211007VL1440 X3OV
211007VL1440 X3OV
F C~’~ 211007VL1440 X3OV I ,I &~‘ I , I ( / .) 609 uo~p~ ~ I I Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 Fax 1-800-741-6139 - Clock Rep&r Catafo~ve A Ahinit Keys i\(ann Mechanism Alarm Movements Alarm Sets Assembly Post page 43 page I page 45, 50, 51 page 43 page III page I Atisos ti~ B ttacks for Mantel Clocks Balance Escapement Adjusting Tool ttarrels - tIermle - Kieninger - Miscellaneous Base Ornaments t3attei - Kundo Battery Tester l3eat Amplifier ttest Plaques Bellows - Cuckoo Clock ttellosv Tops — Cuckoo Clock ttellow Wires - Cuckoo Clock tells Sell Stands Bezela - No Glass - Assembled Bezel with Flat Glass Assembled Bezel with Convex Glass - English Style Bezel and Liner Beset and Dial Pan Assembly ttezel Tabs ltracls for Dial trans Rod t3rass Tubing Bushings - AF Threaded Bushing Assortment - A~F Threaded Bushing - individual sizes - ttergeon Bushing Assortments - ttergcon Bushing - individual sizes ttergeon Bushing - to use with KWM KWM Bushing Assortments KWM - individual sizes Miscellaneous Bushing Assortments ltustimg lools - A*F Threaded Bushing Tool - AF Threaded Bushing Tool Accessories - Bergeon Bushing Tool - tlergcon Bushing Tool Accessories - KWM Bushing ‘fool - KWM Bushing ‘fools Accessories Bushing Wire page I page 30 page I page I page I page 24 page I page 2 page III page 2 page 2 page 2 page 2 page 2 page 2 page 3 page 3 page 3 page 3 page 3 page 3 page 3 page 65 page 10 page 10 page 10 page 8 page 8. 9 page 8 page 7 page 4, 5, 6 page 10 page 10 page 10 page 7 page 7, 8 page 3 page 3, 4 page 10 C - continued Chain Wheel Lock Washers Chain Wlseel Repair Kits Chain Wheel Urgos Cleaning Machines Cleaning Machine Accessories Cleaning Solutions - Clock Curator L&R - Polychetn - Rust Remover -Zenith Clicks Click Springs Clock Case Accessories Clock Hand Remover Columns, Mantel Clock Cord page Il Cranks Crows Feet Cuckoo Clock Movements Cuckoo Clock Parts - Antlers - Balcony - Bellows - Bellow Tops Bellow Wires -Birds - Bird Post -Chains - Chain Hooks and Rings - Chain reference chart - Dancing Couples - Deer Heads - Dials - Dial Figures - Doors - Dancing Platform and parts -I’igures - Gongs - Governors -Hands - Hand Nuts - Movement Parts - Muaic Box - Music Box Governor - Music Box Parts - Pendulums - Pendulum Hangers / Leaders -Tops - Waterwheel - Weights C ttrass Cable - Bulk t tensile - Kiesinger - Urgos Cable Ends Calendar Mechanism Calendar Wheels Catgut C-Clamps for Mainspringa Chain - Brass Chain - Fuses Chain - t termle Chain - Kieninger Chain adder Chain - Steel Chain (Tall Case) — lirgos Chain Chain Hooks and Rings Lliaiii Retainers Chain Wheels with Chain (ham Wheels - Cuckoo (‘ham Wheels - Hennie Chain Wheels - Kissinger - 16 lb 16 18 18 page 18 pagel7 page 17 page 19 page 17 page 16 page 16, 17 page 24, 25 page III page 24 page 42 page III page 52, 53. 54 page page page page page page page page page 20 19 2 2 2 19 19 12, 13. 14 16 page 15 page I 9 page 20 page 20 page 20 page 20 page 20 page 9 page 37 page 22 page 20.21 page 21 age 21,22 page 22 page 22 page 22, 23 page 23 page 23 page 21 page 23 page 23 D Cable - page page page page page page page page page page page page page page 10 10 10 10 Il Il II II Il page page page page page page page page age page page page page 12, 13, 14. 15 Il 14 (5 II 15 t 6 lb 16 9 16 16 Dials Aluminum Dials Aluminum Dials - Herinle - Complete Dial with Hinged Cover and Glass - Cuckoo Clock - Cuckoo Clock Figures - Dial, I3ezeI and Clock Glass Set - Metal dials - I day & 8 day - Moon-Phase Dials - Paper dials - Paper dials - Seconds Bil - Paper dials - Steeple - Reverse Tune - Seth ‘fhomas dials - Square Dials - Teinpus Fugit Dials - Time and Tide Dials - Vienna Regulator Dials Mounting Feet Cutter - Paper Figures Grommets Pans Rings - Dial Dial Dial Dial Dial Dial . page 28 page 27 page 27 page 20 page 20 page 27 psge 27 page 28 page 26 page 26 page 26 page 47 page 27 page 28, 29 page 29 sage 47 age 28 page 29 ~ 29 page 29. 30 page 29 age 29 page 29 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Replilr ~ata!q~zze D continued Diamond Compound )iamond lube )iamond Wheel Dies ... ., Door Key I loot Knobs Door latch Door Lock I )ri Is I )ouhle I inded Cutter I )na—l she . Eagles - Brass Electric Motors Electric Clock Movements End Caps for Weights tlscapeinents - Platform Escape Wheel with matching Verge Etsynatha Lubricants page I I page e ii page 113 page 43,44 page 44 page 44 page 44 page I page III page page page page page page page 24 44 44 75 30 71 35 F Fake Winding Arbors Fast / Slow Asscinbly - page 49 page 30 Ansonia Feet Carriage Clock Feet Case Feet 401) day leveling Feel Msntle Clock page page page page page 25 25 25 25 24 irsals Ansonia Urn ltritss Wood lit-up Movements - Quarti Fixation Nuta Floating Balances Floating Balance Wires 401) day Blocks - top & bottom .11)0 day Forks 41)0 day Modules - Flermle .10(1 day Repair - Guide tIlO day Suspetision Springs 4)1)1 day Suspension Units trench (‘lock I looks trench Clock l’allet Stones Ii cncli Clock Pendulum trench Clock Suspcnsiott Thread Fulcrum Oils page 24 page 24 page 24, 25 page 50 page 38 page 30 page 30 page 69 page 69 page 51 page 69 page 67 page 69 page 61 page 61 page 61 page 66 page 36 - - G Clear Puller Glass - Barometer Glass Cutting - Beveling - Carriage Clock Glass - Convex (curved) - Cutting - Flat - Kitchen (painted> - Kitchen Glass Cutting - Multi Coloured (painted) - Oval (Revere) - Regulator (patnted) Store Regulator (painted) 100 day Domes clhiss Cutter (il~ss Fransthrs - t5orders - Kitchen - Number - Regulator - Seconds Bit - trademark Golden Flour Parts Gong Base Gongs - Cuckoo (long Rods page Ill page page page page page page page page page page page page ~tge page 34 34 34 31,32 34 3 33 34 34 33 33 33 34 III page page page page page page page page page page 35 34 35 35 35 35 35 37 37 36 G continued Gong Rods Mounted Gongs - Spiral Governor Graver page page page page 37 37 22 III Fl Hairaprings Flatnmers Hammer wires Flands - American Hands - Calendar Hands -Cuckoo Clock - Electric Clocks - French Clocks - 400 day Clocks - Gallery Clocks - Lanahire Clocks - Mechanical Clocks (German) - Quartz Clocks - Second Hands - Tall Case Hands Hand Bushing Adjusting tool Hand Bushing Assortments Hand Nuts -Cuckoo Clock - American Clock - German Clock Hand Removers Hand Washers Handles Hanging Assembly Hermle Clock Parts - Barrels - Calendar Hands -Chain - Chain Wheels - Chain Wheel Lock Washers -Click Springs - Dials - 400 day Modules - Hammers - Hammer wires - Hand Nuts - Lyre Pendulums - Penduhtm Hooks - Pendulum Leaders - Pendulum Rods - Mainspring Chart - Movement Parts - Seat Boards - Second Hands - Split Washers - Pulley - Weights Hermle Movements Hinges Hole Closing Punches Hubert Herr Cuckoo Clock Parts - Chain Wheels - Movement Parts Hubert Herr Cuckoo Movement - I Day -8Day page 41 page 37 page 37 page 53 psges4 Jewels Jauch Movements Jumping Doll Parts page 61 page 107 page 52 page 39, 40 page 38 page 20,21 page 40 page 40 page 40 page 40 page 41 page 39, 4! page 39,48 page 38,41 page 41 page 38 page 38 page page page page page page e 21 37 37 Ill, 113 38 41 Ill page I page 38 page 14 page 16 page 16 page 17 page 27,28,29 page 51 page 37 page 37 page 37 page 63 page 64 page 64 page 63 page I page 76 to 82 page 66 page 38 page 38 page 66 74, 75 page 85 to 100 page 41 page Ill page 19 page 21, 22 Edition 609 H& WPerrin~oLtd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 clock Repair Catafo~e K Keys Alarm Clock Keys American Logo Single End American Logo Double End - American Regulator Cranka - Door key - Double Find h~tra Long Single End - lrencli Clock I all Clock Crank I lermle Hack Wind Key are Wind Single End - Novelty Keys Single Find - Schatz 400 day Steel Keys - Universal Clock key - Vienna Regulator Cranks Key Gauge Key I lole Escutcheons Key I lole Inserts Key lIolder Keystone Lubricants Kissinger Clock Parts - ltsrrels - (‘ham - Chain Wheels - (‘lick Springs - I land Nuts - I.re Pendulum - Movement Parts — l’esdiiluin Hooks - l’enduliini Leaders - Pulley Kissinger Movements Kits Knobs for Doors page 43 page 41 page 4! page 41 page 43,44 page 42 page 42 age 42 e 42 page 43 page 42 page 43 page 42 page 42 age 42 page43, 112 page 41 page 43 page 44 page 44 page 43 page 36 - - page I page 15 page 16 page 17 page 37 page 63 page 82 to 84 page 64 page 64 page 66 page 106 page 110 page 44 L Labels latches for Doors Lantern Pinion Leather Hammer Tip Material Let Down Keys Level Lions Itead Locks for Doors Lyre t’endulurns page 112 page 44 page 44 page 37 page 43, 112, 114 page 112 page 24 page 44 page 63 M continued Movements (Electric i Quartz) - Quartz - Fit Up - Quartz - 1-termle -Ava Maria - Quartz - Hermle - Weatminister - Quartz - High Torque - Quartz - Mini - Quartz - Passing Bell - Quartz - Pendulum - Quartz - Radio Controlled - Quartz - Recordable Chime - Quartz - Reverse i’ime - Quartz - Rotary (Anniverusry) - Quartz - Slups Bell -Quartz-Snapln - Quartz- Swiza - Quartz - Thermometer - Quartz - Tide - Quartz - Time and Tide - Quartz - Westminister Chime -30 Hour Quartz Fit Up Movements ( Mechanical) - Ansonia -Banjo - Cuckoo - 8 Day Kitchen -8 Day Long Shaft -8 DayTime Only -8 Day Mantel - 8 Day Seth Thomas - Hermle - Hubert Herr - isuch - Kieninger - Miniature - Reguls - Royal Mariner - Seth Thomas Movement Interchange - Urgos Movement Movement Holders Movement Mounting Pads Movement Stand Muaic Box Movements Music Box Parts page 50 page 47 page 49 page 46 page 45 e 49 page 46 age 46 page 48 page 46 page 47 ~ 49 page4s page 51 page 47, 50 page 47 page 47 page 47 page 51 page SI pagesl page 52 page 51 page 51 page 51 psge St page 51 page 8510 100 page 53, 54 page 107 page 106 page 52 page 52. 53 page 54 page 101, 102 page 103 to 105 page 112, 113 page 49 page 112. 113 page 54 page 22. 23 N Nails for Dials Nuts for Movement Nut Wrench Nyc Oils page page page page 3 37,38 113 36 M Main Wheels Mainsprings American Economical Mainspring Clamps Manietirings English Clocks Maiiisprings I tote End Mainaprings l.oop End Mainspring Lubricants Mainspring Winder Miniature Movements Miniature Clock Parts Moebius Lubricantn Motors - Electric Motors - Golden Hour Movements (Electric I Quartz) - l3aroineter - Electric - [lygrometer - Pendulum Drive - Quartz - Adjustable Sweep - Quartz - Alarm - Quartz - Auto Set - Quartz - Him I3am - Qusrtz - 31 day Cslendar - Quartz - Contniiious Sweep - Quartz - Cuckoo - Quartz — Double Chime page I page 61 page II page 58 page 55 to 58 page 59,60 page 36 page 114 page 52 page 52 page 36 page 44 page 35 page 50 page 44,45 page 50 page 49 page 45 page 45 page 46 page 46 ge 46 e 45,46 page 54 e 47 0 Oil Oil Diupensers Oilers page 35, 36 page 36 page 35, 36 P Pallet Jewels Pallet Adjusting ‘fool Pendulums - American Mantel -Barrel Type - Black Forest -CuckooClock -French Clock - Fusee - German ‘Horse and Rider - Kitchen clock - Lyre Pendulums - Mantel Clock - Mercury - Morbier - Quartz Clock - Sunburst page 61 page 113 page 61 pageSl page 63 page 23. 63 page 61 page 62 page 62 page 61 page 61 page 63 page 61, 62 page 63 page 62 page 48 ge 61 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair ~atafo~ve P continued l’enduluin Bobs - Geiman Miscellaneous - Quartz Clock - Store Regulator l3obs - Shop l3obs - Tall Case Pendulum Drive Units Pendulum I looks Pendulum leaders Pendulum Rating Assembly l’enduluin Rods Pendulum Wires ‘emma Blue Puns Pinion Blanks Pivot Locator Pivot Wire ‘late Spreader l’lutlomm Escapemnenta Platibrmn Escapement Mounting screws Pulleys Pulley (‘over l’ulley S-Hook Punches Puncheu — I bile Closing . page 62 page 63 page 48 page 62 page 61 page 63 page 49 page 61, 64 page 64 page 64 page 62, 63 page 62 page 41 page 65 page 76 page 112 page 65 page 112 page 30 page 30 page 66 page 66 page 66 page 112 page III Tall Case Movement Parts Tap and Dieu Tap for Gong Rod Tapered Pins Tension Spring Ausorument Tenuion Wauhers U Ultraaonic Clock Cleaning Systems Urgos Clock Parts -Chain - Chain Wheels - I-land Nuts - Movement Parts - Pendulum Leaders - Pulley - Second hands Urgos Movement Universal Key page 66 page 64 page 19 page 21,22 page 52 page 52 pages3 page 53 page 112. 113 page III, 113 page 112 page 113 page 65 page II page 54 page 19 S Screws Scatboards Seat Hooks - Vienna Seth Thomsa Movements Sets for Alanms Clocks S-I took for Pulley Strike Fans Spandrels - Brass Spandrels - Wood Spiral Gongs .. . Spring Wire Stabilizers Stakes - Riveting. Split Suspension Assemblies Nuuspeusion Steel Suspension tall Case Suspension thread - French Clock Swuza Quartz Alarm Movement Suspension Springs page 66 page 66 page 72 page 101, 102 page 43 page 66 page 70 page 24 page 24 page 37 page 65 page 70 e 113 page 67 page 69 page 67 page 66 page 51 page 66 to 69 page 18 page page page page page page page page page 5 16 37 84 64 66 38 103 to 105 43, 112 page page page page page page 71 72. 113 71 72 72 72 V Verges Verge Adjuster Verges & Escape Wheels Verge Gauge Verge Retainers Vienna Seat Hooku R Ratchet Wheels Rating Assembly Regula Cuckoo Clock l’arts - Chain Wheelu - Movement Parts Regmila Cuckoo Movements - I day - I day Musical -Sday 8 day Musical Regulating Stand Rcnmover — clock hands & gears Retiair by labels Riveting Stake Rods - Brass Rope Royal Mariner Rctrohit Rust Remover page 70 page 113 page 36 page 65 page 66 page 71 W Wailer Graver Washers - Flat Washeru - Hand Washeru - Split Washers - Tension Wrench Winding Arbors Wire Weights - American Clock - Banjo Clock - Black Forest - Cuckoo Clock - Dutch Clock -8day - Hermle - Horue and Rider - Morbier - Tail Case - Vienna Weight Cores Weight Ends Weight Hooks Weight Repair Kits Weight Rods Weight Shells Weight Shell End Capu Wheel Blanks Winder - Mainspring Winding Arbor Locator Wire Bending Jig Wire Bending Toola page III page page page page page page page 38 38 38 71 113 49 65 page 73 page 73 page 72 page 23 page 73 page73 page 74,75 page 73 page 73 page 73 page 73 page 75 page 75 page 75 page 75 page 75 page 75 page 75 page 75 page 114 page 29 page 114 page 113 Page 1 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~ve ALARM MECHANISM / FHS - HERMLE BARREL REFERENCE GUIDE Movement Barrel Number Number Strike Time Chime FHS 130 #31 U 32 /1 FHS 130-627 #31/31B #32/32B FIIS 131 #33 # 30 Fl-IS 132 #31 #31 FHS 140 4 10 U 10 No. 70.001 Clock alarm mechanism for Kitchen and Fl-IS 141 4 10 #11 mantel clocks. The unit measures I W’ x I ‘/2” x 2 %“ FHS 150/151 #21 4 20 (I. x W x 0). It comes with a hammer and centre piece, FHS34O/34l #40 4 40 #41 alarm top arm that attaches to the clock movement. FHS35O/35l #50 U 52 II 54 (Bottom 1-lammer) ATMOS PARTS F1-IS35l-030A #56 #52 #55 No. 77.550 Atmos style suspension material (Side Hammer) proper replacement temperature compensating FHS35I-050 #50 #52 #55 suspension spring is 9” long. Must install your own (Back Hammer) fittings to complete. FHS 352 4 50 4 57 # 55 Fl-IS 1050 #50 4 52 4 55 FHSIO5I #50 # 52 # 55 FHSIO5I-030A #56 4 52 # 55 (Side Hammer) FHS 771 4 30 No. 77.551 Atmos style chain - replacement bright gold filled chain is 3” long. HERMLE MAINSPRING LISTING BY BACKS FOR MANTEL CLOCKS No, 70.100 Small 3 ~ dia No.70.101 Medium4Y2”dia No. 70.102 Large 5 ¼”dia BARRELS COMPLETE WITH MAINSPRING - FHS (HERMLE) BARREL NUMBER For Barrel #10 use mainspring CP.Ml7l lH For Barrel #11 use mainspring CP.M1709H For Barrel #20 use mainspring CP.M1706H For Barrel #21 use mainspring CP.M 17061-1 For Barrel #31 use mainspring CP.M1206H For Barrel #32 use mainspring CP.MI2IOH For Barrel #33 use mainspring CP.M1206H For Barrel #40 use mainspring CP.M 170511 For Barrel #41 use mainspring CP.M2 10711 For Barrel #42 use mainspring CP.M 170511 For Barrel #50 use mainspring CP.M 170611 For Barrel #54 use mainspring CP.M2 10911 For Barrel #55 use mainspring CP.M21 I IH For Barrel #56 use mainspring CP.M I 706H BARRELS COMPLETE WITH MAINSPRING - KIENINGER These barrels are supplied in a brushed finish. All 1:1 IS barrels are stamped with a number right on the barrel, please order by barrel number. (Measurements listed in brackets are diameter of the barrel at teeth, number of teeth, diameter of barrel casing, height of barrel all in mm.) Part number Barrel number/Dimensions 70.210 # 10 (49.0-72-45.2-20.7) 70.211 # II (49.0-72 -45.2 -20.7) 70.220 #20,21(47.5-68-41.0-207) 70.231 #31 (39.6-70-36.5-15,0) 70.2318 70.232 70.232 B # 31 hackwind with threaded arbor (39.6-70-36.5 - 15.0) # 30,32 (39.6-70- 36.5 - 15.0) 70.233 70.240 70.241 70.250 70.254 # 32 backwind with threaded arbor (39.6 -70- 36.5 - 15.0) # 33 (39.6 - 70-36.5 - 15.0) # 40,42 (41,0 -72 -37.7 -20.7) #41 (47.7-71 -43.3 -24.4) # 50,52 (45.0-66-41.0- 20.8) 4 54 (53.5 -80- 49.2 -24.8) 70.255 70.256 70.257 4 55 II 56 #57 (53.5 - 80 -49.2 - 24,8) (45.1 -66 -41.0 - 20.8) (401) -66 -41.1 -20.8) Part number 70.260 70.261 70.262 70.263 70.264 Description Model RWS - strike barrel 70 282 280. 288 No. 70.282 With ratchet wheel mounted on arbor. dimension of ratchet wheel 16 mm - 16 teeth. (46.3 90 -42.2 -21.75). No. 70.286 400 day clock barrel with ratchet wheel mounted on arbor ,dimensions of ratchet wheel 11.4 mm- I6teeth. (35.5-96-33-16.9). No. 70.288 400 day clock barrel with ratchet wheel mounted on arbor dimensions 01’ ratchet wheel 11,3 mm - 16 teeth. (29.8 - 96 - 27.75 16.5). I No, 70.284 Schatz, model unknown - threaded arbor - backwind execution. (38.6 - 82 -35.75 14.25). MISCELLANEOUS MAIN WHEELS WITH RATCHET FOR LOOP-END MAINSPRINGS No. 70.290 Main wheel - clockwise (right) wheel has a diameter of 64.5mm -84 teeth total height (A) 66.3 mm, (B) 19.5 mm (C) 3.5mm (D)10mm (E) 13.5 mm. No. 70.292 Main wheel - counter clockwise (leO) wheel has a diameter of 64.5 mm - 84 teeth total height (A) 66.3 mm, (B) 19.5mm (C) 3.5 mm (0)11) mm (E) 13.5 mm. KUNDO BATTERY RETROFIT Model RWS - chime barrel Model J - strike barrel Model J - chime barrel Model J - time (will not work for Movements dated 1991 or earlier) MISCELLANEOUS BARRELS z No. 71.009 Aluminum holder with terminals, holds 2 “AA” batteries - replaces the Kundo 825 battery. L.istirig of miscellaneous German Clock Barrels, origins unknown. (Measurements listed in brackets are diameter of teeth, number of teeth, diameter of barrel casing, height of barrel all in mm.) - RENATA, MAXELL, EVEREADY WATCH AND CLOCK BATTERIES No. 70.280 Letter T is marked on lid (56.5 -80-51 -28.2) We offer RENATA (Swiss Made). MAXELL and EVEREADY brands of batteries. We have included with this catalogue our most current battery price list. Page 2 Edition 609 II & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair CatBJoSve UNIVERSAL BA’I’TERY TESTER BELLOWS - HORIZONTAL One horizontal and one vertical bellow, sold in pairs. Two sizes available. (Size listed includes the bellow top). ~ ‘~. 1* No. 67.19000 General use battery tester rests I .5V & 3V watch cells plus .\A-AAA-C-D-N-9V and 6V & I 2V photo batteries. Watch cells can be inserted into the side of the on It for a quick push of the button’’ test. Other types can he tested usiiio the attached leads. Part number Description 71.058 Vertical 4 1/8”. horizontal 2 ‘/2 long, side opening. 7 1.059 Vertical 4 3/8’, horizontal 2 3/4 side opening. REGULATOR BEAT PLAQUES BELLOWS - QUAIL (measurements are the length of the column not including the foot). CUCKOO CLOCK HOUSING WITH BELLOWS No. 71.100 For miniature movement (bellows mounted) box measures H 86mm x W 79mm x D 61 mm. No. 71.101 For I day movement (bellows supplied but not mounted) box measures Il 127 mm x W 96 mm x 0 70 mm. BELLOW WIRES - CUCKOO CLOCK No. 71.012 heat l’laque fbr regulators. Anodized aluminum brass finish frame with imitation white No. 7 1.080 Bellows - 5 cm Cuckoo Quail back opening * sold as a single piece. enamel finish and printed design. 62 x 26 x 0.5 mm. II I Q I H BELLOWS-OLD STYLE TRAPEZOIDAL ‘~ Back opening, many of the older cuckoo clocks use No. 71.013 Beat Plaque for regulators. Anodized this type of bellow. Sold in pairs (size listed includes aluminum white finish with black design. 73 x 27 x 1.0 the bellow top). mm No. 76.552 32 pieces assorted ring wires, lift wires, bellow wires, hinge wires and locking wires for cuckoo clocks, No. 7 1.087 8” long wire used for bellows and other uses on cuckoo clocks, diameter of wire 1.20mm. AMERICAN CLOCK BEAT PLAQUES BELLS FOR CLOCKS No. 71.014 Beat Scale - Cast Ansonia. Used on Ansonia Baghdad. Prompt. (‘apitol and others. 5 3/8” iOdc ~ 2 1/8” tall. Antique nickel plated. Part number 71.081 7 1.082 71.083 7 1.084 BELLOW TOPS ONLY Sold in pairs. No. 71.015 Beat Scale - New Haven. 5 1/16” wide x 2’ tall - unfinished, BELLOWS - CUCKOO CLOCKS (measurements are the length of the column not including the foot) sold as a pair. Side Opening Part number 71.050 71.051 71.05 lB 7 1.052 71.052B 71.053 71.053B 71.054 71.0548 71.055 71.0558 71.056 71.056B 71.057 7 1.0578 Part number Description 71.090 29 29 29 33 33 33 40 71.091 Ii. 71.092 71.093 Back Opening 71.094 71.095 Description __________ 6.5 cm side opening 7 cm side opening 7 cm back opening 8 cm side opening 8 cm back opening 0 cm side opening 0 cm back opening 2 cm side opening 12 cm back opening Il cm side opening II cm back opening 15 cm side opening 15 cm hack opening 6 cm side opening 6 cm back iipciiiiits 71.096 Made of’ Brass Description 6 1/8” tall - cloth cover 6 ~4” tall - cloth cover 6 3/4” tall - cloth cover 7” tall - leather cover x x x x x x 37mm 44 mm 56mm 44 mm 50 mm 56 mm x 60 mm BELLOW TOPS - TRAPEZOIDAL Sold in pairs. ) Part number Description 71.132 polished brass FHS * diameter 32 mm 71.136 polished brass FHS * diameter 36 mm 71.142 polished brass FHS * diameter 42mm 71.146 polished brass FHS * diameter 46mm 71.151 71.160 71.165 71.170 7 1.240 71.245 7 1.250 7 1.255 71.265 71.275 71.290 71.300 71.315 71.325 polished brass FHS * diameter 51 mm polished brass FHS * diameter 60 mm polished brass FHS * diameter 65 mm polished brass FHS * diameter 70mm cast brass - polished diameter 40 mm cast brass - polished diameter 45 mm cast brass - polished diameter 50mm cast brass - polished diameter 56 mm cast brass- polished diameter 65 mm cast brass - diameter 77 mm cast brass - diameter 90 mm cast brass - diameter 101 mm cast brass diameter 118mm cast brass diameter 125 mm BELL STANDS Part number Description 71.085 2 1/4’ long x 2” wide, tapers to I” cloth 71.086 2 1/4’ long x 2” wide, tapers to I ‘leather BELLOWS COVF:RING MATERIAL No. 71.098 Repair \our own bellows with factory replacement fabric. 70 cm x 20 cm. No. 71.500 Bell stand fbr french clocks Page 3 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repoir Catalo~~ie BRASS CLOCK BEZELS - NO GLASS tine piece bezels. Glass is not included. Hinge, latch and glass tabs are included. Measurements are outside diameters. Will accommodate both flat or convex glass. Part number 7 1.595 71.600 71.605 71.610 71.615 7 1.620 71.625 7 1.626 71.627 7 1.628 71.629 7 1.630 71.631 71.640 71.641 71.642 7 1.644 Size 5” ENGLISH STYLE BEZEL AND LINER No. 71.666 12 5/8” diameter brass bezel with removable liner. Hinge and tab are assembled in place. Glass is not included. 5 3/8” 5 5/8” 5 3/4” 6” 6 1/4” 6 5/8” 7” 7 1/2” 8 5/8’ 8 7/8” 0 1/2” 103/4” 125/8” 127/8” 13 1/8” 15” BRASS CLOCK BEZELS ASSEMBLED WITH HINGE AND FLAT GLASS MOUNTED BEZEL AND DIAL PAN ASSEMBLIES 1-tinge and latch soldered into place. Glass tabs are included. Glass is not included. Measurements are outside diameter. Part number 71.667 71.6671 71.6672 71.6673 Size 8 7/8” 107/8” 125/8” 13 1/8” BRASS CLOCK BEZELS ASSEMBLED WITH HINGE AND CONVEX GLASS German made, supplies are limited. Discontinued when sold out. Bezel is supplied with hinged and convex glass mounted, no dial. l’re-assembled brass bezels with hinge and flat glass mounted. Measurements are outside diameters. Part number Part number 71.650 71.655 71.658 71.660 71.662 71.663 71.670 71.676 71.678 71.680 71.690 BRASS CLOCK BEZELS ASSEMBLED WITH HINGE AND CONVEX GLASS MOUNTED Pre-assembled brass bezels with hinge and convex glass mounted, Measurements are outside diameters. .~ 4 V2’ 71.6641 4 7/8” 7 1.6642 7 1.6643 7 1.6644 7 1.6645 7 1.6646 5” 51/8” 5 1/4” 71.6652 71.6653 113 mm! 108 172 mm /167 l87mm/ 180 200 mm! 195 260 mm I 254 mm mm mm mm mm No. 24.711 Universal Bushing Tool - g~p~plete system. This is the ultimate bushing tool. Designed by Elma - Germany, you can appreciate the quality workmanship of this hushing system. ‘IThis system contains everything you need to professionally hush clocks with exacting precision. ‘this bushing tool is supplied with, a KWM pivot gauge. 2 complete sets of’ bushings totaling 1170 pieces organized in a two drawer system which is mounted into a wooden base, complete set of’ pushers, complete set of reamers and a chamfering cutter. Instructions for use: I) Select a suitable stake to fit in bottom of machine, used to support plate being bushed. 2) Adjust alligator clips on arm allowing these clips to hold plate. 3) Insert centering point into center shall. 4) Find the exact position of original hole and tighten alligator clips to hold plate tightly. 5) Remove centering point from center shaft and insert correct cutting reamer based on the bushing you are using for the repair. 6) Slowly tum wheel allowing the reamer to turn and cut slowly into the plate. l.ift the reamer from time to time to allow the reamer to clean the hole. 7) Remove reamer from center shaft and install a driving punch. The driving punch should be slightly larger than the outside diameter of the bushing. Press down on the wheel and tap lightly with a brass hammer. KWM ACCESSORIES Large Bushing Accessories Set No. 24.300 For 8.7 mm bushings used for center BEZEL TABS wheels and barrel arbors of Grandfather clocks. Set contains a reamer, anvil, and pusher (not illustrated), ~JlE:~ Chamfering Cutters Part number 71.700 - 7 1.710 - Description small - package of 12 pieces large - package of 12 pieces BRADS Part number 7 1.664 71.6647 71.6648 71.6649 71.665 71.6651 Size Outside dia / Inside dia Size 5” 5 1/2” 5 5/8” 5 3/4” 6” 6 1/2” KWM BUSHING TOOL No. 71.740 Assortment of small brads, brass plated steel approx. 50 gram. Part number 24.422 24.667 Description Genuine Elma American Made Pusher Set for Bushing Tool No. 24.341 Set of5 pushers for KWM hushing tool. 6” Replacement Pushers Part number 24.360 pusher 1.0 mm 24.361 pusher 1.5 mm 24.362 pusher 2.5 mm 24.363 pusher 3.0 mm 24.364 pusher 7.1 mm 6 1/4” 6 3/8” 6 1/2” Centering Point 24.365 5 3/8” 5 ‘/2” 59/16” 5 5/8” 5 3/4” centering point Page 4 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catato~ie Reamer Set flr Bushing Tool J~-. KWM ACCESSORIES - AMERICAN MADE l’he t’ollowing is a list of tools manufactured in the USA to be used with KWM bushings. ATTENTION CUSTOMERS ~. No. 24.670 Adaptor to fit your drill press to take Do you have our other catalogues? So. 24.38 I Set of 5 reamers for the KWM bushing KWM reamers. This adaptor is designed to be used in tool numbers to 5. Replacement Reamers - Original KWM Part number Size 24.4 IS 1.18mm 24.4 16 1.78mm 24.4 17 2.68 mm 24.418 3.48 mm 24.419 4.66 mm 24.420 5.85 mm 24.421 8.64mm Replacement Reamers - American Made Part number Size 24.661 1.18mm 24.662 1.78mm 24.663 2.68 mm 24.664 3.48 mm 24.665 5.85 mm 24.666 8.64 mm your drill press. It allows you to use the KWM system of reamers with your drill press to install KWM bushings. Includes a hex wrench for tightening. 5~ No. 24.671 Adaptor to fit your electric screwdriver. This adaptor is designed to be used in your electric screwdriver, II allows you to use the KWM system of reamers with your electric screwdriver to install KWM bushings. Includes a hex wrench for tightening. ~ fI, Findings Watch [3ergeon Straps Jewellery Boxes No. 24.628 Adaptor to use Bergeon reamers in the KWM bushing tool. This adaptor is designed to be used in your KWM bushing tool. It allows you to use Bergeon reamers with the KWM bushing system. A cost effective way of using Bergeon reamers and the Bergeon bushing system with your KWM machine. A KWM ACCESSORIES - ASSORTED No. 24.673 Economical clamp on bushing tool to use No. 24.520 KWM replacement upright centre KWM reamers. Reams bushing holes perpendicular to shall a clock plate by placing the tool on the plate and holding the reamer in the tool and rotating the reamer with an electric screwdriver, Includes a reamer adapter and bracket. Reamers not included. No. 24.540 KWM pivot gauge. Shows the diameter of pivot and reference number for both KWM reamer and hushing. No. 24.630 Aluminum clamp-on bushing tool for KWM bushings. Align tool over a pivot hole and clamp it to your disassembled clock plate, insert the reamer No. 24.710 KWM punches and stumps - lbr staking holder and reamer and ream the bushing hole. Hex alarm clock stall’s into the balance wheel. Set contains I wrench and upright adaptor are included. Reamers are pusher and 4 stumps. not included, No 24.390 KWM work plate (mounting board) to hold all KWM accessories (not illustrated). No. 24.675 illustrated). KWM HAND BUSHING SYSTEM Insert only for KWM reamers (not KWM BUSHING REFILLS 4F. No. 24.560 Iland Reamer Set. - Special handle. chamlëring cutter and 5 reamers with side screws for ~ctting bushings without the KWM frame Genuine K\VM. No. 24.660 1 land reamer set. this is the American made version, hand reamer set compatible with KWM bushings. Set consists of5 reamers, I chamfering cutter and a handle. This is a good economical version of the KWM hand reamer Set. No. 24.561 KWM handle only for hand reamer. Genuine KWM. Ask for your copy today Sold as packages of 10 or 20 pieces depending on the size of the bushing, See chart for available sizes. No. 72.001 to 72.127 KWM bushing refills # I to 127 - pkg of 20 pieces. No. 72.128 to 72.137 KWM bushing refills 4 128 to 137- pkgof 10 pieces. No. 72.138 to 72.147 KWM bushing refills #138 to 147- pkg of2O pieces. 72.2S1KL to 72.300KL KWM bushing refills # KL251 to KL300 - pkg of 10 pieces. Things are TICKJ’N’ at PERRIN f~~gç~ Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd P/tone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~ie KWM - CHART OF BUSHINGS BY SIZE: - please note the hi~h1ighted KWh! numbers are aIsG available in Bergeon bronze and brass KWM ORDER Number Numhe~- L55 L56 1.01 1.57 1.02 1.64 .86 Kl.25 I KL276 KL252 L58 K[.277 KL253 KL254 L03 1.08 1.87 KL255 KL278 KL256 1.59 KL279 KL257 KL258 L04 132 72055 72.056 72.001 72.057 72.002 72.064 72.086 72.251 72.276 72.252 72.058 72.277 72.253 72.254 72.003 72.008 72.087 72.255 72.278 72.256 72.059 72.279 72.257 72.258 72.004 72.009 72.032 L94 72.094 KL259 KL280 KL260 1.60 KL261 KL281 KL262 LOS LI0 72.259 72.280 72.260 72.060 72.261 72.281 72.262 72.005 72.010 72.033 72.095 72.282 72.263 72.264 72.283 72.265 72.266 72.006 72.011 72.034 72.096 72.284 72.267 72.292 L09 L33 1.95 KL282 K1.263 KL264 KI.283 KL265 KL266 1.06 LII L34 L96 KL284 KL267 KL292 1 J Hole Dia Height Outside MM MM MM 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 I I I I 1 1.4 1.9 0.4 0.5 0.6 I 0.5 0.5 0.7 1 1.4 1.9 0.4 0.5 0.6 I 0.5 0.5 0.7 1 1.4 1.9 2.7 0.4 0.6 0.6 1 0.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.8 1,8 1.2 0.7 1.6 1.2 0.8 1.4 1.8 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.2 0.8 1.6 1.2 0.9 1.4 1.8 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.2 I 1.6 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 1 2.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.75 0.75 0.79 I 1.4 1.9 2.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0,6 0.7 0.8 1 1.4 1.9 2.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.6 2 1.1 1.8 2.3 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.2 2 1.4 0.6 0.6 ~j KWM II N~imher~ KL293 KL285 KL268 KL269 L07 LI.? L35 L97 KL270 KL2~6 KL287 KL271 KL272 L61 L13 ORDEW Number Hole Dia Height Outside MM MM MM KL290 72.293 72.285 72.268 72.269 72.007 72.012 72.035 72.097 72.270 72.286 72.287 72.271 72.272 72.061 72.013 72.042 72.104 72.020 72.036 72.098 72.273 72.288 72.294 72.295 72.296 72.289 72.274 72.275 72.062 72.065 72.014 72.037 72.099 72.290 KL291 72.291 1.1 0.9 L63 L66 72.063 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.19 1.19 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.39 1.39 1.4 1.4 I 1.4 1.4 1.9 2.7 0.7 0.8 1.4 1.9 2.7 1.4 1.9 2.7 0.8 0.8 1.4 1.9 L42 L104 L20 L36 L98 KL273 KL288 KL294 KL295 KL296 KL289 KL274 KL275 L62 L65 L14 L37 L99 US L38 Ll00 KL297 KL298 L16 L39 L101 L17 L40 L102 KL299 KL300 U18 L41 72.066 72.015 72.038 72.100 72.297 72.298 72.016 72.039 72.101 72.017 72.040 72.102 72.299 72.300 72.018 72.040 0.79 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.85 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 — 1.5 1.5 1.6 0.9 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.99 0.99 0.99 I — 1 1 1 — I — I ~1 — I 1.05 0.6 0.7 0.7 0,8 I .4 1.9 2.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 1.4 1.9 2.7 1.4 1.9 2.7 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 I 1.4 1.4 1.9 2.7 0.9 .6 1.2 1.8 3 1.2 .8 1.8 1.8 2 1.3 1,3 2.3 3 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.8 2.6 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.4 2.3 3 1.8 1.8 2.7 1.8 2.7 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.6 3 2.7 2.7 Page 6 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Rep8ir Catafq~zie KWM Number ORDER Number 1103 L19 [F Hole Dia MM Height MM Outside MM’ 72.103 1.4 2.7 72.019 1.5 1.4 L43 L105 72.043 72.105 1.6 1.6 II ORDER Number 2.7 L50 72.050 3 1.7 59 2.7 L144 72.144 3 2.7 4,7 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 L118 L140 72.118 72.140 3 3.2 2.7 1.4 5.9 4.7 5.9 j Hole Dia MM Height MM 1 KWM Number I j Outside MM L67’ 72.067 1.7 1.4 2,7 1.28 72.028 3.2 1.4 L88 72.088 1.7 1.9 2.7 L51 72.051 3.2 1.7 5.9 1.106 72.106 1.7 2.7 2.7 L145 72.145 3.2 2.7 4.7 L21 72.021 1.8 1.4 2.7 LII 72.119 3.2 2.7 5.9 L44 72.044 1.8 1.9 2.7 L14l 72.141 3.4 1.4 4.7 1.107 72.107 1.8 2.7 2.7 L74 72.074 3.4 1.4 5.9 L68 72.068 1.9 1.4 2.7 L81 72.081 3.4 1.7 5.9 L89 1.108 1.22, L45 LIO9 L69 [.90 72.089 72.108 72.022 72.045 72.109 72.069 72.090 1.9 1.9 2 2 2 2.1 2.1 1.9 2.7 1.4 1.9 2.7 1.4 1.9 2.7 2.7 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 L146 L120 L142 L29 L52 L147 L121 72.146 72.120 72.142 72.029 72.052 72:147 72.121 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 2.7 2.7 1.4 1.4 1.7 2.7 2.7 4.7 5.9 4.7 5.9 5.9 4.7 5.9 [.110 72.110 2.1 2.7 3.5 L75 72.075 3.8 1.4 5.9 1.23 1.46 72.023 72.046 2.2 2.2 1.4 1.9 3.5 3.5 L82 L122 72.082 72.122 3.8 3.8 1.7 2.7 5.9 5.9 1.1 I I 72.1 I I 2.2 2,7 3.5 L76 72.076 4 1.4 5.9 1.70 72.070 2.3 1.4 3.5 L83 72.083 4 1.7 5.9 5.9 1.91 72.091 2.3 1.9 3.5 L123 72.123 4 2.7 1.112 72.112 2.3 2.7 3.5 L30 72.030 4.2 1.4 5.9 [.24 72.024 2.4 1.4 3.5 L53 72.053 4.2 1.7 5.9 [.47 72.047 2.4 1.9 3.5 L124 72.124 4.2 2.7 5.9 LI 13 72.113 2.4 2.7 3.5 L77 72.077 4.4 1.4 5.9 [.71 72.071 2.5 1.4 3.5 L84 72.084 4.4 1.7 5.9 [.92 72.092 2.5 1.9 3.5 L125 72.125 4.4 2.7 5.9 1.114 72.114 2.5 2.7 3.5 L31 72.031 4.6 1.4 5.9 1.25 72.025 2.6 1.4 3.5 L54 72.054 4.6 1.7 5.9 L48 72.048 2.6 1.9 3.5 L126 72.126 4.6 2.7 5.9 1.115 72.115 2.6 2.7 3.5 L78 72.078 4.8 1.4 5.9 [.72 72.072 2.7 1.4 3.5 L85 72.085 4.8 1.7 5.9 1.93 72.093 2.7 1.9 3.5 L127 72.127 4.8 2.7 5.9 1.116 72.116 2.7 2.7 3.5 1.128 72.128 5 3 8.7 1.26 72.026 2.8 1.4 3.5 L129 72.129 5.2 3 8.7 1.79 72.079 2.8 1.7 5.9 L130 72.130 5.4 3 8.7 8.7 [.49 72.049 2.8 1.9 3.5 LI31 72.131 5.6 3 [.117 72.117 2.8 2.7 3.5 L132 72.132 5.8 3 8.7 1.138 72.138 2.9 1.4 4.7 L133 72.133 6 3 8.7 1.73 1.80 72.073 72.080 2.9 2.9 1.4 1.7 5.9 5.9 [.134 LI35 72.134 72.135 6.2 6.4 4 4 8.7 8.7 1.113 72.143 2.9 2.7 4.7 LI36 72.136 6.6 4 8.7 1,139 72.139 3 1.4 4.7 1,137 72.137 6.8 4 8.7 1.27 72.027 3 1.4 5.9 Page 7 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock J2epoir Catalo~ie KWM MASTER BUSHING ASSORTMENTS U U No. 72.20 1 KWM bushing assortment - initial set contains 590 bushings for pivot sizes .07 mm to 4.45 mm holes sizes 0.10mm to 4.60mm (Refill No.’s 1.01 to L59). No. 72.202 KWM bushing assortment supplementary set contains 580 bushings for pivot sizes 0.23 mm to 4.65 mm. Hole sizes 0.30 mm to 4.80mm (Refill No’s L6Oto 117). No. 72.232 For grandfather clocks and wall clocks with thick pivots. Covers pivot sizes 2.85 mm to 4.65 mm, height 2.70 mm. No. 72.233 For grandfather clocks and industrial movement centre wheels and barrel arbors. Contains 5 bushes each of 10 different sizes covering pivot sizes 4.75 mm to 6.65 mm, height 3.0 mm and 4.0 mm, outside diameter 8.7 mm. Larger reamer, anvil and pusher required for this assortment. No. 72.234 Thin wall bushings with diameter4.7 mm. Covers pivot sizes 2.75 mm to 3.45 mm, height 1.40 mm and 2.70 mm. No. 64.6607 Bergeon # 6607 Brass Bushing assortment - Assortment of2l0 pieces 30 different sizes. Assortment made by Bergeon using KWM bushing sizes to be used with KWM bushing system. No. 64.6608 Bergeon # 6608 Bronze Bushing assortment - Assortment of2lO pieces 30 different sizes. Assortment made by Bergeon using KWM bushing sizes to be used with KWM bushing system. KWM MINOR BUSHING ASSORTMENTS No. 72.221 For miniature clocks and alarm clocks. Covers pivot sizes 0.10mm to 0.60 mm. height 1 mm. No. 72.222 For alarm clocks with thin pivots. Covers pivot sizes 0.42mm to 1.20 mm, height 1.40 mm. No. 72.223 For alarm clocks with thick pivots. Covers pivot sizes 1.25 mm to 2.90 mm, height 1.40 mm. No. 72.224 Supplement to 72.223 with pivot sizes 0,85 mm to 2.90 mm. Height 1.40 mm. No. 72.225 For alarm clock centre wheels and barrel arbors, Covers pivot sizes 2.95 to 4.64 mm. Heights 1.40mm and 1.70 mm. No. 72.226 Supplement to 72.225 with pivot sizes 2.65 nm to 4.05 mm. Heights 1.40mm and 1.70 mm. No. 72.227 For mantel clocks and wall clocks with thin pivots. (‘overs pivot sizes 0.23 mm to 1.10 mm, heights 1.90 mm. No. 72.228 For mantel clocks and wall clocks with thick pivots. Covers pivot sizes 1.15 mm to 2.70 mm, heights 1.90 mm, No. 72.229 Supplement to 72.228 with pivot sizes 0.75 mm to 2.60 mm, height 1.90mm and 2.70 mm. No. 72.230 For grandfather clocks and wall clocks with thin pivots. Covers pivot sizes 0.42 mm to 1.90 mm. height 2.70 mm. No. 72.231 For grandfather clocks and wall clocks with medium pivots. Covers pivot sizes 1.56 mm to 2.70 mm. height 2.70 mm. - BERG EON No. 64.6200-24 Chamfering tool diameter 4.00 mm. No. 64.6200-25 Chamfering tool diameter 10.0 mm. DRIVING PUNCHES - BERG EON No. 64.6200-3 Driving punch. undrilled dia. 3 mm. No. 64.6200-4 Driving punch, undrilled dia. 6 mm. No. 64.6200-5 1)riving punch, undrilled dia. 9 mm, 2 No. 72.203 KWM bushing assortment - complete set consists nfl each of 72.201 & 72.202 CHAMFERING TOOLS - BERGEON BUSHING TOOL . • REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR 64.6200R BUSHING TOOL No. 64.6200R Bergeon “Swiss Made” clock and alarm clock bushing tool. This is a very popular and well accepted clock bushing tool used by both the professional clock repairer and hobbyist alike. This bushing tool is robust, practical and easy to use. In every clock, due to considerable wear, the plates frequently have to be bushed. This tool allows the bushing of plates from 50 mm to 220 mm with pillar heights of 70 mm. Contains: I tool with 2 arms, 2 chucks, I broach with hand wheel, plus a box containing 3 driving punches, I centering bit, I undrilled stake, 4 drilled stakes, I centering stake, 10 reamers, I chamfering tool. Bushing not included in this set. Instructions for use: I) Select a suitable stake to fit in bottom of machine, used to support plate being bushed. 2) Adjust alligator clips on arm allowing these clips to hold plate. 3) Insert centering point into center shaft. 4) Find the exact position of original hole and tighten alligator clips to hold plate tightly. 5) Remove centering point from center shaft and insert correct cutting reamer based on the bushing you are using for the repair. 6) Slowly turn wheel allowing the reamer to turn and cut slowly into the plate. Lift the reamer from time to time to allow the reamer to clean the hole. 7) Remove reamer from center shaft and install a driving punch. The driving punch should be slightly larger than the outside diameter of the bushing. Press down on the wheel and tap lightly with a brass hammer. SPECIAL NOTE: If you are trying to bush an oval hole, assemble the plates with pillar posts, wheels removed. Line up the opposite side of the oval hole with stakes 64.6200-12 or 64.6200-13 (placed in the bottom of the machine). Place reamer in the top hole and ream out the plate. Disassemble plate and install bushing as per step 7. REAMERS - BERGEON No. 64.6200-14 Reamer diameter 1.20 mm. No. 64.6200-15 Reamer diameter 1.97 mm. No. 64.6200-16 Reamer diameter 2.47 mm. No. 64.6200-17 Reamer diameter 2.97 mm. No. 64.6200-18 Reamer diameter 3.47 mm. No. 64.6200-19 Reamer diameter 4.47 mm. No. 64.6200-20 Reamer diameter 5.47 mm. No. 64.6200-21 Reamer diameter 6.47 mm. No. 64.6200-22 Reamer diameter 7.47 mm. No. 64.6200-23 Reamer diameter 8.47 mm. No. 64.6200F Additional set of Reamers, so that you can use KWM bushings with your Bergeon machine. No. 64.6200-5 1 Replacement reamer size 1.78 mm to fit KWM bushings. No. 64.6200-52 Replacement reamer size 2.68 mm to fit KWM bushings. No. 64.6200-53 Replacement reamer size 4.66 mm to lit KWM bushings. No. 64.6200-54 Replacement reamer size 5.85 mm to fit KWM bushings. No. 64.6200-55 Replacement reamer size 8.64 mm to fit KWM bushings. STAKES - BERGEON No. 64.6200-7 Stake, undrilled diameter 25 mm. No. 64.6200-8 Stake, drilled mm I diameter of hole 3.0 mm, No. 64.6200-9 Stake, drilled mm? diameter of hole 5.0 mm. No. 64.6200-10 Stake, drilled mm? diameter of hole 8.0 mm. No. 64.6200-11 Stake, drilled mm? diameter of hole 10.0 mm. stake diameter 8.0 stake diameter 10.0 -stake diameter 16.0 - stake diameter 30.0 No. 64.6200-12 Centering stake - stake diameter 16.0 mm! diameter of point 4.0 mm. No. 64.6200—13 Centering stake - stake diameter 16.0 mm I diameter of point 9.0 mm. Page 8 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catato~~ie PIVOT CUTTERS - BERGEON No. 64.6200-26 Pivot cutter, mm / pivot diameter 0.40 mm. No. 64.6200-27 Pivot cutter, mm / pivot diameter 0.70 mm. No. 64.6200-28 Pivot cutter, mm / pivot diameter 1.50 mm. No. 64.6200-29 I’ivol cutter, mm / pivot diameter 3.00 mm. No. 64.6200—30 Pivot cutter, mm / pivot diameter 5.00 mm. HOW TO ORDER BERGEON BUSHINGS REFILLS cutter diameter 2.20 No.24.672 Adaptor to use KWM reamers in the Bergeon bushing tool. This is not a Bergeon tool. This cutter diameter 3.00 adaptor is designed to be used in your Bergeon bushing To order pkg of 10 hardened brass bushings use code tool. It allows you to use KWM reamers with the Bergeon bushing system. A cost effective way of using No. 64.30092 and the bushing #, ie. 64.30092-B IS. KWM reamers and the KWM bushing system with your To order pkg of 100 hardened brass bushings use code Rergeon machine. No. 64.30093 and the bushing #. ie. 64.30093-815. cutter diameter 5.00 cutter diameter 6.00 cutter diameter 9.Ot) BERGEON ACCESSORIES - ASSORTED No. 64.6200-6 Centering bit. No. 64.6200-35 Screw bolts. No .64.6200-37 Screws to hold reamers. ‘24 No. 64.6200-3 I Jacob’s chuck - diameter 26mm, opening measures Irom 0 mm to 4 mm. A To order pkg of 10 bronze bushings use code No. 64.40l9P-I0 and the bushing 4. ic. 64.4019P10-815. No. 24.629 Economical clamp on bushing tool to use Bergeon reamers. This is not a Bergeon tool. Reams To order pkg of lOt) bronze bushings use code bushing holes perpendicular to a clock plate by placing No. 64.4019P-100 and the bushing 4, ie. 64.4019Pthe tool on the plate and holding the reamer in the tool 815. and rotating the reamer with an electric screwdriver. Includes a reamer adaptor and bracket. Reamers not TO ORDER BERGEON BUSHING included. ~ —tW=~ No. 24.674 Aluminum clamp on bushing tool to use REFILLS - USING KWM BUSHING SIZES TO BE USED WITH KWM BUSHING SYSTEM Bergeon reamers. T’his is not a Bergeon tool. Align tool over a pivot hole and clamp it to your disassembled clock plate, insert the reamer holder and reamer and ream the bushing hole. Hex wrench and upright adaptor included. Reamers are not included. Bergeon otTers some of the most common KWM sizes of bushings, to fit KWM reamers. Please take note that not all sizes are available. [he KWM bushing sizes available in Bergeon packaging are as follows: No. 24.631 Insert only for aluminum clamp on LII, L12, Ll3, L14, L15, L16, L17, L18, Ll9, bushing tools. L20, L21, L22, L33, L34, L35, L36, L37, L38, No. 24.620 Floatingjaws to fit Bergeon bushing tool. L39, L40, L41, L42, L43, L44, L45, L66, L67, Designed by an independent manufacturer, these No. 24.650 Bushing tool jig. This is a special jig L68, L88, and L89, see pages 5 & 6. BERGEON ACCESSORIES - AMERICAN MADE lit lloatingjaws replace the clamps on the Bergeon bushing tool. Includes two spring loaded plate clamps with flouting heads to prevent damage to soil clock plates. hxtra tall vertical spring loaded shafts allow you to adjust the plate height to the desired position. which you slip between the escape wheel bridge and front plate for support while reaming and pushing a To order pkg of 10 brass bushings (Bergeon) to fit bushing. This stepped jig has a total of 5 heights. KWM use code No. 64.30092-K and the KWM Designed to be used with all bushing tools. bushing#, ie. 64.30092-Ku. BERGEON BUSHING ASSORTMENTS AND REFILLS No. 24.625 lland reamer handle to take Bergeon rcamers. I’his is not a Rergeon tool, This handle accepts all genuine Bergeon reamers. It allows you to purchase individual Bergeon reamers to hand ream your No. 64.4166 Bergeon #4 166 Bushing assortment clock plates. Handle is supplied with a hex wrench. Assortment of 225 brass bushings for alarm clocks and regulators. Contains 10 bushings of all numbers RI toBl5,5eaofBl6to 830. No. 24.626 Adaptor to fit your drill press to take No. 64.5488 Bergeon #5488 Bushing assortment l3ergeon reamers. This is not a Bergeon tool. This Assortment of 450 brass bushings for alarm clocks and regulators. Contains 10 bushings of all numbers adaptor is designed to be used in your drill press. It RI to 815, B3I to B45, and 5 bushings ofBl6 to allows you to use the Bergeon system of reamers with 830, B46 to B60. ~our drill press to install Bergeon bushings. Includes a No. 64.5701 Bergeon #5701 Rushing assortment hex vsrench for tightening. Assortment of 1500 brass bushings for alarm clocks and regulators. Comes in a wooden case, contains 25 bushings of all sizes RI to 860. No. 24.627 Adaptor to tit your electric screwdriver. No. 64.5816 Bergeon #58 16 Bushing assortment Ibis is not a I3ergeon tool. This adaptor is designed to Assortment of 450 bronze bushings for alarm clocks he used in your electric screwdriver. It allows you to and regulators. Contains 10 bushings of all numbers use the Hergeon system of reamers with your electric BI to BI5, B3I to B45 and 5 bushings of B16 to screwdriver to install l3ergeon bushings. Includes a hex B30, B46 to B60. No. 64.6717 Bergeon#67I7 Rushing assortment~ rench for tightening. Assortment of2IO brass bushings with heightS mm for large clock and regulators. Contains 7 bushings of all numbers 101 to 130. To order pkg of 100 brass bushings (Bergeon) to fit KWM use code No. 64.30093-K and the KWM bushing#, ie. 64.30093-KlI, To order pkg of 10 bronze bushings (Bergeon) to fit KWM use code No. 64.4019P-I0 and the KWM bushing #, ie. 64.401 9P- I 0-K 11. To order pkg of 10 brass bushings (Bergeon) to lit KWM use code No. 64.4019P-lOO and the KWM bushing #, ie. 64.4019-100-K II. Pagçj~ Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fox 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~e (hART OF BERGEON BUSHINGS - SORTED BY SIZE: [3ERGEON Hole Dia Height ,,~, 83! 