Hi Santi, Ocean Wise has a few comments for the Seafood Watch
Hi Santi, Ocean Wise has a few comments for the Seafood Watch
Hi Santi, Ocean Wise has a few comments for the Seafood Watch criteria review process that we would like to share. Overall we feel the criteria are much more robust than it was a few years ago and are pleased that there is now a quantitative scoring for each factor. Below is my feedback around how to recognize endangered or threatened species. My colleague Laurenne (cc’d here), who we’ve just hired as a research analyst to write some of the EAP reports, will be sending along some more detailed comments on other factors next week. We feel that COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) should be considered by Seafood Watch as one of the scientific bodies that ranks species as threatened or endangered rather than SARA (Species at Risk Act). There are many examples of the Canadian government is failing to follow scientific evidence and protect species under SARA as recommended by COSEWIC. Many species fail to be listed under SARA due to social, economic or political impacts with fishes representing the taxonomic group least likely to be listed. Since 2004, only 35% of marine fish assessed by COSEWIC as “at risk” have been added to the list and no marine fish have been listed as endangered or threatened, which would automatically grant them protection against harm. Even species listed under SARA are not being protected effectively. It has been found that 86% of the legally protected species in Canada either maintain the same level of risk or have deteriorated over time. (http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0113118) Concerns have been raised over the ineffectiveness of SARA by the Auditor General, in the court of law and scientific literature. We have attached a few supporting documents and articles which highlight the deficiencies of SARA. We feel that fisheries targeting animals listed as vulnerable or threatened by either an international, national or state government body and specially in Canada, species listed under COSEWIC should be automatically receive an avoid ranking. Thanks again and happy holidays! Best, Teddie Geach Ocean Wise Account Representative Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre From Laurenne Comments on Seafood Watch Criteria for Fisheries As a preface, I recently joined the Ocean Wise team (December 1st), so I am just starting to work with the SW assessment criteria and have only had a chance to read through it completely a couple of times. I understand the numerous challenges that go into developing and executing a grading system that can assess a variety of different fishing practices (i.e., small-scale vs. industrial, coastal sessile inverts vs. migratory pelagic fish), so hopefully my comments won’t come across as overly critical. I see incredible value in this system and my intention is to provide as much constructive feedback as I can to help make it as user-friendly and accurate as possible. Given my limited experience with the Seafood Watch system, please forgive me if some of my comments are misplaced due to my own misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of the grading system—I’m definitely still learning. Please don’t hesitate to contact me ([email protected]) for clarification on any of my questions and suggestions! Overall, I have found the assessment criteria to be fairly challenging to interpret and ambiguous in various sections. I understand detail is essential for this type of approach, but scoring criteria also have to be flexible enough to address multiple types of fisheries (big and small, distant water and EEZ, inverts and fish). I believe this is one overarching goal that should be kept in mind at all times when revamping the assessment criteria. Criterion 1: Impacts on the Species under Assessment • For the assessment of stock abundance (Factor 1.2), I believe that a greater differentiation in the scoring based on the quality of data or assessment methods is needed. I think the scoring should reflect not only the status of the assessed stock, but also the quality of the data used to get that status (e.g. independent survey or fisheries-based) and the assumptions in the models used. Under the current scoring scheme, the tradeoff between stock status and assessment quality is vague. Perhaps a scoring system where the stock is initially scored based on its status (e.g., B current /B ref or another means) and subsequently adjusted based on the data/models used might allow for more transparent and consistent scoring; • The assessments of fishing mortality (Factor 1.3) utilize reference points based on F MSY . Given that MSY is a stock-specific concept (i.e., a function of carrying capacity, K, and intrinsic growth rate, r), how is it to be applied in the assessment of mixed-gear fisheries? If the total fishing mortality from multiple fisheries exceeds F MSY (or some other reference point derived from F MSY ), does that not preclude all fisheries targeting that stock from receiving a low score (i.e., High Concern) on Factor 1.3, even if the fishery in question is a non-significant contributor to the total fishing effort? (E.g., artisanal handliners targeting the same tuna stock as industrial longliners and purse seiners). Here, I assume that the qualifier that the fishery is a “substantial contributor” to fishing mortality applies only in the assessment of bycatch fisheries. Again, would it be possible to design a scheme where the fishing mortality score is based on a) F total relative to F MSY , b) quality of the model (or models if different fisheries were assessed