Newsletter - St John Bosco College
Newsletter - St John Bosco College
ST JOHN BOSCO COLLEGE Newsletter Term 3 Week 3 31st July 2015 Volume 39 No 22 Feast of St Ignatius Loyola Today, 31st July we celebrate the feast of St Ignatius Loyola. He was born in 1491, one of 13 children of a family of minor nobility in northern Spain. As a young man Ignatius Loyola was inflamed by the ideals of courtly love and knighthood and dreamed of doing great deeds. But in 1521 Ignatius was gravely wounded in a battle with the French. While recuperating, Ignatius Loyola experienced a conversion. Reading the lives of Jesus and the saints made Ignatius happy and aroused desires to do great things. Ignatius realised that these feelings were clues to God’s direction for him. Over the years, Ignatius became expert in the art of spiritual direction. He collected his insights, prayers and suggestions in his book the Spiritual Exercises, one of the most influential books on the spiritual life ever written. With a small group of friends, Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits. Ignatius conceived the Jesuits as “contemplatives in action”. This also describes the many Christians who have been touched by Ignatian spirituality. From the Principal Years 8 and 10 Subject Selections: It is a busy time for students in Year 10 and Year 8 at the moment as they prepare to make their subject choices for next year. Parent Information Evenings have been organised for both groups to explain the process for making subject selections. This week, Year 10 students have been involved in subject selection interviews while Year 8 has an Information Evening on Tuesday 18th August. Our learning at Bosco, over many years, has been that students should choose subjects that they are interested in and are good at. In doing so, we believe they achieve better overall outcomes. Any issues associated with subject selection should be directed to the Heads of Faculties or Ms Harding, the Learning and Curriculum Coordinator. Year 9 Camp: The “Tradition” continues and from all reports all students were in good spirits and had thoroughly enjoyed their Southern Highlands and ski-field adventure. Fr Pete and I were fortunate to spend some time with them at the farm, near Picton, last Wednesday evening. I would have to say that they were really enjoying their time and have entered the entire trip with good spirits. It has been a most worthwhile and interesting educative experience for them. No doubt they were very tired when they arrived home yesterday. I‘d like to thank Mrs Westwood and staff for all the work and energy they have put into this event. Year 12 Trials: The HSC Trials began this week and staff members have indicated that our Year 12 students have started confidently. The exam period continues through next week. It is great to see students working together in small groups sharing their learning with each other and I have been amazed at the level of focus and energy our Year 12 students are displaying at present. We wish them the very best as they continue on through this week and next. Parent Advisory Committee: I would like to remind the members of our Advisory Committee that our third meeting is being held on Tuesday 11 th August. All members should have received an email from the College concerning this. The meeting is for all Committee members. It will be held in the College Library at 7pm. I look forward to the discussions and parent feedback to a variety of issues that are on the agenda. A summary of the discussion and any relevant recommendations will be posted in our next newsletter. Rest in Peace: We pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs Enid Winn, mother of our College secretaries – Anne Barnes, Carolyne McGrath and Cathie Rakebrandt and Grandmother to current (Jess McGrath Year 12) and many ex students of the College. Enid passed away last night after a long battle with illness. All members of the College community pray for her and her family. May she rest in the peace of Christ. Mr Damien Carlton Principal BANKSIA AVENUE PO BOX 353 ENGADINE 2233 Ph: (02) 9548 4000 - Fax: (02) 9548 4099 - - Email: [email protected] Ed uca tiona l Ex celle nce in a Ca ring Environme nt Page 2 Calendar Mon 3rd Aug - Fri 7th Aug HSC Trials continue From the Assistant Principal … Mr Michael Donnelly We have certainly hit the ground running with the start of Term 3. There is a lot happening at the moment, especially for our older students. Monday 10th Aug Year 11 Retreat HSC Trials conclude Year 10 have been heavily involved in their senior subject selection process. A reminder to parents and students that the on-line subject selections need to be completed by Friday 7th August. Tuesday 11th August Year 11 Retreat Year 12 began their trial exams last week. The EXPO evening is set down for Friday the 21st August. This is an opportunity for the senior students who have completed major works to showcase their talent. All of the College community are invited to come and see the students’ work. Tuesday 18th August Year 8 Elective Info Evening 7pm NSWCCC Netball Penrith Friday 21st August Expo Night 4.00 - 9.00pm th Thursday 27 August Prue Salter (Year 12) Thursday 3rd September Fathers Day Mass & Breakfast Performing Arts Night 7.00pm - 8.30pm Year 9 had some great snow and weather for their trip this week. Thank you to Mrs Westwood and all the staff who gave of their time to accompany the students. Year 11 retreat is on 10th and 11th of August at Deer Park. All permissions and medical information need to be returned to Mr Tickle. Two dates that are important for the whole College are approaching. There is the Performing Arts evening on Thursday 3rd September at the Sutherland Entertainment Centre. For those new to the College this is a wonderful evening showcasing the musical, dance and theatrical talents of the students. Tickets will be available again online this year and more information will be made available through the newsletter. On the following day, 4th September there will be a staff development day and this is a pupil free day. Parents will need to make alternate arrangements for the supervision of their children on this day. Friday 4th September Staff Development Day Monday 7th September Vaccinations Wednesday 9th September Year 11 Final Exams begin Friday 11th September NSWCCC Athletics Mon 14th Sep - Fri 18th Sep Year 11 Final Exams Tues 15th September Year 12 Picnic Day Wed 16th September Year 12 Graduation Assembly Year 12 Graduation Mass Friday 18th September Term 3 concludes 12.30pm dismissal Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope E d ucation al E xcellen ce in a Caring E n vir onment Page 3 Curriculum News – Mrs Christine Harding Year 8 Elective Subject Selection for 2016 Tuesday 18th August Week 4 Friday 7th August Completed Subject Selection Forms submitted online. Assessment dates for Week 4, 3rd - 7th August 2015 The following assessment dates are due in the upcoming week: Year 7 Nil Year 8 Religious Education Year 9 Mathematics, Timber Year 10 Graphics, English, Music Year 11 Mathematics, SLR Year 12 HSC Trial Examinations Year 12 HSC Trial Examinations Monday 27th July – Friday 7th August YEAR 12 PARENTS AND STUDENTS – HSC LECTURES AT SUTHERLAND LIBRARY HSC Lectures are available at Sutherland Library in August and September. Lectures are $5.00 each. Tickets are on sale at any Shire Library. Bookings essential. Book online or call 9710 0351. English Area of Study - Discovery - Wednesday 26th August 6-8pm Larry Grumley, head English teacher, study guide author and senior HSC marker will share his expertise on answering English Paper 1 – Area of Study. Studies of Religion II - Tuesday 1st September 6-8pm. Larissa Grinsell , first in the state in Studies of Religion II, discusses Religion in Australia post-1945 and her exam tips. Biology - Wednesday 2nd September 6-8 pm Vicki Maggs, head teacher and senior HSC marker, presents a talk on the core topics and exam tips. Privacy Statement We would like to remind parents that from time to time we provide information to the Government . Please make sure that you refer to the Privacy Statement on our Website. Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope E d ucation al E xcellen ce in a Caring E n vir onment Page 4 Year 9 Camp Monday 27th July – Thursday 30th July. Early Monday morning Year 9 left Bosco full of excitement as we waved goodbye to the parents. A full week of awesome activities planned. First stop was Questacon, where the students had fun with the science and technology interactive exhibitions. A highlight for many was having a go on the free fall slide. We stayed overnight in Jindabyne and we had a great night of trivia. Students had to work in teams to answer questions on Bosco history, sport, logos, celebrity faces and name that song. It was a very competitive and fun evening. Tuesday was another early morning start as we set off for the ski fields. We were very lucky to see snow falling on our arrival at Thredbo. All students attended a ski or snowboard lesson, and it was fantastic to see students taking on a new challenge. After lunch many hot chocolates were drunk, snowballs were thrown and snowmen were built. Tired and exhausted after a long day at the snow, we relaxed with some card games, movies and table tennis. Keeping with tradition Mrs Babic lead us with a Salesian goodnight prayer. Students were able to have some quiet time and be thankful for this opportunity. On Wednesday our next stop was at The Australian War Memorial. As a group we had time to reflect on the sacrifice that many men and women have made for our freedom today. All students received a poppy and placed it on the Roll of Honour wall. Continuing our travels we arrived next at Mowbray Farm feeling a little weary. Fr Pete and Mr Carlton came to visit and lead us in Mass. This was a special occasion for the students as they could think about friendships, experiences and being thankful for all that they have done so far while on camp. The mass was spent with farm animals; even “Gary the Goat “sat by the Altar. After mass, all students participated in a barn dance and it was great to see the positive interaction between students, and their smiling faces. On our last morning we were blessed with glorious weather and the students had the opportunity to experience farm life. Activities included visiting and feeding the nursery farm animals, whip cracking, boomerang throwing, tractor