar budget with overseeing the 44 bus routes to directing the afternoon traffic, substituting in a classroom, or delivering birthday cards and extending a hand shake to 500 employees. 2011-2012 SCHOOL BOARD Tami Miles Textbook Coordinator & Federal Programs & Curriculum Director Gary King Career & Technology Director Tommy Felty Athletic Director Glenda Parson Technology Coordinator Jodie Ingram Instructional Technology Coordinator Carla Coleman Public Relations Officer Roxan DeRosier Webmaster Carolyn Patterson Gifted & Talented Coordinator Diana McGregor Food Services Supervisor Tommy Funderburg Maintenance Supervisor Philip Holt Transportation Supervisor PAGE 1 // 2011 APR NLISD School Board Trustees are dedicated to serving in the public education system and devote hundreds of hours advocating for our students. They shoulder critical responsibilities and make hard decisions with the overall goal of ensuring the success of our students. In addition to working as a vital link between the community and the classroom, the board is responsible for the district’s budget, student achievement, academic programs, and school facilities. Board members serving North Lamar ISD are, seated beginning left, Bill Coleman, Senior Vice President of Liberty National Bank (vice-president, 9th year on board); Amy Stephens, Owner of Amy Stephens Insurance, Signature Home Health and Waterford Hospice (serving 3rd year on board); and Gary Hilliard, retired contractor (president,18th year on board); Standing are Paul Drake, General Superintendent of Drake Construction Company (9th year on board); Robert G. White, D.D.S., implant and general dentistry (serving his first year on the board). Dave Osborne, Manager of Facilities and Maintenance at Flowserve (5th year on board); and Brad Perry, Executive Vice-President of Peoples Bank (secretary,4th year on board). The Histor� of NORTH LAMAR ISD NLISd SUPERINTENdENTS North Lamar has its roots in the northern Lamar County community of Powderly. Area students attended Powderly Independent School District in an old wooden building until 1939 when a new rock school was built. By 1944, Powderly ISD’s enrollment was 120 students, employed twelve teachers, and contained approximately 116 square miles. The district consolidated with Lone Star Consolidated School District in 1963 adding approximately 52 square miles to the Powderly district. Powderly School In the northeastern portion of Lamar County, Reno School District was formed by an order of the Lamar County James A. Dawson 1989 - Present Commissioners Court on June 17, 1887. In 1964, it was annexed into Powderly ISD and a year later a $1,000,000 bond provided for the first high school, Powderly-Reno High School for grades 9-12 (presently Frank Stone Middle School), a field house, and stadium. The two schools consolidated a year later forming Powderly-Reno School Roy C. Chadwick 1974- 1989 District. Powderly-Reno High School Established in 1944 and serving the county’s northwestern communities of Emberson, Caviness, Maxey, Sumner, and others was Central School District. The district consolidated with Powderly-Reno in 1970 to become the North Lamar Independent School District. Cecil Everett 1971 - 1974 Serving 1,254 students, NLISD added classrooms to the high school and Central Elementary School renamed it Frank Stone High School (presently Frank Stone Middle School.) In 1975, enrollment was boosted again to 1,909 when North Lamar added 450 students from Chicota Rural High School District. To accommodate the increasing number of students, another $1,000,000 bond was necessary. This bond provided for a southern wing to the high school for a junior high Central School District (Geneva Bailey Junior High), the addition of Cecil Everett Elementary, and an addition to the Powderly school. An administration