differently) used to assess F total , and c) contribution of the fishery in question to F total ?; • In the scoring of Factor 1.3, the protection of a large proportion of the spawning biomass is listed as one of the qualifiers under Conservation Concern: Very Low Concern. I believe this is more of a management measure and should be reflected in Criterion 3 instead; • Similarly, for Conservation Concern: High Concern, I do not agree that the presence of overfishing alone should be seen as High Concern as long as the stock is not presently in an overfished state and an appropriate/explicit measure is in place to reduce the fishing effort once the stock biomass reaches the target biomass; • I believe the weighting of Factors 1.2 and 1.3 should be adjusted to allow the current stock status to weigh more than fishing effort. Criterion 2: Impacts on Other Species • Given the difficulties associated with obtaining current and fishery-specific data on bycatch rates and bycatch species composition, it might be worth considering the use of a gear-based scheme similar to that used in Factor 4.1 and Appendix 3 as a default scoring scheme for this criterion with modification when such data are available. The bycatch score can be assigned based on a) gear type, b) bycatch composition based on target species and areas of operation (a modified version of the bycatch matrix in Appendix 3), and c) total impact score by the scale of the fishery. A base score computed from these sub-scores can then be modified based on Factor 3.2, either within Criteria 2 or separately in Criteria 3; • Given that Criteria 2 is to assess the impacts of the fishery on other species, I do not think there is a need for distinction between discards and retained bycatch (whether or not the bycatch is retained or discarded dead, the impact on the stock of the bycaught species is the same). Therefore, I believe that with a scoring scheme that already includes bycatch rate (as it is currently defined in these assessments) in its evaluation, having further modifications based on discard rate (Factor 2.4) are redundant. While I agree with the need to assess the impact of a fishery on any bait species it uses, I think this should be kept separate from the bycatch issue and be done in Criteria 4 (Impact on the Ecosystem). This assessment could be done based on the fishery’s reliance on a baitfish fishery (e.g. milkfish fishery for bait in some tuna fisheries). Criterion 3: Management Effectiveness • In Appendix 4, the emphasis in the evaluation seems to be on output control measures (i.e. TAC based) while input control measures (e.g., spatial and temporal closures, gear restriction and effort limits) are relegated to the management of data-poor fisheries. I am concerned whether this bias is appropriate; • Given that Factor 3.1 is specifically for the management of target species (i.e., the species being assessed), I believe scoring on Recovery of Species of Concern should be restricted to the target species. Concerns over other target/retained species should be addressed in Factor 3.2; • I didn’t see any mention of derelict/damaged gear management (in terms of mitigating gear loss while fishing and also in terms of port-side measures to recycle/dispose of ruined or old gear when it is no longer safe to use at sea). I know ghost fishing is mentioned in the current definition of ‘bycatch’, however trying to quantify the magnitude of ghost fishing associated with a certain fleet can be very challenging. Having a specific ghost fishing/ gear management component included in Factor 3.2 might be a more practical way of incorporating this management concern; • The weighting of Factors 3.1 and 3.2 should be based on the scale of bycatch in the fishery rather than the geometric mean of the two scores. A low score in Factor 3.2 could be the result of bycatch being a lower priority issue in a relatively low bycatch (but not bycatch-free) fishery. Criterion 4: Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management • As mentioned above, perhaps incorporate bait usage into this Criterion (Factor 4.3) instead of under Criterion 2; • Given that EBFM is a more national strategy (rather than fishery-specific), it might be worth exploring if some of the policy indicators included in OHI could be applied to this section. Not sure, just a thought. Conservation and Policy Biases in Legal Listing under Canadian Endangered Species Legislation Introduction In many countries wild species can be granted legal protection when they are deemed at risk of extinction or extirpation. Protection is the first step in a process of recovering the species and can reverse declining population trajectories by reducing human-caused threats (Male & Bean 2005). Canada was the first major industrialized nation to ratify the Rio Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD 1992). As part of its responsibilities under the convention (CBD 1992, section 8k), the Canadian government passed the Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5, or SARA 2002) in December 2002 to offer some legal protection and a framework for recovery of species at risk (reviewed in VanderZwaag & Hutchings 2005). Here, we explore taxonomic and geographic factors that influence the legal listing process and comment on particular institutional factors that may lie behind these patterns. In contrast to the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA 1973), but broadly similar to Australia’s Endangered Species Act ( Woinarski & Fisher 1999), legal listing of species in Canada is a two-stage process. The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), an independent scientific advisory body that has assessed the status of species since 1977, was established under SARA as the entity responsible for the assessment of species at Paper submitted September 21, 2006; revised manuscript accepted December 24, 2006. 