bOLfy21lglorso`AtrEs - City of American Canyon
bOLfy21lglorso`AtrEs - City of American Canyon
bOLfy21lglorso'AtrEs Ap.clz aecrLo gi cc,L Co su Ltclnt .'SINCE n s THE BEOINNING" sT sAN FRANCTSCO, 94tto 4ls/ssc':7ffi 5SL'_FOLSOM CALTFORNtA Neil Thompson Stravinski Development Group 4i3 W. Yosemite Avenue Suite 105 Madera, CA93637 September 18,2015 Dear Mr. Thompson: RE: CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY OF TI.IE 450 GREEN ISLAND ROAD PRoJECT AREA, CITY OF AMERICAN CANYON, NAPA COTINTY, CALIFORNIA At your request I have completed an archaeological literature review and field inspection of the above referenced project area located in American Canyon. No evidence of historic and/or prehistoric archaeological resources was noted. This report contains a summary of information gained to date. PROJECT DESCzuPTION The proposed project area consists ofa rectangular shaped 12.3 parcel located on the north side of Green Island Road west of Highway 29 in American Canyon. Located on the Cuttings Wharf U.S.G.S. map, the project is bordered by Green Island Road on the south, with fence lines and adjacent parcels on the west, north and east. According to historical aerial maps provided by your office, the property was graded in anticipation of eventual development in 2007,leaving a recently disced field transected from south to north by two roadways. Historical maps provided by your office and produced by Monk & Associates show the parcel as early as 1947,vthen it was comprised of open fields with the exception of a small extension of the building complex found on the eastern edge of the property. By 1968 the property had been subdivided into two separate ranchettes, containing clusters of structures near the southern border and the northeast corner of the property with what appears to be an orchard at the northwest comer of the original parcel. Air photos dating 1993,1998 and2006 show a pattern of earth disturbance, road grading and building removal, leading to the cleared parcel by 2007. According to your August 28'h email. geotechnical borings documented the deposition of 2 to 4 feet of imported soils on the eastern half of the site with lesser amounts on the western half. 450 GREEN ISLAND ROAD AMERICAN CANYON ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT ARCHIVAL RESEARCH An archaeological literature review was conducted by this author on Septemb et lS,2A$ (Northwest Information center file no. 15-0451). There are no cultural resources recorded inside the project area' and no recorded archaeological sites recorded within a mile radius of it. The possible presence of archaeological materials however first arose in l974when an archaeological survey was conducted for the proposed Napa/American canyon pipeline. David Fredrickson (1975) wrote about the discovery in'I974by ihomas King of two loci of archaeological materials, one at the base of dat Hill. south of Green rJano Road, and another about a half mile north of Green Island Road, north of the current project area. King had reported finding stone artifacts and a flat grinding stone, and had postulated that alarge archaeological site extended from the base of oat Hill northwards for over a mile. Fredrickson was brought in to re-suryey the route of the pipeline and to verify the findings of King from tlee year before. In interviews with local farmers he received conflicting t"nfon3atlon about possible archaeological resources, in particular in the two gen.rul locations described by King. Fredrickson himself revisited these two general archaeologically sensitive zones and failed to find any actual evidence of resources. He concluded that nevertheless the areas should be considered archaeologically sensitive. The r975 Fredrickson report contains an addendum written by staff archaeologist Lynn Eiseman who worked at what would be called the Anthropological Studies center at Sonoma State university where Fredrickson taught. Done in 1976)theEiseman report was a summary of archaeological monitoring of the pipeline trench running from Oat Hill north of Green Island Road' No evidence of archaeological deposits as reporte"d by King or as speculated by Fredrickson were seen. Unmodified obsidian nodules, natuially aepositea'from nearby sources in the past were noted. In short, the two sensitive areas reported on Uy fing and Frearickson were never recorded as actual in situ archaeological resources. In 1978 the general area north of Green Island Road was visited by Ann S. peak & Associates as part of the Napa-American Canyon Wastewater Reuse program. The proposed reservoir site, north of the present project area, was surveyed with negative findings. In 1980 David Chavez was retained to conduct an archaeological study of the 160 acre Green Island Industrial Park. Chavez noted on the 1974 and 1975 relorts claiming that a large scattered archaeological resource existed on the north side of Oat Hitt, poittting-out that the 1976 monitoring by Eiseman had invalidated that finding. Chaveznevertheless concluded that the Industrial Park location was archaeologically r.nriiiu. and recommended that project related archaeological field studies be compieted. other than a study of the 73 acreHaaner properfy 450 GREEN ISLAND ROAD AMERICAN CANYON ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT which included much of oat Hill by Thomas Jackson, the only other study was of the 50 