building was included in the bond, and the Powderly school was renamed Aaron Parker Elementary School. Another favorable bond for $3,985,000 in 1985, provided for Geneva Bailey Middle School, a Frank Stone 1944 - 1971 gymnasium at Cecil Everett Elementary, and for Goodman Learning Center. The addition of W. L. Higgins Elementary made room for the growing number of students in 1989. Twenty-nine years after the district’s first bond passed, an $11,500,000 bond passed providing construction for the present day North Lamar High School. Doors for this facility opened in 1996 to students in grades 9-12. A state-of-the-art indoor athletic facility, dedicated the James A. Dawson Athletic Facility, was added in March of 2006. One more addition to the high school was completed in the fall of 2010 after a $4.68 million dollar bond passed to add new science and computer labs to the high school following a state-mandate requiring students to have four years of math and science. Today, grades 6-8 are served at Frank Stone Middle School and grades 4-5 at Geneva Bailey Aaron Parker 1936 - 1944 Intermediate School. Cecil Everett holds elementary grades 2-3 while students in early childhood through first grade are housed at W. L. Higgins. In its original rock structure in Powderly, Aaron Parker continues to serve the northern part of the district with Head Start and Kindergarten through fifth grades. Currently, North Lamar ISD’s enrollment is approximately 3,000 students and is proud to be rated a ‘Recognized’ district by the Texas Education Agency. WWW.NORTHLAMAR.NET // PAGE 2 NLISd BOUNdARIES North Lamar Independent DISTRICT PROFILE NLISD Campus Enrollment - 2,900 School District is one of five school districts in Lamar County and the largest one by area. NLISD covers over 48% of northern encompassing Lamar County, 428 square miles plus 3,000 acres from 800 600 500 Formed in 1970, when the last of 200 forty-four districts consolidated, 100 portions of 370 400 300 northern 673 700 the neighboring Fannin County. North Lamar now serves the 843 900 397 356 261 0 Paris, the cities of Reno and Sun Valley, and the northern Lamar County communities of Arthur City, Chicota, Powderly, and Sumner. Business, industry, manufacturing, farming, NLISD Program Enrollment and ranching make up the district’s economy. Special Education 8.8% Maintenance & Operations $1.040 Career/Technology Operating Expense Per Pupil (All funds) $8,680 2.2% 0 0.20% 1.40% 0.20% 0.80% 1.40% 2.10% 0.80% 2.10% 4.30% 4.30% 5 State % 16.2% 10 15 20 25 30 5.70% African American Hispanic White Native American Asian Pacific Islander Total Market Value $1,493,111,846 Two or More Races 45.00% 85.40% 85.40% 40.00% Total Square footage of Buildings 628,177 35.00% financial Rating Superior 15.00% 40.90% Student Demographics 30.00% 27.90% 25.00% 20.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% PAGE 3 // 2011 APR 25.3% Student Ethnic Student Ethnic Distribution Distribution 5.70% Bonded Indebtedness $4,025,000 Taxable Value $907,054,170 21% Bilingual/ESL Education Interest & Sinking fund $0.0965 Total Rate $1.1365 NLISD % 10.8% 7.7% Gifted/Talented NLISd BUdGET & TAXES 13% Economically Disadvantaged 2.20% 0.40% Dropout Rate Limited English Proficient At-Risk dISTRIcT MAP NORTH LAMAR ISd NLISd ATTENdANcE RATE State 95.5% 95.6% 95.5% 95.5% 95.5% 95.7% 95.7% 95.6% 95.6% 95.5% 95.6% 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 NLISD 96.6% 97.0% 96.6% 96.3% 96.2% 96.6% 96.7% 96.3% 96.7% 96.4% 96.8% 1023 1032 1029 1037 1027 1004 972 fRANK STONE MIddLE ScHOOL Accountability Rating: ACADEMICALLY ACCEPTABLE AARON PARKER ELEMENTARy ScHOOL Accountability Rating: ACADEMICALLY ACCEPTABLE Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 State SAT 21.6 21 21.4 21.5 21.5 Gold Performance Acknowledgements: commended Reading/ELA 