1332 131 833 1334 1135 82 1336 [337 133 [34 1338 135 136 1339 137 138 11101 1340 139 1310 1341 III I 1342 1312 11102 13103 1343 [344 13104 13105 1313 1345 1314 [346 1347 13106 13107 1315 848 1316 1349 13108 13109 [350 0.3 0.35 0,4 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.95 I I I I I 1.! 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.65 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 1.2 1.5 2 1.5 1.5 3 2 1.5 3 2 1.5 3 5 2 1.5 3 1.2 1.5 2 3 5 5 2 2 5 5 1.5 2 3 2 2 5 5 1.5 2 3 1.5 5 5 2 j Outside II iviivi •r 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 2 2.5 3 3 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 3.5 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3 3.5 3.5 BERGEON ~rll1mDer~ Hole Dia Height MM~ MM~ 85! 1317 [318 1352 13110 13111 1353 819 854 820 8112 13113 855 8114 13115 132! 856 B22 B57 8116 13117 1323 824 B118 13119 858 8120 825 B26 8121 B27 1328 13122 13123 859 829 B124 B30 [3125 860 B126 8127 8128 8129 Bl30 1.7 1.75 2 1,5 3 2 5 5 2 1.5 2 3 5 5 2 5 5 1.5 2 3 2 5 5 1.5 3 5 5 2 5 1.5 3 5 1.5 3 5 5 2 3 5 3 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 1.75 1.8 :8 — .8 — ,9 2 2 2 2 2 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2,75 2.8 3 3 3 4 4 4 4.5 5 5 5 6 6 6.5 6.5 no hole no hole no hole no hole — Outside 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.5 4 4.5 3.5 4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.5 4 4.5 4.5 3.5 4 4.5 4 5.5 5.5 4.5 6.5 6.5 6 6.5 8.5 7.5 7 8.5 8 8.5 8.5 3 4 5 6 Page 10 Edition 609 H & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~ie A’5F BUSHING TOOLS - NEW EXECUTION Part number 66.17920- 18070 66.17920-3070 66.17920-18080 66.17920- 18090 66.17920-3090 66.17920-18100 66. 17920-3 100 66. 17920-18125 66.17920-3 125 66.17920-18150 66.17920-3150 66. 17920-18 175 66. 17920-3 175 66. 17920-18200 66.17920-3200 I_~ ~ this hushing tool allows you to lit bushings without dismantling the movement. ‘this unique method of screwmg in bushings ensures great accuracy of alignment. lie bushings are fitted exactly upright and the whole operation is carried out WITHOUT ‘FAKING ‘IIIE MOVEMENT APART. Clamp the adjustable up righting tool to the clock plate and carefi.illy locate the correct position with the centering punch. Attach the handle to the cutter and with a screwing action cut a disc from the plate. Tap the hole, select the bushing, and screw it into the threaded hole. ‘This tool is now being manufactured in Switzerland and the quality of the tool and it’s accessories are much improved. New execution shaft diameter for tools is 6.LN) mm. No. 66.17920-75 A*F Bushing tool (supplied with 75 piece hushing assortment). No. 66.17920-C-N Key - new execution. No. 66.1 7920-F2-450-N Ilollow cutter - diameter 15mm — new c~eeution. No. 66.1 7920-M-N I landle only - new execution. No. 66.17920-P-N Centering point - new execution. No. 66.17920-PB-N Bushing holder - new execution. No. 66.1 7920-T-N Hollow tap - new execution. Size (mm) Hole / Thickness 0.70/ 1.80 0.70 / 3.00 0.80 / 1.80 0.80 I 1.80 0.90 / 3.00 1.00/ 1.80 1.00/3.00 1.25/ 1.80 1.25 /3.00 1.50/ 1.80 1.50 / 3.00 .75/ l.80 1.75/3.00 2.00/ 1.80 2.00/3.00 No. 72.456 FHS cable with fittings for FIIS 351850 Howard Miller - dia 1.05 mm. No. 72.460 Fl-IS bronze cable with brass fittings - dia 1.05 mm - length 2.30 M (90”) for movements FHS 461, 1161-853. No. 72.475 Fl-IS cable with fittings - dia. 1.05 mm -length 108’ for FIIS 471, 1171-850. 1171-890. No. 72.458 FHS cable with fittings - length 62” lbr Fl-IS 791-880 - dia 1.05 mm. No. 72.459 Fl-IS cable with fittings - length 75” for FHS old execution 1161 -853AS - dia 1.05 mm. No. 72.454 FHS cable with fittings - length 90” for FHS 2071 - dia 1.05 mm. KIENINGER CABLE OTHER ASSORTED CLOCK BUSHINGS No. 72.289 Brass bushings package of 100 pieces assorted from small to medium. No. 72.291 Brass bushings for Black Forest clock movements with wooden plates - 28 pieces assorted. No. 72.298 Brass bushings flanged from 6.0 to 10.0mm - package of 12 pieces. No. 72.299 Brass bushings - extra large for Grandfather barrels - package of 4 pieces 9.6 mm to 11.7 mm. No. 72.300 Brass bushings for alarm and mantel clocks - package of 100 pieces - 10 different sizes. No. 72.473 Cable with fittings - dia. 1.00mm, length 76” for movements models KS. KSU, Ms. MSU and RWS. No. 72.474 Cable with fittings - dia. 1.00mm. length 112 1/4’ for movement models HSU, HTIJ. No. 72.476 Cable with fittings - dia. 1.00mm, length 70” for movement model HS. No. 72.477 Cable with fittings - dia. 1.00mm, length 51” for movement model PS. URGOS CABLE No. 72.470 Cable with brass fittings - dia. 1.05 mm - length 53” for UW32. No. 72.471 Steel cable 0.55 mm x 85 cm for Urgos UW58. No. 72.472 Cable lOOm. 103’long for movements UW 03 & UW66. BULK CABLE STEEL A*F BUSHING TOOLS - OLD EXECUTION SPARE PARTS Please note new and old executions are not compatible. Old execution shaft diameter for tools is 6.20mm, No. 66.17920-F Hollow cutter No. 66.17920-C Jig No. 66.1 7920-M I landle only for 66.17920.75 hushing tool. No. 66.17920-P Centering point No. 66.17920-PB Bushing holder for 66.17920.75 hushing tool, No. 66.17920-PT Cutting reamer A*F THREADED BUSHING REFILLS !7I4~” No. 43.01700 Brass Tubes - Package of 8 brass tubes with outside diameters of 3 to 11mm. All tubes measure approximately 3” in length. No. 43.1063A Brass Hollow wire Assortment No. 72.486 Steel cable dia. 1.70mm. length II feet No. 72.487 Steel cable dia. 1.20 mm . length II feet - Small. Package of 5 pieces from 0.55 to 2.00mm outside diameter. No. 43.10638 Brass Hollow wire Assortment Medium. Package of 5 pieces from 0.65 to 2.50mm outside diameter. No. 43.1063C Brass Hollow wire Assortment Large. Package of 5 pieces from 1.00 to 3.00mm outside diameter. CABLE - CORD - ROPE HERMLE CABLE No. 66.1 7920-A75 Asst. of 5 ea of 15 sizes (75 pcs.) threaded brass bushings. BULK CABLE - BRASS **Once Cable-Cord-Rope is cut it cannot be returned for credit.** No. 72.489 Brass cable 0.80 mm sold by the fbot No. 72.489-100 100 foot coil brass cable 0.80 mm No. 72.490 Brass cable 1.05 mm sold by the foot No. 72.490-100 100 foot coil brass cable 1.05 mm No. 72.491 Brass cable 1.20mm sold by the Ibot No. 72.491-100 100 fbot coil brass cable 1.20mm No. 72.494 Brass cable 1.60 mm sold by the foot No. 72.494-100 100 foot coil brass cable 1.60mm Refills 66.17920-18070 to 3200 Pkg of 10 pieces - please speeit~’ size required * all bushings are 5mm diameter - these refills are good for both New and t )id execution bushings. 4 ~ No.72.455 FHS bronze cable with brass fittings dia. 1.05 mm - length 1.35 M (54) for movements FIIS 241, 781.351, 1051-850. - No. 72.496 Brass cable 1.85 mm sold by the foot No. 72.496-100 100 foot coil brass cable 1.85 mm Page 11 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd P/gone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repoir Catalo~~ie ENDS FOR CABLE No. 72.497 Cable ends for Hermle - both sides pkg of 6 pes. CALENDAR MECHANISM C-CLAMPS FOR MAINSPRINGS - R~:1 :“~, No. 72.505 Universal calendar conversion kit. No 72 4971 Assortment 0120 .able ends for I krrnk kic.ninger and Urgos No. 72.535 C - clamps for mainsprings - set of 4. ~ No. 72.506 Grandfather clock calendar wheel. 31 I.#~1L No.72.4972 Cable ends for Kieninger - both sides - FUSEE CHAIN tooth brass calendar 40.0clocks mm in- steel diameter. Used behind the dial wheel on talliscase arbor is 9 mm long. pkg of 6 pes. ~ ~* ~‘ — No. 72.507 31 day calendar wheel. 31 tooth brass wheel is 35.0 mm in diameter - can be shortened. No 72.4973 Cable ends for Urgos- both sides - pkg of 6 pcs. CORD - CATGUT No. 72.534 61’ long steel chain complete with end hooks 1.20 mm thick and 3.55 mm wide. LADDER CHAIN ROPE 4~ No. 72.498/2 Clock Rope diameter 6 mm - 2 meters. No. 72.500 Nylon clock cord -20 foot length for 8 day - 0,037” / 0.94mm thick -80 test. No. 72.5001 30 yard roll of Braided Nylon clock cord 0.037”! 0.94 mm thick - 80 test. . No, 72.5002 30 yard roll of Braided Nylon clock wrd 0.060 / 1)2 mm thick - 150 test. No. 72.5003 12 foot coil, diameter 3mm - natural for Morbier clocks. No. 72.5004 12 foot coil, diameter 3mm - red - for Morbier clocks. No. 72.5005 12 foot coil, diameter 4mm for tall case clocks. No. 72.5006 12 foot coil, diameter 5mm for tall case clocks. No. 72.5007 12 foot coil, diameter 6mm for tall case clocks. No. 72.5008 12 foot coil, diameter 7mm for tall Part number Description 72.5 12 .60mm length 1.25 M 72.513 .70mm length 1.25 M 72.514 .80mm length 1.25 M 72.515 .90mm length 1.25 M No. 72.536 Steel wire 0.95 mm foot - 6 foot length. - 65 links per 72.516 1.00mm -2 coils 3.5 M (approx. 20’) 72.517 1.10mm -2 coils 3.5 M (approx. 20’) 72.518 1.20 mm -2 coils 3.5 M (approx. 20’) No. 72.537 Brass wire 1.00 mm - 65 links per foot - 6 foot length. 72.519 20) 72.520 1.30mm 1.40 mm --22 coils coils 3.5 3.5 M M (approx. (approx. 20’) No. 72.538 Brass wire 1.20mm -42 links per foot - 6 foot length. 72.521 72.522 72.523 72.524 72.525 72.526 72.527 72.528 1.50mm -2 coils 3.5 M (approx. I .60 mm - 2 coils 3.5 M (approx. 1.70mm -2 coils 3.5 M (approx. 1.80mm -2 coils 3.5 M (approx. 1.90mm -2 coils 3.5 M (approx. 2.00mm -2 coils 3.5 M(approx. 2.20 mm -2 coils 3.5 M (approx. 2.50 mm -2 coils 3.5 M (approx. 20’) 20’) 20’) 20’) 20’) 20’) 20’) 20’) No. 72.539 Brass wire 1.20 mm - 43 links per foot - 6 foot length. No. 72.540 Brass wire 1.35 mm foot - 6 foot length. - 34 links per case clocks. PERRI~0I H & W PERRIN CO LTD 90 Thornclifte Park Drive Toronto ON M4H 1N5 E-MAIL Address [email protected] wivw.perrinwatchparts. corn Phone: (416) 422-4600 Fax: (416)422-0290 TOLL FREE LINES Phone: 1-800-387-5117 Fax: 1-800-741-6139 Page 12 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - F~zx 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repar Cata1o~ze CLOCK CHAIN BRASS ASSORTED - - Chains may be either brass or brass plated, approx length 6 feet. Actual size Part Number Link Thickness # Links =~ 72.5431 7.70/ 10.10 1.20 39.0 ~ 72.5433 7.80/ 10.20 1.20 39.0 72.5435 8.15/ 10.95 1.40 39.0 72.5434 7.60/ 10.00 1.20 40.0 72.5432 7,10/ 9.50 1.20 43.0 72.5412 6.75 / 9.60 1.45 46.0 72.541 6.50 / 9.60 1.55 46.9 72.5411 6.45 / 8.75 1.20 47.0 PERRIN H & W PERRIN 90 Thorncliffe Park Drive Toronto ON M4H 1N5 E~MAIL Address: [email protected] www.perrinwatchparts.com Phone Fax (416) 422-4600 Toll Free: 1-800-387-5117 (416) 422-0290 Toll Free: 1-800-741-6139 Page 13 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 Fax 1-800-741-6139 - Clock Repair Catafo~ve CLOCK CHAIN - BRASS ASSORTED - Chains may be either brass or brass plated, approx leneth 6 feet. Actual size Part Number Link Thickness # Links 72.5413 (antique) 6.45 / 8.75 1.20 47.0 72.552 6.40/ 8.50 1.05 47.6 72.5521 4.95 / 6.75 0.90 48.0 72.5523 6.40/ 8.75 1.17 48.0 72.548 6.30/ 9.10 1.40 48.4 72.5481 6.15/ 8.90 1.35 49.0 72.5522 5.65/ 7.65 1.00 52.0 72.553 5.80/ 7.90 1.05 52.5 72.5533 5,65 I 7.65 1.00 55.0 72.5531 5.10/ 6.90 0.90 59.0 Page 14 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catato~~ve CLOCK CHAIN BRASS ASSORTED - - Chains may be either brass nr brass nIat~d. length 6 feet. Actual size Part Number Link Thickness # Links 72.5532 4.90 / 6.70 0.90 61.0 72.5534 (antique) 4.90/ 6.70 0.90 61.0 72.559 4.80/ 6.60 0.90 63.5 72.5591 4.56 / 6.00 0.72 66.0 72.560 4.60 / 6.00 0.70 66.2 72.5601 4,16/ 5.60 0.72 72.0 72.561 4.10/ 5.50 0.70 74.3 72.565 FHS 261 1.40mm thick 70 7/8” length 72.566 FHS 241,451,461, 1151, 1161 1.70 mm thick 57” length 72.5661 FHS 451 (special length) 471, 1171 1.70mm thick 70” length HERMLE Page 15 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Plume 1-800-387-5117 Fax 1-800-741-6139 - clock Repair Cata!o~~zie CLOCK CHAIN BRASS ASSORTED - - Chains may be either brass or brass nialed, approx len2th 6 feet. Actual size t ~ Link Thickness 72.5664 Kieninger KKIJ 1.50mm thick 55’ length 45.0 72.5665 KieningerSK, SKU 1.60 mm thick 38.0 ~ ~ .~_ ~L......—’--— ~ J Part Number KIENINCER # Links ~ 6., length URGOS 72.5663 UWO3 1.80 mm thick 63” length 40.0 1,80 33.0 ~ TALL CASE 72.5666 (steel) ~ CLOCK CHAIN CUCKOO INTERCHANGE LIST - [i ubert I err / I day use 72.5531 Regula 25 / I day use 72.559 ~ I luhert Herr / 8 day use 72.547 Regula 34 / 8 day Regula 72/8 day use use 72.552 72.541 I Page 16 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Cata!o~~iie CLOCK CHAIN HOOKS AND RINGS ~;; ~ - V No.72.568.01 Package of assorted hooks and rings br cuckoo clocks - consists of 5 hooks & 5 rings. No. 72.568.02 Fl IS round wire chain ring package of 3 pieces. No. 72,568.03 Fl IS flat chain ring - package of 3 pieces. p .04 .05 No. 72.569-04 Outside diameter 54.0mm, Star wheel diameter 48.0mm, 9 teeth, diameter of ratchet wheel 32mm, hole dia. 6.5mm, winds right, click assembly included. No. 72.569-05 Outside diameter 30.0mm, Star wheel diameter 25.0mm, 6 teeth, diameter of ratchet wheel 25mm, hole dia. 4.1mm, winds left, click assembly not included. No. 72.569-06 Outside diameter 30.0mm, Star wheel diameter 25.0mm, 6 teeth, diameter of ratchet wheel 25mm, hole dia. 4.1mm, winds right, click assembly not included. CLOCK CHAIN WHEEL REPAIR KITS —s ~ ~1 .06 No. 72.568.04 FIIS flat chain hook - package of 3 No. 72.569-07 Conversion kit - converts rope to chain drive. Fit the old cheeks and ratchets to these centers. Kit contains 2 centers and 12 feet of chain. CLOCK CHAIN WHEELS - URGOS ‘3 72.586 No. No. No. No. No. No. 72.587 all 72.586 Urgos 25, left dia 40mm 72.587-5 Urgos chime dia 62.4 mm 72.587-6 Urgos strike dia 61.7 mm 72.587-7 Urgos time dia 61.7mm 73.5871-5 Urgos UWO3 chime 72.5871-6 Urgos UW03 strike and chime CLOCK CLICKS AND CLICK SPRINGS No, 72.590 Click with springs and rivets - popular sizes and style, set contains 3 each right and left. pieces. No. 72.568.05 FHS flat chain eye - package of 3 pieces. No. 72.568,06 l:HS flat chain eye with I hole package nt 3 pieces. No. 72.592 Clicks and rivets assorted, 25 pieces brass clicks with rivets - various sizes. - No. 72.569-08 Chain wheel repair kit - detent type. No. 72.569-09 Chain wheel repair kit - click type. .07 No. 72.568.07 Kieninger chain hook fits models KKU, SK KK, sold individually. No. 72.568.08 Kieninger chain plate fits models KKU, SK, KK. SKU, RK. sold individually. CHAIN RETAINERS ~ r. No. 72.5669 Keeps chains from slipping off wheels during service. Supplied 3 to a package. CHAIN WHEELS WITH MATCHING CHAIN or large clock movements and Black Forest Clocks. No. 72.569-01 Outside diameter 48.0mm. Star o heel diameter 43,5mm, 8 teeth, diameter of ratchet o heel 32mm. hole din, 6.1mm, winds left, click assembly included. No. 72.569-02 Outside diameter 48.0mm, Star wheel diameter 43.5mm, 8 teeth, diameter of ratchet wheel 32mm, hole dia. 6.1mm, winds right, click assembly included. No. 72.569-03 Outside diameter 54.0mm, Star wheel diameter 48.0mm, 9 teeth, diameter of ratchet wheel 32mm, hole dia. 6.5mm, winds left, click assembly included. 0 No. 72.593 Click with spring mounted, right and left - pkg of 6 pieces total, 3 right, 3 left. No. 72.569-10 Hermle chain wheel lock washers. CLOCK CHAIN WHEELS - HERMLE No. 72.595 Assortment of rivets only for clock clicks - pkg of 100 pieces. No. 72.596 Wire clicks for clocks - package of 12 No. 72.5871-1 FHS 241 time dia 43.7mm. pieces. No. 72.5871-2 FHS 241 strike dia 43.7mm. CLOCK CLICKS - INDIVIDUAL SIZES No. 72.587-1 Fl-IS 261 time din 44.3 mm. No. 72.587-2 FHS 261 strike din 44.3 mm. No. 72.587-3 FHS 451-1151 time & chime dia 43.7 mm. ~ ~ No. 72.587-4 FHS 451-1151 strike dia 43.7 mm. AZ A46 Z93 29 38 131 179 181 ~I -2 No. 72.587-8 FHS 461-1161 time & chime dia 55.1 mm. No. 72.587-9 Fl-IS 461-1161 strike dia 55.1 mm. Please specify number No. 72.600-A2 CLOCK CHAIN WHEELS - KIENINGER No. 72.600-A46 No. 72.600-Z93 No. 72.600-29 No. 72.600-38 No. 72.600-131 No. 72.600-179 No. CP.3020 Time chain gear RK No. 72.600-181 No. CP.3021 Strike chain gear RK No. 72.600-8900-1 No. CP.3022 Chime chain gear RK No. 72.600-8900-2 No. CP.3025 Time and Chime gear SK, SKU No. CP.3026 Strike gear SK, SKU * Page 17 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo8ve CLOCK CLICK SPRING - INDIVIDUAL SIZES LFf.cccccc>~ CLICK, CLICK SPRINGS & RIVET COMBINATIONS POLYCHEM SOLUTIONS A47 A5O A439 72.730 Please speei1~’ number. Sold individually or by the dozen. No. 72.700-A47 No. 72.700-A50 No. 72.700-A439 No. 72.700-A440 No. 72.700-1 No. 72.700-2 No. 72.700-4 No. 72.700-6 No. 72.700-12 No. 72.700-13 No. 72.700-32 72.731 FHS 130 - 26.5mm FHS 2 1.5mm FHS 771 FHS l40/141/l50/151 49 68 69 70 75 76 79 No. 72.700-33 No. 72.700-35 No. 72.700-36 No. 72.700-48 No. 72.700-49 No. 72.700-68 No. 72.700-69 No. 72.700-70 No. 72.700-75 No. 72.700-76 No. 72.700-79 128 113 114 129 ~ 72.737 No. LR. 007 Polychem Deox-007 environment friendly clock cleaning solution. Non- ammoniated concentrate cleaner. Mildly alkaline blend for eflicient removal of oils, grease, tarnish, stains, corrosion and oxidation from brass, bronze, copper, gold and silver. Can be used safely in ultrasonic tanks or used for manual cleaning. Provides long term protection from tarnish, corrosion and oxidation. Mix with water in a 4 to 1 ratio, no strong odour, non-hazardous, environmentally friendly. I US gallon No. LR.002 Polychem Polytect 2CB rinse. A ready to use, mildly alkaline, anti-tarnish treatment and corrosion inhibiting rinse for brass, copper and bronze. Polytect 2CB imparts a transparent, protective film which bonds to the metal service providing long term protection. Ideal for clock plates to keep them from tarnishing. After cleaning, rinse cleaned parts with water and then immerse them in this solution for approximately 30 seconds. For long term protection, rinse and air dry following treatment No. 72.736 Sessions No. 72.737 Gilbert No. 72.739 Assortment of American clicks ZENITH CLEANING SOLUTIONS — — S CLOCK CLEANING SOLUTIONS ~ L&RMFG. -USA - buy 8 gallons assorted and receive a 10% discount :: 146 152 157 158 No. 72.700-113 No. 72.700-114 No. 72.700-128 No. 72.700-129 No. 72.700-146 No. 72.700-152 No. 72.700-157 No. 72.700-158 c~fl~’m 178 180 184 185 72.732 No. 72.733 Seth Thomas - new style No. 72.734 Waterbury No. 72.735 New Haven (IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE) ~L_~ 48 I No. 72.730 Ansonia medium movement No. 72.73 1 Ansonia small movement No. 72.732 Seth Thomas - old style 72.736 36 I 194 J & RWS Ka~ser Kundo No. 72.700-178 No. 72.700-180 No. 72.700-184 No. 72.700-185 No. 72.700-194 31 day Korean Clock No. 72.700-J Kieninger J No. 72.700-Kaiser No. 72.700-Kundo No. 72.700-RWS Kieninger RWS ~ — — ~ ._.~ — ~ ~ No. 23.0220 Clock and Instrument Cleaning Fluid. Clockmakers demand high performance to clean clock movements.This is an ammoniated solvent based cleaner. This is Zenith’s best seller for Clock cleaning. No.23.0251 Watch and Clock Cleaning Concentrate. This economical concentrated water based ammoniated cleaner is formulated for ultrasonic, mechanical and manual cleaning. Ideal for clocks that have protective coatings on its parts. Rinse with water and immediately No. LR.677 L & R 677 Clock Cleaning Solution blow dry. One gallon makes 8 gallons of cleaning - ready to use waterless, non ammoniated - I US solution. gallon No. 23.0251NA Watch and Clock Cleaning No. LR.136 L & R Clock Lube - complete Concentrate - Non-ammoniated. If you want a water lubricating and rinsing solution, to be used with based, environmentally friendly, non-ammoniated LR.677 solution - 1 US gallon “gentle” cleaner. Results equal those of ammoniated No. LR.003 L & R #3 Rinse - rinsing solution to be cleaners. Rinse with water and immediately blow dry. used with LR.677 solution One gallon makes 8 gallons of cleaning solution. No. LR.134 L & R Clock Cleaning concentrate No. 23.0235 Instrument Rinsing Solution. This ideal for ultrasonic - mechanical or manual methods product is formulated specifically for clocks and of cleaning - ammoniated. I US gallon aviation instruments rinsing cycle. It is safe and No. LR.133 L & R clock cleaning concentrate environmentally friendly. As an added feature it’s same as a above - 1 pint odorless. No. 23.0231 #3 Rinsing Solution. This crystal clear, odorless petroleum based rinse is ideal for clocks because it restores parts to their original shine and luster. No. 23.0101 Drizebrite Rinsing Solution. The “Ultimate Final Rinse”, leaves clock parts spotless without any oily film when dried at room temperature or in a heating chamber. Ideal results when used with ultrasonic tanks, environmentally friendly and safe to use. f~ige 18 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fox 1-800-741-6139 Clock Rep8ir Catalo~5~ie - CLOCK CLEANING ULTRASONIC TANKS No. LR.725 Quantrex 310 includes timer, pilot light - drain, fan cooled, no - heater - Input 2.6 amps -300 Watts - Peak output - 850 Watts 42 KHz - Overall dimension 16 1/, x 10 x 12” - Capacity 13 quarts - Internal tank dimensions I 5½ x 9 x 6” QUA NTREX The Industry’s Best Warranty the Quantrex System is backed by an unprecedented aarranty. Called the t)0U131.E WARRANTY, it covers the entire unit for defects in material and workmanship fur a period of 2½ years. l’hat’s 30 months of continuous use. Additionally, the housing is warranted for a period of 5 years and the tank-totransducer bonding is covered for 10 years. 2 ‘/2, 5 & I 0..,.it’s 1. & R’s assurance that your Quantrex System is built to perform for many years to come. No. LR.726 Quantrex 3 10 with HEATER includes timer, pilot light - drain, fan cooled, heater - Input 2.6 amps - 600 Watts - Peak output - 850 Watts 42 KHz - Overall dimension 16 V~ x 10 x 12” - Capacity 13 quarts - Internal tank dimensions 15/, x 9 x 6” Our sleek, new design fits into any setting... from a dental operatory to a jewellers retail counter. From laboratory to factory, the unit is handsome, compact and cleans quetly. Pach Quantrex machine comes standard with increased power,. .strength that you can see as soon as you turn the unit on, The Quantrex Series is constructed of metal and stainless-steel, using only the finest materials and workmanship, Each tank and body is carefully inspected for strength and durability. Each is equipped with a stainless-steel drain having a multi-positional outlet for easy disposal of used solution. A 30 minute/hold timer allows you to preset the cleaning-cycle iluration or select continuous cleaning. All Quantrex machines have earned the following. worldwide approvals: FCC, CSA, LA, Ivy. FTZ & GS MARK, reflecting a high degree of compliance. No. LR.721 Quantrex 360 includes timer, pilot light - drain, fan cooled, no heater - Input 1.9 amps -225 Watts - Peak output - 720 Watts 43 KHz - Overall dimension 123/4 x 10 V, x 13 1/4” - Capacity 14.4 quarts - Internal tank dimensions 111/2 x 9 1/4 x 8” - No. LR.722 Quantrex 360 with HEATER includes timer, pilot light - drain, fan cooled, heater - Input 1.9 amps - 435 Watts - Peak output - 720 Watts 43 KHz - Overall dimension 123/4 x 10 ‘/~ x 13 1/4’ - Capacity 14.4 quarts - Internal tank dimensions 11 ‘/2 x 9 1/4 x 8” No. LR727 Quantrex Q650 includes timer, pilot light - drain, Pan cooled, no And, ourQual ity Assurance Program (QAP) insures that heater - No. LR.317 Quantrex Q2l0 includes timer, pilot light — drain, no heater - Input 1.2 amps - 135 Watts - Peak output - 400 Watts 43 KFlz - overall dimension 12 5/8 x 6 7/8 x 93/4’ - Capacity 6 quarts - Internal tank dimensions II 3/4 x 6 x 6” No. LR.617 Quantrex Q210 with HEATER includes timer, pilot light - drain, heater - Input 1.2 amps - 275 Watts - Peak output - 400 Watts 43 KHz Overall dimension 12 5/8 x 6 7/8 x 93/4” — Capacity 6 quarts — Internal lank dimensions II 3/4 x 6 x 6” - STAINLESS STEEL SOLID SIDE DRAINING BASKETS LR. 13518 LR.I8202 LR.18676 LR.17954 To fit Quantrex 310 full size To fit Quantrex 310 ‘/~ size To fit Quantrex 360 To fit Quantrex 650 full size STAINLESS STEEL AUXILIARY PANS - - each machine meets our rigid standards, which are among the most stringent in the industry. Every new Quantrex machine is accompanied by the QAP seal, assuring you that it is worthy of the L & R name. LR.10140 To fit Quantrex 210 LR.10141 To fit Quantrex 360 LR.17739 To fit Quantrex 650 Y~ size - WFIY QUANTREX IS SO SPECIAL - STAINLESS STEEL MESH DRAINING BASKETS Input 3.5 amps -410 Watts Peak output - 1230 Watts 42 KHz Overall dimension 21 3/4 x 13 3/4 x 13 1/4” Capacity 26 quarts Internal tank dimensions 193/4 x 11 3/4 x 6 LR.11093 LR.12267 LR.13102 LR.17740 To fit Quantrex 210 To fit Quantrex 360 To fit Quantrex 650 full size To fit Quantrex 650 ‘/, size STAINLESS STEEL POSITIONING COVERS ‘/~“ No. LR728 Quantrex Q650 with HEATER - includes timer, pilot light - drain, fan cooled, heater - Input 3.5 amps - 1010 Watts - Peak output - 1230 Watts 42 KHz - Overall dimension 21 3/4 x 13 3/4 x 13 1/4” - Capacity 26 quarts - Internal tank dimensions 193/4 x II 3/4 x 6 V2” LR.18674 Quantrex 210 holds I 600 ml beaker LR.10156 Quantrex 210 holds 2 600 ml beakers LR. 11031 Quantrex 360 Y, size, holds 4 600 ml beakers CURATOR CLOCK CASE RESTORER ACCESSORIES FOR QUANTREX L & R Accessories are designed to complete the cleaning process and make your job easier. These No. 72.810 Removes all dirt, grime, wax, grease, etc., finely-crafted stainless steel accessories provide restoring the original beauty of wood. Contains no cleaning ease and are part of the total cleaning solvents, safe to use on French polish, Varnish or Plastic operation. They providejewellers with long use and the finishes. Ideal for slate clocks. highest cleaning efticience. DIRECTIONS: Apply sparingly with a soft, dry cloth, working on a small area at a time. (Use cotton buds or All [.& R Accessories are manufactured with the same Q-tips [TMI fur difficult corners. Polish with a clean degree of quality engineering as the ultrasonic systems. soft cloth to give a beautiful finish. 1.ike I. & R solutions, proper accessories ensure the best results. Page 19 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo~ie RUST REMOVER CUCKOO CLOCK CHAIN WHEELS I No. 72.811 4 oz bottle No. 72.8 12 8 oz bottle CUCKOO CLOCK PARTS CUCKOO CLOCK BALCONY 72.858 72.859 No. 72.858 Cuckoo balcony SMOOTH - pkg of 5 No. 72.859 Cuckoo balcony NOTCHED - pkg of 5 7 72.5855 72.573 72.5856 72.5857 No. 72.5855 H. Herr # 60 strike No. 72.5856 H. Herr # 60 time No. 72.5857 H. Herr # 75 strike 72.5858 72.5859 No. 72.5858 H. Herr # 75 time No. 72.5859 H. Herr # 80 time No. 72.586 1 H. Herr # 80 strike S 72.586 1 BIRDS FOR CUCKOO CLOCKS No. 7 1.721 Plastic bird with metal base. Painted wings total length 8 cm No. 7 1.722 Wooden bird with metal base, beak is painted red, eyes are black dot. - small length 9 cm 72.580 72.581 72.583 No. 72.580 Regula 07 time dia 33.2 mm No. 72.581 Regula 07 strike dia 33.2 mm No. 72.583 Regula 10GW dia 45.8 mm 72.584 72.582 72.575 No. 72.584 Regula 10 SW dia 40.1 mm No. 72.582 Regula 17GW dia 36.5 mm No. 72.575 Regula 25 time dia 33 mm - for pendulum length 19.5cm ~ No. 7 1.723 Wooden bird with metal base, small with painted feathers length 9 cm No. 7 1.724 Wooden bird with metal base, moveable 72.5751 72.5752 wings length 9 cm. Beak is painted red, eyes are a No. 72.575 1 Regula 25 time dia. - for pendulum black dot. length 23.5cm No. 72.5752 Regula 25 music No. 72.577 Regula 25 cuckoo clock strike dia 33 No. 71.7241 Pair of wooden birds, walnut finish mm 3 v2” No. 71.7242 Pair of wooden birds, green/yellow 72.574 No. 71.725 Regula bird mounting spring BIRD POST FOR CUCKOO CLOCKS No. 71.7251 Bird Post 6” long for Regula I and 8 day movements No. 71.7252 Bird Post 10 long for Regula I and 8 day movements No. 71.7253 Bird Post Regula 72 (8-day) left side No. 71.7254 Bird Post Regula 72 (8-day) right side No. 71.7255 Bird Post Guide H. Herr 1 and 8 day movements 72.576 No. 72.573 Regula 65 cuckoo clock dia 36 mm No. 72.5846 Regula 70/7 1 time side No. 72.5847 Regula 70/71 strike side 72.5848 72.5853 72.5849 E 72.5851 72.5852 72.578 No. 72.5851 Regula 72 strike side No. 72.5852 Regula 72 music side No. 72.578 J.M. Jackie Schwennigen cuckoo clock dia37mm CUCKOO CLOCK DANCING COUPLES No. 72.860 Dancing couple (35 mm height) for cuckoo clocks - sold as a couple No. 72.8601 Boy, wood, hand painted height 36mm No. 72.8602 Girl, wood, hand painted height 36mm No. 72.8603 Couple, boy and girl wood, height 35 mm No. 72.8604 Couple, plastic, height 28mm 72.572 No. 72.574 Regula 34/1 cuckoo clock right dia 37 mm, Regula 34 time and strike No. 72.576 Regula 34/1 cuckoo clock left dia 36 mm No. 72.572 Regula 35 time side 72.579 72.5847 No. 72.5848 Regula 70/71 music side No. 72.5853 Quail Music - Regula and J. Herr No. 72.5849 Regula 72 time side 441 No. 72.8612 Balcony 4¼” (w)x 1-3/16(l) x P/4” (d) 72.5846 No. 72.8606 Couple, wood, hand painted height 39mm No. 72.8607 Boy and Girl, plastic height 80mm No. 72.8608 Chimney sweep, height 39mm 72.5844 No. 72.579 Regula 35 strike side No. 72.5844 Regula 48 strike side No. 72.5845 Regula 48 music side No. 72.8609 Boy and Girl, plastic height 58mm 72.5845 (IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE) No. 72.86 10 Clock peddler, plastic height 76mm, for Hones models 660T and 661T No. 72.8611 Woodcutter, wood with moving arm, height 50mm Pare 20 Edition 609 H& WPerrinCojLtd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair CataIo~9~ie “~5 c” 71”4 — ~ . ~ ~ No. 72.86 13 Set of 4 musicians, wood hand painted height 21/a” No. 72.86 14 4 PC. metal base for musicians No. 72.8615 Base set for one musician. Must order 4 setS to complete 4 musicians. CUCKOO CLOCK DIALS No. 72.5874 Regula 34 connecting gear for music box. Slips on music box shaft to connect to music chain gear on dancing platform. No. 72.5882 Transmission gear, slips on music box shaft to connect to music chain gear on Regula 25 dancing platform movements, Diameter 34mm. Made of wood, comes with a pair 01’ matching hands No. 72.5885 Complete dancing platform 2 3/8” diameter with a plastic mounting base No. 73.3 10 [)ia 6cm cuckoo clock dial No. 73.3 10-I 1)ia 7 cm cuckoo clock dial No. 73.311 Dia 8 cm cuckoo clock dial No. 73.3 12 l)ia 9cm cuckoo clock dial No. 73.3 13 [)ia II cm cuckoo clock dial CUCKOO CLOCK FIGURES No, 72.5886 Drive gear for dancing platform I” in diameter, plastic. No. 73.3 131 Package of 50 nails used for attaching new cuckoo dials to case No. 73.3 132 Package of 50 larger size nails used for re—attaching original cuckoo dials to case No, 72.5887 Dancer Platform complete metal CUCKOO CLOCK DOORS No. 72.5888 Metal plate mounts to 72.5887 No. 72.850 Cuckoo clock door (20 x 25 mm) wood -plain-pkgofs No. 72.851 Cuckoo clock door (20 x 28.5 mm) wood - plain - pkg of 5 No. 72.852 Cuckoo clock door (22 x 28 mm) wood - plain - pkg of 5 No. 72.8681 Deer head - measured ear to ear 2 3/8”. Use antlers 72.8662 No. 72.8682 Deer head - measured ear to ear 2 V2’. Use antlers 72.867 or 72.8 652 No. 72.8683 Deer head - measured ear to ear 2 ¾”. Use antlers 72.866 or 72.865 No. 72.869 Deer head - measured ear to ear 3 I/~ Use with antlers 72.8663 or 72.8653 No. 72.8691 Deer head - measured ear to ear 5 Vz’. Use antlers 72.8651 No. 72.5894 Roller for platform Regula 25 and Regula 34 No. 72.5895 Roller for platform Regula 48 ~iii1, Cuckoo Clock figures - made 01’ plastic - supplied as complete sets only Part number 73.460-8 73.460-10 73.460-12 73.460-14 73.460-16 73.460-20 73.460-24 73.460-25 Size 8 mm 10mm 12mm 14mm 16mm 20 mm 24 mm 25 mm CUCKOO CLOCK HANDS White celluloid hands - sizes indicate dial diameter for which the hands are best suited CUCKOO CLOCK DEER HEADS AND ANTLERS No. 72.855 Cuckoo clock door frame SMALL - pkgof5 No. 72.856 Cuckoo clock door frame LARGE pkg of 5 No. 72.857 Cuckoo clock door frame DOUBLE - pkg of’S - No. 72.8652 2 34” antlers - wood No. 72.865 3 ‘/z” antlers - wood No. 72.8653 4 ‘/~“ antlers - wood No. 72.8651 5 1/a’ antlers - wood CUCKOO CLOCK DANCING PLATFORM PARTS MINIATURE CUCKOO HANDS Part number Dial diameter 74.049-4 4 cm 74.049-5 5 em CUCKOO HANDS REGULAR HOLE Part number Dial diameter 74.050-6 6 cm 74.050-7 7 em 74.050-8 8 cm 74.050-9 No. 72.8772 0-ring kit. Kit includes: glue. 4 feet ‘8 and 4 fi~et of 1/16 thick rubber material No. 72.8777 Chain gear for Regula 34 dancing platform No. No. No. No. No. 72.8661 I V2’ plastic antlers 72.8662 2 V2’ plastic antlers 72.867 3 V2’ plastic antlers 72.866 4” plastic antlers 72.8663 5” plastic antlers No. 72.868 Deer head - measured ear to ear 2”. This unit is supplied with antlers. 74.050-10 74.050-11 74.050-12 74.050-13 74.050-15 74.050-16 74.050-18 9 cm 10cm Il cm 12 cm 13 cm 15cm 16cm 18cm Edition 609 Page 21 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 clock Repair Catato~ve CUCKOO HANDS WITH BRASS BUSHING Part number Dial diameter 74.060-6 6 cm 74.060-7 7 cm 74.060-8 8 cm 74.060-9 9 cm 74.060-10 10cm 74.060-11 II cm 74.060-12 12cm 74.060-13 13cm 74.060-14 14 cm _____ No. 72.589-02 Regula 25 coil spring No. 72.589-03 Regula 25 fly wheel No. 72.588-06 Regula 34 , time wheel No. 72.589-04 Regula 25 train wheel CUCKOO HAND NUTS _______ 0 No. 74.0 12 Clock hand nuts for cuckoo clocks pkg of 36 pieces ~ No. 72.588-05 Regula 34 minute wheel, idler gear No. 72.5896 Regula 34 strike lever No. 72.589-05 Regula 25 pallet - ~ No. 72.5898 Regula 34 star wheel with screw No. 72.589-06 Regula 25 escape wheel No. 74.0121 12 sets (36 pieces) of hand washer, hand nut and hand bushings for Regula movements. q0 No. 74.0122 3 sets (9 pieces) of hand washer, hand nut and hand bushings for Herr I day 60 movement. No. 74.0123 3 sets (6 pieces) of hand nut and hand bushing for H. Herr and 8 day large movements. - No. 72.589-07 Regula 25 internal music drive gear No. 72.588-05 Regula 25 minute wheel, idler gear TOPS FOR CUCKOO CLOCKS PRE-5ANDED - HAND CARVED Part number No. 72.870 Maple Leaves with bird - approx width Movement number 72.589-06 72.588-03 Regula 34 72.5899 72.5889 Regula 34/44 Regula 34/46 No. 72.5898 Regula 25 star wheel with screw 72:5923 ~:~u;: ~/63 No 72 5891 Regula 25 warning wheel strike side 72.5924 72.5925 72.5926 72.5900 72 5899 Regula 44 Regula 48 Regula 70/10 Regula 70/Il Regula 71 72.5901 72.5901 Regula 72/12 Regula 72/16 No. 72.5896 Regula 25 Strike lever ~ No. 72.5892 Regula 34 warning wheel strike side ESCAPE WHEEL - REGULA AND H. HERR ~ No. 72.87 1 Maple Leaves with bird - approx width 24.0 cm No. 72.872 Maple Leaves with bird - approx width 29.5 cm .. REGULA 34 MOVEMENT PARTS Regula24 No. 72.873 Oak Leaves with crossed rifles - without deer head - approx width 22.0 cm No. 72.874 Oak Leaves with crossed rifles - without deer head - approx width 30.0 cm No. 72.588-01 Regula 34 fly wheel 72.5902 H. Herr 60 72.5903 72.5904 72.5905 H. Herr 6ORM H. Herr 75 H. Herr 80 CUCKOO CLOCK HOOKS AND RINGS 72.5906 72.5905 H. Herr 80/I H. Herr 80/60 72.5905 72.5907 80/80 H. Herr 80/T Q ~ No. 72.588-02 Regula 34 pallet (verge) (4, No. 72.568.01 Package of assorted hooks and rings - consists of 5 hooks & 5 rings No. 72.588-03 Regula34 escape wheel CUCKOO CLOCK MOVEMENT PARTS REGULA 25 MOVEMENT PARTS No. 72.588-04 Regula 34 train wheel No. 72.589-0 1 Regula 25 lever Edition 609 Page 22 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair ~ataJo~ve VERGE Part number 72.589-05 72.588-02 72.59 10 72.5910 72.588-02 72.588-02 72.5911 72.59 12 72.589-05 72.5913 72.59 13 72.5913 72.5914 72.5914 72.5915 72.59 16 72.5918 72.5919 72.5920 72.5920 72.5920 72.5921 - REGULA AND H. HERR Movement number Regula 25 Regula ~ Regula 34/44 Regula 34/46 Regula 34/63 Regula 34/66 Regula3S Regula 44 Regula 48 Regula 70/10 Regula 70/11 Regula 71 Regula 72/12 Regula 72/16 Regula 72/65 autobeat H. Herr 60 H. Herr 75 H. Herr 80 H. Herr 80/1 H. Herr 80/60 H. Herr 80/80 H. Herr 80/T CUCKOO CLOCK MUSIC BOX No. 72.586 6 Gathering pallet for rack - Regula Tunes may va No. 72.5867 Assortment of clock 10 pieces latch plates for the back door of a cuckoo - all movements No. 74.8783 18 note music box, top mount, 1 tune. This music box has the post in the base for mounting the man. 22 Shaft No.music 74.8784 notelength music18mm. box, top mount, 1 tune. This music box has the post in the base for mounting the music man. No. 72.5868 Package of 5 pairs of Roof Hooks. Consists of screws and hooks used to attach top Carvings. No. 72.5869 Night shut-off lever for Regula movements. No. 72.587 1 Chain lead pulley No. 72.5872 Drive gear washer for Regula 48 ~~ No. 74.8781 Music box mounted on a wooden board. When music is activated the man swings down. One tune, 18 tooth movement. No. 74.8782 Music box mounted on a wood board. When music is activated the man swings down. 2 tunes, 22 tooth movement. left side ASSORTED MOVEMENT PARTS CUCKOO No. 74.876 22 note music box, top mount, 2 tunes. Shaft length 50mm No. 74.877 28 note music box, top mount, 2 tunes. Shaft length 50mm. dght side - GOVERNORS FOR CUCKOO CLOCK MUSIC BOXES No. 72.5875 10 pairs of right and left click springs for Regula 74.879 & 74.8791 No. 74.8793 To fit 22/28/36 note cuckoo music boxes with 12 leaf pinion No. 74.879 To fit 22/28/36 note cuckoo music boxes with 13 leaf pinion To fit 22/28/3 6 note cuckoo music No. 72.5881 Fan wheel complete - music Regula 72 No. boxes74.8794 with 14 leaf pinion No. 74.8791 To fit 18 note cuckoo music box. 74.8793 & No. 72.589-07 Strike activating cam gear for 1 day & 8 day Regula cuckoo movement ~ No. 72.5876 Suspension loop wire - package of 10 pieces - Regula No. 72.5878 Fan wheel (Fly wheel) for Regula 72 748794 Generally used for music boxes which have the music ~T 17mm, coin gear style No. 72.5883 Transmission gear Regula 70, diam C 33mm, coin gearTransmission style~ gear Regula 72,diam. No. 72.5884 man attached. - Schmeckenbechcr No. 72.5862 Suspension spring post H. Herr No. 72.5863 Assortment of 50 pieces of No. 74.8792 To fit 22 note cuckoo music box. Generally used- for music boxes which have the music man attached. Schmeckenbecher lockwashers for all movements. No. 72.5897 Strike lever Regula 72 No. 72.5864 Package of 10 pieces e-clip (lockwashers) for Regula movements. 4 No. 72.5890 Minute wheel (Idler gear) Regula 75 and Regula 80 No. 72.5865 Assortment of 150 pieces split washers for all movements. No. 72.5893 Warning wheel strike side Regula 35 ASSORTED PARTS FOR CUCKOO 0 MUSIC BOXES ~ 74.877-1 74.8773 74.8774 No. 74.877-1 Chain gear with click for music unit drive shaft. No. 74.8773 Music box chain gear with brass hub 7 cam No. 74.8774 Chain gear without click for music unit drive shafts. Page 23 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo~ie / 74.877~ I, 74.8776 CUCKOO CLOCK WATERWHEEL Oak Leaf 748789 No. 74.8775 Music box chain gear for top mount I Chalet cain No. 74.8776 Music box chain gear for top mount 2 cam No. 74.8789 Shut-off plate, to be used with fan assemblies that are made today without the screw hole for the shut-off lever 74.8795 & 74.8796 74.8788 No. 74.8788 Dampers for comb of music unit - 16 lingers total No. 74.8795 Music box mounting screw No. 74.8796 Washer for music box mounting screw 20 I-. 20 74.8797 74.8799 No. 76.4411 pendulum No. 76.4412 pendulum No. 76.4413 pendulum No. 76.4414 I day Oak Leaf- walnut cuckoo No. 72.875 Water wheel diameter 73 mm Made of wood. I day Oak Leaf- green/yellow cuckoo I day Chalet - walnut cuckoo I day Chalet - hand painted flowers cuckoo pendulum No. 76.4415 8 day Oak Leaf- walnut cuckoo pendulum No. 76.4416 8 day Oak Leaf- green/yellow cuckoo pendulum No. 76.4417 8 day Chalet - walnut cuckoo pendulum. No. 76.4418 8 day Oak Leaf with ring - walnut cuckoo pendulum..— No. 72.8751 Waterwheel, diameter 74.8800 74.8801 L~1 __________ 74.8802 No. 74.8800 Trip lever to activate music box Rcgula 34 No. 74.8801 Trip lever and Rivet. Used to attach to Regula 25 and Regula 34 arm for tripping top mount music box setups. 10 pairs (lever + rivet) No. 74.8802 Shut-OtT lever sleeve - plastic. For shut off on music box. Slips on the finger that stops the fan on the govemor. Sold as a 4” piece, cut as needed. No. 74.8803 Music Box Fan Stopper. Used for holding fan on music unit until cuckooing is finished. Used on Regula and 1-1. Herr movements. CUCKOO CLOCK PENDULUMS Maple Leaf No. 76.436 Small Maple Leaf cuckoo pendulum brown - length 18 cm - Maple leaf is 57 mm wide No. 76.437 Small Maple l.eaf cuckoo pendulum green - length 18 em - Maple leaf is 57mm wide No. 76.438 Medium, Maple Leaf cuckoo pendulum brown - length 20cm - Maple leaf is 58 mm wide No. 76.439 Medium, Maple Leaf cuckoo pendulum green .- length 20cm -Maple leaf is 58 mm wide No. 76.440 Large. Maple Leaf cuckoo pendulum brown - length 22cm - leaf is 73.5mm wide No. 76.44 1 Large, Maple Leaf cuckoo pendulum green - length 22cm - leaf is 73.5 mm wide No. 72.8753 Roller, shaft length I 11/16” CUCKOO WEIGHTS No. 76.44 19 8 day Heart, red with black outline, cuckoo pendulum CUCKOO PENDULUM LEADERS AND ASSORTED WIRES Part number 79.600 79.602 79.603 79.604 79.605 No. 76.549 3 1/8(80 mm) wire - pendulum hanger 79.606 -pkgof3 79.607 No. 76.550 3 15/16” (100 mm) wire - pendulum 79.608 banger - pkg of 3 79.609 No. 76.551 45/16(110mm) wire - pendulum 79.6 10 hanger - pkg of 3 79.6 11 p 79.612 ~ ~.D 79.6 13 79.614 79.6 15 No. 76.553 Assorted pendulum leaders for cuckoo 79.616 and Black Forest clocks - 8 pieces 79.6 17 No. 76.5531 Assorted pendulum hanger wires for cuckoo clock and Black Forest clocks - 50 pieces No. 76.5532 Pendulum Hanger for cuckoo movement AM 72/65 - 5 1/8’. No. 76.5533 Pendulum Hanger for cuckoo movement AM 72/6 5 - 5 3/4”, No. 76.5534 Pendulum Hanger for cuckoo movement AM 72/65 - 8 1/2” Made of No. 72.8752 Roller for waterwheel 72.8751, Regula. Standard Style - Pin Cone Shape No. 74.8797 Crown wheel for 22 note music box No. 74.8798 Music man for music box No. 74.8799 ‘Irip lever to activate music box Regula 25 —— 2/2” wood Size ISO grams 200 grams 250 grams 275 grams 320 grams 375 grams 420 grams 500 grams 630 grams 750 grams 875 grams 1000 grams 1170 grams 1260 grams 1350 grams 1500 grams 1750 grams Edition 609 Page 24 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 Fax 1-80-741-6139 - Clock Repair Catafo~ie ACCESSORIES FOR CLOCK CASES 72.910 72,911 72.912 No. 72.9 10 Polished brass spheres with spire, with ~~oodscrew insert - dia 27.5 mm overall height 74.5 mm No. 72.911 Brass pineapple finial, antique finish can he butTed away - height 60 mm, dia 36 mm No. 72.9 12 Brass pineapple finial. antique finish can be buffed away - height 80 mm, dia 50 mm ~ 72.913 DECORATIONS FOR CLOCK CASES PRESSED WOOD PARTS FOR FINE DETAIL 72.928 72.929 No. 72.928 Columns small top & bottom 20 mm x 20 mm No. 72.929 Columns large top & bottom 20 mm x 27 mm No. 72.930 Small columns 139 mm x 13 mm No. 72.931 Large columns 152mm x 21 mm 9 j~. 72 932 72.933 No. 72.932 Brass column holders small 20 mm x 20 mm - sold as pair - top and bottom identical No. 72.933 Front and rear mantel clock feet - set of 4 pieces - silver color 1- -~ t No. 72.916 Ornamental brass button - 39 mm diameter mm x 48.5 mm 72.950 — 72.952 No. 72.950 Size 110 x 17 x 3mm No. 72.95 1 Size 105 x 27 x 3mm No. 72.952 Size 60x38x3mm Ideal as replacements for missing parts on old clock cases. Ready to be sanded and stained, varnished or bronzed German made (discontinued when out). 