2015 annual financial report - The Salvation Army of Arkansas


2015 annual financial report - The Salvation Army of Arkansas
From The Advisory Board Chairman
Dear Friends,
The motive for giving back is rooted deep in our soul. It is far more
important than a tax deduction or write-off. It is our personal mission
born and illustrated in Luke 12:48, “From everyone who has been given
much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been
entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” As Chairman of The
Salvation Army Central Arkansas Area Command Advisory Board, my
fellow board members and I strive to serve according to that Bible verse.
As advisory board members, we are responsible to provide sound counsel
that will ensure that our organization accomplishes the most significant
and meaningful impact that is possible on those that we touch within
Central Arkansas. We are bound to not only provide personal support,
but to engage and inspire our contacts within our sphere of influence. We
are called upon to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
It is a promise that we honor and consider in every aspect of the advice
that our advisory board gives to our officers and staff to help reach sound
decisions to advance the mission of The Salvation Army.
On behalf of my dedicated and talented member colleagues of The
Salvation Army Central Arkansas Area Commands Advisory Board with
whom I have the honor to serve, you may have the assurance that we are
committed to helping those who are in need in Saline, White, Pulaski, and
Lonoke Counties. My hope is that this annual report will inspire you to do
the same.
God Bless,
Dan Rankin
Advisory Board Chairman
Salvation Army Central Arkansas
From The Area Commanders
It is a JOY to welcome you to The Salvation Army’s Annual Report for 2015! While most traditional
corporations address annual reports to their shareholders, we do not, because The Salvation Army has
one shareholder…Jesus Christ! God brought The Salvation Army into being, through the inspired work
of William Booth in 1865. The rest of us are merely stewards of that original divine inspiration- a
sacred trust that we did not invent and that we cannot complete on our own. We are here to meet
human needs. We are here to help transform society. And if we are here to lead, we lead best only
when we serve most. The Salvation Army has its share of rules, regulations, and protocols. But it is
also superbly flexible, by the vision and dedication of an Advisory Board and staff members, as well as
hundreds of volunteers who are truly the hands and feet of The Salvation Army today. Because of that
vision and flexibility, we are uniquely positioned to make a defining difference in Central Arkansas.
The Salvation Army’s mission of ministry and social service supports one another. Just like a bird, we
soar only on the strength of both wings. Our mission is always to the whole person; we don’t divide or
categorize an individual. Redemption is spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual. Real
transformation must involve the whole person. That’s fundamental to who we are, and it works.
We continue to rely on the generosity of donors (individuals, churches, and corporations) for our daily
operations. In the end, it is our people who make the difference. Not just our staff members, but also
our stakeholders: people like you. Everyone who shares our vision for transforming communities one
life at a time- a commitment for DOING THE MOST GOOD- is a stakeholder in the work and mission of
The Salvation Army.
God bless you!
Majors Roger & DeeAnn Glick
Area Commanders
Financial Highlights
The Salvation Army
Central Arkansas Area Command
Statement of Cash Transactions
Year End 2015
Income Sources:
$ 594, 637.79
$ 26, 925.83
Public Support
Internal Support
United Way
TSA Thrift
$ 2,392,635.28
Program and Supporting Services:
Staff Compensation & Professional Fees
Social Service Staff Compensation Other Programs and General Expenses
Payments to Supervising Headquarters TSA Thrift
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue over Expenses
Your continuing interest and
support may be expressed by
remembering The Salvation Army
in your will or through a wide
variety of other giving
opportunities. For further
information and advice, contact
David Hall, Divisional Planned
Giving Director, (479) 866-5791 or
your attorney. Every day, in many
ways, men and women engage in
uncommon acts of generosity. Once
the decision to make a gift is made,
however, careful planning will
ensure the most cost-effective
result. Through conversation and
consultation with your advisers and
a Salvation Army representative,
you can develop a strategy of
charitable giving that works both
to your advantage and for those
helped by The Salvation Army. The
Salvation Army offers document
drafting assistance and trustee
services providing professional
investment management and
Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2015
Services to Individuals
Comprehensive Assistance
15, 951 Total persons served
78, 586
Meals provided
2, 857 Grocery orders provided
18, 932
Lodgings provided (S.A.)
