PB-103-14 Appendix A
PB-103-14 Appendix A
PB-103-14 Appendix A YPM September 12, 2014 City Of Burlington 426 Brant Street Burlington, ON L?R 3Z6 Attention: Ms. Silvina Kade, MCIP, RPP, AICP Senior Planner - Development Planning And Building Department Dear Ms. Kade: Re: Proposed Draft Plan Of Subdivision And Rezoning Application For 5553 & 5563 Twelve Mile Trail Hallawest Developments (Twelve Mile Traff) Inc City Files: 510-02114 & 520-04/14 Further to the September IO, 2104 Neighbourhood Meeting, this letter has been submitted on behalfofthe Orchard Community East Master Servicing Cost Sharing Agreement ( OCEMSCSA) Group regarding their concerns regarding the above noted development applications. As a result, please be advised that the OCEMSCSA Group has no objections to the development applications subject to the following development condition being incorporated into the conditions of draft plan approval; "Prior to the approval of any engineering dra,vings, enter into a Master Servicing Agreement with other landowners in ·the Orchard Com1nunity lVhiCh \vou1d include, an1ong other things, an agreement to construct roads, infrastructure and storm\vater managen1ent facilities and external servicing as \Yell as provision for cost sharing and construction." for your information, the OCEMSCSA Group looks upon the above noted condition as a standard development approval condition which the City should apply to all proposed Orchard Community developments basically east of Orchard Road. In addition, and although the OCEMSCSA Group will complete a detailed evaluation of what the value of subject development's required financial obligation will be for the OCEMSCSA once the final draft plan is approved, the estimated OCEMSCSA financial obligation is approximately $102,000.00. At the same time, the OCEMSCSA Group will identify the phasing of said financial obligation payment to reflect the approved proposed development phasing. I along with other members of the OCEMSCSA Groupwill be available to meet with the development proponent and City staff to review all aspects of the OCEMSCSA as requested. Should you have any questions regarding the comments outlined herein, give me a call. In addition, it would be greatly appreciated if you could keep me advised of the status of the subject development applications. Yours truly, Opposition to the Subdivision Plan and Rezoning Application for 5553 and 5563 Twelve Mile Trail - August 25, 2014 Objections 1) REZONING: We are opposed to the rezoning of 5553 and 5563 Twelve Mile Trail from the present designation of RESIDENTIAL - LOW DENSITY (D - future development) to a new designation of R01 RESIDENTIAL - HIGH DENSITY. 2) SMALL LOTS: We are opposed to the proposed reduced sizes of building lots that rezoning from the present designation to the proposed designation of RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY) would allow. We are opposed to the building of 15 housing units on the area encompassed by the two existing lots 5553 and 5563. 3) VALLEYHIGH CONSTRUCTION: We are opposed to the proposed construction work to build a standalone extension of Valleyhigh Drive to the north of the existing end of Valleyhigh Drive on lots 5553 and 5563. An extension of Valleyhigh Drive should proceed only if the extension is connected to the existing end of Valleyhigh Drive and all construction of all services (storm drains, sewers, electrical, water and natural gas) as well as the road and sidewalks is carried out from the existing end of Valleyhigh Drive adjacent to the southern side of lot 5533 and in close proximity to the intersection of Evening Star Drive. The construction should start from the existing end of Valleyhigh Drive proceeding through lots 5533 and 5543 and thence through lots 5553 and 5563 terminating at the border of the easement for the Trans Canada Pipeline. We do not agree to any construction of Valleyhigh Drive that requires access through Twelve Mile Trail and/or connection near the northern end of Twelve Mile Trail. 4) VALLEYHIGH EXTENSION EASTWARDS : We are opposed to a further extension of Valleyhigh Drive from the proposed northern extension of Valleyh igh Drive constructed in an easterly direction paralleling the Trans Canada Pipeline and connecting the extension of Valleyhigh Drive to an intersection on or near the northern end of Twelve Mile Trail. The proposed new intersection that would be created would be in close proximity to where Twelve Mile Trail crosses the Trans Canada Pipeline and as well as in close and dangerous proximity to the "top of bank" of the Bronte Creek Ravine. 