Change of Signature, Name and Religion
Change of Signature, Name and Religion
21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, Rani Pushpam, T., Pushpa Vilasam, Vattavila, Vattavila P. O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 132, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my Community which is wrongly entered in my S.S.L.C. Book No. A324360 with Register No. 487723 of March 1989 as Hindu-Nadar is corrected as Christian-SIUC-Nadar vide Community Certificate No. K. Dis./A6-41592/10 dated 19-8-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Neyyattinkara Taluk. This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. Vattavila, 19-10-2010. RANI PUSHPAM. T. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Rajesh, T., Thottinkaraveedu, Oottukuzhi, Mangalackal, Kattakkada P.O., Thiruvananthapuram District, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 4964 date of Admission 25-5-1989 issued by the Headmaster, Government U. P. S., Mylakkara, also known as Girisan in the Ration Card No. 1106216627 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Neyyattinkara is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Gireesan, T. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kattakkada, 23-11-2010. 1451 RAJESH, T. It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Sunny, S., Kalluvila Veedu, Manchadi, Moongodu P.O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin.-695 573, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. 137268 with Register No. 82524 of March 1976, also known as Sunny in the Ration Card No. 1106158310 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Neyyattinkara in the Electoral Identty Card No. KL/20/137/408668, dated 11-7-1997, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Nemom Constituency is one and the same person. I have embraced Hinduism from Christian Cheramar Community as per the Suddhi Certificate Number 21430/10, dated 17-8-2010 issued from Aryasamaj, Thiruvananthapuram with a new name S. Suresh. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Cheramar Community and will be known by the name S. Suresh only and will sign accordingly. This change will come in to effect in all records related to me. Moongodu, 30-11-2010. SUNNY, S. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Rajan,R., Viralivila, Neduvanvila, Parassala P. O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 502, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 10953 date of Admission 22-5-1978, issued by the Headmistress, Evans H. S., Parassala , also known as Christhuraj in the Ration Card No. 1106166262 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Neyyattinkara, in the Electoral Identity Card No. BRP 1134378 dated 7-10-2000 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Parassala LA Constituency and known as Rajan Resalayyan in the Passport No. E 1402078 issued on 7-6-2002 by the Passport Officer, Trivandrum is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Christhuraj, R. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Parassala, 29-11-2010. RAJAN, R. NOTIFICATION I, Rejini, D., Reji Bhavan, Narani, Kunnathukal P.O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 504, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my Community which is wrongly entered in the S.S.L.C. Book No. J 183118 with Register No. 286733 of March 1997 as Christian-Nadar is corrected as Christian-SIUC-Nadar vide Community Certificate No. K.Dis./A6-60138/10 dated 22-11-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Neyyattinkara Taluk. This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. Kunnathukal, 26-11-2010. REJINI, D. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Kaladhar, O. K., Sarovaram, TC 21/1528(1) Nedumcaud, Karamana, P.O., Thiruvananthapuram Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 002, who had changed the name from Kunjukutty O. K. as per notification published in the Kerala Gazette No. 30 dated 28th July 2009, Part IV, Page No. 872 and holder of Election Identity Card No. UYX 0105015 dated 26-10-2009 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, 135 Nemom LA Constituency have changed to my former name as Kunjukutty, O. K. This change will come into effect in all the records related to me. Thiruvananthapuram, 26-11-2010. KALADHAR, O. K. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1452 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sangeetha Nair, A., T. C. 17/1535(3), Sayoojyam, Chengalloor, Poojapura P.O., Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 012, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. F 232061 with Register No. 433416 of March 1993, Election Identity Card No. UYX0073189 dated 13-3-2009 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, 135 Nemom LA Constituency and Driving Licence with DL No. KA-04/F/7323/2004 dated 31-7-2004 also known as Sangeetha Nair in the Pre Degree Certificate with Register No. 46270 of April 1995 and Degree Certificate with Register No. 5724 of April 1998, issued from the University of Calicut, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sangeetha Nair, A. only. I, Saritha, R. V., ‘Chaithram’, Ayirooppara P.O., Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 584, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor daughter Sajini, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4102/2000 date of Registration 8-11-2000, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram, also known as Aswani Sanal in the School Certificate with Admission No. 10940 date of Admission 5-2-2007, issued by the Headmistress, St. Mary’s L.P.S., Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram, known as Aswathi Sanal in the Ration Card No. 1103152532 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Thiruvananthapuram, is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Aswani Sanal only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Thiruvananthapuram, 25-11-2010. This change will come into effect in all the records related to her. Ayirooppara, 18-11-2010. SARITHA, R. V. SANGEETHA NAIR, A. NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, E. P. Syam, T.C. 17/1535(3), Sayoojyam, Chengalloor, Poojapura P. O., Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 012, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that, my minor son A. Saurav Syam, holder of School Certificate with Admission No. 666 issued by the Principal, Army School, Trivandrum dated 24-11-2010 also known as A. Savrav Syam in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2072/1999 and date of Registration 3-9-1999 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name A. Saurav Syam only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Thiruvananthapuram, 25-11-2010. E. P. SYAM. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Nusuarudeen, I., Ayisha Manzil, Near S. N. College, House No. S. P. VII/309 (Old), 615 (New), Chempazhanthi P. O., Thiruvananthapuram, Pin-695 587, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. B 118479 with Register No. 483630 of March 1982 and known as Nasurudeen in the Ration Card No. 1103001827 issued from Taluk Supply Office, Thiruvananthapuram, also known as Ismail Pillai Nusuarudeen in the Passport No. H 3123219 date of issue 6-6-2009, issued by the Vice Consul (Consular), Consulate General of India, Jeddah is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Ismail Pillai Nusuarudeen only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Chempazhanthi, 24-11-2010. NUSUARUDEEN, I. NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, Dileep, R.V., Aswathy, T. C. 42/401-1,Thavalodu Nagar, Sreevaraham, Vallakkadavu P. O., Thiruvananthapuram do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my community which is wrongly entered in the S.S.L.C No. C 041458 with Register No. 657921 of March 2003 as Hindu Nair is corrected as Hindu Vilakkithala Nair vide Certificate No. A6-31376/K. Dis./2010 dated 20-10-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Thiruvananthapuram. I, Shanmughan Chettiar, K., Uthirappatti Puthuval Puthenveedu, Neduveli, Konchira P.O., Vembayam, Nedumangad Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin- 695 615, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my Community which is wrongly entered in the S.S.L.C. Book No. A 684122 with Register No. 254373 of April 1974 as Hindu-Chettiar is corrected as Hindu-Vanika Vaisya vide Community Certificate No. B2-27755/10 dated 25-11-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Nedumangad Taluk. This correction will come into effect in all the records related to me. This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. Thiruvananthapuram, 30-11-2010. Konchira, 30-11-2010. DILEEP, R. V. SHANMUGHAN CHETTIAR, K. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1453 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, Nagesh Kumar, B. R., Christu Bhavan, Karunneppan Kavu, Changa, Vellanadu Village, Nedumangadu Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 542, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my Community which is wrongly entered in the S.S.L.C. No. C 450156 with Register No. 150552 of March 2002 as Christian-Nadar is corrected as Christian Nadar SIUC vide Certificate No. B2-27474/2010, dated 24-11-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Nedumangadu. I, Tajudeen, E., Kizhakkathil Veedu, Edava P.O., Edava Village, Chirayinkizhu Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala State, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Hena Taj, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 706/95, date of Registration 10-6-1995 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Varkala Municipality also known as Salma Taj in the School Certificate with Admission No. 23960 issued on 19-1-2010 by the Headmaster, M. R. Mohamed Kunju Memorial Muslim Higher Secondary School , Edava is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Salma Taj only. This correction will come into effect in all records related to him. Changa, 26-11-2010. NAGESH KUMAR, B. R. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Edava, 11-11-2010. hn⁄m-]\w Xncp- h - \ - ¥ - ] pcw Pn√- b n¬ s\Sp- a - ß mSv Xmeq- ° n¬ Icp- ∏ qcv hnt√- P n¬ Icp- ∏ qcv ]n. H. bn¬ Imcm- ¥ - e , taS-bn¬ \nc-∏n¬ ho´n¬ lukv \º¿ 350-˛¬ Xmakw Ipamcn, sP., (kvIqƒ FIvkv{SmIv‰v AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 5343XobXn 31-˛5-˛1976 Kh: sslkvIqƒ, Icn-∏q-cv) _‘-s∏´ F√m A[n-Im-cn-If - psSbpw s]mXp-P\ - ß - f - p-sSbpw Adn-hn-tebv°mbn {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂Xv. {InkvXy≥ tNc-a¿ kap-Zm-bmw-K-amb Rm\pw {]mb-]q¿Øn-bm-ImØ Fs‚ aIƒ cay cmPv, sI. bpw (A-Uvan-j≥ cPn-kv‰¿ \º¿ 032 Kh¨sa‚ v sslkvIqƒ, Icn-∏q-cv) Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw Bcykam-P-Øns‚ 29-˛11-˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse 21592/10--˛mw \º¿ ip≤n k¿´n-^n-°-‰p-{]-Imcw lnμp- a Xw kzoI- c n- ® n- c n- ° p- ∂ p. C\n- a p- X ¬ R߃ lnμp tNc-a¿ kap-Zm-b-Øn¬ Dƒs∏-Sp--∂-Xm-bn-cn°pw. Cu am‰w Rßsf kw_-‘n-°p∂ F√m tcJ-Iƒ°pw _m[-Iam-bn-cn-°pw. TAJUDEEN, E. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Sajeevu, M., Koduvila P. O., Sinkarapally, East Kallada, Kollam, Kerala, India, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. G 371916 with Reg. No. 345786 of March 1996 and Reg. No. 344768 of March 1997 in which my Community is wrongly entered as Latin Christian Parava Convert is corrected as Christian Latin Catholic vide Community Certificate No. K. Dis/54459/ B7/2010 dated 18-11-2010 issued by Tahsildar, Kollam Taluk. This correction will take effect in all records related to me. Kollam, 18-11-2010. SAJEEVU, M. NOTIFICATION s\Sp-a-ßmSv, 29˛11˛2010. Ipam-cn, sP. ERRATUM NOTIFICATION In my Notification regarding change of name published in the Kerala Gazette No. 24 dated 15th June 2010, Part IV, Page No. 671, my changed name was wrongly shown as Visal Arum Ram instead of Vishal Arun Ram. It is hereby corrected to read as Vishal Arun Ram. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Karakulam, 20-9-2010. VISAL ARUN RAM. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Rini Thankam Jacob, Panangottu Rini Villa, Alumoodu P. O., Kollam District, Pin-691 577, holder of S. S. L. C. D No. 401480 with Register No. 612443 of March 2003 and in the Ration Card No. 1207146218 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kollam also known as Neeni Thankam Jacob in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 366/87 dated 9-3-1987 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kottamkara Panchayat is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Rini Thankam Jacob only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Alumoodu, 20-11-2010. RINI THANKAM JACOB. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1454 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sabastian, G., Tadathivila Puthenveedu, TKMC P. O., Vidya Nagar-29, Kollam Taluk, Kollam District, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. C 162798 with Register No. 374090 of March 1981, also known as Suhail in the Ration Card No. 1207066331 dated 24-12-2008 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kollam is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Christian Roman Catholic Community as per Duplicate Discharge Certificate No. 833/96 dated 30-10-1996 issued from the Maunathul Islam Association, Ponnani with a new name Suhail. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and have changed my name as Suhail, G. and will sign accordingly. I, C. Soundaresh, Quarter C7 (XXIV/688), Government Officers Quarters, Thevally, Kollam, Pin-691 009, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter S. Silpa, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 438/ 98, date of Registration 3-2-1998 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Cochin, also known as S. Jyothika in the School Certificate with Admission No. 4238, date of Admission 26-7-2010 issued by the Principal, St. Mary’s Residential Central School, Ramankulangara, Kollam is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name S. Jyothika only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kollam, 14-7-2010. SABASTIAN, G. This change will take effect in all records related to her. Kollam, 14-10-2010. C. SOUNDARESH. NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, Molikutty, C., Lathika Bhavan, Thuruthel, Uliyakovil P. O., Kollam Taluk, Kollam District, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I have changed the name of my minor son A. Abhijith, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2287, date of Registration 6-3-2003, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Kollam and Extract of the School Admission Register with Admission No. 363, date of Admission 4-5-2007 issued on 26-4-2010 by the Principal, Puthiyakavu Central School, Mamoottilkadavu, Kollam as Abhijith Appukuttan. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Uliyakovil, 3-9-2010. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Omanakuttan, S., Santhosh Bhavan, College Nagar-50, T. K. M. C. P. O., Kollam-691 005, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 17733, date of Admission 21-5-1982 issued from Sivaram N. S. S. High School, Karikode, also known as S. Omanakuttan Pillai in the Ration Card No. 1207225968 (Sl. No. 1) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kollam is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Omanakuttan Pillai, S. only and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kollam, 1-10-2010. S. OMANAKUTTAN. MOLIKUTTY, C. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Jijo Pious, Thyparambil, Mayyanad P. O., Kollam District691 303, holder of S. S. L. C. No. H 223448 with Register No. 504670 of March 2008 and in the Ration Card No. 1207099716 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kollam, also known as Jijo Pious Pereira in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1367/91, date of Registration 30-7-1991 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Adichanalloor Grama Panchayath is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Jijo Pious Pereira only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kollam, 7-10-2010. JIJO PIOUS. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Patric John, Mini Dale, Mundakkal, Kollam-691 001, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. I 209364 with Register No. 355428 of 1996 March, also known as Patrick John in Degree Certificate with Register No. 156056 (2002 April) issued by the Vice Chancellor, University of Kerala, B. Ed. Degree Certificate with Register No. 50561 (2008 November) issued by the Vice Chancellor, University of Kerala and in the Electoral Identity Card No. DQK 2952414 dated 6-3-2006 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kollam L. A. Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Patrick John only. This change will take effect related to me. Kollam, 20-10-2010. in all records PATRIC JOHN. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Vallerian Baisil, Vayalil Veedu, Vadackum Bhagam, Eravipuram P. O., Kollam District, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. A-214308 (with Register No. 140286 of 1972 March), also known as V. Baisil in the Ration Card No. 1207087720 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kollam known as Besil in the Electoral Identity Card No. KL/18/125/096598 dated 21-8-1997 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Eravipuram LA Constituency, known as Baisal, V. in the S. S. L. C. No. A-345490 with Register No. 365120 of March 2000 of my daughter Sherin Mol, C. B. and also known as Basil, V. in the S. S. L. C. No. C 379216 with Register No. 616218 of March 2003 of my son Sameesh, C. B. is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Basil, V. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kollam, 4-10-2010. VALLERIAN BAISIL. NOTIFICATION I, Jijimol, L., Seemavilasom, Elikkattoor P. O., Piravanthoor, Pathanapuram Taluk, Kollam District, Pin-689 696, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that, my Religion and Caste which wrongly entered in the S. S. L. C. No. 453201 with Register No. 35599 of March 1999 as Hindu-Ezhava is corrected as Christian and Malankara Catholic Community vide Certificate No. G4-18898/2010/K.Dis. dated 23-9-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Pathanapuram. This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. Piravanthoor, 25-9-2010. JIJIMOL, L. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Shiny Mol, C. R., Prasad Bhavan, 432, Paranthal P. O., Adoor, Pathanamthitta District, Pin-689 518, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. E 789476 with Register No. 42985 of March 1985, also known as Shiny Prasad in the Ration Card No. 1314000886 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Adoor, PAN Card No. BGLPP5896H issued from Income Tax Department, in the Passport No. G 1474928, date of issue 5-3-2007 from Passport Office, Trivandrum, in the Birth Certificate of my son Prithil, P. with Registration No. 1517/1991, date of Registration 24-6-1991 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Pathanamthitta Municipality, known as Shinymol Prasad in the Passport No. G1474347 issued on 2-3-2007 from Passport Office, Trivandrum of my husband Prasad Kutty, also known as Shiny in the Election Identity Card No. TJX0120964 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Adoor L.A. Constituency, in the Birth Certificate of my another minor son Shijil, P. with Registration No. 560/96, date of Registration 12-8-1996 issued by the Registrar of 1455 Births and Deaths, Konni Grama Panchayat is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Shiny Prasad only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Adoor, 19-11-2010. SHINY MOL, C. R. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Mony Thomas, Kochuveettil (H), Kunnathumkara P. O., Kunnathumkara, Pathanamthitta District, Pin-689 546, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. D 087797 with Register No. 377351 of March 1983, Driving Licence No. 27/2103/1987, dated 5-2-2009, issued by the Asst. L. A., Thiruvalla, in the Ration Card No. 1313015166, issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Thiruvalla, Passport No. A4482855, issued on 27-4-1998, by the Vice Consul, Consulate General of India, Dubai, UAE, also known as Moni Thomas in the Birth Certificate of my minor daughter Linu K. Moni with Registration No. 3915/93, date of Registration 20-10-1993, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Thiruvalla Municipality and in her S. S. L. C. No. I 601510 with Register No. 189665 of March 2009 is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Mony Thomas only. It is further notified that, I have changed the name of my minor daughter Linu K. Moni, holder of S. S. L. C. I No. 601510 with Register No. 189665 of March 2009, Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3915/93, date of Registration 20-10-1993 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Thiruvalla Municipality as Linu K. Mony. This change will come into effect in all the records related to us. Kunnathumkara, 25-11-2010. MONY THOMAS. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sreemurukan Pillai, K. K., Koippallil, Vettuveni, Haripad Post, Karthikappally Taluk, Alappuzha District, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. C 347080 with Register No. 321543 of March 1982 and known as Sreemurugan Pillai, K. K. in the B. Sc. (Physics) Degree Certificate with Register No. 80435, of April 1990, of University of Kerala, also known as Sreemurukan Pillai in the Electoral Identity Card No. YLM0109025, dated 17-3-2009, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Haripad LA Constituency and as Sreemurukan in the Certificate of Birth of my minor daughter Chandana, U. with Registration No.1343/98 date of Registration 29-9-1998 issued by the Secretary and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Pallippad Grama Panchayat is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sreemurugan Pillai, K. K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Haripad, 29-9-2010. SREEMURUKAN PILLAI, K. K. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION 1456 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information It is hereby notified for the information of of all concerned authorities and the public that I, all Sajeev, S., Mampozhil House, Kappil East, Krishnapuram Raju Markose, Thadathil, Channanikadu P. O., Kottayam, Post, Karthikappally Taluk, Alappuzha District, holder of Kerala-686 533, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. E612087 J. T. S. L. C. Book No. 34/80 with Register No. 287 of with Register No. 463024 of March 1985 also known as March 1980, also known as Sajeev in the Electoral Raju, T. M., in the Ration Card No. 1523009509 issued Identity Card No. LKX1289545, dated 21-2-2003 issued from Taluk Supply Office, Kottayam known as Raju in by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kayamkulam L. A. the Election Identity Card Number BRG 1107754 dated Constituency and as Sajeev Sadanandan in the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Certificate Serial No. 214 with Enrolment No. 909003749 of June 1999 of Indira Gandhi National Open University is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sajeev Sadanandan only. This change will come into effect in all records concerned authorities and the public that I, 4-8-2000 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Puthuppally L. A. Constituency, and in the Birth Certificate with Registration Number 1633/96, date of Registration 30-3-1996, Arpookara Grama Panchayat and School Admission Register Extract Admission Number 16167, date of Admission 31-5-2006, N. S. S. H. S., Kuzhimattom of my elder minor son Rahul Raj, Birth related to me. Certificate with Registration Number 6531/2000, date of Krishnapuram, 30-9-2010. SAJEEV, S. Registration 5-10-2000, Arpookara Grama Panchayat and School Admission Register Extract with Admission Number 5977, date of Admission 24-5-2006, C. M. S. L. P. NOTIFICATION School, Channanikad of my younger minor son Rohith Raj It is hereby notified for the information of all is one and the same person. I have embraced Hinduism concerned authorities and the public that I, Ajayakumar, M. A., from Christian Cheramar Community vide Suddhi Mavummootil (H), Arthunkal P. O., Cherthala, Alappuzha Certificate No. 21198/10 dated 24-5-2010 issued from District, Pin-688 530, holder of S. S. L. C. Aryasamaj, Thiruvananthapuram with name Raju. No. B 220352 with Register No. 208770 of March 2001, Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. HSE 681341 with Register No. 814832 of March 2003 issued from Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Thiruvananthapuram also known as Ajayakumar in the Election Identity Card No. KBZ 1506518, issued on 28-2-2005 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Cherthala L. A. Constituency and in the Ration Card No. 1417058663 issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Cherthala is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Ajaykumar Asokan and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records It is further notified that my elder minor son Rahul Raj, holder of School Admission Register Abstract with Admission Number 16167, date of Admission 31-5-2006 issued from N. S. S. H. S., Kuzhimattom and my younger minor son Rohith Raj, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission Number 5977, date of Admission 24-5-2006 issued from C.M.S.L.P. School, Channanikad have embraced Hinduism from Christian Cheramar Community as per the above Suddhi Certificate with the same name. Hindu Cheramar Community. The above changes will come into effect in all related to me. records related to us. Cherthala, Kottayam, 12-10-2010. AJAYAKUMAR, M. A. Hereafter we will be members of 28-6-2010. RAJU MARKOSE. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1457 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Amala George, Kannattu House, Perumpaikad P. O., Kottayam District, Kerala, Pin-686 028, holder of S. S. L. C. No. C 179781 with Register No. 682489 of March 2002, Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. HSE 0393376 with Register No. 1104988 of March 2004 issued from the Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala, Driving License No. 5/4115/2010 dated 17-6-2010 issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Kottayam, Passport No. H6476520 dated 4-3-2010, issued by the Regional Passport Officer, Cochin also known as Sheeba Peter, K., in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 46, date of Registration 20-1-1987, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kottayam Municipality, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Amala George only. I, Sasindran Pillai, V. K., Vellappallil, Moonnilavu P.O., Meenachil, Kottayam-686 586, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that the Community which is wrongly entered in the S.S.L.C. No. K-389704 with Register No. 412569 of March 2010 of my minor daughter Salu Sasi as Hindu Ezhava is corrected as Hindu-Vellala vide Community Certificate No. C9/9651/19/2010 dated 12-10-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Meenachil Taluk. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kottayam, 30-8-2010. AMALA GEORGE. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Seemadevi, P. N., Pariyath House, Vattukulam P. O., Meenachil, Kottayam-686 596, holder of S. S. L. C. Book J 395881 with Register No. 54653 of 1998 March as also known as Seema in the Ration Card Number 1527028508 issued from Taluk Supply Office, Meenachil, and known as Seemadevi in the Election Identity Card No. GGL 1381227 dated 9-5-2002 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kaduthuruthy L.A. Constituency and in the Marriage Certificate Number 18/2010 dated 26-4-2010 issued by the Marriage Officer, Kuravilangad, is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu Viswakarma Community vide Discharge Certificate Number 212/10 dated 8-6-2010 issued from The Maunathul Islam Association, Ponani, Kerala with a new name Rayhana. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and have changed my name as Rayhana Rafeeq consequent on my marriage and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kottayam, 3-11-2010. SEEMADEVI, P. N. This correction will come into effect in all records related to her. Kottayam, 14-10-2010. SASINDRAN PILLAI, V. K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Deepthy Gopal, Mamparayil, Vallichira P. O., Arunapuram, Meenachil Taluk, Kottayam District, Pin-686 592, holder of S.S.L.C. No. E187196 with Register No. 311553 of March 2005, in the Ration Card No. 1527006478, issued from Taluk Supply Office, Meenachil also known as Deepthimol, G., in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2131/89, date of Registration 19-9-1989 issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths, Municipal Office, Pala is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Deepthy Gopal only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kottayam, 26-10-2010. DEEPTHY GOPAL. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Gopi, V. K., Punnuchirakulathil, Pallichachira P. O., Changanacherry Taluk, Kottayam District, holder of Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 15590 date of Admission 23-5-1978 issued by the Headmaster, Govt. H.S., Thrickodithanam, in the Ration Card No. 1524023607 dated 24-12-2008 issued by Taluk Supply Officer, Changanacherry have embraced Christianity from Hindu Cheramer Community vide Baptism Certificate dated 4-10-2010 issued from Mizpah Gospal Assemply in India, Kottor, Pathanamthitta with a new name Thankachan, V. K. Hereafter I will be a member of Cheramer Christian Community. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Pallickachira, 4-10-2010. GOPI, V. K. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1458 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Rose Maria Thomas, Puthuparampil House, Thrikkodithanam P. O., Nalkavala West, Changanacherry, Kottayam District, Pin-686 105, holder of S. S. L. C. No. H 343754, with Register No. 418588 of March 2008. Ration Card No. 1524026071 issued from Taluk Supply Office, Changanacherry, Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) No: HSE 115669 with Register No. 6119713 of March 2010 issued from Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala also known as Maria Rose Thomas in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 65/92, date of Registration 9-1-1992 issued by the Health Inspector, Registrar of Births and Deaths, Changanacherry Municipality is one and same person. Hereafter I will known by the name Maria Rose Thomas only and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all the records related to me. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Manojkumar, R., Anugraha, Vadayar, Thalayolaparambu, Valikom, Kottayam-686 605 have changed the name of my minor son Anandhu Manoj, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration Number 92/2009, date of Registration 19-10-2009 issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths, Thalayolaparambu Grama Panchayat and School Admission Register Extract with Admission Number 1242/06, date of Admission 16-5-2006 issued from The Warwin School, Vaikom as Vijay Nair. This change will come into effect in all, the records related to him. Kottayam, 14-10-2010. MANOJKUMAR, R. Kottayam, 3-11-2010. ROSE MARIA THOMAS. NOTIFICATION I, Jacob Varughese, Harsha, III/109, Pulickal Kavala P. O., Changanassery Taluk, Kottayam District, Pin-686 515 hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I have changed the name of my minor daughter Elza Jacob, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 487/2005 date of Registration 30-5-2005 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Vijayapuram Grama Panchayat and in the Ration Card No. 1524056425, (Sl. No. 6) issued from the Taluk Supply Office, Changanassery as Swathi Elza Jacob. This change will take effect in all records related to her. Kottayam, 3-11-2010. JACOB VARUGHESE. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sasidharan, P. K., Palliyadiyil House, Ithithanam P. O., Changanacherry, Kottayam-686 535, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. C 258105, with Register No. 277331 of 1981 March and Ration Card Number 1524029604 issued from Taluk Supply Office, Changanacherry have embraced Christianity from Hindu Cheramar Community as per Baptism Certificate with Reg. Number 23 issued on 5-6-2010 from World Christian Church of God, Sachivothamapuram, Changanacherry with a new name Joy, P. K., and will sign accordingly. It is further notified that my minor daughter, Anjumol, P. S., holder of S.S.L.C. No. K 350449 with Register Number 427825 of March 2010 have embraced Christianity from Hindu Cheramar Community as per Baptism Certificate with Reg. No. 23A issued on 5-6-2010, from World Christian Church of God, Sachivothamapuram, Changanacherry with a new name Anjumol Joy. Hereafter we will be the members of Christian Religion. The above changes will come into effect in all records related to us. Kottayam, 8-6-2010. SASIDHARAN, P. K., NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Manojkumar, R., Anugraha, Vadayar, Thalayolaparambu, Valikom, Kottayam-686 605 have changed the name of my minor daughter Abhirami Manoj, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration Number 557, date of Registration 4-2-2002 issued by Health Supervisor, Corporation of Cochin and School Admission Register Extract with Admission Number 1619/08, date of Admission 19-3-2008 issued from The Warwin School, Vaikom as Advatiya, M. This change will come into effect in all the records related to her. Kottayam, 14-10-2010. MANOJKUMAR, R. hn⁄m]\w tIm-´bw Pn√bn¬ tIm-´bw Xmeq-°n¬ Abva\w ]n. H.-˛bn¬ ]n≥\-º¿ 686 015, ]Xn-bn¬ ho´n¬ Xma-kn-°p∂ t{Kkn, F≥. ]n. _‘-s∏´ F√m A[n-Im-cnI- f p- s Sbpw s]m- X p- P - \ - ß - f p- s Sbpw Adn- h n- t e- ° mbn {]kn≤s∏SpØp∂Xv. Fs‚ t]cv kvIqƒ AUvan-j≥ cPn-Ãd - ns‚ ]I¿∏n¬ (kvIqƒ AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 7902 XobXn 8˛5-˛1975, sk‚ v B≥kv lb¿ sk°-≠dn kvIqƒ, tIm-´b - w) t{Kkn, F≥.- ]n. F∂pw, sI.- F ¬/13/091/189160- ˛ mw \º¿ Xncn- ® - d n- b ¬ Im¿Un¬ (Xo- b Xn 4˛12- ˛ 1997, G‰p- a m- \ q¿ Akwªn \ntbm- P - I - a - W v U - e w) kp[ F∂pw, 1523023451- ˛ mw \º¿ tdj≥ Im¿Un¬ (Xm-eq°v kssπ -Hm-^o-kv, tIm-´-bw) kp[m iin F∂pw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Cu aq∂p t]cp-I-fnepw Adn-b-s∏-Sp∂ Bƒ Hcmƒ Xs∂bmWv. {InkvXy≥ tNc-a¿ kap-Zm-bmw-K-amb Rm≥ Xncp-h\ - ¥ - ] - pcw Bcy-ka - m-PØ - ns‚ 1˛4-˛2010˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse 21105/10-˛mw \º¿ ip≤n k¿´n-^n-°‰v {]Imcw kp[m, F≥.- ]n. F∂ ]pXnb t]cn¬ lnμp-aXw kzoI-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p.- ]pXnb t]cn\v A\p-kr-X-ambn Fs‚ H∏pw amdp-∂-Xm-bn-cn-°pw. C\n apX¬ Rm≥ lnμp tNc- a ¿ kap- Z m- b - Ø n¬ Dƒs∏-Sp-∂X - m-bn-cn-°pw. Cu am‰w Fs∂ kw_-‘n-°p∂ F√m tcJIƒ°pw _m[-I-am-bn-cn-°pw. tIm-´bw, 10-˛6˛2010. t{Kkn, F≥.- ]n. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE hn⁄m]\w tIm-´bw Pn√bn¬, tIm-´bw Xmeq-°n¬, ao\Sw hnt√-Pn¬ h´-°p∂v ]n. H.-˛bn¬ s\Sp-tßm-´p-ho-´n¬ Xma-kn-°p∂ tPmbn, F≥.-kn. (sP. ‰n. Fkv. F¬. kn. cPn- à ¿ \º¿ 498 am¿®v 1982, tdj≥ Im¿Uv \º¿ 1523098169 Xmeq°v kssπ Hm^o-kv, tIm-´-bw) _‘-s∏´ F√m A[n-Im-cn-I-fp-sSbpw s]mXpP\-ß-fp-sSbpw Adn-hn-te-bv°mbn {]kn≤s∏Sp-Øp-∂-Xv. {Inkv X y≥ k- m w_h¿ kap- Z m- b mw- K ßfmb Rm\pw Fs‚ ssa\- d mb a°ƒ \nan- j m- t amƒ F≥. tPmbn (F- k v . - F - k v . - F ¬.kn. \º¿ sF. 495247 cPn- à ¿ \º¿ 234570 am¿®v 2009) ARv P en F≥. tPmbn (kv I qƒ AUvan-j≥ cPn-ÿ FIvkv{SmIv‰v AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 5460, XobXn 28-˛5-˛2008, Kh¨sa‚ v sslkvIqƒ ao\-Sw, P\-\k¿´n-^n-°‰v \º¿ II 1579-/98 XobXn 3˛8˛1998 tIm-´bw ap\n-kn-∏m-en-‰n) APn-Xv F≥. tPmbn (kvIqƒ AUvan-j≥ cPn-ÿ FIvkv{SmIv‰v AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 5371, XobXn 30˛5- ˛ 2007 kn.- F w.Fkv . F¬.]n. kv I qƒ ao\Sw CuÃv P\\-k¿´n-^n-°‰v cPn-kvt{S-j≥ \º¿ II 883/2001 XobXn 10- ˛ 4- ˛ 2001 tIm- ´ bw ap\n- k n- ∏ m- e n- ‰ n) F∂n- h cpw Xncp-h\ - ¥ - ] - pcw Bcy-ka - m-PØ - ns‚ 23˛6˛2010˛se 21302/10-˛mw \º¿ ip≤n k¿´n-^n-°‰v {]Imcw Rm≥ F≥. Pb≥ F∂ t]cnepw Fs‚ a°ƒ bYm- { Iaw \nan- j m- t amƒ, F≥., ARv P en, F≥., APn- Ø v , F≥. F∂ t]cp- I - f nepw lnμp-aXw kzoI-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p.C\n-ap-X¬ R߃ lnμp kmw_-h¿ kapZm-b-Øn¬ Dƒs∏-Sp-∂X - m-bn-cn-°pw. t]cn\v A\p-kr-Xa - mbn Fs‚ H∏pw amdp-∂-Xm-bn-cn-°pw. Cu am‰w Rßsf kw_-‘n-°p∂ F√m tcJIƒ°pw _m[-I-am-bn-cn-°pw. tIm-´bw, 16-˛7˛2010. tPm-bn, F≥. kn. hn⁄m]\w tIm-´bw Pn√bn¬ ao\-®n¬ Xmeq-°n¬ ]qh-cWn hnt√-Pn¬ ]qh-cWn ]n. H.-˛bn¬ 686 577 tImWp tXm-´Ø - n¬ 281 \º¿ ho´n¬ Xma-kn-°p∂ X¶-®≥, sI. sI. (kvIqƒ AUvan-j≥ cPn-ÿ FIvkv{Sm-IvSv, AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 7117 XobXn 17-˛5-˛1976 sk‚ v tPm-k^vkv sslkvIqƒ, hnf- ° p- a m- S w) _‘- s ∏´ F√m A[n- I m- c n- I - f p- s S- b pw s]m-Xp-P\ - ß - f - p-sSbpw Adn-hn-te-°mbn {]kn-≤s - ∏-Sp-Øp-∂X - v. Fs‚ ssa\-dmb aIs‚ t]cv ]mem ap≥kn-∏m-en-‰nbn¬ \n∂pw \¬Inb P\\ k¿´n-^n-°-‰n¬ lcn, ‰n. sI. F∂pw (c-Pn-kvt{S-j≥ \º¿ 713, cPn-kvt{S-j≥ XobXn 4˛4-˛1994 ap≥kn-∏¬ Hm^okv, ]mem) sI. 189303-˛mw \º¿ Fkv. Fkv. F¬. kn. k¿´n-^n-°-‰n¬ (c-Pn-ÿ \º¿ 413164 am¿®v 2010) lcn-Zmkv sI. X¶-®≥ F∂pw tcJ-s∏Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Cu c≠p t]cnepw Adn-b-s∏-Sp∂ Bƒ Hcmƒ Xs∂-bm-Ip-∂p. {InkvXy≥ tNc-a¿ kap-Zm-bmw-Kßfmb Rm\pw Fs‚ ssa\-dmb a°ƒ lcn-Zmkv sI. X¶-®≥, lcn-Xm-tamƒ sI. X¶-®≥ (kvIqƒ AUvan-j≥ cPn-ÿ FIvkv{SmIv‰v AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 7407, XobXn 30-˛5-˛2005, sk‚ v t{Xkymkv bp.