1k 72.965 72.970 72.975 72.980 Part number Description 72.965 38 x 76 mm beach wood 72.970 72.975 28 x 53 mm beach wood 20x3l mm beach wood 37 x 97 mm beach wood WOOD FENIALS 72938 72.937 72.939 No. 72.937 Brass feet for mantle clocks - sold individually - 53 mm x 53 mm x 45 mm No. 72.938 Large brass clock feet -61 mm x 61 mm x 27 mm - sold individually No. 72.939 Small brass clock feet - 29 mm x 29 mm x 11.5 mm - sold individually ‘F) 72.942 No. 72.925 l.ions head with ring - brass 67 mm x 57 mm 72.951 72.980 T :‘~ 72.921 1’ 72.934 72.935 No. 72.934 Brass ball finial large 112 mm x 48 mm No. 72.935 Brass spread wing eagle finial large 110 72.920 No. 72.920 Base ornaments - small head 119 mm x 37 mm-2 holes No. 72.921 Base ornaments - big head 131 mm x 51 mm - 2 holes No. 72.922 Base ornaments - urn 125 mm x 40mm - 2 holes Ideal for restoring old clock cases. Parts are ready to be finished, varnished or bronzed, sold by the pair. ktJ~% MACHINED TURNED WOOD FINIALS 72.915 72.914 No. 72.913 Spandrel - cast brass with figure measures: 83 x 83 x 116 mm No. 72.9 14 Spandrel - antique finish - measures 60 ,x 61) x 81 mm No. 72.9 15 Spandrel - east brass with cherub measures 56 x 56 x 77~~ - Diameter and height are indicated. Ileight does not include the peg. * ~& 72.9701 72.9702 72.9703 Part number Description 72.9701 “xl 72.9702 72.9703 72.9704 72.9704 ¼” x 2 ‘/,“ 2 ‘/,“ x 2 3/40 hat on one side I “/a” x 2 ‘/2 72.940 72.941 No. 72.940 Ansonia urn finial I ‘tall -25 mm x 12 mm 72.926 72.927 No. 72.926 Spread wing eagle medium 61 mm x 62 mm No. 72.927 Spread wing eagle large 83 mm x 70 mm No. 72.941 Ansonia urn finial 21/8” tall - 55 mm x 38 mm No. 72.942 Ansonia small urn - dia 65 mm height 24 mm (2 pieces) No. 72.943 Medium full column for mantel clock length 49/16” - “/~“ diameter 72.9705 72.9705 72.9706 72.9707 72.9708 72.9706 72.9707 1 W&’ x 3” I 3/4~~ x 3” I ‘/2” x 2 ‘/~“ I ‘/2” x 3 ¼” 72.9708 Edition 609 Page 25 H& WPerrjn Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~zie WOOD FINIALS continued ANSONIA CASE FOOT - 4 72.9709 72.9710 72.9711 No. 72.9725 Unfinished case pot metal is 1 3/16” diameter x 13/16’ tall SMALL CLOCK FEET No. 72.9717 Solid brass ball with screw diameter 3/5” No. 72.9718 Solid brass ball with screw diameter ‘/2” CARRIAGE CLOCK FEET I 72.9710 72.97 1 I I W’x3%” 5,25w 2’ x No. 72.9720 Solid brass ball with screw Wamcter ‘/2” x 3 ¼” No. 72.9719 72.9709 45,/” CASE FEET Levels floor clocks on uneven surfaces. Drill a No. 72.9715 Made of brass 7.0mm diameter, 5.75mm tall with an internal thread M2. Solid brass ball with screw diameter BUN SHAPED BRASS FEET 5/16” hole and press in the T-nut. No. 72.9716 Quality brass foot .290’,made in No. 72.9712 1%” diameter base with a 1” threaded stem. No. 72.9713 I” diameter base with a 15/16’ England No. 72.9721 Solid brass bun diameter 5/s” No. 72.9722 Solid brass bun diameter 3/4 No. 72.9723 Solid brass bun diameter I” No. 72.9724 Solid brass bun diameter I 3/16’ threaded stem LEVELING FEET FOR 400-DAY CLOCKS No. 72.9714 I 1/16” diameter plastic base. I” threaded stem. This package has 4 screws and 4 T- No. 73.450 t.eveling fi~et small tör 400-day clocks diameter 20mm No. 73.451 Leveling fl~et large ibr 400-day clocks diameter 25mm flits. pERRI~I H & W PERRIN CO.. LTD. 90 Thornclifte Park Drive E-MAIL Address [email protected] www.perrin watchparts. corn Phone: (416) 422-4600 Fax: 1-800-741-6139 Page 26 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catato~~zie CLOCK DIALS Paper, prmted black numerals on either white or ivory background - olease specil~’, Size indicated is the minute track diameter Size Arabic White Arabic Ivory Roman White Roman Lvory l’/a” 73.110W 73,110 N/A 73.180 2 2/,” 73.111W 73.112W 73.111 N/A N/A 73.182W 73.181 73.182 2 ‘/2” 2”/” 3’ 3 /1 3 ‘//‘ 73.113W 73.114W 73.115W 73.116W 73.117W 73.113 73.114 73.115 73.116 73.117 73.183W 73.184W 73.185W 73.186W 73.187W 73.183 73.184 73.185 73.186 73.187 3¼” .1” 73.118W 73.119W 73.118 73.119 73.188W 73.189W 73.188 73.189 ‘I ¼” .1/3 73.120W 73.121W 73.120 73.121 73.190W 73.191W 73.190 73.191 ‘1¼” 73.122W 73.122 73.192W 73.192 5” 5 ¼” 5 ¼” 73.123W 73.124W 73.125W 73.126W 73.123 73.124 73.125 73.126 73.193W 73.194W 73.195W 73.196W 73.193 73.194 73.195 73.196 53/4~ 6” 73.127W 73.127 73.197W 73.197 6¼” 7” 7¼” 8” 9” 73.128W 73.129W 73.130W 73.131W 73.132W 73.133W 73.134W 73.128 73.129 73.130 73.131 73.132 73.133 73.134 73.198W 73.199W 73.200W 73.201W 73.202W 73.203W 73.204W 73.198 73.199 73.200 73.201 73.202 73.203 73.204 10’ I I” 12” 7” Cal Dial 9” Cal Dial 73.135W 73.136W 73.137W 73.150W 73.151W 73.135 73.136 73.137 73.150 73.151 73.205W 73.206W 73.207W 73.230W 73.231W 73.205 73.206 73.207 73.230 73.231 6/2” 6 ‘/~“ “STEEPLE” PAPER DIALS - Printed dials on extra tall card stock - Roman Numerals Only 73,232 4” White 73.237 4 ‘/2’ Ivory 73.242 5 ¼” White 73.233 4” Ivory 73.238 4 ~/~“ White 73.243 5 ¼” Ivory 73.234 4 ¼” White 73.239 4~ Ivory 73.244 5 ‘/2” White 73.235 4 ¼” Ivory 73.240 5” White 73.245 5 ¼” Ivory 73.236 4 White 73.241 5” Ivory ‘/2” PAPER DIALS - Seconds Bits - [i I3Iack Numerals on Ivory Background - Size indicated is the seconds track diameter 73.272 2” 73.273 ft 2 ¼” 73.274 2 V2’ : ~J1 ~, .~rahic Dial Roman Dial Calendar Dial Steeple Dial Second Bit Dial Page 27 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5)17 Fax 1-80-741-6)39 - Clock Repair Catafo~ve COMPLETE DIAL WITH HINGED COVER AND CONVEX CLOCK GLASS LARGE HOLE - MISCELLANEOUS DIALS vi 4 Measurements are outside 5 diameter No. 73.288 180 mm/7” yellow bezel, ivory dial, black roman numerals No. 73.296 187 mm/7 ¾” white bezel, white dial, ‘5 black roman numerals 73.280 73.281 No. 73.280 120 mmJ4 %“ white bezel, white dial, No. 73.297 200 mm/7 7/s” yellow bezel, white dial, black roman numerals (dwo) black arabic numerals, brass accents (dwo) No. 73.281 130 mmI5 1/80 yellow bezel, white dial, black roman numerals -~, SMALL HOLE - Measurements are outside diameter :io~ •0. ~~E1 ,~*1 ~‘ 73.289-I 73.289-2 73.290 10 0 ji~ METAL DIALS 73.298 73.298-I No. 73.298 200 mm/7 ~/8” white bezel, ivory dial, black roman numerals (dwo) No. 73.298-1 200 mmJ7 7/~’ yellow bezel, ivory minute track, fancy yellow center, black roman DIAL, BEZEL AND CLOCK GLASS SET —‘j. /,,, ‘II ;io -‘ 73.291 Arabic No. 73.290-I 130 mm/5 ¼” yellow bezel, white n mute track, f~sncy yellow center, black roman numerals No. 73.290-2 130 mm/5 1/s” yellow bezel, white minute track, fancy yellow center, black arabic numerals No. 73.291 147 rnm/5 13/16” yellow bezel, yellow dial, black roman numerals Roman Aluminum Dial Steel Back Plate EL4 Curved Glass . Solid Brass Diamond Cut Bezel 1. ,‘~ 73.330 & 73.33 I No. 73.320 taupe color No. 73.321 No. 73.330 No. 73.331 One day - steeple dial 8” x 5 3/4” x4 1/s” 8-day - steeple dial 9 ¾” x 6 ‘/z” x 4 One day - OG dial 8 V2’ x 8 V2’ x 7” 8-day- OG dial 9W’ .x 9 ‘/2” x 8” ~1 / ~ / -“ai ,~‘::‘ ~5 73.290-2 .,‘.~ ~ /.. 73.320 & ,~ ~ • 73.290-1 ‘v~ 73.321 It has become increasingly difficult to obtain “hinged dial and bezel combinations. Below is a listing of brass diamond cut bezels with convex glass, metal dial and back plate “without hinge”. All models are supplied with fancy dial and yellow bezel i~I 73.302 No. 73.301 183 mm/7 ¼” small hole, yellow bezel. yellow dial, black arabic numbers no hinged cover, no glass (dwo) No. 73.302 Regulator type dial, yellow bezel, silver dial, black arabic numbers - total dia 183 mm /7 ¼” with key hole positions to Lit FHS 350, 351 movement II numerals No. 73.289-1 113 mmI4 V2’ yellow bezel, yellow dial. t~mcy brass center, black roman numerals No. 73.289-2 113 mm/4 ‘/2” yellow bezel, yellow dial. fancy brass center, black arabic numerals No. 73.290 130 mm/5 ¼” yellow bezel, yellow dial, black roman numerals 73.301 , j 11 I~ “ Li 73.332 & 73.340 ‘~‘ 73.333 No. 73.332 Seth Thomas roman school clock dial ivory finish II 9/16” x II” number track No. 73.333 Seth Thomas arabic school clock dial ivory finish II 9/16” x II” number track No. 73.340 Cottage dial 6 ¼” x 6 ¼” x 5” FHS BRUSHED ALUMINUM DIALS LARGE HOLE - - - ‘I f ~ 73.293 7 I’ 73.293-2 73.294 Part number 73.276A 73.276R 73.277A No. 73.293 159 mm/b ¼” yellow bezel, yellow dial, 73.277R 73.278A black roman numerals (dwo) 73.278R No. 73.293-2 159 mm/6 ¼” yellow bezel, white minute track. fancy yellow center, black arabic 73.279A numerals. 73.279R No. 73.294 159 mm/b ‘/4” white bezel, white dial. black arabic numerals - very plain Description 100mm (4”) Arabic 100mm (4”) Roman 130mm (5 1/s’~) Arabic 130mm ( 5 l/~~~) Roman 159mm (6 ¼”) Arabic 159mm (6 ¼”) Roman 200mm (7 1/s’) Arabic 200mm ( 7 ¼”) Roman ?i ~ No. 73.351 Outside dia 204 mm/8”, inside dia 127 mm/5” - brass - black roman numerals No. 73.352 Outside dia 204 mm/8”, inside dia 112 mm/4 7/16” -brass - black arabic numerals No. 73.353 Outside dia 182 mm/7 3/16”. inside dia 100 mm/4” - brass - black arabic numerals No. 73.354 Outside dia 182 mm/7 3/16”. inside dia 117mm 4 ¼” - brass - black roman numerals - Pat~e 28 Edition 609 II & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Q~tafo~ue FIIS BRUSHED BRASS DIALS HOLE - LARGE VIENNA REGULATOR CLOCK DIALS Made in Germany by FHS ~) / - Excellent quality dials, very well finished drilled key hole positions - With dial feet attached ~5 1.1 ~ No. 73.360 Outside dia224 mm/8 13/16”, inside dia 39 mm/5 ‘/2” - brass - black roman numerals No. 73.361 Outside dia 204 mm/8 1/6”, inside dia 127mm 5” - brass - black roman numerals No. 73.362 Outside dia 182 mm/7 3/16”, inside dia Ill mm/4 6/16” - brass - black roman numerals ALUMINUM DIALS •1) If) ..~ No. 73.370 Dia 114 arabic numerals No. 73.371 l)ia 153 numerals No. 73.372 Dia 177 numerals No. 73.373 Dia 203 numerals No. 73.380 Dia 114 roman numerals No. 73.381 t)ia 153 numerals No. 73.382 Dia 177 nunierals No. 73.383 Dia 198 roman numerals - PAINTED II l2’j’~’. 2~ •lJ .7 (1 ~~).—“ mm/4 ivory with black /2” mm/6” ivory with black arabic mm/7” ivory with black arabic mm/8” ivory with black arabic mm/4 ivory with black ‘/2” mm/6” ivory with black roman ~ l2~ l~ +4 .7 (1 No. 73.390 Dia 114 black arabic numerals No. 73.391 l)ia 153 arabic numerals No. 73.392 Dia 177 arabic numerals No. 73.393 Dia 203 arabic numerals ‘i.” mm/4 ‘/2” brass finish with mm/6’ brass finish with black mm/7” brass finish with black mm/8” brass finish with black ,.t It ~ No. 73.395 Dia 114 mm/4 ‘/2” brass finish with black roman numerals No. 73.396 Dia 153 mm/6” brass finish with black roman numerals No. 73.397 Dia 177 mm/7” brass finish with black roman numerals No. 73.398 Dia 98 mm/7 13/I 6” brass finish with black roman numerals pre - - No dial feet attached No key hole positions ..c~ ~ - No. 73.402 Dia 165 mm/6 ‘/~‘ black arabic numerals, yellow bezel, white dial, center holes only No. 73.403 Dia 203 mm/8” black arabic numerals, No. 73.400 Dia 152 mm/6” yellow bezel, white dial, yellow bezel, white dial, center holes only black roman numerals, centre hole only (FHS quartz) No. 73.404 Dia 165 mm/6 ‘/2” black roman No. 73.401 Dia 152 mm/6” yellow bezel, white dial, numerals, yellow bezel, white dial, center holes only black arabic numerals, centre hole only (FHS quartz) No. 73.405 Dia 203 mm/8” black roman numerals, No. 73.406 Dia 152 mmI6’ yellow bezel, white dial, yellow bezel, white dial, center holes only black arabic numerals fit FHS movement 340, 341 No. 73.406-I Dia 152 mmJ6” yellow bezel, ivory SECOND BIT dial, black roman numerals fits FHS movement 340, 341 .°~- No. 73.407 Dia 152 mm/6” yellow bezel, white dial, ~T black roman numerals to fit FHS movement 340, 341 No. 73.408 Dia 180 mm/7” yellow bezel, white dial, black roman numerals to fit FHS movement 340. 341, domed surface No. 73.409 Dia 152 mm/6” yellow bezel, white dial, black roman numerals to fit FHS 140, 141 No. 73.409-I Dia 152 mm/6” yellow bezel, white dial, black arabic numerals to fit FHS 140, 141 FHS MOON-PHASE DIALS - Made by FHS Excellent quality dial - Pre-drilled key hole positions - With dial feet attached mm/7” ivory with black roman mm/7 13/16” ivory with black - VIENNA REGULATOR CLOCK DIALS Economy Version .‘\. .“:24 No. 73.418 Outside dia 48 mm, inside hole 28.3 mm, silver black arabic numbers HERMLE ROUND GRANDFATHER DIALS - ,~ %i No. 73.417 Outside dia. 300mm, round dial gold colour with gold roman numerals, black minute track, with seconds bit mounted. To fit Hermle movement 1161 .853BS. Excellent quality and finish. HERMLE SQUARE DIALS - Excellent quality dial Pre-drilled key hole positions With dial feet attached No. 73.4 10 Measures 200 x 200 x 276 mm - Roman to fit FHS 1151.050 , 451.050 chain driven movement No. 73.411 Measures 250 x 250 x 330 mm - Roman to fit FHS 1161.853, 1161.053,461.8533 key holes No. 73.412 Measures 280 x 280 x 395 mm - Arabic to fit FHS l151.053,451.053 movement No. 73.413 Measures 280 x 280 x 395 mm - Roman to fit FHS 1161. 053, 461.053 movement No. 73.414 Measures 280 x 280 x 395 mm - Roman No. 73.420 280 x 280 mm brass with silvered with second bit to fit FHS I l61.853BS, 46l.853BS minute track, black roman numbers to fit 1161.853, movement 461.853, 1161.053. 461.053 movement No. 73.414A Measures 280 x 280 x 395 mm - Arabic No. 73.421 250 x 250 mm, brass with silvered with second bit to fit FHS I 16l,853BS. 46l.853BS minute track, black roman numbers to fit 1161.853, movement 461.853, 1161.053, 461.053 movement No. 73.416 Measures 250 x 250 x 330 mm - Arabic to fit FHS 1151.053, 451.053 movement No. 73.416.I Measures 280 x 280 x 395 mmArabic to fit FHS 1171.050,471.050 movement Page 29 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd P/tone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Cat8Jo~zie IN EXPENSIVE SQUARE DIALS DIAL MOUNTING FEET • No key holes — No dial feet /~‘f 12 ~i2~ H) 9 H 9 .4’~ —-,. 00 No. 73.4451 Set of4 4 -~ 73.427 73.326 WINDING ARBOR LOCATOR 73.428 No. 73.426 114 mm/4 ‘A’ brushed brass finish square dial, ivory minute track 121 mm/3 3/4, black arabic numerals No. 73.427 152 mm/6” ivory floral square dial. 108 nim/4 114 minute track, black arabic numerals No. 73.428 190 mm/7 ‘A” embossed brass finish dial, brushed brass gold time ring 158 mm/6 1/8, black roman numerals s-~ ~-~= 2’ “ 7 6 ~ DIAL GROMMETS J ~ No. 73.4452 Place these plastic locators over the winding arbors to properly locate the movement. 5.50mm inside diameter x I 1/8” long. 73.431 No. 73.429 190 mm/7 ‘/2” embossed brass finish dial, brushed brass gold time ring 158 mm/6 1/8, black arabic numerals No. 73.430 248 mm/9 7/8” embossed brass finish dial, silver time ring 210 mm/8 1/4”, yellow arabic numerals No. 73.431 248 mm/9 7/8 embossed brass brushed finish dial, brass finish time ring 210 mm/8 1/4’, black arabic numerals FHS TEMPUS FIJGIT DTAT.~ - - — -Fxceltent quality dial Pre-drilled key hole positions - With dial feet attached - i*~ ~4-~i~ BRASS CLOCK FIGURES These figures are made of solid brass. You must use a glue to apply them to the clock. N ~ / IX No. 73.499-4 FHS dial grommet, diameter 85 mm ht. 6 mm, pkg of 12 pieces yellow No. 73.499-5Y Fl-IS dial grommet, diameter 9 mm ht. 4.5 mm pkg of 12 pieces yellow No. 73.499-SW FHS dial grommet, diameter 9 mm ht. 4.5 mm pkg of 12 pieces white No. 73.499-6 FHS dial grommet, diameter lt),6 mm ht. 5 mm, pkg of 12 pieces yellow PAPER DIAL CUTTER No. 73.458 Adjustable paper dial cutter - will cut perfectly centered circles from 2” to 16” No. 73.459 Replacement dial cutter blades 73.430 No. 73.499-1 Dial grommets for paper dials. Package of 12 pieces assorted yellow and white No. 73.499-7Y FHS dial grommet, diameter 12.5 mm ht. 7.5 mm. pkg of 12 pieces yellow No. 73.499-7W Fl-IS dial grommet, diameter 12.5 mm ht. 8 mm, pkg of 12 pieces white No. 73.499-8 FHS dial grommet, diameter 12.5 mm ht. 8 mm, pkg of 12 pieces yellow PLASTIC CLOCK FIGURES - SELF STICKING (~ ~ 12 / / 9 3 -.- III L ‘~T~ No. 73.461 Roman 20 mm numbers 1 through to 12 No. 73.462 Roman 25 mm numbers I through to 12 No. 73.463 Arabic 20mm shaped markers No. 73.464 Arabic 25 mm shaped markers - - the complete range of the complete range of - 3,6,9, 12 plus tear - 3,6,9, 12 plus tear r ~ I, --~ .~ ARABIC Part number 73.07018 Description 730701G 73.0702B 73.0702G 3/8’ 1 set I to 12 - black 3/8” set I to 12 - gold 3/8” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 - black 3/8” 3 sets 3-6-9-1 2 - gold 73.0705B 5/8” 1 set I to 12 black 73.0705G 73.0706B set I 3-6-9-12 to 12 gold 5/8’ 3I sets black 73.0706G 73.0707B 73.0707G 73.0708B 73.0708G 73.07118 5/8’ 3 sets 3-6-9-12 gold 13/16” I set I to 12 black 13/16” 1 set I to 12 gold 13/16” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 black 13/16” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 gold I” I set I to 12 black 73.0711G I’ I set I to 12 gold 73.071 2B 73.0712G 73.07158 I” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 black 13 sets 3-6-9-12 gold 5/8” 3-6-9-I 2 & dots black 73.0715G 73.07168 5/8’ 3-6-9-12 & dots gold 5/8’ 3-6-9-I 2 & dashes black 73.0716G 5/8’ 3-6-9-12 & dashes gold 13/16” 3-6-9-12 & dots black 13/16” 3-6-9-12 & dots gold 13/16” 3-6-9-12 & dashes black 13/16” 3-6-9-12 & dashes gold I” 3-6-9-12 & dots black 1” 3-6-9-12 & dots gold I” 3-6-9-12 & dashes black I” 3-6-9-12 & dashes gold ~ 9~v,. BRASS SKELETON DIAL RINGS ~~ O -,-.~ • 4.~ ~// [~ \.~ ~ No. 73.440 250 x 250 x 330 to fit movement 1161853, lI6l.053,461.853, 461.053 two tonedial No. 73.44 I 280 x 280 x 375 to fit movement 1151,053, 451.053, two tone dial No. 73.442 250 x 250 x 330 to fit movement 1151.053, 451.053, two tone dial No. 73.443 200 x 200 x 265 to fit movement 1151.050, 451.050, two tone dial No. 73.444 280 x 280 x 375 to fit movement FHS 140/141. key hole positions are NOT drilled, two tone dial No. 73.445 143 x 143 x 197 to fit 340.020, ~vo tone dial, engraved surface ~ No. 73.466 Roman 175mm - - “ No. 73.468 Roman 160mm (dwo), flat DIAL PANS - FOR MANTEL CLOCKS, MADE OF BRASS PLATED STEEL ~ . . Part number 73.490 73.491 73.492 73494 121 127 133 140 145 152 Description mm/4 3/4” diameter mm/S’ diameter mm/5 1/4” diameter mm/S 1/2” diameter mm/S 3/4” diameter mm/6” diameter 73.07178 73.0717G 73.07188 73.0718G 73.0719B 73.0719G 73.0720B 73.0720G Page 30 Edition 609 H & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Reptift Catafo8zie PLASTIC CLOCK FIGURES - SELF STICKING BALANCE ESCAPEMENT ADJUSTING TOOL J ROMAN Part number 73.075611 73.0756G 73.075811 73.0758G 73.07598 73.0759G 73.076011 73.0760G 73.07618 73.0761 C 73.07628 73.0762C 73.07638 73.0763G 73.07648 73.0764G 73.07658 73. 0765 C 73.07718 73.0771 C 73.0772 11 73.0772G 73.0773B 73.0773C 73.07748 73.0774G 73,0775B 73.0775G 73.07768 73.0776B Description 7,” I set Ito 12 black V,’ I set Ito 12 gold 3/8” I set Ito 12- black 3/8” I set Ito 12- gold 3/8” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 - black 3/8” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 - gold 5/8’ I set Ito 12 black 5/8” I set Ito 12 gold 5/8” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 black 5/8” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 gold 13/16’ I set Ito 12 black 13/16” I set Ito 12 gold 13/16” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 black 13/16” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 gold I” I set Ito 12 black I” I set Ito 12 gold I” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 black I” 3 sets 3-6-9-12 gold 5/8” 3-6-9-12 & dots black 5/8’ 3-6-9-12 & dots gold 5/8” 3-6-9-12 & dashes black 5/8” 3-6-9-12 & dashes gold 13/16’ 3-6-9-12 & dots black 13/16” 3-6-9-12 & dots gold 13/16” 3-6-9-12 & dashes black 13/16” 3-6-9-12 & dashes gold I’ 3-6-9-12 & dots black I” 3-6-9-12 & dots gold 1” 3-6-9-12 & dashes black I” 3-6-9-12 & dashes gold PLASTIC CLOCK FIGURES - SELF STICKING - SHAPES limE ‘I’EAR I)ROP Part number 73.07278 73.0727C 73.072811 73.0728G 73.0729 B 73.0729G Description 5/8” set of 12 black 5/8” set of 12 gold 3/4” set of 12 black 3/4” set of 12 gold I’ set of 12 black I” set of 12 gold DOTS Part number 73.07348 73.0734G 73.0735B 73.0735G 73.0736B (. .~ ‘) .~ 73.0737B 73.0737G Description 5/32” set of 12 black 5/32” set of 12 gold 3/16” set of 12 black 3/16” set of 12 gold 3/8” set of 12 black 3/8” set of 12 gold 5/8” set of 12 black 5/8” set of 12 gold DASHES Part number 73.07528 73.0752G 73.0753B 73.0753G 73.07548 73.0754G 73.07558 73.0755G Description 3/8” set of 12 black 3/8” set of 12 gold 5/8” set of 12 black 5/8’ set of 12 gold 3/4’ set of 12 black 3/4” set of 12 gold I” set of 12 black I’ set of 12 gold 73.0736G FAST / SLOW ASSEMBLY No. 73.5022 Used on mantel clocks. 2.0mm shaft. FLOATING BALANCES 73.502 73.506 No. 73.502 Floating balance new execution fits FHS movements 140, 150, 340, 350, 1050adjustments - for faster turn screw left, for slower turn screw right No. 73.504 Floating balance new execution fits FHS movements 130-330 - adjustments-for faster turn screw left, for slower turn screw right No. 73.506 Floating balance (dwo) ~ No. 73.502 1 25 assorted stainless steel Floating Balance wires from .007’ to .025 No. 73.5020 This tool is a must. It is designed to keep slippage to a minimum when adjusting the balance escapement. High strength resin handle with steel shaft. Rotating rear knob allows ease of operation PLATFORM ESCAPEMENTS 73.5071 No. 73.507 Platform escapement-~ fits HERMLE 132.071 - ships bell movement. No. 73.5071 Platform escapement - fits Kieninger movement J - 5 jewel escapement No. 73.5072 Carriage Clock platform escapement, Used in small carriage clocks. 30.5mm x 20.3mm, the potence is 5.6mm PLATFORM ESCAPEMENTS - ENGLISH MADE English made escapements feature II jewels, temperature compensating balance spring, steel escape wheel. 18000 beats per hour. 8 leaf pinion and clockwise rotation. No.73.1828 No. 73.2336 No. 73.2 444 No. 73.2536 No. 73.2538 No.73.3041 18 mmx28 23 mm x 36 24 mm x 44 25 mm x 36 25 mm x 38 30mmx4l mm mm mm mm mm mm PLATFORM ESCAPEMENT MOUNTING SCREWS Part number thread/length 73.5074 73.5075 73.5076 73.5077 73.5078 73.5079 1.00mm x 1.20mm x 1.20mm x 1.40mm x l.60mmx l.80mmx 7mm 6.5mm 8mm 10mm 11mm 12mm Page 31 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock J2ep8ir Catalo8ve CLOCK GLASS CLOCK GLASSES ROUND CONVEX - - We now supply alass from a reliable ~~rman source - sizes are Item 4 Si7e Item # cnrrp~’t I Sj~e II Item 4 S17e 7 1/16’ 73.510 2” 73.550 4 1/2” 73,586-I 73.511 2 1/16’ 73.551 4 9/16” 73.587 7 1/8” 73.512 2 1/8” 73.552 4 5/8” 73.588 7 1/4” 7 3/8” 73.5 13 2 3/16” 73.553 4 11/16” 73.589 73.5 14 2 114” 73.554 4 3/4” 73.590 7 1/2” 73.515 2 5/16” 73,555 4 13/16” 73.591 7 5/8’ 73.516 2 3/8” 73.556 4 7/8” 73.592 7 3/4” 73.517 2 7/16” 73.557 4 15/16” 73.593 7 7/8” 73.5 18 2 1/2” 73.558 5” 73.594 8’ 73519 2 9/16” 73.559 5 1/16” 73.595 8 1/8” 73.520 2 5/8” 73.560 5 1/8” 73.596 8 114” 73.521 2 11/16” 73.561 5 3/16” 73.597 8 3/8” 73.522 2 3/4” 73.562 5 1/4’ 73.598 8 112” 73.523 2 13/16” 73.563 5 5/16” 73,598-1 14 3/8’ 73.524 2 7/8” 73.564 5 3/8” 73.598-5 5 1/16” 73.525 2 15/16” 73.565 5 7/16” 73.598-9 18 1/16” 73.526 3’ 73.566 5 1/2” 73.599 22.0 cm 73.527 3 1/16” 73.567 5 9/16” 73.601 22.5 cm 73.528 3 1/8” 73.568 5 5/8” 73.602 23.0cm 73.529 3 3/16” 73.569 5 11/16” 73.603 23.5 cm 73.530 3 1/4” 73.570 5 3/4” 73.605 24.0 cm 73.531 3 5/16” 73.57! 5 13/16” 73.606 24.5cm 73.532 3 3/8” 73.572 5 7/8” 73.612 25.0cm 73.533 3 7/16” 73.573 5 15/16” 73.613 25.5 cm 73.534 3 1/2” 73.574 6” 73.6 14 26.0cm 73,535 3 9/16” 73.575 6 1/16” 73.615 26.5cm 73.536 3 5/8” 73.576 6 1/8” 73.616 27.0cm 27.5cm 73.537 3 11/16” 73,577 63/16” 73.617 73.538 3 3/4” 73.578 6 1/4” 73.618 28.0cm 73.539 3 13/16” 73.579 6 5/16” 73.619 28.5 cm 73.540 3 7/8” 73.580 6 3/8” 73.620 29.0 cm 73.54! 3 15/16” 73.581 6 7/16” 73.621 29.5 cm 73.542 4’ 73.582 6 1/2” 73.625 30.0cm 73.543 4 1/16” 73.582-I 6 9/16” 73.626 30.5 cm 31.0cm 73.544 4 1/8” 73.583 6 5/8” 73.627 73.545 4 3/16” 73.583-I 6 I 1/16” 73.628 31.5 cm 73.546 4 1/4” 73.584 6 3/4” 73.628-I 32 0cm 73.547 4 5/16” 73.584-I 6 l3/I6” 73.628-2 32.5cm 73.548 4 3/8” 73.585 6 7/8” 73 629 33.0 cm 73.549 4 7/16” 73.586 7” Page 32 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Pep~k Cata1o~~zie ROUND CONVEX GLASS - HIGH DOME Item# ‘ I Size II ltem# I Size II 1tem~ I Size 73635 3 3/16” 73638 3 15/32” 73,641 5 1/8” 73.636 3 5/16” 73.639 3 5/8” 73.642 5 3/16” 73.637 3 3/8” 73.640 3 15/16” ~ FLAT CLOCK GLASS Item # 73.650 ‘~ I Size 2” II Ttem # 73.673 I Size’ 4 11/160 II’ Item # 73.687-9 Size 6 7/8” 6 15/16” 73.651 2 1/8” 73.674 4 3/4” 73.687-10 73.652 2 1/4” 73.675 4 7/8” 73.687-11 7” 73.653 2 3/8” 73.676 5” 73.687-12 7 1/8” 73 653-I 2 3/16” 73.677 5 1/8” 73.687-13 7 1/4” :73.654 2 7/16’ 73.678 5 1/4” 73.68714 7 3/8” 73.655 2 1/2” 73.679 5 3/8” 73.687-15 7 1/2” 73.656 2 5/8” 73.679-I 5 7/16” 73.687-16 7 5/8” 73.657 2 3/4” 73.680 5 1/2” 73.687-17 7 3/4” 73.658 73.659 2 7/8” 3” 73.681 73.682 5 5/8” 5 3/4” 73.687-18 73.687-19 7 7/8” 8” 73.660 3 1/8” 73.683 5 7/8” 73.687-20 8 1/8” 73.661 3 1/4” 73.683-1 5 15/16” 73.687-21 8 1/4” 73.662 3 3/8” 73.684 6” 73.687-22 8 3/8” 73.663 3 1/2” 73.685 6 1/8” 73.687-23 8 1/2” 73.664 3 5/8” 73.686 6 1/4” 73.687-24 8 5/8” 73.665 3 3/4” 73.687-1 6 5/16” 73.687-25 8 7/8” 73.665-I 3 7/8’ 73.687-2 6 3/8” 73.687-26 9” 73.667 4” 73.687-3 6 7/16” 73.687-27 9 1/4” 73.668 4 1/8” 73.687-4 6 1/2” 73.687-28 9 1/2” 73.669 4 1/4” 73.687-5 6 5/8” 73.687-29 9 5/8” 73.670 4 3/8” 73.687-6 6 11/16” 73.687-30 9 13/16” 73.671 4 1/2” 73.687-7 6 3/4” 73.687-31 10 1/8” 73.672 4 5/8” 73.687-8 6 13/16” 73.687-32 73.687—33 10 1/2” II” . 73.687-34 1 I V2’ 73.687-35 12 3/8” Page 33 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catato~ie CONVEX GLASS -REVERE OVAL I Part number 73.7521 73.7522 73.7523 73.7524 73.7023 Description 5 13/16”x4 1/4” glass 7 7/8” x 4” glass 9” x 7” glass 9” x 13” glass 400 DAY CLOCK DOMES - ROUND Made of Glass No. No. No. No. 73.7022 73.738 73.7023 Gilbert Gold -5 3/4” x 5 3/8” 73.7021 Gilbert Gold 5 3/4” x 6 1/4” 73.7022 Gilbert Gold 5 3/4’ x 6 1/2” 73.738 Gilbert Gold - 6” x 7” (dwo) 73.719 No. No. No. No. ,,“ ~ .~7 73.7039 73.737 73.711) 73.719 Universal Steeple Gold -4 5/8’ \ I 73.7039 Waterbury Gold - 5 3/4” x 5 i/$” 73.737 Waterbury Gold - 5 7/8” x 6” 73.710 Waterbury Gold -6 ‘/a” - 73.716 Part number 73.6954 73.6956 73.6957 73.6961 73.6962 73.6963 73.7021 ,~/‘4\ Description 4” x 7” 4 ½” x 8” 4 5/8” x 6” 5 ½” x 10 ‘/2” 8”x 10” 8”x 12” 400 DAY DOMES OVAL - Made of Plastic No. No. No. No. 73.714 73.7035 73.7034 73.716 Gilbert Gold - 6 1/4” x 7 ‘/2” 73.714 Gilbert Gold -6 3/8’ x 7 1/8” 73,7035 Ingraham Gold 5 ‘/2” x 6” 73.7034 Ingraham Gold 5 5/8” x 5 3/8” 73.7 12 73.7040 73.7041 No. 73.712 Welch Gold - 5 ½” x 634” (dwo) No. 73.7040 Welch Gold - 5 3/4’ x 7” No. 73.7041 Universal / Steeple 4 5/8” x 4 5/8” SHORT DROP REGULATOR GLASS WITH PENDULUM VIEW Outside dimension of’ glass size 7”W X 811 73.703 73.7032 73.7033 73.7031 No. 73.703 Ingraham Gold - 5 ~ “x 6 1/a”(dwo) No. 73.7032 Ingraham Gold - 5 7/8” x 6 3/8” No. 73.7033 Ingraham Gold - 6” x 7” No._73.7031 Ingraham Gold -6 1/8” x 6 3/8” No. 73.720 Gold design on black background with clear centre (dwo) SHORT DROP REGULATOR GLASS WITH PENDULUM VIEW Outside dimension of glass size 8”W X 7”H Part number Description 73,6970 4 7/8” x 2 ‘/2” x 4 ½” with holes in back 73.6971 73.6973 on top 4 7/8” x 2 7/8” x 4 3/4” 63/4” x 3 1/4” x 4 1/4” with knob KITCHEN CLOCK GLASS Outside dimension of glass size 8~ W X 14H H 73.704 No. 73.704 No. 73.705 No. 73.706 No._73.707 r ‘~ 73.721 73,715 No. No. No. No. 73.717 73.701 73.715 Ansonia Gold -5 1/4’ x 4 ‘/2” 73.7151 Ansonia Gold - 5 7/8” x 7” 73.717 Ansonia Gold -6” x 6 3/4” (dwo) 73.701 Ansonia Gold - 6” x 73.7011 No. No. No. No. 73.7151 73.700 73.713 73.702 73.70 1 I Ansonia Gold -6” x 7” 73.700 Ansonia Gold -6 1/8’ x 7 1/8” 73.713 Ansonia & Gilbert Gold - 6 5/s” x 6 Va” 73.702 Gilbert Gold - 5 ½” x 5 ¾” (dwo) No. No. No. No. lngraham Gold - 6 ¼” x 6 ‘/2” Ingraham Gold - 5 34” x 6 1/a” lngraham Gold - 5 ¾” x 6 3/s” Ingraham Gold - 5 ‘/2” x 6 ‘/2” 73.725 ~ ~ ~ r~c~ ~ 73.708 73.7036 73.722 73.721 New Haven Gold - 51/8” x 6 ¼”(dwo) 73.708 New Haven Gold - 5 ¼” x 5 ¼” 73.7036 New Haven Gold - 5 3/4” x 6 1/8” 73.722 Sessions Gold - 6 x 6 1/8” 73.7037 73.718 73.7038 73.709 No. 73.7037 Sessions Gold - 6 “x 6 1/8” No. 73.718 Seth Thomas Gold -6 3/8” x 6 3/4” No. 73.7038 Seth Thomas Gold - 6 3/8” x 6 3/4” No. 73.709 Seth Thomas Gold -6 ‘/z” x 7” 73.726 73.727 No. 73.725 Gold design 4” x 3 ¼” on black background with clear centre (dwo) No. 73.726 Design dimensions 4 ¼” x 3” H with clear centre (dwo) No. 73.727 Design dimensions 4 i/a” x 2 ¼” with clear centre (dwo) GLASS FOR STORE REGULATORS Outside dimensions of glass size 14”W X 16”H ~ 73.730 No. 3/8” No. No. No. 73.731 73.732 73.733 73.730 Clear centre II ¼” diameter gold band wide, with black margin (dwo) 73.73 1 Gold II ‘/2” x II ‘/2” (dwo) 73.732 Gold II ½” x II ‘/2” (dwo) 73.733 Gold 12 ‘/2” x II ‘/2” (dwo) Edition 609 Page 34 - H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-3874117 Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Rep8Jr Catalogue REGULATOR DROP GLASS Outside dimensions of g!ass 8”W X 14”H CUTTING CLOCK GLASS in 1.8mm (approximately) thick, therefore, beveling is not an option. If you require a beveled glass you must Kitchen Clock Glass J(I31UMT8~ B No. 73.736 Gold “Regulator B” (dwo) MULI’l COLOURED GLASS Outside dimensions of glass 8”W X IOH 73.740 73.741 No. 73.740 Merchant exchange, this classic glass has a white building with brown foreground hand painted blue sky. Design is 7 ‘/2” x 6 7/e”H (dwo). No. 73.741 Greenwood cemetery entrance. Green kireground with grey building. Hand blended blue uanslueent sky. Design is 8” x 6 W’ll (dwo). I Black Blue Background ~nn 5 Cuts 6 Cuts PLEASE NOTE: We do not cut round clock glass to size. Our stock glass (fiat or convex) is only available Radius Cut obtain a rough cut glass from your local glass cutter, in the thickness and EXACT diameter. Then we will bevel it accordingly. Carriage Clock Glass Yes, it’s true, we cut rectangle beveled glass for ~ Carriage clocks. Just provide the frame. We can custom cut clock glass to your specifications, NOTE: We do not cut to dimension or sample glass however, you must send us a template indicating the only, and due to a stone diameter of 6” the maximum exact size and shape you’d like the glass to be cut. length of beveling is 5 Measure the inside of the door frame allowing a 1/16” space for the glass, or trace around the old glass and Thicknesses available are 2 mm - 3 mm -4 mm - 5 note this on the template. Use a thin piece of paper, not mm - 6 mm. a brown grocery bag. Mark the position of the bottom of the dial pan. If the door frame is not true, indicate GLASS - DIAL TRANSFERS which side of the pattern is to be on the outside. Please Transfers are designed to be applied to existing glass double check your measurements and be sure the glass by pressure transfer method. you have chosen will properly fit your clock. We will NOT cut glass without your template. KITCHEN CLOCK TRANSFER Cut glass will not be accept back for credit or exchange. Available in gold only Please make sure your template is accurate. llackground 73.742 - 73.744 No. 73.742 Beehive straw coloured hive on brown stand. Flowers are crimson with green leaves, accented in gold. Black background. Picture is 4 ¼” ~ 3 Y~”(dwo). No. 73.744 American Eagle brown and gold eagle on red and green shield. Dark blue background. Design measures 6 Y/’x 4 Y2”Fl. (dwo). - MULTI COLOURED GLASS Outside dimensions of glass I0”W X 12”H Black Background ~ No. 73.745 Gold lion & Unicorn. Picture is gold with highlights of red & green. Black background with pendulum view. 7 ½” W x 9 ‘/z” H design. I leight may be varied by cutting at breaks in design Idwo). SIMPLE STYLE OG GLASS Outside glass size 8”W X 10” H, can be trimmed to fit 8” x 9” opening 73.750 73.751 No. 73.750 Gold (dwo) No. 73.751 Gold (dwo) No. 73.752 Gold (dwo) 73.752 Image Dimensions Image width x image height below the dial. Example: 6” width x 6-3/4” height. All measurements are approximate. Overall Dimensions On your template, indicate overall width x height and the location of the bottom of the dial pan and which side of the pattern is to be used as the outside 73.760 73.76 I 73.762 No. 73.760 Ingraham Gold - 5 1/2” width, x 7 3/4” Example height - top accents. No. 73.761 Ingraham Gold-S 5/8” width x 8 1/4” height. No. 73.762 Ansonia Gold - 5 3/8” width x 8’ height. racing of Old GI 73.763 73.764 73.765 No. 73.763 Gilbert Gold - 5 7/8” width x 6 5/8” Bottom of Dial Pan Outside of Glass Barometer (Round - Convex or Flat) We can drill a hole in any of our stock clock glass. Hole drilling (indicate hole diameter required). Fitting of your indicator. Fitting of provided indicator (note: not many styles available, check with crystal department). Beveling (Round - Flat) Beveling (provide sample piece, or indicate bevel width required). height - top accents. No. 73.764 New Haven Gold - 5 1/2’ width x 7 3/8’ height - comers. No. 73.765 Ingraham Gold -51/4” width x 6 13/4” height. Page 35 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo~~ie TRADEMARK TRANSFERS REGULATOR TRANSFER GOLDEN HOUR MOTORS AND MISCELLANEOUS GOLDEN HOUR PARTS Available in gold only £CLIPSE REGULATOR 73.770 73.772 ~Ktb ~2Ln~2K ~& SLII IIKI*$ ~ t. Jj~Lhj~’h11I~ l~F~~11 No. 74.885 Motor for Golden Flour clocks - 27 30K ThOU~.5 SETH TUQUAS 73.771 73.773 No. 73.770 Regulator I 1/16’ height x 73/8’ length No. 73.771 Regulator A -2 sizes: 1 1/2” x 3 1/4” & 2 1/8 x 4 3/8” No. 73.772 Regulator Eclipse - 2 sizes: 3/4” x 4 1/4 & 11/16’ x 51/8” No. 73.773 Standard Time -2 sizes: I 1/16 x ~ 3/l6”& I” x25/I6” tooth gear 73.790 No. 73.790 Seth Thomas 114” to ‘/2” height assorted sizes No. 73.791 Ansonia - Gilbert - Howard 3/32” to ‘/2” height - assorted sizes No. 73.792 Ansonia- Ingraham -Gilbert - Howard - New Haven: 3/34” to 114” height - assorted sizes No. 74.885-2 Electrical cord set for Golden I lour clocks BORDERS - TRANSFERS Available in gold only (ITIT.LTLrJ.TLT T No. 74.885-1 Glass and gear ring for Golden I lour clocks No. 74.885—3 Leaf spring (set of 3) for Golden I lour clocks - 73.775 73.777 73.776 No. 73.775 Border regulator 11/16’ width x 4 strips totalling 44’ length with 4 corners No. 73.776 Corners, I 1/2 to 2 114” - length of legs No. 73.777 Ovals - 3 sizes, 2 3/4 x 2 1/4” and 3 151l6”x3 1/4”and4 l/4”x3” No. 73.778 Corners, 1 9/16” to 2” length of legs No. 73.793 Sessions - Waterbury - Welch : 3/34” to 1/4” height - assorted sizes No. 73.794 New Haven - Sessions - Welch Waterbury: 3/32 to ‘/2” height - assorted sizes No. 73.795 “Foreign” - Gustav Becker, Junghans, Ergo, Kundo, Atmos 3/32” to 15/16” SECONDS BITS TRANSFERS No. 74.885-4 Glass only for Golden Hour clocks GREASE AND OILS A*F CLOCK OILER — ~— No. 66.173500 One of the best oilers on the market. Ideal for clocks, timers, instruments, jewellers hand pieces, etc. Contains lightweight oil with rust inhibitors, just squeeze in the right amount 73.779 ETSYNATHA 859 CLOCK OIL 73.798 73.799 No. 73.779 Pendulum opening 3 1/2” and 4” x 2 No. 73.798 Seconds bits 15/16” to2 9/16’ black 5/8” No. 73.780 Pendulum opening 3 1/8” x 5 1/8’ and 2~ assorted sizes and styles No. 73.799 Seconds bits 2 9/16” x 3 3/16’ black I/4”x47/8” - Synthetic lubricant developed for clock movements. Resists oxidation from wear and vapors. Compatible with plastics and recommended by the Regula cuckoo movement factory. — NUMBER TRANSFERS 73.781 No. 73.781 Pendulum opening I 112”x 2 1/4 x 5” and 8 15/16” x 115/16” x 13/16” No.73.782 Ovals -3 sizes: 4 7/8” x 2 3/8” and 4 l/4”x3 114” and4 l/16”x23/4” No. 73.800 Arabic black number 1 1/6” height 1011121 2345 6789 1011121 2345 6789 No. 42.859 3 cc size No. 42.8591 4m1 oiler FULCRUM OILS Though light enough to flow easily, Fulcrum oils stay where put, giving positive pivot point protection. They won’t evaporate, gum or become stringy. Gives effective long lasting lubrication: Part number Size 42.300 /4 oz size 42.302 I oz size 42.304 4 oz size 42.306 8 oz size 42.308 16 oz size i~.gge Edition 609 36 H & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repoir Cata1o~~ie KEYSTONE MAINSPRING LUBRICANTS Withstands pressures of over 300,000 Psi. The outstanding film strength allows mainsprings to release with smooth and even power for years without binding, rusting or galling. Displaces moisture caused by insufficient drying or high humidity conditions. Stays where it’s put. Contains no graphite or sulphur. SETS OF TUNED GONG RODS NYE’S OILS Super refined oil which has the ability to stay at the point of lubrication, thereby not spreading to other parts — - - -z=:..,=~ — ——- of the mechanism, a high resistance to oxidation, gumming, evaporation; non corrosive qualities: and the highest lubricity. No. 73.80 13 Set of 4 tuned Westminister gong rods copper, longest is 10”, thread diameter 6.5mm No. 73.8014 Set of 4 tuned Westminister gong rods Part number Size steel, longest is 19”, thread diameter 6.5mm 42.400 1/4 oz size No. 73.8015 Set of 4 tuned Westminister gong rods 42.402 I ozsize steel, longest is 22”, thread diameter 6.5mm Description Part number 42.404 2 oz size No. 73.8016 Set of 4 tuned Westminister gong rods nsedium - 8 0 oz 42.8595 steel, longest is 26”, thread diameter 6.5mm 42.406 4 oz size light -8 fl oz 42.8596 No. 73.8017 Set of 4 tuned Westminister gong rods 42.408 8 oz size steel, longest is 26”, thread diameter 8.0mm 42.4 10 16 oz size PLASTIC OIL DISPENSERS No. 73.8018 Set of 5 tuned Westminister gong rods 32 oz size Includes a I oz. plastic bottle, 4” stainless steel needle 42.412 copper, longest is7”, thread diameter 6.5mm that snaps into the bottle, cleaning wire and cap. No. 73.8019 Set of 5 tuned Westminister gong rods Dispenser is supplied empty. Available in different GONG RODS - THREADED copper, longest is 8”, thread diameter 6.50mm si/.cs. No. 73.8020 Set of 8 tuned Westminister gong rods copper, longest is 8”, thread diameter 6.50mm No. 73.8021 Set of 8 tuned Westminister gong rods No. 73.8011 Chime rod copper, thread dia. 6.5mm, Outside dia. / Bore dia. Part number steel, longest is 26”. thread diameter 6.50mm 12” long, rod diameter 2.4mm .016” / .008” No. 73.8022 Set of 8 tuned Triple-Chime gong 42.8601 No. 73.8012 Chime rod copper, thread dia. 6.5mm, rods steel, longest is 17 1/4”, thread diameter .020” / .010” 42.8602 14” long, rod diameter 2.8mm 6.50mm .025” / .013” 42.8603 No. 73.8023 Set of 8 tuned Triple-Chime gong rods .035” / .023” 42.8604 steel, longest is 22 /2, thread diameter 6.50mm. .050”! .033” 42.8605 .065”! .047” No. 73.8024 Chime rod steel thread diameter 42.8606 TAP FOR GONG BASES 6.5mm, 26’ long, rod diameter 3.30mm MOEBIUS OILS j A complete range of oils and grease for a multitude of repair purposes. No. 73.8025 Chime rod steel, thread diameter 6.5mm, 26” long, rod diameter 3.60mm No. 73.8026 Chime rod steel, thread diameter 8.0mm, 26” long, rod diameter 3.60mm GONG RODS - UNTHREADED 5030 No. 64.8000/4 This oil is used for a range of movements up to alarm clocks. Not to be used for the spring and winding mechanism. Comes as 4 little bottles No. 64.8030/20 Small clocks’ oil. For clocks, music boxes, time keepers and similar movements 20 ml - No. 64.8030/250 Same as 64.8030/20 but larger bottle -250 ml. No. 64.8031/20 Small clocks’ oil. Similar to ~48O30/2() hut kr lower temperatures - 20 ml. No. 64.8040/20 l.arge clocks’ oil. For a range of clocks lions cuckoo clock to tower clocks —20 ml No. 64.8040/250 Same as 64.8040/20 but larger bottle - 250 ml No. 64.8050/25 Similar oil to 64.8030/20 but suitable for extremely low temperatures - 25 ml No. 64.8200/20 Grease (lubricant) for mainsprings -20 ml No. 64.8200/250 Same as 64.8200/20 but larger bottle -250 ml No. 73.8027 Chime rod copper, plug diameter 6.5mm, 12” long, rod diameter 2.8mm No. 73.8028 Chime rod steel, plug diameter 6.50mm, 203/4” long, rod diameter 3.30mm No. 73.8029 Chime rod steel, plug diameter 6.5mm, 26” long, rod diameter 3.60mm ~ ~—— No. 73.80 10 For tapping cast iron gong bases when installing new chime rod with 6.5mm thread. Page 37 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fex 1-80-741-6139 Clock Rep~,ir GONG ROD MOUNTED WITH BASE Type A Type C 73.820 00 73.821 73.823 No. 73.820 Spiral gong for mantel clock, mounted on a cast iron base. dia. 8 cm No. 73.821 Round wire gongs, diameter II cm No. 73.823 Flat wire gongs diameter 7.5 cm I Type E SPIRAL GONGS Type D Type B Catalo~ie Type F No. 73.803 Brass chime rods mounted on base type A - 3 rods - total length 9 ‘/2” Birn Barn Hermle 140 No. 73.805 Brass chime rods mounted on base type I) - 3 rods - total length 8” Bim Barn Hermle 241/261 No. 73.806 Brass chime rods mounted on base type A - 8 rods - total length 7 3/4” triple chime llcrmle 1050 I!.\ ‘~2J~ 73.824 ~ ~ 73.826 73.828 No. 73.824 Round wire gongs FHS 75 mm with No. 73.90 1 Hammer wire for wall and mantel clocks - diameter 1.4 mm brass wire with collet - total length approximately 78 mm, collet hole diameter 2.75 mm No. 73.902 French clock hammer assembly with nylon tip No. 73.903 French clock bell hammer brass No. 73.9031 Hermle hammer adjusting tool. Slotted for precise hammer adjustment. base No. 73.826 Round wire gongs FHS 105 mm No. 73.828 Round wire gongs Urgos dia. 130mm No. 73.9032 Round 1/4” Mantel hammer with leather tips. No. 73.807 Brass chime rods mounted on base type 13 - $ rods - total length II 3/4” Westminister I lermle 351-830 No. 73.808 Brass chime rods mounted on base type -3 rods - total length 8” Birn Barn Hermle 14 1.030 No. 73.809 Brass chime rods mounted on base type -5 rods - total length 10 1/4” fits movements: FHS 350.060, 351.060 Westminister No. 73.810 Brass chime rods mounted on base type A - 5 rods - total length 7 1/2” fits movements: FHS 340.020 Westminister No. 73.811 Brass chime rods mounted on base type 1) - 3 rods - total length 6 1/4” fits movements: FFIS 241.030 t3irn Barn No. 73.8 12 Steel chime rods mounted on base type 13 -3 rods - total length 13 1/8” Bim Barn No. 73.8 13 Brass chime rods mounted on base type 13 - 5 rods - total length 7 3/4” fits movements HIS 341, 351 No. 73.814 Steel chime rods mounted on base type C- 12 rods - total length 26 ‘/2” fits movements FHS 1151.051), 1151.053, 1161.050, 1161.053, 1161.850, 1161.853. 1171.050. 1171.850 triplechime No. 73.8 14-1 Steel chime rods mounted on base type C - 8 rods-total length 19 1/2” fits movements: HiS 451.050. 451.053 Westminister No. 73.815 Brass chime rods mounted on base type B - 3 rods - total length 14’ Bini Barn No. 73.8 16 t3rass chime rods mounted on base type A - 5 rods - total length 7 5/8” fits movements: FF15 350.020, 352.020 Westminister No. 73.8 17 [3rass chime rods mounted on base type A - 3 rods - total length 5 3/4” fits movements: HIS 130.020, 130.627 Bim Barn No. 73.8 18 Brass chime rods mounted on base type B - 5 rods - total length 7” Westminister. Longest rod closest to where base screws onto case. No. 73.8181 Brass chime rods mounted on base type B - 5 rods - total length 7” Westminister. Shortest rod closest to where base screws onto case No. 73.8 19 Brass chime rods mounted on base type A - 3 rods- total length 7 5/8” fits movements: FHS 151 I3irn [lam No. 73.9033 Round 5/16” Standard .. dia. 3/16”, supplied in a 12” coil. CLOCKHAND NUTS-AND OTHER ASSORTED NUTS GONG BASE 73.862 73.860 73.86 I No. 73.860 Gong base metal, 2 ‘/2” x 2” x 3/4” height at the raised centre portion. No. 73.861 Gong base - iron, diameter 2 ‘/z” No. 73.862 Gong base screws and washers- pkg of 4 washers and 4 screws CLOCK HAMMERS & HAMMER WIRES 111 jJ~.) ~ -5 ~.. . . ~ .~ . No. 73.9034 Leather Hammer Tip material No. 73.843 Cuckoo gongs 100 mm No. 73.845 Cuckoo gongs 120mm No .73.846 Cuckoo gongs 140mm 73.900 .~. -6 No. 73.900 FHS hammer brass - nylon tipped No. 73.900-1 FHS hammer brass - nylon tipped No. 73.900-4 FHS hammer brass No. 73.900-5 FHS hammer brass No. 73.900-6 Medium soft tip, round strike hammer with leather tip No. 73.900-7 Large soft tip, round strike hammer with leather tip No. 74.011 Clock hand nuts assorted Hermle No. 74.0111 Clock hand nuts for American clocks brass - pkg of 12 pieces assorted. No. 74.015 Clock hand nuts for German clocks yell and white - pkg of 20 pieces No. 74.016 Clock hand nuts - 20 pieces assorted of quartz clock movements No. CP.1060 Hernile hand nuts brass thread size 2.00 mm - pkg of 6 pieces No. CP.1065 Hermle hand nuts black thread size 2.00 mm - pkg of 6 pieces No. CP.1066 1-lermle hour hand nut for movement 1171-890 (sold individually) No. CP.1067 Hermle minute hand nut f’or movement 1171-890 (sold individually). Also works on the new Urgos models 03 102 No. CP.2002 URGOS hand nut - Urgos floor clocks, sold individually. No. CP.3000 Kieninger hand nut - package of’ 5 pieces. fits most Kieninger movements. No. 74.013 Clock nuts - nickel 100 pieces assorted No. 74.018 Clock nuts assortment - brass pkg of 100 pieces Edition 609 Page 38 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~ve SPLIT WASHERS FOR CLOCKS HANDS CALENDAR & DATE HANDS No. 74.017 Clock fixation nuts (dial sleeve) assortment of 20 pieces - tbr battery movements No. 74.0 19 (lock fixation nuts (dial sleeve) assortment of It) pieces No. 74.019 I E3rass hand bushing assortment. Contains 4 pieces each of 6 different sizes of hand bushings in a partitioned plastic box No. 74.027 Assortment of steel split washers - 100 pieces. No. 74.028 Assortment of steel split washers -72 pcs - 12 sizes sorted in a compartment box No. 74.029 Assortment of steel split washers - 144 pcs - 12 sizes sorted in a compartment box No. 74.029-5 FHS split washers - small - pkg of 12 pieces No. 74.029-6 FHS split washers - medium pkg of 12 pieces No. 74.029-7 FHS split washers - large - pkg of 12 pieces. c~ No. 74.0193 Brass minute and hour hand bushings. 12 in a package, liar both mechanical and quartz movements. No. 74.0 192 [land Bushing Adjusting Tool Steel shah with a wood handle for turning and adjusting square minute hand bushings. Overall length 7”. CLOCK HAND WASHERS AND OTHER ASSORTED WASHERS #159 No. pcs No. pcs No. pcs No. pcs #160 #161 #162 5~ ‘/2” - small hole 2.36 No. 74.0412 Flermle date hand KI length 5” red No. 74.04 13 Hermle calendar hand K2/K3, shaft length ‘/2” black No. 74.0414 Hermle calendar hand K2/K3. shaft length I 1/8’ black SECOND HANDS 74.029-2 #160 steel split washer - pkg of 12 74.029-3 #161 steel split washer - pkg of 12 No. 74.042B 1-lall clock second hand I 7/8/47.7 mm length blue - pipe length I 1/4/31.2 mm No. 74.042Y Hall clock second hand I 7/8/47.7 mm length yellow - pipe length I 1/4/31.2 mm 74.029-4 #162 steel split washer - pkg of 12 No. 74.043 Short pipe second hand 1/2112,7 mm length blue - 1.6mm hole No. 74.044 Long pipe second hand 1/2/13 mm length blue - 10.2 mm pipe 74.032 74.030 74.031 No. 74.030 Brass clock hanger - pkg of 5 No. 74.031 Brass clock hanger - pkg of 5 No. 74.032 Brass clock hanger - pkg of 5 0 No. 74.025 Flat brass washers for clocks No. 74.026 Flat nickel washers for clocks No. 74.041 Calendar hand 5 mm 74.029-1 #159 steel split washer - pkg of 12 CLOCK HANGERS No. 74.020 Brass hand washers - 144 pieces assorted holes, both round and square hole No. 74.021 Brass hand washers - 144 pieces round holes No. 74.022 Brass hand washers - 144 pieces square holes No. 74.023 Iland washer assortment 144 pieces line Swiss Convex - Brass - 12 different sizes in both round and square holes No. 74.024 1 land washer assortment 144 pieces flue Swiss Convex - Steel - 12 different sizes in both ound and ~qtiare holes No. 74.040 5 3/4” calendar hand large hushed 9 mmhole_~,~,, 74.033 No. No. No. No. 74.033 74.034 74.035 74.038 74.034 74.035 Brass clock hanger #2 regulator Steel clock hanger banjo clock 1 5/8” Clock case hangers - pkg of 5 Clock hangers - 30 piece assortment No. 74.045B Plain tall case second hand black, I 5/8/41.5 mm length-I 1/4/31.5 mm pipe No. 74.045Y Plain tall case second hand yellow, I 5/8/41.5mm length - I 114/31.5 mm pipe No. 74.046 Small second hands for HERMLE movements 3/4/19.5 mm length black - I 5116132.6 mm pipe No. 74.0461 Small second hands for HERMLE movements, shaft length ‘/2” - black No. 74.0462 Small second hands for URGOS movements to fit movement UW32, I” shalt. No. 74.047 Vienna second hand black, small hole I 118/29.7 mm length - 1/4/14.2 mm pipe No. 74.048 Seth ‘I’homas #2, black second hand I 7/16/36.7 mm length - 9/16/14 mm pipe Edition 609 Pa2e 39 II& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~ie FHS CLOCK METAL HANDS IILRMLE QUARTZ CLOCK HANDS TO l”IT MOVEMENTS 74.794 AND 74.794.l No. 74.079-18 (dwo) No. 74.079-28 No. 74.079-2Y No. 74.079-58 FHS MECHANICAL CLOCK HANDS METAL Minute hand has a square hole 42.5 x 2.5 mm hour hand has a round hole dia 4.5 mm - fits Hermle movements 130 through to 1161. Black stick hands 2 5/8/67.5 mm Black stick hands 3”/76mm (dwo) Yellow stick hands 3/76 mm (dwo) Black stick hands 3 15/16/100mm No.74.081-4B Black serpentine - length of minute 45 mm/length of hour hand 30mm No.74.081-4Y Yellow serpentine - length of minute 45mm / length of hour hand 30mm No. 74.079-38 t3lack serpentine hands 3 l/2”/87mm No.74.080-6 Black serpentine - length of minute 69 No. 74.079-3Y Yellow serpentine hands 3 1/2/87 mm / length of hour hand 48 mm No.74.081-SB Black serpentine - length of minute mm No. 74.079-6B Black serpentine hands 4/103mm 76 mm / length of hour hand 51 mm No. 74.079-6Y Yellow serpentine hands 4/103 mm No.74.081-6B Black serpentine - length of minute 88 mm / length of hour hand 60 mm 0— No.74.081-6Y Yellow serpentine - length of minute 88 mm! length of hour hand 60 mm No. 74.079-4B Black pointed baton hands 3 1/2/87 No.74.081-88 Black serpentine - length of minute 103 mm / length of hour hand 70 mm mm No.74.081-8Y Yellow serpentine - length of minute 103 mm / length of hour hand 70 mm No.74.081-98 Black serpentine - length of minute No. 74.079-78 Black spade hands 45/16°/I 10mm 122 mm / length of hour hand 87mm No.74.081-9Y Yellow serpentine - length of minute FHS BATTERY CLOCK HANDS 122 mm / length of hour hand 87 mm - Minute hand has an oblong hole 3.5 x 3.0 mm, * No. 74.082-1Y Yellow - serpentine - length of hour hand has round hole dia 3.5 mm minute 135 mm / length of hour hand 87 mm No. 74.080-1 Black plastic, moon style - length of minute hand 37 mm - length of hour hand 27.25 mm No. 74.080-3G Brass, modem style - length of minute hand 35 mm - length of hour hand 25 mm No. 74.080-38 Black plastic, modem style - length of minute 35 mm/ length of hour hand 25 mm Minute hand has a square hole 4.0 x 4.0 mm hour hand has a round hole dia 6.5 mm - fits Hermie movements 471 - 1171 - No. 74.083 Black - serpentine - length of minute 120 mm / length of hour hand 87 mm to fit FHS 471, hour hole 6.5 mm, minute square 4.0 mm No.74.081-78 Black baton - length of minute 96 mm / length of hour hand 64 mm No.74.081-7Y Yellow baton - length of minute 96 mm / length of hour hand 64 mm AMERICAN CLOCK HANDS Available in blue steel - pendulum type - square hole. Size indicates dial diameter for which the hands are best suited. Square Spade Square Maltese Part number 74. 