5) TREE REMOVAL: We are opposed to the removal of fifty four (75%) of the existing seventy two trees with diameter greater than ten centimeters including all but two of the trees in close proximity to Twelve Mile Trail on the existing properties of 5553 and 5563 · described in the detail of the proposal to rezone these properties. Page I1 6) TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY -We believe the Transportation Impact Brief is flawed. The study was based on test results from only the one intersection of Twelve Mile Trail and Valleyhigh Drive, during only one week of low density traffic and does not properly reflect the more critical intersections affecting traffic patterns of the area. 7) HALLAWEST DEVELOPMENTS (TWELVE MILE TRAIL) INC. - It appears to us that the company proposing the zoning changes and advancing the plan for high density housing is intent on maximizing profits from this venture at the expense of and in disregard of the rights of existing resident home owners. Reasons for and Details of Objections: 1) REZONING: Our building lot 5550 fronts to the west on Twelve Mile Trail and backs on the Bronte Creek Ravine to the east. When we petitioned Burlington City and the Halton Conservation Authority over a period of one year for the permit to build our home the area was zoned as RESIDENTIAL - LOW DENSITY. We had to supply complete plans of the house to be constructed and comply to strict guidelines from the City and Conservation Authority as we are sure our neighbours did. We fully expected that the zoning of any proposed building lots fronting on Twelve Mile Trail would be build according to similar regulations that apply to zoning RESIDENTIAL - LOW DENSITY. LO\V Density c) In Residential-Low Density areas, single-detached and semi-detached housing units with a density to a maximum of25 units per net hectare shall be permitted. In addition, other forms of ground oriented housing units with a density to a maximum of 25 units per net hectare may be permitted, provided that these forms are compatible with the scale, urban design and community features of the neighbourhood. We designed and are building a high-end (expensive) home on our very large lot in accordance with the size and features of the majority of the "new" homes recently built on lots that front on or access Twelve Mile Trail. We believe that re-zoning lots 5553 and 5563 to RESIDENTIAL - HIGH DENSITY allows the builder to create lots fronting on Twelve Mile Trail that are considerably smaller in overall area and with less frontage. The smaller lots will necessitate the construction of significantly smaller homes which can be built much closer together and with less set-back than any of the "newer'' homes recently built on lots fronting on Twelve Mile Trail. This will be detrimental to the real estate value of all of the existing "newer'' homes fronting on Twelve Mile Trail and is unfair to the owners of those homes. The same to applies to homes on Empire Crescent that will be backing on the smaller lots proposed in the development plan. Page I2 2) SMALL LOTS: Rezoning to RESIDENTIAL - HIGH DENSITY will allow for building as many as fifteen homes on the same land now occupied by two houses. According to the regulations that apply to zoning RESIDENTIAL - HIGH DENSITY. High Density (iii) OPA7 subject to the density requirements of Part III, Subsection 2.2.2 e), street townhouses and stacked townhouses, back to back townhouses, attached housing and apartments shall be permitted in Residential-High Density areas. OPA81 QUESTION: What assurance can the city give to the existing residents of Twelve Mile Trail that the redeveloper or builder will not be allowed to change the proposed plans to apply for and be granted permission to build townhouses, attached housing and/or apartments should the zoning be changed to RESIDENTIAL - HIGH DENSITY? The following provisions apply to the R01 Zone, for lot depths of 30 metres or greater: Lot Width: 9 metres Lot Area : 295 square metres Front Yard: 3 metres to dwellings; 5.5 metres to the garage Rear Yard: 7 metres Side Yard: 1.2 metres one side, 60 centimetres other side Yard Abutting a Pipeline Easement: 6 metres Table 1: Lot Widths and Areas • Draft Plan of Subdivision Lot Width -m Lot Area· sq. m. Lot 1 17.169 775.4 Lot 6 12.000 363.6 Lot 7 12.000 363.6 Lot 8 12.000 363.6 Lot2 17.169 706.1 Lot 3 18.506 662.8 Lot4 26.438 671.9 Lots 16.953 490.1 Lot 9 12.000 363.6 Lot10 12.216 364.1 Lot 11 12.216 364.1 Lot12 12.216 364.1 Lot 13 12.216 364.1 Lot14 12.216 364.1 Lot 15 17.659 525.4 Page I3 A larger number of homes will create more coverage of the available permeable land and create much higher runoff of surface water than presently experienced. The addition of the proposed road surface complete with sidewalks and the necessary driveways and walkways to accommodate fifteen homes will cover a considerable percentage of the permeable land area. The area of roofs and patios of the homes proposed to be built will cover an additional large percentage of permeable land, this will result in much more runoff of surface water during extreme rainfall. 