572 Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 3, 572–575 C 2007 Society for Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2007.00689.x risk. On receipt of a species assessment by COSEWIC, the federal government can accept the assessment of COSEWIC and add the species to the legal list, decide not to add the species to the list, or refer the assessment back to COSEWIC for further consideration. Although reasons for not listing and for species referrals have to be made public, the decision is entirely a discretionary one. For comparison, there is only one overt stage in the United States where the responsible government agency may legally list species in response to public proposals. Listing under SARA sets in motion a number of regulations. Individuals of listed species are protected, and there are steep fines for killing them or destroying their “residences” without a permit (SARA, section 97). Following listing, the government must make public first a recovery strategy and then an action (or management) plan for recovery. The recovery strategy determines the technical and biological feasibility for recovery (SARA, section 40), whereas the action plan details socioeconomic trade-offs and implementation strategies (SARA, section 49). If legal listing is denied, or if the species is referred back to COSEWIC, there are no legal obligations for recovery action and the species obtains no federally legislated protection under SARA. Methods We obtained the decisions made from 2004-2006 by the Canadian Ministry of Environment to list species as at risk of extinction (SARA Public Registry, www.sararegistry.gc.ca; see Supplementary Material). The COSEWIC proposes all species, subspecies, or populations (hereafter species) that it ranks as imperiled (extinct, extirpated, endangered, threatened, and special concern) for listing. In 2000 COSEWIC adopted a modified version of World Conservation Union quantitative criteria as a basis for species assessment (COSEWIC 2004a). These criteria incorporate information on population decline, abundance, and geographical range. We recorded the conservation rank, taxonomic category, and provinces or territories of occurrence for each species assessed by COSEWIC. The taxonomic categories were marine mammal, terrestrial mammal, marine fish, freshwater fish, bird, amphibian, reptile, arthropod, mollusk, vascular plant, moss, and lichen. Marine fish included wholly and partially marine species (e.g., anadromous salmonids, green sturgeon [Acipenser medirostris]). We combined amphibians and reptiles into “herpetofauna”; arthropods and mollusks into “invertebrates”; and vascular plants, mosses, and lichens into “plants” (for a total of eight categories). For mammals and fishes we determined whether species were harvested by examining COSEWIC species status reports (www.sararegistry.gc.ca). Species taken only as by-catch were recorded as nonharvested. When SARA took effect in 2003, all 233 species previously assessed by COSEWIC as imperiled were Mooers et al. Biases in Legal Listing 573 Table 1. Number of imperiled species, subspecies, and populations proposed for legal listing in Canada and the listing fates under the Canadian Species at Risk Act, 2004–2006. Groupa Proposed Listed Not listed b Listed (%) 26 12 71 19 17 19 11 11 186 26 12 69 17 13 13 5 1 156 0 0 2 (1) 2 (2) 4 (2) 6 (1) 6 10 (3) 30 (9) 100 100 97 89 76 68 45 9 84 Herpetofauna Birds Plants Invertebrates Freshwater fish Marine mammals Terrestrial mammals Marine fish Total a See text for details of groupings. of species referred back to COSEWIC for further consideration are in parentheses. b Numbers automatically included on the legal list. Since then, the Government decides whether to list each species individually. Our analysis is restricted to the 186 species recommended for listing by COSEWIC since 2003, up to August 2006 (Government of Canada 2006). Species that were either denied listing or referred back to COSEWIC were scored as not listed (21 denied, 9 referred back). (The full list is available; see Supplementary Material.) We compared the proportion of listed and not listed species across the eight taxonomic categories and across geographic regions and harvest status with standard tests of association ( JMP v. 6.0). Results The proportions of species listed differed among taxonomic groups (Table 1; test of marginal homogeneity: n = 186, G2 = 69.2, p < 0.0001, df = 7). Post hoc tests based on 95% credible intervals of proportions showed that more plants and herpetofauna, but fewer marine fish and terrestrial mammals, were accepted onto the legal list (Table 1). Harvested fish and mammals were far less likely to be listed than nonharvested ones. Only 5 of 29 harvested fish and mammals were listed, whereas 27 of 29 nonharvested fish and mammals were listed (n = 58, G2 = 38.57, p < 0.0001, df = 1). None of the 10 species occurring in Nunavut was listed, and north- ern species in general (i.e., occurring north of 60◦ in Nunavut, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories, or the Arctic Ocean) were less likely (5/18) to be listed than were nonnorthern species (151/168; n = 186, G2 = 33.0, p < 0.0001, df = 1; Fig. 1). This difference was driven primarily by mammals: only 17% of northern mammals were listed (2/12) compared with 88% of non-northern mammals (15/17). None of the results changed when we excluded species that were