2, 978
Clothing items distributed
Christmas Assistance
13, 836
Gifts distributed
1, 153
Families served through Angel Tree
3, 584
Individuals served
Persons provided camp
Social Adjustment &
8, 658 30, 306 Total volunteers
Volunteer hours
Hours of Visitation
Community Care VA visits
Worship and Witness
Spirit of Service
When The Salvation Army hits the streets in our
community during an emergency situation—whether it
is a man-made disaster, a local fire, or the emergency of a
natural disaster—there is always an auxiliary contingent
of volunteers from the community to help. Often called
“the army behind the Army,” these donors are more than
just curbside observers.
Buttons reading “Doing The Most Good” are
regularly pinned to business suits, kitchen aprons,
overalls, and designer sportswear. The people that those
uniforms represent come from literally all walks of life
to offer advice, Christmas pies, strong backs, and large
It might be a hand-crocheted afghan donated by an
elderly woman, given eventually to a needy
contemporary. It might be thousands of dollars in
corporate grants to fund an important mission in Central
Arkansas. It might be the unusual sight of a weekend
biker with a 6-foot-tall stuffed animal that’s perched on a
Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
Ken Sutterfield is ringing bells for The Salvation Army and “DOING
Whatever form it takes, volunteer service is not
something to be taken for granted. The Salvation Army in
Central Arkansas regularly recognizes its partners in
service notes of appreciation, and sincere friendship.
But these volunteers know that the debt of gratitude is
They know that by devoting their lives to service,
The Salvation Army soldiers stand in the gap between the
haves and have-nots. They provide an invaluable service
as intercessors. They are the vessels of genuine
compassion and concern on the part of society’s givers to
those who so desperately need that attention.
Volunteers are the heart and soul of The Salvation Army.
Whether helping stock our pantries, staffing a Christmas
Kettle, helping serve a meal in our shelter, or helping us
distribute toys through our Angel Tree Program, our
Salvation Army volunteers are the lifeblood of our
organization. Volunteer participation helps to keep our
costs down and allow approximately 82% of each dollar
to go directly to our programs. Last year, The
Salvation Army was blessed with more than 30,000
volunteer hours.
Left to Right: William Tollett, Director of
Development, Michelle Scroggins, Director of Community Relations,
and Justin Simmons, Volunteer Coordinator, serving beverages out of
the Canteen on the World Homeless Day in October.
You can volunteer in many ways:
• Help to cook and serve a Hot Meal in our
homeless shelter
• Collect food for our Food Pantry
• Organize a group for a cleanup day at one of
our Salvation Army facilities
• “Adopt-A-Room” at our Center of Hope
• “Adopt-A-Family” or “Adopt-An-Angel” at
• Ring the Bell at a Kettle during our Red
Kettle Campaign
Local Activity
Serving Central Arkansas
The core of The Salvation Army faith is firmly rooted in the
phrase, “Heart to God and Hand to Man.”
As a church, the Corps (Church) is the center point of
Salvation Army ministry. We offer the following
services-- Sunday School, Sunday Worship, children’s
activities, adult activities. The Corps is where our members
(soldiers) receive spiritual training and outlets for service.
Anyone is welcome to worship with us.
Homeless Services
The Salvation Army serves The Great Thanksgiving Day Banquet
Dinner on Thanksgiving Day.
The Center of Hope is more than a homeless shelter.
Whereas we have 69 beds for those men, women and
families in transition, we also offer spiritual and
developmental classes. Breakfast and Supper is served each
day to both the Center of Hope residents and the general
public. We average around 120 meals each sitting.
Disaster Services
In August, The Salvation Army partnered with Pulaski County
Habitat for Humanity during their “Rock The Block” event to pass
out water to all the volunteers working that day.
We hope and pray you will never need us, but if a fire,
accident, flood, tornado or disaster strikes, The Salvation
Army Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) Team is here for
you. Professional staff and trained volunteers respond 24
hours a day, 365 days a year. EDS teams are on the scene
within 60 minutes of the request for services. We are a
VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster) member
and respond as requested by the State, VOAD, and at the
behest of local government and first responders (fire,
EDS volunteers participate in ongoing training and serve in
a variety of ways. Many individuals serve on-call or
pre-scheduled shifts. Some respond directly to the
emergency scene. Other volunteers fill support roles in
communications, maintenance and training. Volunteers
play a crucial role in the EDS Department.
The Sutterfield Family rang bells for The Salvation Army during
the Christmas Season through Second Baptist Church.
The Sherwood Elementary Students
performing Christmas Carols at the Red
Kettle/Angel Tree Kickoff.
Arkansas Traveler’s Mascot, ACE and Justin ringing bells at
McCain Mall.
