Hidden in The Hills Studio Tour and Sale 2014
Hidden in The Hills Studio Tour and Sale 2014
18th Annual Artist Studio Tour and Sale • Nov. 21–23 & Nov. 28–30 • 10:00am–5:00pm red shield 17 E. Lone Mountain Rd N. E. Rockaway Hills Rd 51st St 50th St E. Cahava Ranch Rd Design your very own custom tour map! Visit our website: HiddenInTheHills.org Highland Rd 4 See 47 studios and 180 working artists in Cave Creek, Carefree, and North Scottsdale, AZ Free Admission! SONORAN ARTS LEAGUE OFFICE & GALLERY 43 42 41 Rd 5 47 6 45 40 Tr ista rde V Winding Wash Tr 2 E Ve 39 36 38 7 37 35 50th St 8 Stagecoach Pass El Sendero Dr 11 34 12 15 Dove Valley Rd 64th St 32 33 31 Windstone Trail 17 30 E. Roy Rogers Rd 17 29 MAP IS NOT TO SCALE Note: GPS, Google Maps, etc. may not accurately reflect the area. Please utilize this map and/or call a studio if you need directions or assistance. 20 21 70th Pl 19 Miller/76th St E. Dale Ln 64th St Hidden in the Hills Information Station: Sonoran Arts League Office 480-575-6624 6051 E. Hidden Valley Dr., Suite 2 Cave Creek, AZ 85331 Get maps, directories & info. E. Quail Track Dr 27 28 76th St 17 18 Legend Trail Pkwy Lonesome Trail 53rd St 16 Westland Rd E Old West Way 63rd St 13 14 87th St 48th St 9 1 3 New Location 10 46 44 64th St 17 44th St shield Hidden in The Hills Studio Tour and Sale 2014 26 Redbird 25 Happy Valley Rd Indicates Road Break For mapping purposes only 24 22 23 Hidden in The Hills Studio Tour and Sale 2014 18th Annual Artist Studio Tour and Sale • Nov. 21–23 & Nov. 28–30 • 10:00am–5:00pm HOST STUDIOS AND EXHIBITING GUEST ARTISTS red shield 1 YouthArt Exhibit at Desert Foothills Library 2 shield 38443 N. Schoolhouse Rd. 480-488-2286 Student Art Exhibition Art at Black Mountain 6523 E. Military Rd. 480-540-9530 Host: Joan Maureen Collins, acrylic, constructed jewelry Daphne L. Azzi, ceramic 10 Twisted Fire Studio 4774 E. Quailbrush Rd. 480-745-0451 J Host: Randy Galloway, oil, watercolor, colored pencil J Susan Q. Byrd, photography J Beth Hyatt, oil, acrylic, colored pencil 11 3 Spur Cross Studios 38842 N. Spur Cross Rd. 480-285-4718 Host: Stu Braks, acrylic, mixed media Loretta Musgrave, oil Elaine Waters, oil, acrylic 4 Darbyshire Pottery 5540 E. Ocotillo Rd. 480-488-9286 J Host: Judy Darbyshire, ceramic, acrylic J Zoe Lani Sayer, fine & constructed jewelry, mixed media 5 Cave Creek Bead Mission 6061 E. Cave Creek Rd., Ste. 2B 623-210-7390 Host: Jonni DeAnda, glass beads, fiber, leather Kim Fox, fine & constructed jewelry, Kathryn Guler, glass beads, constructed jewelry, metal 6 The Sculpture Studio 6051 Hidden Valley Dr., Ste. 4 480-310-4822 J Host: Mark Carroll, stone, wood, metal 7 Sylvia Fugmann Brongo 37416 N. Arbuscula Dr. 480-488-4749 J Host: Sylvia Fugmann Brongo ceramic, acrylic, constructed jewelry, J John Armstrong, wood mixed media, metal, wood Marjorie Risk, metal, mixed media, mosaic 12 Laughing Glass Studio 4944 E. Sawmill Cir. 480-488-6070 J Host: Carole Perry, glass, mixed media, acrylic J Claudia Robinson, metal, mixed media 13 Jane Boggs Studio-Gallery 33488 N. 55th St. 480-488-8833 J Host: Jane Boggs, gourd, mixed media, acrylic J Cynthia Downs-Apodaca, fine & constructed jewelry, metal Mark Hines, glass J Sue Hunter, pastel, oil J Bill Leibow, photography J Ellen Leibow, oil 14 Beth Zink Studio J J J J J 15 Karel Armstrong, watercolor, colored pencil, wood 8 Robin’s Nest 5920 Surrey Dr. 480-488-3132 J Host: Robin Ray, ceramic, watercolor, mixed media Sarah Foster, fine jewelry, mixed media Robert Hughes, ceramic Michelle Johnson, fiber Paul Jones, oil Kenneth Ryan, wood, leather, metal 9 The Ranch/Mountain Studio 4944 E. El Sendero Dr. 480-620-3849 Host: Judith Durr, oil