Rededication Held for RAG Communication Room
Rededication Held for RAG Communication Room
RededicationHeld for RAG CommunicationRoom By RAG CHAIRMAN TOM TCIMPIDIS, K6TGT and S/C BILL WATKINS.NI6U t l: 45 p. m . on Saturday,October 18, 20013, a beautifulfall afternoon CommodoreBill Moore and RadioAmateur Group (RAG) Chairman, Tom Tcimpidiscr.rtthe ribbonto symbolizethe rededication of the CYC C o mm unic ut ion Cente r. Attendingthe ceremony were Bridge menrbers CommodoreBill Moore V/C John Isaksen,R/ C Tom O'Conor,and P/C D a vi d Collins ,whos ef l a g overseesRAG. Also in attendancewere 2009 P/C Uta Leslie,CYC Manager MicheleUnderwood, CYC mernbers.Coast Guard and CoarstGuard Auxiliary members.and representatives of the Los AngelesCounty Sheriff's DisasterCommunications Group. The ceremonybe-ean wi th the ples ent at ion of the colorsby representatives of our own CoastGuard Ar-rxiliaryFlotilla 12-42 Color Guarcl,basedhere at CYC. Comrnodore Moore then led us irr the PIedgeof Alle-eiance. Following the postingof the colors,S/C Bill Watkinsgave a brief historyof RAG and the CommunicationCenter,which was originallydedicatedin 1984. Bill reco-enized Erma Darling (KB6AYN), who was presentat the first dedication ceremony.Also recognizedwas S/C Ro_eer Wilson (N6AKE) who, alon_e with f'ellowCYC members.assistedwith radio communications durins the 1984 2SIBREEZE DECEMBER 2OO8 equipmentand expanded capabilitiesof the CYC station(K6CYC). New equipmentincludesnew transceivers(radios)with supportinghardwareand softwareas well as antennas for use with all new and existing radios and the Winlink system(the free email serviceusedby around-the-worldcruisers and for emergency communi ca t ions)Tom . mentionedthat the station upgradesnow offer redundancyfor all services, so equipmentfailureswill no longercauseany services to be off-line. This new arrangementalso allows for Winlink, voice and/or Morse codecommunications to Carol Watkins photos takepl aceat t he sam et im e. allowin_efor expanded servicesto CYC members and the community. Tom also explainedthat a backup power systemis now in placewhich allows for uninterruptedpower for two to threedays with batteries in caseof a power outage. If needed,a generatortakes over to supply power for longerperiodsof time. Ful urepl ansincludeadding solar panelsto rr.rakethe facility a totally selfsupporting"green" station and further expandingand enhancingour station's Olympics.Bill alsonotedthat the capabilities. reconditionedmast supportingthe new The RAG and K6CYC was recently Force l2 C4E beamantennawas designated as both an Official originally donatedby Patty Hathaway. Radio Facility and a HF Operational Tom Tcimpidis,2008RAG CommunicationsStation by Contin,gency Chairrnan,Winlink SystemsOperator the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. We are (SYSOP),and the guidingforcebehind with also active ARES (the Amateur the new CommunicationCenternext Radio Emergency Service)and other an overview of the updated -qave and Tom Tcimpidisacceptecl this certificateon beherlfof CYC and the R A G. After the ribbon-cuttin-rl cererronyand a champ:ignetoast. werc invited membersanclgr-rests into the CommunicationCenterfor a dernonstration ol'Winlink by Tom Tcimpidisand a clemonstration of voice and Morsc codeby Charlie Pascal.All were ableto watchas C harl i ecommuni catewit d h ot her hamsfiom Hawaii to the East Coast,Canada,and the Calibbean. A special-event call si-en(K6C) was assi grred to the C ornnr t ur ieir t ion Center(K6CYC station)firr tl-reday. thc This eventwas to commer-nolate 69th anniversalyof the United StatesCoastGuardAuxiliary. Operatingas K6C, membersof CYC spokewitl.rover l8l stations in 28 statesancl7 countriesfrom 9 5 p.m. (thehour sallowed for this specialevcnt). The comr-nunication s were macleusin-9 the new transceiver dedicatedfbr' membersuse iind the new Force l2 beamantcnnel. C4E nine-element Specialthanksto CYC ManagerMichele Undelwood, CalifbrniaYachtClub management, and Los AngelesAthletic Club manzl-sement fbr supportingthe rebui l tl i ngof tl rcC omm r r r r icir t ion Center.Becauseof their sLrpport, CalifbrniaYachtClub. K6CYC. will be ableto supportthe worlcl-wide ham cruisingcommunity,the Clr-rb's radio operators,and our own communityin the eventof a \y otsaster. Emergency CommunicationsGroups. RAG Vice ChairmanCharles Pascal, WB6CIY, talkedaboutthe stationand how memberswho are licensedhamscan usethe facilities. Charliealso rnentionedthat RAG is offering(Technicianand General license)classesfor memberswho wish to obtaina ham radio licenseor upgradetheir cunent license.Classes wereheld on Saturday,November22 (Technician) and Sunday,Novernber23 (General).PleasescontactCharliefbr more information and/or to sign up fbr futureclasses (radiopascal More informationcan alsobe found on the RAG's Web site underActivitieson the CYC Web site. Irving Pacheco,representing CalifbrniaAssemblymanTed L i c u . th e np rcsented l hc CommuniciitionCenterof the CYC RadioAmateurGroup a 'Certificateo1'Recognition'in honorof the rededication ceremony. CommodoreMoore DECEMBER2OO8BREEZEI2g