Angel Tree
Through the Angel Tree, The Salvation Army provided
approximately 3,584 needy children with gifts for
Christmas. This is a predominately volunteer-driven ministry.
Red Kettle Campaign
The Salvation Army Central Arkansas Area Command
Christmas Red Kettle Campaign is comprised of the funds
raised through the iconic red kettles placed throughout the
communities from Saline, White, Pulaski and Lonoke Counties.
The Red Kettle Campaign funds an average of 17% of Central
Arkansas Area Command’s budget. The Red Kettle
Campaign funds Christmas assistance and human service
support throughout the year.
Volunteers and Kettle sites are desperately needed. For more
information in either volunteering at a Kettle or providing a
site, contact Justin Simmons, Volunteer Coordinator,
The Salvation Army Celebrates 150th Anniversary
North Little Rock Mayor Joe Smith
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson
Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola
The Salvation Army celebrated its 150th anniversary by hosting a
Reception on Tuesday, April 28. Major Roger Glick shared about the many
ways in which The Salvation Army serves the community—including
Center of Hope shelter, utility and heating assistance, summer camp for
children, a food pantry, clothing assistance and more.
So often people will say to me, ‘I didn’t realize The Salvation Army did that,”
said Major Roger Glick, Central Arkansas Area Commander. “So many
people trust us with their donations, but don’t realize the range of services
to the community that we provide.”
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson with
Captain Kettle
The Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office posed
with Captain Kettle.
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson spoke about all the great work that The
Salvation Army is doing in Central Arkansas. He also stated, “The
government is unable to reach every single person or family, but
organizations such as The Salvation Army make it possible for people in
need to get help.” The Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola read the
Proclamation issued by the Cities of Little Rock and North Little Rock for
The Salvation Army. North Little Rock Mayor Joe Smith shared about how
the presence of The Salvation Army has helped the North Little Rock
community, especially in the Baring Cross area.
The Reception was an opportunity for us to tell our story, and to give a
glimpse into the lives of others who have been enriched because
The Salvation Army is there for them. We plan to continue to honor this
milestone by doing what we do every day... Serving our community: DOING
Summit Church Gathers and Packs
Meals for The Salvation Army
The Summit Church of North Little Rock
Pictured left: Ace, Arkansas Travelers Mascot, is a Shield to The Salvation Army.
Pictured Right: Captain Kettle and Major Roger Glick throwing out the first
partnered with the Pack Shack on Sunday, July 26,
pitch before the ballgame on “Salvation Army Day” at Dickey-Stephens Ballpark.
to pack 20,000 meals for neighbors in need.
Summit Church gave all the meals prepared to The
Salvation Army Central Arkansas to feed those
living with hunger. More than 75 volunteers signed Each year, The Arkansas Travelers baseball team
up to take each shift.
blesses The Salvation Army with the opportunity to
give back to the hundreds of volunteers who make
In 2015, The Salvation Army Central Arkansas filled our programs possible. During this annual event at
2,857 grocery orders to individuals and families
Dickey-Stephens Park, we celebrate the service of
in our service area, which include Pulaski, White,
our food pantry volunteers, shelter meal servers,
Lonoke, and Saline Counties.
emergency and disaster services teams, volunteer
bell ringers and Angel Tree elves. They come from
“We are very thrilled to have partnered with The
all walks of life, using their talents to strengthen the
Summit Church and Pack Shack to participate in
programs that serve our community.
this food drive. Each of these entities is helping The
Salvation Army feed the hungry in Central
Join us Tuesday, May 10, 2016 for
Arkansas. We will feed 78,586 meals this year. We
are thankful for everyone at The Summit Church
Salvation Army Night at
who has participated to help make this event a
Dickey-Stephens Park.
great success,” said Major Roger Glick, Area
Commander, The Salvation Army Central Arkansas
Area Command.
Honoring Volunteers
2015- 2016 New Development
The 2015 Salvation Army Christmas Kickoff Event
featured the First Ladies of the Media—Mallory
Brooks of KARK 4, Alyson Courtney of KATV 7,
Dawn Scott of THV 11 and Donna Terrell of FOX
16—as well as a performance by the Sherwood
Elementary Youth Choir. North Little Rock Police
Officer, Tommy Norman, read a Christmas Story to
children gathered around the Angel Tree and The
First Ladies of the Media rang bells at the kettles
and shared a few words about what they are
thankful for in 2015. Major Roger Glick announced the Red Kettle Fundraising Goal for 2015
was $400,000.
Through the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree
program, gifts are provided to children in need
who would otherwise be left out on Christmas.