3) STREET and SERVICES CONSTRUCTION: Construction of an extension of Valleyhigh Drive should proceed when owners of lots 5533 and 5543 are prepared to accept construction of the extension of Valleyhigh Drive and should not be constructed from a new intersection built at or near the northern end of Twelve Mile Trail. Extending the . existing services from the president terminus of Valleyhigh Drive in conjunction with building the extension of Valleyhigh Drive across lots 5533, 5543, 5553 and 5563 is the only logical and economical sequence of construction that should be acceptable. Residents fronting on Twelve Mile Trail and the many strolling and jogging users of the sidewalk portion of the Bronte Trail need not be subjected to the additional traffic hauling construction equipment and supplies that would travel on Twelve Mile Trail if this construction is approached from at or near the northern end of Twelve Mile Trail. If the developer is planning to build the extension of Valleyhigh Drive from a new intersection at or near the northern end of Twelve Mile Trail with the intent of using the extension to access the building of the eleven homes the plan proposes to build on Valleyhigh Drive this will result in an unnecessary and undesired increase in traffic on Twelve Mile Trail for the duration of the six years the developer proposes to complete the project to full occupancy. If the City of Burlington is contemplating allowing the use of Twelve Mile Trail to construct the extension of Valleyhigh Drive from an intersection off the northern end of Twelve Mile Trail and further to the allow construction of the eleven homes proposed by the developer to build on Valleyhigh Drive from this route the City in conjunction with the Halton Conservation Authority should conduct an impact study pertaining to the effect this could have on the enjoyment derived by local and other residents using the sidewalk section of the Bronte Trail. Page I4 4) VALLEYHIGH EXTENSION: The further extension ofValleyhigh Drive easterly paralleling the Trans Canada Pipe line to connect to Twelve Mile Trail in our view presents many problems: a. The opening up of a land area fourteen meters wide to build a road adding to the the existing eighteen and a half meter width of the Trans Canada Pipeline easement and right of way will create an open land area thirty two and a half meters wide without trees or any form of windbreak. b. The proposed intersection to be created at Twelve Mile Trail is too close to where the road crosses the Trans Canada Pipeline. We believe that the City of Burlington should conduct an impact study in conjunction with the Trans Canada Pipeline authorities to determine if the construction of this section of road and traffic of construction vehicles will affect the ground conditions near the pipeline in the Trans Canada Pipeline easement. c. The proposed intersection to be created at Twelve Mile Trail is dangerously close to the "top of bank" of the Bronte Creek Ravine. It is thought that in the event of severe rainstorms such as the storm that flooded parts of Burlington in July of 2014 large scale runoff of flood water could surge down the proposed extension of Valleyhigh Drive through the intersection, over the Twelve Mile Trail and into the ravine severely erode the bank of the ravine and create a dangerous instability of the ground containing the Trans Canada Pipeline descending into the ravine nearby. Is it possible a vehicle could skid out of control on icy snow packed conditions and fall into the ravine. We believe the City of Burlington should conduct an impact study in conjunction with the Halton Conservation Authority to determine if the building of the road to connect to Twelve Mile Trail in the vicinity of the "top of bank" of the Bronte Creek presents any threat of erosion of the bank of the Bronte Creek. An intersection to an extension of Valleyhigh Drive at or near the north end of Twelve Mile Trail is of no benefit to existing residents of Twelve Mile Trail nor will ii