21.9 21 cEcIL EVERETT ELEMENTARy ScHOOL Accountability Rating: RECOGNIZED Nlisd SAT Comparison ACT Scores 22.5 22 21.5 21 20.5 20 19.5 19 18.5 Gold Performance Acknowledgements: Attendance (2009-10) Gold Performance Acknowledgements: commended Mathematics commended Science 1023 1005 1001 Accountability Rating: ACADEMICALLY ACCEPTABLE Accountability Rating: RECOGNIZED 1068 1043 NORTH LAMAR HIGH ScHOOL GENEVA BAILEy INTERMEdIATE ScHOOL Comparison SAT Scores 1080 1060 1040 1020 1000 980 960 940 920 Accountability Rating: RECOGNIZED 21.1 20.6 W. L. HIGGINS ELEMENTARy ScHOOL 21.4 Accountability Rating: RECOGNIZED 20.3 19.8 Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 State ACT NLISD ACT WWW.NORTHLAMAR.NET // PAGE 4 STAAR TEST TO REPLACE TAKS Beginning in spring 2012, the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR™) will replace the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS). The STAAR program at grades 3–8 will assess the same subjects and grades that are currently assessed on TAKS. At high school, however, grade-specific assessments will be replaced with 12 end-of-course (EOC) assessments: Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II, biology, chemistry, physics, English I, English II, English III, world geography, world history, and U.S. history. Students in the graduating Class of 2015 will be the first students who must meet the end-of-course testing requirements, as well as pass their classes, in order to earn a diploma. TAKS WRITING 2011 93% 94% NUMBER Of STUdENTS PER TEAcHER NLISd State 11.6 14.7 92% 91% 92% 88% 90% State 88% NLISD 86% 84% 4th Grade 7th Grade STATE AND DISTRICT COMPARISON TAKS Mathematics 2011 TEcHNOLOGy To accommodate students, parents, and teachers, the web version of Accelerated Reader and gradebook have been implemented and lunchroom balances can be checked by logging on to the website. Installation of the TIPS program at the high school and middle school have made textbook tracking more efficient. The district continues to integrate technology into all areas of instruction by having teachers trained in the most advanced computer proficiency skills. With a progressive eye for the future, technology across the district is updated regularly and made accessible to all students and faculty. PAGE 5 // 2011 APR 11th Grade 10th Grade 9th Grade 8th Grade 7th Grade 6th Grade 5th Grade 4th Grade 3th Grade 0% 3th Grade NLISD 85% State 88% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 4th Grade 95% 5th Grade 96% 6th Grade 86% 7th Grade 82% 8th Grade 84% 9th Grade 82% 10th Grade 68% 11th Grade 91% 89% 86% 83% 81% 80% 72% 75% 90% SEcONdARy cAMPUS AdMINISTRATORS STATE AND DISTRICT COMPARISON TAKS SOCIAL STUDIES 2011 NORTH LAMAR HIGH ScHOOL 99% 11th Grade 98% 91% 10th Grade NLISD 93% State 94% 8th Grade 95% 86% 88% 90% 92% 94% 96% 98% 100% Paul Allen, Principal TAKS SCIENCE 2011 86% 100% 92% 90% 92% 79% 82% 76% 73% 80% 60% State 40% NLISD clint Hildreth, Assistant Principal 20% 0% 5th Grade 8th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade STATE AND DISTRICT COMPARISON STATE AND DISTRICT COMPARISON TAKS READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 2011 11th Grade 10th Grade 9th Grade 95% 89% 8th Grade 6th Grade 86% 85% 5th Grade NLISD 87% 92% 92% 86% 3rd Grade 95% 90% 78% 80% 82% 84% 86% 88% Kelli Stewart, Principal State 87% 4th Grade 93% 89% 84% 7th Grade fRANK STONE MIddLE ScHOOL 96% 94% 91% 91% Jeri Wooldridge, Assistant Principal 90% 92% 94% 96% 98% Loy dean clark, Assistant Principal WWW.NORTHLAMAR.NET // PAGE 6 ELEMENTARy cAMPUS AdMINISTRATORS GENEVA BAILEy INTERMEdIATE ScHOOL TEA distinguished Performing School STUDENT ACADEMIC, FINE ARTS, & ATHLETIC ACHIEVEMENTS NORTH LAMAR HIGH ScHOOL nATionAL AP Scholars with Distinction Steven Jahn, Matthew Winkler Texas State Crime Stoppers