2010-2011 Annual Report - WindsorEssex Community Foundation
2010-2011 Annual Report - WindsorEssex Community Foundation
COMMUNITY FOUNDATION www.wecf.ca 2010-2011 Annual Report Partners and Supporters Inspiring Philanthropy, One ActPartners of Kindness At A Time Media and Project Susan Easterbrook Professional Corporation Using our Mission Statement as a guide, we can say that 2010 – 2011 was a good year for the Community Foundation. During the past year, we continued to manage our legacy funds and attract new ones. The Community Foundation welcomed two new endowment funds and positioned our investments to receive an earnings return of 10.7% for the ϐ Ǥ From July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, the Community Foundation continued to Ǥϐ ǡ͵Ͳ grants to registered charities totaling $114,161.28. In 1983, a group of visionary civic leaders formed Heritage Windsor, an organization dedicated to reclaiming Windsor’s riverfront. As the riverfront project moved forward, our organization broadened its scope to assist with other civic projects such as the Ojibway Prairie Complex and the Ǥϐ ǡ Heritage Windsor changed to the Greater Windsor Community Foundation. Since 2008, our name has been the WindsorEssex Community Foundation. The ϐ Ǥ say that we have helped build Windsor-Essex by providing $4.9 million in grants since 1983. We are also pleased to be one of 170 community foundations working together through the national association, Community Foundations of Canada. Fund Managers We are unique in building community vitality. We focus on donors as community builders by matching their interests and strengths with community needs to provide innovative solutions. We take the broadest view of what community is, allowing us to grant across the broad spectrum of organizations in Windsor and Essex County. We bring community partners together. To that end, we selected Random Act of Kindness Day 2010; it proved to be an excellent vehicle to promote community involvement. People of all ages from across the City and Essex County were able to participate. Random Act of Kindness Day had an immediate impact in the community; it celebrated the strength of purpose that we share as citizens of this country and county. Thirty-one thousand individuals in Windsor and Essex registered with us for Random Act of Kindness Day 2010. They joined together to celebrate the spirit of kindness that is so vibrant in our community and, in doing so, made the statement that WE care for each other. Afϐiliations While we did not invent Random Act of Kindness Day (we thank the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Foundation for sharing the idea with us), we ϐǤ continue in Windsor and Essex County on a yearly basis as a celebration of kindness in our midst. 3 Leadership 4 Grant Stories 7 2010/11 Grants 9 New Funds 10 Community Involvement 11 2010/11 Donors 13 Funds 15 Financials Yes, we can say that 2010 – 2011 was a very good year for our Community Foundation. We always look to the future to help build a resilient, sustainable society. WE are a great place to leave a legacy! 117 18 2 Partners and Supporters Inspiring Philanthropy, One ActPartners of Kindness At A Time Media and Project Susan Easterbrook Professional Corporation Using our Mission Statement as a guide, we can say that 2010 – 2011 was a good year for the Community Foundation. During the past year, we continued to manage our legacy funds and attract new ones. The Community Foundation welcomed two new endowment funds and positioned our investments to receive an earnings return of 10.7% for the ϐ Ǥ From July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, the Community Foundation continued to Ǥϐ ǡ͵Ͳ grants to registered charities totaling $114,161.28. In 1983, a group of visionary civic leaders formed Heritage Windsor, an organization dedicated to reclaiming Windsor’s riverfront. As the riverfront project moved forward, our organization broadened its scope to assist with other civic projects such as the Ojibway Prairie Complex and the Ǥϐ ǡ Heritage Windsor changed to the Greater Windsor Community Foundation. Since 2008, our name has been the WindsorEssex Community Foundation. The ϐ Ǥ say that we have helped build Windsor-Essex by providing $4.9 million in grants since 1983. We are also pleased to be one of 170 community foundations working together through the national association, Community Foundations of Canada. Fund Managers We are unique in building community vitality. We focus on donors as community builders by matching their interests and strengths with community needs to provide innovative solutions. We take the broadest view of what community is, allowing us to grant across the broad spectrum of organizations in Windsor and Essex County. We bring community partners together. To that end, we selected Random Act of Kindness Day 2010; it proved to be an excellent vehicle to promote community involvement. People of all ages from across the City and Essex County were able to participate. Random Act of Kindness Day had an immediate impact in the community; it celebrated the strength of purpose that we share as citizens of this country and county. Thirty-one thousand individuals in Windsor and Essex registered with us for Random Act of Kindness Day 2010. They joined together to celebrate the spirit of kindness that is so vibrant in our community and, in doing so, made the statement that WE care for each other. Afϐiliations While we did not invent Random Act of Kindness Day (we thank the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Foundation for sharing the idea with us), we ϐǤ continue in Windsor and Essex County on a yearly basis as a celebration of kindness in our midst. 3 Leadership 4 Grant Stories 7 2010/11 Grants 9 New Funds 10 Community Involvement 11 2010/11 Donors 13 Funds 15 Financials Yes, we can say that 2010 – 2011 was a very good year for our Community Foundation. We always look to the future to help build a resilient, sustainable society. WE are a great place to leave a legacy! 117 18 2 2010 - 2011 Board of Directors 2011 Financial Information Statement of Revenue and Expenses For the year ended June 30, 2011 Community Impact Grant: Growing Good Things in Kingsville Unrestricted Statement of Financial Position Operating $ As at June 30, 2011 2011 $ 2010 $ Assets Cash and cash equivalents Prepaids and other assets Investments (note 3) Property, plant and equipment (note 4) 54,192 9,994 8,863,134 6,671 29,202 3,559 8,597,467 8,667 8,933,991 8,638,895 9,473 2,279,579 9,505 25,160 2,451,950 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue - Ontario Trillium Foundation grant Managed funds (note 5) Foundation Staff and Committees 2,289,052 2,486,615 Net assets Unrestricted Restricted (note 5) 1,756,479 4,888,460 Executive Susan Easterbrook, Chair Denise Hrastovec Michael Robinson Fund Returns by Year Grants Review Jay Strosberg, Chair Patricia Carter Mary Anne Ducharme Sumar Jasey Davide Savio Glenn Stresman Elaine Weeks 11.39% 7.75% 3.41% 8.73% -0.07% -3.20% 5.30% 10.71% 03-04 315 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 Fund Returns include assets from our own Randomdonor Act ofdesignated, Kindness Day 2010 fund families; donor Lisa Kolody, Chair ǡϐ Ǥ Bev Becker Nora Bertram-Romero Jill Braido Dennisbetween Carlini Our objective is to provide a balance Tony Catalano Harrison current income and long term Brian capital growth Karolyn Hart Sumar Jasey ϐ Michelle Marcuz Mary Medcalf ȋͷͲΨ Noah Tepperman Bonds, cash and short-term equivalents and ͷͲΨȌǤ Nominators Mayor, City of Windsor Resident, Essex County President, University of Windsor The Community Foundation is committed to providingPresident, transparent financial information to the community. Essex Law Association Complete 2011 financial statements, audited bySenior PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants, Judge, County Court of the County of Essex are available at www.wecf.ca or by contacting Representative, the FoundationWindsor office. & District Labour Council Representative, Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce Restricted Fund $ 2011 $ 2010 $ 95,405 418,361 149,696 657,388 112,915 299,637 513,766 807,084 412,552 This past spring the Youth & Family Resource Network (YFRN) Revenue ǯϐ Ǥ 54,291 Donations Kingsville, the garden provides area residents with 577 fresh 238,450 Investment income produce, a sense of community, a connection to the 54,868 also promotes 238,450 environment, and greater food security. The garden Operating expenses healthy lifestyles through vegetable consumption, exercise, and fresh air. 18,511 - 18,511 13,910 Advertising and promotion, net 1,996 1,996 2,193 Amortization 1,979 - Foundation 1,979 1,145 and travel AAutomotive Community Impact grant from the WindsorEssex Community 831 831 602 Bank charges helped plant the seed for the project, allowing the YFRN to secure rain barrels, 8,536 8,536 4,472 Education and training hoses, a wheel barrel, a large composter, and organic importantly 5,184 fertilizer. Most 5,184 6,164 Insurance premiums (note 6) 13,766 23,292 37,058 32,975 Investment and management fees the support received allowed YFRN to better nourish their community. 3,015 3,015 3,456 Licenses, memberships and dues 2,567 2,567 5,724 Office supplies Although faced with like and 2,340 - several challenges, 2,340the weather 1,930 Other: Board and Committee work 15,486 15,486 16,624 an unexpected gravel pit found -six inches below the top soil, Professional fees 23,561 23,561 21,643 Rent YFRN has been able to overcome those obstacles and proudly 79,582 79,582 74,787 Wages and employee benefits (note 7) Other expenses Reimbursement of operating expenses Administrative fees (recovery) 1,732,591 4,419,689 6,644,939 6,152,280 Resource Development Finance Chair Denise Hrastovec, Chair 8,933,991 Michael Robinson, 8,638,895 Marty D. Solcz Janice Hooper Glenn Stresman Fred Quenneville Mark Skipper Glenn Stresman Endowment $ ϐǤ Garden distributed servings200,646 of fresh, organic 163,588 13,766 over 1,000 23,292 185,625 produce throughout Essex County. The supply was shared amongst different was also used for (101,635) 101,635 food banks; produce community kitchens, which6,703 operate in Amherstburg, (7,085) (382) (362) Kingsville, and Leamington. (108,720) Grants and bursaries Grants and bursaries made by the organization from restricted and unrestricted assets A YFRN volunteer holds a sample of the produce harvested. Net revenue 101,635 6,703 (382) (362) The of 30 fruit, - group planted 123,049 and harvested 483,771 an assortment 606,820 227,289 herb, and vegetable varieties. The garden continues to grow a wide variety of produce, with turnips, beets, radishes, 99,161 still being 15,000 72,954are leeks, and carrots harvested.114,161 Garlic and onions already planted for next year! - 23,888 468,771 492,659 154,335 The YFRN looks forward to a bigger and better garden in 2012, which will continue to nourish our community season after season. Statement of Changes in Net Assets For the year ended June 30, 2011 Balance - June 30, 2009 Net (expenses) revenue Balance - June 30, 2010 Net revenue Balance - June 30, 2011 YFRN volunteers prepare to plow the ground. Unrestricted $ Restricted $ Total $ 1,839,740 4,158,205 5,997,945 261,484 154,335 1,732,591 4,419,689 6,152,280 23,888 468,771 492,659 (107,149) 1,756,479 4,888,460 Mayor Santos joined area students in preparing the soil. 6,644,939 164 2010 - 2011 Board of Directors 2011 Financial Information Statement of Revenue and Expenses For the year ended June 30, 2011 Grant: Community Impact Growing Good Things in Kingsville Unrestricted Statement of Financial Position Operating $ As at June 30, 2011 2011 $ 2010 $ Assets Cash and cash equivalents Prepaids and other assets Investments (note 3) Property, plant and equipment (note 4) 54,192 9,994 8,863,134 6,671 29,202 3,559 8,597,467 8,667 8,933,991 8,638,895 9,473 2,279,579 9,505 25,160 2,451,950 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue - Ontario Trillium Foundation grant Managed funds (note 5) Foundation Staff and Committees 2,289,052 Net assets Unrestricted Restricted (note 5) 1,756,479 4,888,460 Executive Susan Easterbrook, Chair Denise Hrastovec Michael Robinson Fund Returns by Year Grants Review Jay Strosberg, Chair Patricia Carter Mary Anne Ducharme Sumar Jasey Davide Savio Glenn Stresman Elaine Weeks 11.39% 7.75% 3.41% 8.73% -0.07% -3.20% 5.30% 10.71% 03-04 315 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 2,486,615 Fund Returns include assets from our own Random Act of Kindness Day 2010 fund families; donor designated, donor Lisa Kolody, Chair ǡϐ Ǥ Bev Becker Nora Bertram-Romero Jill Braido Dennisbetween Carlini Our objective is to provide a balance Tony Catalano Brian Harrison current income and long term capital growth Karolyn Hart Sumar Jasey ϐ Michelle Marcuz Mary Medcalf ȋͷͲΨ Noah Tepperman Bonds, cash and short-term equivalents and ͷͲΨȌǤ Nominators Mayor, City of Windsor Resident, Essex County President, University of Windsor The Community Foundation is committed to providingPresident, transparent financial information to the community. Essex Law Association Complete 2011 financial statements, audited bySenior PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants, Judge, County Court of the County of Essex are available at www.wecf.ca or by contacting Representative, the FoundationWindsor office. & District Labour Council Representative, Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce Restricted Fund $ 2011 $ 2010 $ 95,405 418,361 149,696 657,388 112,915 299,637 513,766 807,084 412,552 This past spring the Youth & Family Resource Network (YFRN) Revenue ǯϐ Ǥ Donations Kingsville, the garden provides area residents54,291 with fresh 238,450577 Investment income produce, a sense of community, a connection to the 54,868 also promotes 238,450 environment, and greater food security. The garden Operating expenses healthy lifestyles through vegetable consumption, exercise, and fresh air. 18,511 18,511 13,910 Advertising and promotion, net 1,996 1,996 2,193 Amortization 1,979 - Foundation 1,979 1,145 and travel AAutomotive Community Impact grant from the WindsorEssex Community 831 602 Bank charges helped plant the seed for the project, allowing831 the YFRN to secure rain barrels, 8,536 8,536 4,472 Education and training hoses, a wheel barrel, a large composter, and organic importantly 5,184 fertilizer. Most 5,184 6,164 Insurance premiums (note 6) 13,766 37,058 32,975 Investment andreceived management fees the support allowed YFRN to better nourish their community. 