Now in its 125th year, the Red Kettle campaign is
one of the longest-running and most recognizable
fund-raising efforts in the world.
Our Supporters Thank You
Anne Davis
Arthur Murphey
Awana L. Dye
Bill M. Polasky
C. A. Kelso
Clinton McDonald
Dan Cowling
Dan and Lana Rahn
Faithann Glidden
Gannett Foundation- KTHV
Garver Engineers
Gregory S. Bienvenu
Henry H. Page
James and Mrs. Pappas
James S. Guffey
Jeffrey A. Murinchack
Jim Maloch
Kathy Rowlett
Louise Miller and Sara Fruechting
Matthew Collins
Michael L. Glidden
Nancy S. Crawford
Philip and Christi Bruich
Richard and Janie Calhoun
Robin J. Perry
Second Baptist Church
Taggart Architects
William Creasman
Carol and Frederick Meadors
Delta Dental Of Arkansas
Hermann and Carolyn Ivester
Hubert Burkhalter
John Braune
Peggy Messer
Raymia Knestrict
Robert Jones
Terrence A. Oddson
William and Teresa Creasman
Arkansas Community Health &
Education Foundation
Bell & Company, PA
Beverly Trager
Calvary Baptist Church
Dick F. Toll
Fred W. Edick
Ken Hamilton
The Bank Of America Charitable
Union Pacific Foundation
$10,000 +
Harry Baker
Mary L. Good
Ottenheimer Brothers Foundation
Taylor Farms, LLC
William B. Pierce
Women’s Auxiliary Officers
Sandra McFadden
Ann McCollum
1st Vice-President
Mary Codding
2nd Vice-President
Arlene Kirk
3rd Vice- President
Jackie Lucas
4th Vice-President
Pam Mills
Corresponding Secretary
Deanna Lovelady
Sue Senn
Women With A Purpose
Women’s Auxiliary
Across the nation, The Salvation Army’s Auxiliary Members are
community leaders who give of their time, talent, and treasure to help in
“Doing The Most Good.” The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary is the local
expression of a world-wide movement that seeks spiritual redemption and
social rehabilitation of those it serves. We function as a fundraising and
volunteer service group, and have many projects and programs that can
satisfy an eagerness to volunteer.
The purpose of the Auxiliary is to raise public awareness of The Salvation
Army, to facilitate services to the needy, and to strengthen the financial base
of the local Salvation Army. Membership is by invitation.
Auxiliaries across the country have unprecedented notoriety and have
achieved great things in support of The Salvation Army. We are excited to
lead the way in Central Arkansas!
If you are interested in learning more about The Salvation Army Women’s
Auxiliary, please email [email protected].
Advisory Partners
Advisory Board
Dan RankinTony CurtisHermann IvesterJudi Godsey
First Security Bank
Baldwin and Shell
Retired, Attorney
Centennial Bank
Mitchell Law Firm
Ginger Beebe
Cary Hunt
Judge Judith Rogers
Community VolunteerRetiredRetired, Judge
Board Member
Life Member
Emeritus Member
Larry BennettShannon KeyRalph Shoptaw
COO, Full Counsel
Retired, Early
Arkansas Fair Grounds
Metro Church
Childhood Educator
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Phyliss Billingsley
Greg Kirksey
Don Steely
RetiredPastor, Church atRetired
Emeritus Member
Rock Creek
Board Member
Susan Bobbitt
Rachel Kremer
Brian Vandiver
Retired, Costume Shop
Retired, CPA
Manager Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
John BrauneJim MalochSteve Ware
Retired, Fundraising Retired, Terminix
Board MemberInsurance
Board Member
Board Member
Preston Clegg
Sandra McFadden
Dale Wilcox
Second Baptist Church
Retired, Educator
Arkansas Graphics
Little Rock
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Will Fuller
Owner, Right At Home
Board Member
Margaret Powell
City of North Little Rock
Board Member
Bill Gray
Taggart Architects
Board Member
Lana Rahn
Community Volunteer
Board Member
Mark Holsapple
Bancorp South
Board Member
Roy D. Rainey Sr.
Retired, Relator
Life Member
Adam Young
Board Member
Are you looking for a way to share your professional expertise
and serve your community? Consider becoming a member of
The Salvation Army Advisory Board. Work alongside fellow
civic leaders on issues regarding Program Development,
Fundraising, Public Relations, Finance and so much more. Join
The Salvation Army Advisory Board and make a difference in
our neighborhood.