100 74. 103 74.105 74.107 74.115 74.120 74.125 74. 130 l)escription 4” spade 4” maltese 5” spade 5” maltese 7” spade 9” spade 10” spade II” spade AMERICAN CLOCK HANDS Available in blue steel - lever type - oblong hole. Size indicates dial diameter for which the hands are best suited. Oblong Spade 0’ Oblong Maltese No.74.080-7 Black spade - length of minute 63 mm Part number 74. 101 No.74.080-8 Black spade - length of minute 75 mm 74.102 No. 74.080-4 Black plastic, modem style - length of I length of hour hand 53 mm 74. 106 minute hand 40 mm/ length of hour hand 27 mm 74. 108 74.113 74.116 74.118 No.74.081—2 Black slim pointed - length of minute 74.121 80 mm / length of hour hand 63 mm 74. 126 No.74.081-I Black slim pointed - length of minute 74.131 90 mm I length of hour hand 69 mm I length of hour hand 45 mm Description 4’ spade 4’ maltese 5” spade 5” maltese 6” maltese 7” spade 7” maltese 9” spade 10” spade II’ spade Edition 609 Pace 40 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo~ie REPRODUCTION ~‘AMER1CAN” CLOCK hANDS - BLUE STEEL - No. 74.181-88 55 mm french tretle - hour hand No. 74.180-3Y 36 mm breguet - hour hand hole 4.5 mm - minute hand hole 2.2 mm No. 74.140 For 3 1/2 dial Seth Thomas square hole No. 74.180-7\’ 45 mm breguet - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm black No. 74.181-1Y 48 mm breguet - hour hand hole 4 No. 74.141 For 5” dial Seth Thomas square hole mm - minute hand hole 2.2 mm black No. 74.181-6Y 52 mm breguet - hour hand hole 4 mm - minute hand hole 2.2 mm No, 74.1411 Seth Thomas #2 Style hands. Supplied with bushings (installation required) Minute hand measures 5 ‘7,” long hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.18 1-9B 65 mm french tretle - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm J 400 DAY CLOCK HANDS o~4- No. 74.174 Kundo small black spade - hour hand round hole dia 5.0 mm / minute hand hole dia 3.5 mm / length of minute I 1/2/380mm 0’— No. 74.142 ferry Hands for 10” dial - no bushing on hour hand No. 74.143 Iloward # 5 banjo for 6 1/2” dial - no bushing on hour hand No. 74.180-4Y 35 nm fleur de lys - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.180-8Y 45 mm fleur de lys - hour hand hole No. 74.175 Kern brass fancy spade - hour hand round hole 4.0 mm / minute hand hole dia 2.75 mm / length of minute I l12”/380mm 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.181-2Y 47 mm fleur de lys - hour hand hole 4 mm - minute hand hole 2.2 mm No. 74.181-7Y 51 mm fleur de lys - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm p p No. 74.177 Kern miniature brass baton - hour hand round hole 4.5 mm / minute hand oblong hole 3.0 x 3.5 mm / length of minute I 1/2/380 mm FRENCH CLOCK HANDS BLUE I BLACK No. 74.144 Ansonia square hole hands for 73/4” No. 74.178 Hermle miniature brass spade - hour hand round hole 5.0 mm / minute hand oblong hole dia 3.5 mm/length of minute I 3/8/360mm dial ELECTRIC CLOCK HANDS fliese hand sets have the appropriate mounting hole configuration and fittings to be used on Hansen and/or Simple.~ (‘-style movements. Size listed is the length of the minute hand from the center of the mounting hole to the tip. Dach set includes a textured black hour and minute hand and a red second hand. 741441 _ 74.1442 74.1443 No. 74.1441 6 3/4” to lit 15” dials No. 74,1442 8 1/4” to lit 18” dials No. 74.1443 ID 3/4” to fit 24” dials No. 74.180-lB 30 mm pear - hour hand hole 4.5 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.180-28 36 mm pear - hour hand hole 4 mm minute hand hole 2.2 mm No. 74.180-68 45 mm pear - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.180-98 50 mm pear - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm 0—c- No. 74.180-3B 36 mm breguet - hour hand hole 4.5 mm - minute hand hole 2.2 mm No. 74.180-7B 45 mm breguet - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.181-3B 51 mm breguet - hour hand hole 4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm FREN(;H CLOCK HANDS BRASS - YELLOW No. 74.180-2Y 36 mm pear - hour hand hole 4 rio - minute hand hole 2.2 mm No. 74. l80-6Y 45 mm pear - hour hand hole 4.4 on — minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74. 180-9Y 50 mm pear - hour hand hole 4.4 nm minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74. 181-5Y 52 mm pear - hour hand hole 4.4 mm — minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.180-48 35 mm fleur de lys - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.180-511 40mm fleur de lys - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.180-8B 45 mm tleur de lys - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.181-48 51 mm fleur de lys - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm No. 74.1828 73 mm fleur de lys - hour hand hole 4.4 mm - minute hand hole 2 mm GALLERY CLOCK HANDS - Made from steel - size listed is the length of the minute hand - comes with bushing No. 74.170-1 7 1/8/180 mm length of minute hand galvanized No. 74.170-2 - black No. 74.170-3 - black No, 74.170-4 black - no holes No. 74.170-5 hand - black - 8 1/4/210mm length of minute hand 9 1/4/235 mm length of minute hand 10/255 mm length of minute hand 12 1/4/310mm length of minute No. 74.170-6 15 1/4/385 mm length of minute hand - black No. 74.170-7 18 1/4/465 mm length of minute hand - black - no holes - Edition 609 ~g~4i H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~ie C ERMAN CLOCK HANDS ASSORTED CLOCK HAIRSPRINGS .10 CLOCK KEYS - BRASS AMERICAN SINGLE END CLOCK KEYS (TRADEMARKED AND LOGO) ‘“ No. 73.149 Length of minute hand I 3/4/4.5 cm. I lole size minute 1.5 mm square round — black — cathedral - hour 4.5 mm - I No. 74.183 Hairsprings with collets for clocks, pkg of 6 dozen assorted CLOCK HINGES, CLOCK HANDLES No. 74.151 Length of minute hand 27/8/7.5cm. I lole size minute 2.2 mm square - hour 4.7 mm round - black - moon LM ~ No. 74.185 Assorted hinges - pkg of 12 pieces 74.200 No. 74.200 No. 74.202 size 3.6 mm No. 74.203 No. 74.204 c~, ~4~x’ 74.202 74.203 74.204 Gilbert I day - hole size 3.6 mm Seth Thomas - 8 day kitchen - hole Waterbury 4 6 - hole size 3.6 mm Ansonia 4 6 - hole size 3.6 mm p No. 74.157 Length of minute hand 3 1/4/8.0 cm. I lole size minute 2.0mm square - hour 4.2 mm round - black - spade No. 73.161 I.ength of minute hand 4 1/8/10.5 cm. I loIc size minute 1.5 mm square — hour 4.3 mm — round - yellow- skeleton type baton LANSHIRE HANDS -~ No. 74.1611 Includes black hour, minute and red second hand. Length of the minute No. 74.195 Brass 1/2/13 mm hinges - pkg of 12 pieces No. 74.186 3/4”/19 mm brass hinge - pkg of 12 pieces No. 74.187 I “/25.5 mm brass hinge - pkg of 12 pieces No. 74.188 I ¼”/32 mm brass hinge - pkg of 12 pieces 74.205 No. No. No. No. 74.205 74.206 74.207 74.208 - No. 74.189 Large fancy 2/51 mm bezel hinge brass ,~ BRASS L i [4 Ii No. 74.190 Solid Brass Hinge forelock cases open width x length 30 x 30 mm 4 pieces per pkg , ~ 74.214 74.215 74.216 No. 74.214 Gilbert I day - hole size 3.6/1.6mm No. 74.215 Ingraham - hole size 3.6/1.9 mm No. 74.216 Waterbury 8 day - hole size 3.5/1.5 mm .~) No. 74.191 Hinged handle- polished and lacquered brass. Approximately 78 mm wide, 34 mm high, with threaded pins and nut No. 74.165S Steel 6’ serpentine tall case hands blanks - 3.15 mm square and round hole \_~ c;~1 No. 74.192 Hinged handle - polished and lacquered brass. Approximately 61 mm wide, 27 mm high, with threaded pins and nut. PERMA BLUE 74.208 (TRADEMARKED AND LOGO) TALL CASE HANDS No. 74.166 Solid brass 15/8/41.5 mm tall case second hand blank - post 1 1/4/31.5 mm - no hole 74.207 AMERICAN DOUBLE END CLOCK KEYS 5/2 No. 74.165 Solid brass 6/150mm serpentine tall case hands blanks — no holes 74.206 Ingraham 4 6 - bole size 3.6 mm New Ilaven #6 - hole size 3.6mm Sessions 4 6 - hole size 3,6 mm Chelsea #5 - hole size 3.4 mm t IP No. 74.193 Grandfather clock throw out brass No. 74.1800 A liquid bluing solution for hands and hinges - top/bottom with screws 22 mm x 36.5 mm other small parts. No. 74.194 Small throw out hinges I 1/8’ x 3/4” wide top/bottom with screws 20 mm x 29 mm I ~1 — 74.217 74.218 74.219 No. 74.217 Ansonia - hole size 3.5/1.9 mm No. 74.2 18 Seth Thomas #44 - hole size 3.25/1.75 mm No. 74.219 Sessions - hole size 3.5/1.6 mm .1 73.220 74.221 74.222 74.223 No. 74.220 Seth Thomas #64 - hole size 3,5/1.9mm No. 74.221 New Ilaven - hole size 3,5/1.6 mm No. 74.222 Seth Thomas 4 94 - hole size 4.25/1.6mm No. 74.223 Seth Thomas # 134 - hole size 4.9/I .6mm Edition 609 Page 42 II& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 Fax 1-80-741-6139 - Clock Repair Cata1o~ie EXTRA LONG SHAFT CLOCK KEYS BRASS Please indicate mm size required - example 74.263.200 which indicate single end key 2.00 VIENNA REGULATOR AND AMERICAN REGULATOR CRANKS mm part number 74.225 74.226 74.227 74,228 74.229 74.230 74.23 I 74.232 74.233 Description size 00 - 2.20 mm size 0-2.40mm size I -2.60 mm size 2 -2.80mm size 3-3.00 mm size 4-3.20 mm I day American size 5-3.40 mm8day American size 6-3.60 mm size 7-3.80mm No. 74.263-(indicate size) Available in sizes: 2.00-2.25 -2.50-2.75-3.00- 3.25 -3.50- 3.75 4.00-4.25 -4.50 -4.75 - 5.00 --5.25 - 5.50mm. - SINGLE END FRENCH CLOCK KEYS MADE OF STEEL Please indicate mm size required - example 74.265.250 which indicate single French end key 2.50 mm 400 I)AY CLOCK KEYS SINGLE END No. 74.265-(indicate size) Available in sizes: 2.50-2.75-3.00-3.25 -3.50- 3.75 -4.00- 4.25 4.50-4.75 -5.00mm ~u. 74.250 Schatz 3.00 mm - brass SINGLE END CLOCK KEYS - NO LOGO NO TRADEMARK- MADE OF BRASS Please indicate mm size required - example 74.260.175 which indicate single end key 1.75 - mm - KEY CONVERSION TABLE KEY NUMBER TO SIZE IN MM Key iiumber 5/0 4/0 3/0 2/0 1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 ‘4 15 16 ‘7 II ‘9 20 21 22 Size in MM 1.60mm 1.80mm 2.00 mni 2.20 mm 2.40 mm 2.60mm 2.80 mm 3.00 mm 3.20 mm 3.40mm 3.60mm 3.80mm 4.00 mm 4.20 mm 4.40 mm 4.60 mm 4.80 mm 5(10mm 5.20 mm 5.40 mm 5.60 mm 5.80 mm 6.00 mm 6.20 mm 6.40 mm 6.60 mm 6.80mm 7.00 mm 23 DOUBLE END CLOCK KEYS BRASS Please indicate mm size required - example HALL CLOCK CRANK which indicate double end key 3.00 - BRASS WITH A ‘WOODEN HANDLE mm Please indicate mm size required - example which indicates hall crank 3.75mm No. 74.260-(indicate size) Available in sizes: 1.50 No. 74.270-(indicate size) Available in sizes: 3.00/1.6 - 3.25/1.75 - 3.50/1.75 - 3.75/1.9 - 4.00/1.75 I 75 -2.00 -2.25 -2.50- 2.75 -3.00- 3.20 -3.25 - - .1.50-3.75-4.00-4.25-4.50mm E~i-i~icat~jjz~ Available in sizes: 4.75 ~ 1)0 - 5.25 - 5.50 -5.75 -6.00 mm - 4.25/1.75 - 4.50/1.75 - 4.75/1.75 - 5.00/1.75 mm No. 74.290-(indicate size) Available in sizes: - 5.00-5.25 -5.505.75 -6.00- 6.25 -6.50 -6.75 -7.00 mm 3.75 -4.00- 4.25 -4.50- 4.75 LARGE WINGED SINGLE END KEY - NO LOGO - MADE OF BRASS Please indicate mm size required - example 74.262-6 which indicate single end key large wing size 6 URGOS HALL CLOCK CRANK LI No. 74.280 To fit Urgos - 3.00 mm No. 74.262-(indicate size) Available in sizes: 6 ‘7-8 - 10- 12- 16 - Page 43 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo~zie NOVELTY CLOCK KEYS - SINGLE END - Part number Size Size 0/0 - 2.20 mm Size 2 -2.80 mm Size 3 -3.00 mm Size4 -3.20mm Size 5 -3.40 mm Size6 -3.60mm 74.339 74.342 74.343 74.344 74.345 74.346 NOVELTY CLOCK KEYS - DOUBLE END - Part number 74.360 74.364 Size Size 2/0 -2.25/1.70mm Size 8 -4.00/1.75mm HERMLE FHS 130 - BACK WIND KEY No. 74.365 Key for Hermle - key wind movement FHS 130 ALARM CLOCK KEY ASSORTMENT ~ ~r No. 74.3651 Nickel plated key assortment for Alarm and Travel clocks - 72 pieces LETDOWN KEYS -4 AND 5 BRANCH KEYS FOR BENCH USE ** KEY SIZING GAUGE No. 74.621 Key sizing gauge. Sizes 6.00 mm - 18 arbors - 1.75mm to * No. 74.622 5 Branch clock keys -odd sizes. 3-5-79-Il handy for a clock maker to have to wind his clocks with one key. No. 74.623 5 Branch clock keys -even sizes 4-6-810-12 handy for a clock maker to have, to wind his clocks with one key + No. 74.624 4 Branch clock keys - odd size 5-7-911 handy for a clock maker to have, to wind his clocks with one key 4~IHI No. 74.625 Letdown bench key, yellow plastic handle with six interchangeable inserts (1-2. 3-4. 5-6, 7-8, 10-12, 14-16.) No. 74.626 Letdown bench key, yellow plastic handle with I double -end alarm insert No. 74.627 Letdown bench keys, yellow plastic handle with three interchangeable inserts (5-6, 7-8, 10-12) UNIVERSAL CLOCK KEY No. 74.635 Universal clock key will fit key post sizes 3.00 to 5.25mm. When end button is pushed the key chuck opens to adapt to whatever size is needed. l’he strong internal spring ensures the key remains tight on the post. A very handy key for use at the bench or br house call. DOOR KEY BLANKS Part Number 74.650 74.651 74.652 74.653 74.654 ~l ~ Size 15/16” long (dwo) - 5/16” long (dwo) - 7/16’ long (dwo) - 1/2’ long (dwo) - 7/8” long (dwo) ~=~o 74.6548 ~ 74.6542 T~i) 74.6543 ~ 74.6545 74.6546 ~—o4~ j~===~) 74.6548 74.6549 74.6547 ~- 74.6550 Example Measurement No. 74.628 10 hole wooden stand for letdown keys, for above yellow handled letdown keys Part number PLASTIC KEY HOLDER w 74.6541 74.6542 No. 74.3653 Attached to the clock case. This way you avoid losing the winding key, Package of 12 pieces ENGLISH DOOR LOCK KEYS Polished Solid Brass Keys ALARM CLOCK SET ASSORTMENT No. 74.3652 Nickel plated set assortment for Alarm and Travel clocks, both split and threaded - 72 pieces - No. 74.630 Double ended wood handle let down keys size 5 - 6 No. 74.631 Double ended wood handle let down keys size 7 - 8 No. 74.632 Double ended wood handle let down keys size 10-12 No. 74.633 Set of 3 double ended wood handle let down keys 5-6,7-8. & 10-12 74.6543 74.6545 74.6546 74.6547 74.6548 74.6549 74.6550 Measurements (inches) A B C D I 7/16 9/16 23/16 I 2 7/16 1/2 2 7/16 I 3/8 3 1/4 I V2 2 5/8 I ‘/2 2 ½ I V, 2 1/8 I ‘/2 2 5/8 I 9/lb 11/16 I 3/8 I I 1 3/8 1 1/8 3/4 5/8 I 5/16 3/16 3/8 5/16 3/8 3/8 ½ 3/8 3/8 3/8 Edition 609 Page 44 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 clock 12ep8Jr Catiilo~9~ie ELECTRIC CLOCK MOTORS BRASS KEY BLANKS ( _____________ No. 74.714 Brass bezel latch - no soldering required - drill hole in bezel and install No. 74.655 Ornamental brass key Antique Finish, length 2 7/11” KEY HOLE ESCUTCHEONS - CAST BRASS * No. 74.656 Ornamental brass key Antique Finish o; i.’rsize tall case - 2 ¼” long ft - 720 No. 74.657 Plain Lock Key brass for Tall Case - 2” No. No. No. No. l)OOR KNOBS AND DOOR LATCHES 722 74.720 74.722 74.724 74.725 724 725 74699 No. 74.698 Brass knob - 74.700 ~ 74.7251 dia 10 mm x height 10 mm - pkg of 2 pieces No. 74.699 llrass knob - dia 16mm x height 12 mm - pkg of 2 pieces No. 74.700 Door knobs (door pulls) - with knurled hi-ass head - dirt It) mm -7mm high - total length including wood screw is 15 mm -6 pieces per pkg cL~ No. 74.703 OG door latch brass flL KEY HOLE INSERTS. 704 705 706 No. 74.704 OG door latch brass No. 74.705 OG door latch brass No. 74.706 OG door latch brass No. 74.707 Ferry door lock and key 7/8142.5 mm x 23 mm 4 j~ No. 74.731 Lanshire in the wall movement 4/101.5 mm dia plate for mounting in the wall 1/8/27.5 mm movement depth - 3/8/9.5 mm maximum dial (wall thickness) - No. 74.732 Synehron motor - Hansen A-43RA is I RPM, 60 cycle, includes a 10 tooth pinion - 2/50 mm diameter - I 1/8/27.5 mm deep -4 tabs - not center mount No. 74.733 Synchron Type C electric movement 110 volts. 60 cycle, 3/76 mm W x 3 1/4/82 mm Tx 2 1/4/56 mm D - tab mount, rear set, overall hand shaft length 7/8/22 mm No. 74.734 Synchron Type C electric movement 110 volts, 60 cycle, 3/76mm W x 3 1/4/82 mmF x 2 1/4/56 mm D - tab mount, rear set, overall hand shaft length 1 3/8/35 mm No. 74.735 Synchron Type C electric movement 110 volts, 60 cycle, 3/76 mm W x 3 1/4/82 mm 1’ x 2 1/4/56 mm L) - tab mount, bottom set, overall hand shaft length 7/8/22 mm No. 74.736 Synchron Type C electric movement 110 volts, 60 cycle, 3/76mm W x 3 1/4/82 mm ‘I’ x 2 1/4/56 mm 0 - tab mount, bottom set, overall hand shaft length I 3/8/35 mm No. 74.7255 Brass insert Keyhole Escutcheon, used to protect wood cases from keys. Cast 11/16” tall No. 74.7256 Brass insert Keyhole Escutcheon used to protect wood cases from keys, Stamped 13/16” tall - I 5/8” x No. 74.71 IS Medium tall case steel lock with key 2 3/8” x I 3/3/62 mm x 45 mm No. 74.712 large tall case lock with key -3” x 2/75 mm x 52 mm No. 74.7 13 HG door latch - brass 74.7252 74.7253 & 7254 No. 74.725 1 Quality cast metal beautifully finished. Used on floor or wall clocks 5 3/8”L x 7/8W. Antique finish No. 74.7252 Quality cast metal beautifully finished. Used on floor or wall clocks. 5 3/8”L x 7/8W. Brass plated No. 74.7253 Quality cast metal beautifully finished. Used on floor or wall clocks. 4 I/4”L x 7/8W. Brass plated No. 74.7254 Quality east metal beautifully finished. Used on floor or wall clocks. 3 l/4”L x 3/4W. Brass plated No. 74.702 OG door latch brass & steel - replaces the A300-I00 Seth Thomas Capsule with gear and mounting hardware Brass 2 1/4/60 mm x 7/8/22 mm Brass 3 1/4/84 mm x 7/8/23 mm Brass 3 1/8/80 mm x 1/25 mm Key hole castings - brass - 3 3/8/87 mmx 15/16/24mm 74.698 No. 74.730 Seth Thomas motor replacement LANTERN PINION & SHAFT Speci1~’ number of pins. (Example 74.740-6 equals 6 pins.) - 74.740-(indicate # of pins) Lantem Pinion and Shaft - available with 6 -7-8 -9 or 10 pins No. 74.737 “B” field, coil & rotor assembly. l’his assembly will replace the field, coil and rotor assembly of’ the “B” type rotor. It’s easy to mount using existing mounting layout. The motor is a high torque version that rotates clockwise and non reversible. Motor runs slightly noisy. Edition 609 Page 45 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair CatBJo~~ie KLECTRIC CLOCK MOVEMENTS TA KANE - Movements look identical to the standard series of mini clock movements with the exception that these run on I OV. Dimensions: 2 1/8’ x 2 1/8” x 5/8” Supplied with a 6 fliot cord. Ideal for many electric movement retrolits. I lands are included with the movement, please specily. (‘hoose a pair of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75,015. and a sweep hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021 See hand illustration page 48. Available in 3 shall lengths: No. 74.746 For dial up to 1/8” thick, thread shaft length 3/16”. overall shaft 17/32” No. 74.747 For dial up to /2” thick, thread shaft length 9/16”. overall shaft 7/8” No. 74.748 For dial up to 3/4” thick, thread shaft length 15/16”, overall shall I 1/4” MINI CLOCK MOVEMENTS QUARTZ Carellilly measure the thickness of the material the movement shaft will go through to chose the proper height. Clock movement runs on “AA” batteries. Movement measures 2 1/8” x 2 1/8” x 5/8/54 mm x 54 mm x 16 mm Hands are included with the movement, please specify. Choose a pair of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75.0 15, and a sweep hand from numbers 75.0 16 to 75.021. See hand illustration page 48. Available in 5 shaft lengths: threaded shaft ~11ti~ overall shaft No.74.750 118”/3 mm dial thickness - threaded shaft length 3/16/5 nm -overall shaft length 1/2/12 mm No.74.75 1 l/4”/6 mm dial thickness - threaded shall length 5/16/8 mm - overall shaft length 5/8”/lS mm No.74.752 3/8”/9 mm dial thickness - threaded shall length 1/2/I 2 mm - overall shaft length 3/4”/l 9 mm No.74.753 l/2”/l2 mm dial thickness - threaded shalt length 9/16/14.5 mm - overall shaft length 7/8”/2l.5 mm No.74.754 5/8”/l5.5 mm dial thickness - threaded shall length II / 16/17 mm — overall shaft length 1/25 mm No.74.755 3/4”/l9 mm dial thickness - threaded shall length l5/l6”/23 mm-overall shaft length I l’4”/31 nm MINI CLOCK MOVEMENTS CONTINUOUS SWEEP- QUARTZ These movements have a second hand that moves in a No. 74.796—I Metal hands black maltese I 3/4”135 smooth continuous motion. Continuous sweep mm to lit movement. 74.795 & 74.795-I - supplied movements are quieter and do not have the tick sound with movement at no charge OR sold as a set (hour of a regular quartz movement. Operates on a “AA” minute-second) battery. Dimensions: 23/16” x 23/16” x 5/8” deep. Hands are included with the movement, please specify. Choose a pair of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75.015, and a sweep hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021. See hand illustration page 48. Available in 3 No. 74.796-2 Metal hands black spade 2 1/2/64 shaft lengths: mm to fit movement 74.795 & 74.795-1 - supplied with movement at no charge OR sold as a set (hour-minute-second) No. 74.756 For dial up to 1/4” thick, thread shaft length 5/16”, overall shaft length 5/8” No. 74.757 For dial up to 3/8” thick, thread shaft length 7/16’, overall shaft length 3/4” No. 74.758 For dial up to ‘/2” thick, thread shaft length 9/16”, overall shaft length 7/8”. ADJUSTABLE SWEEP MOVEMENT No. 74.796-3 Metal hands black serpentine 3/76.5 mm to lit movement 74.795 & 74.795-I - supplied with movement at no charge OR sold as a set — . No. 74.796-4 Red sweep hands. 2/51 mm SUPPLIED AS PART OF THE ABOVE SET OF HANDS SNAP IN MOVEMENT ROUND No. 74.770 Mini movement with adjustable sweep uses “AA” battery. This movement gives you the option of locating the second hand away from the movement. Good for repairing old clocks which have a seconds bit. Movement that drives the hour and minute hand measures 2 1/8 x2 1/8 x 5/8”/54x 54 x IS mm, movement that drives the sweep hand measures 2 1/8 x I ‘/2 x 5/8”154 x 37 x 15 mm. Hands are included with the movement, please specify. Choose a pair of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75.015, and a sweep hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021. See hand illustration page 48. ~ No. 74.797 Snap-in movement round - for dial 1/16/1.5 mm thick, measures 2 1/16/52.5 mm round by 5/8”/I 6.5 mm deep - uses ‘N” cell - comes with hands (see below) 0= No. 74.798 3 hands to fit snap in movement 74.797 - black metal spade I 1/8/28.5 mm length SNAP-IN QUARTZ CLOCK MOVEMENTS - plus sweep hand included with movement. 74.797 SNAP-IN MOVEMENT SQUARE OR sold as a set No, 74.799 Hands (3) to tit snap in movement 74.797 - black spade metal I 3/4”144 mm length - plus sweep hand-included with movement 74.797 OR sold as a set No. 74.795 Snap-in movement square - for dial l/8”/3mmthick2 l/8x2 l/8x5/8”/54x54x 15.5 mm - comes with hands 74.796-I, -2, -3. or -4 please specify - uses AA” battery No. 74.795-I Snap-in movement square - with threaded shaft for dials l/8”/3 mm thick, overall shaft length 1/2/12.5 mm —. CNo. 74.796 Black plastic stick hands length 3 I/4”/81 mm to fit movement 74.795 & 74.795-I supplied with movement at no charge OR sold as a set (hour-minute-second) SNAP IN MOVEMENT WITH ALARM No. 74.799-I Snap-in ALARM movement - /8/3 mm maximum dial thickness - supplied with hands Edition 609 Page 46 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalogue S’I’ANI)ARI) SIZE hIGH TORQUE MOVEMENT SMALL QUARTZ PENDULUM MOVEMENT - NO CHIME 31 No. 74.787 This movement measures 3 x 3 3/8 x I No. 74.760 ‘[his movement has 33% more power than l/4”/76x85.5 x32mm- fordial upto5/8”/l5.5 mm thick - uses “C” cell - Movement is supplied with the. mini quartz movements. Runs on a “C” cell threaded shaft 3/8”. Movement measures 2 1/4” x 2 pendulum, pendulum bob and hands. Choose a pair of 3/4” x 1/57 mm .x 70 mm x 25 mm. Hands are hands from numbers 75.00! to 75.015, and a sweep included with the movement, please speeil~’. Choose a hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021. Choose a pair ot hands from numbers 75.001 to 75.015, and a pendulum from numbers 76.070, 76.07! or 76.072. sweep hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021. See hand See hand illustration page 48. II ustratmon page 48. CONTINUOUS SWEEP HIGH TORQUE MINI QUARTZ PENDULUM MOVEMENT - NO CHIME MOVEMENT Q!JARTZ MOVEMENT WITH 31 DAY CALENDAR HAND This movement is available with or without pendulum. :4 74.767 74.766 No. 74.766 Calendar movement with pendulum. Measures 23/8” x 45/8” x I 1/4/60 mm x 117 mm x 32 mm thick movement tbr dial 1/4/6 mm thick, uses “AA” cell - supplied with fittings, hands. calendar hand amid pendulum hands. Choose a pair of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75.015. and a sweep hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021. Choose a pendulum from numbers 76.070, 76.071 or 76.072. Choose a calendar hand from numbers 75.025R & 75.026R See hand illustration page 48. No. 74.767 Calendar movement no pendulum. Measures. 2 1/4” X 2 1/4” X 3/4/57 mm x 57mm x 19 mm thick movement - 3/8”/9 mm threaded shaft, uses “AA” cell - supplied with fittings, hands & calendar hand.Choose a pair of hands l’rom numbers 75.001 to 75.015, and a sweep hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021. Choose a calendar hand from numbers 75.025R & 75.026R . See hand illustration page 48. This movement measures 2 1/8 x 3 3/4 x 7/8”. Uses a “AA” battery. Movement is supplied with pendulum, pendulum bob and hands. Choose a pair of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75.015, and a sweep hand from No. 74.764 Same properties as your Standard High numbers 75.016 to 75.021. Choose a pendulum from See hand Torque movement. However this unit runs quieter and numbers 76.070, 76.071 or 76.072. illustration page 48. Available in two different shaft the second hand does not jump every second. Operates omi I ~‘C” battery . Dimensions 3 1/8” x 2 3/4” x 1”. lengths. .1 lands mire included with the movement, please specify. Choose a pair of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75.0l5~ and a sweep hand from numbers 75.016 to RADIO CONTROLLED MOVEMENTS 75.02 I Sec hand illustration page 48. ‘l’hreaded shaft No. 74.788 For dial up to 3/8” mm thick The most accurate clock in the world. [his radio diameter 7/16”, threaded shaft length 7/17”, overall No. 74.7882 For dial up to 3/4” mm thick controlled movement allows the user to input their local shaft length 7/8” time zone and it will automatically adjust to daylight AUTO SET MOVEMENTS. Auto set is a technology which makes the movement savings time. Limitations: may not perform well inside hIGH TORQUE MINI MOVEMENT automatically spring forward or fall back when daylight metal clad buildings and use with metal dials is WITH FITTINGS savings changes. The internal microchip is discouraged. Movement should be used with a second (For use..with extra long hands (hands not included)) preprogrammed with the dates until the year 2030. hand. Operates on I “AA” cell. Dimensions of Operates on I “AA” battery. Movement dimensions: 2 movement: 35/8” x 2 1/4” x 11/16”. Hands are included 3/16” x 23/16” x I 1/4”, shaft dia. 5/16”. Choose a pair with the movement. Select hands from numbers of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75.015, and a sweep 75.030B to 75.033Y illustrated page 48. 2 shall lengths No. 74.761 Iligh torque mini quartz movement -2 available: /4” x 2 1/4/57 mm x 57 mm — tbr use with dials not hand from numbers 75.0 16 to 75.021. 2 shaft lengths available. See hand illustration page 48. exceeding 3/8/9.5 mm. Hands must be purchased separately use with hands #75.022B. #75.023B, or #75.024H - see hand illustration page 48 - runs on Front Back one ‘~AA” cell. a QUARTZ PENDULUM MOVEMENT - NO CHIME II 0 No. 74.762 For dials up to 3/16”, overall shaft length 1/4” Movement comes complete with pendulum - pendulum For dials up to 3/4”, overall shaft length bob and hands. Dimensions 2 3/8 x 4 3/4 x I l/4”/60 No. 74.763 1 3/16” 120 x 32 mm - use two “AA” cells. Choose a pair of hands I’rom numbers 75.001 to 75.015, and a sweep BIM-BAM CHIME QUARTZ CLOCK hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021 ..See hand MOVEMENT illustration page 48. Choose a pendulum from numbers 76,070. 76.071 or 76.072 . ~0 No. 74.780 dial No. 74.781 dial No. 74.782 dial No. 74.783 dial No. 74.784 dial No. 74.785 Pendulum niivement 1/8/3 mm thick Pendulum movement 1/4/6 mm thick Pendulum movement 3/8/9 mm thick Pendulum movement 1/2/12.5 mm thick Pendulum movement 5/8/I 5.5 mm thick Pendulum movement 3/4”/l9 mm thick No. 74.765 Bim Bam movement - fits up to 3/8”/9 mm dial - the two note “bim-bam” chime plays every half hour and the hours are counted out on the hour - 5 7/8” x 7 l/4”x 2/149 mmx 184 mmx 51 mm uses a “0” cell. Hands and pendulum included with the movement. NOTE : CHIME & STRIKE PORTION OF MOVEMEN’I’ ARE MECHANICAL Choose a pair of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75.015, and a sweep hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021. Choose a pendulum from numbers 76.070, 76.071 or 76.072 . See hand illustration page 48. No. 74.764A For dials up to 1/8” thick, thread shaft length 3/16”, overall shaft length 7/16” No. 74.7648 For dials up to 3/8” thick, thread shaft length 7/16”, overall shaft length 11/16” REVERSE TIME MOVEMENT [his reverse time movement runs backwards. [his quartz movement is often called a Barbershop clock because it appears perfectly normal viewed through a mirror. Movement is supplied with hands - does not include dial. Choose a pair of hands I’rom numbers 75.001 to 75.015. amid a sweep hand from numbers 75.016 to 75.021 illustrated on page 48. Available in two different shaft lengths , No. 74.74 1 For dials 1/4/6 mm thick - threaded shaft measures 5/I 6”/8 mm - overall shaft length I 1/16/17.5 mm No. 74.742 For dials 3/4/19mm thick - threaded shaft measures 13/16/20 mm - overall shaft length I 3/16/30 mm Edition 609 Pate 47 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo~~zie I)IALS FOR REVERSE TIME MOVEMENT TIME AND TIDE MOVEMENT No. 73.480 6 1/2/165 mm reverse clock dial No. 73.481 9 l/2”/240 mm reverse clock dial ROTARY ANNIVERSARY MOVEMENT No. 74.789 This movement makes the anniversary pendulum (balls) revolve back and forth - to be used in combination with mini quartz movement - 2 1/8’ x 2 1/4” x 5/8” - takes “AA” battery THERMOMETER ASSEMBLY ANALOGUE - [his is an accurate assembly which can be easily calibrated once installed. Calibration to current temperature after installation is achieved by means ofa c,tlihration screw on the back which can be turned with a coin Uses a standard minute hand as an indicator. l)imensions: 2 /8’ x 2 1/8’ x 5/8”. Choose a minute hand From numbers 75.001 to 75.015 illustrated on page 18. Available in two’~ha engths. No. 74.828 For dials up to 3/16”, thread shaft length 1/4”, overall shaft length /2” No. 74.829 For dials up to 9/16”, thread shaft length 5/8”. overall shaft length 7/8” QUARTZ DOUBLE CHIME PENDULUM This quartz time and tide movement tells you both the MOVEMENT time as well as the tide. It has the ability to run the These SEIKO PRECISION chime movements provide standard hour, minute and second hands as well as a the option of Westminister or Bim Barn chime with the tide hand. 3/8/9 mm threaded shaft for up to 5/16/8 flick of a switch, In the Westminister mode they give mm dial thickness. White time and tide dials are the option of 1/4 hour chime or chime only on the hour available in 6/153 mm and 7 7/8/200 mm diameters. with EtlI strike in both modes. Features superior sound Straight tide hand can be trimmed to any length to quality, auto night silencer switch, removable 2 1/4” accommodate the dial. ‘l’ide hand is supplied with the speaker, volume control and adjustable pendulum. Uses movement. For time hands choose any style from I “C” size battery. Dimension of the movement are 3 75.001 to 75.015. 1/4” x 51/4” x I 5/16” deep. Supplied with hands and (... pendulum. Use hands 75.001 to 75.021. plcttse specify. Available in two shaft lengths. No. No. No. No. 74.745 73.486 73.487 73.488 Time and tide movement only 6/153 mm time and tide dial - English 6/153 mm time and tide dial - French 7 7/8/200 mm time and tide dial - English No. 73.489 7 7/8/200 mm time and tide dial French - WESTMINISTER CHIME MOVEMENTS This quality movement plays the traditional Westminster Chimes melody every quarter hour as well as counting out the hours on the hour. Uses “C” cell. Hands and pendulum are included with movement. Use hands 75.00 1 to 75.021 see page 48. - please specify. 74.774/776/778 uses pendulum 76.070, 76.071 or 76,072 see page 48- please specify. How to adjust the chime if the minute hand is not at the 12:00 position when movement chimes: this final adjustment is made by turning the white screw on the back of the movement at the top. If movement chimes early turn screw counter-clockwise, if chiming late turn clockwise. TIDE MOVEMENT l’his quartz movement is specifically designed to give you an accurate reading of the rise and fall of the days tide. Based on a lunar day of 24 hours and 50 minutes, this movement uses a standard hour hand to display the daily tidal activity. 5/16/8 mm threaded shaft for up to No. 74.772 Westminister chime movement 1/4/6 mm thick dial. White tide dials are available in without pendulum - dim 3 x 3 7/8 x I 1/4/76 x 98 x 6/I 53 mm or 7 7/8/200 mm diameters. Straight tide 31 mm for dials 3/8/9 mm thick hand can be trimmed to any length to accommodate the dial. Tide hand is supplied with the movement. No. 74.743 Tide movement only No. No. No. No. 73.482 73.483 73.484 73.485 6/153 mm tide dial - English 6/153mm tide dial - French 7 7/8/200 mm tide dial - English 7 7/8/200 mm tide dial - French No. 74.774 Westminister pendulum movement - dim 3 x4 3/4 x I 1/4/76 for dials 3/8/9 mm thick No. 74.776 Westminister pendulum movement - dim 3 x 43/4 x I 1/4/76 for dials 5/8/16 mm thick No. 74.778 Westminister pendulum movement - dim 3 x 43/4 x I 1/4/76 for dials 7/8/22 mm thick chime x 120 x 31 mm chime x 120 x 31 mm chime x 120 x 31 mm No. 74.768 For dial up to 1/4” thick, threaded shaft length 5/16”, overall shaft length 5/8” No. 74.769 For dial up to 3/4” thick, threaded shaft length 13/16”. overall shaft length I 13/16”. TUBULAR SOUNDING QUARTZ MOVEMENT This movement offers a new TUBULAR sound. Plays Westminister 4/4, Westminister hourly only, Ava Maria 4 x 4, and BimBam on the hour.. includes night shut-off. Uses 2 “C” batteries. Movements are Dimensions 4 5/8” x 4 V2’ x I 1/4”. Hands and pendulum are included with the movement. Choose a pair of hands from numbers 75.001 to 75,015 Available in 3 shaft lengths. No. 74.7884 Threaded shaft length 3/8’ No. 74.7885 Threaded shaft length 9 / 16” No. 74.7886 Threaded shaft length 11/16” iAlition 609 Page 48 II & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo~ie WESTMINISTER / WHITTINGTON I RECORI)ABLE CHIME MOVEMENTS A mini sized movement with separate module assembly. 1 his movement is unique in that it will chime the Westminister or Wliittington chime and also has the ability to record 10 seconds of the sound, tone, ring, music. voice message of your choice. The speaker module features a built in microphone. Just push the rcord button and record. The speaker module also has a tick thr using a higher quality microphone or other input source, Other features include night shut oft~ volume control, and a play back button. Non pendulum movement operates on I “AA:” battery and the pendulum version uses 2 “AA” batteries. In addition the speaker uses 2 “AA” batteries. Speaker wires are 12”. Speaker module measures 2 7/16’ x 3 1/4” x I ½”. Available with or with pendulum. (ise hands 75.001 to 75.021 page ~ - pletise specify. Pendulum use 76,070. 76.071 or 76.072 - please specify. CALENDAR HANDS FOR MOVEMENTS 74.766 & 74.767 No. 75.006 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 6/153 mm - tapered baton 75.026R No. 75.007 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 1 15/16/49mm - spade No. 75.008 Y or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 2 151l6”174.5 mm - spade No. 75.009 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 5 1/4/133 mm - spade No. 75.010 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand I 318’735 mm - cathedral style No. 75.011 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 3 5/16”/84 mm - cathedral style 0-.’- No. 75.013 Y or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 3 I/8”/80 mm - dauphine style p p ~- 75.0228 — 75.023 B & 024B HANDS ‘[0 FIT QUARTZ CLOCK No. 75.015 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand I 3/4”/44.5 mm - fleur de lys. MOVEMENTS - Supplied no-charge with movement., additional sets oh’ hour / minute / second hands (75.001 to 75.021) HOUR ANI) MINUTE HANDS No. 75.001 Y or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 2 1116”/52 mm - serpentine style No. 75.002 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 3 l/8”/80 mm - serpentine style No. 75.003 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 4 1/8”! 104.5 mm — serpentine style No. 75.004 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 3 3/8’785 mm - tapered baton No. 75.005 V or B Yellow or black - length ol’ I /4’’/l ‘~l inn, — inner,’ri hntnii HANDS FOR RADIO CONTROLLED MOVEMENTS 74.764A & 74.764B Serpentine 0— — Spade Baton (length of minute hand is indicated) No. 75.030B Black serpentine -4 1/8” No. 75.030Y Yellow serpentine -4 1/8’ No. 75.0318 Black spade -33/8” No. 75.031V Yellow spade -3 3/8” No. 75.032B Black baton - 3 3/4” No. 75.032 V Yellow baton -3 3/4” No. 75.033B Black spade - I 7/8” No. 75.033V Yellow spade - I 7/8” PENDULUMS TO BE USED WITH QUARTZ MOVEMENTS These pendulums and pendulum accessories are intended to be used with pendulum movements 74.774, 74.776, 74.778, 74.780 to 74 785. 74 786. 74 787, 74 788, 74.7882. No. 75.0 14 V or B Yellow or black - length of minute hand 4 1/8”/104.5 mm - baton style No. 75.0228 71178mm black spade hands No. 75.023B 8/204 mm tapered black hands No. 75.024B 17 1/2”/445 mm tapered black hands No. 75.025R Red calendar hand 4 1/4/108 mm No. 75.026R Red calendar hand 5 1/8/133 mm ~—~- No. 74.771 Movement without pendulum. Thread shall length 9/16’, overall shaft length 7/8”. Movement measures 2 3/16 x 23/16 x 5/8”, shaft dia. No. 75.012 V or B Yellow or black - length of 5/16”. minute hand I 7/8”/47.5 mm - alpha style No. 74.773 Movement with pendulum. Thread shaft length 1/2”, overall shaft length 13/16”. Movement measures 5 1/2” x 23/8 x I 1/4”. shaft dia. 5/16”. Q!~t~i~TZ hANDS FOR USE WITH HIGH TORQUE MOVEMENT 74.76 1 75.025R SECOND HANDS 4 ~ No. 75.016 V or R or B Yellow or black or red sweep hand length I 13/16/45 mm No. 75.017 V or R or B Yellow or black or red sweep hand length 2 3/8”/60 mm No. 75.018 Y or R or B Yellow or black or red sweep hand length 2 3/4”/70 mm No. 75.019 V or R or B Yellow or black or red sweep hand length 3/76 mm No. 75.020 V or R or B Yellow or black or red sweep hand length 3 1/2”/89 mm No. 75.021 V or R or B Yellow or black or red sweep hand length 4 1/2/114 mm No. 76.070 with 16/410 No. 76.071 with 16/410 No. 76.072 with 16/410 2 1/8/54 mm diameter pendulum bob mm rod 2 3/4/70 mm diameter pendulum bob mm rod 3 l/2”/89 5 mm diameter pendulum bob mm rod t- ~—~-“- No. 76.073 Unfinished hardwood pendulum sleeve Slides over pendulum rods 76 070 to 76 072 to allow you to add traditional accent to any clock design ‘[his 12/305 mm long hardwood sleeve can easily he cut to almost any length and can be stained or painted to match or contrast your clock case No. 76.074 2 3/4/70 mm brass finished R & A (retard and advance) pendulum bob to lit standard quartz movement pendulum rod No. 76.075 3 1/2/89 5 mm brass finished R & A (retard and advance) pendulum bob to fit standard quartz movement pendulum rod Page 49 Edition 609 H & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~ie No. 76.076 Economy Lyra pendulum 4/101 mm consists of 2 bars, no harp, to fit standard quartz movement pendulum rod 76.071 - measures 43/8 1-1 x 2 1/4” W/1 Il mm x 57mm No. 76.077 Economy Lyra pendulum 7/178mm consists of 3 bars, no harp, to fit standard quartz movement pendulum rod 76.072 - measures 6” 1-1 x 2 1/4 W/l 52 mm x 57 mm No. 76.078 4/101 mm premium Lyre pendulum with harp attachment - features solid brass blocks and aluminum rods - fits pendulum rod 76.071 - measures 43/tIll x 2 1/4” W/l II mm x 57mm No. 76.079 7/178 mm premium Lyre pendulum with harp attachment - features solid brass blocks and aluminum rods - fits pendulum rod 76.072 - measures 6” llx2/14” W/lS2mmxS7mm PENDULUM DRIVE UNITS 786 790 791 • 792 &793 No. 74.786 Pendulum capsule. This pendulum ease can be used to drive pendulum alone. Dimensions 2 3/8 x 4 3/4 x I 1/4/60 x 120 x 32 mm - use one “AA” cell - pendulum not included. No. 74.790 Pendulum drive movement only. No pendulum. Designed to drive pendulum only, universal installation. No. 74.792 Pendulum diameter of bob 80mm, length of rod 23 1/2/600mm - to fit pendulum drive movement 74.790 No. 74.793 Pendulum diameter of bob 70mm, length of’ rod 19 1/2/495 mm - to fit pendulum drive movement 74,790 No. 74.791 Pendulum drive movement only, uses ‘1)” battery - measures 79/16 x 3 x 2 1/16/193 x 76 x 52 mm - drives pendulums up to 8 ozs/227 g 4l”/104 cm long No. 76.408 Light weight Lyre pendulum to be used with pendulum drive unit 74.791. Dimensions: 41’ long with a bob diameter of 8 3/4” HERMLE QUARTZ CHIMING MOVEMENTS WITH DETACHABLE SPEAKER SHIPS BELL STRIKE MOVEMENT - HIS Uses hands # 74079.1 to 74,079.7 on page 39 ~, I WESTMINISTER I BIM BAM - FHS These movements feature: a detachable speaker with a volume control option, a switch for bim bam or No. 74.794-2 Quartz Ships Bell Strike movement 2 Westminster chime, a 3 position silencer switch (on, off 1/4 x 2 1/4 x I 1/8/56.5 x 56,5 x 27.5 mm with night or auto night silence) and an option switch to chime on reduction and volume control, 5/8/16 mm hand shall, quarters or on the hour. Uses hands # 74,079.1 to external battery holder 2 1/4 x I 3/8/34 x 58 mm. 74079.7 on page 39, (included). How to adjust the PASSING BELL MOVEMENT WITH minute hand if not at the 12:00 position when movement chimes. Allow the movement to start PENDULUM- FHS chiming. Firmly grasp the base of the minute hand with thumb and index finger and press back firmly towards the movement and turn the hand to the 12:00 position and release. No. 74.794A Fl-IS W2l 14 movement - dimensions 43/8 x 2 1/4/112 x 56.5 mm - speaker 65 mm dia, for dial thickness 1/8/3 mm No. 74.794B FHS W21 14 movement - dimensions 4 3/8 x 2 l/4”/l 12 x 56.5 mm - speaker 65 mm dia. for dial thickness 1/4/6 mm No. 74.794C FHS W2l 14 movement - dimensions 4 3/8 x 2 l/4”/l 12 x 56.5 mm - speaker 65 mm dia, for dial thickness 3/8/9.5 mm No. 74.794D FHS W2l 14 movement - dimensions 4 3/8 x 2 1/4/112 x 56.5 mm - speaker 65 mm dia, for dial thickness 5/8/15.5 mm No. 74.794-2M “Passing Bell” movement features the accuracy of a quartz movement coupled with a mechanical strike mechanism (single hammer striking a metal bell). Chime is a single bell strike on the hour to mark the passing of time. (Does not ring the hour,) Dimensions 3 3/16’ x 4” x I 1/4”, for dial thickness up to 7/16’. Supplied with pendulum. Uses hands # 74,079.1 to 74079.7 page 39. please specify. MOVEMENT MOUNTING PADS No. 74.8001 Double sided adhesive pad is used for mounting quartz movements. I 7/8” square with a center hole knock out, sold individually. FAKE WINDING ARBORS No. 74.794-IA FHS W22l4 movement - same as 74.794 but with pendulum (included), for dial thickness 1/8/3 mm No. 74.794-lB FHS W2214 movement - same as 74.794 but with pendulum (included), for dial thickness 1/4/6 mm No. 74.794-IC FHS W22l4 movement - same as 74.794 but with pendulum (included), for dial thickness 3/8/9.5 mm No. 74.794-ID FHS W22l4 movement - same as 74.794 but with pendulum (included), for dial thickness 5/8/15.5mm WESTMINISTER I AVA MARIA - FHS Uses hands # 74079.1 to 74.079,7 on page 39 No. 74.794-3B FHS W2215 movement - same as 74.794-lB but plays Westminster or Ave Maria, for dial thickness 1/4/6 mm. (Pendulum included) No. 74.794-3C Fl-IS W22 15 movement - same as 74.794-IC but plays Westminster or Ave Maria, for dial thickness 3/8” 9.5 mm. (Pendulum included) ‘l’o be used when replacing a mechanical movement with quartz, to keep the original look of the clock made of steel - pkg of’3 pieces No. 74.800 Fake winding arbors, to be used in conjunction with quartz movements small - 3/8/9.5 mm shaft length No. 74.80 1 Fake winding arbors, to be used in conjunction with quartz movements medium - 1/2/13 mm shaft length No. 74.802 Fake winding arbors, to be used in conjunction with quartz movements large - 7/8/22.5 mm shaft length Page 50 Edition 609 II & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - FaX 1-80-741-6139 Clock Pepi~Jr Catafo~~ie FIT Ii? MOVEMENTS QUARTZ OUTSIDE DIAMETER 3 1/2” /1 OUTSII)E DIAMETER I 7/16” Q ~ (~. 