HUVITZ APPLANATION TONOMETER HT-5000 HUVITZ APPLANATION TONOMETER HT-5000 SPECIFICATIONS ҭཱིൔጬ ཆ ႞ఢ ಣඐ ผིႏ ኂ௭බቫ ᇚ IRUFH ҭཱུ ญ ཱུဋ ઉཱ༊႔ ၖཆጫ ಮᄜቮ ಮཨጝള႔ ༃ᇡ 0LFURVFRSHဋ ඎၘኪ ᇚาၯ aPP+J ᇚ GLYHUJHQFH 2IWKHIRUFH,PSLQJHPHQWRQWKH PHDVXULQJSULVPRYHUDPHDVXULQJ UDQJHIURPP1 ዿჾ GLYHUJHQFH P1 V RIUDWHGYDOXH ҭຐൻ ข༌ጫ ნჅ႔ ઉጫ ጛආᄘ ኻ ნჅ NQRE ҭᆸჃ፥ಆ ဖໜ ࿗ආᄘဋ ႏጫ ຐൽ ,23ᇚ ҭઋዩጫ $$$พቫආ໙ၕႀൈ ၆Ⴤၢૠତ ጤ၎ ҭତཨഩၘ ಮႢ႖ૢ ཱ႖༊႔ ყႂ ಮཨጝള႔ ઊ 5HYHUVHVSDQ JHQHUDWHGE\OHYHUDJHZHLJKW P1 Ⴤၢ '&9 ઼ NJ༌ආ ၆ ନ ጊႏ ಮႢ႖ૢ ༌ ໙ጱႂ ନ ጼႃ ၯጲ ໙Ⴤ ဣင႔ ใಇ ཆ ႞యహ ନ ዳཱ ଣ౽ ᎖ᇙ ຈಷ 7HO )D[ KWWS ZZZKXYLW]FRP 'LVWULEXWHGE\ HUVITZ APPLANATION TONOMETER HT-5000 HUVITZ APPLANATION TONOMETER HT-5000 SPECIFICATIONS ҭThe world standard Goldmann applanation tonometer Measuring force generated by leverage weight ҭThe digital display makes it easy to read even in a dark room. Installation Mountable on peg on microscope. ҭThe wide grip comfortable knob for easier adjustment of measuring prism Measuring range 3~75mm Hg Measurement divergence Of the force Impingement on the measuring prism over a measuring range from 0-58.84 mN ҭOptimized algorithm realizes the fast process of IOP calculation. ҭInstantaneous wake-up time from sleep mode! ҭThe power supply by the most commonly used AAA batteries guarantees easy installation and maintenance. ҭThe slanted display matches to the angle of a userő s view for more comfortable observation. Huvitz Building 689-3, Geumjeong-dong Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, 435-862, Korea Tel : +82-31-442-8868 Fax : +82-31-477-8617 http : // Standard divergence 0.49 mN =/< 3 s =/< 1.5 % of rated value Reverse span =/< 0.49 mN Power Consumption DC3V Net weight 0.50kg (without accessories, with batteries) Designs and details can be changed without prior notice for the purposes of improvement. Distributed by