23,292 3,015 3,015 3,456 Licenses, memberships and dues 2,567 2,567 5,724 Office supplies Although faced with like and 2,340 - several challenges, 2,340the weather 1,930 Other: Board and Committee work an unexpected gravel pit found -six inches below the top soil, 15,486 15,486 16,624 Professional fees 23,561 23,561 21,643 Rent YFRN has been able to overcome those obstacles and proudly 79,582 79,582 74,787 Wages and employee benefits (note 7) Other expenses Reimbursement of operating expenses Administrative fees (recovery) 1,732,591 4,419,689 6,644,939 6,152,280 Resource Development Finance Denise Hrastovec, Chair 8,933,991 Michael Robinson, 8,638,895Chair Marty D. Solcz Janice Hooper Glenn Stresman Fred Quenneville Mark Skipper Glenn Stresman Endowment $ ϐǤ Garden distributed of fresh, organic 163,588 13,766 over 1,000 23,292servings200,646 185,625 produce throughout Essex County. The supply was shared amongst different food banks; produce was also used for (101,635) 101,635 community kitchens, which6,703 operate in Amherstburg, (7,085) (382) (362) Kingsville, and Leamington. (108,720) Grants and bursaries Grants and bursaries made by the organization from restricted and unrestricted assets A YFRN volunteer holds a sample of the produce harvested. Net revenue 101,635 6,703 (382) (362) The of 30 fruit, - group planted 123,049 and harvested 483,771 an assortment 606,820 227,289 herb, and vegetable varieties. The garden continues to grow a wide variety of produce, with turnips, beets, radishes, leeks, and carrots harvested.114,161 Garlic and onions 99,161 still being 15,000 72,954are already planted for next year! - 23,888 468,771 492,659 154,335 The YFRN looks forward to a bigger and better garden in 2012, which will continue to nourish our community season after season. Statement of Changes in Net Assets For the year ended June 30, 2011 Balance - June 30, 2009 Net (expenses) revenue Balance - June 30, 2010 Net revenue Balance - June prepare 30, 2011 YFRN volunteers to plow the ground. Unrestricted $ Restricted $ Total $ 1,839,740 4,158,205 5,997,945 261,484 154,335 1,732,591 4,419,689 6,152,280 23,888 468,771 492,659 (107,149) 1,756,479 Mayor Santos joined4,888,460 area students in preparing the soil. 6,644,939 164 KidStart Mini-Grants Endowment Funds Community Funds are composed of many gifts, large and small, each symbolizing a lasting investment in our region. Grants from these funds are awarded through our Community Impact Grants ǡϐ ǯǤ Community Impact grants fall into seven categories: Health & Human Services, Arts, Culture & Heritage, Recreation, Environment, Education & Literacy, Children & Youth, and Community Development. WindsorEssex Community Impact Fund Joan & Clifford Hatch Fund BMO Skopit Settlement Endowment Fund Est. 1989 Est. 1997 Est. 2011 Community Impact Grant: Donor Designated Funds ǡϐǡ not your typical volunteer. At just eight years of age she charities. With the establishment of a hospitals fund, donors select one or more charitable organizations, has been faithfully visiting patients at area ǡϐǤ ϐǤ Ambulance’s Visitation Program. The program C.M. (Bus)Pet Lossing AKO Endowment Fund Est. 2000 has 85 ‘teams’ (dog and owner) who spend time with ǡǤ patients at various sites throughout the region. Dorothy and Sydney Lawton Fund Field of Interest Funds ϐ Ǥ ǯ ǡ ǯǮ Students from Wm. Davis Public School already make a difference in their community. interests. One grade three class wanted to do more. As one student explained, “...even Riverfront Development Fund 1983 though we are young, we can do things to help others.” So theyEst. began to plan. ǯϐǡ Thinking of the seniors living in their community, the students decided to have a ǯǤ ϐ Ǥ Friendship Day where they could visit with them. One student said, “If we James L. Scorgie LeadershipdoFund Est. them.” 2007 Another these things they would be so happy that someone remembered ǯ ǡ pointed out, “It shows we care because we can be friends to people who are lonely or Ǧϐ ǡǦǤ sad.” In early May the students headed out on a visit to their friends living in the seniors home. Solcz Family & Valiant Corporation Community Fund for Children Est. 2009 ǯʹͷǡ Remembering the mothers and children at Hiatus House, the students wanted to Ǧϐ Ǥ bring “happiness and a surprise” to them by bringing them gift bags, streamers, and toys. On Caring Day, the students brought in donated toys to put in the bags because they said they did not want the children “...to miss out on a real birthday party, just because they have to live there.” ǯ Donor Advised Funds Ǥ ǡ Finally, seeing the reading garden that is being developed near their neighbourhood Ǥ library, the students decided they wanted to help make it more beautiful. The students felt that brightening the neighbourhood on Community Day helps make Freed-Orman Families Fundpeople “more cheerful.”ǡϐǡ Est. 1996 ǯ ǡ ϐ Ǥ ǯ Ǥ Chad Ranni Memorial FundWhen asked why they were doing Est. these 2008things one student referred to theloved bookson they just Established by family and friends in memory of a much andhad local athlete. Youth Sports Support Fund read and stated, Est. 2008 Assists youth who are unable to participate in organized sports. ̺ϔ̹ ǡ Joe and Hazel Lacey Memorial Fund ϔǤ Est. 2009 Established by their children to celebrate their parents years of community involvement. Facca Endowment Fund ϔ Ǩ̺ Est. 2010 Established by Don Gardonio and family, supporting the philanthropic goals of the Gardonio family and The their Community company. Foundation launched the 5 13 KidStart Mini-Grant program in 2010 as an innovative way to teach elementary and secondary school students about philanthropy. Photos: Top- students from Talbot Trail Elementary, Bottom- students from Prince Edward Public School Est. 2002 Gail Pirie,Established the humaninhalf of oneby team, says the impact memorial Ronald Lawton, in support of the Italian Canadian HandiCapable Association. of each visit is instant and obvious. “Being around WindsorEssex Community Foundation Operating Fund Est. 2007 dogs makes everyone smile. Many of the participants Ǥ are no longer able to have their own dog so it’s emotional therapy forof them. When they Friends Athletics Fundpet Abby, they are also Est. 2008 Ǥ getting physical therapy by hand manipulation.” Gail Pirie and Deanna Scott along with their furry friends Abby and Ǥ Kai visit with Anna and Harold Reid at Windsor Regional Hospital. Ǥ Photo by Dick Hildebrand inspire as much joy in people as a wet nose and a wagging ǯ Ǥ tail. “Research has shown that visits from Therapy Dogs help people recover more quickly from surgery strokes, and Scholarship can reduce feelings Fatherand Matt Sheedy Fundof loneliness, depression, and anxiety associated with an illness. Est. 1983 The love of a Therapy Dog can also assist with prescribed therapy and lowering blood pressure,” unconditional ǯǡǦ states Peggie Manson, Windsor Region Program Coordinator. graduating from Assumption College Catholic High School. Scholarship Funds ǯ ϐǤ Morris and Ruth Harding Memorial Fund Est. 1999 Manson reports, “the dogs are greeted with smiles and enthusiasm. Patients ǦǤ and families look forward to visits from these furry friends. It really helps Gale & Irene (Knister) Taylor Scholarship Fund ϐǤdz Est. 1999 Supports the post-secondary education of students from Comber, Ontario, who graduated from Tilbury Ǥ Windsor Pet Therapy volunteers visited 54 different facilities and contributed Agency Funds 7,490 hours in 2010, making Windsor Region’s program one of the biggest in the country. The program has been so popular that they are frequently allow area charities a are established with overwhelmed by requests. Managed Funds Cato with his toy ϐ ϐ Before a new team can begin visitation they must go through a rigorous screening, and training ϐ from ourapplication, professional investment management. process, and be properly equipped. In 2010, the Community Foundation provided a Community Impact Ǥ Alpha Kai Omega Fraternity Fund ϐ Ǥ ǯǡϐǤ ATHENA Scholarship Fund Islands of Green Fund ȋȌ University of Windsor Scholarship Fund Kiwanis Music Festival Fund Windsor Classic Chorale Fund Sunshine Point Camp Fund Windsor Community Health Centre Fund Essex Nature Fund Windsor-Essex Sports Hall of Fame Fund Windsor Public Library Foundation Fund Windsor Family Credit Union Fund Windsor Symphony Society Matching Fund Windsor Symphony Society Managed Fund The Community Foundation can help you make the most of your charitable giving by: Some of Windsor Region’s Teams: - Alex and Darby Giving you the beneĮts of a privateLeftfoundaƟon without the adm inistraƟon Centre - Ryan and Abby ConnecƟng you with program s that interest you Right - Yvette and Dollie Building your legacy by providing m axim um tax savings and investm ent m anagem ent 146 KidStart Mini-Grants Endowment Funds Community Funds are composed of many gifts, large and small, each symbolizing a lasting investment in our region. Grants from these funds are awarded through our Community Impact Grants ǡϐ ǯǤ Community Impact grants fall into seven categories: Health & Human Services, Arts, Culture & Heritage, Recreation, Environment, Education & Literacy, Children & Youth, and Community Development. WindsorEssex Community Impact Fund Joan & Clifford Hatch Fund BMO Skopit Settlement Endowment Fund Est. 1989 Est. 1997 Est. 2011 Community Impact Grant: Donor Designated Funds ǡϐǡ not your typical volunteer. At just eight years of age she Withvisiting the establishment of hospitals a fund, donors select one or more charitable organizations, hascharities. been faithfully patients at area ǡϐǤ ϐǤ Ambulance’s PetLossing Visitation Program. The program C.M. (Bus) AKO Endowment Fund Est. 2000 has 85 ‘teams’ (dog and owner) who spend time with ǡǤ patients at various sites throughout the region. Dorothy and Sydney Lawton Fund Field of Interest Funds ϐ Ǥ ǯ ǡ ǯǮ Students from Wm. Davis Public School already make a difference in their community. interests. One grade three class wanted to do more. As one student explained, “...even Riverfront Development Fund Est. 1983 though we are young, we can do things to help others.” So they began to plan. ǯϐǡ Thinking of the seniors living in their community, the students decided to have a ǯǤ ϐ Ǥ Friendship Day where they could visit with them. One student said, “If we James L. Scorgie Leadership Fundthings they would be so happy that someone remembered Est. 2007 do these them.” Another ǯ ǡ pointed out, “It shows we care because we can be friends to people who are lonely or Ǧϐ ǡǦǤ sad.” In early May the students headed out on a visit to their friends living in the seniorsCommunity home. Solcz Family & Valiant Corporation Fund for Children Est. 2009 ǯʹͷǡ Remembering the mothers and children at Hiatus House, the students wanted to Ǧϐ Ǥ bring “happiness and a surprise” to them by bringing them gift bags, streamers, and toys. On Caring Day, the students brought in donated toys to put in the bags because they said they did not want the children “...to miss out on a real birthday party, just because they have to live there.” ǯ Donor Advised Funds Ǥ ǡ Finally, seeing the reading garden that is being developed near their neighbourhood Ǥ library, the students decided they wanted to help make it more beautiful. The students felt that brightening the neighbourhood on Community Day helps make Freed-Orman Families Fund Est. 1996 people “more cheerful.”