Radio Competition Lacee Henry & carley conley - Best Special Production/PSA AP Scholars Sarah Gandy, William Goette, Adam Skidmore Missy Starnes, Principal Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Kayla Prihoda & Alecia Beshirs - 1st in Digital Design & Promotion, Advanced to Nationals AARON PARKER ELEMENTARy TEA distinguished Performing School Sidney Winkler - 6th in Public Speaking II Everett Educator, Wendy Suttle, received Reading Model Classroom Award for outstanding performance in Renaissance LearningTM Tammie Bates, Principal NLHS Band Winner of National Mark of Excellence Wind Band Honors Project cEcIL EVERETT ELEMENTARy TEA distinguished Performing School State SkillsUSA Power Equipment Technology Jacob Thomas - State Champion, Advanced to Nationals Tristan McReynolds - 2nd on Power Equipment Technology Test Angerina draper - 7th in Pin Design Fine Arts NLHS Marching Band - 2nd at State 3A UIL Marching Band NLHS 3A State Honor Band Performed at TMEA State Convention Athletics National SkillsUSA Power Equipment Technology Jacob Thomas - 2nd STATe carey Malone, Principal W. L. HIGGINS ELEMENTARy claudia Pursifull, Principal PAGE 7 // 2011 APR Academics Speech & Debate - 4 National Qualifiers/5 National Alternates Kaitlyn Bull - Informative Speaking carver Hodgkiss - Persuasive Speaking Shelby Gilliam - Dramatic Interpretation, Alternate in Duo Interpretation Max Inmon - Congressional Debate Spencer Sansom - Alternate in Due Interpretation & Humorous Interpretation carolAnne cosgrove & Aerial Wesberry Alternate in Cross Examination Debate NLHS Beta State Convention Ingrid chavez -2nd in Special Talent dakota Kilcrease - 4th in Social Studies cobi Barker Wendy’s High School Heisman State Winner Michael davidson Powerlifting Silver Medalist in 198.5 Class Region Academics NLHS One Act Play - Alternate to State Emma Harrington - Best Actress Shelby Gilliam - Honorable Mention All-Star Cast Keaton Raney - All-Star Cast Literary Criticism Team - UIL 3A Region Champions, Advanced to State Morgan Beckmon - 2nd, Advanced to State Bethany Wright - 7th, Advanced to State Speech & Debate Team - UIL 3A Region Champions, Advanced to State Carver Hodgkiss - 1st in Persuasive Speaking, Advanced to State Max Inmon - 7th in Persuasive Speaking, Advanced to State Kaitlyn Bull - 2nd in Informative Speaking, Advanced to State CarolAnne Cosgrove - 4th in Informative Speaking, 1st Alternate to State Sidney Winkler - 2nd in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Advanced to State Shane Hundley, 5th in Ready Writing, 2nd Alternate to State Shelby Gilliam, 5th in Prose Interpretation Emma Harrington, 8th in Poetry Interpretation National Forensics League - 5 State Qualifiers Shelby Gilliam - Dramatic Interpretation Carver Hodgkiss - International Extemporaneous Speaking Spencer Sansom - Prose Interpretation Kaitlyn Bull - U.S. Extemporaneous Speaking Max Inmon - Congressional Debate Kilgore Regional Science Fair - 2 Advanced to State in Physical Science Nick Novak - 2nd Ethan Nicholson - 4th Fine Arts NLHS Region 3A UIL Marching Band - 1st NLHS All-Region Band Brass: Randall Sanders, Caleb Baker, Chad Kautz, Elaine French, Grace Myrick, Davis White, Britton Coursey, Carver Hodgkiss, Colt Moore, Shane Hundley, Mary O’Connor, Ralph Tyndall, Tyler Bussell, Brandon Woods, Cory Briggle, Matt Gordon, Scott Terry Woodwinds: Chelsea Householder, Logan Moree, Lacy White, Haley Blount, Taylor Reavis, Jamie Ellis, Taylor Thompson, Arianna Brown, Laynee Fulgham, Donna Colquitt, Aerial Wesberry, Amanda Poland, Mallory Ackley, Kathleen Dawson, Briana Hardin, Bethany Wright, Heather Gordon,Taylor Woods, Morgan Beckmon, Dakota Kilcrease, Madison Oney, Matt Morrow, Victoria White, Connor Yarbrough, Conner Johnson, Matt Duren,Tyler Stone Percussion: Laci LeFlore, Molly Denman, Gaby