referred back to COSEWIC (analyses not shown). Discussion The primary correlate of taxonomic group was governmental jurisdiction. In most of southern Canada ( below 60o N), terrestrial plants and animals are the responsibility of the provinces. Responsibility for northern plants and terrestrial animals is shared among the territories, wildlife management boards, and the federal government. Marine species are the sole responsibility of the federal government. Marine fish were almost always denied listing, as were many imperiled northern species. In addition, although we did not identify freshwater fish as being significantly less likely to be listed than other taxonomic groups, 22% of them were not listed, which is substantially higher than the average of 3% that were not listed for plants, birds, herpetofauna, and invertebrates; the federal govern- ment has joint jurisdiction over freshwater fish. We outline two factors that seem to have contributed to the taxonomic and geographic biases in legal listing decisions under Canada’s endangered species legislation. The first is a reluctance by wildlife management boards and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to accept the additional stewardship responsibilities required by SARA. The second pertains to deficiencies in the cost–benefit analyses that precede the legal listing decisions. Wildlife management boards ( WMBs), whose responsibilities are primarily in the north, are involved in the legal listing decisions for species in their jurisdictions. The stated governmental reason for not listing northern mammals is to allow for further consultation with WMBs, notably the Nunavut WMB (Government of Canada, 2006). The SARA provides no timelines for such postassessment consultations, and the WMBs are consulted by COSEWIC before each assessment. The resulting delays may elevate the extinction risk for some species. For example, Bourdages et al. (2002) estimated that current harvesting rates of the eastern Hudson Bay beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) population, which was denied listing, will lead to its extinction within 10–15 years. These consultations also affect populations outside Nunavut insofar as Nunavut-based delays have prevented the listing of the Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 3, June 2007 574 Biases in Legal Listing Mooers et al. Figure 1. Percentage of imperiled species occurring in each region of Canada that were granted legal protection under the Species at Risk Act in Canada, 2004–2006 (northern regions, black; NF/LB, Newfoundland and Labrador; NW Territories, Northwest Territories). wolverine (Gulo gulo), grizzly bear (Ursus arctos), and polar bear (U. maritimus) elsewhere in Canada. Although not made explicit in SARA (Government of Canada 2003), the legal listing process includes something called a regulatory impact analysis (RIAS). The RIASs are cost– benefit analyses undertaken by the federal government, promulgated under the Financial Administration Act (PCO 1999). A RIAS typically take place during the 9 months that immediately precede a listing decision, prior to the development of any form of recovery strategy or action plan. This timing is clearly problematic; A RIAS will be unable to provide a complete assessment of the costs and benefits of species recovery, potentially biasing the perception of the socioeconomic impact of a listing decision. In addition, these cost–benefit analyses are not subject to external review. A major deficiency of RIAS is that relatively little effort is expended in estimating benefits. By one estimate, half of all RIASs examined do not quantify benefits at all (EARG 1997, section 4.1). Quantifying the benefits of recovering species is obviously critical if cost–benefit analyses are to be taken seriously. Globally, the loss of habitats and populations deprives humanity of goods and services with Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 3, June 2007 a net worth of perhaps US$250 billion annually (Balmford et al. 2002). In Canada failure to take meaningful action to reduce fishing mortality on Newfoundland’s northern Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the late 1980s led to a subsequent expenditure of C$2–C$3 billion for income support, buy outs of commercial fishing licenses, and training for alternative employment for displaced fishers and processors (CEC 2001). Benefits to listing must also account for nonuse economic values. These are the benefits of conservation that can be reflected in part by the value that society holds for the preservation of species. One such value is termed “willingness to pay” (e.g., Tisdell et al. 2005). For example, the listing of the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) may exact costs to the fishing industry of C$865,000–C$1.82 million over 20 years (DFO 2006). These costs would be readily exceeded by the nonconsumptive value of the porbeagle if willingness to pay exceeded pennies per Canadian. In short, species are most likely not listed because current benefits of status quo activities (e.g., fishing) are quantified as a matter of course, whereas the benefits of recovery are not. The single marine (anadromous) fish that was listed, the green sturgeon, has a “disagreeable taste” and is not fished commercially (COSEWIC 2004b). Of the freshwater fish proposed for listing by COSEWIC, only the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) has substantial commercial value (Froese & Pauly 2006), and the government chose to exclude populations valuable to sport fishers from protection under SARA (Government of Canada 2006). The Canadian government’s failure