be of benefit to future residents of the proposed extension of Valleyhigh Drive. It is only of benefit to the developer wishing to proceed with the premature development of homes on an isolated extension of Valleyhigh Drive. Page I5 5) TREE REMOVAL: Removal of 75% of the trees now growing on lots 5553 and 5563 will and all but two of the large trees close to Twelve Mile Trail will change the ecological conditions of the area. Existing residents who have built new homes in recent years have been careful to preserve the bulk of the trees that were growing on their properties and/or replaced any trees that were removed. If the City of Burlington allows the rezoning of lots 5553 and 5563 to RESIDENTIAL - HIGH DENSITY permitting the builder to build a high density of smaller homes that requires the removal of seventy five percent of the existing trees without a replacement plan ii seems contrary to the present policy of conserving trees Replacement standards used by the city are one to one by the aggregateTca/iper formula. This method is considered simple and fair and has been effectively utilized by the city for over two decades. Removal of a large number of trees will increase the runoff of surface water. 6) TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY - We believe the Transportation Impact Brief supporting the zoning change request is flawed. Detail of the study reads "Based on conversations with staff at the City of Burlington it was decided to omit the intersection of Val/eyhigh Drive and Sutton Drive" and to study only the intersection of Twelve Mile Trail and Valleyhigh Drive. This intersection studied does not present any traffic problems to present residents of Twelve Mile Trail and usually one can exit Twelve Mile Trail to Valleyhigh Drive or enter Twelve Mile Trail from Valleyhigh Drive with ease. The traffic problems experienced at present are exiting from the intersection of Valleyhigh Drive to Sutton Drive and to a lesser extent the two exits from Empire Drive to Sutton Drive. Paradigm Transportation Solutions conducted the traffic study for only one week following Easter Sunday and included a one day holiday Monday. This was not a normal full week for traffic at the peak hours. 7) HALLAWEST DEVELOPMENTS (TWELVE MILE TRAIL) INC. -The proposal does not detail the structure of the company Hallawest Developments (Twelve Mile Trail) Inc. It appears to be a company set up exclusively for this project with Hallawest Developments Inc., as parent. Hallawest Developments Inc., is a private company located at 427 Montmorency Court Hamilton ON L8K 6K8. Internet records show it was established in 2001 and incorporated in Hamilton, with revenues near $1,000,000.00 per annum, with a staff of approximately two with Ray Bucci as President & Board Member working from a single location. The company was involved in other redevelopment projects as Hallawest Developments Milton Inc. and Hallawest Developments Hamilton Inc. NAICS Code: 237210, Land Subdivision SIC Code 6552, Land Subdividers and Developers, Except Cemeteries. It appears the proposed zoning changes and advancing a plan for high density housing is intent only on maximizing Page I6 profits from this venture at the expense of existing local resident home owners. Hallawest Developments (Twelve Mile Trail} Inc. have published a development plan showing smaller Jots to be developed on Twelve Mile Trail than the average size of lots on this same street and that also shows smaller Jots to be developed on the extension of Valleyhigh Drive than presently exist on Valleyhigh Drive and the Jots that will back on to the proposed Jots to be developed on the proposed extension of Valleyhigh Drive. Hallawest Developments (Twelve Mile Trail) Inc., has not advanced a plan showing the size of homes to be built or the location of homes on the proposed Jots. Smaller Jots will necessitate the building of smaller homes and will allow shorter setbacks from streets and shorter distances between homes than presently exist. Smaller homes built closer together and closer to the street will have considerably Jess value than larger homes built further apart and set back reasonable distances from the street. It is an established fact that real estate values of properties in any given area are impacted by the values of all the properties in an immediate area. Building of smaller homes on smaller Jots in close proximity to larger homes on larger Jots increases the perceived value of the smaller homes and Jowers the perceived value of the larger homes. Changing Twelve Mile Trail to a "through street" with the connection of Valleyhigh Drive to the northern end of Twelve Mile Trail with increased traffic also Jowers the value of properties on Twelve Mile Trail. The principals and/or managerial employees of the Hallawest Developments Inc., are not to our knowledge residents of Twelve Mile Trail or any of the surrounding streets or the City of Burlington for that matter and as such will not be revisiting the area so have little if any interest in preserving the values of existing homes on Twelve Mile Trail or the value of surrounding homes backing on the planned smaller homes allowed by a zoning change from low density housing to high density housing. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1) The City of Burlington should deny the application to rezone Jots 5553 and 5556 from RESIDENTIAL - LOW DENSITY to RESIDENTIAL - HIGH DENSITY. The developer should be asked to formulate a new plan to conform to the existing zoning. 2) The developer should advance a plan that would reduce the number of Jots and produce lots fronting on Twelve Mile Trail that are compatible with the scale, urban design and community features of the neighbourhood. The proposed Jots should conform to an average of the size of the Jots and frontage measurement with an equal setback as the recently developed properties fronting on Twelve Mile Trail. The developer should advance a plan that would produce lots fronting on a proposed extension of Valleyhigh Drive that are compatible with the scale, urban design and Page I7 community features of the neighbourhood The proposed lots should conform to an average of the size of the lots and frontage measurement with an equal setback as the existing developed properties fronting on Valleyhigh Drive. 3) The City of Burlington should deny the extension of Valleyhigh Drive to proceed until the owner or owners of lots 5533 and 5543 are prepared to accept the construction of the extension of Valleyhigh Drive across those properties. 4) The City of Burlington should deny any further extension of Valleyhigh Drive from the proposed extension of Valleyhigh Drive in an easterly direction paralleling the Trans Canada Pipeline and connecting from the extension of Valleyhigh Drive to the northern end of Twelve Mile Trail pending such time as in depth analysis of the effects of building the extension and intersection are completed. Connecting Valleyhigh Drive to Twelve Mile Trail is of no future benefit to the residents of Twelve Mile Trail or the residents that will inhabit the homes to be built on lots on Valleyhigh Drive under the proposal. This further extension of Valleyhigh Drive will burden the City of Burlington with maintenance and upkeep of 100 meters of an unnecessary section of street and intersection. 5) The City of Burlington should deny any development of lots 5553 and 5563 that requires removal of a large percentage of the existing trees and the majority of trees close to Twelve Mile Trail. QUESTION: If the City of Burlington agrees to the developer's request for a zoning change for lots 5553 and 5563 will they also agree to the same zoning change for lots 5533 and 5543? 6) The City of Burlington should conduct an independent study of traffic patterns in the area focusing on the intersection of Valleyhigh Drive and Sutton Drive and on the intersections of Twelve Mile Trail and Valleyhigh Drive as well as the two intersections of Empire Drive and Sutton Drive, before considering approval of the development plan. 7) Hallawest Developments (Twelve Mile Trail) Inc., should provide a plan showing the sizes and locations of homes to be built on the building lots according to the proposed development plan. The City should request and independent study by a real estate consulting firm to ascertain the financial effect building smaller homes on smaller lots will have on values of existing homes in the vicinity of the redevelopment plan before allowing rezoning the area in question from low density housing to high density housing. Following are signatures of residents of Twelve Mile Trail in opposition to the rezoning. Page I 8 To: Burlington City Planning Department To whom It may concern: RE: Sita Addrass: 5553 & 5563 Twelve Mile Trail Applloant: Hallawest Developments (Twelva Mlle Trail) Inc. Proposed Development Plan or subdivision and rezoning to penntt 16 detached lots Related: AppRc:atlon lo Revoke a Minister's Zoning Order (Onlario Regulation 482173) Name: Address: Twelve Mlle Trail Date: I oppose the zoning change and draft plan that will allow the develo'per to build an intersection at or near