ǡϐǡ ǯ ǡ ϐ Ǥ ǯ Ǥ When asked why they were doing these things Chad Ranni Memorial Fund Est. 2008 student referred the book hadlocal justathlete. Established by family andone friends in memory of atomuch lovedthey son and read and stated, Youth Sports Support Fund Est. 2008 Assists youth who are unable to participate in organized sports. ̺ϔ̹ ǡ Joe and Hazel Lacey Memorial Fund Est. 2009 ϔǤ Established by their children to celebrate their parents years of community involvement. Facca Endowment Fund ϔ Ǩ̺ Est. 2010 Established by Don Gardonio and family, supporting the philanthropic goals of the Gardonio family and their company. Foundation launched the The Community 513 KidStart Mini-Grant program in 2010 as an innovative way to teach elementary and secondary school students about philanthropy. Photos: Top- students from Talbot Trail Elementary, Bottom- students from Prince Edward Public School Est. 2002 Gail Pirie, the human half of one team, says Lawton, the impact Established in memorial by Ronald in support of the Italian Canadian HandiCapable Association. of each visit is instant and obvious. “Being around WindsorEssex Community Foundation Operating Fund Est. 2007 dogs makes Ǥ everyone smile. Many of the participants are no longer able to have their own dog so it’s emotional therapy for them. When they pet Abby, they are also Friends of Athletics Fund Est. 2008 Ǥ getting physical therapy by hand manipulation.” Gail Pirie and Deanna Scott along with their furry friends Abby and Ǥ Kai visit with Anna and Harold Reid at Windsor Regional Hospital. Photo by Dick Hildebrand inspire as much joy in people as a wet Ǥ nose and a wagging ǯ Ǥ tail. “Research has shown that visits from Therapy Dogs help people recover more quickly from surgery andMatt strokes, and can reduce feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety associated with an illness. Father Sheedy Scholarship Fund Est. 1983 The unconditional love of a Therapy Dog can also assist with prescribed therapy and lowering blood pressure,” ǯǡǦ states Peggie Manson,from Windsor RegionCollege Program Coordinator. graduating Assumption Catholic High School. Scholarship Funds Morris and Ruth Harding ǯ ϐǤ Memorial Fund Est. 1999 Manson reports, “the dogs are greeted with smiles and enthusiasm. Patients ǦǤ and families look forward to visits from these furry friends. It really helps Gale & Irene (Knister) Taylor Scholarship Fund ϐǤdz Est. 1999 Supports the post-secondary education of students from Comber, Ontario, who graduated from Tilbury Ǥ Windsor Pet Therapy volunteers visited 54 different facilities and contributed Agency Funds 7,490 hours in 2010, making Windsor Region’s program one of the biggest in the country. The program has been so popular that they are frequently allow area charities a are established with overwhelmed by requests. Managed Funds Cato with his toy ϐ ϐ Before a new team can begin visitation they must go through a rigorous application, screening, and training ϐ from our professional investment management. process, and be properly equipped. In 2010, the Community Foundation provided a Community Impact Ǥ Alpha Kai Omega Fraternity Fund ϐ Ǥ ǯǡϐǤ ATHENA Scholarship Fund Islands of Green Fund ȋȌ University of Windsor Scholarship Fund Kiwanis Music Festival Fund Windsor Classic Chorale Fund Sunshine Point Camp Fund Windsor Community Health Centre Fund Essex Nature Fund Windsor-Essex Sports Hall of Fame Fund Windsor Public Library Foundation Fund Windsor Family Credit Union Fund Windsor Symphony Society Matching Fund Windsor Symphony Society Managed Fund The Community Foundation can help you make the most of your charitable giving by: Some of Windsor Region’s Teams: Left -foundaƟon Alex and Darbywithout the adm inistraƟon Giving you the beneĮts of a private Centre - Ryan and Abby ConnecƟng you with program s that Right -interest Yvette andyou Dollie Building your legacy by providing m axim um tax savings and investm ent m anagem ent 6 14 $114,161 in Grants this year! Donors to WECF in the 2010 - 11 Fiscal Year Thanks to the generosity of people from all walks of life, the Community Impact Grants WindsorEssex Community Foundation is able to respond to community needs each year. Our role is to work with donors to Canadian Mental Health Association............................................................................................... $2,500.00 ensure that their charitable intents are achieved. Whether you’re a CAW Local 200 Computers for Kids................................................................................................. $4,000.00 new donor or a seasoned philanthropist who would like to amplify Essex Public School Community Playground............................................................................... $5,000.00 your effectiveness in giving, we can help ensure your gift will City of Windsor - Forest Glade Baseball......................................................................................... $5,000.00 ϐǦ John McGivney Children's Centre................................................................................................... $10,000.00 Town of Essex - Colchester Accessible Playground................................................................... $5,000.00 Migrant Worker Community Program............................................................................................ $3,000.00 Provincial Marine Re-enactment Unit............................................................................................. $2,000.00 Scouts Canada, Windsor & Essex Areas......................................................................................... $5,000.00 In support of the Solcz Family & Valiant Corporation Community Fund $2,000.00 *St. John Ambulance................................................................................................................................ for Children, on the occasion of Mike and Doreen Solcz’s 50th Wedding $4,000.00 Alpha Kai Omega Fraternity................................................................................................................. Anniversary, gifts were received from the following: *Youth & Family Resource Network of Essex County................................................................ $2,000.00 Mr. & Mrs. L. Brieda Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore and Valerie Ferraro Mr. Peter Naysmith Mrs. Bruna & Ms. Federica Nazzani Fast-Track Grants Mr. Nick Sauro Mr. & Mrs. Matthew and Jessica Sirola Mr. & Mrs. Mike and Doreen Solcz Naturalized Habitat Network............................................................................................................ $700.00 Leamington & District Half Century Centre................................................................................ $1,000.00 $761.28 Little Tomato Theatre............................................................................................................................ In support of the Essex Nature Endowment Fund, gifts were received $500.00 City of Windsor - Mayor’s Youth Advisory.................................................................................... from Mr. & Mrs. Ian and Barbara Naisbitt and the Essex Field Naturalists Architectural Conservancy of Little Ontario - Open Doors................................................................ $1,000.00 River Group. Rose City Athletic Organization......................................................................................................... $750.00 KidStart Mini In support of the Harding Electric Bursary and the Morris & Ruth Harding Memorial Fund, a gift was received from Mrs. Shelley Harding-Smith. Grants *Davis Public School - Community Caringof Days................................................. $700.00 In support the Community Foundation, donations were received Talbot Trail Elementary - Dogfrom Beds......................................................................... $600.00 the following: WFCU, Mr. Ed Agnew, Mr. Michael McCourt, Your Prince Edward Public School Neighborhood - Community Garden.......................................... $500.00 Credit Union, and Anonymous. Davis Public School - Neighbourhood Greening................................................. $500.00 Kingsville Public School - Community Trail......................................................... $500.00 * For more on these grants see the stories pages 4 - 6.that the Community Foundation receives are made to Many on of the gifts recognize a special event in a family’s life. People make gifts to recognize close family members, in celebration of special events, and in memory of a loved one. We are honoured to receive these special gifts. Please contact us at any In 2010 the Community Foundation an online grant including personalized cards time and we implemented will provide donation packages application and review system. The system has proven to be more to send to thenew appropriate family members. ϐ Ǥ Remember, a printed specialgrant gift made to an endowed fund provides enviromentally sustainable option over applications. recognition that continues in perpetuity. 117 In support of the Facca Endowment Fund, a generous donation was received from Mrs. Regina Gardonio. The following companies supported the Facca Endowment Fund through their participation in the Facca Incorporated Annual Golf Tournament: Sponsorships Amherst Quarries-(1969) Chatham-Kent Ready Mix Inc. City of Windsor City of Ltd. Windsor Birthday Celebration..................................................... CT Soil & MaterialCatholic Engineering Barristers and Solicitors Windsor-Essex District School Board -Clarks Day of Champions................................. CH2M Hill Dillon Consulting Windsor Classic Chorale................................................................................................... Facca Incorporated Form & Build Supply Inc. Festival Tent & Party Rentals Gillet Sheet Metal Inc. Harris RebarDesignated – Windsor Heavy Construction Association Donor Grants Hertz Equipment Rental Hotham Building Materials Gale & (Knister) Howie & Irene Partners LLP Taylor Scholarship FundHuron Construction Ltd. - St. Clair College............................................ King Packaged Materials Company Landmark Engineers Inc. Greater Essex County District School Board LaSalle Police Association LeBouef Construction FatherInc. Matt Sheedy Scholarship Fund - McGill Gus University................................................. Stantec Revenberg Chev, Buick, GMC Ltd. Friends of Athletics Athletics Canada.............................................................................. Salit Steel Jeff Shepley Excavating Bus Lossing - Canadian Junior Football League...................................................... Weston Forest Fund Products Windsor Construction Association $1,500.00 $150.00 $600.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 InDonor support of Random Act of Kindness Day 2010, sponsorships were received from the following: Advised Grants JoeChannel & Hazel(now Lacey Memorial Fund /A\ CTV Windsor) Advanced Foot & Brace $500.00 - Amherstburg Food & Fellowship AM800 Blackburn RadioMission.......................... (100.7, 95.9, 96.3) $500.00 - Kiwanis Music Festival....................................................... BMO Nesbitt Burns Caesar's Windsor HardingDental Electric / Morris and Ruth Harding Memorial FundMall Campus Clinic Devonshire $500.00 - Greater Essex County District Eizenga - Lacey Group (BMO Nesbitt-Burns) Families First School Board..................... $40,000.00 Anonymous - John McGivney Centre............................................................................... Green Shield Canada Heritage Park Alliance Church Hilton Hotels Hiram Walker and Sons Ltd. Integrity Tool and Mold Inc. The Keg (Riverside Drive) Kirwin Partners Management Lakeshore St. Andrews Church Agency Fund Grants The Leamington Post and Shopper Malicki Simone-White Group (Scotia-McLeod) Essex Nature Fund - Essex County Field Naturalists' Club............................................. $1,500.00 Mezzo Restaurant Morris Sutton Funeral Home North Walkerville Orthopaedic Associates Parkwood Gospel Temple RBC Dominion Securities 93.9 The River Subway Restaurants Tecumseh Mall Tepperman's Windsor Christian Fellowship Windsor Detroit Tunnel Corporation Windsor Detroit Tunnel Duty Free Shop Donor Agency EducaƟon & Environment Community Designated The Windsor Star 1% Literacy 2% Development 4% 7% Community Impact 52% 9% Children & Youth 8% RecreaƟon 20% Donor Advised 39% Health & Human Services 50% Scholarship 4% Arts, Culture & Heritage 4% 128 $114,161 in Grants this year! Donors to WECF in the 2010 - 11 Fiscal Year Thanks to the generosity of people from all walks of life, the Community Impact Grants WindsorEssex Community Foundation is able to respond to community needs each year. Our role is to work with donors to Canadian Mental Health Association............................................................................................... $2,500.00 ensure that their charitable intents are achieved. Whether you’re a CAW Local 200 Computers for Kids................................................................................................. $4,000.00 new donor or a seasoned philanthropist who would like to amplify Essex Public School Community Playground............................................................................... $5,000.00 your effectiveness in giving, we can help ensure your gift will City of Windsor - Forest Glade Baseball......................................................................................... $5,000.00 ϐǦ John McGivney Children's Centre................................................................................................... $10,000.00 Town of Essex - Colchester Accessible Playground................................................................... $5,000.00 Migrant Worker Community Program............................................................................................ $3,000.00 Provincial Marine Re-enactment Unit............................................................................................. $2,000.00 Scouts Canada, Windsor & Essex Areas......................................................................................... $5,000.00 In support of the Solcz Family & Valiant Corporation Community Fund $2,000.00 *St. John Ambulance................................................................................................................................ for Children, on the occasion of Mike and Doreen Solcz’s 50th Wedding $4,000.00 Alpha Kai Omega Fraternity................................................................................................................. Anniversary, gifts were received from the following: *Youth & Family Resource Network of Essex County................................................................ $2,000.00 Mr. & Mrs. L. Brieda Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore and Valerie Ferraro Mr. Peter Naysmith Mrs. Bruna & Ms. Federica Nazzani Fast-Track Grants Mr. Nick Sauro Mr. & Mrs. Matthew and Jessica Sirola Mr. & Mrs. Mike and Doreen Solcz Naturalized Habitat Network............................................................................................................ $700.00 Leamington & District Half Century Centre................................................................................ $1,000.00 $761.28 Little Tomato Theatre............................................................................................................................ In support of the Essex Nature Endowment Fund, gifts were received $500.00 City of Windsor - Mayor’s Youth Advisory.................................................................................... from Mr. & Mrs. Ian and Barbara Naisbitt and the Essex Field Naturalists Architectural Conservancy of Ontario - Open Doors................................................................ $1,000.00 Little River Group. Rose City Athletic Organization......................................................................................................... $750.00 KidStart Mini In support of the Harding Electric Bursary and the Morris & Ruth Harding Memorial Fund, a gift was received from Mrs. Shelley Harding-Smith. Grants *Davis Public School - Community Caring Days................................................. $700.00 In support of the Community Foundation, donations were received Talbot Trail Elementary - Dog Beds......................................................................... $600.00 from the following: WFCU, Mr. Ed Agnew, Mr. Michael McCourt, Your Prince Edward Public School - Neighborhood Community Garden.......................................... $500.00 Credit Union, and Anonymous. Davis Public School - Neighbourhood Greening................................................. $500.00 Kingsville Public School - Community Trail......................................................... $500.00 * For more on these grants see the stories 4 - 6. that the Community Foundation receives are made to Manyonofpages the gifts recognize a special event in a family’s life. People make gifts to recognize close family members, in celebration of special events, and in memory of a loved one. We are honoured to receive these special gifts. Please contact us at any In 2010 the Community Foundation an online grant including personalized cards time and weimplemented will provide donation packages application and review system. new system has proven to be more to sendThe to the appropriate family members. ϐ Ǥ Remember, special giftapplications. made to an endowed fund provides enviromentally sustainable option overaprinted grant recognition that continues in perpetuity. 7 11 In support of the Facca Endowment Fund, a generous donation was received from Mrs. Regina Gardonio. The following companies supported the Facca Endowment Fund through their participation in the Facca Incorporated Annual Golf Tournament: Sponsorships Amherst Quarries (1969) Ltd. Chatham-Kent Ready Mix Inc. City of Windsor - City of Windsor Birthday Celebration..................................................... CT Soil & Material Engineering and Solicitors Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board - Clarks Day ofBarristers Champions................................. CH2M Hill Dillon Consulting Windsor Classic Chorale................................................................................................... Facca Incorporated Form & Build Supply Inc. Festival Tent & Party Rentals Gillet Sheet Metal Inc. Harris Rebar – Windsor Heavy Construction Association Donor Designated Grants Hertz Equipment Rental Hotham Building Materials Gale &&Irene (Knister) Howie Partners LLP Taylor Scholarship Fund Huron Construction Ltd. - St. Clair College............................................ King Packaged Materials Company Landmark Engineers Inc. Greater Essex County District School Board LaSalle Police Association LeBouef Construction Father Matt Stantec Inc. Sheedy Scholarship Fund - McGill University................................................. Gus Revenberg Chev, Buick, GMC Ltd. Friends of Athletics Athletics Canada.............................................................................. Salit Steel Jeff Shepley Excavating Bus Lossing - Canadian Junior Football League...................................................... Weston ForestFund Products Windsor Construction Association $1,500.00 $150.00 $600.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 In supportAdvised of Random Act of Kindness Day 2010, sponsorships were received from the following: Donor Grants Joe Channel & Hazel (now LaceyCTV Memorial Fund /A\ Windsor) Advanced Foot & Brace $500.00 - Amherstburg FoodBlackburn & Fellowship Mission.......................... AM800 Radio (100.7, 95.9, 96.3) $500.00 - Kiwanis Music Festival....................................................... BMO Nesbitt Burns Caesar's Windsor Harding Dental ElectricClinic / Morris and Ruth Harding Memorial Fund Mall Campus Devonshire $500.00 - Greater Essex County District Eizenga - Lacey Group (BMO Nesbitt-Burns) Families FirstSchool Board..................... $40,000.00 Anonymous John McGivney Centre............................................................................... Green Shield -Canada Heritage Park Alliance Church Hilton Hotels Hiram Walker and Sons Ltd. Integrity Tool and Mold Inc. The Keg (Riverside Drive) Kirwin Partners Management Lakeshore St. Andrews Church Agency Fund Grants The Leamington Post and Shopper Malicki Simone-White Group (Scotia-McLeod) Essex Nature Fund - Essex County Field Naturalists' Club............................................. $1,500.00 Mezzo Restaurant Morris Sutton Funeral Home North Walkerville Orthopaedic Associates Parkwood Gospel Temple RBC Dominion Securities 93.9 The River Subway Restaurants Tecumseh Mall Tepperman's Windsor Christian Fellowship Windsor Detroit Tunnel Corporation Windsor Detroit Tunnel Duty Free Shop Donor Agency EducaƟon & Environment Community Designated The Windsor Star 1% Literacy 2% Development 4% 7% Community Impact 52% 9% Children & Youth 8% RecreaƟon 20% Donor Advised 39% Health & Human Services 50% Scholarship 4% Arts, Culture & Heritage 4% 8 12 New Funds Community Involvement We We are are pleased pleased to to announce announce that that two two new new endowment endowment funds funds were were established established with with the the Community Community Foundation Foundation this this year. year. In In 2010 2010 the the Community Community Foundation Foundation led led aa region-wide region-wide initiative initiative to to promote promote community community involvement involvement by by celebrating celebrating kindness. kindness. The The Facca Facca Endowment Endowment Fund Fund Established Established in in December December of of 2010 2010 by by Don Don Gardonio Gardonio and and family, family, the the Facca Facca Endowment Endowment Fund Fund supports supports the the philanthropic philanthropic goals goals of of the the Gardonio Gardonio family family and and their their company, company, Facca Facca Incorporated, Incorporated, one one of of the the leading leading civil civil construction contractors in Southwestern Ontario. construction contractors in Southwestern Ontario. Windsor Windsor and and Essex Essex County County residents, residents, along along with with others others in in nine nine regions regions across across Ontario, Ontario, were were encouraged encouraged to to perform perform aa simple simple act act of of kindness kindness for for someone someone else else and and hand hand them them aa Random Random Act Act of Kindness Card, encouraging them to pay it forward. of Kindness Card, encouraging them to pay it forward. 65,000 65,000 cards cards were were distributed distributed and and 31,000 31,000 people people (individuals (individuals and and groups) groups) told told the the Community Community Foundation Foundation that that they they were were participating. participating. Many Many of of these these people people shared shared their their stories stories of of kindness kindness with with us us via via email, email, Facebook Facebook and and Twitter. Twitter. Facca Facca Incorporated Incorporated has has donated donated the the proceeds proceeds of of the the 2010 2010 and and 2011 2011 Facca Facca Charity Golf Tournaments to their endowment fund. Charity Golf Tournaments to their endowment fund. The The Facca Facca Endowment Endowment Fund Fund has has been been established established as as aa donor donor advised advised fund, fund, meaning that Don and his family work closely with Foundation staff to meaning that Don and his family work closely with Foundation staff to select select projects projects that that are are important important to to them. them. We We are are honored honored that that the the Gardonio Gardonio Family Family chose chose the the Community Community Foundation Foundation as as the the location location for for the the Facca Facca Endowment Endowment Fund. Fund. “We carnations... out carnations... gave out “We gave so were people thankful people were so thankful ...some received aa never received had never ...some had ϔǤǤǤ ϔǤǤǤ something else!“ someone else!“ for someone nice for something nice THE THE BMO BMO Skopit Skopit Settlement Settlement Endowment Endowment Fund Fund When When the the Ontario Ontario Superior Superior Court Court of of Justice Justice rendered rendered its its decision decision this this past past October on a class action lawsuit and set out the terms of the settlement, October on a class action lawsuit and set out the terms of the settlement, the the Court Court named named seven seven charities charities that that would would receive receive funds funds from from the the settlement. settlement. We We were were pleased pleased to to be be one one of of the the seven seven charities charities selected selected to to receive receive funding funding in in this this manner. manner. The The funds funds from from the the court court appointed appointed settlement settlement awarded awarded to to the the Community Community Foundation Foundation have have established established the the BMO BMO Skopit Skopit Settlement Settlement Endowment Endowment Fund. Fund. The The annual annual earnings earnings from from the the fund fund will will be be used used to to provide provide grants grants awarded awarded through our annual Community Impact Grant Program. Through this through our annual Community Impact Grant Program. Through this program, program, registered registered charities charities and and sports sports associations associations across across the the City City and and Essex County can apply for funding for programs. The applications are Essex County can apply for funding for programs. The applications are reviewed reviewed by by our our volunteer volunteer Grants Grants Review Review Committee Committee and and funds funds are are awarded awarded based based on on the the committee’s committee’s recommendations. recommendations. The The Community Community Foundation Foundation expresses expresses our our thanks thanks to to Board Board Member Member Jay Jay Strosberg Strosberg for for his his expert expert counsel counsel in in establishing establishing this this fund fund at at the the Community Foundation. Community Foundation. 99 For For more more information information on on how how to to establish establish aa fund fund with with the the Community Foundation, visit our website at www.wecf.ca Community Foundation, visit our website at www.wecf.ca or or contact contact our our Executive Executive Director, Director, Glenn Glenn Stresman Stresman at at 519-255-6572. 