-]n. kvIqƒ, hnf-°p-am-Sw) F∂n-hcpw Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw AJn-e-`m-cX Aø-∏-tkhm kwL-Øns‚ 8˛5-˛2010-˛se kn.-kn. 5102/2010-˛mw \º¿ aX-]-cn-h¿Ø\ k¿´n- ^ n- ° ‰v {]Imcw Rm\pw aIfpw AtX t]cpI-fn-epw aI≥ lcn, ‰n. sI. F∂ t]cnepw lnμp-aXw kzoI-cn-®n-cn°p-∂p. C\n apX¬ R߃ lnμp tNc-a¿ kap-Zm-bØ - n¬ Dƒs∏-Sp-∂X - m-bn-cp-°pw. Cu am‰w Rßsf kw_-‘n-°p∂ F√m tcJIƒ°pw _m[-I-am-bn-cn-°pw. tIm-´bw, 4-˛11˛2010. X¶-®≥, sI. sI. 1459 hn⁄m]\w tIm-´bw Pn√bn¬ ao\-®n¬ Xmeq-°n¬ hbe ]n. H.-˛bn¬ ]n≥˛686 587 ]pØ≥]p-c-bv°¬ ho´n¬ kp\n¬, sI. ]n. (kvIqƒ AUvan-j≥ cPn-ÿ FIvkv{Sm-IvSv, AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 5137, AUvan-j≥ XobXn 30˛5-˛1989 sk‚ v tacokv F®v . - F - k v . sXt°- a - e , tdj≥Im¿Uv \º¿ 1527083126 Xmeq°v kssπ B^okv, ao\-®n¬) _‘-s∏´ F√m A[n-Im-cn-I-fp-tSbpw s]m-Xp-P\-ß-fp-tSbpw Adn-hn-te-°mbn {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xv. {InkvXy≥ tNc-a¿ kap-Zm-bmw-Kamb Rm≥ Xncp-h\ - ¥ - ] - pcw Bcy-ka - m-PØ - ns‚ 13˛10-˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse 21534/10-˛mw \º¿ ip≤n-k¿´n-^n-°‰v {]Imcw AtX t]cn¬ lnμp-aXw kzoI-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. C\n apX¬ Rm≥ lnμp tNc-a¿ kap-Zm-bØ - n¬ Dƒs∏-Sp-∂X - m-bn-cn°pw. Cu am‰w Fs∂ kw_-‘n-°p∂ F√m tcJIƒ°pw _m[-I-am-bn-cn-°pw. tIm-´bw, 22-˛10˛2010. kp\n¬, sI. ]n. hn⁄m]\w tIm-´bw Pn√bn¬ ao\®n¬ Xmeq-°n¬ ]I- t em- a ‰w ]n. H.- ˛ bn¬ tKmhn- μ - ] pcw e£w ho´n¬ cmPp- t Pm¨ _‘- s ∏´ F√m A[n- I m- c n- I - f p- s Sbpw s]mXpP\-ßf - p-sSbpw Adn-hn-te-°mbn {]kn≤s∏Sp-Øp-∂X - v. Fs‚ t]cv Fs‚ kvIqƒ k¿´n-^n-°‰ - n¬ (AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 2295, AUvan-j≥ XobXn 3˛6˛1975, sk‚ v tacokv F¬. ]n. kv I qƒ, Ipd- h n- e - ß mSv ) cmPp - t Pm¨ F∂pw ssa\-dmb aIƒ civan, B¿.-˛s‚ P\-\-k¿´n-^n-°‰nepw (P\\-k¿´n-^n-°‰v cPn-kvt{S-j≥ \º¿ 3769/2000, XobXn 9˛6˛2000, B¿∏p-°c {Kma-]-©m-b-Øv) kvIqƒ AUv a n- j ≥ cPn- à dns‚ ]I¿∏nepw (AUv a n- j ≥ \º¿ 14569, XobXn 30-˛5-˛2009, sk‚ v tacokv F®v. Fkv. t^m¿ tKƒkv, Ipd-hn-eß - m-Sv), ssa\-dmb aI≥ Pn_n≥, B¿.-˛s‚ P\- \ - k ¿´n- ^ n- ° ‰nepw (cPn- k v t {S- j ≥ \º¿ 779/2002, XobXn 5˛2˛2002, B¿∏p- ° c {Kma- ] - © m- b - Ø v ) kv I qƒ AUv a n- j ≥ \º¿ 1888 XobXn 1˛6- ˛ 2007, km¥m- { Iqkv F¬. ]n. Fkv. aÆm-°\ - m-Sv) cmPp F∂pw tdj≥Im¿Un¬ (tdj≥Im¿Uv \º¿ 1527032428, Xmeq°v kssπ B^ok,v ao\-®n¬) cmPq \oe≥ F∂p-amWv tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂X - v. ta¬∏- d ™ aq∂p t]cp- I - f nepw Adn- b - s ∏- S p- ∂ Xv Hcmƒ Xs∂-bm-Wv. C\n apX¬ Rm≥ cmPq \oe≥ F∂ t]cn¬ am{Xw Adn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-bn-cn-°pw.{Inkv X y≥ th´ph¿ kap- Z m- b mw- K ßfmb Rm\pw Fs‚ ssa\-dmb a°ƒ civan, B¿. (kvIqƒ AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 14569, XobXn 30-˛5-˛2009, sk‚ v tacokv F®v. Fkv. t^m¿ tKƒkv, Ipd-hn-e-ßm-Sv), Pn_n≥, B¿. (kvIqƒ AUvan-j≥ \º¿ 1888, XobXn 1˛6-˛2007, km¥m-{Iqkv F¬. ]n. Fkv. aÆm-°-\m-Sv) F∂n-hcpw Xncp-h\ - ¥ - ] - pcw Bcy-ka - m-PØ - ns‚ 26-˛7˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse 21379/10- ˛ mw \º¿ ip≤n- k ¿´n- ^ n- ° ‰v {]Imcw Rm≥ cmPp \oe≥ F∂ t]cnepw a°ƒ AtX t]cp-I-fnepw lnμp-aXw kzoI-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. C\n apX¬ R߃ lnμp th´ph¿ kap-Zm-bØ - n¬ Dƒs∏-Sp-∂X - m-bn-cn-°pw. Cu am‰w Rßsf kw_-‘n-°p∂ F√m tcJIƒ°pw _m[-I-am-bn-cn-°pw. tIm-´bw, 30˛7˛2010. cmPp- tPm¨. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1460 hn⁄m]\w NOTIFICATION tIm-´bw Pn√bn¬ Nß-\m-t»cn Xmeq-°n¬ hmI-Øm\w hnt√-Pn¬ hmI-Øm\w ]n. H.-˛bn¬ ]p∂-t»-cn¬ hS-t°-°c ho´n¬ Xma- k n-°p∂ Pq_n, ]n. hn. (Fkv.- Fkv. F¬.- kn. _p°v \º¿ C 798295, cPn-ÿ \º¿ 85882 am¿®v 1986, tdj≥ Im¿Uv \º¿ 1524071182, Xmeq°v kssπ Hm-^o-kv, Nß-\m-t»cn) _‘-s∏´ F√m A[n-Im-cn-I-fp-sSbpw s]m-Xp-P-\-ß-fp-sSbpw Adn-hn-te-°mbn {]kn≤s∏SpØp∂Xv. I, Vismitha Austin, Karot House, 36/81, Kairali Street, Asoka Road, Kaloor P. O., Kanayannur Taluk, Ernakulam District, Pin-682 017, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my Caste which is wrongly entered in the S. S. L. C. Book No. C 247242 with Register No. 529894 of March 1991 as Roman Catholic is corrected as Latin Catholic vide Community Certificate No. A5-11273/10 dated 2-9-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Kanayannur. lnμp hÆm≥ kap- Z m- b mw- K - a mb Rm≥ s_tY¬ Akw-ªokv Hm^v tKmUv hmI-Øm\w k`-bpsS 16-˛6˛2010 Xob-Xn-bnse 18-˛mw \º¿ _m]v‰nkw k¿´n-^n-°‰v {]Imcw AtX t]cn¬ {InkvX p-aXw kzoI-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p.C\n apX¬ Rm≥ {InkvXy≥ kap-Zm-b-Øn¬ Dƒs∏-Sp-∂ -Xm-bn-cn-°pw. Cu am‰w Fs∂ kw_-‘n-°p∂ F√m tcJIƒ°pw _m[-I-am-bn-cn-°pw. tIm-´bw, 28-˛6˛2010. Pq_n, ]n. hn. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that, I, Jishamol Antony, Padinjarayil House, Mariyapuram P. O., Idukki District, Pin-685 602, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. C. 404026 with Register No. 487614 of March 1994 also known as Jisha in the Ration Card No. 1628053385 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Thodupuzha and in the Election Identity Card No. KHC 1326438 dated 31-1-2001 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Idukki L A Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Jisha Antony. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Idukki, 26-11-2010. This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. Ernakulam, 27-9-2010. VISMITHA AUSTIN. NOTIFICATION I, M. P. Kaladharan, Kalpakkaserial House, HIG 24, Poornanagar, Aluva Taluk, Ernakulam District, Pin-683 101, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that, my minor son Sriram, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 295, date of Registration 10-10-1996 issued by the Health Officer and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Contonment Board, Deolali, Maharashtra, also known as Jairam Kaladharan in the School Certificate with Admission No. 1440, date of Admission 30-4-2010, issued by Principal, Rajashree S. M. Memorial School, East Kadungalloor, Aluva, as Kumaran Jairam in Ration Card No. 1736003703, issued from Taluk Supply Office, Aluva is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Jairam Kaladharan only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Aluva, 12-10-2010. M. P. KALADHARAN. JISHAMOL ANTONY. NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that, I, Annamma, K. A., Pallickal House, House No. 16A (16/21) 8, Angamaly P. O., Pin-683 572, Ernakulam District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. 611991 with Register No. 14413 of September 1968, also known as Molly in the Electoral Identity Card No. KL/10/069/387029 dated 23-11-2006 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Angamaly L A Constituency, and known as Molly Joseph in the Passport No. H. 0704758 dated 26-92008 issued from Regional Passport Office, Cochin is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Molly Joseph only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Angamaly, 5-10-2010. ANNAMMA, K. A. I, Jossy, T. J., Thaiparambil House, Pachamukku Jn., Udyogamandal, P. O., Eloor south, Ernakulam District, Pin-683 501, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son Tony, T. J., holder of Birth Certificate with Register No. 3035, date of Registration 13-9-1995 issued from Corporation of Cochin, also known as Antony Tony, T. J., in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 2648 date of Admission 24-3-2001 issued from St. Ann’s English Medium Higher Secondary School Eloor, Udyogamandal, as Tony in the Ration Card No. 1737036318 issued from Taluk Supply Office, Paravur is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Antony Tony, T. J. only. This change will come into effect in all the records related to him. Eloor, 28-9-2010. JOSSY, T. J. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Jaby James, Erumala House, Plamudy P. O., Kottappady, Pincode-686 692, Ernakulam District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. I 566846 with Register No. 262888 of March 2009, in the Ration Card No. 1739014979 issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kothamangalam and also known as Jabi James in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1273/1992, date of Registration 24-4-1992 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kothamangalam Municipality is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Jabi James only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Plamudy, 27-11-2010. JABY JAMES. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Paul P. Skariah, Puthussery House, Aruvappara P. O., Ernakulam District, 683 545, holder of S. S. L. C. No. C 547385 with Register No. 315073 of March 2003, B. Com. Degree Certificate No. 01969, Register No. 18188 of March, 2008, Election Commission of India Identity Card No. URJ 0030056, dated 17-9-2008 issued from Perumbavoor L.A. Constituency, in the Ration Card No. 1738059896 issued from Taluk Supply Office, Kunnathunadu, also known as Puthussery Skariah Paul in the Indian Passport No. G. 9832415 dated 6-8-2008 issued from Regional Passport Office, Cochin and known as Paul P. Scaria in Driving Licence No. 44/303/2007 dated 30-1-2007 issued from Asst. L. A., Kothamangalam is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Paul Varghese Skariah. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Aruvappara, 6-11-2010. PAUL P. SKARIAH. NOTIFICATION I, Geemon, C. G., Cheenikattil House, Kannara P. O., Maraikal, Thrissur Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 652, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my Community which is wrongly entered in the S. S. L. C. No. E 250766 with Register No. 217016 of March 2005 as Hindu, Mannan is corrected as Christian Jacobite Community vide Certificate No. KDis. 28483/2010/A7 dated 13-8-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Thrissur. 1461 NOTIFICATION I, Radhika, K., Thazhathuveetil House, Veluthur P. O., Thrissur Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 016, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son V. Rahul, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 213/5C/98 date of Registration 27-1-1998 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Trichur Municipality, in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 13294, date of Admission 1-6-2004 issued by the Headmistress, St. Gemma’s C.U.P. School, Manakody, Trichur District also known as Rahul in the Ration Card No. 1841162673 (at Serial No. 4) issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Thrissur, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Rahul Raghu. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Thrissur, 27-10-2010. RADHIKA, K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Mejo Jose, Kavumthottiyil House, Ponnukkara P. O., Thrissur Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 306, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. K 205589 with Register No. 258154 of March 1998 in the Pre Degree Certificate Folio B No. 19172 with Register No. 63839 of April 2001 issued on 23-6-2001 by the Controller of Examinations, University of Calicut, in the General Nursing and Midwifery Diploma Certificate No. KSDNEB/36227 with Register No. 03DN 2391 of August 2006 issued by the Director of Medical Education and Chairman, Karnataka State Diploma in Nursing Examination Board, in the Ration Card No. 1841058650 (at Serial No. 2) issued on 5-8-2010 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Thrissur also known as Mejo in the Election Identity Card No. LCY1711985 issued on 2-5-2002 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Ollur LA Constituency and as Joseph in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1360/83/1C date of Registration 7-5-1983 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths Trichur Municipality, Trichur, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Mejo Jose only. This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kannara, 17-8-2009. Ponnukkara, 23-10-2010. GEEMON, C. G. MEJO JOSE. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1462 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Lisamma, P., Kundukulangara House, Chungam, Ayyanthole P. O., Thrissur Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 003, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. J 024247 with Register No. 21216 of March 1997, in the Pre Degree Certificate Folio No. B 06742 with Register No. 65868 of April 1999, issued on 8-7-1999 by the Controller of Examinations, University of Calicut, in the Bachelor of Arts Degree Certificate with Register No. 72124 of April 2001 and April 2002 issued on 22-11-2003 by the Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam in the Marriage Certificate with Registration No. 2317/2009 date of Registration 5-11-2009 issued by the Health Officer Registrar of Common Marriage, Corporation of Thrissur, also known as Lisamma in the Election Identity Card No. HMP2397800 issued on 22-2-2008 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Wandoor LA Constituency, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Lisa Raphy consequent on my marriage. I, Salini, M. P., Ponnarambil House, P. O. Mullassery, Chavakkad Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 509, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that, my minor son Sujith, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2024/96 date of Registration 7-10-1996 issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Ayyanthole Panchayath, also known as Sivasankaran, P. S. in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 8866 date of Admission 27-5-2009 issued by the Headmistress, Aleemul Islam Higher Secondary School, Padoor, Thrissur and as Sivasankaran in the Ration Card No. 1844071520 (at Serial No. 3) issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Chavakkad, is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Sivasankaran, P. S. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. NOTIFICATION Thrissur, 22-10-2010. LISAMMA, P. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Deepak Julius, Thottappilly House, Chalakudy P. O., Thrissur District-680 307, holder of S. S. L. C. D No. 158546 with Register Number 403489 of March 2004, in the Driving Licence No. 45/2048/2010 issued on 22-2-2010 by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Irinjalakuda, in the PAN Card No. AXMPD1730D issued from Income Tax Department, Government of India, in the Indian Passport No. H7380798 issued on 27-7-2010 by the Regional Passport Officer, Cochin, also known as Ignatius in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 13/89 date of Registration 2-1-1989 issued by the Executive Officer and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Vilvattom Panchayat is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Deepak Julius only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Mullassery, 15-10-2010. SALINI, M. P. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, T. A. Sujatha, Thengumthara House, Palissery, Annamanada P. O., Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 741, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. A 051746 with Register No. 328191 of March 1979, now working as Attender Grade-II, Government Ayurveda Dispensary, Kondazhy, also known as Sujatha in the Election Identity Card No. KL/10/062/306477 issued on 3-11-1998 by the Electoral Registration Officer for Mala Constituency, in the Ration Card No. 1843064720 (at Serial No. 3) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Mukundapuram and as Sajitha, T. A. in the Marriage Certificate No. MMJ/GENO/2010/06/119 issued on 7-6-2010 by the President, Mala Muslim Jama-ath Mahalla Committee, Mala, is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam from Hindu Velan Community as per Discharge Certificate No. 35/04 issued on 18-1-2004 by the Superintendent the Maunathul Islam Association, Ponnani, Kerala with the new name Sajitha. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and have changed my name as Sajitha Veerasa consequent on my marriage and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Chalakudy, 18-10-2010. Annamanada, 27-7-2010. DEEPAK JULIUS. T. A. SUJATHA. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1463 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Lijomon David Manjaly, Manjaly House, Puthenchira East P. O., Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 682, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. H 291757 with Register No. 541382 of March 1995, also known as Liju in the Ration Card No. 1843041230 (at Serial No. 3) issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Mukundapuram, also known as Manjaly David Lijomon in the Passport with No. E 6845285 issued on 21-10-2003 by the Regional Passport Officer, Cochin, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Liju Davis. NOTIFICATION I, Seema John, P., Theethayi House, Kaduppassery South P. O., Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 698, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter T. J. Vismaya, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3186/1C/96 date of Registration 13-11-1996 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Thrissur Municipality, also known as Vismaya in the Ration Card No. 1843166337 (at Serial No. 4) issued by the This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Taluk Puthenchira East, 22-7-2010. Register with Admission No. 20044 date of Admission LIJOMON DAVID MANJALY. NOTIFICATION I, Abdul Kabeer, K. M., Kadavil Parambil House, Puthenchira P. O., Pindani, Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 682, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Sil Beer, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3431/1996 date of Registration 31-12-1996 issued by the Health Inspector and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Parur Municipality, in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 89 date of Admission 29-1-2003 issued by the Principal, Al-Azhar Central School, Mala, Thrissur District, Kerala and also known as Dilsha in the Ration Card No. 1843159015 (at Serial No. 6) issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Mukundapuram, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed her name as Dilsha Parveen, K. A. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Puthenchira, 12-7-2010. ABDUL KABEER, K. M. Supply Officer, Mukundapuram as 31-5-2006 issued by the Teacher in Charge, Little Flower Convent High School, Irinjalakuda, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed her name as Mariya T. Jose. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Kaduppassery, 24-9-2010. SEEMA JOHN, P. NOTIFICATION I, Daisy, V. P., Chakkalakkal House, Kavilkadavu, Kodungallur P. O., Kodungallur Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 664, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that, my minor daughter Reethu James, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3536/1C/96 date NOTIFICATION I, Vinson, P. A., Puthenpeedika House, Pudukad P. O., Pin-680 301, Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur District, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son ‘Tinon’, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 990/1995 date of Registration 23-6-1995 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Thrissur, known as ‘Dino Wilson, P. V.’, in the S. S. L. C. Certificate No. K 219469 with Register No. 355546 of March 2010, also known as ‘Dino’ in the Ration Card No. 1843122895 dated 24-12-2008, issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Mukundapuram is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name 'Dino Wilson, P. V.' only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Pudukad, 30-10-2010. VINSON, P. A. and Mariya Vismaya Jose in the Extract of School Admission of Registration 13-12-1996 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Trichur Municipality and also known as Catherine James in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 27998 date of Admission 8-5-2006 issued by the Headmistress, G. G. H. S. S., Kodungallur, in the Ration Card No. 1845004480 (at Serial No. 4) issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kodungallur, is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Catherine James only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Kodungallur, 12-10-2010. DAISY, V. P. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Marydasan, P. G., Padassery House, Anapuzha P.O., Kodungallur Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 667, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. E 900681 with Register No. 504071 of March 1986, in the Driving Licence No. 2931/93 issued on 12-5-1993 by the Assistant Licencing Authority, Sub R.T. Office, Kodungallur also known as Marydasan in the Ration Card No. 1845009692 (at Serial No. 3) issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kodungallur, as Simon, P.G. in the Extract of School Admission Register of my minor son Albin Simon with Admission No. 13009, date of Admission 25-5-2006 issued by the Headmistress, St. Anne’s H. S., Kottapuram, in the Birth Certificate of my minor son Albin with Registration No. 133/97, date of Registration 26-4-1997 issued by the Secretary, Registrar of Births and Deaths, Aloor Grama Panchayat and as Simon, P.G. (Mary Dasan) in the Birth Certificate of my another minor son Aldrin Simon with Registration No. 43/2005, date of Registration 28-1-2005 issued by the Secretary and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Methala Grama Panchayat, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Simon, P. G. only. Further, it is notified that my minor son Albin, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 133/97, date of Registration 26-4-1997 issued by the Secretary, Registrar of Births and Deaths, Aloor Grama Panchayat also known as Albin Simon in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 13009, date of Admission 25-5-2006 issued by the Headmistress, St. Anne’s H. S., Kottappuram and as Alvin in the Ration Card No. 1845009692 (at Serial No. 5) issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kodungallur, is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Albin Simon only. The above changes will come into effect in all records related to us. Anapuzha, 26-10-2010. MARYDASAN, P. G. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Welcome Mathew, Pulintharayil House, Poomala P.O., Thalappilly Taluk, Thrissur District, Pin-680 581, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. E 670815 with Register No. 268698 of March 1985, in the Driving Licence No. M/5098/2000 issued on 31-7-2000 by the Motor Vehicle Inspector, Malappuram also known as Lalu Mathew in the Ration Card No. 2052026423 (at Serial No. 5) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Nilambur, in the Election Identity Card No. KL/05/032/261255 issued on 12-12-1998 by the Electoral Registration Officer, for Nilambur Constituency, is one and the same person, Hereafter I have changed my name as Lal Mathew. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Poomala, 17-10-2010. WELCOME MATHEW. 1464 NOTIFICATION I, Suresh, V., “Sreelakshmi”, IV/204, Anand Nagar, Railway Colony, Kallekulangara P.O., Palakkad Taluk, Palakkad-678 009, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Sneha Suresh, holder of All India Secondary School Examination Certificate S. No. SSE/2009/0277805 with Roll No. 4154000 of March 2009 issued from Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi and known as Sneha, S. in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4684 dated 1-7-1993 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Palghat Municipality is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name as Sneha Suresh only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Palakkad, 14-10-2010. SURESH, V. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Binu, K., 6/512 (3). Gokulam, Bhagavathy Avenue, Puthur, Palakkad-678 001, holder of S.S.L.C. Certificate No. E 722510 with the Register No. 244781 of March 1985, in the B. Tech Degree Certificate with Register No. 5311 of November 1991 issued by Vice Chancellor, University of Calicut, known as Binu K. Rajagopal in the Election Identity Card No. XTE0588160 dated 24-8-2008 issued by Electoral Registration Officer, Yelahanka Assembly Constituency, in the Driving License No. 14396/07-08 dated 22-9-2007 issued by LA Bangalore South, in the Marriage Certificate with the Register No. 557/2006 dated 28-10-2006 issued by Secretary, Palakkad Municipality, known as Binu Kunhiramath in the PAN Card No. AGMPK 7596H issued by Commissioner of Income Tax, Mumbai, known as Binu Rajagopal in the Ration Card No. 1946014092 issued by Taluk Supply Officer, Palakkad and known as Binu in the Birth Certificate with the Registration No. 190 dated 8-9-1973 issued by Executive Officer and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kuthanur Panchayath is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known as the name Binu Rajagopal only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Palakkad, 8-11-2010. BINU, K. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1465 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, Dhanuja Sekhar, Narayanalayam, N.S.S. College P.O., Nemmara, Alathur Taluk, Palakkad-678 508, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son Rahul, R., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4474, dated 23-5-1995 issued by Registrar of Births and Deaths, Palakkad Municipality also known as Rahul Reghu in the Ration Card No. 1947079578 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Chittur and known as Rahul Reghu, K. in the Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 3920, dated 7-5-1999 issued by the Principal, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Pallavur, Palakkad is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Rahul Reghu, K. only. This change will come into effect in all records It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Shaheera, K. A., Chittanippara (H), Mele Pattambi P.O., Ottapalam Taluk, Palakkad District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. F 427786 with Register No. 339131 of June 2006, also known as Shajeera in the Ration Card No. 1842065295 dated 24-12-2008 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Talappally is one and same person. I have embraced Hinduism from Islam Religion vide Suddhi Certificate No. 4575/2009, dated 20-4-2009 from Arya Samaj Mandir, 17/1573, Ram Mohan Road, Calicut-673 004 with the new name Athira. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Religion and have changed my name as Athira Saji, C. consequent on my marriage. My signature will also be changed accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. related to him. Pattambi, 30-10-2010. Nemmara, 14-6-2010. SHAHEERA, K. A. DHANUJA SEKHAR. NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Devayani, K., Puvakuzhi House, P. K. H. Supermarket, By Pass Road, Shoranur P.O., Ottapalam Taluk, Palakkad-679 121, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. 212696 with Register No. 465034 of March 1984 also known as Devayani in the Election Identity Card No. KL/08/044/402577 dated 1-12-1998 issued by The Electoral Registration Officer, Pattambi Constituency is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu Nair Community as per Discharge Certificate No. C. 647/06 dated 24-3-2010 issued from the Maunathul Islam Association, Ponnani, Kerala with a new name Jameela and will sign accordingly. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Shoranur, 18-11-2010. DEVAYANI, K. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Tintumol, K., Koramkulam, Cherumundassery, P.O., Ambalappara, Ottapalam Taluk, Palakkad District, Kerala679 512, holder of S.S.L.C. No. C. 126184 with Register No. 499226 of March 2002, in the Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. HSE 0296717 with Register No. 1187194 of March 2004 issued from Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala, in the Election Identity Card No. GTT2016756 dated 27-2-2006 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Sreekrishnapuram L. A. Constituency also known as Tintumol in the Ration Card No. 1948048231 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ottapalam and known as Sunitha Kumari, in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 326/86 dated 10-10-1986 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Ambalapara Panchayat is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Sunitha, K. and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Cherumundassery, 18-10-2010. TINTUMOL, K. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Rahmath, T., Thazhathethil House, Choorakkode P. O., Vallappuzha, Ottapalam Taluk, Palakkad-679 336, holder of Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 4017, dated 5-6-1995 issued by Headmistress, G. U. P. S., Vallappuzha and known as Rahmath in the Ration Card No. 1948005488 issued by Taluk Supply Officer, Ottapalam is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Rabiya, T. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Choorakkode, 11-10-2010. RAHMATH. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Rajsree, M. S., Mundankulangara House, Shoranur, Palakkad District, Pin-679 121, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. D-017631 with Register No. 127446 of March, 1982 also known as Hazeena in the Election Identity Card No. KL/08/044/444414, dated 2-12-1998 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer for Pattambi Constituency known as Haseena Ashraf in the Ration Card No. 1948119138 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ottapalam, in the S.S.L.C. C No. 511232 with Register No. 478556 of March 2003 of my daughter Afsa, K. A. and as Haseena Asharaf in the S.S.L.C. No. E 583543 with Register No. 177430 of June 2005 of my another daughter Nushaiba, K. A. is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu Ezhava Community as per Duplicate Discharge Certificate No. 607/86 dated 12-5-2010 issued from The Maunathul Islam Association, Ponani, Kerala with a new name Haseena, Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and known by the name Haseena Ashraf only, consequent of my marriage and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. 15-11-2010. 1466 It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Sureshkumar, N., Naduvakkattil House, Irumbuzhi Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of School Admission Register Extract No. 1751 of G. H. S. S., Kunnakkavu also known as Sureshkumar in the Ration Card No. 2053012641 (Sl. No. 5) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna and as Muhammadsaleem in the Duplicate Electoral Identity Card No. KL/05/034/ 201446, dated 11-3-2004 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Malappuram LA Constituency is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu-Moosari Community vide Duplicate Discharge Certificate No. 946/93, dated 31-10-1993, issued from the Maunathul Islam Association, Ponani with a new name Muhammed Saleem, N. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Irumbuzhi, 7-10-2010. SURESHKUMAR, N. NOTIFICATION I, Sabna, M., Muthumattil House, Pattarkadavu Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son Jafer Favas, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2746/2002, date of Registration 17-5-2002 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Malappuram Municipality also known as Favas Jafer in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 202, date of Admission 26-5-2008 of Vidyanagar Public School, Pattarkadavu is one and the same person. Hereafter I have change his name as Favas Jafer, M. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Pattarkadavu, 27-9-2010. RAJSREE, M. S. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Anu Punnakkattil, Poonnakkattil House, Morayur Post, Ernad Tlauk, Malappuram District, holder of S. S. L. C. No. 120313 with Register No. 12968 of March 2000 also known as Anu in the Ration Card No. 2051082920, (Serial No. 4), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ernad, Manjeri, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Aneesh, P. and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Morayur, 27-9-2010. ANU PUNNAKKATTIL. SABNA, M. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Syam, M., Essakanakath House, Mangad, Niramaruthur Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. F 388777 with Register No. 315773 of March 2006, have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu-Cheruman Community vide Discharge Certificate No. 4230, dated 6-1-2010 issued from the Therbiyathul Islam Sabha, Mukhadar, Calicut with a new name Abdul Jaleel, E. and will sign accordingly. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Niramaruthur, 30-9-2010. SYAM, M. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1467 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, Johnson, A. A., Athimoottil House, Vadakkumpadam Post, Nilambur Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Feba Johnson, holder of S. S. L. C. No. J-104230 with Register No. 427551 of March 2009, also known as Fava in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1743, date of Registration 29-7-1993, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Calicut, is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Feba Johnson only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Aymu, A. K., Achikulath House, Karekkad Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. C 264069 with Register No. 621404 of March 2004, also known as Ayamu in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1566, date of Registration 24-4-1987, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Tirur Municipality and in the Ration Card No. 2054062795 (Sl. No. 6), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Jamaludheen, A. K. and will sign accordingly. Vadakkumpadam, 6-10-2010. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. JOHNSON, A. A. Karekkad, 27-9-2010. NOTIFICATION I, Jaleel, T. V., Thekkevattiyam Veettil House, Paravanna Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son Mohamed Jalseed, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1042/03, date of Registration 31-5-2003, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Cheriyamundam Grama Panchayat and School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 5432, date of Admission 14-5-2009 of Fathima Matha E. M. School, Tirur, also known as Anfas in the Ration Card No. 2054007948 (Sl. No. 13), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Anfas Jaleel, T. V. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Paravanna, 27-10--2010. JALEEL, T. V. AYMU, A. K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sanul Abid, C., Chattikkal House, Tanalur Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. H 548484 with Register No. 242144 of May 2008, also known as Favas in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 314/1992, date of Registration 22-7-1992, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Thanalur Grama Panchayat and as Sainul Abid in the Ration Card No. 2054139606 (Sl. No. 3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sanul Abid, C. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Tanalur, 28-9-2010. NOTIFICATION I, Subaidha, N. P., Vadakkan House, Chappanangadi Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Ayisha, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3/2003, date of Registration 8-1-2003, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Ponmala Grama Panchayat and School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 3929, date of Admission 25-5-2009 of G.M.L.P. School, Chappanangadi, also known as Ayisha Dilsha in the Ration Card No. 2054057642 (Sl. No. 9), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed her name as Ayisha Dilsha, V. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Chappanangadi, 27-9-2010. SUBAIDHA, N. P. SANUL ABID, C. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Beeran, M., Mukkattil House, Ozhur Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C Book No. F 448381 with Register No. 180045 of March 1994 and Driving Licence No. 4623/02/MT, date of issue 7-6-2002, issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Tirur also known as Beeran in the Ration Card No. 2054029740 (Sl. No. 3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Ashkar, M. and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Ozhur, 5-10-2010. BEERAN, M. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1468 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Abdul Kareem Kalarikkal, Kalarikkal House, Randathani Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of SSC Book No. A. 019140 with Register No. 086312 of March 1987, also known as Abdulkareem in the Ration Card No. 2054107924 (Sl. No. 3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur, as Abdul Kareem in the Electoral Identity Card No. KNN1866268, dated 25-3-2006, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kuttippuram LA Constituency and in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 169/97, date of Registration 26-4-1997, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kalpakanchery Grama Panchayath, of my minor son Nabeel Ahammed and as Kareem Mohamed in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1658/2008, date of Registration 7-6-2008, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Valanchery Grama Panchayat, of my minor daughter Najiha and in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1657/2008, date of Registration 7-6-2008, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Valanchery Grama Panchayat, of my minor son Nihal is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Kareem Mohamed only. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Anirudh, V. P., Valiyora Purakkal House, Valiyora Post, Tirurangadi Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. E 216555 with Register No. 139966, of March 2005 and Vocational Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. VE 01446 with Register No. 71212, of Say June 2007, of Board of Vocational Higher Secondary Examinations, Kerala, also known as Ranju in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 40/90, date of Registration 9-3-1990, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Vallikunnu Panchayat, as Anirudh in the Electoral Identity Card No. WLM0086983, dated 16-3-2009, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Vengara LA Constituency and as Anirudhan in the Ration Card No. 2055060542 (Sl. No.3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirurangadi is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Anirudh, V. P. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Randathani, 6-10-2010. ABDUL KAREEM KALARIKKAL. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Manikandan, M., Meleppattu House, Vettom Post, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. A 053180 with Register No. 427595, of March 1989, also known as Vinod in the Electoral Identity Card No. KL/06/ 038/159252, dated 24-9-1998, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer for Tirur Constituency and in the Ration Card No. 2054005127 (Sl. No.2), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Tirur and as Vinod, M. in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 160/2007, date of Registration 6-2-2007, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Thalakkad Grama Panchayat, of my minor son Abinandh is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Vinod, M. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Vettom, 5-10-2010. MANIKANDAN, M. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Valiyora, 18-9-2010. ANIRUDH, V. P. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Kareem, K., Alakkaparamba House, Moonniyur Post, Tirurangadi Taluk, Malappuram District, now working as Village Officer, Village Office, Peruvallur in Revenue Department, holder of SSLC Book No. D 230809 with Register No. 109828, of March 1982, BA Degree Certificate No. 04621 with Register No. 24318, of September 1992, of Calicut University, in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1918/93, date of Registration 18-8-1993, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Calicut, of my minor daughter Lubaiba, K., in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 5195/04, date of Registration 21-10-2004, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Tirurangadi Grama Panchayat, of my minor son Murshid Ahammed, K., also known as Kareem in the Electoral Identity Card No. NPC 0113381 dated 2-5-2009 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Vallikunnu Constituency and known as Kareem Kalangadan in the Birth Certifiate with Registration No. 402, date of Registration 14-3-1996, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Calicut, of my another minor daughter Thasleena, K. and in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4724/2000, date of Registration 25-10-2000, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Tirurangadi Grama Panchayat, of my another minor son Shabeer Ali, K. is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Abdul Saleem, K. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Moonniyoor, 4-11-2010. KAREEM, K. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Feroze Khan, M. K., Olambilavalappil House, Sukapuram Post, Ponnani Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. I 195230 with Register No. 136936, of March 1996, also known as Ferozekhan, M. K., in the BA Degree (Economics) Certificate No. 113486, with Register No. 24557, of September 2002, dated 17-1-2008, of University of Calicut, known as Firoskhan in the Electoral Identity Card No. FMJ1817634, dated 9-4-2003, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Tirur LA Constituency and in the Ration Card No. 2056033199 (Sl. No.8), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Ponnani and as Makanakath Kunhibava Ferozekhan in the Passport No. F 0373219, date of issue 13-8-2004, issued from the Passport Office, Kozhikode is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Firoskhan, O. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Sukapuram, 8-10-2010. FEROZE KHAN, M. K. NOTIFICATION I, Mujeebrahiman, K. P., Kodalampallath House, Thrikkanapuram Post, Ponnani Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Ayishathul Mufeedha, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 152/99, date of Registration 20-1-1999, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Cheriyamundam Grama Panchayat, also known as Mufeeda, K. P. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 28192, date of Admission 28-5-2009, of G.H.S.S., Kuttippuram is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Mufeeda, K. P. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Thrikkanapuram, 4-10-2010. MUJEEBRAHIMAN, K. P. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Rajitha, P., Melanchery House, Pattikkad Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. D.398145 with Register No. 536494, of March 1991, also known as Rajitha in the Electoral Identity Card No. KL/07/047/027053, dated 28-1-1999, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Mannarkad Constituency is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu-Thiyya Community vide Discharge Certificate Ref. No. 38/April/2007, dated 17-5-2007, issued by the Secretary, Therbiyathul Islam Sabha, Mukhadar, Kozhikode with a new name Sumayya, M. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Pattikkad, 7-9-2010. RAJITHA, P. 1469 NOTIFICATION I, Salmath Mannath, Vallooran House, Panambi, Amminikkad Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son Mohammed Musthafa, T., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. AM.781, date of Registration 7-7-2003, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perinthalmanna Municipality, also known as Mohammed Musthafa, K. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 584, date of Admission 31-5-2009, of M. J. Academy, Panambi and as Muhammed Musthafa in the Ration Card No. 2053011210 (Sl. No. 3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Mohammed Musthafa, K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Panambi, 1-10-2010. SALMATH MANNATH. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Mubassir, M. K., Malayamkulathil House, Kunnappally Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. H 186985 with Register No. 216289, of March 2008 and Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. HSE 258937 with Register No. 6271832 of March 2010 issued from Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala, also known as Mubashir in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 4076, date of Registration 19-8-1992, issued by the Sub-Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perinthalmanna Municipality, and as Mubassir in the Ration Card No. 2053010335 (Sl. No. 9), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Mubashir, M. K. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kunnappally, 27-9-2010. MUBASSIR, M. K. NOTIFICATION I, Jawahar, K., Kadambalath House, Thirurkkad Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, Malappuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son Basim, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 872, date of Registration 1-2-1996, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Perinthalmanna Municipality, also known as Nooshim Jouhar, K. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 23549, date of Admission 23-5-2005, of A. M. High School, Thirurkkad and as Nooshin, in the Ration Card No. 2053038473 (Sl. No. 4), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Nooshim Jouhar, K. only This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Thirurkkad, 26-9-2010. JAWAHAR, K. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION I, Rahiyanath Thazhathe Peediyekkal, Chekidapurath House, Chattiparamba Post, Perinthalmanna Taluk, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Jumana, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 6699/2001, date of Registration 3-12-2001 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Malappuram Municipality, in the Ration Card No. 2053081074 (Sl. No. 3), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna, also known as Jumana Hasin, Chekidapurath in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 380, date of Admission 25-5-2008, of Al-Huda English Medium School, Vattapparamba, Kodur is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Jumana Hasin Chekidapurath only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Chattiparamba, 11-10-2010. RAHIYANATH THAZHATHE PEEDIYEKKAL. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Shafeeq, T. T., Thuppanathazatt House, Vengad P. O., Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. E643094 with Register No. 150196 of June 2005, also known as Shafeeq in the Electoral Identity Card No. SKL009406 issued from Electoral Registration Officer 039 Mankada LA Constituency known as Safeek in the Ration Card No. 2053036432 (Sl. No. 7) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Perinthalmanna and as Ahamed Kabeer in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1548/89, date of Registration 4-10-1989 issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Valanchery Panchayath is one and same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Shafeeq, T. T. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Vengad, 17-7-2010. SHAFEEQ, T. T. NOTIFICATION I, Muneer, P. K., Akkaramannil Podipatty, Thaliyil P. O., Kuttiadi Via., Vatakara Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 508, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son Muhammed Bijlad, P. K., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. VI/6263/01, date of Registration 19-11-2001, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Circle VI, Corporation of Calicut and Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 11230, date of Admission 31-5-2008, issued by the Headmaster, M. U. P. School, Devar Kovil, Thaliyil, Kuttiadi also known as Muhammad Midhlaj, in the Ration Card No. 2161091941 (Sl. No. 7), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Vatakara is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Muhammad Midhlaj, P. K. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Thaliyil, 10-6-2010. MUNEER, P. K. 1470 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Nidhin, G. N. V., “Aiswarya” Kurumpoyil, Nadakkuthazha P. O., Vatakara Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 112, holder of S. S. L. C. No. B 041940 with Register No. 495115 of March 2001, also known as Nidhin, N. V. in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 998, date of Registration 15-6-1985, issued by the Health Inspector Gr-I and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kannur Municipality and known as Nidhin, in the Election ID Card No. CCZ1775949, issued on 16-7-2005, by the Electoral Registration Officer, Vatakara LA Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Nidhin, G. J. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kurumpoyil, 8-10-2010. NIDHIN, G . N. V. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sreerasmi, G. N. V., D/o Dr. Govindan, K. V., “Aiswarya” Kurumpoyil, Nadakkuthazha P. O., Vatakara Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 112, holder of S. S. L. C. No. E 264836 with Register No. 407714 of March 2005 and known as Sreerasmi, N. V., in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2078, date of Registration 24-9-1988, issued by the Health Inspector Gr.-I and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kannur Municipality and also known as Sreerasmi, in the Ration Card No. 2161034575 (Sl. No. 4) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Vatakara is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Sreerasmi, N. V. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kurumpoyil, 8-10-2010. SREERASMI, G. N. V. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Nisfath, C. P., “Shamanina” House, House No. 8/269, P. O. Koroth Road, Azhiyur, Vadakara Taluk, Kozhikode District, have changed the name of my minor daughter, Neha Nisthar, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 676/2001, date of Registration 16-3-2001, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Health Inspector Gr-I, Thalassery Municipality and Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 598, date of Admission 5-5-2007, issued by the Principal, SMI English Medium School, Kunhipally, Chombala as Noora Nisthar. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Azhiyur, 1-11-2010. NISFATH, C. P. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Nibila, A. V., Sankarasan Veettil House, Kayanna Bazar P. O., Koyilandy Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 525, holder of S. S. L. C. No. 075465 with Register No. 218733 of March 1999, also known as Nibila in the Election ID Card No. XFI0034124, issued on 4-10-2008, by the Electoral Registration Officer, Balussery LA Constituency is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu Nair Community vide, Duplicate Discharge Certificate No. 819/02 dated 15-12-2002, issued by the Mounathul Islam Association, Ponnani, Kerala with a new name Raihanath. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kayanna Bazar, 20-9-2010. NIBILA, A. V. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Farseena, K. P., Poyilil House, Moodadi North P. O., Koyilandy Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 307, holder of S. S. L. C. No. E 265956 with Register No. 387234 of March 2005 and in the Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. HSE 125877 with Register No. 3223294 of March 2007, issued from Board of Higher Secondary Examinations, Government of Kerala also known Farseena in the Election ID Card No. RDD 0068502, issued on 30-1-2009, by the Electoral Registration Officer, Nadapuram LA Constituency, is one and the same person. I have embraced Hindu Religion from Islam Mappila Community as per Suddhi Certificate No. 4869/2010 dated 6-4-2010, issued from Aryasamaj, Calicut with a new name Aswathi, K. P. and will sign accordingly. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Religion. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Moodadi, 6-8-2010. FARSEENA, K. P. 1471 NOTIFICATION I, Jayamohanan, T. V., Thathraden Veedu, Vilayancode P. O., “Pankajalayam”, Mandur Via, Kannur Taluk, Kannur District, Pin-670 501, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and public that my Caste which is wrongly entered in the S. S. L. C. Book No. 688332 with Register No. 10684 of 1990 as Hindu Nair is corrected as Hindu Maniyani vide Certificate No. Ref. G3-23962/10 dated 27-8-2010 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Kannur. This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. Vilayancode, 4-9-2010. JAYAMOHANAN, T. V. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sajeena, M. P., Darul Aman, P. O. Koodali, Kannur District, Pin-670 592, have changed the name of my minor daughter Neha, P. K., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 846/2004, date of Registration 26-2-2004 issued by the Kannur Municipality and in the Transfer Certificate with Admission No. 826 dated 1-6-2010 issued from Galaxy English Medium School, Alanallur as Neha Jaleel. It is further notified that I have changed the name of my another minor daughter Nida, P. K., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 847/2004 date of Registration 26-2-2004 issued from Kannur Municipality and in the Transfer Certificate with Admission No. 827 dated 1-6-2010 issued from Galaxy English Medium School, Alanallur as Nida Jaleel. The above changes will come into effect in all records related to them. Koodali, 3-11-2010. SAJEENA, M. P. NOTIFICATION I, Suresh, K. K., Kayippankuzhiyil House, Mukkam, Manassery P. O., Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 602, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter, Dhrisia, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 667/97, date of Registration 26-4-1997, issued by the Sub Registrar of Births and Deaths, Omassery Grama Panchayath also known as Midhunasuresh, K. S. in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 0388, date of Admission 11-3-2003, issued by the Principal, Pallotti Hill Public School, Agastianmuzhi-Mukkam, Kozhikode is one and the same Person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Midhunasuresh, K. S. only. I, Fathima Beebi, C. P., ‘Irshad Manzil’, Ottathengu, P. O. Alavil, Kannur Taluk, Kannur District, Pin-670 008, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son C. P. Mustak, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 489/93, date of Registration 12-7-1993 issued from Chirakkal Grama Panchayat, also known as Irshad, C. P. in the School Admission Register Extract with Admission No. 1913, date of Admission 22-5-2002, issued by the Principal, Deenul Islam Sabha English Medium Higher Secondary School, Kannur is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Irshad, C. P. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Manassery, 19-8-2010. Alavil, 15-9-2010. SURESH, K. K. NOTIFICATION FATHIMA BEEBI, C. P. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE 1472 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Abdul Shafeer, T. P., Kuniyil House, Vengad, Kannur District, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. F 343806 with Register No. 504185 of 1993 March, also known as Abdul Shafeer in the Election Identity Card No. MVG1325513 dated 24-4-2008 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kuthuparamba Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Muhamed Safeer, T. P. I, Jisha, R. N., Akshaya, P. O. Kavumbhagham, Thalassery Taluk, Kannur District, Pin-670 110, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my first minor son Arjun S. Jeev, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1180/II/1996, date of Registration 23-3-1996 issued from Thalassery Municipality also known as Arjun Sreejeev in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 753, date of Admission 26-4-2007 issued by the Principal, Indhira Gandhi Public School, Mambaram is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Arjun Sreejeev only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Vengad, 11-10-2010. ABDUL SHAFEER, T. P. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Shobhana, V. A., 420 Idaklalavan Kannoth, Ulikkal P. O., Kannur District, Pin-670 705, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. A 731856 with Register No. 220240 of April 1975 also known as Rajitha in the Election Identity Card No. KL/02/006/384590 dated 1-1-1999 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Irikkur Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Rajitha, V. A. and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Ulikkal, 29-10-2010. It is further notified that my second minor son Aswin S. Jeev, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3028/II/97, date of Registration 25-9-1997 issued from Thalassery Municipality also known as Aswin Sreejeev in the Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 748, date of Admission 26-4-2007 issued by the Principal, Indhira Gandhi Public School, Mambaram is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Aswin Sreejeev only. The above changes will come into effect in all records related to them. Kavumbhagam. Jisha, R. N. NOTIFICATION SHOBHANA, V. A. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Tintu Abraham, Kannoth House, Post Kavumbhagam, Thalassery, Pin-670 110, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. A 023897 with Register No. 442820 of March, 2000 in the Electoral Identity Card No. MBC 1896067 dated 19-3-2003 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Hosdurg LA Constituency have embraced Hinduism from Christian-Roman Catholics Community as per Sudhi Certificate No. 4927/2010, dated 10-6-2010 issued from Aryasamaj, Aryasamaja Mandhir, Ram Mohan Road, Kozhikode with a new name Indu Biju. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Religion and will be known by the name Indu Biju only and will sign accordingly. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Bijumon, K. P., Kunnel, Karthikapuram P. O., Via. Alakode, Taliparamba Taluk, Kannur District, Pin-670 571, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. C 007268 with Register No. 350985 of March 1990, Driving Licence No. 2726/1996 dated 18-7-1996 issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Taliparamba, also known as Biju in the Election Identity Card No. KL/02/006/105644, dated 15-12-1998 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Irikkur Constituency and in the Ration Card No. 2365034559 (Sl. No. 4) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Taliparamba is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as John Philip and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Thalassery, 28-8-2010. Karthikapuram, 16-8-2010. TINTU ABRAHAM. BIJUMON, K. P. 21st DEC. 2010] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Ashraff, A. P., Fathima Manzil, Trichambaram, P. O. Taliparamba, Kannur District-670 141, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. B 099477 with Register No. 254826 of March 1989 also known as Ashraf, in the Ration Card No. 2365145923 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Taliparamba and Ashraf Arummarakath Puthiyapurayil in the Passport No. Z 1897045 dated 9-6-2009 issued by the Assistant Consular Officer, Consulate General of India, Dubai (U. A. E.) is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Ashraf Arummarakath Puthiyapurayil only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Taliparamba, 7-10-2010. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Karunakaran, M., Madiyan House, Edathummal, Trikaripur P. O., Hosdurg Taluk, Kasaragod District, Pin-671 310, holder of S. S. L. C. C No. 125778 with Register No. 117651 of March 2003 also known as M. Karunakaran in the Election Identity Card No. JWB2113488 dated 14-2-2008 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Trikaripur LA Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Karun, M. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Trikaripur, 27-10-2010. KARUNAKARAN, M. ASHRAFF, A. P. - NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Surthi Krishnan, Krishna House, Vainingal, Bangalam Post, Nileshwar Via., Kasaragod District, holder of All India Secondary School Examination Certificate S. No. SSE/2003/ 046267 with Roll No. 3114429 of March 2003 dated 24-5-2003 of Controller of Examinations, CBSE, Delhi, also known as Sruthi Krishnan in the Electoral Identity Card No. MBC 2118800, dated 16-2-2008 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Hosdurg LA Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sruthi Krishnan only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kasaragod, 27-10-2010. SURTHI KRISHNAN. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Nasarudhin, T. K., Thottathil House, Kaithakkad P. O., Kasaragod District, Kerala-671 313, holder of S. S. L. C. D No. 583826 with Register No. 763518 of March 2005 in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 113/87, date of Registration 18-9-1987 issued from Padne Grama Panchayath and in the Election Identity Card No. MBC 2079994 dated 12-4-2010 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Trikaripur L A Constituency have changed my name as Nasarullah Mohammed and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kaithakkad, 20-11-2010. 1473 NASARUDHIN, T. K.
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