to list species such as Newfoundland’s northern cod, despite a decline estimated to exceed 99% (Hutchings & Reynolds 2004), sends an ominous but revealing signal to society. More worrisome, however, may be the 2006 decision not to list the porbeagle shark. The species has experienced a near-90% reduction in abundance (COSEWIC 2004c) and its lifehistory traits place it at high risk of extinction (Reynolds et al. 2005). By the government’s own reckoning, only one or two fishers are economically dependent on porbeagle. Under a worst-case scenario, listing might have led to a loss of eight jobs and an economic reduction of 2% to a single community (DFO 2006). We interpret the government’s decision not to add the endangered porbeagle to the legal list, despite the minimal economic losses that might ensue, to reflect an implicit policy not to list any marine fish perceived to Mooers et al. be of economic value, no matter how small. Conclusion Canada’s Species at Risk Act is a direct response to the international endeavor to better steward natural resources. Nevertheless, if an imperiled species is not listed by the federal government, any debate on the costs and benefits of changing its trajectory to potential extinction may only take place in the narrow context of in-house analyses conducted under the purview of a financial regulatory act. We document here a pattern consistent with bias against marine and northern species in legal listing. In June 2008 a parliamentary review of the act must take place (SARA, section 129). The biases we have identified should be given due scrutiny at that time. Biodiversity conservation would be best served by strict, transparent, legislated timelines for all aspects of the listing process following receipt by the Minister of the Environment of the status assessments undertaken by COSEWIC. We also recommend that, within the RIAS framework, SARA require that the full costs of extinction and the full benefits of recovery be quantified in externally reviewed reports so that they can be fairly weighed against the impacts of legal protection. Acknowledgments We thank S. Elgie and G.G.E. Scudder for past discussions on endangered species legislation and S. Otto, I. Rounthwaite, and three anonymous reviewers for commenting on previous versions of this manuscript. We are supported in our research by NSERC Canada (A.O.M., M.F.-B., J.H.) and Environment Canada (L.P.). Supplementary Material The listing fates of imperiled species presented to the Canadian Government from 2004 through 2006 are Biases in Legal Listing available in conjunction with the on line version of this article from http://www.blackwell-synergy.com (Appendix S1). A.Ø. Mooers,∗† L.R. Prugh,‡ M. Festa-Bianchet,§ and J.A. Hutchings∗∗ ∗ Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6; email [email protected] † Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany ‡ University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada § Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, PQ, Canada ∗∗ Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada Literature Cited Balmford, A. et al. 2002. Economic reasons for conserving wild nature. Science 297:950– 953. Bourdages, H., V. Lesage, M. O. Hammill, and B. de March. 2002. Impact of harvesting on population trends of beluga in eastern Hudson Bay. Research document 2002/036. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Ottawa. CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity). 1992. The convention on biological diversity. Secretariat of the CBD, U. N. Environment Programme, Montreal. Available from www.biodiv.org/convention/convention. shtml (accessed July 2006) CEC (Commission For Environmental Cooperation). 2001. The North American mosaic: a state of the environment report. CEC, Montreal. COSEWIC (Commitee on the Status of Wildlife in Canada). 2004a. COSEWIC’s assessment process and criteria. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa. Available from www.cosewic.gc.ca/ pdf/assessment process e.pdf (accessed Jaunuary 2007). COSEWIC (Commitee on the Status of Wildlife in Canada). 2004b. COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the green sturgeon Acipenser medirostris in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa. COSEWIC (Commitee on the Status of Wildlife in Canada). 2004c. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the porbegale shark Lamna nasus in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa. DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans). 2006. Potential socio-economic implications of adding porbeagle shark to the list of wildlife species at risk in the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Policy and Economics Branch, Maritimes Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Dartmouth, Canada. Avail- 575 able from www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/speciesespeces/porbeagle/index e.htm (accessed June 2006). EARG (Evaluation, Audit and Review Group). 1997. Regulatory reform through regulatory impact analysis: the Canadian experience. Managing better, number 14. Evaluation, Audit and Review Group, Public Affairs Branch, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Ottawa. Available from www.tbssct.gc.ca/pubs pol/dcgpubs/manbetseries/ VOL14-1 e.asp (accessed July 2006). ESA (Endangered Species Act of 1973). 2004. U.S. Code16, chap. 35. Available from www.fws.gov/endangered/esa.html (accessed July 2006). Froese, R., and D. Pauly, editors, 2006. FishBase. Version 05/2006. Available from www.fishbase.org (accessed May 2006). Government of Canada. 