Host: Roger Kull, leather Sharon Brening, oil Mark White, oil Nicky Rycroft, fine & constructed jewelry Charles Taube, wood, mixed media Carlos Page Studio 34502 N. 53rd St. 973-941-7174 Host: Carlos Page, J 33444 N. 55th St. 480-538-5428 Host: Beth Zink, acrylic Donna Armstrong, fine jewelry Tom Belloni, mixed media J.R. Eason, bronze Karen O’Hanlon, paper Gold Dust Art Studio and Pottery 6315 E. Old West Way 480-575-7909 H ost: Mike & Pat Markham, ceramic, mixed media, mosaic Walter & Ruth Pinkus, photography J M arjorie Rogers, printmaking, oil Ronnie Wainwright, oil Kathy Walker, acrylic 16 Valerie Hildebrand Studio 32033 N. 52nd Way 602-421-9138 J H ost: Valerie Hildebrand, batik, constructed jewelry, glass Frank Gennaro, photography Sal La Rocca, photography Liliana Schuett, constructed jewelry, printmaking, acrylic 17 Feather Heart Studio 4948 E. Rancho Tierra Dr. 480-488-2135 Host: Marlene Sabatina, fine jewelry J Ari Plosker, photography Lea Plosker, glass J Judith Visker, acrylic, mixed media, oil 18 Desert Jewel Studio 26839 N. 44th St. 480-585-7655 Host: Patricia Shepherd, fine jewelry, glass, mixed media J Jennifer Hanscom, fine & constructed jewelry, mixed media, glass 19 Jeanne Bonine Studio J J 20 J J 6240 E. Quail Track Dr. 480-585-1985 Host: Jeanne Bonine, watercolor, oil Jess Davila, stone Paula Yates, bronze Skidd North 26832 N. 70th Pl. 480-586-0478 Host: Peter Skidd, metal Sandra Ciaramitaro, watercolor, oil, bronze Paul Farmer, fine & constructed jewelry 21 Pamela Mangelsdorf Studio 26650 N. 70th Pl. 480-585-9646 J Host: Pamela Mangelsdorf, watercolor, oil Jan Griggs, acrylic Jacqueline Kahn, glass J Marie McCallum, oil 22 Linda Blumel Studio 25433 N. Ranch Gate Rd. 480-473-8606 J Host: Linda Blumel, fine jewelry Andrea Merican, watercolor, oil J Marg Nelssen, mixed media Sally Watters, fine jewelry, mixed media Paula Weiss, ceramic 23 Pat’s Glass Studio 26420 N. 82nd St. 480-488-8200 Host: Patricia Isaacson, glass Michele Corsini, oil Kathryn Darner, fine & constructed jewelry 24 Jossy Lownes Art 26640 N. 78th St. 480-580-3252 J Host: Jossy Lownes, oil, acrylic J Becky Joy, oil, mixed media Sheri & Ralph Meldrum, metal, mixed media Barbara Rudolph, oil shield Hidden in The Hills Studio Tour and Sale 2014 18th Annual Artist Studio Tour and Sale • Nov. 21–23 & Nov. 28–30 • 10:00am–5:00pm HOST STUDIOS AND EXHIBITING GUEST ARTISTS red shield 25 Hideaway Studio J J J J 26878 N. 77th St. 602-290-3009 Host: Pat Stacy, acrylic, mixed media Host: Reg McCormick, gourd Barbara H. Frost, fine jewelry John Andrew Kurtz, photography, acrylic, graphite pencil Joni Mitchell, stone Jeff True, oil 26 Vise Studio 7874 E. Pinnacle Vista Dr. 480-250-5800 J Host: Roxanne Vise, encaustic, acrylic Maia Leisz, oil J Wahid Nahle, acrylic 27 Harmon Studios 28755 N. 78th St. 480-538-9121 Host: Julia & Jonathan Harmon, fine & constructed jewelry, mixed media J Suzie Black, oil Karen Ledin, glass Diane Sepanski, fine jewelry, beads, metal 33 Two Sisters Studio 31616 N. 70th St. 775-304-6756 Host: Kathi Turner, constructed jewelry, mixed media, metal Mary Boehm, watercolor J Karen A. Budan, oil, pastel J Morrie D. Elmer, wood 34 Quail Run Studio 8679 E. Preserve Way 480-206-4508 Host: Elizabeth Cox, gourd, watercolor Lucy Dickens, oil J Melanie H. Frey, acrylic Patty Russell, constructed jewelry Eileen Schnog, constructed jewelry, glass 35 Carefree Fine Art Studio 8956 E. Stagecoach Pass Rd. 480-699-8032 J Host: Colleen Taylor, oil, pen & ink, watercolor J Host: Tom Taylor, photography Scott Donars, mixed media, ceramic, glass J Marless Fellows, oil J Dyane Janney, glass, constructed jewelry, metal Natalie Keller, oil 28 BH Bowman Studios 