Risinger, Brittany Money, Maddie Drake, Evelyn Chavez, Bonnie McIlyar Freshman: Rebekah Wiley, Ben Drake, Chad Kautz, Sarah Duncan, Tori Sullivan, Emily McIlyar, Kathleen Dawson, Maddie Drake, Evelyn Chavez, Bonnie McIlyar, Haley Blount, Nhi Son, Erin Stone, Darby Oney, Logan English, Molly Denman, Jamie Ellis, Taylor Reavis, Mitchell Lacey, Daniel Goette, Brandon Woods, Will Jamar, Nick Novak, Conner Johnson, Victoria White NLHS All-Region Orchestra Taylor Woods - 1st, Dakota Kilcrease - 1st, Laynee Fulgham - 2nd, Donna Colquitt - 1st, Scott Terry - 2nd, Davis White - 3rd Secondary Teacher of the Year Randy Jones Elementary Teacher of the Year NLHS All-Region Choir Maddie Jolley, Kelsey Preston, Paige Allen, Nichole Taylor, Olivia Dyck, Alyssa Davis, Selena Johnson, Dayton Thibodeaux Athletics Cobi Barker - WFAA Channel 8 Scholar Athlete of the Week Sonja Carter Powerlifting Michael Davidson - Region Champion in 198.5 Class, Advanced to State Tyler Scott - 4th in 123.5 Class De’Vin Noiel - 5th in 275.5 Class COMMUNITY SERVICE Cross Country Girls Team - 4th in Region Evelyn Chavez - State Qualifier Boys Team - 10th in Region The superintendent holds monthly lunch meetings to share the district’s news and accomplishments with community members. Area Academics NLHS One Act Play - Advanced to Region Keaton Raney - Best Actor Shelby Gilliam - Best Actress Blake Miles & Emma Harrington - All-Star Cast Lucas Robertson & Brady Pierce - Honorable Mention All-Star Cast Fine Arts NLHS Band Area Qualifiers Davis White, Grace Myrick, Elaine French, Logan Moree, Donna Colquitt, Arianne Brown, Laynee Fulgham, Mary O’Connor, Carver Hodgkiss, Colt Moore, Amanda Poland, Bethany Wright, Taylor Woods, Evelyn Chavez, Scott Terry, Matt Gordon, Briana Hardin, Connor Yarbrough, Madison Oney, Food baskets are distributed to the district’s needy families during the Christmas holidays and gifts are given to the district’s “angels” who are adopted. North Lamar employees give to others through their support of the United Way, the North Lamar Children’s Fund, the annual Jingle Bell Walk, and the North Lamar Education Foundation. WWW.NORTHLAMAR.NET // PAGE 8 TITLE I SERVIcES REAdING REcOVERy® is an early intervention program that helps selected first grade children to develop effective strategies for reading and writing. Specially trained teachers provide intensive, daily oneto-one instruction. ORAL LANGUAGE is provided to Pre K -1st grade students for intensive instructions in receptive (listening) and expressive (speaking) language skills. Brain Gym activities are incorporated into the instructions. LITERAcy GROUPS are small groups of students led by trained Reading Recovery® teachers for the purpose of reading and writing acceleration. Strategies for successful, independent reading and writing are the focus for the groups. fAST fORWORd is an individualized computer assisted learning program designed to improve sound processing speed and working memory which are vital to reading success. BAILEy LEARNING LAB is designed to provide a variety of services staffed with one certified teacher and one assistant. SUccESS cENTER (REAdING) is a reading program that is available to students who qualify for assistance with basic reading skills as determined by teacher recommendations, standardized testing results and classroom performance. SUccESS cENTER (MATH) is a math program that is available to students who qualify for assistance with basic math skills as determined by teacher recommendations, standardized testing results and classroom performance. MATH & REAdING INTERVENTIONS provide small group instruction for selected students. STONE MATH LAB is a partnership between the Success Center and Stone Middle School. The lab offers a daily remedial STAAR prep math program in addition to the student’s regular