2003. Species At Risk Act, a guide. Government of Canada, Ottawa. Available from www.sararegistry. gc.ca/the act/SARA guide oct03 e.pdf (accessed January 2007). Government of Canada. 2006. Order amending schedules 1 to 3 to the Species At Risk Act. Canada Gazette 140 (18). Available from canadagazette.gc.ca/partII/2006/ 20060906/html/sor189-e.html (accessed September 2006). Hutchings, J. A., and J. D. Reynolds. 2004. Marine fish population collapses: consequences for recovery and extinction risk. BioScience 54:297–309. Male, T. D., and M. J. Bean. 2005. Measuring progress in U.S. endangered species conservation. Ecology Letters 8:986–992. PCO (Privy Council Office). 1999. Government of Canada regulatory policy. Available from www.pco-bcp.gc.ca/raoics-srdc/ default.asp?Language=E&Page=Publications &Sub=GovernmentofCanadaRegula (accessed September 2006). Reynolds, J. D., N. K. Dulvy, N. B. Goodwin, and J. A. Hutchings. 2005. Biology of extinction risk in marine fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (B) 272:2337– 2344. SARA (Species At Risk Act). 2002. Bill C-5, An act respecting the protection of wildlife species at risk in Canada. Available from www.parl.gc.ca/37/2/parlbus/chambus/ house/bills/government/C-5/C-5 4/C5TOCE.html (accessed January 2007). Tisdell, C., C. Wilson, and H. S. Nantha. 2005. Policies for saving a rare Australian glider: economics and ecology. Biological Conservation 123:237–248. VanderZwaag, D. L., and J. A. Hutchings. 2005. Canada’s marine species at risk: science and law at the helm, but a sea of uncertainty. Ocean Development and International Law 36:219–259. Woinarski, J. C. Z., and A. Fisher. 1999. The Australian Endangered Species Protection Act 1992. Conservation Biology 13:959– 962. Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 3, June 2007 CANADA’S SPECIES AT RISK ACT: IMPLEMENTATION AT A SNAIL’S PACE APRIL 2009 THE BANFF SPRINGS SNAIL IS A TINY MOLLUSC FOUND ONLY IN HOT SPRINGS protected within Banff National Park. It has the dubious distinction of being the only species in Canada for which the six-year-old Species at Risk Act (SARA) has been fully implemented. SARA was enacted in 2002 to prevent Canadian wildlife and plants from becoming extinct or extirpated and to provide for their recovery.1 There are three federal authorities responsible for implementing the Act: Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and the Parks Canada Agency. A mandatory five-year review of the Act’s effectiveness has been initiated by Parliament. Four of Canada’s leading not for-profit environmental organizations working to protect Canada’s biodiversity -- the David Suzuki Foundation, Ecojustice, Environmental Defence, and Nature Canada -- have collaborated to highlight the major shortcomings of the Act and to grade its implementation. Our analysis examines each major stage of species protection, according to the elements set out in the Act itself: Listing, Recovery Strategies, Action Planning, Habitat Protection, and the Safety Net. The Banff Spring Snail Photo Credit: © Mark and Leslie Degner / www.markandlesliedegner.com LISTING – In order for the Act to apply to a species, it must first be listed for protection. This involves a two-step process. First, a species must be assessed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), an independent scientific body that assesses the status of species and designates them as extirpated, endangered, threatened, special concern, or not at risk. Second, for a species designated in one of the “at risk” categories, the federal government must decide whether to add it to the formal list under SARA. If it does not decide within nine months, the Minister of Environment must list it. In practice, however, the government has failed to meet this nine-month timeline. Although there is no provision for it in the Act, the government has created an “extended listing process” that has resulted in limbo for many species. At least 53 species at risk are likely continuing to decline while government takes between 17 and 29 months (i.e. two to three times longer than what is legally allowable) to determine whether or not to add them to the list, and for some species the delays are indefinite. Such delays can jeopardize the recovery of a species that is already on the brink of extinction. In addition, there appears a clear bias against listing certain kinds of species. Overall, COSEWIC has assessed 551 species as extirpated, endangered, threatened, or special concern. The number of species listed under SARA is 449. Chances of eventual listing have been fairly good for most species - with the exception of species found in the oceans or in northern Canada. Since 2004, only 35% of marine fish assessed by COSEWIC as “at risk” have been added to the list and no marine fish have been listed as endangered or threatened, which would automatically grant them protection against harm. Ten of the 23 species whose listing has been outright rejected are found in the north.2 k RECOVERY STRATEGIES – The primary cause of decline for 84% of species at risk in Canada is habitat loss.4 In order to maintain, protect and restore the habitat that is needed by a species, that habitat must first be identified. The Act requires that critical habitat — the habitat needed by a species to survive or recover — must be identified, to the extent possible based on the best available information, in a recovery strategy under SARA. PEARY CARIBOU Peary caribou, found only in Canada’s Arctic, have undergone a precipitous decline of approximately 80% since the 1980s. They are threatened by climate change and the potential for industrial development in their habitat.3 COSEWIC assessed the Peary caribou as endangered in May 