74.819 - - 74.821 & 822 74.820 5, ~rabic Roman No. 74.806 Fits into I 3/8/34.5 mm hole finish bezel - white arabic dial No. 74.807 Fits into I 3/8/34.5 mm hole metal finish bezel - white arabic dial No. 74.808 Fits into I 3/8/34.5 mm hole finish bezel white roman dial No. 74.8(39 Fits into I 3/8/34.5 mm hole metal finish bezel - white roman dial No. 74.810 l~its into I 3/8/34.5 mm hole finish bezel — while arabic dial No. 74.811 Fits into I 3/8/34.5 mm hole finish bezel white roman dial No. 74.8 12 Fits into I 3/8/34.5 mm hole finish bezel - brushed gold finish roman dial No. 74.8 13 Fits into I 3/8/34.5 mm hole finish bezel - brushed gold finish arabic dial No. 74.819 Fits into 3/75.5 mm hole - yellow bezel chrome - fancy white and gold dial with black roman numbers No. 74.820 Fits into 3/75.5 mm hole - yellow bezel gun fancy white and gold dial with black arabic numbers No. 74.821 Fits into 3/75.5 mm hole - yellow bezel - brushed gold dial with black arabic numbers No. 74.822 Fits into 3/75.5 mm hole - yellow bezel - white dial with black arabic numbers gold OUTSIDE DIAMETER 37/8” gun chrome - No. 74.822 1 Fits into 3 1/8” hole - gold finish bezel- white roman dial No. 74.8222 Fits into 3 1/8” hole - gold finish bezel- white arabic dial OUTSIDE DIAMETER 43/8” 74.8132 No. 74.8131 Fits into I 7/8” hole -gold finish bezel No. 74,8 132 Fits into I 7/8” hole - gold finish bezel white roman dial OUTSII)E DIAMETER 2 1/4” 74.8223 74.8224 74.8133 74.8134 - white arabic dial No. 74.8 134 Fits into 2 1/8” hole - gold finish bezel white roman dial OUTSIDE DIAMETER 2 3/4” •~: ~ 73.8t5 & S IS-I ~ 74.816 ~ “‘~~ - 74.8225 74.8226 74.8227 No. 74.8225 Fits into a hole 3 1/4” - gold finish bezel - white roman dial No. 74.8226 Fits into a hole 3 1/4” - gold finish ivory roman dial No. 74.8227 Fits into a hole 3 1/4” - gold finish bezel - gold arabic dial. bezel - OUTSIDE DIAMETER 6 1/4” 74.817 No. 74.8 15 Fits into 2 3/8/60 mm hole - yellow he,.el - ivory dial with black roman numbers No. 74.815-1 Fits into 2 3/8/60 mm hole - yellow bezel - ivory dial with black arabic numbers No. 74.8 16 Fits into 2 3/8/60 mm hole - yellow bezel - fancy white and gold dial with black arabic numbers No. 74.8 17 Fits into 2 3/8/60mm hole - yellow bezel white dial with black arabic numbers into 3/75.5 mm hole - yellow bezel - white dial with black arabic numbers - WITH ALARM Made in Germany -3 hands m No. 74.818 Hermle 4018 -4 1/8/104 mm outside bezel dia - fits hole 2 1/4/57 mm yellow bezel white dial with black roman numbers - uses “N’ battery (dwo) FIT UP MOVEMENTS HYGROMETERBAROMETER-THERMOMETER No. 74.8223 Fits into a hole 2 3/8” - gold finish bezel - white roman dial No. 74.8224 Fits into a hole 2 3/8” - gold finish bezel - white arabic dial OUTSIDE DIAMETER 51/8” No. 74.8 133 Fits into 2 1/8” hole - gold finish bezel f 74.8222 4 - / - 74.8221 — white arabic dial ALARM FIT UP MOVEMENTS QUARTZ FIT UP MOVEMENT HERMLE gold gold No. 74.8232 Fits into a hole 3 1/4” - gold finish bezel - white arabic dial No. 74.823 3 1/2/90 mm outside bezel dia - fits gold OUTSIDE DIAMETER 2” 74.8131 OUTSIDE DIAMETER 8” / n~\ ~‘ _1 Barometer No. 74.830 Barometer 2 3/4”/7 I mm outside bezel dia - fits into 2 3/8/60 mm hole - yellow bezel - ivory dial with black imprint No. 74.831 Thermometer 2 3/4”/7 I mm outside bezel dia - fits into 2 3/8/60 mm hole - yellow bezel ivory dial with black imprint No. 74.832 Hygrometer 2 3/4”/7 1 mm outside bezel dia - fits into 2 3/8/60 mm hole - yellow bezel - ivory dial with black imprint No. 74.833 Barometer 3 7/8”/98 mm outside bezel dia - fits into 2 3/8’76() mm hole - yellow bezel - ivory dial with black imprint No. 74.834 Thermometer 3 7/8’798 mm outside bezel dia - fits into 2 3/8”/60 mm hole - yellow bezel ivory dial with black imprint No. 74.835 Hygrometer 3 7/8”/98 mm outside bezel dia - fits into 2 3/8”/60 mm hole - yellow bezel - ivory dial with black imprint 74.8228 74.8229 74.8230 No. 74.8228 Fits into a hole 3 1/4” - gold finish bezel - white roman dial No. 74.8229 Fits into a hole 3 1/4” - gold finish bezel - white arabic dial No. 74.8230 Fits into a hole 3 1/4” - gold finish bezel - gold roman dial No. 74.823 1 Fits into a hole 3 1/4” - gold finish bezel - gold arabic dial Hygrometer Thermometer Page 51 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 clock Repair CatoJo~9~ie 30 HOUR - QUARTZ FIT UP MOVEMENTS Fo replace the 30 hour insert movement. Outside bezel diameter 65.5 mm. body diameter 55.6 mm. minimum hole diameter required to insert movement 56.5 mm. Adapts to ease thickness 37 mm to 47 mm. I3ack set knob br easy time setting. Back cover plate holds movement in place — uses I ~AA” cell. MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS 8-DAY TIME ONLY MOVEMEN~I’ ANSONIA STYLE SWINGING ARM MOVEMENT REPRODUCTION No. 74.8656 Used in school clocks, long drop regulators or store regulators. Movement measures 3 3/4” x 4 3/4” x 3 3/4” deep, hand shaft length 2”. Heavy; brass plates with oil sinks and lantern pinions. The drop is about 18” from the center of the handsaft to the tip of the pendulum. Hand shaft to keyhole arbor is 45mm. Accessories are not included with the movement. No. 74.8651 8- Day Ansonia Swinging Arm movement. Handshaft to keyhole arbor 24mm BANJO MOVEMENT HOWARD #5 STYLE - No. 74.882 Black roman ligures on white dial with gold pattern - black louis hands (3) No. 74.883 Black arabic tigures on white dial black alpha style hands (3) SWIZA QUARTZ ALARM MOVEMENT © No. 74.836 Swiza quartz alarm movement - model 21) with second -2 1116/52.5mm dia - 9/16/14.5 mm thick No. 74.837 Swiza quartz alarm movement - model 25 no second -2 1/16/52.5 mm dia - 9116/14.5 mm thick MANTEL CLOCK MOVEMENT No. 74.8652 Reproduction brass movement is 4” wide x 4” tall x 3 1/8’ deep. Accessories are not included. Hand shaft to keyhole arbor 37mm BANJO MOVEMENT - WILLARD STYLE ‘1 No. 74.8653 Reproduction brass movement is 3 3/4” wide x 4 1/4’ tall x 2 5/8” deep. This style of movement was used in many early banjo cases. Accessories are not included. Hand shaft to keyhole arbor 35mm. SETH THOMAS STYLE #2 MOVEMENT 8- DAY KITCHEN CLOCK MOVEMENT FHS ( HERMLE) - 400 DAY QUARTZ REPLACEMENT MODULES The new I lermle 400 day clocks no longer have parts available for repair purposes other than suspension springs. If you are experiencing problems with the lunction of movement, you will have to replace the entire module. 4 No. 74.870 8 - day “Economical” Kitchen clock movement with count wheel strike, the system looks like old Waterbury or Seth Thomas movements. Movement is 6 1/2 H x 6 W x 2 7/8” D including I 1/16” hand shaft - a key and one pair of hands go with the movement. 8-DAY LONG SHAFT MOVEMENTS SHORT DROP No. 74.840 Replacement module comes with suspension unit complete FHS 2300-007 - (A) 2 11/16/68 mm - (B) 3 1/4183.5 mm - (C) 3/75 mm No. 74.840-I Replacement module comes with suspension unit complete FHS 2300-055 - (A) 2 1/4/57 mm - (B) 3 5/16/84 mm - (C) 5 3/8/35.5 mm !IERMLE 400 DAY CiRCUITS ;411 No. 74.843 Circuit only FEIS 2300-007 No. 74.844 Circuit only FHS 2300-005 No. 74.871 8 - day hour and 1/2 hour strike economical mantel clock movement 6 x 6 1/4 x 3 3/4” - drop back mounted pendulum and gong shaft enable this movement to bit into a variety of cases. Length of pendulum from centre of shaft to tip is 5 112”. Comes complete with 4” hands and a brass pendulum ball - No. 74.8658 Exact replacement weight movement for the #2 regulator is mounted on a black case base. Measures 4” x 4 1/4” x 2” overall. 40 tooth escape wheel. Hand shaft to keyhole arbor 3 7mm. Accessories are not included with the movement. SETH THOMAS #18 REGULATOR MOVEMENT 4 No. 74.8654 Used in school clocks, long drop regulators or store regulators. 5 /z x 6’ and 3 3/4” deep. Hand shaft length is 2”. Heavy brass plates with oil sinks and lantem pinions. Pendulum drop, measured from center of hand shaft to tip of pendulum 13 1/4’. Accessories are not included with the movement. 8-DAY LONG SHAFT MOVEMENTS i.~ONG DROP 1k - No. 74.8655 Used in school clocks, long drop regulators or store regulators. 5 Vz” x 6’ and 3 3/4” deep. Hand shaft length is 2”. Heavy brass plates with oil sinks and lantem pinions. Pendulum drop, measured from center of hand shaft to tip of pendulum 18’. Accessories are not included with the movement. ~ No. 74.8657 Exact replacement weight movement bbr the #18 regulator is mounted on a black case base. Measures 4” x 4 1/4” x 2” overall. 30 tooth escape wheel. Hand shaft to keyhole arbor 37mm. Accessories are not included with the movement. Page 52 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fox 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo~~zie MINATURE CLOCK MOVEMENT AND PARTS MECHANICAL CUCKOO CLOCK MOVEMENTS Each movement comes complete with bird rod, chains. stop rings, weight hooks, and hand nuts - weights are not included. Pendulum length indicated is measured from the suspension post to the centre of’ the pendulum leaf. No. 74.8804 Jumping doll REGULA 1-DAY MOVEMENTS No. 74.8805 Coil spring for jumping doll No. 74.8806 Key for miniature movement No. 74.8807 Jumping doll movement. Spring driven time only. Plate size 35 mm x 45 mm. Hand shaft length 5/It” No. 74.872 1 day cuckoo movement (Regula 25) pendulum length 19.5 cm - plate size 73 x 63 mm requires 2 weights of 275 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever. No. 74.8721 I day cuckoo movement (Regula 25L) - pendulum length 23.5 cm - plate size 73 x 63 mm requires 2 weights of 275 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever. No. 74.8726 1 day cuckoo movement (Regula 25/08)- pendulum length 28.0cm - plate size 73 x 63 mm- requires 2 weights 420 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever I No. 74.8808 Weight Driven . time only movement. Plate size 42mm x 50mm. I land shaft length I 1/8” No. 74.8722 1 day cuckoo movement (Regula 35) - pendulum length 28.5 cm - plate size 77 x 75 mm requires 2 weights of 275 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever. REGULA 1-DAY MUSICAL MOVEMENTS 4 No. 74.8809 German Novelty clock movement. Used on most small novelty clocks. Includes key, pendulum and hands. No. 74.874 I day musical cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 25/24) - height of platform above hand shaft 58 mm - plate size 73 x 73 mm pendulum length 19.5 cm - requires 3 weights of 320 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever. No. 74.8741 1 day musical cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 25/24L) - height of platform above hand shaft 58 mm - plate size 73 x 73 mm - pendulum length 23.5 cm -requires 3 weights of 320 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever. No. 74.8752 1 day musical cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 25/4 IS) - height of platform above hand shaft 74mm - plate size 73 x 73 mm - pendulum length 19.5 cm - requires 3 weights of 320 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever. No. 74.875 I day musical cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 25/41) - height of platform above hand shaft 74 mm - plate size 73 x 73 mm - pendulum length 23.5 cm - requires 3 weights of 320 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever. No. 74.8753 I day musical cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 25/41 BL) Same movement as model number 74.875, with the addition of an extended drive shaft for band linkage. (Movement is not pictured.) No. 74.8751 I day musical cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 25/SI) - height of platform above hand shaft 85 mm - plate size 73 x 73 mm pendulum length 23.5 cm - requires 3 weights of 320 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever .~, No. 74.8723 1 day cuckoo movement (Regula 70/10) - pendulum length 28.5 cm - plate size 115 x 77 mm- requires 3 weights of 320 grams. Supplied with an extended post for music drive gear. No. 74.8724 1 day quail movement (Regula 71)pendulum length 28.5 cm - plate size 115 x 77mm supplied with two bird wires, cuckoos everyl5 minutes - requires 3 weights of 320 grams L~age 53 Edition 609 H& WPerrinC’oLtd Plwne 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Rcp~ir Catafo8ve REGULA 8 - l)AY MOVEMENTS ‘.4 __~Ii. .i!4 REGULA 8-DAY MUSICAL MOVEMENT w w No. 74.873 8 day cuckoo movement (Regula 34) pendulum length 19.5 cm - plate size 85 x 76 mm requires 2 weights of 1260 grams each. Supplied with c’itended post tar music activation lever. ** To use this movement as replacement tar “Schneider.. the suspension post is shorter so you will need to cut out the bottom al the case to accommodate the pendulum. No. 74.8731 8 day cuckoo movement (Regula 34/63) - pendulum length 23.5 cm - plate size 85 x 76 mm requires 2 weights of 1260 grams each. Supplied with extended post for music activation lever. ** To use this movement as replacement for “Schneider:, the suspension post is shorter so you will need to cut out the bottom of the case to accommodate the pendulum. No. 74.8732 8 day cuckoo movement (Regula 34/66) - pendulum length 28.5 cm - plate size 85 x 76 mm requires 2 weights of 1260 grams each. Supplied with extended post for music activation lever. ** To use this movement as replacement for “Schneider:, the suspension post is shorter so you will need to cut out the bottom of the case to accommodate the pendulum. No. 74.8733 8 day euckoo movement (Regula 34/59) pendulum length 40.0 cm - plate size 85 x 76 mm requires 2 weights of 1260 grams each. Supplied with extended post for music activation lever. ** To use this movement as replacement for “Schneider:. the suspension post is shorter so you will need to cut out the bottom of the case to accommodate the pendulum. - No. 74.8734 8 day cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 34/44) - height of platform above hand shaft 81 mm plate size 85 x 76 mm pendulum length 28.5 cm - requires 3 weights of 1500 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever, Use part II 72.5874 to engage music unit to music chain gear on movement. No. 74.8735 8 day cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 34/46) - height of platform above hand shaft 81 mm - plate size 85 x 76 mm - pendulum length 23.5 cm - requires 3 weights of 1500 grams each. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever. Use part 4 72.5874 to engage music unit to music chain gear on movement. - D’ ‘~- 1. No. 74.8742 8 day cuckoo movement with automatic night shut-oIl (Regula 34 ASO) -plate size 85 x 76mm pendulum length 23.5cm, weight required 1500 grams. Supplied with an extended post for music activation lever. - No. 74.8736 8 day musical cuckoo movement (Regula 72/12) - pendulum length 28.5 cm - plate size 115 x 77 mm - requires 3 weights 1,750 grams. Supplied with an extended post for music drive gear No. 74.8725 8 day musical cuckoo movement (Regula 72/I I) - pendulum length 40.0cm - plate size 115 x 77 miii - supplied with two bird wires - required 3 weights 1,750 grams, .S~tpplied with an extended post for music drive gear No. 74.8738 8 day musical cuckoo movement (Regula 72/61) - pendulum length 28.5 cm -height of platform above hand shaft 81mm plate size 115 x 77 mm - requires 3 weights 1,750 grams. Fan does not exist on the movement because Oin is located on the music box. No. 74.8745 8 day musical cuckoo movement (Regula 72/611.) - pendulum length 60.0 cm -height of platform above hand shaft 81mm plate size 115 x 77 mm - requires 3 weights 1.750 grams. Fan does not exist on the movement because fan is located on the music box. No, 74.8746 8 day musical cuckoo movement (Regula 72/61H) - pendulum length 28.5cm -height of platform above hand shaft 104mm plate size 115 x 77 mm - requires 3 weights 1,750 grams. Fan does not exist on the movement because lan is located on the music box. No. 74.8743 8 day musical cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 72/16) - pendulum length 28.5cm - height of platform above hand shaft 81mm HUBERT HERR 1- DAY plate size 115 x 77mm. Require weights 1,750 grams. Supplied with an extended post for music drive gear. No. 74.8737 8 day musical cuckoo movement with dancing platform (Regula 72/17) - pendulum length 40.0cm-height of platform above hand shaft 81mm plate size 115 x 77 mm - requires 3 weights 1,750 grams. Supplied with an extended post for music drive gear. No. 74.886 I day cuckoo movement - Flubert ((err No. 74.8740 8 day musical cuckoo movement with KW6O - pendulum length 25 cm - plate size 62 x 68 dancing platform (Regula 72/l6l3L) - pendulum length mm, requires 2 weights ot’320 grams each 28.5cm - height of platform above hand shaft 81 mm plate size 115 x 77mm requires 3 weights 1,750 grams. Pre-riveted post for band linkage. Extended post for music drive gear. No. 74.8744 Replacement linkage for musicians. To be used with movement 74.8740. No. 74.8747 8 day musical cuckoo movement (Regula 72/65) - pendulum length 40.0 cm - height 01’ platform above hand shaft 81mm - plate size 115 x 77 mm - requires 3 weights 1,750 grams. No. 74.8739 8 day musical cuckoo movement (Regula 72/65A) - auto beat - auto night shut off pendulum length 60.0 cm - height of platform above hand shaft 81mm - plate size 115 x 77mm - requires 3 weights 1,750 grams. No. 74.8862 I day cuckoo movement - I lubert ((err KW6O/IM - pendulum length 29cm - plate size 2 11/16’ x 3 1/16”. supplied with two posts for double door cuckoo, requires weights 320 grams No. 74.8861 I day cuckoo movement - Flubert ((err KW6O/RM with dancing platform - height of platform above hand shaft 66 mm - pendulum length 29 cm plate size 70 x 80mm - requires 3 weights of 320 grams each Page 54 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Cat8Jo~~ie flU BERT HERR 8-DAY MUSIC BOX MOVEMENTS High quality music movements - 18 tooth combs size 52 x 44 x 21 mm. Made by Reuge - Switzerland iF No. 74.8891 8 day cuckoo movement - Flubert Herr No. 74.888 8 day cuckoo movement - Hubert Herr KW8O/80 with dancing platform - height of’ platform KW8O - pendulum length 31 cm - plate size 85 x 90 above hand shaft 80mm - pendulum length 29cmmm - requires 2 weights of 1500 grams each. BPH 7921 plated size 85 x 90mm - requires 3 weights 1,500 grams No. 74.890 Amazing Grace No. 74.888 1 8 day “NEW ENGLAND” movement - each No. 74.891 Eine Kleine Nachtmusic, Mozart hubert Herr KW8O/l- pendulum length 36cm - plate Minuet size 85 x 90mm - requires 2 weights 1500 grams. BPH QUARTZ CUCKOO CLOCK No. 74.893 Brahms Lullaby 6791. MOVEMENTS Each movement is supplied with : plastic weights, ROYAL MARINER FHS RETROFIT chains, plastic pendulum stick (leaf is not included), MOVEMENT WITH DIAL switch plate, cuckoo door, mounting hardware and hands. Unit uses to C batteries. Movement measures: I,. 3 1/4’ x 2 3/4” x 2 13/16” deep. Unit housing cuckoo bird measures 3 1/4” x 1 3/8” x 2 l3/l6” deep, Available with 4 different lengths of hands: No. 74.8882 8 day “TABLE - MODEL” movement I luhert Herr KW8O1I’. Mainspringdriven. Plate sizes 85 \ 90mm, includes: pendulum, key and hand nuts. & No. No. No. No. Hubert Herr No. 74.889 8 day cuckoo movement KW8O/RM with dancing platform - height of platform above hand shall 66 mm - pendulum length 36 cm plate size 85 .~ 90 mm - requires 3 weights of 1500 grams each No. CM.SRM Fl-IS movement complete with dial, t;i~ 74.8892 28 mm minute hand 74.8893 45 mm minute hand 74.8894 50 mm minute hand 74.8895 56 mm minute hand length length length length keys and hands, mechanical retrofit to RIiP[.ACE SCHATZ ROYAL MARINER movement. Total dial diameter 142 mm - minute track 120 mm - depth of’ movement 55 mm - diameter of’ movement 90 mm diameter of’ bell 100 mm PERRIN 90 Thornclilfe Park Drive Toronto ON M4H 1N5 Phone: H & W PERRIN CO LTD saIes(ii~perrin.on.ca www.perrinwatchparts.com Phone: Fax: E-MAIL Address (416) 422-4600 Fax: ‘lOLL FREE LINES(416)422-0290 1-800-387-5117 1-800-741-6139 Page 55 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~ie MAINSPRINGS - HOLE END The Ibllowing is a listing of available clock mainsprings from stock. I leight x strength x length in mm (I inch 25.4mm) PART # SIZE PART # SIZE CP.M400H CP.M4501-1 4.00 x .30 x 640 4.50 x .30 x 650 CP.M900H CP.M9O1H 9.00 x .25 x 1000 9.00 x .28 x I 130 CP.M475H CP.M500H CP.M600H 4.75x.l8x 1145 5,00 x .30 x 700 6.06 x .20 x 900 Cp.M902H CP.M903H CP.M9SOH 9.t)Ox.32x460 9.00 x .43 x 1350 9.50 x .23 x 1000 CP.M6O1H CP.M602H CP.M603H CP.M604H CP.M620H CP.M640H CP.M641H CP.M642H CP.M643H CP.M650H 6.00 x 6.OOx 6.00 x 6.00 x 6.20 x 6.40 x 6.40 x 6.40 x 6.40 x 6,50 x CP.M951H CP.M952H CP.M953H CP.M954H CP.M955H CP.M956H CP.MI000H CP.MIOOIH CP.M1002H CP.M1003H 9.50 x 9.50 x 9.50 x 9.50 x 9.50 x 9.50 x 10.00 x bOOx 10.00 x 10.00 x x x x x x x x x x x 1050 1200 1050 1000 l200 1200 1000 810 1000 I 130 CP.M651H CP.M700H CP~M7O1H CP.M702H CP.M703H CP.M704H CP.M705H CP.M706H CP.M707H CP.M708H CP.M785H CP.M800H CP.M8OIH CP.M802H CP.M80311 CP.M804H 6.50 x.33 x800 7.00 x .22 x 575 7.00 x .25 x 325 7.00 x .25 x 575 7.00 x .25 x 925 7.OOx.25x 1000 7.00 x .30 x 700 7.OOx.30x 1200 7.00 x .32 x 1000 7.OOx .40 x 850 7,85 x .43 x 1050 8,00 x .20 x 630 8.00 x .25 x 800 8.00 x .25 x 1000 8.00 x .25 x 2200 8.00 x .28 x 1125 CP.M1004H CP.MI100H CP.MI1OIH CP.M 110211 CP.MIIO3H CP.M110411 CP.M1 10511 CP.MI1O6H CP.MI1O7H CP.MIIO8H CP.MI200H CP.MI2O1H CP.M1202H CP.M1203H CP~M1204H CP.M1205H I0.OOx.32x 11.00 x .25 x 11.00 x .25 x 11.00 x .28 x 11.00 x .30 x l1.OOx.30x 11,00 x .35 x I1.OOx.35x I l.00 x .40 x 11.00 x .40 x 12.00 x .25 x 12.00 x .25 x I2.00 x .28 x 12.00 x .28 x 12.00 x .30 x 12.00 x .30 x 1850 800 1000 1225 1000 1900 1200 1650 1380 1500 810 1000 1130 I200 800 1325 CP.M805H CP.M806H CP.M807H CP.M830H 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.30 700 1800 1350 1350 CP.M1206H CP.M 120711 CP.M1208H CP.M1209H l2.00 I2.00 12.00 12.00 1150 1800 900 1400 CP.M850H CP.M851H 8,50 x .20 x 1000 8.50 x .36 x 500 CP.MI21OH CP.M1211H 12.00 x .40 x I I00 12.00 x .41 x 1650 CP.M870H CP.M880H 8.70 x .33 x 1650 8,80 x .24 x 580 CP.M1212H CP.M1250H 12.00 x .46 x 2400 12.50 x .35 x 1800 x x x x .24 x .25 x .25 x .28 x .42 x .25 x .28 x .28 x .28 x .25 x .30 .35 .41 .33 x x x x 1150 325 1000 500 1200 600 390 840 975 325 x x x x .26 .28 .30 .35 .35 .45 .20 .25 .25 .28 .34 .36 .38 .38 x x x x Page 56 Edition 609 H& WPerrin Co Ltd P/tone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 clock Repair Cata1o~~iie MAINSPRINGS - HOLE END - Continued PART # SIZE PART # SIZE CP.M 125111 CP.M1265H (P.M 127011 12.50 x .46 x 1500 12.65 x .22 x 1000 12.70 x .20 x 1950 CP.M1551H CP.MIS8OH CP.MI600H 15.50 x .45 x 1660 15.80 x .46 x 1800 16.00 x .23 x I 100 CP.M 127111 (~P.Ml272H 12.70 x .33 x 675 12.70x .33 x 1500 CP.MI6OIH CP.M1602H 16.00 x .25 x 1550 16.OOx .27x 1800 CP.M1273H CP.M 1274H 12.70 x .41 x 1650 12.70 x .46 x 2400 CP.M1603H CP.M1604H 16.00 x .28 x 1130 16,00 x .28 x 1225 CP.M 130011 CP.MI3OIH CP.M1302H CP.M1303H CP.M1304H CP.M13051-I CP.rvII3O6H 13.00 x .25 x 800 13.00 x .25 x ~000 13.00 x .28 x 1130 13.00 x .30 x 800 13.OOx.30x975 13.OOx.30x 1325 13.00 x .35 x 950 CP.M1605H CP.M1606H CP.M1607H CP.M1608H CP.M1609H CP.MI6IOH CP.M161111 16,00 x .33 x 1950 16.00 x .33 x 2625 16.00 x .35 x 1600 - 6.00 x .36 x 1750 - 6.OOx.40x 1500 6.OOx.40x 1800 16.00 x .45 x 1080 CP.M 1307H CPM135OH CP.M1351H CP.M 135211 CPM 1400H CP.rvIl4OIH CP.M1402H CP.M1403H CP.M1404H CP.M1405H CP.M1406H CP.M1407H CP.M1408H CPi~414O9H CP.MI4IOH CP.M141111 CPMI4I2H CP.M1413H CP.M1430H CP.M1431H CP.M1432H CP.M1433H CPMI434H CP.M1500H CP.M15OIH 13.00 x .50 x 760 13,50x.27x 1800 13.50 x .50 x 760 13.50 x .55 x 700 14.00 x .25 x 1000 14.00 x .28 x 1130 14.00 x .28 x 1225 14.00 x.30x 1325 14.OOx.30x 1525 14.00 x.31 x650 14.00 x .33 x 750 14.00 x .35 x 1800 14.00 x .36 x 800 14.00 x .36 x 940 14.OOx.40x925 14.OOx.40x 1460 14.00 x .45 x 1000 14.OOx.45x 1500 14.30 x .30 x 975 14.30 x .33 x 750 14.30 x .36 x 800 14.30x.38x 1050 14.30 x .46 x 2400 15.00 x .25 x 1000 15.OOx.28x 1225 CPMI6I2H CP.M1613H CP.M1614H CP.M1615H CP.M1616H CP.M1617H CP.M1650H CP.MI700H CP.M17OIH CP.M1702H CP.M1703H CP.M1704H CP.M1705H CPMI7O6H CP.M1707H Cp.M170811 CP.M1709H CP.M17IOH CP.M17IIH CP.M1712H CP.M1713H CP.M1750H CP.M1751H CP.M1752H CP.M1753H 16.00 x .45 x 1500 16,00x.45x 1800 16.00 x .46 x 1025 16.00 x .46 x 2400 16.00 x .50 x 2700 16.00 x .60 x 2700 16.50 x .27 x 2000 17,00x,25x950 17.OOx.25x 1800 17.OOx.28x 1225 17.00 x .35 x 1660 17.00 x .36 x 1800 17.00 x .38 x 1 100 17.00 x .40 x 1200 17.OOx.40x 1600 17.OOx.40x 1800 17.00 x .42 x 1500 17.00 x.44x 1650 17.00 x .45 x 1490 17.00 x .45 x 1800 17.00 x .46 x 1400 17.50x.30x 1800 17.50 x .35 x 1300 17.50 x .40 x 2400 17.50x.46x 1100 CP.M1502H CP.M1503H CPM1SO4H 15.00 x .30 x 1225 15.00 x .45 x 1660 15.00 x .46 x 1800 CP.M1754H CP.M180111 CP.M1802H 17.50 x .46 x 2400 18.00 x .25 x 1000 18.00 x .25 x 1200 CP.N’IISSOH 15.50x.40x 1600 CPMI8O3H 18.OOx.28x 1130 Page 57 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Cata1o~~ie MAINSPRINGS - HOLE END- Continued PART if SIZE PART if SIZE CP.M1804H 18.00 x .28 x 1225 CP.M2002H 20.00 x .28 x 1130 CP.M1805H CP.M1806H CP.M1807H CP.M180811 CP.M1809H CP.MI8IOH 18.00 x .30x 18.00 x .30 x 18.OOx.40x 18.00 x .40x 18.00 x .40 x 18.00 x .40 x 1360 1450 1100 1500 1660 1800 CP.M2003H CP.M2004H CP.M2005H CP.M2006H CP.M200711 CP.M2008H 20.00 x .28 x 20.00 x .30 x 20.OOx.30x 20.00 x .30 x 20.00 x .35 x 20.00 x .40 x CP.MI8IIH CP.M1812H CP.M1813H CP.M1814H CP.M1815H CP.M1816H CP.M1817H CP.M1830H CP,M1850H CP.MI900H CP.M 190111 CP.M190211 CP.M1903H CP.M1904H CP.M190511 CP.M1906H CP.M1907H CP.M1908H CP.M1909H CP.MI9IOH CP.MI9IIH CP.M1912H CP.M1913H CP.M1914H CP.M1915H CP.M1916H CP.M1917H CP.M1918H 18.OOx .45 x 1400 18,00x.45x 1600 18.OOx.45x 1750 18.00 x .48 x 1175 18.OOx .48 x 1500 18.00 x .50 x 1500 18.OOx.53 x 1200 18.30x .26x 1050 18.50 x .40 x 1440 19.OOx.23x 1800 19.00 x .25 x 1000 19.OOx.25x 1200 19.OOx.28x 1130 19.00 x .30 x 1050 19.00 x .30 x 1325 19.00 x .30 x 1525 19.00 x .30 x 1800 19.00 x .30 x 2250 19.00 x .33 x 1350 19.00 x .35 x 1600 19.00 x .35 x 2100 19.00 x .38 x 1800 19.00 x .40 x 1330 19.00 x .41 x 950 19,00x .41x 1325 19.00 x .41 x 1400 19.00 x .41 x 1500 19.00 x .43 X 1 100 CP.M2009H CP.M2OIOH CP.M2OIIH CP.M2012H CP.M2013H CP.M2IOOH CP.M2IOIH CP.M2102H CP.M2103H CP.M2104H CP.M2105H CP.M210611 CP.M2107H CP.M2108H CP.M2109H CP.M2IIOH CP.M2I1IH CP.M2200H CP.M2201H CP.M2202H CP.M2203H CP.M2204H CP.M2205H CP.M2206H CP.M2207H CP.M2208H CP.M2209H CP.M2210H 20.OOx .40 x 1800 20.OOx.45x 1000 20.OOx.45x 1700 20.00 x .45 x 1800 20.00 x .46 x 1900 21.00 x .26 x 1 150 21.OOx.28x 1200 21.OOx .30x 1325 21.00 x .30 x 1525 21.OOx.32x 1675 21.00 x .38 x 2540 21.OOx.40x 1200 21.OOx.40x 1500 21.00 x .40 x 1800 21.00 x .42 x 1900 21.00 x .45 x 1200 21.00 x .45 x 1800 22.00 x .28 x I ISO 22.00 x .30 x 1325 22.00 x .30 x 1525 22.00 x .32 x 1175 22.00 x .33 x 1800 22.00 x .40 x 1250 22.00 x .40 x 1500 22.OOx .40x 1800 22.00 x .45 x 1800 22.00 x .45 x 2100 22.00 x .45 x 2400 CP.M1919H CP.M 192011 CP.M1921H CP.M1922H CP.M1923H CP.M1924H CP.M 192511 CP.M2000H CP.M200IH 19.00 x .45 x 19,00 x .45 x 19.00 x .45 x 19.00 x .45 x 19.OOx,48x 19.00 x .50 x 19.00 x .50 x 20.00 x .25 x 20.00 x .25 x CP.rvl22IlH CP.M2300H CP.M2301H CP.M2302H CP.M230311 CP.M2304H CP.M2400H CP.M2401H CP.M240211 22.00 x .50 x 23.00 x .28 x 23,00 x .35 x 23,00x .40 x 23.OOx.40x 23.00 x .45 x 24.00 x .30 x 24.00 x .35 x 24.00 x .40 x 1650 1800 2100 2400 1700 950 1700 990 1300 1225 1300 1525 2300 1801) 1350 1500 1200 1800 1500 1800 1800 1600 1800 1500 Edition 609 i~ge 58 H & WPerrin Co Ltd P/zone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock J2ep~ir Cata!o~ie MAINSPRINGS PART # - HOLE END- Continued SIZE PART if SIZE 24,00 x .40 x 1800 24.00 x .45 x 1800 CP.M250411 24.00 x .46 x 1900 24.00 x .46 x 2000 24.00 x .50 x 1800 CP.M2600H CP.M2602H 26.00 x .35 x 1470 26.00 x .46 x 1900 26.00 x .50 x 1800 CP.M2603H 26.00 x .52 x 1400 CP.M3000H CP.M2502H 25.00 x .30 x 1300 25.00 x .40 x 1800 25.00 x .42 x 2400 30.00 x .40 x 2000 35.00 x .50 x 1900 CP.M2503H 25.00 x .46 x 1950 (P.M2403H CP.M240411 CP.M2405H CP.M2406H CP.M2407H CP.M2500H CP.M2501H MAINSPRINGS - 25.00 x .60 x 4000 25.40 x .46 x 2400 CP.M2540H CP.M2601H CP.M3500H EXTRA LARGE hOLE END, TO FIT ENGLISH CLOCKS I Icight and barrel diameter indicated. PART # CP.MXLI (P.MXL2 CP.MXL3 CPMXL4 CP.MXL5 CP.MXL6 CP.MXL7 CP.MXL8 PERRIN H & W PERRIN Co LTD SIZE 1 3/16’ x 1 7/8” I 1/4” x 2’ I l/4’x2118’ I 1/4” x 2 1/2” 1 5/16’ x 2” 1 5/16’ x 2 1/4” I 5/16” x 2 1/2” 1 3/8” x 2” PART #~ CP.MXL9 SIZE~ I 3/8” x 2 1/8’ 1 3/8” x 2 1/4” I 7116”x2’ I 7/16” x 2 1/4” I 1/2’ x 2 1/4” I 1/2” x 2 1/2” 1 9116” x 2 1/8” 1 9/16” x 2 1/4” CP.MXLIO CP.MXLII CP.MXLI2 CP.MXLI3 CP.MXLI4 CP.MXLI5 CP.MXL16 90 Thornclifle Park Drive Toronto ON M4H 1N5 E-MAIL Address ,~ sat,es~vperrIn. on. ca www.perrinwatchparts. corn Phone: (416) 422-4600 TOLL FREE LINES Phone: Fax: 1-800-387-5117 1-800-741-6139 Page 59 H & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax Edition 609 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair ~atafo~~zie Icight x strength x length in mm - LOOP ~ PART # CP.M270L SIZE 2.70 x .18 x 520 PART # CP.M603L SIZE 6.00 x .30 x 1050 CP.M271L 2.70 x .20 x 540 CP.M604L 6.00 x .35 x 1800 CP.M300L 3,00 x .20 x 450 CP.M625L 6,25 x .40 x 1300 CP.M3OIL CP.M302L 3.00 x .20 x 525 3.00 x .22 x 450 CP.M640L CP.M650L 6,40 x .33 x 600 6.50 x .17 x 500 CP.M303L CP.M304L CP.M305L CP.M306L 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 360 560 650 550 CP.M651L CP.M675L CP.M700L CP.M7OIL 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.00 CP.M350L CP.M351L CP.M352L 3.50 x .20 x 630 3.50 x .23 x 520 3.50 x .25 x 670 CP.M702L CP.M703L CP.M704L 7.00 x .26 x 1500 7.00 x .30 x 750 7.00 x .30 x 1000 CP.M375L CP.M400L 3.75 x .20 x 630 4.00 x .23 x 600 CP.M705L CP.M706L 7.00 x .30 x 1200 7.00 x .35 x 1000 CP.M4O1L CP.M402L CP.M403L CP.M420L 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.20 500 700 900 650 CP.M707L CP.M708L CP.M750L CP.M751L 7,00 7.00 7.50 7.50 CP.M450L CP.M451L 4.50 x .23 x 550 4.50x.25x70() CP.M752L CP.M753L 7.50 x .32 x 900 7.50x.35x 1000 CP.M452L CP.M470L 4.50 x .30 x 750 4.70 x .40 x 600 CP.M754L CP.M755L 7.50 x .38 x 1100 7.50 x .40 x 700 CP.M480L 4.80 x .41 x 1350 CP.M756L 7.50 x .40 x 1000 CP.M500L CP.M5OIL CP.M502L 5.00 x .25 x 550 5.00 x .27 x 650 5.00 x .30 x 650 CP.M757L CP.M758L CP.M759L 7.50 x .40 x 1200 7.50 x .45 x 1200 7.50 x .50 x 1200 CP.M503L CP.M504L CP.M505L CP.MSO6L CP.MSO7L 5.00 x .30 x 5,00 x .30 x 5.OOx.32x 5.00 x .35 x 5.00 x .35 x CP.N’1760L CP.M780L CP.M781L CP.M800L CP.M8OIL 7.50 x .50 x 2025 7.80 x .40 x 700 7.80x.50x 121)0 8.00 x .20 x 630 8.00 x .22 x 450 CP.M508L 5.00 x .40 x 800 CP.M802L 8.00 x .23 x 900 CP.M509L CP.M550L CP.I’V1551L 5.00 x .45 x 575 5.50 x .25 x 600 5.50 x .36 x 680 CP.M803L CP.M804L CP.M805L 8.00 x .25 x 700 8.00 x .27 x 750 8.00 x .30 x 770 CP.M560L CP.M585L 5,60 x .43 x 750 5.85 x .25 x 820 CP.M806L CP.M807L 8.00 x .35 x 900 8.00 x .38 x 1050 CP.M600L CP.M601 L 6.00 x .20 x 750 6.00 x .25 x 600 CP.M808L CP.M809L 8.00 x .40 x 900 8.00 x .40 x 1350 CP.M602L 6.00 x .30 x 700 CP.M8IOL 8.00 x .40 x 1800 x x x x x x x x .23 .25 .30 .35 .25 .30 .32 .30 x x x x x x x x 800 1800 1000 525 650 x x x x x x x x .27 .30 .22 .25 .43 .45 .30 .30 x x x x x x x x 650 1680 1500 730 1200 900 1200 1500 igc~ Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair catalogue MA{NSPRINGS - LOOP END - Continued PART # SIZE PART # SIZE CP.l~’i81 IL CP.M812L 8.00 x .41 x 1620 8.00 x .42 x 1050 CP.M1272L CP.MI3SOL 12.70 x .46 x 1500 13.5() x .24 x 2000 CP.M813L CP,M8SOL CP.M851L CP.M852L CPJVI87OL 8.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.70 1400 750 750 1000 1350 CP.M1425L CP.MI43QL CP.M1431L CP.M1432L CP.M1435L 14.25 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.35 CP.M871L CP.M900L CPM9OIL CP.M902L CP.M903L CP.M904L (;P.~’19O5L CP.M906L CP.M907L CP.M9SOL CP.M951L CP.M952L CP.M953L CP.M954L CPJVI9S5L CP.M956L CP.M957L CP.M958L CP.M959L CP.M960L 8.70 x .38 x 1000 9.00 x .20 x 850 9.00 x .28 x 650 9.OOx.28x 1275 9.00 x .30 x 2000 9.OOx.36x 1500 9.00 x .40 x 1500 9.00 x .45 x 1200 9,00 x .45 x 1600 9.50 x .28 x 650 9.50 x .28 x 750 9.50x.28x900 9.50 x .28 x 1275 9.50 x .33 x 850 9.50 x .35 x 2330 9.50 x .36 x 1200 9.50x.36x 1500 9.50x.38x900 9.50x.38x 1325 9.50 x.41 x 1100 CP.M1450L CP.M1500L CP.M15OIL CP.M1502L CP.M1600L CP.MI6O1L CP.M1602L CP.M1603L CP.M1650L CP.M1651L CP.MI700L CP.M17O1L CP.M1702L CP.M1703L. CP.M1750L CP.M1751L CP.M1752L CP.MI900L CP.MI9OIL CPM19O2L 14.50 x .30 x 1200 15.00 x .40 x 1660 15.00 x .45 x 1660 15.OOx.45x 1800 16.00 x .25 x 1550 16.OOx.33x 1725 16.00 x .35 x 2700 16.00 x .45 x 2500 16.50 x .40 x 2400 16.50 x .46 x 2500 17.00 x .26 x 2400 17,00x.40x 1660 17.00 x .40 x 1800 17.00 x .45 x 1800 17.50 x .38 x 2700 17.50 x .40 x 2000 17,50x.46x2400 19.OOx.25x 1800 19.OOx.30x 1800 19.OOx.31 x2500 CP.M961L CP.M962L CP.M963L CP.MIO2OL CP.MIIOOL CP.MIIOIL 9.50 x.41 x 9.50 x .43 x 9.50 x .48 x 10.20 x .36 x l1.OOx.40x 11.OOx.46x 1350 2400 1200 1350 1500 1200 CP.M1903L CP.M1904L CP.M1905L CP.M1906L CP.M1907L CP.M1908L 19.00 x .36 x 2700 19.00 x .40 x 1950 19.00 x .40 x 2500 19.00 x .40 x 4000 19.OOx.43x3000 19.OOx.45x2000 CP.rvIl 102L CP.Ml 103L 1 1.00 x .46 x 1500 I 1.00 x .46 x 2000 CP.M1909L CP.M2000L 19.00 x .45 x 2400 20.00 x .45 x 1800 CP.M I 104L CP.MI200L 1 1.00 x .50 x 2000 12.00 x .45 x 2400 CP.M2060L CP.M2200L 20.60 x .46 x 2400 22.00 x .40 x 1800 CP~M125OL CP.M1251L 12.50 x .35 x 1200 12.50 x .35 x 1250 CP.M2201L CP.M2202L 22.00 x .46 x 2400 22.00 x .50 x 220() CP.M 1270L CP.M1271L 12.70 x .38 x 2100 12.70x.41x1650 CP.M2500L 25.00 x .45 x 2400 x x x x x .45 .25 .30 .35 .31 x x x x x x .35 x.38 x .41 x .46 x .32 x x x x x 850 1950 1650 2400 950 Page 61 Edition 609 II & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock I2ep8Jr Catalo~~ie ECONOMY MAINSPRING FOR AMERICAN CLOCKS CP.M 1909LE 19.00 x .45 ‘<2400 Loop end mspg - economy version I 76.334 76.335 76.336 76.337 No. 76.0931 Brass hook large, for french clock No. 76.334 1 day adjustable with brass caps 3/4/45 mm diameter - 2.3 ozJ7O g MAINSPRINGS - TONGUE-END No. 76.0932 Brass hook, for French clock, not threaded. No. 76.335 8 day adjustable with brass caps - 2/SI We have a complete selection of tongue end hole diameter 2.00 mm mm diameter -3.2 oz199 g mainsprings for small clocks and alarm clocks. No. 76.336 Mantel - flower petals - I l/2’738 mm Please give measurements of your existing diameter - 1.5 oz146.6 g mainspring or send us your sample. No. 76.337 Seth Thomas tine mantel - I 1/2/38 mm ‘0 diameter -2.3 oz/70 g r— pendulum threaded FRENCH PALLET JEWELS No. 76.042 Pallet jewel gauge 42 - dia 2.35 mm No. 76.043 Pallet jewel gauge 43 - dia 2.25 mm No. 76.044 Pallet jewel gauge 44 - dia 2.15 mm No. 76.045 Pallet jewel gauge 45 - dia 2.05 mm No. 76.046 Pallet jewel gauge 46 - dia 2.00mm No. 76.047 Palletjewel gauge 47- dia 1.95mm No. 76.048 Palletjewel gauge 48- dia 1.90mm No. 76.049 Palletjewel gauge 49- dia 1.85 mm No. 76.050 Pallet jewel gauge 50- dia 1.80mm No.76.051 Palletjewel gauge SI - dia 1,70mm No. 76.052 Palletjewel gauge 52- dia 1.60mm No. 76.053 Pallet jewel gauge 53 - dia 1.50mm PEN DU LUMS No. 76.094 Silk thread brass pendulum with steel rod for French clocks No. 76.095 Horse & rider pendulum - cast brass No. 76.096 Sunburst pendulum - medium - 2 7/8/72 mm diameter KITCHEN CLOCK PENDULUMS .11 4 76.080 76.343 76.344 76.345 76.346 No. 76.343 Seth Thomas large mantel with hole - No. 76.100 Adjustable with 6 1/4/159mm rod - steeple Ingraham - 3 x 2 3/8/78 x 62 mm diameter No. 76.110 Adjustable with 6 1/4/159mm rod - shell Waterbury -3 x 2 1/8/78 x 55 mm diameter No. 76.116 Adjustable with 6 5/8/168 mm rod -2 1/2 oz/739 g bob - dia I 3/8/35 mm universal No. 76.130 Adjustable with 6 1/4/159mm rod - large 8/8 Petal - Gilbert -2 7/8 x 3 3/8/87 x 75 mm diameter No. 76.131 Adjustable with 6 1/4/159mm rod ornamentalbrass-2 l/4x4 l/4”/Ill ‘<57mm FRENCH CLOCK PENDULUMS & hORSE-RIDER PENDULUM MANTEL CLOCK PENDULUMS ~ 76.330 76.093 No. 76.090 Small French brass pendulum with steel rod-I 1/4/31.6 mm diameter No. 76.091 Medium t’rench brass pendulum with steel rod — I 3/8/35 mm diameter No. 76.092 l.arge French brass pendulum with steel rod - I l/2”140 mm diameter No. 76.093 Brass hook for French clock pendulum threaded, 3/4/45 mm diameter -3.8 ox/I 18 g No. 76.344 Ingraham old - Flowers on a Fence 5/8/41 mm diameter -2.2 oz/68 g No. 76.345 Ingraham new- medium thin raised rim 1 5/8”/41 mm diameter -2.5 oi180 g No. 76.346 Light adjustable pendulum diameter I 1/4/32 mm - 1.26 07139.4 g 76.347 76.08 1 No. 76.080 Double barrel pendulum - brass with steel rod 7 1/2/193mm long, 2 1/4/57mm wide No. 76.081 Single barrel pendulum - brass with steel rod 6 1/2/151 mm long 2/50 mm wide diameter -2.8 oz/86 g No. 76.340 Sessions - pentagon - I 3/8/35 mm diameter -2 ozl6l g No. 76.34 1 Seth ‘Fhomas - I3oy on a Fence - I 11/16/43 mm diameter -3.4 oz/l06 g No. 76.342 Waterbury - I 5/8/41 mm diameter -2 oz/61 g ~. - BARREL PENDULUMS 76.339 76.340 76.34 I 76.342 No. 76.339 Sessions - round - I 5/8741 mm 76.33 1 ~ ~ 76.332 76.333 No. 76.330 Gilbert - I 5/8/41 mm diameter -2.5 o’z176 g No. 76.331 lngraham (I) - 15/8/41 mm diameter round -2.2 oz/68 g No. 76.332 Sessions mini pendulum - I l/4”133 mm diameter - 1.4 oz/43 g No. 76.333 Seth Thomas adamantine - I 3/4’745 mm diameter -4.8 ozJl49 g * 76.348 76.349 - 76.350 No. 76.347 Medium adjustable pendulum diameter I 5/8”/41 mm -2.3 oz/72 g No. 76.348 Heavy adjustable pendulum diameter I 11/16/43 mm -4.2 ox 129.5 g No. 76.349 1 1/2/38 mm adjustable with brass cap 1.8 07156 g No. 76.350 2 I/4”/57.5 mm adjustable with brass cap - 3 oz194 g PENDULUM BOBS - SHOP BOBS 5/8t~16 MM SLOT 76.360 - 76.361 to 363 No. 76.360 Gilbert Fancy - antique finish 13 071360 g -4 3/8”/l 10 mm diameter No. 76.361 Ansonia brass covered 22 071620 g -4 1/2°/I 14mm diameter No. 76.362 Sessions brass covered 15 071420 g - 4 1/2°/I 14mm diameter No. 76.363 Seth ‘I’homas brass covered lead back and stud for 5/8” slotted wood rod I 1/4 lh/520 g -4 1/4/108 mm diameter Edition 609 Pane 62 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Rep8ir CatBJo~~ve PENDULUM RODS FOR KITCHEN CLOCKS PENI)ULUM BOBS - STORE REGULATOR BOBS - LEAD WITH BRASS CAP No. 76.388 6 1/4/160 mm length - steel rod with brass nut No. 76.389 7 1/2”/l90 mm length - steel rod with No. 76,365 Ansoma brass brushed covered with brass nut slotted back -3 1/2/89 mm dia -9 oz/260 g No. 76.366 3 3/4’795 mm Seth Thomas polished GERMAN CLOCK PENDULUMS brass covered world globe pendulum bob - 1.5 lb/680g No. 76.366 1 Willard style bob. Brass covered bob s~iLh tapered slot. 3/16” to 1/4, 3 “diameter - 12 V2 .4 FUSEE PENDULUM No. 76.392-5AA Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 235 mm - brushed brass finish No. 76.392-SB Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 280 mm - polished brass finish No. 76.392-6 Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 305 mm - polished brass finish No. 76.392-6A Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 305 mm - brushed brass finish No. 76.392-7 Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 315 mm polished brass No. 76.392-8 - polished brass No. 76.393-1 - finish Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 395 mm finish Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 440 mm polished brass finish No. 76.393-2 Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 685 mm - brushed brass finish No. 76.393-2A Dia 80 mm - length tip to tip 175 - mm - polished brass finish No. 76.393-28 Dia 80 mm - length tip to tip 210 No. 76.390-2 Dia 37 mm - length tip to tip 60 mm mm - polished brass finish - polished brass finish No. 76.393-2C Dia 80 mm - length tip to tip 235 No. 76.390-3A Dia 43 mm - length tip to tip 90 mm - polished brass finish mm - polished brass finish No. 76.370 10/253.5 mm pendulum with 3/76 mm No. 76.393-3 Dia 80 mm - length tip to tip 305 mm No. 76.390-5 Dia 43 mm - length tip to tip 116 mm - polished brass finish bob - lead filled - bob is .85 lb/400 g - polished brass finish No. 76.393-3A Dia 80 mm - length tip to tip 430 No. 76.390-6 Dia 43 mm - length tip to tip 131 mm mm - polished brass finish MORBIER CHAIN PENDULUM - polished brass finish No. 76.393-4 Dia 80 mm - length tip to tip 555 mm No. 76.390-7 Dia 43 mm - length tip to tip 146 mm - polished brass finish - polished brass finish No. 76.393-S Dia 80 mm - length tip to tip 600 mm No. 76.390-8 Dia 48 mm - length tip to tip 130 mm - brushed brass finish - polished brass finish No. 76.393-6 Dia 90 mm - length tip to tip 705 mm No. 76.391-I Dia 55 mm - length tip to tip 115 mm - brushed brass finish - polished brass finish No. 76.371 Chain pendulum is 35” long with a I /z’ No. 76.391-IA Dia 56 mm - length tip to tip 94 diameter lead bob and rating assembly. GERMAN CLOCK PENDULUM BOBS mm - polished brass finish BRASS ONLY - (HERMLE) No. 76.391-2 Dia 55 mm - length tip to tip 127 mm To be used with wooden pendulum rods 76.455 to PENDULUM WIRES FOR MANTEL - polished brass finish CLOCKS 76.459 No. 76.391-3 Dia 55 mm - length tip to tip 160mm - polished brass finish c~--.-÷ 76.379 No. 76.391-3A Dia 55 mm - length tip to tip 173 mm - polished brass finish —+ 76.380 No. 76.39 1-4 Dia 55 mm - length tip to tip 187 mm ‘~—~ No. 76.379 brass No. 76.380 No. 76.381 nut No. 76.382 and brass nut 76.381 76.382 - brushed brass finish Dia 55 mm - length tip to tip 230mm No. 76.402 80 mm dia bob finish No. 76.403 100 mm dia bob 2 5/8/66.5 mm bob wire with nut Dia 55 mm - length tip to tip 255 mm No. 76.404 115 mm dia bob finish No. 76.406 140 mm dia bob 3 5/8/92 mm bob wire with nut - brass No. 76.391-7 Dia 70mm - length tip to tip 131 mm No. 76.407 165 mm dia bob 4 1/4/98 mm bob steel wire with brass - polished brass finish No. 76.39 1-8 Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 145 mm Seth l’homas hooked pendulum steel rod - polished brass finish -3 3/4/95 mm No. 76.392-1 l)ia 70mm - length tip to tip 150mm - polished brass finish No. 76.392-2 Dia 70mm - length tip to tip 165 mm - polished brass finish No. 76.392-2A L)ia 70 mm - length tip to tip 165 mm - brushed brass finish No. 76.392-3 Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 200 mm No. 76.391-5 - polished brass No. 76.391-6 - polished brass brushed brass finish No. 76.392-4 Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 230 mm - polished brass finish No. 76.392-4A Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 230 mm - brushed brass finish No. 76.392-5 Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 235 mm - polished brass finish No. 76.392-5A Dia 70 mm - length tip to tip 260 mm - polished brass finish - - polished brass finish polished brass finish polished brass linish polished brass finish brushed brass finish Edition 609 Page 63 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 clock Repair CataIo~~zie LYRE PENDULUM AND REGULATOR PENDULUMS -. Lyra TALL CASE PENDULUM DISKS SIMULATED MERCURY PENDULUMS AND COMPONENTS - Brass pendulum with glass tubes and polished chrome inserts to simulate mercury. Regulator ~ 76.452 -H 76,4191 used with 78.850 pendulum rating assembly 76.4192 No. 76.408 Light weight Lyre pendulum to be used with pendulum drive unit 74.791 Dimensions: 41” long with a bob diameter of 8 3/4’ No. 76.409 Lyre pendulum - brass with grid type bars bob dia 80mm length 270mm No. 76.4 10 Regulator pendulum - brass finish, steel grid rods with brass cross bars - bob dia 63 mm with imitation white enamel R & A inscription - total length 237 mm No. 76.411 Regulator pendulum - brass finish, steel grid rods with brass cross bars - bob dia 80 mm with imitation white enamel R & A inscription - total length 307 mm No. 76.412 Regulator pendulum - brass finish, steel grid rods with brass cross bars - bob dia 80 mm with imitation white enamel R & A inscription - total length 370 mm No. 76.4 13 Lyre pendulum - polished brass finish dia 100mm - length 330mm - fits movement FHS 351-020.43 cm No. 76.4 14 Lyre pendulum - polished brass finish dia 165 mm - length 900mm - tits movement FHS 1151 ~ 1161 94cm - pendulum swing 10cm No. 76.4 15 Lyre pendulum - polished brass finish dia 270 mm - length 940 mm - fits movement FHS * 1161 94cm-pendulumswing 16cm No. 76.416 Lyrependulum -brass-dia 140mmlength 890 mm - fits movement FHS 1151 * 1161 94 cm - pendulum swing 11.5 cm No. 76.417 Lyre pendulum - brass - dia 220 mm length 1080mm - fits movement FHS 1151* 1161 114 cm - pendulum swing 14.5 cm No. 76.4 18 Luxury Lyre pendulum decorated brass - dia 270 mm - length 925 mm fits movement FHS 1151* 1161 94 cm -pendulum swing 16 cm. No. 76.419 Luxury Lyre pendulum decorated brass - dia 270 mm - length 1120 mm [its movement FHS ll5l * 1161 114 cm No. 76.4193 Lyre pendulum for Kieninger 116cm movement. Actual pendulum length is 108cm (42 /2”) Disk diameter 8 ‘/2” No. 76.4191 l.yre portion only of a Lyre pendulum. Used on tall case and pinwheel regulator pendulums. Measures 5 ‘/~“ wide x 6 3/8” tall. 0.7mm thick with 2 mounting holes. No. 76.4 192 Lyre top hook only of a Lyre pendulum. Used on tall case and pinwheel regulator l,yre pendulums. Brass finish. Measures 7 3/4” long x 2 15/16” wide .035mm thick, with a 2.6mm wide slot. ~4i4 No. 76.420 Total length of pendulum 4 7/8/124 mm - frame dimensions 1 7/8” W x 2 1/8” Fl/47.5 x 54 mm - Ansonia or Waterbury No. 76.425 Replacement glass tube 8 mm (OD) x 35.5 mm length x 5.7mm (ID) No. 76.426 Replacement glass tube 8 mm (00) x 42.0 mm length x 6.3 mm (ID) No. 76.427 Replacement glass tube 9 mm (00) x 47.5 mm length x 7.4 mm (ID) No. 76.428 Replacement glass tube 9.5 mm (OD)x 50.0 mm length x 7.9 mm (It)) No. 76.429 Simulated mercury insert 5.5 mm dia x 22.5 mm length - solid No. 76.429-1 Simulated mercury insert 5.5 mm dia x 29.0 mm length - solid No. 76.429-2 Simulated mercury insert 7.0 mm (00) x 33.0 mm length x 6.4 mm (ID) - hollow No. 76.429-3 Simulated mercury insert 7.5 mm (00) x 38.4 mm length x 6.8 mm (10) - hollow BLACK FOREST AND CUCKOO CLOCK PENDULUMS 76.431 76.435 No. 76.43 1 Dia 16.5 x 63 mm length small brass pendulum - mati finish No. 76.435 Simple cuckoo pendulum - dia 22 mm 19.5 mm total length 76.454 No. 76.452 4 1/2/I 14mm pendulum disk -front brass covered lead tilled -2.55 lbs/I .2 kg. No. 76.453 4 1/2/I 14 mm pendulum disk cast iron - plain 2.6 lbs/l.l8 kg No. 76.454 4 1/2/I 14mm pendulum disk cast iron - ridged 2.4 lbs/l.08 kg WOODEN PENDULUM RODS/I HANGERS FOR PENDULUM RODS/ RATING NUTS FOR PENDULUM RODS No. 76.455 Wooden pendulum rod - to fit 114 em movement - actual length 40 1/4/935 mm No. 76.456 Wooden pendulum rod - to lit 94 em movement - actual length 32 7/8/748 mm No. 76.457 Wooden pendulum rod - to lit 85 em movement - actual length 27 3/4 “/616 mm No. 76.458 Wooden pendulum rod - to [it 75 cm movement - actual length 21 I /4/540 mm No. 76.458-1 Wooden pendulum rod - length of wood column 18 1/8/460 mm No. 76.459 Wooden pendulum rod - length of wood column 12 7/8/325 mm No. 76.459-1 Wooden pendulum rod - length of wood column 10/255 mm No. 76.4556 Threaded rod only for wooden pendulum rod, overall length 3 ‘/2” No. 76.4551 Ansonia pendulum rod assembly. II 3/4” long x 5/88” wide with top hook and rating assembly, stained. - MISCELLANEOUS PENDULUM DISKS 76.450 76.453 76.451 No. 76.450 Steel backed, matt finished brass pendulum disk 4 1/2/114mm dia -5 2/3 oz/l75 g No. 76.451 Vienna steel backed, matt finished brass pendulum 5 3/4/146 mm dia - 123/4 oz1360 g —~4r}—~———-+ No. 76.4552 Banjo pendulum rod assembly. 