math class rotating between developing individual math skills, a computer based STAAR prep, and practicing STAAR skills. PARAPROfESSIONALS offer a wide range of support for students and teachers. Based on individual campus needs, paraprofessionals may work with students in learning centers and/or computer labs or monitor small groups while the classroom teacher works with students who need specialized help. PAGE 9 // 2011 APR Bonnie McIlyar, Gaby Risinger, Brittany Money, Kathleen dawson, dakota Kilcrease, Victoria White, Tyler Bussell, Tyler Stone Pre-Area Choir - Alyssa davis - 1st, Selena Johnson - 3rd, Maddie Jolley- 4th dISTRIcT Academics NLHS UIL District 15 AAA Academic Champion Literary Criticism Team – 1st Morgan Beckmon - 2nd, Bethany Wright - 3rd, Will Batson - 5th, connor yarbrough - 6th Math Team - 1st Tyler Bussell - 1st, caleb Baker - 2nd, Briana Hardin - 5th, Alison chao - 6th Calculator Team – 2nd Briana Hardin - 4th, Tyler Bussell - 7th, Jamie Ellis - 10th, Matthew Gonzales - 14th Number Sense Team - 2nd caleb Baker - 5th, Jamie Ellis - 7th, Briana Hardin - 9th, Tyler Bussell - 11th Science Team - 2nd Jessica Roberts - 1st, Top Chemistry Score, Tyler Bussell - 4th, Top Physics Score, carson Rast - 7th, Madeline drake - 14th, Alison chao - 17th, Matthew Gonzales - 21st Current Events Team – 2nd Nhi Son - 8th, Will Batson - 9th, Nathan Aultman - 13th, Kaitlyn Wood - 16th Social Studies Team - 2nd dakota Kilcrease - 1st, Will Batson - 8th, Shane Hundley - 11th Accounting Bryan Pfiester - 4th, J.d. McNeal - 8th Computer Applications caitlin Barnhill - 7th News Writing Aaron Mustin – 6th Ready Writing Shane Hundley -2nd, Mary O’connor - 3rd Spelling Emily Springer - 5th Speech and Debate Team - 1st Max Inmon -1st in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, 2nd in Persuasive Speaking, Sydney Winkler -2nd in Lincoln- Douglas Debate, 3rd in Persuasive Speaking, Shelby Gilliam -1st in Prose Interpretation, cody Eilrich -2nd in Prose Interpretation, Emma Harrington -1st in Poetry Interpretation, dayton Thibodeaux - 3rd in Poetry Interpretation, Kaitlyn Bull -1st in Informative Speaking, carolAnne cosgrove - 2nd in Informative Speaking, Aerial Wesberry - 3rd in Informative Speaking, carver Hodgkiss - 1st in Persuasive Speaking Computer Science Team - 2nd Trey Slider – 5th, cameron Smith – 6th, Blake Horton – 8th, Bradley Garnett – 12th One Act Play - Advanced to Area Emma Harrington - Best Actress Shelby Gilliam & Keaton Raney - All-Star Cast Lucas Robertson - Honorable Mention All-Star Cast Kevin calhoun - Outstanding Technical Award NLHS UIL Cross Examination Kaitlyn Bull (Top Speaker) & carver Hodgkiss 1st, Advanced to State Hannah drake & Kelsey Preston - 2nd, Advanced to State carolAnne & Aerial Wesberry - 5th NLHS Science Fair Winners, Advanced to Regional Jamie Ellis - 1st; Nick Novak - 2nd; Sam Erickson - 3rd Finalists: Kathleen dawson, Ethan Nicholson, Victoria White, connor Johnson, Willy dyck, Kelsie Allen Alyssa davis - National Association of Secondary School Principals Student Award Fine Arts NLHS Choir UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Ladies Chorale - 1st Division in Concert Chamber Singers - Sweepstakes NLHS UIL Symphonic & Concert Bands Sweepstakes Awards NLHS Band UIL Solo & Ensemble Superior Ratings: Brass Players: Brock dority, Matthew Gonzalez, daniel Goette, chad Kautz, Lane Pierce, Brandon clark, Rebekah Wiley Percussionist: Kirt Preston, diego Rosas, Molly denman, Ty England Woodwinds: Nick Novak, conner Johnson, Shemar Hawkins, Rachel Stephens, Mitchell Lacey, Rynn Hamilton, Shantelle Terry, Shelby Peeples, Randa dennis, Haley Blount, Emily McIlyar Athletics All-Red River Valley Volleyball First Team: Sara dunmon, chelsea Jordan, Jillian Web Second Team: cobi Barker, Morgan flippen Honorable Mention: Nichole Perry, Lauren Stephens, Samantha flippen All-Red River Valley Football First Team: dakota Boles, dakota Newman, de’Vin Noiel, Sam Harrington, Abraham Sanchez, cort Raulston Second Team: dominic corpus, Michael davidson, Austin Sugg, dakota fuller, cody daniel, clay flippen Honorable Mention: Will Harrington, Ryan Mccray All-Red River Valley Boy’s Basketball First Team: Riley chipman, Trevor fulk Honorable Mention: Ian dukleth, Preston Shawhart All-Red River Valley Girl’s Basketball First Team: carley conley Second Team: Samantha flippen Honorable Mention: Paige Payne All-District Football Newcomer of the Year: Ryan Mccray First Team: dakota Boles, Michael davidson, dakota Newman, dakota fuller, de’Vin Noiel Second Team: Austin Sugg, cody daniel, Maverick Jones, clay flippen, Sam Harrington, Ryan Mccray, Hunter Stephens, cody daniel, cort Raulston Honorable Mention: Will Harrington, dominic corpus, Austin Sugg All-District Volleyball Defensive Player of the Year: Jillian Webb Server: Nichole Perry First Team: Morgan flippen, cobi Barker Second Team: Sara dunmon, chelsea Jordan Honorable Mention: chancy Williams, Lauren Stephens, Samantha flippen Academic All-District: cobi Barker, Jillian Webb All-District Boy’s Basketball Newcomer of the Year: Ian dukleth First Team: Trevor fulk, Riley chipman Second Team: dillon Wilson Honorable Mention: Preston Shawhart All-District Girl’s Basketball First Team: carley conley Second Team: Samantha flippen Honorable Mention: Paige Payne, Nichole Perry individual; 3rd/100 yard butterfly Regional Qualifiers - Erin Stone, davis White, Kathleen dawson, Elaine french, colton chumbley, cameron Smith, Jessica french, Tyler Stone, Scott Terry, Tyler Bussell, Jamie Ellis Girls & Boys Cross Country Teams - District Champions Regional Qualifiers: dakota Ashlock, Sam Erickson, Riley chipman Powerlifting - 6 Regional Qualifiers Tyler Scott, Maverick Jones, Ty Smith, clay flippen, Mike davidson, de’Vin Noiel Boy’s Golf Team - 3rd in District Girl’s Golf Team - 2nd in District STONE MIddLE ScHOOL 4 Stone Middle School students were named Regional Science Fair Winners. 37 Stone Middle School Students Named to All-Region Band 25 Stone Middle School Students Named to All-Region Choir Stone Middle School Girls, Boys & Girls Varsity Choirs all received Sweepstakes at the Region IV UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest. Stone Middle School 7th B Football Team - 3A District Champions Stone Middle School Girls & Boys 7th & 8th Track Teams were named District 3A Runner-ups All-District Boy’s Soccer First Team: Scott Terry, Adolfo Morales, Tanner davidson Second Team: Tyler Bussell, Oshai Williams Honorable Mention: cody daniel, Eric fountain All-District Girl’s Soccer Offensive MVP: Morgan flippen Goal Keeper MVP: Shelby Sansom First Team: Lauren Stephens, Katy Taylor, Marisca Escobedo Second Team: Kara Erickson, Brittnee Zamora, Alexis Johnson, Haley Kreizenbeck Honorable Mention: Selena Johnson, cindy Rangel, Ingrid chavez Swimming Team - 4th in District Evan Bivens - District Champion in 50 yard freestyle; 2nd /100 yard freestyle; Ethan Nicholson - District Champion/200 yard Lamar County Spelling Bee Winner Steele Musgrove (6th grade) 38 Stone Middle School students in grades 6-8 participated in the District UIL Academics meet. Results were 9 - 1st, 3 - 2nd, 4 - 3rd, 7 - 4th, 6 5th, 13 - 6th. Categories included Maps, Graphs & Charts, Spelling, Listening Skills, Social Studies, Music Memory, Calculator Applications, Oral Reading, Impromptu Speaking, Editorial Writing, General Math, Ready Writing & Number Sense. LAMAR cOUNTy SHAREd SERVIcES ARRANGEMENT Lamar County Shared Services Arrangement offers special education services to four school district in Lamar County. These districts include North Lamar ISD (fiscal agent), Chisum