519-255-6572. Students Studentsfrom fromthe theUniversity Universityof ofWindsor Windsor ͻͲͲ ϐ ͻͲͲ ϐ every everyhome homein inthe theGlengarry Glengarryneighbourhood. neighbourhood. “To “Tothe theman manwho whogave gaveme mehis his parking ticket, Thank-You, parking ticket, Thank-You, The TheMultiCultural MultiCulturalCouncil’s Council’sYouth YouthGroup Group took tookto tothe thestreets streetsto todistribute distributegift giftcards, cards, ϐǤ ϐǤ Dz Dz .. dz dz Ǩdz Ǩdz “Staff “Stafffrom fromRBC RBCDominion Dominion Ͷǡ Ͷǡ ͶǡͶ ͶǡͶ Ǥdz Ǥdz Dz̹ Dz̹ ̹ ̹ lot lot,,so soII approached approachedhim himand and Students Studentsfrom fromAssumption AssumptionCollege College Catholic High School Catholic High Schoolsurprised surprisedshoppers shoppers at atDevonshire DevonshireMall Mallwith withaaFlash FlashMob. Mob. Ǩdz Ǩdz For For more more information information about about Random Random Act Act of of Kindness Kindness Day Day and and to to read read more more stories stories visit visit our our website... website... www.wecf.ca www.wecf.ca 10 10 New Funds Community Involvement We We are are pleased pleased to to announce announce that that two two new new endowment endowment funds funds were were established established with with the the Community Community Foundation Foundation this this year. year. In In 2010 2010 the the Community Community Foundation Foundation led led aa region-wide region-wide initiative initiative to to promote promote community community involvement involvement by by celebrating celebrating kindness. kindness. The The Facca Facca Endowment Endowment Fund Fund Established Established in in December December of of 2010 2010 by by Don Don Gardonio Gardonio and and family, family, the the Facca Facca Endowment Endowment Fund Fund supports supports the the philanthropic philanthropic goals goals of of the the Gardonio Gardonio family family and and their their company, company, Facca Facca Incorporated, Incorporated, one one of of the the leading leading civil civil construction contractors in Southwestern Ontario. construction contractors in Southwestern Ontario. Windsor Windsor and and Essex Essex County County residents, residents, along along with with others others in in nine nine regions regions across across Ontario, Ontario, were were encouraged encouraged to to perform perform aa simple simple act act of of kindness kindness for for someone someone else else and and hand hand them them aa Random Random Act Act of Kindness Card, encouraging them to pay it forward. of Kindness Card, encouraging them to pay it forward. 65,000 65,000 cards cards were were distributed distributed and and 31,000 31,000 people people (individuals (individuals and and groups) groups) told told the the Community Community Foundation Foundation that that they they were were participating. participating. Many Many of of these these people people shared shared their their stories stories of of kindness kindness with with us us via via email, email, Facebook Facebook and and Twitter. Twitter. Facca Facca Incorporated Incorporated has has donated donated the the proceeds proceeds of of the the 2010 2010 and and 2011 2011 Facca Facca Charity Golf Tournaments to their endowment fund. Charity Golf Tournaments to their endowment fund. The The Facca Facca Endowment Endowment Fund Fund has has been been established established as as aa donor donor advised advised fund, fund, meaning that Don and his family work closely with Foundation staff to meaning that Don and his family work closely with Foundation staff to select select projects projects that that are are important important to to them. them. We We are are honored honored that that the the Gardonio Gardonio Family Family chose chose the the Community Community Foundation Foundation as as the the location location for for the the Facca Facca Endowment Endowment Fund. Fund. “We carnations... out carnations... gave out “We gave so were people thankful people were so thankful ...some received aa never received had never ...some had ϔǤǤǤ ϔǤǤǤ something else!“ someone else!“ for someone nice for something nice THE THE BMO BMO Skopit Skopit Settlement Settlement Endowment Endowment Fund Fund When When the the Ontario Ontario Superior Superior Court Court of of Justice Justice rendered rendered its its decision decision this this past past October on a class action lawsuit and set out the terms of the settlement, October on a class action lawsuit and set out the terms of the settlement, the the Court Court named named seven seven charities charities that that would would receive receive funds funds from from the the settlement. settlement. We We were were pleased pleased to to be be one one of of the the seven seven charities charities selected selected to to receive receive funding funding in in this this manner. manner. The The funds funds from from the the court court appointed appointed settlement settlement awarded awarded to to the the Community Community Foundation Foundation have have established established the the BMO BMO Skopit Skopit Settlement Settlement Endowment Endowment Fund. Fund. The The annual annual earnings earnings from from the the fund fund will will be be used used to to provide provide grants grants awarded awarded through our annual Community Impact Grant Program. Through this through our annual Community Impact Grant Program. Through this program, program, registered registered charities charities and and sports sports associations associations across across the the City City and and Essex County can apply for funding for programs. The applications are Essex County can apply for funding for programs. The applications are reviewed reviewed by by our our volunteer volunteer Grants Grants Review Review Committee Committee and and funds funds are are awarded awarded based based on on the the committee’s committee’s recommendations. recommendations. The The Community Community Foundation Foundation expresses expresses our our thanks thanks to to Board Board Member Member Jay Jay Strosberg Strosberg for for his his expert expert counsel counsel in in establishing establishing this this fund fund at at the the Community Foundation. Community Foundation. 99 For For more more information information on on how how to to establish establish aa fund fund with with the the Community Foundation, visit our website at www.wecf.ca Community Foundation, visit our website at www.wecf.ca or or contact contact our our Executive Executive Director, Director, Glenn Glenn Stresman Stresman at at 519-255-6572. 519-255-6572. Students Studentsfrom fromthe theUniversity Universityof ofWindsor Windsor ͻͲͲ ϐ ͻͲͲ ϐ every everyhome homein inthe theGlengarry Glengarryneighbourhood. neighbourhood. “To “Tothe theman manwho whogave gaveme mehis his parking ticket, Thank-You, parking ticket, Thank-You, The TheMultiCultural MultiCulturalCouncil’s Council’sYouth YouthGroup Group took tookto tothe thestreets streetsto todistribute distributegift giftcards, cards, ϐǤ ϐǤ Dz Dz .. dz dz Ǩdz Ǩdz “Staff “Stafffrom fromRBC RBCDominion Dominion Ͷǡ Ͷǡ ͶǡͶ ͶǡͶ Ǥdz Ǥdz Dz̹ Dz̹ ̹ ̹ lot lot,,so soII approached approachedhim himand and Students Studentsfrom fromAssumption AssumptionCollege College Catholic High School Catholic High Schoolsurprised surprisedshoppers shoppers at atDevonshire DevonshireMall Mallwith withaaFlash FlashMob. Mob. Ǩdz Ǩdz For For more more information information about about Random Random Act Act of of Kindness Kindness Day Day and and to to read read more more stories stories visit visit our our website... website... www.wecf.ca www.wecf.ca 10 10 $114,161 in Grants this year! Donors to WECF in the 2010 - 11 Fiscal Year Thanks to the generosity of people from all walks of life, the Community Impact Grants WindsorEssex Community Foundation is able to respond to community needs each year. Our role is to work with donors to Canadian Mental Health Association............................................................................................... $2,500.00 ensure that their charitable intents are achieved. Whether you’re a CAW Local 200 Computers for Kids................................................................................................. $4,000.00 new donor or a seasoned philanthropist who would like to amplify Essex Public School Community Playground............................................................................... $5,000.00 your effectiveness in giving, we can help ensure your gift will City of Windsor - Forest Glade Baseball......................................................................................... $5,000.00 ϐǦ John McGivney Children's Centre................................................................................................... $10,000.00 Town of Essex - Colchester Accessible Playground................................................................... $5,000.00 Migrant Worker Community Program............................................................................................ $3,000.00 Provincial Marine Re-enactment Unit............................................................................................. $2,000.00 Scouts Canada, Windsor & Essex Areas......................................................................................... $5,000.00 In support of the Solcz Family & Valiant Corporation Community Fund $2,000.00 *St. John Ambulance................................................................................................................................ for Children, on the occasion of Mike and Doreen Solcz’s 50th Wedding $4,000.00 Alpha Kai Omega Fraternity................................................................................................................. Anniversary, gifts were received from the following: *Youth & Family Resource Network of Essex County................................................................ $2,000.00 Mr. & Mrs. L. Brieda Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore and Valerie Ferraro Mr. Peter Naysmith Mrs. Bruna & Ms. Federica Nazzani Fast-Track Grants Mr. Nick Sauro Mr. & Mrs. Matthew and Jessica Sirola Mr. & Mrs. Mike and Doreen Solcz Naturalized Habitat Network............................................................................................................ $700.00 Leamington & District Half Century Centre................................................................................ $1,000.00 $761.28 Little Tomato Theatre............................................................................................................................ In support of the Essex Nature Endowment Fund, gifts were received $500.00 City of Windsor - Mayor’s Youth Advisory.................................................................................... from Mr. & Mrs. Ian and Barbara Naisbitt and the Essex Field Naturalists Architectural Conservancy of Ontario - Open Doors................................................................ $1,000.00 Little River Group. Rose City Athletic Organization......................................................................................................... $750.00 KidStart Mini In support of the Harding Electric Bursary and the Morris & Ruth Harding Memorial Fund, a gift was received from Mrs. Shelley Harding-Smith. Grants *Davis Public School - Community Caring Days................................................. $700.00 In support of the Community Foundation, donations were received Talbot Trail Elementary - Dog Beds......................................................................... $600.00 from the following: WFCU, Mr. Ed Agnew, Mr. Michael McCourt, Your Prince Edward Public School - Neighborhood Community Garden.......................................... $500.00 Credit Union, and Anonymous. Davis Public School - Neighbourhood Greening................................................. $500.00 Kingsville Public School - Community Trail......................................................... $500.00 * For more on these grants see the stories 4 - 6. that the Community Foundation receives are made to Manyonofpages the gifts recognize a special event in a family’s life. People make gifts to recognize close family members, in celebration of special events, and in memory of a loved one. We are honoured to receive these special gifts. Please contact us at any In 2010 the Community Foundation an online grant including personalized cards time and weimplemented will provide donation packages application and review system. new system has proven to be more to sendThe to the appropriate family members. ϐ Ǥ Remember, special giftapplications. made to an endowed fund provides enviromentally sustainable option overaprinted grant recognition that continues in perpetuity. 7 11 In support of the Facca Endowment Fund, a generous donation was received from Mrs. Regina Gardonio. The following companies supported the Facca Endowment Fund through their participation in the Facca Incorporated Annual Golf Tournament: Sponsorships Amherst Quarries (1969) Ltd. Chatham-Kent Ready Mix Inc. City of Windsor - City of Windsor Birthday Celebration..................................................... CT Soil & Material Engineering and Solicitors Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board - Clarks Day ofBarristers Champions................................. CH2M Hill Dillon Consulting Windsor Classic Chorale................................................................................................... Facca Incorporated Form & Build Supply Inc. Festival Tent & Party Rentals Gillet Sheet Metal Inc. Harris Rebar – Windsor Heavy Construction Association Donor Designated Grants Hertz Equipment Rental Hotham Building Materials Gale &&Irene (Knister) Howie Partners LLP Taylor Scholarship Fund Huron Construction Ltd. - St. Clair College............................................ King Packaged Materials Company Landmark Engineers Inc. Greater Essex County District School Board LaSalle Police Association LeBouef Construction Father Matt Stantec Inc. Sheedy Scholarship Fund - McGill University................................................. Gus Revenberg Chev, Buick, GMC Ltd. Friends of Athletics Athletics Canada.............................................................................. Salit Steel Jeff Shepley Excavating Bus Lossing - Canadian Junior Football League...................................................... Weston ForestFund Products Windsor Construction Association $1,500.00 $150.00 $600.