25 V2’ long with steel rod, brass keystone and rating assembly nut. Includes suspension spring. To be used with bob #76.3661. No. 76.4553 Seth ‘l’homas pen dulum rod assembly 14 ‘/2” long x 5/8” wide, with top hook and rating assembly in place. Slotted for the bob, Rod is stained. No. 76.4554 Seth ‘l’homas #2 pendulum rod assembly 24 3/4” wood rod with top hook, rating assembly and wear plate. No. 76.4555 Store Regulator pendulum rod assembly, 14 ‘/2” long x 5/8” wide with rating assembly and hook, rod is stained. Edition 609 Page 64 II & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~zie PENDULUM LEADERS -: ~ It ~ 76.469 76.461 No. 76.460 Seth Thomas #2 regulator & large clock pendulum hook No. 76.461 Urgos / Jauch brass pendulum hook br .3/4” wooden rod No. 76.4622 tjrgos pendulum hook for I” wooden rod No. 76.46 15 Pendulum hook - Jauch. Stamped, blackened hook with 2 mounting screws. 2 ‘/2” long x 7/5” wide 4 .4 4 .~P 76.469-1 No. 76.469 # 2 Seth Thomas regulating assembly 3 pieces - old style No. 76.469-1 # 2 Seth Thomas regulating assembly No. 76.531 Fits 451.0501-1 - length 140 cm with strap No. 76.532 Hermlc - length 55 mm. / For pendulum lengths II to 27cm - slot type. No. 76.5321 [lermle - length 110mm. / For —, 76.4764 76.4761 ,___.~ ~ 76.4762 76.4763 ~14 hook No. 76.46 13 Fancy brass pendulum hook for 5/8’ wood rods No. 76.46 14 Top pendulum hook, stamped brass 0r W’ and 5/8’ wood pendulum rods No. 76.4761 Rating assembly, 3 ‘/z” threaded rod with a brass rating nut No. 76.4762 Rating nut only for rating assembly 76.476 1 No. 76.4763 Rating assembly, 3” threaded rod with adjusting nut No. 76.4764 Rating assembly, 4 3/4”, 3mm thread. flat end rod with a brass finished nut No. 76.4765 Rating assembly, Banjo 2 1/4” long with brass rating nut. No. 76.4766 Rating assembly, Regulator 2 1/4” long with brass rating nut C., ‘C ‘I. PENDULUM ACCESSORIES - RATING NUTS// CRUTCH PLATES// THREADED RODS ETC ‘C ~ f.i~ ~— 76.4613 ‘a No. 76.4611 Pendulum hook for 3/4” wood rod, brass hook No. 76.4612 Pendulum hook for I” wood rod, steel pendulum lengths 29 - 75cm - slot type. No. 76.535 Hermle - length 140 mm. / For pendulum lengths 85 to 114cm - slot type. No. 76.5351 Flermle - length 140mm, for high suspension spring bridge, pendulum lengths 75to 114cm-pin type No. CP.3275 Kieninger KSU for pendulums up to 65cm -4 ‘I,” overall length No. CP 3280 Kieninger KSU for pendulums 93 to 116cm. 6.45” long No. 76.540 B0280l2 old and new UW 03/66 - Urgos - length 175 mm No. 76.542 Urgos Part 47 UW 7 - length 128 mm ‘a I. old and new UW 32 76.4616 No. 76.4616 Brass pendulum hook for 1-lermle clocks. 3/4” wide No. 76.4617 Brass pendulum hook for 1-lermle clocks. I” wide No. 76.46 18 Pendulum hook for Kieninger 3/4’ wide x 15/16” long brass No. 76.46 19 Pendulum hook for Kieninger I V2’ long brass with threaded end I “C ~ I ~‘C F’~ 76.4621 No. 76.4621 Pendulum hook for Kieninger I 9/16” brass with screws No. 76.463 Shop and Vienna pendulum hook - brass No. 76.464 Ansonia style top and t-bar for type A regulator No. 76.465 Pendulum hardware set ~ 76.467 76.468 No. 76.467 Vienna regulating assembly No. 76.468 II 2 regulator assembly No. 76.543 Urgos B0280l0 - length 114mm 76.470 76.471 4~ 76.472 I No. 76.545 Hermle - length 110mm 76.473 No. 76.470 Pendulum rating nuts FHS small - pkg of 2 pieces No. 76.471 Pendulum rating nuts FHS large to fit Lyra pendulum 76.4 13 - pkg of 2 No. 76.472 Pendulum rating nuts fo fit Lyra pendulum 76.4 14 No. 76.473 Pendulum rating nuts for Lyra pendulum 76.4 15 /5 ~ (1. No. 76.474 Pendulum springs - fits inside the pendulum bob of adjustable pendulums - pkg of 3 No. 76.475 Pendulum crutch plate for American regulators - made of brass No. 76.476 Pendulum crutch plate for Vienna regulators - made of brass No. 76.546 Lanced Vienna pendulum hanger #1 length 115mm - No. 76.5461 Pendulum leader brass for S. thomas. EN. Welch 1 7/8” long No. 76.5462 Pendulum leader Grandfather clock. brass 7 1/8” long No. 76.5463 Pendulum leader Kieninger, brass overall length 7” Page 65 Edition 609 H & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock l2cp8Jr Catafo~~ie CLOCK PINS No. 76.6058 t3rass tapered pins approx. 1/25 mm length measuring 0.31 mm at the thin end and 1.29 mm at the thick end -40 pieces. No. 76.605S Same as above brass pins, but steel No. 76.6 15B Brass tapered pins approx 1/25 mm length measuring 1.13 mm at the thin end and 1.91 mm at thc thick end -40 pieces No. 76.6 I5S Same as above brass pins, but steel No. 76.6258 Brass tapered pins approx. 1/25mm in length measuring 0.75 mm at the thin end and 1.65 mm at the thick end —40 pieces. No. 76.625S Same as above brass pins, but steel No. 76.630 Assortment ot 100 tapered pins cimtalning 10 different sizes steel (28S) No. 76.631 Assortment of 100 tapered pins contaIning 10 different sizes brass (28B) No. 76.632 Assortment of steel & brass pins - Large sizes - total of 120 pins - refills available for this assortment Refills for assortment 76.632. Sold as a package of 100 pieces per size steel or 100 pieces per size brass Part number Description 76.632-01 Steel-dia 0.76 x 1.65mm - length 25mm 76.632-02 Steel-dia 1.14 x 1.90mm - length 25mm 76.632-03 Steel-dia 1.70 x 2.00mm - length 30mm 76.632-04 Steel-dia 1.80 x 2.60mm - length 32 mm 76.632-05 Steel-dia 1.90 x 2,20mm - length 30 mm 76.632-06 Brass-dia 1)76 .x 1.65 mm - length 25mm 76.632-07 Brass-dia I 14 x 1.90 mm - length 25mm 76.632-08 Brass-dia 1.70 x 200 mm - length 30mm 76.632-09 Brass-dia 1.80 x 2.60 mm - length 32mm 76.632-10 Brass-dia 1.90 x 2.20mm - length 30mm No. 64.10008 Steel pins assorted containing 200 pieces - for clocks and alarm clocks No. 64.10009 Brass pins assorted containing 200 pieces - for clocks and alarm clocks No. 64.30 130 Assortment of 480 tapered clock pins l’or all types of clocks - comes in a wooden case with brass and steel pins. No. 64.2662-(indicate size) Steel tapered pins package of 100 pieces per individual size - refills for assortment 64.30 130. Available in the following sizes: (si/es indicated are the measurement of the thinnest / thickest portion of the pin) 30/50. 40/60, 50/70, 60/84, 70/94, 80/104. 90/114, 100/130. 110/140, 120/150, 130/160. 150/180 - example of how to order: use # 64.2662-3(1 when ordering size 30/50 No. 64.2663-(indicate size) Brass tapered pins package 01 100 pieces per individual size - refills for assortment 64.30130. Available in the following sizes: (sizes indicated are the measurement of the thinnest/thickest portion of the pin) 30/50, 40/60, 50/70,60/84.70/94.80/104,90/114, 100/130, 110/140, 120/150, 130/160, 150/180 - pkg of 100 pcs -example of how to order: use # 64.2663-30 when ordering size .30/50 BRASS ROD ASSORTMENT No. 43.500 Brass wire assortment, pieces are 6” long from diameters 0.70mm to 4.0mm - pkg of 20 assorted. No. 43.0 1699 Brass wire assortment, pieces are II” long from diameters 0.50mm to 9.5mm - pkg of 10 assorted. No. 76.651 Solid brass rod assortment pieces are 3” long from diameters 1.00mm to 4.0mm - pkg of 20 assorted. No. 43.501 Brass Rivet Wire, pieces are 6’ long from diameters 0.72mm to 1.63mm. Package contains approximately I oz of assorted wires. a. No. 43.700 Steel wire assortment. Supplied in 6’ lengths in assorted sizes from 0.70mm to 4.00mm No. 43.702 Steel pivot wire assortment. Supplied in 4” lengths in assorted sizes from 0.64mm to 2.05mm, tempered blue, ideally suited for pivot repair - pkg of 20 pieces BRASS BINDING WIRE Supplied in spools Part number 43.509 43.5 10 43.511 43.5 12 43.523 43.524 43.527 ________ mm size 1.62mm 1.29mm 1.02mm 0.81mm 0.64mm 0.51mm 0.25mm Spool size _________ 4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz I oz I oz I oz No. 43.7025 Steel statf& pivot wire assortment. Supplied in 6” lengths in assorted sizes from 0,69mm to 3.88mm -pkg of 37 pieces PEERLESS ROUND SPRING STEEL WIRE For making click springs, bezel springs, hinge springs and many other items requiring spring steel. ‘l’empered and ready for use. Coils contains approximately 36” of wire. BRASS SPRING WIRE Supplied in I ox spools ( I ,“. Part number 43.543 43.544 43.545 mm size 0.64mm 0.5 1mm 0.40mm SOFT COPPER BINDING WIRE Supplied in 4 oz spools Part number 43.559 43.560 43.561 43.562 Part number 43 .7 15 43.716 43.717 43.718 43.719 43.720 43.721 43.722 43.723 43.724 43.725 43.726 mm size 1.63mm 1.29mm 1.1)2mm 0.81mm No. 43.0609 Nickel silver wire assortment. Supplied in 6’ lengths in assorted sizes l’rom 0.70mm to 4.00mm 43.727 43.728 43.729 43.730 43.731 I mm size 1.45mm .29mm 1.15mm (.02mm 0.91mm 0.81mm 0.72mm 0.64mm 0.57mm 0.51mm 0.45mm 0.40mm 0.36mm 0.31mm 0.27mm (1.25mm 0.23mm Edition 609 Page 66 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~zie MOVEMENT SEAT BOARDS PULLEYS eLi 76.700 76.701 ~““—- 76.702 No. 76.700 SBS pulley - dia 28.5 mm - brass No. 76.701 I day - wooden pulley - dia 24 mm - set ol’2 No. 76.702 8 day - wooden pulley - dia 27 mm - set o12 No. 76.7132 S-Hook for pulley, nickel plated steel 5/8’ No. 76.7133 S-Hook for pulley, nickel plated steel 7/8’ No. 76.7134 S-I-look for pulley, nickel plated steel I 1/4’ No. 76.7135 Pulley Cover in tin. ‘[‘in covers were used on pillar and scrolls and others. I 3/4’ diameter x I 1/4” tall RATCHET WHEELS 76.703 76.703-2 & 76.705-2 No. 76.703 F3rass pulley - dia 35 mm No. 76.703-2 Brass pulley Kieninger model PS No. 76.705-2 Brass cable pulley Kieninger - dia. 15.5mm, fits models KS, KSU, lI’W, I-IS. HSU, MS. MSU No. 76.704 Brass pulley Hermle - dia 38 mm fits movements 241 / 781 No. 77.101 Ratchet wheel assortment contains 24 pcs. - suited for German clocks No. 77.102 Ratchet wheel assortment - pkg of 10 pieces assorted sizes 000000 76.705-I & 76.712 76.707, 76.708 & 76.711 No. 76.705 Brass pulley Urgos - dia 40 mm No. 76.705-1 t3rass pulley Fl-IS - dia 45 mm No. 76.712 Hermle pulley for movement 351-830, 1051-830, 1051-850 double weight. -dia38 mm No. 76.706 l3rass pulley Urgos - dia 48 mm No. 76.707 I ‘/2” tall case pulley - dia 38 mm No. 76.708 I 3/4” tall case pulley - dia 44 mm No. 76.711 I ½” tall ease rope and chain - dia 38 74 -- 77.402 & 77.403 No. 77.400 For clock movements. 8 mm plywood with two solid wood mounting blocks, mounting holes and pendulum cutouts., measures 88 mm wide x 215mm long (dwo) No. 77.401 For large clock movements. 10mm plywood board with two solid wood mounting blocks. has a pendulum cutout, measures [40 mm wide x 378 mm long (dwo) No, 77.402 For Hermle movement 1161-853. Measures 18 13/16’ x 2 15/16” No. 77.403 For Hermle movement 451.050 & 45 1.053 SUSPENSIONS SPRING FOR MANTEL GRANDMOTHER - GRANDFATHER FRENCH CLOCKS o0000 No. 77.110-10 to 77.110-20 Individual sizes of clock ratchet wheels. From 10 to 20 mm. 76.705 & 76,706 77.400 No. 77.501 French Clock Suspension l’hread. 3 foot length otthread for French clocks CLOCK SCREWS FLAT-FILUISTER-OVAL-SQUARE-ROUND-W000 No, 77.502 Front style suspension spring with rod for Fl-IS 15 1-020 & 141-020 movements. Overall length 42cm, can be cut down to size required No. 77.189 Wood screw - FHS - pkg of 12 - 3/8’ No. 77.190 Wood screw# 2 x 7/16” round head No. 77.503 Back style suspension spring with rod brass plated - pkg of 24 for FHS 151-020 & 141-020 movements. Overall No. 77.191 Wood screw #3 x 7/16’ round head length 42cm, can be cut down to size required brass plated - pkg of 24 No. 77.192 Wood screw 4 3 x 1/2” fiat head brass TENSION SPRING ASSORTMENT plated -pkg of 24 No. 77.193 Wood screw #6 x 3/8” flat head steel pkg ol’ 12 .\ No. 77.194 Wood screw 4 8 x 3/8” flat head steel pkgof 12 No. 77.195 Wood screw # lOx 3/8” flat head steel - No. 77.510 ‘tension and pressure spring assortment pkg of 12 - pkg of’ tOO pieces No. 77.200 Clock wood screw # 2 x 3/8” flat head brass plated -pkg of 24 No. 77.201 Clock wood screw # 4 x 1/2” flat head brass plated - pkg of 24 No, 77.202 Clock wood screw # I x 1/4” flat head brass plated - pkg of 24 No. 77.204 Assortment #567 brass filhister & square clock screws No. 77.205 Assortment #567 steel filhister clock screws No. 77.206 Assortment #568 clock wood screws steel and brass No, 77.2 10 Assortment of 144 travel clock screws (fillister, square & flat) - steel and brass No. 77.2 12 Balance screws for alarm clocks 3.2 x 4.3 mm (as below) No. 64.100 14 Assortment brass & steel clock screw -pkg of 100 (all types except wood) %I 76.709 76.710 76.71065 No. 76.709 I ½” rope pulley - dia 38 mm No. 76.7 10 I ‘i’2” chain pulley - dia 38 mm No. 76.71065 I 3/4” brass grandfather clock pulley - (ha 44 mm 76.713 I 76.7 13 No. 76.7 13 Vienna fancy solid brass with cable guard - dia 28.5 mm No. 76.7131 Pulley strap. Nickeled strap for tall case pulleys. 14mm between centers with 3mm mounting holes. Distance from mounting holes to the top of the strap is 27.0mm Edition 609 Page 67 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catatq9ve 78.124 SUSPENSION ASSEMBLIES 78. 125 No. 76.462 Suspension stud and nut (Universal) No. 77.526 Herscheide tall case suspension assembly No. 77.5181 Suspension bracket brass, 1.3” wide x .520” tall No. 77.531 Seth Thomas #2 regulator suspensions No. 77.5 18 Ansonia swinger suspension spring No. 77.532 Herscheide tall case suspensions No. 77.533 Large regulator .007 thick 78.126 78.128 78.130 78.131 78. 132 78. 133 78.134 78.135 78. 136 78.137 78.138 78.140 78.145 78.150 78,155 78.160 .061mm / .064mm / .066mm / .071mm / .076mm / 079mm / .081mm / .084mm / .086mm / .089mm / .091mm / .094mm / .097mm / .102mm / .114mm / .127mm / .140mm / .152mm / .0024’ .0025” .0026” .0028” .0030” .0031” .0032” .0033” .0034” .0035” .0036” .0037” .0038” .0040” .0045” .0050” .0055” .0060’ No. 77.5 19 Korean -31 day suspension assembly 400 - DAY SUSPENSION SPRING ASSOR FMENTS ~ No. 77.520 Ansonia A - bent suspension assembly ~~ No. 77.521 Ansonia A - straight suspension assembly No. 77.534 3 piece suspension (American pendulum rod) 003/06mm thick 18 1/2/470mm long No. 77.535 3 piece suspension (American pendulum rod) .004/09 mm thick 19/485 mm long No. 77.535A 3 piece suspension (American pendulum rod) .004”/.09 mm thick 10/255 mm long No. 78.090 Assortment of 12 pieces (popular sizes) No. 78.091 Assortment of 12 pieces (intermediate (dwo) No.77.536 Wood works -3 piece suspension .004/.09 sizes) mm thick 24/635 mm long = No. 77.522 New Haven suspension assembly No. 77.523 Seth Thomas # 89 suspension assembly No. 77.524 Tall case - suspension only =~ No. 77.537 Long strip mantel suspension .004/09 mm thick 14 1/2/370 mm long No. 77.538 Old style one piece suspension spring .005/12 mm thick 24/635mm long 400 -DAY SUSPENSION SPRINGS PKG OF 3 PIECES No. 77.525 Tall case suspension assembly No. 76.477 Tall case threaded pendulum rod - Ots into 77.525 suspension spring and 78.850 tall case spike and hex nut. —~ ~ Sizes indicated are the thickness of the spring in mm/inches Part number 78.118 78.119 78. 120 78. 121 78. 122 78. 123 Thickness of spring __________________ .046 mm/ .0018” .048mm / .0019’ .051mm /0020” .053mm /0021” .056mm I .0022” .058mm / .0023” No. 64.1987 Assortment of clock suspensions springs - 60 pieces No. 77.500-(indicate model number) Specit~i number see illustration for all available sizes I~Lc~j ~E!~ t~1~ ~ I ~i 1 ~ ~E~Z ~E~Z -~ ~E1~E :~ •~, ~E~H ~ i:i ~fl ~n ~EtiEE1 -U g~l .4- UI .J 0 — ••~~ ~E~E —~ ~‘ ~ LEI~E~1 E~~1 ~I. Edition 609 Page 69 H& WPerrinC’oLtd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Cat8Jo~~z1e 400- DAY SUSPENSION UNITS COMPLETE 78.270 78.272 78.274 ~.---—-.,—--~- (Unit numbers listed can be identi lied in the I lurolovar 400 — Day Guide) Part Number Unit number(s) 78.201 1,2, 3A, 3B, 3C 78.204 4, 5A, 58, SC, 50 78.207 78.209 78.211 78.212 78.213 78.214 78.215 78.216 78.217 78.218 78.220 78.221 78.222 78.223 78.224 78.225 78.226 78.228 78.229 78.230 78.231 78.232 78.233 78.234 78.235 78.236 78.238 78.239 78.240 78.2408 78.241 78.242 78.243 78.245 78.246 78.247 78.248 78.250 78.251 78.252 78.253 78.254 5F IOA, bC lOD, 118 12A, 12[) l2F 12F 13A, 14A 14B lOB 78.276 78.277 78.278 78.279 78.281 78.283 78.284 78.285 78.286 78.29 1 60A, 608 61A, 618 63A. 638 64A KUNDO SHORT 65A 66A 67A, 678 68A, 688 FHS 977/I FHS 977/2 FHS E02l-2823 1-IECHINGER LONG hA, 118 l5, 16, 17 l8A, 18B, 18C 19, 20A, 21 208 22. 23A, 24 25A 25B 27A 2713 27C 28A 288 28C 29A, 298, 29C 30,31 32 33 33B 34 35 36A. 368 38,38A 39 408 360.1 360-2 360-3 No. 78.350 Assortment of top blocks - 400 day pkg of 10 pieces No. 78.360-1 Top block - small -400 day clocks No. 78.360-2 Top block - medium - 400 day clocks No. 78.360-3 Top block - large -400 day clocks 362-1 l2B, 12C 138. 13C 400 - DAY BLOCKS & FORKS & SCREWS -n 78.292 Hermle 967- E02I -02290 78.293 FHS 977/2 new execution E021-02700 78.294 FHS 2300-003 E021-02833 78.294-1 FHS 2300-005 E021-02824 78.294-2 Kundo 538202 362-2 362-3 No. 78.35 1 Assortment of bottom blocks -400 day - pkg of 10 pieces No. 78.362-I Bottom block - small -400 day clocks No. 78.362-2 Bottom block - medium -400 day clock No. 78.362-3 Bottom block - large - 400 day clock = 364-I 364-3 364-2 364-4 No. 78.352 Assortment of forks -400 day - pkg of 10 pieces No. 78.364-i Fork #l tbr 400 day clocks No. 78.364-2 Fork #2 for 400 day clocks No. 78.364-3 Fork #3 for 400 day clocks No. 78.364-4 Fork #4 for 400 day clocks 4, No. 78.365 Assortment of 24 screws for blocks and forks 78.294-3 Kundo 537560 SUSPENSION STEEL 400 - DAY CLOCK REPAIR GUIDE 418 42. 42A 4343A 44, 44A 45A 16A 78.255 78.256 78.257 78.258 47 (FHS 967) 78.259A 78.2598 78.260 78.261 78.263 78,265 78.267 78.268 51A 518 52A. 528 53A, 538 54A. 54AA, 5413, FHS 977 55, 57 56. 58 59 48A. 488 49A, 498 51)8 No. 62.2 19 “A Must Guide For Those Repairing 400 Day Clocks”. Horolovar 400 Day Clock Repair Guide - ideal reference guide used to identify the back plates of 400 day clocks indicating what size suspension springs or complete suspension units to use to repair 400 day clocks No. 78.602 Suspension steel .002”/.050 sheet measures 6x 1 l/2”/l53 x 38mm No. 78.603 Suspension steel .003”/.075 sheet measures bx I l/2”/153 x 38 mm No. 78.604 Suspension steel .004/. I 05 sheet measures 6 x I 1/2/I 53 x 38 mm No. 78.605 Suspension steel ,005”/. 125 sheet measures 6x I l/2”/I53 s 38 mm No. 78.606 Suspension steel .006”!. 150 sheet measures 6 x I l/2”/l53 x 38 mm mm thick - mm thick - mm thick - mm thick - mm thick - Edition 609 Page 70 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catalo~~iie STRIKE FANS I ~ No. 78.853 Tall case - pillar base/top brass - large No. 78.866 Tall case - bell stand -5 5/8/137 mm No. 78.854 Tall case - pendulum crutch 8/16/142 mm tip to tip No. 78.867 Tall case - strike fan (governor) brass No. 78.8 10 Strike lisn assortment - pkg of 6 pieces STABILIZER FOR CLOCKS - 5 with steel shaft and pinion. 4 No. 78.855 Tall case - pendulum crutch - 5 3/4/145 mm tip to tip No. 78.811-I Stabilizer with brass plate body and brass nut 6r wall clocks - large No. 78.868 Tall case - pendulum suspension No. 78.856 Tall case - click strike side - large - steel No. 78.857 Tall case - click time side - small - steel No. 78.811-2 Stabilizer with small centre threading or ~~all clocks bracket brass No. 78.869 Tall case - friction spring for minute wheel - 15116 x 3/8/23 x 9.2 mm - pkg of 3 No. 78.858 Tall case - brass click spring - includes 2 rivets No. 78.811-3 Stabilizer with brass nut tbr wall clocks - medium No. 78.870 Tall case - 30 tooth escape wheel with No. 78.859 Tall case - strike hammer retum spring cast -43/4/124mm - hub - I 13/16/45.5 mm dia No. 78.871 Tall case - gathering pallet left No. 78.811-4 Stabilizer Ansonia ~A” No. 78.860 Tall case - strike hammer 43/8/110 mm overall length No. 78.872 Fall case - gathering pallet right No. 78.811-5 Stabilizer Vienna medium - brass nut steel plate No. 78.811-6 Stabilizer Vienna large - brass nut steel plate - No. 78.861 Tall case - striking rack assembly - steel with brass arm -2 3/8/160 mm from mounting post to top of the teeth TALL CASE MOVEMENT PARTS No. 78.850 Tall ease spike and hex nut - solid brass -6 1/21165 mm tip to tip. Use with threaded rod # 76.477 and tall case suspension # 77.525 No. 78.862 Tall case - calendar gear retaining clip length 3/75mm No. 78.873 Tall case - hand washers small 7/16°/Il mm - brass - pkg of 3 No. 78.874 Tall case - hand washers large 1/4”/12.75 mm - brass - pkg of 3 - No. 78.875 Tall case - front gear assembly includes hr/mm - gears, snail and hold down bracket. No. 78.851 l’all ease - old style recoil verge blanks steel - No. 78.863 Tall case - calendar drive gear and pinion - brass - includes matching pinion and plate post ~ No. 78.852 Tall case - steel recoil verge and 30 tooth brass escape wheel No. 78.864 Tall case - 31 tooth calendar gear - brass - I 7/8/42 mm No. 78.865 Tall case - rack spring - 5/127 mm long No. 78.876 ‘Fall case - front lever assembly includes strike rack, rack hook, lift rod and screws Edition 609 Page 71 H& WPerrin Co Ltd P/tone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catato~~ue UNIVERSAL VERGES FOR CLOCKS TENSION WASHERS To be adjusted as required No. 78.8761 Tension washer 149mm wide x 58.7mm long x 0.8mm thick with a 6.1mm hole, made of brass No. 79.010 Universal Verge #1 - fits: Ansonia School 34Th EN Welch 30 Hr. Shelf T & S 34T II E.N. Welch 8 - Day Shelf 29Th! E,N. Welch Eclipse Cal. 34Th EN. Welch 8-Day Kitchen 4lTI/ EN. Welch School 32T //Gilbert 8-day Kitchen 4 IT// Gilbert 8-day shelf 42T I! Ingraham 8-day shelf 42T II Ingraham 8-day Kitchen 27T II Ingraham 30 Hr. Kitchen 45T // Ingraham School 36T I/Ithaca Calendar 36T I/Japanese School 321’!! New Haven 8day Kitchen 37T I! Sessions Regulator 34T I/Sessions School 32T I/Sessions 8-day Shelf 4lT II S.Thomas 30 Hr. Shelf 48T //Terry & Andrews 48T II Waterbury 8-Day Kitchen 36T & 42T II Waterbury School 42T . No. 78.8762 tension washer steel No. 78.8763 Tension washer steel VERGES FOR CLOCKS No.79.001 Bend a verge kit - assembled (not bent) bend to desired shape polish and harden - made of carbon steel - 2 1/8/54 mm ~ ~. ‘~ - ~ No. 79.002 Universal verge kit - bent - not assembled — set of 3 pieces No. 79.003 Coleman make a verge kit - not bent not assembled - set of 2 pieces No. 79.004 Between the plates verge repair kit assortment of 6 pieces - - ,tt t No. 79.005 Assortment of 9 verges L. No. 79.006 Verge saddles * bent and machined brass - pkg of 3 pieces - No. 79.007 Old style verge pin plate - pkg of 3 No. 79.0 12 Universal Verge #2 - fits: Ansonia 30 Hr. Beehive 46T II Ansonia 30 Hr. Kitchen 32T II Ansonia 8-Day Kitchen 46F II Ansonia Brass & Copper 39T //t3irge & Mallory Strap Mov’t. 32T II Canada Clock Co. School 39T I/C. Jerome 30 Hr. Steeple 35Th! E.N. Welch 30 Hr. Shelf 39T & 341// EN. Welch School 32T & 39T //Gilbert 8-day Shelf 39T & 36T I/Gilbert Regulator 36T I/GB. Owens 8Day Shelf 39T II Ingraham School 3 IT & 32T II Ithaca Calendar 34T & 39T I/Japanese School 33T II New 1-laven Mantle45T I/Sessions School 39T II Waterbury Cal. School 34T & 44T I/Waterbury School 39T I/Waterbury 30 Hr. Kitchen 50T II Waterbury 8-day Kitchen & Steeple 39T II Unmarked Kitchen movement 33T II Unmarked 8-day Shelf 36T I;’ __~z~ No. 79.013 Universal Verge #3 - fits: Ansonia 30 Hr. OG 42T II E.N. Welch 30 Hr. 00 42T II Jerome Bank Regulator 38Th Jerome 30 Hr. 00 42T I/Johnson 30 FIr. 00 42T II New Haven 30 Hr. 00 42T I/New Haven School 39T I/New Haven School 31 T//New Haven School 41 T//New Haven Regulator 42T II S. Thomas 8-Da;y Shelf 40T II S. Thomas 30 Hr. OG 42T //Terry & Andrews Lyre Mov’t. 42T I/Waterbury 30 1-Ir. 00 42T II Waterbury 30 Hr. 00 42T II Unmarked 8-day X-large movement 45/I Unmarked 30 Hr. 00 42T No. 79.014 Universal Verge #4 - fits: E.N Welch Dble. Dial 37Th! Ingraham 8 t)ay Mantel T & S 40T //Ithaca Dbl. Dial T & S. 38T —I, No. 79.008 Seth Thomas #2 escape wheel - 40 teeth I ll/lb”/43.25 mm - No. 79.0 15 Universal Verge #5 - fits: New 1-laven 8 Day-Kitchen T & S 42T I/New Haven 8 Day Gem Cottage, 40Th! New Haven 30 Hour Kitchen T & S 37T No. 79.0 16 tJniversal Verge #6 - fits: Boardman & Wells Wood Works 32T II E.N. Welch English Schoolhouse TO. 32T II Gilbert 30 Hr. Steeple 1/ Marsh 30 Hr. 00 43T II Water~jiry 30 Hr. Kitchen 1 &S42T No. 79.0 17 Universal verge #9 - fits: many unmarked American Clock rno~cments -~ No. 79.018 Universal Verge #10 8 Day T & S. 29’f No. 79.020 Universal Verge #12 Day Shelf, T & S. 27T - - fits: E.N Welch fits: C. Jerome 8 No. 79.02 I Verge to fit movement 74.870 kitchen clock VERGE AND ESCAPE WHEEL COM~1131NA [IONS .~ lí Part Number 79.026 79.027 79.028 79.029 79.030 79.031 79.032 79.033 79.034 79.035 79.036 79.037 79.038 79.039 79.040 79.041 79.042 79.043 79.044 79.045 79.046 79.047 79.048 79.049 79.049-1 79.049-2 79.049-3 79.049-4 Number of teeth I diameter 26 teeth / 26 mm 27 teeth / 27 mm 28 teeth / 28 mm 29 teeth / 29 mm 30 teeth / 30 mm 31 teeth/ 31 mm 32 teeth! 31mm 33 teeth I 31 mm 34teeth/ 31mm 35 teeth / 35.3 mm 36 teeth /31.5 mm 37 teeth / 35.25 mm 38 teeth / 32 mm 39 teeth / 32 mm 40 teeth / 32 mm 41 teeth I 33mm 42 teeth I 32 mm 43 teeth I 33 mm 44 teeth I 33 mm 45 teeth I 33 mm 46 teeth I 33.75 mm 47 teeth I 33.7 mm 48 teeth I 33.75 mm 49 teeth I 33.7 mm 50 teeth I 35 mm 51 teeth! 35.4 mm 52 teeth! 35 mm Banjo 30 tooth recoil verge with escape wheel 37.8 mm Edition 609 Page 72 I-I & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-38 7-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair C1atalo~~iie ~‘ERGE RETAINERS. No. 79.0501 Verge retainer - formed brass No. 79.0502 Verge retainer - bend to fit wire No. 79.506 (#6) 636 grams - length 145 mm east iron grey o No. 79.507 (#7) 250 grams - length 115 mm antiqued yellow VERGE ADJUSTER No. 79.0503 This tool assists you in making adjustments to strap type verges. Includes operating instructions. I I cx key not included. YERGE GAUGE - HULSEY’S No. 79.0504 Checks for the proper angle of a verge. Instructions included. No. 79.522 (#22) 1,260 grams - length 210 mm antiqued yellow No. 79.523 (#23) 1,500 grams black - length 165 mm No. 79.508 (#8)1,000 grams - diameter 65 mm round - black No. 79.524 (#24) 800 grams - length 160mm black No. 79.510 (#10) 230 grams - diameter 40mm round - black No. 79.526 (#26) 2,000 grams - length 280 mm black __________________ No. 79.511 (#11)1,000 grams - length 215mm black No. 79.527 (#27) 1,300 grams - length 200mm black ________________ No. 79.513 (#13)2.200 grams - length 240mm black No. 79.527A (#27A) 1,500 grams - length 220 mm black ____________________ No. 79.514 (#14)1,550 grams - length 190mm black No. 79.528 (#28) 3,000 grams - length 270 mm antiqued yellow ______________ No. 79.515 (#15)1,200 grams - length 165mm black No. 79.529 (#29) 2,000 grams - length 220 mm antiqued yellow 6 VIENNA SEAT I-lOOKS No. 79.050 Vienna seat hooks, with nut - medium 70.7 mm total length No. 79.516 (#16) 900 grams - length 135 mm black CLOCK WEIGHTS - SEE ILLUSTRATION No. 79.5 17 (#17) 600 grams-length 100mm black - COME FROM THE BLACK FOREST GERMANY No. 79.517A (#l7A) 300 grams - length 90mm black No. 79.501 (#1)1,000 grams ron erey - No. 79.518 (#18) black iron grey 160 grams - length 65 mm No. 79.534 (#34) 5,000 grams - length 220 mm black No. 79.518A (18A) 130 grams - length 70mm black - length 175 mm east No. 79.504 (#4) 500 grams - length 145 mm east iron grey No. 79.505 (#5) 750 grams iron grey No. 79.533 (#33) 1.000 grams - length 175 mm antiqued yellow length 180mm cast No. 79.502 (112)750 grams - length 170mm cast No. 79.503 (#3) 750 grams iron grey No. 79.532 (#32) 4.500 grams - length 220 mm black ___________________ - No. 79.535 (#35) 2,000 grams—length 215 mm No. 79.519 (#19)1,300 grams - length 250 mm antiqued yellow antiqued yellow No. 79.520 (#20) 1,500 grams - length 215 mm black No. 79.537 (#37) 3,800 grams - length 235 mm black length 180mm cast No. 79.521 (#21) 1,000 grams - length 165 mm black F~(IitiOfl 609 II & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~ie ASSORTED WEIGHTS AND WEIGHT SHELLS No. 79.620 $ day tall case iron weights - 14 lbs approximate dimensions: 10 3/8 long x 2 7/8° diameter No. 79.629 Alarm weights, for early 00’s and clocks with 3-train alarm movements - I lb - 3° high No. 79.630 8 ~/4 No. 79.638 #2 regulator clock weight shells - brass lbs 8 day 00 heavy weight No. 79.639 #2 regulator clock weight core 5 lbs No. 79.621 30 hour tall case iron weights -7 1/8 lbs - approximate dimensions: 6 1/4’ long x 2 /2” diameter No. 79.63 1 6 5k lbs 8 day 00 light weight No. 79.622 Wag-on-wall clocks iron weights - 2 3/4 lbs - approximate dimensions: 4 ‘/2’ long x 2° d iamncter - lead - No. 79.640 Dutch clock weights - pear shaped polished cast brass diameter 60mm - weight 1,000 grams No. 79.632 3 lbs I day OG weight No. 79.623 For tall case clocks - iron - 10 lbs approximate dimensions: 7 1/8” long x 23/4” diameter No. 79.641 Howard # 70 regulator iron weights 9.65 lbs - No. 79,633 4 lbs I day 00 weight I No. 79.624 Morbier iron clock weights -9 1/4 lbs - approximate dimensions: 9” long x 2 3/4° diameter No. 79.634 r ~c) ~ No. 79.642 Howard # 5 banjo lead weights - 7 lbs average weight - dimensions: 6 114” x 2 3/8’ x I 3/8’ 3 lbs 30 hour OG empire weight No. 79.625 Wood works groaner iron weights -4 lbs - approximate dimensions: 3 5/8° x 2” x 2” No. 79.635 Vienna weight brass shells embossed 42.5 mm (ID) 115 mm length (centre part only) comes with ends No. 79.626 8 day wood works iron weights approximate dimensions: 4 W’ x 4° x 3” - 12 lbs - No. 79.627 30 hour empire column iron weights - 2 3/4 lbs - approximate dimensions: 4 Vz’ x 2 1/4 x I 1/8 i:~ ~ ~ -~ J1~ No. 79.636 Vienna weight brass shells embossed and pierced -42.5mm (ID) 115mm length (centre part only) comes with ends 4- No. 79.637 Vienna weight core - lead - 4 lbs No. 79.628 Two weight time only wall clocks - iron ~~eights - 5 lbs - approximate dimensions: 6 1/8° x 2 7/8’ x I 1/8” - Page 74 HERMLE WEIGHT REQUIREMENTS CHART Ibis is a complete listing of weight requirements for Flermle movements. When purchasing complete weights for Flermle clocks, please make sure to order the appropriate ~tmount of oeicht hooks ( # 79.717 or # 79.718) and weight nuts (#79.716) for the weights required ~Iovement number 11 IS 24! Chain Time Train 79.661 (core) 79.65 1.2 (shell) Strike Train 79.661 (core) 79,651,2 (shell) 11 IS 241.850 Cable 79,669 (core) 79655.2 (shell) 79.669 (core) 79,655.2 (shell) Fl IS 261 Chain 79.660 (core) 79.650.! (shell) or 79,650.2 (shell) 79.668 (core) 79,654.2 (shell) 79.660 (core) 79.650.! (shell) or 79,650.2 (shell) 79.661 (core) 79,651.2 (shell) 79.661 (core) 79,651.2 (shell) 79.663 (core) 79.651,2 (shell) 79.663 (core) 79.65 1.2 (shell) 79.661 (core) 79.651,2 (shell) 79.663 (core) 79.65! .2 (shell) HIS 461 Chain 79.664 (core) 79,652.1 (shell) or 79,652.2 (shell) or 79,652.3 (shell) 79.664 (core) 79.652.! (shell) or 79,652.2 (shell) or 79.652,2 (shell) 79.665 (core) 79.652.! (shell) or 79,652.2 (shell) or 79652.3 (shell) FIIS 46 1.850 Cable 79.665 (core) 79,652.1 (shell) or 79652.2 (shell) or 79,652.3 (shell) 79.665 (core) 79,652.1 (shell) or 79.652,2 (shell) or 79,652.3 (shell) 79.666 (core) 79,652.1 (shell) or 79,652.2 (shell) or 79.652,3 (shell) Fl IS 471.050 Chain [I IS 471.851) (‘able 79.665 (core) 79,652.1 (shell) or 79.652,2 (shell) or 79.652,3 (shell) 79.665 (core) 79.652.! (shell) or 79.652,2 (shell) or 79,652.3 (shell) 79.666 (core) 79.652.! (shell) or 79.652,2 (shell) or 79,652.3 (shell) FFIS 781.850 Cable 79.669 (core) 79,655.2 (shell) FIIS 791 Chain 79.661 (core) 79.651,1 (shell) or 79.651,2 (shell) FIIS 105l.85OCable 79.668 (core) 79.654,2 (shell) HIS 1151 Chain Regular or l.yre pendulum l3elow bob dia. 165mm 79.662 (core) 79.653,1 (shell) or 79.653,2 (shell) 79.662 (core) 79,653.1 (shell) or 79,653.2 (shell) 79.667 (core) 79.653,1 (shell) or 79.653,2 (shell) IllS 1151 Chain With second hand or 1.yre pendulum Above bob dia. 165mm 79.667 (core) 76.653.! (shell) or 79,653.2 (shell) 79.662 (core) 79.653.! (shell) or 79.653,2 (shell) 79.667 (core) 79.653. I (shell) or 79,653.2 (shell) HIS 1161 .OSOChain 79.664 (core) 79.652.! (shell) or 79,652.2 (shell) or 79.652,3 (shell) 79.664 (core) 79,652.1 (shell) or 79.652,2 (shell) or 79,652.3 (shell) 79.666 (core) 79,652.1 (shell) or 79,652.2 (shell) or 79.652,3 (shell) HIS I 161.S5OCable 79.665 (core) 79.652.! (shell) or 79.652,2 (shell) or 79.652,3 (shell) 79.665 (core) 79.652,1 (shell) or 79.652,2 (shell) or 79.652,3 (shell) 79.666 (core) 79,652.1 (shell) or 79,652.2 (shell) or 79.652,3 (shell) IllS 1171.050 Chain II IS 1171.85(1 Cable 79.665 (core) 79.652,1 (shell) or 79,652.2 (shell) or 79,652.3 (shell) 79.665 (core) 79.652,1 (shell) or 79,652.2 (shell) or 79,652.3 (shell) 79.666 (core) 79.652.! (shell) or 79.652,2 (shell) or 79.652,3 (shell) H IS 1171.890 (‘able - ‘lobular 79.670 (core) 79.656,1 (shell) or 79,656.2 (shell) 79.670 (core) 79.656.! (shell) or 79.656,2 (shell) 79.671 (core) 79.656.! (shell) or 79.656,2 (shell) HIS 351.850 Cable H IS 45! Chain II IS (5! with see. I land Ut with Lvra Pendulum Chimin2 Train Edition 609 Page 75 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Cat8Jo~~zie No. 79.650—1 32 x 219mm brushed finish, comes o iii end CapS — no hooks (dwo) No. 79.650-2 32 x 219mm polished finish, comes with end caps - no hooks No. 79.65 1-2 40 x 232mm polished finish, comes with end caps - no hooks No. 79.652-2 60 x 245 mm polished finish, comes with end caps - no hooks No. 79.652-3 60 x 245 mm polished, luxury decorated with end caps - no hooks No. 79.653-2 40 x 264 mm polished finish, comes with end caps - no hooks No. 79.654-2 50 x 140 mm polished finish, comes with end caps - no hooks No. 79.655-2 50 x 180mm polished finish, comes with end caps - no hooks No. 79.656-I 60 x 278 mm brushed finish, comes with end caps - no hooks (dwo) No, 79.656-2 60 x 278 mm polished finish, comes with end caps - no hooks ~J’.L_..___~— “J WEIGHT REPAIR KITS WEIGHT ACCESSORIES HOOKS - RING BRASS WEIGHT SHELLS Just drill a 5/16” hole in the end ola lead filled weight, insert the octagonal aluminum insert, install the brass disc and washer, then screw in the brass hook, available in 3 difThrent diameters. No. 79.7 10 #2 regulator weight hooks with washers consists of 2 parts - No. 79.7253 I /2” disc No. 79.7254 I 5/8” disc No. 79.7255 1 3/4” disc No. 79.711 Lead counter weights for rope , or endless chain Grandfather clocks -43 mm (OD) WHEEL BLANKS Half hard leaded brass spoked blanks Ibr cutting your own gears No. 79.716 Weight nut - brass - pkg of 3 Part number 79.750 79.751 79.752 79.753 79.754 79.755 79.756 No. 79.717 Weight hook - brass - pkg of 3 .4 No. 79.718 Weight hook - brass - pkg of 3 Shells & Cores CORES FOR POLISHED BRASS WEIGHTS No. 79.660 1.200 grams - fits 79.650 weight shell / 32 x 2t9 mm No. 79.66 1 2,000 grams - fits 79.651 weight shell / It) x 232 mm No. 79.662 2,000 grams - fits 79.653 weight shell I It) x 264 mm No. 79.663 2,850 grams - fits 79.651 weight shell / 10 x 232 mm No. 79.664 2,500 grams - fits 79.652 weight shell / 60 x 245 mm No. 79.665 3,500 grams - fits 79.652 weight shell / 60 x 245 mm No. 79.666 4.500 grams - fits 79.652 weight shell I 60 x 245 mm No. 79.667 3.300 grams - fits 79.653 weight shell / 4t) x 264 mm No. 79.668 2.750 grams - fits 79,654.2 weight shell /Sf) x 140mm No. 79.669 3,600 grams - fits 79.655,2 weight shell /50x 180 mm No. 79.670 3,500 grams - fits 79.656 weight shell I 60 x 278 mm No. 79.671 8,400 grams - fits 79.656 weight shell I 60 .x 278 mm END CAPS FOR WEIGHT SHELLS No. 79.650-3 No. 79.650-4 No. No. No. No. 79.65 1-3 79.651-4 79.652-4 79.652-5 I Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter 32 32 40 40 60 60 mm mm mm mm mm mm brushed finish polished finish brushed finish polished finish brushed finish polished finish 0 1.45” 1.55” 1.65” 1.75” 1.90” 2.05” 2.60” Size dia x diax dia x dia x dia x dia x dia x .063” .063” .063” .063” .063” .063” .093” thick thick thick thick thick thick thick No. 79.719 Weight hook - brass C-353 Leaded brass blanks - are not spoked for motion works* No. 79.720 Weight hook No. 79.720 1 Weight hook split for most Kieninger movements No. 79.7202 Weight knob split for most Kieninger movements No. 79.725 Weight knob No. 79.724 Weight extension FHS E472 - 32 mm Part number Size 79.770 12.2 mm 0[) x 3.50 mm 79.771 14.0mm OD x 3.20mm 79.772 17.8 mm OD x 5.40mm 79.773 19.5 mm OD x 3.50mm ID x 2.5 mm thick ID x 3.0mm thick ID x 3.0 mm thick ID x 2.5 mm thick 79.774 20.5mm OD x 5.50mm ID x 3.0mm thick 79.775 23.0mm 01) x 6.00mm ID x 1.4mm thick 79.776 26.0 mm OD x 5.50 mm ID x 3.0 mm thick length (without screw part) C-353 Leaded spoked brass blanks No. 79.7251 4.0mm threaded weight shell rod, 9 in length for Grandmother clocks. No. 79.7252 4.0mm threaded weight shell rod, 10 1/16” in length for Grandfather clocks /2’ HERMLE WEIGHT RODS WITH HOOK AND KNOB C. Part number 79.7260 79.7261 79.7262 79.7263 79.7264 79.7265 79.7266 For shell length of: _________________ 140mm 1 80mm 2 19mm 232mm 245mm 264mm 278mm Part number Si~e 79.780 25.5 mm OD x 2.50mm 79.781 27.0mm 01) x 2.70mm 79.782 27.0mm OD x 2.70mm 79.784 29.5 mm OD x 2.50mm 79.786 33.0 mm 00 x 3.00 mm 79.787 37.0mm 01) x 6.00mm 79.788 41.0 mm 01) x 5.00 mm 79.789 41.0 mm 01) x 5.00 mm ID x 0.8 mm thick ID II) ID II) It) II) x 0.8 mm thick x I .f) mm thick x 1.2 mm thick x 0.8 mm thick x 1.6mm thick x 1.2 mm thick It) x 1.4 mm thick C-353 Leaded partially spoked brass blanks for main wheels Part number Size 79.811 55.4 mm 01) x 10.00mm II) x 2.0mm thick Edition 609 Page 76 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair CatBJo~~ie PLASTIC SAFETY RING FOR BARREL BARREL BRIDGE PINION BLANKS /Z No. CP.0885 771 No. 79.812 Gilbert Brass Pinion. No more silver soldering. Replacement brass drive pinion for Gilbert mantel clock movements. 12.7mm in diameter with a 4,0mm undersized center hole to assist in fitting. 12 teeth No. 79.813 l’inion gear made of brass. 12.85mm outside diameter. 7.2mm thick, with a square mounting hole 4mm. I - factory number 0001-03960 \‘ BEARING JEWELS It Part number Description CP.1 100 FHS 1161.850 / 853 brass dia. 1/4” x width 20.25mm - factory number E0 18-01170 CP.1I0I FHS 1161-853 synthetic dia. I 3/4” x width 15/16” CP.1102 FHS 241 /781 /351 din. 1V2’ xwidth 13.92mm CP.1103 FHS 471 / 1171-850 / 2071 dia. 1 7/8” x 20.62mm Part number Description CP.0025 Inside din. 0.82mm, outside dia. 2.40mm CP.0026 Inside dia. 1.02mm, outside dia. 2.40mm BELL POST -~--—~ No 79.814 Arbor with pinion. 6.75mm diameter, 6 tooth pinion. 57.8mm long, 2.8mm shaft diameter CLAMP FOR BARREL SAFETY RING Part number Description CP.0920 Total length 33.0 mm, shaft length 14.5 mm FHS 130. 131 No. 79.815 Arbor with pinion. 6.30mm diameter, 7 tooth pinion 57.8mm long, 2.6mm shaft diameter - factory number 0005-09040 Part number Description CP.1120 FHS 1161.853 synthetic I 3/4” diameter mm- 130, 131. 140, 150, 141, 151,241 -factory number 0005-09060 No. 79.816 Steel arbor with no pinion. 79.3mm long, tapered arbor with 3.5mm diameter at one end and 3.1mm diameter at the other end HIS - CP.0925 Total length 35.5 mm, shaft length 17.0 x 15/16’ width CABLE DRUM CENTER WHEEL HERMLE CLOCK PARTS LISTING Fhis is a list of FlIS Clock Parts that we have in stock. luthere is something you do no see but require please do not hesitate to ask and we will order it for you. BACK PLATE Part number Description CP.05264 351-850 time CP.0525 461 / 1161 - all 3 drums are identical CP.05251 CP.0526 No. CP.OOlO Fits movement 130. WINDING ARBOR CP.05261 CP.05262 CP,05263 - metal 461 / 1161 - all 3 drums are identical synthetic 1171-850/1171-890 time side factory number B0l3-01350 1171-850 / 1171-890 strike and chime 2071 time 2071 strike and chime CABLE DRUM CORE CP.0930I Used for barrel #10 - II -20-21 -40-50- 52 CP.09302 Used for barrel # 30 -31 - 32 -33 (31mm long) CP.09303 tised for barrel # 30 - 33 (40mm long) CP.09304 Used for barrel #41 -54-55 -56 CP.1125 FHS 1161.853 - factory number 000505984 CABLE DRUM PIN WINDING ARBOR PIN Supplied with milled ratchet wheel attached. Length indicated is measured from the ratchet wheel to tip of lie arbor Part number Description CP.0930 351/1051-853 / 1161-853, 75mm overall CABLE DRUM WASHER Part number CP.09305 CP,09306 CP.09307 15mm long 20mm long 35mm long Part number Description CP.05265 Pkg of 10 split washers 461 / 1161 Part number Det~cription CP.0030 Fits movement 130.020 total height 54.0 mm, dia. 26 mm - 64 teeth CP.0031 Fits movement 132. total height 38.5 mm, dia. 26 mm - 64 teeth - factory number 1300300630 CP.0032 Fits movement 132. total height 43.6 mm, dia. 26 mm - 64 teeth CP.0033 Fits movement 151.010-Il cm total height 69.0 mm, dia. 40.2 mm - 89 teeth CP.0034 Fits movement 151.010-32cm total height 69.0 mm, dia, 39.5 mm - 84 teeth CP.0035 Fits movement 151.010-45 cm total height 69.0 mm, din. 39.3 mm - 76 teeth CP.0036 Fits movement 24 1.030-32 cm total height 69.0 mm. din. 39.5 mm - 84 teeth CP.0037 Fits movement 241.030-38 em// 241.03045 cm total height 69.0 mm, din. 39.3 mm - 76 teeth CP.0038 Fits movement 341.020-Il cm total height 69.0 mm, dia. 25.1 mm - 56 teeth CP.0039 Fits movement 34 1.020-33.5 cm total height 69.0 mm, din. 23.8 mm -48 teeth - factory number B003-0 1000 CP.0040 Fits movement 341.020-45 cm total height 69.0 mm. dia. 24.2 mm - 50 teeth CP.0042 Fits movement 771 total height 48.1 mm. dia. 24.1 mm - 48 teeth CP.0045 Fits movement 261.030A-55 cm CP.0048 Fits movement 1 161.853H-94 cm Edition 609 Page 77 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~z,e CHIME CHANGE LEVER No. CP.06601 For movements 1151 / 1161/ 1171 (030) side hammer No. CP.06602 Formovement 1151 / 1161 / 1171 (050/020) CHIME LEVER MOUNTED No. CP.0650 340.020, 34 1.020, 350.020, 35 1.020, 1050.020 - factory number B015-00240 mtd. with BOl 5-0025 0 CHIME RELEASE CAM No. CP.0660 All other movements side hammer (030) No. CP.06603 All other movements back hammer (050 or 020) 6 No. CP.0620 140, 141, 150, 151, 241 number B015-00890 CP.0560 CP.0570 Description 130, 131, 132, 261 B015-001 10 - factory number 140, 141,150,151,241-factory number B015-00070 340,350,351,451,461, 1050, 1051, 1151, 1161 -factorynumberl3ol500280 COMB FOR CHIME - factory SZD Part number Description CP.06621 For movements 461 / 1161 CP.06622 For movements 471-050 / 850 For movement 1050-020 CP.06623 For movements 1051-830/1151 CP.0662 CP.06624 For movement 1171-050 / 850 Part number CP.0575 No. CP.06201 132.071 movement No. CP.06251 471 / 1171 star (dwo) CRIME CHANGE SHIFT CHIME UNLOCKING LEVER No. CP.0800 351.051, 351.850, 451.050 number B026-01410 - factory COUNTING DISK (END DISK) No. CP.0625 340, 341, 350, 351, 451, 461, 1050, 1051, 1151, 1161 -factorynumberBol5-00810 CHIME RELEASE LEVER No. CP.0640 340, 341, 350, 351, 451, 461, 1050, 1051, 1151, 1161 -factory number B015-00310 CP.064l 471 / 1171 COUNTING WHEEL CHIME CHANGE FORK CP.06252 For all chime movements - new style, tension spring no longer needed or provided CP.06253 New style Part Number Description CP.0664 1151 - factory number B015-00410 CP.0665 1161 - factory number B015-00900 CHIME SELECTOR - see illustration on how to measure number B013-00490 Measured from centre of slot to end CHIME DRUM (HAMMER ROLLER WHEEL) Part Number CP.0950 CP.0952 Part number CP.0675 CP.0676 CP.0677 CP.0678 CP.0680 Description For movements 350.060, 351.050, 351.850, 451.050 - factory number B017-00070 For movements 340 / 341 / 350 I 351020 - factory number B017-00160 For movements 35 1-030, 35 1-830, 451-030 For movement I 050-020 For movement 161.050 - factory number B0l7-00102 Part number Description CP.0495 FHS 340, 341, 350, 351, 1050, 1051 - factory number B013-00270 CP.0500 FHS 451, 461, 1151, 1161 - factory CP.0953 CP.09531 CP.0954 CP.0955 Description 1050/ 1051 / 1151-030-length 15.5 mm 451,461,471, 1151, 1161 -length 20.5 mm 340, 451.050, 1050.020, 1151.050 - length 27.5 mm 340 I 451.050 I 1050-020 I 1151-050 length 42.0mm 471.050, 471.850, 1171.050, 1171.850, 1171.890-length 47.5mm 1050, 1051, 1151.030 - length 47.5 mm CHIME SILENCER No. CP.06254 For movements 340 I 341-020 ESCAPE WHEEL FOR MOVEMENT 130 4 No. CP.0 150 13 0.020 - factory number B00600020 ESCAPE WHEEL FOR MOVEMENTS 131 AND 261 AUTO BEAT e Part number Description CP.0152 For pendulum length 18cm CP.0153 For pendulum length 21 cm CP.0 154 For pendulum length 23 cm CP.0 151 For pendulum length 25 cm CP.0168 For pendulum length 31 cm CP.0140 For pendulum length 32.5 cm CP.0141 For pendulum length 35 cm CP.0142 For pendulum length 39 cm CP.0165 For pendulum length 45 cm CP.0167 For pendulum length 55 cm CP.0143 For pendulum length 66 cm Edition 609 Page 78 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair C’atafo(~ie ESCAPE WHEEL FOR MOVEMENT 340 SECOND WHEEL - NEXT TO BARREL FLY VANE - STRIKE/CHIME FAN No. CP.0175 340020 ESCAPE WHEEL FOR MOVEMENT 341 AUTO BEAT No. CP.0144 For pendulum No. CP.0 145 For pendulum No. CP.0181 For pendulum No. CP.0 146 For pendulum No. CP.0147 For pendulum No. CP.0 182 For pendulum length length length length length II cm 25 cm 33.5cm 35 cm 38.5cm length 45 cm ESCAPE WHEEL FOR MOVEMENTS 141, 151, 241, 351, 451, 1051, 1151, 1161,2061 AUTO BEAT Part number Description CP.0250 Fl-IS 130 time - next to barrel #32 factory # B007-00050 CP.0251 FHS 130, 132 strike - next to barrel # 31 - factory # 8007-00060 CP.0252 FHS 131, 771 time - next to barrel #30 - factory # 8007-00460 CP.0253 Fl-IS 131 strike - next to barrel #33 CP.0250 CP.0255 CP.0256 CP.0255 CP.0256 CP.02561 #20/21 CP.0257 CP.0262 FHS 150/151 strike - next to barrel #21 factory number 13007-00310 Fl-IS 340, 341 time - next to barrel #42 - factory number B007-00330 FHS 340, 341 strike - next to barrel #40 - factory number B007-00340 Fl-IS 340, 341 chime - next to barrel #41 - factory number B007-00 120 FHS 350, 351 time - next to barrel #52 FHS 350, 351 strike - next to barrel #50 FT-IS 350, 351 chime - next to barrel CP.0255 #54 FHS 351 -030A time - next to barrel CP.0260 No. CP.0 148 For pendulum length 26.5, 27, 29, 31. 32. 34. 38 No. CP~0l95 For pendulum length 43, 45, 48, 55, 0.4 No. CP.0200 For pendulum length 52. 