Eichrom Technologies社のGeneral Review
Eichrom Technologies社のGeneral Review
Foundations of Extraction Chromatography “Eichrom‐101” Presented by Lawrence Jassin and www.alarasolutions.com Terence O’Brien www.eichrom.com Eichrom / NPO • Founded in 1990 – 2008 Eichrom Technologies acquired Nuclear Power Outfitters – 2009 Eichrom moved entire company into one facility in Lisle, IL just ~30 miles of downtown Chicago Why Do Sample Preparation Too much liquid ALPHA SPECTROMETERS www.eichrom.com Sample Preparation Orientation Sample Preparation Concepts / Measurement Equipment Choice Extraction Chromatography (EXC) Fundamentals EXC Resin Characterization and Comparisons Importance of Filter Media Rare Earth‐Micro Co‐Precipitation www.eichrom.com Your goals for Sample Preparation Minimize sample prep time and waste generation Trade offs between – sample size, detection level, sample preparation rigor Data quality objectives Detection instrument selection Instrument's capabilities www.eichrom.com Detection Instrument for Radionuclide Measurements Measurement of gamma energy – Good spectral resolution, minimal sample prep Measurement of beta energy – Minimal spectral resolution, requires separation of other beta and alpha emitters and chemical effects Measurement of alpha energy – Some spectral resolution, sample prep used to eliminate spectral and general mass interferences www.eichrom.com Measurement of Gamma Energy www.eichrom.com Radiologic Screening Counters Gas‐Flow Proportional Counters – Alpha/Beta Weight Attenuation – Alpha/Beta Cross Talk Calibration – Alpha/Beta Isotope Calibration www.eichrom.com Liquid Scintillation Counters www.eichrom.com Measurement of Beta Energy www.eichrom.com Measurement of Alpha Energy www.eichrom.com Americium Spectrum after TRU Resin Separation presence of rare earths degrades spectrum‐ self absorption issues Am‐241 Am‐243 www.eichrom.com Am Spectrum after TEVA Resin Separation Lanthanide elements removed ‐ cleaner spectrum Am‐241 Am‐243 www.eichrom.com Actinides by ICP-MS: The issues Polyatomic ions 230ThH and 231Pa 236UH and 237Np 237NpH and 238U 238UH and 239Pu 240PuH and 241Am 242PuH and 243Am Isobars 236U and 236Np 238U and 238Pu 241Pu and 241Am 242Pu and 242Am www.eichrom.com Sample Preparation Steps Sample Modification – Digestion – Leach – Fusion Volume Reduction – Precipitation – Evaporation – Ion Exchange www.eichrom.com Solvent Extraction E M1+n, M2+n Organic Phase Aqueous Phase M1•E+n M2+n www.eichrom.com Extraction Chromatography Solvent Extraction Column Chromatography www.eichrom.com Extraction Chromatographic Resin Inert support = Macroporous Acrylic Resin Example Stationary Phases •Crown Ether (Sr) •CMPO (TRU) •DAAP (UTEVA) www.eichrom.com Metal Anion Complex Formation www.eichrom.com Resin Characterization Extraction Chromatography Principles www.eichrom.com • Smaller particles, sharper elution bands • Peak maximum corresponds to k’ What is k’ k’ is the number of free column volumes to the peak concentration maximum of the analyte of interest A free column volume is related to bed volume by a factor of 0.65 For a 2 mL resin bed volume, the free column volume is 1.3 mL k’ is approximately equal to Dw divided by 1.9 www.eichrom.com Factors that Control Target Analyte Retention 1. Elements with similar k’ tend to compete 2. High concentrations of competing elements 3. Acid type and concentration(Nitric, HCl, Sulfuric) 4. Complexants added to the sample or found in the sample (Oxalic, Phosphoric, HF) www.eichrom.com Choose the appropriate amount of resin www.eichrom.com And Size of Resin: A‐Grade for Gravity Flow S‐Grade with Vacuum F‐Grade for Separations of elements