the end of Twelve Mile Trail, to develop an extension of Valleyhlgh Drive from that intersection westerly parallel to the Trans Canada pipeline, turning in a southerly direction across the back portion of lot 5563 terminating at the southern boundary of lot 5553, and to cut down 75% of the larger existing trees on lots 5553 and 5563 to enable the building of fifteen smaller homes on reduced sized lots subdivided from the two existing lots 5553 and 5563 and using Twelve Mlle Trail as an access way fOr construction equipment to build the roads and homes over a period of the next six years. To whom it may concern: Name: Address: Twelve Mile Trail Date: I oppose the zoning change and draft plan that will allow the developer to build an intersection at or near the end of Twelve Mile Trail, to develop an extension of Valleyhigh Drive from that intersection westerly parallel to the Trans Canada pipeline, turning in a southerly direction across the back portion of lot 5563 terminating at the southern boundary of lot 5553, and to cut down 75% of the larger existing trees on lots 5553 and 5563 to enable the building of fifteen smaller homes on reduced sized lots subdivided from the two existing lots 5553 and 5563 and using Twelve Mile Trail as an access way for construction equipment to build the roads and homes over a period of the next six years. To: Burlington City Planning Department To whom it may concern: RE: Site Address: 5553 & 5563 Twelve Mlle Trail Applicant: Hallawest Developments (Twelve Mile Trail) Inc. Proposed Development: Plan of subdivision and rezoning to permit 15 detached lots Related: Application to Revoke a Minister's Zoning Order (Ontario Regulation 482173) Name: Address: - Twelve Mile Trail Date: I oppose the zoning change and draft plan that will allow the developer to build an intersection at or near the end of Twelve Mile Trail, to develop an extension of Valleyhigh Drive from that intersection westerly parallel to the Trans Canada pipeline, turning in a southerly direction across the back portion of lot 5563 terminating at the southern boundary of lot 5553, and to cut down 75% of the larger existing trees on lots 5553 and 5563 to enable the building of fifteen smaller homes on reduced sized lots subdivided from the two existing lots 5553 and 5563 and using Twelve Mile Trail as an access way for construction equipment to build the roads and homes over a period of the next six years. Signature To whom it may concern: Name: Address: -----Twelve Mile Trail I oppose the zoning change and draft plan that will allow the developer to build an intersection at or near the end of Twelve Mile Trail, to develop an extension of Valleyh igh Drive from that intersection _westerly parallel to the Trans Canada pipeline, turning in a southerly direction across the back portion of lot 5563 terminating at the southern boundary of lot 5553, and to cut down 75% of the larger existing trees on lots 5553 and 5563 to enable the building of fifteen smaller homes on reduced sized lots subdivided from the two existing lots 5553 and 5563 and using Twelve Mile Trail as an access way for construction equipment to build the roads and homes over a period of the next six years. Signature l V 'IVllVfl I IL IH~ Y IJVll\A::lll 1. Name: _ Twelve Mlle Tr-ail Addr.ess: Date: () ~_j_ ~et) ( f %?) J 0 I '{ I oppose the zoning change and draft plan that will allow the developer to build an inters~tlon at or near the end of Twe,ve Mile Trail, to develop an extension of Valleyhigh Drive from that Intersection westerly pafallel to the Trans canada pipeline, turning in a sauth~ny direction across the back portion of lot 5563 terminating at the:: southern boundary of lot 5553, and lo cut down 75% of the larger existing trees on lots 5553 and 5563 to enable ttle building of frfteen smaller homes nn reduced sized lots subdivided from tlie two existing lots 5553 and 5563 and using Twelve Mile Trail as an access way for construction equipment to build the roads and homes over a period of the next six years. ./ :_~ Signature To whom it may concern: Name: Address: Twelve Mile Trail Date: I oppose the zoning change and draft plan that will allow the developer to build an intersection at or near the end of Twelve Mile Trail, to develop an extension of Valleyhigh Drive from that intersection westerly parallel to the Trans Canada pipeline, turning in a southerly direction across the back portion of lot 5563 terminating at the southern boundary of lot 5553, and to cut down 75% of the larger existing trees on lots 5553 and 5563 to enable the building of fifteen