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 In supportAdvised of Random Act of Kindness Day 2010, sponsorships were received from the following: Donor Grants Joe Channel & Hazel (now LaceyCTV Memorial Fund /A\ Windsor) Advanced Foot & Brace $500.00 - Amherstburg FoodBlackburn & Fellowship Mission.......................... AM800 Radio (100.7, 95.9, 96.3) $500.00 - Kiwanis Music Festival....................................................... BMO Nesbitt Burns Caesar's Windsor Harding Dental ElectricClinic / Morris and Ruth Harding Memorial Fund Mall Campus Devonshire $500.00 - Greater Essex County District Eizenga - Lacey Group (BMO Nesbitt-Burns) Families FirstSchool Board..................... $40,000.00 Anonymous John McGivney Centre............................................................................... Green Shield -Canada Heritage Park Alliance Church Hilton Hotels Hiram Walker and Sons Ltd. Integrity Tool and Mold Inc. The Keg (Riverside Drive) Kirwin Partners Management Lakeshore St. Andrews Church Agency Fund Grants The Leamington Post and Shopper Malicki Simone-White Group (Scotia-McLeod) Essex Nature Fund - Essex County Field Naturalists' Club............................................. $1,500.00 Mezzo Restaurant Morris Sutton Funeral Home North Walkerville Orthopaedic Associates Parkwood Gospel Temple RBC Dominion Securities 93.9 The River Subway Restaurants Tecumseh Mall Tepperman's Windsor Christian Fellowship Windsor Detroit Tunnel Corporation Windsor Detroit Tunnel Duty Free Shop Donor Agency EducaƟon & Environment Community Designated The Windsor Star 1% Literacy 2% Development 4% 7% Community Impact 52% 9% Children & Youth 8% RecreaƟon 20% Donor Advised 39% Health & Human Services 50% Scholarship 4% Arts, Culture & Heritage 4% 8 12 $114,161 in Grants this year! Donors to WECF in the 2010 - 11 Fiscal Year Thanks to the generosity of people from all walks of life, the Community Impact Grants WindsorEssex Community Foundation is able to respond to community needs each year. Our role is to work with donors to Canadian Mental Health Association............................................................................................... $2,500.00 ensure that their charitable intents are achieved. Whether you’re a CAW Local 200 Computers for Kids................................................................................................. $4,000.00 new donor or a seasoned philanthropist who would like to amplify Essex Public School Community Playground............................................................................... $5,000.00 your effectiveness in giving, we can help ensure your gift will City of Windsor - Forest Glade Baseball......................................................................................... $5,000.00 ϐǦ John McGivney Children's Centre................................................................................................... $10,000.00 Town of Essex - Colchester Accessible Playground................................................................... $5,000.00 Migrant Worker Community Program............................................................................................ $3,000.00 Provincial Marine Re-enactment Unit............................................................................................. $2,000.00 Scouts Canada, Windsor & Essex Areas......................................................................................... $5,000.00 In support of the Solcz Family & Valiant Corporation Community Fund $2,000.00 *St. John Ambulance................................................................................................................................ for Children, on the occasion of Mike and Doreen Solcz’s 50th Wedding $4,000.00 Alpha Kai Omega Fraternity................................................................................................................. Anniversary, gifts were received from the following: *Youth & Family Resource Network of Essex County................................................................ $2,000.00 Mr. & Mrs. L. Brieda Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore and Valerie Ferraro Mr. Peter Naysmith Mrs. Bruna & Ms. Federica Nazzani Fast-Track Grants Mr. Nick Sauro Mr. & Mrs. Matthew and Jessica Sirola Mr. & Mrs. Mike and Doreen Solcz Naturalized Habitat Network............................................................................................................ $700.00 Leamington & District Half Century Centre................................................................................ $1,000.00 $761.28 Little Tomato Theatre............................................................................................................................ In support of the Essex Nature Endowment Fund, gifts were received $500.00 City of Windsor - Mayor’s Youth Advisory.................................................................................... from Mr. & Mrs. Ian and Barbara Naisbitt and the Essex Field Naturalists Architectural Conservancy of Little Ontario - Open Doors................................................................ $1,000.00 River Group. Rose City Athletic Organization......................................................................................................... $750.00 KidStart Mini In support of the Harding Electric Bursary and the Morris & Ruth Harding Memorial Fund, a gift was received from Mrs. Shelley Harding-Smith. Grants *Davis Public School - Community Caringof Days................................................. $700.00 In support the Community Foundation, donations were received Talbot Trail Elementary - Dogfrom Beds......................................................................... $600.00 the following: WFCU, Mr. Ed Agnew, Mr. Michael McCourt, Your Prince Edward Public School Neighborhood - Community Garden.......................................... $500.00 Credit Union, and Anonymous. Davis Public School - Neighbourhood Greening................................................. $500.00 Kingsville Public School - Community Trail......................................................... $500.00 * For more on these grants see the stories pages 4 - 6.that the Community Foundation receives are made to Many on of the gifts recognize a special event in a family’s life. People make gifts to recognize close family members, in celebration of special events, and in memory of a loved one. We are honoured to receive these special gifts. Please contact us at any In 2010 the Community Foundation an online grant including personalized cards time and we implemented will provide donation packages application and review system. The system has proven to be more to send to thenew appropriate family members. ϐ Ǥ Remember, a printed specialgrant gift made to an endowed fund provides enviromentally sustainable option over applications. recognition that continues in perpetuity. 117 In support of the Facca Endowment Fund, a generous donation was received from Mrs. Regina Gardonio. The following companies supported the Facca Endowment Fund through their participation in the Facca Incorporated Annual Golf Tournament: Sponsorships Amherst Quarries-(1969) Chatham-Kent Ready Mix Inc. City of Windsor City of Ltd. Windsor Birthday Celebration..................................................... CT Soil & MaterialCatholic Engineering Barristers and Solicitors Windsor-Essex District School Board -Clarks Day of Champions................................. CH2M Hill Dillon Consulting Windsor Classic Chorale................................................................................................... Facca Incorporated Form & Build Supply Inc. Festival Tent & Party Rentals Gillet Sheet Metal Inc. Harris RebarDesignated – Windsor Heavy Construction Association Donor Grants Hertz Equipment Rental Hotham Building Materials Gale & (Knister) Howie & Irene Partners LLP Taylor Scholarship FundHuron Construction Ltd. - St. Clair College............................................ King Packaged Materials Company Landmark Engineers Inc. Greater Essex County District School Board LaSalle Police Association LeBouef Construction FatherInc. Matt Sheedy Scholarship Fund - McGill Gus University................................................. Stantec Revenberg Chev, Buick, GMC Ltd. Friends of Athletics Athletics Canada.............................................................................. Salit Steel Jeff Shepley Excavating Bus Lossing - Canadian Junior Football League...................................................... Weston Forest Fund Products Windsor Construction Association $1,500.00 $150.00 $600.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 InDonor support of Random Act of Kindness Day 2010, sponsorships were received from the following: Advised Grants JoeChannel & Hazel(now Lacey Memorial Fund /A\ CTV Windsor) Advanced Foot & Brace $500.00 - Amherstburg Food & Fellowship AM800 Blackburn RadioMission.......................... (100.7, 95.9, 96.3) $500.00 - Kiwanis Music Festival....................................................... BMO Nesbitt Burns Caesar's Windsor HardingDental Electric / Morris and Ruth Harding Memorial FundMall Campus Clinic Devonshire $500.00 - Greater Essex County District Eizenga - Lacey Group (BMO Nesbitt-Burns) Families First School Board..................... $40,000.00 Anonymous - John McGivney Centre............................................................................... Green Shield Canada Heritage Park Alliance Church Hilton Hotels Hiram Walker and Sons Ltd. Integrity Tool and Mold Inc. The Keg (Riverside Drive) Kirwin Partners Management Lakeshore St. Andrews Church Agency Fund Grants The Leamington Post and Shopper Malicki Simone-White Group (Scotia-McLeod) Essex Nature Fund - Essex County Field Naturalists' Club............................................. $1,500.00 Mezzo Restaurant Morris Sutton Funeral Home North Walkerville Orthopaedic Associates Parkwood Gospel Temple RBC Dominion Securities 93.9 The River Subway Restaurants Tecumseh Mall Tepperman's Windsor Christian Fellowship Windsor Detroit Tunnel Corporation Windsor Detroit Tunnel Duty Free Shop Donor Agency EducaƟon & Environment Community Designated The Windsor Star 1% Literacy 2% Development 4% 7% Community Impact 52% 9% Children & Youth 8% RecreaƟon 20% Donor Advised 39% Health & Human Services 50% Scholarship 4% Arts, Culture & Heritage 4% 128 KidStart Mini-Grants Endowment Funds Community Funds are composed of many gifts, large and small, each symbolizing a lasting investment in our region. Grants from these funds are awarded through our Community Impact Grants ǡϐ ǯǤ Community Impact grants fall into seven categories: Health & Human Services, Arts, Culture & Heritage, Recreation, Environment, Education & Literacy, Children & Youth, and Community Development. WindsorEssex Community Impact Fund Joan & Clifford Hatch Fund BMO Skopit Settlement Endowment Fund Est. 1989 Est. 1997 Est. 2011 Community Impact Grant: Donor Designated Funds ǡϐǡ not your typical volunteer. At just eight years of age she Withvisiting the establishment of hospitals a fund, donors select one or more charitable organizations, hascharities. been faithfully patients at area ǡϐǤ ϐǤ Ambulance’s PetLossing Visitation Program. The program C.M. (Bus) AKO Endowment Fund Est. 2000 has 85 ‘teams’ (dog and owner) who spend time with ǡǤ patients at various sites throughout the region. Dorothy and Sydney Lawton Fund Field of Interest Funds ϐ Ǥ ǯ ǡ ǯǮ Students from Wm. Davis Public School already make a difference in their community. interests. One grade three class wanted to do more. As one student explained, “...even Riverfront Development Fund Est. 1983 though we are young, we can do things to help others.” So they began to plan. ǯϐǡ Thinking of the seniors living in their community, the students decided to have a ǯǤ ϐ Ǥ Friendship Day where they could visit with them. One student said, “If we James L. Scorgie Leadership Fundthings they would be so happy that someone remembered Est. 2007 do these them.” Another ǯ ǡ pointed out, “It shows we care because we can be friends to people who are lonely or Ǧϐ ǡǦǤ sad.” In early May the students headed out on a visit to their friends living in the seniorsCommunity home. Solcz Family & Valiant Corporation Fund for Children Est. 2009 ǯʹͷǡ Remembering the mothers and children at Hiatus House, the students wanted to Ǧϐ Ǥ bring “happiness and a surprise” to them by bringing them gift bags, streamers, and toys. On Caring Day, the students brought in donated toys to put in the bags because they said they did not want the children “...to miss out on a real birthday party, just because they have to live there.” ǯ Donor Advised Funds Ǥ ǡ Finally, seeing the reading garden that is being developed near their neighbourhood Ǥ library, the students decided they wanted to help make it more beautiful. The students felt that brightening the neighbourhood on Community Day helps make Freed-Orman Families Fund Est. 1996 people “more cheerful.”