acre Hanna Court project done by this author in2006. rn2006 this author completed an archaeological study of the 50 acre Hanna Court project tip of oat Hill. Aithat time the parcel had undergone extensive grading and had been stripped of soils. The report concluded that there were no visible archaeological resources ancl future developmlnt would have no effect on cultural resources thanks to the massive soils removal which had occuned. area which included the northern DESCzuPTION OF FIELD INSPECTION z-ltl A visual inspection of the project area was conducted by this author on September 9, ay walking 30 foot transects from south to north over the entire area. Thanks to a recent discing, over 90o/o of the project area was visible, with the exception of the two roadways which enter the property and extend to its northern end. It is obvious that there has been extensive filling of imported fill with a small arca atthe southern end exhibiting a brown clay loam which may be native to the area. FINDING/RE C OMMENDATIONS No visible evidence of historic and,lorprehistoric archaeological resources was seen anywhere inside the project borders. while it must be acknowledgJd that alargs portion of the project area has been filled over, thus blocking a view of native ,Jilr. it is the Epinion of this author that the parcel has at best low archaeol6gical sensitivity and that future d'evelopment of the parcel should have no effect on significant f,rehistoric archaeoiogical resources. The studies done in 1974 tfuough 1976 of the former pipeline right of way were based upon the claims of the original archaeological survey by Thomas King and his contention that there were two areas (possibly connecteclj of archaeololicat site materials. None of the subsequent studies of the area confirmed this finding, ii particular the rgT6archaeological monitoring of the pipeline route which gave the ur.rr'u.otogist a visual inspection from the south to north through the entire area. It appears that what King law was at besihistorically shattered cobbles of obsidian which are a natural component of the soils of the area-other than areputed millingstone, neither King nor Fredrickson noted any evidence of Native American habitation or use areas' In short, these two areas of archaeologicai sensitivity probably never existed. As stated above, it is the opinion of this author that future development of the 450 Green Road parcel will have no effect on significant historic and.lorprehistoric cultural resources. !]?"d This report does not recommend any form of mechanical subsurface presence testing, and does not recommend archaeological monitoring of construction related earthmoving activities. 450 GREEN ISLAND ROAD AMERICAN CANYON ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT There always remains a small possibility that earthmoving activities may uncover evidence of Native American use and/or occupation of the area. In the event that any of the indicators described below are encountered during construction, work should be halted within 50 feet of any discovery until a qualified archaeologist has been retainecl to evaluate the discovery: Darker than surrounding soils of a friable nature, concentrations of stone, bone or shellfish, artifacts of these material and evidence of fire (ash, charcoal. fire affected earth or rock) and human remains. If any of these materials are discovered, it is recommended that work be halted within the zone of archaeological sensitivity until a plan for mitigation has been submitted to the American Canyon Planning Department for approval. Mitigation can include additional archaeological monitoring inside the zone of sensitivity to record and/or remove for analysis significant archaeological materials, coupled with iimited data retrieval through hand excavation of potential significant archaeological deposits. In the event that human remains are discovered, it is the responsibility of thc project sponsor to contact the County Coroner's Office and the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). it is the responsibility of the NAHC to name a Most Likely Descendant (MLD), a person who will tribai interests regarding the method of recording and removal of ali human remains and associates grave goods and also to advise the project sponsor regarding the method and place of reburial of these materials. Sincerely, ,trlMiley Paul Holman Holman & Associates 450 GREEN ISLAND ROAD AMERICAN CANYON ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT REFERENCES Chavez,David 1980 Archaeological report for the Green Island Industrial park, Napa County. on file, Northwest Information center cl{wlc) file no. s-2372 Fredrickson, David I97s Island Road. Napa Countv. Califomia. On file, NWIC S-f S: Holman, Miley 2006 CULTURAL RESOURCES INSPECTION OF THE HANNA COURT PROJECT AREA, AMERICAN CANYON, NAPA COLTNTY, CALIFORNIA. On file, Holman & Associates Jackson, Thomas 1976 Letter report conceming the culturar resources study of the Maher property, Oat Hill. On file, NWIC S-1012 Ann S. Peak & Associates CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT oF THE NAPA-AMEzuCAN cANYoN WASTER REUSE pRocRAM. on fire, NWIC s-1200 1978 450 GREEN ISLAND ROAD PROJECT AREA CITY OF AMERICAN CANYON NAPA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CUTTINGS WHARF U.S.G.S. MAP 1949; photorevised 1981 ,nj ']-2:. Itr 't lc) , c). .----1.-. t-,