smaller homes on reduced sized lots subdivided from the two existing lots 5553 and 5563 and using Twelve Mile Trail as an access way for construction equipment to build the roads and homes over a period of the next six years. To: Burlington City Planning Department To whom it may concern: RE: Site Address: 5553 & 5563 Twelve Mlle Trail Applicant: Hallawest Developments (Twelve Mile Trail) Inc. Proposed Development: Plan of subdivision and rezoning to permit 15 detached lots Related: Application to Revoke a Ministe~s Zoning Order (Ontario Regulation 482173) Name: Address: Date: Twelve Mile Trail 6 if - ;;l..; f:>' -,)-() I ¥------ I oppose the zoning change and draft plan that will allow the developer to build an intersection at or near the end of Twelve Mile Trail, to develop an extension of Valleyhigh Drive from that intersection westerly parallel to the Trans Canada pipeline, turning in a southerly direction across the back portion of lot 5563 terminating at the southern boundary of lot 5553, and to cut down 75% of the larger existing trees on lots 5553 and 5563 to enable the building of fifteen smaller homes on reduced sized lots subdivided from the two existing lots 5553 and 5563 and using Twelve Mile Trail as an access way for construction equipment to build the roads and homes over a period of the next six years. Signature September 1, 2014 To: City of Burlington Planning Dept. Re: 5553 &5563 Twelve Mile Trail Applicant- Hallawest Developments Inc. Proposed Development - Plan of Subdivision and Re-Zoning To Whom It May Concern, We live at 5548 Twelve Mile Trail for the past 8 years. We have really enjoyed the peacefulness of the street and appreciate all the nature around us. While we welcome the plan for four new custom homes to be built on those lots we oppose to the following: The draft plan allowing the developer to build a road at the end of Twelve Mile Trail which is intended to connect to Valleyhigh Drive. Twelve Mile Trail is an extension of the Burloak Nature Trail and many families enjoy peaceful walks and bike rides with their pets and children because of the road being minimal traffic. The cutting down of all the living trees to enable the building of this sub~ivsion. I am told they will be cutting approximately 75% of existing trees and can't understand how this is allowed. When it comes to anyone else wanting to cut down a tree for some reason or another on their own property, the city prohibits it unless the tree is diseased or dead. The proposed zoning change from "Residential" to "High Density". Our street is very unique and quiet. There isn't one home that looks like another. We believe that by changing the zoning, it enables the developer to possibly build more than what he has proposed for the Twelve Mile Trail resulting in more traffic and losing the distinctiveness of the street. Furthermore, the people that have custom built their homes on Twelve Mile Trail would like to see homes go up that support the value of their own, not reduce it, especially given the large property taxes we pay. Lo1€e.. f'ev14 """ ~ Burlington Gty Hall 426 Brant Street. P.O. Box 5013 Burlington, ON lJR JZ6 Ph: %5·335-7&,'0 ext 7871 Silvina Kad• '"""' Senior Planner • Planning Planning and Building Department Develcpment and Infrastructure f~>: WS·ll5·7Wl sii'lin3.~ade§budingtcn.ca Tell-free: 1·877·21l-36t1 www.burlington.ca n' t{..-1AJ1()/J .:Z§"io (3'?lS (507' ~-'E::;;<R OL.-D A'P6:~/~) tJ,c· ;).)Si9L.I l } J (., SevJE/Z :¢ c:.?7Y w:rrr6 7'--0 C.o'-'6/2: 2 S'/~ o,C. 3) £ E::t'fPE.CT I JJ;S/7? L.U).) & -r ""'- ~' o;~;;,- r ...J!.. ~,_.,., r ~- oP:: _6f,u/<.L//')(, rbJ.J 7 ..'b /:.07J.97.- ;c;~,,t:f,. -;--11-ti' <._'I 7' '/ cJ-'·o: • £5-~ 5EoJ". 12. .ttv.R7?:£R t' SEP 22 2014 6) - ~ :z_·_::;;_;:,~ :~:~i'KZ;,l :<z::?':~"'(. ~,~ t<l:;rL~1 0ifu~~iffit1ti~(tr0~ 71-.r11,- (!.f;,{;:~1.-' ult-rh/ 6N1-. '1 7"Flk&5 /it'1f-.1!( 3 re7 /,[,) 7,;;,'A./i:c .5· ·;n:J ,;; .o,i;;-.)?_5Alli)081(;-P}\ilL'.k.ilT 5~}//:2. S 7~;; ,11..r5 7·:f)Lj~. ~ ~-F!EJcJ<I; ,17· . J Wo P.T/-t- /'T. 7) f W 0 CJ .t...D J;_,c ;:_;,t:j•JcJZ .s~,e 0 )..)<:_f,.<... 