rides, archery, billy tea and damper making. This camp has been a time for friendships to be strengthened and new friendships to start. It was great to see smiles on faces and the positive interaction between the year group. Students need to be congratulated on their outstanding behaviour. Comments made by staff from the accommodation “that this has been the best group of students we have had in a long while.” Well done Year 9! A huge thanks goes to the staff who attended camp. They have had to leave a week worth of lessons for their classes back at school and also leaving their own families for the week. Thank you Mrs Babic, Miss Mirabito, Mrs Watson, Mrs Staniforth, Mrs Ledgerwood, Mrs Trimboli, Mr Tickle, Mr Kennedy, Mr Butcher and Mr Porter. Mrs Westwood Year 9 Coordinator. Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope E d ucation al E xcellen ce in a Caring E n vir onment Page 5 Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope E d ucation al E xcellen ce in a Caring E n vir onment Page 4 Year 12 Community and Family Studies Excursion to The Wayside Chapel, Kings Cross Mrs Belinda Westwood , CAFS Teacher Recently Year 12 Community and Family Studies students visited The Wayside Chapel at Kings Cross. We have been studying Homelessness and support services. It was a great opportunity to see the work that The Wayside Chapel are doing to assist homeless people. Our tour guide/educator Rod Holt shared his own personal stories of his experience of being homeless. Rod also showed us around Kings Cross and the surrounding areas to broaden our knowledge and understanding of how homeless people try to survive living on the streets. As a class we collected many toiletries and underwear and made a donation on the day. A great day had by both students and staff. “Make a Difference Day”- Parliament of NSW On Friday 24th July, three year 10 students; Georgina Walker, Christina Adam and Amelia Cafe embarked on a day of ‘Making a Difference’ with Mrs Adam. We attended the Parliament of NSW where our day of inspiration began. There were year 10 students from schools all around Sydney. Professor The Hon. Dame Marie Bashir AD, CVO was the keynote speaker of the day. She spoke about the history of Australia and how this has influenced the importance of democracy in Australia. She also spoke about her past role as being the Governor of NSW. We then formed groups and discussed contemporary civic issues and possible resolutions within the framework of democracy with some key staff members from the parliament. There were some very entrepreneurial as well as civic minds in the groups. Professor Marie Bashir left us with a quote to remember: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope E d ucation al E xcellen ce in a Caring E n vir onment Page 5 YEAR 8 COORDINATOR’S AWARDS Georgia Baldwin Jarrod McRae Mikaela Robinson Abbey Godwin (2) Douglas White Mitchell Long Mitchell Bingham Alyssa Moffitt (2) Alyssa Shea (2) Ethan Westwood Finn Walsh Tahlia Walker Year 7 Design & Technology—Mrs Nita Panagio Wow, I am extremely impressed with the Year 7 Design & Technology students who have handed in some fabulous iPad cases which are on display at the school library. These cases were all individually made and sewn with the sewing machine which was a huge challenge for many students. 7E1 and 7E4 were given a design brief to: Design and decorate an iPad case which will represent you and your personality. Students also used several fabric decoration techniques such as marbling, beading and quilting. Students are extremely pleased with themselves, as am I with their final creative products. UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop will be open every Wednesday of Week 1 from 3.00 - 3.45pm and then every Friday morning of Week 2 from 8.45am - 9.30am. The next open dates are Friday 7th August and Wednesday 12th August . Winter Pants $10.00 Blazers $80.00 Lots of stock available (various sizes) CANTEEN Week 4 Mon 3rd Aug Tues 4th Aug Wed 5th Aug Thurs 6thAug Fri 7th Aug G Jones, M Gorry L Walsh Help is needed please V Abela L Lockton, L Radford Week 5 Mon 10th Aug Tues 11th Aug Wed 12th Aug Thurs 13th Aug Fri 14th Aug P Wood, T Dimmock, C Forshaw M Patterson, K Massey C Boyd A Paynter Help is needed please PARISH NEWS THE BOSCONIAN, the quarterly parish magazine, is now available online via the parish website Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Keep the chill out of your relationship this winter with a weekend together. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a Marriage Enrichment experience – set in peaceful, picturesque surroundings, away from the distractions of everyday life. During the weekend, couples have a unique opportunity to reconnect, rekindle and refresh their relationship. Give the greatest gift, that of your time alone - invest in your most precious asset . . . your marriage! 2015 Weekend Dates 11-13 September Venue for Weekends: Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, NSW To apply contact: Ardell & Bill Sharpe Tel. 02 4283 3435 or 13-15 November [email protected] - EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN A CARING ENVIRONMENT -
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