2004, yet in July 2005, the government decided not to list the species and instead put it into an “extended consultation” limbo. A listing decision on Peary caribou is still pending. Peary Caribou Source: istockphoto.com However, not only have recovery strategies often failed to identify critical habitat when it was possible to do so, the majority of recovery strategies have been delayed, ignoring legal timelines. Recovery strategies are due for 282 species, but have only been completed for 99 species. And out of those recovery strategies that have been released, only 21% identify at least some part of the species’ critical habitat.5 k BOREAL WOODLAND CARIBOU The government recently engaged a team of 18 independent scientists, supported by additional experts and a management team at Environment Canada, to develop a scientific review for the identification of critical habitat for the boreal population of woodland caribou. In April, a robust, science-based review was released that recommended critical habitat for the caribou. The science in this report should provide government, industry and conservationists with the tools needed to ensure the persistence of boreal woodland caribou populations in Canada. ACTION PLANNING – Action plans are where decisions are made about the most cost-effective means for achieving recovery of a species, based on the recovery strategy. Unfortunately, as the Act is written, there is no legal deadline for the completion of action plans. Although recovery strategies must identify a timeline for action planning, these timelines are not legally binding and most are not met. Thirteen action plans are past the timelines promised in the corresponding recovery strategies. The development of an action plan is especially important in those cases where the recovery strategy did not identify any critical habitat. However, of the 78 species for which final recovery strategies failed to identify critical habitat, none has a completed action plan. To date, in fact, there is only one completed action plan: for the Banff Springs snail, a species located entirely within a National Park. k Boreal Woodland Caribou Photo credit: Bruce Petersen / Ontario Nature KIDNEYSHELL HABITAT PROTECTION – The ultimate measure of the effectiveness of SARA for most species is whether the habitat that the species needs to survive and recover is actually being protected on the ground. Once critical habitat is identified in a recovery strategy or action plan, the Minister must determine whether that habitat is protected. If it isn’t, the Minister must order its protection if it is on federal lands or waters, and in any case must report on it and on the steps taken to protect it. Of the 21 species that have had critical habitat identified to date, in only two cases has SARA been used to protect critical habitat that wasn’t already in a federal protected area. And these two, the northern and southern resident killer whales, only received this protection as a result of legal action taken by the environmental community. Further, despite the Minister’s obligation to do so, no reports on steps taken to protect critical habitat have been issued. The kidneyshell is a freshwater mussel that had a historic range throughout south-western Ontario. Its range has been severely reduced. The federal recovery strategy for the kidneyshell failed to identify the kidneyshell’s critical habitat. This means the habitat this species requires to survive is not protected under SARA. However, recovery and survival habitat for the kidneyshell were identified in a separate provincial recovery strategy for the Ausable River. Despite referencing the provincial recovery strategy, the kidneyshell recovery strategy ignores its results! k Kidneyshell Mussel Source: Darby Creek Association / www.darbycreeks.org SAFETY NET – As the national law to protect species, one would think that SARA covers all of Canada. In fact, however, habitat protection is mandatory only for aquatic species and on federal lands (such as post offices, military bases and much of the Territories). This is unfortunate, as species do not recognize political boundaries. However, the Act is equipped with what is called a “safety net” that allows the federal government to order SARA’s protections to apply to other species on other lands. SARA requires the Minister to recommend such an order to protect a species and/or the habitat upon which it depends if he or she is of the opinion that a province is failing to effectively do so. To date however, despite the fact that several provinces don’t even have species at risk legislation, no Minister has ever made such a recommendation, and the government has never passed such an order. SPOTTED OWL The spotted owl is a perfect example of an instance in which the safety net should have been applied. In 2004, conservation organizations submitted a legal petition asking the Minister of Environment to employ the safety net to prevent the northern spotted owl from going extinct in Canada. At the time, there were less than 20 spotted owls documented in the wild. However, the Minister was of the opinion that the species did not face an immediate threat to its survival despite ongoing logging pressures in its habitat; the government failed to intervene and now the spotted owl is being extirpated in the wild. Most recently, only seven northern spotted owls have been counted in the wild. k CONCLUSION – The shortcomings of SARA’s implementation highlighted in this report are directly impacting species at risk in Canada. Discouragingly, after six years of SARA implementation, only two species have had critical habitat protected outside of existing protected areas, and these only in response to a court case! In the absence of habitat protection for at-risk species, habitat degradation continues and we can expect Canadian species to continue to decline. As it stands now, the implementation of SARA is failing at its key goals of providing for the survival and recovery of species at risk and the protection of their critical habitat. The five-year review creates an opportunity for government to change its ways and to start effectively harnessing the Act’s potential to protect species and their habitats. Government must take strong actions to ensure that our imperilled species are given a fighting chance at survival and to truly facilitate species recovery. k Northern Spotted Owl Photo Sharon Toochin ENDNOTES 1 Species at Risk Act preamble. 