ǡϐǡ ǯ ǡ ϐ Ǥ ǯ Ǥ When asked why they were doing these things Chad Ranni Memorial Fund Est. 2008 student referred the book hadlocal justathlete. Established by family andone friends in memory of atomuch lovedthey son and read and stated, Youth Sports Support Fund Est. 2008 Assists youth who are unable to participate in organized sports. ̺ϔ̹ ǡ Joe and Hazel Lacey Memorial Fund Est. 2009 ϔǤ Established by their children to celebrate their parents years of community involvement. Facca Endowment Fund ϔ Ǩ̺ Est. 2010 Established by Don Gardonio and family, supporting the philanthropic goals of the Gardonio family and their company. Foundation launched the The Community 513 KidStart Mini-Grant program in 2010 as an innovative way to teach elementary and secondary school students about philanthropy. Photos: Top- students from Talbot Trail Elementary, Bottom- students from Prince Edward Public School Est. 2002 Gail Pirie, the human half of one team, says Lawton, the impact Established in memorial by Ronald in support of the Italian Canadian HandiCapable Association. of each visit is instant and obvious. “Being around WindsorEssex Community Foundation Operating Fund Est. 2007 dogs makes Ǥ everyone smile. Many of the participants are no longer able to have their own dog so it’s emotional therapy for them. When they pet Abby, they are also Friends of Athletics Fund Est. 2008 Ǥ getting physical therapy by hand manipulation.” Gail Pirie and Deanna Scott along with their furry friends Abby and Ǥ Kai visit with Anna and Harold Reid at Windsor Regional Hospital. Photo by Dick Hildebrand inspire as much joy in people as a wet Ǥ nose and a wagging ǯ Ǥ tail. “Research has shown that visits from Therapy Dogs help people recover more quickly from surgery andMatt strokes, and can reduce feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety associated with an illness. Father Sheedy Scholarship Fund Est. 1983 The unconditional love of a Therapy Dog can also assist with prescribed therapy and lowering blood pressure,” ǯǡǦ states Peggie Manson,from Windsor RegionCollege Program Coordinator. graduating Assumption Catholic High School. Scholarship Funds Morris and Ruth Harding ǯ ϐǤ Memorial Fund Est. 1999 Manson reports, “the dogs are greeted with smiles and enthusiasm. Patients ǦǤ and families look forward to visits from these furry friends. It really helps Gale & Irene (Knister) Taylor Scholarship Fund ϐǤdz Est. 1999 Supports the post-secondary education of students from Comber, Ontario, who graduated from Tilbury Ǥ Windsor Pet Therapy volunteers visited 54 different facilities and contributed Agency Funds 7,490 hours in 2010, making Windsor Region’s program one of the biggest in the country. The program has been so popular that they are frequently allow area charities a are established with overwhelmed by requests. Managed Funds Cato with his toy ϐ ϐ Before a new team can begin visitation they must go through a rigorous application, screening, and training ϐ from our professional investment management. process, and be properly equipped. In 2010, the Community Foundation provided a Community Impact Ǥ Alpha Kai Omega Fraternity Fund ϐ Ǥ ǯǡϐǤ ATHENA Scholarship Fund Islands of Green Fund ȋȌ University of Windsor Scholarship Fund Kiwanis Music Festival Fund Windsor Classic Chorale Fund Sunshine Point Camp Fund Windsor Community Health Centre Fund Essex Nature Fund Windsor-Essex Sports Hall of Fame Fund Windsor Public Library Foundation Fund Windsor Family Credit Union Fund Windsor Symphony Society Matching Fund Windsor Symphony Society Managed Fund The Community Foundation can help you make the most of your charitable giving by: Some of Windsor Region’s Teams: Left -foundaƟon Alex and Darbywithout the adm inistraƟon Giving you the beneĮts of a private Centre - Ryan and Abby ConnecƟng you with program s that Right -interest Yvette andyou Dollie Building your legacy by providing m axim um tax savings and investm ent m anagem ent 6 14 KidStart Mini-Grants Endowment Funds Community Funds are composed of many gifts, large and small, each symbolizing a lasting investment in our region. Grants from these funds are awarded through our Community Impact Grants ǡϐ ǯǤ Community Impact grants fall into seven categories: Health & Human Services, Arts, Culture & Heritage, Recreation, Environment, Education & Literacy, Children & Youth, and Community Development. WindsorEssex Community Impact Fund Joan & Clifford Hatch Fund BMO Skopit Settlement Endowment Fund Est. 1989 Est. 1997 Est. 2011 Community Impact Grant: Donor Designated Funds ǡϐǡ not your typical volunteer. At just eight years of age she charities. With the establishment of a hospitals fund, donors select one or more charitable organizations, has been faithfully visiting patients at area ǡϐǤ ϐǤ Ambulance’s Visitation Program. The program C.M. (Bus)Pet Lossing AKO Endowment Fund Est. 2000 has 85 ‘teams’ (dog and owner) who spend time with ǡǤ patients at various sites throughout the region. Dorothy and Sydney Lawton Fund Field of Interest Funds ϐ Ǥ ǯ ǡ ǯǮ Students from Wm. Davis Public School already make a difference in their community. interests. One grade three class wanted to do more. As one student explained, “...even Riverfront Development Fund 1983 though we are young, we can do things to help others.” So theyEst. began to plan. ǯϐǡ Thinking of the seniors living in their community, the students decided to have a ǯǤ ϐ Ǥ Friendship Day where they could visit with them. One student said, “If we James L. Scorgie LeadershipdoFund Est. them.” 2007 Another these things they would be so happy that someone remembered ǯ ǡ pointed out, “It shows we care because we can be friends to people who are lonely or Ǧϐ ǡǦǤ sad.” In early May the students headed out on a visit to their friends living in the seniors home. Solcz Family & Valiant Corporation Community Fund for Children Est. 2009 ǯʹͷǡ Remembering the mothers and children at Hiatus House, the students wanted to Ǧϐ Ǥ bring “happiness and a surprise” to them by bringing them gift bags, streamers, and toys. On Caring Day, the students brought in donated toys to put in the bags because they said they did not want the children “...to miss out on a real birthday party, just because they have to live there.” ǯ Donor Advised Funds Ǥ ǡ Finally, seeing the reading garden that is being developed near their neighbourhood Ǥ library, the students decided they wanted to help make it more beautiful. The students felt that brightening the neighbourhood on Community Day helps make Freed-Orman Families Fundpeople “more cheerful.”ǡϐǡ Est. 1996 ǯ ǡ ϐ Ǥ ǯ Ǥ Chad Ranni Memorial FundWhen asked why they were doing Est. these 2008things one student referred to theloved bookson they just Established by family and friends in memory of a much andhad local athlete. Youth Sports Support Fund read and stated, Est. 2008 Assists youth who are unable to participate in organized sports. ̺ϔ̹ ǡ Joe and Hazel Lacey Memorial Fund ϔǤ Est. 2009 Established by their children to celebrate their parents years of community involvement. Facca Endowment Fund ϔ Ǩ̺ Est. 2010 Established by Don Gardonio and family, supporting the philanthropic goals of the Gardonio family and The their Community company. Foundation launched the 5 13 KidStart Mini-Grant program in 2010 as an innovative way to teach elementary and secondary school students about philanthropy. Photos: Top- students from Talbot Trail Elementary, Bottom- students from Prince Edward Public School Est. 2002 Gail Pirie,Established the humaninhalf of oneby team, says the impact memorial Ronald Lawton, in support of the Italian Canadian HandiCapable Association. of each visit is instant and obvious. “Being around WindsorEssex Community Foundation Operating Fund Est. 2007 dogs makes everyone smile. Many of the participants Ǥ are no longer able to have their own dog so it’s emotional therapy forof them. When they Friends Athletics Fundpet Abby, they are also Est. 2008 Ǥ getting physical therapy by hand manipulation.” Gail Pirie and Deanna Scott along with their furry friends Abby and Ǥ Kai visit with Anna and Harold Reid at Windsor Regional Hospital. Ǥ Photo by Dick Hildebrand inspire as much joy in people as a wet nose and a wagging ǯ Ǥ tail. “Research has shown that visits from Therapy Dogs help people recover more quickly from surgery strokes, and Scholarship can reduce feelings Fatherand Matt Sheedy Fundof loneliness, depression, and anxiety associated with an illness. Est. 1983 The love of a Therapy Dog can also assist with prescribed therapy and lowering blood pressure,” unconditional ǯǡǦ states Peggie Manson, Windsor Region Program Coordinator. graduating from Assumption College Catholic High School. Scholarship Funds ǯ ϐǤ Morris and Ruth Harding Memorial Fund Est. 1999 Manson reports, “the dogs are greeted with smiles and enthusiasm. Patients ǦǤ and families look forward to visits from these furry friends. It really helps Gale & Irene (Knister) Taylor Scholarship Fund ϐǤdz Est. 1999 Supports the post-secondary education of students from Comber, Ontario, who graduated from Tilbury Ǥ Windsor Pet Therapy volunteers visited 54 different facilities and contributed Agency Funds 7,490 hours in 2010, making Windsor Region’s program one of the biggest in the country. The program has been so popular that they are frequently allow area charities a are established with overwhelmed by requests. Managed Funds Cato with his toy ϐ ϐ Before a new team can begin visitation they must go through a rigorous screening, and training ϐ from ourapplication, professional investment management. process, and be properly equipped. In 2010, the Community Foundation provided a Community Impact Ǥ Alpha Kai Omega Fraternity Fund ϐ Ǥ ǯǡϐǤ ATHENA Scholarship Fund Islands of Green Fund ȋȌ University of Windsor Scholarship Fund Kiwanis Music Festival Fund Windsor Classic Chorale Fund Sunshine Point Camp Fund Windsor Community Health Centre Fund Essex Nature Fund Windsor-Essex Sports Hall of Fame Fund Windsor Public Library Foundation Fund Windsor Family Credit Union Fund Windsor Symphony Society Matching Fund Windsor Symphony Society Managed Fund The Community Foundation can help you make the most of your charitable giving by: Some of Windsor Region’s Teams: - Alex and Darby Giving you the beneĮts of a privateLeftfoundaƟon without the adm inistraƟon Centre - Ryan and Abby ConnecƟng you with program s that interest you Right - Yvette and Dollie Building your legacy by providing m axim um tax savings and investm ent m anagem ent 146 2010 - 2011 Board of Directors 2011 Financial Information Statement of Revenue and Expenses For the year ended June 30, 2011 Grant: Community Impact Growing Good Things in Kingsville Unrestricted Statement of Financial Position Operating $ As at June 30, 2011 2011 $ 2010 $ Assets Cash and cash equivalents Prepaids and other assets Investments (note 3) Property, plant and equipment (note 4) 54,192 9,994 8,863,134 6,671 29,202 3,559 8,597,467 8,667 8,933,991 8,638,895 9,473 2,279,579 9,505 25,160 2,451,950 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue - Ontario Trillium Foundation grant Managed funds (note 5) Foundation Staff and Committees 2,289,052 Net assets Unrestricted Restricted (note 5) 1,756,479 4,888,460 Executive Susan Easterbrook, Chair Denise Hrastovec Michael Robinson Fund Returns by Year Grants Review Jay Strosberg, Chair Patricia Carter Mary Anne Ducharme Sumar Jasey Davide Savio Glenn Stresman Elaine Weeks 11.39% 7.75% 3.41% 8.73% -0.07% -3.20% 5.30% 10.71% 03-04 315 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 2,486,615 Fund Returns include assets from our own Random Act of Kindness Day 2010 fund families; donor designated, donor Lisa Kolody, Chair ǡϐ Ǥ Bev Becker Nora Bertram-Romero Jill Braido Dennisbetween Carlini Our objective is to provide a balance Tony Catalano Brian Harrison current income and long term capital growth Karolyn Hart Sumar Jasey ϐ Michelle Marcuz Mary Medcalf ȋͷͲΨ Noah Tepperman Bonds, cash and short-term equivalents and ͷͲΨȌǤ Nominators Mayor, City of Windsor Resident, Essex County President, University of Windsor The Community Foundation is committed to providingPresident, transparent financial information to the community. Essex Law Association Complete 2011 financial statements, audited bySenior PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants, Judge, County Court of the County of Essex are available at www.wecf.ca or by contacting Representative, the FoundationWindsor office. & District Labour Council Representative, Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce Restricted Fund $ 2011 $ 2010 $ 95,405 418,361 149,696 657,388 112,915 299,637 513,766 807,084 412,552 This past spring the Youth & Family Resource Network (YFRN) Revenue ǯϐ Ǥ Donations Kingsville, the garden provides area residents54,291 with fresh 238,450577 Investment income produce, a sense of community, a connection to the 54,868 also promotes 238,450 environment, and greater food security. The garden Operating expenses healthy lifestyles through vegetable consumption, exercise, and fresh air. 18,511 18,511 13,910 Advertising and promotion, net 1,996 1,996 2,193 Amortization 1,979 - Foundation 1,979 1,145 and travel AAutomotive Community Impact grant from the WindsorEssex Community 831 602 Bank charges helped plant the seed for the project, allowing831 the YFRN to secure rain barrels, 8,536 8,536 4,472 Education and training hoses, a wheel barrel, a large composter, and organic importantly 5,184 fertilizer. Most 5,184 6,164 Insurance premiums (note 6) 13,766 37,058 32,975 Investment andreceived management fees the support allowed YFRN to better nourish their community. 