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Kade, Silvina From: Sent: To: Subject: To: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 7:13 PM Kade, Silvina Rezoning Applications for: 5553 & 5563 Twelve Mile Trail ... file 510-02/14 & 520-04/14 Silvina Kade Senior Planner [email protected] 905-335-76000 ext 7871 From: Re: Twelve Mile Trail Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning Applications for: 5553 & 5563 Twelve Mile Trail ... file 510-02/14 & 520-04/14 With reference to the zoning change request by the owners of lots 5553 & 5563, "Hallawest Developments", from "D" for Development to "ROI - Low Density'' zoning. The builder is proposing to build 4 homes fronting on Twelve Mile Trail and at the same time they want to create an access and intersection off of Twelve Mile Trail that will effectively be a connection to the proposed future extension of Valleyhigh Dr. We have some concerns and some opposition to portions of this plan, namely: 1. All the new homes at this end of Twelve Mile Trial have been custom built and/or purchased base on design of the house; the lot size; and the surrounding environment (many different types of mature trees) .. Each of us paid a significant premium to be located on this street with the lot sizes of 60 plus ft wide and with over half of the street already developed, these new homes should conform to the standards set by the new existing homes, namely lots at least 60 ft wide and similar set backs so the driveways can accommodate a minimum of 4 cars. Any deviations from this could have an adverse affect on the real-estate values of the current homes in this area. 2. We feel strongly that any additional intersection on Twelve Mile Trail or connection to the proposed Valleyhigh extension is unnecessary and does not benefit the residents in any way. Additionally it would distract from the atmosphere of the area, reducing our & others enjoyment of the area. For many years now Twelve Mile Trail has been a dead end street connected to the Bronte Creek Trail both at the top and bottom of the street ... the street widening that was completed several years ago solved all of our issues as they related to trucks such as garbage trucks, snow plows, delivery trucks and construction vehicles, etc. being able to turn around at the end of the street. It also allowed two opposing lanes of traffic to safely pass one another. Street access, etc. is no longer an issue for us and people still treat this section of Twelve Mile Trail as an extension of Bronte Creek Trail ... Throughout the year we experience significant foot traffic during the week and weekends ... families; couples; cyclists; runners; dog walkers, etc .. have used this section of Twelve Mile Trail for years! Parents walk on the street or sidewalk while their kids walk; run; or cycle on the street. This is and has been a very unique, peaceful family oriented stretch of roadway that is enjoyed by many in the community and surrounding area. The current residents and any additional residents (based on a low density zoning) are easily served with the existing road structure, we do NOT have a need to join Twelve Mile Trail with a proposed Valleyhigh extension. 1 In fact joining Twelve Mile Trail to the proposed extension of Valleyhigh Dr. will serve no useful purpose and will · only take away from the neighborhood. People know they can walk on Twelve Mile Trail without concern for heavy traffic and creating the proposed additional connection to Valleyhigh would not only adversely affect the ambiance of the area but also present a possible traffic hazard to the pedestrians who have for years used this section of the road as a connection to the north and south of Bronte Creek Trail. As mentioned in the meeting held on September 10'", the city likes to loop the utilities and therefore wants the streets of Valleyhigh and Twelve Mile Trail to connect .. . I would suggest that looping is still very possible without the street extension by simply establishing a right of way similar to the gas lines; much less expensive than building a street or intersection and still allows the city to connect the utilities as well as service them in future. 3. We understand that sometimes trees have to be removed to build a home; however this section of Twelve Mile Trail is a unique and vibrant area shared and enjoyed not only by the residents who live on the street but by many families in and around the Orchard who use it as part of the Bronte Creek Trail. The treescape needs to be protected particularly those trees on the edge of Twelve Mile Trail! Not only for people who enjoy them but also for the birds and animals the make their homes within them. So keeping the trees along both sides of the road should be the cities priority as it is ours! Worth noting . :. when the road was widened and sidewalks installed several years ago the decision to put the sidewalks on the north east side of the street was based on saving the trees on the south west side. Please keep us informed of all future meetings and changes. Respectfully, . Regards, 2