28640 N. 76th St. 602-390-0128 J Host: Barbara Bowman, acrylic, mixed media J Lynn Ballinger, fine & constructed jewelry Kevin Caron, metal J Vickie Morrow, mosaic, ceramic, mixed media Julia Patterson, pastel, acrylic Sandy Pendleton, glass 29 Bela Fidel Fine Art Studio 7507 E. Roy Rogers Rd. 480-221-6947 J Host: Bela Fidel, oil, encaustic, mixed media Nicolette Bonnstetter, acrylic, wood J Nancy Christy-Moore, acrylic, mixed media, watercolor Betsy Halford, mixed media, encaustic, constructed jewelry Brenda Mocny, oil Christiane Sutherland, ceramic 30 The Images Studios J J 31 J 32 J 6925 E. Windstone Trl. 602-616-0655 Host: Byur Gullwing, bronze, metal, ceramic Gwenn McCaleb, photography Allena Mistral, fine jewelry, metal Kathleen Nelson, glass Christopher Heede Studio 7007 E. Rancho Del Oro Dr. 480-488-2630 Host: Christopher Heede, ceramic, glass J Gould Designs 31611 N. 69th St. 602-550-5218 Host: Joan Gould, fine & constructed jewelry, metal Bud Foullois, mixed media Nancy Haverkos, mixed media 36 Costello’s Old Mill Studio 8925 E. Cave Creek Rd. 563-340-7685 Host: Patrick Costello, oil, watercolor Lori Myers, oil, glass, metal Kim Walker, acrylic, mixed media 37 Tree Loft Studio 7600 E. Long Rifle Rd. 480-488-0623 J H ost: Dena Johnson, acrylic, mixed media, oil J S usan Canasi, metal, acrylic, mixed media Morrie Farbman, photography J D iana Gilmore, fine & constructed jewelry J Genie Swanstrom, ceramic, jewelry, oil 38 Toni Perrin Studio J J J J J J 39 J 40 J J J 36633 N. Sidewinder Rd. 480-473-3421 Host: Toni Perrin, oil Diana Ferguson, fine & constructed jewelry Kenneth Ferguson, watercolor Troy Moody, glass Gedion Nyanhongo, stone Fiona Purdy, acrylic Les & Jaye Lawrence Studio 37222 N. Holiday Ln. 480-948-3694 Host: Les Lawrence, ceramic, mixed media Host: Jaye Lawrence, mixed media Kathleen Hope, mixed media, cement, collage Paul Kinslow, acrylic Virginia Brooks Studio 7402 Sundance Trl. 480-220-6696 Host: Virginia Brooks, oil Donna Law, fine jewelry Steve Stento, watercolor 41 Red Rope Studio 7220 E. Sundance Trl. 480-595-1605 Host: Nancy A. Michaelson, acrylic, watercolor, graphite pencil J Pat Cain, acrylic, oil Kay Cummins, constructed jewelry J Althea Sassman, mixed media Joel Wolfson, photography 42 Linda Budge Studio J J J 43 J 6948 E. Horizon Dr. 480-595-9985 Host: Linda Budge, oil Kyle Hobratschk, printmaking, watercolor Carolyn Hansen Sato, bronze, mixed media J. Bruce Studio 7162 E. Stevens Rd. 480-437-9995 Host: Judy Paxton Bruce, mixed media, oil, printmaking J Jim Bruce, cement Eddie Sparr, metal, mixed media 44 Coyote Crossing Studio 38611 N. Grapevine Rd. 480-595-1106 J Host: Dick Mueller, colored pencil, graphite pencil J Karen S. Friend, gourd, mixed media J Alan & Penny Lowy, photography, hand-colored J Justine Mantor-Waldie, ink, oil, pastel, collage Hal Stewart, bronze 45 Desert Studio 40218 N. 78th St. 480-297-7043 J Host: David Wheeler, glass J Beth Benowich, fine jewelry Judy Carr, mixed media, glass, constructed jewelry Keith A. Jones, glass J Arlene Meyer, mixed media, ceramic, oil 46 Desert Rat Forge J J 47 J J 40218-2 N. 78th St. 602-509-1543 Host: Paul Diefenderfer, metal Liz Carlier & Josh States, metal Gordon Paul Mischke, metal, wood, glass Balancing Rock Studio 38443 N. Schoolhouse Rd. 480-488-2286 H ost: Betsy Glatz, acrylic, glass Betsy Anderson, photography J oan Milman, acrylic, mixed media, constructed jewelry J J udith Rothenstein-Putzer, mixed media, photography Catherine Sickafoose, watercolor Ravay Snow, acrylic J J uried Member Designation has been awarded to this artist, having met our high standards of artistic excellence.
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