23,292 3,015 3,015 3,456 Licenses, memberships and dues 2,567 2,567 5,724 Office supplies Although faced with like and 2,340 - several challenges, 2,340the weather 1,930 Other: Board and Committee work an unexpected gravel pit found -six inches below the top soil, 15,486 15,486 16,624 Professional fees 23,561 23,561 21,643 Rent YFRN has been able to overcome those obstacles and proudly 79,582 79,582 74,787 Wages and employee benefits (note 7) Other expenses Reimbursement of operating expenses Administrative fees (recovery) 1,732,591 4,419,689 6,644,939 6,152,280 Resource Development Finance Denise Hrastovec, Chair 8,933,991 Michael Robinson, 8,638,895Chair Marty D. Solcz Janice Hooper Glenn Stresman Fred Quenneville Mark Skipper Glenn Stresman Endowment $ ϐǤ Garden distributed of fresh, organic 163,588 13,766 over 1,000 23,292servings200,646 185,625 produce throughout Essex County. The supply was shared amongst different food banks; produce was also used for (101,635) 101,635 community kitchens, which6,703 operate in Amherstburg, (7,085) (382) (362) Kingsville, and Leamington. (108,720) Grants and bursaries Grants and bursaries made by the organization from restricted and unrestricted assets A YFRN volunteer holds a sample of the produce harvested. Net revenue 101,635 6,703 (382) (362) The of 30 fruit, - group planted 123,049 and harvested 483,771 an assortment 606,820 227,289 herb, and vegetable varieties. The garden continues to grow a wide variety of produce, with turnips, beets, radishes, leeks, and carrots harvested.114,161 Garlic and onions 99,161 still being 15,000 72,954are already planted for next year! - 23,888 468,771 492,659 154,335 The YFRN looks forward to a bigger and better garden in 2012, which will continue to nourish our community season after season. Statement of Changes in Net Assets For the year ended June 30, 2011 Balance - June 30, 2009 Net (expenses) revenue Balance - June 30, 2010 Net revenue Balance - June prepare 30, 2011 YFRN volunteers to plow the ground. Unrestricted $ Restricted $ Total $ 1,839,740 4,158,205 5,997,945 261,484 154,335 1,732,591 4,419,689 6,152,280 23,888 468,771 492,659 (107,149) 1,756,479 Mayor Santos joined4,888,460 area students in preparing the soil. 6,644,939 164 2010 - 2011 Board of Directors 2011 Financial Information Statement of Revenue and Expenses For the year ended June 30, 2011 Community Impact Grant: Growing Good Things in Kingsville Unrestricted Statement of Financial Position Operating $ As at June 30, 2011 2011 $ 2010 $ Assets Cash and cash equivalents Prepaids and other assets Investments (note 3) Property, plant and equipment (note 4) 54,192 9,994 8,863,134 6,671 29,202 3,559 8,597,467 8,667 8,933,991 8,638,895 9,473 2,279,579 9,505 25,160 2,451,950 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue - Ontario Trillium Foundation grant Managed funds (note 5) Foundation Staff and Committees 2,289,052 Net assets Unrestricted Restricted (note 5) 1,756,479 4,888,460 Executive Susan Easterbrook, Chair Denise Hrastovec Michael Robinson Fund Returns by Year Grants Review Jay Strosberg, Chair Patricia Carter Mary Anne Ducharme Sumar Jasey Davide Savio Glenn Stresman Elaine Weeks 11.39% 7.75% 3.41% 8.73% -0.07% -3.20% 5.30% 10.71% 03-04 315 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 2,486,615 Fund Returns include assets from our own Randomdonor Act ofdesignated, Kindness Day 2010 fund families; donor Lisa Kolody, Chair ǡϐ Ǥ Bev Becker Nora Bertram-Romero Jill Braido Dennisbetween Carlini Our objective is to provide a balance Tony Catalano Harrison current income and long term Brian capital growth Karolyn Hart Sumar Jasey ϐ Michelle Marcuz Mary Medcalf ȋͷͲΨ Noah Tepperman Bonds, cash and short-term equivalents and ͷͲΨȌǤ Nominators Mayor, City of Windsor Resident, Essex County President, University of Windsor The Community Foundation is committed to providingPresident, transparent financial information to the community. Essex Law Association Complete 2011 financial statements, audited bySenior PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants, Judge, County Court of the County of Essex are available at www.wecf.ca or by contacting Representative, the FoundationWindsor office. & District Labour Council Representative, Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce Restricted Fund $ 2011 $ 2010 $ 95,405 418,361 149,696 657,388 112,915 299,637 513,766 807,084 412,552 This past spring the Youth & Family Resource Network (YFRN) Revenue ǯϐ Ǥ 54,291 Donations Kingsville, the garden provides area residents with 577 fresh 238,450 Investment income produce, a sense of community, a connection to the 54,868 also promotes 238,450 environment, and greater food security. The garden Operating expenses healthy lifestyles through vegetable consumption, exercise, and fresh air. 18,511 - 18,511 13,910 Advertising and promotion, net 1,996 1,996 2,193 Amortization 1,979 - Foundation 1,979 1,145 and travel AAutomotive Community Impact grant from the WindsorEssex Community 831 831 602 Bank charges helped plant the seed for the project, allowing the YFRN to secure rain barrels, 8,536 8,536 4,472 Education and training hoses, a wheel barrel, a large composter, and organic importantly 5,184 fertilizer. Most 5,184 6,164 Insurance premiums (note 6) 13,766 23,292 37,058 32,975 Investment and management fees the support received allowed YFRN to better nourish their community. 3,015 3,015 3,456 Licenses, memberships and dues 2,567 2,567 5,724 Office supplies Although faced with like and 2,340 - several challenges, 2,340the weather 1,930 Other: Board and Committee work 15,486 15,486 16,624 an unexpected gravel pit found -six inches below the top soil, Professional fees 23,561 23,561 21,643 Rent YFRN has been able to overcome those obstacles and proudly 79,582 79,582 74,787 Wages and employee benefits (note 7) Other expenses Reimbursement of operating expenses Administrative fees (recovery) 1,732,591 4,419,689 6,644,939 6,152,280 Resource Development Finance Chair Denise Hrastovec, Chair 8,933,991 Michael Robinson, 8,638,895 Marty D. Solcz Janice Hooper Glenn Stresman Fred Quenneville Mark Skipper Glenn Stresman Endowment $ ϐǤ Garden distributed servings200,646 of fresh, organic 163,588 13,766 over 1,000 23,292 185,625 produce throughout Essex County. The supply was shared amongst different was also used for (101,635) 101,635 food banks; produce community kitchens, which6,703 operate in Amherstburg, (7,085) (382) (362) Kingsville, and Leamington. (108,720) Grants and bursaries Grants and bursaries made by the organization from restricted and unrestricted assets A YFRN volunteer holds a sample of the produce harvested. Net revenue 101,635 6,703 (382) (362) The of 30 fruit, - group planted 123,049 and harvested 483,771 an assortment 606,820 227,289 herb, and vegetable varieties. The garden continues to grow a wide variety of produce, with turnips, beets, radishes, 99,161 still being 15,000 72,954are leeks, and carrots harvested.114,161 Garlic and onions already planted for next year! - 23,888 468,771 492,659 154,335 The YFRN looks forward to a bigger and better garden in 2012, which will continue to nourish our community season after season. Statement of Changes in Net Assets For the year ended June 30, 2011 Balance - June 30, 2009 Net (expenses) revenue Balance - June 30, 2010 Net revenue Balance - June 30, 2011 YFRN volunteers prepare to plow the ground. Unrestricted $ Restricted $ Total $ 1,839,740 4,158,205 5,997,945 261,484 154,335 1,732,591 4,419,689 6,152,280 23,888 468,771 492,659 (107,149) 1,756,479 4,888,460 Mayor Santos joined area students in preparing the soil. 6,644,939 164 Partners and Supporters Inspiring Philanthropy, One ActPartners of Kindness At A Time Media and Project Susan Easterbrook Professional Corporation Using our Mission Statement as a guide, we can say that 2010 – 2011 was a good year for the Community Foundation. During the past year, we continued to manage our legacy funds and attract new ones. The Community Foundation welcomed two new endowment funds and positioned our investments to receive an earnings return of 10.7% for the ϐ Ǥ From July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, the Community Foundation continued to Ǥϐ ǡ͵Ͳ grants to registered charities totaling $114,161.28. In 1983, a group of visionary civic leaders formed Heritage Windsor, an organization dedicated to reclaiming Windsor’s riverfront. As the riverfront project moved forward, our organization broadened its scope to assist with other civic projects such as the Ojibway Prairie Complex and the Ǥϐ ǡ Heritage Windsor changed to the Greater Windsor Community Foundation. Since 2008, our name has been the WindsorEssex Community Foundation. The ϐ Ǥ say that we have helped build Windsor-Essex by providing $4.9 million in grants since 1983. We are also pleased to be one of 170 community foundations working together through the national association, Community Foundations of Canada. Fund Managers We are unique in building community vitality. We focus on donors as community builders by matching their interests and strengths with community needs to provide innovative solutions. We take the broadest view of what community is, allowing us to grant across the broad spectrum of organizations in Windsor and Essex County. We bring community partners together. To that end, we selected Random Act of Kindness Day 2010; it proved to be an excellent vehicle to promote community involvement. People of all ages from across the City and Essex County were able to participate. Random Act of Kindness Day had an immediate impact in the community; it celebrated the strength of purpose that we share as citizens of this country and county. Thirty-one thousand individuals in Windsor and Essex registered with us for Random Act of Kindness Day 2010. They joined together to celebrate the spirit of kindness that is so vibrant in our community and, in doing so, made the statement that WE care for each other. Afϐiliations While we did not invent Random Act of Kindness Day (we thank the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Foundation for sharing the idea with us), we ϐǤ continue in Windsor and Essex County on a yearly basis as a celebration of kindness in our midst. 3 Leadership 4 Grant Stories 7 2010/11 Grants 9 New Funds 10 Community Involvement 11 2010/11 Donors 13 Funds 15 Financials Yes, we can say that 2010 – 2011 was a very good year for our Community Foundation. We always look to the future to help build a resilient, sustainable society. WE are a great place to leave a legacy! 117 18 2 Partners and Supporters Inspiring Philanthropy, One ActPartners of Kindness At A Time Media and Project Susan Easterbrook Professional Corporation Using our Mission Statement as a guide, we can say that 2010 – 2011 was a good year for the Community Foundation. During the past year, we continued to manage our legacy funds and attract new ones. The Community Foundation welcomed two new endowment funds and positioned our investments to receive an earnings return of 10.7% for the ϐ Ǥ From July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, the Community Foundation continued to Ǥϐ ǡ͵Ͳ grants to registered charities totaling $114,161.28. In 1983, a group of visionary civic leaders formed Heritage Windsor, an organization dedicated to reclaiming Windsor’s riverfront. As the riverfront project moved forward, our organization broadened its scope to assist with other civic projects such as the Ojibway Prairie Complex and the Ǥϐ ǡ Heritage Windsor changed to the Greater Windsor Community Foundation. Since 2008, our name has been the WindsorEssex Community Foundation. The ϐ Ǥ say that we have helped build Windsor-Essex by providing $4.9 million in grants since 1983. We are also pleased to be one of 170 community foundations working together through the national association, Community Foundations of Canada. Fund Managers We are unique in building community vitality. We focus on donors as community builders by matching their interests and strengths with community needs to provide innovative solutions. We take the broadest view of what community is, allowing us to grant across the broad spectrum of organizations in Windsor and Essex County. We bring community partners together. To that end, we selected Random Act of Kindness Day 2010; it proved to be an excellent vehicle to promote community involvement. People of all ages from across the City and Essex County were able to participate. Random Act of Kindness Day had an immediate impact in the community; it celebrated the strength of purpose that we share as citizens of this country and county. Thirty-one thousand individuals in Windsor and Essex registered with us for Random Act of Kindness Day 2010. They joined together to celebrate the spirit of kindness that is so vibrant in our community and, in doing so, made the statement that WE care for each other. Afϐiliations While we did not invent Random Act of Kindness Day (we thank the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Foundation for sharing the idea with us), we ϐǤ continue in Windsor and Essex County on a yearly basis as a celebration of kindness in our midst. 3 Leadership 4 Grant Stories 7 2010/11 Grants 9 New Funds 10 Community Involvement 11 2010/11 Donors 13 Funds 15 Financials Yes, we can say that 2010 – 2011 was a very good year for our Community Foundation. We always look to the future to help build a resilient, sustainable society. WE are a great place to leave a legacy! 117 18 2 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION www.wecf.ca 2010-2011 Annual Report