ISD, Prairiland ISD, and Roxton ISD. Personnel include a director, supervisor, diagnosticians, speech-language pathologists, vision teacher, orientation and mobility specialists, physical therapist, occupational therapist, LSSP, and technical and personnel support of special education programs. Over 650 students in Lamar County ranging from the ages of 3-21 receive services. Lamar County SSA provides a full consortium of services ranging from mainstream to homebound. Lamar County SSA in combination with North Lamar ISD and the other districts are working cooperatively to reduce the number of referrals and implementing intervention programs to all students who are in need of extra assistance. NLISD has implemented local interventions based on monitoring results from Performance Based Monitoring (PBM). NLISd REcEIVEd THE TSTA/NEA OUTSTANdING EdUcATIONAL WEBSITE AWARd. WWW.NORTHLAMAR.NET // PAGE 10 NORTH LAMAR EdUcATION fOUNdATION INTERMEdIATE & ELEMENTARy cAMPUSES Established in 1998 81 North Lamar Elementary students in grade 2-5 participated and placed in the local Elementary UIL Competition. Categories included Creative Writing, Storytelling, Ready Writing, Spelling, Oral Reading, Music Memory, Number Sense, Listening, Art, Social Studies, Dictionary Skills & Maps, Graphs & Charts 70 scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,000 were given to the 2011 graduates Parker Elementary 1 Million Word Readers Levi Nicholson, Vanessa Perez (2 million words) Brock Miller, dokata Mackey, clay carr, Emily Pietrowski, devin finch, Laci dunken, Alexus chappell, Payton Barnett and Trinity Gilbert 576 scholarships awarded since 2000 (a total of $380,250) A non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization Scholarships used at junior colleges, colleges, universities, vocational & technical schools Fifteen endowed scholarships Donations accepted throughout the year Memorials and honorariums are a lasting gift Bailey Intermediate National Elementary Honor Society Emily futral, Jacey Lilley, Emily Love, desiree fendley, Emma Stewart, Bryce Evans, Luke Terry, Jessy Pope, Marlee Preston, cydney Holbrook, Ashton Reeves, Keragahn Scott, Halle Keith, Grace Kuhkendall, Garrett cook, Kyle Stanley, Landon Bevins, derek Tye, Jordan Herron, colton Wilson, Garrett Holzwarth, Hayden Russell, Julian Tellez, Kylie Jackson, Parker dollins, Zachery figueroa, Abbie fischer, Jayden franklin, Parker freeman, dalton funderburk, Peyton Wheeler, Will Rast, Miguel Rosas, Zachary Huffman, Laura daniel, Sadi English, Alex draper, Jackson Abney, Savannah carroll, Hunter Moore, Scott Bishop, Logan Bradley, Makayla Allee, Jordan Huntley, chelbe Kyle, Seth Jones, Madelyn clark, Brooke collard, Jesse Shadburn, Kimber Scott, Alec Asay, Haleigh Blackshear, Peter fehr, Autumn flick, Layne Lankford, John Wilhite Everett Elementary Mark chao 800 Points AR Reader Higgins Elementary Top AR Readers Hannah Semanek, case collum, Kellie Welch, Brock davis, Blake Piper, Alayna covey, Morgan Edwards, Keaston Lawrence, Gracie cole, Emma Layton, Bailey Scott, faith Millsap, chelsie Upchurch, Zain figueroa, Walker McElvany, Sloane Hill, Alexis Ellis Making a World of Difference NORTH LAMAR INdEPENdENT ScHOOL dISTRIcT 3201 Lewis Lane Paris, Texas 75460 903.737.2000 www.northlamar.net PAGE 11 // 2011 APR North Lamar High School 3201 Lewis Lane Paris, Texas 75460 903.737.2011 Aaron Parker Elementary School 98 CR 44112 Powderly, Texas 75473 903.732.3066 Frank Stone Middle School 3201 Lewis Lane Paris, Texas 75460 903.737.2041 Cecil Everett Elementary School 3201 Lewis Lane Paris, Texas 75460 903.737.2061 Bailey Intermediate School 3201 Lewis Lane Paris, Texas 75460 903.737.7971 W. L. Higgins Elementary School 3201 Lewis Lane Paris, Texas 75460 903.737.2081
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