2 See Mooers, A. O., L. R. Prugh, M. Fest-Bianchet and J. A. Hutchings. 2997. Biases in legal listing under Canadian Endangered Species Legislation. Conservation Biology 21(3): 572-575. 3 COSEWIC 2004. COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the Peary caribou Rangifer tarandus pearyi and the barren-ground caribou Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus (Dolphin and Union population) in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa, pp. 46 and 54. 4 Venter, O., N. N. Brodeur, L. Nemiroff, B. Belland, I. J. Dolinsek and J. W. A. Grant. 2006. Threats to endangered species in Canada. Bioscience 56(11): 903 – 910. COVER PHOTOGRAPH of the BANFF SPRINGS SNAIL: Photo Credit: © Mark and Leslie Degner / www.markandlesliedegner.com 5 See Status Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons, March 2008. Mooers, A.O., Prugh, L.R., Festa-Bianchet, M. and Hutchings, J.A. 2007. Biases in legal listing under Canadian Endangered Species Legislation. Conservation Biology. 21(3): 572-575. - - - Harvested fish and mammals much less likely to be listed under SARA than non-harvested ones (5 out of 29 versus 27 out of 29). “Marine species were almost always denied listing” Two possible reasons why species are not listed: o Reluctance by wildlife management boards and DFO to accept additional stewardship responsibilities required by SARA o Deficiencies in the cost-benefit analyses that precede the legal listing decisions “Species are most likely not listed because current benefits of status quo activities e.g. fishing are quantified as a matter of course, whereas the benefits of recovery are not. The single marine fish that was listed, the green sturgeon, has a “disagreeable taste” and is not fished commercially. Of the freshwater fish proposed for listing by COSEWIC, only the white sturgeon has substantial commercial value and the government chose to exclude populations valuable to sports fishers from protection under SARA” “We document here a pattern consistent with bias against marine and northern species in legal listing”. Canada’s Species at Risk Act: Implementation at a snail’s pace. 2009. - If species is at risk under COSEWIC, federal government must decide within 9 months whether to list in SARA. If no decision, then automatically has to bel isted. Government does not meet 9 month timelines as government has created extended listing process. Government takes 17-29 months to determine whether or not to list For some species, listing delay is indefinite Since 2004, only 35% of marine fish assessed by COSEWIC as “at risk” have been added to the list and no marine fish have been listed as endangered or threatened, which would automatically grant them protection against harm. Hutchings, J.A. and Festa-Bianchet, M. 2009. Canadian species at risk (2006-2008) with particular emphasis on fishes. Environ. Rev. 17: 53-65. - - Since proclamation of SARA, fishes have represented the taxonomic group least likely to be included on Canada’s legal list of species at risk Canadian government has yet to list any of the endangered or threatened marine fishes assessed as being at risk since the passage of SARA “The primary reason for not listing threatened and endangered marine fishes would appear to be based on the perception that the short-term socioeconomic costs to cusiness, industry, and consumers of listing exceed the longer-term socioeconomic benefits of listing” Unexpected and unfortunate weakness of SARA: the ability of the federal government to postpone almost indefinitely listing decisions Druce, C.D. 2012. Assessing the viability of the Species At Risk Act in managing commercial exploitation and recovery of threatened and endangered marine fish in Canada. - - A total of five marine fish are currently listed under SARA as threatened or endangered, three of which were automatically listed when SARA was proclaimed in 2003 (Government of Canada, No Date (a)). Since SARA’s proclamation, 11 of the 13 marine fish that COSEWIC has assessed as threatened or endangered have been declined for SARA listing (Table 1) (Government of Canada, No Date (a)). For all of these species declined for listing, potential negative socioeconomic impacts resulting from the automatic application of SARA’s general prohibitions were cited as a primary reason for denying listing (Government of Canada, 2005; 2006a; 2006b; 2010; 2011). These 11 non-listed species remain under the purview of the Fisheries Act (RSC 1985, cF14), the primary legislative tool DFO uses to manage and regulate commercial fishing activity. Both Mooers et al. (2009) and Findlay et al. (2009) have criticized SARA listing trends, suggesting that the federal government is inappropriately prioritizing socio-economic considerations over ecological concerns in denying listing specifically to species of commercial importance.