66, 75, 114 No. CP.0185 For pendulum length 85 No. CP.0210 llol.85313SK-94 cm - for movement ~~ith seconds hand. factory number B006-0 1990 No. CP.0220 1161 .853BSK-l 14cm - for riovement with seconds hand. factory number 800602012 factory number B007-00470 FHS 132 time - next to barrel #33 FHS 140 time - next to barrel #10 FHS 140 strike - next to barrel # 10 Fl-IS 141 time-next to barrel#11 factory number B007-00030 Fl-IS 141 strike - next to barrel #10 Fl-IS 150/151 time next to barrel CP.0261 CP.0262 CP.0255 CP.0256 #52 ESCAPE WHEEL FOR MOVEMENTS 141, CP.0256 151,241,351.451, 1051, 1151, 1161, 2061 CP.0262 DEAD BEAT FHS 351-030A strike - next to barrel 53/56 0 CP.0255 CP.0265 FHS 351-030A chime - next to barrel 54 FHS 352 time - next to barrel 57 Fl-IS 451, 1151 time - factory number No. CP.0155 For pendulum length 11 cm No. CP.01551 For pendulum length l2, 15, 16.5 CP.0266 B007-00270 Fl-IS 451, 1151 strike - factory number No. CP.O 1552 For pendulum length 21 No. CP.01553 For pendulum length 23.25 No. CP.0156 For pendulum length 26.5. 27. 29. 3l, .32, 34, 38 No. CP.0 157 For pendulum length 43. 45, 48, 55. CP.0267 No. CP.01571 For pendulum length 100 No. CP.0 1572 For pendulum length 52, 66, 75, CP.0262 No. CP.01573 For pendulum length 85 ESCAPE WHEEL FOR MOVEMENT 771 I)EAD BEAT 0 No. CP.0190 771.000-25cm - dead beat No. CP.0 191 771,000-31 cm - dead beat Part number Description CP.0420 Strike fan - FHS 130, 231 - factory CP.0422 CP.0425 CP.0430 CP.0435 CP.0440 CP.0442 CP.0445 number BOl 1-00030 Strike fan - FHS 131, 261 - factory number 8011-00130 Strike fan-FHS 140, 150, 141, 151, 340,341,350,35I,451, 1050, 1051. 1151- factory number BO 11-00020 Strike fan FHS 24 I-factory number 8011-00080 Chime fan - Fl-IS 340, 341, 350, 351, 1050. 1051 -factory number BOll 00110 Chime fan - FHS 451, 1151 - factory number 8011-00150 FHS 1161 - factory number BOll 00170 Strike fan - FHS 461 - factory number BOl 1-00180 FOURTH WHEEL// SECONDS BIT ci Part number Description CP.0120 130.020 - factory number B005-00020 CP.0121 13 1.080 - factory number 13005-00590 CP.0125 340.020 - factory number 8005-00 190 CP.0130 341.020-11 cm CP.0131 341.020-33.5cm CP.0132 341.020-45cm CP.0139 1161.853 - seconds bit - factory BOOS00960 FRONT PLATE 8007-004 10 Fl-IS 451, 1151 chime - factory number B007-00420 CP.0255 CP.0256 Fl-IS 1050 / 1051 time next to barrel #52 Fl-IS 1050. 1051 strike next to barrel #50 Fl-IS 1050, 1051 chime next to barrel No. CP.0020 Fits movement 130.070 number 130t) 1-00030 - factory GATHERING WHEEL #55 CP.0256 CP.0262 CP.0256 CP.0280 CP.0281 CP.0282 CP.0283 CP.0284 C P.0285 CP.0286 Fl-IS 105 1-030A time next to barrel #52 Fl-IS 105 l-030A chime next to barrel # 55 FHS 105 l-030A strike next to barrel # 53/56 Fl-IS 105 1.850 time Fl-IS 461,853 I 1161.853 cable - time Fl-IS 461.853/ll6l.853 cable - strike Fl-IS 461.853 I 1161.853 cable - chime FT-IS 461 I 1161 chain - time Fl-IS 461 I 1161 chain - strike Fl-IS 461 I 1161 chain - chime Part number Description CP.0350 FHS 130, 132.071 - factory number CP.0355 CP.0370 8009-00030 FHS 131, 261 - factory number 1300900060 Fl-IS 140,150, 141, 151, 241, 340. 341, 350. 351,451,461. 050, 1051. 1151, 1161- factory number B009-0002t) Edition 609 Page 79 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Rep&r CatBJo~~ie HAND NUTS - Pkg of 6 HAMMER WIRE MINUTE WHEEL (IDLER GEAR) 0 No. CP.0689 for movement 141070 HAMMER ASSEMBLY - CHIME Part number Description CP.1060 Hand nuts brass thread size 2.00 mm CP.1065 Part number Description CP.0691 For movement 340 / 34 1-020 C P.0692 For movement 350 / 351-020 CP.0690 For movement 351-050, 351-850, 451050 CP.0694 For movement 46 1-053, 461-853 CP.0696 For movement 1051-050, 1051-850, 115 1-050 CP.0697 For movement 1171-050, 1171-850 CP.0695 For movement 1161-050, 1161-853 old and new style. When changing old execution to new execution must change strike assembly as well HAMMER ASSEMBLY - STRIKE HOUR WHEEL - (SNAIL WHEEL) CP.06992 For movement 471, 1171 CP.0465 - CP.0470 CP.0475 a CP.0480 MINUTE WHEEL BRIDGE Part number Description CP.000I Fits movements 130.070, 13 1.070 CP.0002 CP.0004 CP.0005 CP.0007 style 00020 FHS 131, 261 - factory number 130 1200 170 FHS 140, 150, 141, 151, 241, 781 factory number BOI2-OOl 10 FHS 340, 341, 350, 351, 451, 461, 1050, 1051, 1151, 1161 -factory number C012-00 140 FHS 771 - factory number 13012-00200 - These wheels are made of brass and are NOT interchangeable with old plastic execution. CP.0006 Part number Description CP.0698 Formovement35l, 451, 1051, 1151 CP.0699 For movement 461, 1161 old and new factory number E008-00 1202 Hand nuts black thread size 2.00 mm factory number E008-00 1203 Part number Description CR0460 FHS 130, 132- factory number B0l2- CP.0008 height 21.35 mm - brass -48 teeth Fits movement 15 1.010 height 23.50 mm - brass -48 teeth Fits movements 261.030, 26 1.080 height 23.00 mm - brass -48 teeth factory number B0l4-0l070 Fits movement 340.020 height 21.30 mm - brass - 48 teeth Fits movement 351._ height 21.35 mm - brass -48 teeth Fits movement 771._ height 18.30 mm - brass - 48 teeth Fits movement 1161.853 height 42.00 mm - brass -48 teeth mounted with transmission wheel dia. 15.25 mm LOCKING DISK No. CP.0910 351.850, 461.853, 1051.850, 1161.853 - factory number E002-04500 MOON PHASE PINION Part number Description CP.1070 20 teeth - 5.00 mm hole FHS 451 /1151 / 1161- factory number E0030323 CP.1071 CP.I072 CP.1073 20teeth-7.SOmmholeFHS 1171 20 teeth-8.00 mm hole FHS 1171 30 teeth - 5.00 mm hole old models MOVEMENT/CASING CLAMP a HAMMER GUARD R CP.0854, CP.0855 No. CP.06991 For movement 340, 341, 350, 351020 bottom hammers. HAMMER LIFTER Part number Description CP.0630 340,350,351,451,461,1050, 1051, 1151, 1161 new execution-factory number B015~00300**to use as a replacement from old style, you must cut from bottom .158”. LOCKING DISK SET SCREWS No. CP.0655 351, 451, 461, 1051, 1161 number B015-01220 - HAMMER RETURN SPRINGS Part number Description CP.0632 Pkg of 10, thread dia. 2.4 mm CP.0633 Pkg of 10, thread dia. 2.8 mm CP.1135 CP.1140 461.050, 461.853, 1051.030, 105 1.830,1161.050,1161.853factory number E014-00870 351.051, 351.850, 451.050, 461.050, 471.050 - factory number E014-02910 351.030, 451.030, 1051.030, 1051.830,1151.050,116l.050factory number E014-02920 CP.0852 CP.0853 4/4 LOCKING WHEEL No. CP.0490 FHS 340, 341, 350, 351, 451, 461, 1050, 1051, 1151, 1161 -factory number B01300070 CP.1400, CP.1401 CP.1402, CP.1403 G CP.0856, CP.0857 CP.1450 Part number Description CP.0850 FHS 130 - factory number E001CP.0852 factory Part number Description CP.1 130 132.071, 261.__~ 351.850, 451.030, cp.os5o CP.0853 CP.0854 CP.0855 CP.0856 CP.0857 CP.1400 CR1410 CP. 1420 CP. 1430 CP. 1450 CP.1451 00910, pkg of 6 FHS 771 RIGHT - E001-4090R, pkg of 6 FHS 771 LEFT - E001-4090L, pkg of 6 FHS - factory number E001-03830 FHS - factory number E001-03840 FHS - factory number E001-00410 FHS - factory number E001-00900 Right 340, 341, pkg of 6 Left 340, 341, pkg of 6 Right 1050, 1051, pkg of6 Left 1050, 1051, pkg of6 Rectangular casing clamp for 1151, 1161 movements, pkg of 6 Nickel plated adjustable mounting brackets with thumb screws, sold in pairs. Adjustable from 3 Y2” to 6 3/4” Edition 609 Page 80 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~ve MOVEMENT POST - Part number CP.0935 - -~____=; Description 351.030, 35l.05l.351.850,45l.030, 151.050, 1051.030, 1051.830, 1051,850. 1151.030, l15l.050factory number 0005-02320 .351.030, 351.051.351.850,451.030, .151.050. 1051.030. 1051.830, 1051.850, 1151.030. 1151.050. factory number 0005-02480 771 - factory number 0005-05060 771 - factory number 0005-03380 CP.0940 CP.0945 (P.0946 RACK PILLAR Part number Description CP.0604 130.072 - factory number 8015-00792 CP.0605 130, 131, 261 - factory number B015CP.0610 CP.0615 00100 140, 150, 141, 151,241 -factory number 13015-00760 340, 341,350, 351,451,461, 1050. 1051, 1151, 1161 -factory number L3015-00820 2.85 mm - factory F59 Head 5,40mm Length 6.00mm No. CP.1020 Seatboard mounting screw Thread 2.85 mm - factory 0006-003801 Head 6.91) mm Length 2.80cm No. CP. 1025 Seatboard mounting screw ‘l’hread 2.85 mm - factory 0006-009801 Head 6.90 mm Length 3.90cm No. CP. 1030 Seatboard mounting screw Thread 2.85 mm - factory E006-0l 1201 Head 6.90 mm Length 4.60cm SECOND HAND BRIDGE RACK LEVER NIGhT SHUT OFF ASSEMBLY No. CP.1031 For movement 1151, 1161 forNEW Part number CP.0540 CP.0545 Part nui~èi~20° Description CP.1200 For FHS 340 consists of I shut off lever, I selector lever, 2 silencer levers screws and washer For FT IS 341. 1151 - consists of all necessary wheels and levers CP.0550 - CP. 1250 NIGhT SHUT OFF RODS - 351, 1050, 1051 -factory number E00I-00050 1161.853 FHS SCREWS - Pkg of 12 Pkg of 12 Part number CP.10501 Description Movement nut brass thread size 3.00 mm - for movements 131 to 341 fttctory number 0008-00060 Movement nut brass thread size 1.00 mm for movements FHS 35010 1161 PENDULUM SWING REDUCER KIT No. CP.1051 Change a normal self’adjusting auto beat escapement to a dead beat swing. Must tap hole in the movement plate. Used on FHS 451 movements only. No. CP.0915 771 - factory number 0003-03461) STAR WHEEL Description Part number CP.0290 FHS 130- factory number B008-00030 CP.0300 FHS 131 - factory number 8008-00230 FHS 141/151 - factory number B008CP.0305 CP.0310 No. CP.1000 Round head screws Thread 2,50mm - CP. 1050 SETTING WHEEL (ENGAGES MINUTE WHEEL) Part number Description CP.0880 140, 150, 141,151,340,341,350, CP.0881 PLATE NUTS 130, 131, 132,261 -factory number 13015-00120 140, 141, 150, 151, 241 - factory number B015-00090 340,350,351,451,461, 1050, 1051, 1151, 1161 -factory number 13015-00270 direct second hand movements only. RATCHET WHEEL BRIDGE No. CP.1251 Rod only of FHS 1171 No. CP.1252 Rod with teardrop end FHS 1171 Description factory 0006-000 10 Head 4.80mm Length 4.50mm No. CP.100I Flat head screws Thread 2.55 mm factory F4 Head 3.50 mm Length 4.50 mm No. CP.1002 Flat head screws Thread 2.55 mm factory 05 Flead 4.50 mm Length 5.50 mm No. CP.1003 Flat head screws Thread 3.00 mm factory F6 Head 5.35 mm Length 6.90 mm No. CP.1004 Flat head screws Thread 2.55 mm fixation type - factory F8 Head 2.55 mm Length 3.00mm No. CP.1005 Flat head screws Thread 1.95 mm factory F12 Head 3.00 mm Length 4.70 mm No. CP.1006 Flat head screws Thread 2.95 mm Head 5.50 mm Length 6.80mm No. CP.1007 Flat head screws Thread 2.50 mm factory 0006-0 1491) Flead 5.00mm Length 5.10mm No. CP.1008 Flat head screw Thread 3.95 mm Head 6.95 mm Length 7.40 mm No. CP. 1010 Suspension spring screw Thread 1.35 mm - factory 0006-01 150 Head 7.10 mm Length 11.65mm No. CP.1012 Floating balance screw ‘l’hread 2.50 mm - factory 0006-00160 Head 5.00mm Length 13.65 mm No. CP. 1013 Screw for night silencer Factory #006012101 No. CP.1015 Flat head tapered black screw Thread CP.0320 00020 FHS 340. 341, 350. 351 - factory number 8008-00120 FITS 45 1.030 - factory number 800800240 STOP FOR HAMMER Part number Description CP.0860 FHS 130- factory number E00l-00520 CP.0865 451, 1050, 1151 E00 1-00880 - factory number STRIKE EXTENSION Part number Description CP.0530 340, 341- factory number 8015-00330 CP.0531 CP.0535 350, 351. 1050- factory number 000102460 1050- factory number B015-00510 Edition 609 Page 81 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Plume 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catato~~iie STRIKE GATHERING PALLET WITH PIN Part number Description CP.0580 130, 131, 132,261 -factory number B015-00140 CP.0590 140, 141, 150, 151, 241 - factory number B015-00020 CP.0600 340, 350, 351, 451, 461, 1050, 1051, 1151, 1161 -factory number B015-00290 CP.0601 For movements 471, 1171 STRIKE GATHERING WHEEL —4f No. CP.06012 Fits most chime and strike movements STRIKE HAMMER LIFT No. CP.0670 351, 451, 461, 1051, 1151, 1161 lhctory number 8016-01240 - STRIKE TRANSMISSION LEVER No. CP.0671 For 340.020 new model VANE WHEEL THIRD WHEEL Part number Description CP.0060 130.020 - factory number 800400030 CP.0061 151.010-11cm CP.0062 15 1.010-32 cm CP.0063 151.010-45cm CP.0064 24 1.030-32 cm CP.0065 241.030-3 8 cm CP.0066 241.030-45 cm CP.0070 261.030 CP.0075 26 1.080 - factory number B00401200 CP.0080 340.020 - factory number B00400040 CP.0085 341.020-11 cm CP.0086 341.020-33.5 cm CP.0087 341.020-45 cm CP.0090 771. - factory number 800400930 4/4 TRANSMISSION WHEEL (Driving wheel) ED No. CP.0505 340.020, 341.020, 350.020, 351.020, 351.030, 451.030, 461.050, 461.853, 1151.030, 1161.050, 1161.853 - factory number 8013-00710 Part number Description CP.0400 FHS 130, 132 - factory number BO 10-00030 CP.0402 FHS 150, 241 - factory number BOlO-00020 CP.0405 FHS 131, 261 - factory number 8010-00110 CP.0410 FHS 340,341,350,351- 1/4 strike, 451 - 1/4 strike, 461.050 1/4 strike, 1050, 1051 - 1/4 strike, 1151 - 1/4 strike, 11611/4 strike - factory number BO 10-00070 CP.0415 FHS 351 hour strike, 451 hour strike, 1050 hour strike, 1051 hour strike, 1151 hour strike factory number BO 10-00090 VERGES - FLOATING BALANCE TYPE Part number CP.0700 FHS 130 - factory number 802200110 CP.0705 140, 150, 340, 350, 1050 factory number B022-00 120 VERGES - DEAD BEAT see chart on how to measure FOR MOVEMENTS 131, 261, 771 - DEAD BEAT - No. CP.0672 For 350 / 35 1-020 No. CP.0673 For 351.030 or 351-830, 451 No. CP.0674 For 1050 / 1051-020 - SUSPENSION SPRING POST (PALLET BRIDGE) Length measured from back plate to pin hole No. CP.0510 350.060, 351.05 1, 35 1.850, 451.050, 471.050, 1151.050 - factory number B013-00300 - factory T Description 8.0 mm - FHS 771 10.9mm 13.5mm 16.4mm 18.5mm 22.4 mm 57.0mm - FHS 1171-890 /1 Pinhole SMALL TRANSMISSION WHEEL Part number CP. 1300 CP.1310 CP.1320 CP.1321 CP. 1322 CP.1330 CP.1332 Distance from back plate to suspension spring pinhole LARGE TRANSMISSION WHEEL (Driving wheel) No. CP.0515 340, 341, 350, 351 number 80 13-00730 No. CP.0520 340, 341, 350, 351 number B013-00720 4 - - Part number CP.0710 CP.0712 CP.0715 Description Slot type 14mm Slot type 19mm Slot type 58 mm factory VERGES - DEAD BEAT see chart on how to measure FOR MOVEMENT 151 FRONT PENDULUM - DEAD BEAT - No. CP.0521 241/451/461 / 1151 / 1161 No. CP.0716 Slot type Edition 609 Page 82 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~ie VERGES-DEAD BEAT see chart on how to measure FOR MOVEMENTS 341- DEAD BEAT - No. CP.0740 Slot type 23 mm VERGES - AUTO BEAT see chart on how to measure FOR MOVEMENTS 1171 - AUTO BEAT Part number Description CP.0732A Pin type 27 mm W’ - VERGES - AUTO BEAT VERGES - DEAD BEAT - see chart on how to measure - see chart on how to measure FOR MOVEMENTS 2061 - AUTO BEAT FOR MOVEMENTS 141, 151, 241, 351,451, Part number Description 1051, 1151, 1161-DEADBEAT CP.0731A Pin type 35 mm - W’ pin Description Part number VERGE BRIDGE Slot type 7mm CP.0719 - (Shaft length is indicated) Slot type 11mm CP.0720 Slot type 14mm CP.0721 Slot type 19mm CP.0725 Pin type 19mm - 1” pin CP.0727 Slot type 27 mm CP.0726 Part number Description Slot type 35mm CP.0728 CP.1350 64 mm - factory number 2-84 Pin type 40 mm - 1pm CP.0723 CP.1360 68 mm - factory number 2-77 Slot type 58 mm CP.0730 CP.1370 78 mm - factory number 2-78 CP.1380 88 mm - factory number 2-79 VERGES - DEAD BEAT - see chart on how to measure VERGE BRIDGE PLATE (NEW STYLE) FOR MOVEMENTS 2061 - DEAD BEAT CP.0731 Pin type 35 mm - ½” pin VERGES - AUTO BEAT see chart on how to measure FOR MOVEMENTS 131, 261, 771- AUTO BEAT - Part number CP.0710A CP.0715A Description Slot type 7mm Slot type 58 mm VERGES - AUTO BEAT see chart on how to measure FOR MOVEMENTS 341- AUTO BEAT - $ No. CP.1045 141.05 1, 340.020, 341.020, 350.060 - factory number E027-03010 WIND-UP CONTROL GEAR *0 Part number Description CP.0890 For FHS 241/351 / 781 / 1051850 CP.0891 For FHS 471 / 1171-850 CP.0892 For FHS 461 / 1161-853 WIND-UP CONTROL GEAR BRIDGE No. CP.0900 241 - factory number E001-05430 A No. CP.0820 451 /461/ 1151 /1161 mounting hole distance 14.5 mm VERGE PIVOT COVER PLATE No. 62.1118 The HERMLE Service Manual. An ideal book for the clockmaker written by HERMLE to service HERMLE -AMUSTBUY KIENINGER PARTS No. CP.0810 130, 140, 150 - factory number E001-00510 BACK BUSHING screw is sold separately WASHER “RONDELLE” FOR MINUTE WHEEL - Pkg of 6 No. CP.0740A Slot type 23 mm VERGES - AUTO BEAT - see chart on how to measure TENSION WASHERS Pkg of 12 No. CP.0870 For all movements - factory number EOOl-01880 FLAT WASHERS FOR BELLS FOR MOVEMENTS 141, 151, 241, 351,451, -Pkgofl2 1051, 1151, 1161 -AUTO BEAT Part number Description CP.0719A Slot type 7 mm CP.0720A Slot type 11 mm CP.0725A Slot type 19 mm No. CP.1040 140, 150, 141, 151, dia. 8.6 mm, CP.0727A Pin type 19 mm - 1” pin 0.50 thick - factory number E007-06540 CP.0726A Slot type 27 mm CP.0728A Slot type 35 mm CP.0723A Pin type 40 mm - 1” pin CP.0729A Slot type 50 mm 0 Part number Description CP.3 130 For models KS, KSU, RSU for chime, strike and time CP.3 135 For models HTU for chime, strike and time FRONT BUSHING screw is sold separately Part number Description CP.3 140 For models KS, KSU, RSU chime side 6.5 mm ID, I flat side CP.3 145 For model KSU all trains, used in later models CP.3150 For models HTU, chime side 5.5 mm ID Edition 609 Page 83 H& WPerrin ~ Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair CatBJo~~ie FIXATION WASHER CHIME FAN BACK AND FRONT BUSHING SCREWS Sold as a package of I 0 pieces Part number CP.3035 No. C P.3 155 For most models (‘P.3037 Description Part number For model RWS - Strike 70.260 (‘P.3038 For model RWS - Chime For model J - Strike For model J - Chime For model J - Time, (will not work on movements dated 1991 or earlier) 70.261 70.262 70.263 70.264 CABLE DRUM Newer style with removable drums Description or models KSU. MSU, RSU. RWS 9 teeth on the pinion, diameter of the pinion 3.0 mm For models HTU 9 teeth on the pinion, diameter of the pinion 3.9 mm. For models HSU 9 teeth on the pinion, diameter of the pinion 3.9mm For models J 8 teeth on the pinion, diameter of the pinion 2.5 mm CHIME MOVER HAMMER SPRING No. (‘P.3003 Hammer spring for KSU movements. Pkgof 10. IDLER GEAR (MINUTE WHEEL) screw sold separately Part number Description CP.3 160 Model KSU 1.75” long (‘P.3165 Model KSU 1.25” long CP.3 170 Model SKU ~ No. (‘P.3260 For models MSU. PF, IT. PS, RWS. RWU. KSU. KK teeth = 36. pinion teeth mm, pinion OF = 7.5 mm CHIME MOVER TENSION COIL sold as a package of 10 pieces ,. AI~AAAiVVV\f~iV\MIVVVY~ -.4- (‘P.3015 Description Part number Cable Guard Plastic I 3/4” (‘P.3006 (‘P.3015 Cable Guard Plastic 2 V2’ 40.9 mm for movement KS, KSIJ. MS. MSU. RWS No. (‘P.3 180 For models KSU CHIME SELECTOR SWITCH ~ No. (‘P.3002 Plastic for models KSU CABLE GUARD SCREWS Pkg of 10 I0. O[) 27.1 MOON PHASE PIN IONS I, w No. CP.3I75 FormodelsKSUandSKU (‘ABLE GUARDS C P.3 007 For models lISU and FITU For models KSU sold as a package of 10 pieces Description Part number KSU chime train (‘P.3012 KSIJ time train (‘P.3013 KSU strike train CP.3() 14 (‘P.3007 Description Part number (‘P.3 185 (‘P.3190 CHIME MOVER SCREW (‘P.3006 (‘P.3190 (‘P.3185 (‘P.3240 CP.3255 (‘P.3245 CP.3250 Part number Description CP.3240 For models HE / US / Fl / FIK / I ITU ID. CP.3245 (‘P.3250 (‘P.3255 6.5 mm. OD 15.50 mm, teeth 20 For models HSU / HTU ID 6.70 mm. 01) 21.8 mm, teeth 30 For models HSIJ / HTU ID 6.70 mm. OD 15 mm, teeth 20 For models KSU ID 4.80 mm, OD 20.9mm, teeth 30 RACK SPRING ESCAPE WHEELS No. (‘P.3004 Rack spring for KSU movements No. (‘P.3008 For models KS. KSU, MS. MSU. RWS. Part number Description (‘P.3060 For KK I KKU I KS I KSU 116 cm. 30 ChIME END DISK (‘P.3061 (‘P.3062 (‘P.3063 No. (‘P.3090 For model KSU (‘P.3064 (‘P.3065 SCREWS sold as a package of 10 teeth. 10 leaves Ibr pinion, overall length 54.8 mm For KS/ KSU 100cm 30 teeth. 9 leaves No. (‘P.300 1 Screw for suspension spring post for pinion, overall length 23,2mm For SK I SKU 116 cm 30 teeth, 10 leaves for pinion, overall length 54.9mm For SK I SKU 100 cm 30 teeth, 9 leaves for pinion, overall length 42.3mm For KK / KKU 100cm 30 teeth. 9 leaves for pinion, overall length 34.1mm For RWS 116cm 30 teeth, 10 leaves for pinion, overall length 55.0 mm Edition 609 Page 84 H& WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock Repair CatafoL~iie SEATBOARD MOUNTINGS MOUNTING SCREW STRIKE (LEAF) SPRING AND STRIKE SPRING SCREWS sold as a package of 10 pieces Part number CP.3080 (‘P.3081 CP.3082 Part number Description CP.2105 3.5 mm thread, overall length 31.2mm CP.2 106 3.5 mm thread, overall length 46.2 mm Description Screws 23.5 mm thread length, overall lenoth 39. I mm Rectangular washer Round washer SECOND WHEELS Part number Description CP.3005 Strike return leaf spring for KSU CP.3200 movements Screws for springs CP.3005 - OVERWIND CONTROL GEARS pkg of 10 TENSION SPRING used Fir the constant power clutch No. CP.21 10 Set of 2 wind-up control gears for UW32 movement Part number Description Model RWS - strike Model RWS - Chime Model J - Strike Model .1 - Chime Model .1 - Fime CP.3 100 CP.3 105 CP.3 110 CP.31 15 CP.3 120 ‘I’HIRD WHEEL I S PLITWASH ER 1’~ • ..~ ~‘ CP.3265 .‘ ,• No. CP.3095 For model KSU 70 teeth, pinion has 16 leaves, 8.2 mm overall length VERGES (‘P.3270 Part number l)escription CP.3265 Winding wheel retainers - pkg of 10 lits most models CP.3270 Splitwashers for strike lever. Fits models KSI,J. MSU. MS. SKU. SK. KS - pkg of’ 100 pieces. STRIKE FAN Part number CP.3050 CP.3051 CP.3052 CP.3053 C P.3054 Description For models KS / KSU autobeat For models IIS, I ISU. I I’FU autobeat For models SK, SKU autobeat For models MSU autobeat For models RWS autobeat WINDING WHEEL RETAINER CP.3032 CP.3033 RSU, MS. MK. 9 teeth on pinion, diameter of the pinion 2.8 mm For models HSU, [flU. 9 teeth on No. CP.301 I Fits most chain driven movements. pinion, diameter of pinion 3.9mm For models RWS, 9 teeth on pinion, URGOS PARTS diameter of pinion 2.8mm l’or models J. 7 teeth on pinion, diameter MOON PHASE PINIONS of pinion 2.2mm S’I’RIKE GATHERING PALLET C (‘P.21(11 No. CP.3070 For model KSU CP.2060 I CP.2065 No. CP.2060 Pallet - verge assembly - Urgos factory 4 S200-758-0-5 No. CP.2065 Pallet - verge assembly - Urgos factory # S200-758-0-2 WASHER Part number I)escription CP.3030 For models KS, KK, RK. KSU. MSU. CP.3031 VERGE ASSEMBLY - URGOS No. CP.3195 For model KSU Part number CP.2101 CP.2102 ( P .2 102 Description For UWO3 outside dia. 15 mm. 20 teeth For 1JW32 and UW66. outside dia. 5 mm. 20 teeth No. CP.2 107 Rectangular Page 85 Clock Movements List Edition 609 Jferrn(e Vrgos Rieninger - - Perrins carries the complete line of Hermle clock movements. We also offer Urgos movements and Kieninger movements. Movements all carry a two year warranty against defects. REPLACING rather than REPAIRING the modern German movement is far befter for both you and your customer because: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Your profit is guaranteed when you quote the job. No guesswork on time and materials and what could go wrong. Warranty/comeback problems are eliminated. Your repair comebacks eat time and money, aggravate the customer and hurt your reputation. The two year warranty will enhance your reputation, and with improvements in the new units you are sending out a clock literally befter than when it was new. You are giving the customer a new clock at a repaired clock price. Replacement will reduce your turnaround time to days instead of weeks or months. Dramatic increases at the factory level, in the price of spare parts make movement replacement a much more economical option. Important Hermle Upgrades The nickel plated, lead alloy steel in the old units, has been replaced with hardened steel, and improvements were made in the brass formulation. Hermle now uses a revolutionary 1 ~ wheel which features pivots that are a special steel plug, that has been inserted into the shaft of the wheel. The steel of these pivots is so hard a file will not cut them. New units will dramatically outlast their predecessors! With these factors in mind, we sincerely believe you owe it to yourself and your customers to replace, rather than repair these existing units. 90 Thornclitte Park Drive Toronto ON M4H1N5 H & W PERRIN E-MAIL Address [email protected] Phone Fax (416)422-4600 Toll Free: 1-800-387-5117 (416)422-0290 Toll Free: 1-800-741-6139 Page 86 FHS Hermie Clock Movements Hermle 130-020 P1 ate size: 90 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day bim barn, movement with 1/2 hour strike, key wound, balance regulated, 3 hammers at bottom, BPH 10,800 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=3lmm B=49rnm - ;~ ~ ~ Hermle 130-070 Plate size: 90 mm - hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day bim barn, movement with Y2 hour strike, key wound, balance regulated, 2 hammers striking 2 bells mounted on back, BPH 10,800. ~ Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=3lmm B=49mm ,~z Hermle 130-080 Plate size: 90 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day bim barn, movement with ½ hour strike, key wound, balance regulated, 2 hammers striking 2 bells mounted at top of movement. BPH 10,800 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=3lmm B=49mm - I ~ ~ ~ Hermle 130-627 ~ Plate size: 890 mm length with 33 mm Features: day bim hand barn, shaft movement ½ hour strike, balance regulated, 3 - ‘~‘~ ~ hammers at bottom. Back wind with keys threaded to barrel arbors. BPH 10,800 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=3lmrn B=49mm ~ :‘~ Hermle 131-030 Plate size: 90 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day bim barn, movement with ½ hour strike, key wound, pendulum beat escape, 3 hammers at side. Pendulum lengths available: 21 31 32.5 35 39 45 55 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=3lmm B=49mm - - - - - - - dead - dead - ( 27mm hand shaft) Plate size: 90 mm Features: 8 day bim barn, movement with 1/2 hour strike, key wound, pendulum beat escape, 2 hammers striking 2 bells mounted on back. Pendulum lengths available: (131-070)21 -25-31 cm (131.071) 18cm Key hole spacing: (figure 1) Azt3lmm B=49mm Hermle 131-070 (33mm hand shaft) Hermle 131-071 - ~ ~ Page 87 FHS Hermie Clock Movements Hermle 131-080 Plate size: 90 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day bim barn, movement with ½ hour strike, key wound, pendulum beat escape 2 hammers striking 2 bells at side, partially inset into movement. Pendulum lengths available: 1 8 -21 23 35 55 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=3lmm B=49mm - - dead , - Ships clock strike - - Hermle 132-071 (Ships Clock Strike) Plate size: 90 mm hand shaft length 27 mm Features: 8 day movement with ships bell strike, key wound, platform escapement (11 jewels), 1 hammer striking 1 bell, mounted on back. BPH 10,800 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=3lmm B=5Omm - U Hermle 140-010 Use 8 day version 150-010 Hermle 140-070 ~ Use 8 day version 150-070 see specs below Plate size: 85 x 98 mm shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day bim barn movement with 1/2 hour strike, key wound, balance regulated, 2 hammers striking 2 bells mounted at back. BPH 9,000 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=57mm - 140-070 replace with 150-070 Hermle 141-010 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 14 day bim barn, movement with ~/2 hour strike, key wound, pendulum regulated, 3 hammers at bottom. Pendulum lengths available: 1 1 45 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=57mm - - ~j~1 ‘~‘ HermIel4l-020 ~ ~ I Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 14 day movement with ½ hour gong strike, key wound, pendulum ~ beat escape, 1 hammer at bottom. Pendulum lengths available: 21 31 -32 -34 -38 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=~7mm - - - 45 - -52 - 55 - 75 cm - dead Page 88 FHS Hermie Clock Movements Hermle 141-023 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 14 day movement with 1/2 hour gong strike, key wound, pendulum dead - - beat escape, 1 hammer at boffom. Pendulum lengths available: 45 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=57mm Hermle 141 -030 hand shaft 33 mm Hermle 141 -031.32 hand shaft 27mm Plate size: 85 x 98 mm Features: 1 4 day birn barn, movement with ‘/2 hour strike, key wound, pendulum regulated, 3 hammers at side. Pendulum lengths available: 11 15 -21 -25 31 -32 34 -38- 43 -45 -48 -52 55-66-75-94-114cm CalendarModels:K34-K38-K43-K45-K48-K55K66 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=57mm - - - - - Hermle 141-033 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 14 day bim bam, movement with 1/2 hour strike, key wound, pendulum - regulated, 3 hammers at side. Pendulum lengths available: 38 cm Calendar Model: K66 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=57mm Hermle 141 -040 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 14 day movement with 1/2 hour gong strike, key wound, pendulum regulated, 1 hammer at back. Pendulum lengths available: 21 25 26.5 29 34 43 45 48 75 85 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=57rnm - - - - - - - - - - Hermle 141 -040K with Calendar Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 14 day movement with ½ hour gong strike, key wound, pendulum regulated, - 1 hammer at back. Long calendar hand mounts on center hand shaft. 38 43 45 55 94 cm Pendulum lengths available: 25 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm - - - - - B=57mrn ~~ Hermle 141 -041 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 27 mm Features: 1 4 day movement with 1/2 hour gong strike, key wound, pendulum regulated, 1 hammer at back. ~~ Pendulum lengths available: Key hole spacing: (figure 1) ‘P ‘~ ~ j~ - ~=33mm ~=57mm - 25 - 32 - 38 43 45 - - - 55 cm Page 89 FHS Hermie Clock Movements I I Hermle 141 -050 hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 14 day bim barn, movement with ½ hour strike, key wound, pendulum Plate size: 85 x 98 mm - regulated, 3 hammers at back. Pendulum lengths available: 15 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=57mm No Picture Available 0 Hermle 141-080 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 33 mm - Strike Features Same as FHS 150-080 but pendulum regulated I Features: 14 day bim barn, movement with ½ hour strike, key wound, pendulum regulated dead beat escape, 2 hammers striking 2 bells mounted on top. Pendulum lengths available: 15 21 23 114 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 1) ~ = 33 mm = 57 mm - - - - Hermle 150-010 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 33 mm, Features: 8 day bim barn, movement with ½ hour strike, key wound, balance regulated, 3 hammers at bottom. BPH 9,000 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mrn B=57mm - Hermle 150-080 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day birn barn, movement with ½ hour strike, key wound, balance regulated, 2 hammers striking 2 bells at top. BP1-1 9,000 Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=57mrn - Hermle 151-010 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 33 mm - Features: 8 day bim barn, movement with regulated, 3 hammers at bottom. Pendulum lengths available: 32 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 1) A=33mm B=57mm 1/2 hour strike, key wound, pendulum Hermle 241 -030 Plate size: 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 33 mm - Features: 8 day bim barn, movement with ½ hour strike, weight/chain driven, pendulum regulated, dead beat escape, 3 hammers at side. Note: chains, hooks and ring are not included, if required you must order independently. Pendulum lengths available: 23 31 32 34 -38 43 45 52 55 66 75 85 cm A=33rnm B=57mm - - - - - - - - - - Page 90 FHS Hermie Clock Movements Hermle 241 -080- 31 ~~ fl~ 32 - - 34 38 -45 - - 75 - 85 - 94cm Plate size: 885 x 98 mm hand length mm weight/chain driven, pendulum Features: day movement withshaft ½ hour bell33 strike, - ~ regulated, dead beat escape, 1 hammer at top (chains included). , Pendulum lengths available: 32 38 - 45 cm - HERMLE MANUAL No. 62.11 18 The I-IERMLE Service Manual. An ideal book for the clockmaker written by HERMLE to service HERMLE -AMUSTI3UY- Hermle 241 -840 ~ fr~ ~ - (cables & pulleys included). Pendulum length available: 75 ~ ~J Features: day movement withshaft ½ hour gong Plate size: 885 x 98 mm hand length 33 strike, mm weight/cable driven, pendulum regulated, dead beat escape, 1 hammer at back - 85 - 94 cm 1~ ‘P Hermle 241-843 Plate size: Features: regulated, Pendulum 85 x 98 mm hand shaft length 53 mm 8 day movement with 1/2 hour gong strike, weight/cable driven, pendulum dead beat escape, 1 hammer at back (cables & pulleys included). length available: 75 cm - Hermle 261-030 Plate size: Features: pendulum Pendulum 87 x 87 mm hand shaft length 33 mm 8 day bim bam, movement with ½ hour strike, weight/chain driven, regulated, dead beat escape, 3 hammers at side (chains included). lengths available: 31 45 55 66 85 cm - - - - - Hermle 261-080 Plate size: 87 x 87 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day movement with ½ hour bell strike, weight/chain driven, pendulum regulated, dead beat escape, 1 hammers at top (chains included). - Pendulum lengths available: 23 - 31 - 35 - 45 - 55 cm Page 91 FHS Hermie Clock Movements Hermle 340-020 Plate size: 100 x 100 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with 1/4 hour chime wound, balance regulated, 5 hammers at bottom. Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A=41.75mm 8=42.8mm C=24.2mm - + hour strike, key with Calendar Plate size: 100 x 100 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with Y4 hour chime + hour strike, key wound, balance regulated, 5 hammers at bottom. Long calendar hand mounts on center hand shaft. Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A=41.75mm 5=42.8mm C=24.2mm Hermle 340-020K Hermle 341 -020 Plate size: 100 x 100 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with ¼ hour chime + hour strike, key wound, pendulum regulated, 5 hammers at bottom. Pendulum lengths avai!able: 11 25 31 33.5 35 38.5 45 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A=41.75mm 5=42.8mm c=24.2mm - - - - - - - Hermle 341 -021 Plate size: 100 x 100 mm hand shaft length 27 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with ¼ hour chime wound, pendulum regulated, 5 hammers at bottom. Pendulum lengths available: 11 25 33.5 35 38.5 45 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A=41.75mm 8=42.8mm C=24.2mm - - - - - + hour strike, key + hour strike, key + hour strike, key - Hermle 341 -023 Plate size: 100 x 100 mm hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with ¼ hour chime wound, pendulum regulated, 5 hammers at bottom. Pendulum lengths available: 35 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A=41.75mm 5=42.8mm C=24.2mm - IJ~’3J Hermle 350-020 Plate size: 1 20 x 1 20 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with ¼ hour chime - . -~ ~ ~ 4 4 wound, balance regulated, 5 hammers at bottom. Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A=48.75mm 5=49.25mm C=3Omm Page 92 FHS Hermie Clock Movements Hermle 350-060 ~ f ;‘~~ ~ :4,~ i Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with /4 hour chime + hour strike, key - wound, balance regulated, 5 hammers at bock. Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A = 48.75 mm B = 49.25 mm C = 30 mm ~ ~ 4~J ~ ~ [~j .~ A - Hermle 351 -020 Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with 1/4 hour chime + hour strike, key wound, pendulum dead beat escape, 5 hammers at bottom. Pendulum lengths available: 11 15 -21 23 25 26.5 31 32 - 34- 38 43 45-48-52-55-66-75-85cm - - - Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A - - 48.75 mm - = - - 49.25 mm - = - 30 mm Hermle 351 -021 Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 27 mm - Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with 1/4 hour chime + hour strike, key wound, pendulum- dead beat escape, 5 hammers at bottom. Pendulum lengths available: 26.5 31 32 34 45 48cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A=48.75mm B=49.25mm C=3Omm - - - - - Hermle 351-030 Plate size: 1 20 x 120 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with 1/4 hour chime + hour strike, key wound, pendulum dead beat escape, 5 hammers at side. Pendulum lengths available: 11 29 31 34- 38 -43 45 -48 -52 55 -66 75 85cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A = 48.75 mm B = 49.25 mm C = 30 mm - - - ,~‘ - - - - - Hermle 351 -031 Plate size: 1 20 x 1 20 mm hand shaft length 27 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with 1/4 hour chime + hour strike, key wound, pendulum dead beat escape, 5 hammers at side. Pendulum lengths available: 32 34 38 43 45 48 52 55 66 75 - 85 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A=48.75mm ~=49.25mm C=3Omm - ~1 ~i - - ~. - - - - - - - - Hermle 351 -050 .‘ ‘ Plate size: 120 x 120mm - hand shaft length 33mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with /4 hour chime + hour strike, key ~. wound, pendulum dead beat escape, 8 hammers at back. Pendulum lengths available: 32 - 43 45 48 55 66 75 - fr - ~ Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A = - - 48.75 mm B - = - - 85 - 94 cm 49.25 mm C= 30 mm - Page 93 FHS Hermie Clock Movements •e Hermle 351-051 . ~ Plate size: 120 x 120 mm ~ ~ - hand shaft length 27 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with ‘/4 hour chime + hour strike, key wound, pendulum dead beat escape, 8 hammers at back. Pendulum lengths available: 34 43 48 55 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) ~ 48.75 mm = 49.25 mm = 30 mm - . - ~ - - c Hermle 351 -060 Plate size: 1 20 x 120 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day Westminster chime movement with ‘/4 hour chime + hour strike, key wound, pendulum dead beat escape, 5 hammers at back. Pendulum lengths available: 15 32 -85 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) ~ = 48.5 mm = 49 mm = 30 mm - - - Hermle 351-830 Plate size: 1 20 x 1 20 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day cable & spring driven Westminster chime, movement with ¼ hour chime + hour strike, key wound, pendulum dead beat escape, 5 hammers at side. Spring drive on strike & chime, weight driven time train. Cable and pulley with spreader included (weights not included). Pendulum lengths available: 66 75 85 94A cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) ~ = 48.75 mm = 49.25 mm = 30 mm - - - I, - - FLOOR CLOCK REPAIR STAND No. 24.805 Ideally suited for repairing Grandfather and Grandmother movements. Adjustable rails to fit most movements. Designed with a chime clock mounting board so you can test with chime block. Adjustable leveling feet for uneven surfaces. Size: 45’ 1-1 x 18” W x 5” 1) Hermle 351-850 Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day cable & spring driven Westminster chime, movement with ‘/4 hour chime + hour strike, key wound, pendulum dead beat escape, 8 hammers at back. Spring drive on strike & chime, weight driven time train. Cable and pulley with spreader included (weights not included). Pendulum lengths available: 85 114 cm Key hole spacing: (figure 2) A = 48.75 mm = 49.25 mm = 30 mm - - - Page 94 FHS Hermie Clock Movements —ft ~ ~ Hermie 451-030H Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day, Westminster chime movement with /4 hour chime + hour strike, chain drive, pendulum dead beat escape, 5 hammers at side (chains included). - ~ j~ - ~ ~ Pendulum lengths available: 45 - 55 66 - - 75 - 85 94 - - 1 14 cm - r~ Hermie ~ I Pendulum lengths available: 66 ~ ~ ~ 451-033H Plate size: 120 x 120mm hand shaft length 53mm Features: 8 day, Westminster chime movement with 1/4 hour chime + hour strike, chain drive, pendulum dead beat escape, 5 hammers at side (chains included). ~ - ‘ - 94 - - 1 14 cm Hermle 451 -050H Plate size: 1 20 x 1 20 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day, Westminster chime movement with 1/4 hour chime + hour strike, chain drive, pendulum dead beat escape, 8 hammers at back (chains included). - - Pendulum lengths available: 45 . 3~ 55 - 75 - 85 - - 94 1 14 cm - ~ -. ~ HermIe45l-053H ~ Plate size: 120 x 1 20 mm ~ ~ Features: 8 day, Westminster chime movement with 1/4 hour chime + hour strike, chain drive, pendulum dead beat escape, 8 hammers at back (chains included). - hand shaft length 53 mm - ~ ~ Pendulum lengths available: 75 ,~j ~ ~ -~ - 85 - 94 - 1 14 cm j - ~ Hermle 451 -053 HS -~%~~i ~ ~r ~ Same as 451 -053H but with added seconds hand feature. For use with dials with seconds bit. ~- ~ -~. - 1 14 cm ,, ~ ~ Pendulum lengths available: 94 ~- ~-. Hermle 461 -053 HS Plate size: 140 x 200 mm hand shaft length 53 m~j Feature~ 8 day, Westminster chime movement with hour chime + hour strike, chain drive, Dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 8 hammers at back (chains included). With seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit. Pendulum lengths available: 94 1 14 cm - ~ /4 ~ - ~ ~ - a . ~- -f~-. - - Page 95 FHS Hermie Clock Movements Hermle 461 -850BS Plate size: 140 x 200 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day, Westminster chime movement with ¼ hour chime + hour strike, cable drive, Dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 8 hammers at back (cables & pulleys included). With seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit. Pendulum lengths available: 94 114 cm Key hole positions: (figure 2) A=75mm B=75mm C=41.5Omm - - • 4, • 4 Hermle 461 -853BS Plate size: 140 x 200 mm hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 8 day, Westminster chime movement with 1/4 hour chime + hour strike, cable drive, Dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 8 hammers at back (cables & pulleys included). With seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit. Pendulum lengths available: 94 1 14 cm Key hole positions: (figure 2) A=75mm B=75mm C=41.5Omm - :~j . ‘~) ‘r Hermle 471 -O5OHS Plate size: 152 x 220 x 2.5 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day, Westminster chime movement with ¼ hour chime + hour strike, chain drive, dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 8 hammers at back (chains included). With seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit. Heavy duty parts and 2.5mm thick plates. Pendulum lengths available: 94 100 1 14 mm - - - HANGING ASSEMBLY FOR CLOCK MOVEMENTS No. 24.810 Quick and easy hanger for clock movements. Set includes 4 medium assembly posts and a simple hanger. This set-up allows the clockmaker to take the movement from the bench to the wall for regulating in seconds. Supplied with a special stud which attaches securely to the wall, ready to accept a movement for hanging. Cunningly simple and effectivel Need a replacement movement? Be sure to check your movement for any names or numbers. Check hand shaft I key hole spacing. Measure hand shaft length. Measure or calculate pendulum length. Determine type, chime and position of hammers. Collection of this information will greatly simplify your search for a replacement movement. Remember, it wouldn’t be fun if there weren’t problems! Page 96 Hermle 1050-020 Plate size: 1 20 x 1 20 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day ~jpje chime (4/4 Westminster, Whiftington, St. Michael) key wound, balance regulated, 8 hammers at bottom. Key hole positions: (figure 2) A 48.75 mm B = 49.25 mm C = 30 mm - Hermle 1050-021 Plate size: 1 20 x 120 mm hand shaft length 27 mm Features: 8 day ~jpie chime (4/4 Westminster, Whiftington, Si. Michael) key wound, balance regulated, 8 hammers at bottom. Key hole positions: (figure 2) A 48.75 mm B= 49.25 mm C = 30 mm - Hermle 1051-020 Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day ~jpje chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) key wound, dead beat escape, 8 hammers at bottom. Pendulum lengths available: 15 -25 -29 -31 34 38 -43 -45 -48- 66cm Key hole positions: (figure 2) A = 48.75 mm B = 49.25 mm C = 30 mm - - - Hermle 1051 -030A ~ ~ ~ .. ‘,~v-, i ~ ~ J ~ : ~ ~$~! ~ 120 x 1 20 mm hand shaft length 33mm 8 day trjQje chime (4/4 Westminster, Whiftington, St. Michael) key wound, escape, 8 hammers at side. lengths available: 15-25-32-34-38-43-45-48-52-55-75 -85 - cm Key hole positions: (figure 2) A = 48.75 mm B = 49.25 mm C = 30 mm Hermie 1051-031A Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 27 mm Features: 8 day ~jp~e chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittingion, St. Michael) key wound, dead beat escape, 8 hammers at side. Pendulum lengths available: 25 34 38 43 55 75cm Key hole positions: (figure 2) - ~ ~ r \‘~ ~ Plate size: Features: dead beat Pendulum 9 - ~ r - A = 48.75 mm B = 49.25 mm - C - = - - 30 mm Hermle 1051 -051 IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 27 mm Features: 8 day j~jpie chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) key wound, dead beat escape, 12 hammers at back. Pendulum lengths available: 34 43 45 48 66 75 85 cm Key hole positions: (figure 2) A = 48.75 mm B 49.25 mm C = 30 mm - - - - - - - Page 97 FHS Hermie Clock Movements Hermie 1151-030H Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day ~jpje chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) chain drive, dead beat escape, 8 hammers at side (chains included). Pendulum lengths available: 94 cm - A = 48.75mm 8= 49.25mm C = 30mm Hermle 1151-033 HS Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 8 day ~j~je chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael), dead beat escape, 8 hammers at side (chains included). With seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit. Pendulum lengths available: 94 114 cm - - Hermie 1151-050H Plate size: 120 x 120 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day ~jpje chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) chain drive, dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 12 hammers at back (chains included). Pendulum lengths available: 85 94 114 cm - - Hermie 1151-053H Plate size: 120 x 120 mm - hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 8 day ~jp(e chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) chain drive, dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 12 hammers at back (chains included). Pendulum lengths available: 85 94 114 cm - - - Hermie 1151-053HS Plate size: 1 20 x 120 mm hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 8 day ~jp~e chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) chain drive, dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 12 hammers at back (chains included). With seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit. Pendulum lengths available: 94 114 cm - - Hermie 1161-053HS Plate size: 140 x 200 mm hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 8 day ~jpje chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) chain drive, - dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 1 2 hammers at back (chains included). With seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit. Pendulum lengths available: 94 114 cm - I I Page 98 Hermie 1161-B5OBS Plate size: 140 x 200 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day, ~jpje chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) cable drive, dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 12 hammers at back. With seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit (cables & pulleys included). Pendulum lengths available: 94 1 14 cm - - Key hole positions: (figure 2) A = 77.4 mm B = 77.8 mm C 44.40 mm b bb Hermie 1161-853B Plate size: 140 x 200 mm hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 8 day, ~j~je chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) cable drive, dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 12 hammers at back (cables & pulleys included). Pendulum lengths available: 85 94 100- 114cm - - - Key hole positions: (figure 2) A = 77.4 mm B = 77.8 mm C = 44.40 mm Hermle 11 61 -853BS with Auto night shut off feature - Plate size: 140 x 200 mm hand shaft length 53 mm Features: 8 day, ~j~je chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) cable drive, dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 12 hammers at back, Seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit (cables and pulleys included). Pendulum lengths available: 94 100 114 cm - - Key hole positions: (figure 2) A=77.4mm B=77.8mm - C=44.4Omm Auto night shut off Hermle 1171 -O5OHS Plate size: 152 x 220 x 2.5 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day, triple chime (4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) chain drive, dead beat escape, auto beat verge, 12 hammers at back (chains included). With seconds hand feature for dials with seconds bit. Heavy duty plates 2.5mm thick. Pendulum lengths available: 94 114 mm - - Hermle 1171 -850BS Plate size: 152 x 220 x 2.5 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day, triple chime ( 4/4 Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) cable drive, dead beat escape, auto beat verge, removable cable drums,1 2 hammers at back (cables & pulleys included). With seconds feature for dials with seconds bit. Heavy duty plates 2.5mm thick. Pendulum lengths available: 94 100 114 mm - - - Key hole positions: (figure 2) A= 81.8mm B= 81.2mm C= 45.50mm Page 99 FHS Hermie Clock Movements Hermle 1171 -89085 Plate size: 152 x 220 x 2.5 mm hand shaft length 33 mm Features: 8 day tubular gong, triple chime (Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael) Heavy duty parts, 2.5mm thick plates, true direct second, power reserve, auto beat verge, removable cable drums, separate chime strike shut-off allowing weights to drop together (9 hammers at back) (cables & pulleys included). Pendulum lengths available: 114 mm Key hole positions: (figure 2) A= 81.8 mm B= 81.2 mm C= 45.50mm - Key Hole Spacing Diagrams: Use these key hole spacing diagrams to calculate compatibiliiy with an existing dial when replacing other makes of movements with a Hermie movement. 