with very similar k’ F‐grade 25‐53µ 80x S‐grade 50‐100µ A‐grade 100‐150µ 80x 80x Add InSung or SOWA sites www.eichrom.com EXC Resin Extractant Choice Ionic Recognition Extractant based resin – Analyte retention related to charge and ionic radii Neutral and Anionic Extractant based resin – Analytes are directly hydrogen ion dependant, although anionic extractant based resins tend to show reduced analyte uptake as the acid competes Acidic Extractant based resin – Analyte retention is inverse hydrogen ion dependant www.eichrom.com Sr Resin / Ionic Recognition di‐t‐butylcyclohexano 18‐crown‐6 Sr+2, Pb+2 www.eichrom.com Elution of Common Elements And Fission Products On Sr Resin Anionic Extractant TEVA Resin www.eichrom.com TRU Resin CMPO/TBP Neutral Extractant www.eichrom.com TRU Resin www.eichrom.com TRU Resin: Neutral Extractant DGA Resin: Neutral extractant/ ionic recognition O C8H17 P O O N C8H17 N O O N C8H17 C8H17 C8H17 DGA TRU Am3+ + 3X‐ + 3E ↔ AmX3E3 X = Cl‐ or NO3‐ www.eichrom.com Actinides on TRU vs. DGA out of HNO3 DGA Resin, Normal TRU Resin 6 10 Pu 5 10 Th 4 10 Pu U 3 10 k' Th Am 2 10 Am 1 10 U Pu(IV) Th(IV) U(VI) Am(III) 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 [HNO3] 1 -2 10 10 -1 10 0 10 [HNO3] 1 10 www.eichrom.com Actinides on TRU vs DGA out of HCl TRU Resin DGA Resin, Normal 6 10 Pu(IV) Th(IV) U(VI) Am(III) 5 10 Pu 4 10 Pu 3 10 k' 2 10 U Th 1 10 0 Th 10 U Am Am -1 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 [HCl] 1 -2 10 10 -1 10 0 10 [HCl] 1 10 www.eichrom.com DGA Resin Very high k’ for trivalent lanthanides and actinides No uptake of Fe(III) from nitric acid‐Improvement over TRU Resin for Am work Separation of Cm‐242 and Cm‐244 from Ac‐225 and Fr‐221‐Single aliquot Retention of Y for Rapid Sr‐89 Sr‐90 determinations Fe‐55/Eu‐154‐High Level Nuclear Waste www.eichrom.com UTEVA Resin (DAAP) Diamyl Amylphosphonate Neutral Extractant www.eichrom.com The LN Series of Resins O O P P O HDEHP (LN) O O OH OH Acidic Extractants HEH[EHP] (LN2) O P OH H[TMPeP] (LN3) M3+ + 3(HY)2 ↔ M(HY2)3 + 3H+ Ln Resin Acid Dependency k’ for Ln Resin in HNO3 www.eichrom.com Rare Earth Co-Precipitation for Actinide Sample Alpha Source Starting Sample Add Rare Earth Carrier (La, Ce, or Nd) Add Conc. HF acid Wait ~30 minutes Filter through 0.1µ Resolve Filter www.eichrom.com Mount and Count Quality Control for Alpha Spec Gravity Flow vs. Vacuum Assisted www.eichrom.com PTFE Laminate Alpha Air Monitoring Filters • Quality Control Specification: – Background < MDA for α & β – Resolution verified <60 KeV FWHM – Minimal curling <4.0 mm deflection • The filters have a easy to determine orientation: “Grid side down, Opposite Air flow” Eichrom’s Resolve PTFE Laminate Filters ® • Volumetric Flow – Resolve 47mm PTFE Filters have maintained a DOP 99.99% efficiency testing rating up to 9 CFM = 254 LPM – PTFE Filters maintain integrity even with mg of material loaded on the filter for your harshest applications. eichrom Health Physics Sampling Smears Swipe/Smears for contamination monitoring. Two Formats: •Paper Backed with recorder paper •Bulk Packaged Features of Swipe / Smears • 44.4mm (1 ¾ inch) in Diameter Cloth Smear • Pressure Sensitive adhesive backing/support – Allows for easy reattachment to support or planchet • Backing and Smear can be removed together from support for analysis Conclusion 1990: Eichrom was founded to improve the efficiency of radiochemical separations through the commercialization of extraction chromatography 2012: Today, Eichrom supports a global customer base with a portfolio of extraction chromatographic resins, methods and an extensive bibliography of proven results. www.eichrom.com