0 0. Figure 1A A Figure 2 A. - B C A B Hand Shaft Lengths: Hand shaft lengths are measured from the plate to the ~jj~ of the center wheel. When replacing a movement be sure to check shaft length to ensure a proper match with dial and alignment with any chime rods or gongs. Pendulum Lengths: Always specify the required pendulum length of any pendulum regulated movement ordered. The pendulum length is marked on the back plate of all Hermle movements (ie. 94cm). The movement is geared for this length only. The pendulum length is the total length of the suspension, the pendulum leader and the pendulum. In a case where a movement other than Hermle is being replaced, the pendulum length can be calculated by measuring the distance from the suspension post, to the boftom of the rating nut below the bob. Keep in mind, that these distances are theoretical, and that factors such as bob diameter and pendulum iype (wood stick or lyre) can effect this measurement, so real ones may vary. Note: Warranty covers factory defects or faults only, and does not cover damage or changes made during the casing application. Bending or altering parts may void the factory warranly. Movements which have been altered will not be accepted for credit or exchange. Consider this factor before bending or altering any part of a movement. Test running movements before installing in case is a wise procedural step. PERRIN 90 Thorncliffe Park Drive Toronto ON M4H 1N5 H & W PERRIN E~MA1L Address: sa!es~.perrin. on. ca Phone Fax (416) 422-4600 (416) 422-0290 Toll Free: 1-800-387-5117 Toll Free: 1-800-741-6139 Page 100 Pecij~hering the Hermle Movement Numbers Hermle uses a 6- or 7-digit number code to designate whether it is spring, chain or cable driven, the plate size, hammer arrangement and the hand shaft length. EXAMPLE: A: 341-021 105 1-030 A B-CDE The series number which determines plate size, and how it is driven. 130 140 150 240 260 340 350 451 461 471 1050 1151 1161 1171 ROUND WITH 90 mm plates always time and strike PLATES 85x98mm l4dayT/S same as 140 except 8 day same as 140 except weight driven Always weight driven w/ chains. PLATES 87 x 87 mm Spring wind Westminster PLATES lOOxlOOmm Spring wind Westminster PLATES l2Oxl2Omm Weight driven Westminster PLATES 120x120mm Weight driven Westminster PLATES 140 x 200 mm Weight driven Westminster PLATES 152x220mm Spring driven triple chime PLATES l2Oxl2Omm Weight driven triple chime same size 120 x 120mm Weight driven triple chime PLATES 140 x 200 mm Weight driven triple chime PLATES 152x220mm 0 2 Indicates balance regulated. Indicates pendulum regulated. Indicates platform balance as in ship’s strike C: 0 8 Used for both spring and chain drive Used for cable drive D: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 Indicates Indicates Indicates Indicates Indicates Indicates Indicates Indicates 0 1 3 Indicates hand shaft length 33 mm Indicates hand shaft length 27 mm Indicates hand shaft length 53 mm 8: 5 E: bottom hammer bim-bam bottom hammer all other except 130 series side hammer back hammer on gong separate back hammers for chime and strike single set back hammers at 45 degrees back hammer on bell top hammer - Also marked is the pendulum length the movement is geared for and the beats per minute. Example: (always marked on the back plate) JI’erm(e Model number v~ 1 161 -853BS 1 1 4cm 60 Pendulum length ‘~ Beats per minute Page 101 Current Seth Thomas clocks are using Hermie movements. The following chart converts Seth Thomas numbers to Hermie numbers. Seth Thomas # 205-000 205-000 205-001 205-002 205-003 205-004 205-005 206-000 206-001 206-001 206-002 206-002 206-004 206-004 206-005 206-007 206-010 206-011 206-012 206-013 206-014 207-000 207-005 208-000 208-000 208-000 208-001 208-001 208-002 208-003 208-005 208-005 208-006 208-006 208-007 208-007 208-008 208-006 208-006 208-007 208-007 HERMLE # 141-010 a 141-010.11 ~€3 141-020.52 141-020.21 * 141-020.21 141 -020.21 141 -020.52 130-020 130-020 130-070 1 30-020 1 30-627 rear wind 1 30-020 130-627 rear wind 140-010 130-627 rear wind 131-030.35 130-020 131-030.21 131 -030.45 131-030.55 132-071 132-071 141-031.32 141-010 141-010.11 140-010 14 1-020.52 banjo 141 -020.21 141 -040.75 141-OlOa 141-020.52 banjo 141-020.32 141 -023.38 141 -020.45 141 -023.45 141-031.32 141-020.32 141-023.38 141-020.45 141 -023.45 Seth Thomas # 208-008 208-009 208-010 208-011 208-012 208-013 208-014 208-015 215-012 305-002 305-004 400-000 400-000 400-001 400-001 400-001 401-000 401-001 401-001 401-002 401-003 401-004 401-005 401-005 402-000 402-000 402-003 402-004 402-005 402-006 403-000 403-001 403-002 403-007 403-008 403-008 403-009 403-009 403-010 403-011 403-012 HERMLE # 141-031.32 141-031.31 141-033.38 ** 141-020.21 141-030.48 340-020 141-020.27 141-030.38 131-030.21 1050-020 1050-020 350-020 351-020.15 ~ 350-060 351-060.15 *** 351-020.15 ~ 341-020.11 ***€~ 350-020 351-020.15 ~Ø 351-060.15 *** 340-020 340-020 340-020 140-010 351-020.15 *~~® 350-020 351 -060.85 351-020.15 *** 350-020a 350-060 350-060 350-060 1050-020 451 -050.85 451 -053.85 451 -053.94 1 151-053HS.94 1 151-053HS.1 14 451-053.94 351-030.48 351-030.75 Page 102 Seth Thomas Conversion Chart Current Seth Thomas clocks are using Hermie movements with some exceptions. The following chart converts Seth Thomas numbers to Hermle, Urgos & Kieninqer numbers. Seth Thomas # HERMLE # Seth Thomas # HERMLE # 415-003 1 161-853HS.94 403-013 1 151-053HS.94 415-011 1161-853BS.114 403-014 451-050.85 415-013 1 161-8538S.94 403-0 14 451 -053.85 415-015 1161-85385.94 403-015 451 -050.94 415-016 461-85385.114 403-015 451-050.114 429-703 351 -020.43 403-015 451 -053.85 429-705 1051 -020.43 403-015 451-053.94 450-006 132-071 403-018 351-020.34 450-007 131-030.35 403-019 351 -020.43 450-008 131-030.55 403-020 1 151-053HS.94 ~ 450-009 340-020 403-021 1151-050.94 450-011 350-060 403-021 1151-053.94 450-012 1050-020 403-024 351-020.66 451 -Ô01 KSUO33 (1 1 6cm) 403-025 1051-020.43 451-002 KSUO33 (116cm) 403-026 1051 -020S.85 451-003 RUO12 403-027 351 -020.43 451-004 KSUO33 (116cm) 403-029 451-053.94 451-006 KSU (116cm) 403-030 451 -053H.94 460-00 1 RWS 80 cm 403-031 1 151-053.94 468-310 350-023.K2 403-031 451 -053.94 468-314 141 -020.52 404-001 351 -023K1 5.85 468-318 451-050.114 404-010 350-023 468-318 341-020K.35 406-000 UW32319 (Urgos) 468-323 132-071 406-001 UW32319 (Urgos) 468-325 132-071 406-007 UW32320 (Urgos) 468-326 J1213 (Kieninger) 407-002A 1 161-853BS.1 14 468-328 132-071 409-000 241 -030.55 497-212 340-020 409-001 241 -030.45 497-218 1051-030.34 409-002 241 -030.55 497-220 1051-031.34 415-001 1 161-853HS.1 14 1050-020 502-002 1 161-053HS.1 14 415-002 lJnderstanding additional qualifying factor markings on chart. - = 0 Rear pendulum Specify if front or rear pendulum Replacement unit must include new pendulum. Hammer arrangement on new movement opposite direction from old movement. Page 103 Urgos Movement List UW Urgos # 32302 32316 32317 32319 32320 32322 32325 32326 32328 32331 32333 32334 32340 32342 32349 32359 32360 32363 66018 66020 66044 03082 03083 03096 03101 03102 03108 03120 03123 03124 Westminster or Triple Chain or Cable Handshaft Length Pendulum Length cm Beat Rate per hour W T T W W W W T W CHAIN CHAIN CABLE CHAIN CHAIN CHAIN CHAIN CHAIN CHAIN 37 37 37 37 49 37 65 37 65 116 93 100 80 80 100 80 80 93 3600 4050* 3857 4320 4320 3857 4320 4320 4Q5Q* T T T T W T T T T T T T T 9TUBE T W 5TUBE CHAIN CABLE CHAIN CABLE CHAIN CHAIN CABLE CABLE CHAIN CABLE CABLE CABLE CABLE CABLE CHAIN CHAIN CHAIN CABLE CHAIN CABLE CHAIN 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 49 65 49 49 49 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 110 93 116 116 93 100 110 116 80 116 100 93 116 116 116 116 116 100 100 100 100 3728 4050* 3600 3600 4080 3857 3728 3600 4320 3600 3857 4050* 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3870 3870 3870 3870 9 TUBE W T T Original unit had pendulum length 13mm (1/2”> shorter and a beat rate of 4080 Note: Pendulum length is measured from the suspension post to the tip of the pendulum. It will vary depending on the type of pendulum.. .wood stick or lyre type. Page 104 Urgos cross reference Iist...Old model numbers Old UW# 32001 32002 32003 32004 32005 32006 32008* 32009 32010 32011 32012 32013 32015 32019 32020 32026 32029 32033 32035 32036 32042 32043 32045 32049 32050 32050 32057 32059 32061 32062 32068 32070 32071 32073 32075 NewUW# 32319 32325 a a 32342 451-050.75 I I 32342 32342 * 32326 a 32320 a I 32325 32363 * 32328 32328 a 32326 I 32316 32322 I 1 32349 I 32363 32316 a 32317 a 32349 I 32302 I 32302 32316 * 32334 a 32322 I 32319 I I 32342 32349 * 32319 I I 32316 I 32319 32316 a I 32340 I 32334 32342 OIdUW# 32076 32077 32078 32086 32094 32096 32101 32110 32114 32115 32134 32145 32149 32151 32166 32198 32200 32201 32205 32207 32501 32535 32545 32546 32562 32568 32570 32573 32575 32576 32596 32601 32610 32639 32645 to New numbers OIdUW# NewUW# I 32647 32302 I 32663 32325 1 32664 32326 I 32670 32340 32316 a 32680 32340 a 32681 32685 32328 I 32333 a 32691 32692 32317 I 32696 I 32320 I 32699 32360 I 32700 32333 32711 32325 I 32737 32316 I 32342 a 32760 3001 32316 a 3003 32317 a 03005* 32334 I 3011 32359 03012* I 32360 3013 32319 a 3015 32322 I 32316 3018 I 32334 39159 I * 3020 32316 a 3021 32319 3022 32316 I 3023 32334 I 3024 32342 a I 3025 32342 3026 32340 I a 3027 32328 3028 32333 I I 3029 32342 32333 3030 a Urgos cross reference Iist....Old model numbers -, -, to New numbers - NewUW# 32317 32317 32349 32322 32322 32340 32333 32342 32316 32349 32342 32359 32331 32322 32319 3101 3120 3096 3101 3096 3101 3124 3102 03X012 3096 3101 3120 N/A 3101 3096 3102 3101 03X012 3121 3083 continued Page 105 * OIdUW# 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 NewUW# 3036 3037 3038 3102 3121 3083 3039 3040 N/A 3108 3041 3042 3043 03X012 or_CABLE 3108 3043 3044 3045 3102 3082 I 3046 3049 3051 3052 3102 3123 3082 3083 I I * I 3101 3096 3101 3096 3102 I I I I I I I OldUW# 3053 3054 3055 3056 NewUW# 3058 3083 3061 3096 3063 3064 3068 3120 3124 3120 3069 3070 3071 3078 3082 3086 3088 3089 3098 3106 3109 3123 03X012 3108 03X012 3082 3096 3124 3083 3123 3123 3124 3124 3101 3096 3102 OIdUW# NewUW# I 3110 3114 3108 3083 I I • I I I I I 66002 N/A I 66003 66004 66005 66009 66010 66013 66015 66016 66018 N/A 66018 N/A 66020 66020 66018 66020 66018 66018 * 66020 66020 I 66025 66020 1 I I I I 66032 66020 66033 66035 66036 66038 66044 66044 66018 66020 I I I The shut-off on the old unit was made at the 3, 6 and 1 2 o’clock positions. The new unit has a shut-off at the 3 o’clock position only. Attach a brass rod to the shut-off and drop behind the dial into the case to change the chime selector if necessary. Note 1: On all Urgos movements a letter follows the UW#. These are all interchangeable. The letter “A” indicates dead beat escape, all other letters B, C, D, E are automatic beat. Note 2: If you have a number for which there is no cross reference, we need the following information: 0-uW# S Chain or cable wind S Westminster or triple chime S Handshaft length from the front plate to the tip of centre wheel in mm S Length of the pendulum from the suspension post to the tip in cm or the bph - - - - flote 3: Those units with a beat rate of 4050/hr replace original units having a rate of 4080/hr and require lengthening the pendulum by about 1/2”. Page 106 KIENINGER MOVEMENT LIST GRANDFATHER UNITS H,K & R SERIES SERIES # CHIME CH/CA BPH PL (CM) H0001 W CHAIN 3600 116 HKOO2 T CHAIN 3600 116 KK25 W CHAIN 3600 116 KKU26 T CHAIN 3600 116 KS57 W CABLE 3600 116 KSU33 T CABLE 3600 116 KSU36 T CABLE 3800 100 KSU 38 T CABLE 4000 93 KSU 50 T-SEQUEN1 AL CHIME 3600 1 16 KSU 51 SAME AS ABOVE 4000 93 RKO14 W CHAIN 4260 80 RK022 W CHAIN 4000 93 RK023 W CHAIN 3600 116 RK029 W CHAIN 4000 93 RK032 W CHAIN 3600 116 RUO1O T CHAIN 3600 116 RUO12 T CHAIN 4000 93 RUO13 T CHAIN 3600 116 RU027 T CHAIN 4000 93 SKS12,15 W CHAIN 3600 116 HS (MM) 56 56 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 36 36 36 48 48 36 48 48 36 36 PS SERIES (TIME & STRIKE CABLE WIND) SERIES # CHIME CH/CA P5026 GONG CABLE PS027 GONG CABLE P5037 GONG CABLE PS038 BIMBAM CABLE P5039 BIMBAM CABLE P5040 BIMBAM CABLE HS (MM) 32 36 32 32 32 36 BPH 4725 4260 4260 4260 4725 4260 P1 (CM) 65 80 80 80 65 80 RWS SERIES: TIME WEIGHT, STRIKE & CHIME SPRING, WESTMINSTER CHIME SERIES # CHIME CH/CA BPH PL (CM) RWS13 WEST C/S 4725 65 RW523 WEST C/S 4260 80 RWS25 WEST C/S 3600 116 HS (MM) 32 32 48 Page 107 J SERIES: TRIPLE CHIME, AUTO NIGHT OFF SERIES # CHIME CH/CA J0204-01 J0218-04 J1204 J1208 J1212 J1213 J1216 J1218 TRIPLE TRIPLE TRIPLE TRIPLE TRIPLE TRIPLE TRIPLE TRIPLE SPRING ____________ ____________ ____________ BPH PL (CM) HS (MM) 18000 1800 6086 5325 6750 6750 5742 6086 BAL BAL 43 54 35 65 48 43 32 36 32 32 36 32 48 48 SPRING SPRING SPRING SPRING SPRING SPRING SPRING SPRING JAUCH GRANDFATHER UNIT CONVERSIONS TO HERMLE The following conversion units are available to substitute the proper Hermie unit for various Jauch three weight units. When ordering these it is most helpful to have the following information from the Jauch unit: Plate size Westminster or triple chime Handshaft length from the front plate to tip Chain or cable wind Location of shutoff lever, if any, eg: 3 o’clock, 1 2 o’clock, etc. Dial is it attached to movement or case and is it a moon dial? Information from the rear plate of movement including PL # in cm Actual length of pendulum tip to tip — — — — — — - — — J-61 Complete (old unit marked P1. 61 cm on rear plate) Includes: Hermle movement 451 -053H/75 cm (Westminster chime) Hands, shim blocks to raise unit to proper height, pendulum hook, seat board screws Lead chime weight core. J-64 Complete (old unit marked P. 64 cm Westminster) Includes: Hermle movement 451-050H.85 cm Kit as above with lead core. J-77 Complete (used in many Kit clocks unit marked with 77 on rear) Includes: Hermle movement 451 -050H/94 cm (Westminster chime) Kit as above with lead core. .J-77T Complete (old unit marked same as above but triple chime Includes: Hermle movement 1151-050H.94 cm Kit as above with 7 1/2 lb lead core. J-78 Complete (old unit marked with A 78 on rear) Includes: Hermie movement 451-053H/94 cm (Westminster chime) Kit as above with lead core. - Page 108 JAUCH GRANDFATHER UNIT CONVERSIONS TO HERMLE continued J-78T Complete (old unit marked same as above but triple chime) Includes: Hermle movement 1 151-053HS.94 cm Kit as above with 7 ½ lb lead core. J-93 Complete for the P 93 cm Jauch unit ncludes: Hermle Flagship unit with auto night shut-off feature 471-O5OHS/94 cm (Westminster chime) Kit as above J-93T Same as above but triple chime Includes: Hermle movement 11 71 -O5OHS.94 cm Kit as above J-1 16 Complete: For the P. 110cm and P. 116cm Jauch unit Includes: Hermle movement 471-O5OHS.114 cm Kit as above J-1 1 6T Same as above but triple chime Includes: Hermle movement 1171-O5OHS.114 cm Kit as above NOTE: For all conversions, the clock dial must be mounted to the case as the dial legs will not be compatible with the retrofit movements. When retro-fifting alternative movements in a clock, there is always the possibility, of unforseen problems depending on casing applications. The above retro-fit kits are designed to cover all the basic problems involved with the replacement of these Jauch movements. Please keep in mind the possibility that some changes may have to be made to the casing. ~ H & W PERRIN 90 Thorncliffe Park Drive Toronto ON M4H 1N5 E~MA1L Address: [email protected] Phone (416) 422-4600 Toll Free: 1-800-387-5117 Fax (416) 422-0290 Toll Free: 1-800-741-6139 Page 109 Weiaht Reauirements for Hermie Movements MOVEMENT CHAIN/CABLE TIME TRAIN KG STRIKE TRAIN KG 241 Chain 2 2.2 241 Cable 3.6 3.6 261 Chain 1.2 1.2 351 Cable 2.75 451 Chain 2.15 2.15 3 451 w/ sec hand or Lyre pend. 3 2.15 3 461 461 Chain Cable 2.6 3.5 2.6 3.5 3.5 4.5 471 1151 Chain Chain Lyre Pend < 165mm 3.5 2.15 3.5 2.15 4.5 3.3 1151 Sec hand and/or Lyre> 165mm 3.3 2.15 3.3 1 161 Chain 2.6 2.6 4.5 1161 Cable 3.5 3.5 4.5 1 1 71 Chain 3.5 3,5 4.5 1 171 1 1 71 Cable Cable Tubular 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 8.4 - CHIME TRAIN KG Weight Requirements for Urgos Movements MOVEMENT UW 32 UW 32 UW 32 UW 030 UW 030 UW 030 UW 030 TRIPLE UWO3O UW 030 UW 030 UW 66 CHIME WEST TRIPLE TRIPLE WEST TRIPLE WEST TRIPLE 5 -TUBE 5 TUBE 9 TUBE TRIPLE - - DRIVE CHAIN CHAIN CABLE CHAIN CHAIN CABLE CABLE CHAIN CABLE CABLE CABLE STRIKE (LBS) 4 4 6.4 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 4 CHIMES (LBS) 6.6 7.5 11 8.5 9.5 8.5 9.5 13.25 1 3.25 1 7.5 6.6 CHIMES (IBS) Weight Requirements for Kieninger Movements MOVEMENT KSU/RSU PS PS RWS CHIME DRIVE STRIKE (LBS) TRIPLE BIM/BAM GONG CABLE CABLE CABLE CABLE 6.6 8.4 6.9 6.9 TIME 8.8 Edition 609 Page 110 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-80-741-6139 Clock l2ep8Jr Catiilo~~ve CLOCK KITS No. CP.KITI MOON PHASE EXECUTION containing movement # 451.053-94 cm ‘This moon phase execution contains: - movement # 451.053-94 cm - dial # 73.4 12- dial measures 280 x 280 x 395 mm arabic - hands # 74.0$ l-9B - black color -gong# 73.814-I - wooden pendulum rod # 76.45 6 - brass pendulum bob # 76.407 - diameter 165 mm -3 weight shells # 79.65 1-2 - polished -40 x 232 mm -3 weight cores # 79.661 x 2 and # 79.663 x 1 -weight nuts# 79.716 -pkgof3 - weight hooks # 79.7 17- pkg of 3 - case clamps # CP. 1450- pkg of 6 - seatboard screws # CP.1030 - pkg of 12 - moon phase pinion # CP.1070 No. CP.KIT2 MOON PHASE EXECUTION containing movement # 1151.053-114 cm and wooden pendulum rod This moon phase execution contains: -movement# 1151.053-I 14 cm - dial # 73.4 12- dial measures 280 x 280 x 395 mm arabic - hands # 74.08 1-9B - black color -gong# 73.814 - wooden pendulum rod # 76.45 5 - brass pendulum bob # 76.407 - diameter 165 mm -3 weight shells # 79,653.2 - polished -40 x 264 mm -3 weight cores # 79.662 x 2 and # 79.667 x I - weight nuts # 79.7 16- pkg of 3 - weight hooks # 79.717 - pkg of 3 - case clamps # CP.1450 - pkg of 6 - seatboard screws # CP.1030 - pkg of 12. - moon phase pinion # CP. 1070 No. CP.KIT3 MOON PHASE EXECUTION containing movement # 1151.053-114cm and lyre pendulum rod This moon phase execution contains: -movement# 1151.053-114 cm - dial #73.412 - dial measures 280 x 280 x 395mm arabic - hands # 74.08 1-9B - black color -gong# 73.814 - lyre pendulum rod # 76.4 17 - bob diameter 220 mm - 3 weight shells # 79,653.2 - polished -40 x 264 mm -3 weight cores # 79.662 x 2 and # 79.667 x 1 - weight nuts #79.716 - pkg of3 - weight hooks # 79.7 17- pkg of 3 - case clamps # CP.1450 - pkg of6 - seatboard screws # CP.l030 - pkg of 12 - moon phase pinion # CP. 1070 No. CP.KIT4 MOON PHASE EXECUTION containing movement # 1 l61.853BS-l 14 cm and lyre pendulum This moon phase execution contains: - movement # 1161 .853BS-1 14cm - dial # 73.414 - dial measures 280 x 280 x 395 mm roman and second bit - hands # 74.08 1-9B - black color - second hand # 74.046 -gong# 73.814 - lyre pendulum # 76 .417 - bob diameter 220 mm - 3 polished weight shells # 79.652-2 - polished - 60 x 245 mm - 3 weight cores # 79.665 x 2 and 79.666 x 1 - weight nuts #79.716 - pkg of 3 - weight hooks # 79.7 17 - pkg of 3 - ease clamps # CP.1450 - pkg of 6 - seatboard screws 4 CP.1030 - pkg of 12 - moon phase pinion # CP. 1070 No. CP.KIT5 MOON PHASE EXECUTION containing movement # 1161 .853BS-1 14 cm and luxury lyre pendulum This moon phase execution contains: - movement # I 161.853BS-I 14cm - dial 4 73.414 - dial measures 280 x 280 x 395 mm roman and second bit - hands 4 74.08 1-9B - black color - second hand # 74.046 -gong# 73.814 - luxury lyre pendulum # 76.419 - bob diameter 270 mm - 3 luxury weight shells 4 79.652-3 - engraved - 60 x 245 mm - 3 weight cores # 79.665 x 2 and 79.666 x 1 - weight nuts # 79.716 - pkg of3 - weight hooks # 79.717 - pkg of3 - case clamps # CP.1450 - pkg of 6 - seatboard screws # CP.1030 - pkg of 12 -moon phase pinion 4 CP.1070 No. CP.KIT6 TEMPUS FUGIT EXECUTION containing movement 4 451.053-94 cm This tempus fugit execution contains: - movement #451.053-94 cm - dial 4 73.44 1 - dial measures 280 x 280 x 375 mm - hands # 74.08 1-9Y - gold color - gong # 73.814-1 - wooden pendulum rod # 76.45 6 - brass pendulum bob # 76.407 - diameter 165 mm -3 weight shells # 79.65 1-2 - polished -40 x 232 mm -3 weight cores # 79.661 x 2 and # 79.663 x I - weight nuts # 79.716 - pkg of3 - weight hooks # 79.717 - pkg of3 - case clamps # CP.1450 - pkg of6 - seatboard screws 4 CP.1030 - pkg of 12 No. CP.KIT7 TEMPUS FUGIT EXECUTION contain ing movement # 1151.053-1 14 cm and wooden pendulum rod This tempus fugit execution contains: - movement 1151.053-114cm - dial 4 73.441 - dial measures 280 x 280 x 375 mm - hands 4 74.08 1-9Y - gold color - gong # 73.814 - wooden pendulum rod # 76.45 5 - brass pendulum bob # 76.407 - diameter 165 mm -3 weight shells # 79.653-2 - polished -40 x 264 mm -3 weight cores # 79.662 x 2 and 4 79.667 x 1 - weight nuts # 79.716 - pkg of3 - weight hooks # 79.717 - pkg of3 - case clamps # CP.1450 - pkg of 6 - seatboard screws # CP. 1030 - pkg of 12 No. CP.KIT8 TEMPUS FUGIT EXECUTION containing movement 4 1151.053-114cm and lyre pendulum rod This tempus fugit execution contains: - movement 1151.053-114cm - dial # 73.441 - dial measures 280 x 280 x 375 mm - hands 4 74.08 1-9Y - gold color - gong #73.814 -lyre pendulum rod # 76.417 - bob diameter 220mm - 3 weight shells # 79.653-2 - polished -40 x 264 mm -3 weight cores # 79.662 x 2 and # 79.667 x 1 - weight nuts #79.716 - pkg of3 - weight hooks # 79.717 - pkg of3 - case clamps # CP.1450 - pkg of 6 - seatboard screws # CP.1030 - pkg of 12 No. CP.IUT9 SQUARE DIAL EXECUTION containing movement # 1161 .853BS-1 14 cm and lyre pendulum This square dial execution contains: - movement 1 161.853BS-1 14 cm - dial # 73.420 - dial measures 280 x 280 mm brass/silvered minute track - hands 4 74.08 1-9Y - gold color -gong# 73.814 - lyre pendulum 4 76.417 - bob diameter 220mm -3 polished weight shells # 79.652-2 - polished - 60 x 245 mm -3 weight cores # 79.665 x 2 and # 79.666 x 1 -weightnuts# 79.716-pkgof3 - weight hooks # 79.717 - pkg of 3 - case clamps # CP.1450 - pkg of 6 - seatboard screws # CP. 1030 - pkg of 12 No. CP.KITIO SQUARE DIAL EXECUTION containing movement # 116I.853BS-114 cm and luxury lyre pendulum This square dial execution contains: - movement I 161.853BS-I 14cm - dial # 73.420 - dial measures 280 x 280 mm brass/silvered minute track - hands # 74.08 1-9Y - gold color - gong # 73.814 - luxury lyre pendulum # 76.4 19- bob diameter 270 mm -3 luxury weight shells 4 79.652-3 - engraved - 60 x 245 mm -3 weight cores # 79.665 x 2 and # 79.666 x 1 - weight nuts 4 79.716 - pkg of3 - weight hooks # 79.717 - pkg of 3 - case clamps 4 CP.1450 - pkg of 6 - seatboard screws # CP. 1030 - pkg of 12 Page lii Edition 609 II & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair CataIo~~ie CLOCK TOOLS !IANGING ASSEMBLY FOR CLOCK MOVEMENTS DRILLS - DOUBLE ENDED CENTER For drilling pivots and countersinking, high speed steel. Part Number 24.5181 24.5 182 24.5 183 24.5 184 24.5185 24.5 186 24.5 187 24.5188 No. 24.8 10 Quick and ‘~easy hanger for clock movements. Set includes 4 medium assembly posts and a simple hanger. This set-up allows the clockmaker to take the movement from the bench to the wall for regulating in seconds. Supplied with a special stud which attaches securely to the wall, ready to accept a 24.5 189 movement for hanging, Cunningly simple and eflëctive! CLOCK HAND REMOVER AND GEAR PULLER Drill # / size (inches) #000 1.020” # 00/.025” #0/.031” # 1/.047” # 2/.078” #3/.109” #4/.125” #5 / .188” #6/.219” No. 24.580 Screw pressure forces hand away I’rom post. Does not touch dial or rest of mechanism. (‘an also be used for pulling small gears, etc. Jaws open to 1/8’ (3.2 mm), post size 1/16’ (1.6mm) - made in USA CLOCK HAND REMOVER AND GEAR I’ULLER 4, WALLER GRAVER AND ACCESSORIES ASSEMBLY POST WALLER GRAVER No. 24.81 I Medium -2 V2 (64 mm) long. Quick and easy clamp on legs to support movements during repair No. 36.820 Carbide turning graver with knurled and assembly. Choose l’rom three available lengths. handle for a positive grip, fast cutting on the hardest lust clamp a post onto each corner of the movement. metals, 5” long. The movement is then tirmly supported and ready to be worked on. Choose the appropriate length to allow clearance for hand shafts or chime mechanisms. Sold No. 36.824 Replacement Tip for WaIler Graver. individually. No. 24.812 Long - 3 3/4” (95 mm) long. Same DIAMOND COMPOUND product as No. 24.8 11, but longer. No. 24.8 13 Long-i 7/8”. Extra long steel post raises the movement to eye level, with aluminum fittings. BEAT AMPLIFIER No. 24.58079 This is the economical version of 24.580. Screw pressure forces gears, wheels and hands from their post. 1)esigned not to mark dials HEAVY DUTY HAND AND GEAR PULLER No. 11.152 WaIler ~arnond sh~ening compound No. 24.581 For all types of clocks and instruments. Jaws are adjustable to fit over various sized hands and pusher is always centered. Screw pressure pulls hands or gear away from post of pinion. Does not touch dial. Jaws open to 7/16” (11.1 mm), post size 1/16” (1.6 mm) used on steel lap in lathe to sharpen carbide gravers. ‘A oz CLOCK HOLE CLOSING PUNCH SET DYNA-LUBE No. 24.516 Attach to th movement. Variable volume control with a separate on/off switch. 6” clip on sensor. No. 11.153 Diamond compound stick and “9 volt” battery not included impregnator. 2” stick CROWS FOOT DIAMOND WHEEL No. 24.719 For reducing hole sizes in brass plates in clocks. Spring center guides punch so that it will be concentric. Punch is tapped with a small hammer. Set consists of 7 sizes, can be ordered individually. Individual sizes: No. 24.0790 A must for a clock man. Fits into vice No. 11.1531 600 Grit. For sharpening carbide or bench block, lIandy for removing friction wheels gravers. I /2’ diameter. 1/8” thick with a diamond coating. Brass face plate and arbor turned from a and gears. 43/8 x 3 3/8”/l 12 x 87mm single piece of brass. They have a .20’ arbor stud to fit a #51) lathe collet CIRCULAR GLASS CUTTER No. 11.1532 1200 Grit, For sharpening carbide gravcrs. This is identical to part number 11.1531, with a grit of 1200 0 No. 52.972 Cuts circles from 2 1/2” to 16 1/2” (64 to 419 mm) in diameter. Cutting wheel can be set anywhere along beam which is graduated in millimeters No. 52.973-1 Replacement wheels for circular glass cutter - 6mm (52.972) No. No. No. No. No. No. 24.720 24.721 24.722 24.723 24.724 24.725 Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual punch punch punch punch punch punch # # # # # 4 1/0 (2.0 mm) 1(2.1 mm) 2 (2.6 mm) 3 (3.0 mm) 4 (3.5 mm) 5(4. I mm) Edition 609 Page 112 h & W Perrin Co Ltd Plwne 1-80(1-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Rep8ir Catafo~~ic SWISS-MAI)E BERGEON LETDOWN KEY PLATE SPREADER FOR CLOCKS FLOOR CLOCK REPAIR STAND -if[ No. 64.2301 This tool is designed for the true cratisman. Specially designed key for disarming and arming (winding) clock mainsprings. Kit includes a removable metal handle, 24 numbered chucks with winding squares from number 000 to number 21 (1.75 to 7.50 mm). [he complete range of possibilities you as a clockmakcr will encounter, as well as a special winding chuck for alarm clocks, all well organized in a hinged wooden box. A tool for the professional UNIVERSAL BENCH KEY No. 64.404 I [his special spring loaded key allows ~ou to wind clocks with key arbor diameters of 2.5 to 4.5 mm. With this one key you can wind the majority o[the clocks that come into your shop for repair. No. 24.64<) This tool allows the clockmaker more control when spreading clock plates to extract a wheel or barrel, etc. Gives good mechanical advantage SET OF PUNCHES FOR CLOCKMAKERS No. 24.0292 Set of 16 assorted punches with drilled centers. Punches cover a range of diameters and have fiat, rounded or hole closing ends. Also included is a round steel anvil stake with 10 holes. Supplied with a wood base ( No. 24.805 Ideally suited for repairing Grandfather and Grandmother movements. Adjustable rails to fit most movements. Designed with a chime clock mounting board so you can test with chime block. Adjustable leveling feet for uneven surfaces. Size: 45’ [Ix 18” W x 5” D HEAVY DUTY REPAIR STAND CLOCK REGULATING STAND “REPAIRED BY” LABELS (u~._.___._. No. 61.350 Self-adhesive labels inform customers who repaired their clock and when. Black on white background. 5 labels per sheet. No. 24.800 Holds clock movements when regulating and making adjustments. Grooved brackets are adjustable up to 11(279 mm). Two leveling screws are in the base. No. 24.806 Designed to withstand and test Herschede movements. Made of metal, extremely portable, adjustable leveling feet, easy assembly. Size: 59 U’ Mx 22.25” W x 12.3/4”D Replacement Jaws BERGEON - REALIS - HOLDER FOR CLOCKS LEVEL 24.800-I No. 24.700 For leveling clocks, poising tools, etc. 2 1/2’ (65 mm) long PIVOT LOCATOR 64.30044 No. 24.800-1 Replacement jaw for clock regulating stand. # I original jaws as supplied with 24.800 stand No. 24.800-2 Replacement jaw for clock regulating stand. # 2jaw for round movements No. 24.800-4 Replacementjaw for clock regulating stand. # 4 jaw - width ofjaw 5/8” No. 24.605 Push and pull pivot locator No. 24.606 Wood handle. Push and pull type pivot locator with a comfortable wooden handle. Overall length 8”. Used to tine up wheel pivots when assembling clocks No. 24.61<) Pust~ and pult type pivot locator 8’ tong w th knurled handle I No. 24.800-5 stand, II 5 jaw No. 24.800-6 stand. # 6jaw No. 24.800-7 stand. # 7 jaw - I 24.800-6 ~1 Replacement jaw for ctock regulating width of jaw I 5/8” Replacement jaw for clock regulating width ofjaw 3 1/8” Replacement jaw for clock regulating suited to create your own jaws 64.30043 No. 64.30043 Bench model. The Realis clock timing stands are simple, robust and practical. Provides absolute stability of the movement during timing. Holder is made of carefully polished beechwood. It is jointed and adjustable. Clock movements are not held by the bottom, but are hung. [his very practical stand will hold all types of round and square movements No. 64.30044 For fixing to the wall. Practical for chiming clocks and movements with long pendulums ASSORTMENT OF 4 WOODEN MOVEMENT HOLDERS No. 64.30045 Four graduated sizes of hardwood rests for round clock movements and alarm clock movements. Wood is polished and will not warp. Diameters included in the set of 4 holders are 72 -98 - 145 and 175 mm (movement not included) Pane 113 Edition 609 H & WPerrin Co Ltd Phww 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~~ie BERG EON MOVEMENT HOLDER FOR CLOCKS ‘FOOL FOR REMOVING HANDS ON CLOCKS AND ALARM CLOCKS CLOCK PALLET ADJUSTMENT ‘FOOL / .I~i No. 64.30444 This Bergeon - Swiss quality tool is used for rectit~’ing clock pallets No. 64.5910 This movement holder can be regulated to hold any dimension of clock movement in any direction. Designed to be fixed on a wall capacity 210 x 230 mm MOVEMENT HOLDER FOR LARGE CLOCKS AND ALARM CLOCKS 1II~ No. 64.30002 A tool specially designed for removing clock hands for clocks with the utmost precision. Tool is supplied with two different blades, each blade has two different openings. Individual blades can be obtained No. 64.30002-A Replacement blade A No. 64.30002-B Replacement blade B ROUND RIVETING STAKE TAP AND DIE SET - INCH SIZES No. 56.1001 14 piece set includes die stock, tap handle, tungsten steel taps and 13/16 diameter adjustable dies in sizes #0-80, #1-72, #2-56, #3-48, #4-40 and #6-32 in a storage box. DIES - STANDARD - PRECISION MADE No. 64.5954-IS This movement holder is a heavy duty holder, ideal for holding a movement when working on a bench. For capacity of 150 mm No. 64.5954-20 This movement holder is a heavy duty holder, ideal for holding a movement when working on a bench. For capacity of 200 mm No. 24.036 1 Riveting stake with 9 holes for clockmakers. Diameter 49 mm x 11.5 mm thick. Holes range from 3.0 to 9.0 mm SMALL SPLIT STAKE ALARM CLOCK HAND REMOVER -~_-c-4._- No. 64.4344-9 l’his “PRESTO” tool, manufactured by Bergeon - Swiss made, is designed to remove hands and setting knobs on travel alarm-clocks No. 64.30669-4 This tool is used to remove hands from alarm clocks, timers and other instruments. A strong tool with 4 different spokes - 0.70-0.90- 1.20 - 1.50mm PAIR OF LEVERS TO REMOVE HANDS FOR LARGE AND SMALL CLOCKS 56.1003 56.1004 56.1005 56.1006 56.1007 Size 0-8ONF l-72NF 2-5oNC 3-48NC 4-4ONC 6-32NC .•‘~ TAPS - STANDARD - PRECISION MADE No. 24.844 Small split stake for clockmakers. Constructed of brass with steel alignment pins, ideal for working on wheels, These stakes slide open along the center line to allow wheel shafts to be inserted into an appropriate size hole. The stake can then be clamped into any bench vice to give maximum stability to the wheel - hole sizes 1.5 to 6mm LARGE SPLIT STAKE FOR CLOCKMAKERS _~._c_(__ Part Number 56.1002 Part Number 56.1008 56. 1009 56.1010 56.1011 56.1012 56.1013 Size 0-8ONF l-72NF 2-56NC 3-48NC 4-4ONC 6-S2NC TAP AND I)IE SET - METRIC SIZES ~)-)~-~--, No. 24.844A Identical to 24.844 but designed for larger clock wheels. This stake has holes sizes 4.0 mmto 10.0 mm NUT WRENCH - QUARTZ MOVEMENT No. 56.1020 26 piece set includes 2 taps for each die in sizes 1.0. l~.2, 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2 and 2.5mm. Supplied with a tap wrench and die holder. supplied in a plastic storage box. WIRE BENDING ‘I’OOL No. 64.30032 This Swiss-made Bergeon product is made of steel. Two levers each 210mm in length used to gently lift off clock hands No. 24.0789 Specialized wrench for quartz movement mounting nuts with 114”, 5/16, 3/8 and 1/2 spans No. 24.600 Approximately 7” in length, curved at the end, with 3/8” deep slot. Helpful when putting a clock into beat. This unit has a special end that allows you to use the yellow handle from letdown keys 74.625, 74.626 and 74.627 No. 24.602 5 1/4 long with 1/4” deep slot. Helpful when putting a clock into beat. Set of 3 Page 114 Edition 609 H & W Perrin Co Ltd Phone 1-800-387-5117 - Fax 1-800-741-6139 Clock Repair Catafo~iie WIRE BENDING JIG No. 24.60 I l3encls and forms wire and metal strips. Use in a vice or attach to the bench LOOP F~NI) MAINSPRING WINDER No. 64.30076-05 Barrel 4 5, external diameter 40 No. 24.500 Ollie Baker Style. Handle mainsprings of mm. included in set No. 64.30076-06 Barrel 4 6. external diameter 48 mm, included in set No. 64.30076-07 Barrel # 7, external diameter 57 mm, included any size, both hole end and loop end. Includes 9 steel mainspring sleeves, clamp and instructions. Not included with the set are the letdown chucks, which must be purchased individually. LETDOWN CHUCK For Ollie Baker Style Mainspring Winder No. 24.752 Very simple, economical mainspring winder lbr loop end mainsprings. Winds springs on the main wheel. 2 3/8 x 3 3/4” CLOCK MAINSPRING WINDER No. 64.4126 I3ergeon quality Swiss made mainspring winder, simple execution. This winder has a pawl that allows th~ user to wind mainsprings in either direction. length o frame is 105mm. includes 3 hooked attachments and I double pin. Adjustable vertically for holding the mainspring. Mainspringwinder is designed to he held in a bench vice. Part Number 24.501 24.502 24.503 24.504 24.505 24.506 24.507 24.508 24.509 24.510 24.511 24.512 24.513 24.514 24.515 Chuck Number 0-00 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-Il 10-12 14-16 2.25 / 2.50mm 2.75 / 3.00mm 3.25 / 3.50mm 3.75 / 4.00mm 4.25 / 4.50mm 4.75 / 5.00mm 5.25 / 5.50mm DELUXE CLOCK MAINSPRING WINDER Watch for the Perrin Web Site coming soon to a computer near you No. 64,4608 Swiss made. Bergeon quality Swiss made clock mainspring winder, This winder allows you to wind in both directions. Uses the barrel arbor from your existing barrel to wind the spring. Framework measures 115 x 99 mm and is supplied with a double vertical pin, adjustable horizontally. Supplied with 4 assorted attachments with square 2.5 - 3.5 - 4.5 - 5.5 mm to accept the barrel arbor. 2 hooked attachments fr the eye of the mainspring (I double attachment with diameter 4 mm and 6mm, 1 single attachment diameter 9mm). I double pin, adjustable vertically for holding the spring. For safety reasons, when winding the mainspring you should always place the barrel cover on the barrel arbor before insetting into the square attachment. In addition, the machine is supplied with an adaptor able to receive chucks making it usable as a manual drill (chucks sold separately) No. 64.30076 Bergeon quality Swiss made. This is a very complete, very easy to use and extremely safe mainspring winder for grandfather clocks, mantel clocks, alarm clocks and counters. Winds right or left hand springs. ‘l’his set contains: I heavy varnished cast iron frame, to be held in a bench vice; 2 crank handles and 8 different size barrels. Individual replacement barrels can be ordered special as listed below in set No. 64.30076-08 Barrel # 8, external diameter 65 mm, included in set No. 64.30076-09 Barrel 4 9, external diameter 85 mm, NOT included in set No. 64.30078 Replacement winder No. 64.30076-01 Barrel 4 I, external diameter 18 mm, included in set No. 64.30076-02 Barrel # 2, external diameter 25 mm, included in set No. 64.30076-03 Barrel # 3, external diameter 30 mm, included in set No. 64.30076-04 Barrel # 4, external diameter 35 mm, included in set www.perrinwatchparts.com H & WPERRIN CO LTDM We are your source for all your service ~ repair needs. * For the Clock Repairer We offer a complete line of clock parts. Movements dials convex & flat glasses cleaning solutions & machines. - - specialty tools - oils - greases - * For the Watchmaker We offer top quality “BERGEON” tools. Plus a complete range of other fine tools. PERRINS’ stocks an extensive inventory of both quartz & mechanical movements as well as a wide ranging stock of watch parts for both the antiques and the most recent quartz watches. PERRINS’ has an excellent watch crystal fitting service as well as a complete line of crystals for the vast majority of watches you may encounter. Pocket watch domes, watch stands, watch cells, leather straps and metal watch bracelets. * For the Jewellers & Goldsmiths PERRINS stocks the complete line of “COBB” quality findings as well as a wide range of other misc.. findings in all qualities including platinum. A line of solders to meet your every requirement, which includes.., easy, medium & hard, low kt, lOkt, l4kt, lBkt, platinum & silver yellow, white, pink and green. A complete line of Tags, Bags & Labels. The complete “NOBLE” packaging line of jewellery boxes and display items. A full range of diamond settings in I Okt. I 4kt. platinum. A wide selection of tools, supplies and equipment. The complete line up of HAGERTY Jewellery cleaning and polishing products. - - If you are missing any of these catalogues, let us know and we would be pleased to send you any updates you require. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Clock Repair Catalogue Watch Parts Catalogue “HOROTEC” Catalogue “COBB” Findings, Findings Supplement & Settings Catalogue “BERGEON” and “PERRIJV” Tool Catalogues “NOBLE” Packaging Catalogue L & R Ultrasonic Machines & Solutions Leather and Metal Bands Catalogue I NOTICE: PERRIN H & VV PERRIN Price are subject to change without notice. 90 Thornclitte Park Drive Toronto, ON M4H 1N5 Phone: (416) 422-4600 b-MAIL Address [email protected] Phone: 1-800-387.5117 Fax: 1.800-741.6139 wwwperrinwatchparts. corn Fax:TOLl. (416) 422-0290 FREE LINES 1 Now PERRIN’S GIVES YOU 5 EASY AND CONVENIENT WAYS TO ORDER: PHONE: in your order: Our phone lines are open from Local Orders: 416-422-4600 Canada wide toll free: 1-800-387-5117 Monday to Thursday.8: l5am to 5:15pm Fridays 8:15 am to 4:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time After hours please feel free to leave a message on our voice maiL FAX us your order: 416-422-0290 Canada wide toll free: 1-800-741-6139 Our fax lines are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! MAIL your order to: H. & W. PERRIN CO. LTD. 90 Thorncliffe Park Drive Toronto, ON M4H 1N5 E-MAIL your order to sa1es(d~perrin.on.ca We are online same hours as phone and fax. Please feel free to send orders anytime, as we can retrieve your orders when opening. Jill ORDERS To ensure that your order is processed correctly and promptly please have all information: name, address (including street number and postal code), and phone number in case we need to contact you. Please also include method of payment and any special shipping instructions. PLEASE use catalogue numbers wherever possible. Movement or Caliber numbers are required for watch parts, and again, IF possible use part numbers. Make and case numbers are required for appearance parts (crystals, crowns, hands, gaskets), and always advise colour, full dimensions, and style (ie Dust proof for crowns). When using VISA or MasterCard, be sure to provide your account number and expiry date. We must have complete information to process your order. . MAIL ORDERS/SPECIAL ORDERS Always try to write as n?atly and as plainly as possible. We prefer that you print clearly. We will send new order forms along with your merchandise, so don’t be shy about using more than one form if you have a large order. Items, marked special order are not returnable (unless defective or damaged, at which time we can only replace such items). Special order items may require partial or full prepayment. BACK ORDERS Regardless of how you order, we will process your order into our system immediately. We ship all items that are in stock within 48 hours. Items that are out of stock at the time your order is processed will be back ordered (unless you specify NO BACK ORDERS). We stock over 1,000,000 items and strive to keep back orders to a minimum, but occasionally we may be temporarily out of an item. RETURNS We will stand behind every item we ship. We will accept any item that doesn’t meet your expectations back within 10 days as long as it is in new and unused condition and in its original packaging. A restockinqfee ~y be assessed to any retur,ns of unusual circumstances. Returns for watch and clock parts, and crystals must be in the original lob envelope. All returns must indicate the invoice number which the goods appear on. PAYMENT Orders can be charged to account (for approved customers), can be charged to Visa or MasterCard, can be shipped C.O.D., or can be paid by cash or personal cheqpe at our counter. P’ease note: Because of the time and effort involved in pricing and invoicing an order, we established a minimum order value of $10.00. SHIPPING We take pride in not only offering you the best products available, but also in being able to process your order as Quickly as possible. Depending on the contents of your order, the weight, and your location, we usually ship with Atripco Delivery Service, Canpar or Canada Post. Shipping is charged FOB. our location (which means you pay tar shipping). In the situation where bezels and watches have been sent, insurance costs will be added at a rate we deem to be sufficient. If you would like certain items to have adequate insurance coverage, you may specify the value of such items for insurance purposes and we will cover them for those amounts. We will only be, liable for the insured value of a parcel or shipment. If you don’t wish us to add insurance to your parcels, then we will require a written consent stating that we will not be liable for loss or stolen parcels. PROVINCIAL TAX If you are exempt from provincial taxes, please provide us with a signed PST Exemption Certificate.
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